Newspaper Page Text
Valdosta Foundry and Machine Co.
One 40-ton Rhode Island, 16x14 cylinders, stand
ard gauge, 66-Inch wheel centers, new tlree.
Monitor n)» tore, air brake*. Overhauled
and In thorough repair. Immediate delivery.
One 15-ion, rebuilt locomotive, 0-lncb cylinders,
standard gauge, 44-lncb wheel centers; en
gine on 4 wheels; tender on 4 wheels. A typ
ical logging engine. Immediate delivery.
One 36-ton, rebuilt locomotive^ 14-Inch cylinders,
tandard gauge, 60-lnch wheel centers, new
tires, two lnjecto-i, sight feed lubricator,
steam brakes, 2,000 gallon tank. Thirty days
One 28-ton, rebuilt locomotive, 14$4-lnch cylinders,
standard jauge, 44-lnch wheel centers, 2,000
gallon tank, six weeks delivery.
One 22x28 200-H. P., fitted complete with new cyl
inder, new governor, new 120 in :h by 24-incb
band wheel. Overhauled and practically new.
One 14x20 100H.P. Atlas Automatic. Overhauled
and comp 'to.
One 14x18 76-H.P. YVonner side crank. Overhaul
ed and complete.
One 14x18 76-H.P Erie City side crank. A
One 14x16 60-H.P. Nagle, centre crank. Cheap
for quick sale.
One 12x18 60-H.P. Ijino & Bodley, semiside
crank. Practically new.
One 12x18 76-H.P. Taylor Automatic, side crank,
self contained. A dandy for planing mill or
light plant
One 12x18 60-H.P. Sinker & Davis, side crank.
Good for any purpos .
One 13-inch 60-H.P. sldo crank, with 00x12 band
wheel. At a bargain for quick sale.
One 11x18 40-H.P. Talbott centro crank. Over-
aulod, and a good one.
One 11x14 36-H.P. Atlas contre cran.:. Good for
any use.
One 10x!2 2S-H.P. Schofield centre crank. Over
hauled and complete.
One 10-Inch 25-H.P. Metropolitan centre crank. A
good bargain.
One 8-Inch 26-H.P. Automatic centre crank. Bar
gain for quick sale.
One 9-inch 20-H.P. Watertown centre crank. Good
One 8-Inch 15-H.P. Leffel centre orank. Over
One 7x10 10-H.P. Atlas side crank. Almost new
One 8x12 15-H.P. centre crank. Overhauled.
A lot of 6 and 8-H. P. Engines.
One 80-H.P. Return Tubular, with new flxturfs.
Two 70-H.P. Return Tubular, with new fixtures.
Two 60-H.P. Return Tubular, wltu new fixtures.
Two 60-H.P. Return Tubular. Complete, with all
Two 40-H.P. Return Tubular, with new fixtures.
Two 35-H.P. Return Tubular, with new fixtures.
One 30-H.P. Atlas Return Tubular, with new fix
tures. /*'
Four 20-H.P. Return Tubular, overhauled, ready
for use.
One I8-H.P. Return Tubular, new fixtures.
One 15-H.P. Return Tubular; old, but cheap.
Six 30 Inch by 30 feet Cylinder Boilers. Will sell
cheap as whole or In parcels to suit pur
Two 25-H.P. Internal fired.
One 16-H.P. Leffol Internal fire I.
Two 16-H.P. fire box, new fixtures.
One 12-H.P. fire box, good value.
One 10-H.P. fire box, at a bargain.
One 10-H.P. internal fired, cheap.
Five 8-H.P. fire box, must be sold.
Four C-H.P. fire box, will sell cheap.
One 5-H. P., Leffel internal fired, at a bargain.
Two C-H.P. fire box, with engines on top. Get
my price on them.
One 3-H.P. upright, for still pump.
8AW MILL8. *
One Filer & Stowell 40-foot carriage, 6 blocks, all
complete. Must be sold.
One Stearns ,0-loot carriage, 6 blocks, very heavy
and complete.
One Curtis 60-foot carriage, C steel blocks.
One Flier & Stowell 60-toot carriage, 4 blocks.
Now set up, ready for use.
One Salem Iron Works 45-foot carriage, medium
Three Pony Mills, small sizes.
All of the above Mills we can furnish complete.
We also have others in stock not yet refitted,
which we can fit up to suit purchasers. We are
giving big bargains In all 8aw Mills They must go,
One 4x14 E. & B. Holmes. A good strong ma
chine at a low price.
One 4x14 H. B. Smith. Overhauled, ready for
immediate use.
One 6x24 Frank. A fine machine for small plant.
One 6x2' Tar Heel, wood frame. A machine for
settlement plant.
One 12x20 Filer & Stowell, for wire rope.
Two 9x12 Filer & Stowell, for wire rope.
One 10-inch Wilkins, geared drum, very power
ful, for wire rope.
One 8-lnch shot gun for 60-lnch carriage.
One 10-block Perkins shingle machine.
One Hand shingle machine.
One .'Her & Stowell power bolter.
Three Cook's 6x36 deep well pumps, 4-lnch.
One Cook's 7x36 deep well pump, 6-luch.
Four 4-lnch double thick dry kiln headers, tapped.
One Butterworth & Lowe lath machine.
One iron frame, 4-aaw lath machine.
One Flier & Stowell 42-Inch edger. Inserted saws.
One Union Iro. Works edger.
Three logging ears, small wheels.
Two logging trucks, 24-lncb wheels.
One 11-toot by 24-lnch engine wh..l.
One Feed water heater.
One Goodell & Waters 80-inch fan,
One 2,000-pound balance wheel.
One Gardner duplex pump, 4-lnch suction.
One Brash dynamo and lamps.
One shaving blower and pipe.
Two saw hammerers anvils.
Three slab conveyors.
One friction haul up rig and car.
One 8-foot by 16-lnch fly wheel.
Thirty-five timber cart tires.
One old-style pump, 2-lnch suction.
One sawdust conveyor, complete.
1,600feet 8-8 by 2 strap track.
One butting saw outfit.
Two board saw outfits.
One Buffalo knife grinder.
One bog for 12-inch slabs and rubbish.
A big lot Baw mandrels, all Blzes.
Two iron lmsk saw frames.
Pipes and flttlngB, all sizes.
Second hand belting, .11 sizes, kinds and grades.
Will sell you if you get our prices.
Pulleys, all sizes. (Send me list of your require
ments for figures).
Circular saws, all sizes and kinds.
Three 17x36-foot Moore patent dry kilns, complete,
with trucks, track, etc.
Boiler Fronts, Grate Bars, Back Arch Plates,
Soot Doors, Grate Rests. Ventilators, Door
Liners. Castings of every kind _iade on short
notice. Two tons' capacity.
T7“a-ld.osta- r Q-eorg'isu.
JSffeetIre In Deiirorliif the Venom of
Viper* nnd Cobraa.
A recent and most eurloun discovery
made In connection with the study of
radium Is Its peculiar property of de
stroy Ing the poisonous effect of tin*
venom of serpents, says Harper's
Weekly. Tills was ascertained In
France by Professor C. Phlsnllx. tic
states that an exposure of from II*!;.
to sixty hours to the rays of radium
is sufficient to destroy the poisonous
chorister of the poison of tlua^'lpcr.
■^ras Is true of the p json
\ which Is Interesting *
M!4m> latter poison re
sists the action of heat much longer.
These experiments led to others, where
the radium emanation was employ
ed Instead of the direct action of the
radium rays, and a glass tube was
(tiled with n 1 per cent solution of
viper poison to about two-thirds Its
height. The till** was then exhausted
Dr. Powell Talks of Sanitarium.
Dr. T. O. Powell, superintendent of
the state sanitarium ,was In the city
yesterday In conference with Gover
nor Terrell regarding affairs at that
Institution. Despite the fact that the
facilities at the sanitarium havo been
greatly increased, some of the wards,
the negro ward especially, are still
rather crowded. "We are receiving
from ono to ten patients evory day
now," Dr. Powell said, "and are tak*
lug them In just ns rapidly as we have
room llurnii
njCttt In the femffie department, but
the negro wards particularly are
crowded. In the crowded ward wo
can rocolve patients only ns there is
room, that Is, when one dies or Is dis
“Insane porsons suffer more from
pneumonia and kindred diseases than
and filled with air containing radium j 1,0 8ano * nn( * a 8 ' lort tl,no aRO wo
emanation, after which It was allowed : had considerable Illness at the sanlta-
to remalu for twenty-four hours. In rlum, but that has now largely dlsap-
the course of which time the Ihiuld
qulred an opalescent luster nnd
strange odor.
When Injected Into a guinea pig It
had no toxic effect, and the only
change noted was a loss of weight by
the animal. \\y diluting the polso
with distilled water nnd exposing a
before It was found that the toxlclt
disappeared in six hours, but when
glycerin was used n much longer time
was required. The opalescence men
tioned Is caused by suspended parti
cles. nnd the conclusion reached Is that
the radium emanation acts to decom
pose albuminoid poisons. Inasmuch
ns the emnnation has no effect on the
poisons of the lizard or the common
toad, it Is ladlcvcd that a new metho I
has been found of fdtid.ving the con
stitution of poisons of serpents which
will enable the exjicrlmenter to dls
criminate Im'Iw«m>ii them.
While Preaching In Hit Pulpit, Rev.
John Morrison Lott His Sight.
Savannah, April 19.—Hoy. John T.
Morrison was stricken blind In his pul
pit at tho Lawtonvltlc, S. C., church
whllo preaching last Sunday.
Rov. Mr. Morrison graduated at tho
South Carolina Military Academy Just
aftor tho war broko out between tho
statoa. Ho enlisted and wont to Vir
ginia and rose to tho position of col
onel of ono of the South Carolina reg
iments. Ho remained In Virginia un
til the closo of tho war. Lator ho bo-
camo superintendent of education In
Hampton county, and served three
torms In tho legislature.
pea red. There nro now hot ween 2,800
and 2.900 patients In tho institution."
—Saturday's Atlanta Constitution.
Why He Did Not Pay.
The following clipping Is too good to
“After preaching a very strong ser
mon ono dny, tho principal subject of
which was 'Honesty/ the prenchcr
said: 'I want every person in this
house who pays all his debts to rise/
I pi mediately every man, woman and
child arose, with the exception of ono I
very old and poorly dressed man. The |
Vnlnc Over $2,300,000 and Sent Prom
Africa to London.
According to the new I/melon paper,
the Evening Standard, the great Culll-
nan diamond, valued ut over £500,000
($2,500,000), was recently sent by regis
tered post from South Africa to Lon
don for 3 shillings. It was quite an or
dinary looking packet thnt was handed
In nt the Johannesburg postoffice
ly before tbo English mall left
ing center. Xobody but the dii
the company In South Africa
cssrttHfitR; addrei
S. Neumann & Co., London. E. C., and'
the messenger, acting on Instructions,
had It registered. It weighed a little
over n pound, and ns the charge Is nt
the rate of n penny a half ounce nnd
twopence extra for registration, the
sum paid to the postoffice wns about
8 shillings.
As soon as It was stamped the packet
was placed with the other registered
parcels, deposited In tlu* mall bag and
sent off to Capo Town, where It was
transferred to the steamer. Nothing
further was hoard of It until a tele
gram from Mr. Neumann announced
Schofield’s Iron Works,
G radc^Machinery,
Its suf
were no special precautions for
Its safe transit. The |s>stal authorities,
being unaware of the nature of the
consignment, bestowed upon It no
greater care than upon any other pack
et. Apart from the postal authorities,
however, the diamond was Insured for
The present whereabouts of the dia
mond In London Is kept n secret, nnd
no decision has been come to yet on the
subject of exhibiting it.
Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw
Mills, Cane Mills. Com Mills,
Iron Grinders, Shafting, Pul
leys, Boxing, Gearing, Iron
and Brass Castings of every
description. We are Original
Inventors of the Turpontine
Distillers Steam Pumping Out-
“ I
Wo lmvo lately eqnipped onr Iff 1
already extensive boiler shops, |l|J
which now gives ns largest ca- (jjij
pacity of any manufacturers
in the South.
We are headquarters for Steam
Pumps, Inspirators, Injectors,
Valves, Lubricators, Wrought
Irou Pipo, Boiler Tubes, Pipe
Fittings and Pipo Fitters’ Ma
J. S. SCHOFIELD’S SONS CO., Proprietors, Macon, Ga.
The Uses for Alcohol.
If there were no duty on alcohol It
preacher felt gratified to know thnt ! could bo used for illuminating pur-
with one exception nil his flock were poses, for heating, for automobiles
honest people. Then ho said: ‘Now,' and for ft good many purposes for
every one who doesn't pay his debts which kerosene nnd gasoline are now
rise.' Nono arose except that old, used. Germany makes 300,000,000 gal- w. __ _
poorly dressed man. 'Well, my broth- Urns of alcohol annually for use in tho
r,’ said the preacher, 'why Is it that arts and for domestic purposes. Rep-
ou do not pay your debts?* Tho old rcsentattve Murdock, of Kansas, says
man replied: ‘I am tho editor of a i that tho proper way to fight tho Stan-
newspaper, and these people are my j dard Oil Is to allow grain alcohol to
subscribers, and—’ 'Let us rise and be manufactured freo of duty. In Ger-
be dismissed/ the preacher said."
Detective Probes Mystery of Fires.
Madison Fla., April 19.—For some
tlmo Madison has been afflicted with
a lot of mysterious fires, causing In
surance to go skywards. Tho town
council found it necessary to engago
tho services of Frank Morris, an ex
perienced man from W. L. Jones' do-
toctivo agency In Atlanta, who suc
ceeded tn convicting Adam Tyson, col
ored, of burning tho resldenco of
Lator ho j U( j g0 James Martin about a month
studied tor tho ministry and had been ago Court Ia |n gesston and Tyson
preaching at tho Lawtonvtllo Baptist wa , Rlvon a ufo
church tor tho past thirty years. On Had t ho authorities had more tlmo
account of hU illness* tho Academy j n W hlch to work up the cases, they
tor Young Men, ot which ho has been aro confident several other arrests
the principal‘for forty years, has been WO yj,j have been made,
closed. I ■■■■ ii —
many they mix it with ten per cent,
of wood alcohol, so that It cannot bo
used for drinking, but In this country
they oven uso wood alcohol as a bev
erage, so that some other means will
have to be used. With cheap corn
and potatoes, alcohol could bo profit
ably manufactured for use were It not
for the Internal revenue regulations.
A Vaccination Round-Up.
Savannah, Ga., April 19.—Six po
licemen rounded up sixty negro candi
dates for baptizing as the "Sunnysldo'
settlement baptizing pool on the canal
Sunday, and tho health authorities
vaccinated them before allowing the
baptizing to procoed. Tho authorities
had wanted to perform this work, but
were never able to catch the ones de
Killed by Gat’s Scratch.
Savannah, Ca, April If.—Lorenzo
Travis Blockxtoa, a prominent mer
chant of Punta Gordo, deid hero yes
terday of blood poison, causod by tho
scratch of a cat Tho scratch was
received two weeks ago, but Mr.
Blockston paid no hood to the trilling
wopnd till it became badly Inflamed.
There is no opium or other harmful sub
stance in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
may be given to a baby as confidently as iu an
adult. It is pleasant to take, too, and always
cures, and cures quickly. It is a favorite with
mother* of small children for colds and croup.
Cheapest Saw Mill
Is the mill that does the
best work and the most
work with tho least ex
pense. Send for catalogue
describing the
— : WITH
Seacock-King feed Works.
Engines, Boilers, Cotton
Ginning Machinery, Brick-
Makiug and Wood-Work
ing Machinery, Etc.
Columbia, S. C.
t Gibbe? Shingle Machine.
Administrator's Notice to Debtors
and Creditors.
_ • preeci
by law, properly made out. And all per
indebted to aatd deceased are hereby repaired
> make Immediate payment to me.
Thla March 9th, 1906
B. Peeples,
Paiuts, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, Fine
Mantels, Tiling, Orates, Brick, Lime
and Cement.
I Sell “White Rose” Lime, the Best Lime Made la the
Sooth, and Atlas and Lehigh’s Portlaad Cements.
McCormick & Plano Mowing Machines
and Bakes, Parts of all Mowers and
Bakes. I occupy my own building, pay
no rent and sell cheaper than any one.
B. Peeples, ,
113 Hill Ave.. Weit, VALDOSTA. GA!