Newspaper Page Text
Electrical Automatic Door* that Will
Keep the Compartment* Water Tight
on New Ships.
Washington, Nov. 14—What hap-
jh hh ;o a hatdeuhlp when Its
F'**irtrr o d? Tt usually sinks. When
1.. A:. H. "Camperdown" plunged into
tiie "Victoria" ten years ago the latter
went down and 300 lives were lost,
ilow to prevent such disasters has
!>' en a problem ever before admiralty
departments. That naval architects
hadn't solved it was made clear In the
The Report of the Agricultural Depart-
j ment. he Think*, Bear* Out Hi* Crop
| Estimate.
Declare* There is No Need in These
Time* of Prosperity for Hard
Time Medicine.
Congressman-elect Thomas M. Bell
of the Ninth district, has Just return
ed from a trip to Washington, where
he went on business connected with
I Atlanta, Nov. Id —President Harvie
i Sordan of the Southern Cotton Associ-
huli Is at ion in an interview this morning says:
“The open declaration of Secretary
Wilson of the Department of Agiicul-
tore that the recent condition report of I bis duties to his constituents
<‘*8.8 is‘accurate and truatworthy' and Mr. Bell has been most activ
•which shows that tlie year’s crop will Lently i„ correspondence with his
be in the neighborhood of only 10,(XX),'
(XX) bales,’ should knock ont all high es-
timates and put every laxly down on the! bo,ly in an e,(ort tor 'he success of a
working basis of a short crop.
coleagues In the national legislate
j body in
| hill he will Introduce
.lap* I
n a M d r'ntilr has been work-
ay nt It for a long time but
:«♦ eoijpJetfd by the bureau
(hat the 'wo new ships "Mon*
*ona" and "North Carolina” now he
ir?; b:;!lf at Newport News, will come
c arer to b'dng unslnkable than any
vessel eve- before latinehed.
The solution of the problem Is In
the perfection of a system of automat
ic b tl’ h'ad doors operating by elec
tricity; and permitting of closure in
time of emergency by a single officer
on the bridge of the ship. The device
has been named the "!>ong Arm" sys
tem. because the ’org arm of the elec
tric ulrcH r< ach out to save the ship...
A ship Is divided info watertight
aw part inert s with bulkhead doors
ran. htlrg Intercourse between them.
If the ship's hull Is punctured water
rushes !n If the doors are shut, only
the compartment nearest the punc
ture will he flooded. The vessel will
f!!!I float. When the Victoria was (
struck he doors were open. The men j
wi re too excited to close them If
#b« ilno-s ’f a ship nr<> automatically j
eheed In time of need, the vessel Is
unsinl at le. That's what the new plan ,
i.rmnn Ingenlits a'lews.
pealing the
i Secretary W'iUon’s intimate confirms I P roSf,nt bankrupt^ law. In speaking
Russia and Ja-! the report made by tlii* association some | °* I )r °I»osed mttasure, Mr. Bell
. j time ago, predicting a crop of about
1(),(XX),(KK) bales. As this report
firmed by acurate information from the
two more reliable sources, it is un
questionable that the remainder of tl
eroy now in the hands of the plantei
should not he marketed for less than 15
cents a poo ml. 1 shad tit once i
proclamation advising this com si
war bet weet
imn 'l*tvr a Rirslan
ss'-l was struck below the wa-1
to the bottom If went. 1
rotors of the United States j
!o’ c r-'o’e Sam has now solv-
probleet The bureau of con-1
"The measure was designed as an
emergency measure, an expedient
during the time of general flnanefal
depression, which would relieve many
worthy cases of embarrassment and
give good men an opportunity to re
cuperate their lost fortunes Now,
however, there is no need In these
times of unprecedented prosperity
for this hard time medicine. It Is
a patent invitation for rascality. If
you will look at the records you will
see that a majority of the bankrupts
are young men. It Is a bid for dis
honesty. It Is legalized graft. And
perhaps the worst feature of the law
In effect Is that a farmer who needs
to borrow money on his land can’t;
do It many times on account of the j
fact that the money lender la afraid
that In the four months limit he may
go Into bankruptcy I am receiving
much encouragement in my corres-1
pondence and conference with other
members of congress and some oppo
sition likewise.”’
"Kerchunk” Did it."
A train on one of the new railroad?
In souther Kansas was running down
a crude, says the Kansas City Star,
wlvn one of the side rods of the en
gine broke. Tho tra
• foot of**Ae grade
der "tin center,' and when the broken
side had heet\ uncoupled tho engine
could not be atarled.
Pile engineer, the conductor nml the j h c Notifies
passengers took turns trying to devise
a way to s:art It. At Iasi a farmer’s
boy crawled through a lmrb wire fence
an I enme over to make a suggestion.
An Issue of $30,000 was Unanimous
ly Voted. ,
TIfton, Ga., Nov. 13—The bond elec
tion to authorize the Issuance of $50,-
000 of thirty year bonds to purchase
a site, erect a school building and to
put In a system of water works and
sewerage for TIfton went unanimous
ly, not a vote being cast against bonds
and the necessary two-thirds of the
registered vote being far exceeded
While the election was in progress,
Prof. Jason Scarboro marched the pu
pils of TIfton Public school In a pro-
eession past the polling precinct.
There were about 250 children In line
and the argument for a new school
building was an eloquent one.
Tho city council appointed a com
mittee to take th
to hr.vr tie- bonds t... n ...
... ,, . , for female trouble. "Instead,
■ at the earliest possiblel^ „ wp conc|u(led to try E , ec trlc
I'he amount will not he ■ Bllt( . rs Mv wife th( , n s0 s i cki
put in a satisfactory sys- j she could hardly leave her bed, and
tent of sewerage but Is all that the five (5) physicians had failed to re
present city charter will allow. An ■ Have her. After taking Electric Bit-
amendment will he asked for at tho" ers ' Bhe w »« I> erfe , c , tl 5' cu : ed ’
... wc..,. f tt i ii. .i can nnv ' Perform all her household
next session of the legislature author- . .. ,;, larnntrert by w . D . n„ n a-
t/.Ing the additional issue necessary wa y and A. E. Dimmock, drugglst3,
to complete the work. ! price 50c.
The issue is to be divided Into
Man’s Unreasonableness
Is ofte; as great as woman's, but
Thos. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Repub-!
llcan,” of Leavenworth, Ind., was not
necessary steps! unreasonable, when he refused to P.1-
alidated and this ,ow the doctor to operate on his wife'
v 111 he
$20,000 for a school building; $10,000
se\veiagt‘„ system and
• Whj
or go ke
chunk?" lie asked.
What?’ demanded tho conductor,
net grasping the Idea.
"Vhv, let’or go kerchunk. Unhitch
the last enr and shove’er up the grade
a ways. Then let’er come down ker
chunk against tho train. That'll bump
tier along some.”
Tho rnilroud men sniffed contempt
lioualy, but the passengers sided with
tho boy, so at hist it was decided to
try his scheme. All hands turned In
aud push* d the car a little way up the
,.111. Then It was sent with Increasing!
speed hack against the train which)
U struck with the foreseen ‘kerchunk’|
The “kerchut.k” did tho work. The
engine was bumped off center, trtc en
gineer gave It enough strain to keep
It slowly moving, and the one-legged
outfit limped away on Its Journey.
Committee Here That he
Ion. Hoke Smith will visit V
on December 5th aud will address
voters of this city and section at
t time. The following letter was
•ived from him by a local commit-
this morning:
Will Come December 5.
'sm\ M. It. Ousley, O. K. Jones,
ami \V. S. Fender, committee, Val
dosta, Ga.:
My Dear Sirs: Again referring to
your kind invitation to speak at Val-
illsta, I will arrange to be with you
on the first Tuesday in next month,
December 5th, If that date will be sat
isfactory to my friends in I^owndes.
Will you please let me hear from you
and If the time suggested Is satisfac
tory let the announcement be made j
| public. Yours sincerely.
"Hoke Smith."
—reports an Increasedlicreange; four
—namely, Ohio, Utah, 1 California and
Colorado—report no c.iange in
age. and all the other principal states
report decreases. In Ohio and Utah
conditions are reported the same as
their ton year averagr. while in all
other principal states conditions
above such avercgc.
Mr. George Walters, of Chicago,
who owns considernhli' Interest In
Wnycross, died In a Chicago sanita
rium last week.
Life,’* Panorama in New York.
The whirling of life In Gotham Is
so rapid that it seems Impossible to
check the pace. One must go with
the crowd or be trampled on. To
•how Just how the people and things
keep on the go the Tribune summar
ises the dally round iu these short
If tus:
Every 40 seconds an immigrant ar
Every three minutes some one Is
Every t» minutes a child Is born
Every 7 minutes there is a funeral.
Every 13 minutes a couple get mar
Every 12 minutes a new business
firm starts up.
Every 4* minutes a building catch
es fire.
Every 4S minutes a ship leaves the
Every M minutes a new building is
Every 1 and 3-4 hours some one Is
killed by accident.
Every 7 hours some one fail** *n
Every S hours an attempt to kill ^
some one Is made.
Every 8 1-2 hours some coup e is (
Every 10 hours some one commits
Evcrv 2 davs sortie one Is murdered.
A hon«*hold necessity. Dr. Thom
as* Eclectrlc Oil. Heals burns, cuts,
wounds of any sort; cures sore thronL
croup, catarrh, asthma; never fails. ,
Vigorous Health Is ths Great Source of
to® Power to Inspire and Encourage
-All Women Should Seek It.
One of the most noted, successful and
richest men of this century, in a recent
article, has said, “ Whatever I am and
whatever success I have attained in
this world I owe all to my wife. From
I the day I first knew her she has been
an inspiration, and the greatest help
mate of my life.”
An Essay on Girl*.
"Girls arc the sisters of boys and
has long hare, wares dresses an’ pow
der. The furst girl was called Christ
mas Eve, though I never cud see why.
Most every family has one girl and
some of ’em that Is In hard luck has
two or inree. We have a girl in ourn
who Is m.v sister. Girls can grow
older ami get younger. My sister has
been twenty-five fur three years tnd
some day we may be twins. Girls piny
planner nnd talk about each other.
Fat girls want to be thin and thin
i;l. ls w 11 m to 1)0 fat and nil of 'em To bo such a auccesafnl wife, to
want to marry doods. Why the Lord tain the lovo and admiration of her
made girls nobodv nos. but I think It h us b an ‘L to inspire him to make the
were to K o to church nnd eat Ice “SaoVstoTy!'' shoulJ a woman’,
cream. They Is three kinds of girls,, If a woman finds that her enerjlea
brunet girls, blond girls and them are flagging, that she gets easily tired,
that have nmner. Girls Is afraid of darlt shadows appear under her eves,
.... , . ,, , , .. she has backache, headaches, bearing"
mict and bogs, which makes it fun down pains, nerrousness, whites, trreg-
to put them down their baks.” ; ulariticaor the blues, she should start
I »t once to build up her system by a
, tuuiu Ducviuc powers, such w
For Over Sixty Yeara. | Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Com-
bee I used for over sixty yean by mil-'
Mn. Winslow’. Soothing 8yrup. and 1 leftcr frot/a roiro^wth reqUC6t *
An Old and Well Tried Remedy— Deer 51m. Plnkaam:
Ilona of mothers for their children , “Ever since my child was bom I have suf-
while teething with perfect suoces ,,, •£,"womenm-erhave,withIn-
" mthes -he child, softens the gum,.
. Compound
made me a well woman, and I f»v| ho grateful
. .. „ It* value that I am glad to write and tell you of my
la Incalculable. Be sure and ask fo.
Mrs. Wtnslow’a Soothing Syrup ha* 611 fci/nth loth T^ma^wSh
take no other. What Lydia K. l’inkham a table
Compound did for .Mrs. Ainslev it will
Itchiness of the skin, horrible do for every Kick and ailing woman,
plague. Most everybody ofllfcted In ^ J'°® have symptoms you don’t uu-
one way or another. Only one safe dersUmd write to Mrs. l’inkham, at
never failing cure. Doan’s Ointment. Lynn, Maas. t Hcr advice ia free and
At any drug store, 50 cents.
nomination, 'female waikm
1 allavs all pain cure, wind crvllc au.l J^.xnuv'Moinalh'^'l'iSlnot^'*' ’’
is the best remedy for diarrhoea U rneab*. and half my time was « V| ,»
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug- ** Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable
gist* In every part of the world made me a well woman, and 1 r.t»i
Taentv-flve cents a bottle. Its value that I am glad to write and tell y<
marvelous recovery. It brought i
Good Clothes
Oi Stylish Quality
mEINGweJ] dressed isn’t a question of
K spending a lot of money—it’s a ques-
U tlon of going to the right store. Most
stores have fairly good suits as far as thread
and cloth is concerned—getting distinctive
style and a real fit is another matter.
But that’s what you get here at a price
you can easily afford. In fact you can’t
afford not to wear the .kind of clothes we
| L
sell. The mere rise in your own estima-
/jnTvnfc 1
tion (and others) that our SCHLOSS
■ Clothes give you—that prosperous, well-
kw \
groomed look—is the biggest kind of a cash
m® , % ^
asset to any man. The picture shows one
wBr *• Hr
SCHLOSS style. Many others cost-
ing from—
$10.oo to $25.22
_ Jji
Our new Sick Winter-
FlnedothcsMakeri 1
Bolt in*** J** Mew.rork |
ter Overcoats Just in.
-m ■
Queen Quality
Full Line Winter Styles
Our Fall and Winter styles and weights of this famous shoe
for women are now in. This season’s line is a surperb one in
very respect, and we want to ask our lady friends to call and
ee the display while it is unbroken.'.
Our large stock of Men s and boys’ shoes is also very
always helpful.
- Georgia.