Newspaper Page Text
Engineers and Firemen on the A.
B. R. R. Quit Work.
The Passenger Trains Moved on Time
But the Freight Trains Were not
Moved—The Employees Have Of
fered to Arbitrate Their Claims,
but This is Refused by the Manage
ment of the Road
Atlanta Ga., Dec. 12—Special dis
patches from Brunswick and Way-
cross, say the engineers and firemen
pf the Atlantic and Birmingham,
pbout forty-five of each class, struck
midnight last night.
The employees ask for a mileage
Vpay, instead of a per diem rate. As a
I result no freight trains havd been
'handled on the road today, but it Is
claimed by the management that all
passenger trains have been moved
practically on time, excepting one
train, which was abandoned at the
starting point, Brunswick.
The employees have offered to ar
bitrate their claims, but this has been
refused by the management
General Manager Wadley says that
he has a sufficient number of men
. coming to fill all vacancies.
% The road has a mileage of 340 miles
running at present from Brunswick
to Montezuma, with branch lines to
Waycross from Nichols and to Tbpm-
Seville from Fitzgerald.
x ' -*■*—— . '> l\
Secretary Cheatham Urges Them to
" jj[oid for 15 Cents a Pound.
AtUnta, pec. _Che:«.u
aw ■■secretary of the Southern Col
ton ^^Sbciation, In-an open letter to
the cotton growers of south todrfy'
rgcs (hem to hold f6r > i5-cents cob
He says, in part:
The cotton growers of the south,
(rough and with the assistance of
their organization, the Southern Cot
ton Association, are slowly but surely
winning the greatest commercial bat
tle ever known to the world.
“On September 7 the association
v' advised the farmers to ask for 11
Cents for their cotton, as conditions
warranted that price. Many fix
ed that price and sold for it.
“Now, the fact that the crop is
very short has been established be
yond the shadow of a doubt ,and only
a small remnant of that left unsold,
also that the markets are bare of dry
goods, with future prlceB formally ad-
f .* vanced, cotton mills are loaded down
with contracts and orders for goods
for several months ahead and only
with about one-half enough cotton in
sight to fill them. Hold your cotton
for 15 cents
“Hundreds of thousands of bales
are being pledged to the Southern
Cotton Association for 15 cents,
enough to force the price to its value
* very soon.”
Handsome Home on Farm Near Eat-
onton is Destroyed.
Eatonton, Ga., Dec. 12—The large
eight room residence on the farm of
Mrs. James Reid, one and a half miles
from the city, was totally destroyed
by fire at day break Sunday morning
The home was one of the handsomest
colonial homes in Putnam long unoc
A prosperous negro tenant was re’
cently allowed to move ipto it. He and
his invalid wife were cremated in
the building. Only a few bones were
recovered from the flames.
There is no positive clue as to the
origin of the fire, except that the ten
ant, Robert Reid, who was seen drink'
ing late Saturday evening and was
probably careless with fire Sunday
morning after his night’s stupor.
Pythians to Have Banquet.
The Knights of Pythias are prepar
ing to have an elaborate banquet in
the next week or two. The arrange
ments have not been definitely made,
but the affair is to be pitched upon
an elegant scale and will be attended
by the Pythians and their lady friends
and relatives.
Fountain pens make a good Christ,
mas gift for a gentleman. Sam Breed
love has the best line.
Situation at Present is Worse than it
Has Been in Long Time.
Macon, Ga., Dec. 12—Shippers com
plain that never in the country’s his
tory has there been such a scarcity
of railroad cars, and business men
are in a constant scramble for cars to
move shipments out of Macon. When
a car is emptied here ,some one is
clamoring for it almost immediately,
“There have been many car famines
in the history of commerce in the Un
ited States.’’ says a railroad man,
“but the country has never seen a sit
uation like the present It is due to
the large volume of business being
alone in all parts of the country and
as matters now stand railroads re
quire for building cars and equipping
their roads 50 per cent of
the lumber that is manufactured. It
is plain, therefore, that their own bus
iness requires a great many of the
railroad cars.’’
In Hi« Evidence Today he 8aya That
he Did not Want Harriman
elated With Him in Control of the
New Tork, December, 12—'Thomas
Ryan, who refused to answer the dues
tlons put by the Insurance commit
tee of Investigation last Friday, was
the first witness before the commit
tee today.
He said that he meant no disrespect
to the committee by his refusal to
answer Inquiries regarding what E.
H. Harriman said when he sought to
obtain a share of Hyde's stock is the
He declared that he was ready
give information to the best of Ml
recollection.' Ho said that Harriman
had several cmversations with him
after 'the purctrv-> of the stoc!
Washington Deo. lJ-^The president
today sent tho following nominations
to (he senate: Florida,’Collector of
M. B. McFarland, Tampa;
g 'George W. Allen, Key West; Jno, B,
Stillman, Pensacola; Tip Warren Ap-
that ho shafttT liave^U oquai?.W0
the stock, hqijlie (Ttyan) declined,
saying that hej^CouM carry out his
plans alone, v
Ryan said that he expected to dl
vest himself of control of the stock
and regretted to have Harriman’s op
position. Harriman said that he had
the Equitable’s affairs, but mentioned
no other reason for getting in on the
Crisp County Officials Have One with
Which to Wrestle.
Cordele, Ga., Dec. 12—Officials of
Crisp county today tackled their first
iburder mystery when they began an
effort to effect the capture of tho slay
er of Jim Wade, a negro employed at
the sawmill of Walters Bros., at Mill-
town .nine miles southeast of Cordele-
The killing occurred some time early
last night, but was not reported un’
til this, morning. Coroner L. M.
Sumner went out on an afternoon
train and will bold an tnquest.
Very little is known about the kill
ing. Jim W&de, the dead negro, was
called to me door of his shanty about
10 o’clock and shot to death. The
body lay in the doorway until this
morning. Deputy Sheriff Tom Slade
notified the coroner and then went to
the scene. The slayer has not been
captured. It is stated that there was
a negro in the room with the dead
man when the shot was fired. This
could not be verified.
About the same hour hast night, on
the farm of Warren Williams, Just
on the line of Crisp and Worth coun
ties, Will Lee another negro .whoso
name could not be learned, engaged
in a shooting affray, with the result
that Lee received two fatal wounds,
and the other negro had his arm brok
en by a bullet. This case will also
come under the province of Crisp
county officers.
Machinery For Sale.
1, 11x15 Erie City engine, self con-
contained. 1, 8x10 Ingersoll-Sergeant
Air Compressor |new-. 2, 12x30x
211-16 ply Giant stitched rubber belt
|new.) 2, CO-H. P. return tubular boil
ers. Full fronts Above machinery In
perfect repair, can be sees anytime in
operation at city water works. For
particulars call on or address
D. G. Griffin, 8upt.
Friends of the Tobacco Growers
Blow up frjrpbacco Factory.
Louisville, Ky.. Dec. 12.—The
Ky., operated by the American. Snu
trust was blown up by dynamite ear
of life, but the damage to the faefc
no insurance, as the policies were
on account of the excitement cense
acco Company Association. The,
committed by parties friendly to 'tfa
ibacco factory at Blkton,
Company of the tobacco
r today. There was no loss
! -was complete. There was
slled several days ago,
>y tactic of the Dark Tob- j charred body was a
id is believed to have been colns -
Fir* Destroy, House Which Rich Re-
cluse Filled with Money.
Rochester, N. Y. Dec. 12—James L.
Blodgett, private banker and reputed
millionaire, of tho hamlet of Hermit
age, Wyoming county, was found
burned to death this morning In the
ruin, of his lonely home ,which was
destroyed by lire last night Noar his
pack of gold
Cossacks Join Revolutionists.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 12—It ii re-
ported from Moscow that the evolu
tionary propaganda la taking root
among the Cossacks. This 1. the lint
sign of disaffection among them. Cau
tion having prevailed over the fury
Id by the arrest of the work-
: leaders, the workmen’s council
ordered a general strike, but
I ordered the workmen to abldo
until all preparations are
Crew Was Rescued From the Ship
Just Before It We.m to the Bottom.
New Bedford, Mass., Dec; 12.—After struggling for two days
against a fearful storm, the crew of toe-Lightship, number fifty-
eight, was rescued by the LightahipM*alea, early thir 1 ~
The crew had just climbed over tlw side of
been taken on board of the Aialea before'tljfe fiftL
to the bottom of the sea. The Azalea- had been suttmlJned by
wireless telegraph.
Blodgett had become noted because
of numerous brutal attacks on him by
burglars, who knew he hoarded great
Blodgett wns 83 years old and was
a graduate of Yale class of 1850, Be
ing Jilted soon after that, he beenmo
a recluse.
Deposits of patrons were kept In
his house and how much depositor’s
money has been lost no ono knows.
Much paper money was lost.
Florida and Georgia AppomfJes.
United States Atti
Cheney, for tliu Soul
toy*, John H.
Mgblstriot of
Marion Erwin, Southern D
Georgia;, -John Fo&Oefttfiyr-
Dlstrict of Flor-
Congreitman Brantley Goes on the
Judiciary and Public Bulldlnga and
Grounda Committee Again,
Washington, Dec. 12—The follow
ing la a Hat of the committee aaalgn-
ments of Georgia membera of con-
'grakh aa assigned by Speaker Can
non 'this morning.
W. C. Anderaon: Interstate and
foreign, commerce; expenditure! In
the navy department.
Charles'L. Bartlett: Industrial at*
and expositions j Interstate and
elgn commerce,aooonnta.
Thomas M. Bell; Immigration' and
-naturalisation; manufactures.
■ MlfM-ALQriggs: Postofllco
poetroads; printing
T. A. Hardwii'
and measures
New YoRlt, Dec. 12.—The vfill ifeiis. Sarah Walker, wfib
died Nov. 23rd, was filed for probati i yesterday. She leaves
Captain H. Evans the house in Charleston as long' as he lives,
after which the house goes to the city hospital “for use of whites
only.” She also leaves a lot in Monti ornery and fifteen hundred
dollars to the Montgomery hospital.
Can Refuse to Sell Retailer.
New York, Dec. W.-^he right of the American Tobacco
Company to refuse to self small dealers, if they choose to do so,
was sustained by a decision of Justice Marean, of the supreme
court of Brooklyn, yesterday. Locker & Company sued for one
hundred thousand dollars because the American Tobacco Com
pany refused to sell them.
Rear Admiral Lillie is Dead.
New York, Dec. 12.—Rear Admiral Abraham Lillie, of the
United States Navy, died yesterday. He was commander of the
naval station of Key West prior to 1902. He was retired March
19th with the rank of Rear Admiral.
Midshipman Gets One Year.
Washington, Dec. 12.—Midshipman Meriwether has been
sentenced to confinement to the limits of the naval academy for
the period of one year and to be publicly reprimanded by the
Secretary of the Navy.
Steamer and Cargo Abandoned.
Havana, Dec. 12.—The Steamer Angola, having a cargo of
wheat on board, was grounded on a corral bottom while entering
the harbor here Sunday night. She has been abandoned by the
A Sensible Xmas Present.—Solid
gold pair ot glasses scientifically fit’
ted. Dr. Wood, eyesight specialist
is the only one doing scientific, ex
pert work In south Georgia.
12-tw 2t,
Low Rates to New Orleans
n account of the American
Association for Advancement
Science, December 29, 905
January 4th, 1906, via the Atlantic
Coast Line. The Atlantic Coast Line
will sell on Dec. 27, 28 and 29 from all
coupon stations to New Orleans round
trip tickets at the rate of one fare
plus 25c with final limit returning
Jan. 6, 1906.
For full information see ticket
agent ,or address T. J. Bottoms, T. P.
A., Thomasvllle, Ga.
A Timely Topic.
The pretty dolls at Manlove’s is
now the timely topic with every child
you meet. They are writing every
day to Santa Claus telling him to
bring them one of those lovely $10
dolls there.
Imported From Japan.
C. C. Varnedpe & Co. received yes
terday a unique line of Japanese nov
elties and fancy goods—genuine im
portations from the Flowery King
dom They are rare specimens of deft
Japanese handiwork and art and no
such goods were ever seen before
in Valdosta. In this lino are beauti
ful and appropriate Christmas pres
ents pur excellence. The ladles are
cordially invited to call and see the
Rare Bargains.
Tlu-fl* are rare bargains for you In
store at Manlove’s on toys, fancy
good®. hats, wraps, suits and skirts.
All hats, suits, shirtwaists and wraps
have been marked down to rock bot
tom’s lowest prices.
fcrelgn affair*;
rfimnt /rice
iaentatlves In™
William Howard
the national library.
Gordon Lee: Mines and mining;
war claims.
Rufus E. Lester: Rivers and har
bors; expenditures in the state de
Elijah B. Lewis: Ranking and cur
rency; mileage.
L. F. Livingston: Appropriations.
William G. Brantley: Judiciary;
public buildings and grounds.
Tho new members In the delegation
Messrs Roll and Gordon Leo, got fair
ly good assignments, considering that
now members aro usually put on the
unlmportnnt committees.
In Georgia's case, however, both
the new men will have important
work to consider during tho session.
Mr. Bell will take part In framing
legislation restricting immigration,
which question is one of the most
widoly discussed now before tho
houso. Mr. Leo goes on the war
claims committee, one of the hardest
worked In congress.
Tho assignment of Judge Bartlett
to the interstate and foreign com
merce committee is decidedly the
most Important change made In the
democratic appointments.
Mother and Her Five Chlldrenv]
Perish in i
The Mother Died Endeavoring to Res*
cue Her Little Ones—The Oldest
Child was Nine Years Old and the
Youngest was an Infant in the Cra*
die—Tenants Thrown in a Panic.
New York, Dec. 12—A mother and
her five children were burned to
death in a fire in a five story apart
ment house, at Columbus Avenue and
One Hundredth street last night.
Two others were injured and A
score more tenants were thrown Into
a panic .some of them cut off from
escape and several rescued by police,
firemen .and ambulance surgeons.
The ttead ldclude Mrs. John Thom-
ason, the mother; her three-year-old
twins, and her three other children,
ranging from seven months to nlno
years old.
Mrs. Thomason lost her life In on
endeavor to save her children. Her
body wad found in her rooms with
her little ones, their bodies badly
burned ,lying about her.
Mother and children wire cut off
from escape by the latch of the door
leading Into the: wMlLmmlr oaoaht.
/ —
"Returns. Made from !
fj taloupe Growers' |
Rocky Ford, Col., Dec. 13—The En*
torprlse prints the following report
of the Rocky Ford Melon (i rowers’
xe arc w"*. .-temLj
Melon Growers' Association which
will be road with much interest by
all growers of cantaloupes:
During tho past scasotfuts asso
ciation shipped 3,000 ernteg to Boston*
10,000 to Pittsburg and 11,600 to faew
On these shipments the rnllruit'la
were paid $33,848.84 and the eon-
mission men $11,333.36.
Tho association paid for r nit us
$6,100 and had loft the sum o' $47 000
The net returns to tho growers
were as follows: On the Boston ship
ments $1.47; those sent to New York
$1.03 and the Pittsburg portion SC
Tho gross sales at thes • ee
points wore as follows: Boston .. ";
Now York, $2.07 and Pittsbu g 21 73.
The cost of marketing (I. e. f”» ght
and commission) was as follows: Bos
ton $1.30; New Yoik, $1.04 and P»ttsr
burg, 92 cents.
A Letter to 8anta Claus.
One of the letters from a little girl
to Santa Claus, in care of Mr. Man-
love runs thus:
“Dear Santa: Do please go to Mr.
Manlovo’s toy store and got mo that
big beautiful doll. It Is only ten dol
lars. I am a good little girl, so Uncle
Sam BAyB. You will find this toy
storo on Patterson street; the onll-
est toy store in town. lovingly
“Eva Wllby.”
Can 8ave You Money.
Boyd-Fry Stove & China Co. can
save you Yrom 6 to 10 dollars on each
steel range as they are put to no ex
pense to show you how to operate
Subscribe for The Dally Times.
Open at Night.
Manlove Is keeping his big toy
store open at night bo that those who
can't get away from the children In
tho day can come and select their
toys at night.
All Warts Cured.
Warts and mango on animals cured
No cure, no* pay. C. Oakman,
Apply a 4- - pawnshop. Valdosta, Ga.
FOR SALE—A larje steam operated
peanut roaster, rubber-tired and very
convenient. Apply to Joe Ayonp, 113
Ashley 8t. 12-9-sw-jiuil.
Two Couplet Were Married.
Elder I. A. Wetherington spent Sun
day In Hamilton county, Florida, and
was called upon to perform two mar
riage ceremonies during the morning.
At nine o’clock that morning near
Avoca he officiated at the marriage
of Mr. W. F. Johnson to Miss Beulah
Smith well known young people of
that section.
At ten o’clock, about a mile from
the scene of the first wedding, ho
performed a ceremony which made
Mr. James Musgrove and Miss Della
Jackson man and wlfo. Both wed
dings were witnessed by friends and
relatives of the happy couples.
WANTED—Small cet of books to
keep by competent bookkeeper. Can
arrango hours to suit business. Ad*
dress Box 51, Valdosta, Ga.
d-thurs, sat. tuse-3t.
The value of beauty In hospital
nurses is receiving close attention In
I/mdon. '
Boston, Mass., Dec. 11—Edward At
kinson .authority as social and politi
cal economist .died suddenly today
from an atack of acute indigestion.
He was seventy eight years old.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Lowndes County.
Under and by virtue of an order from tha
Court of Ordinary, at tbe December tenn 1005.
will be sold at tbe rourtbouaa door in arid
county on tbe flrat Tueaday In January 1808
between tbe legal hours of rale, to tbehieheat
bidder for earn, tbe following deueribedpro
perty to wit: One lot of land 175, containing
400 acre* more or 1cm. M0 acres more or lev of
ot No. 170, all In land diatrict No. IS f
MARY VICKERS Administratrix.