Newspaper Page Text
Ordinary, Oflioe
rMCE-A-wee k
to be Made From
It It No Longer Denied that The
President’, Daughter it to be Mar
ried to Mr. Nicholas Longworth,
Congressman From Cincinnati—
He is an Attentive 8ultor.
Washington, Dec 15.—It is fully
expected that within the next few
days announcement will be made
from the White House of the engage
ment of Miss Alice Roosevelt, the
eldest daughter of the President, to
Nicholas Longworth, a member of
Congress from Cincinnati.
At the White House today noth
ing In confirmation or denial of the
report that the young people are en
gaged would be given. Heretofore,
however, while official notice of such
a report was not given, those at the
White House, who generally speak
authoritatively on domestlo affairs,
did not hesitate to say there was no
No Longer Denied.
The refusal of anyone In a posi
tion to know the facts to deny or
confirm the engagement story leads
to the general belief throughout of
ficial society that the charming
young daughter of the President and
the wealthy and popular ydnSg Cong
ressman have plighted their troth
She 1s Eleven Ahead of Other 8tates
In Moonshiners.
Georgia, according to the reports-
received from Washington by Col
lector Henry A. Rucker .heads the
procession In the matter of illicit dis
tilling during the year ending June
30 and In doing so Alabama has been
shoved out of first place.
The government reports read as
Georgia — Distilleries destroyed,
347; value of property 340,117 90;
number of arrests 788.
North Carolina—Distilleries de-
Etro-ed 251. value of property U8,-
530,06; number of arrests, 30
A I'.bama — Distilleries d > .’roved,
156; value of property, 37 327.SO;
number of arrests 76.
More than one third of the total
number of Illicit distilleries destroyed
1,053, were In Georgia, and more than
half the persons arrested for viola
tions of the Internal revenue laws
were Georgians, the total number of
arrests made being 1,045.
Collector Rucker states that the
above figures amply explain why so
great a proportion of revenue receipts
Soem Articles Found In an
May Give New Trial for
lings and Jaok McLeod,
Ike Rawlings, who la In
county jail, has received
leads him to hope that
cleared of th«4karg.. —_
Joseph Btudatlll, who was kll’cd In
Telfair county last Febr^jh toya
the Macon Telegraph. Rawlings and
Jack McLeod are both under llfoM
tences, having been found^gmw 'of
the murder of StudstllL , .A *,
A few days ago, however,-a well
situated on the place of Studstlll was
dragged and as a result of the find In
the bottom of the well CharIIeT@»>uf-
fie a negro, who bad at’V-ML time
farmed on the place of the tyK^fikh,
was arrested by a detective -who has
been Investigating the case for tor-
era! months. The articles which were
found in the bottom of tiro uMtiiinn>
an old coat, an axe and a scotter plow
Two Charged with Conduct Unbe
coming Army Officers.
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. 16.
—Advices received here today are to
the effect the First Lieutenant Sid
ney S. Burbank and First Lieuten
ant David A. Snyder, both of the
Sixth Infantry, 1 have been placed In
jail In the Philippines, for "conduct
unbecoming officers* of the United
States army.." - The exact nature o’
the charges la w>k\ known here.
Lieutenant Burbank came Into prom-
id the fact will soon'be officially, lnence by becoming engaged to a
announced, ' ■ VV ’ ^ prominent Leavenworth woman while
Mr.. Longworth, who Is 36 yearn of still married to Concepcion Vasque
fg*# nertfcjr hln } ...J.ita. I ■ -V"- hSWAnoJBWBIi^e'^ISfflW^-tt
^^“jesn and belong* of the marriage'and recently obtained
bid families in Cincinnati, noted for
Its wealth and high social position.
,Hls attention^ to Miss Roosevelt,
which have been very marked for
more than a year .have led to the
general belief that the President’s
daughter would consent to become
Mrs. Longworth. '
An Attentive Suitor.
In Georgia are expended In the effort all tied together with overall smpen-
to prevent and punish violations tf-ders. An envelope containing some
the revenue laws. papers and addressed to Charlie McJ
■ - I Duffle was found In one Of the pockets
80LDIER8 IN PHILIPPINE JAIL. | of the coat McDuffie, it seems, had
worked on- the farm of Studstlll, but
LIL WANTS UNCLE SAM very fond of children.
TO GIVE HER $10,000,000 If You Have Any, This Will Interest
| You Pray. God Will Dlrsct ' ,8 ° m#ny lltt,a boy * and Klrl8
Vice-President Fairbanks. | COBle lnt0 m 7 »“>"> w &o "« weak,
Washington, Dec. 15—A petition ‘bin-legged and hotow cheeked,” said
from ex-Queen asking *[; D |"' our V* kn ° wn d ™«-
for the payment of 310.000.000 to her «“• 11 ,eema * to alloW
was today presented to th-j Senate, them t0 remaln *° for ‘bey will grow
by Vice-President Fairbanks. The up into weak, sickly and nervous men
petition was accompanied by an au- and women, without the vitality to
tograph letter requesting early nnd work an<1 enJo , un
favorable consideration. The letter; „ ,
follows' I “■ continued Mr Dlmmock, "the
Washington Place, Honolulu, Terri- ,a ‘bers and mothers of such children-
tory.of Hawaii Nay. 27. 1905. would believe what we say of Plant |
His Excellency, Charles W. Fairbanks' Juice, we would see a great difference
President of the Senate. 1 In the appearance of the- younger gen- 1
Sir: I have the honor to enclose eratlon of this town {
herewith a copy of my petition and: "Plant Juice will make for them
claim to the Congress of the United good, healthy flesh, sound bone, hard
States of America and respectfully
request your Excellency’s help.
I pray you, therefore, and Implore
Three Stores, Postoffice and Bar-
tho providence of God to guide you
In the consideration of my petition
and claim. I remain,
Very sincerely yours,
The communication was referred
to the Committee on Foreign Rela-
Alleged "Wire Tapping” 8wlndler
Taken in Cincinnati Raid
Cincinnati, Dec, 13—The police to
day raided a broker's office and ar
rested seven men among whom tlfby
say are well known crooks. Detec
tives assert a racetrack swindle was
being, operated where the operators
had moved'away from there the day
before the murder wan discovered.
Rawlings stated to a Telegraph re
porter yesterday that ho had written
to his counsel In regard to the {natter
that a motion for n new trial of the
case had been made some time ago. t "oid "riciimi'they Vecelved roce tip.
but a hearing had not yet takeagace. 80T0ral mlnDte8 a , broke „.
Jailer Hubbard says that HjWhgs victims wouW be &1IoW ed to win sev-
has proved a model prisoner^urtng eral Um „ ^ . tremid .. for a klmng .
his confinement at the Bibb county AmonE t bQ prlsoner . „ Charles, or
I'-uhapplo" Moron, with a record as
in expert.,wire tapper, a former as-
P mditional divorce from, Burbank.
Says He "Merely Called to Pay Re
spects to Great Pacificator.’’
Washington, Dec. 16.—Among
President Roosevelt’s callers today
j was Andrew Carnegie, who in in the
- .. ...... _ 1 city on business connected with the
On he recent trip to the Philip- ta>tItu0on whlch bear „ bll name .
pines in company with Secretary ,. Mr . Carnegle ,
TafL Miss Roosevelt and Mr. Long-1 „ , ,
. L| "merely to pay my respects to the
great pacificator.”
worth were fellow-travelers and were
much In each other's society. Since
Congress opened the Cincinnati Cong
A Toy for Everyone
Manlove has a toy for every child
ressman has been very assiduous in ,
In Lowndes and all the surrounding
his attentions and It was remarked counties. Yes, a great big lot. Go
today that they were a very happy j see for yourself.
couple, as they left the White House
Dolls, toys, chlnaware, opalware,
at half-past 3 o'clock together in ono drums, i am ps, etc., cheap. The Em-
of the President's own carriages. I p, re g tora
They were driven down Pennsyl
vania avenue and spent an hour or at his home when he was sought for
so visiting the best shops In the - to make a statement regarding the K
city. Mr. Longworth was not In the renewed report of his engagement to
House today nor could he 'be found Miss Roosevelt
vnr—< k>
Fire Started at a Late Hour and It la
Understood that Practically Noth-
Ing Was Saved From the Burned
Building—Origin of the Firs Not
The town of Sparks suffered anoth-
muscle and rich red blood. We see er disastrous fire Wednesday night
every day on our streets many people . ... „ . ... . .. .
. . , and whl e It la impossible at the hour
whoso faces plainly show Impure
and impoverished blood We, of 80,n S *® P reaa “>' laa ™ Uie extent
want everybody In Valdosta to know of the losses, they are believed to
that Dillingham's Plant Juice is a have been considerable
splendid blood purifier and blood makj T he flre „ understood to have start-
er,” said Mr. Dlmmock. "Plant Juice
tones up and strengthens the nerves
ed In tho store of J. P. Whitehurst,
of the stomach and enables It to ob- ln 4110 Spark * Improvement Co'S.
tain from the food eaten the necessary
elements to create pure .rich, rod
blood, and In this way every organ
ln the body Is strengthened aLj In
vigorated, and the skin Is cleansed
from all disfiguring blemishes.
"Nature In her efforts to correct
mistakes, which mistakes have come
from careless living, or It may have
come from ancestors, shoots out pim
ples, blotches, and other Imperfec
tions on the skin, as a warning that
more serious {roubles, perhaps tu
mors, cancers,' erysipelas or pulmon
ary diseases, are certain to follow “
you neglect to hbed the warning
block, and burned Whitehurst's store,
the stores of B. H. Goodwin and Mr.
Jeffries, and the barber shop and
poetofflee A small wooden building
adjoining the brick block, belonging
to Mr. Zeke McDcrmld, was also
burned, but we are unable to learn
whether It was occupied or not'
Long distance telephone connec
tion with the town was Interrupted
by the burning of the telephone sta
tion located la Goodwin's store, but
a telegram fnxa Mr, Goodwin about
noon, stated that nothing had been
saved from tho store. It Is said that
rof the firms burned out had some
Charleston, . tt- >*.i- y——*1”
wlfo is not a competent witness
against her husband, even It her tes
timony should convict him ofi shoot
ing his Infant ln the armt'Jst Its
mother. Tho 8tate Supreme j Court
so decided today.
The case was thet of the State vs.
Woodrow, o' Mineral county. Wood-
row was convicted on the testimony
of his wife.
correct the mistakes. Many a linger- J Insurance, but whether enough to
lng, painful disease agd many an enr- cover their losses is not known
" " ' up to the bank,
room la
i5nre 't
Henry Summerfield who Is ]y <5cath ha!) been-avoided simply be- T,he ft
Jvtffiars in Sis* Sing for [£™^!i3 <d g'*1Hglrt jjlii 3g|K^f!
Tift County Commissioner.
At a recent meeting of the Board
of Education of Tift county, j'rof
W. R. Smith was chosen tq : he
School Commissioner for the four
year’s term beginning Jan. 1st.
He has been well known through
out this section for a number of
years as one of our most progress
ive teachers and his many friends
will be pleased to hear of his suc
cess In the new county of Tift.
Get your Christmas turkey at J.
E. Culpepper’s. Phone 259.
complete wlro lapping outfit.
Iiy a Runaway 8crape.
Mack C. Jay, a travelling man, start
ed from Ham’s stable In his buggy!
Juice will pm If- tho Moo.!, create'ago of Ui« 7
strength "apd benefit -all manklml a lineman up to Sparks $day to make
from youth to old Ige, or stand ready temporary telephone connections
to return' the money 'in every case LATER,
this morning whon his horse ran where , t g. a. Dlmmock. I Sparks,-On., Deo. ,14—It Is impos-
away. The animal went at full speed! -mese remedies can be obtained slble at this hour to ten.the extent
and when Mr. Jay tightened tho lines; at Hah)ra Dru g Co an(1 j. p Carter, of the lossto ln the fire last nlghL
on the animal, it sllddcd along tho! Nay i or> Q a I j;, jj. Goodwin lost about 3600
paved streets as If on roller skates. ; | with no Insurane and the loan in the
The animal took tho sidewalk at the , Fireman Hurt Yesterday. I poetofflee Is probably 3350 with no ln-
National Bank and throw tho buggy Mr . w . a Du nbar> one of th * m e m , uranc0- - *
against a telephone polo, breaking off borg of tbe flr0 department, sustain- j. p. Whitehurst u. Co Ind bsur-
one of tho front wheels No damage ed p a | n rui injuries yesterday while ance that pretty well co. jrcfl their
was done beyond that, though the poming down the slld'ng pole through loss.
runaway was an exciting ono. . the manhole In tho second story Tho Jofford's stock was value 1 at 31,800
For Robblnq a Sleeping Man. ! dromon somotlmes get careless ln with 3700 Insurance
Officer McIntyre arrested two no-' trying to do fancy stunts on the polo The principal loss was t tho hull*
groes, Joe Williams Pennington and and that seems to have been respon-
Hattle Smith yesterday, charged wlih slble for the accident yesterday. Mr.
robbing a white man named Pat Mad- Dunbar fell from the second story,
don, who was asleep. Other negroes, being unable to catch the pole as
are -said to have seen the robbery: he was coming .down He landed on
and to have reported it At a hear-1 his body and arms, badly bruising bis
lng yesterday afternoon, the womnn elbow and hip. Dr. Harris attended
Rare Bargains
Them are rare bargains for gou In
store at Manlovo's on toys, fancy
goods, hats, wraps, suits and skirts.
was released and the man was held him and he was resting all right last j ^ l ra p 8 * ia h t a j 0 "(jj!*"’ marecd* 1 (town
for a hearing ln the city court. | night. No bones were broken. ' rock bottom's lowest prices.
Ings which were only fr.ttol.y cov
ered by Insurance.
Columns, Stairs, Railings, Balusters.
Builders Hardware, Brick, Lime,
Cement, Plaster, Sherwin-Will
iams Paints, a little higher in price
but cheaper by test it takes less
We Sell Everything Necessary to put up a Building
Harley Hardware Co.,