Newspaper Page Text
Itching Skin
Quickly Cooled
t*at itch Instantly.
Juat a faw drops of tha cool in* and
healinr D. D. D. Proscription and the
Itch is gone—not In half an hour—not
IB ten minutes—but In five seconds. Wa
know this lotion will do the work. If
the first regular bottle falls to prove
It to poor satisfaction it will not cost
yon a coat.
.This front specific for skin diseases.
IX D. I>. Prescription, usually sells
for $1.00 a bottle, but now. by special
arrangement you can get a trial else
bottle for 25 cents. This will be enough
to show you why we always recom
mend r>. D. D. for all skin troublea
D. D. 1). glrcs Instant relief.
t ■' 1 *1 WASHBURN DRUG OO. Vsldoete, Ga.
Brooks County
Seed Rye
C. S.
Fall and Spring Oats,
Turnip Seed, Rape Seed,
Bermuda Onion Sets
:: Georgia
Savannah Statesman Is to Be a Can*
<Jldate for President of Senate.
Savannah, Sept. 11.—Tomorrow
At noon in tb« city court room It is
expected that the next president ol
the Georgia senate will be nomina
ted in a aenatoriai convention.Hon.
J. Randolph Anderson, recently
chosen senator of the First district,
will be nominated in a convention
representing the entire district. Th#
delegates from Chatham were se
lected yesterday and those from Ef
fingham and Bryan counties are ex-
petced to he on hand alto.
Mr. Anderson, who Is to be nom
inated, Is a candidate for president
of the senate and hla friends de
clare that Lis chances for election
an* as good a fl could be imagined
He is understood to hav 0 pledges
from about twenty members of tho
next sonate to support him for tie
.Our cup is as good as
the best. We will save
you money if you wil
let us.
W«, guarantee prices
to be as low as the low-
est. Write us for terms
and prices. Will call on
you at your request.
Georgia and
Turpentine Cup
and Metal Co.
Hold Robbery at Wayeross.
A young white man la under ar
rest at Wayerosa under suspicion of
having knocked down and robbed
Mr, Andrew Sweat, of that place,
near the onion station there on
Monday night. The alleged rob-
brfjh oceurred about 10 o’clock and
reated considerable exxcitement.
Mr. Sweat was hit on the back of
the head by some kind of an instru
ment, supposed to be a pUtol. He
v as badly stunned by tho blow and
when h© regained consciousness ha
told of the robbery.
Another man who lives near Way-
cross reported to the officers there
yesterday that when he was flxjng
to have th© city he wa» held up
by a nmn At the point of a pistol
and asked to put up a cash bond
for being drunk and disorderly. The
man was arrested and is being held
for further Investigation.
Another case of Interest at Way-
evoss is that of three young white
men for gambling. One of them
was a heavy loser and Is said to
have squealed on the others.
Thotna# County Fair Dales.
November 6 and 7 have been fix
ed as the days of the Farmers’ Fair
of Thomas county. These dates
wera wet after careful considera
tion of the crop conditions and :he
wishes of those who will contest.
W. M. Parker, of Thoraasvllle, was
node general manager, L. R, El
der, assistant manager, and 8. L.
Heald, aecretary. They are prepar
ing for two days of splondld exhi
bition and entertainment of an unu
sual nntur.) Is being planned with
a bargain week and free railroad
Taro by the merchants of Thomaa-
Turnips, Beets,
Radishes, Lettuce
and all kinds of new Garden Seeds
Funeral of Mrs. J II. Bunn
The funeral of Mrs. J. R. Bunn
who dlod at her home In Fairfax
Sunday, was held Monday after
noon. Services were conducted at
Fairfax and the remains brought
to Waycrosg on a special train for
Interment In Lott cemetery.
Mrs. Bunn Is survived by ber
husband, who | B at the head or one
of the Waycros* banks, and one son,
H. D. Bunn. She had been In III
health for ovor a year. Before mar-
rlago she was a Ml*g Whitley and
made her horn® In North Carolina.
Valdosta, Moultrie & Western Railroad
Arrival* and Departure of Trains at Valdosta}
(Central Standard Time),
a*. 3—1:30 s.m.—Lntm lloultrle 6:30 s.m., connects at Valdoata with
morning train,.
Ho. 4—1:10 p.m.—Ltav, MouttrU 116 p.m., connect, at Valdoata with
all attamoon traua. axcopt A 0. L. westbound.
Mo. 0—0:00 am.—Leave, Moulin, 7:00 with O. 8. A F.
. White Spring, special, ale* O. 8. ft F. northbound
and Q. ft F. Muthbonnd.
Mo, 1—(:I0 am.—Arrive, Moultrie 10:30 a. m., connecta with Sou to
Ga. Hr. for Adel.
Mo. S—4:30 pm.—Arrive Moultrie 6.30 p. m.. connecta at Moreen with
Booth da. R,. tor Qultmaa and Hampton Springs, nl
Mooltrla with A. I), ft A. and Ga. Northern Rj., north
■nd oonnth oouud.
Mr »—T:45 P.m.—Arrive, Moalirle 9:4$ p.m., connect, at Morvwnwlth
Hampton Spring! apodal, and at Valdoata with
White Spring, «pectaL
IMPORTANT—Train, No. 1, 3. 3 and 4 era DAILY EXCEPT SUN-
Y. Tiamt N,. T and 3 are SUNDAY ONLY.
■. M. VWSKS, Ticket Agent. M. J. CHAUNCEY, Oom'L Agt.
a B. LUCAS, Trane Manager.
Tho Men who Succeed
Aa head, of large entorprlflos are
men of great enorgy. Success, today,
demand, health. To all la to fall.
UVhMttar folly for a man to endure
n wank, run-down, half alive condi
tion' when Electric Blttera will put
him right on hla feet In short order,
"Four bottlee did me more real good
than any other medicine I ever took,
write, Chaa. B, Alton. Syhranla, On."
After two yean of suffering with
rheumatism, liver trouble, otomach
disorders and deranged kldneya, 1
nm again, thanks to Electric Blttera,
Mund and well.” Try them. Only
10 cent* at Dlmmock', Pharmacy,
Ingram Drug Co. and W.'D. Duna
Medico, t 0 Meet at Waycroea.
One of the moat lmmportant con
vention, ever held by the Eleventh
Diet riot Medical Aesociatton will
convene In Waycroaa November 10.
In addition to having an Interest-
lnr program the convention will
elect officers for 1013 befon ad
Plana for giving the vlalttnc phy
sicians n royal time are being made
end there I, every Indication tha:
the visit of the association will bo
long remembered.
B or S doses BOB will break any
case of Chills and Fever; and If
taken then as a tonic the Fever will
not return. Prion 35c.
A Negro Porter Enriches Himself
at Expense of Hie Employer,.
. (From Tuesday's Dally.)
A negro named Calton Partridge,
who haa been a trusted employe of
G: Presley A Co. at their near-beer
depot, waa arrested this morning on
a charge of larceny and It la aald
that bis tbafta during the past six
month, will amount to more than
Mr. Presley says that the negro
was stealing everything he could get
his band, on, hut mostly beer.
Within the past week or two it
wan found that he was stealing two
or three barrels of beer a week from
the warehouse and sometimes his
theft, woull go to more than that.
He atated this morning that be had
stolen between seventy-five and one
hundred barrels of beer during the
past five or six months.
The negro hud th e confidence of
hie employers to suck an extent that
ho was allowed to do much collect
ing for them, a, well as to pay bills
the firm owed! A check was made
on him recdnily and It was found
that be was not turning In
money. Another check wag made
and It wa, found that the beer wav
disappearing from the warehouse
Ithout any ,returns being made
for it.
Day before (yesterday Mr. Pres
ley mlseed a lot of hi s clothing From
hla room, also his revolver and some
other things. He became thorough
ly convinced that the negro wa:
stealing everything h e could get his
hands upon, so then a trap was set
to catch him.
Yesterday Mr. Presley marked
$42 and gave them to parties to be
sent to him by the negro. Only a
tow of th, dollars turned up and
then the negro waa cornered. Last
night In Mr. Presley’s room, when
the negro was confronted by Ofilcer
Hodges snd Mr. Presley, the thief
threw a Pile of money from hla pock
ets into onh corner of the room.
Much of It was the money that had
been marked and used In the trap
which had been setMor him.
The’negro was placed under ar
rest and carried to the city prison
An Investigation was then made and
a statement from the negro gotten,
lie confessed that he had stolen
more than seventy-live barrels of
beer and a fctfre amount of monoy
and other things since he hag been
in the employ of the firm.
It Is said that the negro Is one
of the best workers In Valdosta and
It wag that fact that enabled him to
win tbe confidence pf his employ-
HE—“Bring us some olive* and
celery, some chicken gumbo,
larded sweet bread*, german
fried potatoe*, fruit salad
SHE—“And please order an
other bottle of this delicious
‘Blue Ribbon* Beer—it*s the
only beer that I ever really
enjoy. **
County Tax Rates Reduced,
The county commissioners at their
recent meeting fixed the tax rates of
Lowndes county at seven mills,
making the state and county taxes
$1.20 Instead of $1.35, which was
the rate fixed last year.
The reduction in the rate will
amount to & considerable sum for
the large tax payers. The rate is
still a good deal more than It waa
several years ago.
Mitt Emma L. Tucker, the well-
known Bible reader, who bos slatted
Valdosta several times, |g visiting
friends In Thomosvtlle and will
Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound
—Their Own Statements
Se Testify.
Plates, Pa—"When I wrote to you
first I wss troubled with female weak
ness snd backache,
and wss so nervous
that I would cry at
the least noise. It
would startle me so.
I began to take Ly
dia E. Pinkham's
remedies, snd I don’t
have any more cry
ing spells. I sleep
sound and my ner
vousness is better.
I will recommend
your medicines to all suffering women.”
-Mrs. Maey Halstead, Platen, PL,
Box 98,
Her&ls the report of another genuine
case, which' still further shows that Ly
dia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
may be relied upon.
Walcott, N. Dakota.—*’I had inflam
mation which eansed pain in my side,
snd my back ached all the time. 1 waa
so blue that I felt like crying if anyone
even spoke to me. I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I
began to gain right away. I continued
its use and now I am a well woman.’’
— Mrs. Amelia Daul, Walcott, N.
. U yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (cost-
The Most Important Part of the Order
Pabst “Blue Ribbon" Beer lends keenest enjoyment to the most
modest or sumptuous lunch.
It is the invariable favorite with those who insist on quality. No
other beverage compares in zest, nor is so pleasing to the palate.
Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles,
showing at a glance that it is clean and pure.
Be sore to order a case sent home today. Phone or write.
J. F. Turner, Mgr.
Phone BIS Valdosta, Ga.
Valdosta Citizen Should Read And
Head This Advice.
Kidney trouble Is dangerous and
often fatal.
Don’t experiment with something
new find untried.
Uae a tested kidney remedy.
Begin with Doan’s Kidney Pills.
Used In kidney trouble 50 years.
Recommended here and every
Valdosta citizen’s statement
form® convincing proof.
It’s local testimony—it can be In
M. M. Bullard, 215 Forest St.,
Valdosta, Ga., says: *T can recom
mend Doan’s Kidney Pills to anyone
suffering from kidney complaint, as
an excellent remedy. I had dull
pains In my loins which made mo
miserable and having Doan’e Kidney
Pills brought to my attention, I pro
cured them from Dlmmock's Phar
macy. They proved of great benefit
and I am n(^w free from backache
and my kidneys are In a normal con
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. V.
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan’s—
and take no other.
cal i church there tonight. i woman aad held In strict
Xotlc© of Bankrupt Sale.
Will be sold at Morven, 8a. t on the
20th day of September, 1912 at
eleven o’clock a. m„ under an order
heretofore granted by Jas. F. Mc-
Crackln, referee In bankruptcy, all of
tbe stock of merchandise, furniture
and fixtures of Ousley Bros, bank
rupt. which said property Is now lo
cated In a one story frame store
house on Main St., in said town of
Morven, owned and formely occu
pied by said Ousley Bros, bankrupt.
Said sale will be sold as the
property of Ousley Bros, and free
from any and all liens and lncum
Said property will be gold for cash,
to the highest bidder, subject to the
confirmation of said sale by the
court, and will take place before the
door of the store above mentioned.
An Inventory . of said merchandise
and fixtures can be had by applying
to. Geo. E. Simpson, trustee,
James F. McCrackin, Referee, at Val
dosta, Ga.
Dated at Valdosta, this 9th day
of September, 1912.
Trustee of the estate of Ousley
Bros, bankrupt. 9 111 dl wl
The South’s great
Technical and
Ga. Tech Spells “Qppor-
tunity“ for the young
men of Georgia and the
Offers fall four-year courses in
Mechanical, Textile, Chemical, Civil
and Electrical Engineering,
and Architecture.
* The graduates of “Georgia Tech” are in neat demand, owing to the
splendid training offered at this institution. Courses of study practical
and thorough. For Catalog address,
Improvements in put year: 9
K. G. MATHESON. LL D* President
^178,000; Iswltsfiti, ruwuWi mi, ^
We are advertising South Georgia farms extensively, and we are
expecting many homeseelcers this season.
If you have Real Estate to sell see us; we can sell it.
If you want to buy see us. If we haven’t got what you
want we will find it.
We have several fine farms near Hahira and Pavo, Ga.,
which we will sell cheap.
If you want to buy town property we have it We are in
the land business, and we are doing a land business. If
you want to buy or sell Real Estate write or see
The Land Men.
Hahira,{Geu, Pavo, Ga.
An article that has real merit
should In time become popular.
That such Is the case with Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy has been at
tested by many dealers. Here Is one
of them. H. W. Hendrickson, Ohio
Falls. Ind., writes, “ChAmlberlaln's
Cough Remedy is tho beat for
coughs cold* and croup, and Is my,—.
bent teller. For sale by all dealers. I Phone 103
us your next order for Horse,
Cow, Mule |and Chicken Feed.
Our Feeds all new, sweet [and fresh
(no bugs.)