Newspaper Page Text
Our readers wtii be amused by the
following remarks in a Montreal pa
jt-r on Mr. Monnw’s mef*age Mr.
Wa sh would call them “ the feeble
thrielc3 of provincial witlings/’ and we
look upon them a3 proof positive of
Clin onian ir>fi_ence among our Can
adian neighbors —[N Y. American.
ff am the Montreal Herald Nov. 28.
“ Our subfi ribers will doubt
left be entertained by the Milk*
utj 1 Water Mefsape of President
M nroe to the satellites of mobo
(racy. He begins the service by
an hymn of thanksgiving* to the
Universal Creator for the many
fclefsings with which they have
been favored ; that although their
trade with the British Welt India
Islands, was at this moment unfa
vourable, to republican intererts,
fthev were livmgj||j|he hopes of ha
it brought favora
"t ilfUr, by the •/ >eciprocity,
liberty and equality^ orhiji, we fup
poie. is to be accomplished after
ther Florida. are ad Jed to the hies
ted and inimitable- coKilellafioii.
Lalt yeai wt were highly atnufed
at the contemptible yet artfui rta
f<>n aligned for uniting the Flori
dasr to the land of JLvery, oppres
i *>, and
In oka aggrefsiorAp'n.#i<- *e wretch
es. wf>r;,ds4. 4efli —the
of tjw’abahdoned but
ye\i"'kv Vd
functioned spread afstavery to end
Ufs regions- beyond the ’Vtif&if&lpj
pi, five little hope to the worid
tb:, the name of Monroe will out
live him half a year. This year
v-o arc gravely fold of a banditti
cf (Yankee) smugglers, who are
robbing then tceaforv by the illicit
introduction of foreign wares ftom
>tK- ccaft ol Florida! This,
bugbear among others, is (wallow,
ed down by thole political quads
as art invulnerable article in favor
©l t'-m'oriai aggianrltz- mert
Next year w expect that skilful
politician will point to Canada, &
it he thinks the rabble (bong e
rough to drive us from our dwd
-1 mu‘% pc i hap. he may recommend
; Jvcibie seizure ; to prevent his
treafmy frt m consumption in this
qumtet. As to the ie out calls of
the earth, the French, il cur in
vincible and unparalleled navy
cc aid blow tinni from the face of
the wants, ut (hnuld teach tbttn
v hat it ii to lay 18 dollars a ton on
the bottoms of iibeity —Mr. Gal
■Lrin, however, cannot arrange at
i iis a? Paris, ard Mr Forsyth the
iii.cri an huliy is t> fail in Sep
t n.btr with the Floridai in his
j-r eket. VJe would itrongly re
ct'tnmeftd to Mr Monroe to tiis
patch his principal butcher (we
t an tiHfHrhurJeiei Jj. kson) win
tm jagged ruffians u> nub-acre the
Florid.* smugglers, who are evad
ing the liberty the equality and
the justice ol their laws, {'.one on
tb lc Barbary robbers; our patent
sh ps of war muff be always on
their waters ; and that infernal pi
rate Lord Cochrane, uh< has be
ic?t i nr legal smugglers of many a
hard earned doiisr. 1 hefc, follow
ciftens o‘. the Senate, and of the
KuuCe of Reprcfemarives, are the
chid points fubmttted to your high
cons'deraiion, and after this if you
b . e a bomb-beat felt to carry
I vacs to the people of Mif.-cui i,
pray give them as many a< you
can (pare, aiul my name will tell
the voilo how glericuilj cur (hips
©t war ate supporting the cause
©I liberty, equality and right
TWO apprentices to rhe print
ing burintfs. Care and at
tention will be paid to their health,
inoiais, and education. Nov. 8.
ON the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, wil be fold at the
court heufe in Wilkes cowry,
between the usual hours of (ale,
the following property, viz:
One land containing 138
acies, more or iefs, lying in YViikes
county, on the waters of New lord
creek, ai joining Isaac M'Lendon
and others, one sorrel horse, one
bay celt, one bay mare, thirty
hog\, three milk cows, four year
li'tfcs oj;< hundred barrels of corn,
six thoj&nd pounds of feed cotton,
leven Hack of fodder, one ox cart,*
one ox, one bed and furniture, one
pine sideboard, six chairs, two
dressing tables, one large pin®
table, one (hot gun, two locking
gialses, a lot of < nc
loom, two pots,
irons ; levied onilmbs property
of Sudderth art tx
.locution in favor ctfjfmr. I) Stroud
and his wife, furvifflft executor &
executrix of Johnlßuraine, dec’d.
Afo— One trait of land g4:i
taintng ISO acres,
lying in Wilkes couhfy, on rhe
waters of Fifto! creek, a-pining
G- 1 urner and others; levied on
as rhe property of 1 homas Y Gil!
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Pct- r Curry.
Alm-~ Oue tract of land con
taining ISO acres, more or !cfs,
lying in Wilkes county, on the
waters of Ntwfcrd creek, a> jua
ing David Hay and others ; levied
cn as the property of Matthews
Hoff so fatisfy an execution in fa
vor of Freeman & Fisk abtained in
a justice’s court, and returned to
me by a constable.
tpne negro boy named
Barksdale; levied pn as the pro
• petty of Fielding Ayfcock to fatisfv
an execution in savoy of Mahoney
and Stovall for the life of Wiliiaui
Saff'oh ,Fsq. and o’liers.
Ccmliiions ca b
V illian Smith, Shjf.
November 25, 1820.
W 1 LL be fold on the ffrft
Tuesday in January next,
at the Court House in Wilkes
County within the legal sale hours,
the following property that is eight
negroes viz :
l .'eniy, Bob, Will, Lydia and
her Infant child, Matilda, Mafsa,
and Jtfierfon; taken as the pro
perty of Richard G Foster and
Granville W. Foster, on the fore
c’ofureofa mortgage in the name
of Andrew Ruddeil vs the (aid
Richard G. and Granville W.
which execution is transacted to
Abraham Simons, pointed out by
laid Simons.
Conditions Cash.
October 2+. i 820 tds.
Administrators’ Sales.
ON the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, w ill be foid at the
court haul's of Wilkes county,
agreeably to an order of the court
of Ordinary of laid county, a
Ki-ORO boy named Tom belonging
to the estate of Christopher Binns,
dec’d, ftr ihe*benefit of the heirs
& creditors. Terms made known
on the dy of falc.
Sally Binss, AJm'x ,
D jdley Stinson, /Idm'r.
Dec. 4. 1820.
W! L L be hired on New
Year’s Day, for twelve
months, and to the highest bidder,
several likely nhorbhs belonging
to the estate of John Henley, dec.
Also—' The real estate belonging
to laid deceased.
Adm’r milb tie tviil annexed.
Dec. 6, I*2o.
WI L L be hired for the .
ensuing yeast-, cn Satur
day, the 80th of the present month,
at the Store Heufe of Robett YV.
Collier, Esq. shout seventy me
g hoes, consisting of men, women,
boys, and girls, belonging to the
minors of Raphael, Wheeler, dec
All those who have hired the pre
sent year, will deliver them at laid
time and place according to con
tract, to John Dyson ,
. . Admr *of laid dec’d
Dec. 4,1820. td
HLRE !!! ej
Washington , Wilkes aunty ,
2 r iORENF. ;
The subset ibir offers to rent
that wed known stand in the
Town of Washington, situated or.
Main Street, jatdy occupied* by
Col. Henry C. Dawson.
The houses are culiarly adapted
for entertainment, & willaiway.
command the travelling custom.
1 here is an excel lent commodious
(table, capable cf containing from
80 to 40 horses with a never fail”
mg pump of water in the yard at
tached Adj ining the kitchen
there is a gosjU well of water ex
celled* by none in the town. There
is, a so, a large garden in the rear
oi the house, tn which vegetables,
fufficienr to iupply the house have
always been raised —The lot con
tains about three acres of fuff rate
land, and has every necessary out
house thereon.
To a good tenant and one who
is capable of carrying on such an
eftabbshment, the terms will be
moderate and polsefsion given im
Letflrs addressed to the fubscri
her at Washington (post paid) will •
meet with due attention
Charles F Sherburne.
N. B. The above house has al-
W2-V& ua i ftvat u,
Washington Dec. 22 1820.
O’ The Augusta Chronicle and
Milledgeville journal will each give
this four insertions and send their
accounts to thi> i ff.eefor payment.
1 1
| NFOR MS the public that from
the Ift of January he will acccm
medate a few genteel boarders,
having taken that agreeable house
of Griffin, lately in the oc
cupancyoi Mr.John M’Cleskfy.
He pledges himstiy to exert his
Utmost to render satisfaction to
thole who may (aver him with
thtir patronage.
December 22, 1820. -51-3 -
AL L persons who have de
mands against me are dc
sired to call for payment before the
first day of January next.
1 hose indebted to me or to G.
Hay & Son, are solicited to cail
and settle their accounts by pay
mem or liquidation; otherwise,
they will meet with another kind
of invitation wh’ch may not be as
agreeable, GILBERI HAT.
Washington, Dec. 18, 1820
r | H L subscriber will move
from this state cn the first
day of Jauuary next. All persons
having ary demands against him,
are requested to call upon Lemuel
WooUen, at Mallorysville, who is
duly authorised to settle all the
business of the fubscriuer for the
county of Wilkes. James E Todd
of Lincoln county, is authorised to
fell or rent, the land of the subs
criber in (aid county ; and Lovick
Pierce is authorised to do the fame
in Greene county.
Dec. 22, 1820. 51 3t
MznoiiAirtr Taijlor,
RESPicI FiJU. y inform.
Yhe inhabitants of Washing.
r, ' n viAnity, that he has
rorurntd from tke North, with the
nten::on of making this place his
permanent residue. He has ta
ken the *rand ontthe public square,
recently occupied by L) r> vv. R.
v eems, he offers for sale
otj accommodating terms
vest tx os, and Trimmings iu his
line of - ~
Aho—rfri akcrtner.t of readv
jwde CIOATfiNG, viz:
. oats, Cloaks,
V csts, nd and
a r.un'ibtr of Afesonic aprons.
The Wictest) attention will be
paid to die taiiqiing business, and
“he worlf done h the neatest man
ner and latest fl.3|i:ons.
N. B. An two
waargon and harness, for saie,
Washington, Noc j 820.
. GOODS—The sub.
f vl tcriber has jull received and
is now opening, <)
Superfine Cloths and Cafemers,
Plains and Black i*?, Flannels,
•Vorlled drawers. Lambs woo! Si
worsted hef^, Ladies and Gent,
Gloves, Bsrac&flmo and Madras
1 andkfp. Itah sewing silks, Brown
.heeting, Calicoes, Muslins, Cam
bricks, L&ncns and Lawr., Sin
rhews and barsnett, Canton crape
helses, Cafeniere shawls, &c.
Gent, fine hats, Boys k wool do
Ladies and Gent. Shoes. Sugar,
Coffee, Candles, &c &c.
Which, with his former (lock,
he now cff'irs for sale on realona
bie terms.
He also, earnestly requests all
persons tr him e ther by
note or account, to come forward
.iuiTstile ihe fame by the firft of
January next. Cotton will be re
ceived in payment at the highest
market price.
November 29, 1820
Savannah, Nov. 1 1 , 1 820
The Af.iffants of the Marshal
•if this Diftnict, “for taking the
Fourth Cerifur, or eriumerstion of
the Inhabitants of tile Ur.ited
States,” are hereby notified hat
the time (or transmitting their re
tu ns to this Department is near at
hand j and it is hoped that no de
lay \till take place, so as to pre
vent a general return being made
according to law.
_ Marshal Dist Gear.
LOST” or M I SLA I n~~~
ON E note of hand, given to
the subscriber, fer Two
Hundred and Twenty (our Dol
lars, by Menadab Marler& Eliza
beth Marler, in February or March
eighteen hundred and seventeen,
and made payable twelve month®
after date. The note has two
credits thereon cf fifty dollars each
assigned this prtfent year; one in
April last and the other a short
time before. 1 lorwarn the draw
er of the above note to pay it to
no other person but myself, or or
der ; and any person to trade for
it. Jemima Wilkinson.
Wilkes county, Ga Dec. 8, 1 320.
Respectfully acquaints
his friends, that he has loca
ted himself at Mr. Andrew Rud
dell’s, (near Washington ) and
will attend to every cail in his pro
fessional line.
Dec. 8, IS2O.