Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 03, 1832, Image 1

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GEORGIA TELEG *. U- BY M. BARTLETT. '.UK MACON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1832. New Serifs ember I. BJJLTtTQ'si & SSn^E, - I W ARE HOUSE, ' coiimitoIon iteRciuirrs, M AKE liberal advances «i> Cotton ill store j aad ou shipments, plso ou notes ;tud oth er l'ropcriv deposited iu their hands. Their Ware Houses <trc more convenient to the business part of the tnwn than any other, possess ing the i.dvantngy of a wharf, and are more cx- B3?EAB2 SAW AST® &Z&ST mihZ. P'S'tj HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub- JL lie. that his STBA1E SAW & CrIlIST SV^ILI., near his residence, within one utile of Macon, is notv in complete ami successful operation. In addition to other machinery he is prepared with a circular saw for ripping ‘light lumber, such as Window Sash, Paliugs, Laths, &c. _ . In consc- V," t i? om dancer hv fire, than nv other in 31 a- q»cnec of the heavy expenditure incurred in its c * May 25 141 | establishment, it is necessary that he should re- r -!^ qn/we either cash or bankable paper for his lum- ' * -A.xS.JK™! L. !, which he is disposed to sell at a fair price. l, . . A ' 0 ■»> • -3. share of the public patronage is very resnert- Commtssion Bustness. | fully solicited. benj: f. owens; AMILTON & HAYES, iutcudiupfo per- j N. B—A first rate SAWYER, may, by ap plying immediately, obtain good wages and aper uanont situation. B. F. O. July 27. 16-1 tf A LINE OF POST CO ACHES ! Is running regularly from I to SAVANNAH, leaving Macon every Tucs- May and Saturday morning at three o’clock, and arriving at Savantmh Wednes day and Sunday evening: at 8 o’clock, making the time in going through only forty hours, a dis- unco of ouc hundred and eighty miles. ’This line is not surpassed by any in the State for good Coaches, fine Teams and careful Drivers. For Seats apply at Erwin’s Hotel, Macon. Aug. 20 J71 eow4t EDW. YARNER- H manendy locate in .MaCon. on j or befc-.© the 1st of October next, for the par- 1 -iosp of transacting the above business; and Lav ing taken the & convenient ware^HInSe recently occupied by Isaac 11. Ilo\v-’..\>n, on the eornec of Mulberry and Sccoud streets, and in the imiuodialo vicinity of most of tho Uoi'.pa transactions, respectfully solicit a part of public favor, promising in return, unremitting.attention to tbc interest of all who may favor thcuUwitb their business cud confidence. Liberal advances will be made on Produce, Merchandize or other nroperty. EVERARD HAMILTON. - . * 3 JOHN R. HAYES. Macon, August 11, 18112 Ot “ J. GODDARD, WAAS KOTOS COMMISSION MERCHANT, SSaCQE. WILL continue to transact the Q J*\ above ' 4 ' v occupied ngood Wharf for the^ouvW-ncoVf' tkTwaro j* S P™>K s a* . kinils ’ 1«° .. .. .1 .i ur « 3mi r> _ k . x tew • JM, N&s i v '..,r\ ”$^1111 Subscribers still continue the business. EL at the old stand, corner of Waluut and | Fourth Streets, where work will be done accord ing to order. Having a largo assortment <jf arti cles ordered from tho North which will arrive in the course of tho summer, consisting of (Jigs,-Bn 1 gics, Barouches and Carriages,/ "they feel con fident of pleasing customers both in -articles and prices. . Tho have now cu hand an 'assortment which SE3 2?S212 LINE OF STAGES UNN1NC through the upper parts of South hL ami North Carolina and Virginia, to ’Wash ington City, and which, at its Southern end, re cently terminated at Poweltou, Ga., is now in full and complete operation. It has recently been extended tc Miiledgovillev from which placeit departs on.Tuesdays; Thurs days and'Saturdays', nt 4 A. 31 FALLS OF COOSA, Alabama. T IIE desirable site which tor a long time has oc cupied the attention ot the many thousand men of enterprise who have beheld its advantageous I and unrivalled location, by the recent acquisition' ol the Creek territory, in Alabama, is becoming an »nb- ,, »-»■. ... . . , , jecl of-such great notoriety, that the proprietors have s0 commosl 5,1 l,le ■ nr ' : ~ Liver; throughout tlic 1‘or particulars seo bills aud tho Alillcdgbvillopees. _ But all these considerations sink into in papers. WM. SMITH; [ canc'c, compared with the unrivalled ,adva fCnlpepper.Va., 31ay T5, 1832. -21 6m' which-it possesses .‘ extensive trade.. N 2iPor Sales *. TW,0 POLE BOATS— Red Rover •and And. The Uo- ^3* vt ’ r ? s - as S°°d nctv, ns it has liouso: find there is no Ware House ia town more secure from the dangers of fire. By strict attention to business committed to his enr/i and the facilities which he will be able to render his customers, he hopes to merit a contin uance of the patronage of his friends mu! the pub lic in general. He is prepared to make liberal advances at »U ti:nfs>, on cotton stored „» «iUimu;d by him. Cot ton stored at his Ware House will Jm» iuinrpd at the lowest rates, if requested. Ho'has also taken the Ware House occupied last year by L. J. Groce, for the convenience of his friends aud customers in East Macon. Macon, August 10 ■ 1C8 6m S, EL Reed & Shoatas Siair WILL TRANSACT WAREHOUSE, BOATING, anp ms lows' of all' sizes! Qnlers for Carriages pnnctaally attended to, and warranted to please or no ale. BENTON & BACON. Wanted as an c 3hpp?eniice, J A lad abont fourteen or fifteen years of age, of steady moral habits. * B. & 15. May 4 133 _ mUMCAET IxNHTKlMLYTS, Bookss basics fee. ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. A RE now receiving and opening at their xSL BOOK STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, *Gt; o f a rich description, and a variety of other Mu- j sical J|nstrudicuts, with lustracticn Books and C0rffl2EiX£i£5S05M S1CS72HSSS, i iidaptcdto the same. A large collection of in m icon g \. ! •‘-Mpw SSusic for tlie 3?iano, ....... ' _ i end,racing all the -Music of the celebrated Cinde- | relfa Opera, and a variety of Engravings, Canca- , a1HF*Y havo taken Uic Wureiiouso and* * 1tr ' e - also, . • • .IL Wharf next above the bridge known as! *1 Ulff^C (ISSOfttUCIU OJ IjOO/CS, Cutter's Warehunsc. j consisting ui ffu<-n volumes: a cata- Tlu^y will, rende.-. tlie snmo facilities' to the I logueembracing a considerable-portion of wlrieli, beeii but a few mouths,since she underwent an entire aud good repair. 1 havo had tho -Ariel examined by a gentleman who is well acquainted with boat buildhig, and he in forms me that one hundred dollars will put her in good order for freighting, as her timbers arc all good. The two are said to lie very low nt eight hundred dollars. I will sell them on lime, aud if a sale can be effected with any of Col. B. S. Griffin’s confidential creditors, I will discount four hundred dollars on his paper- Also,—A HORSE AND SULKEY and a Pedlar’s WAGON for sale. Also,—Two young likely NEGRO WOMEN. Sept. 4, 1832. 176 W. B. CONE. determined to offer the same lor sale, in lots of the or. dinary size, on Monday, 4th Felinnry, ]fc!S3. Persons who have visited the most attractive points where aii interchange ot the pioducts of the interior and of foreign commodities tubes place, are unanim ous in the declaration,* that this place possesses pre eminent advantages over any other in the Southern tountry. Situated at the extreme head ot navigation ontbebodsa.a rivernnvigable'to this point, by steam boaldoftbe largest size.' For convenience and health, its locatioq'is unsurpassed, presenting to the eye n per- fett unbvepien plaint having a declination sufficient only to convey off the superabundant Viait-r. In front extending to the river in a hold bluff, graduating on its upper and l6Wer extremities, into file litjesUnat- urul landings—on each side supplied with never fail ing streams of-cxeelk-tit'water, ToWardf tbc.interi or terminating in gently uuriulating eminences, offer ing the most desirable*situations tor private residen vantages I Necessa rily (lie only depot for thd supply of a widely extend ed up-country with merchandise, it musPof conse quence become the mart for the production of the fertile vallics of the Coosa, the Tallapoosa, and' the Upper Chutlalioochie,5togetber with the salubrious ’So, Scat. A---A THE dwelling over the store of A■ /mlrO P• Patrick Co., well calculated for I*! jf ffiJK a private Boarding Mouse, at preseat fCAktixiii. occupied by Seth Lowisi Also, the 3torc occupied tiy W. T. Sage-. Possosiina given after Mic 1st of October next. • Apply to MELROSE & KIDD, or to A. P. PATRICK.- Juuc 23 153 ' tf From the.Sovih. rn t laaii r and i amilj Lj ■:ium. AN A b AQUA’S TO.MI5. Opposite the village of Cnmpbelltcn, on tjie western bank of the Cliataltoochy, in a tuft of trees on one of those beautiful artificial monads Sentence was perl sabre. A surgeon then clip rnied by ot linn blow ot a s'mrp ■d tho Mccai:;.; State, rest the remains of Anaivaqun, an Indian Princess, the fei'mef proprietor of the soil. The site is oue kf great beauty. It is situated hi a lovely meadow in a bend of the Chatahooehy, and near tljc foot oFa considerable-hill. Ancient fortifications arcs traced all nround the plaiD, ex tending from tho river to the hill. A good sized creek close by is colled Anawaqua’s creek. Ucst-in tby lone grave, famed Amnvaqua; While o’crtliy al-.cs wave, the Wilfow and/poplar, - MurmuriugThy requiem,* daughter ofL’cba. Linger jlill near thee, the wild Chatahooehy. Sleepin the' , small mound,where tht-y lmve laid thee,; • I3cntfJithtiiyjO\vn.t i!l'd C grouud. and the trees that no\C * sliadg thee; Agpshav&rQlIedofL since Uiy l>ed was prepared, Andihe rncoSis fbrgqttcnby whom it Was rear’d. stump into hot j iicli, after the custom of tlie fa culty, then rolled it up in a bandage end sent him away. Smarting with pain qnd mortification, Kil led threw himsclfur.dertlie.'shadeofaChina trt o, a prey to the mbst p dgnant anguish- “Fool that I am,” exclaimed he, “this is what I havq come to for my honesty! How t a.-ily might T. have concealed the money, or run ; v;iy with it, and enriched myself and family, instead > seeing them die with famine, as I !.• ,v niusttV Painful thoughts took possession of h;-. mind, his head sunk upon his bosom, and he prayed for death. While in this sore aillietiert, ho lloatine' throudi heard tlie murmur of soft the'air. Doorga, •Where arc tby people.*Frb:cfess renov.'ti’il? Oblivion’s dark waters thejr memdr? lmve drown'd. Who dug the trenchment, that scrrotm^clh tby tomb? FordeferfCc it Wa5budded, but w'fcn and by wjtom? Dark'boEom’d.Frincess, more lionor d^ail thou, Than most ofllic people who live-by the bow: t .Thy name and thy virtues long hallow’d-s!t;JI be* * w White-maids and their lovors will tulk often of"tlicr. cry productive uplands of Talladega, thn latter of which .will in all human probability be peopled by a more dcnse^iopnlation than ariy cotiulry of like ex tent south of the Potomac. The entire bill country of-lhcfe regions,’abounds in quarries of.Marble, Lime stone and in fact all kindsoftriuferalweallh. As re spects the fontempiated- connexion of the waters of tbc Tennessee willi Ihose of the Alabama; if by Canal, it willhave its embduehment; if by Rail Road, imme diately nt this spot will terminate one of .its extremi ties. -The well known advantages o_f this place ren ders further remarks unnecessary, otheMcnn to say that to the capitalist it offers a desirable opportunity for profitable investment—to the merchant it offers advantages for nn extensive trade—to the mechanic, the allurciucut of what must soon-bccomo a flourish ing town, not of ephemeral existence, but ot t» perma nent and daily increasing importance—to the planter, a desirable end pleasant town residence, convenient to the alluvial bottoms of the Coosa, (he Alabama and the Tallapoosa. In addition to which, it will uri- Aud poured its fir&slfcuni on tfidEuunShif'groteijr doubtcdly, at no romot - ;eriod, become the location 0 * k usv lj.hoin-ors seer —‘ of the State caprtol, fr • which it offers greater induce, X 0T V Ue ‘i * N ; . ment, than any otheri .int on t}ie Eastern wqtcrs of P 14 every tend them ioil d tqe tnui d^.-ca. , the State. * i Whips Smack d, stf cus*snortCd l UiTtbo pitcBforks Trujis or Pavjikxt—Qno and two .years. Sales | ^jiecti - ^ ' to take plaoe on the premises until the lots are dispos- j Movoil, and the corn-rieks ’neath the twilight star, cdof.- GEORGE WHITMAN, j Rose fqst, atul harvest horus rung y’er the hills alar. Raising his h-* id, lie : aw the Gothic.:; daughter of Vishnu approaching.— Hear now to; k po-:- • .-d.m of l:is bosorn. 'i Gtpddess tab!reused hitn. “M hat wouKUt thou have, faithful Kaled Ktashnu. ’ “I wish I treiw :n5pt*ror ofllindostan,” tremblingly an yrered htx “Wliy wouldst tliott he emperot" “1 i t I iAay have revenge.” “Tl. ■; ■■■ '.sworesl well :—thpu shah have thy d-• -irT- !. • tbi,«' i.-- icr;- ;md When it lias drunk id thy hand tho biood ol* an hundred victims, theu shalt ho on the throne of the Caliphs.” Kalc.d !;esi:.te'd. 4? A T o!” he at length said, tlirowing dow n the weapon, “I have led for sixty years a life of virtue—I will not now begin, with one hand end one pyC .to study crime and learn to use. tho dastger. I will destroy mj’self.” ; Do nothing rashly,” exclaim d, the other. “Thou sliah have a more noble revenge—though thou wilt not*stain* thv remaining hand jwi’.h blood, io , »* * * 1 " * «* ’ • v* *. From Allan Cim>ringkan'$ ‘\Slaid of Fivch.".^ Nigh the hill the sun's hrjgfit border entno' r J?o S.cnt, AND possession given ou tho first jof October next, the large and com modious Store and Ware House now in tho occupancy of Geo'rge Wood— also tlie' Store, now in the occupancy of James M. Ilill in tho same buildiug, both in good order, and situated on Cherry Street, near tho corner of Cherry aud Second Streets. Apply to . C. 15. COLI5, or Aug. 16. 170 , M. CHISHOLM. •Planters,’ Buyers and Shippers of Cottou, that any other like establishment in tho place. . Their Warehouse is safe from tho dangers of lire, and possesses the advantages of a good Wharf and close Storehouse—all'of-which will he put in good repair for the reception of Cotton and Goods. They solicit a tdinfe of public patronage. Our Mr. Reed acknowledges with pleasure the liberal patronago which ho ha ; received heretofore froip liis friends and acquaintances, and respectfully solicits the continuance of the same, to tlie above firm. REED BLAIR. ’ August, 1832. 176 6in - "COTTON Ii UiGIiNG, ■ OS CONSIONMKXT. i l F. subscribers have on the river, and will H receive in a few days. 3,9Gii pieces Honap Kaggisss. They have made arraugeinents with iTieir friends in Savannah atul Charb stou to be regularly sup plied throughout the season, and they will at all litncs be pr- pnred to sell at the lowest market prices mid ou a long credit. Mavis 141 RF.A & COTTON. is published in the Christiau Repertory. A great variety of STATIONARY* and Mi£ eeiisneous articles. . A largo assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, Bordering, Fire-Prints, &e. &c. They respcctfnlly invite the attention of the public to.tho above, aud request them to call and examine. * June 11 24 July m. QJotton XtS&gs, , Ready made Cotton Rags, 5 and 5A yards each,, of llio < best Inver- ucss Bagging, for sale hv REA & COTTON. 156 hauMf A FIRST rate close-body CARRIAGE, la. nearly new, in good order, atul well made, * ill be sold reasonably, or exchanged for a geod i Gig or Chaise. Apply io C. A.IIIGGINS. j junc 8 118 Drah Kcaver HcHs, ^ YF the first quality, just received and for snlo March 13 J9 At his old stand, corner of Cherry and Second sis. I S now receiving from New York and Boston, a fresh supply of Goods, which, in addition to those on hand, will make his stock very large and complete, which lie offers on as reasonable terms as they can be had in this inaeket. His goods comprise a genera! Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 begs Coffee, 45 hhds St Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar, , 21 bbls Loaf and Lump do 12 qr chests Tea 20,000 lbs Iren 10 hhds Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp aud Tow Bagging, ' 40 kegs Nails Jamaica ILnn Cognac Brandy Northern Gin, Northern Rum Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wine, . Powder, Shot, &c. &c. ALSO, Sry C>Gods, Hardware, Gutlery, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLES, &c. &c. dre. . GROCERIES. • ® Hhds prime N. O. Sugar 20 hhds St. Croix do . 40 do * Molasses SO. bbls Whiskey 50 da Gin (Phclp’s brand) , 50 do Rum 20 doz. Chtunpaigne , 10 bbls New Ark Cider, » * . For sale by * . C. A. JUGGINS. P.Iav 20 145 ; CIRCULAR. ; Church of ■ Christ Ut the Holleygrovc,’ filcnrcc County, Ga. r August 28, 1832. EAR BRETIIERNt—We have learned with pain and regret thrdbgh.various channots and from divers sources, that reports arc in'circnlation, and have been repeated and ryitbrated again and again through every part of this Sthte, and as farms' Io'ved brother, and pastor of tbi? church* fhe Rev IViuuu IlESBEHSyx. deceased, was known..that iie in his last illness, s'n.d upon his death bed, rcnpnnecd urs an heresy .tins doctrine he.had maintniped v. ilh’so much zeal'and ardour through the whole courFo!of liis public ministry, vys: the doctrine jjf I'jrtiralar? Unconditional and Eternal Election^, and the,Final Perseverance of the Saints through. Uratff; and - that he died in dispair, and without the hope of the "lory of God * Oet 22 43 WM. H. BURDSALL. 3VSW GGC23S. II. II. BURDSALL is now receiving and opening a general assortment of Kcaso-iable floods, j which he offers for sale at the most reduced pri- I; ees, amongst which arc the following lust’s Patent Printing*’'SPrcss. T HE undersigned haviug Been nppointed A- gent for the sale of Rust’s Improved Patent cast Iron Printing Press, t;.kes this opportunity : Superfine Saxony blue, black aud colored Cloths, to recommend it to the fraternity. This Press is ; Merum Cloths. corniug into genera^ uso at tlie North—and is ! Bluc^Lick and fancy mixed Satinnctts thought to be the mdst perfect nml effieicutof any ‘ Duflie point and rose Bhmkcts. how in use. Workmen, who have used this aud j Rod, white, green and yellow Flannels. •'tnors, give this the preference over every other 8axonv and Canton white gauze ditto kind as respects case, power aud dm ability. ! g and i0 qr. Damask table Diaper One of these Presses is now in use at this office, »Birds eye and Russia do wheroit may be seen in operation. i *. Merino Circassians Letter to the undersigned on the suhjeet, (post Black and Blue Bomliazetts and Circassians paul) will be att'-r.'led to. M. BA RTLF.TT. Irish Liucns, Flemish Sheetings, Cotton Ozna- DR. 1 ELLIS, l^borgtr FAYING dctc r.nin >.l to settle pcrmaacntlv ! £f§ r ? . C T loU,s ’ Ln l so J, s „ - . in Macon, rcspcctfolly offers his l I hrontl Laces and Shell Combs _ * | to SKL?2d^SfStt conn- j B' 1 ^ Ita f“ Lastring, black Sarsanet ami Sin- 1 satisfaction of those wio nrenmae TWENTY-FIVE S?er cent, cheaper than ever I JOB MAOIE ir.5 just opening n very extensive and splendid ns II' sortment of GOODS, which has been selected in THE NEW YORK MARKET by himself, from the latest importations, which are pirticntarly calculated for this market,apd which will bs dispoicd of fully fess. esure. •- cheaper than over. These goods are of the latcstxtyle aud most ffdiionablc patterns, mul arc offered to iiis E’riends and the public with confidence fully assured, that not only the style but prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention is requested to the same—a few of the arti cles are mentioned, viz: 200 pieces Calicoes mid Prints, some very rich. Extra fine Furniture Calicoes and Common. f>0 pieces fine Parish Muslins and Ginghams, plain and striped, figured and striped Mandarines. Sarngos- sas black and purple Groaeswiss and Italian Bilks Watered Grodcnap, black and brown colored do. llernani Gauzes, Orleans Robes, painted Pal marine and Crape Deleon, black and colored Silk, Camblet and Princettas, fine French Bombazines Blond Gauze Veils (some extra sizes), Satin Straws, Scarfs Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap au'd Bell Ribbons new patterns. Thread Laces and Insert, ings, also Edgings and Footings, checked and striped Muslins. Jackonct, Swiss and Cambric do., one case grass bleached .Irish Linens assorted, Long Iziwns- I.incn Cambrics and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Super. Vestings, plaid and plain Drillings and fine French Linens, Pongees and Ponge Handkerchiefs, Baqdau na and lings, Gloves and Mitts assorted. 50 dozen Silk, Cottoli, Randon Hose and half . Hose assorted. 100 Parasols and Umbrellas, very neat and rich 100 pieces Mosquito Netting. Bead Bags and Purses. Shell Tuck and Side Combs. } Cambric and Furnitura Demitics and Cotton Fringes, (i, 7, 8, 9, 10. II and 13 by 4 Damask Table Cloths. Table Covers, Dunstable and Straw Bonnets, Palm Leaf Hats Black and Drab Beaver Ilats, latest fash ions, Travelling Caps and Trunks. 10 bales Sheetings, Shirtings and Plaids, 500 lbs spun Cotton, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Cot ton Cards. &c. Also, an extensive assortment of Perfumery, So.tps Oils, Powder. Powder Boxes and Pulls, Erosive Balia Cologne, Honey dr.d Rose Waters, Otto of Roses Ac. Ac. _ Also, '• 3000 pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, and 100 pair Morocco and Calf Boots, some very neat and fine. And a very large supply of Saddles* Bridles. SftZartingais SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS. &C. &C. &C*, Together with a general assortment of Hardware ly Cutler if Aug r,i m 35 AgcT\l fun, the Company. Sweet was such sound to these who toil’ll since “t. ir.'o'rpf Maids hting their sickles iu the standing stock, Aad.frcru. their ringlets pluck’d the bearded corn; Or from theft - hands the stinging utttiks took, And laved their foreheads In the naming brook, Aud gave their hot necks to the dewy air; Tho dewy air its glittering diamonds shook, Blight nml profuso amid their siioodcd hair, And gool'd'tlie gra s, aud gcmuVd white feet and r". ■» anclesfcarc. The horses loos’d from labor gambol round, Driiik in tl»e streams or browse the tender grass: Vritild lie sd called, surrounded b ofbarreri i ind,—and told his misfortunes to 1 ;s lie—not fio getting his adventure with tho Goddess. II tookparfictihu* care of the sa cred brier entrusted to him—planted it in lr »nt of his door, - and hi J:t and morning sprinkled ir. yrith water from the Ganges. It grew apaco— aud put but a hundred branches. Y’he su perfluous ones he carefully pruned off, but pre served every shoot, and planted them in cows around his little held, In a short time, stick was their growth, under his care, that tin y formedtt perfect hedge allround his possessions, so as to keep away not only evil spirits, but evil beasts also. Covered with flowers, of a bright appearance, and sv. cet perfume, with their per ennial foliage, they tilled the air with odors, and gratified every beholder. Meantime the wounds of Ivaled had recovered; but the loss of liis hand had nearly incapacitated liiin from labor, and he was suppoited by his wife and daughter.— Cgw's Ifeaye their pasture's, on the moisten’d ground j In less than a year from the visit of Doorga, ho Their udders drop white fragrance as they pass To with nnlk pail stands' tlie bare-arm’d der aglhist tho consecrated chambers of (he dead. We deem it therefore our imperious Ruly to hddrfss yon through »he medium of fiid press, that your minds ! "taBy be disabused of so gross an error, that tlus cause ot Christ he not wounded; that your faith be not shd- 'ken, and that the slanderer, do not for a moment tri- uinph'over the spoils of an ill gotten victory. “We hare added to this address, in the form of certificate:! a small part of the abundant testimony that could be produced, but which must be sufficient to satisfy your minds, to confirm your hopes, and to'stfenethei. your faith in the doctrines of tho Gospel of CHKskgand may the grace of God encircle you'and sustain'yon through life; and may you be enabled in the'bour of death to testify to all around that you have confi dence in the Lord, and llmt you rest on Ilim whose arm alone hath brought salvation; and that you may die in the triumphs of faith and in the full a6snrancc_ of a blissful immortality beyond the grave as did our beloved brother and pastor life late Rev. William Henderson. ANDERSON BALDWIN EDWARD CALLAWAY. > Commute JOHN WOOTAN N. ) Y. \Co This.'vyas the«lit3t-aight iu tho week, and joy -\V;;s iii .the !apd * both taen atul beast were glad ; The air was ualmy, from the heaven’s high Tlie cleaf moa» chased off every vapor sad, The groves with rocks as thick as leaves were clad, The-lioifcy detv the hare lick’d from her feet; Tho shepherd freed bis right arm from his maud, His plum-tree whistle dipt in odorous wett, Aud from the green hill sidt- scut down his ditty sweet. From ea^th to glowing heaven is full of joy. EEorton's Pulmonic Expectorant COUGH SYRUP, D Coughs, Aitbnias, C'oDsumptloirs, atm' I'ug Leatlior xr J?2P‘ D S Cough. A supply of til# vsld NPl'' r \ . ftolo Medicine ^»i#l fni* 1 — "tSTfir me received nud for rale Iry s i, 3 gtuS, SHOTWELL t CO. Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies diamond straw and Leghorn braid Bonnets .Misses diamond and chniu Bonnets Lace and gauze Veils, figured and plain Bobbinet Flagg and Bandanna Handkerchiefs A general assortment of coarse Shoes and Boot* Men's ami Youth’s Fur Hats and Ilair C^pii, &r &i , Bills on n SavataaUr ' I ABLE af sight, for salw I'j _ Dcm(J 4(i DAY supply CINES, &c. Macon, April 20 Negroes Wanted. HE subscribers will pay liberal prices for a fow likely meu, young and of good char cter. BLANTON 6s SMITH. May 25 114 T Garden Seeds, A FRESH *ipp ly, just received and for sale flv, bv EJ.LIS, SHOTWELL &CO. A>Ydl’4‘ lUl C332.E2FSCjS.SSS. 1 do certify’ that I attended on William Henderson deceased, as one of his physicians from the com mencement of his illness until he closed his eyes in death, and through the entire course of his afiliction lie confidently affirmed the principles he maintained in private and promulgated in public, (Particular, Unconditional, and Eternal Election,) was tlie true doctrine, and it was that which then alone sustained him in the hour of death; he manifested the utmost resignation through his illness, aud died in full confi dence of reaping tlie reward of the righteous. August28,1832. . CAllEY S. LESUEUR. Gr.or.etx, Mosnott'CovsTY.—I do certify that I n£ tended on William Henderson, deceased, from the commencement of his illnCss until be closed liis ayes in death.and through tbc entire course of bis affliction he confidently affirmed the principles lie maintained ! in private and promulgated in public, (Particular, Un- j conditional and Eternal Election,) was the true doc- i trine, and it wnsthnt which then alone sustained him : in tlie hour of death; he manifested the utmost resign nation through his illness, and died in full confidence of reaping tlie reward of tho righteous. August 29,1932. JOHN AS BURRY: I do certify that I visited the said William Render son frequently during his sickness, and he continued stiorg and steadfast in the faith and doctrine which be had promulgated, and he was firm in Ibcbclicfthat he would receive the reward of tin! righjeous in a blessed immortality EDWARD CALLAWAY. August 28,1S32. I do certify that William Henderson, during liis last illness, expressed a full belief in tin: doctrines he had preached, viz. particular, Unconditional and eter na! election, and moreover, that I never beard him. while in constant attendance on him. as one cf hfs •physicians, express the least doubt ou this subject. • * August27,1S32. DANIEL B. SEARCY. I do certify, (hat I was frequently in company with William Henderson during liis Inst iilne?s, and at no i time I never heard him express any doubt ns to the doctrines he had preached, but during bis lest illner? appeared to be perfectly resigned Io tlie will of God and to Ids death. WJtf. G STARK. August 27, IS32. — Gkoeoia. MosnoE Corsrr.—J do hereby certify, thnt 1 was repeatedly withtheRcv. William Hender son during his last illness as one of Ills consulting phy sicians. 'Hie first time I saw him, lie expressed to me his convictions that he had run his course, and that the lime had comp and lie must depart, lie fre quently spoke to me of the certninty of liis death; but never at any time did lie tiller the first word expres sive of a doubt as to (lie truth of ihe doctrines that lie bail maintained 'lirough the whole course ot hispubIR mfprisUy His whole theme to me .vns liis confidence in and resignation to, the will of tfce Lord. W. B’. STEPHENS. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Sparc not nor spend too much, bo tby care, "Sparc but to speud, and only spend to spare; W ho spends too tiiach, may want, and socotu- .plain: - ’ But he spends best, who sparcsto spend again. Certainly if a man will keep of even hand, liis ordinary expenses ought to be but to tbs half of bis receipts, aud if he think to wax rich, but to the third part.—Bacon. DESCRIPTION OF A COW. At the sale of a farming stpek in Gloucester shire, in England, the auctioneer gave-the fol lowing extempore description of a cow: Long in her sides, bright in her eyes, Short in her legs, thin in her thighs, Big in her ribs, wide in her pins, Full in her bosom, small in her shins, Long in her face’, -fine in her tail, And never deficient in filling her pai!. Front the Southern Planter and*Famity Lytiiim. ■.' • THE THREE GIFTS. Kaled Krishnu was tlie most industrious man in the .wide empire of Hindostan.— From the. earlics? dawn until- long,after the smallest star had begun to twinkle, was he- scen at his labors; nor even thou did.hc cease, for a great portion of tho night also witnessed his never-tiring industry. _ Yef, v with all his labor, joined, with the strictest'frugality, Kaled was poor! ' But not metre notorious was liis un remitting industry and his thread harp poverty, than was’ his urideviatin"- «nh was blessed with a son—and on the same eve ning another visit from tho Goddess. “I have seen,” said she, “with pldfeshr-', the you have taken of my first gift—I will now for yonr great piety make you a more valuable one.”— So saying, she presented him w ith a spire of grass! This like the brier he planted in the? midst of his enclosure', and watered it w ith pe culiar care. lie soon had tho satisfaction of seeing it take root, and spread, until the whole field was covered. This was . a charm against want, the Deity told him—hut he could iio.t see at the time how it was to guard against so sore an evil:—however he concluded to wait the re sult. But when the'grass spread over all his ground he began to be alarmed, fearing noth ing else would crow; and his neighbors told him it would ruin his land—but his ground what lit tle there was of it was already worn out—and he thought it could never be much worse.— While he was in this perplexity, Doorga again appeared to him, and presented him with a small red cow, of the ir.ost perfect beaut)’.— “Now Kaled,’’ said the Goddess, “thou art the richest man in all Hindostan. Thou hast three gifts, more precious than so many mines of cold or precious stones. Husband them well. She then left him. Kaled saw at once the vel- uc of his presents. He lied now a good Held of grass for his cow, with a stout hedge around it. There was no milk like the milk ot Kaled ICrishnu. His butter was like lumps of gold from tlie mines of Ophir. ’1 lie produce ot liis dairy and his herd, brought him in wenlib. and ho enlarged his possessions. I ield was add 1 J to field, and meadow to meado-v. And to eve ry field he carried with him his tl.n o sacred gifts which increased and multiplied wonderful ly, In a short time tbc wealth of Kaled Knsli- nu had become as notorious as Ins former pov erty. He had given his daughter in marriage, with a portion of five hundred cows, and a thou sand fields, to a wealthy noble ol tlie land.— His son grew up in perfect manliness, and through the care of Kaled well instructed ;n a! the sciences of the day. Oihers who were not blinded by prejudice, followed the example of Kaled—enclosed their fields with hedges of brier, planted grass from his stock, and procur'd cows trom his breed.— But many went on in tbc old way, saving, why should we differ from the customs ol our fath ers? ore we wiser than th -, y! Y> o are not su* do not fear evil spirits—v,A was’Ins uaaetiauftg integrity. Kaled . porstitior.s—tv Krhdmu,' or Kaled the honest, was known in j do not fear want. evory province and city .ofllindostan: though j Now it came to pass that the emperor gave his occupation was only that of a day laborer a great festival on bis ■youngest daughter resigns Ahgust 2d, IBS?. and porter. From Ills known honesty, be was entrusted frequently with valuable jewels and large sums of. money; and this confidence had nbvtr been misplaced. Ou one occasion how ever he was toting on his shoulder a bag of gold for tho treasury, of the emperor. On his way there, lie was beset by robbers,- who >, verely beat and'braised him, nut out his right eye, robbed him of his burthen, and left him for dead. Recovering from ids insensibility, ho hastened to tho Emperor, and informed him of lfis loss; but he was net believed. “Vilo hypocrite,” exclaimed the enraged monarch, “what tale Inst thou invented to defraud me of my tree - arcs? Restore them instantly.” Poor Kaled fell flat on ’•.& face, pretested his :r.:v eeac.-, and prayed for mercy. The angry ptince would not believe him, and ordered him to be taken Cffft and hfefc&ht hand sttifken off! Thft rriltd name was Shusteo Shootah, which sigm.tes beauty of beauties arriving at her tiiteenth year; and bad commanded ail tho poets of tiic ree'.ax to praise her charms in their best style. So u great many fine son*’3 and odes were made ou the occasion. But tho one which praised hch the most, and pleased her royal the be*., no one claimed, and the author could c3t be found. Rewards and threats had no effect ft? bringing him from concealment. Until tho young princess getting in love witn tho unkxmirt* poet, vowed to m«rry him whoever he mi#* be. Then came forward Kaled Krishna,- *#> avotnd himself the author of th* poem iaqtjl*c, fiord The maiden fainted away—the <ras wroth. At length be siidg’^uro. I hatfc sot n that face beford? Whal Is thy “Kaled the honest!” “Wherfi to «(PP. ‘»Th the ttitfjf ifwrjfll" ‘W« a thy ligttt