Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 10, 1832, Image 1

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GEORGIA CRAP BY 31. BARTLETT. WARE-HOUSE AND » ( • / Commission Business- H AMILTON & HAYES, intuiting to per- mnucutly locate themsehKS ill Macon, on or before the 1st of Octobe^nc.xt, for tlie pur pose of transacting the abpre business; and bav ins taken the / ?Jew & convenient \& are-^ouse recently occti ■ led bv Isaac 1>. Rowland, on the coracr of 31illW:y'mitl Second streets, and in the innnediau vicinity of most of the Cotton traasactiousJiespi‘ct!u!!y solicit a part of public favor, promising In return, unremitting attention to the interest of all who may favor them with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on Produce, Merchandize or other property. EVERAIU) HAMILTON. 1 * JOHN R. HAYES. Macon, August 14, 1832 fit J. GODtURD, WARE AND C03I35ISS10N MERCHANT, Tvlacon. WILL continue to transact the above business at the same place occupied last year by J. GOD DARD & REED, llo has built a good Wharf, for the couveuicncc of the Waro House: aud there is uo Ware House in town more secure from the dangers of fir*. By - strict attention to httsiness committed to his care! and the facilities which ho will be able t.o render bis customers, he hopes to merit a contin uance of the patronage of Ins friends aud the pub lic in general. Ho is prepared to make, liberal advances at all times, on cotton stored or shipped by him.. ,Cbt- tnn stored at his Ware House will bo insured at tho lowest rates, if requested. . . He has also taken the Ware House occupied last year by L. J. Groce, for the convenience of his friends aud customers iu East Macon. Macon, August 10 Hid . Pm E. H. ELeed Shosnas S. Blair WILL TRANSACT WAREHOUSE, BOATING, * ....AUMBER 2. A LINE OP POST COACHES -to- -, I» running regularly from t",MACON to SAVANNAH, leaving Macon every Tues- 'dav and Saturday morning at three o’clock, and arriving at Savannah Wednes day and Suuday evenings at 8 o'clock, tn&kitur the time iu going through ouly forty hours, a dis tance of oue hundred and eighty miles. This line is not surpassed by any in the*8late for good Coaches, fine Teams and careful Drivers. For Seats apply at Erwin’s Hotel, Macon. . Aug. 20 J?1 eowlt EDW. VARNER. COSGISESSSOTJ 2175231SS3, IN MACON, GA., f NDRn Tuii Same and firm of , a^HEY have taken the Warehouse and B Wharf next abov_* the bridge known ns Cutter's Warehouse. They will render the samo facilities to the Planters, Buyers and Shippers of Cotton, that any other like establishment in the place. Their Warehouse is safe from tho dangers of fire, and possesses the advantages ol‘ a good Wharf and close Storehouse—all of which will be put in good repair for tho reception of Cotton bud Goods. >: They solicit a share of public patronage. .Our Mr. Uced acknowledges with pleasure the liberal C atrouagc which he has received heretofore from U friends and acquaintances, aud respectfully solicits the toutiuuancc of tho same, to tnc above firm. A REED & BLAIR. Aligner. INi2. 170 dm B&AKT37027 * SBKXVB, WARE HOUSE, .jx ■ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, m,CJ" AKE liberal advances sn Cotton in store 0 and ou shipment?, also on uotes and oili er property deposited in their li^uds. Their Ware Houses are n\orcccnvenicnt to the husiucss part of the town than any other, possess ing the advantages of a wharf, and.are tiiorc ex empt from danger by fire, than any other in Ma con. May 23 144 , COTTON BAGGING, , ON CONSIGNMENT. . * fTOHE subscribers have on tho river, and will receive in a few days. 2.000 nieces SZemp Bagging They have made arrangements with their friends in Savannah and Charleston to be regularly sup plied throughout the season, aud they will at all times be prepared to sell at the lowest market prices and ou a long credit. Slav 15 111 REA & COTTON tee LINE OF ST A GES NEW SPRING GOODS. LEWIS FITCH, 303.A.PEK. AND TAIL OR, I S now opening at the Macon Clothing Store, a new aud splendid assortment of Summer Goods, consisting of superfine Bombazines—brown, slate, black, mixt, white and bulT Merino Cassimeres— plaid do. (a new article for pantiioous) white and brown Drilling-brown grass Linen—Princo’s Cord, Nankins, bud'and white Valcntia Vestings roll TIIL 31 ICON TELEGRAPH. SAW A3JF> GUEST ZVIELL. j „ The following was composed by Miss Mary W. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub- j £ ho,n ! U'^merly of North Carciina, now of Ala- lie that his 1 J ■»; i batpn,} on the death ot her parents, when she was SS33A3MC SAW 6l GRIST 3WI3t,7n, “ Utee ° ycars of a6 ° : near his residence, within otto mils of -Macon, is now iu complete aud successful operation. Iu addition to other machinery he is prepared with a circular saw for ripping light lumber, such as Windc.v Sash, Palings, Laths, &c. In conss- _ quencc of tho heavy expenditure incurred in its —spotted and white Marseilles dc. Satin Floren- ' establishment, it is necessary that lie should rc- tino do. black and figured Velvet do. with a good fl uiro e.‘ l . h er cash or baukable paper for his lum Where shall the child of wo and The sighing orphan Gild relief: Where shall her wandering footstep Bereaved of her onee loved home. rief. good ; assortment of cloth, velvet and bombazine Stocks, fancy do. Spitalfield Ildkfs. silk, net and cotton m? DNNING through tho upper parts of South <,ouhle cud Suspenders—English silk half Hoes. Jl> and North Carolina and Virginia to Wash- ! Random do. white and brown linen figured Cra ingtou City, and which, at its Southern cud, re- ; kalian tl °- Bosoms, CoUars, Sutleners. cently terminated at Poweltou, Ga., is now iu full aud complete operation. It ha-j recently been extouded to Milledgcville, irotu which place it departs on Tuesdays, Thurs days ami Saturdays, at 4 A. M. For particulars see bills and tho Milledgcville papers. Will. SMITH. Culpepper Va., May 15,1832. S 21 6in For Sals* •» TWO POLE BOATS— Ridllovtr and Ariel. The Ro- 1 vcr is as good as new, as it has ! 5hi££s=3giSM8been but a few mouths since she r underwent an entire and good repair. 1 have! had the Ariel examined by a gentleman who is well acquainted with boat building, and he in forms me that ono hundred dollars will put her iu good-order fob freighting, as her timbers are all good. The two are said to bo very low at eight hundred dollars. I will sell them on time, and if a sale can he effected with any of. Col. B. S. Grifiin’s confidential creditors, I will discount four hundred dollars on his paper. Also,—A HORSE AND SULKEY and a Pedlar’s WAGON for sale. Also,—Two young.Iikely NEGRO WOMEN. Sept. 4. 1832. 176 W. K. CONE. To Rent. JrrA. THE dwelling over .the store of A. ‘ J P. Patrick 1>• Co., well calculated for a private Boarding House, atprcscut Store occupied by W. T. Sage. Possession given after the 1st of October next. Apply to .MELROSE &. KIDD, or to A. P. PATRICK. June 25 155 tf To S,erii, AND possession given on tho first yf October next, the large and com modious Store .-and Ware IIouso now in the occupancy of George Wood— also the Store, now in tho occupancy of-James M. Hill in the same building, both in good order, and situated on Cherry Street, near the corner of Cherry .and Second" Streets. Apply to C. B- COLE, or Aug. 16. 170 M. CHISHOLM. GROCERIES. /f® JfX Ilhds prime N. O. Sugar VP V*> 20 hhds St. Croix do . 40 ' do Molasses 50 bbls Whiskey —w_- , 50 do Oiu (I’hclp’s brand) 50 do Rum 20 doz. Champaigne 10 bbls New Ark Cider, For sale by C. A. HIGGINS. Mnv 20 145 Buckskin Gloves, black do. silk aud brown linen do. Epaulets, Ball Buttons, &c. &c. N’. B. L. Fitch will receive- iti a few davs a handsome assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING TAILORING carried on iu all its branches as above—having the latest New York and London ashions, his work shall not be inferior to any. -Jle cturns his sincere thanks for past favors, andso.- : cits a continuance of public patronage. March 1 A FATftZCS &. Go. gj_gj AVE received per Boat, and offer ^ 3 for sale on reasouabie terms, 4006 bushels Salt 16,000 lbs Bacon 20 tons Svvedos Iron 20 hhds Sugar 200 hags G’offeo , 6 hhds Molasses . .* * 50 bbls prime Pork 25 bbls No. 2 Mackerel 25 bbls No. 8 ditto 50 bbls N. E. Rum .50 bbls Gin 80 pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Spurnt Candles Window Glass Nails Cognac Brandy Holland Gin Malaga, Madeira and Teneriffo Wine. Together with a general assortment of Dry Goods, SE&rdware, Saddlery CROCKERY, HATS, SHOES, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, &c. &:c. See. Juno 18. 1832. 25 • ber, which he K disposed to sell at a fair price. A share of the public patronage is very respect-, fully solicited. BEXJ. F. OWENS. N. B.—A .first rate SAWYER, may, by ap plying immediately, obtain good wages aud a per manent situation." B. F. O. July 27. . 164 tf COA£2a MAEIN&. HATS. ¥UST received u few cases gentlemen’s fash- <3 ionablo Beaver H ATS. dec 22 53 WM. II. BURDSALL. Gotten Bags. , Ready made Cotton Bags, 5 and 5j$ yards cech, of tho best Inver ness Bagging, for sale by ° REA & COtTOX. duly 10. 150 £-— ■ - Tov Sale or Sschange. A I1IJST rate close-body CAR IMAGE, nearly new, in good order, aud well made, t ill he sold reasonably, or exchanged for a good Gig or Chaise. Apply to C. A.IIIGG1NS. junc 8 148 39rab leaver S£ats, : the first qualitv, just received and for sale 9 by * WM. 1L.BURDSALL. ’larch 13 JO Rust’s Patent Printing Press. rlf3 HE undesigned having been appointed A- geut for the sale of Unit’s Improved Patent' cast Iron Printing Pre-s, takes ftps opportunity to recommend it to the fraternity. This Press is coming into general use at the North—aud is thought to be the most perfect and efiicientof any now in use. Workmen, who have used this aud others, give this the preference over every other kind as respects ease, power and durability. Ono of these Presses is now iu use at this oifico, where it may bo seen iu operation. Letters to the undersigned on the subject, (post paid) will be attended to. M. BARTLET l'. DR. I, ELLIS, e AVING determ mod to settle permanently in Macon, respectfully offers bis Professional Services to the inhabitants of the town and adjacent coun try. For tho satisfaction of those who are unac quainted with him, he thinks proper to state, that he was regularly admitted to his profession in 1804, agreeably to the laws and regulations of the Stale of New York, "and that most of his time since that period has been devoted to tin exten sive practice. ?,y a faithful discharge of his pro fessional duties, he hopes to merit a liberal pat ronage. His residence and office arc in the house formerfyoccupied t,v Mr. Birdsong, on Mulhetry strect. Jan. f-l 2 xoiCti Pulmonic Slspec coram cough s\ iuip, F OR Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, and lloop’.ng Cough. A supply of this valu able Medicine received and for sale by „ II F.LLI8, SllOTiVELL & CO. Nav 23 28 TWENTY-FIVE !Per cent, cheaper than ever! JOB53AGIE E S just opening a very extensive and splendid nj sortment of GOODS, which itiis been selected in THE NEW YORK MARKET by hirxeif, front the t.itcst importations, which arc particularly calculated for this market, and which wi.’l be dispoicd of fully . s'srsH'sir-Tzvs psr cheaper than ever. These goods are of the latest style aud most fashionable patterns, and arc offered to bis friends aad the Tnolle with confidence fully assured, tbul not only the sty.y but prices will .fully ineet'thcir approbation, lheir ntteutton Is requested to the same—a few of the arti cles are mentioned, viz: . 200 pieces Calicoes and" Prints, some very rich. Extra Gne Furniturc Calieota ar.d Cominou. 50 pieces fine Parish Muslins and Giughtfms, plain and striped, fijrured and striped Mandarines,.Saragos- sas lilack and’ purpie Grodeswiss and Italian Silks Watered Grodenap, black and brown colored do Iiernaui Gauzes, Orleans Robes, painted Palmarine and Crape Deleon, black and colored Silk. CafttMct and Priiiecttas, fiiic'Frcnch Bombazines, Blond Gauze NEW WORSSi A RNOTT'8 Elemonts of Physics Evidnnco of Prophecy Rev. Robert Hall’s Works Essay on Formation and Publication of Opi nions * . Essays ou Truth, Knowledge, Evidence, &c. Pitcnirn’s Island Otahictc, ilc.—last Family -. Library Ambitious Student, by E. L. Bulwcr U* or^Ntephcn Girard Hall's Lectures on School Keeping Rotnauce of Reality Sister's Budgci Whispers to a Newly-Married Pair . ; • Reports on Locomotive and Fixed Engines Eleventh Edition Henry’s Chomjstry Alexander's Bible Dictionary Brief Rcmnrkcf •-f, SSedica!. Syroe's Surgery • ■ ' Larrey’s Surgical Memoirs Gooch on Females Gooch’s Midwifery *•' ? Bell on Baths and .Mineral Watcrn Carpenter’s Essay on Materia Medica Costar’s Physiological Practico Peurpefal Peritonitis, by Dr. Baudelocquc •„ Ryan’s Jledicul Jurisprudence W ith a large collection of Medical, Low, Mis cellaneous and School Books for sale by IIE Subscribers still continue tho business at the .old stand, corner of Walnut aad Fourth Streets, w here work will be done accord ing to order. Ilaviilg a large assortment of arti cles ordered front the North which will arrive in the course of the summer, consisting of Gigs, Bu- gics, Barouches and Carriages, they feel con fident of pleasing customers both in articles and prices. . „ The have now oti hand an assortment width will be sold low for cash, such as Sulkeys, Gigs, and Barouches; besides several splendid sets of Harness,- with I.accs, Carpeting, Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bauds, Loops and Bows of all- sizes. Orders for Carriages punctually attended to, and warranted to please or no sale. BENTON & BACON. [ Wanted as an Apprentice, ! A lad about fourteen or fifteen years of age, of j steady moral habits. B. & B. May 1 .138 ! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, k Bocks, E&usic, &c. ELLIS, SHOT WELL & CO. RE now reeoiving and opening at their/ BOOK STORE, a umr.bcrof PIANO FORTES, of a rich description, and a variety of other Mu-! sical Instruments, with Instruction Books and f Music adapted to the-same. A large collection of; KTew £££nsic for tl-.e SPilano, ) embracing all the Music of the colebrated Cinde- ] rclla Opera, and a variety of Engravings, Carica- j tures, Prints, &c—also, —large assortment of Bodies, } consisting of fifteen hundred volumes: a earn-J logite embracing a considerable portion of which, is published in tjic Christian Repertory.; { A "great variety of STATIONARY and Mis- j ccllauonus articles. . . . j A largo assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, Bordering, Fire-Prints, >&c. &c. They respectfully invite 'the attention of the } public to the above, and request them to tall and j examine. * June 11 24 26 4t ELLIS, SHOTWELL &. Co. Plaster of Pans. ~St zfo BARRELS of superior PLASTER H OF PARIS, for hard walls aud stuc co work, just rcccivod and for salo by June22 152 . C. A. HIGGINS. VXinSGAR. 13 XK GALLONS of first rate, three years old. VINEGAR, for salo at tho Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 102 Veils (some extra sizes), Satin Straws, Scarfs Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap and Belt Ribbons new patterns, Thread es and Insert, ings, also I'.dctiigs and Footings, checked and striped Muslins. JacKonc:, Swiss aud Cambric do. one case grass bleached Irish Linens assorted. Long Lawns- Lincn Cambrics and Cambric llnndkcrchicls. Super. Veilings, plaid and plain Drillings and fine Frenab Linens, Pongeesaud Ponge Handkerchiefs, Bandan na and Flags, Gloves and Mitts assorted. 50 dozen Silk, Cotton, Randon Hose and half Hose assorted. 100 Parasols and Umbrellas, very neat and neb. '100 pieces Mosquito Netting. Bead Bngs nnd Purses, Siieii Tack and Side Combs, Cambric and Furniture Dcmitiesnnd Cotton Fringes, 0,7, 8,9, 19, II and 12 by 4 Damask Table Cloths, ’l’ablc Covers. Dunstable and Straw-Bounds, I aim Leaf Hats. Black nnd Drab Beaver Hals, latest fash ions,Travelling Caps and Trunks. 10 bales Sheetings, Shirtings and Plaids. 500 lbs spun Cotton, Tickings, Osuaburgs, Cot ton Cards. &c- Also, an extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps. Oils, Powder. Powder Iloxe- nnd Puffs. Erosive Bails, Cologne, Honey and Rose Waters, Otto of Roses, ,tc. «&c. Also, 3000 pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, nnd 100 pair Morocco and Calf Bouts, some very neat and fine. And n verv large supply of Saddles, Bridles, l&artingais, SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. &c. &c. Together with n general assortment of Hardware Cutlery of all kinds that is wanted in this market; also CAR PENTER’S TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMITH | TOOLS. Cross cut and Mill Saws. Guns, Rifles. Jfc. | Abo a supplv of Crockery, China nnd Glass Ware . Also 10 dozen superior Cnlf Skins, Gining and ; Binding Skins. Sole Leather. Gin Band Leather. &c.; And a supplv of GROCERIES, FAMILY -MEDI CINES, Sec. * Macon. April 20 129 ' Negroes Wanted. i T HE subscribers will pay liberal prices fora few likely men, voting and of pood char c-er. " BLANTON Sc SMITH. May 25 144 Alum Salt and £ime. “8 /$ RasheIs A,uln Salt _0_ WS? ~zc. 100 casks Thomaston Lime For sale by REA & COTTON. Feb 20 82 Copartnership. HE subscribers havo thU day purchased the entire stock of goods belonging to Jf'iley, Barter fj* Fort in this place, aud will contiuuc the" business at the same store ou tho corner of Sec ond Street nnd Cotton Avenue, opposito Wash ington Hall, under the firm of BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. They havo ou hand a general assortment of fresh goods well adapted to the town and country trade, which will be sold at low prices and on li beral terras, by the yard, picco or package.— They solicit a continuation of the patronage of former customers and the public generally. THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. FORT. LAIRD H. WILEY. Macon, July 1,1832. 161 At his old stand, comer of Cherry and Secondsts. j S S now receiving frem New York and Boston; j a fresh supply of Goods, which, iu addition ; to those on hand, will make his stock very large J and complete, which he offers on as reasonable j torms a£ they can be had in this maeket. His goods comprise a geucral Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 bags Coffee, Compcll’d to leave my native grove, Where once I enjoy’d my parents' love, My fact could there no more abide When they were takeu from ray side. With sorrow ing heart and tearful et c I saw my much loved Father die ; My widoit’d Mother then ivus left, But soon of her I was bereft. Oppressed with grief, oppressed with wo, Her body sore aillicted too, IIow did she liko. the widow’d dove Bemoan the absence of her love. Affliction, anguish, grief and pain, She was unable to sustain; Soon she resigned her fleeting breatb, Anil dosed her creeping eves in death. Tints did xn^pareuts hence remove, • I trust to .brighter worlds above; And I no more can see them here, Y’ct still their names sound even dfcar. They long since paid frail nature’s debt, Fond memory bears their.irilago yet; Yes, though I’m doom’d with them to part, Their uautes arc treasured in my heart. Why did they thus their child forsake; Their flight front earth so quick did tako? Dear parcuts, was the fault in me, That yo so soon froni earth did flee ? Was I unworthy of your love ? Ah f did my heart ungrateful prove, That ye have left me here below Alone life’s rugged paths to go? Ah! sad vicissitudes of fate, t I’m now an orphan desolate,’ —As No earthly guardian near my side My youthful footseps now to guide. No Father, with affection moved, . Now smiles upon tho child he lov’d; No tender Mother’s s.ooth : ng voice Which oft times made her child rejoice. . •/ « , * An orphan desolate I roam, Ufiblest with a paternal home; I’m doom’d in early life to rove, Unguarded with parental lov.c. My lot how hard it seems to be; But was this lot, oh Lord,-for me. Oh let mo then no more complain, Or wish my parents back again. I’ve many friends both kind and dear To wipe the orphan’s falling tear; Why should I feel myself unblest • While of such friends I am possess’d. Yet still my loss I c-ft times mourn: But since my parents can’t return. Then all my pt arm tiring thoughts be still, For ’twas my Maker’s sovereign will. It was his will it should bo so, That 1 life’s cares and ills might know. That I from earthly things might rise And seek to gain a nobler prizo. Oh might I tread the peaceful road That letds to happiness and Gcd," 1 And when my time on earth shall cease, The orphan closo her oyes in peace. I There is moro marrow in the following J sonnet, than any one on its first reading would | suppose. It is plain, the young bard has smelt j tho waters of Castalv, and is pluming his wings J for Helicon. What* language can be fuller of suit the circumstances of ono, may not he adap ted to the circumstances of another. - For in- | stance, if provender is an object, and it is desi rable to produce the greatest number of pi<rs and roasters from a limited supplv of food, you I will select one of the smaltev breeds. a« being ! much the easiest kept. O- ■ breed of hogs wifi j live and keep iat, where another would starve. . On the other hand, if you wish to go the whole . shoat for bacon, and corn is so plenty as to be no object, then a larger breed plight answer better, i Of the former sort, did Quine a, the Chinese, the Berkshire oi*tbe Suffolk breed might be pre ferred; of the latter, or !:tr : m i, the Ilamp- , shire; the Shropshire, o- the Gloucestershire brecd'Wonid be selected. A breed of hoes we have heard liighly extolled at the north is an improved breed formed, from numerous crosses with the Chinese and Leicestershire, Berkshire Arc. The next thing to be considered, is the prop* 1 or number to be kept. If you live near a good range, where hogs can keep frit without much ! attention: or ifyott inake more corn, r\ e, pota toes - ; *Ae. than yon can dispose of in any ot!*r way, it matters but little what number you kt ep; as it is little more trouble to look alter many than after a Jew. But if you have but a sinail far.m or garden, (orpcrliaps not that, if you live in town.) the case hnltcv'c. Though you may simport a pig'or two-t:x}'g nteelly, from tho offals of yaur kitchen and stable, and with ve ry little frouble—vet ifso situated you should undertake to raise A greater number, you would find it a losing business. .Whore most of their food has to be purchased, hogs cannot be raised to a profit. Much more attention is paid to the manner of fattening hogs at the North than here. There every thing is reduced to a system—and it brought as near perfection as possible. Until a few weeks before killing time, they are al lowed to run at large with plenty to eat, of the slops of the kitchen and dairy, and such green food as can he picked up. They are then put in'jjens, or rather in houses, for in their con struction a good deal of taste is often displayed —being genteel frame buildings, their size cor responding to the number of hogs they fatten, shingled, and weatherboarded, with good floor, ventilations, &-c. divided into three compart-' ments, one for eating, another for sleeping, and the third for their excrement—thro’ u hicii they pass at pleasure. 'Attached, is the cooking a- partment, with ovens or boilers, for baking or- steaming their food—of which Irish potatoes form the largest portion. After the potatoes are deanlycwashed and boiled s^t't, they are thrown into a large tub or trough, where they arc mashed while hot, and a quantify of coarse meal made often of oats and pens ground: to-* getter, is mixed in. It is then allowed to stand two or three days until it begins to turn sour, before it is fed;«.it. Of thb hogs est ve ry greedily, and fatten faster titan on corn, aud at a less expense. Whether any profitable substitute could be found for fattening hogs at the South, for corn, we are not prepared to :av. As the weather is milder than at the North, they may be kept e- qually comfortable in less expensive houses.— They should have a sited to protect them from the rain, with a plenty of dry straw, and a pen proportioned to the number you fatten. We should be glad to hear the results of ex periments in fattening hogs on sweet potatoes, boiled or raw—on corn meal, boiled corn, Atc. &c.—South. !rn Planter. > 4- > u • L ’ • n . t>- iv- ! sentiment, and pathos, aud rhythm, that the con- a o C «?“’ Port0 R,C0 aud * | eluding stau/.a? llomcr would have scratched his Orleaus Sugar, 21 bbls Loaf nnd Lump d® 12 qr chests Tea 20,000 lbs Iron 10 hhds Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagjring/ 40 kegs Nails Jamaica Rum . Cognac Brandy Northern Gin, Northern Rum Whiskey, ■ Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, Shot, &c. A:c. ALSO, Dry £roods s hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLES, &c. Ac. &c. Oct 22 * 43 T'rt'^lIE- subscriber having withdrawn from the a Into firm of JPiltJf, Baxter &,• Fort, and sold his interest to hisBrothor, Lait-p H. Wilet, re spectfully asks a continuation of pr.tronugo from his friends to the new firm o'f BAXTER, FORT &, WILEY. LEROY M. WILEY. Macon, July 1, 1932. 161 Dissolution. KT25W GOODS. W M- II. BURDSALL is now receiving and j opening a general assortment of Seasonable Coods, [ which lie offers for sale at the most reduced pri- { ces, qrr.ongst which aro tho following:* Superfino Saxony blue, black and colored Cloths, j Merino Clotlis. -• Blue, black and fancy mixed Satinuetts Duffio point and rose Blankets. Red, white, green and yellow Plannels Saxony and Canton white gauze ditto 8 and 10 qr. Damask table Diaper Birds cyo and Russia do Merino Circassians '■ <-■ Black mid Bluo Bombazetts aud Circassians head to be tho father of such poetry: ron the uacon telegraph. LINES TO EMILY. Ob Emily? bow amiable art thou! Thou bast gained my affections I know net bow: Tby presence sets my soul on fire! Give me but thine, ’tis all that X desire! Grant me this oho request, I ask no more, I ask thee not for silver or golden ore! But a jewel moro precious still—which lo! None but tbeecan such a jewel bestow! One soft look, one sweet gaze of thine eyes. Would create in me a perfect paradise! Then grant me that soft look—that sweet gaze, I pray, Or I’m undone, and must for ever shrink away ! What have I on earth that I would not sacrifice I'oronc lovely glance of those peace speaking eyes! They could life, and joy, nnd peace impnrt, And euro the wounds of my poorbroken heart. Consent, dear girl, to be my loving bride, And so long as there is morning ligh 1 or evening tide! I will be thy firm, thy constant protector 1 Until death shall come, and he my disseet.-r! W. M. E. SWINE. There is no species of property perhaj requires moro of system in its tatmagement than "that of swine’ WJten a proper system is Irish^LinenV,*I?Icnii*sh *Slieotings, Cotton" Oznn- ] pm>uad with these animals, they arc kept with l little trouble or expense, ami yield a lucrative NegrtTCloths, Linseys j profit. But when a loose system is followed, Thread Laces and Shell Combs Pongee, Spittalfield Black Italian Lustring, black Sarsnnet and S vhews, black Gros do Berlin, black Gros Naples, Colored do do Thb Almond. {Amygdahts comm nis.)— Can anv one tell us, in this age of experiment and invention, why the Almond, of so much importance to commerce, lias not been more noticed than it is,’as an article of Agriculture? The Almond is is easily raised as the peach— and every body knows how spontaneously that is produced in tins state—how easy then might it not be cultivated; ana hew profitable would be the culture. There are thousands of worn out fields in Georgia alone that might he success fully turned into orchards of Almond trees.— An acre of ground would support an hundred trees. If these yielded but 20 lbs. a piece, which we should suppos e was a small crop, at 12i cents per lb. (the retail price is 37J cents) the product would amount to 250 dollars per a- cre! and with very little labor. One man and a boy might tend ten acres, containing 1000 trees, which at the above low estimate would amount to 2500 dollars! IIow many hand:; would it not take to mako that amount in grow ing cotton? It need not ue said that no mark et could be found for any large amount of thin article. It must be recollected that the cultiva tion of fruits of this class are not adapted to ve rv cold or hot climates: that north of Virginia it farthest, it could not succeed; and that south cf Georgia it would not probably be attempted. No fear need be entertained on that head.— Within tho United States probably millions are expended on this luxury; when we recollect that it is an indispensable article at all public or private dinners, -tea parties and balls, we think wo are safe in estimating the expense ix this state alone fit notlcss^rau 10,00c dollars-. The whole of which goes out ct the state! and which mieht he saved. An orchard of Almond trees might soon be formed from the seed. But this would no, bo so sure nor so quick, as to engrail or inocifiate t English Merinoes , Mr ERIN O SQUARE SHAWLS just re- i J ffl. reived by • WM. H. BURDSALL. { Dec 23 54 FgrqHE Copartnership heretofore existing un- Mandarines and Florcuces, black and colored [ rna i n > r a - ; ’ 11 c ca? r ° bu - ’ H dcr the firm of If'ilcy, Baxter If Fort, is Italian Crapes * n5a - K ; c 1T- this day dissolved by mutual consent. The cu- j Q aazc aU( j gatin Garniture i The Planter who is more ambitjou*to miLt:- tire business of the concern will bo settled by j Ribbons and silk Velvets, Merino nnd Cashmere, j ply his cotton bags .than'his comforts, and can BAXTER, FORT & \\ ILEA, who will con- j 'X’jjjDet Wool, Damask Silk and Crape Shawls barely afford to mako corn enough ior his table, tinue the business at the same «Und» Drcss 1Iandke rchiofs j let alone feeding his stock, will find little profit THOMAS -v BA3TTER. Ladic ® diamond straw and Leghorn braid Bonnets j j n raising hogs. Unless he can spare enough RORFRT W* FORT Misses diamond and. chain Bonnets i t ; m0 from his cotton fields to put his fences in i> . r vojv a . | L;ico Rud snu70 Vei £. fig „ re d aud plain Bohbinet j i r(Jer ^ nd oU31 ,„h of ground to raise them p • - } Flagg anti Bandanna Handkerchiefs t A general assortment of coarse Shoes aud Boot* to Any extent, it is almost incredible that no n rso.n hn - - devoted his attention to raising a supply for market. . , There are a great many varieties pt toe Al mond. Those generally cultivated for the Ta ble are the ladies thin slid!, the sweet sultan, the small soft shell and large soft shell.—Ibid. Macon, July 1. 1332. 161 Fancy Clocks. CIOUR good FANCY CLOCKS for sale lot 17 bv C. A. HIGGINS. April 19 128 Summer Goods and Clothing', "MUST received at the Macon Clothing Store ti April I? M . LEWIS FJTCtf Men’s and Youth’s Fnr Hats Fur, Leather and Hair Cap*, Nov 5, 13 Sills on Savannah. lAYABLE nt si UtJPlC t hisfit, for S4jp by , . . "pAY & J&T+3. visions, he had better at once buy his meat of the drover,—unless ho makes a plenty to loed them upon, there is so philosophy in trying ' raise hogs. In embarking irtfo the hog business, it is of piante? to ascertain tha ft A kind BW<ft ff.-w i.-w of Cultivation,—The expense-, of col- •;v - ' ,: '::i ef laud in England lias much inw'casod - --S. : s appears by the tvtur-ns to tho ,, ,i. Ifcli state that the arer- „ . . u ' ti ’3(Lacresof J.:ud t in 17L.J. . • m 18 >•» 547- and in 1813, 771/. Since iht ; .u.t rear, thy-' have b.-en reductions 1 in lubour and takes, *Lo. to a considerable