Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 07, 1832, Image 1

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GEORGIA BY 31. BARTLETT. 3IACOA, WEDjVESD A Y, YOYIAIBER 7. 1S3-J. Yol, Til...'.New Series; iv.iNr.'.jni-Mt u tile GEORGIA TELEGRAPH ptlEIflSSiEESJ WEEK!* AT MACON, GA. Printing Office on Wtoerry Street—ccist side the Post Ojjice. TERMS.—'True Dollars a year, if paid i advance, or Four Dollars, if not paid before the end of the year. Subscribers living at n distauce will bo required in ah cases to pay in advance, SEMI-WEEKLY I*A 1’Ell.—Three Dollars jicr antrum, iii advance, or Four Dollars at the - end of the year. ware norsE, AND Commission Business. TEE subscriber continues the ? T A above business, at bis old staid, I a Head of Cherry >trrrt and Cotton u .- "\ ■-■■'"■a A venue, where he offers all the u- . -■1 facilities in business. » His Waro House and close storages arc in prime order, and as much exempted from the danger of fire as any in the place. • Cotton stored with him will he delivered in a- nj part of the town, kbke of any charge,, except C. MORGAN, J. GODDARD, . WARS HOUSE .- i s V AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SvSaccn, WILL continne to transact the ^ jf abov.c business at ther samfj place occupied last fear by 2,’ GOD- DARI) & HEED. Vie has built h good Wharf for the ronvenicotc of the Ware House: and there isno Ware Hftuso in town more secure from the dangers, of fire. - • lly strict attention to hu-luess committed to liss ,-arc, and the facilities v,hicfy lie w ill lie able to render his customers, he hopes to merit n contin uance of the patronage of his fricuds and the pub lic in general. . ' .« He is prepared to make liberal advancc^at nil times, on cotton stored or shipped by him. C.ot- tpu stored at his Wore House insured at the lowest rates, if requested. ' • IIo has also taken the Ware Ilouscrocleiipicd last year by I.. J. Groce, for the convenience of his friends and customers in East Macon. Macon, August 10' 103. • Gin f 31ANTON & SmiTJS, - WARE HOUSE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M AKE liberal advances an Cbttou in store and on shipments, nlso on notes’and oth er property deposited iu their hands. Their U’riro Houses are more convenient totho business part of the town thau any other," possess ing the advantages of a wharf, and arc more ex empt from danger by fire, than snv other in Ma con. .May 125 Ml NEW YORK AND DARIEN Jk Xine ofE»ackots, To Sail on the 1 si, 10th, and Brig PRI-.MIUfllACapt. Young, -Brig CORAL, CiwtCoM. S*"! 1 " Rk5: h-RANF, Cant. Birdins. be i. LI.fZA, Capt. Ci.AnK. • A HI.AS. Capt. Brown. lgbt la RICHARD M. DEMILL, or BENJ. STRONG & SONS, Arenls, HAWES MITCHELL, or!’. R. YONGE .Y SONS, Agents Darien NetvYork. Sent. 28.1832. . o . g lv . TWENTY-FIVE Per cent, cheaper than ever! JOB MAGIE SELLIIN fri|>FF AT COST- HE Subscribe^iicing desinftzs of bringing their business to a close, will offer their! present extensive assortment of DRY GUODS, l 3 3 just opening sortinent of GOODS, which lias been selected in THE NEW’ YORK MARKET by himself, from the latest importations, dliicli are particularly calculated for ibis market, and w hich wi l j he disposed of fidlv 0/A of each month, j,, *■«■»****■ *33. CENT. i-y extensive and splendid ns j at COST for Cash only Also, a very large and THE PIEDMONT WSL m Iff'E OF ST A GF S' M UNNING through the upper parts of South / and North,Carolina and \ irgiuio.tb WSSi; iugton City, wva wiiieb, at its Southern end, re cently termir.'med at Poweltou, Ga.,is now iu full and operation. It has 'recently been extended to Millodgoville, from Which place it departs on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, at 4 A. M. "For particulars see hills and the Milledgevi lo papers. ' \VM. SMITH. Culpepper Va.rMny h», 1832. 21 (im. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, A 1 FACTORAGE * AND > ' Coiiimissien Business. pp^llE undersigned intending to "remove to E. Savannah early in the mouth of October, oilers bis services to his friends and the public, iu the transaction of a General FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, lie will make cash advances, or acceptances on ^actual ship ments of Cottou. ■ In additiou to which, ho will continue the ear ning tr'ado between Savannah and Charleston, for which lie is now furnishing a large new Stoaui Boat, the FREE TRADE, of light draft of wa ter, built of the best materials, coppered amheoji- - per fastened,, with two twcuty-six liorso cugintfs, ami at the proper season, will run om? or two Steam Boats, Svitii Tow Hunts well* maimed, he twecii Savnnnnlt and Mr coil. He has large'fire probfslieds, for the storage of Goods aud Froducc, directly on the wiiarf to save the expense of drayago. * "• • All articles intended for shipment by ntiyof his boats, whether to Macon or Augusta, will be stor ed gratis, G. B. LAM Alt. Oct. 1 1 fit . • • - Egors, SNXttsic. &c. EDDIS, SHOT WEED & CO. HE now receiving and opeuiug at their BOOK STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES* * of a rich description, and a variety of other Mu sical Instruments, * with Instruction 'Books and Music adapted to the same. A large collectiont)f Nqw Sgnsic for flio Piano, embracing all ihc-Music of the celebrated Cinde rella Opera, and a variety of Eugra*. jbgn^Carica- turcs, Prints, &c.—also, . .. Pi large assortment of Boohs, x consisting of ^fifteen hundred Volumes: a cata logue embracing. n considerable portion of which, is published in the Christian Repertory. ." A great vnriety of STATIONARY and. Mis cellaneous articles. ' - ’ - . 'A largo hssdrtmcut of PAPER IJ,iXGiyGS, Borderiug, I’irc-Piints, &c. &c. They respectfully invite the attention of the the above, and request them to call and examine. Juno 11 . 24 * gojisaa za&zzzi'm. efaoppeftban ever. These goods are of the,’atest style and most fashional>le jiatteins. and are oflered to his Friends and the Public with conlidenee fully assured, that not only life style hot prices will fully meet, (heir approbation. Tiieir attention is requeued to the same—a few of the arti cles are mentioned, viz:' . 200 pieces. Calicoes and Prints, some very rich. Extra fine Faroilnre Calicoes and 'Comnibh. 50 pieces fine Pnri-li.Muslius and Gingham?: plain nod striped, figured and striped Mandarines, Sonigos- sas black and purple Grodeswiss and Italian Silks Watered Grodenap, black anil brotm colored do. i Ilcrnani Gauzes, Orleans ltobes, painted Pnhnarinc j and Crape Deleon, black mid colored Silkv Camblet ! and Princettns, fine French ilombaziucsi Blond Gauze ! Vcjls (some extra sizes), Satin Strait's, Scarfs Fancy I Handkerchiefs and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap and i Bell Ribbons new patterns, Thread Iaiyes and Insert in£s, also Fdgings and Footings, cheeked and striped Muslins, JackoiK’t. Swiss aud Cambric do./one’casd grass bleacbeirIrish Linens assorted. Long I^iwns- l.ihen Cambrics and Cnmbric Ilandkercbicis, Super, Vestings, plaid and plain Drillings and fincFreneb Linens, Pongees and Ponge Handkerchiefs, Bandan na and Flags, Gloves aiid Mitts assorted. 50 dozen Silk, Cotton, Uandon Hose and half Hose assorted.' ■100 Parasols and Umbrellas, reYy neat and rich 100. pieces Mosquito Netting. Bead Bags and Purses, Shell Tuck and. Side Combs,- Cambric and Furniture Dcmiticsand Cotton Fringes, 6, 7, 8, 9 t 10, 11 and I2 by 4 Damask 'Table -Cloths, Table Covers, Dunstable" and Straw Ronucfs, Palm Leaf Hats, Black nnd Drab Beaver Hals, latest fash ions, Travelling Caps and Tranks, - 10 bales Sheetings, Shirtings nnd Plaids.. '500 lbs spun Cottou, Tickings,"‘Osuaburgs, Cot ton Cards. &c. Also, an extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps Oils, Powder. Powder Boxes and Puffs, Erasive Balls, Cologne, Honey, and Rose Waters, Otto of Rose's, &C. ,A-c. Also, 3400 pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, and 100 pair Morocco and Calf Bouts, some very neat nnd fine,. -' And a very large supply of Saddles, Bridles, SSSartingals* SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS, - &c. &c. tVc. Together with a general assortment of Hardware Sf Cullerij of nil Nods that is wanted in this market; also CAR PENTER’S TOOLS’of all kinds. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Cross cut and Mill Saws, Guns," Rifles^fro. Also a supply of Crockery, China and Glass Ware Also 10 dozen superior Calf Skins, Gining mid Binding Skins, Sole Leather. Gin Band Leather. <Vc. And as'upnlv of GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI CINES, &c. * * •» . • .Macon, April 20. ISO* uperior stock of fSeadymadH Clothing; Together with a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, All of which will be sobl at unusually low prices. A SHOTWKLL & J. S.' SMITH. Macon, Sept.TA 183& 3S N.' I?.—We wish it generally understood, that our sales-in future will be for L'ASll ON LA . A. S*. A: J. S. S. J 3 . 'zi --a ry:^;’ p i H"AVE received per Boat'JRi’L for sale on reasonable terms 4000 bushels Salt 16,000 lbs Bacon, 20 tons Swedes Iron 20 hbds Sugar .200 hags'Coffeo (i bluls Molasses 50 bt Co. Gc ia Tils pretei feeling (led to ar,' position I very excel Family Flour ^^F a superior quality, for sah- ’ May 18* 142 C. \: HIGGINS. P Bills oil Savannah. AY A B LE at sight, for sail- bv Dcc-ii; do day A.:m; r i'Ts. Mrs. 11. Bicome’s School ILL'commence on Monday the 15th" inst. Terms made known oil application at her residence in McDonald’s Buildings, iioxt door to Bennet’sBoot aiid Shoe" Store on Mulberry street.. - Oct. 13 5 3t --— ST3A»s SAW A£!£> GEir ; 2 3MSX32' raiKP subscriber; . spectfullj; informs thffpbfi M. lie, that Ms * S9SA»E ,3AW di *212:32 JiSiSS, near bis residence, .tnOtin one mile of Macon, is' now jn complete and successful operation. In" addition to other machinery lifi is prepared wulh a circular saw for ripping light lumber, sucli-as. Window Sash, Palings, Laths, In cohsor ibis jirirnc Pork 25 bids-No. 2 Mackerel 25 bids No. 3 ditto 50 bids N. E. It uni 50 bids Gin HO pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes "Sperm Caudles . ~ Window Glass ' Nails < ’ognap Brandy Holland Gin ‘ .V ' • ’ lolttga, Madeira anil Tenfiriffe Wine. ". together with a general assortment of Bry Goods, STardv-'sye, S&ddlem ’CROCKERY, HATS, SHOE^, ' BLA C ICS Ml TIPS TO OLS, Sec. See. See. Time 18, 1832. 25 u, heockc WOuld 41! mo i cock, and SSiWETT, At his Old stand, corner of CJterrij and Secondsts. "H"S now recciy'iug from NnjvxYork aiul Boston. S a fresh supply of Goocls, which,’ in addition ■mflipMIPMpiiPPVHo thosjf ou hand, will make his stock-very large quence of tho heavy expenditure /incurred in its j alu ] complete; which he offers, on "as .reasonable establishment, it is necessary that lie should rc- terms as they ettn be hai^ in this maeket. -Ilis quire either cash oi'l bankable paper for his litm-'j goods eompr'iso.a her, xvhich lie -is. disposed to sell at a fair price A share of.the public patron a very respect fully-solicited. BEN.l. F. OWENS, j N. B.—A first rate' SAWYER, may, by ap- ; plying immediately, obtain good wages and a per- j mauentsituation. 4' ' ' *“ * * B. F.'O* . July 27. 16P tf Family Co dicing Stoves, ■ ILL Irons and Cotton Gin Machinery for & CO. Mpy sale by ELIJS. SIIOTWELL 144 Negroes If antedi [HE subscribers will pay liberal p'riccs .for a few Hkelv mar, young-and of-good char * cter. *■ .BLANTON & SMfTIL . May 25 - 144 -i .y, ' EDUCATION. T HE citizens of Macon and Its vicinity are most respectably informed tbattlie Academy situat ed about one mile.from town on the road lending (o Forsyth, will lie completed and ready for the recep. lion of scholars about the ‘first of November next.— Its health nnd retired location is truly inviting. The subscriber, who is engaged to takechargeofthe a- bovcncademy, has been for tnauy years a teacher in some of the'most respectable, stbools in the city of Ner<- York, from the Principals of which lie can show the most satisfactory testimoniais-of liis qualifications, clcs ordered droin the. North which will arrivcin I From his strict attention to all the duties of bis school • 4* 1 • • r v ix I iHAm !,D iiiiromiflinir ovorlimis it) *ffMiifnlttl9 Illf* llfft. T HE Subscribers still cofitinuo tho “business at, the old atniid, corner of Walnut ami FonPtli {streets, where work will bc.done accord ing to order. Having a.large assortment of arti- the course of the summer,, consisting of Gigs, Bu- <Vonx bi^remittiog exertions in ■'facilitating they w- 6000 Bacon. LBS. PRIME BACON, for Oct. 23 sale by’ RE V & COTTON. Crcneral factorage and commis sion Business. rjnlln subscribers having formed n connexion for ■ tin* transaction of a sen end FACTORAGE AM) C05IMrSSION BUSINESS, in tiic City of Ciurlkstox, under the firm of...' SVIalouc, CJohen &. Co., Offer their <ervicest<> their friends and the public, nnd will be prepared to make the usual advances on COT TON und other produce consigned to tlielr care. They will also pay particular attention to receiving and forwarding oLGoods. aiid respectfully, solicit a share of public patronage. ■ - ’ . ROBERT MALONE. . HORACE SISTARE. AARON COIIEN. MALONE A SISTARE continue their busia6ss in Savannah ns u:ual. . ' October 27,1832. 5 Ct DISSOLTTTIOKT. FM^HE copartnership heretofore existingjrc- _0_ tween tiic subscribers, under tho firm of HA LL A 310RELAND, was dissolved this day by mutual consent. All . demands said firm will be settled by John Moreland; to whom all debts due the firm will bo paid. J AMES A. HALL, . JOHN MORELAND. 07- The Cabinet making and Turning busi ness will be continued in all its branches by the undersigned, at tile old stand, near Clark’s Ho tel. JOHN MORELAND. Sept, 21 180 Bor Sale. TWO POLE BOATS— , Red Rover and /riel. Tho Ro- r is as good a new ,as it has it but a few months sin.c-c she underwent an enure and good repair, 1 have had lit-j Ariel examined by a gentleman who is well acquainted with boat building, nnd ho in form.-, me that one hundred dollars will put her iu good order for freighting, as her timbers are all good. The two are said to be very low at eight hundred dollars. I will sell them on time, and :l a sale can he effected with any of Col. B. tf Griffin’* confidential creditors, I will discount four 1 mired dollars on bis paper. Also,—A II ft USE AND tfl'LKF.Y and a I’eitlar’s V AGON for sale. 'Iso,—Two young likclv NEGRO WOMEN, tfejit. i, 1S32, \% • w. B. CONE. ties, Barouches and Carriages, ,tboy feel con (ident of pleasing cusloiners’both iu articles aud 'prices. . . Tho-have now on hand an assortment which will bo sold low for-cash,'such as Sul keys, Gigs and Barouche,,; besides several splendid sets of Harness,- _. with Lace?, Carpctiug, . Morocco, Springs of different kinds, joints, Bands, Loops aud Bows of all ’Orders for Carriages punctually attended to, and wairanted to please or no sale.- •. L BENTON & BACON. • Wanted as aa Apprentice, A lad about fourteen or fiftebu years of ugc,.of. steady ntorjil habits. ; B. & B .May 4 ' J38 * - ’ " . For Sale, CO Ilbds N O Sugar 40 Illuls N O .Molasscfi 100 Bins N O Whiskey 100 Bhls N E-Rum ' ' x 10ft Bbls N E Gilt By C. A."HIGGINS.. The above can be had in lots to suit purchasers, and for approved paper on accommodating terms. Oct. 0. . 3 •' - t Wegroes for Sale. A FEW families arc offered for sale. ‘Sl plv at this office. Sept. 27 160" tf Ap- ft JAMES XI. BENNET, X!oot and Shoemaker, HAS 'commenced business in ‘McDonald's building, (near the I Macon Telegraph Of ice.) where he will l>e found ready to attend to his old customers and others who may call on him. (t^BOOTS and SHOES manufactured to order, in the best manner. REPAIRING also will be done. (U^Two or three JOURNEYMEN con fint^ regular employment by application to him. jan. 25.50 gres? of bis (iupils, lie hopes to merit and secure the npprobnlion of tho public, lie has already opened tiic school in n very commodious nnd pleasant room, convenient to tbo Academy, where lie will leach un til it is completed. The'course of education to be pursued in this insti tution, will embrace fhc’Greek and Latin classics, with tiic different English branches': Terms of tui tion, nnd other particular:rclntive to the institution will be known by enquiring pftbc Hon. C. B. Strong, 5fr. Alexander Shot well, .Mr. Wm. Scott or liie teach er. JOHN O’KEEFE. Macon, OCt. 2,1832. , - - . TIN WARE MANUFACTURER MlfLBERRy, M’.AC THIRD STREET. pMl'iHE subscriber manufactures and keeps con- H stoutly on hand, a general assortment of Sin Ware, \Vhk-h he will sell wholesale arid retail at Savan naji or Augusta prices. • - JOB-WORK done at the shortest notice at the shop on Third "street, next door io Eflis, Shot- ell & Co. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, ShoUeell (y Co. will rc- caivo prompt attention. Not II . 17 " ; G-aidea Seeds, FRESH supply, just received and-for sale bv ELLIS, SHOT WELL- & CO. April 14 121 ". A QUANTITY of superfmo Flour; received by the Charles 'Cacroll and for sale by May 25 144 F.LUSj SHOT-WELL &CO. Summer Goods and Clctning", J UST received attlic Macon G mthing Store Af ril 12 121 LFAVIS FITCH ooo pale bv A prij 10 Oil. ali jt’-Mreceived by boat Navigator, foi ELLIS, SHOT WELL «. Co. 121 H AUCTION, BROKERAGE AND Commission business. mBE Qndcrsignddhas taken tbo spacious fire -H. proof brick Store, in t’ ; south end of Ellis,' Stiotwell fc’Co's range, for the purpose of trans acting' AUCTION, BROKERAGE coranzzsszosr business, Generally.-—He will be aided in the management of any business confided to him, by bis brother, John T. Rowland, and respectfully solicits ashore of the patronage’of their respective’friends, ani the public. Until the store is completed his counting room will be kepioverthe Commercial Bank. WILLIAM 1\ ROWLAND. N. B. Cotton will he bought or sold fora mod erate commission. Oct. 5 2 3m DR. I. ELLIS, AVING determined to settle permanently in Macon, respectfully offers bis Professional Services to the inhabitants of the town and adjacent coun try. For the satisfaction of those who nronuac quainted with him, he thinks proper to state, that he was regularly admitted to Iris profession in lg04, agreeably to the laws and regulations of the Stato of Now York, and that most of his time since that period has been devoted to an exten sive practice. By a faithful discharge of his pro fessional duties, lie hopes to merit a liberal pat ronage. His residence and office areiu the house formerly occupied nyMf-' Bird song, ou Mulbeiry street. Jan. 14 received a large lot of Pancy Dunstable Bonnets, Also—a general assortment at Carved Shell COMBS, of the first quality. And two boxes of DSABA BLACK BSAVBX BATS of superior quality. April 17 '126 Readymade Clothing. J UST received, a general assortment of Ready- made Clothing, of very-superior quality, aud made in tbo most fashionable manner; the work of xvhich is warranted. A. •xiiOTVr'ELL aeJ. £>. tfMi.H, July 17, 1832. 161 NEW-GOODS. TVM. H. BllRDSAIA, Has just receive<l a ncteand extensive nssortineht of ©ry Goeds. Clothing, ' Hats, Shoes, fyc. M IS stock will 1,3 found inferior (o none, hnd purcliascrs, hr favoritig him with a call, will -be offered Goods at tie most reduced pripcs. njs STOCK CONSISTS/ IN PART, OF "Tilt: FOI-LOWING: Super Saxony, lllue. Black and. Colored Broad , Cloths • ‘ . « Blue, Illack, Mixt and Fancy Colored Battinots Striped Sallincls, ferglisb MorinocS -, . DJHc Point mid Rose Blankets * Red, White, 'Green ard Y'elloiv Flannels Canton and Saxony White Gauze do Uymqsk Tabic Diaper Bird’s-Eye, Scotch, gnd Russia do . Blue, Black arid Colored BombazcttsV 4 __ do do do Cirpussians ’ Negro Clothing, r.tnscys Brown arid Bleached Shirtidgi do do Sheetings .j* - do do Drillings. Colton OznabttrgS;'Fustian* . .. Black Italian Lustring- . . - « Black Gross do Swiss, Black Gross dc Naples ,,do, • do Berlin 1 Blcck Sinchc.wsarid Sarsancts * .Col. Gross dgNaples Black and Col. Florence^- do do Italian Ciapes . ; , Scarlet nnd Black,Merjno-Long^'Shawls. , Scarlet Square ShatvJs Cashmere, Valcnlia, Tliibot Wool ■ Silk, Damask and Cassimerc Shaavls " •. Hernani, Taris Muslin Grape Gauze, '.Grqs de Naples and J Handkerchiefs 'Ladies’ and Misses’ Belgian, Italian, Straw, J,eg, • horn, Braid and I-’ancy Bonnets. - .- Satin anthGauze Garnitures English Moleskins,’ Bed Ticks Apron Checks, Furniture dq . Domestic Plaids and Stripe? .- •Floor Cloth Baize, Green I-’uze. Cloth ' u* , Furniture Dintily, Ilair cord do ■ . P-’issia Sheeting, Blench Dow lass . Burlaps, Banglip Cords - * , ; ‘. Irish Linens, l.awns . Blue arid Scarlet Raltinct - - •-‘Colton Cnssrincrcs • --Black and Coll plain Ribbons . Dark and liglit Col. PrinKaud G"m£bam3 I.ace and Gauze. Veils ■ Figured anti plain Bobbinet Lace ' Thread Laces" Cambric, Jaconet, Swisy, Mull, Nansook ap.d Book Musliiis Liricn Cambric Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Pongee do - India. Flag and Bandana do • Shel! Combs Ladies’ and Gentlemens’.Glove?. • Cottou, Worsted and Lamb’s .Wool Ilo’se Black nnd Col. Cambrics Bead Reticules Men’s and Boys’ Fur, Cloth and Seal Cops ; Chinchilla do' 1 REAliY 3IADE CLOTHING. | Superfine blue, black, gecen, adelafd, olive and j brown Cloth D.rcss Coats - “ Blue, black, .green; brown and steel mixt Cloth Frock Coats . “ Blue, brown, olive, green and mixt Cloth Coatees . ■ . ■ ! Blue, stcC-I mixt and fancy colored Sattinct Coat-1 ces and Frock Coals - Superfine blue, black, brown, olive, green and steel nnxt cloth Pantaloons Drab, lavender arid striped Cassimcre do . Blue, steel mixt nnd fancy colored Sattinet do English Moleskin, uncut Cord and Bangup'do Youths’ CJoth and Sattinet Coatees and Panta loons Black, blue and drab Cassimerc Vests Black nnd colored Velvet dc- Dark and light figured Valentis, white arid col ored Marseilles, Swansdown, Toilinct and Sattinet Vests Camblet and Plaid Cloaks. Velvet, Bombazine, Silk, Valer.tia and Leather Stocks Fine Linen Shirts, Collars. Bosoms, &c. Sec'. Negro Clothing, Men'sated Youths' Fur end H'ool HatS, __ Fine Scots and Shoes, nraaiLO shoes, ac, &c. <&c. Oct. 24 4 Assortment' 1 of Groceries • Viz—150 bags'Coflfce, .. , 45 <h!i<ls St Croix. Porto Rico and N ”. : Orleans Stigfir,’ , • ^ *- 21 bbls I.oltf and Lump do 12 or ebests Tea-. * * ;. 26.000 lbs Iron • *■- ’ JO liltds Molasses -- 1500 husltels Salt - , . _ ‘ 100 pie-tes Hemp and Tow Bagging, ; 40 kegs Nails *• - *' f j ^ Jmnaica Ruin' > | * Cagnae'lJraudy j . Northern Giu, NcrtlibrirRuin i . "• "-'Whiskey. « _ • '’Apple Ilraivly, Whie v ' . - j • , . ; .- Powdefr !<»hf)t; &rc. A'cl j . .. ALSO,’ .-* v - . t j ©ry G-cbdSs Skuediyarfe, CiltWy; I Grtfekcry AtBoots,. Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS,'SADDLES, ■&c. &C.-&C. • ofler JtR. Editor—-Never tiling like smarttiess. I--: imtronizc, in some litii-.- lent l ppper, and at the s: ‘ simple feelings,; 1 wrote , accepted and published j Emily..” Not thinking ! inspection Of a S-olotnot i heard Solotnou’s' ilog-1 previous to the crox' ing him undprgo such a throw of ridicule :.s thr r” ! i in your last we. it's •pnpeh IfJ mistake not Nr. - i Editor,'he is the vary n:aa who received an- ;:p- ! pbintaicnt from the President, not long since, to ! stand upon Lookout mountain, take the comet by the tail, and prevent it from moving old ea. 'li out of its orbit;' and if so, he’s a rtt her, isnVhe, ", Editor? TO Mn. E. S. The truth is the truth, aud I'll !: t it out. That yon are.a Homer no one can ub;; Tho fact is, yon are a nr. e , .1 And resolved the world, should know if, Give you ideas and you rhyme plagued well, Perhaps you arc a Solomon—who can tell! But on ypL'rown basis pray try your luck, .-.We think you are of tit ■ ditagliill pluck! My Uncle says a borrow, d liorse rides free, A fact wjtic^i nil who road your rhymes may see, “So wh nryou ride again pray spare old Bull, And.ride .your horse,-or never ride at all : r Tho winds may blow, the thunders roll, ■ And shake old earth from, pole to pole. The rdfclts may rend, tho earth may quake, Old ocean heave, the mountains shake; Yet arguments that prove his self conceit, Ne'er strike tho tnati that has but little wit.! • And this i^yfcldcd up by all the schools, That nothing good is ere produced by fools W. M. E. •Oct! 43- NEW EFFING GOODS, 'S. GEMSS <3i ■ SOS? . A RE yow rcccivirig fnun New Yorltatid Bos- ! fiL ton,-a-large-nri I fresh sftppJy Of SPRING- . and FANCY SUMMER GOODS, consisting in partpf *■ - GilO ’ps Califcocs.' 100 do Fashionable Ginghams, Printed Muslins ’, t . 100-ps Italian, Grodeltap.’SiucItew. SarstieUCIiari geable, Figured a:ul Fancy colored SILKS 200 ps Corded Muina^ Oambi-ic Dimity.&e Pieces Figured aud plain Sfriss Muslins 100 do Irish Linens , r £_^ r _t- 100 do Pongee and Fancy Silk Ildkfs 200^ do Raxf Silk do 100 doz Fancy Dress Shawls nndtfcarfe. Q00 do Cotton, Madrass, and Head Ildkfs* Linen Drilling, Genflemen’s.'Stocks and Cravats, Brown Linen. Rotvcn Cassiuicre,. Beavcrtfeen, Bang up Curd,Circassia 11s * ;- k 500 doz Hosiery and Gloves, 300 doSpool Tlircad . 50 doz Ball Thread,‘50-do tfjnool. do ■* - . 350 doz pr Suspended200 do Tucking Combs 500 do Side Combs, Tortoise Shell do Dressing Combs,, J00. ps Mosquito Netting, Fancy ' Baskets, do Boxes, 100 lb Flax Thread,‘Sewing Silk. Leghorn and Dunstable .Bonnets, Umbrellas—Mar seilles. Silk-, Valencia and Yelx-ct Vestings—Bleach'd Homespuns, Plaid do. ^Furniture Plaids.- CJiecks, Stripes, Ticking, 20 hales brown Ilotuespuns, Clips OsnabnrgS, Russia Duck, do Siieetings' From Ld-Belle Assembler. SVMMER’S GONE!—Bv Mrs.Norton. IJark'! thfough-ibe dim .w.001! dying, . With a ■moan, Failitly the wiudl-nrc sighing— Bummci’s gone! There, 'wheii the bruised heart leeleth, And the pal? moan her face revealctb. Darkly my footsteji'stcaleth, - To weep'alone. -Hour 1 after ^our I wander, By men utlseeri-— ■ ‘ • • ’ ■ . - , And sa^Iy my .wrung thoughts ponver • On what hath bceri. Spmirier’sgonc! . • . . ’Thfrb Otjr p: 5 ago. throi greea bowers,’ :he -tfingled-flowers , . , usjiauiugs, itussia i/iick. uo oneeiinv?- .Mandarine Dress'! ( r ge neraiassortment of SUMMERCLOTHING consisting of Coats, Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons, N-c. &c. A large supply of fShoes & Boots, ISafs, Saddlery ' . &c. &c. 100 di£ Palm Leaf Hats'. A c'.mpletcassortment of HARD WARE nnd CUT EERY. GLASS WARE, CROCKERY, &-.c. &c- The abcVc Goods were purchased ju Nc\y York and Boston, a few weeks, since', (of recent importu- tiortf,! at twenty, percent less tlfau former prices, and -will be sold unusually tow. * Also,—-.rill receive, next tvccl;, a large supply of GROCER 1ES, IRON $TEEL, NA f LS &c Sic. For sals as above, 0000 lbs prime BACON, march 31 • 315..- . Oft hand(iii baud ‘entwining; ' Oft side by side reclining— We’ve watched in its .crimson shining The spuseriglow. - Simply that sun now burnetii * , For me" now alone— - Sprjrignfler spring retunicth. • —' jt7lt)irarrgcnv. r - , Summer’s gone! Still op my wont cheek playcth The .restless breeze; ’ - Still- in its freshness straye'ib Between" the trees. - Still the blue streamlet gusheth;. Still tbe^broad river rgsheth ;‘ Sriil.lhfi calm silence liusheth ,- .The heart’s disease-: But who shall bring qur meeting Back again ?.- What shill -reeal thy greetings— fain! ^* , Summer’s gone! ir The Subscriber ESPECTFULLY informs his fripiids rm ! tlio'public, that he lias taken tile Store at the iicmi of Cotton Avcnu'c, fodmorly kept as 3 | Drug Store, where he is opening a GenerqJ As sortment, coirijirising x SJry ’JS-oods, £?-roceric-s, Hardware, .Cutlery:, Crockery, SADDLERY., fti. Also, 50 pieces of host hemp BAGGING,, mid 25 bags of Li^- Gcesj FEAT’UERS. AH of .which oil is disposed to sell at the lowest prices. Please cull niid examine, for yourselves. FRANCIS O’CALLAGH-VN.’- Mnron. sept 18* -It 178 - ~”~7 7 sraas " New Work, Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa N_F vaniiah,’ and Augusta, in stuns to suit pur chasers, for salc'bv . Noy. 10. BANTER,-FORT & WILEY. HATS. • f l»T received and for sale by the subscribers, several cases of Brewster's - Black and Erab Server S^ats, j ' Not inferior to any in the Market. )—A general assortment,of DRY GOODS ; in addition to their former stork: which will be 1 sold low. A. SIIOTWELL & J. S. SMITH, i July 18,1832. , 3,00 Notice. I will board Horses, at my Plan tation ou the east side of the River, sail that pa Front the Southern Plqnter and Family Lyceum. * , THE DESERTER. .* ’ ' X TALE or* THE LAST WAR. Among the hundreds and thousands of pa triotic mcn< who v.olunteered for the defence of Boston, in the hourly expected invasion, was captain Belknap, of the 11 aX'orl: ill Rangers. This spirited officer,With his whole c.-rps, eon- 'sisting of ICO men, left their' occupations and their homes, and flew to. the-coast, to oppose the hourly, expeted landing of ihe enemy.— Capt. B. was quite xtoung, and had just eoin- jnenced the practice of physic In the ancient arid flourishing town of HaVerhill. Haviuv Boston and reported Iiim- soji'td'heiitkquartei yhc wasjjl.tced-wiihitis men > bn one. of the fortified islatwls that defend the bc-autillfl harbor of that city". At this time, all wap bustle, and activity, and npprclicnsion.— Bristling bayonets, and smoking cannon were "every where seen.. VThV? surrounding heights- were all fortified and rarrisoried; grim vessels of (var were drawn tip ready for action, swiiig- ing hyyhcir anchors, and shoe ing their teeth to the foe. Merchant vessels 'were hauling into places of security; and private families on all I sides were moving into' the country, to be fer- I tl*Jr from' the Scene df danger, At this season of alarm, v. Iteri it was ncc c: a- rv to guard against’donfestic as well as fot.-.-:--i- foes; «very. boat that passed the forts waSriaii- tionsly’ scrutinized. The Wishing smack, tho pleasure barge, the trading packet, wt re ■ :t- icrally allowcd'to proceed. But occasion iiv suspicious looking saii was brought too, and of ten found loaded with provisions for t::e enemy. The'ofiicer in command for tho tiiCae, had al ways a spy glass at hand, with which he rc- connoitcred the passing sails. One charming merning in September, while captain Belknap was walking the pafapet, with his spy glass in his hand, reconnoit ring every cd, a beautiful bar^c that shot olf. at S6-50 per mouth. Oct!) :i M. CHISHOLM. To 2lenc, House recent!v Xemon Syrup. Jj^OR sale by ELLIS, tf HO !’\VELL & CO HE Store House recently occupied by Thomas T. Napier—also, the tftoiv room at present occupied by B. II. Warner. Apply to BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. Serif. 25. 181 if av 25 144 CARRIAGES. A NUMBER of Barouches and Gigs, rcceiv- ed and for sale bv , May 25,,144 ELLIS, SIIOTWELL CO. IOCKET MAI’S OF GEORGIA for sale at this office. 106 71 OP COL’Gil SYRUP, euglis, Ah'umns, Coii-iurnni-ms, rnd loph.g Cou»ii. A :iU]*;i:y <u this vain ! and for -aie by Nov 23 ELLIS 'SIIOTWELL■&. CO. F . able Medicine i<c.-:\ biah ms FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE from tho “Central wharf” with a brisk S. W7 breeze, came abreast of the farf- A hatid of music sent forth patriotic airs; which,- a.-;’ rolled over tho undulating surface of die bay, came to his ear with asweet and grateful melo dy. The cabin and decks appeared filled with- passengers, among them a good many- ladies-. They appeared on an. excursion, of la mixed- nature, parriy l’er pleasure, p^ttlvtof patriot ism,—as amongst tkeir lines/arid books and' tackle for fishing ; Lees, spaucri and barrows? we.-o seen, fbr tr^rUng on thdTortilicarions.—. Cap;. B. observed the gay grotipri.with.feedings’ that participated in their joy, and ho was with them ia spirit jf not hi pertwr. With his glass^f thfe Yekitel TrtiS brought so near lo nis eye; that i'k-"' mm