Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 14, 1832, Image 1

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EORC by M. BARTLETT. MACON, WEDNESDAY’, NOVEMBER 14, 1S32. Yol. YII.l.New Series....Number 7. THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. rUBIiXSHED WESElIiir AT MACON, GA. printing Office on Mulberry Street—cast side the Post Office. TERMS.—Three Dohars a year, if paid in advance, or Fotm Doli.ars. if not paid before the end of the year. Subtcribers living at a distance; will be required in n!J cases to pay in advene^. SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER.— hollars per nnuum, in advauce, or Four Dollars at the end of the year. - NEW YORK AND DARIEN Tor Sale. TWO POLE BOATS 7lt<! Povi r and A riel. The R j - ^gj^vci 1 is as good as new ,as it has “SGoroeea but a few mouths since she underwent ;,u entire and good repair. 1 have had the Ariel examined by a gentleman who is well acquainted with boat building, and he iu- forr;,s me that one hundred dollars will put her •Vi good order for freighting, ns her timbers arc all good. The two tire said to bo very low at eight hundred dollar^'. I will sell them on time, and if a sale can be effected with any of Col. 1). S Griffin’s confidential creditors, I will discount four iiuudred dollars on his paper. Also,—A HORSE AND StJLKEY and a Pedlar’s WAGON Tor sale. Also,—Two young likely NEGRO WOMEN. Sept, 4, 1832. 176 W. B. GONE. line of* Jackets* To Sail on the 1st, 10th, and 20 th of each month. Brig PREMIUM, Capt. Young, ' Brig CORAL, Capl. Cobb. Scb. I>. B CilA.\E, Capt. B/bbiss. Sch. ELIZA] Capt. Clark. Seh.ATLAh, Capt.-Brown. For freight or passage, apply to RICHARD M. I)E.MILL, cr BENJ. STRONG. & SONS, Agents. New York-or to HAWKS # MITCHELL, or P. K. VONGE A SONS, Agents Darien. New York. Sept. 23,1832. 2 ,8tw LIjVE of stages R UNNING through tho upper ports of South and North Carolina and Virginia, to Wash ington City, nr.! which, at its Southern end, re cently terminated at Powelton, Ga., is now in full und complete operation. It has receutly been exteuded to JurRcdgcvillc, from which plnco it departs on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, at 4 A. M. i’or particulars see bills pud tho Milledgcvi le papers. WM, SMITH. Culpepper Va., May 15,1832. 21* 6m MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Books, SVIusic, &c. ELTAS, SHOT WELL & CO. A RE' now receiving. and opening' at their BOOK STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, of a rich description, and a variety.of- other Mu sical Instruments, with Instruction Books and Music adapted to the same. A large collection of KTcw SEssic for tho Z?ianc, embracing all tho Music of the celebrated • Cinde rella Opera, and a vnriety of Eugravings, Carica tures, Prints, &.c.—also, V. .7 large assortment of Books, ecr.sLting of fifteen hundred volumes: a cata logue embracing a considerable portion of which, is published in the Christian Repertory,,. V great variety of STATIONARY and Mis cellaneous articles. A large .assortment of PAPER IIANGIXOS, Bordering, Fire-Prints, &c. &c. They respectfully invite tho attention of the public to tho above, and request them to call and examine. . June 11 24 BLANTON <5i SLUTS, WARE HOUSE,. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M AKE liberal advances ®n Cotton in store and on shipments, also on uotes and oth er property deposited in tlieir hands. Their Ware Houses are more convenient to the business part of the town tliiiii any other, possess ing the advantages of a wharf, un,l ore more ex empt from danger by fire, than any other in Ma- con. - *May 25 144 J. GODDARD; WARS SOUSE AXD COMMISSION 3IERCHANT, Macon/ WILL contiuuc to transact the <£> • * above business at the same place occupied last year by J. GOD DARD Sc. IlEED. lie has built o'good Wharf for the convenience of tho Ware House: and there is no Ware House iu town more sccuro from the dangers of fire. By strict attention to business committed, to his carc, aud the facilities which he will he able to render his customers, he hopes-to merit a contin uance of tho pat, onnge qf his friends and tho pub lic in general. Ho is prepared to make liberal advances at all times, on cotton stored or shipped by him. Cot ton stored at his Ware Homo' will be insured at tho lowest,rates, if requested. Ho has also taken tho Ware House occupied last year by'L. J. Groce, for the convenience of his friends and customers in East Macon. • Macon, August 10 168 Cm WAREHOUSE AND * . Commission Easiness. > THE subscriber .continues the <)> Vj above business at his old stnud. Head of Cherry street and Cotton i Avenue, where* he offers all the u- NEW SPRING GOODS. I _ Copartnership. —^ r>xs ATrwes jlm i 'Hi Ur. subscribers have this day purchased tho £■ w JtiO oC NiVAl I entire stock of goods belonging to Wiley, A RE now receiving from Now York ad Bos- J Baxter Fort in this place, aud v.-.ill continue the ton, a-large and fresh supply of S’RFNG business at the same store ou the co J ci ai’WE’D nnriitJ .1 — a ton, aud FANCY SUMMBR GOODS, coiyistingiu part of 600 ns Calicoes, 1£0 do Fashionable Gin/bains, Printed Muslins i00 ps Italian, Grodenap, Sinchew, Sar^et.Cbaii ■ . geable. Figured and Fancy eoloredSILKS 200 ns Corded Muslins, Cambric Dimity Ac Pieces Figured and plain Swiss Mutius 100 do Irish Linens 1 100 do Pongee and Fancy Silk lldkfs ' • Raw Silk do 100 doz Fancy Dress Shawls and Scarfs 300 do Cotton, Madrass, and Head I.iiicn Drilling, Gentlemen’s ^Stocks-and Brown Linen, Rnwcn Cassimere, Beaverte* Bang up Cor.d, Circassians S00 doz Hosiery and Gloves,.300 do SpoolPhrcad 50 doz Ball Thread, 60 do Spool do I. 150 doz pr Suspenders, 200 do TuckingCuabs 500 do Side Combs, TortoiscjShcll do Dressing Combs, -100 ns Mosquito Netting,Fancy Baskets, do Boxes,.100 lb Flax Thread, SewinjSilk. Leghorn and DiinstaL-le Bonnets, Uuib'rL*ll:is—Mar seilles, Silk, Valencia aud Velvet Vestings—Bl&cli’d Homespuns, Plaid ijo. Furniture Plaids, Clicks, Stripes.Ticking, 20 bales brown Homcspuus, (Ops Osnaburgs, Russia Duck, do Sheetings. . „ ravats, corner of Sec ond Street aud Cotton Avenue, opposite Wash- ! iugicn Hall, under the firm of I BAXTER, FORT & WIL.&Y. They have ou hand a general assortment of j fresh goods well adapted to the town and country ' trade, which will be sold at low prices and ou li beral terms, by tile yard, piece or package.— They solicit a continuation of the patronage of former customers and the public generally. THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W.FORT. LAIRD II.,WILEY- Macon, July 1, 1832. 161 11E subscriber having withdrawn from the late firm of Wiley, Baxter fy Fort, and sold his interest to his Brother,'Laird II. Wiley, re spectfully asks a continuation of patronage from his friends to tlic uew-firm of BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. LEROY M. WILEY ' Macon. July I, 1832.-. - 161 ©issolutioa. HE Copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm of Ifiky, Baxter fy Fort, is agcncroi assortment of SU MMEIl CLQTIITS G ! this'day dissolved by mutual consent. The en- cousistiug of Coats, Roundabouts-, Vests, Pantaloors, ! tire business of the concern will bp settled by &C.&C. A law* supply of ’ BAXTER, FORT & WILEY, who will con- Shoes &. Soots, Eats, Saddlery tinuo the business at tho same standi .* &c. &c. 100 doz Palm Leaf Hats. - ,* I LEROY M. WILEY; A ccmplete assortment of HARD WARE and CUT i LF.RY. GLASS WARE, CROCKERY, &c.<fcc. r The above Goods were purchased in New Yorkl nnd Boston, a few weeks since, (of tecest importa-1 tions,) nt twenty per cent less than former prices, j and will be sold unusually low. *". . j Alto,—trill fcecire, next teeth, a large supply of GROCERIES, IRON & STEEL, NAILS &c &c. For sale as above, 0000 lbs prime BkCON.' march 31 115 THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. FORT. Macon. July 1*. 1832. - 161 ■ . xnsvbanoe; . f S^IIE Hoicard Insurance Company oj yew B, York continues to insure COTTON, when shipped on good Boats or Boxes, againi the dungsrs of tho River. Rates of Premium are moderate. * Apply to C. DAY, Agent. Pee 20 51" . Bills on the Bank of ESacon AKEN by the nudersigned at 75 per cetit discount, in payment for Ooo.'.jk Aug. 14 168 lOt E. GRAVES & 8()N NEW PRIME K. J UST PUBLISHED aud for sale at this of fice, . * • The o>Jew Printer, or Child’s First Book. Well adapted for Infant, Common ajid Sunday Schools. Will be sold low by the quantity. Price 12j cents single. sual facilities in business. His Ware House and close storages arc in j prime order, and as much exempted from the j danger of fire as any iu the place. • Colton stored with him will be delivered in a- j ny part of the town, free of any charge, except the customary storage. Oct 5 » JAMES C. MORGAN. LOW FOR CASH. * HE subscribers intend dosing their present husiuess as soon as practicable, aud will -j sell .off theirstock of- ._ Uardtoarc, Cutlery, Castings, TdKeckp.nics* Tools, &c, BOOKS, STATIONARY, PAPER IIAKTGirTGS. JL. MUSICAL INSTRC3IENTS. Together with, a great variety of miscellaneous articles nt very low prices, for cash only—many articles will be disposed' less than cost.— Thotrotoolt xifLvoUt n Itii^w tiUll iiltllC cuiUJilClU than any other iu the State; it embraces a large assortment of Law Books, Medical do. aud Latin School do. Greek and French do. Religious do. Historical, \ * harden Seeds, V A FRESH supply, just received anil for sate 3L by ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO.. April'14 j-124 * • FACTORAGE AND Ccstaission Sneinocc. HE liudersigued intending to remove to • Savamiah early iii the month of October, offers his services to his friends and the public, in the transaction of a General FACTORAGE and --—t-- . . - 3 • - ... COMMISSION BUSINESS, lie will make Literary. Scientific, and a great variety of *Mis- cash advances, or acceptances ou actual >hip-> cellaucous \Vorks. T HE Subscribers still continue the business nt the old stand, .corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, where work will he done accord; ing to order. Haviug a large assortment of arti cles ordered from tho North which will ^arrive iu the coarse of tho summer, consisting of. (Jigs, Bn- gics, Barouches and Carriages, they feel com ink-nt of pleasing customers both in articles and prices. ■■■»’■ The havo no tv on hand an assortment which will be sold low for cash, such as Sulkcys, Gigs, ami Barouches; besides several splendid acts of Harness, with I.aces, Carpeting,- Morocco, •Springs of different kinds. Joints, Bands, Loops aud Bows of all sizes. Orders for Carriages punctually nttcudcd to, and warranted to please or no sale. BENTON & BACON. Wanted as an Apprentice, A lad about fourteen or fiftecu years of ago, of steady moral habits. B. & B. May 4 JI38 , ' , , '■ . EDUCATION. FKIllE citizens of Mncon and ils vicinity arc most . 1 respectably informed that the Academy situat ed about one mile from town on the road leading to Fonytb, will be completed and ready for the recep tion of scholars ubotil the first of N’ovembnr next.— Its health and retired location is truly inviting. The ubscriber, who is engaged to take'ebarge of lbs a- boveaesdemy, has been for many years u teacher in ;ome of the'most rcspectahle schools in the city op New York, from the Principals of which he can show the most satisfactory testimonials of his qualifications. From his strict attention to all the duties of his school, from his unremitting exertions ill facilitating the pro- grcssofhis pupils, he hopes to merit and secure the approbation of tho public. He bas already opened the school in a very commodious and pleasant room, convenient to the Academy, where he will teach un til h is completed. The course of education to be pursued in' this insti tution, will embrace the Greek and l.aiin-classic5 f 'J With the different English branches. Terms of tui-j Ron, mid other particulars relntive to the institution will lm known by enquiring of ihe Hon. C. B. Strong, Mr. Ale.xHiider Suolwi-.ll, Mr.Wm. Scottor the teach- • W. JOHN O’KEEFE Macon, Oct. 2.1S32. merits of Cottoii. Hi addition to Whrclr.' ho will continue tjie car- rying trade Kstwceu Savannah and Charleston, for which lie is now furuishiug a large new Steam Boat, the FREE TRADE, of light, draft of wa ter, built of the best materials, coppered and'cpj>- per fastened, 'with two twenty-six horse engines, aud at the proper season, will run one or two Steam Boats, with Tow .Boats well manned, be tween S a van pall and Macon. He has large lire proof-sheds, for tho storage of Goods and Produce, directly on the wharf to save tho expense of drnyage. - All articles intended for shipment by any of -his boats, whether to Macon or Augusta, w ill lie stor ed gratis. ' G. B. LAMAR. Oct. 1 1 6t ELLIS, SIIOTWELL-& CO. Sept 27 181 3?i S. SSrugs and ESedicisies will be sold as usual. . . E<S. fc CO. Z>XS30£1HPX0Jtf. HE copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, tinder the firm of HALL & MORELAND, was dissolved this day hy mutual consent. Ail demnuds against said firm w ill be settled by. John Moreland; to whom all debts due the firm will be paid. JAMES A. HALL; - JOHN MOREL-VND. ' (t/®’ Tho Cabinet making and Turning bust ness will be continued in all its branches by the uudersigued, at the old stand, near Clark’s IIo tel. JOHN MORELAND. . Sept. 21 ISO-. • ' XvYotice a * I will board Horses, at my Plan tation ou tlie east side of the River, at S6-50 per month. * • Oct 0 3 M. CHISHOLM. 53X&S AYN New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa vannah, ami Augusta, in sums to suit pur chasers, for sale by Nov. 10. BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. HATS. J UST received and forsalo by the subscribers, several cases of Brewster’s . Slack and Drab Beaver Hats* Not inferior to any in tho Market. Ahso—A general assortment of DRY GOODS iu addition to their former stock: which will be sold low. A. SIIOTWELL & J. S, SMITH. July 13. 1832. 160 Readymade Clothing. J l .'>1 received, a general assortment ofRcady- madc Clothing, of verysuperior quality, and made in the most fashionable manner; the work of which is warranted. A. SIIOTWELL tc J. S. SMITH, -July 17, 1832. . 1G1. . Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant COUGH SYRUP, W^lOR Ccii-ii,, Asthmas, Consumptions, and •B- Hooping Cough. A supply of this valu • ic Medicine received and for sale by >ov ELLIS, SIIOTWELL & CO. The Subscriber mp EgPECTFULLY informs his friends aud the public, that he lias taken the Store at the head of Cotton Avenue, formerly kept as a Drug Store, where ho is opening a General As sortment, comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutleri/, Crockery, SADDLERY, &c. Also, 50 pieces of best hemp BAGGING, and 25 bags of Live Geese FEATHEBS. (All of which he is disposed to sell at the lowest prices. Please call and examine foY vuurselvcs. FRANCIS O’CALLAGHAN. Macon, sept I.~i -It 178 REA & COTTON . Offer for sale on accommodating terms t ~ PIECES Hemp Bagging 500 ready made Cotton bags, best . . quality 100 bbls Baltimore, N. O. and Georgia Whiskey* , 10 hhds Northern Rum (colored) 10 casks Marsclles and Madeira Wine 30 boxes manufactured. Tobacco 35 hhds St, Croix & Porto Rico Sugars 5 bbls Copperas . •? ' 3 bales Blankets- ■ • 1 bok Saddlery ; . _ 1000 bushels Alum Salt, V- also - . « . A small involco of DRY GOODS,^HARD WARE, CROCKERY, &c. suitable for a ctfuh- trv store, sold on a credit of six months. Oct. 2 1 ’ ^ ; r»Iolasscs, Bum, Gin, 6:c, Just received by boat Stronger. IS HIIDS. N. O. Molasses, J3_xlv 20 bbls Rum 20 do Gin' (best brand & good proof) 20 do .Whiskey (N. O. high proof) IN STORK. 10 bhlsMackeral No 1. 50 do Whiskey • 50 do Gin , j' ■" 10 hhds St. Croix Sugar, 10 do . O. do 25 bbls Manhaden Fish 5 tiercee.superior Rice. For sale by C. A. HIGGINS. March-28 112 - NEW WORKS. - RNOTT S Elements of.Plij’sics . ' Evidence of-Rrophecy , • Rev. Robert Hall’s Wprks Essay os Formation and Publication of;Opi- nions ' ' - •, Essays on Truth, Knowledge, Evidence, &c. '. Pitcairn’s Island Otalliete, &c:—last Family •’ . Library - Ambitious Studcnr,-by E. L. Bulwer Life of Stephen Girard • Hall’s Lectures.on School Keeping Romance of Reality' . Sister’s Budget Whispers to a Newly Married Pair Reports on Locomotienjind Fixed Engines Eleventh Edition Henry’s Chemistry Alexander’s Bible Dictionary • - - Brief Kcmarker * RSedical. Syme’s.Surgcry * * " f Larrey’s Surgical Memoirs Gooch on Female? ‘ . .' Goocli’s Midwifery • • v _ Bell on Baths and Mineral Waters 1 • Carpenter’s"EsSny on JIateria Mcdica Costar’s Physiological Practice Peurpcral Peritonitis, by Dr. Baudelocque * Ryan’s Medical Jurisprudence With a large collection of Medical, Law, Mis cellaneous andSchool Books for sale by -«« 4t - ELLIS, SHOTWF.LL &, Co; CJ-cneral Factorage and Ooznmis- i sion Business. T IIE subscribers v^vipg formed a connexion for the transaction ot ^ general FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION ‘BUSINESS, in the City of CnxRLZsTpir, under the firm of X&aloiic, Cohen & Offer their ?c-rviets to their friends and the public, and will be preparndto make the usual advances on COT TON and .other produce consigned to their care. They will also pay particular attention to receiving and forwarding, of Goods, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. ROBERT MALONE. HORACE SISTARE. AARON COHEN. MALONE & SISTARE continue'their business in Savannah as usual. October 27,1832. 5 6t saxes. SOQ.OOO ’Rts days notice, fo/sale by ■ V. A. IIIGGIN&. N. B. The above article can be had in quan tities to suit purchasers on contract, by'giving short notice to the subscriber, who acts as ageut for on extensive kiln iu the ueighhorhoodi June 5 147 C. A. IL supply to those on hand, will.make his stock very Jarge and complete, which ne offers on as reasonable terms sis they can be had in this nracket. His goods comprise a'geperal Assortmiijit of Groceries, \ Viz—150.bags Collec, . :- . - 45 hhds*St Croix, Perto Rico and N Orleans Sugar, •*_ 21 bbh L oa f a,, d Lump do 12 qr chests Tea 20,000 lhs Iron * * j . IQ hhds Molasses ‘ 1500 bushels Salt ’. 100 jiieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 40 kegs Nails Jamaica Rum » Cognac Brandy NoYthcrn Gin, Northern Rum Whiskey, • Apple Brandy, Wine, . Powder, Shot, &c. &c. • ' ALSO, (&cods, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLES, Art* £r a ' SAW AESTD CMREOT SSE. ^ HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub -H. lie, that his SXBAJM: SaYTv GXilSH? S.SESE, ucar his residence, within tflie milt- of Macon, is now in complete and successful operation. In addition to oilier machinery he is prepared with a circular saw for ripping light lumber, such as Window Sijsb, Palings, Laths, &c. 111 couso- qdtuce of flip heavy expenditure inclin e.: in its establishment, it is necessary that lie shoulil re quire either cfisli or bankable paper for his lum ber, which he is disposed to sell at a fair price. A share of the public patronage is very respect fully, solicited. BENJ. F. O'WENS. N. B.—A first-rate-SAW YER. may, by ap plying immediately, obtain good ytagf' aud a per- innneut situation. L’. O. July 27. 164 tf ' . Oct 22 &c. &.c: &cT 43 . :,•* iTust received hhds St. Croix, Porto Rico, and New OrlcansSUGARS b ism. 70 blsJVortheru Rum. 60 do Whiskey 30 bis Gin - ' 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine Cognac Brandy,' Holla'tid Gin Jamaica Rum lAquartcr chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails ' 20,000 lbs Iron • German and English blistercdpSteel 5,000 lbs Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, and a Gcheral Assortment sPnrsG goods, • Cutlery; Hats, Shoes, Boots, lye. For sale by - GEORGE JEWETT. May 10 142 ' Coflee, dLcT Rust’s Pate at .Printing - Press. T IIE undernfhdd having been appointed A- gent for the sale of Rust’s Improved Patent cast Iron Printing Press, takes this opportunity to recommend it to the frateniity. This Press is coming into gonci-al use at the North—and is thought to be the most perfect hud efficient of any now in use. Workmen, who have used this and others, give tins the .preference over every other kind as respects ease, power aud.durability. One of these Presses is now in use at this office, where it may bo seen in operation. Letters to tho undersigned 011 the subject, (post paid)-will be attended to. M. BARTLETT. Su GRAVES. & SON havo just receive . the following articles: 12 lilids St. Croix and N. O. Sugars • 10 bbls Loaf do . *. ' 50 hags'Coffee 40 bbls Rum “ 20 Shis N. Gin 20 bbls Whiskey,. 10 hhds Molasses 20 bbls Potatoes . 2 pipes Cog. Brandy ' 2 pipes Holland Giu 2 hjtds Jam. Rum 25 bills Wine , ' * • 20 bbls Colrdial 50,000 Cigjjrs ■ * . Boxes Soap, Candles t >4 .- . Pepper, Pimento, Ginger Tobacco, Pearlasb, Copperas - Boxes Hyson and Black Tea 50,000 lbs Iron and Steel 2000 lbs Hoop Iron Castings,* &c. &c. AH of wliicli'wili April 11 will be sold very low. 12l ” “ Circulating library. ^SUBSCRIBERS to ihp Circulating.Library can now be furnished with books. .A largo'collection of Miscellaneous works will be appropriated to 2io Library; and a utmiber of periodicals, together with many .other, valuable works to afford general interest, will be added as soon as practicable. * 4 -.* ■*• Persons wishing to become subscribers,, will please call on Mr. John it. Ellis, (wh\will act as Librarian.) °r at the store,^where a catalogue of the books can be seen. April 10 121 ELLIS.'SJIQTWELL fcCO. F lemon OR sale by ELLIS, SHOJ May 25 144 WELL & CO NEW BOOKS. » EVERK, by tlie author of Tremaine, Jnqueliuc of Holland Anastasiufe, by T. Hope, Sketches in China, by W. W. Wood, Philip Augustus, by the author of Rich elieu, Journal of the Rev’ds Tycrmar. & Bonnet, being tho 1st, 2d aud 3d Nos. of the library of religious knowledge. Xoudon Annuals for 1832. The Amulet, the Keeplake, t ' '■ f r, Christmaf B 0 Xi Literary Souvenir, Juvenile Forgot me not, Tho Musical Germ, Musical bijou. March 1 85 ELLIS, SIIOTWELL & 60. hand in 2&Tewton. F RACTIONS No. 333 and 334, in the 16tli District originally Hemy now Newton omity, arc for sale, Apply in Macon to Dec! 35 \M. BARTLETT. Bacon. LBS. PRIME BACON, for sale hy Oct. 23 8 -. RE A & COTTON. , TIN WA.llE MAMTACTUitillf SinfiBERllY, NKAR TlltHD STREKT. T HE subscriber manufactures and keeps con stantly on hand, a general assortment of Tin Warn, ,. ivhicll lie will sell wholesale and rc:a - l at Sayan uah or Augusta prices.- , i JOB WORK dono at the shortest notice at[ the shop on Third street, next door to Ellis, Shot- j cll& Co. WILLIAM S, ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, ShOticcll (,• Co. wiTl re- i rompt attention. } 17 A. FAfFJOlS & CJo. 9"AVE received pef Boat Rebecca, and offer JlJL for sale on reasonable terms, “ ’iJOOO bushels Salt 16,000 lbs Bacall 20 Ions Swedos Iron * 20 hhds Sugar 209 bags Goffco . ' " ' 6 hhds 3Iolasscs . ■ • 50 bbls prime Pork 1 • 25 bbls No.,2 Mackerel . 25 bbls No: 3 ditto y - 50 bbls N. E. Rum 50 bbls Giu ' *• 150* pieces Tin——J;j£- 30 boxes Soap . - OO, l,oics SporAi Candies Window Glass * . • ; Nails . . ' Cognac Brandy » Holland Gin' Mnlagtij Madeira and Tcuerifio Wine. Together tcith a general assortment of Dry ©roods, hardware, Saddlery CROCK'RRYjHATS, SHOES, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, &.C. &c. &c. Juno 18,1832.. 25 AUCTION, : BROKERAGE * AND * Commission Business. P - § N HE uridersignad lias taken the spacious fire JL proof brick store, in'the south eud of'Ellis, Shotwell & Cd’s raDgc, for the purpose of trans acting • • «.* - • .* AUCTION, BROKERAGE . AND - •' ooaojttxssxozr bvsxitbss, Generally.—He will be aided ia the management of any business confided to him, hy his. brother, John T. Rowland, ami respectfully solicits ashare j of the patkonago of their respective friends, an 1! the public. Until tho store is completed liis counting room will be kept over the Commercial Bank. WILLIAM P. ROWLAND. N: B. Cotton will be bought or sold for a mod erate commission. , . • V Oct. 5 . 2 3m * ' Alum Salt and Sime. a, A3 Bushels Alum Salt „ 100 casks Tbomaston T.ime For sale by REA & COTTON. . Rpb 20 82 . •' QUANTITY of superfine Flour; received by tho Charlcs*Carroll-antl for sale-by May 25 144 ELLIS. SIIOTWELL &. CO. £-o Rent, • ' HE Store House recently occupied. by Thomas T. Napier—also, tho Store room at present oecirpicd bv B. R. Warner. Apply BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. Sept. 25. 181 if NEW GOODS. ,, WM. H. BURDSALL, Has just received a newapd extensive dssortment of * Bry tGrdous. 01oifeing, > Hats, Shoes, Sfc. H I8 stock will be found inferior to. none, and purchasers, by favoring Idm with a call, will be offered Goods at the most reduced juices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IX PAttT. OF ii!U rOI.LOWlXO: ( Su[)er Saxony, Blue. Black und Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Mbit end Fancy Colored SaUinets - Striped SaUinets, Englkh Merinoes J>ufne Point and Hose lllunketi Red, White, Green and Yellow flannels - Cnnion and Saxony White Gneze do Pan-.a'k Table Diajier Bird’s Eye, Scotch, nnd IJusSia do Blue, Black and Colored Bombazetts do do- * do Circassians Negro Clothing. Linseys Brown and Bleached Shirtings do * do Sheetings do do . Drillings Cotton Oznabtirgs. Fustians Black Italian Lustring . Black Gross de S'wiss, Black‘Gross de Naples., do do Berlin Black Sincheivs and Sarsancts. • Col. Gross do Naples Black and Col. Florences . : do. do Italian Crapes Scarlet and Black Merino Long Shawls Scarlet Square Shctvls Cashmere, Valentin. Thibet Wool Silk, Damask and Cassimere fc’h.-.wls * Heniahi, Paris Muslin Crape Gauze, Naples ondi Mandarine Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies' and Misses’ Belgian, Italian, Straw, Leg horn,Braid and Fancy Bonnets. Satin nnd GauzeGnmiltirc* English Moleskins, Bed Ticks Apron Checks, Furniture do Domestic Plaids and Stripes • Floor Cloth Baize. Green Fuse Cloth . Furniture Dimity, Hair cord do Russia Sheeting, Bleach Dowlass Burlaps. Bangup Cords ‘ Irish Linens Lawns' Blue nnd Scarlet Itcttinet Cotton Cassimercs Black and Col -plain Ribbons j DaHfand light Col Printsond Ginghams Eace and Gauze Veils Figured anil plain Bobbinet Lacs Thread Lrtces Cambric, Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and * * Book Muslins Linen Cambric nun. iiiiuiunc Qa«itiiilAjltfs; v . agee uo Indio Flag and Bandana do .Shell .Combs Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Glove-. Cotton, Worsted aud Lamb’s Wool Hose •Black nnd Col.^Cambrics Bead Reticiiles Men’s and Boys’ Fur, Cloth and Seal Capa . - Chinchilla do READY 3IADE CLOTHING. Superfine blue, black, green, adelaid, olive and brown Ciotli Dress Coals w Blue, black, gYecif; brown and steel mixt Cloth Frock Coats “ ( Blue, brown, olive, green anil mixt * . Cloth Coatees Blue, steel mixt and fancy colored Sattinet Coat ees and Frock Coals Superfine blue, Mack, brown, olive, green .and steel mixt.cloth Panlaloons , Drab,lavender and striped Caasitnerc do ; Blue, stkel mist and fancy colored Saltiaot do English Moleskin, uncut Cord and Bangup do Youths'Cloth anil Suttinul Coatec-s and Paata loons '• '" Black, blue and drab Cassimere Vcsl9 Black and colored Velvet do Dark and light figured Vulcntia, while end cni- ored Marseilles, Swansdown, Toilinct and Sattinet Veils Camblet and Field Cloaks Velvet, Bombazine, Silk, Valcntia and Leather Stocks ' I-’inc Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, &c. «&c. Negro Clothing, Men's aud Youths' Fur and fVool Hals, S’ine Boots' and Shoes, SIBOaO 3I2GES, &.C, csiC. &C. Oct . 24 / 4 One M u ndre d Dollar § MewnrdI JJJJ) ANA WAY from rite subscriber, about (J.e JifO 7th July last, a hired negro fellow hy tiio name of DAVE, who belongs to Thomas Prices As this is not-thc first time said, fellow has runa way after being hired out, it is believed ho has .been furnished With a ticket, authorising .him it go off to a distance and hire out'bis own time. For. the apprehension of the negro, and proof of # this fact, sufficient to conviction, I will give ouo hundred dollars, or twenty dollars for tho boy a- louc. Dave is a tall black fellow, about o<» years of age. It is probable- he is up ni the gold mines. r DAVID RALSTON. Aug. 24 172 Soaf and S’.:ap Sugar. i3 BOXES Loaf and Lump Sugar, just isL 4* received and for sale by Oct 9 4 ' REA Sc COTTON. JAMES R. BENAET, ooi and Shoe^ialie: HAS cotnnfeheud McDouald's building, Macon Telegraph ( ! . he will he found business in mSW C-803S.’ UST received from New Y-ork, a large and splendid assortment of SPRING GOODS,* Consisting of a variety of plain .and striped Ging hams, plain and figuered Swiss, Adelaide Stripe,' Siriped Chambray, Victory Muslins, Thread La ces, do. Inserting;, and Edgings, Black. .Italian' Snrsirict, Sinchew nnd Gro de Naple Silk, Color cd Florence do., Black^Itnlinn Crape, Birdseye Diaper, Cotton Wadding, Musquito Netting, Mul Muslin, Lace Cap patterns BlackBbmBazme, do to h ;, ohlTdstomcn and others who o« Silk l' roggs. Crape and Gauze Shawls, Greer. L, - - ' * I Bcrego aud_U hito Gnt'izo VeHs, Plain and Paint-1 Q^ROOTS add SHOES manufactured to .order, in tho host manner. KK; .M’llNG also I will he done. * 05 a ’ Two or thre# JOURNEYMEN can fud I regular employment by application to him. jan. 25.' j 59 f ^LanJscapo Bape? Hanging. A SPLENDID assortnienf, jbsf received and for sale by ELLISV SIIOTWELL &, CO. Mav 25 144 I Feather Fans, Ladies and Gentlemen’s Glo'ves jilaiu and llorilercd Cambric t Handkerchiefs. Also, a genera! assortment of RIBBONS. A. SIIOTWELL & J. S. SMITH. April 17.126 Xabd for Sale. Lot N6. 31, iu tuo 11 ill tiisirict of Lee couuty. “ 34, « 32d “ 254, “ 20th “ 220, - “ 10th , v . DAY>& BUTTS, Maron. Julv 27. 1832. 164 Agents eivc pi;on Nov 11 IOCKET MAPS at this 0Qlc5. OF GEORGIA for m sale | CARRIAGES. A NUMBER of Barouches atu! Gigs, receiv- tk cd and for salfr by ■. May 35 Ill JELfclS) SllOTWfctt & CO, ■4'-