Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 21, 1832, Image 1

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Wf - : Jh mb BY M: BARTLETT. 3HACOJN, AYED^ESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1830. OL. E.yP ...Xxv tiie GEORGIA TELEGRAPH SUSSiISSES WESS£S' AT mAcqN; GA. ■* Prinlin, SLAEffTOB? & SSSXT3I, WARE HOUSE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jBJjTAKG liberal advances t-.u Cotton in store c. # —/Ao :--L*S- ami on shipment . nUo on notes and oth- OJJicc on Mulberry St ret e _ . '| er property deposited iii their hands. '••• . Post Office. I Tlie.r Ware Houses arc more convenient to the of tlie . . ... will be required iu all eases to pay m advance. con. SEMI-WEEKLY PAPERS—Three Dollars per anuum. iu advance, or Fovr Dollars at the end of tl.c year. 14-1 >BW YORK AND DARIEN J. GODDARD, 1 wars' souse AjiS!S Of Packets, '1. By-strict detention" to'bnsiaess’committed to liis I Homespuns, 1‘lajd do. Furniture l’faiil*.- Cheeks, To Sail on iht le/,.10//i, and 20!h of ect.i mount, j carC) am i t | ic facilities whkh he-vvill he able- to Stripes.-Ticking, 20 bates hrojvn Home COMMISSION MERCHANT, S&acdfe* . . •» q WILL continue to transact the / <> pS aboyp business at thy same place • ts2ES»883ffl» occupied best year bV J. GOD- i- tWEEHDARI) &.REJ5D. He' has built a good Wharf f6r the convenience (if the Ware jllousc: and there is no Ware House iu town more ; i secure from the dangers of fire J\TEW SPBIWG GOODS. B. GBAVSS & BOm KE now receiving from New York and Bos- T^Y ton, a large and fresh supply of SPUING I 1 and FANCY SUMMER GOODS, consisting in j — part of COD ps ( rtiicocs, 100 do 1'asliioaable Ginchams F Printed Muslins ' . ! 10» ps Italian, Grodenap, Sinchew. Sar=net,C!mn - ge-ablc, Figured and Fancy colored SILKS 200 ps Corded Muslins, Cambric Dimity, &c Pieces Figured and plain Swiss Muslins 100 do Ii iilv l.inens ’ I * J. 100 do Pongee and Fancy Silk lldkfs . 200 do.Rtuy Silk dp ' ’ • 100 doe Fancy Dressliibnwls and Scarfs V' SOjKdo Cottqn, Madrass, and Head lldkfs ,> Linen Drilling- Gentlemen's Stocks, and Cravats, Brown Linen-Unwell Cassihicre, lfeavei-leen,' " * •Bang;up Cord, Circassians . 000 doe ‘ 50 doz Brig PtlEMlCM, Capt. Y llrig .CORAL, fcftpt. Cobb. Sell.D.B CRANK, CapL Bibmss. Sch. ELIZA, Ci.ark. Sell. ATLAS, Ciipt. Br.oWN. For freight or passage, apply to IHCIIAllP fll. REMILL, or BF.NJ. STRONG* SONS, Agents, YONGE & SONS, Agents Darien New York, Sept. 28, 18:12. render his customers; he Ww to niwit a contin uance, nttho patronage of his friends sail the pub lic iu gcuertd. lie is prepared to ip.-ikc Jibgrsl ndyanecs'at all times,onoatton stored or shipped by him.'.Cot ton shored nr his Ware House >vill be insured at .rates, if requested, . • f New” York—ortolTA WES S? MITCHELL, or P.‘ IE i the lowest . ... . . voMiH A SONa. Aicnts Darien. - He Bus taken the Ware House occupied ■ last year hy J,. .1. Groce, [or the convenience of . • Jr lys friends and customers in EtistMncop: ‘ -.1 e;w SJoticc, I will-board Uorses, at my Plan-1 tatiou on the cast side of the fcj.eer, I at $G-50 per mouth. Qct 9 3 M. CHISHOI.M. Copartnership» T IIE subscribers have this day purchased the entire stock of goods belonging to. Wiley, li oxter 8,- Port in this place, and will continue the business at the same store on the corner of Sec ond Street and Cotton-Avenue, opposite Wash ington Hall, under the firm of BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. They have on hand a general assortment of fresh goods well adapted to the town cud country trade, which will be sold tit low’prices and on li beral terms, by the yard, piece or package.— ..., j They solicit e continuation of the patronage of Hosiery ant! Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread 1 *V rnlcr customers and the public generally. Ball Thrfead,(60 do Spool do . ; THOMAS \Y. BAXTER, lot) doz pr Suspenders, 200 do Tucking Combs' j ' ROBERT W. FO RT. 500 do Siije Coinlis.'I'ortQise Shell do". ,. r ' G . J LAIRD II. WILEY* Dressing Combs, RIO ps Mosquito •Netting, Fancy J Macon, July 1. 1832. 161 Baskets,-do Boxes,.100 !b Flax Thread, Sewing Silk,» * r-~. *■ —— Leghorn and' Dunstable Bonnets, Umbrellas—Mar- KtS^HlV subscriber having withdrawn front the suitics. Silk, Valencia niid'Ye/vct Vestings—Bleach’d jL„ late firm of Wiley, Baxter Zf Port, and sold his interest to hh Brother, Laird II. Wiley; re spectfully as'^s a continuation of patronage from his friends to the ne w firth of BAXTER, FORT & WILEY, - LEROY M. WILEY. Macon, July. 1, 1832. 161 - SAW AffiD GMEST 8SXL&. i HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub . m. lie, tliat his STSAEW: SzYYtT &. G-aSST- miStTU, near his residence, within one mite; of Macon, is. now'-m complete and successful operation. In addition to other machinery he ia*prcpttred with a circular- saw lor ripping light lumber, such as Window Sash, l’aliugs, Laths, &c. In couso- queucc of the heavy expenditure incurred iu its establishment, it is necessary thqt he- should re quire either cash cr bankable paper for his lum- A CAS US'- •' N- 11.—A first rate SAWYER,- may, by up- plying immediately, obtain good wages and a per manent situauon. * ; B. F. O. July 27. 104 tf esptibs, to ps Osniiburgs, Russia Diick, do Sheetings. . ..' a general assortment ofJiU.WMBR CLOTH [SC. consisting of Cool?, Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons, dire. die. A l:ir£c supply'of - ^ v . .' , Shoes <5i Scots, 32stS, SSadcllcry • &c. &c. 100 doz Palm Leaf Huts. A c inpletcassortment of llAUDAVARE and CUT THE ?SE©2MCOSiJ® YVAR&HOUSE A5D . , ' • Gomm ; .f=sion Sosiness. , THE puhscriber continues tlio above business at his. old staud, ller.d of Cherry s.rcct and Cbttou Avenue, where he'offers all tbe »- LIXE OF STAGES 1 t. UNNING through the upper parts of South- ; and Xorth.Caroliua aud Virginia,to.Wash- 1 ington City, aud whi< h, at-its Southern end, re cently terminated at l’oweltcu, Ga., is now iu full and complete operntieu, , . ., j • j His Ward House and close storages arc It has recently been extcuded, j . and as mud. exempted from- the from which place it departs on luesdajs, Ihurs- j - - ’ • • • » ‘ i -I days and Saturdays, at *1 A. Mi*, . | . ‘ For particulars sec bills aad the Milledgcyi le apers. WM. SMll ll. • - 2SiissoIniio&. Fw^riE Cojiartnei-ship heretofore existing un- _H_ der the firm of Wiley, Better Sf Fort, is ,i^_ .i— !— : ..- The en- g,cttlcd By. . ’ iion's.'Pnt twenty per cent- l#ss.tlinti forusor*prices, I \ 'f trill con- and will be sold unusiiiilly low. - - • titiue l.ic l.usiness at the san.o staud,- t y ' Aho.—tcill rcceiee.'uext week, a large supply of K-. . • J/KlvOY T>I. \VILE 1. GROCEH1ES, J RON '& STEEL; MAI LS , • • • ‘ THOMAS W. BAXTER &c &c. . For saliwisabove,CDOO lbs inimoBACON, i' ,, J ivOBERt \\. LORI-, march til ’■ .lib. . j . Macon, duty 1; 1832» 161 j sual facilities in business. , . SS-ai’den Seeds w fgmiE Hoipard Insurance Cvmvanv of New ’ %. FRESH supply,*just received atid for sale J. York continues to insttrnCO TTOT'., tvlien 1 .J*y ELLIS, SIIOTWELL Sz CO. sliipped on good d^ojits (ir I’pxes, qgftinst. the dangers of the River. Rales of Premium arc moderate. Apply to - C. DAY, Agent. Dee 20 51. . ‘ ' papers Culpepper Va., May 15,1832 11 (im danger of fire as any iu the place. Cotton .stored with him will be delivered iu n- iiy part of the town, khe liie customarv storage. .Oct 5 2 . JAMES C. MORGAN. , 2Siils oa the Sank of Macon * f? »».'■ t a els ffSsssrrr- _I?L discomit, iu payment for Goods. Aug. 11 1«3 lOt E. GRAVES &-, SON Beaks, lE^usic, &c. EI.L.IS, SHOTW ELL & CO. ' A RE nd-.y receiving and opening at' their BOOK STORE, a mimberof 1TAIVO FORTES, of a rich description, aud a variety of other Mu sical Instruments, with Instruction Books ftJld Music adapted to tiie same. A large roUection of SJciv a>2nsi<i for the DPisde, embracing all the Music of the celebrated. jCiiulc.- rella Opera, and a variety of Engravings, Carica tures, Prints, &c.—also, - -• '. . sl large assortment of Books, consisting of .fifteen Jtundred volumes: a cata logue embracing a considerable portion ofv.-liic-h, ; NEW PRPlEIT TEST PUBLISHED aud for sMe at.this of- <!f’ ficc, ■ . i*. . >. * • S?he SJew STrin.-eFi, MUSICAL INS IRIMEIS r»S, General ^’aci:oi’age and €*osaaais- j.* sioa Siiisiness. * ' . FHl 111'. subscribers having formed a connexion for 1 (lie transaction <if-N gene«?il FACTORAGE . — AND.COMMISSIQN BUS1NLSS, in_the City of - or Child's First BfioU. \Veil adapted for Infant, Cm.vrt-kstos, under t!:u firm of ' (iom.non and Stmday ychoolJ.- Will be sold low . SVlalone, ©ohen & €5o*» i by the qiL-iurtnv Pr'iec L2A cents single.. Offer their'trviccs lii their friends and the public, mul ~ LOW FOR C'V:SH. I1E subscribers'inteiid closing thpir present _ business sis soon us practicable, said will self off their stock of. .►'* / .' ilardicarc, Cutlery, Castings, SfSechaiiics 9 Tools, &.G- IlOOJiS, STATIONARY, v ' S.<Ljc>Sa. * MUSICAL IXSTItUAIESTS. Togctliei- with a gicgt variety of miscellaneous articles at very low pricos, for cash Only—many articles will .he disposed of a’t less than cost.— ! Their stock ;>f books k large and more complete April 14 124 mefs. • ■ days notice, fp/sale by C. A. 111GG: 3. ' N. B. The above artielS hail ic ’quan tities, to suit purchasers on c.mtract, by givinv short notice to the subscriber, who acts as agent for‘an extensive kiln iu the neighborhood. June 5 147 C. A. 11. and ’forwarding ot X.'cods, i.nd respectfully solicit u share of public patronage. . ' - ROBERT MALONE., f 4 1(0 RACE SI STARE. AARON COHENi. .MALONE & SISTARE continue .their business in SavaiumR ns-moal: --OcX« 27,5 fit . Factorage ' fanety cclhuicnus articles. A large assortment hf PAPER HANGINGS', Bordering, Eire- Prints, &zc. See. . They respectfully invite tlio attention of the public to the above, anil request them to call au'd avaniinc. ' * . Juuc 11" 24 &3J2iZ2i8S£02t SusiSDSS. .* - a, - , • ^ IIt i' iufic T eMe J?^Ithan any other in theBtateih emlJacMa la"e is imbhshed m the C hnsiKiu Hcpcrtory. * JJ. bavniuiah c;iriv in tnc mouth of October, ; • • ' A great Variety of {STATIONARY and Mis- offers his services to lbs friends ntM- the public, in 1 La'w .Bobks, Medical do. and.Latin School do. — elighms do. Historical, great variety of Mis •? =ssa =3*» •1 * of Cotton. In addition to which, he will continue the car 1 --; rjcig''trade between Savanuah and Charleston. ^ | for w hich ho is now funiishiug a 1 r Boat, the FRE-E TRADE, of li u ter, built of the best materials, coppered and cop-! - j per fastened, with two twchty-si.v horse engines, . j and-at the.proper season, will rim ‘one or two . ELLIS, SIIOTWELL & CO. 181.' ,, S. DrfcfS and SSedicines lit draft of wa- * svill he sold as usual. . it. a. totu. RNOTT'S Elements of Physics * pviileace of Prophecy # Revv Robert Hall’s Works > * Essay on Formation and Publication of Opi nions- «. Essays on Truth; Knowledge-, Evidence,-&c. Pitcai.-ii’s Island Otahiete, &c.—Jest .Family Library Atnbitio'us'Studeot, by E. L. Buhvc'c Life Of Stcplieu; Girard Hall’s LecturCvou School Keeping’ . Romance of Reality. . Sister’s Budget H'liispeis to a Newly Married Pair Reports on Locomotive aud Fixed Engines . Eleventh Edition-Henry’s Chemistry ' Alexander’s Bible Dictiuuary ‘ . Brief Reinarkcr ~r • , ' •' ‘ S'icdicalt Syme’s Surgery Lnrrey’p Surgical Memoirs • Gcfoch oh Females ” IB flonftli’fl MiJu’iffify * Bell oh Baths and Mineral Wafers Carpenter’s Essay on Materia Mcdica . Costar’s Physiological Practice Peurpci'al Peritonitis, by Dr. B:.-udclocquo Ryan’s Medical Jurisprudence With a large collection of Medical, Law, Mis cellaneous andSchool Books for sale liv 23 4t ' ELLIS, SHOTWELL &. Co** At his old stpnd, corner of Cherry and Secondsts. ■g'S,now,receiving from NewY<prk andTJostou, JL a fresh supply of QoOiij, which, in addition to those on hand, will make his stock very large and complete, which lie offers on as -roaschahle t.emi3 as they can be had iu this mackct. Ilis goods comprise a general Assortment of Groceries, ’ ■ Via—ISO hags Coffee, 45 hlnls St Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar, 21 -Lbls Loaf and Lump do .12-qr.chests Tea 20,000 lbs Iron . • 10 hlids Molasses -. 1500 bushels Salt I00 pieces llcrnn and Tow Bagging, 40 kegs Nails ■ • • . Jamaica Rum v Cognac Brandy •- r NortheruyGin, NorthernRuai Whiskey. • Apijile Brandy, Wine, i .Pov-,der,. Shot, &c. &c. • ' • ALSO,. ' % . JDry €YCodi ? SSardWaron Ontlcry, Crockery % Boots, Shoea, " | HATS, BLANKETS,. SAD2>JLE», | ifcc. -&C. &.C. Oct 22 43 - REA & COTTON | HE Subscribers still continue thc-b isincss at the old staud, corner of Walnut aud Fourth Streets, where work v.ilV’ho done accord ing to order. Having a largo .assortment tfar'i- eles ordered from the North which will ar-pre i.i tbo course of the summer, consisting of Giy;s, Bn- gies,-I$arourhes and. Carriages, they fccf-'Con- fident of pleasing customers both in articles and prices. •' ' -j. The have now on hand an assoftotent which will be sold low for cash, such as Sulkeys, Gigs, ami Barouches; besides several* spleiiditLscts of Uarncss, with Laces, CarpiAlng; Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Jcl’its, Bauds,, Loops' and Bows of nil si/.cs. Orders for Carriages punctually attended to;. nu»I warrautcil-to please or no sale. BENTON & BACON. Wanted as an Apprentices .. iad about fourteen or fifteen 3’cars oT age, of .Steam.Boats', with Tow B.oats v.ell manned, be j tween Savannah atiii Macon. lie has*.large fire proof sheds, for the storage of Goods anirProducc. directly on the wharf to save tlio expensVof drayage. - . . ! .AH ariicles intetlded fbr shiptrient by any of his ■'mats, wliethei- to Macon or Augusta, will be stor-, M gratis, f G- B. LAMAR. Oct. 1 1 best stcadv moral habits. May I 138 B.&.B. EDUCATION. ^HE citizens of Mncon and its vicinity ore most w.j,criber, who is engaged to fake charge of ili« *- •lovcacmlomy, Inis been for many years a teacher in mine of She most n red;.bio schools in the cily-of -Yew Y’ork.from the Principal:; of which lie enn show the most ta'.LIactory t< .-tiraouials of his qualifications, r romhis strict attention to all the duties of bis school, oom hi- unremilting ( \';rtioiis ill facilitating the pro- gresjofhis pu| ii-. lie hopes to merit and secure thr approbation of the public. He has already ’lie school in a verv commodious mid S"or fcalc. .two pole Boats— Red Jiovcr aild Ariel. The Ro- | .vor is as goa<l as new as it has £*hecil but a few months since-she underwent an entire'apd gooij rcpai.r. 1 have had the Ariel exainineiFby gentleman who is well acquainted with boat- building, and hg in ; fornis jno that otic hundred dollars will-put her. in CQ'otf order for freighting, ns her tiii|bciS arc all- good. The two are said to bo very low tit eight hundred dollars. 1 will sell them on time, and ir n. -sale can he effected with- any ol Col.- B. S* Grifliti’s confidential creditors, J will ifiscount four Imudrcd dollars on hisjiapt-r. Ai s d— A HORSE AND SLB.KEY and a Pedlar’s WAGON for sale. Also,—Two young likely NEGRO WOMEN; Sept. 4, 1832. 176 W.Al. CONE. SSSSDS’3’ i 2 i ZOr^x ^■®^1IE copartnership heretofore existing bc- _g_ tween tie snbscribers, ir-.dcr-the firm of " I [ ALL & MQ11EL AND, was dissolved tliiif day by mutual consent. All demands against said.'flrm-Vill be settled by John Morelmitl; to whom ail debts due die firm will be pjiidi JAMEIS A. HALT,, JOHN* MORELAND. quality 100. bbls Baltimore, O.'and Georgia . * • ..Whiskey *. .* ' 30 hhds .Northern Rum (colored) - • • 10 casks Marselles aud MSdcira Wine • 30 boxes manufactured Tobacco .- , 35 hhds St. Croix & Porto l(ico Sugars -..5, bids’ Copperas • .. t} halos Blankets . . *• 1 hok-S.-iddlexy . * ■ ’ 1000. bushels Alum 6iiU; * . • , . * • • itwtb. . A- small invoice of DRY GOODS, .IlARD-_ ■WARE, CROCKERY", &c. suitable for a couu- trv store, v.ill be sohl-on a credit of si.^ months. *Oct.-2 . 1- ■ ’• ' ... Molasses, Rasa, G-j”, ■ <2ic, Just received by boat Stranger. 73 <fh HHDS N. O. Mblasses, 20. bbls Rum • - .. ' ‘ -* . 20 ; do Gin (best lirpild good ]iroof) 20 , da Whiskfcy (X. O. high proof) ’is s^nnK. 10-bids Maekernl No 1. 50 do Whiskey 1 - 50 . do -Gin - . i tO. hhds St. Croix Sugar 10 do . O. do ... . 25 bids Mauhaden E«li ; 5 tiereOs stqierior Ric-C. F.or sale by C. A. ITIGGIN&* Slarcli 23- 112 I__u ? . Rnsffi latent Printing -?ress. 1I E undersigned having been appointed A- jL ’gent forth© sale of Rust's Improved Patent f cartTrou Printing Press' takes this opportunity S’ust received ' gl) fite hlids St. Croix, l’oito Rico, and New Orleans SUGARS 150 hags Coffco 35 barrels Molasses 70 bis Northern Rum, 60 do Whiskey 30 bis Gin, 25 quarter casks. Malaga Wine . i Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin J- Jamaica Ram * . - la quarter .chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 lbs Iron * . German aftd English blistered Steel 5,QOO IBs Castings -"> Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, and a General Assortment '. SPRANG GOODS, Cutlery y Mats, Shoes, Boots, tyc. For kit- by GEORGE JEWETT. May 1 tf L42 Sugar, ©ozFee, &.c. Git AYES. & SON have just receive s the following articles: 12 hhds St. Croix and N. O. Sugars . • 10- bbls Loaf do' 50 bqgs Coffee . 40 bbls Runt i 20 bbls N. Gin / 20 bbls Whiskey 10 hlids Mola-ses 20 bbls Potatoes f 2 pipes Cog. Braiidy 2 pipcs'IIciland Gin 1 , 2 hhds Jam. Ruin’ . - 25 bbls Wine - -•» • . 20 bbls Cordial .* 50,000 Cigars • ‘ ■ ^ Boxes Soap, s Candlek . Pepper, pimento, Ginger Tobacco, Pcarlnsh, Goppcras . . .Boxes Hyson aud Black Tea 50,0b0 lbs Trou and Steel 2000 lbs Hoop Iron * Castings, &e. &c. All of-which will be sold very low. April^.l .'321 - ' A. &o. inCTAVE received per Boat Rebecca, aud pffcr j HU for sale’on’reasonable terms, 4000 bushels Salt ' - ' . J6,000 lbB Bacon •‘ >. . • 1 20 tons Swedes Iron - . 20 hhds Sugar •' 209 bags Coffee • . * • 6 hlids Molasses. • ' *. *. 50 bbls primc P.ork • . ’ . •' 25 bbls No. 2,?ilackcrel 25 bbls No. 3 ditto 50 bbls N. E. Rum . •’ 50 Tibls Gin ■ 80 pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap- 20 boxes SpcrrmCandlex Window Glass . \ • Nails . / *• • Cognac Brandy .. ’ / Holland Gin Malaga, Madeira and Teneriffe Wine. Together with a general assortment of' r Bry Soo ds, HardwsTt.v Sr £ vilcry CROCKERY, HAT •>; ; ?, * JSLA CKS Mill'll' JllP O L N-, -&C, &c: , Jmje 18,-1832. 25 . . ' . There urns', s >; an named Daniel DaLb, : [A hapless man .was lie.] \Y hb sometimes lived at tl sea porf, But it was not Portsca. .He dealt in fish ar,d mended iBhcs, But ebuhl not make it do, Altlmngh he sometimes sola a fish And sometimes, soled a shoe. So of a tpk- k fie learned to bleed, And draw teeth.with precision, ’* ■ M And a$ he’knev,- the heeling art, lie set up as Physician. lie took a cellar) which you knot Is always under ground, And sometimes heel'd a pair of shoes. And sometimes heal'd a wound. ‘By fish, and shoes, and w-i! r ,' said he, •I h-pr I shall riso higher,' I er ;.y.a u~ -’I «.au’t five, - Unless i.*a rut/i.■-. On wealth I’ve stalled mj’ <£r! .and last, 'And ;r is tliat I shali : i. For if a tray of traded woTt win. 1 think the treuctf is. i;t it. - But peopie would init Iiave 'teeth drawn. Because it -gave them pain. And bleeding, when folks wiff net hici'dt You know is all in rein. One day Jiis cellar head, lie sat with doleful laqc, A servant maid camo’up to bun, " And asked him for a place: He’d herrings shctUn though not shot, That slione like any gom, And though he placed them all in rears. Pose had no share in them. Says Sue, ‘they are all skin and scales, And fall of bones within.’ Says he, ‘I’ve tmissels without tents, And very little sldn.' Sav§ feuc. ‘they’re jioisen, though I ow». Thgt I for some with joy do long; And as for [raison, I’ve, heard say, The French^ call all fish poissov. • Rut I should like a Htflc fish.’ * - Says Din, ‘I’ve no.white bait: Ana as the eels nr^slippefy tkingi, You’d better take :t skate.' ■ ■ ■ * V '‘4r ‘ ‘Oh no5, a place/! want,’ says Sue; Says Dan, ‘this is the case, £ * , Because I was, not out in time, >-Y'ou see I’m out of plaice.' ‘Iudced,’ says Sub,‘‘why so afn 1 ]\iy mistress wants otie.stronger And though she says I ain too short, . She does not want mo longer.' ‘JfihatY tife-case, dear Sue." savs Dan, ‘Why sonietljim; mu-t be done: - So as we two are out of place. Why let ps two* make one. To mend folk sTshoes and serve them fish r - Some want of help I fijcls ; So while I drive nails in their Iocs, Why you can skin your eels. ‘Oh no,’ savs Sue, ‘that v. i !! not do ; I’ll find some other work: For since you are a mussel-man. ■ You’d use me like a Tin/:.' So-off she ran, and left poor Du; A disappointed elf! And then lie cried fish all tw At right be cried himself. •' • - * . - ; ‘i N- :t mo. J 1 ^ auction; jbrokerag] i * AND * . * * ©oinyalasion. Sasilnegsa T IIE underai^ur.dlias taken the spacious fire - proof brick store, in tiro south end'of Ellis, Shotwcll & Co’s range, for the purpose of t.-au,- acting > , * AUCTION, BROKERAGE * -'and . - a «yf .. GQT&mZSSlLGZS EtS'SmESS, Gcnqrally.—He will bc^aided in the'management of any business confided to him, by bis brother, j JohurT..Rowland, aud rcspectfullj- solicits a share , , of-tfic patron ago of their< respective'friend;, an ! * nul the public. Until the store is completed ' liis ; Siuglc my days to spend—^Would grieve my very TUI il. .died. : BACHELGR’s' GLORY. May be read thrways. intend—I'd take to me a wife. n will be^kept overt!;;) Commercial WILLIAM P. ROWLAND. ;u counting room Bank. N. B. Cotton will be bought or sold for a inod- " crate commission. -Oct..5 2 3in life Alum Halt aiid Xame B Bushels Alum Salt 100 casks Thomaston Lune For sale by REA & COT TON. Feb 20 ' 82 ' - ~ Sand- in ^ewtou. ’STIR ACTIONS No.233 and 2: 1. in the 1< t S* . District originally Henry now Actvti, OBUty, are forsale, Ajiplv in Macon to Dec I 35 *M. BARTLET! hat pleasure it doth Single my cluja to lit ;ivc—To think upon a bride _•—I can't ho satisfied. It is my heart's delight—V woman’s charms to see, To live out of their sight—Would never comfort me And ’tis a happy life—Tiie married state to eliuus Tb live without a wife—My joys would much ahu- ii With wot I’ll iK-vcr is such a cheerful life .vc without a wit*-. To the - v -'i RUST errfari/ The Cahinti making and Turninee bust- ; to recommend it to the fraternity. This Press is iu all its li’rancHcs by the i coming into general use at the North—and is convenient to the Ac til it is completed. The coarse cifcducntir tntion, will embra,-,. u. With the differ* ::! ! lion, anil other paOicuia will In-, know n byennuii Mr, AJexaiul er t ii otw ell cp. Macon, Or* 0. pened ness will be continued in! room,; undersigned, at the old staud my.where lie wi'.l ti-tcli qn- tel. JOHN MORELAND. Sept. 21 180- ■■ o be pur.-uedin this Insti- Ircel; anil Latin classics, irn nches. Terms of tui- [■e'i:U.ive to the insti'ntion > r.ft'ms lion. C. 3 Stron.;, l ir. V('*:i. .~cotter thr ieacii- JOILN C’lkEEFE. Readymade Clothing. 1 received, a geuoralnssortmcntofReady- '• of very superior quality, mill manner; the work T5P QJ* made Clot made in the most fashiouabl ff which is vrarfented: A. SIIOTWELL ,*v J. S. ?MITI1 JuU- 17. 1832. 101 it j4~h.N Ncw Y'ork; Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa T. F vanuali, and Augusta, in stuns to suit pur chasers, for snlo by Nov. 10. BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. nearGlarhVHo-j.thought to'bo tiie mostperfectand efficientof'nny now in u-c. Workmen, who Zitfre used this and * others, give this lbe preference rfver every other t kind as respects case, power ami durability. | One of these Presses is now in use ttr this office, ) where it may he seen in operation. Letters to the undersigned on the subject, (post paid) will be- attended to. AT. BAKTLET'l'.. The Subscriber EXPECT FULLY’ informs his friends and the public, that lie. has taken the ritore at the head of Cotton Avenue, formerly kept as a Drug Store, where he is opening a Gcucral As sortment. comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardicarc, Cutlery, Crockery, SADDLERY, & ( . Circulating library. SUBSCRIBERS to the Circulating Library ; )0^ can now bo furnished with hooks. ! AJargc collection of Miscellaneous works will: be appropriated to the Library; and a nymber.of periodicals, together with many other, valuable l works to alibi'd general interest, will be added as j soon as practicable. - j Persons wishing to become subscribers will j please call’ou Mr.- John H. Ellis,fyebo Mil act as | | Librarian,)~or at the store, where a catalogue, of !.- I the hooks can be seen. ' April in.121 ELLIS, SHOT WELL &r. CO. srsw BOOSTS. EVERE, by the author of Tremaine, Jaqncline ofllollaud Anastasius, by T. Hope, Sketches in China, by IV. VI • Hoed. Philip Augustus, by the author of llicli- • elicit. flicrton’s Pulmonic Espccfcorant „ . r . . f'DT’f 1 1 x ejx'i>i'T> Also, 50 pieces of best hemp BAGGING, aud TA..P r- u Ll11 b i 25 bags of Live Geese FEATHERS. oughr. Asthmas, Consumptions, and All of which he is disposed to sell at .the lowest D'bR Cou^h*; ,,'! ,)r .*' ln 6 Gough. A supply of this vain V Cule rccciv cd and for sale by * ELLIS, SIIOTWELL A CO. prices Please call and examine for vonrselves. FRANCIS O CALLAGllAN. Macon, sept 18 4t 178 journal of the Rev’ds Tyerman ABennet, being the 1st, 2d and 3d Nos. of the library of religious knowledge. London Annuals for 1332. The Amulet, the Keepsake, Literary Souvenir, Christmas Box, Juvenile Forgot me not, The Musical Gem, Musical Rijott. Match 3 80 ELLIS, SHOTWELL &'CO- Oct. 23 Bacon. (fix LBS. RIME BACON, for IF s't ic by 8 .^ REA S£ COTTON. Ho X-cnt. pSHillE Store House ro-.-cutly occupied hy m Tltfimas T. Napier—r-.!-.Q. the Store room j at present occupied bv !>• It. Warner. -*PP}y! to ' . . BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. ' Sept- 25. JM if , i£¥? CJ-UiPi * ' J UST recei-"d from New \ork. d large and | splendid a^-onmeut (-t* GOODS,*' Consisting j>f a variety, of,p t.n and..-ripe,, hams, plain and figucred r.-t iss, Aaciah-,* tripod Chn-.nbray, Victory Muslins, Thn ces. do. Insertings and 'Edgings, P>la*-k IN COTTON. ni'flu: Gccigia Snrirtr. iculture■' >r.:. cc O'serving: of the Southern . etv requestiiig If list in Cotton ; ;.pi,:a been induced t*> some nu lions on tliis important so tltrougli you to present to observa- which 1 beg notice ol the Sa- ,rnig- i Stripe, id Lu ll Also, a , A'pril. T IIV WARE MANUFACTURER MULB-VKxV, SftAH T'ttBD STREET. T HE subscriber manuf <-turef* and keeps -en- stautly on hand, a general as'slwtawnt of Tin Ware* which lie will sell wholesale and rcf..d at Saved nab or Augusta prices. ' JOB WORK donj at *!:: R’-'W'e**-; notice a:t Rot ,N<- he this on Thu-1 street, rex- d.mrtc Ellis. Shot- j ; ell & Co. W ILLIAM S. ELLIS i ~-;L Orders sent to Ellis, tihbticlll k" To. will re j ‘ * ivo prompt nttentiob. Considering the terra Rust as applied to tin? oxyde ol’metallic substances which is the only application properly- Lpowntothe writer, there a, p limns no greater misnomer in our la.ngnaee sue): application to the animate b- mg blight that has passed over the Cotton ticldk in our vicinity. Within a few ycarStheWri^’V recollects one peculiarly fatal season crops, to which the present tetNa waS aplW* Bcrege and Whir , Cans© \ ei,». Plain aud Paint- | «n<l lro» which this isdotlbt!eSSder1f<?dr- -Wi# cd Feaiiier Fans, Ladies and Gentlemen's Gioves, wheftf cf.-spj in the soulhftfli stoCcl? have.beea^ Sarsiuet, Sin hew and Gro at Naple r-:i!.. Co erl l-'lo.-cuco do., Black Italian Crape, Birds Diaper, Co'Uon Wadding, iliusquito iNCttmg, ' Muslin^ Lace Cap patterns, Black Silk l roggs, Crape aud Gatr-e. Rb.iwls, Or oves, plain and bordered Cambric’ Handkerchiefs. oral assortment of RIBBON.'-. SHOTWELL & J. S. SUMITH. i " ■* 's»a!e» :-. • '-lb. ; -trie: of Lee county. 34; NovU 17 Macon, July 27 Kith >AY cV ftUTTS,' Agents: 1832. Tfi f ton crop, w ; s dotUtV'sS semblance m the dtdfcf LtUiP-f than tW^ped/-' 7 an co to transfer so poplar <r a ft me t6 at origin so eejy dissimilar. * . t _ Scrfar ai our expCrfe’rtte in ? .t* go*m~ it hr Sheen noticed that the two yeefrs in’4rhic4 th' disewte hat a^riha'ited 9 <rcr abfsrw t|