Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 28, 1832, Image 1

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GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. BY M. BARTLETT. A ol. YU....New Series....Number 9. THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. PUBLISHED WEBSIT AT MACON, GA. Printing OJJice or. Mulberry Street—east side the Post Off-cc. I TERMS.—TrinF.r. Doixars a year, if paid in ailrance, or Donn-ms, if not paid before the Readymade Clothing:. J UST received, a general assortment of Ready made■ Clothing, of verysnperior quality, and made in the most fashionable manner; the work of which is warranted. A. SHOTVVELL Sc J. S. SMITH, July 17,1832. 161’ cad of the year. Subscribers living at a distance | will bo required in all cases to pay in advance. SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER.—Three Dollars per annum, in advance, or Four Dollars at the end of tho yoar. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, £coks. Music, dttr. ELL.IS, SHOTWELL & CO. t A RE now receiving and opening at their BOOK STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, of a rich description, and a variety of oilier Mu sical Instruments', with Instruction Books and Music adapted to tho same. A largcrfollcction of New Music for the Piano. embracing all tho Music of tho celebrated Cinde rella Opera, and a varioty of Engravings, Carica tures, Priuts, &c.—also, A large assortment of Books', consisting of fifteen hundred volumes: a cata logue embracing a considerable portion of which, is pubiishod in tho Christian Repertory. A great varioty of STATIONARY and Mis cellaneous articles. A largo assortment of PAPER HA NGIN.GS, Bordering, Fire-Prints., &c. iSoc. They respectfully Invite tho attention of tho public to tho above, anil request them to chll and examine-. * Juno 11 2-1 To Printers. OR SALE, a good second hand R’amage PRINTING PRESS , imperial size, 6 Also, a second liahd cast iron PRINTING .PRESS (Smith’s patent, Iloo’s make,) super royal size—iu good repair. Also, several founts of second hand TYPES, ierge and small. The whole will be sold low. Apply at tho of fice of the Macon Telegraph. Sept 18 178 DR. I. ELLIS, H AVING determined t,o senla'pcrmancntly in Macon, respectfully offers his Professional Services to the inhabitants of the town and adjacent coun try. For the satisfaction of thoso wlio aro unac quaiuted with him, ho thinks proper to state, thni he was regularly admitted to his profession in 1804, agreeably to tho laws anil regulations of the State of New York, and that most of his time sinco that period has been devoted to an'exten sive practice. By a faithful discharge of his pro fessional duties, ho hopes to morit a liberal pat ronage. His residence anil ofiice are in tho houseT formerly occupied ny Mr. Birdsong, on Mulbcirv stroot. Jan. 14 2 . COACH MAKING. TWENTY-FIVE • Per cent, cheaper than ever I JOB MAGIE ■BT3 just opening n very extensive and splendid ns 4 surtnu-nt of GOODS, Which: has been selected in TIM! NEW YORK MARKET by himself, from the latest importations, which arc particularly calculated for this market, and which will be disposed of fully * Twsixra-sr-FivD ran cErcx. cheaper than ever. These goods' are of the latest style and most fashionable patterns, nnd ere .offered to his Friends and the Public with confidepce fully- assured, that not only the style bat prices will fully meet their'npprobation. Their attention is requested to the- same—a few of the arti. ties are mentioned, viz: 200pieces Calicoes and Prints, somevery rich. Extra fine Furniture Calicoes and Common. 50 pieces One Parish Muslins and Ginghams, plain and striped, MRS and striped ^{andarines; Surogos- ms black and purple Grouesxvis.n and Italian Silks Urnmui'cVuzOT.^rlean^feolies, painted Palmarine and Crape Deleon, black nnd colored Silk, Cnmblct. nndi’rinceltas, fine French Bombazines, Blond Gauze Vefij (some ejitrasizes), Satin Strews. Scarfs. Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap and Ml Uibhons new patterns. Thread Juli es hnd Insert, ing*, also Edgings anti Footings, ciioeked aud striped .Muslins, Jnckonct, Swiss iuid Cambric do., one case grass bleached 'Irish Linens assorted, Long Lawns- l.inen Cambrics and Cambric Handkcrcliicis. Super, Vestings, plaid and plain Drillings and. fine Freneh Linens, Pongeesnnd Ponoi Handkerchiefs, Bandan na and Flags, Gloves and Mitts assorted. .50 dozen Silk, Cotton, Rundon Ilose and half Hose assorted. 100 Parasols and Umbrellas, very neat and rich.- ; 100 pieces Mosquito NeU’wg. ► Bead Bags And Purees, Shell Tucfcnnd SidcCombs, Cambric and Furniture Demillcsand Cotton Fringes, 0,7,8,!), 10. 11 nnd 12 by 4 Damask Table Cloths, Table Covers, Dunstable and Straw- Bonnets, Palm Lr.^f lints, Black and Drab Beaver Huts, lutest fash ions, Travelling Cpps and Trunks. 10 bales Sheetings.Shirtings and Plaids. 500 lbs spun Cotiop, Tickings, Osnnburgs, Cot ton Cards. Set: . Also, an extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps Oil*, Powder, Powder Boxes and Pull’s, Erasive Bells, Cologne, Honey and Roso Waters, Otto of Roses, Ac. &c. Also,' 3000 pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, nnd 100 pair Morocco anu Calf Boots, some very neat nnd fine.. .- * • And n very large supply of Saddles, Bridles. IVlartingals, SADDLE AN1) TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. &c. &c. Together with a general assortment of Hardware Sj* Cutlery of all kinds that is wanted in this market: also CAR PENTER’S TOOLS of nil kinds. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Cross cut and Mill-Saws, Guns, Kifics, Ac. Also a supply of-Crockery, China nnd Glnss, Ware Also 10 dozen superior Calf Skins, Gining nnd. Binding Skins, Sole Lealht-rvGiii Band Lrntlier, Ac. And a supply of GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI CINES, &c." Macon. April 20 123 ■ Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant COUGH SYRUP. vungus, -•isimnas, uonsumptions, amt JF ’ I looping.Cough. A supply of this vtilu able Mediciuo received and for sale by Nov 23 _ ELLIS, SIIOTWEL^fc Cb. T IIE Subscribers still continue the business at ‘the old stand, corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, where work will be done accord ing to order. Having a large assortment of arti cles ordered from the North which will arrive in the course of tho summer, consisting of Gigs, Bu- gics, Bnrouches and Carriages, they Teel con fident of pleasing customer: both in articles nnd prices; The have now on hand an assortment .which xvill be sold low tor cash, such ns Sulfcoys, Gigs, and Barouches; besides several splendid, sets of Harness, with Laces, Carpeting, -Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bands, .Loops aud Bows of. all sizes. Orders for Carriages punctually attended to, and warranted to please or no sale. BENTON & BACON. Wanted as an Apprentice,. A lad about fourteen or fiftecu years of age, of steady moral habits. ’ ■ B. &B. ’ May .4 138 SELLING OFF AT COST. HE Subscribers being desirous of briugin_ JL their business to a clos#, will oiler their present extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, at COST for Cash only. Also, a very large aud superior stock of Readymade Clothing ; Together w ith a general assortment of Hats, Boots and Shoes* .All of which will be sold at nuusuallylow price*. A S1IOTWELL Sc ?. S. SMITH. Macon. Sept. 39,1832. 38 N, B.—Wcxvish it generally understood, that our sales in future xvill be for CASH, .ONLY- A..S. Sc J. S. S. Rust's Patent Printing-Press. T HE undersigned-having been appointed A gent for the salo of Rust’sImproved.Pateut cast Iron Printing Press, takes this opportunity to recommend it to tho fraternity. This Press i coming into general use - at tlio North—and i thought to be the most perfect anil efficient of any noxv in use. Workmen, xvho havo used thi9 anil others, give tliis the preference over every other kind as respects ease, power and durability. One of these Presses is noxv in use at this office, xvhereit may be soen'in operation. Letters to the uudersigned on*tho subject, (post paid) will be Attended to. M. BARTLETT. CARRIAGES. Por Sale. [ TIN A NUMBER of Barouches and Gigs,*rccei7-j A COOK AND WASHER WOMAN about twen-; 'k c< ; alu i forsale by i — ly-eiglit years old, and her girl child. For fur-J ’ May 25 144 ELLIS, SHOTWELL Sc.CO. I thc J. particulars apply at this office. Novembor 1,18112. 10 » CAUTION. I NEW GOODS. A LL persons are cautioned against trading for Jj UST received from Ncxv Y ork, a large and ! three Promisory NOTES made by Wig- I AP splendid H—r rtinent of gins, Griffin & Co. one * of S33-33J, and two off SPR"JJ\'G GOODS, j ®2lS/ J each—one in favor of Dicey Long, one : Consisting of a variety of plain and striped Ging- J in favor of Patience Smith, aud one in favor. | hams, plain aud figue.-cd Sxviss, Adelaide Stripe, > Jesse Smith, the satno laiiag cither stolen or mis ■ Striped Chambray, Victory Muslins, Thread La- laid. EDY SMI1IJ Ices, do.Insertings and Edgings, Black Italian Saisinet, Sii*rhew and Gro de Napli} Sillc^Golor ed Florence do., Black Italian Crape, Birdseye Diaper, Cotton Wadding, Mosquito Netting, Jlul East Macon, Oct 12. 1832-- 3t 3 Family Cooking Stoves, M ILL Irons and Cottou Gin Machinery for sale by ELLIS. SIIOTWELL & CO. Mav 25. 144 J 1 NEXT PRISIEK. UST PUBLISHED aud for sale at this of fice, ' . ’• Tho New Primer, or Child’s First Book. Well adapted for Infant, Common and Sunday Schools. Will he sold low by the quantity. Price I2J cents single- • . NEW BOOKS, NEW SPRING GOODS. E. GRAVES 6l SOW A RE now receiving from New York and Bos ton, a large and fresh‘supply of SPRING and FANCY .SUMMER GOODS, consisting iu part of ! ' V ..p ; (300 ps Calicoes, 400 do Fashionable Ginghams, Printed Muslins . . . 100 ps Italian, Grodenap, Rinchcxv, Sarsnet.CliSn geahle, Figured and Roney colored SILKS. 200 ps Cqrdcd Muslins, Cambric Dimity, Sep Pieces Figured and plain Sxviss Muslins 10(1 do Iruh Linens . ' • 100 do Pongee ami Fancy Silk lldkfs 2l>0 do Kmv Silk do J00 dozFn'ncy Dress Shnxvlsnnd Scarfs , 300 do Cotton, .Madrass, anti Ifpnd Ildkfs Linen Prilling Gentlemen’s Stocks nnd Crax-ats, Brown Linen, Roxtcn-Cassimere,. Beavertecn, Bang up Cord, Circassians 500 dog Hosiery nnd Gloves, 300 do SpopI Thread 50- dqz Bid! Thread, 50 dn Spool do ’ 150 doz pr Suspenders, 200 do Tucking Combs 500 do Side Combs,Tortoise Shell do Dressing Combs, 100 ps Mosquito Netting, Fancy Baskets, do Boxes, 100 lb Flax Thread, Sewing Silk. Molasses, Rum, Gin, &c, Just received bn boat Stranger. 1 A HHDS N. O. Molasses, m XT' 20 .bbls Rum 20 do Gm (host brand & good proof) 20 do Whiskoy (N. O.high proof) ir? BTogE. 10 bbls Mackeral No I. ,150 do Whiskoy 00 do Gin 10 hbds St. Croix Sugar 10 do . O. do 25 bbls Manhaden Fish . 5 tierces superior Rice. For sale by C. A. HIGGINS. March 28 112 ' ‘LOW FOR CASH. rr ’ T HE subscribers intend closing their present business ;is soon ns practicable, and xvill sell off their stock of . Hardware, Cutlery, Castings, Mechanics* Tools, &c. BOOKS, STATIONARY, ' PAPER HANGmOS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Together xvith a great x-ariety of miscellaneous articles # at x-erv low prices, for cash only—many nrliolcs will be disposed of at less than cost Their stock ofbooks is large and more complete than any otljer in the State; it embraces a largo assortment of Law Books, Medical do. and Latin School do. Greek aud Frpnch do. Religious do. Historical, Literary. Scientific, and a great variety of Misj ccllaueous Works., ’ cn.Ts. snoTwm. & co. Sept 27 191 i -• l*. S. Drugs find Medicines xvill be sold as usual. E. S. & CO. NEW GOODS. WM. G. BUHHSALL, Has just received a new and extensive assortment of Dry Ooo^. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, ^*c. H IS stock xvill be found inferior to none, and purchasers; by favoring him xvith a call, will ; be offered Goods at tile most reduced prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IX FAKT, OF TUl: rOLLeWlSGl j Super Saxony, Blue. Black and Colored Broad ! Cloth? Muslin, Lace Cap patterns, Black Bombazine, do Silk Froggs, Crape and Gauze Shawls, Green Berege attd Whir : Gauze Vein, Plain and Paint ed Fcatuer Fans, Ladies and Gentlemen’s Gloves, plain and bovdered Cambric Handkerchiefs. Also, n general assortment of RIBBONS. A. SIIOTWELL & J. S. SMITH. April 32B Xtknd. for Sale. Blue, Black, Mist and Fancy Colored Sattiucts ! I - ot Ni 31, in the 11th district of Leo county. Striped Sattincts, English Mcrinoes r “ 34, “ 32il “ “ REA & COTTON Offer for sale bn accommodating terms, PIECES Hemp Bagging 500 ready made Cotton bag 11 , fcert . quality 100 bbls Baltimore, N. O. and Georgia Whiskey 10 hhds Northern Rum (colored) 10 cask? Marsellc4 and Madeira Wino 30 boxes manufactured Tobacco 35 hhds St. Croix Sc Porto Rico Sugars . 5 bbls Copporas 3 bales Blankets . ’ 1 bok Saddl'ciy 1000 bushels.Alum Salt, ’amo « A small inx-oicc of DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, CROCKERY, &c. suitable for a coun try store, xx illl)o sold on a credit of six months. 'Oct. 2 I ' Copartnership. T HE subscribers hax-e this day purchased tlio entire stock of go’ods belonging to Wiley, Baxter fj- Fort in this place, and xvill contiuuc tno business at the same store on*tho corner of Sec ond Street find Cotton Ax-ennc, opposito Wash ington Hall, under the firm of BAXTER, FORT &. WILEY. They have on hand a 'general assortment of fresh good? xvcll adapted to the town and country trade, xviiich xvill be sold, at loxv prices and on li beral terms, by the yard, piece or package.— They solicit ?. continuation of the patronage of former customers anil tl\c public generally. THOMAS W. BAXTER- ROBERT W. FORT. LAIRD H. WILEY- Macon, July 1,1832- . - lfil ’ ' land in IMewton, Legbor/i anil Dunstable Bonnets, Unlbrcllns—Mar-[ ’WJfRACTIONS No. 333 and 334, in tlie 16th seillcs. Silk, Valencia nnd Velvet estings—Bleach’d ; B? District originally Hciiry noxv Newton XT . Ja TJ Plf.iJo PixAnI'e »■ - C - J Homespuns, Plaid do. Furniture Pltiids. Checks,; Tor Sale by Ellis, Sftotwell 6L Co Osnabiirgs, Rnoit Duck, do Sheeline?. . i TlRLtUD mid Reveries of a Quiet JLr consisting of the Little Genius and oi by oji^ of the editors of the New York Mi Twoyeerg and n half in the Nnvy, liy E. C. Wines. Kemanks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States, xvith some observations on the Ecclesiastical System of America; her sources of Re venue—by Wm. G- Onscley, Esq., punched to bis Majesty's Legation nl Washington . * The Lives of celebrated Travellers; liyJ- A. Sf. j John, consisting of Revelation by Shutlleworth. | Yeates on Cholera, with dvico to the I’lnnters o the South, for the medical treatment of thoir Slaves. DrTitcot's Tri-atise. Bickcrslith’s Works. Percy Anecdotes in one x-olome octavo. Tales of Early Age*, by Homes Smitlv Novembers, 18^8. 10 ■ Russia Duck, do Shcetin^, JIan, 2 vols. j a general assortment of SUMMER CLOTlTfJSG j otner Essays, ] consisting of Coata,Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons, Mirror. | \. c . &c. A Inrgexupply of Shoes &L Boots, Hats, Saddlery j &C.&C** 100 dox Palin Loaf Ilats. . i A c'.mnlctc assortment of HARD *\V ARK nnd CUT J Ll'.RY, GLASS WARE. CROCKERY, &c. Ac. The above Goods were purchased .In New York and Boston, n few weeks since, (of recent importa- j tions,) at twenty per cent less than ♦rater prices, l and will be sold unusually low. Also,—will rcceice, next week, a large supply of Aunty, .arc .for sale, Dec l 35 Apply in Macon to ‘ M. BARTLETT. Duffie Point and Rose Blankets Red, White, Green and.Yellow Flannels^p.a and Saxony White Gauze do Damask Tuble Diaper Bird’s Eye, Scotch, and Russia do- Blue, Black andtojored Ilombazelts do do do Circassians Negro Clollyng, Linseys • Brown and Bleached Shirtings do do Sheetings do do Drillings Cotton Oznaburgs, Fustians Black Italian Lustring . Black Gross de Sxviss, Black Gross de.Naples, •do . do Bc.-!in B’ack ShicilexVafem! Sarsanets Col. Gross de Naples Black and Col: Florences do do Italian Crapes 'Scarlet and Black Merino Long Shawls Scarlet Square Shawls Cashmere, Valentia, Thibet Wool Silk, Damask and Cassimere Shuivls Heniani, Paris Muslin Crape Gauze, Gro? de Naples end Mandarine Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies’ and Misses’ Belgian, Italian,- Straw, Leg . horn, Braid and Fancy Bonnets. Satin nnd Gauze Garnitures ■ ... 1 English Moleskin*. Bed Ticks Apron.Checks, Furniture do Domestic Plaids and Stripes Floor Cloth Baize, Green Fuze Cloth Furniture Dimity, Hair, cord do Russia Sheeting, Bleach Dow lass Buflaps.'.Bangup Cords Irish -Linens, Lawns Blue and Scarlet Rattlnet Colton Oassiineres Black and Col. plain Ribbons > * Dark and light Col. Prints and Ginghams Lace and Gauzft Veils ' . Figured and plain Bobbinet Lace Thread Ltfccs - 254, “ 20th “. 220, « 10th “■ ' , » - -»AY & BUTTS, Agents. Macon. July^>7, 1832. 104 Alum Salt and Xdme; Jk Bushels Alum Salt B "Lw xY TC 100 casks Thxmaston Lime For sale bv REA &*COTTON. Feb 20 * 82 N^W books. D EJERE, bv lhc author of Tremaine, Jaquelinc ofllolland . Anastaslus, by T. Hope, Sketches in China, by W. W. Wood, Pliilip Augestus, by the author of Rich elieu, Journal of the Rev’ds Tycrman &Bennct, being tho 1st, 2d and 3d Nos. of the . "S'■ librarj? of religious knowledge. Eondon Annuals for 1832, The Amulet, the Keepsake, Literary Souvenir, Christmas Box, Juvenile Forget me not, ' Tho Musical Getu, Mokical Bijou. March 1 80 ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. AUCTION, BROKERAGE AND Commission Business. T HE undersignodhas taken the spacious fire proof brick store, iu tho south cud of Ellis, Shotwoll Sc Co’s range, for the purpose of trans acting AUCTION, BROKERAGE commission susnrass, Cambric, Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Generally.—He xvill be aided in the management -Jjook Muslins j* 0 f any business confided to him, by bis brother. ‘ r "*■ ’ " John-1'. ItoxvlaiiU, andrespectfully solicits a share of the patronage of their respective fricuds, an . the public^ Until the store is completed bis counting reoth xvill he kept over the Commercial Bank. WILLIAM P. ROWLAND. N. B. Cotton will bo bought or sold for a’mod- crato commission. * ~—0,1. 5 O '— (|m ■—uoln famine Hanclkcrqhicfs, Pongee do India. Flag and Bandana do ' Shell Cpjpbs . Ladies’ nnd|GentIemens’ Glove?. Colton, Worsted and Lamb’s Wool JH° S6 Black nml Col. Cambrics Bead Reticules Men’s and Boys’ Fur, Cloth and Seal Caps ■ Chinchilla do • y ,*- * READY made clothing. Supcrfinei blue, blaclf, green, adelxi'd,.olive and broxvn Cloth Dress Conts “ Blue, black, green, brown and steel ■ foixt Cloth Frock Coats “ Bine, brown, olive; green and mixl Cloth Coatees Bine, steel mixt and fancy colored Sattinet Coat ees and Frock Coats Snpcrfinc blue, blu;k, brown, olive, green and • ’ steel mixt cloth Pantaloons Drab, lax’cnder and striped Cassiiaerc do Blue, steel mixt and fancy colcrcd Sattinet do English Moleskin, uncut Cord and Bangup do’ Youihs’ Cloth and 8atfinet Coatees and Panta- lodns Black, blue nnd drab Cassimere Vests Black and colored Velvet -do Dark and light figured Valentia, white and col ored Marseilles, Swansdown, Toilinet • ' and Sattinet Vests Cnmblel and Plaid Cloaks Velvet, Bombazine, Silk, Valentia and Leather t Stocks Fine Linen Shirts, Collars. Bosoms,&c. &c. Negro Clothing, Men's aud Youths' Fur and IFocl Hats, Fine-Boots and Shoes,'-.. mSCERO SHOES, €t.Ci dtC. &C. Oct. 24 4 HATS. "■"UST received ,aml foe sal’0 by Uic subscribers, QW several cases of Brewster’s ’ * Black and Drab Beaver Hats, Not inferior tir any iu the Market.—A general assortment of DRY GOODS in addition to their former stock: ivhich xvill lie sold loxv. A. SHOTWELL & J. S. SMITH. Julv 13,1832. 160 Loaf and Lnmp Sugar. F 'BOXES Loaf and Lump Sug -g m/ BOXES Loaf and J.ump B # received and for sale by Oct 9 ;ar, just REA & COTTON. FLOUR. A QUANTITY of superfino Flour; received ; by.tho Charles Carroll and for salo by. May 25 144 ELLIS, SIIOTWELL Sc CO. not 4* Strayed or Stolen, A YOUNG BULL DOG, hetxvceu two and . tnrro months old, of a dirty yellow color M>mc white ou his face, feet aud tail. Limps a i moderate, lilt’.o in one of his fore fort. Whoever xvill return 1 Dee 20 said Puppy tu this office, or give information, whoio he mav he found, bhall ho liberally rc-e. — J * J Oct 30 “ JAMES R. BENNET, Boot and Shoemaker, "HAS commenced business in McDonald’s building, , (near the I.Yfccon Teiegrpph Office,) where ... he xvill DO-found ready to attend GROCERIES,IRON Sc STEEL, NAILS j to j,; g clts tomers and othqrs xvho may call ou Xx Slc. Tor sale as above. COOO lbs prime BACON. | mar< ’ h3 l - •- (t? 3 ROOTS nndSHOES manufactured to order, in tlio-best manner. REPAIRING also xvill be done. Qy Two or three JOURNEYMEN can find regular employment by application to him. jan. 25. » r>f) . J. INSURANCE. T HE Howard Insurance Company of New York continues to insure COTTON, xx-heii 1 shipped ou good.Boats or Boxes, against tho ;< dangers of the Rix er. Rates of Premjhm are C. DAY, Agent. Apply to 51 warded. NOTICE! T 1IP. SubVriber having sold his stock of GOODS v>* Mr. Samuel T. Howland, S#d declined business, solicits for him tho p?tron- of his friends and fornnv customers, and re quests all xvho mx indebted to him, to call at the •rt'Te of ri. T. Rnxvhiud, next door to .Messrs Cooke & Cowles, xvhere he xvill befouud for the purpose of making »etjlqroems. Dec 24, | ISAAC B. ROWLAND. P OCKET MAPS OF GEOK GfA 7c- \ at this office B»; BILLS. O X New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa vannah, and Augusta, in slims to suit pur- chasers,- for salo by * ’ *. • Nov. lit. BAXTER, FORT Sc WfLEY. Negroes Wanted. T HE subscribers xvill pay liberal prices for a fexv likely meu, voung and of good char ■ctcr. BLANTON & SMITH. May 25 144 ___________ Ifotice. • I xvill board Horses, at my Plan tation om tlio east side of the Ilivor, at 96-50 per mouth. Qct«!) 3 M. CHISHOLM. Blank Books. J UST received and for sale by ELLIS, SHOT- WELL & Co, an assortment of Blank Books consisting of Deray Day Booke, Journals; Ledgers, and Records—Cap do do do.—Half Bound do do do. Memorandum anu Bill Books, Family Flour ,{•’ ;i superior quality.for sale bv > May 18 112 C. .H.HflGGINS. Lemon Syrup, F OR sale by ELLIS, SHO f WELL Sc CO May.,2.) ;, tU4 , : — { Flatter of Paris. BARRELS of superior. PLASTER OF PARIS, for hard walk ami stuc co woik, just received and for sale hv Junc22 . 152 C. A- rffGGINS. io Lamp Oil. QALLS. best quality JLiVilIP OIL xlP^P^F just received by boat Navigator, fo.- sale bj ELLIS, SIIOTWELL Sc Co. AptflTO 121 Summer Goods and Clothing, J UST recoived at the Macon Clothing Store April 12 121 LEWIS FITCH For Sale, 6Q Hhds N O Sugar 40 Hhd) N O Molasses 100 Bbls N O Whiskey 100 Bbls N E Rum 100 Bbls N E Gin A. P. PATRICK & Co. H AVE received per Boat Rebecca, aud offer ■ for sale on reasonable terms, 4000 bushels Salt 16,000 lbs Bpeo-u. 20 tons Swedes Iron 20 hhds Sugar '. 209 bags Coffee 6 hhds Molasses • 50 bbls prime Pock * ' 25 bbls No. 2 Mackerel . 25 bbls X'o. 3 ditto, • 50 bbls N. Ei Rumi 50 bbls Gin SO pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Sperm Candice . Window Glass . ’ Nails ; Cogndc Brandy Holland Gin ' ■ Malaga, Madeira and Toneriffe Wine, Together icith « general assortment of Dry Gnod$, Hardware, Saddlery CROCKERY* HATS, SHOES, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, Slc. &c« &c. Juno 18.1832. 25 GEORGE JEWETT, At his old stand, corner of Cherry and Secondsts. I S noxv receiving from New A ork and Boston, a fresh supply of Goods, xvhich, in addition to those on hand, will make his stock very large and complete, xvhich he offers on as- reasonable terms as they can be had in this maekct. His goods comprise'a geueral Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 bags Coffee, f 45 hhds St Croix, Porto Rico and N ^ • • Orleans Sugar, 21 bbls Leaf and Lump do ’.-,12 qr chests Tea 20,000 lbs Iren 10 hhds Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp and Toxv Bagjlng, 40 kegs Nails Jamaica Rum Cognac Brandy Northern Gin, "Northern Rum Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wine, Poxvder, Shot, &lc. Sec. ALSO, Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLES, &c« &c. &c. Oct 22 43 Garden Seeds, A FRESH supply, just received and for gale ■ above can be had in lots tosuitpqrchnsers, m. by ELLIS, feHOTWLLL &.CO. I far a uprated paper ou accopimodatiA terms. April 14 184 ~ ^ ,._ 7 Pet. 9 , 3\_ " Landscape Paper Hanging. —i x..., 4 SPLENDID assortment, just received and for salo by ELLIS, SIlCTWELL & CO. Mav 25 144 OYErioR peter! ham’ over C51ts. Ditto Goits Hair Ctmblet Wrappers. Ju»t re- .H. BU g eeived and forsale by Nox' 0 42 war. JRD'BALL. W ARE MANUFACTURER Mcumiir, jVe.xii t-urd street. T HE subscriber mauuf rtures md keep, con stantly on hand, a general assorta>-*ut of ». Tin Ware, xvhich he^lvill sell wholesalo and at Savaa uah or AugOsta prices.# JOB WORK dor.t- at the' shortc.*-. notice at he shop on Third street, next door to Ellis, Shot- ell & Co. . WLLL1AM.S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Sh: ‘totll Sf Co. xvill re i oivo prompt attention. Nov 11 17 BRICK. 300,000 days notice, fo; ^aje by C.. A. IiIGGIXS. . N. B. The above nrticl.e cai be had iu quan tities to suit purchasers tin contract, by giving short notice to the subscriber, xvho acts us agent for an oxtensix-'e kiln in the neighborhood. Juan’ 5 147 C. A. H. Just received Sk hhds Bt. Croix. Porto Rico, and Noxv 90 Orleans SUGARS 150 bags Coffee 35 barrels Molasses ‘5*1 70 bis Northern Rum, 60 do Whiskey 30. bis Gin 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine i Cognac Brandy, Holland Gm Jamaica Rum 15 quarter chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 lbs Iron . German and English blistered Steel 5,000 lbs Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, and a Geueral Assortment SPRING GOODs Cutlery } Hats, Shoes, Boots, 8?e. For salo by GEORGE JEW ETT. May 19 142" JL. HEW WORKS. A RNOTT'S Elements of Physics Evidence of Prophecy Rev. Robert Hall’s Works Essay on Formation and Publication of Opi nions Essays ou Truth, Knoxvledge, Evidence, &*. Pitcairn’s Island Otahictc, &c.—last Family Library Ambitious Student, by E. L. Bulwer Life of Stephen Girard Hall’s Lectures on School Keeping Romance of Reality Sister’s Budget ■ . Whispers to a Ncxvly Married Fair t Reports on Locomotix-e and Fixed Engine* Eleventh Edition Henry’s Chemistry Alexander’s Bible Dictiouary Brief ltemarker Medical, Syme's Surgery Larrcy’s Surgical Memoirs Gooch on Females Gooch’s Midwifery Bell oh Baths and’ Mineral Waters Carpenter’s Essay on Materia Medica Co-tar’s Physiological Practice Peur’peral Peritonitis, by Dr. Baudclocqua Ryan's Modical.Idh’sprudenco . With a large collection of Medical, Law, Mis cellaneous andSchqoJ Books for sale by 26 4t ELLIS. SHOTWELL & Co- STEAM SAW A37D GRIST MILL. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub lie, that his SX1SA2VE 0AW GRIST XtfEXZeZ., near his residence, xvithin one milo of Macon, is noxv in complete and successful operation. In addition to other machinery ho is prepared with n circular saw for ripping light lumber, such as Window Sash, Palings, Laths, &c. In conse quence of the heavy expenditure incurred in its establishment, it is necessary that he should re quire either cash or bankable paper for bis lum ber, xviiich he is disposed to &fell. at a fair price. A share of tho public patronage is x-ery respect fully solicited. BENJ. F. OWENS. N. B.—A first rate SAWYER, may, by apr plying immediately, obtain good wages and a per manent situation." B. F. O. July 27. 164 tf Sugar, Coffee, d&e. E GRAVES &c SON hax-e just receive • the following articles: 12 hhds St. Crob^and N. O. Sugars 10 bbls Loaf do 4 50 bags Coffee 40 bbls Rum 20 bbls N. Gin 20 bbls Whiskey - 10 libds Molasses 20 bbls Potatoes 2 pipes Cog. Brandy 2 pipes Holland Giu 2 hhds Jam. Rum 25 bbls Wiuo : 20 bbls Cordial 50,000 Cigars Boxes Soap, Candles Pepper, Pimento, Ginger Tobacco, Pcarlash, Copperas Boxes Hyson and Black Tea 50,000 lbs Iron and Steel 2000 .lbs Hoop Iron Castings, &c. &c. All of xvhich xvill be sold very loxv. April HI 21 Circulating Library. TC4 UB6CRIBERS to the Circulating Library can now lie furnished xvith books. • A large collection of Miscellaneous xvorks xvill be appropriated to tho Library; and a number of periodicals, together lvith many other valuable By C. A. HIGGINS. I xvorks to afford geueral interest, will bo added as. soou as practicable Persons wishing to become subscribers, will please call on Mr, John H. Ellis, (who will act as Librarian,) or at tho store, xvheTO a catalogue of the books can bo seer. April 10 121 ULLtlVSM^Tljgi iiiL.-A- CjO, F Bills on aavannab at sight, OR SALE BY -NOV* 10 BE* * COTTON. 6©0€> Ocrf 23 8 Bacon. I. r: S. iliMF, B.vrov. for V.Y \ & COTTON. PROPOSALS W ILL be received until tho 30th November next, by tho Agent of the United State*- at Quincy, Florida, for furnishing such number of Hurd Burned Bricks, and such kiuds am: desorip, tion of Timber, Plank, and other Lumber, a« may be required for the building of an Arsanal, Powder Magazine* and other buildings on the Apalachicola river— the materials to be delivered at such point on tho river between the junction of the Flint an^ Chat-- tahoochee. and rixveet-water creek, as may bo designated. -The Bricks xvhen burned to be eight inches long by four inches wide, and 24 inches thick. No soft Brick will be received—Tht* Timber and other Lumber to be deliver^ 1° suclt quantities, aud of such dimensions, as may,be re quired from time to time. No advance oi •bobcv xvill be made on either contract,hot payment will be made for Bricks and Lumber when iuspectei imd received. Bond aod approved security wilt be required for tho faith fill performance of thy contracts. Tho proposals must he post paid. Qtpnhy, Florida, Oct- 2P- 7 I w jii oe regafarly snnpRed xvflh an aStortrntttOv of this celebrated Powder direct from the Wdrtsj* which they will sell at a small advance bjt the prices- i-t the nrnnofactory. REA A COTTON.' OHt, b.-rrl.W. cf