Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, April 10, 1833, Image 1

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GEORGIA by M. BARTLETT. MACON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1833. T ol. \ II.. .New Series....Number 28. TIIE * GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. Published Weekly AT MACON, GA. Printing Office on Mvlltny Street—opposite the -.-v,, Brick Range. TERM9.-“TpiUUC Dollars a year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars. if not paid before the 4 o<l of the year. Subscribers living at a distauce will he .required in all cases t<> pay in advance NEW, BOOK STORE. B. P> SPIKES & Go. iSk R ESPECTFrr.LV in form the public that they have taken the store in Ellis, Shotweil & Co’s, row, tw6 doors above the ?t. Post Office, where they ore receiving and opening a very general assortment of . Books ana Stationary, Amongtacir works, they have a genera! assort ment, and nil) be constantly receiving the ncW 'publication* on Theology, Medicine..Law, His tory, and Miscellaneous subjects, together with juc’h other articles as arc usually kept in a Book Store. As one of their firm will he most of the time at llie North for the purpose of attending sales and selecting Rooks, they flatter themselves that they will at all times have as good an assortment, autl be able to dispose of them on as moderate terms as uuv house in the Southern country. j jtfl. AKTIIEOC1IS, P. P. S. & Co. have a large assortment of nil Kinds and sizes. Fools Can, l.ettcr, and Note Paper of the Lest quality, hotli English and American, plain and embossed, water aud feint lined, pink, yellow uo and white. E£A£f2£3. It.ank Checks. Notary Public Letters, V* arc house Receipts, Rills of Lading. 'Vrits of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Cleiks do Tax Collectors do. Suhticcuas for Witnesses. Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’ Rills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sn. Jurors’ Summonses. .Marriage Lieenre, Rail Writ,ami ISouil, Inter Com. Directions forlntcmi^utprie®. Hills of ludictnieut. Bench,-Warrants, Rail Bonds, Attachments. Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administra tion, Temporary Letters of Administration, Tern porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dec 2! 24 STew Pall and winter goods jijyd clothing. lkwisTfitch, S>EA3?£St AND ^A33uOa, Is now opening at the MA CON CLOTHING Store, a new aud fashionable assort- •inent of Goods, consisting of superfine (London) . black, blue, brown, orange, drab, orange (nixed, steel mixed and mulberry Cloths ; blue, black, slate, lavender, mixed, buff, white, striped and plaid Cassimere (a fashionable article); -plain black uml figured velvet Vestings; Florentine. Valen cia. Mnrsnillcs, Figured Valencia, Silk and Gold Spotted English Vesting, (a first rate urtfilc); Velvet, Rouibazinc, Silk aud Leather stocks; Cum Elastic, Raw Silk. Nett Silk, Webb and Cotton Suspenders; Buckskin. Ilorse, Liuen aud Silk Gloves; Collars, Ro’sAms, Stiffncrs, &c.; \ irginia, Silk, Lamb's wcol. Worsted aud Liuen Hnlilloso; India, Spit.dficld's and Fine Hand kerchiefs White Figured and Italian Cravats; Umbrellas; Cloth Caps; a bcauiifuf piece of Merino ('loth for I.adies Habits; Gobi and Sil ver Epaulettes, Sashes, Rail Button—Plates, and a good assortment of Trimmings for Military oho, Tailor’s Trimmings. CLOTHING. Super bine, black, brown, green aud olive Frock Coats; do do Dress Coats, Cpntlees, OvcrCoats, Pantaloons : plain, velvet, figured, florentine, Va lencia, Marseilles, clothand-cassiuicrc Vests: fiuc l.incn aud cotton Shirts, fimwers, short Jackets, monkey do, Pea do: first rate German camblct find canton Cloaks; Ladies’ do. All of the above Clothing is made up or the best goods and in fashionable style, under my own inspection, nut! will he sold low, for CASH. > ■ The Tailoring Business • V- ill be carried on as usual in all its branches,.aud all work will be done in tlic' best niauucr, and to please my customers, if possible. 1 would return my thanks for the many favors I have received trom iny friends and the public in general, aud solicit a continuance of their patroungc. «ct30 LEWIS FITCIL NEW GOODS. WJMT. H. BUUDS.4LL, Has just received a title an cl extensive assortment of Dvy Goods. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, &)\c. M IS stock will be found inferior to none, and purchasers, by favoring him with a call will be offered Goods nt the most reduced prices. For Cash Only. I11S STOCK CONSISTS, IN TAUT, OK TIIK FOLLOWING: Super Saxony. Blue. Black and Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, .Mist and Fancy Colored Sattincts Striped Snttincts, F.nglisli Mcrinocs Duffle I’oiutaud Rose Blankets Red, White, Green mul Yellow Flannels Canton nml Saxony White Gauze do. Damask Table Diaper . : Bird's I'.ye, Scotch, nod Ritssla do Blue, Black and Colored , d® do , ; do Circassians Negro Clothing, l.inscys . Brown and Blenched Shilling* do do Sheetings do ; .- i- do- Drillings Cotton Oznaliurgy, Fustians Bla(\ Itaiian LuMriug Black Grots de Su:si > .BIack Grora de Naples do dp Berlio ’ Black Sincbewr and Garsnriets • Col. Gross de Naples Black and Col. Florences, do . iff) . Italian Crapes Scarlet aiid Clack Merino !_• iiFShawls - Scarlet Sq’urtfe Shawls Cashmere, Valcniia, Thibet W-ool Silk, Damask and Caisiincrc Shawls Ileruniii, Paris .Muslin Crape Gauze, Gros do Naples. uu<l Mandarine Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies' and Misses 1 llclzinp, Italian, Straw, Leg horn, Braid and Fancy Uunucts. Satin and Gauze Garnitures English Moleskins,.J>rd Ticks Apron Checks, Furniture do llhinesJic Plaids and Stripes Floor (Both Bnhee, Green Fuze Cloth Kornffurtr Dimity, Ilnir cord do Russia Sheeting, Blench Dowluu J. GODDARD, WAHE aovs«l AND Commission Merchant SSacoii, a—. «a WILL coutiuue to transact the L ♦ above business at the same place vL occupied last vear by J. GOiJ- HARD & REEl>-‘ He Las built a good Wharf for the epa-renicuee of the’Ware House:.and thpr&'Is 1I0 Ware Housoin town moi-o secure from the dangers of fire. By strict attention to business committed to his care, and the facilities which he will he able to render his customers, he hopes, to merit a contin uance q/tjic patronage of Ins friends.aud the pub lic in general. . ' .y'-’ .’ He is prepared to make liberal advances at all times, on cotton stored or shipped by him. Cot ton stored. his Ware House will be insured nt the lowest rates, if requested. Ho has also taken tho Ware House occupied last year by L. J. Groce, for the convenience of his Irieuds aud customers in East Macon. Macou, August 10 ](i3 Cm Burlaps,- Hangup Cords -, Irish Linens, lawns Blue and Scarlet RnCiart Cotton (htssiinercs Black nud Col. plain Ribbons Dark.and light Col. Prints and Ginghams Lace and Gauze Veils Figured and plain Bobbincl Lace Tin-usd Lacek Cambric. Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, Nunsook at:d Book ,Muslins Linen Cambric .-; Linen Cambric Handkerchief;, Pongee do India Flag and Baudana do Shell Combs I.-ldies' and Gentlemens’ Gloves. Cotton, Worsted and Lamb's Wool Hose Black and Cot Cambrics Bend Reticules .- Men's and Buys' Fur, Cloth and Seal Caps Climclpila do ( READY MADE clothing. Supciline blue, black, green, ndclaid, olive aud brown Clqtli'JJress Coats ; ’ " Jiltie', black,- green, brown and. steel mixLCIolh Frock Coats " Blue, brown, olive, .green and raixt Cloth Coatees Blue, steel mist Hiid fancy colored Sattinet Coat ees and Frock Coats Superfine bine, black, brown, olive, green and steel mixt cloth Pantaloons Drab, lavender aud striped Ctissimcre do Blue, steel mixt and fancy onlored Sattinet do Englisli Moleskin, uncut Cord and Bangup do Youths’ Cloth and Sattinet Coatees and Panta loons Black, blue and dr.-ili Cassimere Vests Black and colored Velvet do . Dark and light figured Volcntia, white nnd col ored Marseilles, SwMisdown, Toiliuet nnd Sattinet Vests Camldnt nnd Plaid Cloaks Velvet, Bombazine, Silk, Valcniia and Leather Stocks : Fine Liuen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Ac. &c. Negro C/othingi Mcn.-sc.ud Youths' Fur and Wool Hats, Fine 23o6ts and Shoes* rsXiCillG SHOES. «S1C. dkC. 6lC. Oct. 24 4 WARE HOUSE. * * AND j -..;. Commission Business*,' ' i0 THE subscriber continues the jj above business at his old stand; -w Head of -Cherry street and Colton Avenue, where lie.offers ajl the u- sunl facilities in busiuess. His Ware House and close storages nfc iu prime order, nnd as much exempted from tile danger of fire as any hi the place. Cotton stored with him (rill be delivered in a- ay part of the town, fiiei: of atty charge, except the customary storage. * Octf. 2 JAMES V. MORGAN. BLAJ&TGSf dL SMITH, WARE HOUSE, •AND -- . tCpriijnissjon Mcrclianls, AKE Ifheral advatiges en Cotton in store aud ou shipmeuts, alsaou' Holes and oth er property deposited iu their hands. ■Their Ware Houses arc more convenient tethe bffrifress part of the touti than any other, possess ing the advantages of a whnrf, au'd are more cx- cnijit from danger by fire, tlmn any other iu Ma con. • May 25 144 i ; GEORGE I At his o.d stand, corner of Cherry and Second sis. aow receiving from New York aud Boston, J. a fresh supply of Goods, which, in addition to.-thoso. oil hand,' will make his stock very large compitrie, wlfich he-oilers on as reasonable terms as they can be had iu this uiarkot. Hi goods comprise a general Assortment of Grocancs, 4 iz—150 hags Coffee, 45 iibds St Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar, 21 bids Loaf and Lump de 12 qr chests Tea 20,000 lbs Iron 10 hbds .Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 4(X.’kegs Nails Jamaica Rumo ‘ Cognac Brandy Northern Gin, NonhertiRum • Wlilskcv. Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, Sliot, &c. &c. Vr • ALSO, . .iV Sry Goods* Hctrdv/arc, Oatlery, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Src/Scc. See. Obi 22- 43 4b *. j. AUCTION, BROKERAGE and Commission Business. T HE uudersiguadhas takeu the spacious fire proof brick store, in tho south end of Ellis, Shotwtdl & Co’s.rauge, for the purpose of traus actiug AXTCTXOI7* SXLGZ£XiA€rB AND Commission Business> \ Generally.—He will he aided iu the tnahagetnent of any business confided to him, by bis brother, JiJin T. Rowland, audrespcctfully-solicits a share of the patronage of their respective frieuds* an ' the public. Until the store is completed his counting room will he kept overtfce Commercial Bank.,. WILLIAM P. ROWLAND Nv B. Cotton, will bo bought nr sold fora mod erate coniinissioii. Oct. 5 a 3m REA & COTTON OfferfuFsale on accommodating terms, PIECES Hemp Bagging 500 ready made Cotton hag9, best quality 100 bids Baltimore, N. O. aud Georgia Whiskey 10 hhds Northern Rum (colored) 10 casks Mnrscilcs nud Madeira Wine 30 boxes manufactured Tobacco 35 hhds St. Croix & I’orto Rico Sugars 5 bids Copperas 3 Laics Blankets 1 bok Saddlery 1000 bushels Alum Salt, t ALSO A small invoice of DRY GOODS/ I1AILD- AK E. ('R(M ’KEU Y„ &<•. suitalilv ior a c.iiiii- try store, still he sold ou a credit of six mouths. Oct. 2 1 bust’s Patent Printing Press. rpDE undersigned having been anjioiuted'A -l gent for tho sale of Rust’s Improved Patent cast Iron Priuting Press, taacs this opportunity to recomincud it to the.fraternity. This Press is coming into general use at the North—nnd is ; ’•bought to he tho most perfect nnd efficient of any now in use. Workmen, xvho nave used this and ‘'tilers, give this the preference over every other kind as respects ease,- power ntfd durability. One of these Presses is now in use at this office, where it may bo seen in operation. Letters to tho undersigned ou the subject, (post ill'.'!) uhl !"■ att.-id.-d_ i-.. _M. BARTLETT. M]\\ PKIUEU. J b'ST ITJBLISIIED aud for sale at iki* of- li.e. The IVew Primer. ! or Child’s First Book. Well adapted for Infant, oiiunou and Sunday Schools. V ill be soid lou •J'lio uaatity. Price 12£ conts single. ! Fresh Drugs, Paints JBf Oils. B>K. W. B. BAI£ ASjust receives] his fresh supplies, nnd of fers.for sale, at his store on Cotton Avcu- ue, a .quantity cf Linseed Oil Extract Sarsaparilla, Sperm do Carpenters' Train do ' Castor Oil (fine nrticle) White I t cad •. Crotou Oil Spanish Brown ground Spirits- Turpentino . iu oil /Copal Varnish do do dry Black leather do Venetian Red Japati do Windsor Glass Glue PaintUrushes Suuff, Macaboy aud Indigo, Spauish Flotc Scotch Alum Fine cut Tobacco Copperas.- -. Hair & coat Brushes Peari Ashes Camel’s hair Pencils Magnesia, lump Scal’d Chloride of Lime Stnrch . Chloride of Soda Quinine Lemon Syrup Piperitfe ' Lamps Iodine , Lanterns a Opium ,, Lamp Glasses Wick Morphiutn Suljibat Sc Vinegar Acetate ^ S-Iadcira and Port Wine* Suitable fur convalescents. Together with an extensive and general assort ment of all articles iu his line, all of which were pur.cluvsed in person by himself in New York, and nre warranted genuine. Ho is prepared to give reasonable a ccommon nitons aud respectfully invi’es the attention of lT:c public. Feb 13 20 THE SUBSCRIBES. 1LL nUtkl^tock pf BOOKS' &■ HARD WARE. belonging to Ellisj Shotwell Co. at very low prices, at retail, for cash, aud to merchants who. may want to replenish their stock, upon lime,for approved paper. The Stock-consists of a great variety of Hardware. Cuilertji Castings MECHANICS’ TOOLS** Brass Ware, Britannia do. FURNITURE MOUNTING. &c. &c. BOOHS , Consisting of large and small Bibles, Medical, Law and School Books, and a great variety of ‘Religious and .Misccllaiie ras Books- Dec. 13 23 JACOB SIIOTWELL The Subscriber ~ EING very anxious to reduce his stock of Goods, is' indue d- tt> offer them at prices somewhat reduced, lib sales will hereafter be for cash. ■ L jan M> Iff WM. II. BURDSALL April 3 A SULKEY, , Of fine quality, second baud J for sale. Inqiriro at tliis of fice. 27 i -3tr Two acre Lots. B TjTIE Lessees of the two-acre lots on the city ‘tlqjQanion of Macon, are notified that the Gth instalment becomes due ou tlie Gib ol Febru ary.- Thcv are requested to come forward aud pay the same to the iubscribcr. If not jinid by the 6th day of April ensuing, the lots aud im provements will be forfeited. . . J. ft OFFUTT, Secretary, j Jan 24, 1833. 19 F irs, Hides and Horns. T HE highest price will be given by the sub scriber for Furs of all kinds, either Beaver, Otter, RaccoJfor Moskrat. Hides, dry. in any quantity; also DecrHkiUs. Horn-. Ox or Buck. C- A, HIGGIiNS, Nov 27 17 Uriel: Buildings. Mulberry St. Auction and ComKii»siuu .i'.ovr. ! |-; riiiliscriher has removed to the new BIUCK STORE, adjoining the Post Of lire,on Mulberry street, where he iciultrs hi- ser vices in ttie above line. C. A. iilUGlNc. Nov ID 20 T • Notice. ; T HE. Books, Accounts and’, some of tho Noics of A 1 . -ShotwcR togctltcr with thoan of A. Shotwcll & J. S. Smith, a?e placed iii the hands cf John- C. Ilelvcnston ard Wm. C. Parker, Esqrs. who arc authorised to settle the same. Tiro subscribers- arc particularly auxiotis to have their claims settled without adding an£ ex pense to .those indebted to them aud hope' that” all who have" not paid their notes or accounts will immediately- call on Messrs Parker or Ilclveu- siou aud do so. ALEXANDER SIIOTWELL, JOSEPH S. SMITH. Macon, April 1,1833. 27 CAUTION. "VS7JE hereby forworn all persons from trading t v fora niih-giren by Allen Reeves and Wm. Reeves, to Jacob Bently for Three Ifnudrod aud Twenty-five Dollars, dated the 10th of March. 1832, due the 25th December, thereafter. The consideration forwhjch tho note was given hav ing failed, we do not intend to pav it unless com pelled by law. - ALLEN REEVES, ' AVM. REEVES. Fayette co. Ga. March'2T.. 18-33. It 27 THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD inform his friends and- the, publiq.that ho has ta ken the ftoie of Mr. Rock well, where he -will attend !o Watch Repairing of every description, also JSngTavings, Visiting Cards, Newspaper Cuts, Door Plates, Si c. K N B. JEWELRY neatly repaired. April 3 27 WM. W. HOOPER. Frat.tice of Medicine. DitsV cO , K & BRIDGMAN have united in the Practice of MED ICINE and SURGERY. Ttym office is die ouo ktrretoforo occupied by Dr. Cone. Jan 1, 1833. 14 ^ :<• CASH STORE S&ussell, 6L Dickinson WE mi hand, and will’TOfeicve in a few days, a chtuce selection of , , G-RCCERIES, £ic. which will be Solti law and for CASH ONLY- •-S hhds N. O. Molasses- 23 “ prime St. Croix & Orleans Sugars 52 hags prime green Cofice 2(1 bids Mackerel 1 tierce Codfish 20 bbls Family Flour (choice) 10 half bbls do . 15 qr Buckwheat do 20 bids Irish Potatoes .. -' 51 bbls Northern Rum, Gin,- Whiskey 17 ** assorted Cordials (good) 5 tierces new Rico _ 1 pipe each -cog Bravdy and II Gin 2- ?V Norihcrn Vincg.-tr 5 bbls each Peach ami Apple Brandy Jamaica and St Croix Rum Irish Wfiiskcy Cherry'Bounce O ill, S M, Teneriffe, Muscatel, Port : -.-find Malaga Wines iu qr casks Baskets Champaigns Loudon Porter in quarts and p : ats Bar Soap, Sperm & Tallow Candles Lump Sugar Hyson nnthPoucbcmg Teas Drums fresh Figs V • Boxes fresh Kaisius Oranges, Apples, Onions, &o Dried Beef, smoked Tongues Bologna Sausages, Crackers .- - Spanish mid American Cigars. &c. S’ tous swedes and Englisli Iron . Englisli, Blistered and German Steel 32 casks Nails ahtL-Bnnt spikes Salt. Bagging & Tw ine, Castings, &c Also a general variety of Staple Dry Cfroods, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Saddlery, JIats, Boots, Shoes, &c A'C. J«n 1,1833. 14 SPRING. BY BARRY -CORNWALL. When the wind blow’st Iu the sweet rose tice, And the cow lows Ou the fragrant lea, Aud the stream flows All bright and free, 'Tis not for thee, ’tis not for me : 'Tis not for any one here I -Vow. The gentle wand blowcth, The happy cow lowcth, The merry stream flowetb;, For all below! O the Spring! the beautiful Spring! She shinetb aud smilethon every thing. Where come the sheep? To the rich Man’s moor, Whereeoincth sleep? To the bed that’s poor, Peasants must weep, And Kings endure; That is a fate that uouc can cure; Yet spring tlo'th’all she can I trow; -' bhO brings the bright hours, Sue weanes the sweet flowers, ~ She dresselh her bowers For all below ! O tho Spring! thebeantiful Spring! She shinetb and smiletli ou every thing ClAr be Ivitciien: or, “old Vi'roinny nebxr tire.” [The highly popular Prize Sajug, a* sung in character, with shouts of applauso, by N. G. DixouV the distinguished Natioual Buf foon Singer.] Iu old Kentucky, in de arternoon Wo sweep the kitchen with a bran new broom, And arter dat we form a ring, And dis dp-fipaelhat we do sing, O! Clar de kitchen old folks, young folks, Old Virginuy ueber tiro. I came to a creek aud conld*ot gqt.across, I’d nobody with me but an old blind horse, But old Jim Crow came riding by, Says he, old fellow! your hor--e ’ll die. It’s clar do kitchen, &c. A jay-bird sot ou ajiiekory limb, Ho winked at me and I looked at him: I upriyid a stone and hit him ou de chin. And dat’s do"-tvay I suck’d.him in. He claEd.dc kitchen, St.c. A bull-frog, (dress’d in soger’s cloc«, Wqnt in de field t to drill some crows; His‘first lieuttiitflit was a wood-chuck, Who had more mettle than Cdloiiel Pluck, So clar de kitchen, &c. Den I went down wid Cato Moore, To see de steam boat come -Tsbore,.- - Ev’ry man for himself, so I pick’ll up a trunk. Lei oil'” said do Captain, “or I burn you. wid a chunk,” And clarde kitchen, &c. vine r.s big as my finger, fastened above, and, Jive yards before it, came lo the ground, sen iliu^ out a dozen filaments, evidently intended to lix iu the ground as roots, though 'they had not beena- ble to reach it. These.vine- are ev.erv where seen in the woods, and ofteu’ foi-na symmetrical arh.ofs, circular or oval, that would be beautiful in the most tasteful gardens- But of all sights the.most a- musing, and that continually to ne seen, is The Scotchman hugging the Create, as it is very sig nificantly smiled. This often takes place on the loftiest trees of tlie forest,—especially-the ccyha. 'rhe bahouca, (bejuco) descends from the top, ami rises from the ground, and winds round the trunk of the tree, and by its many convolutions literal* ly webs over the trunk, grows into itself, branch with branch (and looks like an immense serpent wreathing about its victim. The effect is ever the same. The creole, the original tretf; i» t-mo- thered in the hostile embrace.'' It Commences e premature decay-wots, tajlg. by piecemeal, be comes.;! mere skeleton, and finally tnsftppears, leaving the parasitical bahouca, changed iu its very nature from vine to tree, in prosperous pos session of the ground. The-trunk • of the mur derous ttee near the ground is irregular, open worked, but vigorous and healthy, with a top running high, aud sometimes with branches from two feet to three and a half iu diameter: Atjhs ground. 1 have measured a space of from six tof seven feef between tho thrifty parts of the upstart tree. These parts become united twenty or thir ty feet from the ground, in a solid trunk, and send out branches tvo feet in diameter. The leaf o of tho new tree is uot always tiro same, but the limb when ciit, : always seeds out a milky sap Copartnership* T HE subscribers have this day purchased tho entire stock of goods belonging-to JFilcy, Baxter fy Fort iu this place, and will continue the business at the same store on the corner of Sec ond Street and Cotton Avenue, opposite Wash ington Hall, uhder the firm of PASTSH, POUT «L WHEY, They have oti hand a gcuoral assortment of Daro’s ^schooner-head banibo, who lubs black fresh goods well adapted to the town aud country I hab a sweetheart in this town, Who dresses in<a green silk gown, And as she vralks tho streets around, Do hollow of her foot makes a hole iu the ground, Now clar de kitchen, &c. Dts lob is a ticklish tin?, you know, It makes d<a : fair see feel ober — trade, which will be sold at lotv prices. and on li beral terms, by the yard, piece or package.— They solicit a continuation of tho patronage of former customers and tho public generally. THOMAS W. BAXTER V ROBERT W. FO RT. , LAIRD It. AVILEY- Macon, JuIv'L-Te:#., ,101 Molasses, Sugatj;,Iron, Sfc. Sf Hhds Molasses JL 10 do prime srcrolx Sugar 2(J bids and half bids ctuinlFloor 25 do Whiskey 20 do Gin,T5 do Rnm 10 do Malaga Wine 10 tons swedes Irfiff assorted 30 boxesTobacco (Virginia) 100 pieces Ii«mp Bagging 500 cotton Bags, 5h yards each 500 bushels Alum salt Also, 1500 bushels Liverpool ground Salt, on board Lamar's boat No. 1, daily expected, xvill bo sold lon v if t.iken from tiro boat. All on good terms, for salebSr ':L. REA & COTTON, jan 29 !>' "~v Tin Ware Manufacturer. MULBEURY, NEAR TURD STR*:i:T. T HE subscriber continues to manufacture TIN WARE. 1n every variety, and lias now oii'hapd a general assortment, which ho will sell wholesale or retail at the. Savannah or Aug u *' ta prices. . 1 if. T> , f-#.‘ ’ -.v-’ He 1ms also just received an'assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consiitiug of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans, Canisters? sugar Bowls, Milk cups, Tumblers, Pepper boxes, Gra ters, Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, &c. &c. Also, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, blocktin Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, fee. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, jan 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Rose, Want’s to come possum oberDiun, I .<posc, Aud clar do kitchen, &c. Ono day, as I walk’d iu Chcsuut street My luhly Dina I did meet; I wink’d—she blushed like a bag of sut, Roll'd the white of her eve aud give a great strut, To clar de k.tchen, &c. “Go away,” jays she, “wid yourcowcvtOiber chin, If you coino here agin I’ll stick you wid a pin ;” So I turn’d ou my heel aud bid her good i>ye, And arter I was gone she began for to cry. O.' clardc kitchen, &c. I wish I was back in Old Kentuck, For since I left dare I had no luck, Do galls dey so proud they woti’t cat mush, And when you go to court ein, day say, "O! hush!’ ’ f i -J(ow clar ko kitchen. &<. ..... The Copartnership 'H'TNDER tiro firm oillusstil, Dickinson Co. U is this day by mutual consent dissolved.— The Business hereafter will be conducted' hy jau 23 RUSSELL A- PTC KINS ON. F£AX THREAD. M LBS FLAX THREAD, assorted 09 MW colors of a superiof quality, just received aud for sale by Nov27 17 - WM. II. BURDSALL. Bagging. ■3 Jk PIECES 1st and 2d quality of h a- ivy vy Hemp Bagging, by the piece or iu quantities to suit Purchasscrs, for sale by Dec. 12. 23 C. A. HIGGINS. loaf and £nmp Sugar* -a ptf BOXES Loaf and Lump Sugar, just ■ # received and for sale by ,»., !) t KEA A COTTON Summer doods and Clothing* J UST received at the Macon Clothrojt Store April J2 121 LEWIS Fll’CIi THE GUDGEON AND TIIE EEL. The New York Daily Advertiser gives mi in genious illustration of the tactics^by which the Now York Magician is working, his way to the Presidency on the shoulders of General Jackson, in the following piece of natural history: There is a fish that is commonly called tho Lamprey Eel—a smooth, pliable, but slippery animal, which, when passing up a stream, and meeting iVith a catarac-too strong to Lo encoun tered by his own faculties, watches for some more powerful fish, who. without suspicion, has stop ped at the foot of the rapids to take breath. There, iu an unguarded moineut, by the extraor dinary power of suction which the Eel possesses he fastens upon tho side of his more muscular neighbor, and forces the latter to carry liim up stream, aud drop him safe in the still and slitney . waters above. Fuch is somewhat the state _ ol things in tho country#The old slnd is taking breath, aud the Lamprey Eel is watching for a proper opportunity to accompany hi®, secundum arltm, over the waterfall. To mnketancid Butter sweet.—Churn the but- JOIIN RANDOLPH. Extract of a letter from Washington, dated Marsh 7, to the Pennsylvanian : John ftandulph, of Roanoke, is stiii here.—- There is great doubt and uncertainly about hi* political course. It is believed that he took the recent hostile position to ihe Proclamation as a sort of set-off to his $22,000. For thiriy years he ha3 talked so much of his purity and disinter estedness, that he could not any longer look the people in the face, unless he picked some quarrel with General Jackson, so as to give bis own coun tenance a complaining appearance. “Squire, John” dined with the President, a few days ago. Among other iutefesiidg topics introduced by this distinguished statesman (“trquirc Johu”) was the life aud adventures, parentage find extraction of his blackmail *-Juba.” Ju Virginia, there is a peculiar and beautiful expression applied to nur ses aud foster-mothers—they are called “mam- mi While •‘John” was talking about‘.Juba, 1 ! discoursing of his virtues and pointing ou'i hr* ! tiror ts, he woundup a passage ■very emphatically ' —"Sir, that hoy’s' mother was my mammie'."— “His mammie!” whispered au eastern member, to bis neighbor, “Well, Randolph looks dark e- uough iu all conscience.” On another occasion when “Squire John” at tended the'sittiag of the House, some di/fie idly arose on a-question of order. rtrcvenal -mzmI.eiT! arose together aud addressed the Speaker: ft good deal of confusion ensued. “Squire John” raised Ills' head from the sofa, darted-his bright eyes upon tho floor, aud cried out to Ins servant, iu his peculiar shrill tone of Voice, “Juba, take me out of this tnob?-'—Juba accordingly bundled him up medicine chest and all, aud put liim' iutc» his carriage. Duriug the sitting of tho Senate, among other persons who accosted hitn was tho well known chart maker and chart seller of New York, Mr. Edward Blunt, who has done more to improve the charts of the Atlantic than perhaps, any other man of the country. He had formerly seen Mr. Randolph" somewhere. Presuming on acquain tance. he slept up to “John,” in the Senate— “How do you do, Mr. Randolph?” said Mr. Blunt, ‘,1 am uot well,” said Mr. Randolph: “hut” said John, looking up into Mr. Bluut’a face, “Ivdob’t retaember ever having seen you, sir.’-’ ’ ’Oh’! said the other, my name is Blunt— Mr. Blunt from New York.” “Blunt!” reitera ted Randolph: “I thought so, sir,” said tire 1 Squire,' very .-drily.—-“Indeed, sir,” returned Blunt, “you seldom" think so well.” Mr. Blunt tells this anecdote himself with great humor. Randolph lodges at the tavern formerly kept by Barnard. Ilissittingroom, or rather his louu- gittg room, for he seldom sits, looks upon a back yard. One day, two or thVce boys were playing there,' aud kicked up a cousiderhblo noise.— Squire John got very much annoyed at this, and ordered his tnau Juba to bring down his pistol*. They were brought down and laid upon the tay. ble. “Juba,” said he, “open that window-?”’“If was done. “Juba,” continued John, “go out aud bid those boys stand still a few seconds, till I hav« a shot at them." Juba marched out, and went up .to jt he beys—“Massa send me to bid you stand just care till he shoot you rbery one.” One of tho hoys asked, “who is your master?” “Massa Randolph." In au instaul the boys took to their heels; cleared the yard in a twinkling, and scour-, ed down a lane as if a blood hound was after them. Squire John was uo more troubled with,; the boys. • v - <>n another occasiou John was languishing o* the sofa iff the House of Representatives. II© looked and breathed as if it were his last. In an instant ho started up, went to the southern win dow aud looked out very anxiously, for 4 few se conds: Ho returned to his sofa, and, in sitting down, observed, “I thought I heard a big gun.” There cannot be a doubt but John wants to die on the floor iu the House of Representatives, a* - Chatham did in the House of Lords. The splen did Hall of the I louse of Representatives hasbec* the areat theatre of his" wit, point, sarcasm, elo quence and glory. There has never been such » man in the world as John Randolph, aud I doubt whether there ever will be such another. His ambition Is to die in the midst of a speech, in do*/ fence of State Rights. This i« the sterrf of'fus consent to stand lor another election. J have m© doubt he will be re-elected*- He has very ingeni ously availed himself of the" present excitement created in jho South against the Pr'oclatruuion, and he wilt ride comfortably into Congress on that billow. He is very severe- upon Secretary ter with sweet milk, in the proportion of about Livingston, Secretary M‘Lane, and Mr. Taney, 311. s. of the former to a half a glalou of the latter. | ou :l( . r o lin t. It is very generally supposedi This simple experiment was lately tried by a cit- j |, 0WevePi r hat lie is secretly in favor of Mr- Van Buren, cvftu in opposition to Calhoun. It is,dif- izeti of this town, and we are authorised to say j that it proved entirely successful. Tile state of the market in relation to this article at present renders the knowledge of some purifying and simple process, like the above, very desirable; and we are sure many others will be induced to trv it.—kirg. Herald. From Abbot'sletterfrom Cuba. VEGETABLE CURIOSITIES IN CUBA. Nothing is more common than to see bahouca, (bejuco,) or vine* of many species, running with luxuriance over the trees, great and small, of the forest. Many of them commeiieo their growth, and fasten their roots in the top of a tree, aud thence run downwards and fasten themselves a- gain in the ground, 'i hey are sometimes seen hanging above, and waving iu the qir below, without aDy fixtnfe to tho grocrud.- I have seen a fi, ult, however to unriddle such a profound enigma • is ./olio Randolph of ilonnokty. .11 is resolution.- and speechcp against the admiiiiriffation had ft groat effect; it is fast wearing away. Indeed* there will be a prodigious struggle in the South- Aril States during tho ensuing summer.;. Their* position jn relation to the presem goyentfnent, «r uearfy siinHarWi that of New England during thot Presidency of Jefferson and Madison. The seep-- ire has passed away, and nullification can nev©W win it back-- 1 Band in RTewtoiu F RACTIONS No. 333 and 334, in the 16lb District oTiginally Henrv now Newtott' .mntv, are foT sale. Apply in Macon to Dee I 3.Y M.BARTLETT/"