Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, April 17, 1833, Image 1

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GEORGIA BY M. BARTLETT. • - ' V--. MACON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL IT, 1833. ~ .. . * , v**' • * . l. \ 11.. .New Sekies....Ni mber ;5). THE GECttGlA TELEGRAPH. Published Weekly AT MACON, GA. printing Office on Mulberry Street—opposite the Brick Range. TERMS-—Tnr.EE Dollars n year, if pttid in tdvaace. or Four Dollars, if not paid before tho did ..fihe yenr. Subscribers living at a flisiance required in all cases to pay In advance. si'.w book sToiii-:. P. P* STIiES 6i Co. RESPECTFULLY in form the public that they have tRken the store in Ellis, Shotwell Ac Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, Where they S now receiving and opening a very general assortment of Books and Stationary, Amongtoeir work*, they have a som-ral nsrnrt- ment, and will he constantly receiving the new publications on Theology, Medicine. Law, His tory, ami Miscellaneous subject*, together with mob other articles as are usually kept in a Book Store. As one of their firm will be most of the time at the North for the purpose of attending sales End selecting Hooks, they flatter themselves that they vill at iilltinif* have a* good an assortment, mifl he able to t"sposc of them on as moderate term's as auv house in the Southern country. BiAZffSSOOSlS, p. p. S. »fc Co. have a large assortment of all kinds and sizes. JW* Cap, Letter, and Note Paper of the best aiulitr. both English and American, plain and •m.'iossrJ, water and, feint lined, piuk, yellow ne ami white. R^nik Chci*ks, Notary Pfildic Letters, ware toi ■e Receipts, Hills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, •Cleiks Tax Collector* do. Subpccnas for Witnesses. Peed*, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’Hills of Sale, Gir- nidunents, Ca. Sa. Junifs’ Summonses. Marriage License, Hail Writ and Bond, Inter Com. Directions for Intel rogatories. Hills of Iiidictineiir. Bench Warrants, Bail flmids. Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary. Letters of Administra lion. Temporary Letters of Administration,.Tern poj.iry Letters of Administration, Guardians Bad*. fax Collectors deed*. Gamut*, Sub. Dec. Tec Dec 21 24 HEA & COTTON Offer for sale on accommodating terms v if PIECES Hemp Bagging JL v y 'i.e 500 ready made Cotton hags, best quaiit) 100 bbls Baltimore, N. O. and Georgia Whiskey • 10 hints Northern Rum (coiorctiy 0 rusks Marselie* anil Madfiim Wins 30 boxes inanufactured Tobacco 35 hhds St. Croix &. Porto Rico Sugars 5 bids Copperas 3 I ales Blankets 1 1 hok Saddlery 1000 bushels ;\lunt Salt, ALSO \f small invoice of DRYGOODS. HARD WARE, CROCKERY., See. suitable fora coun- trfiJtnre, v ill ha sold on a credit of six months. Oct. 3 1 3YEW SPJiJ.YG GOODS • &SS& e-BS-i'Iijtf, At the Macon Clothing Store. L EI i’CH is now opening at the Macon s Clothing Stoie, a new and spleudid ns- Mir.ueutof GOODS and CLOTHING, cousist- iu part of Jlombaziaoi, Cnmhlcts, Mareo Cnsimcrcs of ft,ist colors, Plaid and Striped do. brown fiiU white Drilling, brown and white Grass Lin- «ip, India Nankeen, Circassians, Lasting, fig- ftrrd and plain silk Velvets, English figured silk testing, piaiu Florentine do. hull* and white Va- koeia do. white afid figured Mcrsailos, white, fig ured cilk and Vnleuti.i Gobi Vesting, new artt- fk, a good assortment of Cloths, Cissiuicrs, &c. j ‘ Fancy At iiclcs. Wiiilo aid fancy Cravats,, plc-ud ami plain liinuhpziue Sto ks, Velvet and figured do. Gum Elastic, nettsuk, nett cotton, and Webb’s patcut Suspenders, hfuck, white and fancy silk Gloves, Wa -t a ini fancy Itorscskin and buckskin do. I'rnwn linen do. English and French silk half Hose, vigunado. white mixt mid strip cotton do. biicti Mo-oms, Collar. , Sltffiicrs, ^nntleficld,.In dia . n B Kidauua llaiikerchicfc. white and figurr fd ».o. »i.k l ••brcllns, childrens’* leghorn Ilats, raltnlcaf do. &c. &c. Heady Made Clothing. Rnmhazine,' lasting and Circassian Coatlees uu I Frock Coats, botnb.ixin • nuil-circassiau pan- talonns. crape, camhlett and mnriuocassimcrc do. French and English drilling Drown do. Freuch *u I English drilling white do. brown and while liarn do. du-k and stripe linen do. \igona and lasting do. white and huff Vests (mers.ides) ng- urrd nji rs iilcs and Valencia do. velvet and flor-. rutiiio do. common do. white and brown finch Jackets, white and brown drilling do. duck and 'ignita do. Drawers, Shirts, Morning'Gowus, See. ««• &e. All of wiiirh will bo sold cheap for CASH. -I Would solicit tho patronage of my friends and '.ft ruhli ill. C icral. Also the T AILORING will ho •" ni ii, n in nil its hranehes with despatch N t l accounts must be paid before new unsare trade. A ril 0 28 LEWIS FITCH. NEW GOODS. i WM. H. BUllDtiALL, lids just received a new and extensive assortment of Dry 4«oous. Clothing* flats, Shoes, fyc. • • O IS stock will be found inferior to none, and purchasers, by favoring him with a call will be offured Uourfs'ut the most reduced prices. For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PAKT, of THK POI.LOWtNC: Su|*r Saxony. Blue. Black and Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black. Mixt and Fancy Colored {Sattiryta Striped tiultinets, I'.iiglisl.i -Merinoes Duffle Point and Rose Blankets Red, White, Green and Yellow Flannels Canton and Saxony White Gauze db Dbmn:k Table Diaper Bird’s Scotch, and Russia .. d» Blqc; Black and Colored Brrifiraretts do do do' Circassians Negro Clothing, Linseys Brown and Bicucltrd Shirtings do . do Sheetings do _ do Drillings *" Cotton OznHtnirg*. Fi -tians Black Italian Lustring Black Grossde Swiss, Black Gross do Naples do do Berlin Blark Sincbews and Sarsanets Col. Gross de Naples Black and Col. Florences do do Italian Crapes Scarlet and Block .Merino LongTsliawts Scarlet Square Shawls •Ca*Jtmrre. Valenlin, Thibet Wool Silk. Damask and Csssimere Shawls llernani, l’erjs Nluslin Crape Gnueci, Gros. de Naples end Mandarin^ Dress Handkerchiefs 1 Ladirs’ and,Misses’ .Oelgian-, Ifallfih. Straw, Leg horn. Braid and Fancy Bonnets. Satin and Gauze .Garnitures English Moleskins, Bed Picks Apron Checks. Furniture do Domesti6 Flaidsand Stripes Floorcloth Baize. Green Fuze Cloth Furniture Dimity. Hair cord do' Russia Shee.tiug, Bleach DowlaSS Burlaps. Baugnp Cords Irish Linens Lawns Blue and Scarlet Kaitinct Cotton Qissimeres RISck and Col plain Ribbons- Dr.rk and light Col. Prints and Gingham* Lace and Gauze Veils Figured and plain Bobbinet* Threid Ibices • ' ^ Cambric. Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book Muslin* Linen Cambric l.inyif Cambric llandkercliiefs, Pongee do India Fins and Bandana do , Shell Coinhs Ladies’ and Gentlemens' Gloves. Cotton, Worsted and Lamb’s Wool IIoso Black and Col. Cambrics Rend Retir.ulrs NIen’s and Boys’*Fur, Cloth and Seal Caps Chinchilla do WARE HOUSE AND Commission BujsinosS. - THE subscriber continues the ^ .'ll above business at his old gtand, Head oT Cherry street and Cptton Avenue, where he offers all the u- sunl facilities in business. IIjs \Vare House and close storages are in priirb criler, and as much exempted from the danger of fire as any in the place. * Cotton stored with him will he delivered in a- riy part of the town, free of any charge, except the customary storage. Oct 5 *2 JAMES C. MORGAN. a*£A?y TOI* UL SmZTEL, WARE HOUSE, A*P * Commission Merchants, M AKE liberal advances «n Cottqn in store and on shipments, dso on notes and oth- crBiwpeny deposited in their hand*. 1 Iieir Ware 1 louses are.more convenient to the ht>. incss part of (be town than anj other, possess ing the advantages lof a w harf, and are more ex empt from danger by lire; Ififin any other in Ma- con.- - ’ 'May 25 144 THE SUBSCRIBED ILL aelUhe stock of BOOKS <fc HARD WARE. belonging to Ellis, Shi»tw «*ll & Co. at very lowjiriccs, at retail, for cash,;hnd to merchants whp* may want to roplcfiish their stock, upon time, for approved paper. The Stock consists of a great variety cf ft/trdicarcf Cutlery, Castings MECHANICS* TOOLS, ' Brass Ware, Britannia do, FURNITURE MOUNTING, &,c. Scc. Consisting nf'large and small Bibles, Medical, Law and School Bboks, and a gfcat variety of Religious and Misccllanc ms Books. Dtc. 18 23 JACOB SHOT WELL. t The Subscriber lf~REING very anxious to..reduce his stock of K ffl- Goods, is indue d to' offer them It prices spmew hat reduced. Ilis sales will htieafter be for cash. •. < jnii 16 IB WM. II. RURDSALL asoaGB jewsst; • i At his old stand, cor nr of Cherry and Second sis. j I S now receiving ,Vom New V ork. and Boston,! a fresh supply3f Goods, which, in addition] to those on'hand, will make his stock very large ! and complete, wliidi hciiffefs on as reasonable j terms as they can l(.e bail iu this market. .Ill goods comprise a Mineral Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 b;:iS Coffee, 45 hills St Croix, Porto Rico aad N Orleans Sugar, 21 hbU Loaf and Lump da 12 or chests Tea * •20,0?* V< Iron _R> idji s Molnxses . ' 1500 l^itijfffSnlt 100 nieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 40 legs Nails Jamaica Rum Cognac Brandy Nor.lierS Gin, Northern Rum Wiiiskey, ' . Apple Brandy, Wine, Roif ti-r, Shot. See. See. ALSO, 1 Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Foots, JShocs, See. See. See. Oct 22 43 II A SI LKEY, Of fiuo quality, second hand i Vi for sale. Inquire at this of- ticc. 3t READY MADE CLOTf|lNG. Superfine blue, black, green, ndelaid, olive and -brown Clolh Dress Coats *• Bine, black, green, brown and steel mixt Cloth Frock Coats-. - ■' “ Bhie. hrtfvn. .olive/ green and mixt l. Cloth Cba’ee* Bine, steel inixt and fancy colored Sattinet Coat ces and Frock Coal* Superfine blue, black, brown,, olive, green and steel snixt cloth Pantaloons . Drab, laVender and strqied Cassimcre do Blue, steel mixt and fancy colored Sattinet do English Moleskin, uncut Cord and Bangup do Youths' Cloth and Sattinet Coatees and Panta loon* Black, blue and drab Cassimere Vests Black aad colored Velvet do Dark and light figured Valentin, white and col ored Marseilles. Swansdown, Toilinet . and Sattinet Vests Gamble! and Plaid Cloaks Velvet, Bomluizine, Silk, Y’alentia and Leather Stocks Fine Linen Shirts, Coirap;jJto$o3i5,&c. «£c, - Negro Clothing, Men's aud Youths' Fur and Wool Hals, Fine Boots and Shoes, KTEa&O SHOES, diC, *SiC. <StC. Qct. 24 4 Fresh Drugs, Paints Oils. D3X. XV. S3. BASS AS just received his fresh supplies, and of fers for sale, his store on Oottan Avpn ue. a quantity of Liuseetl Oil ' Extract Sarsaparilla, pertn tlo Carpenters Prain tlr* * Castor Oil (fine article) White lierd “ Croton Oil pnnisL'Brown ground Spirits Turpentine in .oil Copal Varnish da do dry Black leather do Venetian" Rct\ Japan do Windsor Glr5ss Glue * 1 Piuat Brusho* " Snuff, Mr.caboy and rff.ilgo, Spanish Flote ’ Scotch . Alum Fine cut Tobacco Copperas ’ Ilnir & coat Brushes Pearl Ashes C’adiel’s hair Pencils Magnesia, lump Aical’d Chloride of Lime Chloride of. Soda Lemon SjTttp Lamps Lanterns « Lamp Glasses «So Wick Sulphat Sc Vinegar m HU provt__ c *'t Iron Printing Press, tuacs this opportunity ,0 ^commend it to the fraternity. This Press is '."iiting into general t^c at tho North—and is tioudit to bo the most juTl'oct and efficient of any Onw m ti*o. Workmen,.who have used this and "tlicrs, givo this the preference over every other a * respects ease, power and durability. ,”ite of these Presses is now in use at this office, 1 " j re ii may ho seen in operation. Letters to the undersigned on the subject, (post P'"l) will be attend <1 to. M. BARTLETT. Starch Quinine Pipcrino louine Opium Morphinm Acetate Madeira and Fort ^Tine, Suitable for convalescents. Together with an extensive and general assort, meut of till articles in his line, all of which w ere purchased in person by himself in Now York, : and are warranted genuine, lie is prepared to give reasonable accommodations and respectfully invites the attention of the public. Fob 13 20 . Notice. ; T HE" Books, Accounts and some of the Notes of A. s hot well-together with those of A. Shotwell & J. S. Smith, are placed in the hands i.f John C. Ilelvenston ard Wm. C. Parker, Esqrs who are authorised to settle the same. .. The subscribers arc‘particularly anxious to have settled without adding any ex pense to those iiidehtcd to them and hope -that all w ho have not paid their notes or accounts will immediately call on Messrs 1’arkct.or Ilelvim'- sion and do so. ALEXANDER SHOTWELL, ; JOSEPH S. SMITH. Macon, April 1,1833. 27 - . Tots for Sale. T HE.subscrib'cr havie'g a number of LO TS on the right bail'd side -of tho new road leading from MafPtr th’ Forsyth aud op the left of the old road, commencing soon after crossing tho Branch, on both-roads, will dispose of the same to such persons as will make good citizens, on reasonable terms.' As alt inducement to me chanics he has made two cross roads through the Lots situated between said roads, and wilt give to caclt- of the first mentioned lots a sufficient space on one of tho crossroads for a work shop, without a charge for ten years, and will be hound to pay them tho value of tho moderate improve ments that may he put oil them, or make a fur ther contract lor the same. The lots on these cross roads wifi be used exclusively for mechanic shops; ’ The advantageous situation of this property is too obvious to mention. The almost exclusive support of Macon passing the first mentioned roatlsv Mechanics would he sufficiently near tftwn to fiu't*# -tfie patronage of bothtown and country, and bz freed from the numberless objec tions to living directly in town. , . AIso^ Fqr^Salc, The store occupied By E. 15. Weed, and tho dwelling above, with n sufficient lot, the purcha ser will bo entitled to-the re -t attitc rate of $425 per year, till the 1st of October. ■ , ALSO, FOR SALE,' 110 SHARES COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK, also, the Hodso and Lot occupied by j J. L. Williams, near Dr. Owen’s-milts, and about JO acres of land situated ou the road near said house. Apply to th.o subscriber, if abscut te J. C. Ilelvenston, Esq. April3 27 ALEXANDER SIIOTWELL. CASH STORE Slassell, & 25icIdnson AVE on hand, and will recievo in a few daVs, a choico selection of ^iOCSBlSS, &c. 'vhteh will be sold low and for CASH ONLY- 8 hhds N. O. Molasses 23 “ prime St. Croix fcrf)Cleans Sugars 52 l>ng<> prime green Oiffce 20 bbls Mackerel 1 tierce Codfish 20 bbls Family Flour (choice) JO half Ijbls * do 15 qr ., Bucjv'jvhcaido 20 bbls Irish Potatoes 51 bbls Northern Rum, Gin, Whiskey 17' “ . assorted Cordials (good) r 5 jticrces new Rice 1 pipe each cog Bra”dy and II Gin 2 “ Northern Vinegar 5 bbls each Peach and Apple Brandy Jamaica and St Croix Rum Irish Whiskey Cherry, Bo unco O M, S Jf, Thfreriffe, Muscatel, Port and Itxlara Wines in qr casks Basket* Ch'ampnigno London Pbrter i^quarts and p'at* Bar Soap, Sperm & Tallow Candles Lump Sugar , r Hyson andPouchong Tca9 Drums fresh’ Figs Boxes fresh Raisins Oranges, Apples, Onions, See Dried Beef, smoked Tongue* Bologna Sausages, Crackers Spanish and American Cigars. &e. 8 tons swedes and English Iron. English, Blistered-aud Gernian Steel 32 casks Nails aud Boat spikes Wt. Bsatix Twine, Castings, See * AJso a general varit ly of Staple 23ry Goods* HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Saddlery, Ilats, Boots, Shoes, AfC Sc:. Jan I, 1833 14 From the Cincinnati Chronicle. THE HOOSHEROONS. * . Tiic good citizens if our young sister, Indiana, are pretty generally known throughout the West by the singul tr appellation of loosliers.”—Trie j there is a population exc follow ing rhymes, from a young Hoosheroon. con- \ threequarters, for ihe use vcy fi very graphical picture of lIoo«Iier life on the frontiers of Indiana. In our perambulations through that state, we have often partaken the welcome hospitality of a “huek-eve cahiu,” while our gallant steed stood by the “sapling” and the “sugar trough’' for the night. Suppose in riding through the West, 'A stranger found a “llousher’s nest,” Iu other words, a buck-eye cabin, J list big enough to hold tlueeu Mab in; fr* situation low but airy. , nearly arrVvCi'. in which the’’ s'taii be restored t I the possession of that country. The Jews geuer - ' ady p,c wc I) ar, watching tlie inovements of tho j ! gyptian army with «rc it ea'rerne-.s. in the hc- ' that some arritn^oniehts will be made which ; will enable ijhari* (■- return to Ju !ea, and liii; be- i! -' has led to itetti ihassoci - ions in IMirtn I.'' ■Churches in Loader..—The following fac deduced from some ery valuable documents con tained in tlte siijijileinent to the Congregational Magazine for last month. Within a radius of eigjit English miles from St. Paul’s cathedral. edirig one million and if •■whom tj’.p t\)Uewir:; places of religious worship are provided:—-Epis copalians, 2tH; Independants, 10*: Wcs eyan Methodists, 74 ; Baptist*. 61; Cdlvini-iic Meth- odists, 24: Presbyteriaus, 25; Catliolics, 23; Friends, G; Foreign Protestants, 7; Jews. Miscellaneous, 7; Total, G07 ; Established Chur ches, 204; Dissenting Chapels, ,‘M3. Not one half ol tne population ol London attend public worship. \\ ho can wonder then, that one piison alone, m London, cootsjtu at tldj time more than 1300 inmates Copartnership. T HE subscribers have this day purchased the entire stock of goods belonging to Wiley, Baxter f,- Fort in this place, and will continue the business at the same store on. the corner of Sec ond Street and Cotton Avenue, opposite Wash ington Unit. Bffdir the firm of bajsjse; roRT & wiseit, They have pn hand a general assortment of fresh goods well adapted to the town and county trade, which will he sold a? low prices and on li beral terms, by the yard, piece or package.— Tjtoy solicit' a continuation of the patronage of former customers and the public ^generally. THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. FO RT. LAIRD H. WILEY- Macon, Jiilv 1, 1832. . 161 tm:a SiJsscp.iSER, H AVING taken possession of the store rent ed by him In Ellis, SJjotrrcH Si Co’a. rnugo, i* now ready to receive any Consignments with which liis frieiuls art! the public may.he pleased to favor him. WM. P. ROWLAND. Nov 27 17 Tico acre Lots. < HE Lessees of tho two-arro lots on the city B_ Common of Macon, arc notified that the -Gill instalment heroines due on the Glli of Febru ary. They arc requested lo come forward and pay the same to the subscriber. If not paid by the Gth day of April ensuing, tho Jots aud im provements wHI be forfeited. J. H. OFF r TT, Stentcrry. Jan 24. 1838. 19 ■ Piirs, Hides aud Horns. f'S'lHE highest price will he given by ihe sub icribcr for l’ur< of all kinds, either Beaver, Otter, Raccnu or Muskrat. Hides, dry, in any quantity; also Deer Skins. Horn-.. Ox or Buck, C A. i!IOG1 NS, Nov 27 17 Iirick H oldings. Mi-Vk rry St. faction aad Caiuvnission acoru. is removed to tho new -ininp the 1‘ost (*f ipied for Infant, fire,on Mulberry street, where he ten>"^i» Ins ser , ,' u '** and Sunday Schools. ill be soul low 1 vices in the above line. C. A. HIGGINS. - die uantitv. I’npo lPi .in.le. ) Nov 19 29 J iYENV PRiMER. ,: «T PUBLISHED five, * orr ..,„ ‘Jew Priincr. JT Ch,!| l > First Book. U t-o m uantity. I’rico 12| cents singl - ile at this of- IS’EVV STORE. TH 1 ! HE subscriber has purchased tho Stock in J3_ Trade of Mrtwf^E,. Gtjiycx A Sou, and now offers for sale at the oltf established cor ner on .Mulberry Street, (Chapman’s old corner,) a general Assortment of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS & HARDWARE. Ilis supplies trill bo constant from tho Nortkerti Cities, which will he sold at low rates for CASH. EDWAIffi B. LYMAN. Mncon, March 2G 26 3t i- Molasses, Sugar, Iron, fyc. L g* Hhds Molosses (bffi 10 do prime *tCroix, Sugar 20 bhls and half bbls canal Flour 25 do Whiskey 20 do Gin, 15 do Rnm 30 do Malaga Wiuo 10 tons swedes ^ron.assorted d0 boxes Tobacco ^Virgini a) 100 pieces H«mp Bagging 500 cotton Bags, 5£ yards each 500'bttohels AlTm salt Also, 1500 bushels Liverpool grouud Salt, on hoard Lamar’s boat No. 1, daily expected, will bo sold low if tnkei' from tho boat. All on good'terms, for s.dehy REA & GOTTON,'- -' jin 29 IS • T ygl i'l r-’n’iscriber ha* £ BRICK STORE J UST landed from Steam Boat Bonnet 11 of Blue and Pioneer and for sale'at the Cash Store by RUS.- ELL & DICKINSON. 30 bbls Irish Potatoes 30 bags prime'green Coffco 10 hhds prime new crop Orleans Molasses 7 Tierces superior Georgia.Syrup 5 h!uL Orteaus Sugar „Ch< esc, Pilot and Sea Bread See. March 12 24 Pra-t co of l&Jiiicinc. ft DBS. CO .1. BRIDGMAN J have unite, in the Practice of .MED ICINE and 't'KGI.RY. Their office is ihe one heretofore occupied by Dr. Cone. 1. 18->3. 14 Tin Ware- Manufacturer. ltULBERXT, yr.AR TTIRO STUEET. HE subscriber continues to manufacture TIN WARE in overy variety, and,lias now on hand a geucral assortment, which he will iell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus ta prices. lie has also just received an assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans. Canisters, sugar Bowls, Milk cups, Tumblers. Pepper boxes. Gra ters, Toy cups u Rnttles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, &c. Sec. Also, patent Bakers, Fool stoves, hlocktin Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, &c. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, jab 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Wa* on the borders of a prairie: h» might lie benighted, ilo hailed the h-»usc atut lucti The “Hoosher” met him at tile door, Thcir'salutatinns soon were o’er; 11^ took the stranger’s horse aside, And to a sturdy sapling tied— Then having stripped the saddle off, He fed him in a sugar trough. Tho stranger stooped to outer in— Tho entrance closing wifb a pin— -And manifested strong desire To seat him by the log heap fire. Where half a dozen “I loosherr>ons,’ r . With mush and milk, tin-cups and spoons— White he id*, hare feet and dirty face*, Seemed much iucliucd to keep their places; But madam anxious to display Her rough and undisputed sway, ' Her offspring to the ladder led. And cuffed the youngsters up to bed. fuviied shortly to per;ake Of ve,f>ison. milk and johnny cake, Thfe stranger made a hearty meal, • And glances round the room would steal. On.> side was lined with divers garments; . The other spread with skins of “varmints, - ” Dried puinpkinsover head were strung, Wh'ere venison hams in plenty hudg ; Two rifles placed .above the door. Three dogs lay stretched upon the floor— Jn short, the domicil was rife Wiih specimens of “llftosher” life. The host, who centered his affections On game.and range, and quarter sections, Discussed weary guest for hours, Till Somnii'2 ever potent powers, Of sublunary cares bereft ’em, No'mntter how the story ended— The application I iuteuded, Is from the famous Scottish poeti Who seemed to feel as well as know it, That “huirdlv-chielsand clever hizzie*, Are bred in sic away as this is.” 1 a? 3 I Tom the Sorth American Cazettc. CON V To render conversation at all times dgrecable,'. /the foIlowing'Kules have been laid down : 1. The parties should "meet together tvith a determined resolution to please and he pleased. 2. No one should be eager to iuterrupt others, or be uneasy at beiug interrupted. 3. Ail showid.hadb leave to speak in turn. 4. Iu .ttculiou should be carefully avoided, 5. Private concerns should never be -rnimtion- ed, uulcss p rt.cul.irly enquired into, aud t-von then mi briefly as possible'. i>. Each person should, as f :r as propriety will admit, he aff< rded an opportunity of discoursing on the subject he is most acquaiute 1 with. 7. Siories should he avo.ded, unless short, pointed ami qu^e apropos, 8. Each person should speak often hut not long. Ilarr.iiiguiug in private rOmpauy is insupporta ble. 9. If the m ijority of tho company ho naturally silcitani reserved, the conversation will flag, unless it be often rcueued hj ono who can start now subjects, 10. It is highly improper to laugh at one’s own wit or humor, this should be left to tbe company. 11. When the conversation is flowing in a se rious channel, never interrupt it by au ill timed jest'.' »' 12. Tt is at all times extremely indelicate to whisper to one’s neighbor—this .s, in some degree a fraud, conversation being a common property too.ofteu used. 12. In speaking of absent people, the infallible rule is to say rro more than wo should if they were present. 1 resolve, says Bishop Beveridge, thu orner jockies do not uever to speak of a man’s virtues to Ins faee/nor i of Ilis faults behind his back. A golden rule, the observance of w Inch would .it once banish flattery aud defamation Irom thp World. A Friend to Good Manners. From the New Turf Re . S.’ O • i i i S • , i i , i, iv'. • 1 . i.. i. , .. ., _ . TRAOKDINARY! On (he 2d inst. was run the last heat of thp, famous race between Ilem 7 Cl ay’s nrcy Alare^ “American System,” and J. C. Calhoun’s black Filly, “Nullification.” The racers ko^.t so close during the whole heat that they mi«li’ nave been contained'e bem.ofa lady's garment. TUq Jockeys did their best, tiring whip rand, sfiifr all the time, aud putting tii.-ir cattle to tneir utmost speed. Great dte American System—she being backed by ail the Y ranees pa thitf'course., But the backers were ali taken aback, when th'd .winners arrived at the winning post at the same instant, so that the Judges coaid not say which was foremost —bets of course drawn—racers both fell at tho same time, Nullification stone dead, and A- merican System so near it that she had to be removed, and taken off tho coarse in a broken down condition—Nullification given to the dogs without ev'eiif /tripping her of tho skin. / American .System was (Jifite confident—and that site did not win the race astonished even the knowing ones. But, as titerd are reasons for all things, on this accasion they were “as plenty as blackberries”—all the, world knows that the owner of American System is a hard rider, and ever since he became Iter proprietor she lias had heavy weights to earn, and has. frequently had to run over-courses both heavy, and hilly. At the meeting of 1824 she wasi thrown out of the Calender, but Was restore J to it by tiie Jockey Club in 1S25. In 1S2S Stic started, against tbe noted Horse Old Hick ory, but being heavily ridden by a rider dress ed in a jocny cap, nankeen trowsccrs, and pumps, sue lost tfie race, and the Hickory broom was triumphant, and she sent to grass, and laid by for further operation . In 1832 she was again brought forth, afior long footling, ,and much preparation, find was start d more against her old antagonist, Old Hickory —to be ridden this time by her owner: and here it is >uppotcdshe had her \vi d touched for citougn sue carrieu extra weight, no mercy was shown her, and she was ridden almost to death. From this circumstance there were doubts a- bout bringing her out so soon after—but when •thcyxtrcipe youth jpl’her opponent was taken into consideration,yis tfell as the heavy weight to be carried by the filly, it was expected that American System, broken winded as she was would win tbe stakes. But alas," the race is not always to the swift, nor tbe battle to the strong—and she has to retire from the course, uever again to be mounted as a political hobby or ridden by any above \hc degree of a mere mule breeder, or a mender of fences. The knowing ones are of opinion that Clay, in this race, has been at some off his old tricks, that lie has been playing booty, a'S their we rc several midnight conferences observed be tween him and the rideg of Nullification. The latter was so extremeh^onng, so little accus tomed to the course, and being so heavily rid- (Icd, it was expectccf she would be distanced, or at least Would boit—but the owner.of .A» merican jjyst em bad with his own hands given her a , bolus, which is well known to have Drought her nearly to death’s door, and which icsitato to say, was dene tor ttie purpose of giving Nullification a The Copartnership • U NDER tho firm of Russell, Dickinson Sf Co. is ibis day by mutual consent dissolved.— The Business hereafter'will he conducted by jan 23 RUSSELL te. DICKINSON. flax TimsAJj. M pft rik LBS FLAX THREAD, assorted ft- O? x W colors of a superior quality, just received aud for sale by Nnv27 17 WM. II. BIJRDSALL. Bagging. PIECES 1st and 2d quality of h a- vy Hemp Bugging, bv the piece o; iu quantities to suit Purchassers, for sale by !>,« 12. 23 A. HIGGINS. 00 ciiauc.6 to win tbe race. That the death of Nullification, in this race, was brought on by the hard riding of Iter jock ey, there can be no doubt—“Neck or nothing was his motto from the start, ami therefore whip or spur was not'Spared during the whole iieat —which will account for her epitaph to lie written, commencing, tl JIic Jacct ‘Nullifica tion.’ ” The owner of the American System expres ses sutnfe hopes of her recovery; and that she will a ; tin become an efficient •hobby—but, in acres, tiiis be is not joined by.bisjockios—They have nha ut- given up all such hopes. One .of them, Ttis- Zioaf and 17 ON DON PRINTED MUSI INS, for Do-sits, new pattern*. itM received and to. ie by WM. it. liURDoALL. April 1G 27 :p &ngar. BOXES Loaf.amt Lump Sugar received and for s< 4 RE just by V COTTON. I Summer Ctoo is and Ciothing, fflli?') received at the Mncon Cloihmji ritort* 9 April 12 121 LEWIS FITCH Newberk, March 22.—Seven Earthquake.— Japt L??, of tbeschooner Cygnet, frem tit. Kit.s. forms us that am,earthquake occurred at that pliico on the evening of tbe 8ih of Fell, between Iiich time and iho 15th, ali«ut 50 violent shocks i bad taken place. During its progress a great I utnber of walls and stone buildings were demo- i lisheti, and deep excavations were left in various j partsof the town. Tbe graveyards wer.- lor.i up, | aud a field of cane consisting of seve was sunk to tbe depth ot fiye feet. Th auts, iu their..consternaWon, took re* bo::r r un,ot R. L, lias been heard to say, he would the shipping, all of which escaped uninjured.- JS 30tm bet upon a Jack-ass on any future day No lives were lost, the dwellings Jin’* u’g *; ’ e: ' ' ” as upon any horse, mare, or gelding raised or . cated upon the occurrence ol toe first suock wb.c. . riJ ^ u b jj C , N(J , he ?„ n8V “ r again , jcr was t0O"Mi^hi lo occasion injury. Vi x\e\i>, « J , . , . where tho earthquake was partially felt, but little I on » \cntter owned by any such booty play- injury was done. • • i or i ' 1C shall never have another opportunity o‘ latut of Labor.—Vro have heard it stat 4 tliat I “rutmlng thp buck” upon him. the, value ot the ice cut from a fresh poud, and There was so' much billing and cooing be- atiipped from this port the present s.-iiscu for tween Clay and Webst er just before the race. Southern fir.rkcts is estimated at $1u0,UuU.— that Tristram has taken 'up the notion that Boston I aper. . . Daniel too lias been concerned in the plot, Iu | is therefore 'determined to denounco him in" Faneuii Hall die first opportunity. I It is understood that J. Q. A flams fully r in- | tended to enter his two fillies, 11 Bank Report f i and Her mod AScMurroughf' for the race— but on his jockey entering the mews to prepare, them' for the race, he found Bank Report dead lame, and' poor Dermod seriously wind-galled. Nullification bad no sooner given the last kick than hi- owner started express for IS. Car olina, in order to warn liis jockies there against betiina, and to make arrangements for rctnrn- i;ii» -ne arms and ammunition purchased before the bills given for them come to maturity—and to advise that if those from whom they were purchased refuse to taka them (nek it* pay-- meat, they may be sold for the benefit of the A Freuchmau, Ambroio Tanli-u, has lately published at Faris, :i set ol geog.aabicol glo'ies. whu h he has employed three rears in bringing to perfection. The globe of Aluiis. Tardieu is a spit, fit Lba". composed of some He- ilde m iterial a <1 remf red air tight. This, whan blow n up b_. rn ns of an a| er uiv at one o* t!.e poles is a per ii el globe, on winch all tho geographical features and • ivil (.ivi-ioiis of the earth are delineated.— When cotbipied it can be- carried in the pocket like an Atln* A globe of eighteen inches in di- amet r answers il the paiposes of a complete A'.as oi ui it m geography I * constructed »o a- io ovv th las; itiif ro.cmeqts -n th( science; a.: th rout.-i of discoverer- f. can <’!;n.-topher.Co lon bus to Freyciuct, Liuji i y, Dorville. and hey, are traced upon it. amino recent and ; os'tiv,. disi overy i, omitted. ( A gre u u.nuiicr of religious Je-»s in Poland are ; mnaiog ; repa.-attou- to visit j . u ak m, in the bi llet mat lit, time predicted by the prophets has 1 UnderwriteFsr