Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, April 24, 1833, Image 1

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. . THE GEORGIA -TELEGRAPH Published Weekly AT MACON, GA. Printing Office on Mulberry Street—o}tposi*e the Buck Range. (TERMS.—Tiihek Dollars a year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars, if nof paid Jfcefpre the «mi "f (he year. Swftnbers living at a distance w j|| be required iy lH cases to pay in advance. rtment oj AKW ROOK STORE. S. P, STXXrXZS & Co. RESPECTFULLY in form the public tbat-they have taken the store in Ellis, Shotwell Sc Co’s, row, tno doors, above the Post Office, where they aie'fcm receiving and opeuiug a very general aMonmnnt of # Boohs ana Stationary, i. fcftomtLwir work*. they have a general assort ment, and will be constantly receiving the new publication* on Theology, Medicine. Law, His tory, and Miscellaneous subjects, together with surh other articles as are usually kept in a Book Store. sene of tbc<r firm will he most of the time at $ c .vorili for the purpose of attending sales i nd cclcctitig Hooks, they flatter themselves that they will at all times have as good an assortment, and he able to dispose of them on as moderate terms as any house in (he Southern country. ’ SXASJXBOOSSS, H. P. S. <fc Co. have u large assortment of all kiuds and sizes. Fools Can, letter, nud Note Paper of tliq best quality, both English ami American, plain ami embossed, water ami feiut lined, pink, yellow uc aud white. ESA2SJ2ES- , |l,nnk Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware bouse Receipts, Hills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Cleiks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Witnesses-" Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’ Hills bf Sale, G ir- nislimcnts, Cn. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Hail Writ and Horn), inter Corn. Directions for Interrogators*., Hills of Indictment. Hedcfj; .Warrants, Bonds. Attachments. Inlet. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administra tion. Temporary Letters of Administration, Tern S orary Letters * of Administration, Guardians iomls. . . Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec.Tcc. Dec 21 24 Bail HE A <fc COTTON Offer for sale on hccommoxlating terms, t fe PIECES Hemp Btigging .IL Ajr 50C ready made Cotton bags, best -v • quality 1W t v 1s {laltimore, N. O. aud Georgia Whiskey *0 hhds Northoru Rum (colored) 10 casks M arse lies aud Madeira' Wine HO boxes manufactured Tobacco &» hhds Si. Croix &i Porto Rico Sugars 5 bids Copperas 3 I ales Blankets 1 bok Saddlery 1000 bushels Alum Salt, , ALSO A small invoice of DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, CROCKER Y, See. suitable for a Coun- trv store, will bo sold ou a credit of six months. (let. 2 I NEW SPRING GOODS AND C ^OTSl»G, At the JUacon Clothing Store. L FITCH is now opening at the Macon • Clothing Sto e. a new and splendid as sn ui ut of GOODS aud CLOTHING, cousist- iu part of ; B mbaziues, Camblcts, Marco,-G-asimcres of most .11 colors, Plaid and Striped do. brown ami white Drilling, brown and white Grass Lin ens, India . a ikeeu, Circassians, Lasting, fig ured and plain silk Velvets, EnglitR, figured silk l’csaiig. plain Florentine do. huff and white Va lencia do. while Ami figured Mersailes, white, fig ured riilk aud Valcuii • Gold Vesting, new arti cle, a good assortment oJ Cloths, C issimcrs, &c. Fancy At tides. ' White and fancy Cravats, plctid and plain Bombazine Sto ks, Velvet and figured do. Gum Elastic, licit snk, lieu cotton, and Webb’s patent Sii'pemlers, black, white and fancy silk Gloves, fflacK and fa.icy liorscskiu and buck k n do. brown iin n <io. English and French silk half llose, vigolftado. white ihixt ai d strip cotton do. linen (to-onis. Collar.-, •‘■Hiffncrs, Spatlefield, In dia an . B odanua ilankerchiefs, white and figur ed do. snk Umbrellas, childrcus’ leghorn Hats, Puliuleafdo. See. See. Ready Made Clothing. Bombazine, lasting .mil Circassian Coattecs and Frock Coats, ImniWzin • and circassiau pan taloons. crape, camhlctl aud niariuo cnssiniere do! Freurli and English drdliug brown do. French and English drilli' S white do. brown and while linen do. <!u'-k and stripe linen do. \igona and lasting do. ub to and buff Vest* {teersadcs) fig ured nu rsailes and valcbcia do. velvet and flor- entine do. common do. white and brown li.ien J e " bite ml browit drilling do. duck "and rigona do. Drawers, Shirts* Morniug'Gowus, See. vVC. All of wliirh will be sold cheap for CASH. I would solicit ilio patronage of my friends mid lb Public in general. Also the T AILORING wil bo carri. it on in all its branches with despatch. N- ft OU accounts must be paid before new tons are trade. Aril O 23 LEWIS FITCH. KKW GOODS. WlI, II. Bill? DSALI, Hasjut-t received a new and ertennu asst JUcy ‘mOOuK. Hats, Shoes, Jy c. C ! - stork will be found inferior to none, and £ a. purchasers, by favoring him with am 11 will be oilVird Goods in the most reduced prices'. For < ash Only. ms s r.,cs cos si. is. is rXr.T, or the roLLowivc: r n_t i- ."is. in. Bloe. Block and Colored iJtuud Cloths Blue, Cluck. .Vixt and Fancy Colorc .-tripl'd Sailinet-. Lnglisli 'lerinoes 1 ’uffie Pois! autj (tv'o'HliinkRta ** P-‘ib U .ii Ci-.-n; .v:i.i Ved.iW i'bitiorlj ( ' "ion in il Saxony White Guuzc do Damn: k T«ido Dinpi-r Bird's I vM Scotch,and Russia < do “• . Blue, iibsck and Colored Bombazetts -*V , do do . do Circassians Negro Clothing. I.iiiseys Brown and Blis.iflieri-t/liirlinj’s do do 'Sheetings * 4 do do Drillings Cotton OziiHhiir^s. Fu-nians Black Ilnifnu Lustring Black Grossde Swiss, Black GPoss de Naples do do Berlin Black Siiichrw- and Sarsenets Col. Gross de Naples Black and Col. Florences do do Italian Crapes Scarlet and Black .Merino LongSliawls Scarlet Square Shawls Ca-limcre. Valentin, TJiibct Wool, Silk, Damask and ('s^sltiierfe Shawls Ilernanl, Paris Mii<tin Crape ' Gauze, tiros de Naples umi .Mandarine Dress llnndkerrluels Ladies’ and Misses’ B.-lgian, Italian, Straw, Leg hqifn, Braid nno Fancy Bonnets. Satin and Gauze Garniliirei English Moleskins Bed Ticks Apron Checks, Furniture do Domestic Plaidsaiul stripes Floor CtOth Baize. Green Fuxfc'Cloth Furniture Dimity. Hair cord do Russia Sheeting. Bleach Dowiass Burlaps, Hangup Cords Irish Linens Lawns Blue and Scarlet Rattinet Cotton (’assimercs Black and Col plain Ribbons Dark and listhl Col. Prints and Ginghams Lacv and Gauze Veils Figured mid plcin Bohbinet Lace Tim* id Ibices '■Cambric. Jaconet, Swiss. Mull, Nansook and Book Muslins Linen Cambric Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Pongee do India I-'lag and Bandana do Shell Combs l-ndies’ and Gentlemens’ Gloves. Colton-, AVwstcd and Lamb's Wool Hose Blnck and Col. Cambrics ... , Bead Itctir.ules Men’s and Boys’ Fur, Cloth and Seal Caps „ Chincliilln do ", WARE HOUSE Cdxamfssion Snsiness. n - r ji THE .subscriber .conUnit ( & ;Ji above bushiess at ins old stand, r t Sjf Head of Cherry street and Colton Avenue, where he offers al! the u- sual facilities in business. His \Varc House and close storages are in prime order, and as much exempted from, the danger of fire as any In the place Colton stored with lym will be delivered in a- atlinetsl n y |> !| rt'of the,town. rur. of uny. charge, except the customary storage. * . . Oct5 2 JAMES (d-.M.'-i GAV. READY 3IADE CLOTHING. Superfine blue, black, green, ndelaid. olive and brown Cloth Dress Costs " Blue, Wack,'.-green, blown-and steel mi.xt Cloth -Frock Coats " Blue, hro.wn. olive, green and mixt Cloth Coatees Blue, steel mixt mid fnney colored Sattinel Coat ees H'nd Frock Coat« Sujicrfine blue, black, brown, olive, green and • steel mjil-r-bith'Pantalqpiis Drab, lavender and siriped Cnssllnete do BIup. steel mixt and fanry colored Sattinel do F.nglish .Moleskin, uncut Cord and Bangup do Youths’ Cloth and Snttinet Coatees aud Pania- loons Black, blue and drab Caisimfere Vests : Black and colored Velvet do Dark and light figured ValpnfiR, white arid col ored Marseilles, Swansdown, Toilinel and Saitinel Vests Cainblet and Plaid Clonks Velvet, Bombazine, Silk, Valentia and Leather Slocks Fine Lincn'-Sliirts, Collars. Bosoms, «&c. &c. Negri) Clothing, Men's aud Youths’ Fur and It'ool Hats, E*inc Boots and Shoes, NXias.o HISOSS, dtC, die. &.C. Oct 24 4 EXsjBmTom s-pa.^ :h, WARE 11CU> . I AND. f -^! Commission Aft 'hunts, AKE liber.-il advances cn Cotton in store nn>| on shipments, lbo ou notes aud oth- | cr"pi-«)Jt-r.fyMcposito** in hands. •'i'bcrr W:Tr~ Houses arc more convenient to the business-part of the town than any other, possess ing the advantages of a wharf, aud arc more ex empt from danger by fire, than any other in Ma con. May 25 144 r J?IES SUBSGaiBEH ILL sell the stock of BOOKS Sc HARD WARE. belonging to Ellis, ShotwHI & Co. at very low prices, at retail, for cash, aud to merchants’, who- may wnut to replenish their stock, upon time, for approved paper. The Stock consists of a great variety of Hardware, Cutlery, Castings MECHANICS’ TOOLS, | aEOROB J22W27T, j At his old stand, corner of Cherry and Secondsts. I S now receiving from New York and Bostou, a fresh supply of Goods, which, iu addition to ihose on .band, will make his stock very Ergo a. 'l complete, which he offers »n as reasonable terms as tliey can be bad in this market. His /•)ou» comprise a general Assortment of Groceries, Viz—ISO bae* Coffee, 45 1duls St Croix, Porto Rico and N - Orleans Sugar, 21 bbls Loaf and Lump do 12 qi- chests Toa 20,000 lbs Iron 10 hhds Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Ilemp and Tow Bagging, 40 kegs Nails Jamaica' Ruin Cognac Brandy ' Northern Qin, Northern Rum Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, Shot, &e. &<?. ALSO, Bry Goods, Hardware, Catlery, Crockery, Roots, Shoes, &c. fee. &c. Oct 22 • 43 From Tail’s Magazine for Jvn ur. u. . THE AW\!vE\l\G OF THE WIND; Hurrah! tbawind, the mightv wind, Like lion from his lair up spruug, Hath left his arctic home behind. And off his slumbers flung; While over lake and peaceful sea. With track of crested foam, sweeps he ! Brass Ware, Britannia do, FL’ttNlTLJRfrMOUNTING, &c. &c. BOOHS Consisting of large and small Bibles, Medical, Law aud School Books, and a great variety of Religious aud Miscclkiue ,us Books. Dtc. 13 23 JACOB SHOTWELL. Notice. P I1E Rooks, Acrouutx and some of the Koiefof- A. ^ hot well together with those of A. Shotwell & J. S. Smith, are placed iu the bauds i f JqIid C. Ilelveuston ard Win. C. Parker, Esqrs ithoare authorised to settle the same! A; >' ' , The subscribers arc particularly anxious to have their claims settled without adding any ex pense to those indebted to them and hope that all who have not paid their notes or accounts will immediately call on Messrs Parker or Ilclveu- stou aud do so. i ALEXANDER SHOTWELL, , >:*:•' ''JOSEPH S. SMITH. Macon, ApriM, 1833. -®7 . Fresh Drags, Paints Sf Oils. ' 2>R. W. B. BAU \Sjust received his fresh supplies, and of fers for sale, at his store on Cotton Aven ue. a quantity of Linseed OJI Extract Sarsaparilla, Sperm do Carpenters Train . do , .. Castor Oil (fine article) White Lead * • Croton Oil Spauish Brown ground Spirits Turpentine in oil Copal Varnish ‘ * ’ dry lJlack leather d» Japan do Gltfo ! Snuff, Mapaboy and Scotch Fine cut ToJiaCro Hair & coaf "Brushes Caracas hair Pencil* SUisfc’s Patent Printing" Press. F|ll'E undersigned having been appointed A gent for the sale of Rn-t’s Improved Patent Gtst Iron Printing Press, t:.nes this opportunity to recommend it to the fraternity. Titis Press is turning into general u-o at tlio North—and is thuxghf to he tlio most perfect and “Ififi- 'itof any uo'v in use. Workmen,"who have used this nnd others, give this the preference over every oiher kind •u respects e''.sc, power and durability. do do Venetian Red Windsor Glass Paint Bru-iics Indigo, Soauisb Flotc Alum Copperas Pearl Ashes Magnesia, lump Atcal’d Chloride of Lime Starch Chloride, of Soda Quinine Leqteu Syrup Piperius Lamps Imliua Lanterns Opium Lamji Glasses &■ AVick .Morphiqtn Pulpbat Sc Viuegar . Acetate KXadeira and is?oi’b T7ine, Suitable for convalescents. Together with nil extensive and general assort ment of all articles in his line, all of which were purchased iu person by himself in^Ntwy York, and are warranted genuine. He Is prepared to give reasonable aecoinmonations and respectfully invbcs the attention of the public Feb 13 2D Lots for Sale. IIE subscriber bavipg a number of LO TS bn the right baud side of tlio new road leading from Macon to Forsyth and on the left of the old road, commencing soon after crossing the Branch, ou boiji'road?, will dispose of the sametq-shell persons ns will make good citizens, on reasonable terms. As an inducement to me chanics he has made two cross roads through the Lots situated between said roads, .and will give to each of the first meutiooed lots a sufficient space oil one of iho cross for a work shop, w ithout a charge for ten years, and will hS bound to pay them the value of the moderate improve- mentrf that may bo put ou them, or make a fur ther contract for the same. The lots on these cross roads will be used exclusively for mechanic shops. The advantageous situation of this property Is tod Obvious to nieulioh;-The almost exclusive support of Macon passing the first mentioned roads. Mechanics would be sufficiently neal* town to have the patronage of both, town and country,- and lie freed from the numberless objec tions to iiviug directly m town. Also, For Sale, The store occupied E. B. Weed, and the dwelling above, with a sufficient lot, the purcha ser will bo entitled to the rc-t at iho rate of $425 per year, till the 1st of October. ALSO, FOR SALE, 4 , i.-- 110 SHARES COMMERCIAL- BANK STOCK; also, this 11 mi so ^intl I^ot occupied by J. L. Williams, near Dr. Owen’s mills, aud about 20 acres of land situated uu the road near said house. Apply to the subscriber, if absent to J. C. flelvrti>ion,-'Esq. .1- April3 27 ALEXANDER SHOTWELL. Copartnership T lfE‘subscribers havo this day purchased the entire stock of goods belonging to Jf'iley, THE SU25CRZ3ER, AVING taken possession of the 3toro ront- ,ed‘ by him in Ellis, Shotwell & Co’s, raugo, is now ready to receive any Consignments with which his friends nud thb public may be pleased to favor him. WM. P. ROWLAND. Nov 27 17 Practice of I^edicmc. * ' DRS. CO\E 'Sc BRIDGMAN have united iu the Practice of MED ICINE and SURGERY. Thei? office js tlio one heretofore occupied by Dr. Cone. J:.n I 1333 14 Tin Ware Manufacturer. Furs* ZZidcs and Horns. MIIE highest price will be given by the snb- 8_ scriber for Furs of all kinds, either Beaver, Otter, Raccon or Muskrat.' " Hides, dry. in any quantity; also Deer Fkirrs. Horns. Ox or Buck. C. A. HIGGINS, Nov 27 17 Uriel: Buildings. Mulberry St. Auction and Comnnssion Store. fn^HF. riuliscfiber l ins removed to the new tie of these Presses i* now iu use at this office, | vices in tho BRICK STORE, adjoining the Post Of re, mi Mulberry street, where lie tenriFA his ser Where it may he seeu in 0| oration. Letters to the undersigned on the subject, (post P«id) will be attended in. M. BARTLETT. NEW PEUMKIt. JUST PUBLISHED nud for sale at this of- O fiee, • The New Primers ’ Olid’s Firs* Rook. Well adopted for Infant. t-Oinnioii Sunday Reboots. \\ ill Iu: sold low by tho uautiiy. Pricu 12^ cents single. Vpv ID above line. 2() C. A. HIGGINS. tfllST landed from Steam Boat Bonnet* of ©3 Blue and Pioneer an for sale at iho Cash .-tore by RUSr ELL Sc DICKINSON. ;i() bills Irish Potatoes ‘ 30 hags prime gieen Cuffec It) hhds prime now < rop.Orreans Molasses 7 Tierc s superior Georgia Syrup Shlnls Orleans Sugar CJn eso, Pilot aud St;i Bread &c. March 12 24 MULBEanr, SEAS THIRD STgiEgT. P IIE subscriber continues to manufacture TIN WARE in every variety, and has now on hand a general assortment, which lie will sell w holesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus ta prices. He lias nls’o Jtisf received an assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans, Canisters, tugar Bowls, Milk cups, Tumblers. Pepper boxes, Grii- ters. Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks. Lamps; spif Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, See. See. Also, patent Bakers, F°ot;sfove's, blocktiu Tea Puts, Plates, Basins, Tumbler*, See. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, jan 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. CASH STORE Ztasscil, & ZMckinson f JFAVE on hand, aud will recieve in a feTi- D K. days, a choice selection of &HO&ERZE3, &c. which will be sold low and for CASH ONLY- 8 hlnh N. O. Molasses 23 “ prime St. Croix & Orleans Sugars 52 .bags prime green Coffee 20 bbls Mackerel 1 tierce Codfish' ' • - 20 bbls Family Flout; (choice) 10 half bbls do ■ 15 qr ., Buck wheat do 2(1 bids Irish-.Potatoes 51 bbls Northern Rlirri, Gin, "Wliiskey 17 '* assorted Cordials (good) 5 tierces new Rice 1 pipe each cog Brar>dy and II Gi* 2 Northern Viuegar 5 bbls each Peach aud Apple Brandy Jamaica nnd St Croix Rum Irish Whiskey Cherry Bounce. Ui M, S M, -TcnerifEe, Muscatel, Port and lb alaga tV : in« in qr casks Baskets Champniguo *' London Porteh in^quarts and piets Bar Soap, Spcria & Tallow Caudles Lump Sugar Hyson and Pouchong Tbsrs Drums fresh, Figs Boxes fresh Raisin* Orangesi Apples, Onions, &C' * Dried Beef, smoked Tongues Bologna Sausages, Crackers Spanish aud American Cigars. Scc. 8 tons swedes and English Iron English, Blisterpd arid. German Steel 32 casks Nails and Boat spikes e«l:. Bagging &• Twine, Castings, Ac. Also a general variety of Staple 3Dry Goods Hurrah! the wind, the mighty wind, Hath o’er the deep his chariot driven, Whose waters that in peace reclin'd, Uplash"the roof of heaven ; Tlieu oil the quaking cjiff-bound -horo They foaming dash with deafening roar. Thp ship loom'd on the waveless sea, Iter form was imaged in its breast, And beauteous of proportion she, As ever billow prest; Aud graceful there as stately palm, She tower’d amid the sultry calm. , - . ' »• -Mr - (■ '-•»* Her flag hung moveless by the mast, Her sails droop’d hri-czeless and unbent, And oft the s^gaep’s glance was cast - Along thp ifirtnAmYrlt. ; To note if there he might descry The wakening gale appronching^nigh. On came the wind, the reckless wind, Fast sweepinsr on his furious way, His tempest-rushing pinions brined In wrathful ocean’s spray. On came t-he wind, and as lie past, The shriek of death was (uthe blast! The tall -ship by the shrouds he took, To shivering shreds her canvass rent, Then like a.reed-her mast he shook, A ad by .th v e hoard it went, While yawn’d the deep with hideous din, As if prepared to gulf her in. $ HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Saddleru. Hats, Boots, Shoes, Sec Sec. Jan I. !8i«. • 14 With fruitless effort on she reels, The giant win I is in her wake, The mountain billow’* coil she feels Around her* like a snake: Lock’d iu that unrelenting grasp, She struggling sihMiwith stilled gasp. Hurrah! hurrah! t be victor wind Hath swept the ocean rover down, And left a shipless sea behind. With matiy a edrsfe hrstrewn; And swift, unfetter’d, strong and free, Like eagle ouhis path, speeds he! Baxter !,• Fort iu this place, and will contitnto the business at the same store on the corner of Sec ond Street nnd Cotton Avenue, opposite Wash ington Hall, under the firm of . 3AXTSSE* FORT & WXISY. They havo on hand a gchcnfl'-assorunent of fresh goods well adapted to the town and coiiiftry trade, which' wil) ho sold at low prices and on li beral., terms, by the yard, piece or package.— They Solicit a continuation of the patronage of former customer* and the public generally. •• THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT \V. FORT. LAIRD H. WILEY- Macon. July 1,1332.161 " Molasses, Sugar, Irdip, 8?c. *| Hhds Molassc* 10 do prime stcroix Sugar 20 bbls and half bbls canal Flour 25 do Whiskey 20 do Gin, 15 do Ram 10 do Malaga Wine ‘ 10 tons swedes Iron asxprlea 30 hoxe.yTobacco^Virginia) 100 piece,» H^mp Bagging 500 otton Bags, "5J yards each 500 bushels Alum salt W. Also, Mr. Webster an t the Muses.—We copy the following impromptu from the Bbslon 'Tran script. It was written in the Album ofa young Lady who requested the great Statesman to write his name in her liulo- treasury of great nafnes, ynder the autograph of Lafayette: “Dear Lady, I a little fear “Tis dangerous to be writing here, Ills band, who bade our Eagle fly, •• Trust his young wings and mount the sky, Who bade, across the Atlantic tide. Now thunders sweep, new navies rido, Has traced, in lines of trembling ago, His autograph upon this page, Higher than that Engle .’Sours, His famestfMi through the w fir Id be sounding Anil o'er ;bo waves of time be bounding, While thousands as obscure as I, Cling to hit-skirt, he siill will fly. And spring to immortality. _ , If by Ins name I \Wite my orfc, . ’T will take, me where I am u it known, The co!d salute will meet my o ir ‘Pray, stranger how did y< u come here?’ t h'lt record furnishes. The great contest lo- Political Freedom had closed in glory, and the Independence of the Thirteen United States been solemnly recognized by their late powerful foe; But with tho contest had ceas ed ah' i much of that patriotic fervour and su*- ained^ enthusiasm, wbich ; n iritis the the strug- supplied the place of inif t rioct union; and .■ace. Liberty and Independence, were rapid- lv giviiiir way to Anardiy, Disgrace and Civil >1 ir. ■ T4,e Old Congress had the rieht to levy iirn'iies, and to horr.ivr money on a pledge ofthe. National Faith, but its only means of raising money td pay these armies; and to discharge these debts, were by requisitions on the Legis latures of the respective States. Large loans had been negotiated abroad, large sums bor rowed at home, ntrd a - vast debt was duo to those brave soldiers, who with an. unexampled com t mey, unpaid,'unclothed and unshod, un der the summer’s sun and amid the ices of win ter, front Savannah to the Heights of Abraham, bad met and fought—and at length''repelled the invaders. To discharge these engagements, the .most sacred which could be imposed on man, the debt of oar independen e, requisitions were made'again nnd again. Requisitions were evaded,, postponed and refused, until the verv name of requisition became a by-word and a jest. NatiqnM disgrace could not but follow, and when a na;iqii is disgraced, who dreads its ° r -frhp regards its rights? By the 1 T reatv of P. ace. in which our limits were de fined, Great Britain had stipulated for the with drawal^ of her armies and garrisons beyond those limits with all convenient speed, and without carrying away any nogroes or oilier, property of American citizens.* Ix defiance of this I reaty, negroes and other property had been carried off by the retiring armies,, and many formidable posts within our territory were yet garrisoned by British troops. Coiii-- pensation for the property thus taken, and a POLITICAL. ADDl db;ess. Delivered by Mr. GA^TO.Y, on taking the 1500 bushels Liverpool gro.umf Salt, on board hnmar’s boat No. 1, daily expected, will bo sold low if taken from the boat. All on good terms, for sale by REA & COTTON. jan 2ff 18 Spring and Summer Clothing. Chair, at the late Anti-Nullification Meet ing at Newborn N. < ’. 1 cannot but perceive, Gentlemen, that you expect from me, on taking this chair, that I should address to you some observations upon the important subject* which has brought ns together. It is indeed a subject of fearful magnitude. Wc have met to consider, not a- ny topic of local or transient interest, but one of universal, deep and abiding importance; to consult, not whether wc shbtdd confide our public concerns to the mnha reracnf -of this or that sot of men, but how :o far as depends on us—wo caii preserve a united Government to surrender of the forts, injuriously detained, were repeatedly demanded ant! demanded in vain. In 'xcusc it wi* alleged ; that impor tant stipulations on our part had been broken. The promise, that there should he no lawful impediment to the recovery of debts, had been disregarded, and in many of the States the courts of justice Were yet clos.-d against Brit ish creditors. Further negotiations were de clined with a goVbrphient w hich had tlio potvey to mak,e engagements, In t not the ability to enforce tlieir observance, and the taunt was not the less bitter because of its truth. The Brit ish Flat;—that meteoi Flag which for a thous and years had braved t lie battle and .the breeze -ri-still waved in proud defiance over American soil, and Britisli Artillery still frowned on for tresses within American limits, affording shel ter, countenance and support to the hostile In dians that desolated our. North-western Iron-, tier.. By the rights of nature and under the covenants of Treaty, wc were entitled to the free navigation of the Mississippi, that" great artery of communication of our Western • States. But the enjoyment of this right was interdicted by one;of tho feeblest of European monarchs." At borne, each State was distract ed by the contests of hostile factions; the one insisting on the sanctity and rigorous fulfilment ol al) contracts, on a rigorous taxation to dis charge the public engagement’s, and a strict administration of justice between individuals; while the other, strainad every herve for a re mission of,taxes on a distressed community, and for suspending the colVction of debts, dr allow'ing them lobe paid off in depreciated pa per. He who addresses you^remembers well when the creditor could be compelled by law to_ receive but ode half of his demand—for how ever formally he might have contracted to be paid in specie, the piper currency was a law ful tender,-and two paper dollars were in truth but equivalant to one in silver. Commerce was at the lowest ebb, for there was no unifor-. mity of system—each State embarrassing nav igation ail'd tfadd by its local regulations,, and doing in that respect what seemed good in its own eyes. A part of North Carolina had re volted, and set up..the independent government ' oi "‘franklin;” there were threatening distur bances in Pennsylvania: and in New England a party estimated to the amount of -. waive or fifteen tholfeafflf men, bold, desperate and un principled, had actually arrayed themselves in hostility to the government, proclaiming the aunihilariou of debts, the division of property, and reunion of England.. The whole aspect of our country, seen from abroad or at borne, be administered by any set of men; to exam H ino, nut min ;ho exm-dienc'. of any measures intimated weakness, dissentioris, dishonor and of general poliev, but into the means fittest to[ misery; excitedtJiq derision and contempt of .u"-. it.. 'secure fo*"us that Union u ' fah makes us a Na- , strangers, and filled the' hearts of our bcs:. pat- T YHE subscriber is now offering for salo a new aud extensive assortment of Spring - and Summer, Clothing, which will be found \6 be made in the best and most fashionable style, included are the follow- L ON DON PRINTED Mf.SPINS, for Dresses, new patterns,jast received aud lor -.ale by WM. II. BURDSAI.L. April li) 27 FLAX TIIHSAJD. LBS FLAX THREAD,, assorted Ox" colors of a superio'-quality, just received and for sale by Nov27 (7 WM. H, BURDSALL. 130 iu quantitie! Dec. 12, Bagging. PIECES 1st.and 2dqualityofbi- a vy llt'inp Baggings by the piece or to suit Purvhasserr for sale bv 13 C. A. HIGGINS. Xoaf and lump Sugar. 'Gff BOXES. Loaf and Lump Sugar, just ■ w received and for s de by Get ff 4 REA Sc COTTON. Bluo, black aud fancy col summer cloth Dress Gouts, Frock Coats aud Coattecs, Black bombazine Frock Coats and Coattecs, Euglisb Merino, rowan Cassimere, Circassian and Lasting Frock Coats and Coattees, Black and fancy cojored sumiuer.cloih, black and brtwti Bombazine, Erminet, black Lasting, EuglishMeriuo, rowau Cassimere, white and brown Linen Drilling, white Sateen, brown •amiFrench LiirHt,;_striped Florentine auo" Nankecu Pantaloons. White unu colored MarsciUs, white and colored Valentia, black Velvet, black Satin, black Bombazine, uncut Velvet, and colored Silk Vc^ts. Brown and white-Linen, wliito Sateen, Flemish Lin n, Bengal Stripe, Rowan. Cassimere, English Merino, aud Circassian Round Jackets. Youths’Coats, Jackets, Pnutaloons and Vests, etc. etc. IV AL II. BURDSALL. . .April 16. 29 To Hire, iY tlie motiih, or until Christmas, a good l sawyer and rough carpenter, apply at this April 10 28 tion. And yet what can I say to you which : riots with shame, grief and fear. In a letter your anxious thoughts have not already antiri- written at this time, by the Marquis La Fayette, patod? Wo havo ell seen the Ordinance late- | to bis revered Washington, about the fate oi ly promulgated in an adjoining St ito, and its ; that country for which lie had fought and olec? adjuncts of manifestoes, addresses and. report*, he remarks; “Every friend to the rights of We all behold the course too plainly" indicated Pi ■ as tlio probable "result. Nullification and Re cession, Rebellion or Disunion ! We have be held these doilies with one common and pro found,feeling of grief and apprehension. The Union of the American People is denounced, assailed, and in peril. To that Union we are indebted for the great portion of our earthly blessings, and wc should lie ungrateful to Hea ven, unworthy of oiirlot, false to.ourselves, and faithless to our children, f We did not exert our best energies to uphold and maintain it. a of American mankind admires the principles of the Ameri can Constitutions, but I have often the morti fication to hear, that die want of powers ia. Congress, and of union between the States, and.of energy in the government, will make the confederation very insignificant.” What” exclaimed Washington, pouring out his full heart to a bosom friend, “what, Gracious God, is man !—that there should be sucli inconsis tency and perfidiousness in his conduct. It is but the other day that wc wore shedding our-" blood to obtain the Constitutions under which , Constitutions of our own choice and -gentlemen's Drab Scavor IKals, O F the latest stylo, iust received and for sale by WM. II. BURDSALL. March 26 To call to the considerntio.. . Citizens the benefits whirli flow to them, from making—and now we are unsheathing the their Federal Hilton, might seem at first view, j sword to overturn them. It wj^.at this mo- a superfluous and even absurd, undertaking.— j mout of disaster, disgrace and gloom,. of fearful Like those of the air which we breathe, and of realities and yet mote fearful forebodings, that the light which wo enjoy, these benefits arc j one ofthe most glonou*' and beneficent of hu- present, before us and around us. Which of] man triumphs, was achieved—a triumph ot us is insensible of their existence, vet who can j reason, patriotism and self-denial over preju- enumeralo them all. or faithfully portrav them ? . dice, passion and State-pride- l he b ederal Yet their very familiarity, their unquestion d j Constitution,’ the result of the profound del.b- value, mav render it not amiss that our atten- J orations ol our most industrious sages was pre- tion should he distinctly drawn to them. Oh- I sentfcd for the ratification of the people in each vious Messina, on that very account, some- ofthe States. Furiously was it api.ed; jeai-, timt s command too little of our regard. | ously were its provis^p* scanrmed and scrut.-/. There are few in this assembly who have a nizod; and, m»y of the best and ail of he distinct recollection ofthe state of things which j worst principles and nv.t.ves of human are.m* •de the adoption of the Federal Constitu- were invoked and arrayed against preen 27 tion, but Iiistorv ha* faithfully recorded it, and I blessed be God! (and may ijnot most instructive are the admonitions which j to say so with the most devuol and BOMt *R*IU, 3‘/i % /