Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, June 05, 1833, Image 1

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A •*»y 31. BAltTiiETT; MACON", WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, IS33. Voi.. ViI.v..Ni;w Series....Number 30 TIIE. .♦V;*-- GEORGIA TELEG11APII. published Weekly AT 31 AC ON, GA. a Off" on Mulberry Street—opposite the r*"Syr Brief: R<m;" • TrrMS.AtHREKll0Li.Aas » year, if paid in ,* „' p or folia OoLL.Aas.if not paid before .the }Th-«ar. StJKCiibers living at a distance XlYw ROOK STORK - tj, Pc S®5IiS3S &. Co.. • RES-PFCTFULLY-iff- forui the public that they iitrvc taken tiio *Mh: in Ellis, Shotiveil Ac'tCo’s-. row. two door.: ‘above the Rosk Office, ■ where- tile} - ’ p() , v receiving and opening a very genera! ^"‘sooUs ancl~ Stationary, tmouE tiieir works, they have a gencrtiljassrirt-. Jd wtHiftu constantly rcceivihg l’io new IbtoAw oil Theology, yie ! , 'Me. !.n-., ffif- ? r ,,| Misielluncfnis subjects, .together with ,i!ejioiicr articles jts tire usually kept-in a Book Start. Gone of their firm v.atl of tlie" time at .:.’ Vorih for the pnrposo of nt-aiding sales and " ’ecting Bu»«. lh °y fla * ,,cr Ul*^5?I»w l!li 'i they. r;;, t ;lt ,11 times hrhc as assortment, and ! able to ilisposo of thorn on as moderate .terms «iuvlio»sc in thc'Foutheni tiniiitrjv■;. • W* 5 ‘ .336AK'ji£BOOES,:.:-v ' It, p. «; & Ca. have a fargo. mi|j and sizes. ." 1 * FmiN Cup.'**ala]Nbt«'Paper ofthoWsi w ,fitV. ImA ttMIMh Wt Auu>ncatt/ pla.njA 1 d ,‘aiSo»eil,vater fw 1 .pink, yel.jw tt« and white. • >;'■ V V.-cY <7 A*j'Aj- f •73^jAavS>-.V. B.tiuk Checks. Notary Public, Fetters, Uarc- ii U ii,c Kccoipiis.- Bills of Lading.'• f Writslif nil kinds. .: - JasucesSiimHimisv‘do Executions. Gletks co Tax.CoHect.irsto>^ul4fflif»M^' iniossw.. Ikeds, ShorlfijiV.a. Shfcnlls Bills ot ^ale; uMimenU, Ca. Sti.’ Jiwors’ Hiuuinonsos, , >. .Macriapo, Jlml Wnt and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions lo. luteirogaffirio?. Bills of Iiidieluh'id,' Hunch Warrants, fowls,Attaehmw.Ui Jntrr. Judgomcntsr. Letters Testamentary, Letters ot Admimstra-. •ion. Hranperefej Letters of- Administration, i cm-, pnrary Letter* j^.-Aduniuutratlo.i. Guardian* * 1r«-CfclhcWrs docd*v # Gapmt«, S«i>.- Dec.Tpc. Dec m ' Si. ..-A'? V’V" \£folirii._ . .-.L' /Tffl HE* Books,. Ac'ouuls and Jotne o( the .ft. Notes of A. ^hotwtjll together tritit those of A.. SlijittA-clJ •& .J. S.. Smith,'jiro placed in the .hands- < f-John C. Helveu^tQii ard-Wni. Q. rarkcr.'Esqrs. who arc authorisod- to 'set,(.c ilia v satndi : }*.? •*. *" *" “ The subscribers are particularly anxious to have their.daims'settlcd without adding •any'CX- pouse to thosfc indebted to them .mid hope that all who have u'ot pald their notes or accounts will immediately call an Messrs Parker/ir Ilylven- flkmandtie«ir.•»£-* « ALEXANDER SHOTiVELL, • - JOSEPH S, SMITH:' - • . • ' Mrqoii, April 1 ,,18;$. -97 ,'y T #'** - -.—rj—jr 1 * ^rr: —7—— -1 ■} ^ ' /Lots for:Sale. . r r. : nji HE subscriber having a number of- LDTS j.. oil the- right.'hand stdif ;iifthe new road leading-trojrrMncoir to -Forsyth aud on tiic left Ball chauics he hrii inrido ttvo cross_ro y ads : tlirouch the I.at4'.siftiaii'd between said tqads. nn'd wiU give ilie tir ; lUMiiiiin.-.l lot-; a sufficient space an otic o( the cross ri ads for :: work shpp;. witlitfut a charge for-tenyefirs, alul will be bound I^MyAStlctb the ~valpd of the modtrtUo'5fnproye- uiou-s"ihat niay be p«t oli them, or inake a fur-i -^KRAttacf (W th« sauie.' The. lots oil (hifso Iw jfc'O ads- wnDfai usedeiclusi vely for nice bauic simps, y. s n *r ** x ; Tlio'advatitageous sitiiatioil Aif thisjtropcrtj is ib obvious to.' qunitidtf^ .The. altndSf cxcloxffl Si:Vi SPJir.VG GOODS Asin> &$&$&&&&• Aillir JJucim Clothing Sior.e.y - HTtll is m.iv ‘op uiug at ^ie.4Sd£tn> Clotlling Since, n new. :jnd'splendul 3s-. Hauewtof GOODS atid CAtN upari-ufu ;• •-.* >• -- ~ ' ~ L Bj111ha7ir.cs, Gamblclf, Marco Tasuntrcs ot mobt all colors, 1 Plaid--and -Striped db. browu and wfcitt Draft* 'brown aMil wlute Grass J.m- ««<," ludiiL-,Naukenit. ('ircassiauS, I.nstiug,; »g- arfd anti e’r.iu Silk Vtlvi'tsi' i-iiplish figured Sint Vesting, plain Florentine' dnVIniji andayliite \ a; iruria do. while and figured .MersdiloS. tylute, Fig- tuil^UK aud Valenti a Gbld Vesting, 0»>v artt- de. a Joutf assortment of Glothp, Caiyustf*! Ntc. Dana/ Articles*- V.hito and fancy t’ravats. nletc l end plain fhciiluziiie c tiu !:•, \ - . 1 and figured do. Guni • : Ci ;;.rou.m. and ebb'* pan nt Vnwettdeij^ black, white -and l.U'.'-V sii.t <».oves, ; ■ .... . . • 1 : 1 and buck>iiiu brown liuiot «to. Eiighsb and Fivncli silk h-df "•i!.i, w i:ii\t and strip cotton <•<>• lideu itu>oms, Cblla: . r-'nfiucr*. Spiuleticbb In iliaanJ BsiidaiuOr Haulicrchicfs. » liiic and nsur- b|\lo. silk D’ohrelliu-,’ thildren*' leghorn i.ata, t’dinleaf do- &o» btc. f&eptlij .Made Clothing.. -'BwiAlfilO,' list..!-' -.1 c : rca-.*iau C.oaltecs and Frock Coal.*, ntntriia^iad and cireu*‘-.nii pan- Uloons,crime,carnlllollan.i mariuneav-iinerc du- French aud Ftiglisli Mri.liinr; brown do. c rcnelr atlJ English white do.browu and white linen'do. duck aud Siipc linen do. vicuna anil lasting do. white af.d baa 3 r, ‘ s: ' 1 (iuer* ulcs) n 1 . .;>•!;( t.i d--. velvet and fit r- ctttite do. common do. wiiite and’vn li.»en iAckrls,Avhifo add brew 11 lir.dms do.^ dneii and vigoaa do. Drnwort^ShSclos-Mwafiag! 11 -< • ns «kc lie. &c. , AUofwhirl: V.-.H be sold eiic.ip for CASH. 'I wowldfulicit the iritionncc of my frieuds.and ihe pulilic in gem: il- SI ■'••be T\l!.OBl.\G wiil be carried on in all it* hraifeJics with de.*i;atel!- • • VU accounts must tie paid lejure r,’.:v Tim s'jB^crJSEs, W ILL sell <i. stOtMf BOOKS 4-. HARD- VVAlCE; belungjug to liliis, Sbofw < ll •& C s o. at very low prices, nt retail, for ea:d.i, and To nvTehants who may want to replenish their stock, iij.ou lime, for approved paper. . • i ,The Stock consist.; of aguvt variety of ' IS trdwarc. Ct/Jlcrf , Castings ■ MECilANi^’TOOf^; Erass Waib 1 ?; IBritannia do- •*' . F URN IT UK L MOUNTING, &c.'Nic. :.- i, r Consisting of-laigc mui snfall liihlCs, Medical, Ltiw-ayl T^chnoF Books, tsu^'n gccNr-varieft 1 of Religious and'MUecIlniicaus BoJks, - - *" s J AQOB SHO'/WELL. Spring and Summer Clothing. f HE subscriber is now offering' f-tr sale a 5 new ami extensive assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, which w ilt be found to <>e made in the best aud most fashionable style, • included aro the follow- iuj)/’ - ' ’ 1 i *’ ; p" Blue, black ami fancy col surniner doth Dress - "GbatS, Frock Goatslutd Coatteos, Black bombtfr-izib Frqek Coats ail'd Ccaticcs,' EiigltSli Merino, rowan Cassimcre, Chcaseiau 'and .Lasting Frock G'oats ami Coattees, . _ - Black uml fauey colored summer cluth, black and « browu. Boinbaziue, Eriniuct. blacl^Lasting, Eue'i'h Merino, rowan * >*' imere, « bite- itiirt thrown Liiien'Dnllnig, white - S.tteeu.'bl oiin ; aud Frencfi .‘‘Liucuy striped Flor’entiuo aud. • *jhfattkecn Pantaloons. ’• White amt e-jl.'i-ed Marsfi'is, white aud c-Ick'1 •Valeiuia, black'Velvet, black Satinj-black . . ' Bombazine, uucut Velvets aud colored Silk >-Vests!. •••,•.•. • “*. - yd, •- . uru.C Erowti and white Linen," rvltite Sateen, Flemish .d • 'Lineii, Beugal Stripe, Rolvan Cassiaitrc, English Merino, and Circassiaii Round Jacketti-.' T-.- -- . • A r omhs’Goffts, Jackets, .Patitaloons and VcsU.H etc. etc. ‘ - W.M. 11. BURDSALL. ■ April 10. 29:*» i.-v-Gr! Orange: Poibiler. ff-i. tiegi P Rogers celebrated Oraitgo .. . Powder—10 do in 1 lb camiiitcW, U nico. 11. _ -'V Received aud Tor^ale in lots to suit ptirdi'aliere, at I I$p c i cetlt 9 d ^ , fact nr v prices by ... UFA X COTTON, ' l.iUW* • i’he tv'i.Iu'u of the comities ol Cowt'.a ami V .v.; J,' , t ' The thirteenth of the-couutics .of Traupaim! Heard.- 'Vvy.* k:-.*■ .. ' The fourteenth of the counties-of lleiiry, aad v. d* * iafcc »*£ ». /•*-' • ■ ’ -■*- ; . TL-J iiucbuih of the.counties of \\a.toa and ’i'h'.- sixteenth of tho co'.Hi'.les -of Oglethorpe -!{£’(*■ 'Jy• *.~).y vi?v The scveuteentli of tho counties of 1’aliafcrro. * H5* : 1 . ' - a The eighiceiith of the counties of A -m* LUBiiTj v * T* * ■* : - •* 'Le counties of Putnam and K ' A. ' . ‘‘ /Iv' - prices by j an'3(1 ' 1^.- “-• Siisrar IroH. ‘RL - nups scGtoix sugar. 5 li ? --N .V Orlc-rins do ir.*. JO Jou-Swe^t TOMKwfeeaf On <-(iu-igmii and for sale om nceun.ino ditg i'ernE bv .. . U'.M. P. ROWLAND. The twritlieili of t!:o courres cf Butts and Jas- ijtifc* V X f’r N* *■ ■ - - » ^ v... ■' The twenty first sf the counties of Pike and ^touil 'of thft cpnntiq's of-Rartis ' lernla . 'Jan ? -i.R Mosquito SJE'etting, - ■ffis'l' ami fir Sub-h** “ 3Iay 1 30 Will. H : BURDg^LI.. fc nvtutv si aud T alb oil 4 ; . _ ■ en - r , .TI10 tivciity. third tifjjhp eouiitics of Grasyford atortrS^Sw.'-.r' ’ "’-'• -V '. i f iCt-i, y >‘‘4 Tr-e twenty fourth of the counties uiLmb and ^fethii«urv^. ' - ? * r* 1 The twenty fifth of the counties ol Jones aud aWwin^T . u' - *' k ,*’• .gr . ‘ ' Gentlemen’s 2Drab Boaver SEats, the latest Stvle,ju9treetfived aud for sale V^NBy Z '^WU.-ll, BJIRDSAtL.' * March t!6 27 . .. ~ firs'. - V.-..T'C ."-'ll-"** V.1 K, E-*„ r, "'Viir' VVM. ll.ISninSAU.. town'.o have ill- patronage ot horn town ami ‘‘‘ : - f — -, 1 •. 1 1„- fr, .'d iVom i!i- nun:'' obicc • . i- . r conuiry,'aud Be freed froih-ibcaHiqiborl^s objee tious to living directly in town. ■ - Also, For Safe, Th- 'ore occupied by E. 15. Meed, am! 1 in' ilwcii ng aijovc, with a sufficient lot, tin- purcha ser will bfi entitled to tho.rc''t at the niterof S-l-i per year, tii! t.he I t of ■ ■ • 1 on a' : , . J W SHARES Gt)M:Mi!RCJAL , BAXK STOCK.MIso, : tli£ IIcoiso and Lor occupieil by , .(. U'ii’, near Dr. Owen's mills, aud about 20 acres-of!and situated 011 the.road iionr said I. .a e.'-A|»pty t<J iUjj siAiscribcf, IF .absent to J1 C. HeiveaMOUi'Esq. - •*,>*-.i'GT. • - sa^tt:^f.AfoE.\ A \ l) 1 v. SHOTTVELL. .,: W2£S ^DS^flBXSSK^jif jVV'ING taken po. rcssioh’of tile store feat- ed' by IftitH iii7Elfis; Slip!well St Co’s.. ..... w, isiu/w readv to receive aijy CWgiimciits with wliich his- fricmls ami tho public inay. lie. pleased r.> favor him. MM- .’.KOMI. AND* r: Practice of Medicine. t I; 1; S. CONK 4 BRIDGMAN . have' united id the Pmetico oTMED- IC1NF and SURGEliy. Their office is ihd oite* heretofore occupied bv Dr. (.'one. Jim J. 1 ~ ; i-5- 1L_ Tin Uarc Manufacturer mci.uui.iu-, muii t-ukd stk: . _ rEUJ|jj suBscriber'coOtillucs to inanufacfiUc B TIN- WAllEalu every variety, aim has ,,ov on hand a gi neral a**ortm< nt, w ho-li Im will s, II v holcsale or r. tail at -1:1 r-avanuah or Angus- ta price?.. • A direct Importation gm 1 CASKrJ Madeira M ine, warranted asu- perior article, fur sale bv Mr.v ffid °4 RE.Vfc COTTON. Executive department, Q-a.'. yiiilcJgsvil’s. Ma_; it lit I'd'- 1 . VI 7 IIEREA8, bv «u act of the General As- YV scmbly of this State, passed tho 21th day of De=endicr.'lS32, entitled -Au act to provide for the call of a convention to reduce the number of tile General Assembly of the state of Georgia, aiid for oilier purposes therein named,” it is pro vided “Thatat shalfbc the duty of His ExcCllcu- ey the Governor to give publicity to the alterations ami :inie::dmei'.u 11 ;ule in the Gonstitutiou111 rel- creuce to tlie nuinler of mcinber-i composing the GcriCnil iVisembly—aud the first Alondayiu Oo- tober uext,' after.the ^ising of sai.l Couveuticci no shall fix 011 lei the ratification by ’lw peop.e; of socb 1 -amcndtifontsi.-.aitcratii ns, or new articles as they may inaks for the objects of i ci.acuon and cm-.alir-ation 0’' the General Assembly only . and if ralided by a majority ot the voters who vote on tiio subject 6f.“Uatiecation cr “No Ka- tit!-ation’’.—then, in that evcuu the alteranoiis so assembled in Convention under the provisions of the before recited art, have agreed to and dev.are the following to be alterations and amendments of the of this state, touching the le- preseiittuioii-ofilie people in the General Asscm- T-f.; ■'Gen*^'~»-r-rtr Whereas ibe third section of Uiy Urst ; -ai-.ieio ot the Goif iiitutiou of the state of Georgia, is 111 the following words, ?o wit: “The Seoa-.e shall he a m.Noveni- .v- . .- The follo-viiig shall be the Senatorial Districts: *The county of Murrey shall constitute the first district. A “ e f^.- ". 2 ^ . A; The second district shall be composed of th counties uf Gilmer aud Union. .. T% 'i The third of tho counties of Rabun nud II a be r- sham. Vp. ^ ^ The fourth ot tho counties -of Lumpkin aud Cherokee. fr-- *- ' •The lifrii-ofithe epuntie/of Cass and Fjojd. The sixth of the counties of Jackson ami Hull. Tbs seventh of tho eoliiiTies of-Franklin and Aladison. . ' AA e ft The eighth of the counties of Gwiunett and Forsyth.. . V Si44 k : The ninth of the coiiuties of rauldiug ifc.C.cbb, The tenth of the comities ‘of Fayette aud-De ivalb. get The eleventh of tUe counties of Campbell aud rrolf. . : T fc . v ‘i t : -I • : v;• ' ; ..6'£ESIM2®$*C •;; ~ f * : * ir’. B.uir-v coRri WALL.. ■- . ' . Belsbaz'/arls King!' Belshar-zar is JLord ! Aiid ti tlioiigutid dark nbMes all beiid jit his board; Fruits glistcu, fivre^ hiossom, jucats s'teanr, and a floiid ... V. ] Of the jyius. that mhii. lovbtli runs redder than ' -.J -.■ . .mpo’il-j .,. *.... .- ' ■ p- .- -V y AVild datrc.ers irt therQ.^ahd a Hot of miith... *_ "A And the beauty that maddens the passions ol *'•' ' -*-■ ' " _'-;y .••'■*- : .. 'f ’■"/ And liic ci*6"wds all shout, r # - ’ * ihe vaJutools.-noffi.v;* .- ** “ liclsbazzar-BelsUaziarths King!” ■firing fortli,’’ cries the-moharcliy “tile vc;:e!, el Whieh myi hi tii er tore dawn from the temples of Nr okl!' V N m A Bring forth L—aud we'll iirittk. w|lilc. the trniupet - is Igowfc V **' To tia* gods ol silver, of gold, aud of stone.- l>riug forth l” Auu‘ bciJro him the vessels an f*,-,/'.‘'. -;shin-c,'- * V.*-. .* 7 ... . ■ * And he bowNWo Baa!, and drinks tho dark v. me : iVn.Gt the trumpets bray, G; "«yg And the cyiirbaG^iug—* * . ! ' ‘•Praise, praise to 'UeMiazzur—Belshazzar Xoti' what comet!:—look, look! without nien- .N • .at^ofcsll-r, - . , j-’- AVhb writes with.the lightning’s bright hand on ' -* the wall}'' t _ -- Wjiat' picrCeth tUedKihg, like thc ponit of a.dart J What drive 1 the- bolcl blood from ins cheek to iti^ h.'iirt ? v -Tiio twenty sixth. of the-couuties of Twiggs i?l IWkiffinL : and Jhmcockfi - , . . ■ m- Tlio twenty eighth ot the counties-of Golunibia and Richmotlifv d i» ypf.-.i j." ■- - . If. f -NCbe twenty n'mth the fjpnntic* of BurkO'and. fiiuo C’lotl. Caps- dost ^!-- lirt;ethof lh , couolk .s of Washington antfjofetfso'nfi '' T. V- ^ :/: g '"-'V, * ■ The thirty first of the counties" of Bullock and Emanuel. ..*? dLm .“V" .is A.J. ^r.J * f «!in Monnttr>o * of .,. r . j',,y , ,ip i-amllc 'livk*, -_ ill-p Boxes, sand Bi.y.c.;', Pneltut Lanterns,Nee. &c. Also, patent Bakers. Foot stoves, blocktm lea. p„tj Plates, Basins, Tumlije: -. &<■. JOB WORK u- fie at the shortest notice- j■> \\ ll.f.l.lM a. I■ FBIcj - . elected annually on the first-Monday ill iNovem- until sueh day of election shall be altered >y law. aud shall he cc-mposed of one •nembor from each county, to be rhoseii by th.o electors tlicrc- . ; • And whereas a part of tho seventh section oi-Yu,. first article of the Coilshtulim: ol tho state of Georgia, is ill tile following words, to v.u . The House of Representatives shall Bec:omposcti .April *0 23 I.FWJS FITGH. Il-.iMt’s latent Printing' Press. mi’E mnlcr*igncd having beer. appoiuted .-Vi -S. :■ ifforr tho safe of Rust's Improved Patent • 1 ' I. .. Printing l’rc.s. tt-iics tins opportunity •ttrocoinincil’l !t to the fr: tensity. _I bis. Press is ium'mg into general 11*0 at tho North—and i> ihonjjlit to bo the most perfect and efficient of- any ■ow iu usq. Workmen, who have used this ami '•dlerj,give lids, the preference oyer every other Ltod 11 ft .peris ca. e, power and tliirnbility. Ono of these Presses is now iu use at this office, •*ber«it may be *ctu in ojjefalion. ’ • ‘ ■ Betters to’ ibe nudersigtfei) on tlie subject,■ fP ost P>iJj n-iUhp.ntti nded to. M. I5.A RTLK H RlvY cV COTTON , E in Store and offer for sale on accotr. :.!" n-rirs It ,1 hints Molns,es .-Ct.-'K,. -. IQ, do St. Groix and N. O. Sagar 20 l.hls Western Whiskey 20 do Baltimore do 25 do N. E. Ruin 5 pipe*Northern Gin IS bids do do 30 boxes Tobacco 100 piero* hemp (Sagging .. 1000 ready made Cotton Hags Liverpool and l urk's Island Salt, in ’- ' loi*tosuit purchasers. m*r 15 33 . . • ’ ' • ’ L ondon pjiinted Drose- 1 , new phncrnsfjtisr j for Mile by J April ID MUSI. I.US, for '■yfcctivcd' and MM. H. BLRDSAI.L. FLAX THREADi 4 PV’LBS FLAX I'llRFAB, assorted Q& "F colors of tCsuporior rpiality, just received aud for sale by jVov.27 17 Yv.M. H. BUR OS ALL - d2- iu niiantitics to Dec’. S3. . Af ■ Sagging. ’ - ; f iEOES Jst and 2d quality of hea- v Hemp Bagging, by the piece or □ suit PurcbasseW, for salo-by. f 'C. A. * HIGGINS. Oct 0 loaf and X.ujr p Sugar. BOXES Loaf rntd Lump Sugar, just received and ^ f?* ^Vcyp rf »N. 32H1S*’- -£‘ r O X New fork, Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa- viuniah, ami Aususta! in sums to suit rhasers. for ^ roIi p & WILEY. Nov. g. mew srniMO epo»s.. R y L % GOODS, 0 coin[>ri*iog tffrroostX^aftf for sale by. ’A..fil?7 •. I .A the season. Just received and smted to ’-hG^ison ^ ^yRDSALL of). Wine, Ale, Coffee, 0XF.S ClrirctWiD'o, b df pip^s Port do SfC. xslts Marseilles Madeira 2(1 ; —111, • k Ale, superior quality, 20 frcsli Figs : W^£ . Id f. :„, ( effi.- fc/.jf&f.Vg ivci-ivc I anil for sale hv J-a vjo _ ;t t Rj ; \ & COT TON._ ,4 N DtuN t ’ Al.s. j\ in- V "April 10 ^0 WM. u. BLRDSALL. ( K*ars, Hides and Horns, -r T HE highest prieo will be given >>' - « 1'nLr for Fur. of all kinds, either Beaver, 0 l | l fhi c sn ^dr"y N nM u'y ip m u i itv fi a Iso D^er^Mc ins. Auction and Commission Store. rsiHF SuTisgiaber has removed to th“ new ^ BRH’ K.STO B E. adjommg.the lost Ol of :,u mlicrs from all the c.untie, which now are 01- hereafter may liu liiclmled within tills state, according to their respective numbers of free n-li'u'c nervous aud inditdiitg three fifth* ol all tho people of color”—aud iu the same section, the following; to wit t “Each county contamnig three thou* .ml persons. agreeM'ly to tho foregoing plan of cpumcraiioii, sha! be entitled to two members, sc-.—n thousand to three members, and twelve thousand to four members, but each county shall have at least one arid uot more than four mc.u- And whereas the aforesaid third section, and the said pa-ts of tho seventh sectioniof tbo said first article.of thoDonstitutiou, touctfing the rop- rcseuGitwh of the General Assembly of tfie state, has been found by experience to be dcfectivo ou aecbthit of the great numbers m the-legisla Jare, and the enormous expense on account thcreot— Wo the Delegates of tho people of the state of Geonria, in General Convention assembled, cho sen aud authorised by them to reviso. alter and amend the said two sections and other part*. » nv toui-hing iho representjumu of the people of Georgia iu tho GeUal Assembly, have, after mature reflection arid deliberation, declared tho following to be amendments in lieu of the aforc- snid third section, and parts of the seventh sec tion which, when ratified by the people of the state, shall he taken, hbld and considered assarts of-fho,constitiition of the state of Georgia, mlieu of the aforesaid,.! :-N ' **’ . The seriate - shall bo elected annually on the first Monday in October, uutil sueh day of election shall "be altered By law.-mid shall be composed of one member from each Senatorial District, to be chosen by the electors thereof, which said Sena torial,Districts shall bo formed by adding two contiguous counties together throughout tho smtfr without' regard to population, as is hereinafter su- cilied and defined, ihe county of Murray ex- copted, which shall coiisiimte. together with such errimiy''or counties a* may be horeaftor formed out of tho territory composing said county of M ur- rav .me Senmorial L'istriet. the whole number of districts shall he fouy firfc and no more, and • t . the event of die Corniation of any nig county or counties, the legislature at the time of subh for- jnation shall'attach tfau same to some contiguous Senatorial District. Pnl iski.-'; >U : .X''.v~» - The thirty fourth of vhe counties, of.jl&rioa anu Muscogee. ■ .'A~. *>• --'.' r :• /« ''"'jfe-ii, 2- The thirty’fififr-of the coiiuties of Randolph raddsHlB^re• ■*>EX'" *-N.~- i'. Thi’ihirty- sixth of tho counties-of Sutntcr^anu Stewart. T- - ' • N". •’**.. g, ■' -The thirty seventh of tho cou,nttcs of-Baker wMlXojs- : -**- 7-^"’.. - j". » The thirty eighth of the counties of Irwin aud Telfair. ' Tho, thirty ninlh of the counties of Appling ami Tattnall. •" - >- j*. ' . - •• K ' j The fortieth of the counties of Chatham and E The* forty first of th# comities of Bryan and Th o'forty second of the ctunties Of Slclutosh and Glynn. ■ . ,i • The funythird of tho counties on * ay no an.. CotfltletL.' N itV*,'■* . , Tbbffcrty fourth of tho counties of M aro and Lowndes. i -' ’•*! ’ , - The forty fifth of the couuttes ot Decatur and Thomas-,"* . , :f. - ' - Tho House of Representatives shall be com posed. ‘cf members from all the counties which bow aro, or tuav be included within this state, according to their respective numbers ot fret, white persons. ' The*whole number of momhers m the liouso cl Representatives shall be onp huudred aud tor- tv four and no more, except Ln the case»fa»ew- jy created county or counties; such no’- or counties shall have one member tureaeh cu ty; until the taking of tho next census thereafter, and the whole number shall bo apportioned m the following manner, viz. : tho fifteen conntie having tho highest number of froo WlnW persri^ shall -lejititled to iffieo members eqch, shfe twciity five comities having the murtber'of l'rae whito persons shall have ttfo mombera each, and the remaining^ fl V,lu s ,. ev counties shall have cub member each. ” neuev cr, fiqiu the creation cf a nrw county or tiio whole number of'm iu the ^oure-.o}- . Represeutatives shall exceed the numbor 0 cue tlic humlred aud forty four,if shall bo- the duty,of the Legislature, at its first soislon after tbo taking'ot the first census after the creation o^uch new county or comities, m apportioning the mm^eis, to take one member from one of the counties L viqg three members, to supply such new K ed ceunty, always begiumug with the has the smallest number of free white persons that mav bo entitled .to three memberi. Tho census shall bo taken a* he . re . t . 0 ^ r ? I -frsi Hn seven years, aud the legislature shall at its am session after the taking ol each ccusus. ppporuo i the' members among, the several c «u Q Ue8mfdii Slate, as is heretofore provided; provided each '"IKS®! 0 ”” Sam'S m. wayxe. Atu f President of the Convention. WILKINS HUNT,- t Secretaries. HAMILTONB. GAITHER, J I therefore, itf douforrr.ity with the provisions of the L-cfcrc recited act, do lieroby give publicity to tho same, and enjoin the voter, for members of the General Assemhlv of this state,,pn tho day tJicrcin specified, to w ift T oa the l.*6nuay in October next, to give their vote of '‘Ratification” or “No Ratification," as provided in said act, aud that tbo presiding officers certify 'the samo to this ^ V. Hark Persian U come ' On a conqueror's wing: * . r • ' J- «« 1 . *1 -1! -Hnl^lie%’r r , King ? - . . ' -T - V *’ -r? V'* fSf 'J, STANZAS—nr bak.xy Cornwall. -Tho night is closing round, tnuiher 1 . - Tho shadows are thick and deep ! All around me tnuj enug tike au iron ring ; Aud 1 cannot—cannot sleep ! Sy. _ f .j. ^.•,:*h > -*‘-^' ‘ Ah Heaven ! thy hand, thy hand, mother! ; ^ r:nt me lie on UlV EUtsifig breast— • . pterctag pr.:ny est. - I could sleep a long, Ifmg sleep, mother ! To seek, me a calm, coorbed ; You may lay me low m Hie virgin snow, M ith a uidss bank for my head. I would lio iu the wild,’ wild woods, mother ! Where nought L’iit the birds are known . Where nothing is seen nut the branches grecu, And lloivera uu ihe green swart- strewn. No lovers are there,-with the fair, mother 1 Nor mock at iho iioly sky ; One may liv T o aud bo'gay like a summer day, AudaClast like_tUo summer—die l A MATIN SONGA }'*£%. “»UE 8W£EI HOUR OF 1’RIME.”- Good moiTotv to the hills "again J. - Guo.i morrow to l-i,e lea ; Good morro'w to IhltipBoiv^lW,, C*- * ■ And to the greenwood tree! •.Tho ring dt>ve loaves her ivy bower, Anil sea mew ntiits Ibe sea, " ' The skylark in his sun bright tower Is chanting merrilie I Good morrow 1 to the ilappled skies ; *' Good morrow to tbo lake ; Good morrow to the uieiodioq The praisef-u' torrents make ! The river blue—the watrirtall The sin ill brook »:u the lea ; Good morrow to them, ono and alt— --The beautiful—the free ? This fact soenis-cordciasive >n regard to his in sanity. . Otherwise,-l.e -would certainly- have succeeded, it is probable, in getting farther ofi. Ilis sfiipidity continued for some tithe alter lie whs’again lodged in ^tol. " ’ ■ /Tlfe relations of Trask say, that when' he , was but a liny he .was injured bv the tall of a tre^ttpon ’Ids bead, tliat at ditferent times ever siticit, has'bad'strange turns. His ingenuity is almost unparalleled. He will contrive to open < hr.o*t any lock with a piece of wire, or aa eld nail. He is also very cunning, and when you least suspect him, is pursuing some scheme to obtain his liberty, - He would often talk ra tionally, but at other times states that he has vision's. \ Al'- Abo.ttt three years and a half :ga, keep er of tiio gaol was informed by a pria.oncr that Trask had been out of his cell. He was re moved to'another apartment and a strict search ntade. • To the astoriislinient of every’ body/ seventeen different''key's, made of pewter were found, which, would- unlock the door of every cell in the arch where lie j»;as confined, and all the doors ieadirig to the other two arches above. Three of the keys would unlock the door ot ■ his own cc:!.—A variety of files, saws and knives were discovered secreted in different parts of his cell, some of which were very in geniously concealed in places carved out, Ot - J * the frame of ids table and cleets of a swing shelf. All the furnituffe of his room had to be broken up and and split info small pieces, Ife-: -- fore-ali bis instruments were found; tor the :a it three years, his behavior was peaceable and correct, and he made no attempt to escape. : certainly a most singular and extraordin- • . % " t'.., ^ ■ : : * A Compliment tedi earned.—Mr. Joseph Gales, Senior, so long "the Editor of the Ra- Register, has removed to. the City of Washington. During 1^ whole period of our editorial career, we do not recollect ever to have hM-ally paper war with this respectable and amiable man. I11 our several rencitiitte* with his son and his son-in-!awat \\ asliingtdn he has dealt fairly by us—never playing tho bottle-holder for : ! uyn—hut leaving both sides to fight .out their own. battle*/ M e have. no persona! icquaintai’.'ce;.ivith iSIr. Galed— but we know hovr- to rcipect ‘.he virtues, whirli belong to him, and his accomplished wife. The mer?. « itbtious exertions which they have made, for the iienefit and improvement ol their children would alone be graces in their character wor-. thv oftlie highest esteem. Tho Raleigh Con stitutionalist of the 14th renders to him the I’dlioiting-tributc, which we take much pleas ure in copying: A ft “The' honorable Joseph Gales of this city lias left for Washington, the residence of hi5^ ' son of the same name. As an eviuencc of tho high esteem in which lie is held by his fellow citizens, a dinner was. given to him on Satur day last, at Capt. Guyon’st Eagle Hotel. We know of no man who could carry with him more of the good will of ; his fellow townsmen,^ no man who has ineritod lryire of tliei; confi dence and respect, no man, who was more eminently useful to the community in which be resided, no man who is a better neighbor, a., more honest patriot, a more worthy citizen ; he carries with him the go Cc 'wishes of .those amoiig wliorii he resided, and respect, of those with whom he was acquainted, Mr. Gales ad dressed the company ir. an appropriate man ner, and a nnmber of toasts were druak on the occasion.”—Richmond Enquirer. The Boston Atlas furnishes the foljowipg notice of Trask, who recently contrived, to es cape from prison: , tT , ■Postages in the Life of Trask.-Howard Trask was committed to the gaol in Boston, on the 27th day of November, .1*21, ou the charge of the murder of Billy Wilhams, in the State Prison. ’ He had been sentenccdjo mo From the Boston Courier of Tuesday. The Mayor and’ Aldermen Arraigned.— A siagujar spectacle was presented at the Mu nicipal GdiiH; yesterday morning. The May or and Aldcrnion were arraigned at the Bar of the Court, to answer an indictment found by the Grand Jury of t’nc county of Suffolk, for an inadvertance in the return of^votes for a member of Congress; an inadvertence^ of the most innocent nature as to its result, sitme it neither effected’tho election of one . edriaidate uor destroyed the electloti of atfother. TJ)« reading of the indictment occupied hearly )( three quarters of an iiour,—during 'vhifh (liBC tnese (Tcntleinen,—selected from antffng. 60,000 of State prison for a period ot seven y ears, a otir citizens for their .'respectabil'ity, busineSB Committed the mutdera tew ^ I talents, and willingness to serve the people ’’ ' -*»■='*" v ’j^aftously;—were obliged to stand up before a crowd assembled; to witness so novel an oc currence.; When the reading of the indictment was finished, the defendants severally pleaded not guilty. The trial was fixed for Monday next. 2ft. fi c o; . m vices hi the above * Nov U> Department accordingly. , - Given under my hand and the seal of the Lx ecutive Department, atMillridgeville.this the day'and year first ^'^UMPKIN. tho Governor i ' _ "KITODOM A. GREENE. Secretary. NEW PRIME K. * J 0ST PUBLISHED aud for sale at this of fice, ! . _ . ’ f • The Never Primer, - ; or Child’s First Book. Well addled for Infant, Common and Sunday Schools. *}TLh« sold low hv the 11 unity- Price 12J cenUsnie»e._; R CCr* We are authorized to an KS8»KSSB*. -»•*»> ' fo, which ho may be elected, as « required by the 1 ofttaitutcrrer G«rlr « «« present Constitution of residence in thv coanty* \ exniration ofthe form of his imj.nsonment. He was indicted and tried Jew the murder balore theSupremo JudigalCourt and acquitted by me Jury on the grouud ot insanity.—Hw was kept in confinement, and on the 'Jtb of September, in the year-following, having apparently i-ecoV-- cred his feason in some degree, he solicited the keeper to allow him a companion to read the Bible to him, stating that ho could not read, and that he - had heard of some passages t.kthq word of God which he wished to learn- His request being- deemed Reasonable, was made known to several of the-the- prisoner; two of whom, committed on charges ol critne..C(;riSen- ted to be placed in liis roOtn.—They read him sach p-Ttio'DS ofthe Bible as he named, aud at flight retired to rest. .' About two o’clock the next morning, tlie cry Or murder resounded through wic prison ; and tho.voice of Trask, elevated above all, was heard, ’reclaiming, “Victory ! —•\ ictoqv ! Write to the-seven Churches in Ephesus 1 f!.- When’ the' doors were opened, the prisoners had hold of Trask by his prevent ms doing them any more injury; They were both found co be dangerously, wounded in the abdo men, and stated that they had been attacked by Trask while they were asleep. They linger ed for about a fortnight and-then died* Lor along time after tb* event, Tra*k remtuhod verv surly and'would not speak to arjy one. • On the night of January 2Ad; 1823,. Trask succeeded in effecting his escape from the cell, by removing a large stone directly below , bts window, it was dLcovered that he had drawn out the large spike* which lasteued tho plank to the wall, afkl had very ingeniously formed from the contents ot his night tub, the appear ance of fi spike head, and placed it over the holes formed by the spikes, so that n* ono would suspect that the spikes had been removx- d. He was re-taken on the 3d night after his r 0 scape,.only about eleven miles from ws <7^- A 'Disclaimer !—The' N. York Mercantile Advertiser scouts at the idea of the Telegraph, “that there is a disposition, in the presses and the peoplo.of-thc non-slaveholding states, to interfere with the rights possessed by their Southern brethren, under the Constitution of the UmRp St.ntcs, iri coloured population” ‘•One pftbe Ed.iV>ri*»f^tMij^P er (says tho Advertiser,.) vv-fiile conducting thp Advocate? ahd Journal, was falsely charged by a Southern paper wifti ^disposition to Stir the questionof sLtfery, as between master and slave. We take this occasion, one for all, to declare that we know of no intention.whatever existing any where to agitate thispdject, and repeat our solemn assertion, often given in the above nair,* c<rJournal, that we never have, nor ever s.'naltf in ward'or deed, or writing, in any ■manner did or-ab'et any cause whatever, (be its iibstact right what it may) that tends to ixnpAW the Constitutional rights of any ciiinen br citizen« of the United States—^depreeati^ most thor oughly and ardently, every attempt to inter fere in the slightest degree betiveen master and sleeve : and while on this matter, we add out firm belief, that but l'or ' ifie Southern papetfe which fire now employed in endeavoring Ho create public excitement on this subject J not a word would bo lisped nor a pen employed even to tialiie it with the slightest act of injus tice.”—Richmond Enquirer. Mr* and Miss KenUfle have offered (heft 1 vices for thedbenefit ofthe | er. lave offered fhefr afefe