Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, December 31, 1835, Image 1

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■ ■ - Terras of Subscription T.trKE i)ou.Ai\*,paidi» ad ranee, will pay for the pa- 1 '' nr Pivf. Do.-i.AR*, paid tn a Menace, trill pay Inner two year*. Tr.s Doli.ars paidin advance %S£r*'pr r M c9rnri - ' * « p iu1 R5 \ paid within sis months after the year has Three Dollars anil Fifty Cents per annum "‘The ckar"fd. If * ul V aui lm,il *** enli °f t!,e 9 u,r < fasr Dollars per annum trill be charged—with interest rA<* V •• 'p ( .,. nis of AdTertMiiK. 11 mtistmrnls urt exceeding one hundred wards, half ini..- or lirclrc brevier liars, trill, be inserted one time * 'jdlar. Ilhrit marc than one insertion is ‘pern, for theft rst, and 50 rents for each continuance. "j.rsAich a deduction of one fourth trill he made,when Collectors’ and Coroners’ Sates are char- '\\!!r!s Idrrrtisrrs trill be allowed tiro sanarcsincach Jr fJr Twenty Didlnrs per annum; and in the same ££ (or a larger spare—payable quarterly. ™ *yt c rotates of our lmsntcss,a nd the slate of the limes r’lisite, th-d these' terms should he rigidly adhered to. WARE HOUSE And ! J. aODDAED, i factor <U. Commission Merchant MACOIf, GA. . J ILL keep his office at tlib Counting room for-' meriy occupied by J. (I. & Co. where lie EDMUJVD RUSSELL, Of the Late Firm oj Russell $,• Dickinson. o.r conxEn or tuirii ash juldsurv stkukts. [AS jgVi&jaiOK business. '8*1- undersigned have associated lvirlitiieinsclrcs JL ill tlirs above business Messrs. Robert IV. Fort "id Laird H. Wiley, aad will henceforth conduct said .usiiiess under the name and style of Hamilton, Hayes v Co. ^ They will occupy the same extensive and se cure Ware House, situated near the river and will ex- ,'etid to tlieir friends and patrons the same facilities in •'iisiness that they have hitherto done, and promise in equal degree of attention to the interest of those who may favor them with their business. They respectfully tender to their former friends and pat rons tlieir grateful thunks for past favors and solicit for the new concern a continuation of the same. F.. HAMILTON, JNO. I£. HAYES. July 23d. 4 fim H AS Just received from New-A’ork and Los loll and is now opening a very large and geueral as- WASHINGTON If ALL. Hs?? -1 1 IF Subscribers have taken that com- tt BARBER STON F.. WASH BURN A Co. t -. , L BALDWIN A Co. JSawunaJi BOVCE, HENRY A WALTER } Charles JNO. FRASIER A Co. < ton, JAMES HAMILTON A SON \ v v . NORTH, MANNING A HOYT, J ‘ vlork oct. 8 15 [NEW YORK & DARIEN L ine of Packets. ffbr BRIG Amelia Strong, J. Chnce, Master, ili?. I'rciuiinn, Mr. Matthews, “ new “ Darien, C. P. Buckley, “ ■ J ■*c, •• “ Maron, A. Bilibins, “ D. B. Crane, T. Baker, " .Ml road and substantial vessels, well calculated for the tni:e,»’it!< good accommodations for passengers, and tinirirured commanders. One of the vessel* will al- K !.« .at each endofthe Line to receive freight, and : ;,, :u hr!y once a week. Shippers by this line : s’, •! i ismauce at five eighths per cent, and they • mv upon the vessels being regularly despatched. ; .»• -utiscriber* are also agenufor several Steamboat* • regularly during the boating season between ji n-j’i. Hawkiiisville, and Macon, and are induced to >lirv* that they can give great facilities in forwarding -, A dfctincdibrthe interior of the State. 3 HAWES A MITCHELL, Agents. Deri's. 1st July, 1835 3 pioneer Steam JBou- - WARE HOUSE AND 3 n i?SESJSSS, THE siihscrihcr begs leave to in- H form his friends and the public, that ho continues the above business in pH its branches, at his 1 Id stand, (head of Cherry street and Cotton Avenue,) H where he oilers all the usual facilities in business, by making liberal advances 011 produce stored with him, or on shipments to his friends in Savannah, Charles ton, aud New York. The situation of his Ware Hou ses and close storage, as to convenience and safety, are nor surpassed by any in the city. Should addi tional security be required, insurance can he effected at n very low rate. The Subscriber's undivided attention will lie devoted to the above business; he therefore hopes to receive a portion of public patronage. Mnoon, Juno.-J&M JAS. C. MORGAN. F OR transportation to and from Macon, is now in complete order. A superior new Steam Boat called "David Crockett” with two powerful Engines, anJ several first rate freight boats have been built since the close of the last season and placed on the line. Stem Boat Pioneer, Copt. Gootltoin, " “ Dacitl Crockett, “ M’Cormick, will ply regularly between Darien and Macon, one of sheiii leaving Darien about once u week with freight boats in tow. Steam Boat SHARiESTOBT, Capi. Bunnell, will run constantly hetween Darien and Savannah, u.l Hurd the greatest despatch to Cotton. The subscriber's whole attention is devoted to fucili- icing transportation between Macon and the Sea lVrK He hits invested a large sum to put his line in lh» most complete order, aud believes that his arrange- twit* for giving despatch to freight and keeping it in pnxl order, while in his care, will make it the interest «fCuton Shippers and Merchants ordering goods, to wrtintte their favors. At Darien ho has secure and convenient Warehouses b: reception of Goods, and his Wharves there are covered with sheds* rich enables hid to keep all Cotton shipped on his Fails under shelter and protected from the weather, ri.ile landed for reshipnient. JAMES R BUTTS Asist'. Ilot.cousr, Pick A Co., E. P. Butts, J T. Rowr.A.vr*, l). B. Halstead, Har m. Nov. 13, 1331—22 DRY GOODS, WARE S O tT S E And T COMMISSLON BUSINESS. HE undersigned have entered into a co-partncr- j ship for the transaction of the above business. ‘ l»'tr firt-vU Itiietiiogfi itrtll hn ntiilny ihn The Dry Goods business will bo conducted under the name aiid style of Fort, Hamilton & Wiley and will bo managed and directed by R. W. Fort Si L. II. Wiley, The Ware House lie, Commission Business, under the name and style of Hamilton, Ilaycs A Co. and will he managed and conducted a* hitherto by E. Hamilton and John R. Hayes—The undersigned re spectfully solicit for each establishment a share of pub ic patronage. JIOBT. W. FORT. L. HAMILTON, L. IF WILEY. JNO. R. IIAYK3. July 23. fiin WAKE tiOubiii And Charleston, Savannah, Darien Hawkiiisville. .1Inceni Steam Haul Company. AM Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox do. EXCEL, •* J. L. Willcox. T lli.S company have now tlieir liue of Boats in complete order for freighting. They have a * w steamboat added to their line called the Superior, •ml ten Tow-Boat.-. flt t Boats will run regularly between Macon and [brieji, otie of the steamboat* leaving Darien every " r fir days with tow-boat?. The company have iii'v siticiti, tow-boat*, all firstrute boats,built e’xpress- •J f" r die navigation of the Ocmiilgee and Altaraalia m.v.; these increased facilities will enable the eom- ?'•">' dm means of giving the greatest despatch to 0 ;’," n nr finals shipped by tlieir line. Iiicv have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, tocarry cotton anil merchandise between Darien and t'l'annah. and Darien and Charleston. There are *•■0, five first rate Packets running regularly between Ihn.'n and New York, which come to Hawes &. 'Iitchel, of Darien. Agents for the ahore Boats : I J. GODDARD, Macon. I ™vce, llr.sRr A AValtkh. Charleston. I J- Baldwin A Co. Savannah, I IUiva« A Mitchkix, Darien. I ’• K. Roberts, Hawkiiuvillc, "laron, 24th Dec., 1835. 2S c?osaiv2issioi«r business. ryi HE uuderaigned bernleavo toinform his friend* A JL public generally, Uiat he will continue the above business in aii its various I;ranches at the old stand for merly occupied by Bennett & Carter in East Macon. wi>»re he offers a!' the usual facilities in business by making liberal advances on produce stored with him, or on shipments to hisfrietidsin Saraiinah.|Charleston, or New York. His Ware Houses are conveniently sit uated near the river, aud remote from other buildings which renders them quite secure from danger by fire. Insnranrc can bo effected at lowest rates if required. The undersigned will give his whole attention to the above business and hopes to receive a portion of pub lic patronage. A General assortment of Groceries will be constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest prices. .. If. K. CARTER, sept. 9 11 GROCERIES WARE HOUSE And Ocmntgee Steam itoat €’o ty.anrj. 'll Ills company will be prepared to commence bu- * sines?, early in the next season—They w ill have iiV! of Packets between New York, and Darien and vessel* to forward goods from Darien to .Macon -lacagents in New York, Charleston, and Savannah, ** l« authorised to contract for the delivery of goods 13 '1 von, at a freight agreed on without intermedi- jkfkuge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton •F* ! 'crub!e in Savannah, Charleston, and New York— ^' I'Onniany’s vessels aad boats, will he of first class '•’liexperienced commanders, and no expense will he T-Vcd to meet the patronage of the public. HI. R. YONGE A SONS, Agents in Darien ®?v27ib 1835. 40 Co.UMISSUWI BUSINI0S1S, r At Uarien, Ga. Mir. undersigned have resunied business as a- • fio'e, and will ns heretofore pay prompt atten- " n to all business entrusted to their care. Wo believe '‘■have made arrangements that will enable ns at all ,0 for.vanl goods for the interior with the least rouble delay, by steamboats when the river will ad- •• or 111 extreme low river by small flats or lighters, ' * '*l>re«ly for that business. On our wharves . ■**-' Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot* | r a _ iM! possible expense, and our op])onunities ] , 'Wwaid cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed- v a *i) other House. n HAWES A MITCHELL. ,f'-‘ ii. May 20,13:15. in Ui I'\CY AND ( OMMISSIO.N co fmnzssioN busintess. £ 1 corge Jewett Aco. respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have added the Ware House and Commission Business to that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware House is conveniently situated on second street, near- 1 Jv adjoining their stored All cotton consigned to them, either bv the planters or dealers in the article, or or ders to sell or buy in this market, will be promptly attended to. They have also a couvetntjnt close storage house for the reception of merchandize from the country ; the receiving land forwarding of which, will receive a particular snare of tlieir attention. Liberal advan ces will be nude on cotton stored, or on shipments to anv market, when desired. They also have 011 hand, aud expect shortly to rc- ecive a large anil general assortment of GROCERIES, DRYGOODS Sfc. 8?c. Such as St. Croix and Portoricn.fc Ilavnnnasngars, Cuba. Rio and Java coffee. Liverpool salt, Swedes Iron, Nails, Brails, cast, German aud blister steel, . ... , Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack ing. Oznaburghs, Negroes cloths, shoes, hats, caps, claoks, Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, •Sets Blacksmith tools, castings. Hardware, Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets, Wax Calf skins. &c. Which they will sell on as good terms as can he had in this market. ■Sept 10 H NEW GOODS. WJI. II. BUItDSAIili, \S Just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, IlXJAjDTsf I&ABE C.TsOTXIISffG, HATS, SHOES, Sfc. which ho isoTcriug for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK COSSISTS, ir: pakt, ok the kom-owixg: Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Faucy Colored Broad Cloths’ Blue. Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Satinctts Cuclish Meriuor.s Du file. Point and Rose Biiykets Scarlet, Crimson. Green end White Flannels Printed Salisbury do Canton and Saxony slid Cuu/.o do Damask Table Dtajiers Birds Eye aud Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Boinbazettcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Lin soys ! Bleached and Unbleached Shii tings & Sheetings Hamilton Joans Black Italian Lustring do Grodde Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin do Siuchcws aud Sarsaucts Colored Gros do Naples Black and colored Florences do Iialiau Crapes Meritur Mantles aud Square Shawis Commou, Thibet wool. Valentin, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Hcrunui, Muslin. Crape, Gauzcacu Cr<* de Na ples Dress Hdkfs Ladies nail Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cottou Cnsshners Beaver Fmtiaus English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Cheeks Domestic Piaids and Stripes Bed Ticks FloorCloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia ShcctiugBoar Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlas? Quuaburglis Bangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cottou, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Bik aud col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark aud light col’d Prints aud Ginghams Lace and Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bolduct Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mali, Nausook and Book Muslins I ineu Cambric Hdkfs Pongee, Indian Flag and Spittlciicid Ildkfs Carved .and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Steady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, •Superfine blue, blade, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattccs, aud blue, steel mix’d aud fancy colored Sattiuet Coattces and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, browu, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and faucy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth aud satlinct Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimcre, black aud colored Velvet, black Florintinu. black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valeutia, English Silk, colored and white Merscillcs Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinct Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, I tuc Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ac- Negro Clothing. Men’s A Youth’s Fur Hats, do. do. Wool. do. do. do. Cloth. Sea! A Hair Caps, Fine Boots & Shoes—Negro Shoes, Ac. A-c. Oct. 15. 17 qualities. Flannels—Red, White, Green, and Yellow, Green Baize, and Drugget. Satinets—A Complete assortment of Various qnal itics and colours. Bombazines—Bombazetts and Circassians. Prints—French, English, and American (latest pat erns.) jjl • Muslins—French, striped, plaid and plain Cambric, aud Jackonett Muslins, do Swiss, Figured, and plain. Ginghams—Small and large plaid and stripe, Varic ty of patents. Silks—Italian, Grade Swiss, Gro de Nap, Polt de Souis. do Lustrings, seushews, saraanets, and Florences, Also, a few patents of Figured, (new style.) Chhllys—Black, and Figured. Linens—1-lths Irish a hue selection (and cheap.) do 5-4tiis Mieeting. do G & 8-4ths Table, do Covers. Handkerchief?—A fine selection of Ladies Fancy, Consisting of Cbally Thibet, Mosaic Cause, Herman, Satin, Bagdad aud Black Love,—Also, Ladies linen Cambric, and Long Lawn, Gentlemens Pongee, 6’pit- ticficld Bandanna and Flag. Hosiery—Ladies plain and Clocked Cotton, plain aud Ribbed, Worsted, plain and Ribbed, White and Black silk—Also, Gentlemens Lamb’s Wool, Cotton and Silk, half, White and mixed. Ribbons—Black White and Colored Taffetas, Gaitsc and Garnclurc. Laces—Wide Boinct Footing, Cambric Inserting and Edging, Thread Inserting and Edging, Blonds Edging, Worsted do. Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw and Silk. Marseilles Guilts—Superior article and cheap. Domestics—Bleached and Hiibleached shirtings, do "do Sheetings. 7-S cotton Oznaburgs. col’d do do (suitable for negroes’ clothing.) 3-1 and 7-S Plaid Ginghams. Furniture, do Tickings—Delaware, Hudson, Dorchester, and Amoskeng, together with a large assortment Of Ladies and Gentlemans Cloaks Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Shoes, Ac. Also a large slock of Groceries, viz’. BAGS’ Coffee Portorico Java Lngnira Olfu and St Domingo. 50 hhds. Sugar S’t. Croix Portorico and N. Orleans. 6 Boxes Lump do. , 8 do Brown and White Havanna, do. 18 JIhds New Orleans Molasses. lOOBbl? N. E. Rum. 7fi do. Whiskey. 100 Jo Gin. Pipes Cog Brandy, Jamaicai and St. Croix Rnm, and Holland Gin. Bbls Cieily Madeira. Port, Lisbon, Marseilles, Mns- at aud Sweet Wines Salmon Fish, No. 1 Mackerel, do. 3 Herring, do. (in Boxes), sept 10 12 T.te .Wacon Clothing Store J ST removed 10 the store lately occupied by .Messrs J. Myrick, Napier A Freeman, next to MrWui b Johnson’s Jewelry -tore, where may he found a good assortment of ClolMug, Mats, Moots. Stiocs anti i’alley Articles- con-i-ittg in part of Fine hbte, black, hrotvu, green, otive mixt and silvt . 1. . • ^ —— grey Frock Coats | »«» a gmi-r:il patrepnge Iro Fine blue, black, brown, green, claret and olive Bros.- Coats Brown, green, tuixt and Silver grey Coatees Super drab mixt hrowuatid green Over Coals Petersham over-und Hunting Coats—Ladies’ Cloaks Gentlemen's cambist Cloaks, mole-skin Huntingcoat.- Safinet and bcaverteen round Jackets, I'aiirulqons aud Vests of almost every description . Cotton a mi woollen nett Shirts and Drawers, Flan nel, Canton Flannel, plain and twilled Cotton Draw ers. Linen aud Cotton Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Beits, Black Ital ian and white Cravats, Cottou. worsted and Gum El astic suspenders, a great variety of Stocks, Umbrella? Cloth, Fur. and Ilair Seal-skin Caps. 30 eases Hats, Fine Boots tnd shoes, Tudia Rubber Shoes, Ladies India Rubber shoes. Also Fine blue, black, invisible green, and Royal piilple Cloths, Buff Cassimere, Tailor’s Trimmings, Milita ry Trimmings, Ac. Ac., ail of which will be sold of reduced prices for cash. .Macon oct. 22, 21 HORACE FITCH. niodiims and well known public house in the City of Macon,—tne II oMrsgtvn Halt. lately occupied bv Mr. M. D. llttson.— By (lie unremitting attention of belli of | them, they flatter themselves that their Non e wiiiob- . _ 111 the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a 1 .ady, > whose reputation ns a manager of a'public house, is inferior to no one in the State. VI Their tables will be furnished with the best the conn- trv affords, aud their bar with the choicest liquors. The Slablcsare attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. ML ST IAN &. .MOTT. Feb 5 1835 30 O’ Having sold my interest in the Washington Hall to Messrs. Mustum A Mott, I earnestly solicit for them if continuance of the patronage which wax extended to me, whilst proprietor of the establishment. Macon, feb 5 3G M. D. 1IU50N. F. S\ LEWIS, xViSaeiiAfv.® AS tuken tho stand a few doors above the Clo- tliing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry street where he continues to carry- on the Tailoring business. He assures all those who may favor Lint with their custom, that their work will bt uone at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. He has on hand a supply of the best materials in his liue. consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green, Ac. CASSIMERES,—A pooa assortment. VmiUBGiS, A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, and u complete assortment of TAIL OIVS TRIMMINGS. lie respectfully solicits a share of the public pai ronngc. Macqu, Oct 30 1834—24y & a&suiiiLaius&j'aifc* J U8T received and for sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue. Huffman’s Anodyne LiquorBalstun Capivt, Lenitive Electuary, Do Canada, Conserve iloses, Soda Powders, Opium, Saratoga do Sulphate Quinine, Scidlitz do Camphnt, Lemon Syrup, Castor Oil tfresii and supe-Best Starch, do do 450 PACKAGES of Slew Goods, ISAAC NEWHALL. M AS taken store one door from the Post Office, lately occupied by Messrs. Lippilt A Higgins, and has just received. 200 Packages shoes of every description. 40 do .Men’s and boys Boots, StlO Pair of India Rubber slices, . 8- Bales of8-4 A 10-p Blankets. 1 do brown horse blankets, 2 do Rose8J to 12^ Jo, 1 do Bed Tick. 50 doz. yarn j hoes, 20 do silk cotton & worsted do, Indigo, Madder, ’Blue Stone, Annatta, Logwood, Camwood, Glue, Aqua Fortis, Nitric Acid, Pearlash, Ac. Ac. 2 Bales grey wool kersey, 3 do Blua A Mixed CaesLactt, 6 do Negro cloth, 5 do white and red Plannel, 20 do white & brown shirting & sheeting cotton, rior,) Sweet do do Mustard do Gum Arabic Epsom Salt*, Brimstone, Calomel, Tart Emetic, Morphine, a Black Drop, Oil Cauthnradi*,- Pamts, Japan Varnish, Copal do Leather do White Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Medical Ilerhs, Sec. Poplar Bar!;, Gum Gamboge, African Pepper, Foxglove, Bayberry Bark, . Elder Flowers, Lobelia Inilata, - Skunk Cabbage Uva Ursi, Gentian, j Scncka, Horehottnd, ; Lobelia Seed, Sage, ; Scrpentiiria, Boncset. ! Gnm Mvri-h,, i Macon, i’eh 11 1835 31 GLOBE TAVERN, Clinton* Cfones County, ^.a« FF-VlilO Subscribers (late proprietors of the S. Clinlot) Hold,) ‘ender our thanks to our frit inis nutl patrons for past encouragement, and respectfully beg leave to announce to the public, that wc have remove:! to the coniuiodious House known as the jJ&Ut-V - - ,••' ■’ -■ r $ globe tavern, situated in the business part of the town, atid fronting the Court-1 louse. Having leased this stand fer several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur chasing the property, we consider ourselves per manently located, and shall continue to improve our accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now open for the reception of Travellers or Boarders. \\ e shall at ail times endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure public patronage ; and we hope to afford such ac commodations as will prove satisfactory to those who call 011 us. The usual great promises of good TABLES, I5ARS, '&c. we think unnecessary to pniiirnlar- ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro vers, readily furnished WOOD & WE EKES. January 20, 1834 10 if c’j: w!?oy!s .^cinuftshirlrg - Co, MYRICK, NAPIER A FREEMAN AVE received a supply of Cloths fcwl Yarns from thy above Manufactory, of superior fab- rick which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the Factory prices. Macon Sep 3 1835. 10 Varnishes, fyc. Yellow Ochre. Chrome Yellow, Verdegris, Chrome Green Spirits Turpentine, Prussian Blue. Tin Ware Manufacturer. MULBERRY, NEAR TMIUn STREET. FjJlHE subscriber continues to manufacture JL TIN WARE iu every variety, and has uow on hand a general assortment, which lie will sell wholesale or retail at the .Savannah or Augus ta prices. He lias also just received an assortment of J;i pauued Tin Ware, consisting of Trttuks, sugar Boxes, Waiters. Bread pans, (.'auisters. sugar Bowls, Milk cups, Tumblers, Pepper boxes, Gra ters, Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, Ate. Ac. Also, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, blocktin Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, Ac. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, iaix 2 WILLIAM S. Ki.LIvS. TTjxAVID B. BUTLER ESQ. is my professional jIJr agent at all times when I am absent from Macon. .Mr. Bader wifi be found at the M. A F. Ins. Bank. April l-ly-41 KDW. D. TRACY gTfTDKK INSON. ^ T the store formerly occupied by J. Abrahams &co. A on Cotton avenue and next door to Patrick & Martin on ltd st has now on hand a very select and choice assortment of Dry Goods Ac. entirely fresh and for sale at reduced prices also 50 hhd-s prime sugars. 20 N. O. molasses. 150 Bags coffee. 120 bids N. E. Ruin Cog Brandy, H. Gin. J. Rum, Malaga, Madeira, MACON CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE. I HE subscriber having made arrangements with T somcofthc most extensive Carriage Manufac tories in die nodicru cities, will have on hand, and be coustandy receiving, the coming season, an extensive assortment of, CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, and vehicles of all descriptions, which will bo of the be?t workmanship and materials, and which will be sold on os good terras as can be purchased in any city in the Sondicrn country. Also, an extensive assort ment of SADDLERY, HARNESS. and every other article appertaining to nurline ofbitsi 5 cases silk umbrellas, 2 do gingham do, 2- do striped Sattincts.. 2 do plum mixed do, 12 do fancy calicoes, 2 do cassimers assorted 1 do buckskin, J80 boxes Spanish cigars, 6 doz. curried calf skins, 3 do white sheep skins, 25 bags old Java Coffee, 40 quarter boxes ofbunch Raisins, I ]0 drums ol suitanna do without seeds, Ladies cashmere, merino A worsted hose, Silkhoso andglovce, Fino kid, Beaver, castor and woolen gloves, 6-4th & 8-4th Linen Table covers. Velvet vesting, cotton IWk/’s. Flag silk Hdkfs, Corah do Fancy plaid cravats, Ac. Ac. Also Water Proof, India Rubber goods, consisting of Travellings Bags Buskins, Monkey Jackets, wrap pers, Surtouts. Coats pantaloons, Stagemeus Capes, Caps, Air Cushions, and Pillows, Water bot'lcs, Gun Cases; Lilb preservers, Ladies Aprons Ac. Ac. Travellers and Sportmen will find a convenience from the use of the Rubber good?, as they are warranted water proof. The above will be sold by piece or package on the most reasonable terms. Macon. Oct 27.2m 18 ness. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to Marsaillcs, Port and Lisbon Wines, Noycan . pepper- mint, Cinnamon, Rose, and Life of man cordial?, (.i- gvs, snuff, tobacco, lump sugar, powder, tea, choc olate. pepper, spice, indigo, salaeratus, ginger, starch, soap, lamp oil, pickled pork, prime bagging, salt, cas tings, &c. Ac. Macon Sept 22d. 13 45 dots. Gentleman?s Mads, T,10U sale verv cheap. The subscriber desirous of Jr disposing of his eatire stock of HATS, will sell them at rtry reduced prices, and many of them at the F.-r ,S ^v C ?r’ tth ' ?tn '' 1,mfaCt °WM H BURDSAI.L. BUSINESS. r IN DARIEN. ■ ur. undersigned returns bis thanks tn his friends '•>r the liberal support which he has heretofore 'bow >n the above line of business, and ,,i!' 1 unninuance of tlieir patronage. His arrange- ; n , . or conducting business, and pariicsdariy in gi- len'K “Wri* in ri ieiving and forwarding produce A ie 11L M •’ la< ^ protecting them while in Ills charge, equal to tho«e of any others in his line. He ^ - j P cn 'l 'he summer in and in the vicinity of Darien, j iail«’ V j i*>**o addres-od to him will receive hi.? per hnH'ir rr >mpt attention. P* & 1835-53 JOHN T. ROWLAND. JLOJYJDOJV C.1JLICOES. 4 CASES of rich ocolour London 1 rints 800 Pieces American Calicoes warranted Frost colour.?, whieh will be job’d off by the Piece or Cnse, ns low ae New ^ °rk . , Aiso, M Pieces of fino 7-3 and 4-4 white Flannels. 0 do fire and common red do 18 Pieces best super ^^"^XwHALL. Nov. 19*. 21 Next door to ihc Postofiicc. ’LTVTATO ACH.S TOR 1836, ^lOMlC Almanack#, and Deers A Imanaclu* for sale by . J. II A W. 8- ELLIS, sept 10 IT give us a call. Sept 0 WRIGLF.Y A HART. Opposite corner from Washington Hall. fim 11 PAINTS OILS. -g Kegs White Lead, 1 150 Galls, Linseed Oil, 30 100 150 do Whale do do Lamp do do Spirits Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Litharge, Chrome Yellow. Chrome Green. Umber, Ivory Black, Prussian Blue, Vermillion, India Red, Pans Green. Venfistis, Sinalts all colours White Frosting, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Red I-end. Yellow Ocre, Whiting, Glue, and Gold Leaf-Just received and for tdao by nov. 5th 1835. 19 CH ARLES CAMPBELL. Fire proof Buildings, corner of Mulberry and Second Streets- Insurance. T HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks igainstFire in thiirity. Apply to ROBERT COLLINS. Msoon, Oct. 57, 1BJM, 19 CROCK K R Y, China and Glass Ware* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HE Subscribers take this method of inorming the public, that they have recently purchased the stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS WARE formerly owned by P. B. TAYLOR A UO. and have taken the store heretofore occupied by them, oppo-ite Messrs. Stoval, Simmons A Co’s \\ arehouse, Broad-street, Augusta—where they intend keeping constantly 011 hand, a large A extensive assortment ol Crockery* China and Glass, Which they offer for sale on the most advaii’ igeous terms to Merchant? from the Country and ether?. Being connected with a large importing house in Boston, and otie of the partner? residing in I ngland for the purpose of making the bestselectiou of Good.?, they feel confident that they can furnish WARE on terms equally advantageous with any other market in the United Slates. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and ex amino our assortment. _ WILLIAM WOODBURY A CO. Sept. 22 14 4m I i\1£VV URL Ix STORE. SJR, 22. LOOMIS ITAB just received a large assortment of DRUGS : I I A MEDICINES, at the Store one door below I W.4J. Johnston’s Jewei.rv, which lie will sell at mo • derate prices; among which are PAINTS, White Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Vcrdi- gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Fellow, Spanish Brown, : Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, ; Lampblack, llosepink, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion. ( Prussian Bine, Osborn’s water colours. OILS, 1 Linseed, Spent. Whale, ami Traiu Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copal, Japan, Coach, Leather, A Picture l arnishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Ilair. Hat "raining, Varnish, Furniture, Toolli. Paint, Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brashes. PERFUMERY. Cologne, Rost Honey, Florida, Lavender, A Orange Flower Wate.. Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Toolli Wash, Cream Soap and other Sha\ ing Soaps, Wash Bails, Drop Lake, Essences of iio.ic and Cedrat, Extrait de Mcil, Flake While, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oil.? of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroli, and Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, I’oraaimn, Powder l’uffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als, Tonquiit Bean.?, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, A Macassar Oil. DYESTUFFS. Anuatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue. Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic A otiicr Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Aiiimoniaret of Copper, Sago, Emetine, Oicnto Piaster, Ext. Aloe?, Cinchona, Col- ocyntn, Elaterium, Jalap, Kaliiuca, Nux Vomica, IUiu barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubcbs, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium A others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of iron. Tartariz'd Iron &c. Ginger Powders, Ha w lion’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English Calomel. Hoffman's Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucarium, Lan cets, Patent Lint, Lupnline. Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oil? of Carayvay, Copniva. Croton. Fennel, Wintergreeu Se neca, Denarcefised and Powdered Opium, Phospho rus, Piperine. Pocket Instruments. Hydriodate A Ox y-nmrintc of Potash, Potter’s Catliolicon, Liquor of Po tash, Dragon’? Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian. Rhuharbarine, Sali- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Livcr- o^ublic Lee cures, Macon Academy, Oct. 13, 1835. F ROM the solicitations of several friend.', ihesub- M scriber proposes to deliver a course Of Lectures on Nat. Philosophy, including the lno.-,t recent discoV- eries in Lleclro-magnetism niade by l’role—or Henry qml the Bratulou hiacksmitli. ' ( A Telescope of sufficient power for all practical pnrposes will ha received before die close of the Lec tures. The instrument is selected by a distinguished I Professor, who' has lately return d from Paris, cx- pressly for the subscriber; not of sufficient power to see the inhabitant’s of-lie Moon, hut to see distinctly its mountains, hills a id valleys. The sitbscrioer flatten himself that the facts and illustrations gathered from (he host American and European scientific journals to be enabled to offer a course of Philosophical Lectures not. uuworty the attention of the citizen? of Macon. The.Introductory Lecture will he given on Monday evening I9«h of October, if the weather he favorable, on which the attendance of the citizens of Macon is most respectfully solicited. J. DARBY. NOTICE. npiiz firm of Wood A Camp isthisday di- olved .!?_ by mutual consent. The business will he contin ued by Thomas Wood, who is duly authon.e.l to rloso the business of the concern. THOMAS \VO D, Maron Oct. 20lli I*p. EDWAl!DC\MP. TIN PATENT PORTADLE p ouB&z-jRxarma JBAKK OVibiV-. FB1IIE attention of the pubfii g< neraiiy i? invited to .B. an egniiniiatioti of the above-named article. It is an economical, expeditions, and easy modeof execu ting all baking and boiling businc s, aim wholly by means of coa , ami oi that but a small quantity is reqnir ed. ICHABOD B. 1)0X11 Agen' For 11. NOTT A Co. and JOSIAII St. JOHN. This may.certify that I have appointed Mr. Jason Burr my only true and lawful agent, to make A vend thealmvr named article in the counties of Monroe and Bibb, and also to sell individual rights. Gentlemen who have already subscribed for the article will he ac coimnodatnd a.? soon as possible at M r. Burr's establish] ment at Macon Ga. I. B. IIOXIE, Agent For If. NOTT A Co. and JOSIAII St. JOHN. Macon. Atiril 10 1835 43 ii U n ii ,!lj fj '■ T iti . _ . REMOVAL. . | wort. One Stethoscope. Swai'm’s Panacea, Seidlitz IIE Subscribers hare removed front the ston Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum Wine recently occupied by them opposite W a^ng- ofCo , ehicIJin Trusses, Tnrbllh Root. White Hellebore, ton Hall, to tlieir new brick huilding on the corner of Cherry street and Cotton Avenue, where they have o- pened a very general and new assortment of season able goods, which will be sold 011 B** most liberal terms, either at wholesale or retail—Such country merchants as purchase in this market to replenish their stocks, are invited to call on ns- FORT. HAMILTON A WILEA. Macon Oct. 20 1835. 18 Tho Book accounts and notes of the late linn of Baxter. Fort A Wiley, will be kept at ourcmintme room where tho?e indebted con make payment. FORT. HAMILTON A WILT*A . X«ime Colchicum Seeds, Acetate f Colchicum. Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines. and all other? in common use, Garden Seeds. and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching. Copping, andsmall Sealing,Instruments; •;in| - ■coiiii h ul l »ct of Amputating and Trcphin ing Instruments. April 29 45. if 3 ATS&ROiES. 3" Wish to lure forty negro fellows for the year 1836, 0. for which liberal wages will bo given, and every attention paid to their health and comfort: some of them are wanted to work fn a brickyard, and some onbiiild- iugs in the City—Those working iu the brick yard will exposed as much ? ; in common brickyards, as tho bricks are all moulded by machinery. I should like tn make, the engagement for the above negroes before Christmas next. DAVID F. WILSON. August fith, 1835. fi SURGICAL iNOTICE. T HE subscriber has been appointed agent for the application of Stagner’s Patent Truss, in the comity of Bibb. He may be at all timos consulted . go not professionally engaged) at his office on Mul berry street. Persons "affected witn Hernia would do well to make early application. Mncnn inpe - 1V 51 WM. B. BAI.I.- For sale by the subscriber. V oct 1,5 ta EDMUND RUSSELL. V For RnwmuCs Tonic Mixture. ARRAXTED a certain cure for the Fever and — .Ague also tiie genuine Ifygean medicines ale 011Iv by __ " " COOKE A COWLES. Authorized .Igpnts. FRENCH MERINOS. gf~A RF.EN, Blue, Brown and Crimson Merinos, Coloured and Black Merino Circassians, Merino Prints, Fm cifuro do. White and red Flannels, with ti variety Ol Eng- Ksh and American Staple Good.?, just received and fer -ale cheap by CIIAS. CAMPBLT.T.. At Fire Proof Building?, corner of Mulberry A 2nff Macon. Dr Pi.V Macon. Oct. 8. metesamm