Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, December 31, 1835, Image 2

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■■■ ■ H—
AIonday. Dec 15. 1335.
The l’rrilowing standing Committees were an-
noiiiicgil sis having been appointed by the Chair.
Of Elections—.Messrs Olaiborn, Gridin Haw
kins, Hard, Rums, Kilgore, Buchanan, .Maury &
Of *» ays ami Means—Messrs Cninhrclcug,
Al’Kim. l-oyall, Corwin, Johnson of Teuuessee.
Smith of Me., Lnwrcucoof Mast.. hieersoll, &
Or Cia ima—Messis Whittlesey, Forester,
Hanks, Bynum. Grcnnell, Davis, Taliaferro,
1* C Fuller, ami Chambers of Ky.
On Commerce—Messrs Sutherland. Pinckney,
1’earre of K. I.. Gillet. Philips, Johnson of La.
Ingham of Ct.. Cu-hmau and AlcKcon.
On the public Lauds—.Messrs Boon. Slade,
Williams of N. C., Lincoln,' Casey. Kcniion.
Dunlap, Chaplnan, and Harrison of Mo.
Ou the Post Office aud Post Roads-—Messrs
Connor. Briggs, Laporr, Hall of Vt, Mann of IS'.
V., CLEVELAND, French, Shields, aud Hop
^ On ific District of Columbia—Messrs \Y B
Shepard, lleistcr, Vandtrpoi 1, liouldin, Wash
ington, Lane. Rogers. Fairii Id. and Townes.
()u the Judiciary—Messrs Beardsley, Thomas,
Hardin, Pierce of X. 11., Robertson, Peyton,
Toncey, Jones of Va. mid Martin.
Ou Indian Adairs—.Messrs Bell. .McCarty,
F.vcrett, Ginham, Asuley, HAYNES, i you,
llawes and Chaney.
0'« military Affairs—,Messrs Johnson of Ky..
Speight, Ward. Thompson of Ohio COFFEE,
Bunch, McKay, Authony, mid D.onigoole,
Ou the Militia—Messrs GLASCOCK, Heu-
derson, W K Fuller, Wagoner, Calhoun of
Mass., Joshua Lee of N. Y., Carter, Coles,
Williams of Ky.
On Naval Affairs—Messrs Jarvis, Milligan,
Lansing, lioed, Grayson, Parker, Wise, Ash,
On Foreign Affairs—Messrs Mason of Va.,
Howard, Campbell, Cramnr, llaiuar, Allen of
Kv., Parks, Cushing, and J VC’KriON of Ga.
On the Territories—Messrs Patton, Potts,
Brown, Fowler, Pickens, Sprague, l’carce of.M. I
It , Kordcu. aud .Montgomery.
On Revolutionary Pensions—Messrs Ward-'
well, Lee of Te- Lay, Janes, Storcr, Morgan,
Kiingensmitb, Boudand Fry.
Ou Invalid Pensions—Messrs Miller of Pa.,
Baale, Evans of Ale., Seticnek, Taylor of N. Y.,
Harrison of Pu., Dimbleday, Hoar and Howell.
Ou Revolutionary Claims—Me>srs Mulilen
berg. Crane, SlaudJfer, Turrill, lviniiurd, Beau
mont, Craig. Chipiu. and Underwood.
On J’ublic Expenditures—Messrs l\ge, Clark
of Pa., McLcne, Mason of Ale., Deberry, Leon
ard, llaley. White, and Weeks.
Ou private Land Claims—Messrs Carr, Gal
lu aite, Paltersou, Chambers of Pa., .May. Gar
land of Va., llamniuud, Huntsman, and Law
On .Manufactures—.Messrs J Q, Adams, Den
ny, Dickerson, Alt-Comas. AN t-bsten Gideon
Lee, Judson, lIOLrii.Y, ami Granger.
Ou Agriculture—.Messrs Bn.-kee, Beau,, Shiuii, Deberry, Bailey, l.ngan, Phelps,
aud Kfl'uer.
On Ronds aud Canals—.Messrs Mercer Vin
ton, llenchci, Lucas, Reynolds of ill., Haunc-
gan, Steele, Jacksou of Alass., and Calhoou of
%• . -
On Revisal and unfinished business—Messrs
Huiilingtou, Alauu of Pa., .Mason jf O., Harlan,
hi id Karlin.
Ou Accouuts—Messrs Lee N. .1 , Darlington,
Hall of Ale., Johtisou of Va. aud Turner of Aid.
Oil Expeiidilutes in the Department of State
—Messrs A II rihepperd, Calhoun of Mass.,
IluutofN. Y., Morris, ami Sickle:.
Ou tiie Expenditures in the Department of the
Trensury Messrs Allen ol Vt.. Harper, Span
gder, Russell, and Barton.
Select Committee appointed on the Rules of the
House of Representatives—.Messrs Mann of N. Y.
J (1 Adams, Thomas, Williams of N. C., Cam-
breloug, Everest, Parks, Parker, aud Chambers
of Pa.
Select Committee appointed on the subject of the
northern Boundary of the State of Ohio—Messrs
John Ci Adams, liaidin, Patton, Pierce of N.
ILIIAYNES, Dickerson, McKay, Grnysuu, and
Wednesday. Dee. 16.
Tho Senate, agreeably to a Resolution to that
offnei, proceeded to ballot for their Standing
Air Clay was elected by twcnlv-three votes,
as Chairmnu of the Coininiiico of Foreign Rela
Mr. Webster was elected by twenty-five votes
os Chairman of the Committee on Finance.
Air. Davis, Chairman of tho Committee on
Air. Kuight. Chairman of the Committee on
Mi. Brown, Chairman of the Committee on
Air. Benton, Chai. man of the .Committee on
Alilitary Affairs
Air. Robinson, Chairman of tho Committee on
the Militia.
Mr. Southard, Chairman of the Committee on
Naval Affairs.
Mr. Ewing, Chairmau of the Committee on
the Public Lauds.
Air. Black. Chairman of the Committee ou Pri
vate Laud Claims.
Mr Whito, Chairman of tlt« Committee on In
dian Affairs.
Mr. Saudaiu. Chairman of the Committee on
Mr. Cl aylon, Chairmau of ihe Committee ou
tho Judiciary.
Mr. Grundy, Chairman of the Committee on
the Post-Office and Post Roads.
Mr- Hendricks, Chairman of the Committee on
Roads and Canals
Air. Tomlinsou, Chairman of the Committee
on Pensiotts.
Air. Tyler, Chairmau at the Committee on the
District of Columbia,
Air. Mooro, Chairman of the Committee on
Revolutionary Claims.
Air. M’Kenn, Chairmau of tilt? Committee on
tbo Contingent Fund.
Air. Shepley, Chairman of tho Committee on
Engrossed Bills.
’ Tho Senate then, proceeded to ballot for the
remaining Members of. the Committees, which
veefo filled up, in pat t. ns follows:
The Commitee of foreign Relations.—Alessrs.
King, of Geo. Tafiir.adgc, Alaugum nod Porter.
Of Finance. Messrs. C’uthbert, Wright, Alaug
um and Tyler.
On Commerce.—.Messrs. GoUlsborough, Tom
linson, Al’Kenn and Linn.
On Manufactures.—Alessrs. Rugglcs, Morris,
Prentiss and Heudrirks.
. The choice, in every instance, was made at the
first ballot.
• On motion of Air. Clay,
Tbo farther eloction was postponed till to-mor-
t.O'v, anil The Senate adjourned.
Thursday, Dec. 17. 18‘J5
Mr \\ EBSTER submitted the following re
solution, which lie, ono day for consideration :
Resolvtd, That so muih of the President’ll
.Message as respects the question, whether the V.
Stateseouuot, without transcending their con
stitutional powers, secure to the Post Office De
partment the use ofthe several railroads in the
United States, by an act of Congress, which
shall provide within itself some equitable inode
of adjusting the amount of rompeusatiou, be re-
ferredto the Comnihtee on the Judiciary, with in
structions to mnkc a special report thereon.
Resolved, That the Committee on Ruuds aud
Canals he instructed to report the number, extent
and direction of the several railroads already
built or commenced, and the most important of
those which arc projected or contemplated in the
several States ; and that they inquire inter the
expediency of aiding in any of those undertakings
on the part ofthe Government ol the U. States,
either "by making payment in advaucc, on con
tracts for carrying the mails oil such roads or o-
t her wise; and on condition of transporting the
property or troops of the IT. Slates, by such roads
free of expense to the United Stales, whether iu
ponce nr in war.
Tho Senate proceeded ro continue its ballot-
ings for the remaining members of its Standing
Committees, and tho following were nppointed :
On Agriculture IV-’ssrs Kent, King of Ala..
.Morris, and Wright.
On Military Afairs—Alessrs Wall, Goldsboro,
Preston, and Tipton.
On the Militia—Messrs Hendricks, Ah Kean,
Swifi, and Wall.
On Aaval A{fairs—Messrs Talluiadgc. Jlinek,
Robins, and CUTHBERT.
On Public Lands— Messrs Aloore, Prentiss,
Crineudcu. and AfrKean.
On Private Land Claims— Messrs Linn, Rng-
gles. Porter. KING ol Ga.
On Indian Affairs—.Messrs Tipton, Goldsbo-
rotigh. Swift, and Brow n.
On the Judiciary—Messrs Buchanan, Leigh,
Preston, and Crittenden.
On Post Offices and Post Hoads—Alessrs. Ro
binson. Ewing, Knight and Davis.
On Roads and Canals—Messrs. McKean, Ro
binson, Kent aud Robbins.
On Prnsons—Alessrs. Tallmadgc, Linn, Pren
tiss, and McKean.
On the District of Cedumlia—Alessrs. Keui,
Xuudsiin. Southard aud Kl Ml of Ga.
Ou Revolutionary Claims—Messrs. White,
Hubbard, Leigh and Shepley.
On the Contingent Expenses of the Senate—
Messrs. Tomlinson ami Brown.
On Engrossed Rills—.Messrs. Hill and Mortis.
Wednesday, Dec. 16. 1835.
Air. FAIRFIELD presented the petition of
172 ladies residing in his district, praying the ab
olition slavery in the District of Columbia, and
moved that it be referred to the Committee oil the
District of Columbia. In preseu'ing this peti
tion .Mr. F. remarked that he did not desire to he
understood as favoring tile view s of the petition
Mi-. CRAMER moved to lay the petition on the
table, which was agreed to.
Mr. FAIRFIELD presented a similar petition
from 173 gentlemen residing in his district, which
he moved to lay ou the tabic.
Mr. J, Y. M \SON. of Virgiuia, remarked that
in order to obtain a distinct expression of the
House on this subject, he would move that the
question on laying this peiitiou on the table, he
tHken by yeas and nays. Ordered.
Mr. BOONO called for tile re •ing of theme
mortal, which was done accordingly.
Mr. SLADE then moved that the memorial be
Mr. WILI.IAAIS, of North Carolina, called
for a division of the question to prim and lay on
ihe table.
Air. AIASON, of Virginia asked for the yeas
aud nays on the motiou to print, which were also
T he question was then takeu on the motion to
lay the memorial on the table, and decided in the
affirmative, yeas 180, nays 31, ns follows:
YE\8—Messrs. B. Allan, Anthony. Ash,
Ashley, Bailey, Barton, Beale, Beau, Beardsley,
Bcamonr, Bell, Itockree, Bond. Boon, liouldin,
Bovoe. Boyd, Blown. Buchanan, lluucii. Burns,
J. Calhoou, Cnntbreleug, Campbell, Carr, Car
ter, Casey, (3. Chambers. J. Chambers. Chaney.
Chapman, Chapin, Claiborne,COFFEE. Coles,
Connor, Corwin. Craig, Cramer, Crane, Cush
man, Davis. Deberry. Dickerson, Doubleday,
Dromgoole. Dunlap, Effincr. Everett, Fairfield,
t'arlin. Forester, Fowler. French, Fry. Fuller.
W- K- Fuller, Galbraith. J. Garlnud, R. Gar
land, Gillet. GLASCOCK. Graham. Granger,
GRANTL \ \D, Graves, Grayson, Griffin, Haley,
J. Hall, Hammond. Hamiegnn, Hard, Hardin.
Marlin, S. S. Harrison, A- G Harrison, Hawes.
Hawkins. HAYNES, Hoar, Ilopkins, Howard,
Howell, Ilnur. Huntington, Huntsman, lngcr-
soll. Ingham, J. JACKaON, Jarvis, J. Johnson,
R. Al. Johnson. V. Johnson, II. Johnson, J- W.
Jones. Judson, It. Jones, Ketitimi, Kilgore. Kiu-
nard, Klingcusrnitb, Lane, Lausing, Lawler,
Lawrence, Lay, G. Lee, J- Lee, l.ea, Leonard,
Lincoln, Logan, I .avail. Lucas. Lyon. A. Mauu,
jr.. J. Mann, Martin, J. Y. Mason, W. Mason,
M Mason, jr.; s*. Mason, Alanty. May, AlcCom-
a«. McKay. AlrKcon, AIcKitn. Alerter, Milligan,
Al organ, Muldetibitrg. OWENS, Page. Parks.
Patterson. F. Pierce, J. A. Pearce. Pettigrew,
Phelps, Phillips, Pickens. Pinckney, Reed, John
Reynolds, Joseph Reynolds, Ripley, Kuaue, Ro
bertson., Seymour, Shepard, Sbepperd, Shields,
Shinn. Sickles, Spangler, Steele, Starcr, Suth
erland. Taliaferro, Taylor, Thomas, J. Thomson,
VV. Thompson, Toucey, TOWNS, Turner, Tur
rill, Underwood. Vauderpocl. Vinton, Wageuer,
Ward, Webster, Weeks, White L. Williams, S.
Williams, Wise—180.
NAYS—J. Q.. Adams. 11. Allen, Banks Bor
den. Briggs, VV. B. CkJIiouu. Clark, Cushing,
Darlington, Evans, G. Grenuell. j 1 "-* H. Hall,
Hamer, H axel fine, Henderson, (leister. Jlublcy.
VV. Jackson, Janes. Lapnrte, Love. Alnrris, Par
ker, D. J. Pearee, 1). Potts. jr„ Russell, Slade,
Sloaue, Sprague, Ward well, Whitlcsey—31.
So the memorial was laid oil the tabic.
[Air. Hamer rose and remarked, that as lie was
abseut from his scat when the question was ta
ken ou tho motion of the gentleman from Alniue,
relative to tho memorial ou the abolition of slave
ry in the District of Columbia, lie now asked
leave of tho House to record bis vote thereon ;
which was objected to,]
[Mr. Halsey of Ga., who was also absent,
made a similar motiou. which, being objected to,
ho moved to suspend the rules of the House, to
enable him to record his vote, but at jbe request
of Mr. Lane of ludiuna, ho withdrew his motion
for the pre-ent.]
Air. HULSEY then renewed his nintiou to
suspend tti£ rules of the House, to enable hint to
record his vote iu reference to the memorial on
the abolition of slavery iu the District of Colum
bia ; which was uegntived.
Perilous and horrife leap at the Falls of Niag
ara.—A few evenings siuce (says the Buffalo
W hig) a row and club fight occurred at a house
iu the immediate viciuity of the falls, ou the A-
uierican side, during which, a mau in attempting
to escape, rau towards the stairs, and jumping, as
he supposed, into » close thicket, slid down the
precipice about SO feet, aud then fell li9 feet ou
the rocks below. Wlieh Ion ini the next morning,
it trjs discovered that siunc.of his rbs were, bro
ken, his skull fractured, and his body severely
bruised. He was stiil alive yesterday. This
beats Sain Patch out and out—though he never
tneaut such disrespect.
New-York Dee. 14.
At a late hour this moruitig, the packet ship
Utica, Capt. Depeyster, arrived lroin Havre,
whence she sailed on tho 1st Nov, Our 1 .iris
Daners arc to the 29th of October inclusive.
Letters from the best sources, by the packet
ship Utica, say that a conciliatory AJessage oil
the part of our President* would put au end to
difficulty and ensure the payment of tne money.
The American Consul at Havre lufoi men Capt.
Depeyster on tho day ol husnUing. that he bad
no news respecting tho departure of Air. Barton.
The letters say that nothing had been determined,
and whether be would leave, remained undecid
Tho following is from the Gazette do t ranee
of the 28th:—
•. Yesterday a long conlerenco was helu be
tween the minister ol the fiuauces (Al. Humana)
and the duke de Broglie, after a visit by tho
charge des affairs of the Uuited States to the lat
ter. It is affirmed that M- Humanu is more than
ever determined to make uo payment witnout
full and complete satisfaction.”
Postscript We have just come into posses
sion of a document which wc have no doubt
gives us the exact history of the transaction at
The intcicourse between Mr. Barton and the
French goverumeut had been entirely courteous
and friendly. The Alinistry replied to Air., B’s
inquity, that as Mr. Livingston’s letter was writ
ten before the passage of tho Bill iu the Cham
bers, they were desirous of something subsequent
and that as the President of the United States bad
said he could say uo more, hut should refer the
matter to Congress, they waited to see what
would transpire ou the meeting of Congress, and
iu the mcuu time had forwarded despatches to
the French Charge at Washington. Mr. Barton
may possibly return, aud perhaps .is a conse
quence the French Charge also go home, hut that
these events ought not to be looked upon as ol
great importnuctvas it is confidently expected
that the explanation made at the meeting of Con
gress will be sufficient.
The Temps says that Al, de Broglie is unwil
ling that any controversy about a mere matter of
form should iuterrupt tho harmony between tho
two countries; while Al. Humanu, the .Minister
of Finauee, insists on absolute and nearexplaua-
tious. ilcuce a disagreement bet » ecu them.—
The Temps coutiuues : 44 Yestcday a long con
ference was held between Al. de Broglie aud AL
llumnuu, subsequent to a visit made by the
Charge d*Affaires of the United Slates to Al. de
Broglie. Al. Humauti, it is said, wastnore perti
nacious than ever not to make any payment w ith
out previous clear aud satisfactory explat.tious.’
The follow iug is from Galiguani of the 28th.
44 The Monilcur du Commerce is of the same
opiuiou with several oth -r Journals, as lately ex
pressed by them that uo rupture of Frauce with
the Uuited States is likely to take place, ami that
the Congress has already given sufficient demon
stration of peaceable intuitions to make this al
most certain.”
Copy of a letter from Alessrs. Rothschild and
Co., the Bankers of the American government at
Paris, to their correspondent in Philadelphia da
Paris, Oct. 23.—Public attention is very much
takeu up cow bj a note which it is said the A-
mericau Charge d’Affaires here as to deliver to
government, asking for the immediate payment
of wba: is due on the Treaty of ludemuity, with
out taking auy notice of the condition which the
chambers have thought proper to add in granting
the money, aud which unfortunately the minister
is by uo tncaiH at liberty to forego. We cannot
conceive that even the most puntilious assembly
could consider it against their national digui'y. or
that of and ol the parties concerned, to qualify,
by a few words, language which lias been sus
ceptible of an uupleasuut interpretation, aud
merely to express that it was not meant as inju
rious to the houor of a friendly ualiuu. Every
oue is persuaded th ;t the iutemioii of your hon
orable President never was to hurt the feelings of
Frauce. It seems to us impossible that such
sound policy as that by which your government
is guided, will permit such interests to be com
promised and put in jeopardy by a mere matter
of form, when ono party is quito ready ana w ii-
ling to pay, aud will bo satisfied with the simplist
admission*of its having acted honorably ; and the
great majority of people, conucetod with trade in
both countries, will no doubt do all iu their pow
er to prevent tbo tics which unite them being bro
ken by quarrels from which none have any good
to expert. Wc are therefore still confident of a
peaceable arrangement, and hoping to learu that
you concur in that opinion, we remain Yours &c.
A succession of entertainments had been given
at the Tuilcries, ou account of the visit of the
Belgian King and Queen, at which, rts we per
ceived in the Debates, all the diploinotic person
ages in Paris were present, CAeept Air. Barton.—
This may have been accidental, but it looks like
a symptom
It is reported, that some of the passengers in
the Utica state, lhai tho French Cabinet had de
termined not to give a final answer until they re
ceiveo the President’s Message, and Mr. Barton
would wait until that document was received.—
Others of the passengers are of opinion that he
would take passage, and come home iu the 8th
Nov packet.
The editor of the Ncw-York Star soys 44 It
is said that Air. Barton, according to instructions,
inane application to Gen. Sebastiana for the first
instalment of tho indemnity, aud was answered
that the French Government awaited tlic receipt
of the President’s Message. It is supposed that
Mr. B. will take passage by the next packet.
“From a source that can be depended i/frn.
we Icaru that “tho niouey will he paid, if the
President’* Alessage is characterized < by good
temper and discretion.” •..
From the New Orleans Bee of the 16tli Dei.
Passo Cavallo, Nov. 20,18515-
Sir.—I regret to iufurin you of the loss of the
Hannah Elizabeth, Capt. Chain, master, laic
from New Orleans. She was driven ashore on
the 10th iust. by the Alexicau Cruizer Bravo.—
The following particulars may. ho interesting to
you: ~ jy
Wh. u the news arrived at Alatngorda, that au
American vessel was pursued by a Alexicau man
of war. the whole village was up iu amis. A-
hout twenty of the citizeus, including the mem
bers of the comiiiiltco of safety and'vigilance,
immediately volunteered theit services aud em
barked in a sclir. w liicii was lying in port, deter
mined to exei t every nerve in behalf of the chase;
well knowing tho fate which awaited her- aud
her passengers, in the eveut of her being over
They proceeded with all possible celerity to
the Passo Cavallo; ('apt Wm A. Hurd, whose
previous services in the cause of Texas, aud well
tried courage and abilities, had procured him the
esteem aud confidence of the volunteers, was
chosen commander of the expedition, and there
~xtas o general disposition on board to muko an
attempt upon the Bravo, should they be so for- I
tunnte as |o fall iu with a thing so slippery— [
but she was’not to be seen. Tuc Hflnnfih ‘Eli-'
zabeth was descried alone near the point ofthe
peninsula, a desolate and ill fated wreck in the.
midst of tho breakers. Tho sight was tvell suit-'
cd to arouse the spirit'of the volunteers; and it
may be readily conceived that their ardor was
lmt little diminished on being apprised of so wel
come intelligence, as that the second lieutenant
ofthe Bravo with a prize crew _ was on board.
Thev disembarked and torming in order, ou they
marched, with a slow aud stenuy step. They
soon protected themselves on the bench within n
cable’s leugth ofthe wreck, aud in less than halt
an hour was aboard, and the Alexicau lieutenant
and twelve meu tinder his command, were made
prisoners at discretion-
It would be superfluous to say anything in
praise of the volunteers or the commanders Capt
Hurd aud Judge S3. Roads Fisher. The result
would have beou the same had the whole crew
of the Bravo bceu on board of the wreck. A
more miserable set of wretches than those who
are engaged as scanion in the Alexicau Na
vy. could hardly he raked out of ihe very refuse
ofthe earth: but they are honorable men; so are
they all, honorable men; but I will give you a
proof of it preseutly.
^Don Jose Victor Alatteos, 2nd lientenaut of the
Bravo, in reply to the questions of Judge Fisher
and Captain Hurd, informed 'hem that Captain
Chain, nine passengers and-three sailors »vete on
their way to the Maumoras iu said cruizer; he
had iutended sending the rest of the passengers
aboard of the Bravo, amounting to five or six in
uumher, but he lost his launch during the night
of the 13th ; lie was compelled therefore to re
tain them on the Hannah Elizabeth, and the
Bravo not choosing to writ for them any longer,
set sail for Matamoras.
)'e also informed them that the Bravo sailed
about a month aud a half siuce from Vera Cruz,
with orders to capture all vessels going to or
from the ports of Texas.
Now for ihe laws of nations and the chival
rous character of the Mexican navy. There
were about fif'ceti passeugars ou board the Ilau-
nah Elizabeth and several of them men of for time
ns well as respectability ; their truuks were or
dered upon deck—they thamsclves, or as many
as could bo sent at once, were o dered off to
the Bravo—all their baggage left behind for the
edification ol the prize crew I suppose- iu as
much as during the night, all th& truuks were o-
prued and pilfered—what other name cau you
give it—of all su-h useless toys as watches jew
elry, gold, and such other trifles as happened to
please the fastidious tatso of these chivalrous
gentry ! An affidavit of this fact was made by
one of the passeugers (Air T Porter of Nashville)
and transmitted lothc provisional goverumeut of
Furthermore the boarding officer in his solici
tude to secure a prize, even forgot to iuquire for
the schoouer’s manifests ; aud although not the
least resistance was made, the captain and pas
seugers were packed off to tho Bravo before it
was knowu that there was a solitary contraband
article ou hoard. Glorious privilege of the .Mex
ican Navy, to act in accordance with internatio
nal law only when it suits them not to act as pir
Don Matteos and his light fingered crew are
to be conducted to Sau Felipe do Austin; the
cargo has been brought ou shore and disposed of
at auction.
The sight of this vessel as she lay a helpless
tmss among the augrv breakers, was melaiicho
ly in the extreme. 1 certainly cannot blame
Capt Chain for attempting to make his escape
though I condemn his pusillanimity in making
no defence when it was so easy to make an ef
fectual oue ; for his fate would have been the
same whether ho had contraband goods on board
or not. If she was bound to any of the ports, of
Texas, she was liable to be seized ; such being
the case and Texas openly fighting against Cen
tralism in support of that Federal constitution
which every citizcu of the province was solemu
ly sworn to obey—fighting not as rebels hot in
inaiutaitiniice of those very principles which had
been guaranteed to them by the general Cong
ress of Alexico, she would certainly be justified
iu resorting to a system of reprisals, and she
ought to do it as tho most effectual way of pro
tecting her coast.
New-York, Dec. 17.
New York has been for fifteen hours in flames!
They arc not yet extinguished. A large section,
and that the oldest and mosl wealthy portion of
the city, is iu ruins; and whether the progress ol
the Destroyer is yet completely arrested, we cou-
uot tell. Siuce the conflagration of Moscow, no
calamity by fire, so extensive, and so dreadful,
has befallen any city in the world. The fire
broke ou*. in Merchant-street, in the triangular
block formed by Wall, William ami 1'carl-strcets,
at about nine o’clock last night. A fierce wind
was blowing from the northwest, and tho weather
so intensely cold as to render the efficient work
ing of the engines impossible. The cousequence
was, that the fire held tho mastery through the
night—spreading with great and destructive ra
pidity. It was an awful night for New-York,
and for the country. But wc can neither de
scribe the graiideur of the spectacle, nor its ter
rors, nor the desolation brought more distinctly
to view by the morning light. The arm of man
was powerless; and many of our fellow citizen.;
who retired to their pillows in affluence, were
bankrupts on awaking.
The fact of the pou crlcssness of the fijeinen.
from the almost instantaneous congelation of the
water, and the benumbing influence of tile cold,
increased tho consternation which prevailed a-
uiong the thousands of the agitated multitude,
who were witucsscs of the calamity—many of
them doomed to stand and see the destruction o(
their own fortunes, without being able to lift a
finger for the rescue. To arrest the flames was
at ouce seen to lie impossible, save by the blow
ing up of ranges ol buildings in advnute of tho
fire, that its progress might thus be interrupted.
But rite difficulty was to obtain powder—-none
of consequence being allowed in the city. A
sufficieu 4 supply, therefore, could not lie obtained
short ol the Navy Yard—whence, also, the May
or was obliged to send fora strong military force,
to preserve property from the swarms of robbers,
who are ever ready on such occasions. [What
a commentary upon the depravity of inan !]
Such is ii;9 confusion that prevails, aud such
tho difficulty of minting one’s way among the
smoke, and fire, and heated ruins, that i- is im
possible to detail particulars with any preieusioil
to accuracy. Below, we have given the account
prepared for the Mercantile Advertiser, one of
the two Surviving morning papers, at the late
heur tit which that paper was put to press. The
conflagration continued to extend for some hiihrs
afterwards. The tender may form some opiuiou
of tho muguitude of the calamity, by the follow
ing statement, prepared by consulting the map,
after we had walked around the ruins for the pur
pose of a deliberate survey.
South side of Wall-street, from William-street
to East river, including the Merchant’s Exchange,
aud excepting some three or four buildings be
tween Merchant st. (form -rly Hanover) nud
Pearl. Also from William to Broad, buildings
not destroyed, but injured in the rear.
Exchange-street, both sides, from Broad street,
crossing \\ illiam to Alcrcbant-sticet — tin- Gar
den-street church was embraced in this section.
A.lerchauts-street (formerly Hanover) boihsides,
from Wall to Hanover square.
Willinm-stroof, both sides, from Wall-street to
Hanover square.
Pearl-street, both sides, from Wall-street to
Coeuties slip, including the whole sweep of Han
over square.
Stone-street, from Hanover square to the inne
leading to the head of Coeuties slip.
Exchange-street, and part of Heaver street,
from Pearl itearly to Broad.
Water-street, both sides, from Coffee House
slip to Coeuties slip.
Front-street, both sides, from Coffee House slip
to Cocnties slip.
South-street, from the same to the same.
South side of Coffee House slip, from Pearl-
street to the East River,
Both sides of Old Slip, (including the Frank
lin market) from Pearl-street to tiie East Rivet.
Notth side of Coeuties Slip, from Pearl-st. to
the river.
James’ Lane. Gouverncur’s Lane, Cuyler’s al
ley and part of Alill-sireet.
Scvcufeeu blocks of buildings, of tbo largest
aud most costly description, are totally destroyed;
the large block between Wall-street and Ex
change place, bounded on the west by Broad-
street, that between Exchange place aud Beaver-
street, frdtitiug ou Broad-street, aud that between
Beaver and Al ill-streets, also frootiug or Broad,
arc greatly injured, aud may almost be said to
be destroyed—except the single range of stores
(routing oil Broad street. The number of build
ings it is impossible to ascertain, but it is estima
ted between 700 and 1000. The amount of pro
pel ty de- troytd is incalculable
Those acquainted with out city will at. once
perceive that nearly tho eulire seal of its greatest
commercial transactions has been destroyed. It
is not, probable ilia: the destruction of auy giv> u
section, of any other city iti the world, of equal
extent, would have involved a greater number *>f
men.- The destruction of goods, of every de-
s«'iiptioii that can be enumerated, has been im
mense ; and what yet farther magnifies the ca
lamity is the fact, that the nortion of the city thus
destroyed, is ono which has been almost entirely
rebuilt within tho last five or six yenr>, and was
covered on every hand with the most noble and
substantial ranges of mercantile edifices perhaps
iu the world.
Before the gunpowder.was used in blowing up
houses, there were many loud reports, occasion
al explosions of powder, aud casks of spirits —
During the w hole night the scene was oue of aw
ful terror, and indescribable grandeur. The
drought of the season had contributed to tile com
bustibility of the matter, and the rapidity with
which house after house, aud range after range,
were wrapped in flames, was truly astonishing.
The wind being high, large flakes of fire were
borne whirling aloft through the dark vault of
heaven with fearful splendor. From the direc
tion of the wind—to which. uttderiProvidctice,
the salvation of perhaps the whole city is owing
—the city of Brooklyn was considered in danger;
and the flakes of fire were borue along in quanti
ties beyond Flatbusb-
The buildings on Exchange piaco liaviug be
come involved iu the conflagration, the flames
communicated to the Merchant’s Exchange ilse’f,
the exemption of w hich had been so strougl}
confided in, that a large amount of goods was
desposited there for safety. Before these could
he removed, aud the numerous tenants of that
edifice could remove their private property, the
fir- communicated to the roof, and this soon fall ,
mg iu, carried with it tho wall at the east eud of
tho tiuildiug. beneath which several persous are
said to have beeti buried alive. The splcudid
dome of the Exchange, after sending columns of
flame to ail immense height for halt' an hour, un
til It was reduced to a body of fire, fell in with
a tremendous crash, burying the clegaut statue «I
Hamilton in the ruins.
At the time the fire on Pearl-street reached
Hanover square, tlio largo space of ground was
filled with piece goods promiscuously piled to
gether. aud much of tTiis property was of the
most valuable Kiud. So unexpectedly aud ra
pidly did the flatnes extend ou both sides of the
square, that an unsuccessful attempt was made
to remove it, for much of it was destroyed in the
street, and the residue, though deposited at a still
greutcr distance in stores otherwise, was shortly
afterwards consumed. Dr. Matthews’s cburili
had been made a depository for goods in the early
part of tbe fire, which were of course entirely
consumed with the building, leaving untiling but
the bare walls.
With the Exchange, the public has sustained
a loss iu the fine arts which is greatly to be re
gretted. Wc refer to the statue of Hamilton,
erected by the inutiificence of our merchants dur
ing the present year, in the centre ofthe rotunda,
of that building. That, which was designed to
remain for ages, is in eight months precipitated
from its pedestal, am! is mixed with the ruins of
the ill fated structure ii was creeled to adorn.
The mere amount of property wasted and tie
stroyed, uot by the flames, but in the confusion
ami hurry, and desperation ol tile time, is proba
bly equal to the entire loss at ordinary fires. It
is lamoutable to see the piles of costly furniture
—rich tnahogauy tables, with marble tops, side
boards, sofas, fee., broken and heaped tip like
worthless rubbish ; rich merchandizes- -silks, sat
ins, broadcloths, fine muslins, and every species
of faucy dry goods, trampled under foot; pack
ages halfburnt—boxes of cutlery ami hardware
burst opcu, and their contents scattered iu the
mud—-bottles of wine broken—and in short,
thousands upon thousands and toils uf thousands
of dollars lying wasted around, iu the form cf ru
ined mcrchoiHlizes.
Carmen ami porters were heapiug goods upon
carts, harrows, iti coaches a:*d omnibuses, the
Battery and Bowling Green are thickly studded
with piles of goods, some in boxes, others just as
they were' snatched from the shelves ; marines,
with fixed bayonets, patrolling among- them for
protection agniust marauders; and till eyes fixed
upon the volumes of dense black smoke, whirl
ing away before wind—flames darting ami roar
ing from the roofs and windows of whole streets
—walls tumbling to the gronud and the fiiemeu
worn out with their exertions and almost dis
couraged from farther efforts, vainly striving to
make head against the .flames, which seemed to
mock all human skill aud power.
Amidst this dreadful destruction, we are hap
py to announce that the shipping have uot -us-
tained any material injury. A vast number of
them were lying at the docks between Murray’s
wharf and Uo**ntic’s slip, and at oue time we had
our fears that the whole w ould have been de
stroyed. The water was very low, nud they
could not, for some time, gi t away. Th« brig
Pow.'tatau was on fire, but it was soon extinguish
ed, and all, except one Br. brig in Coeutie’s slip,
filially got into thp stream where they are now at
, In nil cases of great public or Individual calail-
ities, especially those occasioning loss of proper
ty, the first impressiius aud first reports, are of
course greatly exaggerated. And before con
cluding this hasty and very imperfect account,
wo take leave to caution the public abroad a-
gainst giving credence to first reports. The ca
lamity is indeed a terrible one, and the losses will
be immense. Bui still wo are warranted in the
belief (bat the burden will principally fall iu such
a manner that it will be borue without shaking
the credit of the city, or checking its prosperin
for any considerable length of time. YVe take it
for granted—-nay, it is admitted on all hands--,
dint the fire insurance companies are all ruined.
Some will not bo able to pay fifty cents ou tin
dollar of their policies, ana others’, perhaps, uo
more than twenty-five--while others may hr
rather more fortunate.
Postscript, one o'clock P- Jf.—The firo has
t been mastered, aud we rejoice to lean, n
) cross Coemies «lip, nor advance aiw r aci
south upon Pearl-st. y Ia nh«r
Additional Particulars.
From estimates made, it is stated th
buildings were destroyed, viz : 79 , M j, ‘"l 31 6l3
37 South-street; 76 Water-street - 81) t- f( *l;
16 Merchant-street; 62ExchangeVlace^n'?'*
change-street; 44 William-street; 3;t rii.J' 1 '
16 Comities Slip; 60 Stone-street• 3
square; 23 Beaver-street; 20 Govern-^ •
10 Jones’ Lane ; 50 Cuyier’s Alley • ag
William Redmond, importer u’r li 1 5 ' n '
British dry goods, in Merehaut-st., lost
Alessrs. J. Campbell. & Co. pap/ ,*•
w ho were burnt out at the great fire i/t tn
in August last, aud bad removed iuto Al ."h”'
street, while their store was rebuildin. 1 ,SI '
whole stuck. * fo ?lWc
Mr. Stephen Whitney had j us t h -i
stores, at au expense of $ 10,000 eaoh— u ^
leveled with the ground—no insurance^
In that unusually large space, calied || n „
Square, where every body thought the romp ?
ed there would be perfectly sale, there 6 tv*^
cumulated from diestock of all the French!,’ Jc '
a mass of siiks, satins, laces, cartons of j ^
gloves, capes Cashmere shawls, and the ri
kinds of faucy articles, forming a pile,,ffti ,
wide by 20 feet iu heigi.t, or nearly (
square. In a few minutes nftenvards a»J**}
flame, like a streak of lightning, C am e f® ',,
N. C, comer building, and shooting ac
square, blown by the -trong wiuu, set 6rcto,k!
entire mass, w hich in a few moments nw *
sumed to cinders, and theu communicated
houses opposite. ltc
The naval store-house at Brooklyn, across th
rivei, caught fire several times, but the
werepiomptly subdued.
The loss of **'reueh goods will fall hesvi'v M
the Lynns .Manufacturers, as an immenseamwa
destroyed w as ou consignment.
One hundred aud twenty-three Souses ( au
the New-York Courier S,- Enquirer) l-avt /aJe
returns of their losses, the totalof w hich amour,
to S3.353.0U0, exceeding what was«Bliripatedu
so small a number, but the belief still exist* it-'
it w ould not exceed S12.000.000.
The Hammer of the City Hall Bell wasbmser
—probably from its constant employment audit*
intense cold of the weather during the ui»Li if
the fire.
fio rar as discovered, there was uot a veolt ii
the Merchants’ Exchange of the least value—
every paper was consumed in hem.
All the daily papers are agaiu published as be
tial. Some of them have risen, like Pheaii,
from the ashes.
Among the ruins of the Exchange, the Jersey
Little Fails Co. dug out their Iron Chest, cot-
taming $23,000 iu bills—-aU secure.
Tbe light of the fire wasdistinctly seenatXei.
Haven. Two Fire Companies from .N'eari,
reached N. York at 7 o’clock ou Thursday mm-
ing, aud were of great service iu extiuguish'ugiht
The passengers in the steam boat contiu;den
the liver, saw the flames from the Highlands,lit
ty-fivc miles distant, and such was the viol rated
the gabs, during the prevalence ofthe fire, fix
burning embers were carried across the East it
er, autf set fire to the roof of a housa there, M
was, however, speedily extinguished.
Some of the Insurance Compauies, thcCi/y
the U. Stales and the East Rivet, have«an»
ccd tbeii ability and iuteution to pay all cl:;i
against them. The Globe, whose respouribib-ii
exceed one mi lion, aud several ofthe other «-
fices, with large capitals, it is ascertained.vii
tie able to pay nearly all the claims upon the*I
These payments, however, it is said, willc:--'
the saertfire of most of their capitals.
On the French Relations.
Whereas, the unjustifiable and waut«isp*|
lions committed on the property of the otiK
of the U. S. by the then existing GoveitwM
France, have too long remained wusa;::
uttntoned for,—and :is our government bs* 5
rinbly respected the rights o; other nations
at the same time it bus with ntildi'css iw-
uess, maintained its own: laying it 1
maxim, uot to demand what was wrung, «'*•
render that which is right.
and Whereas, France, by a solemn!' j
bound herself to pay u .specific sum for it' -'
linuous, and also subsequently has both -)
King, as well ay by tne two component ptfj
her government, continued to ackuottWp'j
justice: inn recently has pretetdedtf““l
fence, at tbe language usco’ by the 1’n
bis constitutional communications to <
and required that concessions should !
therefor, previous to the stipulated payoff j
mg made: thus assuming a right to
our domestic relations. However
France may beou points of natioual .
qually so are the A merieairpeople of
common country—Proud of our govern^'',
ed ou the immutable righ s of inaii-*"*'^
our free nnd euligbteued institution*. **
prouder still, by the increasing energies 1 ]
people, wh u forced into collisions with" 1 J
ttons : no attempt at dictation can be
ttor shall tho bright charactci ofonrf ’
tarnished by concession. With a , viC V„
correct erroneous opinions, respecting 1
meets of our citizens on this subject,
viucc their undiiniuLhed confidence
al government; . -j
Be it Resolved, That the present .
deem it a solemn duty on this grave q‘ ! _ I
express their approbation of tbe c,,u ^||;
by the President w ith respect t® **?
France, and do give their unqualifies
the impartial light iu which he f> aa F\
subject in his late message to Co»r rf * > ',
Resolved, That os oue of the c
states of this glorious Republic. ffe . w
ever ivili consent, that any couces-io , j.
made bv the Executive. asrequi fC I 5
Iter of Deputies of the French
Resolved, That the people of *,*1
themselves to sustain the Genera
while pursuing our just claims ° ^ .
such as are best calculated to 01:1111 , r Ji)i|
aud untarnished honor and ebarae j
ted States. , .v.
Resolved. That his Excellency
he requested (o forward copies 01 ,
to the President of tiie U- t>,;,le Vn „
Congress and our Senators am l i
iu Congress.
The following is a Iwi fl * 11
passed by the last Legi-d^m*'
To appropriate money lor Ut«^
ermneut, for tbo political ve:,r ) o,;| k
To incorporate tiie_('0 ,,, [‘ l j
both ^
inking Company of GeotfW 1 ,
To authorise the Judges oft 4 j
to audit all account* for costs,
till expenses attending d )e , nrlTl \ 0 f e
uf Cherokee Indians- for cron* ‘
Cherokee Circuit- W 1 * 1
To add a part of tbo Academic.
School Fund of Hall county* . j B f,
To sell, with the consent
i Ots of Land drawn 1e r aa dufes 1
returned and condemned n* , Ifl j
To keep open l'lii!* irfish
^tructions to the free passage
, aud <*•**