Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, January 21, 1836, Image 1

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> >F'^' V ^ .'(.fins of Subscription. „ l)ou..w,P aiiin Matter, trill pay for the pa- T ‘ !K Mr Fir* Ooi-LAns, paid in advance, trill pay ft**!'' ' ,. r0 years. To Dollars, paid in advance id ,k 'f'L r ike paper fire years. t& P"*- l „aidiwithin six months after the year has "“'I? firu Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum '•"/wXrr'W. If " ut P aili untl1 end °f <Ae y ,jer > firOsBar* per annum will be charged—with interest tkr'J ur Tcri , iS of Advert isiuK. . nisements not exceeding one. hundred words, half ' or ticcJce brevier lines, will be inserted one time dollar. H'hm more than one insertion is given, ■t r for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance, “^'rlmiehidi a \h duet ion of one fourth will be made, when Collectors'and Coroners' Sales areehar- JJcertisers will be allowed two squares in each ' ta 'i'or Twenty Dollars per annum; and in the same Whir a larger spare—pa yalde auartcrly. Tie rrpts-'S of our business, and the state of the time s w .,in- mat these terms should be rigidly adhered to^ *- TlnSw YOKE cV DAKlEiN Line.of Packets. ItKIG Amelia Strong, J. Cliaee, Master, Premium, Mr. Matthews, “ new " Darien, C. P. Buckley, “ •• “ Macon, A. Bibbins, “ Srl.r. 1>. B. Crane, T. Baker, “ i]| -no-I and substantial vessels, well calculated for the ; “j' vv jj|, good accommodations for passengers, and Miifricnc' d commanders. One of the vessels will al- ^ ; ,t each end of the Line to receive freight, and _j], ,j| r( .«nlarly once a week. Shippers by this line ‘ f |)Vct fnsnrance at five eighths per cent and they , upon the vessels being regularly despatched. TV saiiscribers are also agents for several Steamboats r„n regularly during the boating season between Ihri „. Ilaivkinsvilte, and Macon, and are induced to believe that they can give great facilities in forwarding . uJ: destined for the interior of tho Ssate. s HAW PS & MITCHELL, Agents. lories, 1st July. 1835 *1 pioneer Steam Boat £Ant. *3iagiaQ «®8s©aa^ h I A'lit irmsportation to and from Macon, is now in ^ complete order. A superior new Steam Boat "led “David Crockett" with two powerful Engines, first rate freight boats have been built since the close of the Inst season and placed on the line. Strum llout Pioneer, Capt. Goodwin, David Crockett, “ M'Cormick, will ply regularly between Darien and Macon, one of iiiem leav ins Darien about ,once a week with freight bain in tow. Stcaa Boat 0HA&&S32©3J. Capt. Bonnell, »;ilrun constantly between Darien and Savannah, -.oda'Jord tlic greatest despatch to Colton. The subscriber's whole attention is devoted to fiieili- tatinj transportation between Macon and the Sea peris, lie has invested a iarge sum to put his line in ihc mist complete order, and believes that liis arrange- »■ nts to; giv ,n; despatch to freight and keeping it in pi 11 order, while in his care, will make it the interest of Cation Slii|ipers and Merchants ordering goods, to con'iimc their favors. At Darien lie has secure and convenient Warehouses for reception of Goods, and his Wiiarvcs there are covered with sheds* width enables him to keep all Cotton shipped on his Buts under shelter and protected from the weather while landed for reshipnient. JAMES R BUTTS l ( V T=. Hot.cojtck, Pkck & Cr,., Charleston, K. P. Bcrrs, Savannah, J. T. Rowland, Darien I). 11. Halstead, Hawkiusiille. Macon, Nov. IS, 1H34 —22 Jlttcou Steam Boat Company. Stcaaihoit SUPERIOR, Capt. George Wiilco do. EXCEL. •• J. L. Willcox. T HIS company have now their line of Bents in complete order for freighting. They have a now steamboat added to their line called the Superior. and ten Tow-Boats. The 15 at* will run regularly be two "n Macon and Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every five or six days with tow-boats. The company have nmv sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats,built express ly fur the navigation o r the Ocmnlgee and AUamalia mars; these increased facilities will enable the com pany the means of giving llio greatest Despatch to cotton or goods shipped by their line. Tiiev have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and' >av.ann.ah. anil Darien and Charleston. There are nl'O, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and New York, which come to Hawes & Mitrhcl, of Darien. Agents for the abort Dents : J. GODDARD, Macon. Dover., Husky & Waiter, Charleston. I- Hu.dwis & Co. Savannah, Hawes aV itrronm, Darien, •Ii:o. K. Roberts, Ilawkinsvillc, ^l.acon, 24th Dec., 1835. 2fi Or mat gee Steam Boat Company. T IiIS c ompany will be prepared to commence bu siness, early in the next season—They will have line of Packets between New York, and Darien and steam vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon —Theageuts in New York, Charleston, nnd Savannah, will oi> authorised to contract for the delivery of goods m Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi ate rhnrge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton 'DiiuraUe in Savannah, Charleston, and New York— The company’s vessels and boats, will be of first class with experienced commanders, nnd no expense will be. '?i«d to meet tho patronage of the public. PH. R. YONGE& SONS, Agents in Darien. env "7tl» 1835 40 COAliWlftJJSIOJN ISUSiJYESS, At Darien* 6a. ' dlHF. undersigned have resumed business e.s a- M. bove, and will ns heretofore pny prompt atten- ban tn all business entrusted to their care. We believe wv have made arrangements that will enable ns at all ’tti'fs to forward goods for tho interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad- •iii;. nr in extreme low river by small tints or lighters, “'hit expressly fir that business. On our wharves ;lr -‘ Urge Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot* ,n n at the least possible expense, nnd otir opportunities k* forward cotton inland or coastwise, arc not cxcccd- *'•' •'} any other House _ . HAWES &. MITCHELL. Jjirien. May 20,18:35. 40 Commission Hisstucsr;, xinricn. r I<HE Undersigned have firmed a Copartnership lor til** purpose of transacting n general Com- •uissmn and other business under the firm of ... _ , . SNOW & ROGERS, •j oiler the,r services to their friends, and tho public H'ScralJ-,-’j n the above business. Forwarding Good* * !fcl Produce to and from the interior of the Stale, will '•'■■ •'e particular attention. It may lie proper to b>te mat they have no connection, with any of the l; Mm bnii ponat ion linos; Goods for the interior will •i-.viys ba shipped by those who will probably give •aiu the greatest despatch.. , , ISAAC SNOW, Ja » 1.1*36 28 _ GEO. T. ROGERS 81 H i; lUndersigned tenders his thanks to hisfrionds t ®. bit the liberal patronage he has for many yea s rrceivo i. and assure* tliem tlmt the same zeal with dir'~' V*-®*** hwlividnsl capacity he applied himself, vvi|' cfiV-rt* in protecting those interests which v ■’? cc ufidedtothe now eslablisliment. 2- —^uien, Jju. i, ji8:}6 ISAAC SNOW’. B ALMANACKS FOR 1836. * Hio Gross, Dozen, or single, tor sale by CHAS. CAMPBELL. WARE HOUSE And Btrsrasss. rax 11E u ndersigned begslea ve to infirm his friends & Ji. public generally, that he will continue the above business in all its various branches at the old stand for-, merlv occupied by Bennett <fc Carter in East Macon, vtiero he oners aT the usual facilities in business by making liberal advances on produce stored with him, or on shipments to hi> friends in Savannah,{Charleston, or New York. His Ware Houses arc conveniently sit uated near the river, and remote from other buildings which renders them quite secure from danger by fire. Insurance can bu.ieffected at lowest rates if required. The undersigned will give his whole attention to the above business nnd hopes to receive a portion of pub lic patronage. A General assortment of Groceries will be constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest prices. H. K. CARTER, sept. 9 11 GROCERIES WARE HOUSE Jlnd mm 1 t TT«TS^3COWr feSS. /< 4 corge Jewett &co. respectfully inform their X. M frieuds and the public generally, that they have added the Ware House and Commission Business to that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware louse i-i'iv-nieut v situated on second street, near ly adjoini ig tlieirstore. All cotton consigned to tliem, eulier i>> < t usu,~i» or dealers in the article, or or ders to sell or buy iu this market, will be promptly attended to. Thev have also a convenient close storage house for the reception of merchandize from the country ; the receiving and forwarding of which, will receive particular share of their attention. Liberal advan- -,s will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to my market, when desired. They also have ou hand, aud expect shortly to re live a large and general assortment of GROCERIES, DRYGOODS S\'c. fyc. Such as. St. Croix and Portorico& Havannasngars, Cuba. Rio and Java coffee, Liverpool salt, Swedes Iron, Nails, Brails, cast, German and blister steel. Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack ing, Oznaburghs, Negroes cloths, shoes, bats raps, r'aoks. Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, Sets Blacksmith tools, castings,’ Hardware, Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets. Wax Calf skins, &e. Which they will sell on os good terms as can be had in this market. ■SVpt 10. 11 J s: b\ 15T KliVSON. 4 T the store formerly occupied by J. Abrahams ifcco. on Cottou avenue auu aexi uuor u> < atrick A Martin on dd st has now on hand a very select am: choice assortment of Dry Goods &c. entirely fresh am nr sale at reduced prices also 50 hltds prime sugars. 20 N. O. molasses. 150 Bags coffee. 120 lib's ". "m Cog Brandy, II. Gin. J. Rum, Malaga, Madeira, Mnrsaillcs, Port and Lisbon Wines, Noyeau, pepper mint, Cinnamon, Rose, and Life of man cordials, Ci gars, snuff, tobacco, lump sugar, powder, tea, choc ulate, pepper, .spice, indigo, salacratus, ginger, starch, soap, lamp oil. pickled pork, prime bagging, salt, cas- 13 II ■f.icon Sept 22d. EUSTONU RUSSELL, (If the Trite Firm nt Russell Sf Dickinson, on ronxKn of third asd mulberry streets. AS Just received from New-York anii Boston and is now opening a very large aud general as sortment of, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, &c. &c. All o; Which will he sold at very reduced nrices.— HIS STOCK IN PART CONSISTS OF, Blankets—Rose Duffle and Point, Various sizes and qualities. Flannels—Red, Wiiite, Green, and Yellow, Green Baize, aud Drugget. Satiuets—A Complete assortment of Various qua- ities and colours. Bombazines—Boinbnzetls aud Circassians. Prints—French, Lnglish, and American flalest pat crus.) .Muslins—French, striped, plaid and plain Cambru and Jackonett Muslins, do Swiss, Figured, and plain. Ginghams—.Small and large plaid and stripe, Ya» ’- ty of paterns. Silks—Italian, Gro de Swiss, Gro do Nap, Polt de Souis. do Lustrings, senshews, snrsanets, and Florences, Also, a few paterns of Figured, (new style.) Cliallys—Black, and Figured. Linens—l-4ths Irish a tine selection (and cheap.) do 5-4ths-Shecting. do G A 8-4 ths Table, do Covers. Han lkrrchicls—A fine selection of Ladies Fancy Consisting of Chally Thibet, Mosaic Ganse. Herman Satin, Bagdad aud Black Love,—Also, Ladies Linen Cambric, and Long Lawn, Gentlemens Pongee, Spit- tlcfield Bandanna and Flag. Hosiery—Ladies plain and Clocked Cotton, plain and Ribbed, Worsted, plain and Ribbed, White aud Black silk—Also, Gentlemens Lamb’s Wool, Cotton and Silk,half,White and mixed. Ribbons—Black White and Colored Taffetas, Gausc and" Garnet urc. Laces—Wide Boinct Footing, Cambric Inserting and Edging, Thread Inserting and Edging, Blonds Edging, Worsted do. Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw and Silk. Marseilles Quilts—Superior article and cheap. Domestics—Bleached and unbleached shirtings, do do Sheetings. 7-3 cotton Oznaliurgs. col’ddo do (suitable for negroes’ clothing.) 3-4 and 7-8 Plaid Ginghams. . Furniture, do Tickings—Delaware, Hudson, Dorchester, and Amoskeag, together with a large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemans Cloaks Umbrellas, Parasols, Ifats, Shoes, iYc. .4l,o a large slock of Groceries, viz: AAA BAGS CoffufS Portorico Java Laguira ®jS> ■<! D and St Domingo. 50 hhds. Sugar St. Croix Portorico and N. Orleans. 6 Boxes Lump do. 8 do Brown and White Ilavanna, do. IS Hhds New Orleans Molasses. lOOBbls N. E. Rum. * 75 do. Whiskey. 100 do Gin. Tipes Cog Brandy, Jnmaieo^nd St. Croix -Ruui, nnd Holland Gin. Bbls Cicily Madeira, Port, Lisbon, .Marseilles, Muscat and Sweet Wines Salmon Fish, No. 1 3Iackerel, do. 3 Herring, do. (in Boxes). sop* 10 12 — AUEiMCV AaN1> commission /N DARIUS. T HE undersigned remms his thanks to his friends or ‘.he liberal support which he has heretofore recuivwd Irotn them in tlie above liue of busiucss, and solicits a continuance of their patronage. Ilis arrange ments for conducting business, and particularly in gi- J ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce & merchandize and protecting them while in his charge, are at least equal to those of any others in his line, lie will spend the summer in aud in the vicinity of Darien, and anv business addressed to him will receive his per siim! and prompt attention V I JOHN T. ROWLAND 15 oaz. Gentlemen's MFafs, 1 .4 OR sale very cheap. The snbscriber desirous of . disposing of his enure stock ol HATS, will sell them at very reduced prices, and many of them at the ‘ ~ 'iffi ^ usual cut at t nov 10 ! manufactory. WM II BURDSALL. AM ACT. To amend an Act entitled an Act to Incorporate the Central Rail Road and Canal Company of Georgia, to alter and change the name of the said company, and to give to said Company, Banking Powers and Privileges. Section 1. Be ii Enacted Ifc,, That for the purpose of laying, building, and making a rail road communication from the city of Savannah to the interior of the State, the subscribers to the Central and Canal Company of Geor gia, and such other persons as shall take Stock under tins act, and their assigns, shall hereafter be a body corporate, by the name nnd style of “The Central Railroad and Bankino Com pany or Georgia,” and by the said corporate name shall lie, and are hereby made capable aod able in law to have, purchase, receive, possess, ei joy and retain to them and their successors, lands, reut^. tenements, hereditaments, goods chattels anil effects, of whatsoever kind, nature oi qualitf the same may be, and the same Ur sell, grant, demise, aliene.ordispose of; to sue and be sued, plead and lie impleaded, answer and be an swered unto, defend and be defended in courts of record, and also to make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter or renew at their pleasure; and also by and through their Board of Directors, to ordain, establish, and put in execution such by-laws, rules and regulations as shall be necessary and convenient for the gov erning of the said corporation, as to them may or shall appertain : Provided, that such by-laws, rules and regulations shall r.ot be contrary to the laws and constitution of this Stale and ol the United States, nor to the rules, regulations, res- ifictinns and limitations herein prescribed. Pro tided that said incorporation shall not purchase aud hold more real estate than maybe necessary and pioper. for the purpose of laying, building and sustaining said Railroad, and such ns shall have been bona fide mortgaged to it as security, or conveyed lu it in satisfaction of debts previ ously contracted, in the course of its dealings or purchased at sales upon judgements which shall have been obtained lor such debts. Sect. 2. And he it enacted. That the stock of the Company shall consist of three millions of dollars in shares of $100 each, nnd that the said company to be formed on that capital; of which capital one half may be used for Banking purpo ses. and not more, except, as is hereinafter pro vided by the 5th and 8th sections of this act, be fore the completion of the work. \Vh- u n any capital stock unemployed, may be used iu addi tion for banking purposes. Provided, that twenty- five percent it in of each instalment to be used for banking purposes, be paid in specie. Sect. 2. And beit enacted, That books of sub scription to the stock of said company shall again be opened at time and places ns shall be appointed by the Corporation of Savannah, and shall remain open at each place fi r the space of two days, giving nt least thirty days notice in the gazetts of Savannah, Macon and Milledge- vilte. And on the opening of such hooks the Commissioners shall require from those who have alre-td> subscribed for stock in the said company the payment of the further sum of $20 on each share so subscribed, and on the failure of any such subscriber to pay the said instalment on said stock so required, the right of such subscri ber to be considered a stockholder shall be for feited and such subscriber shall bn entitled tn re ceive liavk from Hie company the instalment of Si already paid. And the said Commissioners shall be authorised to recsire further subscriptions to stock of said comply, and to re quire the naymmit on each share of such new subscription o! the sum of $25. And on the closing ihe hooks of subscription, the Commis sioners for places other than Savannah, shall forthwith transmit the books of subscription and the money by them respectively received, to the Commissioners at Savannah, who shall consoli date all the subscriptions ; and if, on consolida tion, a greater number of shares than 30,000 shall have heen subscribed foi, it shall be the du ty of said Commissioners to scale down said sub scription from the new subscriptions, leaving to those who are at the time of the passage of this act already subscribers, and who shall have paid up the additional sum of $20 per share, the full amount of slock suscribed for by iliem at this time, and reducing the new subscriptions from ihe largest of such subscriptions, Provided, that such reduction shall be made in such manner as that no subscription shall be reduced in amount while any new subscription remains larger. Sect. 4. And be it tnacled. That for the well ordering the aflfaiisol the said corporation, there shall be nine Directors, to be chosen by the stock holders or proprietors of the capital stock of said company, at a time and place to be designated hy the Commissioners at Savannah, after they shall have received twenty-five pei cent on the amount subscribed and after thirty days notice of such election shall havebecn given in the gazettes of Savannah. Macon and Milledgeville, when a plurality of votes given in shall be necessary to make a choice; and those who shall iie chosen shall be capable of seiving as Directors until the first Monday in January next ensuing the lime of such election ; when and on which day in eve ry ensuing year thereafter a like election for di rectors, shall be hail and held. And the said Di rectors, at their first mealing after such election, shall choose by a vote of at least a majority of the Board of Directors, one of their number ns Piesidcnt ; and in case of Ilis death, resignation, permanent removal from the State, or from the Board of Direclois. the said directors shall pro ceed in like manner to fill the vacancy by a new clrciioo for the remainder of the term for which he shall have heen so elected, and if from any cause it should happen that an election of direc tors should not be made on the day when, pur suant to this act, it ought to have been made, the same may be lawfully made an other day, to be provided for bj the by-laws of said corporation ; and in case of the death or resignation of a di rector, or vacancy in the Board from any nthor cause, such vacancy shall and may be filled tip by an election to he had at the first meeting of tho Bo>rd after the occurrence of such vacancy, i>y ihe remaining directors. And if from any cause or casualty, the Board ol Direclois shall be reduced to a number less than five, it shall and may be lawful for the remaining directors to or der an election, to tie held after thirty days no tice by the stockholders, to supply such vacancy, and to make up a full Board for the remainder of the term. Sect. 5. And be il enacted, That Ihe direc tors who shall in manner aforesaid he first elected, sli ill, so soon as the Board shall have heen or ganized, receive from the said Commissioners • lie money received by them from the stockhol ders as aloresaid. and shall immediately thereaf ter prepare and in good faith pioceed to lay, build and erect a Kail road communication from tlie city of Savannah to Macon, and shall appro priate and apply of the money so received on subscription at least the sum of $250,000and shall commence hanking operations, and may apply and appropriate to that purpose the re mainder of the money so received on subscription, and also such money as may he patd hy the stock holders in advance of a call, Ptovidtd, Nothing contained in ibis act shall he so construed as to authorize said company to apply more than one half of their stock to banking purposes until the completion of said road. Seel. 0- And be il enacted. That the direc tors for the lime being shall have power to choose and appoint a subordinate l«md of directors, (to he called the Board of Works) to conduct the powers as may ba necessary to enable it to ac coniplith the purposes of its appointment. And shall have further power to appoint a Cashier, aod such other servaots vs shall bo necessary for executing the business of said corporation, aud lo allow to them and the president, (and if deem ed advisable, to the members of the hoard of works aforesaid,) such compensation for llieii services respectively as sball he reasonable AdiI the said principal Board of Direclois shall lie ca pable of exercising such other powers and au thority foilllie well governing and ordering the af fairs of the said corporation as to them shall ap pear conductive to the interest of the same. Sect. 7. And be it enacted. That the Board ol Directors may in its discretion establish branches of its banking powers not exceeding three, one of which shall he at Macon, at snrli places nnd at such times as may to it seem ex pedieut. Provided, that such other branches shall not ho placed within any incorporated town or city, contrary to the wishes of a majority of its citizens. Sect. 8. And be it enacted. That the said board of directors sball have power to call in such further and other instalments on the capital stock subscribed, as it shall think proper; and the fail ure of any stockholder to pay any instalment so called in, wilhin the time appointed for the pay ment thereof, shall opirrato a forfeiture of the share or shares on which such failure to pay shall have been incurred ; which share or shares so forfeited, and alf-payments theretofore made, sh ill accrue to the benefit of the said corpora tion, to be disposed of as the directots shall order and provide. Provided, That sixty days previ ous notice shall he given, and that not more than $10 on each share shall be called in at any one time, that not more than ana instalment shall be called in within any three months, and that no call shall be made for any such instalment to he paid, between the 1st day of July and the first day of November of any year. And it shall lie lawful for tho said Board of Directors, at any time to receive in advance »f a call from any stockholder desirous to pay either instalments, or full paymont of the subscription thereof; and when any instalment shall be so paid in advance, the same tnzv be used in banking purposes, until the same shall he due on any call for instalments, aud while so used in banking purposes, the same shall lie deemed a part of the capital stock ol said Company used for banking purposes and shall entitle the proprietor thereof, to dividends thereon as such according to the provisions of the 7th Rule, hereinafter established. Sect. Q. And be it,emcted, That ceilificates of stock signed by the president and countersign ed by the cashier, shall bn issued to the stockhol ders, which shall be transferable on the books ol tho corporation only hy personal entry ol ihe stockholder, his or her legal representative oi assigns duly authorised for that purpose. Sect. 10. And be it enacted. That the bills ob ligatory and of credit, notes and otlter contracts whatever on behalf of the said corporation, shall be binding and obligatory on the said corporation, provided the same be signed by tlie president and countersigned by the cashier of the said company, and the funds of the corporation shall in no case be held liable for any contract or engagement whatever, unless the same shall be so signed and countersigned vs aforesaid, except for such checks or bills of exchange as shall be made or endorsed by the cashioror president thereof, in the course of the business of said company, and except for such contracts as shall be made by the board of works or other agents duly appointed, under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by tlie by-laws of the same: and the honks, papers and correspondence, and the funds of the corpo ration, shall at all limes be subject to the insj ec- tion of the Board of Directors and stockholders,’ when convened according to the provisions of this act. Sect. II. And be it enacted. That the said corporation shall not at any lime suspend or re fuse payment in gold and’ silver, of any of :ts notes, bills or obligations ; and if the said corpo ration shall at any tima refuse or neglect to pay on demand any bill, note or obligation issued by the corporation according to the contract, prom ise or undertaking therein expressed ; to the per son or persons entitled to receive thp same, then and in every such case, the holder of any such note, bill or obligation, shall respectively be enti tled to receive and recover interest on tlie same until the same shall bo paid and litllv satisfied at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum from the time of such demand as aforesaid. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid. That whenever a de mand shall be made on this Batik or its hranebrs, by any Bank or Branch Bank, by itself or its agent the Hank shall have the right of redeem ing the biil-.itlms demanded with the bills of the bank or its branches making the demand. Sect. 12. And be it enacted. That the follow ing rules, regulations, limitations, provisions, shall form the fundamental articles of the consti tution of the said corporation. Rnle, 1st, The number of votes to which earn stockholder shall bo entitled, shall be ac cording to the number of shares he shall hold, to the following proportion to wi\, for one share, one vote; for two shares and not exceeding five ; two votes, for every five shares above five, one vole. Provided, that no person or body politic shall be entitled in bis, her or tlieir own righi to more than sixty votes, anil after the first election no share shall confer a right of suffrage which shall not have been holden according to the rules of the company, three caliendar mouths previous to the day of election. Rule. 2d. None but a stockolder in Ilis own right of 20 shares, and being a resident of this State, and not being a director of an; other bank, shall be eligible ns a director; and if any of the directors after being duly elected, shall at any limo dining the time for which lie shall h ive been elected, cease to be a stockholder in that num ber of shares, his seat shall thereupon become vacant. Rule fid. Not less than five directors shall constitute a Board for the transaction of business, of whom the president shall always he one. ex cept in case of sickness or necessasy absence, in which case his seal shall be supplied by any di rector appointed by the Board present for that purpose; Provided, that the bill or exchange business of the bank may be transacted by a com mittee of directors not less Ilian three, of whom the president shall always be one, except in case of sickness or necessary absence, iu which cast- the president or committee may nominate a di rector to supply Iris place in that committee-— And all business done by such hill and exchange committee shall be by the unanimous vote of such committee, and shall be entered on the minutes of said company by the cashier, and by him re ported to the next regular meeting of the Bo nd of Directors. Rule, 4th. A number of stockholders not less than SO, who together shall be proprietors ot 1000 shares or more, shall have power at any lime to call a meeting of stockholders for pur poses relative to the at least thir ty days notice in one or more of the gazettes of Savannah, specifying in such notice tlie objects of such meetingl: Rule filli. Tli?casltier. other officers and ser vants of the said company before tiiev enter on tho duties of their respective officers, shall give bond with two or rotirc securiti«s to the satisfac tion of the Board of Directors, in such sums as shall be required by the Hoard, with -munition works on the said railroad, aud to siijiervise the for good behaviour and the faithful discharge of shall in ail cases be continued, without interrup- j o accounts thereof, and to vest in such Board such ^ their respective duties and all other duties requir- ' non on adequate security being given by said k ed of them. Rule Gth. The total amount of debts which the said corporation shall at any lime owe. either by bill, build, note, contract or otherwise, slull not exceed three limes 'he amount of the capital stock actually paid in. and hy this act authorised to be used and appropriated to banking purpo ses, and aoy specitl deposite which shall be re ceived by tlie sail company for safe kee|)ing. whether of specie or other thing, shill beheld for the use ol the de|iositor at his risk, and shall under no circumstances be used hv the said com- pany without authority from the depositor. Rule. 7th: Dividynds’ of the profits oTthecnp- ital stock used in hanking purposes or of so much as may be prudent shall tie declared and paid half yearly, if the condition of the company wai- it, until the road shall yield profit, when jnd in that prpfiit may also in like man ner be divided, and such dividendshaH from time to tim.e he determined by winajority of directors nt a meeting to tie held for that purpose, and shall in no case exceed the amount of the net profits actually acquired - by the corporation, so that tlie capital slock thereof shall never be im paired. Rule, 8th. The directors shall cause to he kept fair and regular entries, in * book to he pro vided fur that ptirposv, oftlreir proceedings, and on any question, when one director shall require it. the yeas and nays of live directors voting shall be recorded in such book, and those minutes lie at all times on demand produced to the stockhol ders at their cenerai meetings. Rule. 9th. Alter tin- said company shall have heen organized, measures shall immediately he taken to accomplish the purpose of a railroad communication between Savannah and Macon, and no further instalment shall be called in lube used for banking purposes uniil there shall have been called in. used and applied on the sanl road instalments amounting to $8$ per share in addi tion to the sum of $250,000 hereinbefore appro priated for that purpose, amounting altogether to the sum (if S5Q0.000 for the purposes of the road ; lint the said company may use for hanking what-, ever sums may be voluntarily advanced by the stockholdersuntil instalments are called in — And all instalments thereafter railed in shall he appropriated in the ratio of at least one half to (lie use ol the said road, and the remainder may he in the discretion of the Board of Directors ap propriat'd til banking purposes. Rule, 10Ih. Tbe said company sball appro priate and apply the sum of $250,000 of the sum paid in at the time of subscription, tn the run nitig a railroad communication as hereinbefore provided, and shall also apply all sums or inslal meats thereafter called in. to tlie same purpose until the amount of$500,000 shall have been ap plied and appropriated on said road. And afte the ajipiicition as.afiresai of the sum of $5i)0.~ 000 there shall he applied and appropri ited to lire purpose of tho said road at least one half ol the amount of all other instalments called in, un til the road shall lie completed fmin Savannah to Maeon. and ihe necessai/ engines, cars &c. are procured. Rule. llfA The undertaking of Ihe said company to erect tlie said load, and to put it in complete order for the transportation of mer cliaudise and passengers, and to supply it with the necessary cars.enghies, and all necessary ap paratus, conveniences and services, shall he, at ill times, until the same shall be completed, in good faith, in a st ite of progress, and the fun ds of the said company shall not he diverted from this |iur pose, except in so far as is allowed for h.inki g purposes by this art. Rule.lith. Untirthp completion of the said road from S -vannail to Macon, the funds of the said company appropriated to the said work, shall on no account he used for banking purposes, nor shall that appropriated to banking purposes he used for the road; unless the directors shall lie of opinion that it would be more lor the interest of the company so to use it than in banking pur poses. Sect. 13. And be it enacted, That tlie said corporation be. and it is hereby authorized and empowered, to make construct'and maintain a railroad for the transportation of produce, mer chandise and jiassengers. of suitable width, depth and dimensions, in tire most cheap, propei and inncticahle course, from tlie city of Savannah to the city of Macon, paying to owners of land through which the same may pass a ju«t indem nity, to he ascertained as hereinafter provided fo , (for the value ol the hind covered by ihe rail way.) and for three hundred, fett'on each side of the same, (or so much of that quantity as the said corporation may require) for the prnenrment therefrom of timber, earth, stones and other ma te.ials, and lor the construction thereon of toll houses, slips, depot*, wells cisterns. |iumt»s, and other necessary and proper works and purposes; and whenever a person shall own laud on both sides the railroad, at any point, the company shall be bound to suffer the owner »o construct for bisown convenience such road or bridgeaernss said railroad as may not obstruct or incommode the passage or free travel on or along the said railroad. But i>'> person shall ho at liberty to cross said railroad, except hy such bridge, with out the express permission of such corporation. Sect. 14. And he il enacted. That when any person shall feel himself aggrieved or injured by the said railroad being cm or carried through his land, or by Die use ol lumber or oilier materials from any lands in tbe neighborhood of said road, or hy any other works of tlie company, or when the said company cannot agree with any person through Or on whose l.nul ihe said railroad or its appendages shall lie conducted, nr from whose lands timber nr other materials shall betaken fur Ihe use of said road, as to the damag-e sustained, the amount of such damage or injury shall he as certained and determined ‘ y the -.vrittcii award of three sworn »ppraiscis. all of whom, shall tie disinlere'led fi eelmlders of Ihe county where the land in dispute lies, to he chosen one hy the com pany, one bv such owner if lie shall think pio|icr, and by the Inferior Court ol the "county where such land lies, (or by any three of tlie Justices of said Court in vacation;) lint tl such owner shall decline to appoint an appraiser^ then two to he appointed by ihe Inferior Court, or three Justices thereof iu vacation as aforesaid, and one by the said company, the award of whom, in writing, snail .operate as a judgment for the amount against the company, and sball lie enforced hy an execution finnn the Inferior Court, with the right of appeal to either party to be tried hv a special jury at the next term thereafter of lire In ferior Court of said county, and the decision shall vest in the company 111* fee simple o*' 'lie land in question,-and in the other party,aj mlgment. for iis value tints rsceitaiued, which may be en- lorced »>v the ordinary process of said Court. In mulling the said valuation the appraisers, and iu I c:ise of appeal ihKj^puit of appea) shall take in to consideration the loss or damage which may occur to the owner wowoers in consequence of the laud being taken nr the right of wav being I obstructed, and also the benefit and advantage | he, she, or they, may receive from this erection ami establishment .of the railroad or works and -Hall stato particularly the nature nnd amount of each, and the excess oflnsauml damage over and • imve the benefit'and advantage, shall form the | measure of valuation ol the said land or right of j ■ iv ; Provided, that nil difference or disagree-j nent between the company ■ d any land holder j shall operate by injunction or. otherwise to sns- oend the progress of < rid work, but the sainn company to die land bolder to pay Melt dama ges as shall be issessed ill manlier afores.,id — And Provided, also, that it do not inteifere with (lie house, mill or other building or yard tnclo- Mire of individuals. Protid-d, 'ITat (milling in Ihe above seetiou shall be so construed as to uutlioiize the appraisers to make any c‘tiin;:te or valuation hv which the land-huldei shall be come indebted to the incorporation, provided fit e days noli re shall he given to ihe owner of suell laud of ihe time and place :>f trial fleet. 15. 'Andhe it enacted, Thai vvliei.' v. r (he said railroad shall intersect any public road, . the company shall be bound to Imild a sale and substantial bridge or oilier means of crossing, to be afterwards maintained, by tlie company, aud anv public or private bridges'may at any time bo built nerhss tW. said railroad; Presided, such bridges shall not obstruct or incommode the use of (hi- said railroad or subject the saiu com pany fo any damage or expense. Sect. 1C. Anil Ire it enacted; Tliut the direc tors for the time being, shall have power to em ploy urti*t«, tjEniagcr? .ohd laborers and appoint such officers as shall be nrcessarv (or executing the Im-iiiess of the company, and tu allow them reasonable compensation for their services, and snail he capable of exercising all such other pow ers a ltd authorities for the well governing and or dering the affairs of said company as lo t them shall seem fit for the interests of said company. Sect. 17. And be it enacted. That the ssiil lailroadand the appurtenance* of the same, shall not be subjected to be taxed higher than » half of one per centum upon its animal net imeoine, and no .nunicipal-or ntbepcorperai'ninv diall have jiower to tax the stock of said company tint may l <x anv property real or personal ol the said rntn- panv within the jurisdiction of said corporation in tlie ralio.of taxation of like property. Sect. 18. And be it enacted. That a»v per sons injuring the property of said company, of » ho shall throw earth, stones, trees, rubbish, logs, or any other in alter, or tiling whatsoever, in or upon the railroad or its appurtenances, shall be punished by indictment os for a misdemeanor, and on Conviction may he.ftned and imprisoned at tlie discretion of the Court, nnd shall also he liable for such damages as may be occasioned thereby, (and which damages when so ascertain ed, shall on application, he hy the court doubled.) to he recovered hy action at the suit of said com pany. or rfany jierson aggrieved, in any court having jorisdii flow. ^ - freet. 19. And be it enacted. That the paid company shall be entitled to the exclusive use of said railroad, with their cars, or other modes &f conveyance; and if the saio company shall per- itiit or suffer others to use the same, the said company shall be entitled and empowered to re ceive and collect tolls on all anil every vehicle of whatsoever cliaracier nr denomination.''and ail other things which "by the regulations of said company shall or may' be allowed to pass on the said railtoad ; and that fertile collection of tolls, the said company or its proper officers may stop and detain all vehicles, or produce or merchan dise, using the said railroad, nrtil the o«ijl*rsor carriers thereof, shall pay ihe toll that shall he fixed by t)ie said company—and also shall have power to regulate ihe form, weight and all par ticulars of any and all such vehicles or cars so ullowoiLto he used thereon ; and any vehicles or cars soused on such with license from said company, nr haring such license and not conform- iiiH tn the regulations ol the cqmp-iny, may lie sHzed and shall he forfeited to the said company. Vnd if any owner, skipper, supercirgo, carrier, or other person ir. charge of any vehicle oi car, shall pass by any place appointed for receiving lulls without making payment thereof, he, she, or they so offending, shall fm-feit and pay lor each off-nee tlie sum of twenty-five dollars, to lie sued f>r ant! recovered by action of debt in the man ner and simjecl lo die same rules and regulations as debts under thirty dollars are now recovered and costs of suit. Sect. 20. And be it enacted. That tbe prin cipal office of the said company shall be located at Savannah.‘with subordinate offices or agencies at Macon, and such oilier places as the hoard ol‘ directors shall determine, and all elections and meetings of stockholders shall he h?jd at such principal office only. Sect. 21. And be i! enacted, That the raid company shall have full power and authority to cairv such railroad over and across, all or any riveis, creeks, waters or water courses that may be in the route thereof, or any branch thereof, by any suitable bridges or other means: Provided that when such railroad shall cross any naviga ble water course ; that the same shall not be so constructed as to impede the navigation thereof. Heel- 22. And be it enacted. That authorized by this aci and ibe act" of which ibis is amendatory, shall be commenced within tw-o yaars after the passage of this act, and shall he- finished within eight years after the passage of this act, and on failure thereof, the charter here by granted shall be forfeited. Sect. 23. Anil be it enacted. That the exclu sive right granted bv' this act, arid the act, of which this is an amendment- to tlie Cen tral Rail Road tin.I Banking Company of Genre gi.i, to construct; keep up and use a railroad be tween the city of Savannah and the city of Ma con, and the banking privileges hereby granted, shall lie unci continue for and (luring (he term of twenty-five years, to he computed from tlie time fixed hy this-aet for tho completion of the works authorized hy this act; and after the expiration of s.iid term of twenty-five years, the Legislature may authorize the construction ol other railroads an I canals between said cities ; Provided, nev ertheless, lint the Central Rail Road and Bank ing Company of Georgia shall alter the lapse of said twenty-five years beam! remain incorporated anil invested as to tlieir own works with nil the estates, rights, powers and privileges hy tins act granted and secured, except the exclusive right* aforesaid; and except the banking privileges- lierehy granted; but the Legislature may renew and extend th-it exclusive right n'pori such terms as may he prescribed hy law and be accepted liy said incorporated company. Sect. 24. And be it enacted, That the act of which this act is an amendment shall be in full force, except where it militates with tins act. Sect. 25, Anri be it enacted. That the per sons and pmperty in lire said Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, shall be- pledged and bound, in prnporiion to tlie amount of the value of shares that each individual or Com. piny uiay subscribe for or hold in said compa* r;y. for (hieultimate redemption of the bills or notes issued ’bv and from the said company, in the same manner es in common commerciaf cases or simple actions of debt. Sect. 2G. And be it enacted. That no foreigner' by himself or iigent.'shall own, possess, nr control,, in any way, either directly or indirectly, any stuck in said company ; and in the event of any stock being, thus owned, possessed or contiolted as aforesaid, the same shall become forfeited tothe- State of Georgia. Assented to 14th December. 1335. WILLIAM .'C11LEV, Gotenon. A Coroner?* Jury was called yesterday morn ing, by Justice Cox, to view the body of John. Cnavcuriundcr, deceased, found floating in the dock- He was a hand belonging to Barge No. 5, Neptune towboat company, and lias been- missing about 14 days. Verdict of the jury—“that said John Cra ven d under came to his death hy blow < inflicted; on his head, by some persen or oerse ns tin- nmvii;’—Mobile-Adti.