Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 04, 1836, Image 1

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    II AC ON
,j * E. E. BAETIETT.
i*** ,1,1a* o* fluuwnpliou.
t ,‘ oU .un,;Mi<<i« adeanee. icUl pay for the pa-
I'll 1,(6 p IVS DoLi.ins, cofrf in adeanee, will pay
wars. Ten Dollars, paid im advance
paper fire years.
„ tj „,,il ,cithiu six months after the year has
f tu( , Dollars a.vt Fififij Cents per annum
If not paid until the end of the year.
Jl ^nJLirs per ann»m trill be charged—trith inlcnsl
r- ~sf AKE HOUSE
L ® . >§ - and
T IM' undersigned bags leave to infornihis friends &
public generally, that be will continue the above
•business in all its various branches at (lie old stand for
merly-occupied hv Iienucu & Carter in East Macon,
tvborc he offers a" the usual facilities in busiuess by
; malting liberal advances on pr iducc'stored with- him, 1 VeJIow tk-hre, siwio Ochre, Umber, Venetian Hod,
its not exceeding one kindred teards, half "r on shipments to Iiis frier.dsiu Savanuali.jCliarlesion, j Lampblack, Rosepiuk, Terra do Sicuua, Ycrmiiiiou.
V <
Dollars p
iw*’ Tcl ., us of Advertising
, net's lint exceeding our hundred
.t* rir .... l.rrrwr lines. trill hr inserted
£S. M.
H AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS
it MEDICINES, at the Store unc dour below
\V. 15. Jottssros’* Jcwnr.nv, which he will sell at uio
derate prices ; amen; which are .
Wiii'a Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead. Litharge, Verdi
gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown
water colours.
WM. II. B’Jill)HALL.
AS Just received a tictj; and extensivo as
sortment of
asAsirmsg c£cmxmc»,
which he is olcring for sMeat rcdaeetApKccs
/•’or Cash Only.
riupor Saxony, liiuci Black and Fancy Colored
A N ACT to establish, change and regulate election
precincts in the *e vend counties in this Slate and
punish those who may attempt to defeat the same.-
Sec I. lie it enacted by fhe. 'Senate and House of Rr-
-•rest ututiecs'ofthe Stale of Gtorgia in Gtswr.l Assent-,
ily met, and it Is hereby enacted by life authority <-J the
Volume X.—Number 33.
Crawford if.lics’iS'* Saie.
Fostpoiscel TSctfie.
It.L he sold ini the fast Tuesday in March
next, ut the (. Until Home in tic town of
hm-xvilis. Crawford cuuuix .Hie piopo;/.
< fee Let of laud No. one ® diftii ninety throe,
lit;-i;i ti,r s.xiii distiivt of Craw ford county, levied
if”’■!: i jr ar space—payable ouarterly.
rc'rvr ns.-* ofour business, and the state of the times,
*T'terms should he rigidly adhered to.
justrt,»«< ,!,m ,rrm
Line of Pa* /ids.
IV A it E- - II O U S 12
ana t'ammissiou
KO. JEWETT & Co. re.-peclfnlly inform their
, . \r I I v adioii.i'g their store. All cotton consign*'
BRlli Atnoha Siring. • ; • * ’ | either hr tfiu pfuulers or dealers in the art:
Premium, . )[*■ „ d 6rs to iel!or WSv in this market, will be
w Darien, U. I\ Uwektey, _ „ „ ,
.Macon, A. Bibhitis,
>Vl.r. 1). 15. Crime. T- Baker, “
. A , u „| substantial vessels, well calculated for the
({awk'iisviilo, and .Macon, and are iodneed la !
blvrethal thoy can give great facilities in forwarding 1
■j. destined forth.) interior of the State.
f IIAWES & MITCHELL, Agents, f
rurUii. 1-t Julf. |8A> B
■ pioneer Steam ISo-itt Esttt.
I t .)d transportaiion to and from Macon, is now in
* complete order. A superior now Steam Boat
called -David Crockett" with two powerful Engines,
jn j .ever 1! first rate freight boats have been buiit since
:(!e close of Uio last season and placed oil the line.
Steam Hunt Pioneer, Capt. Goodwin,
“ “ Baoid Crockett, “ JU'Connick,
w jjj pjy regnlatly between Darien and Macon, otto of
th •111 leaving Darien about once a week with freight
Ixu’.s m tow.
Steaia 3aat eHARStSSTOSS 1 , , „
Capt. Donnell,, rvre at least equal to those of any others in bis line,
,vi|) M n constantly between Darien and Savannah,'— 1 " 1 *• ;»:» .n-«r n
u ,idatlbril the greatest despatch to Cotton.
Tne subscriber's whole attention is devoted to fiicili-
tjiiag transpartaUon between Macon and the idea
j’ort.. 1 la has invested a largo smu so put bis line in
die newt complete order, and believe* that his armngc-
a'til* for giving despatch to freight and keeping ir in
■ 11 order,wliile in his care, will make it the interest
ufCotton Shippers and Merchants ordering gomls, to
roalinue their favors.
At Darien ho has secure and convenient Warehouses
for reception of Good*, and his
Wharves there avo caver ad
with shads, enables him to keep all Cotton shipped on his
friends and the public generally, that they have
added the Ware House and Commission Business to
that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware
Ilonse is conveniently situated on second street, nenr-
AU cotton consigned to them,
iclc, or or-
attended lo.
They have also a convenient ciose storage house
for the reception of merchandize from the country ;
the receiving and forwarding of which, will recei ve
.iberal ndvan-
shipmeuts to
shortly to rc-
Such a*. St.Croix and Tortorico& iluvaunu sugars,
Cuba. Uio and Java coffee. Liverpool salt,
6'wcdes Iron, Nails., Brads, east, German mid blister
Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack
ing. Oznabnrghs,
Negroes elotbs, slides. haL=, caps, claoks,
Powder, shot, aud lead, saddles and bridles,
Wt* Blacksmith tools, castings. Hardware,
Calicoes. Flannels. Blankets Wax Calf skins, Ac.
Which titev will soil on as good tortus as rati be had
in this market. 11 _5Vpt_J0
A G10 -\ V Y A $ D COM M1 SSiOiY
f El HH undersigned returns hi* thanks to bis friends
H f or the liberal support which he has heretofore
received from them in the above line of business, and
solicits a continuance of their patronage. His arrange
ment* for conducting business, and particularly in gi
ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce &
merchandize and protecting them while in his charge,
arc at least equal lo those of uuv others in his line. Hfc
will spend the summer in and in the vicinity of Darien,
and auy business addressed lo him will receive his per
sotial and prompt attention.
inn r.rt JOHN T. ROWLAND.
Krusues. PERFUMERY. * D. a ' B: *'h Table Diapers
Cologne-, Rose Honey, Florida, lavender, Ac Orange ! J**)"® nuti Kussm do • s \Vat6. \roiuatieVinegar,Beats’ Oil, Antique) Scotch i.o
Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and oifier ■ Black, Jiiuc ar.d colouttni Botubazeites
Shay iug Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Dike, Essences cf; do do do Cis cassrttt 1
Ro.caud fedrtt, Ex trait de .Meil, Flake Wliile, Hair j N„gro Clotlis
Powder, Otri* Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Liuscyu
Ucrsanipt, Cedrat, Cinuanion, Lavender.^Naroli. and p, ieRl < le(J alM , Unbleached tShirtiug* &. Slteeliug
Roses: Oxy-chlorinu Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum,
Powder Puffs, Preston Sails, Pink Saucots, Fancy ri
als. Touquin Beaus, Viu de Rouge, I’egetable Rouge,
«Sr Macassgr Oil.
Anitatio, Cudbear, Fig Bhte. Fustic, Galls, Indigo
Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and ]
Jl, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of! . «u.,„-t-
mia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Bidm of Columbia, j *} cnan -»^ntlCT an. .1 \ ^
l Bariev, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep ; ’ ntntnou. I nthet wool. Valentin,.. 1
!.L sj./r : * -PC wJ-rtnrl Itpufn:! Kiilf Shairk
1 disc
4.) etoz. Gentlemen's Hats,
sale very cheap. The subset iber desirous of
posing of hi» entire stuck of HATS, will sell
them at rcry ndttced prices, and tnauy of them at the
ttsttal cost at the manufactory.
nov 18 _ WM II BCRDSAI.L.
t'hc .tiacon Clothing Store
I S removed to the store lately occupu d by Messrs
Myrick, Napier & Freeman, next to Mr Ifni B
Johnson’s Jewelry store, \\ hero "may be found a good
’ assortnic-nl of
Jinn under shelter an.I protected from the weather,
while lauded for redi'pmeut.
A >H.
iltn.counK, Pcck & Co., Charhstnn,
K. P. Ut’vrs, Savannah,
J. T. Rowt.xxn, Darien
D. B. HaUfoad. Jl.nvkitisville.
Macon, Nnv. IS, IN’, t —02
.llacan Steam tfort f'snipantf.
4! SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox,
EXCEL. " J. L. Willcox.
EdlH18 contpiny have now their line of Beats in
8. complete or I :r for freighting. They have a
uc.vst'-amlmt added to their line called the Snprrior.
anil ten Tow-Boats,
fiic But* will rail regularly batwn-n M icon and
Darien, on • of tlm •.imhoats leaving Darien every
-..•• or six day* with toy.-boat*. TI10 company have
mvv sixteen tow-hotis, .ill tirstrate boats,bnilt expre.-s-
h for the mvigation o r the Oo.n’tlgee and Altauiaba
r.vcr*: these inerea-ed facllitio* will enable the com-
•ny the m ' im of giving the greatest Despatch to or goo;l* diipped by their lin-J.
Tii w h.ivi> a Ste.unbMf and a number of Sloops,
to 1 .irrr rotlou a:: ! urtrelmndi-e l» *tweeti Darien ami
Savaainh. and Durian and Charleston. There are
live iirst rate Packets ruauiil.T regularly Iwacwi
Bid-a :> :.! Navv Yoric. which come to Hawes A
Merli-i, of Darien.
Agents,for the abort Hoots :
J. GODDARD, Moron.
ISovr:-. Hr.s-nv A- Wat.TEft, Charleston.
!.. tku.mviv Sc, Co. Sav.nuiali,
Muvt-.V MiTC.’ff.r.t., Darieii,
Ek 1. K. Rookhts, Hawkinsvi'le,
Macon. 24ill Dee., I8:k r .. 2<i
:e t xt e atemti SScn; t Co mpaa y.
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and
rancy Articles- connoting in partoi
Fiuc blue, black, brown, green, olive mix! and silver
grev Frock Coots
Fine him:.' black, brown, greet!, claret ar.d olive Dress
Brown, green, mixt and silver grey Costers
Super drab mixt brown and green Over Coats
Petersham over and Hauling Coat.*—ladies’ Cloaks
Gentlemen’s cambiet Cloaks, nmle-skin II noting coats
■Satinet and beavorleon round Jacket*, Pantaloons
and Vaxts of almost every description
Cotton and woollen nett .Shirts and Drawers, Flan
nel, Canton Flannel, plain and twilled Cotton Draw
ers. Linen and Cotton Shirt*. Flannel Shirts, Collars.
Bosom*. Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Belts, Black Ital
ian and white Cravats, Cotton, worsted ami Gum Fl-
i :lic suspender*, a great, variety of Stock*. Umbrellas
Cloth. Fur. and Hair Seal-skin Caps.
Ill) crises*, Fine Boots tnJahocs, India Rubber
Shoos, Ladies India Rubbernboes. Also
Fine bine, black, invisible gre«n. and Royal purple
Cloths, Buff Cassitnare, Tailor’s Trimmings, Miiitn-
ry Trimmings, dtc- Ac., nil of which will be sold at
reduced prices for cash.
Macon net. 22, til HORACE FITCH.
H A:-' taken the stand a few doors above the Clo
thing Store of Mr. L. Fitcb, on Mulberry
-trci-t where ho continues lo carry on the Tailoring
lntsiue*if. He assures all limse who may favor him
with their custom, that tlieir work Will .In. done at the
shortest notice, ami in the best manner.
He ha« on band a supply of the best materials in his
Tne, consisting of
i:i:;e,%l.tck. royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Greer,
CAdSJMFRU.S.—A good assortment.
3esa T X2£as,
A good variety of the best quality.
IVt' <-"ham, and a complete assortment of
He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat
Macon. Oct T.0 1834—21.1
barrel* Canal Flour,
8* Cuba Molasses, new crop, just received
nnd for sale bv RF.A «5fc COTTON.
in store,
50 hlulsSt. Croix 8ttgnr, primequalily,
150 bag* Coffee.
200 piece* Ilcuip and Tow Bagging,
r/*,000 ilavanna -Segar*. choice. ‘10
.Madder, Nicaragua
Ground Log a end.
Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Aconstic Oil,
Patent Ba;
pet, Spanish" Saffron, Aminoniaret of Copper, Sago,
Emetine, Cicitta 1‘laiter, Ext. Aloe*, Cinchona, f.’ol-
ocynth. Elaterintn, Jalap, K thinca. N'ux Vomica, Rhu
barb, Khatauia, Lend. Savin, Satsaparifln Jl Cubcbs,
Dandelion, Valerian, Opium Sl others, i’hosphate of
Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron Ac. Ginger
Powders, Hamilton's Elixir, Magnesian Aperient
English Calomel, Hoffman's Anodyne, Oil'd Silk or
Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, LactiiearTtni, Lan
cets, Patent Lint, Lupnline, Lobelia, Medical Spoone,
Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, ilustanl, Oils of
Cara-.vay, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, VVintergreen, Se
neca, Denareotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho
rus, Piperine. Pocket Instruments. Hydriodato & Ox
y-muriateof Potash, 1‘otter’s Cathulicon. Liquor of Po
tash, Dragon’* Blood, Seaton*, Stoughton’s Elixir,
Strvchninc, Powdered Valerian, Rhubarbarine, Sali-
cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup *f Liver-
wdrt, One Slelboseope. Swaim’s Panacea, Scidlitz
Powder*, Tamarind*, Tincture of Colchicum, Wine
ofColc'iicum.Trusses,Turbitli Root, White Hellebore,
Colchicum Seeds, Acetate "f Colchicum", Aromatic
Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me
dicine*. and till others m common u*c, Garden Seeds,
and Shop Furniture for Physicians.—
Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling, Instruments;
ami one second fraud set of Amputating and Tre.phin
ing Instruments. April 20
Hamilton Jenna
Black Italian Lust ring
do * Gros de Svr»«-
t’o d'* Naples
do do Berlin
do Sitichetvi and S-trs«uei)
Colored Ore* do Naples
iilnck and colored ifloreotos
do Italian Crapes
i-a.iic, That from anil after the pas-age of (hi* am afi
election's for Coveri:or, ir.«:nibcTs of cong<mein- { ... .. ... ... . :
bars of tire legisiature, electors to vote lor frcsklciij >"> :l ' : d-e propeity nf Sieves Oiudiu:; M*t!i>ly Minute
and’Vica Pr.vhlent of tho UHito.l States, sod ail enuu-. sued! it I-; issuedIVem » Justice’* court in “** totfray
tv .idieer*. in the cnuiiti- s. to wit: Gvrj.'.ire;;, «> Prn.-.*:,i in i'avnr Ravel.- & vs *md -Vi™ -
Hall, Clark, DaKatb, Early. Hancock, Cherokee; Tal- e* Giddin*—property pint-ted iH« by t«e*
hot, lio-tiUotk Franklin, "Meritrctli -r, l.lbari* <.;<*.•! levied and reUire.ed lo tire_by a coti>l».hk.v-til - •
Jones, Cr.rwilird, Decattvr. Walt,irt, U;ts»i(i, (.btiitphe;!, •' Jcn.V.J. M M. JL 'J ILLS. l!. Sh'Jf.
.M nseogee,, Putuaiu and New lots, si: ill anil m;y ' Also trill boobl ti3 abort . .
ha hq'(iat trie following places, ev-lusivo of tho s#x ; eraf; Oun Lot ot land tu tho first Jisttitit o! Crnvvfnrdci.tijl-
;iluces cf iioUiing elections in tiie afortesttid eottiiiies ;d- i I}'. J6vae:l nn tut lie property of I lijnh Y» imams to,
ready cslahlislsod n law, viz: ' i*fva ti ih issued from tM superior cupit,of A!
in the coumy of Gwinue'.t, a*, tho bcti te cf Jame.-.'. co.;;:iy in fiivor of .M. P.: .Sparks. . ,
Gerdau ; i ■ . vkt- s0 Tacvz , - r
lit the cot niy or Hull,:i the houseufJ-dm i>. Floyd; ' Tire interest of ) phraiin l.ovetl: itl b.vp ^y.-grors
la theco»iu:yof Early, at llitvicitse of William Xi ii- nuWin possession of .Mrs Alary T.t ’. "T. * it: Ly.
lianis, in the 4th district, and owe other at Dili* at, ’ 1 ' woman, aivlCaroline, l.itcmtla.. Alat r-, and ff. nl.y.*
Cleita bars’ mdis in the oth district of said cottuiy; : fo arlast flamed children—the aboytt Utter act sold to
In the coiilny oi' Hancock, at the store house of satisfy a 11 'fa lio.n Cniw(i-rl sttpertor Court, i.culitkn
Charles Aledleca, and one olhe: - a: Poplar Hill, at the j ’Punier vs said Ephraim I.oveit. Termssif tale* cask.
house of Thomas Youngblood ; t 1*. ll..t€A)IF)lhIllm4>|f.j
in the county oF Jloriwether, at the house of Elias
ilk Dam isk
and twisted Silk rihawls
Mernaui. Hfuslin. Crape, Ganzsanrl Gnu de Na
ples Dress Hdl.fs ^
f.adtei and Misses Kontiels
Iri*h I.incnt and Lervns
Cotton Caxsimers Heaver Fustians
English .Moleskin Apron aud Furniture Checks
Domestic Plaids and Stripes Hod Ticks
rglH. , coin 1 any will he prepared toci»mti»en<’B bn-
3. *itte.*s, early in the next season—They will have
a m.c of Packet * between New York, and Darien and
vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon
- flic agents iu New York, Charleston, and Savannah,
lie authorised to contract for tho delivery of goad*
ii Macon, at a freight agreed on without inioinedi-
avrjj irgoaud the agent 111 .M ieoti will receivecotieit
iloiivvMbletu Savannah, Charleston, and New York—
fas com pony’s vessels and bux-s, will be of first class
'v ta fvpariouced commanders, and no expense will be
•pared to n*o«stihe patronage ofthe public.
I’ll. R. YONOKJt .SO\8, Agents in Darien.
m.iv vfTlh l^lto 4!) '
At A*aricn, Ga.
. d1l!K undersigned have resumed luisincs* as a- „ — —,--
4 hove, and will a* heretofore pay prompt alten-} Hats, Caps, and Shoes, Willi a gc eral stock of tiro
timi lo all blffines* entrusted to tlieireare. Wi believe ; eerie*. Iron, S »U. vVc. lor sale at the market prices,
vvo have made arrangements that will citable tis at all : .Macon nov. 4th 18.35. U)
fan.:* lo forward good* lor the interior with the least j imi-Canal i .om,
pas'ihle delay, hy steamboats when the river will ad-1 10 half bids do
1 ail. or in extreme low river hy small fiat* or lighters,-* •_>() Kegs Lard,
hail! expressly for that business. On our wharves 1 50 Boxes Cheese,
ate largo Storehouse*, calculated for tho storing of cot- j jo Half hid* No T Mackerel,
beiyit the least possible expense, and our opportunities • j nfl received and for sale bv -
ta forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed-j nov. 5. 18:4ft. 19 CHARLES CAMPBELL,
cd by any other House. ! Fire proof Building* corner Mulberry ,\e Second si.
Remo rat. %
charts c&asPBE&i;
M AS removed to the new Fire Proof Budding*
comer of Mulberry & Second Street, where
.will hi; found a good stock of Staple Dry Good.*,
Darien, Slav 2ft. 18.15. 40
IJ* HE copartnership hcrelnfnr eexuiing under Uie
-f firm of Shottrcll. lirotcn tf Co. is this day tiissolv-
i'oittmission Business, ttarien. J cd by mutual content. The business will he contimt-
T HE Undersigned have formed a Uopartncr-hip od *v It. tf J. Shot well, who will settle the accojuilt*.
forthe purpose of transacting a
tnis-ian and other bnsiues
enerai Com
under tin- film of
•a l off.'r their services to their friend*, and iho public
gvB*rally, i;i the above business. Forwarding Goods
and produce to and frouillie ituerior of tho State, will
a-c ivo particular uttentiou. It tuny be proper to
"isle that tliey bave no coiuierticn with any of the
itaiisporintionliues; Goods fortb.e interior will
•away* 1,3 shipped by ihose who will probably give
win the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW.
Lin l.Jslia 28 t;K<>. T. ROGERS
npilE. Undersigned tender* his thanks to hi* friend?
-3. for the liberal patronage lie ha* for njiytyyea s
rc.l, ami assures them ihat the Kime gi ui with
V. 1 t li iuiii* iudiv oa parity he applied nbnsclf, will
y ‘ r ‘‘ cl hi* eli'ort* in |iro!(*cting thoso interests which
aivv be rotifidud 10 Urs now establishment. 8'
_ P'lrien. Jm. I. irtlfi ISAAC SMYlV.
* Tho Giu.-'h, Dozen, or xinglo. Jor sale !>y
M-fotl, Dee. 31st, 18115.
Eamp Oil.
Gallons Winter strained I.ainj) Oil very
A&3S 4p handsome—just received nnd for*sale
Jm,. 1-1. Urt Opposite the Central Hotel.
1 AM determined to sell my entire Stock of Good*,
which Comprise almost every article suited to the
trad.) of this nluce. Merchants and Planters will d<
well i» call. Nov. 19 21 DAVID RALSTON
C .ViiTSOlN.—All persons are cautioner 1 against
irespa.-siug on Lot of I*1 ud No 294. 3*1 district
of Wilkinson county, an the law will be rigidly eufor.
ced against all violators, jan ’z0 lip
bv 28 7
.’.bs Pork and Bacon.
100 do New Laid, for sale
T HE subscriber having rande arrangement.* with
some of the most extensive Carriage Manufac
tories in the iiothcrn cities, wiil have 011 hand, and he
constantly receiving, the coining season, a" extensive
assortment of,
and vehicles of alt descriptions, which will he of the
best workmnitshipjilid material*, and which will be
sold on as good term* as can be purchased in any city
in the SonUicrn country. Also, an extensive assort
ment cf
and every other article appertaining to our line ofbusi
ness. Persons wishing to pnrehase would do wei! to
give ns a call.
Opposite corner from IVashington Hall.
Sept 2 -(im II
sTgaM, COFFEE, 4c.
XD.-TK HHDS. prime St. Croix Sugars,
20 barrels N. Orleans do
100 do Canal Flour,
ICO do Howard st. do
125 piece* Hemp Slagging.
30 bag* Cuba Coffee,
20 half qr. casks Malaga Wine.
50,000 Hnvannah Sugars, of the best quality.
For sale by
J.,„. 14 30 KEA & COTTON
Just rcccirrP~
qj j|v aw Bag* prime greeh Coffee
g «•t-sjp’ 25 hbds st Croix P. R. and X. O. sugar
6 Boxes Loafsngfor
10 hhd* Molasses
50 bbl* N E Rum
30 '• superior ’,VhL*key
Jamaica and st Croix Rnm
H0t. Gin, Cog.* Brandy
Sjicrm aud Tallow Cund'es, soap, starch.Chocolate,
Sail, Iron-Castings, Bagging, Bale
Hope, together with :i complete assortment of
t'annj, and Staple Dry Goods.
Jan. 21. 50 K. RUSSELL.
AVtr Store—Fresh Goods.
rspt HE subscriber is now opening, on second street,
JL next door to Patrick «& Martin, and nearly op
posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of
Staple anti Fancy Dll Y GOODS.
Which will be sold at price* much reduced, being bo’t
on reasonable terms Slid cheap, they wiil be sold ac
cordingly. Hi* stock comprise:, la p!»rt as follows;
8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duthl Blanket*—10-4 and
12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plain* and Linseys—
super bine, black, brown mixt Clotlis—Fine and com
mon .Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valeutia and
Toilinet Vestings—super whito and red Flannels—do
Merino do.
Black and colored (>-4 Merino*—do do Bomhazolt*—
fine 0-4 Bombazine*—Pink Ratinct—figured Circa*-,
wtperand common plain and twilled Calicoer—swis*.
Jaconet, Mull and Bonk Muslins—black and colored
cambric Ginghams—Irish Linen* in j pieces veryfine
—colored and white Homespuns—Rowcn cessitneres
ami checks—birdseye aud Russia Diapers—Linen
cambric ifkf*, Russia slieetiugs, Arc
Black super l’oi do snie silk*—do Italian Lustring do
—rich colored silk* very cheap—Levantines, sarsuct*
nnd sinehew*. ,
Mandarin, Ilerninci, embroidered Roman], Bagdad,
rich satin, figtiered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool
and martin ganze Itkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons—
Haml-'onic thread I dgings and (iuilling*—I!loud Ed
ging* and llobinet Laces—anil many other articles,
which cannot fail to give satislhetiou as to price aud
quality. dee 17 25 T~-
FloorCloth Baixo Green Frieze Cloth Dimity Russia ShretinjrBear Duck
Cambric do Blenched Dotvlass Oz.uaburghs
Bangup Cord Conoi: Yarn
Cotton, \Yor*ted and '.ambs wool Hosiery
Blark and colored ('amlirtcs
.Satin aud Gauze Garnitures
Bik and col’d Lustring Ribbon*
D*rk am! light col’d Prints and Giit-hams
i.Hce sod Geuze Veils
Fig’.land plain Bohioet I.ace
Thrcnd Laces
t'erabric. Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Xansook and
Book Muslins
! inen Camfiric iK'kfs
Pongee, Indian Flagand Spittlefield lldkfs
Carved and plain Shell Combs'
Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat
akin Gloves
Ladies Beaver, Goat skin nnd Silk Gloves
Bead Reticules
B,oady-aiAde Olothiag.
1 Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive
j brown and green Broadcloth Dres* Coats,
j Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
l Coats,
Superfine bine, olive, greon and mix'd Cloth Coattees,
and bluo, steel mix'd and fancy colored SaUinet
Coattees and Frock Coats.
Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons,
Yonth’sclofiian;! aatlinet Dress and Frock Co-:.;,
do do do Pantaloon*,
Black and bhj® Cassimon-, black and colored Velvet,
black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light
colored Valentis, English Silk, colored aud white
Marseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloak* and Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth * Pater.-hara Bex Coats
Lyon Skin Overcoats.
Fine Linen Shirt*, Collars, Bosoms, Sock*. «Lc.
Negro Clothing.
Men's* Youth’s Knr Hate,
do. do. Wool do.
do. do. Cloth, Seal tfc Hair Cap*,
Fine Boat* Sc. Shoes—Negro Shoes, Ac. &<:.
Oct. I* 17
H OITSF. Painting, plain and ornamental, either
in the city or country. Chairs repainted and
ornamented. Jojokingglass or picture frames gilded
or bronzed
Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various dcs
crintions will be done by applying to
' J. II. & W. S. ELLIS.
F our mouths after date application will he made
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs
cjunty,when sitting ns a court of Ordinary "or leave
to sell the real estate of James Desbazo, Jai; of said
county deceased. Nov. 2. 185-5
jnv)UH inoutlis afler date ••pphcution wiil bo maue
— (o tlte Ilptjerable Iuicrior Court of Twiggs
B.judley; oa lot.No- ioU, in the 1 lih disirict;
In the county of Franklin,, at a place hv the
nan; ’ of King’s Betii li;
In tiio county of tionston, fotirprecittcls. one iii Uie
511*1 district, one in file Jnfttli. one i:i the i'tUth, utm"
one iu tho thdfotrif t, G. M. lor said county—and a.
tliv several |;la-e* of boldieg justice* courts iti *;t;d d.".-
in the county of Clark, fit the place of iioltliug jus
tices’ court in the Atlieu*district ot said eoutitv ;
in the county of iilbe: t, at the store house of A«.>
in the coanty of Cass, at the house of J. G. B. .4-
iu tiie county of VYaiton, at the btiase of Wiiiiam
Wil'iamsou, in the 415th district, G. .M.
. In the county of le e, at the boast! of Efias Hodges;
in the county of ,ti ;:»cogee. a! tiie !.">t;se of Jtyav*
U. Ulenii;
in the county cf Putnam, ;-t Perryman’s slore, ir.
the liftdtli district, (/. M.
8ec. 8. And be it farther enacted by the authority a-
foresaid, That the election precinct hciotuiore estab
lished at the house of Jesse Green, in the county of
Cherokee, shall, from aud altor the pa-sage of this act,
be changed to the house of Edward Tovvast dfi—the
election precinct heretofore cstiihiished at the hon-e of
flansion Sheriii’Sate.
O N t’lc.fir t Thesdcy in MARCH nt-jt, trill vesold
before the court house door, in the tairv cf - Ptrty.
Houston cdttnty, between the lawful hours of sale,
Twenty'acres of lot 0/ Land, No. 17L iu.tKo 1'ih
district, to satisfy trfi-fa from a justice:! cmirt. iti filter
of John I>. McCarter vs' Walter L. Campbell. John
Stapler, Win. N. L Crocker.and Robert 1'<;:trock, st-
ettrities of Flint r Ver Academy—‘levied on and ri -
1 flirted to rite by a constable—property pointed out by
Robert Peacock. JOHN C-' MOCNGiR,
Jan 23 Strrif.
vostpoxes ,*At,r.
I fill be sot,l ,is<;.V re,
J.ot No 20, in the ninth district, lo satisfy a ti fa
from a in.-lioe*’■ court in \V ilkes county, 111 favor cf
John B.Btniih vs John Ball, Jesse Ball and Charirs
Deed, together with other fi fas—levied i.ti and retttrr.-
to me bv a constable. JOHN C. MO( NGHK.
Jan 23 sheriff.
'Me Sheriff Sale. , r
EFftilE the court house <w Zebu!on, Pibe corny,
trill be said, cm the first Tyred try in APRIL next,
teh'tiin the usual hours of sole,
The west haltoflot. of Land No nineteen (19,) in the
third district of oriainallv Muuroc now Pikeceunty to
itisfy a mortgage Fi Fnisaoed Irony the siipniioreoitr'.
, . .... . of Pike county in favor of LIsv Buntin v* Benjamin
George Pecuus shall after he passage of tins act, be BlinUn property pointed out iu niort.ragc ti ta.
changed to the place ot bolding justice* court* in sa:d 28 jq^ H. ^UlYhllS, shcrifi.
J Carroll Sheriff Sale.
’’E'SET’II I, be s'rid at Carrollton, Carroll county. Ojt.thr,
first-Tuesday in MARCH next, tdihin the low-
ful hours of sale,
Lot of Gaud No 154 in the 4th district of rah! coun
ty. levied on as the properly of John 8 Adams, fa sat
isfy a Fi £’a issued from the stiperitir court of Troup,
county in fiivor of Ilenry II Lumpkin v* raid Adtin*.
Property pointed out bv-plaintiff's attorney. ja*t 28
' J'HIN DEAN, dry> sheriff.
district—and the precinct heretofore established at t.:e
house of Jaino* Diamond, in Rockbridge district, is
hereby abolished.
Tiie election precinct heretofore established in the
17th company district, in Libettycounty, shall hereaf
ter bo held at Biid’sstoro, in said county.
-The election precinct iu the 47fiti< district, G. M.
die house of Curley Grateboesc, to the store of M.&
J. Warren, in said district, in the county of Newton.
The election precinct heretofore established at the
house of Alexander Cnbir.ess, in the 53i th district, ('
M. Upson county, iu future shall be held at the lurtl:
of Alfred II. Brown, iu said county.
The election precinct heretofore established- at the
house of Whitman II. Owen*, in tho county of De
catur, bo removed to the house of Lyman Shepherd,
oil -Spriug creek, in said county.
That an election precinct be established at the house
of John Sowell, iu thecounty of Crawford, and at tho
house of Mary Hammock.
The election precinct heretofore established in the
301st district, G. M in the county of Jones, at the
house of Mrs. Baldwin, be removed to th it of Mid
way Post Office, the place of holding justices’ courts
and muster* for said district, in said county.
In the comity of Cobb,atthe place of holding justi
ces’ court in the 851st district, G. M.
Fee. 3. And be. it further enacted hy the authority of
the same,' That the election precinct in the 1'Jth dfi-uiot
of Bryan bounty,: ow held at the house cf John Ro
ger* in said county, be, and tiie sank 1 is removed to the
house of Jacal Shuman, any lkw lo the cent wry not
Bee. 4. And it enacted by the authority aforesaid,
That the election*that may be held at the several pre
cincts established by this act, shall be conducted in "the
same way, and governed hy the Same law that is now
in fin ce, regulating elections in tho aforesaid counties,
or other ftuinties Slaving election reeinct*, any law to
thecontrarv notu ithstanding.
jO-iLPir DAY,
Speaker of the House of Represent,Oircs.
President of the Senate.
Assented to, December 2u, 1835.
2t 31 WILLIAM fiCllLliV, Governor.
county, when sitting as A court orOrdinMy, for leave
to sell the lauds and negroes belonging to tho estate
of Joshua D. Bostick, late of said county deceased.
nor. 2. 1835 LUCINDA BOSTICK, Adm'x.
lf> ~ HARDY DURHAM. .IrfciV
gTlGUR months after date application will be made
® to the court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave
to sell three fifth* of Lot of Land No )t> in the 8th dis
trict originally Troup now Merriwother county, be
longing to the orphans of William -Pace, late of said
dec 10
comity deceased
tCfiiJUtc month* afterdate application will he made
* * to tho justices of the court of Coweta county
wh<*n sitfng for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all
the negroes belonging to the estate of James Carson,
deceased, of said county, for the benefit of the lega
tee*. JES3B RHODES U %
Dec 5 3 \ '' !
A N ACT to permit the elections for Colonels to be
hold at the various election precincts iu the seve-
cr.-il counties of this Slate.
Section I. Beil enacted by tke Senate and House of
ieprcscntatiecs of the state of Georgia in General As,
sembly n et, and it is hereby enacted by the authority afore
said, That lioin and immediately after the passage of
this act. it shall and may be lawful for all elections for
col-nbls to be held at the various election precincts in
this State; any law, usage or custom to the contrary
notwithstanding JOSi.lI DAY,
Speaker of the Houscof Rip rose n tat ices.
President of the Senate.
Assented to, December 22, 1835.
Fajcttc Mimt« ^aK'v , „
B EFORE tie court house m I’uytttivi-Ic, -Ojtllf
county, on the first Tuesday hr MARCH ocet,
rail tic sold, within the lawful kc-urs ej snlc, __
One -potted stisd Ilor.-e, levied <m as the property
of John II Jones, lo satisfy an execution in tutor ol
Bairtuel Cone sen. vs John it Jones aui James Jones.
Lot of Land No twelve (12,) in the fourth district
of originally Henry now Fayette (county, v. hereon
Malcome Betbune now live*, levied on as tfca proper
ly ofMalconte Bethtiue, to satisfy r.n. execution in fa-
vor of JoJm C'argilc vs said Bcthuue.
Lot of I.aOdNooileluratlrfcd and twenty three (ltiflA
iu the fourth district of origiaaliy ilonrv oow Fa'Kttte
county, levied on as the properly of James I.anter, to
satisly sundry Fi Fas, Samuel Darden and others vs
said Lanier. ALFRED BROWN,' sheriff.
—rdso, will be sold as ahorn—
22 acres acre* of tiie north wee! corner of tot No 134
in the ‘7lh district of Payette county, levied, on ti* the
property of Uriah Gla.*s, to satisfy « Fi Fa iti lavor ot
T f) Kina vs said Glass. A. McilliiDI-- acp shff.
the inferior court 01 , .i-c ....,
urposes, for leave to sell
To Ca'tistrl JUtahern. -
Tlwmarta* Cabinet Wan House for sale,
T IIE subscriber being desirous of leaving the
part of the country offers for sale the wefiknowu
stand m the town of Tiiomaston, including shop, lot
benches, lathe, lumber house, A c dec. with every con
venience for carrying un the uhovo bnsine**. For fur-
thcrparlicolars, inquire uf the subscriber in Thqmas-
7re.*paTsTug on J ot of l^iid No 204. 23d district «*». jan 28' 34 'WILLIAM POWERS.
fi 4 U It Mi -V S EED S.
A SUPPLY of fresh GARDEN SEi 1)8 iu*t re-
NL ceived—Aiso, The Garthliar's .Tlttn-
rtel, with ins; ruction* for cultivating Garden: Plant*,
Ac.—Price 124 «*• For sale by
jan 1 28 J. II. & \V. 8. I.LLI8.
ri lnotiin.-
® to the h morabl'
lot of land No 125 in the 3Jdistrict of originally Mon-
roc now Pike county, it being the real estate of James
Crawley a aiinor, JAMES CRAWLEY’,
dec 17 ' 25 Natural Guardian.
f jlUUK ntoritli* after date, application will be made
to the houoniblc Inferior Court of Talbot coun
ty, -vliere silting for ordinary purposes for leave to
soli the Land and Negroes belongiug Ut the estate of
John Riley, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the
oenelit of the heir* and creditors of said deceased.
Dec. 2ft, 183.5. dec 31 27 4tn
TffNuUlt liioinns alter dale, application win tie made
K 1 to tho honorable the Inferior Court of I’ike
connty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an or
der to sell all the real estate, and the negroes of John
Akin, sen late of said county, deceased, for the ben
efit the of licit*, iec. JNO. AKIN, jnn. ? ,
Nov. 7. 1835 29 . WILLIA M AKIN. T
OUR Mouth* after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin coun
ty for leave to seii part of tho Negroes belonging to
Mary !( Jordan, a uiinot. Jan 8. 1830 25
WM. B. JORDAN, Guard'n.
F OUR mouths after date, application will be mane
to tho .Court of Ordinary of Bibb County firr
leave to sell the land and Negroes helongiu
Estate of James McDonald, late of said County dec’d.
JEMIMA McDonald. Adm'x.
im 14 GliF.EV McDOVM.O. h.l
** A AG 4' tQ j„oipbit the eiupioyuieut of staves and
A free persons of color from Compot^jding or dis
pensing of medicines iu druggist and apothecaries’
stores, aud to compel druggists and apothecaries to
keep arsenic and other dangerous poisons under lock’
.md key, Ac.
Section 1. Ih it enacted by the Senate and House of
Reprc scuta tires of the state if Georgia tit General As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the
same: That from aud after the first day of Juuuary
tiext. any person or persons having in his, iier or tlieir
employment, auy slave or free persons cf color in any
apothecary shop or druggist store iu this Stale, in the
apothecary branch of their business, iu putting up.
componndiua or dispensing, purchasing or vending
any drug or drugs, or medicines of any discription,
kind or sort, whatsoever, shall be guilty of a high mis
demeanor, and on couviction thereof many court hav
ing cognizance of the same, shall be fined tho stun of
ono hundred dollars for the first offence, and for every
■ ibscquent oifcnce shall be fin**d in tile sum of five
Hundred dollars, one half of said fine to go to the in-
formor, and t«e other half into thecounty treasury for
county purposes.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted hy the. authority- a-
foresaid. That every druggist or apothecary, or any o-
tlier person or persons vending any medicines of a
poisonous quality, shall not vehd the same to any per
son ar persons of color, under tiie penalties aforesaid.
Sec. 3. And be it further endeted by the authority a-
foresaiJ, That nothing in thisact shalibc so construed,
as to prevent druggists and apothecaries from employ
ing auy uegro or free person of color, in that brunch
of tlieir business which does not require them to open
their clmgs or medicines, or compound or dispensing
the same, but they may be permitted to employ said
persons to perform Che laborious part of their work,
under the immediate ditection and control of some
white person.
Soc. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority a-
foresaid, That all laws and parts of laws, militating ;
gainst this act, be and tbe same are hereby repealed
Speaker of the Hawse of Representatives.
, President tf the Scnato.
Assented to. December 26. 1835.
2ft 2! WILLIAM SCHLEY, Governor.
JButl* Sheriff Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in MARCH next, v.dlbitcld
before the court house door in the. town of Jackson,
Betts county, within the legal hears of sale,
JOIj acres of ianj levied oaasthe properly of Jos
eph Parker, it being the one half of jot. No. *2, in the
4th district of Monroe county when surveyed, now
Gluts; and-tiie north half of said lot. lo satisfy t Sft
front a Justice's cotilt of said connty. in favor oi'Jetc-
uiiuh M’Gleaduii, vs said Joseph .Parser. Property
pointed out bv plaitiiilff. Levied and returned to me
by a constable. JA3ILS. W. 'WATKINS, Sh'f.
Jan. 22. til
Henri/ Fax Collector's «ale.
B E r OKL the Court house in the tcu n a) McDonough
I fenry county, will be. sold, an the first Tuesday ta
APRIL next, between thclaufnl hours of saic, thejoUotc-
ing Lots of Lund, or so much thereof as kill satisfy the
T<ue for joe year 1834, aud costs, biz:
Forty act os, No 918,3d eist 1st sec UhcrpkcO; pre
en ia b’j William T Crews, tax 40| cent*, and cost.
2024 acres, I\'o 37, Till (list Henry, lying on W alinst
crock, the property of Robert X■ Flint ing, ux 28J c.
One i.ot in the town of McDonough, »!;<: property
of H’hiijictd Huff, tax 435 c.
40 acres, No 782 lGth drst'id sec Cherokee, as the-
• properly of James Allen, tax -accents. ^
j 160 acres, .No iftii 2th dist 4th yc<: Uhetpk-o, r_s ti-.c-
properlvof iiichara Rdight, tax 354 c.
2o24 acres, No 110 fid dist Henry , as t5eproperty off
James G Perryman, tux 7'U c.
40 acres,No J23 13th dist r a sec, on Nim
ble Twigcraefc, a* the pro^erjvol^ John U Skinner, tax
I2i c.
40 acres, No 272 12th dist 1st see Cheroki e, ns tiie.
property of Thomas H Yarborough, tax ~-'.S c.
130 acres, No J12 Dili dist Vtt sec Giiciuttec, as tiie,
property of John C Henderson, tax •! < 3 c.
160 acres, No 107 t2th dist ;:d sec Cherokee, a* the
property of Jlarnabas Godwin, tax 184 e. reluiued by
AKi.i Bcveas as agent.
40 acres, No 037 2d dist 4th sec CberoLce. as the-
property of Presley G Hereupon, tax 854 c-
40 acres, No 1121 2d dist *tn sec Cherokee, as the
property at'Keaton tpchunh, tax 20^c.
i=*4> acres, No 143 ti;h dut 1st sec Cherokee, as the
property of Moses T Caps, tax 354 c -
2324 acres, No 64,17 lit dist Dclvulb, as the 'proper
ly of John C Gorham, tax 384 c.
' 2024 acres, No 4ft 1st. dist Campbell, asths proper
ty of John G. Cannada, tax l,u3|[ c.
40 acres, No 686 Ifitli doit 3d sec Cheioker., as tha
property of William Fleming, tax (ie$ c.
50 acres. No 22 3u dist Henry, as the property Of
William Moor, tax 314 c -
2t/2A acres; No 2ho, 8th di.-t Henry, on. Tiisnha wa
ters, as the properly of John Freeman, tax 38}'c.
40acres, 478, 3d dist 1st sec C'hcrokeo, as the pro--
norty of Silas B liuehhattau.lux 2,i4 c.
jan 2*1 HUGH 1.0.M1INO, t.c.h c.
1 31OU K months after date, application will bo made
to tho Court of Ordinary of Bibb county for
lii the’ leave to sell tho Kca! Estate belonging to the orphans
UTtuuu iiiuiitif alter Uaie. appiuanou wm 1,1 11... T
M? to the Inferior -Courtof Bibb county, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, ior leavo to soil the real e-
stute belon*'t«g’to Carolino Spruce, a minor
J in. 18.'30 J\’T'-'S W. Gk' -'S. Guar
MNuilrt Jiolithn niter date, liMmuA Will 1:01'iR.ic
Jc t» the honorable tiie Inferior Court of Pike
comity, when sitting for ordinary j>nrj>o*os, for leave
to sell ail the Estate of John Johnson deceased.
F. LI All W. WELLS, \ A!lm s '
Zclmlou, Jan. 15..1334 30
if Joseph Wood late of said con 11 tv deceased,
fill I t. 183(1 2ft REBKGCA WOOD
r »U!t month* after date .application will be made
to the Inferior court of Stewart county
when fitting for ordinary pnrpotes. for leave to sell
the land ami Negroes bolott: iug to the estate of Al
exander Nelson, lute of said comrtv deceased..
Jan, tf. AV1LUAM NELSON. 5
I AtJUR mouths after dote appiieition wilt be made
to the Inferior court of Twiggs county sitting
for ordinary purposes for leave tv sell a hit of fttud in
Carroil county, drawn by the orphans of Robert Reyn
old* late ofsaid county.
Jail. 19 30 THOMAS S. CHAPPELL,Guar.
Millcdgcetllc, January 13,
4ThRDERF.D, That the following persons be. tied
Yw they are hereby appointed Aias de-camp to the
Commander-in-chief, • vvitli the rank of Colon, ), and
that they be obeyed and respected accortlitigly, tq vvK
Norman' McDonald «r MiTum.-ti
THOMAS MORRIS of Lranldin-
Wit.LI AM G. SMITH «.f Jones-
DAVID J. BA ILLY, of Butts
^ Pi:TER II. COFFEE oFTe-fnir
WH.UA.M M. YAR.YUMrfLumpkifr'
EDMOND B. THOMPSON of C’aintilhdff
JOHN DU I. olTarly
TUBMAN WALTHALL, t ’.‘.rnkfing*-
CHARLES D. DAV ! • Walton JE.
ZACHARIAII B. HA'CRi ;\ 1. 0 fCax»
SAMUEL'PARIS of W . k. r
By the tcmmaiiiRx in«1 i, fi. J. \Y. LUMPKIN,sec.