Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 25, 1836, Image 1

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MACON GEORGIA TJ2LJ3CMCAP1I. BARTLETT. .7T.ICOJY, GEORGE!, TIIURSV.IJf, /jB«£I’ *5, 1830. Volume X.—Xuinbci' 35. *f,-»us o» subscription. **i,r ri' Ootww. JmWiii adcanee.wUlpay for the pa- 1 tifiir. Fite Dollars, paul rn advance, wilt pay i*° 9**™- Te!I 1 )ollars » J**h*«» advance Kf'Spd* p''p tr -fi te * an - . . . iwid iritMa *« month* after the year has " “ ..j Three Dollars aad FiJUy Cent* per annum <*** turret. If not paid until the end of the year, ^J lljlLir* pft annum will he charged—with interest !k«V r i WAKE MOUSE and COMMISSION T „_ . Hus in css. H E undersigned fognleave to inform Ilia friend* & public generally, that be will continue the above business in all it* various branches at the old stand for merly occupied by Bennett & Carter in l ast Macon. \*U*re he offers aL # the usual facilities in business by Terms of Advertising. i n,!lI{,n q liberal advances on produce stored with linn, ileertiscmeni* not exceeding one hundred wards, half ■ v‘^ l Tr™? nt \ t | 0 h ^** r,en ‘^'n Savaniiah.|CharJestoii, •*"* nr tirdcc brevier lines, will be inserted one tunc ° , f W * V xa '* are Houses are conveniently sit- « ^"'Mlar. Mien more than one insertion is siren, "“^d near the river, and remote from other buildings °* for ,he first, and 50 cents for each continuance. I f h,ch render ® tbetnqoito secure from danger by fire. '• > / f " r ki f h a deduction of one fourth will be made,tchen *“* ar ance can be effected at lowest rates if required. "fZZ. T’bo undersigned will give bis whole attention to the above business and hopes to receive a portion of pub- • 11 P . alronngc - A General, assortment of Groceries will be constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest prices. sept9 11 If. K. CARTER. ' I in alien nee. F'V rih'. rut Collectors’and Coroners’ Sales arechap, Vlctriisert will be allotted two square* in each , for Twenty Dollar* per annum; ana in the fame till these terms should he rigidly adhered to. _ - YORK. & DARIEN Line of Packets. +J5. BRIG Amelia Strong, J. Chaco, Master, jjist. Premium, Mr. Matthews, “ (iiU new “ Darien, C. P. Buckley, « ’■■J 1? .. •• Macon, A. Bibbin*. *' :s *~“.ScLr. D. B. Crane, . T. Baker, . . , no> i ami substantial vessels, well calculated for the irlili' with good accommodations for passengers, and sinerienced commanders. One Of tlie vessels will al- lie at each end of the Lino to receive freight, and "li s;l i| regularly once a week. Shippers by this line „ in-«iranee at five eighths per cent and they ■s; Hr upon the vessels being, regularly despatched. The subscribers are also agents for several Steamboats 11 run regularly during the boating season between Oarieu. Hawkinsvjlle, and Macon, and lire induced to kli,.*,. ihai they can give great fiicilitics in forwarding ' p destined fir the interior of the State. * IIAYVF.S & MITCHELL, Agent: Darien. lstJnlv, H35 3 ^ ' Fiancee Steam RoatMAne. t^yj I I lit transportation to and from Macon, is now in i complete order. A superior new Steam Boat called • David Crockett” with two powerful Engines, ,.:nl feveral first rate freight boats have been built since tlie close of the last season and placed on tiie line. Steam Boat Pioneer, Copt, Goodufift, ti “ David Crockett, “ M'Cormick, will ply regulaily between Darien and Macon, one of them leaving Darien about once a week with freight boats in tow. Steam Boat CHA3R.LES2P02SJT, Capt. Boundl, will run constantly hetweon Darien and Savannah, and afford the greatest despatch to Cotton. The subscriber's wholo attention is devoted to facili- t ting transportation between Macon aud the Sea Ports. He has invested a large sum to put his tine in the most complete order, and believes that hi* arrange- meins to.- giving despatch to freight and keeping it in good order, while ill liis care, will make it the interest of Cotton Stopper* Olid Merchants ordering goods, to continue their favors. At Darien he has secure and convenient Warehouses for reception of Goods, and his Wharves there are covered with sheds* which enables him to keep nil Cotton shipped on his Boats under shelter aud protected from the weather, while landed for reshipment. JAMES U BUTTS A:;e«TS. lIotxoMRE, Pkck & Go., Charleston, K. P. Butts, Savannah, J. T. Rowland, Darien D. B. Halstead, llawkiusville. ^Macon, Nov. IS. 1834.—S3 .VMM Steam float Company. GROCERIEST W ARE- II OUSE anti CfJJiimission G . dl.W ETT & Co. respectfully inform their ri»-a and the public generally, that they have atuied Hie Ware House and Commission Business to Hint heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware House is conveniently situated on second street* near- y fcdjoitjj: g their store. All cotton consigned to them* either by tiie planters or dealers in the article, or or ders to fdl or buy in this market, will be promptly atteuded to. . They have also a convenient close storage bouse for the reception of merchandize from the country ; tlio receiving and forwarding of which, will receive a particular share of their attention. "Liberal advan ces will be mado on cotton stored, or on shipments to anv market, when desired. They also have on knntl, aud expect shortly to re ceive a large and general assortment of GROCERIES, DRYGOODS Such as. St. Croix and PortoricoS: Havanuasugars, Cuba. Bio and Java coffee. Liverpool salt, Swedes Iron, Nails, Braids, cast, German mid blister steel. Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack ing, Oznaburglu, Negroes cloths, shoes, hats,' caps, etaoks, Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, Sets Blacksmith tools, castings. Hardware, Calicoes. Flannels, Blankets, Wax Calf skins, Jto. Wliipb they will sell on as good terms as can be had in this market. 11 Sept 10 ACffiiNC'iTSND COMMISSION 37SX3JESS* IN DARIES. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox, do. EXCEL. “ J- L- Willcox. rpiflH company have-now their lino of Beats in J. complete order for freighting. They have a naw added to their line called the Superior, sail ton Tow-Boots. The Boats will run regularly between Macon and Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every live or six days with tow-boats. The company hav e now sixteen tow-boats, all firstrate boats,built express ly fur the navigation o<' the Ocmulgee and Albmahu ruers; these increased facilities will enable tiie com pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to cotton or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and Bavanuah, and Darien aud Charleston. There arc aUg, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and New York, which coma to Hawes & Milch;-!, of Darien. Agentsfor the ahorc Boats : J. GODI)AIID, Macon. Boyce, Husky & Walter, Charleston. L. Baldwin & Co. Savanuah, lliptt At. Mitchem.. Darien. iico. K. Roberts, Hawkinsvillc, Macon, 24th Dec., 1835. 2G Ocmttltcec Stt'am Boat Company, T il.8 company will be prepared to commence bu siness, early in the next seasou—They,will have a liv of Packets between New York, and Darien and •team vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon —The agents in New York, Charleston, nnd Savannah, will be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods in Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi ate charge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable in Savannah, Charleaton, and New York—r The dinpatiy'* vessels and boats, will be of first .class will; experienced commanders, and no expense will be spared to meet the patronage ofthe public. I'll. R. YONGE&SONS, Agent* in Darien. mnv 27th 1835 40 (.JOMJMiSSION JYUfcSIN At Barien* Ca. tg'JHE undersigned have resumed business ns n- i bove, anid will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made arrangements that will cnnble us at nil times to forward goods for the interior with tiie least possible delay, by steamboat* when the river will ad-; T HE undersigned returns his thanks to his friends fir the liberal support which be ha* heretofore received from them in the above lipe of business, and solicits a continuance of their patronage, llis arrange ments for conducting business; and particularly in gi ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce & merchandize aud protecting them while in bis charge, •ire at least equal !o those of any others in his line, lie will spend the summer in and in the vicinity of Darien, mil any business addressed to him will receive bis per sonal’atid prompt attention. .'in -151835-53 JOHN T. ROWLAND. I.’.. si tlothin/r Store removed to the store lately occupied by Messrs A Myrick, Napier A Freeman, next to Mr Win U husou’s Jewelry store, where may be found a good ortment of Clot himSlats, Boots, Shoes anti Fancy Articles- consisting in part of * Fine blue, black, brown, green, olive inixt and silver grey. Frock Coats Fine blue,* black, brown, green, claret and oliveDress Coats Drown, green, mixt and silver grey Cpjiteej -iiper drab mixt brown and green'Over Coats Petersham over snd Hunting Coats—Ladies’ Cloaks t i<-ntlcincn’s camblet Cloaks, mole-skin 11 unting coats Satinet and be.ircrteen round Jackets, Pantaloons and Vests of almost eveiy description Cotton ana woollen uett Shirts and Drawers, Flan nel, Canton Flannel, plain and twjlled Cotton Draw ers. Linen and Cotton Shirts,'Flannel Shirts, Collars. Bosoms, Gloves, Hosiery. Russiau Belts, Black Ital ian' and while Cravats, Cotton, worsted and Gum El astic suspenders, a great variety of Stocks, Umbrellas Cloth, Fur. aud Hair Seal-skin Caps. 30 eases Hats, Fine Boots end shoes, India Rubber Shoes, Ladies India Rubber shoes. Also Fine blue, black, invisible green, and Royal purple Cloths, Buff Cassimere, Tailor’s Trimmings, Milita ry Trimmings, &c. &c., all of which will be sold at reduced prices for cash. Macon oct. £1, fl _ HORACE FITCH. F. F LEWIS, MSECKAKT TASLOZl, H AS taken the stand a fee. doors above the Clo thing Store of Mr. J.. Fitch, on Mulberry street where he continues lo carry on the Tailoring business. He assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that their work will l>t uone at the shortest notire, and in the best manner. lie has on hand a supply ofthe best materials in his liuc, -consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green, &c. CASSIMERES,—A good assortment. VESWXETGS, A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, and a complete assortment of TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS. He respectfully solicits a share of tiie public pat ronage. Macon, Oct 30 1S34—24v NEW DRUG STORE. DR. H. LCCI*XS H AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS &■ MEDICINES, at the Store one door below W. 11. Johnston’s Jewelry, which he will sell at mo derate'prices; among which are PAINTS, Whit* Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, l-ampblack, Roscpiuk, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion, Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colonra. OILS, Linseed, Sperm, Whale, and Train Oils, and. Spts. Turpentiqe, Copai, Japan, Coaeb, Leather, <fc Picture Varnishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair. Hat,'Framing, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth, Paint, Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting. Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, andTVelvit Brushes. PERFUMERY. Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender, & Orange Flow er Wate.. Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, (.'ream Soap and other Shaving Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and, Extr.iitde MeiJ, Flake White, Hair Powder, Qrris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot, (fedtnt. Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroli, and Roses; Oxy-cblorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Puffs. Piestou Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als. Temp tin Beans, Yin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, & Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS. Aimatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua YVood, Alum, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley, BreasQnpes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Aminoniaret of Copper, Sago, Emetine, Cicntu Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, C»l- ncynth, Elaterinm, Jalap, Kahinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu barb, Khatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla tic Cubebs, Dandelion. Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger Powders. Haui.lton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English Calomel, Hoffmau’s Auodyue, Oil’d Silk or lint Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Laetucarium, Lan cets, Patent Lint. Lupitline, Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Cnpaiva, Croton, Fennel, YVintcrgreen, Se neca, De'nnrcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho rus, Piperine, Pocket Instruments. Ilydriodatc &■ Ox y-muriate of Potash, Potter’s Catholicou, Ljijijprqf Po tash, Dragon's Blood, Seotous, Stoughton's Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Y'alerian, Rhtibarbarine, Salt- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver wort, Olio Stethoscope, Swaim’s Panacea, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colcliicum. YVine ofColchicuui, Trusses, Turbitli Root, YVhite Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate «f Colchicutn, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines. and all others m common use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Copping, and small Scaling.Instruments aud one second hand set of Amputating and Trephin iug Instruments. April 29 MACON SAHRX&az: WiYUEHOUSE. T HE subscriber having made arrangements with some ofthe most extensive Carriage Manufac tories in the nothcra cities, will have on hand, and be constantly receiving, the coming season, a" extensive assortment of, CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, and vcliicles of all descriptions, which will be of the best workmanship and materials, aud which will be sold on os good terms as can be purchased in any city in the Southern country. Also, an extensive assort ment of SADDLERY, HARNESS, and every other article appertaining to our line of busi ness. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give us a call. WRIGLF.Y.& HART. Opposite corner from IVashington llaU. Sept 2 <im 11 Just received Tj fa Bags crime green Coffee B *35 hhdsst Croix P. It. and N. O. sugar 6 Boxes Loaf sugar 10 hhds Molasses 50 bbls N E Rum 30 “ superior Whiskey Jamaica aud st Croix Rum Hoi. Gin, Cog. Brandy Spenu and Tallow Candles, soap, starch,Chocolate, &c. ALSO 8nlt, Iron-Castings, Bagging, Bale Rope, together with .a.complete assortment of Fancy, anti Staple J>ry Goods. Jan. 21, 30 E. RUSSELL. NEW GOODS. ' WJI. H. KURDS ALL,, n AS Just received a new and extensive as- sornpeutof dry goods, R.EABY BTADS CXOTIISIfG-, HATS, SHOES, tgc. which he is c.Tering for sale itf reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, in eakt, OP THE FOLLOW",NO : Super.Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored S«-ttinetts Knglish Meriuoes Dufjle, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson, Green aud While Flannels Printed Salshury do Canton and Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Kye and Russia do Scotch do ' Black, Blue aud coloured Bombazettea do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Linseys Bleached anil Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustring do Gres de Svvisg do d> Naples do " do Berlin do Sjnphous and Sarranetd Colored Gros do Naples Black aud colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Coiuinou, Thibet wool. Valeutia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Ucrnaui, Crape, Gauzoaud Gros de Na ples Dress lidkfir Ladies and Misses Bonnots Irish Linens aud Lawns Cotton Cassimprs Beaver Fpstjans English Aloleskiu Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids aud Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze ('loth Furniture Dimity Russia SbedtiugBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oznaburghs Bangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black aud colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Bik tup! col’d Lustring Kibbous Dark aud light cpl’,1 Prints aud Ginghams Lacp aud Gauze Veils Fig’daud plain Bobiuet Loco' Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nausoolc aud Book Mvsliu$ I .inen Cambric lldkfs Pongee, Indian Flag aud Spittlcficld Hdkfs Carved aud plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver aud' Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules ^ «^3Cld7“21-ldO Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Stiporfinc blue,olive, gTeen an,d tuix’d .Cloth Coattees, and bine, steel mix’d and fancy colored Saltinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloohs, Blue, black aud fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth's clothaud satlinot Dress aud Frock Coats, do • do do Pantaloons, Black oxid blue Cassimere, b.lack aud colored Velvet, black Fiorintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valeotia, English Silk,-colored and white Merseilles Toilinet, Swunsdown aud Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, &c. Negro Clothing. Men’s & Youth’s Fur Hats, do. do. YVool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal Jc Hair Caps, Fine Boots &. Shoes—Nogro Shoes, Ax. &c. /fl A FLOUR «V .UOLASSES. barrels Canal Flour, 6 lilids Cuba Molasses, new crop, just received aud for sale by REA & COTTON. In Store, 50 hhds St- Croix Sugar, prime quality, 150 bags Coffee. 200 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, &o,000 llavnnna Sugars, choice.20 bliL Canal 1 lour, 10 half bbls do 20 Keg* Lard, ^ 50 Boxes Cheese. JO Half bbls Nol Mackerel, Just received and for sale bv nov. 5. 18:15. 19 CJIARLES CAMPBELL. Fire proof Building* corner Mulberry A- Ss.eond st. Ft imp Oil. far * ,-1 h; Gallott-i Winter strained Lamp Oil very haudsorae—-just received and for sale by H. & J. SHOTYVF.LL. Jan. 14. 30 Opposite the Central Hotel. SFFFI.VG OFF. I AM determined to sell my entire Stock of Goods, which comprise almost every article suited to the mit, or in extreme low river by small fiats or lighters, trade of this place. Merchants and Planter* »vill do built expressly for that business. On onr wharves welltocnll. Nov. 19 -I DAY1I) RAI ■ T are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of.qot- J Insurance. *'»ii at the least possible expenre, and our opportunities flM HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure to forward rottou inland or coastwise, are not exceed- *d by any other House. HA YVES & MITCHELL. Darien, May 20,1S35. 40 Commission Business, JIarien. Cotton on the River, aud also take a few risks 19 Faints, Vnrnism s, Ac. against Fire in ihi^city, Macon, Oct. 27. 3834, 1BF.RT COLLINS. T HE Undersigned liavc farmed a Copartnership VM7|HT£ LEAD, Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow, • lor the purpose of transacting a general Com- v ? Red Lead. Litharge, Lamp Black. YY’hifing mission and other business under the firm of SNOVV A ROGERS, RUil offer tlieirservicesto their friends, and tho public Rfc-rallV; in the above business. Forwarding Goods ami produce |p and from the interior of the State, will twvfvo particular attention. It ntav be proper to state that they have no connection with any of the Steam transportation lines; Goods forthe interior will always be shipped by those who will prohably give them the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOYV, J*n 1.1838 28 - GEO T. ROGERS Terra de Scinpa, Spauisb Brown, Linseed Oil Spts Turpentine. Copal Varnitc. Japan Varnish. Leather Varnish, Picntrc Y’arnish, also, 1 V.ttdotr Glass. Faint Brushes, S’c. f eb 18 :15 ByJ 11. A YV. 8. LLIS To Southern .Jlcrehanty. HILLOCK Ac BATES, No. 234, Ptarl st. ticw-Yorlt, « E8PLCTFULLY invite the attention,pf ,South ern dealers to their stqck.of.Goods now'receiv- ing for their spring sales'; they have maieriglly i'ncreas- T 1IE Undersigned tenders his thanks to his friends j ed their stock of French .'•ilk 'Gpods sndl-bncyarti- for the liberal patronage he has for mauyye.vs ■ elcs. as also, die various kinds of Muslins, Swus received, anda^ r ■* them tiiat llie same zeal wi^h j GiHids, Collars* Capes, A c. A c. wJiirn, together with 'riticliiniiisindivalaalcnpacityhe applied hitnself, will ther extensive stock of staple, Foreign aud Domestic mrect his efforts in protecting those interests which i Dry Goods, comprises an assortment probnbly e- »>av !> e confided to the new establishment. 2“ quid to any ever offered jit the city, l he utmost ex- D »ri*n, Jan 1 I9AAC SNOW , ertion* will be made to give, in all respects, entire stft- ': isfaction to those who may favortbem with their trade. Jan : 20 33 2m I cTob Printing done at this OJice B ALMANACKS FOR 1836. V The Gross, Dozen, or single, for sale by OHAS. CAMPBL'LL. .Yfir Store—Fresh Goods. . J1IIE subscriber is now opening, on second street, 1 JL next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. YY’hich will be .sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows: WOOLENS, 8-4, 0-4 and 10-4 London Duffil Blankets—10-4 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Linseys— super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine and com mon Satinet*, assorted colors—superfine Valcnria and Toilinet Vestings—super white aud red Flannels—do Merino do. STUFFS. Black aud colored 0-4 Merinos—do do Bombazctts— fine 0-4 Bombazines—Pink Rntinet—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—twins, Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in $ pieces very fine —colored and white Homespuns—Roweu cassimere.* and checks—birdscye and Russia Diapers—Linen cambric Hkf*, Rnssia sheetings, &c SILKS. Black super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring do —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsnets and sinchews. IIANDKERCUIEFS. Mandarin, Ilcrninci, embroidered Romani. Bagdad, rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and marlin gauze Iikfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—Blond Ed gings and Bobinet I .aces—and many other articles, which caunct fail (p give satisfaction as to price and quality. dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN Crawford Sheriff Sale. Fostponcit Sale. IfflflLL be sold on die first Tuesday in March r* next, at the Conn House in the town of Kuoxvilie, Crawford county, the following property, viz: One Lot ofland No. one hnudred & ninety throe, (133) in the sixth district of Crawford county, levied on as the property of Moses Giddins to satisty sundry smtill fi fas issued from a Justice’s court in the county of Pulaski in favor of Jno. Rawls & Co. vs ” To my Wife levied snd returned to me by a constable. 31 . Jan.25. WM. it. .FILES. D. Sh'jf. Also will be sold as above The interest of Ephraim Lovett in five Negroes nowin possession of Mrs Mary Lovett, viz; liana a I woman, and Caroline, Lticinda. Muge, aud Hcnny, the four last named children—the above interest sold to J satisfy a fi fa from Crawford superior Court, Reuben Turner vs said Ephruim Lovett Terms of sale cash. WM. CAMPBELL, Sk'ff. i Also icillbe sold as abate, on the first Tuesday in April, One Lot of land in the first district of Craw Cord coun ty, No 103, levied on as the property of Elijah YVill- rarns to satisfy a n fa issued from tho superior court of Morgan county jn favor of Edward Williams. Prop erty pointed out by Jas M Harris, feb I YVM, CAMPBELL, sheriff. said AIos ■ being ordered to xVarch to Florida against plaintiff-i ’ . *de Miant, F^nary;Ybafi. ... I Adieu, udicti mv oulv nfc. the Semi- Houston Sheriff Sale, O N the first Tuesday in M^.KCH nut, will be sold before the court house dear, in the toun of Perry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale. Twenty acres of lot of Laud, No, 174, in die loth district, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court, in favor pf John B. McCarter vs YVulter L- Campbell, John Stapler, Win. N. L Crocker and Robert Peacock, se curities of Flint river Academy—levied on and re turned to me by a constable-—property pointed out by- Robert Peacock. JOHN C. MOUNGER, Jan 28 Sherif. POSTPONED SALE. Will be sold as above, Lot No 20, in the ninth district, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices’court in Wilkes county, in favor of John B. Smith vsjohn Ball, Jesse Ball and Charles D.qud, together with other fi fas—levied on and return- tq uye by a constable. JOHN C. MOUNGER, Jan 23 sheriff. Pike Sheriff Sale. B EFORE the court house in iiebuloa, Pike county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, within the usual hours of sale, The west ha.lf qf lot of Land No nineteen (19,) in the third district of originally Monroe now Pikecounty to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from the superior court of Pike county in favor of Etsy Buntiii vs Benjamin Btintin, property pointed out iu mortgage fi fa. jan 28 JOS. 11. S1HVERS, sheriff Adieu, adieu my only life. My honor calls tue from thee, Remember thnu’rt a soldier’s wife. Those tears do ill become thee ; What though by duty I am called, YY'here die tomahawk doth rattle. Where valor’s self might stand appall’d, Chorus—To Ileav’n above Thy fervent orisons have down, The tender pray-’r.thou put'stup there, . Shall call a guardian angel down, [&’ f Shall call a guardian angel down To watch me in the batde. My safety thy fair truth shall bq As sword and buckler serving, My life shall be more dear to me. Became of thy preserving. Let peril come let horror threat, Let the tomahawk rattle, I fearless seek the conffict-’s heat, . . Assur’d,when on the wings of love Chords—To Ileav’n above Thy fervent orisons have flown, &.c. Enough, with that benignant*mile, Some kindred god inspired thee, Who saw thy .hosom void of guile. Who wonder’d and admired thee.' I go assnr’d, my life, adieu, Though thund’ringcannons rattle, Though murdering c.arnnge stalk in view, YVhen on the wingsof thy true love, Chorus—To Hcav’n above Thy fervent orisons are flown, &c. Carroll Sheriff Sale. TILL be sold at Carrollton, Carroll county, on the * first Tuesday in MARCH next, within thp law ful hours of sale, Lot of Land No 114 in the 4th district of said coun ty. levied on as the property of John S Adams, to sat isfy a Fi Fa issued front the superior court of Troup county in favor of Henry H Lumpkin vs said Adams. Pioperty pointed oat by plaintiffs attorney. ian 28 J 1 >H \ PE A N, dtp sheriff. Fayette Sitci-icf Sale. B EFORE the court lu/use in .Faycttcrillc, Fayette county, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, wilt be sold, within the lawful hours of sale. One spotted stud llorse, levied on as the property of John H Jones, to satisfy au execution in favor of Samuel Cone sen. vs John II Jones and James Jones. Lot ol" Lund No twelve (12,) in tho fouilh district of originally Henry now Fayette county, whereon Malcome Bethune now lives, levied on as the proper ty of.Malcome Bethune, to satisfy an execution iu fa vor of John Cargiie vs said Bethuue. Lot of Land Noanehundred and twenty three (103,) in tiie fourth district of originally Henry now Fayette county, levied on as the property of James Lanier, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas, Samuel Darden and others vs said Lanier. ALFRED BROYVN, sheriff, —also, trill be sold as above— 22 acres acres of the north west corner of lot No 131 in the 7th district of Fayette county, levied on as the property of Uriah Glass, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of T D King vs said Glass, A. McBRIDE. dtp shff. Oct. IS. 17 PAIiNTING. H OUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, either in the city or country. Chairs repainted and ornamented. Lookingglass or picture frames gilded or bronzed. Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various des criptions will be done by applying to J. II. & YV. S. ELLIS. FRENCH MERINOS. G REEN, Blue, Brown and Crimson Merinos, Coloured and Bhrnk Merino Circassians, Merino Print*. Furniture do. YY’hite and red Flannels, with a variety of Eng lish and American Staple Good.*, jnst received aud for sale cheap by '^ CHAS. CAMPBELL Bills of Exchange O N Savannah and New York, at sixty and ninety days, will be discounted by Jan 14 30 RFA dr COTTON. Swaim’s Panacea, Indian Panacea* FOTTER'S C.ITIIOEICO.Y, A supply just rec’d by 11 & J SHOTYVEl.L. .Yew Books and Stationary. J UST received—among which are the Token for 1836, New Novels, Arc. YVe have YV.itts & Rip- pon, Dorsey’s choice Y’illagc Hyntns, &.c. Gamuts for Flute,' Piano Forte, Violin, &c School and clas sical Books of all kinds. Miscellaneous do. Law and Medicine do. Blank do. Abnanacks by single doz or groce, vety fine Paper of all kinds. YVe invite our friends anti the public generally to call on us, as it is the interest of all to support a respectable Book estab lishment among us. dec 3 23 OLCOTT & ELLS. T HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov.5,1836. ROBT. COLLI>8. R EA & COTTON will make liberal advances on Cotton shipments to Savannah or New Y'- : k. Jan. 14. 29 ” - ESI TfiOJYf T HE Monticellu Female Academy, commenced its operations on Monday, tiie first February, under the superintendence of Mr. YV. !l. HUNT, us principal, with the assistance of Mra Hunt, Miss M. A. Taylor aud Miss M. S. Taylor From their ex perience and celebrity as teachers heretofore, ive-have every confidence in asking the patronage of a generous public. Thu unusual locality for health, presents an inducement for students at a' distance. Board can he had.op good terpis, .eitiu r in the family of the princi pal or iu the vicinity. Mnnlicello, Fen. 2.1836. 3t 33 M..CHAMPION, isPry. 7T—*~ Candle Factor)' Ac Provision Store. rjpHK undersigned'takes ihis'metliod of informing JL his former patrol^ and friends aud tiie public generally, that he hasagain commenced business, near his old stand, on Cherry street, where ho will be hap- pv to eyeepte their orders. Fine Candles by or pound, constantly for sale, very cheap. ’ Also, Meal, Bacon, Butter J.ard, Onions, Frutt, and almoijt every thing in .the .provis ion line. To those of his creditors who have so kindly indulg ed him, he rettiriis his sincere thanks, and expects shortly to be able to satisfy all their claims, feb" 18. 3-1 .D. PALMEYDA- . ( > LkC8- , ~h>adies’ Ermine Capes, white do, aquir- jf rel tail Boas, Ladies’ Opera Ties for the neck. Also jpst.rccfitved, Men’s and Boys’ Seal Caps. 14 Cases .low pried Napped Hat*. 6 do Satin Beaver do, 3 do superfine Fur, do. Gent’s Fur Tipnits, 300 pair Gent’s dancing Pump.*. The above will be sold at ; large discount by the Case or dozen. Jan.6, 1836 29 ISAAC NEYVHALL. ‘ Next door to the Post Office Gcorj^iu Nankeens Bales contamiug 500 piece* Nankeen, made ■ from Georgia Cotton ; for sale by feb. 18. 34 REA & COTTON. 200,000 bv 28 IJis Pork and Bacon, 100 do New Lard, for sale DA.VID RALSTON. WOOL HATS. Received this day CASES of YVool HATS, and 3 do. lstand 2nd quality fine For Hat.*, 4 do. boys Boots. ISAAC NEYVHALL. Next door to the Post Office. Dec 3. 23 Scull Shoals Manufacturing Co. MYRICK, NAPIER & FREEMAN H AVE received a supply of,Cloths'and Yam* from the above Manulacfoiy, of superior fab- rick which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the Farmer nrice*. Macon Sep 3 1835. 10 Bulls Sheriff Sale. O N the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Jackson, llutts county, within tJw legal hours of sale., . 50 acres ofland levied 011 as the property of Joseph Parker, it being part of lot No. 22, in the 4thdistrict of .Monroe county when surveyed, how Butts; and the north half of said lot, to satisfy a fi fa from a Jus tice’s court of said county, in favor of Jeremiah M’- Clendon, vs‘sard Joseph Parker. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levied and returned to me by a con stable. JAMES YV YV ATKINS, Sk'ff. Jan. 22. 31 Henry Tax Collector's Sale. B EFOKr. the Court house inthefowh of McDonough Henry county, will be sold,' on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, between the lawful hours of sale, the follow ing Lots of Land, or so much thereof as will satisfy the Tax for the year 1834, and costs, viz : Forty acres, No 918, 3d dist 1st gee Cherokee, giv en in by H'illiam T Crews, tax 46] cents, and cost. 2024 acres, No 37, 7th dist Henry, lying on YY'alnut creek, the property of Robert N. Fleming, tax 38J c. One Lot iu the town of McDonough, the property of H'hufield Huff, tax -fa] fi. 40 acres, No 782 16th dist 2d sqc Cherokee, as the property of James Allen, tax 25] cents.' 160 acres, N'o 196 9th dist 4th sec Cherokee, as the property of Richard Knight, tax :$5] c. 202] acres, No 110 3d dist Henry, as the propetty of Janes G Perrymon, tax 73] c. 40 acres. No 12912th dist 1 <t sec Cherokee, on Nim bi e Twig creek, as the properly of John ti ■’skinner, tax 42] c. 40 acres, No 272 12th dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the property of Thomas H Yarborough, tax 24] c. 160 acres, No 11st 9lh dist 2d sec Cherokee, as the property of John C Henderson, tax 47] c. lfiO acres, No 197 12th dist 3d sec Cherokee, as the property of Barnabas Godwin, tax 18] c. returned by Alsa Beveas as agent. 40 aercs. No 637 2d dist 4th sec Cherokee, as die property of Presley G Derenport, tax 85].c. 40 acres. No 11212d dist 4th sec Cherokee, as tho property cf Keaton Upchurch,- tax 25] c. 160 acres, No 143 61b dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the property of Moses T Caps, tax 35] c. 202] acres. No 64. l?th dist DeKalb, as the proper ty of John C Gorham, tax 38] c. 202] acres, No 49 1st dist Campbell, as the proper ty of John C. Cannada, tax 1,03] c. 40 acres, No 6e6 19th dist 3d sec Cherokee, as the property of lYiiliam Fleming, tax 68] c. 50 acres, No 22 3d dist Heaty, as the property of irilliam Moor, tax 31] c. 202] acres, No 206, 8th dist Henry, on Tusaha wa lers, as the property of John Freeman, tax 38] c. 40 acres, 478, 3d dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the pro perty of Silas B Buckhanon. tax 25] c. . jan 28 HUGH LONGINO, t. c. h. c. THE MINTS \ND THE GOLD CURRENCY Tho Director of the mint. Dr. Patterson, ha$ made his annual report to Congress, and from that it is seeu that die snm of $2,18(5,175 jit Gold had been coined daring the year 1825,Which, ad ded to $3,954,270, coined iu tlje proceeding year make*, in round uumhers, six millions of dollars. The Director of the tninl proposes two important alterations for promoting the supply of gold for coinage, which, if adopted by Congress, will greatly increase tho coinage, and make tho whole amount ofthe coinage, under the jucw law, by the time President Jackson goes out of office in march, 1827. amount to twelve or fourteen millions of dollars. At that time the three new branch mints will be in operation, for they are all expected to begin to coin, by the first day of Jan uary, 1837. These three branch mints, and the principal mint, will consequently be ^work.aud iu all, prohably will coiu twelve or fiftteen mijl- ions, to wit; the mint at Philadelphia, three or four millions; the branches in North Carolina aud Georgia, from oueto two millions oarh;the branch at New Orleans,six or seven millions; thus giv ing. at the end of T837, about, $25,000,000 of gold currency. But to accomplish this brilliant result, it is necessary that the Directors’ sugges tions fot supplying the mints with regular and ample supplies for gold coinage, should be adopted by the present Congress; and also (hat tbo suggestions in the President’s last annual message, to suppress the paper circulation under $20 *h.ouid be carried into effect. Such is tli(^pros pect for our gold curreucy iu tho year J837; for the prescut, we have to repent what we have said heretofore, that every member of congress may now draw his pay aud mileage in gold; that it lies ready for him in the metropolis bauk; and that the last *essiou, nnd the proseut-'session of Congress are the first instances, iu thirty years of Congress being paid iu gold. Globe. S|rThomas P*cto>.—Tho following anec dote is related of this celebyafyd officer : During the Peninsular war.wheu provisions were rather difficult to be obtaiucd, a young aud dan dified coni raUsary had heeti instructed to supply the ratious for the third division, at a given place, hy acertain time; but by some mismanagement, this officer forgot to fulfil his engagement nnd tho division was, iu consequence, left to its own re sources, which were bad enough- A .report of this neg'ect was brought to Geu. Picion; and he forth with sent for the commissary. ‘YVell Sir,’ com menced Picton, as he came iu, ‘where are the ra tions for my division V This being the very ques tion that the commissary was not prepared to an swer. he hesitated for a short time, and they stammered out somo well worn excuse, i’ictou was not, however, to be cajoled by excuses, while his tneu were kept with empty stomachs; so led thp alarmed commissary to the door,&pointing,said. Do you see that tree?* ‘Yes.Sir,’was the reply. YY’,’ continued Pictou, ‘if you don’t gej tho rations for pay diyistou at (be place msutioued hy 12 o’clock, tomorrow, 1 will bang you up there at half past.’ He was then released, when he proceer ded forthwith to Lord YY'ellingtou aud told him, with J m appearance of injured diguity, of Gen. PictoiPs threat; hut the commissary was dreadful ly alarmed, when his Lordship coolly remarked. ‘Ah ! he said he’d hang you, did he V—‘ Yc*. trty Lord/" ‘YY’ell, if Geu, Picton said so, I dare say be will keep bis word. You’d better get the ratious up in time.’—Further advice was .unnecessary,— the rations were there to tho moment. 128 Kegs While Lead, 150 Galls, Linseed Oil, 30 do YY'hale do 100 Ao Lamp do 150 do Spirits Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Furniture Y’arnish,' Litharge, Chrome Yellow, Chrome Green, Umber. Ivory Black, Prussian Blue, Y’cnnillion, India Red, Pans Green. Y’urdigris, Smalts all colours YVipte Frosting, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown,. Red Lead, Yellow Gore, YY'hi ting, Glue, and Gold Leaf—Just received and lor slae by nov. 5th 1835. 19 CHARLES CAMPBELL. Fire proo*'Buildings, corner of'Mttlberrv and Second ~irzr FEU.YT.I TIO.Y FOR S.1EE. T U IIE subscriber being desirous to remove to the West, offers for sale the LAND whereon he now lives, containing about 600 acre* situated oil both sides of YValnut creek, and on the stage road, six miles from Clinton, and abonl seven miles from Macon. It is ahealthy situation and tolerably well improved — Any person wishing to pnrehese will do well to call and examine tho premises. P. PHIJJPSv 5 Jones co. Fob 4 % S3 pt . C MJY G fi V .71 FS. dN PAIR Gentlemen’s Dancing Pump.?, Pje* 100 do Ladies’, fine Prunella aud Kid Slippers, French pattern, by Jan 1 28 ISAAC NEYVHALL. A SUPPLY of Kowa lid’s Tonic Mixture, acertain cure tor the Fetor end Ague, just received and for sale by J. II. &. \V. 3 ELLIS, juno 16-52 Cotton Avenue, himum. ^ NOTICE. T HE firm of YVood ci: Camp is tliisday dissolved by mutual consent. The business will .be contin ued bvThomas YVood. who is duly authorized to cIosp the business of the concern. THOMAS YVO D Macon Oct. 20th 1835. FDYVARD CAMP. EWi^DAVID F. YVILSOSf i* a candidate i$ss2 for Colohel of Ribb County, 32 -Harbour vu the laleof Man.—YVe leant from ui: English paper, the project advocated seme years ago in a pamphlet by Mir William Hilary, of es tablishing an artificial harbour in tho Irish Sea, has fieenrevived,and tltat Sir John Kcunic jias peen employed in surveying tho haroonri of tho Isle of Man. His report has been published ac companied by plans. The expense of erecting a breakwater at Douglas Bay, which shall form a basio of 40 or 20 acres, with excellent ancitorago and with watered to 34 feet deep, is estimated nol to exceed 200 £250 ,000. lit* slated in Sir YVilliam Hilary’s pamphlet that within ten years property exceeding half a million in value had been lost on the coast of lhe island and tho adja cent seas, by the wreck of vessels, which would have found a refuge within a breakwater at Douglas Hay and that in a single week in November, 1834, thirteen persons, besides vessels and their cargoes worth £d0,000, were lostiu Ramsay Bay, and on the Castletown coast, all of which had passed Douglas Bay m search of shelter. / Insurrection of Cpnviets at Joan Fernandez. —f’nptaiu Carey, of the ship Gideon Barstow", arrived at Rochester, iuforms us that tho Gover nor of Juan Fernandez arrived at Talcahuana ou the 2Jst of sept- on his way to Valparaiso, to raise forces, with whom to retake his island, ct which possession had.been taken by the convicts , seiiieuced tfaero by tho Chilian Government- About two mouths previous to that time, theprifi-- oners entered into a conspiracy, got possession, of tiie castle, bound tho Governor, threw him. into prison, and after several weeks eonliuemen.t- released him, and gave him twenty minutes to ge£. onboard of a vessel theu waiting to take him to the main. Captaiu C. thinks that the Chilian for ces will have some trouble in captaring the con-- victs, who are very mintcroas, unless they arts starved out by preventing aE intercourse with the- islautl. There is said to bo only one harbor, and'. tbHtmay be so fortified as to show a.powerful re sistance to attacks. The Governor gave this itr-- - formation, with a particular request, tb;>f it ko- xotnmttuicated to masters of ships with w hich he- might fall in company, with advice to steer clear of tbo island. pN’eyr Bedford Ghe-.etro.