Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, March 10, 1836, Image 1

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U. babtlett. .7F.1CO.V, GEORGIAl, TMILItSJuUlI', .JI.IRCU 10, 1SS6. Volume X.—Number 3». r_^a=us=s*-^35i lui, oi siBwcnpiion. I Uis. ;>'!«•« advance, trill pay for the pa- i)om.ahs. />o*d ** adcanee, trill pay 1 rap"'-. .. Ten DoLi.Ans.jxiW in adrance „r lito years. ■ ^ipK ■ . ■ m month? after the year ha* ■»rr' • * T'7’|'rf Dalton and Fifty Cents per a warn litres- • ■ ij- Htit ni i „ nt ,i t i c r „d of the ytar, • pjifri per annum irill be charged—with interest •" Tonus of Advcrttslng. Unis not cjreee hng one hundred trords, half .U^Zdte brevierlines, trill be inserted onetime n u!t i u,r ll'hrii more than one insertion is gieen, t' 1 -' e r<t , ,„„l :>0 cent* for each continuant*. ’ ' i Vii A " 'deduction of one fourth trill be made, trhen i '■'* Tor Collectors'and Coroners' Sulcs are char- M*I ; Jf | % r t;jrr* trill be allowed two squares in each 1 ' frr ii'1 Dollars per annum: nod in the same Dr*<r .pa r—payable quarterly. ' ■,«'* ,four business, and the state of the times, % these terms should be rigidly adhered to. lfe£& Ni : V> VOliK lV 1) V It I ION j fjnr of Pmfcris. ! ■v Am *lia Suoii.-;. J. Chaco, Master.; J’reiuuiiii, Mr.' Matthews, " I Darien, C.JF. UurkW, “ * r . . Macon, A. Bibbins, * ^STs,!..-. !)■ «. <"r.,i,r. T. Baker, « I i ! -ufnt m:i il vessel’, well calculated for the i | aerouimml itions fi)» pa-scugcr*. an.l ! ".j' vmial.'r*. Ono of the vessels will ail- { .. , , r , ,ei i .if die Line to receive freight, ami , r ". , ir.'e oucei a week. .Shippers l»y this line ■ | ince at Jive eighths per cent and they WAREHOUSE and CO III Ml S S ( o X . Business. T HE undersigned bega leave to inform bis friend.’ & public generally, that he will cantiiuio the above business in all its various branches at the old stand for merly occupied by Bennett & Carter in Hast Macon, vhere he otrers n" the. nsual facilities in business by iiiakiugliberal advances on produce stored with hint, or on shipments to liisfrieudsin Savannah.jCharleston, or New York. His Ware Houses are con vonicuilr sit uated near the river, and remote from other buildings which renders them quite secure from dancer bv fire. Insurance can be effected at lowest rates if required. The undersigned will give liis whole attention to the above business and hopes to receive a portion ofpnk- lie patronage. A General assortment of Groceries will be constantly kept on band and sold nt the lowest prices. sept» J» II. K. CARTER, GROCERIES, W A R E - II O V S E , - ■Tinir i rr and Commission Ensincss. G 1 EO. Ji U J'.TT vA Co. rvs|teclfii||y inform their T friend; aiid the publicgenerally, that they have .aided the U are House and Coo (mission Zjiisiiicss to that heretofore conducted by tliem. Their' Ware lloo-e is ruuVi’iiietitly situated on second street, near ly ajjnii i g their store. All cotton consigned to them, sfdicrby Uio planters or dealers in the article, or or- ihrA to sell or buy in this market, will be promptly . - I I- I. i •*■ e > , ■ , , , j ... tif* VI ssols being regularly despatched. ; ' y iji!,arc also agents fur several Steamboats " r- oil lrly during the boating season between f .. ll. .....I M-.r-rtti tun) ?»rr* itliltllTfl fft . jl nvl.iiisville. and Macon, and arc induced to ill *v can give great facilities in forwarding '.iii'.il for the interior of the State. HAWKS & MITCHELL, Agent; tur n. l-tJ'dV. '^AA _ ’A _I1 ' pjejttccr Statist Boat JLine. iv, -y U ,. i r .nispIllation to and from Macon, is now in J ‘ ;l 'bis market. < rn „| | i|cti' order. A superior new tStoatn Boa ‘I V<jrlbi\(' V ' ! “|)a\ ill CrocKett" tyilb t»vq ijqwcrfal Lngines, | i ., vcnl lirst rate frciglit boats have boon built since i .fl.i. • of die last season and placed on the line. j Until Plotters, Cajrt. Gnoilmin, 11 David Cror.J.rtl, “ AP Comtek, . retrainlr l> tweeu Darien and Macon, one of ■ii I'c.ins D.irioii about once a week with freight *N III |0\V. Jtsaa Ca))t. Donnell, 3 rn cmi-tandy between Darien and Savannah, ihfir.l tar ■■rc-itcst despatch to Cotton. » ’i> eili rrihcr's whole attention is devoted to facili- iriias|M>riation b'-tween Macon and the Sea !!,• las invested a large sum to put bis line in . oi r iai;dctc order, and believes that his arrange- ...villi despatch to freight and keeping it in ' I'.lsr. while in his c ;rc, will make it the interest I'4,011 S|iipp ts and Merchants ordering go«Mls, to i- ; i» i'i ir favors. 5:') .(•."> he lias secure and convenient Warehouses rc,'|it ia of Hondo, and Id.’ l^/aAi'vcs thora arc covered with sheds, r ’i fit ililes liiui to keep all Cotton shipped on lii.- ... .infer sheitor and protected front the weather, oivlcd for r.'sldpmetit. JAMES B BUTTS li n e iwr.K. Pttcx & Co., Cbarloston, Ii. I*. Hitts, Savannah, . J. T. Uovvi.xyn, Darien II. I!. Halstead, llawkinsville. Id m.V.v. H. 1' U —'32 * .?/»*»« Steam Stoat Company. i i sri'EUlOft, CapL George Willcqy I.ACIi!.. •• J. J.. \Villcnx. |t:US 1 i ii;uny have now their Hue of Beats in P. c.i'iial ci' ord r for frciglitiiig. They have a - i'ii'i i it add to iJicir line called the Superior : T.r.v-lbiats. . U ms will run regularly iietwo-n Macon and i mi. of t!i‘ steamboats leaving Darien even •i\ d i_vs with tnw-b-iats. The company have •i'i a imr-lioaio, all (irstrate lento,built i xpr :.i' uivigitioii of th-> Ocmnlgce and AItam du i • increased facilities will enable the couv tviuMiu of giving the greatest despatch I" iiu ciei.lo shipped by their line, i 1 h iv.* a Sie.nuhoat and a tin tuber of Sloops, uy c.ti*ii:i an l in *rch tndisu batvvecn D.nioa an in.a. an | Dirieii and Clmrlc-;on. There are '.I. hr-*: ... .* Packets mutlin? regularly betwocli i ail .New Vur*. which coma to Hawes A i of Darien. Agents for the abort Hoots : J. UtlDlUiv!), Macon, rrt, Hi:\rv A Walter, Charleston. Bv: n.vis A- Co. Snvauiiuh, *v Mi rciiki.l, Darien. 1 K. liunuRr?, llawkinsville, "a.-Mlh Dec., I 2d T « girSIcfiitt Sto/\f 4ef?njnr;i y. jr^, **sHk8* r tv I J1Hi> oiuji.iny will In* prepared to connneiico bn- F * -i '--. early in the lie*l season—They will have • 'i p.iclveis iietwei.n New A'ork. and Darien and m .-.,.1.. to forward goods from Darien to Macon P wig,>ni*in New York, Charleston, and Savannah, * ulnrised to contract for the delivery of good- I 'licni!, ;,t a freight agruodon without interinedi- Janr: .anj the agent iu .Macon will receive cotton fdil" in Savannah, Charleston, and Now Y'ork— p niv's vessel* and boats, will he of first class '‘I'-’rienccd commanders, and no expense will In !i in *cl the patronage of the public. I'll. It. YONGE& SON'S. Agents iu Darien -’rih 4'* Tiiey havo id,o a convenient close storage I ion so bribe reception of merchandize* from the country; he receiving auJ forwarding of which, will receive particular share of their attention. Liberal advan- o4 will Ik* made on cotton stored, or on shipments to mv market, v< hen desired. ; They ni-o have on hand, aud expect shortly to rc- ■ *ive il large and general assortment of GROCERIES, DRYGOODS Such us. St. Croix and P«rtorico& Havanuusugars, Cuba. Rio and Java coffee. Liverpool salt. Swedes Iron, Noils, Brads, east, German and blis/er steel. Heav y hemp Bagging, Sagging (wine (willed sack ing, O/.iia’inrghs, Negroes cloths, shoes, hats, caps, clanks. Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, •Sets I \ieksmith toots, castings. Hardware, t.'a'icdes. Flannels. Plniiket.-, Wax Calf skins. &c. Which they will sell on ns good terms as enti lie had 11 -Sept 10 AiMJ COMMISSION JN VARIES. ill* nndersigned returns liis thanks to his friends HL W the liberal rapport which Im has herctnlorc e;-ei»wd from them iu theaborc line of business, and, •licit-a c.-mtiwiunee of their patronage, liis arrangc- "cuLs fur conducting bn-ines’, ami particularly iu gi ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce A- merchandize and protecting them while iti liis charge, are at least equal to those of any others ill his lino. lie will spend the summer in and in the vicinity of Darien, and any business addressed to him will receive liis per -final and prompt attention. jnn.* f.~» H:tr»-T»:t JOHN* T. ROWLAND. _ The mVfacon Clothing Store 1 S removed to tke store lulely occupied by Messrs 'i M vrick, Napier A. Freeman, next to Mr Ww B dmsou's Jewelry store, where may be found a good i i'-ortnicnt of (.'tothings Slats, Roofs, Shoes and Tanr) Ail sc It* s- cond-ting in pan of v'iuR blue, Irinck, brown, greou, olive lnixt and silver grey Frock Coats Fine blue," black, brown, green, claret and olive Dress Coats Brown, green, ntixt and silver grey Coatees 'ii per drab mixt brown and green'Over Coats Petersham over and limiting Coats—l.ndics’ Cloaks lenUciiten’s cs:u!det Clonk*, mole—-kin Hunting coats Satinet and beaverteen round Jacket;, Pantaloons and Vests of almost every description Colton and woollen nett Sturts and Drawers, Flan nel, Canton Flannel, plain and twilled Cotton Dravv- •rs. Linen qifd Cotton Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Collars, .lo om-, Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Belts, Black Ital ian and white Cravats, Cotton, worsted and Gnin F.l- i-tic sn-pMiders, n great variety of Stocks, Umbrellas Cloth. Fur, and Hair Seal-skin Cups. 30 cases Hats, Finn Bool-and shoes, India Rubber Shoos, Ladies India Rubber shoes. Also Fine blue, black, invisible green, and Royal purple Cloths, BulTCassiiu-U'C, Tailor’s Trimmings, Mitita- -y Trimmings, Ac. Ac., all of which will be sold at ■eibtreil prices for cash/ .Macon oct. 22. 21 HORACE FITCH. F. J NEW DRUG STORE. D.R. il. Loomis AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS & MEDICINES, at the Store one door below W. B. Johnston’s Jewelry, which he will sell at mo derate prices; among which are . PAINTS, White Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Cluromic Yellow, Spatiudi Brown, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Roscpink, Terra de Sienna, Y’ermillion. Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colours. * OILS. Linseed, Speim, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copai, Japan, Coach, Leather, & Picture Famishes. 4 _ BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair, llat,*^ raining, Varnish, Furniture, Toot|i. Paint, Nail, Corn Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. PERFUMERY. Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida. Lavender, Sc Orange Flower Wate., Yromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Shat ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Meil, Flake White, Ilair Powder. Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot,' Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroli. ami Roses; Oxy-cliloriue Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder l’uffs, 1’ieston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als. Tonquin Beaus, Vin dc Rouge, Vegetable Ro'ngc, «£■ Macassar Oil, DYE- STUFFS. Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alnut, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic Ar otlier Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm qf Columbia, Patent Barley, Brenstpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pgp- ner, Spanish Saffron, Animouiaret ofCopimr, Sago, Emetine, Cicala Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- ocynth, Klateriuni, Jalap, Kaliiuca, Nnx Vomica, Rhu- harb.liliatania. Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubebs, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium 4-’ others. PJipsplinte pf Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English Calomel, Iloffmau’s Anodyne, Oil'd Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujtibc Paste, Lactncarinm. Lam rets. Patent Lint, Lnpnline, Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergrecn, Se neca, Dcnarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho- rtis, Piperine. Popket Iiistrumcnts. Hydriodute «fc .Ox y-muriate of Potash, Potter's Cotholicon, Ltqnorof Po- tnsli, Dragon's Blood, Seatous, Stonghton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhubarbarinc, Sali- cinc, Sanford’s Bark. Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver wort, One Stethoscope, Swaim’s Panacea, Seidlifz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colclucum, AVine ofCoIcbicum, Trusses, Turbith Root, M'liitc Hellebore, Colcliiciun Seeds, Acetate <-f Colchicuin, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicincs. apd all others in common use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling, Instruments: and one second hand set of AinppLqting and Trephin In- fn.'tnimrnts. April 29 Swaim’s Paiistrca, IisVlian I’nnaeca, ROTTER'S C'.ITIIOEICO.Y, \ supplyjpsfrec’d by II & J SHOTWELL. Georgia Nankeens ~r? zJ7> Bales containing 500 pieces Nankeen, made 0. ® W from Georgia Cottou ; for sale by feb. 18. M UF.A Se COTTON. sugar C(>.VIAlissION IiU»SINESS, .■ At Darien. C£a. j!' ir. nu’er.-igned have resumed business as a- f b iv e, sail will ns Heretofore pay prompt atten m', 19 *11 business entrusted to theircare. W; believe made arrangements that will enable us at all r* to forward good* for the interior with the least 'le delay, by .steamboats when the river will nd- r ; °r in iMri-inc low river by raiall fiats or lighters, |1- l r tpressly fur that business. On our wTian es ” r f* Storebnuses, ealcnlatcd for the storing ofr«t- *be lixi-t possible expense, and our opportunities I ’iward roitnn inland or coastwise, are not exceed- I- T «ny Other House. L . II.UVES & MITCHELL- 20.1835. 40 r - Business, Rarien. 11 • *- iiiii-rsiguud havo formed a Copartnership 'or ilii* purpose of transacting a general Coni- ■ n aud other business under the firm of a oT »(m&u»GEits l„ p 'r. r "f eir services (otheirfriends, and the public Lj 1,1 d'vabuve hnsiness. Forwarding Gooils I,," ,ucc |° and from the interior of tho State, will fit I'yunlaV attention. It may be proper to ►j„ 1111 hive no connection with any of the h s { i *"' , i , ? r l«li«n linos; Goods for live interior will dripped by these who will probably give 6»n 1 ,Se?*®* 1 dospatRi. ISAAC SNOW, r ' jgW 28 GIU)._r. ROGERS I J-'' J "dersittned tenders liis thanks to his friends 1 '''bberal patronage he lias for raanyyea - Ubiui- • a * , *! ,reg them that the same zeal with L ^ "* "'dividual capacity he applied himself, will Lr u * i»i protecting those interests which fb-,,; "'“led to th,. new establishment. 28 * L 1836 ISAAC SNOW. IV r'LMANAGKS FOR 1836. he Ureas, Dozen, or single, for sale by CIIAS. CAMPBELL. F. LEWIS. TAIZtOD. SMTAS taken llic stand a few doors above the CIo- thing Store of Mr. L. I'itcb, op Mulberry -tr. ei where he continues to carry on the Tailoring bhsinrss. He assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that their work will lit done at the sliortflK notice, and iii the best manner. Uc ha* on hand a supply oftbo best materials in his fine, consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green. xVc. CASS1MERES,—A good Qs.-ortnient. A good variety of the best quality. Peterslintn, and a complete assortment of TAIL OR S TRI MMINGS. He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat- rona*'C. tLirou. Oct .30 1834—24v Insurance* UBTIIE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure -B. Cotton ou the River, nml also lake a few* risk, against Fire iu thiscity. Apply to ROBERT COI.LINS Macon. Oct. 27. 1H3-1. 1!> Just received I? Begs prime green Coffee 25 hhds st Croix P. R. and N. O, 6 Boxes Loaf sugar 10 hhds Molasses 50 bids N E Ruin 30 “ superior Whiskey Jamaica and st Croix Rum Hoi. Gin, Cog. Brandy Sperm aud Tallow Candles, soap, starch,Chocolate, &c. ALSO Salt, Iron-Castings, Bagging. Bale Static, together with a complete assortment of Fancy, and Staple Bry Goods. Jan. 21, 30 E. RUSSELL. I’aints, VaniisUni, &c. W HITE LEAD. Venetian Reds Chroma Yellow, Red Lead. Litharge, “Lamp Black, Whiting. Terra de Scin'hn, Spaapdi Brown, Linseed Oil. Spts. Turpentine. Copal Varnish. Japan Varnish. Leather Varnish, Picture Varni*h, nlso. Window Glass, Raint Itrashes, Re. feb 18 35 Bv J. II. & W. 8. i.I.LlS To Southern .tlerchants. IIALLOVK & BATES, So. 334, Pearl st. Nnc- York, R ESPKCtFULLY invite the attention of South ern dealers to their stork of Goods now receiv ing for their spring sales, tliev have materially increas ed their stock of French .■silk ’Goods and Fancy arti cles, as nlso, the various kinds of Muslins, Swiss Goods, Collars, Cnjps, At. &e. which, together with (her extensive stock of staple, Foreign and Domestic I»ry OotMts, comprises an assoitmcnt probHbly*e qnnl to any ever offered in the city. The utmost ex ertions will be made to give, in all respects, entire sat isfaction to those who may favor them with their trade. Jan 20 53 2m For Sale. THE two story BRICK HOUSE, on Mulberry street, occupied by J. P. Ev ans. also the two story BRICK HOUSE, on Walnut street. This property is of fered at private sale, until the 28th day of March, if not soldprevinus to that day, it will then bo sold at auction, to tfcg highest bidder, at Ip o’clock, A. 31. For terms apply to J. 1’. EVANS. Feb 25 35 or REA & COT I ON. Vnba Molasses. 41 /CU IIHDS newerep Cuba Molasses, for sale bj Jrb25 35_ REA A COTTON. Just Kcccivctl A LOT of superior quality st Croix sugar Prime Green Coffee Prime Northern CHeeso White Lead, Linseed I Ii I and Window Gloss. Sole, Gin Baud, and Harness Leather Calf and Kip skins, which in addition to their sxtensive assortment of Goods of almost every des cription makes their stock complete Jan 7. 29 ..GKO. W. PRICE & CO. A LL persons are "hereby forewarned from trading ilL with my wife Martha Dawson, as she has left my bed and board, without any jnst can e or provoca tion, I am determined uottbpsy nny of her.contracts from this date. PLEASANT DAWSON. AVw Store—Eresh (foods. T HE subscriber is now opening, op second street, next door to Patrick & .Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows: WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duflil Blankets—10-4 aud 12*4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Linscys— super blue, black, brown niixt Cloths—Fine and com mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentin and Toilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—do 3Icriuo do. STUFFS. Dinek and colored 6-4 Merinos—do do Bomhazetts— fine 6-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. snperand common plain and twilled Calicoes—swim, Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslius—black and colored cambric Giughains—Irish Linens iu 4 pieces very fine —colored and white Homespuns—Rowcu cassimercs and checks—birdseye and Russia Diapers—Linen cambric llkfs, Russia sheeting*, Ac as-* SILKS. Black super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring do —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsnets and sinchcws. HANDKERCHIEFS. Mandarin, Ilcriiinci, embroidered Romani, Bagdad, jicli satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and martin gauze llkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—BJ.opd Ed gings and Bobiuet Laces—and many other articles, which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and quality. dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN. NEW GOODS. JVM. H. BUKDS.1LL, AS Just received a new aud extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, MADE OXOTHZSTG, DATS, SHOES, £>-c. which he is o.Tcring for salo at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OK TUP. FOI.t.OWINO *. Super @axony, Wue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black. Mixed and Fancy colored Satinetts English IMerinoes Dtiflle. Point and Rose Blankots Scarlet, Crimson, Green and White Flannels Priuted Salsbury do Canton and Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Bombazcttcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Linscys Bleached and llpldcaclied Shil lings &. fcheelitigs Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustring do Gros de Stvjjs do do Naples do do Bcrliu do Sinchcws and Sarsancts Colored Gros dc Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet woof, Vnlcntia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Ilcmani, Muslin, Crape, Gau/.ennd Gros do Na ples Dress tldkfs I.adies ami Misses Bonnets Irish l.incns and Lawns Cotton Cnssimcrs Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furnituro Cheeks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks FloorCloth Baize Grepn Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia ShectiugBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dotvlass Oznahtirghs Bang up Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk aud col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark aud light col’d Prints and Ginghams Lace am} Gauze Vci}s Fig'dand plain Bobiuet Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook aud Book Muslins I ineu Cambric Hdkfs Pongee, Indian Flag and Spittleficld 1 Idkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goqt skin and Silk Gloves Bead Rcticules Heady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and grecu Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees. and blue, steel giix’d and fancy colored Saitinet Coattees and Frock Coals, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, !|)uc, black and fancy colored Sattiuet Pantaloons, Youth's doth and saUitiet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimcre, black and colored Velvet, black Florintinc, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valontia, English Silk, colored and white MerseiDes Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattiuet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, 3Iixed, brown Cloth & Patcrsham Box Coats. Lvon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ac. JYegrp Clothing. Men’s A Youth's 1'fir .Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal & Hair Caps, Fine Boots &. Shoes—Negro Shoes, &.C. &e. Oct. 15. 17 Notice. *3T^}IE subscribers havingconnected Geo W. Price in company with them, the Goods business will hereafter be conducted bv him under the firm of GEO. W. PRICE & CO. by whose aticution we are iu hopes'to receive that lib eral patronage heretofore extended to us. Jan. 6 29 COOKE & COWLES. GROCERIES, Ac. S F. DICKINSON has just received, • 30 hhds St. Cmix aud Porto Rico Sugars. 125 bags prirna green coffee. 2V bbls N. E. Rum, Gin and Whiskey, JQ0 Canal family Flour, 100 Irish Potitocs, (yellow) 200 sacks salt, 20 tons Iron, assorted, 10 do assorted castings, 20 bbls cider. will receive it wj’h giait-iul satikincUo.i. 'J he Debr*M concludes l*y some observations upon the impolicy of war between the two countries. The Duke of Orleans—It is stated in what are called the higher regions of the political world, that tho direct object of the duke of Or leans in the mediterranean, is not so much to vis it Corsica,'end takepartin the .Algerine cam paign. as to pay a vi«it, as it were, Tucoguifo, and by chance, to the Neapolitan Princesses, his coiis itis, jn the possibility ofan alliance taking place with'*u» ;,f them, which Project lias not been en tirely abandoned, notwithstanding tho awk- warduess of SI do # Rfgny, who had the manage ment of the lute negotiations. A little urchin called out to his brother, ‘Ton russle np some chips, ami oil Daddy to russle up chips hall russle tip a d—ud hig ring. Mackerel, smoked salmon, Molasses, Rice, Book i dies. 50 boxes bar and shaving soap, starch, pepper qpice ginger, cinnamon Pearlash. salt petre, indigo, copperas, chocolate, tea, matches, wrapping paper, lied totals brass,bias.’ boop and iron honnbuckets and tubs, measures, coolers. &c. pint and half pint flasks, straws tumblers, decanters, blacking,grindstone, lamp nil. powder.50 bags ass’d shot, nails, plough moulds, weeding hoes, trace and lialfer chains, sifters, coffee mills, shovel and tongs, fire flogs, waffle iron*, smooth ing irons, fry pans, tea kettles, cart box'*’, axes, cotton cards. Ac. Sec. Macon, Jail. 27 _52 Paghionablfi STat Cap Store M UL DEMI Y S THEE T, HI A C OX. logical tho descendant* of the illfatcd M;iry Queen of Scntts, from which it appears that aft hat period every'crowned head in Europe was iiirlutlail in tho number, es-ept tho King of Portugal and tlfe King of Bavaria. Bertiadotte the King of Swe den. I’he eii'iro number of h-rdescendants then living wasolfi aitd they tvere nil, including the Duke of Reichstadr. (young Napoleon) within the lino of accession to the Brinish'lb rone. Miss Margaret Dingniore <if Boston, Jins reco vered $250 from Air. Andris A. Easter, for a breach of promise of marriage. NORFOLK. FEB. 21.—French Squadron in the West Indies-—Capt Stowe, of the brig Bun ker Hill nt this port from Augu'vioo, St. Kilts and. St. Barts, informs that a fleet of sail of the- line and-sir frigates had recently arrived nt part Royal, (Martinique) Mrom France; and that he left"at Sr. Barts the French man-of-war sell*. Mulinie, stationed nt that place. T ill-. Subscriber having cstubu-heil i,.u. c!i in Macon witlt a view to a permanent residence, and taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F. Lewis, directly opposite the Ceulral Hotel, sviil keep t constantly on hand a general assortment of 1 . Caps, S’urs &c. cqujprising every variety ol'style ami quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as ; sort me ut may bo found Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarnm anti wool Hats; Metis Fnr and Ilair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab silk p]u*h o ueiv style, Merino and Circassian &c etc, From his long experience and personal attention to the business of manufacturing hats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, be is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with their patronage that lie can furnish them with an arti cle which fur cheapness, neatness and durability- shall be fully cqualifnot superior to any before offered in the southern market. As his work will be principal ly nupuifaclured at-liis establishment in Macon, when desired lie will finish hats to order iu any style to suit the purchaser From the facilities thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to liis business he hopes to deserve as he trnsfs ho will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY O’Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins He expects in a fi:w days to remove to the store now occupied by Mr-E B Weed ly Bills of Exchange O N Savannah and New York, at sixty and ninety days, will be discounted by Jan 14 30 REA & COTTON. I 'i HK Subscriber will make liberal advances on Cotton shipped to his fritmds in Savannah Charleston, Philadelphia, Now York or Boston nov.5, 1836. ltOBT. COLLINS. R EA & COTTON will make liberal advances on Cotton shipments to Savaunah or New Y«*k. J-n 14. 29 Candle Factory & Provision Store. FBY1IE undersigned takes this method .of informing B liis former patrons and friends and the public generally, that lie has again commenced business, near his old stand, on Cherry street, where he will be hap py to execute their orders. " Fine Candles by the box or pound, constantly for sale,very cheap.' Also, Meal, Ba/qon, Butter Lard, Onions, Fruit, and almost every tiling in the provis ion line. . To those of his creditors who have so kindly indulg ed him; he returns his sincere thanks, ana expects shortly to be aide to satisfy all their claims, feb. 18. 34 D. DALMF.YDA I T4,’ Ermine Capes, white do, Squir- rel tail Boas, Ladies’ Opera Ties for the neck. Also just received. Men’s and Boys’Seal Caps, 14 Cases low price Napped Hats. 6 do Satin Beaver do, 3 do superfine Fur, do. Gent’s Fur Tippits, 300 pair Gent’s dancing Pumps. The above will be sold at large discount by the Case or dozen. Jan. 6, >836 29 ISAAC NEWHALL. Next door to the Post Oflicp. bv 28 1 l,bs Fork aud Bacon, 100 do New Lard, for sale DAVID RALSTON. Scull Shoals Manufacturing" Co, MYRICK, NAPIER & FREEMAN^ AVE received a supply of Cloths and Yarns from the above Manufactory, of superior fab- rick wliich they plTcr to Merchants and Planters at the Factory prices. Macon Sep 3 1835,10 New Books. B IF.NZIE, the last of the Tribunes, by BuKvef, Mahmoud, a historical romance, The Tales of a Lawyer. The life of Sir James McIntosh, American iu Englaud, by thei author of a year in ~ & ELL ' Spain. Feb 25 35 OLCOTT« .3. .duelion and Commission Rnsiness. g Take this method of informing my friends and the a public generally, that I have takeu up the above business, and respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Ail Goods consigned to me shall be strictly attended to, according to directions, dec 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND, EOST, B ETWEEN Carrollton, Georgia and NiJes, Mich igan Terribly, a letter directed to Fowler Pres ton of the latter place, containing the left hand half of A One Hundred Dollar Bill, on the Bank of the Fnited States, payable at Savan nah to the order of j. Hunter, No. 2652, letter K. N. Biddle. Prest. and dated the 4tli March, 1826. The above letter was mailed at .Carrollton, on the 16th of April, 1834. X liberal reward will be paid for the de livery of the haK bill to tho subscriber at Carrollton, or to Fowler Preston. St. Josephs, 3Iichigau Ter. Feb24 36 3m APPLET6n MANDEVILI.E. Mayor’s Office, City of Maron,‘.March 1. 1836. uRDERED that an Ejection for .Mayor of W tho city of Macon fie field in the several Wank at the former places of holding said Elec- tons on Friday the 11 th inst under the superiu- tendanre of James Rea, James Goddard and Win. A. Burdsall in the first Ward—George Jewett, James Hollingsworth, John Ilolzendorf, and William Curia ming iu the third Ward, and Henry K Carter, George B Wardlaw and John Bennett in the fourth Ward. Given under my hand this 1st day of March 1836. JERRY COWLES, Mayor pro tem. Mi. B. MATTt’SOS, Ror trait Raihtcr, W ILL apply such time as is not employed on Portraits, to painting Landscape, Poetical and Historical subjects, for parlors, &c. Those having sketches of their own, can depend upon having them faithfully transferred; and those wishing desigusfrom particular passages will bo accommodated. A few pictures of this class, now on hand, for side, among the number, an original, just finished, from Shakspeare’s “ Merchant of Feniee,"—subject, Loren zo S( Jessica. Lovers of the art are invited to call. Room hours from 9 o’clock morning, rill 4 o’clock, erening. Feb* 4 32 Central Rail Route RRanking Com pany of Georgia. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. "MTOTICE is hereby given that an elcct’on for nine J, *1 Directors to manage the affairs of the said Com pany, will be holden, under the superintendence of the undersigned commissioners, ou Monday, the 28th day of March next, at the Exchange, in tho city of Savan nah. The polls will be open iron* 10. A. M. to 2, P. M. and from 3, P. M. to5, P. M. Savannah, Feb, 15,1836.- IV. B. BULLOCH, W. W. GORDON, U. HABERSHAM, S. B. PARKMAN. ' J. P. HENRY, J. P. WILLIAMSON, J. STONE, B. BURROUGHS. J. MINIS. W. TAYLOR, G. B. LAMAR, G. W ANDERSON, 35 tde R. R CUYLF.R. Finn .v:fn Loss of ’Cotton.—We regict to state that tow boat £Jo.l. attached to the steap-i boat Cherokee* from Augusta, ou her way to this city, was destroyed by firo while at Green’s Lauding on Friday morning Jnst. There were 793 bales of cotton on board, of which only 39 were saved. The lire is said to have arisen from accident. Georgian- Another Fire.—The Augusta Constitution* list says—Just as wo were closing our paper (one o’clock this morning) a fire broke out in the old Ice House, and soon extended to the wooden storehouse of A. Cummins, Esq. ad joining his Firo Proof Warehouse, aud directly in front of the old Rotunda building on Bay street, and before 0 could be got under de stroyed the old Ice House, Curnming's store house and the old Rotunda. The store, we un derstand, contaiued 21 hhds. of Sugar, and a- bout 17001bs, of fodder—the fodder wrts dc-; Sfroyed—about Id hhds. of the Sugar were sav ed. There is no doubt but the building was set fire to, and our Council should offer a liberal reward for the apprehension of the incendiary." From the London Metropolitan for January. Thoughts in Autumn, BY MliS. CRAW'FOBP. The leaves from tlie trees Are all dropping Like the friends of my youth, That are gone to decay. Vain world that I dwell in, My spirit is free Fom thy spoils that once flung Their enchantment o’er me. Wo dream atvay life From the mind’s very birtli, And worship, as idols. The nothings of earth; ’Till time wings tho knell Of our youth’s dying year.-.', Aud thought, like the star life Of Autumn, appears. Reflection comes late. But it tarries full long, When Life’s banquet is stript Of its garland aud song: Yet wisely doth God . In his mercy decree, That our feelings should change Like the leaves of the tree! As the worm, that will turn To a butterfly gay, Spins its own snowy shroud; So we creaturesof clay. May weave such a garment Of light for the tomb, As will lay up the soul ’Gainst a season of bloom. The leaves from the trees Are all dropping away, Like the friends of my youth, That are gone to decay : But hope points 'one, As to uature, a spring, When tqy a phi', shall rise, Like tlie bird on the wing. I.a -gc Or.—During the present week we had the pleasure of seeing the large Ox owned by Mr. Nathan Slade of Somerset which was noticed in this paper sometime since. lie is the largest and fattest Ox we ever saw—and there is no doubt he would weigh as much as has been estimated, 33,300 lbs. We under stood arrangements had been made to drive him to Boston ds soon ds the toad was cleared of ice, which has been the casue of consderable delay.— Taunton Gazette. A had shot.—Julia Shot ofClarevlIe, Tenn. has been bound over to the peace for assaulting her husband: liis name is Sampson. Site must have shorn his locks, or perhaps merely combed his head—with a three legged stool* A LI persons are forewarned trading with MARY H VRRELL, of Upson county on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting. Feb 18 4t 35 GREEN B HARRELL. Blanks for salt at th is office. Spirit of the Parisian Journals. The Journal Dos Debuts says that for who soever is arquuiuted with the charcacter of Gmi Jackson, the Message will he a happy surprise. As far as France is cpucerncd, this document is all moderation. Throughout tho. whole of it there appears a feeling of high consideration for this country, which contrasts singularly with iho colour of tho message of 1331. Erie President protests for his right, and declares at tho same timetnatit whouid bo a vain attempt to extort from France by menaces wUa* her sentiments or justice refuse. There arc a few ambiguties in the Message, and certaiu reserves made iu labjr of national pride. This is hot a subject to wound Franco again. Representative Governments must give themselves up to the necessity of flattcriug the ptido of the uatiou, and the patriotic decla mations of General Jackson must inly be con sidered as the pendant of the acceptance of Gen. VnlajS’s amendment by tho French Ministers.— The President refuses to give the reparation de manded by France, under a curtain form, be cause he considers this form incompatible with the American Constitution, but it is by no means clear that tho French Government has indicated any form; and after all, the form is of very little importance. The chief thing is that are paratiou should ho given, that it should be sui table aud .-xplicit, aud such a ouc,. the Debuts adds, we seem to read, both suitable and explicit, iu this Message. To determine, perhaps, the true sense that France ought >o attribute to this Speech it would be essential to kuow the im pression produced by it in America ; and, with out hazarding any rash maybe predicted that all that aro honorable in that court-1 Inis cannot Benton and Smother-—The St Louis Re publican of January 21, states that the indict- meut pending in that Court sgainst Cel. Stro ther, soubing a challenge to Col. Benton, was tried on the previons day. Col. Strother, it appears, was absent at Washington at the time. Alter hearing the evidence and the charge of the Judge, the jury found a verdict ol’ guilty, and assessed (he damages at scvcnty-tico dcl J lars. BANK NOTES AND SPECIE. The last Telegraph, in an article on banking and tiie currency, shows, from the tables given by the‘Treasu ry Department, that there has been an increase in the paper circulation of the country of between 42 atnl 46 millions of dollars iu the last five years, and argucsi from it, that the efforts of the administration to in crease the amount of specie had failed. To state tho case fairly, the Telegraph ought to give the amount of specie iuthe vaults of the banks in the two periods ot 1830 and 1835, as well ns tho amount of paper in cal culation. The account would then,' according to the* hank returns and estimates, stand dins : CmCULATIOX. SPFCIE. 1835. §103,660,000 $*3,937,625 1830, 61,300,000 22,114,917 Increase, $12,300,000 $31,822,708 Increase of paper circulation in the ratio of 69 pe'r cent. • Increase of specie in the vaults of die banks in the- ratio of 67 percent. Iu 1830 the banks had, for every paper dollar hi cir culation, 36cents in specie in their vaults. In 1835 the banks had, for every paper dollar in cir culation. 42 cents in specie in their vaults. But this is not all. By the withdrawal of small notes in several of the States, the amount of specie m the- pockets of the people has been increased. The efforts of the administration to improve the currency have not’ therefore, beon wholly without cfleet.—Globe.- Tho I’cnsacola Gazelle publishes the decision of the Court Martial held upon Col. Parish, the officer who shot Lieut. Ward, of the \ oluuteers;- Tho Court unanimously agreed that Col. P. tvW fully justified in shootiug Lieut. Ward, tho latter having defied aud resisted the orders of his supe rior officer. It appears that Ward was directed 1 to be put under arrest, bur ao one wouhi execute* tne order; lie used offensive language to Cot.- Parish, and armed with tarco pistols, one of them* cocked and presented, stood out in open definnccz- declaritig he would shoot any mau who approa ched him. When Col. P. advanced- tho Lieutcn-• ant was in tho act of firing, bqt was shof kc-fffrti' ho conld eKecuto that intention. Remarkable Fact.—1 n the last nnrtAf r of * SillLnan’s- Journal, is an article “On Currents*' in water, is asserted that if a tub or other vessel filled with water and a hole made near?’ tho middle of tho bottom to discharge it-yjto* water will require a rotary yaotion from We st’, to South, or opposed to the appare nt motiou dfl the sun, and if means are used to produce atf; opposite motion, upon withdrawing thos^ the former direction resumed., bo tho effect of chance but of try, all that profess sentiments of poaceaud order naturallaws constantly operated.—Bo?. Tr