Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 07, 1836, Image 4

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MACON GEORGIA TECEGRA D U L G S JX £ 0 3C W £ 3, & c . •51 fresh sui>p1y just Deceived by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, Masonic Hull, Cotton Astnue. Among which are the following iUEDK J.VES, At . Sulphate Quinine (frcw-b) Cnntharides, fly stone. Colocynth, Court plaister, . . Castoroil (fresh) Sweet oil do Chnrcoal, pulv. Corks velvet. Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheubarh, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk, Acetate lead, do enpri, do { Zinc, Arseniate potassa, Ether sulphuric, do nitric, - Nitrate silver, do potassa, Phosphate soda, do iron, Sulphate iron, do potassa, do soda, do magnesia, Borate soda, Phosphorus, Manna flake, Ointtnont hyd. potassa,] do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch, Oxide mercury, Extract Jalap, do 11 mternut, Ilyoscianius, Gentian, Belladonna, Taraxici, Rhubarb, Nux Vomica, Khatunia, Cicnta, G lycyrrhiza. do do do do do do do do do Gum Arabic, Sulphate Morphine, Acetate do Iodiue. Acetic acid, Oxalic do Citric do Prussic do • Tartaric do Ammonia, do (Aromspta) Antimonialia pulv Veratrine, Strychnine Emetine, Rhcubarbine, Croton Tigliutn, Secale coriintuui, Oil Sinapiue, Oil cautharidin. , Pyroligneous Acid, Hydriotate potassa, Pe peri no Oil black pepper, Irish moss, Musk, Chloride soda, Citrated kali. Chloride Liine, Medical mustard, in pots, Opiutn denurentized, Cy amir ot potassium, Comp. Tonic extract, . Carrageen, (prepared) Spigcha comp extract, Blue moss, Precip. ext. baric, Poruvian do Calisaya do Toxa ’ do Red do Chamomile flower*, Senna, Uva Ursi, lloroWuud, Snge, African Cayenne, 15 ay berry bark (pow’d) Blood not, do Coichicum, do Goldenseal, Slippery Elm (pow’d) Quassia, Gentian (pow’d) Cort. Attranl (pow’d) Lobelia and seedy Hemlock, Skunk cabbage. Squills, Gamboge, Hops, Mczermtu, Aikauet root, Cortcassarilla, do sassafras, Ladies’ slipper, Golden thread, Saffron, Cinnamon hark. Powdered ginger. Root do Curcuma, Mustard soed, Mace, Cloves, , Nutmegs, Caraway seed, Anise do Coriauder do Arrow root, Aqua Portia. Anodyne (Hoffman's) Borax, Black lead, Brimstone, Blue stone. Juniper berries, Cubob do Oxide bismuth, Bees wax. Burgundy pitch. Balsam cepivi, do tolu, do Peru, Black drop, PATENT NEDfGL\E§, Arc. Ivies' pills, Compt fl’d ex’t Piuk Root, Opodeldoc, by G. XV. Carpenter, Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative. do do do do do Camphor, Scammony, Myrrh, Asaftctida, Gttiac, Pearl Barley, Syriugcs, Honey, Otto roses, Magnesia, cnlc'd do carb. Isinglass, Quicksilver, Seidlitz powders, Soda do Saratoga do Sponge, Tamarinds, Wafers, Sarsaparilla, Red precipitate, White. do Black do Pearlash, A imatta. Indigo, Spanish float, Logwood, Fustie r Copperas, Spanish brown, Venetian red, Madder, Fig blue, Nutgalls, Alum, Cochineal, Spts Turpentine. Venice do Starch, Salt Tartar, Sal Ammoniac, Glue, Rosin, Jujube paste. , do Pills, Peter*’ do Hunters' pills, Hoopers’* do Auiferson’s do British oil, Bateman’s drops, Thompson’s eye water, Godfrey's cordial, Salta lemon, Worm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops, Swaim’s Panacea, Indian’s do Ess Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liverwort, Comp sarsap. copivi Bleaching Liquid, Mead’s Pills, Issue plaistcrs, Elixcr life, Ginger beer powders. Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy. Chlorine tocth wash, Bav mm, Balsam honey, Cnrtgh Lozenges, Extract coffee, Cullen’s liquid magnesia, Potter’s ca'.holicun, Rowan's Toaic Mixture, Relfes Vegetable specific, Oil Wormseed. Ext BuWju, cubebs' &• Ext. Boneset, Tonic Extract. PEftFinttERV A llIUrSUES, Ac. Ilair Powder, Pearl do Rouge, Milk of Roses, Cold cream, Cream Almouds. Florida water, various sizes Graining Almond paste, Ground paint brushes, do sash Oval Varnish Camel hair Badger's hair do do do do do do ass’d do do do do do do silver wire, do do do t’ologno do- do do Flesh 1 .avender do do do Horse Rose do do • do Hair Hears’ oil, Nail Ward’s hair oil, Comb Marrow Pomatum, Tooth Orange Flower Water, do Macassar oil, Cloth Spirit of Rose, Scrubbing Camphor soap, Shoe Musk do Emollient do Windsor do do do Brown, Wash Balls, Curling fluid, Antique oil, Lip Salve, (Persian .OttoSlriving do Rose.) Shaving oil, Tooth powder, (saperior) Powder Puffs aud boxes, Entsivo do Pres ion salts. Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles, do Rose, Tapers, do Musk, Dutch cologne, Ifoney Water, Atkinson’s Depilatory. 'Shaving cakes, ' SURGICAL nVSTRlLUENTS, Ac. Amputating cotes, Cupping glasses, Trepanning instruments. do do with Patent feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, _ Fitch Tools, Counter Brushes, Hat do Crumb do Bibo Sheriff Sale• W 1LL ha sold oh lie first Tuesday in 31 A Y next, oefonth court house, in the city of Macon, be- ticuu the usual hour* uf sale, One sorrel hon e, levied on as the property of Wilson li. Cay, to satisfy ouefi la from Bibb Inferior court, in favor of Frederic F. Lewis vs said Cay aud David F. Wilson. Part of lot No. 5, in square 24, in the city of Macon, at tiio corner of Mulberry and Fourth streets, levied on as the property of Hubert Birdsong, to satisfy one ti fa from iiibb superior court in favor of George W. Birdsong for the use of John Birdsong, vs said ltobcrtJ A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Butts county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold on the first Tuesday in MAY next, before the court house door in Talbottou, Talbot coun tv, one fifth part of Lot of Land, No. \7, in the 21th district of originally Muscogee now Tal bot countv, for the benefit of Livena Thompson, mi nor of Henry Thompson, deceased. Terms cash, this 17th February, 1836. JOHN E. JONES, 35 Guardian. ILL lie sold at the courthouse door in Clinton CENTRAL HOTEL, Macon, Georgia. T HIS establishment is now under the control of the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren der comfortable those who may call on them. PETEIt J. WILLIAMS, Feb 25 35 JOHN D. RAMEY. Jones county, on Tuesday, tlfe 19th day of Ul . r * 1 ' on S- . . ,. , , „ , ! April next!one wagon, a lot of Dry Goods and Groce- One 40 saw gin, levied on as the .property of Zacb- ■ r ;£ ft|ld of housch ® !d a „d kitchen Furniture, belong- ariahSiin*, to satisfy sundry ft fas trout Bibb superior court, iu favor of Samuel D. Durham and others, vs said situs. Fractions Vos j00 and 107, on the west side cf the river, on the Macon reserve, No. HKi containing :;0 a- eras more or leas,-No 107 containing one acre more or inp to the estate of Ebenczer Ortnsby. deceased, sold for the benefit of the creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 1,1836. 36 fit CLARISSA T. ORMSBY, Adm’rx. Vaittublc Land For Sale. * N the Jirst Tuesday in JUNE next, trill be sold, at less, levied on ns the'properly of Ezekiel Smith, to sa- j dPfc \, the first. Tuesday tn Jl NE > ,w tbe sold, t tisfy sundry ti lastromu lusltces’court of llibb coiiuiy the court house door vathccou^<tfBub._ in tavor of David Ralston and others, vs said Smith— _Lot ©1 Land No. 351, In tlio I Sui^dlSt. levy made and returned to me by a countable Between lour and live acres of land in Vinevillc sur veyed by U. W. Ellis, it being part of a ICO acre hit. No. 10, Macon reserve, on the south west side of the Forsyth road, bounded by said road and lands of Cols. Bailey arid Nixon, also, 60 acres of land more or being C. B. Strong's interest, and part of the land pur chased by the said Strong and E. Calhoun of Joaepit Carr, it being part of lot No. 359, in ihe lath district originally Monroe now Bibb county, lying in the south west corner of suit* lot, levied on as said Strong’s pro perty to satisfy fi fas from Bibb inferior and superior courts iu favor ef James Kivlin and others, pointed out by defendant. The uorib-easthalf of lot No ],in square 10. in she eny of Macon, levied on as the property of John Lav- i ing to satisfy two fi fas from u justices’ court of Bibb j countv, in favor of E. Graves «V Son, vs Joseph and ! John Loving—pointed out by plaintiff. Part of lot and improvement in the city of Macon, j whereon Joseph Wainnght now lives, levied on as the of the county of Monroe originally, now Bibb county, sold by virtue of an order of the honorable llm Inferior court of Bibb county while sitting for Ordinary purpo ses. it being the Real estate of John Burnett deceased, sold fi-r the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale one half cash, the balance in 12 months, mar 29 SOPHIA ANN BURNF.TT, Ei'rx. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the Infe rior Court for the eounty of Twiggs, v/iea sitting as a court uf ordinary, tkjl be sold on the Jirst Tuesday in JUL Y next, before the Court House door in Morion eounty, trithin the usual hours of sale. Lot of Laud No. 90, in tlm 4th District of said coun ty, sold as the property of James Dcshozo, deceased. Terms on the day. m 31 RICHARD DESIIAZO, Adm'r GEORGIA I IJTK/I Pike county, j ® f applies to urn for letters of ad ministration on die estate of Robert Hudson, late of said county, deceased- property of said Wain right to satisfy one fi fa from I «**«" therefore to cite and admonish allandsingu. Bibb superior court, in favor of Thomas Blunt vs Thus thc ktndrtd a ’l d creditors of said deceased to be and G Bales, Joseph Wainrightaud George A Smith. a fP car at trdhin tl* time prescribed by ate to Part of lot No. 1, in square 24, in the city of Macon sl,ac e,wse 9 (he, J hate ’ «*» mut l(Utrs ihmdd nul 6c and improvements whereon John Thilpot now lives, levied on as said Philpofs property, to satisfy two’li fas from a justices’courtof Bibb county, oue m favn? of James II. Kiiieuand one in favor of Thomas Ski- ter vs said Piiilpot. levy made and returned to ine by a constable. .March 31) H. 11. HOW A if D. Sheriff. Bulls Sheriff Sale. O N the Jirst Tuesday in MAY next, trill be sold before the court house door in thc town of Jackson, Hints county, within the legal hours of rule, Levied ou as the property of Laurence Guhagan, one lot iu the town of Jackson, known iu the plan of said town by-lot No I, in square 21, 105 feet square, it being the bouse and lot now occupied by William L. Wilson as a dwelling iu said town, te satisfy a Fi Fa from the superior court of Butts county, iu favor of Stephen vs James E. Brown, and Lawrence Gahugau indorser, property pointed out by plaintiff, march 25 40 RICHARD McDUFF, dep sh’ff. Also, will be sold as abocc, The cast half of lot No. 19, containing one and three- fourths of an acre, as the pioperty of Willard Bradley. to satisfy a Fi Fa front a justices’ court, in favor of Jas. H. Stark, vs Willard Bradley, and James Wilson se curity-levy made and returned to me bv a constable. march 21 40 JAMES W. WATKINS, Sh'ff. Campbell bherifi' Sale. O S.the first Tuesday in MA Y next will be sold be fore the court house door in CamjMIton, Campbell county, within the usual hours of sule, thc following pro perty, to wit: One sorrel inare, with a blaze in ber forehead, to sa tisfy^ a mortgage Fi Fa issued from tiie superior court of Fayette county, in favor of II. B. Thompson, vs John Burk, property pointed out bv the plaintiff. Match 19 _ DAVID D. '.SMITH, Sheriff. Carroll Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold at Carrollton, Carroll county, on the Jirst Tuesday in MAY next, within the law ful hours of sate, One roane uiare, levied on as the property of James B. More, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Carroll superior court in favor of the officers of court .One bay mare and colt, three cows and two calves, l -v e i on as the property of Joseph Higgins, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Carrol; iu ferior court in favor of William Beall vs said Higgins, property pointed out by The- ophiins Little. Fraction No. 214, in the third district of Carroll ! county, levied on as the property of Francis D. Bow en, to satis! -, a Fi Fa from the inferior court of Carroll county. ’tanxrchRl 41 JOHN D''AJV.SheriC .Fureile Sltei-jiT do pumps, Gum clastic catheters. Silver do Scion Noodles, Spring lancet blades, Tooth claws, Dissecting Pocket cases, Spring Lanoetn, Evans’ thumb do Dentists' cases, Teoth keys, Wti do do (tncrvcabfe-but-Gmn Lancets, tons. .Medical spoons, Scarificators, Beales ana Weights, Abscess Lancet*, Teeth File*, Tourniquets, 2-, h ej«fe*criher* intend keeping a full assortment of mu gb, medicines, ;\unts. oils, shop FURNITURE. &c. consisting of all arti-le* in the . Into necestury for tho supply of physician*, l’lnnt iiion, >v Or Fnnulie*. They will be supplied with the best that can be selected out of the New-York aud I’hihiddphio nnr.iota Order* from Mr.r-hanls and Physicians ivilJ receive prompt attention. Jan. 2d 31 J. H. d XV. S. ELLIS house at Farm'd), in «iid county. Lot of Land, No. 13, air in the I3th District, of Monroe county, it being tho re al estate beknginj lo the orphans of Alexander Leg gett, deceased ANDERSON BALDWIN, Fcb 5 34 , Guard. B efore the court house in Fayetteville, Fayette county, on thc Jirst Tuesday in MAY next, will be sold, within thc lawful hours of sale. Nineteen acres of land being ft action number G3, Nineteen acres of land, being fraction number, 47, Two hundred two and a half acres being lat No 33, Forty-one and three-quarter acres, fraction No. 32, 1G J 4 acre*, being fraction No. 30, 2021 acre*, being lot No. 43, ‘202a acres, beinglot No. 42, 202| acres, being lot No. 29, 2024 acres, being lot No. 34, All in the 5th district of Fayette county, and 141 a- ercs of land, being fraction No. ICO, 4 acre* of land, be ing fraction No. Itil, both in the 7tli district o r Fayette county, together with tin; mills on said lots—all levied on as tho property of Alexander Ware, by an execution issued from die superior court of Jackson comity, in favor of Willie W. Webb vs Greene IL Duke, George Shaw, Horatio Webb, Sylvnnus Ripley, Jobu Apple by, and Alexander Ware end Allen Matthews, securi ty on the stay of execution, property pointed'out by Giles Mitchell, attorney for plaintiff, march IS 40 ALFRED BROWN, Dep. Sh’ff. Also, will be sold as above. One lot of land, No. 14, in tho 13th district oi origiu- ally Henry now Fayette county, levied on as the pro perty of Daniel Dodson, by execution in tavor of John Dailey, jun. vs John I’. Dodson, William Dodson, Daniel Dodson and Guy W. Smith security, property pointed out by plaintiff. March 22 AN O il! W McflRIDE, Sheriff.^ Houston Sheriff' Sule. O N the Jirst Tuesday in MAY next, will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Perry, Houston county, bctwun thc lawful hours of sale, Sarah, a negro woman about 35 year* of age, Sa rah Ann, a gill about 13 years old. Jack, a boy about 10 years old, Allen, a boy about fi years old, and LI- lick. a boy I year old, aJi levied on as the property of Solomon Simpson, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a justi ces’ court of Houston county, in favor of James A. Bryant vs Elijah Finley, Solomon Simpson, and Elijah Butts, property poiuted out by Solomon Simpson— the above levy made and returned to me by a Cumstat le. Ellick, a negro man about 25 years uf age. as the property of Solomon Simpson, to satisfy- a fi fa from the Inferior court of Houston county, in favor of Larkin Griffin vs Solomon Simpson, principal, and Elijah Butts and John Tomlinson, eudorserr—property poin ted out by the plaintiff, march 3 i 40 JOHN C. MOUNGER, Sheriff. Postponed Sale. Also, trill be sold as above. The lot in the town of Perry, whereon stands the house occupied by Janies Washington as n saddlery, to Satisfy a fi fa iu’ favor of James E Duncan, against Janies Washington, principal and Ephraim Kendrick and Campbell Lassiter securities oil the appeal, from the Superior court of Houston county—property poin tedont bv plaintiff. JOHN C. MOUNGi.ft march 31 40 Sheriff. shew cause i granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 20th March, l F.’lfi 40 11. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o. IVE W SPRING CLOTHING" HORACE PITCH I S now opouiug at the store opposite the Wnsbing- Hall, a new and handsome assortment oi Spring and Summer ClotHIngr, which has been made up by L. Fitch, and will be sold cheap for cash, consisting in part of Super black, brown, green aud olive camblett f. Coals,- *• “ “ V “ “ dress Coats, “ • “ “ ” “ bombazine, f. do. “ . “ “ “ “ ’• dress do. “ “ “ ** “ summer cloth, Brown and white grass linen frock coats &, coattees, Brown aud white German and French linen do. do. black and green bouiazine coats, pants. French & German lin. do bl’k& green camblett do lasting & Circassian do olive Ebrown do do Dutch and inixt do br’wn *fc white grassliu do white and buff tuersailles do do drilling do vests, do do tiup. cord do do do valcutia do linen & doe skin do fig. <t rib. ntersailles do crape drib & honey couib plad & spotted do do pants. do & fig’d shelly do merino, casime r. lasting do English A: French silk do cautoons and cord do bl’k & fig’d velvet do cloth & casitue/e do Florentine end bombazine with a general assortment do of common do with a good assortment of white &, grass linnen short common do l’jue linnen and cotton shirts, linnen and cotton drawers, Angola nett shirts and drawers, &c. dec. Also, stocks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random, linen, black and white silk half hose, black horse skin, buckskin, black and white silk and linen gloves, sus penders, a variety, Spiltilficld, pongee, flag aud ban- dia hdkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d and red bordered cravats, white do. stripe ruusian belts, braces, fine brown linen, (for childrens’ anrous) blue, black and green broad cloths, white drilling, bombazine, and merino cassi WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken that com modious and well known public house iu the City of .Macon,—the Washington Hall, lately occupied by Mr.- M. D. liusou.— By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Pnblic.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furn: shed with the best thc coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables arc attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. M USTI AN & MOTT. Feb 5 1835 3G Having sold my interest in the Washington Hall to Messrs. Mustian At Mott, I earnestly solicit for them a continuance of the. patronage which was extended to me, whilst proprietor of tho establishment. Macon, feb 5 36 M. D. I1USON. GLOBE TAVERN, Clinton, Jones County, <£a. j Subscribers (late proprietors of tbe w Clinton Hold,) «euder our thanks to our friends and patrons for past encouragement, aud respectfully beg leave to aunouuco to the public, that vve have temoved to tho commodious House known as thc GLOBE TAVERN, situated ’iu the busiuoss pnrt of ihe town, and fronting the Court-House. Having leased this stand for Several years, with the iutention ofrenewing the lease or of pur chasing thc property, wo consider ourselves per manently located, and shall conrinuc to improve out accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now open for the reception of Travellers or Hoarders. Wo shall at all times endeavor to keep such a House, as will eiisnre public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac commodations ns will prove satisfactory to those wlio call ou us. The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS, &c. we think unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro vers, readily furnished- WOOD & WEEKES. January 20, 1834 19 tf T HE Subscribers have resumed the llrztg Business, at their old stand, formerly 1.1- lis, Shotivell At C» lately occupied by Mr Wm G. Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of II, & J. SIIOTWELL, who intend keeping a very general assortment of Goods peculiar to their line of business, together with a great variety of miscellaneous articles that may be difficult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly all their Fall aud winter supplies, a general enumera tion of w bich could not be given iu an advertisement. Some of tho Articles received are, (Drngs iV Medicines,) Rochelle Salts. Hellebore, Iceland Muss, Flos pen- zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calaminaris, Henry’s EL OUR months after date application „. i,, ^ to tho court of Ordinary of Bibb m, 1 ^ Uti.v to sell three fifths of Lot of Land N 0 ltr ^ for lettve trict originally Troup now longing to the orphans of William C . 0utt ty, l county deceased. dec 10 ULt > lite C |,. : , SKBOURN H lygn?t 24 10b V UK months afterdate apnlicatinn ■ * 10 justices of the when sm-ngfor ordinary purposes f ur «oa Wv die negroes belonging to’the estate of Jw* deceased, of said county, for the £«eoh tetf. JESSE _ Dct:5 SARAH GARSOV ^ JffjOL'K months alter daITam^r~7— , to the honorable the iulerior^coint ci Pa ^ 1 * 4 ^ vvheu sating f„ r Ordinary purposes f„ t k lot.of land No 125 in the kd c . /trict nf, ,• *•*'* 10 M roc now Pike county, it being ffie re fc Ca «;3^ ■ “” r v. . . , ij, " jictusitting tot ordinal pnrpows c > coai " Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gum sell the l.and and Negroes beJoogiii» -•* to Guiac. Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, lions, l’ep- Johu Riley, late of Talbot county, dc- l /‘° es, a;e of permiut Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon aenefit of the heirs and creditors of fairf**!.™’ for *1* Drops, Coriander Seed, C’. P. Castor Oil, Cort An- JOSEPH Rtl ruut. Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, Dec. 25,1835. ,i. . m Pink Root, Gum Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob- ‘H^OU’irtnoiiths alter date annli(~ir'~~'-H* m elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Ext Colocynth, Pul. ! JL 1 to the honorable ihe Inferior r Gm Arabic. Ground Race Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl county, when siltintr for ordinary nnrr , y 0 ® of J jj. Barley, refined Borax, Bole Armenian, Cera AlbH, der to sell all the real estate and -lm ftr 5 " or. Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubcbs, Ca- Akin, sen late of said county dccra .Jnr nC kb.i nella Alba, Rust of Iron,- Sup. Carb. Soda, Castor, efh the ofheiis, Wc. JNO *AKJN’- ’W Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazerion, Sassafras, Bala-1 Nov. 7. 1835 29 WILLIAM-iv.« am Ifoney, Cnmfrey Root. Dragons Blood, Oil Lav- j ■rSQl]];' 'Months afi r t? ' ender, Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark; do Liverwort, ! §4 m .de to the Court n rna ! a W^* > ^oa~&T Stricniue, Emetine: Digitalis, ElmEark, Flos of El- ,y forToTve to tll on of, ° r v' ar - vof,J «W'viii 5 der,ExtHy.o SC yamns, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, RSfmOVAL. J.A.&S.S. VIRGIN Watch Makersfft Jewellers, Would inform tireir friends and the public, that they have remov ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to tho store recently oc cupied by J II &. W S Ellis,drug gists, wiiere they will be happy to serve any who may favor them with a call. They have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a large and ‘ipleudid assortment of batches, Jewelry, &c. of tho latest fashions, waich they wilt sell cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es capement, duplex, tepino, alarm and vertical Watch es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Seals and Iveys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Pius, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever potuted Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which wifi be warranted free from alloya silver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil ver plated aud brouzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snuf- ers, .Musical Boxes, Accordions, Flutes, Flageolctts, s, wane urutiug, iiuuiuaziue, aim merino cassi-1 I ifes. Drums, Ate. rywords, sword Canes, Knives and nitre, fine palm leaf hats, common do, children’s leg- Pistols, among which is Ruggles’ pocket Rifle, that horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of ! will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Dcn- ITeubane, Uva’ Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Aleppo, Gold Thread, Hydriodi te Potass, Mustard Seed, Spts Nitre. Oil Wormseed. Croton Oil, Olive Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sail fords Bark, Tamarinds, Gum Copal, Syrup of I.iverwori, Turkey Opium, Ca tharidcs, Flowers cf Chamomile, Oil Pepper mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li quorice, Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate. Aloe*, Gum Arabic, Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid; .Fiber, Alspice, Pepper, Tartariscd Antimony, As- phnltum, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass. * Bals am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Cnrvi, Cream Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia. Mercurial Ointment, Blue Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Diop, Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Ram, Oil Cinna mon, Acetate Morphine, snlphdo. Comp Ext Bucha, do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Root, “g«!g F OUR months after dale,~appjlcjj]^~~:; 1| , to the Court cf Ordinary of BiU f l UE2 « leave to sell the land and Negroes t| f .i n 2ff flnM . v Q Estate of James McDonald. l.n« ! » lie to the Inferior Court of Bibb cot I t '.“I V 8l,te ting for ordinary purposes, ior leave to sf V,i a ffl1 ’ state belonging to Caroline Spruce, n c rcai *• Jnn.l. 30 JAMES W/cg ^ AOUR -Montiis alter date. Bats, Shoes, Boots, Sc, which I invite my friends and public to give me a call at the store next door to W. B. Johnson. Gentlemen wishing their clothes made to measure at the North, by leaving their measure with me can have them made in the best and most fashionable style, march 31 40 HORACE PITCH. N. B. Those that havenot settled up Uieir last years’ account will not forget that 1 want my dues. 11. P. ’ • New Books. Olcott S Bits have just received H ORACE, translated by E’rancis, Phxdms, do by Smart, Rosamond, by Maria Edgeworth, Humphrey Clinker, illustrated with Plates, The Gipsey, a new edition, Paul Clifford, do. Paulding on Slavery, being a vindication of Southern rights. Memoirs of Howes, and the tea party in Boston, One in a Thousand, by James, Stories of the Sea, American in England, Mahmoud,n novel, American Almanacs for 1836, And other works of amusement and instruction- march 31 40 tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca ses, Pocket Books aud Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt aud glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles usually kept iu their line. N. 6. We have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the busincss induces him to think that he can. and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in hi* hands. Spoons&c- engraved- Oct-1 O N The first Tuesday in May next, will be - sold at Inc Court House Door in Marion county, the interest of John M D Taylor, deceased, also the interest of NosJx W Taylor a'minor r in Lot No. 137 in the 28th district of originally Lee, now Marion county. Sold hj order of the Court of Ordinary of Butt* County, for i-.e benefit of the minor and the distributees of said Jcreased. Dee,.7-, B:’>5. , _ , „ - • . CHARLES BAILEY, Adm’r nl John M. D Taylor, dco’d,and Guardian I5>r Noah ’” Taylor. 24 Frail's Nipple Shields. T HE Medical College of Georgia at Augustn have given tlieir opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s Nipple Shield lo any thing el»c- hitherto oftured for the same purpose, which opinion can lie presented if necessary to physicians and others. The opinion of Dr Baber and other physicians in Macon; who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Deivees and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only price $.■>, with primed directions. II. LOO.MI8.. Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mulberry street . Certificate of Doctor Octrees “ Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat ter of much public importance to possess a mean* of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nipples, I have much pleasure in being able to say that the " Shield” you offer for thc preventing and the cure of this mala dy, i* better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. In the two or three instances I have know n them to be used, inudi satisfaction has been expressed; and I have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. I tun to well persuaded of this at tliis moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish that»ur city through the various apothecaries inay he supplied with them. I am yours, &.C. Philadelphia,ff:ith Jan. 1834. Wm. P. Dewkes.” Strayed, O N Thursday evening Just, from tint race track near Macon, a slim, gaunt sorrel MARE, flax mane and tail, a small half moon in iirr forehead, her fetlock* closely trimmed, between 5 aud 5 years old, shod before. Hud ou a good saddle, and martingales, considerably woru. She was heard of the same night on the Forsyth road. 7 or 8 mile* from Mac on. It is probable site will make for some of the upper counties where *he was rained. A reward of TEN DOLLARS will be paid for her delivery to on, near Websiertille, Bi'ob county, and any information of her tliaukfnllv re ceived. March 31 4t ANDY McNEIL. Executive Bepartment, «?«. Milltdgcville, 21st March, 1636. Scaled Proposals W ILL bo received at the Executive office until the 20th April next, for building a HOUSE for the residence of the Governor. The building to be of BRICK with a COPPER ROOF. Those tvhointeud » submit proposal*, arc invited to call at this office, where a plau of the building and specifications may be viewed. By order of tbe Governor, 39 td R. A. GREENE. Secretary. WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver Ware lionet/ GOOSS. (A t the lowest prices.) C. G. St. JOHN W ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he has tal^n the store formerly occupied by the llawkinsvBle Bank where he is now opening a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenentscc’onds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens Gold and Silver Patent Levers lupine and plain Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys. Ear rings Breast Pint and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, caiies, pistols, &c. &c. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in his lino N. B. lie has selected the best of materials for re pairing watches aud will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 $30 REH’.4RR. ~ RUNAWAY.—About the 1st Nov., BILLY, a short thickset fellow, has a scar oil the forehead and one on his great toe, and may hire himself out as a free man—is very artful, and may have a forged pass—has ninny relations belonging to Duct. Payne, is prob able he may change his name. A reward of thirty dullars will he paid for his delivery in any jail, so that the subscriber gets him. W. J. Mc'lNTOSII. Darien, Dec. 21,1835. If taken in or about Macon, Mr. C ha*. Campbell will take charge of him and pay the reward, dec 31 27 Comp Ext Cubebs. Piperine, Iodine, Butler's Magne sia. Kreosote, Assafcctida, Nutmegs. Tapioca, Manna, Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerit-n, salt Pctre, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia. Bain Is, Bye Stuffs, Oils. 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red do 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do 6 kegs Yellow- Ochre do 20 canisters Verdigris do ' 900 lbs Spanish Brown dry- 200 lbs Venetian Red do 800 lb* Yellow Ochre do 1500 lbs Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Umbmr, Lamp Black, Ivory do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes, Drop Lake. Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Plaster, Wa ter Lime, Terra de Sienna. Green Blue and Black Paint mixt, Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings, Blue White Brown and Purple, Gold Bronze, Car mine Saucers, Pink' do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chopped, Fustic. Madder. Camwood, red San ders, Copperas, Brazilietto Wood, Amiatte. 300 gnls Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter do 180 do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Train Oil i hhl Liver Oil, 1 do Neats Foot 1 bbl Copal Varnish. Japan do Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do. 1*a tent and Catupountl .Wctiicistes Swaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s Eye Water, Green's Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix ture, (for the fever and ague ) liarkrm Oil, Gowland’s Lotion, Pottgr’s Catliolicoit, Barclay’s Conip. Sarsa- pariilla and Cubebs,’s Carminative, British Oil, Opjjleldoc, Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills, N. L. Turlingtons Balsam, Bateman’s Drops Jesuits Drmw fVnhalir Stmfr ArAmciIn to the honorable ’ lalc^rCmt ofuf county, tv lien siding for ordinary purnoJ/r, to sell all tiie Estate of John Join,’-;,-, daw"' it3 ' 0 WILLIS J. MG Ni ; ELfAB W. WELLS {•«*>. . Jan. 15, 183ft ' Zebttlon. I TIOlK momh-- afterdate, appiica:7onwinir/rr. to the Court of Ordinary of Bjfb camkT leave to sell the Ileal Estate belonging to ,i /“ r ;, or of Joseph Wood late of said «m,Si deWd*^ J - sn l-) - 2i) REBECCA WOOD Gm F t >UK mou.hs after date ari'liS^ITtej— to tho Inferior court of Steirtn toum wneu sitting for ordinary purposes, far leave d the land and Negroes belonging !o the estate of U exander Nelson, late of said county dreeasd 30 THOMAS S. CHAPPELL > Jan >6- WILLIAM NELSON, ’ ?Adjct* F OUR Iiionms after dale appl,cation udi o the Infenor court of Twiggs county tor ordinary purposes For leave to sell alot of land £ Carrol icounty, drawn by the orphans of HobeitH™ o'ds late ofsn:d comity. ' Jan. 19 :m THOMAS S. CHAPPELL.fa,, Jesuits Drops, Cephalic Snuff, Aromatic do, Wni di s Tipcture or Cough Syrup, Carpenter’s Prepara tions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar, Welch Medicam- entuin, Ilygenn Syrup, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops, Morrison’s Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine, Sphon’s Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion. Nijiple 4 Salve, Bleaching liquid, Ess Mustard, Citrate ofKale Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cream. Hays Unimcnt, Chapman’s Mixture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamilton’s Worm Lozenges, Jndkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint ment, Hoffman’s Anodyne. • Surgical and Jfledical Instruments Pocket Instruments in Cases, Silver Spring Lan cets Evans Crown thumb Lancets, Obstetrical instru- months alter date application will bt-HSo ■M. to the honorable lLc Inferior court of Ccn i leil county, when tilting ns a court of erdinarr fa lure to sell two-thirds cf 181 acres ol lot No". Vl, j I: d, c 7th district, vrigivally'Conela mur Campbell coiiwi for the benefit of the orphan* of William Juucf ha of said county, deceased. Jan 20.1836. JAMES McCllACKIS. jWm’r. F OUR months after date,applicant'll vidltaid,. to the Inferior court of IJolutiti cr r.i.ty icr leave to selllhe real estate of William 8. Erun-W !r- of said county,’ deceased. THOMAS FOLLCl K, fob IB -si ' tidr.'r. MqlOUR months after date application ulit be £di M. to the honorable the Inlcrior court of l iutis county, while sitting as n ceurt of ordinary, fur iuie to self all the reel estate of Jcs.-e D. McIntosh, late cf said county, deceased, this 24th Fcbniatv, 1836. £C D. B. Ill AD, Adm’r. MARGARET I, MdNTOSU, Mr.fn. F UU tt uionihs alter line, aj'plic^ion will be nude to the honorable luIcriprcouttofJacksoBCDaE- ty when sitting as a court cf Ordinary for fan to sell Lot No. (203) two hundred and three in lie S7th dis- triefof formerly Cherokee now Walker coutiv, til the benefit of the beirs of Lucy Archer dicemcd.* inarch !7. 1fi!6 ff-p JOHN A. WAl I S Mr. 1 - mouths alter daie .ppi C uu.ii mj Le to the honorable inferior Com t of 8tev. art tow •ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave tottii the negroes belonging to tbe estate of Benjamin F. Nel son, a minor, deceased. March 22, If-SG. THOMAS S. CHAPPELL, WILLIAM NELSON. ' Ada'rs. Notice. fe Jh UNA WAY from the possession pf the snhscri- n lE ber living iu Pnuiding county, eight miles from the Carroll gold mines, a dark complected negro man, named ROS8, about 36 years of flge. Said negro was purchased by William Clayton of Jehu Vineiry, of Alabama > said negro has been in tbe habit of being hired in Fayette and Pikt counties, where ho is well acquainted, and it is understood he has a free pass and will probably attempt to pass for a free negro, being a •slncwd gentleman)v fellow, he may impose on some. A Reward of TWENTY DOLLARS will be given for his apprehension and confinement in any safe jail in tliis State, so that lean get him again JAMES B MOORE, Feb 24 35 Agent for Wm. Clayton. Ten Dollars Howard. I B ANA WAY from the subscriber in Walton coun IL tV, about tlio 25lh of Januarv fast, a Viomrr jgCOTTCRAY and THOMAS J. CHASE nre my I.ant ft oil. .L'.v-is- •.t iutor strained Lamp Oil very haml-onie—.ju*t received and for sale l)V II iV J. 3HOTW i.L. Jan. 14. 30 OppotiUlhc. Central Hotel. 500 authorised agent* during State, in.-trcb 24 39 my alii absence from tbe cD’m.ii. UKIN'U my libsence from Macon, Johs Barb wifi act as my Agcut. F. F. LEW’IS. Jau 29 32 ■ft,^ANTI D,a Jouriieyniaii SHOE MAKER, to Tf whom employ incut and liberal wages wifi be given; none buta first rato workman need apply. De- calnr; DeKsIbeotiuri .march 31 a J D- PARISH. hirer iu St a Die. g OSl PH WAIN*.'* RIGHT *it his old' S •Jn the Court House square, sfill carries (it ovobusIn-'s$ Horses terms. -Jan. 14 Stand, on tin the ab- Scides and weights, Spatulas ass’d, Metalic Stalls anti Sounds, Hair Sieves, Medical Spoons. Brushes Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do Sash Tools do, Badger's Ilair Blenders Graining do] Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor ted, Palters do do, Cloth do do, Hat Crumb Brushes. Hearth do, Dnsiiug do, Counter do. Shoe do, Hat ters’ Brushes, Ta* le do, Flesh do, Shaving do, Fur niture Brushes. Whisk Brooms, do Brushes. <«lass If*arc, Store Furniture. Window Glass Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 inches. Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass Plates. Tincture Bottles from J pint to 2 gallons, do Specie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do, 1 to 8 oz Vials, Ground stoppers White and Greeu Vials assorted. Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles, Graduate Measures. Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses Drum Viols, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungehts Tubes or Fillers, Glass Lumps, with shades, do without shade- Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades, extra shades. Cologne, renter Fancy articles, Soaps Double distilled Cologne Water in Fancy and plain Bottles, Florida Water, Milk of Roses. Orange 1 low er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Towdej, Pomatum, Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses, Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston salts,.Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Pungents, (cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen cils, Wash Balls, Otto ofRose Vials, Variegated soap, do Transparent for shaving. Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Court Plas ter, Teeth powder. •yiisccllftiicotrs _ Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, l.ucifer Matches, Bar soap, I ariegated do, Turpenti tc, Fine and Course sponge Cox’s Currying Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Wick, Bees Wax, Diamonds, French Chalk, Emery course and fine, Black sand. Pearlash Castilesoap, Scotch, 1’appie and Maeaboy snuff, sha ving Boxes, H-ney, Glue, Blacking, Lc’inoti syrup Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime, Wafers/ Ta pers sealing Wax, starch, sand Paper, Indelible Ink. Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, Ma- gic-Matches. Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac. Carden Seeds, Herbs, Fioteer Seeds. Onion, Beet. Turnip, Carrot, Parsnip, Cucumber, voice rather effeminate. Peter may have’obtained a free pass, and will likely attempt to pass as a free ne gro, as he claims to have been freeborn, and I have some apprehension that he will aim to get to Florida. Tlio above reward of Ten Dollars will be given to any person ivlio will deliver said negro to me, or lodge him many safe jail so that I can gethitn . 1X4VID HARDWICK. Monroe. Walton co. Ca. M.-irrh 9. 2» 30 iTkORGIA—Crawford ruunti/. _ >er, J eppergras, Cress, Tomato, Vegeta ble Oyster, solid Celery, summer savory, Parsley, spiuage, Endive Mustard, Okra, Asparagus, Na.-tur non R«*quetie, Corn salad, Curled Chervil, Eng'iah sorrel, Leek, saffron, sweet Mignonitte, Marjoram, Thune, Lavender, Basil, Lemon BaTn, Uarlv Corn, Early Peas, Pole Peas, Bunch Be ins, Pole do, Lima &c. several varieties of each, also an assortment of , Fl.OWER SEEDS. Herbs, and Grassseeds. all c»re- : fully put lip by the Shakers and .warranted Fresh, ac- I coaipanied by a Treatise on Gardening, A c. W iiror « a *•’„ ,, g „ „ , I w.ujranicu ovn I remise on uartieinilg, A c. HER LAS AfierrMaraliall applies to me for let- Intending to be permanently engaged in tht- bu-in- SimmS^de«atdE r of}"n 0 eSeoumy^ i^^^scnbpm^ll .iso every exertion in their These are therefore. t,trite, and admonish all It!et r t!<x,.! /*>. J J.’i . • > t f power, to render it wortliy the patronage of tlieir old and sing- and new customers. Orders by otter will meet the GEORGIA—CruwJ'urd county. I T appearing to the court from the petition oflVo. M McMuriy, that Alexander B. Taylor, late d said county, deceased, did, cn tLc Stldsy of Ftlniar, J8.44, make an execute bis bond coliditwtltcd to twit titles to lot No 7, in the 2d district of originally Ikw- ion now Cran ford county—and it appearing to tl* court that smd bond has been complied with, non, this isto notify the administrator of sbid Alexander B. Try lor, deceased, aud all parties concerned, that lb ^ administrator be ordered to make and execute tided* said lot of land according to tiie condition nf fsidtcM unless good end sufficient cause be shewn to item trary in the time prescribed bv law. Audit is further ordered. That three moods now of this order be published by the clerk of said court n one of the public gazetts of this Stale, and in tvvopt > lie plnpes in sgid county of Crawford. Given under my hand, at office, this 7tlrday of Maid:, lftSC. 38 WM. 1'f. BROOKS, c. c. c. Removal. A IP. WULLCOX has temoved to thc ded • lately occupied b Wm. II. Eurdnili. "fen he has for sate a general assortment of StrtpIf fed Fancy Dry Goods, llardxx me dc C#i* lery. I;ajs aud Cups; Boots and riioo, t'liina, G-'a^ and Crockery ware Ac. &ic. feb. 3- 32 ittKfOVlil. ZtttXU&BAlL v ... AS /emoved his Store to the tew Brick ings, corner of Mulberry and Second ttretu, .vlaeon, nearly opposite Us old'stand and in front** Cotton Avenue: fib. 4. 32 - Bent or til. 13. B. IF FED AS (removed lias Store to the New Brick hU“ ings. corner of Mulberry and Second e tries ’t-con. and in front of COTTON AVF-.NL't. jj 11 Ftt > 41 *• Subscriber will make liberal rdynr™^ 11 M Cotton shipped to his friends in pceioli Citarleston, rhilade)t hia, Neu IcrkorBcric >v. 5, 1836. 1 ROUT. CtUU^ Goods at Cost! Fffl HE subscriber wishing to close his F rf f c ■ , m Jl. of Goods by thc first of July, is now oner- 4 v.oodsat cost. , His slock consists of a general assortment C 1 ..: u a Fancy and staple Dry Goods, 1,1 G-i&ss JGtic Cvcclieiv wLfP* , s PtflVF’fiti'n 4l*irv. IhfitB) ** Hardware and Cutlery, I£af«t Shoes, &c. Ac. Tailoring done us usual. ....., /-0U 37 A. r. Mulberry'stfcit near Wathirslcr J'cil- — G13 O-. A. H AS noiv on fcaiid,andinprofitei* t lire, an assortment of the above nfW ;t wiiich for s yle and qunlily cannot be wc *' $ pricee lower than n-n»l in this n-arket- — " ' ' Notri e. yr frit* WJjfflE subscribers having connected , ...Juefs ill company with their, ihe Goods y hereafter be comincied bv hint GEO. W. PRICE A EO- .^rtr by whpse otiention w e are in hopes to re oral poll-mace heretofore • x'(t'det to i- ■ . «.j tf. if) tOOh’JJJJ t jl. / • » j , j, _ ... , «"** ‘ *•* *’ v iiniiinu t.t, x 'luri.t uy pi I ,- :r , "‘'-d creditors of said deceased, to shew same attention .-.s if made in person i (1*1' I it x! ' • Jl tli. 11 lilt i. m \ tM.ra.t. # J. u . 4 7... . . . _ .. vqnarc - ill cart tea rfn die ah- rm/s-- (if any tlwy hare.) within the time prescribed by jV. Jw’P* by Iboinonth law. why said letters shSuld not be granted. and to hire on thr mo .t moderate , Given under my hand, ai office, March 7,1836. 38 WM. H. BROOKS, c. c. o. HAIIVFY SHOTWELL. _ . JACOB SIIOTWELL. Painting of every description carried on hy Macon Jan. 14. 29 II. & J. SHOTWELL. Georgia ff ndltS ■ OXE.8 t.eorgta 'rllow cam» e -- 10 do spprin ® 0 ' 250 galls, best Lamp Oil, 300 do I.inceet! Oil,. . Kfejri cd si * \\ itha variety of Groorrir^. pale by march9-37 CHARLEb CA»* r I'