Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 14, 1836, Image 1

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1 1 • ei iiis 01 subscription. Tubs* Dollars, paid in tutianct. will pay for the pa- .trout year. Five Dollars, paid in adcancc, will pay .■ r ihr wiper two years. Ten Dollars, mm/ in iillZlfirtl* paperfre year* Ii'mh not pail wt GR O C ERIE S, W A k e - ii o u s e , a net Commission .Business. C l JLWETT &. Co. respectfully inform their l friends and the public generally, that they have added tho Ware Ifouee and Commission Business to that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware Houseis conveniently situated on second street, near- icruis v. ABienuiuK. ly adjoii.j ,g theiVstore. All cotton consigned to them, Alccrtiscments not excreting one hundred words, half by He planters or dealers in the article, or or- tparr or tied re brerter lines, will be inserted one time d f" 1 ? or bu J’ u ' 1,11:4 market, will bo promptly , ii._ Ti-i. .I-- .• .- : attended to. within sir months after the year has tottucnced, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum .cill be charged. If not paid until the end of the yiar, frur Dollars per annum will be charged—with interest thereafter. Terms of Advertising, far'One dollar. Ida) more than one insertion is given, 75 cents for the fret, and 50 cents for each continuance, ^-frwn which a deduction of one fourth trill be made, when nai l in adranre. 1 sheriffs’, Tax Collectors’ and Coroners' Sales are chat- „d by the Itry. 1 Yearly Adrertisrrs trill be allowed tiro squares in each ,,,, r f 0T Treaty Dollars per annum ; and in the same ratio fora larger space—payable quarterly. '/'.if crocuses of ourbusintsx.anil the state of thetimes, tqvirt, that these terms should be rigulln adbrrrit YOUR & DARIEN Line of Packets. BRIG Amelia Strong. J. Chace, Master, Premium, Air. Matthews, *“ new 44 Darien, C. I*, Buckley, “ Macon, A. Bibbins, “ "Schr. D. IK Crane. T. Baker, “ All good and substantial vessels, well calculated for the i r n.l t >, with good nccomuiodatiotw for passengers, and etperiencod commanders. Oue of the vessels wffl al- ■f.i \ s be at each cudoftUu Line to receive fjral.ghr, and will sail regularly once n week, Shippers by this line r.ia effect Insurance at rive eighths per cent and they may rclv upon the vessels being regularly despatched. Tii’t subscribers arc also agents for several Steamboats to run regularly during the booting season between Darien, IlinvbinsyiUc, and Macon, and are induced to belicw that they can give great facilities in forwarding roods destined fortho interior of the State. llAWl'.S & .MITCHELL, Agent! Darien. 1st July,_1SH5 3 ________ ' Pioneer Steam Bout (Line. I T tit transporintiou to and from Macon, ts nowin ■' complete order. A superior new Steam Boat ended <• David Crockett” with two powerful Engines, ,mJ several first rato freight boats have been built since tiio close of the last season and placed on the line. Strum limit Pi.inter, Capt. Goodwin, “ “ David Crockett, “ AVConnie/:, will ply rognlatly between Daricrt and Macon, one ol tiii-m leaving Darien about once a week with freight boats in tow. Steam Baat Ceipt. Donnell. will ran constantly between Darien and Savannah, ami a 4 mil the greatest despatch to Cotton. The sulucribor’s whole attention is devoted to facili tating transportation between Macon and tho Sea Ports, lie has invested a large sum to put bis line in the most complete order, and believes that his arrangc- jneats to.- giving despatch to freight and keeping it in gid‘1 order, while itt his tare, will make it tho interest of Cotton Shippers and -Merchants ordering goods, to coti’i'Hte their favors. At Dirieu he has secure and convenient Warehouses for reception of Hoods, and his 'Whzrvos thora covered with sheds, which enables him to keep all Cotton shipped on hi ll cits under shelter and protected from the weather wiiiio landed lor rhsbipnient. JAMES U BUTTS Acr.NTS. Hot.courr:, Paca at t” >., Charleston, E. P. Butts, Savannah, J. T. Kotvt.Avn, Darien 1>. B. Ill Ulead, • llawkinsville. Macon, Nov. H, 1-34—82 _ .Huron Steam Boat Company. They have also a convenient close storage bouse for the reception of merchandize from the country ; the receiving and forwarding of which, will Tcceivc a particular share of their atteutinn. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to any market, when desired, They also have on hand} and expect shortly to res ceive a large and general assortment of GROCERIES, DRYGOODS Such as. St. Croix and Ponorico A Havannasugars, Cuba, ltio and Javu coffee, Liverpool salt, Swedes Iron, Nails, Brads, ct|§t, German and biis/cr steel. Heavy hemp Bagging, Bugging twine twilled sack ing. Ozuabiirghs. Negroes cloths, shoes, hats, caps, claoks, Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and liridlcs, .Vets Blacksmith tools, castings. Hardware, Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets, Wax Cnlf skins, Ac. \V Licit they will sell on as good terms as cun be had in 1 tii-t market. JJ Sept 10 .dfienty and dommissimn Business, Darien. raiHE undersigned returns histhau-^tolls friends 2L ■'<>- the liberal support wliieh die has heretofore received from them in the above line of bnsiuess, and solicits a continuance of their patronage. His arrange ments for conducting business, and particularly in gi ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce «fc merchandize and protecting them while in his charge, v e at least equal to those of any others in his line. Ha will spend the summer in aud in the vicinity of Darien, and any business addressed to liitu will receive his per sofial and prompt attention. imm 151*35-53 JOHN T. ROWLAND. Men .il Packet Forrester," ~ Capt. A King, to ply weekly between riavr.nuah aud Augusta, will depart fiom Savannah ni 0 o’clock, A. M. every Wednes day, aud from Augusta every Saturday, at’9 o’clock, A. M. i?he is on tho low pressure principle, aud the subscriber feels iimch pleasure in recommending her as a perfectly safe boat. 8. C. DUNNING, march,16' 4t 39 F*F. LEW’IS) .Verrhanf Tailor, H AS taken the stand a few doors above tlie Clo thing 8tore of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry street where be continues-to carry ojt the Tailoring business. He assures all those who may favor him with their custnni, that their work will he*done at the sliorlest notice, and in the best manner. He liason hand a supply of the best materials in his line, consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green &c. CAS3IMERES,—A good" assortment. A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, and a complete assortment of TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS. He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat ronage. • Miron, <Vit :’><* 1~34—iUv tSfeara .Steambaat SUPHitlOR, Capt, George Willcox. do. F.XCF.!.. •• J. L. Willcox. fRIiliS co-.npauyi hive now their line of Bests in (j i-amplete order far freighting. They have « H-iw sin.mihujt added to tlu-ir line call'd the Superior ami ten Tow-Boats. Tin Baits will run regularly lietwe-n Macon arid D.iriuu, mi" of the steamboats leaving Darien every live or six ilavs with tow-boats. The company have n nv sixtumi mw-boais, all first rate boats,built express !i fir the n ivigatiqu o 1 ' tlie Oemulgeo and Aliamaha livers; these increased fncilitie^ will enable the com pany the means of giving tho greatest despatch to • od'i.t or goods shipped by their line. i\«y hive a Stqntnlio itand a uauihot of Sloops, tvrarry cotton and merchandise between DaTicnRind Saraniinh. and Darien and 'Charleston. There are le>,live iirs: rate Puckels riuniny regularly lielween Hineti and Saw l'or.c, which come to Hawes «Jt Miic'acl, of Darien. Agentsfor the nbnrr P.orts : J. GOD HARD,Rincon. I’ovr k, Hsvhv Ai Walter, OhatWnCou." i.. Ii vi.owin' it Co. Savannah, llvivEs &. .Mitchell, Darien. (Jm K. Koberts, lliiwkinsriile, Mu on. 2 lib Dcr., IdibV 2fi, Orm ttligec Sictnn If oat fomptiny. F-jl ills eompahv will bi prepared to i nmmcuce bu- : i sut-ss enriy in b'ie scasiiji—They will have •> liv-hf packet* between jNwv Vurk.aud Darien and "ini vessels lo forward goods frqm Darien tn alaeon — I’ New York, Charleston,t-.tul Savuijuali, "■'.1>j amhorised to eoatract for the delivery of goods m, at n freight agreed on without imernivdi- nt" rinrgn and tin agent in Macon will icreivc colioa •! iirerahlein Savannah, Charleston, and New York— ! u • cuaipanv’s vessels and lioaU, Will ho of fiwt class 'v,tii •'xparioiiccd commanders,' and no expense will he r;nreil to meal tho patrotlggo of the public. PII, R. YOXGE& SONS, Agents in Dariru. mav27thi«lf> 49 t»iiAoai. , », aw, A Fresli Assortment Juxt Opened. 20,000 pr for sale by J. NKWHALL, viz. Ladies’ Seal, Morocco, Prunella and Lasting Slips, vplking anil Bootees. Walking Bolivar fox’d Bootees, hl’k and col'd. Leather slips, tics, walking and Bootees, Misses’curd Lasting. Bootees i nd Slips, do Is-ather. Kid aud Lasting Slips and Sandals, Cliiliirens’leam-r, col’d, prunella «& morocco Shoes, Gentlemen’s Uoutees, t ixford ties and low quarter tine Shoes, Bussell and black buckskin do, Seal skin Pumps, rnssett and lil’k Slippers, Light Boots and ^ Boots, 500 p»ir Rubbers, Coarse a lid common shoes of every di-cription. Also, 300 Packages of Dry Goads, CONSISTING OF Brown and bleached 8hi)tings and Sheetings, Cal- iiroes, s-atinetts, Cassiraers, Blankets aud Flannels, 120 doz. palm leaf Data, 10 cases low price fur Hats, 3 do best quality do. 4 do fine satin beaver do. 30 do/., good wool do. <iingimtn and .-ilk Umbrellas, IIavauua Cigars 'Flic above are offered in lots to suit purchasers on the mod favorable terms Next door to the Post Office. march 22 39 S;tsiir. ( otrcc, Flour, limn, Ac. Ac. ffp) yffl 11111)8. N.O. and Porto Rico Sugars, Tff 2(> bids. 8ugar, 85 hags prime green Coffee, 20 bids do. G2 bb!s Boston Rum, 74 bids Flour, 21 bills Mounngahala Whiskey, 5th proof, 4 years old, choice quality, 10,000 lbs Bacon, Received per steamer Darien, and for sale on ne commodating terms by REA & COTTON. in Store. 50 hlids prime St. Croix Sugars, 54 boxes white and brown Havanna Segars, 30 hhds Molasses, prune quality, 20 qr casks Malaga Wine. 175 pieces hemp and *ovv Bagging, 50,000 Havanna Segars, choice quality, 30 boxes Tobacco. march 17 39 Kew Books. J\E\V DRUG STORE. xm. ik. zoomxs H AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS & MEDICINES, at the Store cite door below W. B. Johhston’s Jewelry, which he will sell at mo derate prices; among which m PAINTS, White Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Rose pink. Terra de Sienna, Vermillion. Prussian Bine, Osborn’s water colours. OILS, Linseed, Speim, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copai, Japan, Coach, Leather, & Picture Famishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair. Hat,^raining, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth, Paint. Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. * PERFUMERY Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender, & Orange Flower Wate.. Aromatic VinegdV, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Slinv ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Mail, Flake White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender, Neroli, and Roses; Oxy-cklorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Puffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als. Tonquin Beaus, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, & Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS. Anuatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, - Madder. Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric,, and [ Ground Logwood. MEDICINES, Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nilraij of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Ammoniaret of Copper, Sago, Emetine, Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- ocvnth, Elaterium, Jalap, Kobinca, Nnx Vomica, Rhu barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla & Cubebs, Dandelion. Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English Calomel, Hoffman’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucarium, Lan cets. Patent Liqt, Lnpuline, Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate aud Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oijs of Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreen, Se neca, Denarcotised and Powdered Opium; Phospho rus, Piperirte, Pocket Instruments. Hydriodato & Ox y-muriate of Potash, Potter’? Catholicon, Liquor of Po tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir, Stiychnine, Ppwdered Valerian, Rhubarbarine, Sail- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver wort, One Stethoscope, Swatm’s Panacea, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum, Wine ofColchicum, Trusses, Turbith Root. White Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate of Colchicum. Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines. and all others in common use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— AL80, Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling.Instruments; and oue second band set of Amputating aud Trephin ins Instrnments.April 20 Jf'etc Store—I'resti Goods. T HE subscriber is now opeuiug, on second street, next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Dancy DIIY GOODS. Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms aud cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. Ilis stock comprises in part as follows; WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Dufiil Blankets—10*4 and 1*2-4 tine .Mackinaw do—NTgro Plains and Linseys— super blue, black, brown inixt Cloths—Fine and com mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentis and Toilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—do Merino do. STUFFS. Black and colored 6-1 Meriuos—do do Dombazetts— fine 0-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—swias, Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in £ pieces very fine —colored and white Homespuns—Rowen cassimeres and checks—birdseyc and Russia Diapers—Linen cambric Hkfs, Russia sheetings, &c SILKS. Black super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustriug do —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, aarsnots and sinebewa. HANDKERCHIEFS. Mandarin, Ilerninct, embroidered Romani, Bagdad, rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and martiu gauze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—Blond Ed gings and Bobinet Laces—and many other ajticles which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and quality** dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN UOALUiSSlOiN liUiSHViiSS, Ac Various . jHlIF. unlaisian.-A have resumed' business ns a- H. hove, and vydl ns Ir-rstnforo pay prompt alien- f in lo ail b'.isuiesa entrusted to their care. Wi believe '•'Iiavc made urrangouients tli.-it wiil enable us at all > ito forward goods for the interior with the least livable delay, by steamboats when tlie river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, I’Jilt expressly for that business. On our wharves large Storehouses, calculated fur the storing ofent- 1 m at the lariat possible expense, and our opportunities !■> forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed- coin an >• other House. JIAWF.8 &. MITCHELL. JBarien, May 20,1805. 40. I f'oi/uttissipn Business, Marten, j lilil Undersigned have formed u Copartner4tij> I l lor tlis piiipfist' of tr.iusactiug n general Com-j "vis-ion aiid oilmr business under the firm of SNOW As ROGERS OJeott S JElts hare just reeeired ‘GRACE, translated bv Francis, I’h.Kliais, do by Smart, Rosautuud, by Maria Edgeworth. Htimphtey Clinker, illustrated with Plates, The a new edition, Paul Clifford, do, Paulding on Slavery, being a vindication of Southern rights. Memoirs of 11 ewes, and the tea party iu Boston, One in a.Thousand, by James, Stories of the Sea, American in Euglaiid, Mahmoud, a novel, American Aluuinaca for 163G, And other works of amusement and instruction. )tnrth 31 40 _ for Sale, ^ '4^iPHUMMHbaLard, 61 lihds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron. 11)0 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole aud half bbls Canal aud Richmond Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Gin and C. Brandy, warranted pure i'.nd three v cars eld. 20 bblr. oiil .Mounngahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin, Together with various oilier articles suited to tlie ci ’eel offer their sorvices to their friliuoU, t;ml tiic ' j ty and country trade, which will he sold ou as good Si'nerally.jn the above business. Forwarding Goods ! terms as the market wii'justify. Candle Factory A Provision Store. T HE undersigned takes this method of informing his former patrons and frieuds and the public generally, that he has again commenced business, near bis old stand, on Cherry street, where he will be hap py to execute their ordera. Fine Gaudies by the box or pound, constantly for sale,very cheap.* Also, Meal, Bacon, Butter Lard Onions, Fruit, and almost every thing in the provis ion line. To those of his creditors who have eo kindly Indulg ed him, he returns bis sincere thanks, and expects shortly to be able to satisfy all their claims, fob. 18. 34 D. DA1.MEYDA .faction and Commission Business f Takc this method of informing my friends and the public generally, that I have taken up the above business, and resp ictfnlly solicit a share oi patronage. All Goods consigned to me shall be strictly attended to. according to directions. - dec 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND. GROCERIES, Ac. S F. DICKINSON has just received, • 30 hhds St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars. 125 bags prime green coffee, 25f bbls N. E. Rum, Giuand Whiskey, 100 Canal family Flour, 100 Irish Potatoes, (yellow) 200 socks salt, 20 tons Iron, assorted, 10 do assorted castings, 20 bbls cider. Cognac, peach and apple Brandy, Monongahalaand Irish Whiskey, Holland Gin, Jamaica Ruin, all sorts cordials, Madeira, Teneriffe and Malaga Wines, Al- kohol, Porter, clarified Vinegar, crackers, cheese, Her ring, Mackerel, smoked salmon, Molasses, Rice, Buck Wheat Flour, Raisins without seed for cooking, do in boxes. Lemon syrnp. Loaf and Lump sugar, Tobacco, chewing do in papers. Spanish and American cigars, long nines do. snuff, 50 boxes sperm and tallow cau dles, 50 boxes bar aud shaving soap, starch, pepper, spice, ginger, cinnamon. Penrlnsb, salt petre, indigo, copperas, chocolate, tea, matches, wrapping paper, lied cords brass, brass hoop and iron hoop buckets and tubs, measures, coolers, &e.. pint aud lialf pint flasks, straws tumblers, decanters, blocking, grindstone, lamp oil. powder 50 bags ass’d shot, nails, plough moulds, weeding hoes, trace and halter chains, sillers, coflee mills, shovel and tongs, fire dogs, waffle irons, smooth ing irons, fry pans, tea kettles, cart boxes, axes, cotton rsrd« Ac, Ac. Macon. Jan. 27 32 April 6 O A VfPvR ALSTON. •v' 1 prariice to and from the interior of ({'.• State, will j r ' i ' C |v * particular ntientinu. It may be proper In j ~ "• JVf \V <»o«»iS. ' >!e t’:!! they hav • np coiiitevtiou wijb tuy of tli" fTT^Ijn subscribers are now receiving their usual V". " -•nspoKctianlinas; Goods fortjba interior will' J|_ H .,pi v of Sl’RfNG GOODS.’con>Eiing of a l v >" hs shipped by tho.* ! who will'probably *igivc g rU (tt variety of * :i ""> 'it' greatest de.-patch. ISAAC’ SNOW, Fancy . d MaplP Dry Goods, &c. •TO 1.18 ,3 >2j »ru n* nneriKi . n.. __ GEO. T: ROGriiS. r I '• Undersigned tenders hi* thanks to hi* friend. * for tha liberal natrunase he luis lor many Their customer.--, and tl.? public generally arc ;e»pect- fully iuv iteu u> call. April 4 41 CfctflMSE W. PRICE, & Co. ?I«w Petit Giilt* Cotton Seed. f#hba<jnberexpt'Cts Us second Sol of these seed ill be ready for delivery by the loth or 16th Those who Ii ivo engaged may tfand about that _ without disappif linent. He Ijos two or three ’’HO Aitn.MiaclM.aud Beer* Aimanacksfor rale hundred bushels not yvi engaged. h l J. II. A W. S. ELLIS- < April5 41 2t JNO. RUTHERFORD. 1'ltiin aud Ornamental fainting rHI ill. subscriber has taken die shop l'oiuierly oc- a cupied by Mr. Thos. .McCleskev, nearly oppo- siie tlie new market, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of House and Sign Painting, Chair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Having in bis employ ment some of tlie most effi cient workmen to be found in the State, lie wiil be a- h'e to undertake largely and execute with neatness April 4 6m 41 DANIEL T. REA- Mjomp oil. Gallons Wimer strained Lamp Oil very handsoniL—-just received and for sole by II. & J. 8HOTWELL, Jan. W. 39 Opposite the Central Jlotfl> inew goods. , WM. H. BURDSALL, AS Just received a new and ex tensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, DATS, SHOES, t(C. which ho is o.Teritig for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. ms STOCK CONSISTS, IN FAKT, OF THE FOLLOW! SO Super Saxony, Bluo, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Salinctts English Merinocs Duffle, Point and Rose Blankots Scarlet, Crimson, Green and White Flannels Printed Salsbury do Canton and Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Bluo and coloured Bombazettes do do dot Circassians Negro Cloths Linseys Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustring do Gros de Swiss r' do do Naples do do Berlin do Sinchotrs. and Sarsancfe '■Colored tiros de Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool, Valentia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Hcrnani, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na pics Dress Hdkfs Ladies aud Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fuatians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripos Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baizo Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SheetingBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oznaburgh* Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosierv Black and colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light cpl’d Prints and Ginghams Lace and Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bobiifbt Lace Thread Laces Cambric. Saxony, Swiss, Mqll, Nansook and Book Muslius I inen Cambric Hdkfs Pongee, Indian Flag and Spittlcfield Hdkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Geutlemcns English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Rotjcules X&eadv-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adeluid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Goattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth and tatlinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cnssimere, black and colored Velvet, black Fiorintine, black Bombazino, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Marseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinot Vests Camlat Cloaks and-Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersbam Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Jets. JYegro Clothing. Men’s & Youth’s Fnr Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, 8eal A Hair Caps, Finn Boot* & Shoes—Negro Shoes, Arc. &c. Oct. 15. 17 Front the Columbus Enquirer. , On the discovery and burial of the remains of Majoi Dade, his officers and men, who were slain by the Indians, in the wilds of Florida, December, 1835. Not a tongue could tell, not a soldier yet knew Where our slaughtered companions ivere lyin" } When sudden ->nd silent there bursfon dur"view, The Sold of the dead and the dying. A hundred brave warriors iu battle laid low, We found ou the field cf their glory; And tlieir death wounds sepmed gaping sn ghastly to shew The horror,that thrills through tlieir story. Far, far in those wilds where savages roam, Wo buried them there ns we (bund them; Though Silence and Solitude sleep oil their torab, They arc coveted with glory around them. ♦Near the graves of De Soto’s adventurous band Who fought aud who fell here before you. Q. rest, warriors rest, in this murderous laud, Till God in his mercy restore you. ♦See Irving's Conquest of Florida, in which this field of blood is cleurlv depicted, as well ns the char acter of these lavage hordes, whose ancestors fought with the same deadly rage, against I>e Soto’s little ar my of 809 adventurers in 1540, nearly three centuries ago. A Pindaric Story. An Indian once, who wore a Christian name, * And many a Christia- Irulh had brought him, Would often get (it was a piteous shame) Drnnk as the magistrate who taught him ; Who was a lawyer bold—and on » time. Heating that Wauga had drank grog on Sunday, He sont for him straightway on Monday, To come and make' atonement for his crime. ‘•Wretch 1” did Lycurgus fiercely say, ‘•Thechurch demands it dollar for your peace " “Well," sighed the culprit, * I will pay— But give me a citfeat if you please." “Certificate!" the lawyer sternly said; “What will the fool do with the paper!” Poor WangO scratched hisofly.head,. And bowing, said. “lJfe’s one poor vapor; And when I die and to my rest would go, •Maybe S unt Peter toll me, “No— Such fe:llike you away from herd I send ’em, You broke ’em Sunday mice before you die?”. “All but,” says I, “I gib a dollar tqu 'and so I mend Vm.” Did you,” he say, “where your citijiral ?” “La,” say I, 4 massa l.awier never write ’em;” Why, den,you fool," he tell me, “hole your prate,’ 1, “Go back and ge.t 'em,” Mad like Ole Harry down again I come, 1 find you dead, (now only see what trouble 1) I look far you, and ’fore I find you homo, I got for go quite to de Debbie ! upon bis shoulder, to give effect h. the banished Lear’s exclamation that he would hfZr his aged trunk to foreign clh»eW the nllbcutor relatesllte fo-lowing fact ns an appropriate cuiaptiiiioti to tho blunder: “A pretty actress,iriteJy married,'flu<: well ma ned, too, was to bavp. "personate , Helen mV. gregor, tit fiih Roy. C i tbnim>rfiiiig 0 r tlio* rehearsal, she asked the prompter who the gen- tlem.n were that went on the stage with her in such ascetic. ‘A.orcly stijjcraumeraries, Madam • was the answer. I be,; your, pardon; sir: in tha printed book .t says,'Enter llcl cll , with claymore amt target! -Why, madam,’ said tha prompter, •they are generally represented by McSr s Sword and rot lid. ’ ” “Oliapodiana.” it need not be skid, is good — The follow mg pn amusing tail-piece to eone renectibus ofOlIapod upon early ri-iug, BU( ] u ri on deep, thfc world’s “SpBuish cloak.” as he cuffs iri that wraps around all and singular of human- “There is one place «herb steep Is uhcomely - named m a church. But, dear reader, there arc some somniferous rren of God, whose words' lali npou you like so mauv poppies. Theirlab- gutd sentences come from the ancient no«c all fe- spectacle bestml,’ with such a drowsy twan~ * that they are irresistible stu F ifi*r». 1 listened of such an. one. He never .flfiished a sen- teucc. ‘My friend he would say, *1 wish 46 ad dress you upon tiwimportance of. It is a subiec’. of great tmporianre-auti it i« ene nhiifh wbick. IVnen. I spy that it is a auliject of importance. 1 mean to infer that it is important ro the individual who. And when that individud declines obser ving tins subject, be bas reached that stnta of moral turpitude, when Heuce ne view, that be becomes associated with those that, on acconn ofthedeceitfulness °T the world, are corrupted The poetry of the present ea.aber of the IC. is no; so uniformly good as heretofore. The are ttclea, by Percival. Mellen, .Mary Acne Browne. and “ I he Dying Wife,’"are superior effusions I ho ungual department,in tiro stereotype phrase, .sustains its rejnrtutfua,’ and requires eo praise at our bauds. Scull Shoals Manufacturing Co MYRICK, NAPIER & FREEMAN 0 JTAVF received a supply -of Cloths and Yarns JCjI. from the above Manufactory, of snperior fab- rick which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the Factory prices. Macon Sep 3 1835.10 fashionable STat & Cap Store MULBERRY STREET, MACON. tevr.. T HE Subscriber having established hitUbult in Macon with a view to a permanent residence, and taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F. Lewis, directly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of . XXais, Caps* Furs &c s comprising every variety of style and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be found Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarnm and wool Hats; Mens Fur and Hair,-Seal Capa, Boys black, bin© and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian &c &c, From his long experience and personal attention to the business of manufacturing fiats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti- cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to any before oftcrcd in the northern market, As hi* work will be priucit ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, wl desired ho will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser From the facilities thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to liis business ho hopes to deserve as he trusts he will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY CTWanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins He expects in a few days to remove to the store novreoccupied by Mr E B Weed ly Just Received A LOT of superior quality st Croix sugar Prime Green Coffee Prime Northern Cheeso Whito Lead) Linseed Oil and Window Giaas. Sole, Gin Band, and Harness Leather • Calf and Kip skins, which in addition to their extensive assortment of Goods of almost every des cription makes thoir stock completer. Jan. 7. 29 GEO. W. PRICE & CO.. Insurance. FHA1IE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure JL Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire in this city. Apply to Macon. Oct.27 ROBERT COLLIN THE KNICKERBOCKER- The last three numbers of this Periodical, com" prising the first three of the 7ih volume, hsvc Reached its. We are pi >aied to find the literary labors of its Proprietors rewarded by “ihty silent but convincing si^n asteady increase of patronage V which after alt, is so necessary to cheer the labors of a caterer for the literary taste of the public,— Among tho contributors enlisted to enrich the pages of the Knickerbocker, we find not only many of the elite writers at our 1 coiinfrv,' but the popular pens of a Bultvcr, a Marrvatf, See, of other climes, are brought into requisition to ex cite to the contest for literary supremacy the wri ters of out own—a Paulding—a Rimtns—a Bryant a Kennedy, &c. &c. Having had leisure merely to glance at the March number. w<* extract for the present, from a New York paper, a notice of i;s tnorits. From the N. Y. Star. 22ff ult. f March.) , Knickerbocker for March—With laudable punctuality, and in an unsurpassed tyographical dress, this magazine for March has found its way to our table. A much larger amount of m it'er than was stipulated by the proprietors seem to be given monthly—since, in tho three numbers of the prescui volume, 316 pages have already been is sued. The number is a good one. The first of a series of Loiters purporting to be written hy Lncius 11. l’iso, from aneieut Palmyra, to Marcus Custius at Rome, is evidently from no common pen. The incidents and descriptions are so lil'e- liko, tb it the distant Past becomes tbe palpable Present. Piso’s noble incidental defence of tbe Jews, will have weight with all unprejudiced minds. The learned Noah Webster commits his “Philology” papers—treating, in the present number, Orthography and Pronunciation. He asks some questions that it ivill puzzle his cri tics to answer; for example, wby deaf sltould-he pro- nouuced def, w Ben not a solitary word in the lan guage. ofthe same termination, is thus pronoun ced ; and why, if ax should be spelled axe, we should not also spell ox and tar with the finale e as oxe taxe ! Mr. Webster says: “In the year 1794,- I first introduced, into a pamphlet entitled tho Revolution in France, the word demoralize, to express the fatal effects of tlie violent proceedings of .the Jacobins oil the morals of the” nation. This ivord soon found its way into the writiugs of moo of distinction in this country, and into tlie Critical and Quarterly lle- viows in Englamt. Todd then introduced jt in to his edition of Johnson’s Dictionary, uu'd Chal mers into his abridgment. Now the word is in common use.” Tho word vandalism also originated with the Paints, Varnishes, Ac. ■■ WITHITh LEAD, Venetian Red, Chrome Yoltmv, v v Red Lead. Litharge, Lamp Black, Whiting. Terra de Scinna, Spanish Brown,- Linseed Oil. Spts. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Japan Varnish. Leather Varnish, Picture Varnish, also, IPindotc Glass. Paint Brushes, Sc. rob IS 35 By J. 1L & W.S. LLLIS. A* 9 r - Casks Madei.a Wines HI do ■fl Jtfarcjt 10. 47 do do WM. II, BURDSALL- vcteran'philologist. The “German Student” pre sents three admirable “Leaves” from fits Com mon placo Book, in which the wild 'anti starting pathetic and simpiv litaQiifnl, are finely mingled. Reverend Timothy Flint's story of “Hannah Hervey,” is an affecting tale of the cholera, told in best manner ofthe writer. The excellent pa per ou “Comets aqd Eclipses” proceeds from tbe writer of the articles on Astrology and Althimy, in previous numbers. “Firstlings,” or “My First Punch” is mo of the host (if not the lie^ty things that has ever appeared in the K. Its style is ad mirable, and it is steeped in humor. 'I he next article is euiitled “Recollections of Bums.”—Its character is sufficiently indicated in 'he fact, that it is writen by one who was ioug and intimately acquainted with tho Poet of Nature—who was the sharer in his youthful sports—his coufidant during the most trying periods of his life, and correspondent until- his death. The “Execution at;Sca,” hy a Navy officer, is a briefbat Stirling sketch, told with the nature and dtstinctess of a true sailor. “An Actor’s Ailoquy,”. popular as It is, grows better and better. VVe append an an ecdote or two, that would mako a Quaker laygh in meetiug; , I once had to superintend the production of a melo-drama, one of the real cut-ainl-thmst Anno Uadcliffe, blue firc-aud blazes-breed. In her last scene, a retired nook or dell in a mown- ninnus region, an outlaw was chained to n rock by nis companions, niid charitably Jeft to starve. Luckily—for lu< k is the real prtmtrm mobile in nil these.piece?—some travelers, descending the mountains, find ll\e outlaw in his split-crow pos ture, and Relieve him. .The travellers were sup posed, to have hist thcrway.aud the leader should have said, • oiniog down.- the ro -Us from the very back of the tbe stage—‘ Here -is Some thing like a descent—fellow” and tlau start in sur prise upon seeing the outlaw. This wa3 all clear enough at rehearsal Trn i“iufjny horror,'at < ighr. when I,saw the leader of the tr.-vellccs ,-tnit up to ttie ps'ur ragged, unslnven wretch who was chained- to the rock,'and sav. * Here is something likea dicmt fellow." Afier giving the.nii-e en' iro acter eivho came upon the stage with .. • uuvelling trunk Frent the Ncto York Mirror. “STOP MY PAPER!” -Of all the silly, short-sighted, ridiculous A'meri- ca'u phrases, this, ns it is frequently used,- is tlie t 171031 idle aud unmeaning. We are called an in fant flation, and truly we often individually con duct ourselves like children. We have a certain class of subscribers who take tho .Mirror and pro fess to like its contents, Jill, by-aud-by au opin ion meets their viow with which they do not a- gree. What do they, then, iu their sagacity ? Turu to their nearest companion with a passing comment upon the error they think they have de" tected ? or direct a brief Communication to the editors, begging to dissent therefrom in tho same, pages where the article which displeasod them has appeared ? No. Get into a passion, arid * for all we know, stamp and swear, ami instantly. before the foam h#» nine to cool on their lip, write a Ict'er, commencing with—“Stop iny pa per !” If wo s<iy ients ; arc exorbitantly high and landlords should be too generous to - take, advan tage of an incidental circumstance—round comes st broad hat and gold-headed cane, with “sir, step my paper!*’ Does an'aevc-r receive a bit of sid vice ? The green-room is too hot to hold him till relieved by those revengeful words—“Stop' my paper!” If we ever praise one, sonio envious rival steal* gloomily .in—with—“Sir, if yon please, stop my paper 1" \Vo dare uot hope to navigate the ocean with steamboats, but our paper is “stopped”by a ship-captain. Our doctor nearly left us to die the other day because a con t.-pon- dem had pruned an enemy df‘-bur college,’’and we expect a ^ferifacias” in tho office presently/ on account of soniejhing which wo understand somebody has said against some law-suit in w o ‘ do not remember court. But all these af fairs were outdone yesterday by the following; We were sitting in cur /elbow-chair, rumina ting op the decided advnnfages of virture over vice, when a litti* withered Frenchman, with st cowhide rs long as himself and twice aa heavy rushed into onr presence; . “ Sair!” anti he stojipod to brentho.. “Well, *if.” •Monsieur!” he slopped again to take breath: “Diable Moniseur.”’ and he flourished'his in strument about bis head. “Really, my friend,” said wo smiiing.. for he was not an object to lie frightened aboni. “when you have perfectly finished amusing yourself with that weapon, we should like to be tVo master of jg our own leisure.” , “No sair; 1 have come to horsowhip von wiV dis cowhide !” ' ' We took a pistol from a. drawer, cocked it., aud aimed it at his head. “Pardon, sailsaid the F rcnchman, “I wilt first give you some line! explanation. Monsieur, if you have write dis article ?” We looked itover and acknowledged oursclf tbo author. It was a few lines referring-to the great improvements, in rail-roads, ttud intimating that this mode of travelling would one day sir persede every oth r, r. - . r “You hard write datin yonr papair?” lA < ^ “Yes, sir.” \ ij “Well, den, sair.^stop yon tlcrn papnir.’ f have live quarante-neuf ans. 1 have devoted all my life to ride de ballooon!—e’est ma grande 'passion, ilien Monskr! 1 shall look to find ev ery one wis jii* little halloon—to rid horse-hack- in de air—to go round do world iu one stimmair, and inadty tne rich like MobsicurpAftotr, wis de big hoteh- Well,' Monsieur, uoty you put ptiiie in your dem papair to say dpt de tail-road. Mon sieur, de little rtiil-road. siineisede—voila ‘super sede.’ Dat is what yon say—supersede every ting else. Monsieur, be gar I have de houuair to inform you dat derail road novair supersede tha balloon—and also, monsieur —centre blue! ‘step you dcin papair l" “ - *■ * f , > Insurrection at Juan Ftmandezi—iiy acconii!^- from Talcahuana, wo learn (says tbe Ni tv-York Com. Adv ) that tbo gqyeruor ”uf the Island of St. Juan Fernandez arrived thero on the 2Isf of September, on his way to Valparaiso, to raise forces trith which to retake that Island, of which posaesrion bad been taken by the gonvicts sen tenced to be banished to' that place by the Chilian government. About tsvo months previously these prisoners had etitered iutij a conspiracy to get-possession of the castle, in which they huc-- Coeded, seized upon the governor cud threw him into prison, from which, after several celts’ con finement, he was released, aud had only twenty given him to geton beard a vessel ten df* to sail» ' Firjel Decision of (he Citrled- Flair Casa'.-—TftjL Genera! ^chtoi Committee;his Honor the MaviV- being tr» the ciiair. held a mt'CTmg ytsterday n't'-. teruoon, in .be Mayor and Ardermcu's rtrom a in? I n full hearing tra* had relative to the matter of. interdicting girls from corning to school with bnh y done np in papers .Mr. Cter f es FoX, master of the Boylston school, had he-rared a young ladv who persisted in doing- So, and flfK George lf.- Sraith, her guardian, entered a verbal cornpiaint so the Committee. After each gentleman hnd tve<i the case in his own way, but both agree-- ng as to the facts—the Committee passed reso lutions, that Mr. F"x iva» justified in the course he had adopted, and that the youDg lady should be restored to her rnuk in school, after making a suitable apology.—BoctonPost. frr-