Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 28, 1836, Image 1

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MACON GEORGIA TELC^ n. BARTLETT. .11.1 CO.V, GJE Oil GI.l,', .IPMl. 28, 1830. ■ ■1liiii.i-r ■■■! -- --- -- •' — -■ .liiHn * e nM of Sub*cripUoB. P MolUM. paid i» advance. wiU pay for the pc- Turk* Fivlt 5oli.*R», p«*d *» advance, to11 pay front ytr. M 'i' E * Dollars, paid in advance P'^^Lthe paper five year*. j within six months after the year has W*t» ,t w Dollars and Fijily Cents per annum d * **". '* If not paid until the end of the ytar. *p*£spcr annum teill be charged—inth interest GROCERIES, WARE-ROUSE, anti Commission _ BusincsN. EO- JEWETT fig Co. respectfully inform their 'Ura friends and the public generally,, that they have added die Ware House and Commission Business'to that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware conveniently situated on second street, near- i I.V adjoining their store. All cotton consigned to diem, ikw f rrius of Advertising. ■> ' t . eitherby the planters or dealers in the’ article, or or- , not exceeding one hundred words, naif j L>rs t ° *cllor buy in diis market, will be promptly ** Jeor twice, brevier lines, will be invited onetime attended to. . •••*• They have also a convenient close storage house for die reception of merchandize from the country ; the receiving and forwarding of which, will receivo a particular share of their attention. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to any market, when desired. They also have on hand, and expect shortly to re ceive a large and general assortment of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS Such as. .St. Croix and PortorieoA Havanuasugars, Cuba. Rio and Java coffee, Liverpool salt, Swedes Iron, Nails, Brails, cast, German and blister stccL Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack- ■. ing, Oznahurghs, Negroes cloths, shoes, hats, caps, claokg, Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, Sets Blacksmith tools, rustings, Hardware, Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets Wax Calf skins, Ac. Which they will sell on as good terms as can he had in this market. 11 Sept 10 * IVhcn more than one insertion is given (j f ,\ t first, and 50 cents for each continuance. " i •» which a deduction of one fourth willbe made, when P'^ifi'^Tai Collectors’anil Coroners' Sales are char- pl hythc {'f ^risers will be allowed tiro sauarcs in each V'f* ’Twenty Dollars per annum; and in the same ^LVofTl^StJSSu^tS^hc Hate of the limes, ,,?ffl*** - terms should hr rigidly adhered to. .^.pVorl. fiftfhricn line of Packets. ItltHi Amelia Strong. J. Cliace, Master* m Premium, Mr. Matthews, M M\new« Darien, C.P. Buckley, " VI « “ Macon, A. Bilibins, t^^S'Schr. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, “ ill rood vessels, well calculated for the ’u with good accotninodiitions for passenger*, and -tnerienced commanders. One ot the vessels will al- , : v s he at each endof the Lino to receive freight, and :i) ,ai| regularly once a weak. Shippers by this line effect Iiwumnco at five eighth* per cent and they ;, 1V rely upon the visscls being regularly despatched, subscribers are also agents for several Steamboats run regularly during tho boating season between iiirien. Hawkinsvillo, and Macon, and arc indite d to holieve that they can give groat facilities in forwarding -,.(>ds destined forthe interior ot llie state. HAWF.H, MITCHELL &- COLLINS, Darien. 1st July, 1835 3 Agtnts._ ——pioneer Steam Boat JLine. saT\ F JNEW DRUG STORE. OR. ZI. I.QOIVSIS ‘Bl'BT AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS JlJS. & .MEDICINES, at the .Store one door below YV. B. Joiinstoa’s Jewelrv, which he will sell at mo derate prices; among which are „ PAINTS, White Lead, Red Lead, Block Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Rosepink, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion. P(tissjaq Blue. Osborn> water colours. OILS, Linseed, Speim, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copai, Japan, Coach, Leather, & Picture Varnishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair. Hat. ^raining, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth- Paint, Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. perfumery ALMANACKS FOR 1S3Q.. TTP Y Tho Grc^s,’Dozen, or'sitfgfe, for sale by JP . CHAS. CAMPBELL (’tintile I'itctory A Provision Store. T HE undersigned takes this method of informing Jd-* former patrons and friepds niid the public generally, that he ha- again coinfii’cnced business, near his old stand, on Cherry street, where he will be hap py to execute their orders. Fine Candles by the box or pound, constantly for 1 ! sale, very cheap. Also, Meal, Bacon, Butter, Lard, j Onions, Fruit, and almost every thing in the provis ion line. To those of his creditors who have so kindly indulg ed him, he returns his sincere thanks, and expects shortly to be ahlo to satisfy all their claims, fcb. 18. 34 D. DALMF.YDA 2P©:!?15K8.1Sr» 'STRIKE THE LIRE AGAIN. Soiur. Written an Gen. Scott’s arrival at Richmond, on his way to take command of the army in Florida.. BV MRS. it. a. T *»**». Hither comes the firm aud brave, Strong to rescug—kind to save, Let tlic sfar-gem’d pennon wave For iiis canopy. iluction and Commission Business. t Take . Utis. method of informing my fneuds and the public generally, that! have taken up the above business, and respectfully solicit a share of patronage. ^ All Goods consigned to nte shall be strictly attended Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender, A Orange 1 l P> according to directions dec 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND, T‘ .Igcncy and Commission Busintss» Darien. HE undersigned returns his thanks to his friends •or the liberal support which he has heretofore rcceivml from (hem in the above lino of business, and solicits a continuance of their patronage. Iiis arrange ments for conducting business, and particularly in gi ving despatch in receiving mid forwarding produce & merchandize and protecting them while in Iiis charge, are at least equal to thnso.of uny others in his line. He will spend the summer in and ill tho vieiuity of Darien, and any business addressed to him will receive his per and prompt attention, jnne 15 I33.V53 JOHN T. ROWLAND. BBSS* i)il transportation to ami from Macon, is now in complete order. A superior ucwStcujiiBoat- Line of Stages between jDaricn and .llttron. railed "David Crockett” with two powerful Engines, Twite a tccck—via Ferry’s Mills, Flournoys Mills, a:iil several first rate freight boats have been built since Jacksonville ami HawkinsriUe : dose of the last season aud placed onthc line. Steam If oat Pioneer, Capt. Goodwin, a »* David Crockett, “ M'Conmck, will plv rogulatly between Darien mid Macon, one of (living Darien about once a week with freight boats in tow. ^ steamboat Charleston, rapt. Donnell, will run constantly between Darien and feavaunah, ami adiird tlie greutesrtespatch to Cotton. The subscriber's whole attention is devoted to lacili- txiiiig transportation between Macon and the Sea Ports. He has invested a large sum to put Ins line m prut complete order, aiidjiehevcs that Ins 'iirrnngc- i ruts for givbu despatch to freight and keeping it in .,,.1 order, while in his earo, will make it tho interest lirCrtUon Shippers nnd ^Ierchantsordering goods, to cuiitimm their fuvors. . , \t D irienhe has secure and convenient >Y arehouses fur recoptini of Goods, and his Wharves there ares co- v.r.- l trith shads. which enables him to keep all Cotton shipped on his Bouts under shelter and protected from the weather, whdo landed for rchipment. ^^ r jiutTS ' ’ ^lioi.cowBE. Peck & Co., Charleston, E. P. Butts, Savannah,- J. T. Rowlanp, i>arien D. B. Halstead. llawkuMViIle. Macon, Nov. IS. 1S34 —22 - ~ .Bacon Steam Boat Company. T HF. public ore hereby informed that this Stage is now in full operation. Tho proprietors have made a contract with the Postmaster General to carry the Mail between Darieu and Macon; mid they am now running their Stages twice a week between both cities'. ^ The Stage leaves Darienon every TUESDAY aud SATURDAY morning at 4 o’clock, and arrives at HAWKINS VIL EE on each THURSDAY ind.MON DAY morning, so as to meet the Mobile, New-Or- leans and other YY’estcrn mails. The Mail is ducat MACON on each Thursday and Monday afternoon, and at DARIEN each Thursday and Sunday afternoon. JOSEPH S. PAGE. Darien. March 21 42 3t A "cut for Proprietors lamp Oil. 4b Gallons Winter strairffed Lamp Oil very t? handsome—just received and for sale by ii. & j: shqtyvell. Jan. 14.' 30 ' Opposite the Central Hotel. Flower YVatm. .Vromatic Vinegar, Bears’ .Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth YY’ash. Cream Soap and other Shat ing Soaps, YVash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Ccdrat, Extrail de Meil, Flake White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon. Lavender. Neroli, and Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Puffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als. Tonqitin Beans, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, &■ Macassar Oil.. DYE STUFFS. Annatto, Cudbear-, Fig Blue. Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua YY’ood, Alum, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of, . . Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balnt of Columbia, r _ , ., ixosict . ... - . Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep- ®|HE subscribers having connected Geo. W. Price ier, Spanish iSaffron, Ammoniaret of Copper, Sago, ! W ,n co,nDanv w,,h them - 11,0 Good9 busmfi9s Wl11 .incline, Cicuta riaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- ocynth, Elateriuni, Jalap, Kahiuca, Nux Vomica, Rhu barb. .Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla & Cubcbs, Dandelion,_Y r alerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Jnst Kecciivetl L I.OT of superior quality SbOroix sugar Prime Green Coffee Prime Nortltern Cheese White Lead, Linseed Oil and Window Glass Sole, Gin Band, and Harness Leather Calf and Kip skins, which in addition to their extensive assortment of Goods of almost every des. cription makes their stock complete. i" ~ 2<1 GFO. W. PRICE A CO. Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron die. Ginger Powders. Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient Euglish Calomel, Ilofftnan’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucnrium. Lnn in company with them, tho Goods business will hereafter be conducted by him under the finn of GEO. YV. PRICE & CO. by whoso attention we are in hopes to receive that lib era! patronage heretofore extended to ns. Jan: k 29 COOKE & COYVLES. A. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. Georgo Wtllcox. do. EXCEL. ” J- L. Willcox. rsn HIS company have now their line ot Beats in B complete order for freighting. They* have a now steamboat added to their line called thp Sujwrmr, »ml leu Tow-Boats. The Boats will mu regularly hetwo-n Mtcon and Darien, otic of tbs steamboats leaving Darien every live or <ix days with tow-boat*. The company have n r, vv sixteen tow-boats, all ilrstrate !>oats,h'idt expii's'S- )y for tho navigation o*' tho Ocniulgee and Aitomaba rivers; these increased facilities will enable the coin- |unv the mean* of giving tliO' grealest i.cspatch to ciittim or goods shipped by their lino. They have a Steamboat and a number *)J Sloops, ticarrv cotioa and nicrciianoise between Darien and Savansinli. and Darien and Charleston. 3’hero are *!-.). five first rate Packet* running regularly between Ririnn and New Y’or*. which rjio Hawes «Jt Miichel, of Darien. yj ncnlsfor the above Rout* : J. GODDARD, Macon. Hove it, Henry & YV.vt.Teit, Charleston. 1„ Hai.uwin & Co. Savcnuaii, IIawks, Mitciiki.i. Com-ins, Darien, tini. K. Roiikkts, ilavrninsvillo, Macon. 24tli Dec., IS3~». " Onnnlzec St cum Boat Company. T HIS company will-be prepnred to comuieiice hti- sines*, earlv* in the next season—They will have a liuo of Packets between N*w York, and Darien ami lima vessels tolbrward good* ftgin Darien to .Yfacon •—The agents in New Ytirk, Charleston, and Savannah, will bo authorised to contract for the delivery of goods ill Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi ate cliarge nild din agent in .Macon will receivo cotton deliverable in Savannah. Chaflestori. and New Y ork— The company's vessels and boats, will be of first class with experienced commander*; and no expense will be spared to moot the patronage ol'tlie public. I’ll. R. YONCF.& SONS, Agents in Darien. may 27th 1835. 49 SiaoJESf Ac A Fresh Assortment Inst Opened. 20,000 pr for sale by J. NEYVHALL, viz, Ladies’ Seal,-Morocco, Prunella and Lasting Slips, walking anti Bootees. YValking Bolivar fox’d Bootees, bl’k and col'd. Leather slips, ties, walking and Bootees, Misses’col’d Lasting, Bootees and Slips, do Leather, Kid and Lasting Slip* and Sandals, CluldreRs’leath< , r,col'd, prunella & morocco Shoes, Gentlemen’s Bootees, < xford ties and low quarter fine Shoes, Kussett and black buckskin do. Seal skin Dumps, russett mid bl’k Slippers. Eight Boots and .-} Boots, 500 pair Rubbers. Cuui-seatul common Shoe*of every discription. Also, 300 Packages of Dry Goods, CONSISTING OF Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings. Cal- licoe*. Satiuetts. Cassinicrs, Blankets aud Fianuels, 1'iOdoz. palulleaf Hats. 10 cases low price fur Huts, 3 do best quality , do. 4 dp fine satin heaver »Jo. 30 doz. good wool ,• AS. Giugliaiu hud silk Umbrellas, lluvniinu Cigars The above are offered in lois to suit purchasers on the most favorable terms Next door to tlw Post Office. inarch 22 39 T Commission Business, JDarten. |HIE undersigned have resinned business as a- Uove, and will ns heretofore pay prompt attcu- tinrt to all hiisinos* entrusted V? their care. YY’e lielieve ivo have made arr.uigeiiiaak' ‘-hat will enable u* at all times to forward good* for tlj: interior with the least possible delay, by steamboat* when tho river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves ere large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at tho least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cottoii iuland or coastwise, arc not exceed ed by any other House. Darien, May 20, 1835. IIAYVES. ?IITCIJEI.L & COLLIN*. Commission JSusitecss, Barien. T HE Undersigned liavo fortutd a Copartnership lortlie purpose of transacting a general Coin- mission and other business under tuiffeta of SNOW &. ROGEBlJ,, and offer their services to their friends, and tho public generally, in the above business. _ Forwarding Goods anduroduce to and from the interior of the State, will receive particular attention. It may’ bo proper to •tate that they havo no connection with any of the *team transportation lines; Gut*ls lor the iuJtiior.will always ha shipped by those wlirt will probably give them the greatestdciuateii. ISAAC SNOYY', _Jau 1,183d 28 GEO. T. ROGERS r Tht* Attention of fhe JPifbllc 8 respectfully called to u very extensive assortment of XEW BOOBS -Yew Books. Otrott S‘ Sits Itucc jitst received H ORACE, translated bv Fniiitis, Pinedrus. do by Smart, Rosamond, by Maria’Etlgeworth. Humphrey Clinker, illustrated with Plates, The Gipeey. a new edition, Paul Clifford, do. Paulding on Slavery, being a vindication o Southern rights. - ;• Memoir* of llewc*. ami the teapnrty in Boston One in a Thousand, by James, Stories of the Sen, . American in England, Mahmoud, a novel, _ Americiin Almanacs for 183G.' Planno Covoi-.n" J UST received, and for sale bv April 4 41 GEORGE \V. PRICE A Co. Scull Shoals Manufacturing Co. MYRICK, NAPIER & FREEMAN H AVE received a supply of Cloths and Yarns from the above Manufactory, of superior fnb- ri.jlt which they offer to Mcrrhatits and Planter* at the Fm lory price*. Macon Sep 3 1835. 10 ^hshfonable 4k Cap Store MULBERRY STREET, MACON. .. Hcmoval. P. YYTLLCOY has removed to the store | lately occupied bv YVm. H. Burdsnll. where rets, Patent Lint, Lnpuline. Lobelia, Medical Spoons, I he has for sale a general assortment of Staple and Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Fancy Dr)’ Goods. Hardware A Cut- Caraway, Copniva, Croton, Fennel, YV intergreen, Se- Icry. Hate and Caps, Boots and shoes, China, Glass neca, Dcnarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho- andA^rockery ware &c. Ac- f<?b. 3- 32 ms, Pipcrine, rocket Iustrunients. Hy'dYimlate &• Ox ~ KeillOV.'ll. y-muriateof Potash, PotterVCStliolicon,IjqnorofPo-| WMi Sfa. ItTrUTIS AT.T. tash, DragonV Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir,) MW A 8 temoved his Store to die new Brick Build Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhubarbarino, Sali-1 B a ings, corner of Mulberry and r Second streets, cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver-1 Macon, nearly opposite fits "ol3 stand and in front of wort. One Stetlioscope. SwotnTs Panacea, Seidlitz Cotton Avenue, fnb. 4. 32 Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture^ of jColefaicqm, YVine | — — Removal.—~ E. It. WE E D AS removed has Store to the New Brick Build- of Colcliicuni, Trusses, Turbith Root. YVhito Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate of Colchicum, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines, and all others in common, use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling.Instruments; and one second hand set of. Amputating and Trephin ing Instruments. . April 29 H ings, corner of Mulberry and Second streets, Macon, find iii front of COTTON AVENUE, feb. 4 VBN HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on B Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov.5, 1836. . ... , , , ROBT. COLLINS. .Y«e Store—Prests Goods. Newark Cider. T HE subscriberl* now opening, on second street, ® Jt d ^ BBLS first quality Newark Ciderjustreceiv- next door to Patrick & Martiu, and nearly op-l ^fo'^bv posito the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of march 10 37 CHARLES CAMPBELL. Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. .’KnsuranCO*- • YY’hich will be sold at prices much redqced, heipg ho’t F0YHE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure on reasonable terms and elieaji. they will be soul ac- .U. Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks cordtngly. His stock comprises in part os follows I against Fire in this city. Apply to WOOLENS. Macon. Oct. 27 ROBERT COLLINS 3-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffil Blankets—10-4 and FaiUlS, Varnishes, AC. 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negrt'Plains and Linseys— 'WMT'HITE LEAD, Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow, ■snpcEblne, black, brown niixt Cloths—Fine aud com- v f Red Lead, Lithnrgo, Lamp Black, YY’hiting. moil Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentia and Terra de Seintia, Spanjsh Brown, Linseed Oil.-Spts. Toilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannejs^p Turpentine. Copal Y’aruish, Japdu Y'arnish. Leather Meripo {Jv- > •- ' Varnish, Picture Y’arnish, also, Window Glass, Paint Brushes, Sc. Feb 18 35 By J. H. & YV. 9. ELLIS STUFFS. Black and colored 6-1 Merinos—do do Bombazetts— fine 6-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss. Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in j pieces very fine —colored and white Ilomeflpunn—Rowen cassimeres and checks—birdseyc and Russia Diapers—Linen cambric Ilkfs, Russia sheetings, &c SILKS. Black super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring <19 —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsucte and sinchews. HANDKERCHIEFS. Mandarin, Herniuci, embroidered Romani, Bagdad, rich satin, figucred Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and martin ganze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—Blond Ed ging* and Bobinet Laces—and many other articles, which cannot fail to give satisfaction os to price and quality. dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN. e qr. Casks Madoi.a YVines 8 I do do do Ylnrch 10. 37 YVM. H. BURDSAEL. Onward!—hazard iio delay. Tho’ fond ties entreating say, “YY’ith thine own* lov-’d circle stay," Tender is the bond. Sound*of woe onr hearts assail, Savage warfare sends it* wail, Naught but valor can avail; - ” Patriot—hasten on. Let the war-torch spread its light— Through the land a beacon bright, Calling from each distant height! On—to rescue, on! Gathering each chivalric son, • Gird bright mercy’s armonron, Thus may victory be won O’er the savage foe! Mothers—hush your wild alarm, Oseoia’s power to harm— JJflfiled by Scott’s valiant arm, Nolon^er shall prevail. God of Battle* guard the brave, Let thine arm be near to save, Proudly may our eugtc wave— ' tVSYV triumphantly! YY’e will hail our chieftain home, m YVhcnli s task is tibbiy done, And his country’s thanks are won : t Glory waits the brive. Purest joy his soul will know, Healing t.iiis earth’s dirent woe, ritiii name exalted glow On Columbia’s scroll. His wife and family were then with her mother andsistcr in Richmond. Georgia Candles, Ac. *3^ BOXES Georgia tallow caudles, /<S\9 10 do sperm do. 250 galls, best Lamp Oil, 300 do Linceed Oil, YVitha variety of Groceries, just received and for sale bv march9-37 CHARLES CAMPBF.ELL. ■Blanks for sale at this office. ... G .1 It If F .V - SEED S. A SUPPLY of fresh GARDEN SEEDS just re ceived—AI*o, The Gardener’s .Han- ti-et, with instructions for cultivating Garden Plauts, &c.—Prico 12A cts. For sale by jan 1 28 J. H, & YV. S. ELLIS. T il;. Subscriber Laving established inuife.i in Macon with a view to a permanent residence, and taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F. Lewi* directly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep constantly ou hand a general assortment of . Z£ats, Caps, Furs &c. comprising every variety cl stylo aud quality, usually called for at a similur establishment. .Ainvug his as sort men t may he found - Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Koarum and wool Hat*; Men* Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black* blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black aud drab silk plush n new style, Merino and Circassian Ac «tc, ^ From iiis long experience anil personal attention to the business of manufacturing hats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with -tlieir patronage that be can furnish them with aii arti cle « liic 11-fmv:Iieapucs*, neatness and durability sliall be fully equal if not superior to any before oflcred in the southern market. As fiiis work will be principal' GROCERIES, Ac. S F. DICKINSON has just received, • 30 hint* tit. Croix audi'orto Jtico Sugars. 125 bags prime green coffee. 251: bblsN. E. Rum, Ginand YVhiskey, 100 Canal family Flour, 100 Irish Potatoes, (yellow) I 200 sacks salt, 20 tons Iron, assorted, , 10 do assorted casting*. 20 bbls cider. Coguac, peach and apple Brandy, Monongahalaoud Irish YVhiskey, Holland Giu, Jamaica Rum, allsorts cordials, Madeira, Teneriffeand Malaga YVines, A1 kohol, Porter, clarified Y’inegar, crackers, cheese, Her ring, Mackerel, smoked salmon, Molasses, Rice, Buck YY’heat Flour;'Rajsins without seed for cooking, do in boxes. Lemon syrup, Loaf and Lump sugar, Tobacco, chewing do in papers, Spanish and American cigars, do. snuff, 50 boxes spermatid tallow can dles, 50 bdxes bar aud shaving soap, starch, pepper, spice, ginger, cinnamon. Pearlosh, salt petre, indigo, ■copperas, chocolate, tea, matches, wrapping paper, bed cords, brass, brass hoop and iron hoop buckets xml tubs, measures, coolers, &c. pint and half pipt flasks, sttaws tumblers, decanters, blobbing, grindstoitevlamp oil, powder 50 bags ass’il shot, nails, plough moulds, weeding hoes, trace and linker chains, sifters, coffee mills, shovel and tongs, fire dogs, waffle iron*, smooth ing irons, fry pans, tea kettles, cart boxes, fixes; cotton cards, &c. &<5. . . .. Macon, Jan. 27 32 Plain and Ornamental Painting-. T HE subscriber lias taken the shop fotmerly oc cupied by Air. Titos. McCleskey, nearly oppo site die new market, and is now prepared to execuio all kinds of - House and Sign Fainting, Chair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. {laying in his employment some of the most effi cient 'ivbrkmeq to be found in the State, he will be a- ble to undertake largely and execute with neatness. V,ril4 6m 41 DANIEL T. REA. H From the Louisville Journal. Let ns drink—In the bowl is no treason— No malice prepense iti good cheer— From our bead, if itpilfer the reason. It at least leures our hearts more sincere. A toast, or a song or a story A woman can ne’er come amiss:; For woman’s the theme and the glory Of man in a moment like this— YVliatever tne future may promise— YVhatever the present may give— There is something they cannot take from us YVhile women and memory live— With their sighing and sobbing and weeping, All day they are all that they seem! But Lord pardon thefb, when they are sleeping TJieze is ho telling what they won’t dream. Of women, dear mystical creatures— The Teairt'I never believed— YVho cqn look on their forms and their ftatures And dream he will e’er be deceived? When they’re saddest they sing like a linnet— YVheu they’re false they betray with a tear, Their lips can pledge more in a minute, Thaii their heart? can redeem iti a year. They shrink when their bosoms are boldest, Audblush to dissemble their wiles; They smile when their hearts are the coldest, And man is seduced by. their smiles— And their sighing and sobbing and weeping, All day they are ail that they seem; But Lord pardon them, when they arc sleeping There is no telling what they won’t dream. Yet we love them—Jiow madly, how blindly! For love sees ho fa'ills, so they say— But all We would blame is most kindly Conceal’d from onr eyes all the day. YVe have glimpses of grace in the morning. YY’e have roses and raptures at noon, Onr brows and our bosoms adorning,— And bliss by the light of the moon— YVc have spells that we would not have broken— -•' YVe have raptures and wishes suppress’d— YY’e have thoughts that have never been spoken We have look’d but imagine the rest,— YY’ith their sighing, and sobbing and weeping, All day they are all that they seem— But Lord pardon them, when they are sleeping There is no telling whatthey won’t dream Y’olilme X..——Number 44. cte to the uniravelteri American whoso knowl edge of European fortifications is derived from books alone. All the adjuncts oT milllarv strength and power are realized on entering within its gates, in the heavy stone work—the damp and gloomy dungeon .:—the intricate w iiiding''passa ges, aud the enormous strength aud thnekness of the walls. The interior is a square, on cither side of which, as well as in front, are apartments of ror - responding dimensions, with arched ceilings. A- light is necessary to explore its recesses, and the air is damp abcl chilling As yet it b:l* not been thoroughly examined, and an impression exists that it has a subterraneous connection with 'tho city;, various secret openings have been discove red in tho thickness of the walls, but no one yot has ventured to follow the windiug passages to which they givo entrance. In ono corner is a vast well, furnfsiiin£ au ample supply of water for the garrison, however nume rous. The com munication with the ramparts is by a broad in clined plane, which forms an angle on tho right of the entrance, ard lhe'ivido parapet affords an ample promenade, which is much resorted to by the inhabitants aud visiters of St Augustine. The fort is built of stone, consisting principally or concreted shed*, which, though not verv hard, has successfully resisted the ntracks of time and is admirably qualified to sustain the shock of can non halls. It is said to have been m.any years iti constructing, and to have cost more than 3 millions of dollars; tradition relates that ivh^q the king of Spain was told the nm’nt, lie shrewd ly asked whether it was built of gold. The date i f its creation is not accurately known, but it jg supposed to have been commenced soon after the middle of the I7th century. It was called hv the Spaniards the castle of Sr Jagan, but now bears the name of St Marks.. Even against bat tering cannon it would make a long resistance, and all ’lie power and skill of Indian assailants wouftl be wasted upon it forever. I — ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when 8 respectfully called to a very extensive assortment desired Jie will finish hat* to order in any siyle to suit °f NEW GOODS, the purcfifitar. From the facilities thus obtained and now opening by the subscriber* at their new store cor f ro m assiduity Jind attention to hi* business he hopes «’’r of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, which arc to deserve ns he-trusts he will receive a liberal share “tiered on very liberal terms at wholesale or retail.— .^if patronage. Oct 7,183ti- - YVc are also receiving a very lar<r« stock of - GEORGE A KIMBERLY’ 11 ^ Beady made Clothing ! tCTYV’nnted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon "iittible for toe ii, comprising almost every article akin* •>r gouilemon’* wear. April IS 42* ■ I lleexpeetein a few day* to remove to the store FO-’ t’ HAMILTON A: WILEY, i now ueenpird hv Mr 1 D Weed !y J ILL ' Eifertj Stable. ~ r OSEPH WAIN WRIGHT et his old Stand, on 1 the Court House square.still carries on the ah- business Horses kept by tlie month or day—and Hor*e* and Carriage* to hire—on the most moderate which far style and quality cannot be excelled ; aud at krm*. Jan. 14 29 prices lower than usual iti this market,. march 17 37 latest style If rah Hats. GEO. A. KIHBEKLY H AS now bn-Jjaud, and in progress of manufac ture, an assortuteirt^!the above nnmed HATS. •i'atchcs, Jewelry, surer bb'arc, fire. C. G. ifu JOHN W ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in form* his friend* and the public, that ho has taken the store formerly occupied by the Hawkinsvillo Bauk where he is now opening a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great tnstc. and judgement expressly for this market, among Iiis assort ment may be found. Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's aud'Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewel* and iudepenentseconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Lathes & Gentlemens tiold and Silver I'atefrf ’ Levers ’ l.epine and plain YVatches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Breast Pin" and Fiflger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles,' silver spoon*, pen and pocket knives dirk*, canes, pistols, &c. «tc. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in hisline N. B. He ha* selected the best of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. I Oct 27 18 ~npATiWiTSG“ OUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, either in the city .OP country. Chairs r.epainted and ornamented. Lookiugglass or picture frames gilded or bronzed. Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various des criptions will be done by applying to —J. 11. & YV. S. ELLIS. VVM. H. litKDSALL, ’ . AS Just received a pew and extonsivo as-] sortinout of 3&eady-made Clothing - . Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive ‘ brown and greon Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coat?, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, arid blue, steel mix’d apd .fancy colored Sattiuot Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth aud satlinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Y’alcutia, English Silk, colored and white McVseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box .Coats, Lyon Skill Overcoats, .' hv, , ■ * Fine Linen Shirts. Collars, Bosoms, Socks. Ac. Qfik PIECES Hemp Bagging 13 94 do Toiv do 24 lihd* prime New- Orleans and Porto Rico sugfif ..10 14)1* New England Rum 20 half quarter Casks Malaga Wine .. 20 bbls primo green Coffee 85 Bags do jjo 30 bids Baltimore Howard St Flour 21 do Fjne do 26 bbls prime quality Havannah sngar 50 Boxes do dij . .. . 8 half boxes do do 5 Crate* Crockery assorted 8 Bale* Georgia Nankeens, made from cotton grown in this State. 20,000 best IlavauiiahClgSts—for sale by . 42 REA A COTTON. Railway RliymCs. “ Per damns, percales, ab ipso “ Ducit opes animumque ferio ” Am—•' Grccngrmc the rushes 0." There’s nought but iron on every han’ On every road one passes,- O; YVhat signifies the life, o’ man, That frailer than the grass is, O ? ’ Ilark! how it crashes, O! YVhiz! how it flashes, O! Now otf we be. and what care we For broken bones and gashes, O ? The warly race may riches chase, But should their hail’s environ, O, Great sums untold of Minted gold, ’Twerc neathing to bar-iron, O. Hark, Ac. Then gi’ tonic-on Change to sec The shares look brisk and cheery, O. Geese, women, then, and cows and wen, May a’ gie tanaolteerie, O. . IIajJ». Ac. A* ye wha jeer now hand your sneer, Their sense your seuse surpasses. O, The wisest man the warl e’er saw Was neathing to tho asses, O. Ilark, &c. No Exc may change herclouted cream With-Bristol far molasses, O. So be our th'ciue, first iron and steam, Aud, after, men and asses, O. Ilark! how it crashes, O! YY-’iiiz.!^ how it flashes, O f Now oft’Ve he, and what care we For broken bones and gashes, O ! Machine for making Barrels.—The YY’ailiing- ion, N. C. Whig gives the following dcscripiion of a machine in operation at that place, for ma king and finishing staves, invented by Mr. Coji- SEU : The block from which tho staves are sawed having been previously cut to the length desired for the staves, is placed upon the carriage, which is the work of a moment only : it is then put in motion, and by means of a concave and convene circular saw, the slaves are sawed pul, of the re quired thickucss, at the rate of from 4 to ten por minute, (depending upon the timber.) the mach ine runiug the carriage hack aud setting the block at each time, without any assistance, until tlftj whole is sawed up. They are. in the mean time' removed to another machine adjoining it rituuing at the same time, and jointed bv another circular saw, aud dressed by -evolving cutter* ; and ivhfift finished are without exception, the most beautiful and correctly jointed and dressed staves we ever beheld. A barrel made of pine staves was ex hibited full of spirits ttupculiuc, on Thursday last, which had been filled about a week, and •re mained perfectly tight YY’e werfe present when, the same barrel had been filled with water boforp aud ir was then perfectly tight also. There doc® not remain a doubt but flint it makes staves from .guy kind of wood, far superior to those dressed in the usual way. Barrels made of them ncqd no flagiug, and the staves must make a .tight joint- both inside and.out, for there is, no room for var . iation if tho proper number of staves bo put iti truss hoops. The bilge or size of the barrel may be varied at pleasure, as well as the thickness or -length of the slave. YVe aro told, and tho apperanre of the staves certainly warrants the assertion,that staves man ufactured hy these machines command twice the I price of staves got out in the usual way. Knitting Machine.—Mr YY’hitemore of New iYIarket street, has one of the most itigenious and useful machines for knitting that wc cvci saw. It is very small and, simple in its construction, and works with an exactness aud facility fhnt is surprising. Tho prico of it is only $25, and it is capableyif performing ss much labor in an hour, as a dozen individuals—every family should have, one.—Boston Pcftiol. Bolting Clotbs. OS. 3,5,7,9,10, Anchor Brand, for sale by April 21 43 CRAFT & LEW 18. Why is tlio Winter feo long! Says Judy to Pat, “will you tell me my dear. Why this winter’s so long ? YY’ill it e’er end at all?” Said Paddy, “The reason is, this is leap year, And tho winter has leap’d o’er spring, summer and .45*11 5 And joined the next winter, which thus form* two. And therefore takes up double time to go through.” Carriages, Piano Fortes, Ac. A FEYV fine toned Piano Fortes ; three splendid new built Carriages, for sale by April 18 43 CRAFT & LEYVI3. Rice. Raisins, Ac. TIERCES Riee;' '* /W V 60 bags Coffee, * 15 Ithds Sugar, 20'boxes best Malaga Raisins,- Goods at Cost T H E subscriber wishing to close his present stock of Goods by the first of July, is now offering his Goods at cost. Hi* stock consists ofa general assortment of Fancy and staple Dry Goods; China Crlass and Crockery ware. Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Boots M»oes, cVc. &c. Tailoring done as usual. " • 37 A. P. YYTLLCOX. Mulberry street near Washington Hall, Match 10 I .oaf Sugar, A M ,a Apple Y inegor, A&. Ac.I auum are mil jwuuiiij a, tis n|nncu . ■4P ri .* 43 For sale by CRYI-3-A Li-.YYL.. 1U( | beyond may be seen the remains of the etn ■Si. Avqustiise.—This city, now a point of great attention, ill cdnscqucuce of the threatening aspect of the Indian IVnr, is said to be the oldest settlement in North America, having Been foun ded hy the Spaniards in 1665. According to the description attached to a drawing of <he- Fortres of rit Marks, iti theN. York Commer cial Advertiser, the reltques of antiquity which are to be iouml in tho vieiuity arc highly iuter estiug and curious. It is. indeed, the ouly per- fo. t specimen of a feudal castle to 1>e oj^ the continent. At the southern extremity of the city is the old Spanish powder house, enclosed by .a substantial wall anil of dimensions ample enough ;o coiitatfl Stl rite powder of Spain at the time of its erectiou. It is now in part, unroof c-.‘ hut otherwise uninjured by time. The guard houses are still stauding at its exposed angles Judging from the euphony of their names, the Rtlssian diplomatists would seem to have a rem arkable antipathy to their noses, and to bo invo king every one to rid them of such a useless ex crescence, as soon as possible, c. g. '1 he New. Imperial minister to this country, is called So- nionosoff.(saw my nose off.) \n attache of the same legation in Y\ ashiugion, IJIowmanozorf. (Blow my nose off.) Besides which, vre have Co!. Kutuianosov, of tho Imperial guard, (cut my nose off;) Marshal Pulmanosoff, (pull my uose off;) General Noschegur, (uosc be gone) and many others. Girard—The city of Philadelphia is about to erect a statue of the late Stephen Girard, to ho placed in his college. Tho bequest of Stephen Girard, fur tho college in Pltiladcljihia was ($2,000,000; for the improve ment of the city, §500,000: to buy fuel for tha ponr,$288,000. Tito interest amounted last year to $189,235, after paying $64,450 oxpenses.— Eight ol his certificate* for a loan to Pennsylva nia, amounted to $1,221,785; stock ic the Bauk of tlie United States,$664,715. habkmeut. with here and there a rusty piece ol ordnance. * But the fortress of St Augustine is tho prinei pgl object of curiosity to strangers It Command* •in ndniir.iSln view and defence of the nnrhoili. and its frowning walls, its deep embrasure* am* mas*y bastions, its wntehtowers, the deep tnou) by which it is surrounded, aud the solid wall which, with its* salient angles, so securely pro tects the moat from the artion of sea aud wind' constitute a novel aud highly interesting specta' Mr Robertson, a ic.v days since, in makiug a speech upon some measure before the House, cal led for tjie reading by the clerk of the President’s letter to a friend in Tennessee; a letter which has been published ;,gnin and again in all tho newspapers in tho couutry. Gen. Glascock, in a good uatured way, to show the inapplicability of such documents ti>'tlie’ Subject under debate, and to burlesque the habitual introduction of po litical topics with which the car of the public nas been wearied, iuto legislative ducussions.’asked whether it would be in ord^r to movo the print ing of 5,600 copies of tho paper read by the clerk? The irony was understood by tho House, and even Mr Robertson himself smiled. This lit tin incident Inis been sensed upon by the hack letter writers, and perverted, as they pervert every thing', as meant in earnest, and an instaucc of man-worship—devotion to ti:c President. Tho Richmond YYhig has, accordingly, visited tho pleasantry of Gen. Glascock w ith its bitterest a- tiatiiernas, aiicfcHcs’ofif 'fiftont a collar, as if ho were bursiiug u ith rage- IIow lung will si:cU shallow-deception bo practiced ? How long be fore the opposition arc cuicdofllio felly of const- dorio'* noAnl.t /»f«li.a ^nnntn ^ *»fifrhf. the people of tho country foul I "Wo understand that Major B. Ilnminet Nr ton. w ho has recently returned to this cctuiUf' - out the United States, nad who, in tho city er New York, wayiresgutcd tvjth a splendid sword, to be given by him to a volunteer in the ‘cause of Texas, who would wield it in defu: :j of bar nght3 and independence, has presented the SMyp to cnptaiu U. Bullock, of tho Georgia volunteers.' Gaptain Bullock, c-tt receiving ir, pledged bim-i *elf to sacrifice his last- lieanV blood, before hd would yield it to the enemy.’’—Sett I\!ip (T-T*‘ as) Telegraph Itllh March. /' A trader in this town advertises—“Gentle men's bosoms.” If lt'» will sell Gentlemen's hearts, the ladies will patronize him. Perchance the bosoms are fa!>e—hearts certainly are. a: leas* so say the women.—Loiceii Ccmpchd.