Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, June 23, 1836, Image 1

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L ' v i MACON GEORGIA « * ir*rw*w WJ*TPnr .TWCO.V, GEORG!,!, TIILStSD.lY, JU.YJE 23, 1836. Volume X.-—Number 52. . . uu Wi -UOSt-upOOU. j'HK.t Dollars, ywid m advance. willpayfor thepa- tr. Five Dollars,p*id ** adpluu, tettl pay | frtlt paper tico yean. Tew Dollars, paid in advance \\ji Jt for the paper five pean^ ' ,1V* not paid within tit "tenths after the year has matured, Time D.dhrs and Fifty Cents per annum Ah charged. If not pni>l nntil the end of the yuir. p,," Hollars per annum will he charged—with interest Terms of Advertising. blrcrtisements not exceeding one ! t natt, or twelve brevier lines, uiU . Jom dollar. When more than one insertion is giren, cct ts for theftrst, and 50 cents for each continuance, 't/orn which a deduction of one fourth will be made,when ,Jdia odtance. Sheriff*’, 'lot Collectors' and Coroners' Sales arc chat- ,„/ *V the lery. “ yearly Adrertfsers will he allowed two squares in each M „tr for Twenty Dollars per annum; and in the same %ti* for a larger spare-payable quarterly. “ ’the expenses of our business, and the state of the times, i,iirt. that these, terms should be rigidly adhered to. TROY 1IIL.L. Till: undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter If Cornwall, that he intends re- timing the lIVtre House ,Y Commission Business, at the store next above the one recently occupied by T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known a"i the town ofTroy. . . , Hefurther informs the public that he has bought the e 'hundred'word* half Goo<J ?‘ *"• and having now on the way, front New iU be inserted one time ' ork ’ an dl “^erpir«M, - - Dry Goods and Groceries,- together making his stock complete, which will be sold low for ready pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances— lie would particularly notice to his friends the great advantages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being detached from other bntldings and at a distance from any street or lane, and well enclosed May 5 45 tf ' II. S. CUTTER. NEW DRUG STORE. H . q El. LOOmXS AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS & MEDICINES, at the Store one door below \V. 11. Johnston’s Jewelry, which he will sell at mo icrate prices: among which are PAINTS, White Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Rosepink, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colours. .Yrir York If Darien JLine of Rackets. lilllLi Amelia Stroup, J. Chace, Muster. Isvq Premium, Mr. Matthews, “ fj 1 new “ Darien, C. P. Buckley, “ • “ “ Macon, A. Bibbiits, “ * achr. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, “ AH good and substantial vessels, well calculated for the :r a !e. with good nccomiuodations for passengers, and ■vp. ricnced commanders. Ono of the vessels will al- ti u s bo at each end of Uie Lino to receive freight, and ,vili sail regularly otiee a week. Shippers by this line can cfl’ecl Instiraitce at live eighths per cent and they i.,iv rely upon tho vessels.hying regularly despatched. The subscribers are also agents far several Steamboats M ran regularly durrnp the boating season between Parieti, Ilawkinsville, and Macon, and are induced to litfliove that they can give grant facilities in forwarding . jods destined for the interior of the State. HAWES, MITCHELL &. COLLINS. Dr. rim. 1st July, 18:15 3 Agents. Piquecr Steam Boat line. fashionable S»at ee, Cap MULBERRY STREET, MACON. F rit transportation to and from Macon, is now in complete order. A superior new Steam Boat railed “David Crockett” with two powerful Engines, and several lirst rate freight boats have been built since I. 1 ,,' cia-o of the last season and placed on the line. Alram Haul Pioneer, Ca/iL Goodwin, 1 “ M' Connie!.-, ...IS T HE Subscriber having establishes u.o Macon with a view to a permanent re: “ “ Ditrid Cror.hctl, ill ply regulat !y between Darien and Macon, one of them leaving Darieu about once a week with freight boats in tow. Sk .'itnhoalCfctti'Irslou, rapt. Ronndl, <1,11 ran constantly liVlweeii Darien and Savannah, vid afford the greatest despatch to Cotton. Pile subscriber’s whole attutilinn is devoted to fiioili- • dug transportation between Macon ami the Sea IVfis. He has invested a large stun to pm his lino in i',i' most complete order, and believes that bis nrrange- ai'uis fo. grviiig’dcspatcli to freight am! keeping it in _ .id order, while in iiis earc, will make it the interest •if Cotton Shippers and Merchants ordering goods, to ome their favor Vt Darien he lot* secure and convenient Warehouse. reception of Goods, uul his Yhnrcrs there arc co r 1 with > 'mis. It (.stalncs him to kei n n!I Toffon shipped on in> it< unde •shelter and •rotcctei from the weather. ile laiidi J for rr-sliinment. JAM ES R BUTTS t.VT«. Hot.* omtsi:. Peck A Co., Charleston. F.. 1’ Butts. Savannah, J. T Kowi.vsn. Darren D. F . Ifolstin.1. Hawkinsvillc. 1 aeon, 5 nv. I*!. .04 uisttU in permanent residence, will keeji constantly on lined a general assortment of . JKats, Caps, Furs dtc. comprising every variety of style and quality, usually- called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may he ioiind Beaver, Satin Heaver, Otter, Castor Roarum ana wool Hats; Mens Fur and Huir, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown doth Cups, Bombazine do black and drab silk plush a now style. Merino and Circassian Ac Ac, From his long experience and personal-attention to the business of manufacturing hats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to' assure all those who may favor him yith their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti cle which for cheapness, neatness ami durability shall he fully equal if not superior to any before offered in the southern market. As his work will he principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when desired he will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser. From the fiicilitics thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to his business lie hopes to deserve us he trusts he will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY ILT*Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins Merchants’ Insurance Company of JIacon. Capital Stock 160,000 Dollars: A C OA1 i ’AN A , under the above title, lias recently _ been_founded with nil actual cash capital of .flitrose Steam Boat Company. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox. do. EXCEL, ’* J. li. Willcox. rSHIMS company have now their line of Beats in Sl complete order for freighting. They lave a navy steamboat added to their line called the Snpericr i.aii ten Tow-Boats. The Boats will run regularly between Mncon and H i.ion. one of the steamboat* leaving Darien every •ive or six days with tow-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all firstrate boats,built express- H- for die navigation of the Ocmulgce and Ataunaba rivers; Uie»»! increased facilities will enable tho com- my the means of giving the greatest uespnteh to on or goods shipped by their line. One Hundred Thousand Dollars, t o be paid on the first of October next, at which time they will commence taking marine risks to and from the city of Macon, to any port or place in the United States; the’capital stock will beheld ready at all times to meet any losses that may be due from thecompanv. The claims of this Company, when contrasted with those of other distant offices, heretofore having done much business here, justifies the belief that this local institution, based ns it is, ivill be liberally patronized, particularly when the terms are as liberal as in any o- ihor marine offices. Jamks Goddard, President. AVm. B.’Parker, a J Cowles, ( _. F. If. Wl.LI.MAN. ( /,,ree,or * Thos. Tavlor, J James Kea. Secretary. OILS, Linseed, Sperm, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copal, Japan, Coach, Leather, A Picture Varnishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair. Hat ■ 'raining, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth, Paint, Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting. Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. ' PERFUMERY Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender. & Orange Flower YVate., Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Sharing Soaps, Wash Balls. Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Meil, Flake White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender, Neroli, and Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Puffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als, Tonquin Beans, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge & Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, j'ateut Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Aminoniaret of Copper, Sago. Emetine, Cicnta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col ocynth, Elaterium, Jalap, Kahinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubebs, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron Ac. Ginger Powders, Iiarultou’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English Calomel, Hoffman’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucariiun. Lan cets, Patent Lint, Lupuline, Lobelia, Medical Spoons. Acetate aiid Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Copniva, Croton, Fennel, Wiutergreen, Se neca, Denareolised and Powdered Opium, Phospho rus, Piperine, Pocket Instruments. Hydriodate & Ox y-mnriate of Potash, Potter’s Catholicon, Liquor of Po tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir. Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhubarbarine, Sali- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver wort, One Stethoscope. Swaim’a Panacea, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum, Wine ofColehicum, Trusses, Turbitifi Root, AVhite Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate f f Colchicum. Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines. and all others in common nse, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, and small Sealing. Instruments; and one second hand set of Amputating and Trepbink ing Instruments. April 29 June 16 51 —tf NEW LIVERY STABLES And tUtrriayc Repository. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ( 'I MINER, respectfully informs his friends, that A • he has Leased the Ware-house and I ait known as li irlon’s. late Mr. John Rees, near the Planter’s ilolci—and has all those superior buildings construc ted into Stables and Carriage Houses.—Has on baud, and will keep, a general asortnteut of CARRIAGES for sale of the Iciest fashions and best finish, iliscou- nection in this branch nfhis business, is sitrh. ns to in duce him to believe, he canofier greater inducements j to l*>e purchaser, thau any like Establishment at llie South. His Stables are all Dirt Stalls—wide, high utd airy; can accommodate any number of Horses on Agents for l!w abore Rants J. GODDARD. Macon. Bovcr, ILt'T.v A. Walter. Charleston. J.. Baldwin’ A Co.'Savannah, Hawes, Mitchell & Collins’. Darien, Gej.’K. Roberta, IJnwkiiisvjllo, Miicnn, :MUi Dec.. ISA*.. 20 Ormulvce Steam Boat Company. F-jn HIS company will lie prepared to commence bn- i s A sines-, earlv ill the next tc,Uiin—They will have *< a line of Packets between New York, and Darien and steam vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon —Tim agents in New Y ork, Charleston, and Savannah, will he authorised to contract for tho delivery of goods in Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi- ni • charge and tho agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable in Savannah, Charleston, and New York The company's vessels and boats, will he of first class ronisc him. WANTED; C ASH will lip puid tur one Kou.1 ll’ocon and lour or five Horses—.Mules would be preferred. For Sale. 1 Pair of Extra fine Northern Carriage Horses, 7 and d years old, of tine blood, price $1 g(W. sold for ra fault. 1 Pair Sorrds, ]5.l1iaiu!s high, (> and 7 years old, line Travelers, well broke, can bo recommended for family use—belonging to a private gentleman who is going to travel, and wishes to sell immeu ately. 1 Pair Daik Buys, Hi hands high, (j and b years old, sound and gentle—and I Saddle Pouey, young and sound. also, Two Burenches, I Buggy. 1 S ( u!ky Gigs; nil have been'used some.—Sold for cashnnd .two May -1 :<m. 50 •Ycir f 'tore—I’resh Goods. T HE subscriber is now opening, on second street, next door to Patrick A Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows: WOOLENS. S-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffil Blankets—10-4 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Liuseys— super blue, black, brown inixt Cloths—Fine and com mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentin and Toilinet Vestings—super while and red Flannels—do Merino do. STUFFS. [ Black and colored 6-4 Merinos-^-do do Bombazetts— line 0-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinel—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss. Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens ill J pieces very fine —colored and white Homespuns—Rowen cassimcres and checks—birdscye and Russia Diapers—Linen cambric Hkfs, Russia sheetings, &c SILKS. Blaek super Poi dc soie silks—do Italian Lustring do —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsucts and siuchews. HANDKERCHIEFS. .Mandarin, Herninci, embroidered Romani, Bagdad, rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and martin gauze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—Blond Ed gings and Bohiuet I-accs—and many other articles, which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and quality. dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN. covered on the opposite side of the river. Some cavalry were immediately sent in pursuit, but they would uotslniid s» fight: so Closely pursued however were they, that one of their officers had his spy glass shut from his hand, but he escaped. This night we made every preparation for an early retreat iu the morning, and by daylight ev way between the two armies anti it was decid*“ that the two commaudcrs should meet to deci*? 0 the matter—in pursuance of which'Col. i’ann ,a was couveyed out and met'Gen . Urea, governor of/ Durango, commander of the Mexican fortesi' and the following treaty was concluded upon'dud solemnly ratified; a copy of it in Spanish was re-' ery one wa9 in marching order; before day a | tained by General U rea,-and one in F-nglish'by ’STRIKE THE LYRE AGAIN.” From the Lady’s Book for June. 1836. The Cmrcddcd One. BY JOHN FRANCIS. It’s very pleasant, certainly, To laugh, and smile, and talk, And I must say, by night or day, 1 lo ve a lonely walk; And flirting, oh! I love to flirt; And dancings’ very pleasant: And how I dote on singing, too. When but the loud is present! One looks so very plaintively, While warbling forth “We met;” But what, alas! oh! what’s the use! I am not married yet! What is the aim of all our lives ? A settlement and marriage: Some people think they can’t—but I li ould do without a carriage. Oh, liymen! godof endless joy; Oh. Hymen! godofbliss! It’s really very, very hard. That I am still a “miss.” My heart is filled with bitter sighs. My gown with tears is wet; In vain I iigh—in vain I cry ; I am not married yet! And why not 7 shame upon the age, Poor! aioricuus! mean! / would nit wed for paltry gold: No 1 notlo be a queen. Yet ye “cnation's lords” look dowq On us—because we’re poor; - ' And coldly pass the landless by; It’s not uy fault, I’m sure! Cold hearted are ye all—a base And mercenary set: But flatter not yourselves, for {— 1 will be married yet ! A Ballad. FROM THE “PILGRIM OF LOVE” BY J. GRAHAp. Oli! dark is the spell which has bound her to sleep A daughter of earth, in the home of the deep; Yet bright is the cavern, o’er-arched by the green Of the billow where slecpe ta the Ladye Undine. Long ages ago a fair maiden was she, YVho grew line a flower beside the deep sea; Till the water-sprite saw her, and snatched her to dwell Below, likeapearl-inits palace of shell. ' Oh! cold is tho beauty and chill'is the light In the jiassjonless eyes of die pale ocean-sprite l And his voice, like the niusick of sleep, never stirs, Willi its echo, die lip which he bendeth to hers. His thick-falling hair, like the brown ocean-weed, Hung down,yet the lovely one nothing did heed , And not one poor kiss could the water-sprite glean From the ripe ruddy lip of the Ladye Undine. So ill that lone cavern he lull’d her to sleep, And barr’d iij» its gate with the bolt of the deep • And swore that a slumber unwaking should dim Th eye that had scornfully frowned upon him. scouting party was despatched to ascertain the position of the enemy, who returned shortly after day light and reported the lower road being clear, • !ol. Horton tvas then ordered by Col Fannin to post all advance, rear, right at>d left flank guards. ‘ March 19—At about Gi A.- M. took the Iin*» of retreat towards the lower Ford, and. about 9 A. 51. got our baggage and cannon across, we had nine pieces of hras9 artillery, coniistiug of one six inch howitzer, two long and two short fours, with several small pieces for throwing mus ket balls ; wo theu commenced our advance to wards Victoria, we had advauced several miles without receiviug any' intelligence of the enemy by our videttes, aud at about 10 A. 51. halted to graze our cattle .and take some refreshment on the outskirts of some timber we had just passed, we tarried about three fourths of an hour; when we ngaiu look up the line of march ; we had ad vanced about four miles iuto the prairie, when we bad intelligence of the enemy’s approach : Col. Horton’s cavalry who were otdered in the rear, had neglected to remain in that position, and iu consequence the cucmy had advanced within the distance of from one to two inilcs ere they were discovered by the iufantry in the rear, anti almost simultaneously they were descried up oil both flauks, evidently with the design of sur rounding us. In order more accurately to illus trate our dangerous position at that time, it will be requisite to describe the prairie: on our rear was a strip of woodland, about two and a half miles ill width, and in our front, another piece of greater length than the former, through which ran the stream Coletto. from which the battle de rives its name : the front and rear woods were distant from eatli other from 7 to 9 miles, and our forces were from two to thtee miles from the front woods, whilst on our rigdit and left av. equal distances, say about 5 miles, there was also thick woods, the prairi- being nearly in form of a circle. The enemy bad now formed a semicircle on our right and left, aud sis we had no means of tnoyiug our artillery but by stubborn and worn out oxen, were fast surrounding us ; Captains Hnrst anil Holland, of the artillery were ordered to the rear to keep up a retreating fire under co ver ttf which the army advanced about a mild aud a half in the face of tho enemy; it noiv be came necessary for us to take a position as ne were entirely surrounded, our cavalry cut off from us and escaped, leaving us now two hun dred ami fifty men, cousistiug of the following Bright shapes are around her, and all the day long Her grotto is rife with the mermaiden’s song ; But the water-sprite comes like a vision to lean. All night o’er the couch of die La dye,Undine. That spell, says the legend, no longer shall he, YYlteu die brave meets (lie beautiful under the sea, Y'et seek not the trial, it warniugly saith. For if love is the guerdon, the forfeit is death. Fla in and Orainimintal Painting. T ffVT diihscriher hat ukon tit* -hup ftmiierly oc- Rut fond youth is fearless, many have tried To win the fair maid of the sea for their bride , Many sought, many seek her, but-no one has seen A lover return from the Ladve Undine. TEXAS. C J4 Al’T Miirryau’s complete works in i volume, / Pencilling* by the YVny, with experienced coiptuHniler.-', aud no expense will be : spared to meet the pal'imagc oftlie public. I PH. R. YONGK&. SONS, Agents in Dancn. ; miv 27 rh IH33 •19 tt'oiismissioii Business. Darien. .{411 111 un-fcrMgncd have resumed business a* a-1 H. bote, and will as heretofore pay prompt atteu*: lion to nil business entrusted to their care. YVe believe . we have made arrangements that will enable ns at all | limes to forward goods for the interior with the least ; possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad- j tnit, or in extreme low river by small fiqts or lighters, built expressly lor that business. On our wharves large Storehouse*, calculated for the storing of cot- Gilbert Gurney, a novel, in 2 volumes, The Naval Sketch Book, 2d series, I.ifo and times of Rienzi, Spain revisited, by the author of a year ill Spain, Private Life of Lafayette; Rienzi, Ailventuretrof a Rifle’ Brigade, .Cotton on the Religious state of the country, Tomlin’s Law Dictionary, .Milford’s Pleadings, JCc. Ac. Jnsz received and for sale hv Jnnu9 50 JAMES S. OLCOTT. For Side Y" Saw and Grist 5Iill with the Lands and Tim- Irramchtd. Aito, iLt Inn.-, fc-vnm, Teamsters, &c.’ 51V entire stock of Goods, consisting of Groceries, tun at tho least possible expense, and our opportunities ! l) rv (; ool j._ Hard ware, Crockery Ac. to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are n6t exceed- j 50,COO lbs Bacon. ei! be any other House. Darien, May 20, l-':’.;. : 9 or lOstorc Houses on Cherry street, good Bttsi- ’ ’ ILUVTIS, MITCHEl.l. A COLLIN I ness stand*. Commission Business. Darien. j «' improved Dwelling Lot. in Macon. 200 acres T il;; Undersigned have formed a^Coparutcrship "dl umbered Pine Land one and a half miles from lortlie purpose of transacting a general Com- ,H wn. missioii and other business under the firm of cupied by .Mr. Thos. McCleskey, nearly oppo site the new market, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of House and Sign Painting, Chair Paintiug, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Having in his employment some of the most effi cient workmen to lie found in the State, he will be a- ble to undertake largelv and execute with neatness. April 4 6m 4J DANIEL T. REA I-'rom the .V. O. Commercial Bulletin, May 14. FOlir TRAVIS. ? Galveston Island, April 26,1836. $ Edteard Hall, Esq. Dear Sir—The enclosed statement of the aw ful massacre-of Col. Fannin’s divisiou of the 3'exian Army, has this moment reached ine, 1 transmit it to you for publication. Some few others of that unfortunate detach ment. effected their escape aud have got iu. I presume the statement of the tragic scene made in rheendosed is substantially cor ect. The un precedented perfidy—tho shameless cruelty of our enemies must aud will be chastised. In great haste, vour oh’dt >ervnm, Rtgnctl, * UAVin tf. BURNET. 5In. Editor— Dear Sir—Should the annexed account of the battle of the Coletto on La Bahia, be deemed of sufficient interest to be Worthy of publication, it is at your service. Yours, &c. BENJ. II. HOLLAND, Capt. of Art’y. companies. New Orleans Greys—Capt. Pellis. Red Rovers— Capt Jack Shackelford, fat Ala. Mustangs—Capt. Duval. Mobile Greys—Capt. McYlanamau. Regulars—Capt. YVestover. Is* Company Artillery—Capt. Hurst, 2d do do —Capt. Holland. 3d do do —Capt. Sthrusnecki, (a Polish Engineer. We were about 309 yards to the left of the road, in a vallev of about six feet below the mean base, of abou' one fourth of a mile ; we uere uu- formnatelv obliged to take that very disadvan tageous position in consequence of our having pursued our advauce so far iu order to gain *he woods; we drew our wagons into a cluster, form ed ourselves into an oblong circle around them and posted our artillery in position* to defend it; the circle was about 40 feet of shortest centra! diameter, and about 60 feet of longest diameter. It was uo«r one o’clock, P. M., at which time we were attacked oil all sides by the earn y, with a brisk fire of musketry ; we were ordered not to fire until the command was given, in order to draw the enemy within rifle shot—we reserved our fire for about ten minutes, and several were wounded in our ranks previous to our firing; at the request oftlie officers, the artillery was per mitted to open fire, the wind was blowingsli jht- Iv from the N. E. aud the smoke of our cannou covered the enemy, under which thejr made a desperate charge but were repulsed with a very jievere loss ; our canuou was loaded with cannis- ters of mttske; balls, and the howitze was charg ed with grist—iu this manner the action was kepi up with great fury by the enemy: charge af ter charge ' eiug made by ravalrv and infantry, and always repelled with heavy loss on iheii part. Our men behaved nobly, and though surrounded !>y ov«,rwhrlming numbers, not a change ofenun- tenante could be seen. Thus was the battle kept up, aud upon the re CoL.Faunin. ‘‘Seeing the Texian army entirely overpowered by a far superior force, and to avoid the effusion of blood, w$ surrender ourselves prisoners of war, under tho following terms: Art 1st. That we should be received and treat ed as prisoners of war, according to the usages of civilize^ nations. Art. 2d. That t,hc officers should be paroled immediately upon their at rival at La Bahia, and - the other prisoners should b'e sent to Copauo, within eight days, there to await shipping to con vey hem to the United States, so soon as it was practicable to procure it, no more to iako up arms against Mexico until exchanged. Art. 3d. That all private property should he respected, and officers swords should be returned,- on parole or release. Art. 4. That our men should receive cverv comfort, and be fed as we'l as their own men. Signed, Gen. UREA, Col. MORATEA*. Col. HOBZINQER, On the part of the enemy; aud on our part, signed by Col. FANNIN, and 51 aj. WALLACE. The officers were then called upon to deliver' their side arms, which were boxed up, with their' names placed by a ticket |tpon each, aud a label upon the box stating, that they should soon have the houarrof returning them, and that it was their' principle to meet us now as frieuds and net as enemies. Col. Fannin and the men were that afternoon inarched back to i.a Bahia, the wounded toge ther with the captain of each company, and our' surgeons, were left ou the field.torlress’tlie woun ded, which was completed on tho 21st, when we were all conveyed back to the fort, where we found the men in a most miserable state. They were brutally treated—they were allowed- hut ve ■ ry little water to drink, in consequence of its* having to be brought Irom the river, and -but a small piece of meat without salt, bread, or vege tables. On the 23d, Major Miller, with 90 men, were brought into the fort prisoners; they had just lauded at Copauo from the United States. Ou the 2 ;th, the Georgia Battalion was also brought in. it haviug been surprised and captur ed between Victoria and Deinill’s 1’oint. and marched back aud confined with us. Here tve were now nearly 500 strong, guarded by 1000 Mexicans, without being allowed the slightest li-' berty in any respect. The Mexicaushnd always said that Santa An na would lie at La Bahia on tbe 27th, to release; us. Accordingly ou that day, we were ordered to form all the prisoners; we were told that wo were going to bring wood and water, aud that Santa Auua would be there thatda^; we were ordered to march all the officers at the headvof the file, except Co}. Fatmiu, who lay wounded in the hospital. As wc marched out of the sally port we saw hollow squares formed ready to re ceive us ; we were ordered to file left, and inarch ed into a hollow square of double filed cavalry, ou foot, armed with carbines, commonly called sco- pnts, and broadswords. This square was filled and closed, and the. heads’ of the remaining files wheeled oft’ into the other squares, aud so ou, until all were guarded iu squares; the company of which the writer of this was one, was ordered to forward, and no more was seen of our unfortunate comrades, We march ed out oil the Bexar road, near the burying ground, and as we were ordered to hair, we heard our ompauiousshriekiiig in the mest agonizing tones, ‘Oh. God! Oh, God ! Spare us J” aud uearly si multaneously a report of musqitetry. It was theu we knew what was to be our fate. The writer of this then observed to Major Wallace, who wa? his file leader, that it would bo best to make a desperate rush—he said no. we were too strongly guarded, he then appealed to several others, but none would follow; he theu sprung and struck the soldier on his right a. severe blow with his fist, they being at open files, the soldier at the out-' erfile attempted to shoot Inin, but being'too close was unable, tho soldier-then turned bis gun and struck the writer a severe blow upon the left hand. 1 then siezed hold of the guu aud wrench ed it from his hand, and instantly starteJ and run towards the river. A platoon of men (I havo' becu since informed,’by two others who made their escape by falling when fired upon among, the dead bodies of their comrades) wheeled and fired upon me, hut all missed. ] then had a chain' of sentinels to pass about 300 yards distance, they SNOW A ROGERS, and offer their service's to their friends, mid toe public generally, in the above business. Forw arding Goods produce to and from the interior of the State, will , receive particular attention. It mny be proper to. •iate that they have ho connection with any oftlie •'•team transportation lines; Goods for tho interior will always lie shipped bv those who will probably give them the greatest despatch ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1.1836 28 GEO. T. ROGERS | The Attcition of the Public 1 8 respectfully entic'd to a verv extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, now opening by (lie subscribers at their new store cor u-rof (Jo:i iii Avunue and Cherry street, which are jUF likely Nr "rocs. Likewise. Ur Household furniture. The whole will be sold at reduced prices and g:i ac commodating terms 'xpecting to be absent from this state. I am desirous of closing the business before the first of July. »-l. 9 ’ 50 D. RALSTON * Vat cites, Jfcirrfry, Silver 18 \tre,Sc. C. G. St. JOHN n jATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op posite YVoshingtou Hall, Respectfully in forms his friends and the public,'that he has taken the store' formerly occupied by the Hnwkinsviile Bank where lie is now opening a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste aud judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels aud indenenentseconds of tlie most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rin£s Breast Pin* and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils. Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, &c. die. Together with a’'great variety of other arti cles kept in hisline N. B. He has selected the best of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who may fuvor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. On 27 18 lUolilSMM llhds best quality'family 5fo!asses just re ceived and for sale by June 9 CO SMITH. RODGERS & CO.- 40 Newark Cider. £1* *pK DDLS first quality Newark Cider just receiv- /&%9 and for sale by march ’0 37 CHARLES CAMPBELL. f Pianno Coven '•flawd on very liberal term* at wholesale or retail.— 'W Uj$T received, amJ Tor sale by Wj are also receiving a veiy large stock of qJp April 4 41 GEORGE H’. PRICE «<• Co. Beady made Cloth iug, suitable for the season, comprising aimostevorv article for gentlemen’s wear. April 13 42 )RT, HAMILTON A WILEY. Laiup Oil, a superior quality, ■May 5 35 G. W. PRICE A Co. Carpeting. 4 SPLENDID assortment of C arpeting and Rugs, Ytso—t)il Floor Carpeting and ffeet wide, tprilH 43 . it sal-: bv CRY FT «fc LEWIS. T tt obi. Oliscribers will pay carii for °000 pound* tl-nrtl ’ J'l Hi cleat! wool. CRAFT LEWI-’ Rire. Raisins, &c. 6>dk TIER Cuts Rice, e A W 60 bags Coffee, 15 bhds Sugar, 20 boxes best Malaga Raisins, Loaf Sugar, Best Apple \ r incgar, A c. Ac. April 18 13 Foreale by CRAFT & LEWIS. Plaid Muslins. A New and splendid article for Ladies Dresses, just received by CRAFT A LEWIS, npril 27 44 ’ .Summer Clothing. A Large assortment jus! received by april 27 44 CRAFT & LEWIS. I Cuba .Holasscs and Bale Rope. HHDS Cuba Molasses prime quality, ' /4r®" 100'Coils bale Rope, best quality. May 5 i 45 for sale by REA & COTTON. Carpeting and Rugs, J UST received, a large assortment, AIay5 45 G. W. PRICE A Co. PPLK VINEGAR for sale bv . april 26 44 J. H. & W. S. F.LLIS. Insurance. 1 8 HE Insurance Hank of Columbus, will insnre Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire in thiscity. Apply to Macon.' Oct.27 ROBE! JBF.RT COLLINS. T HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov. 5,8836. ROBT. COLLINS. On or about the 12lh of 51arch, Orders were issued by Gen; Houston,Vo destroy tho town and fort of La Bahin. and the forces to fail back to Gonzales, to unite with him and concentrate all the Texian foices. Prior to the receipt of these orders Capt. King's company was oidercd to the .Mission, (a distance of about 25 miles,) in order to relieve some fami lies who were' in danger of falling into the ene mies’hands. Upon their arrival at tho Mission duty were met and attacked by a large body of the enemy and after a gallant and well sustained fight, retreated iu an orderly and judicious man lier to tho Church, where they sustained them selves against a very superior number of Mexi cans and iudiaus with but small loss to them selves, but a severe loss to tho enemy, until re lieved by the Georgia battalion uuder Col. Wan!, who had been sent to their aid. This separation of our forces, caused us to delay our retreat. Ao express was sent tq Col. Ward at the 5Iissio:i, to fall back and joiu their forces at Goliad with all possible despatch, or should he be cut off by the enemy, (of whose advance from Kan Patricio we had intelligence,) to make'good his retreat thro’ the Guadaloupe bottom, and join the army at Victoria. In the mean time, Ecouts were kept pu the alert, riding in all directions; andou the 15th we were reinforced by a company of horsd from Matagorda, uuder command of Col. Horton, n- bout 40 in number. This proved a timciy suc cour, as our scouts wore much iu want of horses. On the 16th, our scouts brought intelligence that a body of the enemy, 1500 strong, were on the gan Antonio mad 51auy of-the canuou having been dismounted preparatory to a rotreat. we im mediately remouutcd them, as wc anticipated an attack that uight. About 12 o’clock the picket gu’irit gave the alarm, and retreated mio the fort; it however proved to be only the enemy’s spies reconnoitring. On the 17th, the enemy forded the 'fou Antonio river, aud shewed them selves at the old Alission, a distance from our fort of 4 miles. This day we destroyed the whole towu of La Bahia by (ire, battering down atl ruin ed walls^ so as to sccuie us a full sweep of tho enemy, should they attack the fort. Alarch 18—The enomyatill hovering'around the old Missinn.a council of war wasealled when itwas decided,that inasmuch as our ammunition was uot sufficient to sustain asioge,&asour provisions was short, and we were well aware of the ovenvhelm- pulse of each chargo, column upon column of the J , vefe abo ut 30’yards apart, three of them closed -nemy were seen to fall like bees before smoKo. tQ i llterc ept'my retreat, the centre one raised his Here would be seen horses fleeing in every di- sti u ral , tow&i( j s him in a ser- rection without riders, aud there distnouu e ra- p ent<lle niaoner in order to prevent his tak- valrv making their escape on foot, while the field jag ajm _j suddenl st0 p„ e d-dropped my piece, was iterally covered with dead bodies ;-it was , fired and sho , th(} - soldler |hrou h tho head , a nd a sorry sight to ,ce our sroall circle ; it had be- he fJJ iujt;lntly dea<J j ran over hjs dead body the other two firiug at me but missing, and inline-* - G. B. CARHART willnact as my general Agent during my absence from the • ing force of the euemv, it was advisable to fall back to Victoria, In the evening, a scouting par- .Vtate. June 16,1836. come muddy with blood ; Col. Fannin had been 1 so badly wounded at the first or second fire, as to disable him ; the wounded shrieking for water which We had not to give them. The fight con tinued until rlusk, when the enemy retreated, leaving u-- masters of the field, with ten men kil Jed anil wounded, while the enemy lay aroutld heap upou heap. YVe possessed a great advan tage over the Alexicans; they having no ariftery, and we having nine pieces with which wc. kept up an incessant fire of inusket balls. It now became prudent to take measures as to our next pri cednre. accordingly ihe officers were all summoned to Colonel Fannin, where he lay wounded, and the question was whether we should main'aiti our present position or retreat ; it was carried that we should sustain ourselves as long as possible, considering we had disabled a large, part of our enemy, and ou the other hand we conld not retreat, nud at the same time bear off our wounded, baggage or cannon, our oxen having strayed away during the fight. Conse quently, we commenced heaving’ up a tedonbt some jhree feet above the level, of the prairie, ex elusive of the dvke. The night was now very dark anddoudy, driz zling with rain and misty fog,, the enemy encom passed us, and kept up a continual sound to ch-irge, so that we appeared to he sui rounded with bugles. YVe had with us 1000 spare mus kets, which we loaded aud earh man took an e qoal share, our cannon ammunition heiDg nearly exhausted. Daylight broke upon us in this situa tion, and some of our men went out about a hun dred yards and brought into camp two '.Mexican prisoners, both badly wounded, from them wo • ascertained that the number opposed m us was 1900 men. and that a reinforcement of two bri gades of artillery would be there that morning if they had not already arrived, we had no sooner recr-ived this intelligence than this very artillery opened their cannon upon us ihey had placed them behind • small hillork and were entirely un der cover, we could neither touch them with our cannon nor charge; as they had io placed their cavalry, that the momeut we should quit our ar tillery they would cut us to. pieces. YVe accord ingly met in rnunril to devifce niejns abd measures it was accordingly decided that wo should send a (1 g of truce-to the enemy, and if possible obtain a treaty, if upon fair and honorable teems; ac cordingly Oapt. I’, J. Desanquo, (the bearer of the express from Gen. Houston) Capt. B II. Holland < f the artillery, and an Knsi n weredes- diately ran and leapt into the river, aud. while swimming across was shot at by three horsemen, but reached the opposite bank in safety ; and af ter wandering sis days without food in the wil derness, succeeded on the tenth of April it* join ing General Houston’s army, after having been re-talfen by the enemy once, but succeeded to making my escape in company with a wounded man who had got off from La Bahia, by falling among'the dead as before stated. I am happy instate, that six more suceecded in saving their lives and regaining liberty by the same stratagem. The uum.her of the enemy according to their owq account, killed at tho battle o/ Cotcllo, variejf from iiieo to eleven hundred. Warm Springs, June 5th, 1835} To thft Editors o f the Columbus Enquire* Gentlemen—Joseph W. Andrews (rny broth er in-lan,) just arrived here from Texas, furuish-y es tho following names of Prisoners takeu by (ti^ Alexicans, whose lives were spared by their re presenting- themselves as Mechanics. It will no doubt hs gratifying to their relatives-and friend^' to learn that they are yet alive. Pearce Hammock, Thomas Smith, ' John O. Daniel, Patterson, Join Spillers, Capelo Wilkinson, Barnwell; Duke Girccn, John Kiiueymorcr John Cnllahatn. Callahan, Joseph Hitchcock, Thomas Stewart, Thomas Horry, Four whose names ate not recollected. - Respectfully, yonrs, D. C. ROSEj Macon.' Columbus, Montgemory, Afontgomery,- Miiledgevillo, A E aeon. Savannah, Jiofugcmcryv Columbus, ' do. do. do. Macon, Columbus. Geo'.- Creoo^— AJa> Aft; Geo 1 Geoj Geo.*' Aia.r Geo.- - Gco> do- do do, do.» J. GODDARD. ty of about 50 horsemen of the euemy were dis-1 paiched with a flag of truce, the flags met mid • “Galveston Island, Alay 26- 1 Gen. Santa Aim is at present at Velasco, nn-*' der a very stroug guard, together with Almonii r the residue of the prisoners captured are here. All the .Mexican forces are withdrawn to Bexur.. which place they arc making their head quarters at present: before quilting they bad swallowed up all the provisions about the Brazos : (having had possession of Brazoria for several rt'iysf which has caused a.pnrial famine iu th'atpartpjr the country.”