Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, June 30, 1836, Image 1

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m IIA€ON GGOllGlA TEL & llgP Jks.'iA/Ul Uy yt. BARTLETT. MsiCOJ%\ GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUJVE 30. 1836. Terms of Subscription. Three DoLLAtu.paid in advance. irill pay forth* pa- rtfotegctr. Five Dollars, paitl in advance, trill pay Jr the paper Itto years. Tex Dollars, paid in advance «< *»». irel. Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum ■Jl be charged. If not paid until the end of the yiar. psr Dollars per annum will be charged—with interest ibtrcsft'f- Terms of Advertising TROT IflJLL.. THE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter Sr Cornwall, that he intends re suming <he Ware Ilotisc & Commission Business, at the store next above the one recently occupied by T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as the town of Troy. * crow w. «». vnnuH.. „ f "“ ,,er • the P ub,ic tha * he ha * bo "S*« the \lrertistments not exceeding one hundred words, half .! <K r' i ’ j *. sna having now on the way, from New „ :,„rr, or tieelcc brevier lines, uiU be inserted one time ' ork ’ a«dothcr,»laces, i»„ un. .•—Pitf Goods a ml Groceries, together making his stock complete, which will be sold low for ready pay, be will be ready to receive Cotton early in the (bit, and be prepared to make advances.— He would particularly notice to his friends the great advantages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being detached from other buddings and at a distance from anv street or lane, and well enclosed May_5 45 tf H. 8. CUTTER. Caudle Fuctory Sc Provision Store. T HE undersigned takes this method of informing his former patrons and friends and the public generally, that he has again commenced business, near liis old stand, on Cherry street, wheie he will be hap py to execute their orders. Fine Candles by the box or pound, constantly for sale, vary cheap. Also, Meal, Baron, Butter. Lard, Onions, Fruit, and almost every thing in die provis ion line. To those of his creditors who have so kindly indulg ed him, he returns his sincere thanks, and expects fj/tlse dollar, men more, than one insertion is giten, *;> rest* for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance, '^.fro-n which a deduction of one fourth will be made, when pjilis ndeance. ’ Sier ifs’, Tax. Collectors' and Coroners' Salts art that- „i by the levy. * y, tt r!y Advertisers will be allowed two sauarcs in earh paper for Ticenty Dollars per annum; and in the same rjtiofor a larger space—payable quarterly. rbe. expenses of our business, and the state of the times, f,nire. flat these terms should be rigidly adhered to. A Jb’eic stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, JVST RECEIVED BV WM. H. BURVSA1LL, A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul berry and Second streets, including the follow ing: Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Idaea Circassian and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS. Volume Xt—Number 56. BANK REPORTS. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK. Savannah, f>th April, 1830. T O His Excellency Wst. Schley, Governor of tae State of Georgia: Sib :—I Imre'th? honor to transmit you herewith, a statement of the condition of this Bank and its Branch at .Macon, together with a list of the Stockholders, in conformity with the requisition of the Legislature. Summer Cloth twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass I tbe r bad f, ndd . cb ‘ s ° f *hi« inrtitn- ,< lirnu-N I.m»„ n„„„„ n.J: *.,« rniTTPs I don at loss than four thousand five hundred dollars. I am, very respectfully, your obd't servant, S. B. PARKMAN, President. representation thereof, end that the list of Stockholder. [ therein, aud hereto annexed, is correct to the best of their knowledge. S. B. PARKMAN, JAS. SMITH. aud brown Linen, andRouan Cassimere COATEES Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Errainet, Cyprus, wor sted and VaJentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas simere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling, Fancy Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mixt, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS, COATEES. and PANTALOONS. To Capital Stock White and buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen, | Notes in circulation, Statement of the affairs of the Marino and Fite Insur ance Bank of Georgia and Branch at Macon, on Mon day, -lth April. Pongee, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans ROUND JACK ETS. A large assortment of fancy VESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, &e. &c. &c. Do. do DR. $-100,000 593,243 250,892 13 f-h 18. 34 D. DAI.MRYDA j|Vir York tf Darien JLinc of Backets, liKlti Amelia Strong, J. Chace, Master, Premium, Air. .Matthews, ** iw “ Darien, C. P- Buckley, “ 1 " Macon, A. Bilibins, “ *—“**Schr. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, “ All ,,-ood and snbsfcintial vessels, well calculated for the ;>1I1II1I |1B „ lllrn(1 „„ WUM , „ trills, with good accommodations lor passenger*, and I ^jjortly to be able to satisfy all their claims. riiierienced rommundors. One of tho vessels will ol- 1 - - - - -- - ii ivs he at each end of the Line to receive freight, and will sail regularly nnco a week. Shippers by this line ran effect Insurance at five eighths per cent and they may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched. The subscribers are also agents for several Steamboats to ran regularly during the boating season between Darien, Hawkinsville, and Macon, and are induced to believe that they can give great facilities in forwarding foods destined for the interior of the State. 8 HAWKS, MITCHELL &. COLLINS, Darien. 1st July, 1835 3 Agents — .Uncoil Steam Boat Company. Steamboat SUPERIOR, CnpL George Willcox, do. EXCEL, “ J. L. Willcox. T HIS company have now their line of Boats in completo order for freighting. They have a new steamboat added to their line called the Superior, and ten Tow-Boats. The Boats will run regularly between Macon and Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every five or six days with tow-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express ly for the navigation of the Ocmulgee and Altumuha rivers; these increased facilities will enable the com pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to cuttun or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are al.o, live first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and New York, which come to Ilawcs & Mitchcl, of Darien. Agents for the abate Boots : J. GODDARD, Macon Roves, Henry & Wal/er, Charleston. I,. Baldwin & Co. Savannah, Hawks, Mitchell & Collins, Darien, Uxo. Iv. Roberts, llawkinsrillc, Macon, 24th Dec., 18:15. SC Georgia Caudles, Ac. BOXES Georgia tallow caudles, 10 do sporra do. 250 galls, best Lamp Oil, 300 do Linceed Oil, With a variety of Groceries, just received and for rale by march 9-37 CHARM 8 CAMPBEELL. Plain aud Ornaim nt tl Painting. T 1 it K subscriber has laKcn t„e shop fotuierly oc cupied by Mr. Thos. McCleskey, nearly oppo site the new market, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of Onnulgcc Steam Boat Company. fWl HIS company will be prepared to commence bu- JsL si ness, early in the next season—They will have a hue of Packets between Now York, and Darien and steam vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon —The agents in New Fork, Charleston, and Savannah, will be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods in Macon, nt a freight agreed on without intermedi ate charge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton ileliveruhlo in Savannah, Charleston, and New York— The company's vessels and boats, will be of first class with experienced commanders, and no expense will be spared to meet the patronage of the public. PH. It. YONGE& SONS, Agents in Darien. •nav ;7tb 1835 49 The .71,iron Steam Boat Company W ILL run two or three lighters during me sit in- iner and fall, between Darien and Macon.— The line is prepared tnjtake all merchandize that may he offered or shipped to their agents at Darien, aud fir- ward them without detention. Their Lighters are made of light draff, andean run at die lowest stages of the river. J. GODDAUI). Agent. Mnvttfi 48 4nris Commission Business, Darien. , .* \ 111. undersigned have resumed business as a- g bot e, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable us at all limes to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when trie river will ad mit, or iu extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On oar wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, arc not exceed ed by any other House. Darien, May 20, 1835. HAWES. MITCHELL & COLLINS. House end Sigu Painting, Chair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding arid Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Having in his employment some of the most effi cient workmen to he found in the State, he will be a- hie to undertake largely and execute with neatness April 4 6m 4J DANIEL T. REA. .Vpip Store—•-Fresh Goods. T HE subscriber is now opeuing, on second street, next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple anti Fancy DR Y GOODS. Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. Ilia stock comprises in part as follows: WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffil Blankets—10-4 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro I’laius and Linseys— super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine and com mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valemia and Toilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—do Merino do. STUFFS. Black and colored G-4 Merinos—do do Bonrbazetts— fine 6-4 Bombazines—Pink Uatinel—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. snperanu common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss. Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in £ pieces very fine —colored mid white Homespuns—Roweti cassiincres and checks—birdscyc and Russia Diapers—Linen cambric Ilkfs, Russia sheetings, &c SILKS. Black super Poi de soic silks—do Italian Lustring do —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsuets and sinchews. HANDKERCHIEFS, Mandarin, Ilerninci, embroidered Romani. Bagdad, rich satin, fignered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and martin ganze Ilkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Falgings and Quiltings—Blond Ed gings and Bobinet Laces—and many other articles, which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and quality. dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN. C AI'T .11 ariyati’s complete works in 1 volume, Pcnciilings by the Way, Gilbert Gurney,a novel, in 2 volumes, The Naval Sketch Book, 2d series, Life and times of Rienzi, Spain revisited, by the authorofa year in Spain, Private Life of La Fayette; Rienzi, Adventures of a Rifle Brigade, Cottouonthc Religious state of the country, Tomlin’s Law Dictionary, Milford’s Pleadings, Ac. Ac. Just received and for sale by June 9 50 JAMES S. OLCOTT. For Sale Individual Depositors Commissioners Central Rail Road and Banking Company 99,026 54 Balance due to Bank State of Georgia 25,743 90 Bank of Augusta 28,004 81 Augusta Ins, and Banking Company 14,561 04 Agency Bank of the United States 4,671 62 Wm. Melrose, Agent 6,555 28 Amount of Special reserve 615 83 Unclaimed Dividend 4 Children’s do Ladies’ fine shoes of every des-1 p^ofito since""t Dec. last 3L230 77 50,017 07 Summer Goods. J UST Received by ISAAC NEWHALL, Bales of Brown shirtings do white do do Bed Tick, do Brown Drill, do Buckskin fancies, Stermonts Constitution Twills,Rouen Cssimeres, Cotton Hose, £ Hose, Gem’s fine Boots and shoes. Youth’s do enpuon, 05 Com of lists. Wool, napped, fine Satin, Beaver and Fur, 100 Palm leaf do on the most reasonable terms. April 28 44 Goods at Cost. B ALES of Blankets, Flannels, coatse Cloths, Drill, Domestic Cottons. Satinctts, Hats. Shoes, Negro Cloths. The most of the above are well adapted for Troops destined for Florida or the Creek Nation, and are of fered lor sale at cost till the first of June, by May 19 47 ISAAC NEWHALL. Balance due on open account with Branch Dollars 24,791 85 1,498,128 07 By Specie in vault, Savan nah, At Macon CREDIT. 153,56? 47 11,262 80—164,825 27 Bagging and Iron. 46^6 l >ieCe8 heavy Ilemp Bagging B. “F'nJF 10 tons Iron assorted 25 bbis Flour 15 hhds Molasses Just received and forsaleby may 19 CHAS. CAMPBEEL. Discounted notes, Savan nah At Macon, 447,720 80 45,167 98—492,688 87 For Sale, 256.000 !SUS%* 61 hhds St. Croix Sugar of superior qttahty, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Richmond Flour, 5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Moaongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin, April 6 41 DAVID RALSTON. Bills of Exchange Savan nah 378,752 55 At Macon 342,902 93- Notes of the United States Bank, At Banks in Savannah At Banks in Charleston At Banks in Augusta, and other State Banks Balance due from Planter’s Bank At Bank of Hawkinsville At Uniun Bank Charleston At Bank of America, New York At Merchants’ Bank, Baltimore At New England Bank, Boston At Commercial Bank, New Orleans Stock ofCity of Savannah, 4,052 75 Union Road 200 00 THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVE purchased Mr. Laird 11. Wiley’s inter-] est ill the late firm of Fort, Hamilton & Wi- ley. mid Hamilton, Hayes & Co. and given IRA E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Goods I business will be continued at the same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton tk Co. and the Ware Houses and Commission Business as 1 heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON, HAYES & Cu. FORT. HAMILTON & Co. June 23 52 Protested Notes and Bills Bills Receivable Expense of since Dec. 1st, 1835 Dollars -721,655 48 29.870 25,360 1,075 12,943 192 56 6,680 01 3,320 01 15,637 69 440 63 1,339 04 8,537 41 4,252 75 1,960 89 3,208 01 4,136 45 Affirmed before me, this 5th day of April, 1836- J-NO. GUMMING, j. i. c. c. c. Extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of the Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, at a meeting held on Tuesday 5th. and extra meeting on Wednes day the 6th April, 1836. “ Resolved, That the returns prepared for the Gov ernor, and submitted to the Buxrd, be forwarded after having the usual attestation of the President and Cash ier, and that the letter of the President addressed to His Excellency Wm. Schley, is approved by the Board.” JAMES SMITH, Cashier. FARMERS’ BANK OF CHATTAHOOCHEE. Aptil 6th, 1836. To his Excellency Wm. Schley, Sir :—1 have no -v the honor of enclosing to your Excellency the condition of the Fanner’s Bank of Chattahoochee, as made up on the 4th inst, as also n List of Stockholders. I seize the opportunity to make public the fact, that this Bank will resume business so soon as a new emis sion of Bank-notes oan be prepared, arrangements having been already perfected, for the procuring of the Specie. On the 10th May, ensuing, an additional 20 per cent, is required to be paid - , and at which time eighty six thousand seven hundred and fiftv-four dol lars of the "notes discounted" will be paid in current Bank-notes, or Exchange upon the north at Short Sight. So lar as “ notes in circulation” is eowrerned. we have placed to otir credit in the Insurance Bank of Columbus, an amount, more than sufficient for their redemption—I take leave to add that tire Insurance Bank of Columbus, with its characteristic liabilities, offers to redeem in Specie, such of our notes as may be presented at their counter—for this act of courtesy aud liberality they will doubtless have the public’s approval. Thoy havo the thanks of our board, and the- undersign ed has much gratification in making this public state ment. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. S. CALHOUN, President A statement of the situation of the Farmers' Bank of Chattahoochee, on Monday the 4th April, ] 836. IIEST RECEIPTS FOR COCKS. To make a Macch^Cstch a youn S grntlrmna and lady, the bert you can—let the young gruUeman be raw, ato ito younc ladv quit* leader. Set the grulteuiau at the dinner Uilej put in a rood quantity of wine, and whilst he is roakisg, stick in a word or two evc.-y now and then about Miss: this will help o make him boil — \Mn-nf— : ’ hoar the gentleman sigh, it is time to-take them off, ns tney arc warm enough. Vp> them by thenuclve. in a corner of the room or on Ifte-sola, and there let them aimper together for the rert of tho evening. Repeat this three or four lime,, tiUng care to place them aide by aide at the dumer,- aod dkey wilt bo #osdy for marri age whenever you want them. After marriage greet care mu.t bo taken, as they are apt to turn sour. Capital Stock Notes issued Burnt by order of the Board, On hand 307,769 21 322,000 407,70a 119,825 1,498,128 07 Commission Business, Darien. T HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership lor the purpose of transacting a general Com mission and officr business under the firm of SNOW & ICOGERS» and offer their services to their friends, and the public generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods and produce to and from the interior of the State, will receive particular attention. It may be proper to state that they have no connection with any of the Steam transportation lines; Goods for the interior will always bo snipped by those who will probably give them tire greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1,1836 28 GEO. T. ROGERS Commission IJiisincss, Darien Gib rgTHE Undersigned give notice that they have this B. duv united their iulcrestsin this place, under the firm of Howland, Crane «.V Shackelford, for the purpose of transacting Commission Business. Funicular attention will pc paid to receiving and for warding produce and merchandize. One of the firm will remain in Darien during the summer months, with efficient assistance, and as they will have a number of small boats running to their address, will be able to give despatch iu forwarding merchandize addressed to them for the interior. They respectfully solicit the patronage of their respective friends and the public. Darien June 1- JOHN T ROWLAND II A CRANE F It SHACKELFORD. M Y Saw nnd Grist Mill with the Lands and Tim ber attached. Also, tie Tcan.s, SiiWjtrs, Teamsters, &c. My entire stack of Goods, consisting of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hard ware, Crockery &c. 50,000 lbs Bacon. 9 or 10 store Houses on Cherry street, good Busi ness stands. * 9 improved Dwelling Lotj in Macon. 200 acres well timbered Pine l^ind one aud a half miles from town. 19 likely Negroes. Likewise, nr Household furniture. The whole will be sold at reduced prices and on ac commodating terms 'xpecting to be abseut from tliis state, I am desirous of closing Ore business before the first of July. Tone 9 50 D. RALSTON NEW GOODS. J UST RECEIVED an extensive stock of Spring Goods, including a splendid assortment of Muslins, Ging- - hams, French Prints. Hosiery, &c. rich figured Silks, Margaret Black which will be sold on accomodating terms. I John Gumming April 18 43 CRAFT A LFWrST | Aaron Champioir Thomas Clark Sidney M. Anderson Mary Adams Jane S. Aldrich Benj. Burroughs New Goods. , RnKort T HF. subscribers are now receiving their usual n . . „ Z&i anma aO0DS • ° f * H.-S,,c.l£S3r grear variety of Rohert ('fork F all <-> and staple Dry Goods, Ac. chafoam Academy Jheir customers, and the public generally are respect- Alln Ctmimin- fully invited to call. I ,, April 4 41 GEORGE W. PRICE, & Co. I ~ aiy ~ ~ F OR Fever and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture —Quinine Mixture, for sale by april 26 44 J. II. & \V. S. ELLIS. Cnsks Madei.i e qr. 8 | do do March 10. 37 “Wines - do WM. W. BURDSALL. jLatest style Drab Hats. GEO. A. KIMBERLY H AS now on hand, aud in progress of manufac ture, an assortment of the above named HATS,. which for style and quality cannot be excelled ; and at Gordon & Parkman, TrustCM prices lower than usual in this market, march 17 37 I Est- J- B. Herbert Thomas S. Clay Mary Ann Comper Michael Dellon S. C. Dunning, Trustee- Do. do. do, Margaret B Echols Sophia A. Edwarda Helen Fleming James Frazer Samuel H. Fay William Godfrey Summer Clothing O F almost every description, May 5 45 G. W PRTCE & Co- 30,000 May z l2 45 For sate by cn.\rT A lewib. Carriages, Piano Fortes, Ac. A FEW fine toned Piano Fortes; three splendid new built Carriages, for sale by April 18 43 CRAFT & LEWIS. Plaid TOuslins. A New and splendid article for Ladies Dresses, just received by CRAFT & LEWIS, april *27 44 Summer Clothing. Large assortmeut just received by april 27 41 CRAFT & LEWIS. Carpeting and Rugs, Jp’UST received, a large assortment, May 5 45 G. W. PRICE & Co. Rlolasscs ixi. Illtds best quality family Molasses just re- ceivcd aud forsa'le by Julio 9 50 SMITH. RODGERS A CO. Newark Cider. BBLS first quality Newark Cider just receiv <*>nd for sale by march 10 37 CHARLES CAMPBELL. Pianno Covers J UST received, and for sale by April4 41 GEORGE W. PRICE A Go. JLamp oil, a superior quality, May 5 35 G. W. PRICE A* Co. Rice. Raisins, Ac. Aik TIERCES Rice, VT 60 bags Coffee, 15 hhds Sugar. 20 boxes best Malaga Raisins, Loaf Sugar, Best Apple Vincgnr, A c. A c. April 18 43 For sale by CRAFT & LEWIS. -Hcrcliants’ Insurance Macon. Capital Stock 100,000 Dollars! A COMPANY, under the above title, has recently been founded with an actual cash capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to Ire paid on the first of October next, at which time they will commence taking marine risks 10 and from the city of Macon, to any port or place in the United States; the capital stock will be held ready at all times to meet any losses that may be dne from thecompnny. ] The claims of this Company, wlien contrasted with Cotton Osnahurgsnnd Yarns. A LARGE supply of tho above, ofthe best quality Company of| 1%. from the Scull Shoal factory, for sale by | May 12 45 CRAFT A- LEWIS. Swaim’s Panacea, Indian Panacea DOTTED'S CATHOEICO.Y, \ supply just roe’d l»v II A* J SHOTM F.LL. Bagging. ES heavy Ilem PIECES heavy Ilemp. for sale by May 12 45 CRAFT & LEWIS. Copartnership- fBlIIE undersigned have formed a connexion for 3 the transaction of a general FACTORAGE those of other "distant offices/heretofore having done j nnd COMMISSION BL’SINESS in tlus city, under much business here, justifies the belief that this local the firar of COOMBS A DOUG HTY. _ institution, based as it is, will be liberally patronized, r?ni:r iirev ' particularly when the terms are as liberal as in any o- Savannah, June 1 50 __ E -W. DUUfaIt_r2_ tber marine offices. James Goddard. President. Wm. B. Parker, 1 J Cowles. I Directors F. H. Wellman, j Titos. Taylor, J June 16 51-tf James Rea, Secretary. j : Bke *d TIERCES Rice for sale by ! Ml BRAMAN A HODGES, j Store formerly occupied hy T T Wyche. 3tp < Bolting Cloths. N OS. 3,5,7, D, 10, Anchor Brand, for sale by April21 43 CRAFT & LEWIS. Insurance. T HF. Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure Cotton on tho River, and also take a few risks A| 'fe.RT colmns. I KI.US. ISttt*. Carpeting. 4 SPLENDID assortment of Carpeting and Rugs, \lso—Oil Floor Carpeting 5£ and 8 feet wide, April 18 43 Forsaleby CRAFT & LEWIS. Wool. T HE subscribers will pay cash for2000 pounds dean wool. CRAFT A* LEWIS C „V May 12 OM1C Almanacks, and Beers Almanacks for sale J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. 45 tt'indow Glass. 8 By 10, 10 by 12, 12 by 18 ' Just received and for sale by may 19 CHAS. CAMPBELL. 1 HE Subscriber will make libera) advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov.5,1836. ROBT. COLLINS, r J Bacon. 4 IIIIDS hams, choice quality, just received and forsale by REA & COTTON. June 23 52 The Attention of the Public I S respectfully called to a very extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, now opening by the subscribers at their new store cor uer of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, which are offered on very liberal terms at wholesale or retail.— We are also receiving a very large stock of Beady made Clothing, suitable for the season, comprising almostcvery article for gentlemen’s wear. April 13 42 FORT. HAMILTON & WILEY. Auction and Commission Business. Take this method of informing my friends and the _ public generally, that I have taken up the above business, and respectfully solicit a share of patronage. All Goods consigned to me shall be strictly attended to. according to directions, dec 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND, Ten Dollars Reward. STRAYED from the subscriber on the 15th of February last, a DARK BAY HORSE, about R years old, blind in the left eye, aud some white on his right hind foot. Said horse was raised in Coweta county, by John Bailey. The above re ward willbe given, if delivered to mein this place,and any information respecting him thankfully received. Macon, June 2 49 tf H. B. HILL. G. B. CARHART will act as my general Agent during my absence from the June 16,1830- J. GODDARD. GEO. W. HUNTER, Book-keeper. Savannah, April 4th, 1836. Names of the Stockholders and quantity held by each, on which the full amount of fifty dollars per share is paid, amounting to four hundred thousanddollars, 13 2 03 48 22 255 230 150 300 &5 50 31 107 4 20 4 39 CO 6 4 17 100 5 100 58 314 200 220 3 30 17 303 400 34 47 61 46 SO 100 76 25 82 75 50 70 108 43 9 38 30 28 105 15 150 38 200 39 10 5 400 250 205 400 3-1 24 40 100 350 50 87 97 50 133 38 4 396 40 44 40 30 100 65 65 26 50 9 2 400 100 8 In Circulation Discount account Individual Depositee 14,240 745 42. A Magnificent Project.—The prospect of the inde pendence of Texas his already given rise in New Or leans to a splendid design: which if carried out, will create quite a new enx in, the history of a part that steanibouts of 500 or 600< tons burthen can ascend the Red River as high as-Natchitoches—and it is now proposed, in a New Orleans paper, that a Rail'Road shall be constructed from that point thro a gorge in the Southern Rocky Mountains and thence to the Gulf of California Such a work would give to New Orle ans access to tho East Indian,. Peruvian ana Chilian trade, which would enable her to set competition at defiance. It appears to us, however, that it is not by the Red River, but by the Rio Grande, that this com munication must be effected, if at all. This last river has a course estimated at from 1200 to 1700 miles in extent, andean be ascended by steam boatsofligbt bur then nearly seven hundred miles, which will be within an inconsiderable distance of the Colorado of the West, a river that empties into tho Gulf of California. It is probable that a portage Rail Road eonnecting these 2 rivers need not be of greater length than two hundred miles. If this communication were opened, the route to India and to the Western const oi South America would|be shortened, more than one half— Belt. Patriot. The remains of the Rev. John Murray,, which were bmiediuthe Granary burying ground in Boston, in ttre year 1815, are to be removed to Mount Auburn where it ronaliment is to be erected over them, at an expenso of one thousand dollars.&Mr. Murray was the father of Universaiisirn in this country, and probably the first regular preacher of that doctrine in the United States. He bore a most exemplary character, and enjoyed tho respect of many people who considered his religious belief little bettec than a direct emanation from the en emy of mankind.—N. Y. Courier If. Enq. 139,750 54 A list of Stockholders in the Farmer's Bank of Chattahoo chee No Names. Jf. S. Calhnun B. Hepburn Charles L. Bass George W. Ross Thomas C. Evans M. R Evans A. K. Ayer Thomas Green, Sr. Edward Cary Mrs. F. R. Malone Moses Butt Lewis Dowdell J. Dillingham, Adm’r J. R. Kilburn A. Iverson S. A. Wales B. F. Patton J. R. Wyly W. B. Wofford T. H. Trippe Smith & Morgan T. R. Williams B. C. Wyly of shares. 604 600 600 150 125 125 100 100 100 100 50 5Q 50 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 3 3 ain’t paid on each share. $40 amount paid New Orleans, Juno 7. HORRID MURDER. By a gentleman, passeugor on the steamer lone, from Manchester, arrived last evening, wo havo heon furnished with the particulars of a re- volting murder. On Saturday evening, last, Mr- 4,940 12 W* Green, a respectable citizen, residing within one milo of Grand Gulf, had retired to rest, but had qot been in bed more than an hour when ho was awakened by the screaming of one of his negro women iu the yard : ho immediately got up to ascertain what was the matter, when, to his astonishment, he hohetd a negro tnau cuttiug and stabbing the poor wretch iu a shocking man ner with a large Botvie knife. Mr. G. immedi ately ran to arrest his arm, but he had not ap proached within f»uc yards of him whehhe drew forth a pistol and fired it at Grceu: but without effect. The diabolical ficud perceiving his shot did. no t take effect, desisted from his horrid butchery of the woman, and rushed upon the defenceless Mr. Greeu, inflicting no less than 17 dreadful wounds on the unfortunate man. Not yet glutted with blood, he cut out bis heart and placed it in hia hand. He was immediately arrested, aud con demned to be burned to death over a 6low fire* which was put into execution.—Lou. Adv. $24,160 24,00(1 24,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 1,600 1.200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1.200 1,200 600 120 120 M. L. Haupt and others C. S. Halsey R. Habersham, Trustee J. P. Henry George Hall P Houston, Ex’* I>o. do. Pusnlla Honstoun P. Honstoun, Trustee Pat. Honstoun Robert Hutcheson E. Jackson, Jr. Adm’r B. R Johnston P. A. Johnston Lucy Isaac L. C. Johnston Geo. Jones \ E. II. Johnston Wm. P. Johnston Jane P. Johnston Mary H. Johnston Mary F. Kollock Geo J. Kollock P. M. Kollock Mary Ker Mary lavender Jauics Lamb E. Molyncaux A. G. Miller Est. R. Alackay A. T. Miller Est. Abram Nichole John Potter Anthony Porter Sain. B. Parkman Edwd. Padelford Wm. Patterson Est. Edwd. Quin Win. Robertson Elias Reed Do. Trustee WnxRahn Catherine F. Seymour Scarbrough, Taylor & Wallace, Trustees James Smith Jeremy Stone Do. Trasteo Est. A. C. Stiles Est. W. J. Scott Lucy Spalding Geo. Thomas F. A. Tupper Turner and Coles, Trustees Wm. H. Thompson Margaret C Telfair Mary Telfair C. L. S. Vcrstell P. H. Wilkins, Jr. E. L Walburgh G M. WaMburgh John Wilkinson H. O. Wyer Henderson & Anderson, Trustees Eight thousand Shares April 4th, 1836 Notes discounted Incidental Expenses Insurance Bank of Columbus 2,995 $40 $119,800 104,750 54 15,000 20,000 139,750 54 GEORGIA, Muscogee County. Personally appeared before me J. S. Calhoun, Pre sident, and Charles L. Bass, Cashier of the Fanners’ Bank of Chattahoochee who being duly sworn depose and say that the foregoing Statement exhibits a just and true report of this Bank at. taken from the Books to tile best of their knowledge and belief. J. S CALHOUN, President- CHARLES L. BASS. Cashier. D. HUDSON, Notary Public. 1 STRIKE THE LYRE AGAIN.” From the Edinburgh Magazine. The Bride. The brutal veil hanf« o’er her brow, The ring of gold is on her finger; Her lipa have breathed the marriage vo-v, Why ahould she at the alter linger 1 Why wears her gentle brow a shade, Why dim her eyetvhea doubt is over ? Why does her spt-ndid form for aid. Lean tremblingly upon her lover 1 to it a feeling of regret. For solemn vow so l itely spoken ? to it a fear scarce owned ns yet, That her new ties may soon be broken? Ob. no! such causes darken not The cloud that’s swiftly passing o’er her; Her’s is a f«ir and happy lot. And bright the path that lies before her. Her heart has long been freely given To him who now her band possessing, Through patient years hns fondly striven To merit well the precious blessing. Il it tho thought of untried years That to her spirit stronglv clinging. Is dimming her blue eyes with tears. And o'er her face a shade is flinging It is the thought of duties now, Of wishes that may prove deceiving. Of all she hopes, yet ftars to do, Of all sho loves and all she's leaving. It is the thought of by-gone days, or them the fond and gentle hearted, Who meet not now her tearful gaze, The dear, the absent, the departed! Oh! who can marvel that the bride. Should leave tho sacred alter weeping \ Or who would seek those tears to chide," That’freshand green her heart arc keeping? Not he who with a lover's care. And husband's pride, is fondly guiding Her trembling step,; for he can share The gentle thoughts that need no hiding. Soon love for him these tears will chace. And smiles re-light her eye with gladness, -And none will blame who truly trace To its pure soarcs her transient sadness. 8,000 STATE OF GEORGIA, > City of Savannah. > Personally appeared before me, John Camming, one ofthe Judges of the Inferior Court, Samuel B Parkman, the President, and James Smith, the Cash ier of tho Marino nnd Fire Insurance Bank, of the State of Georgia, who have solemuly affirmed, that the exhibit of the condition of the said Bank and Branch thereof, bearing dat© tho 4th April, 1336, is a faithfal THE BEST OF WOMEN. She who makes her husuand nnd children happy, who reclaims the one from vice and trains up the other to virtue, is a much grea ter character than ladiea described in romrnces, whose whole occu pation is to murder mankind with shafts from their quiver or their eyes.—Goldsmith. FEAR AND ELECTRICITY. One of the most singular cflccta of fear, is the erection of hair on the bead. This is a phenomenon wliich it is impossible to produce voluntarily, and which cannot be otherwise explained than upon the supposition of a state of extreme excitement, causing the baira to exert against each others repcliant power. LOVE OF MARRIED LIFE. The affection that links together man and wife is a far holier and more enduring passion than the enthusiasm of young love. It msy want its gorgeousness—it may want its imaginative character, but it is for rciher in holy and trusting attributes. Talk not to ua or the absence of love in wedlock. What! because a nun has ceased to “sigh like a furnace," vve arc to believe the fire is exunet J No, it bums with a steady and brilliant flame, shedding a influ ence upon existence, a million times more precious and delightful than the cold dreams of philosophy—Constitution-,! .Magazine. Abolition riot at Marion City and College—a Citivn stabbed and killed by an Abolition Prea cher! College burnt. W thin a few weeks since (as we learn by the Louisville (Ky) Gazette, of May 30th) some free negroes were admitted to the privileges and benefits of tho college, in con sequence of which a largo number of students withdrew, indiguaut at tbe result. Since that, injury has been added to insult by transmitting to the college several packages of Abolition and incoudiary pamphlets. Ou tho 21st of May, the excitement among the citizens was such that the publications were demanded by them and burnt- On the 22d, a few miles from Marion, at Palmy ra, Mr. Mnldrow, one of the Professors of the college, after delivering a sermon, rose and com menced reading one ofthe abnoxiou3 Documents. Dr. Boswell, who was one of the audience, in terrupted him, aud iuformed him that ho must desist, as tbe reading of such incendiary papers would not be permitted. The account then states, that Muldrow rejoined that he would read it, even at tho dagger’s point. An altercation ensued, and Dr. Boswell struck Muldrow with his stick. He was immediately eaught by ano ther individual connected with tho college, and in this situation received several stabs from Mul drow, of which he died the next morning. The homicide immediately fled and concealed 1 himself. The citizens assembled in considerable force, pioceeded to Marion college, where they supposed Muldrow was bid, and threatened to burn it down if he was not given up. He was then produced and conducted to Palmyra. Tho individual, his name not learned, who held Bos well when he was slabbed by Muldrow, escaped by swimming the river on horseback. Other passengers in a boat which arrived hero since, have brought the rumor that Mariou Col lege has been pulled been down or burned, and that the Rev, Dr. Ely has beeu most terribly whipped.—jV. Y. Evening Star. Child Stolen The daughter aud only child of Mrs. Mary Sever, named Adeline Sevct, about niue years old, was stolen on Friday afternoon last The girl had gone out in the neighborhood ofthe Burying Ground, for the purpose of pick ing blackberries, at the solicitation of two other girls, the one named Jano Ross aud the other Harriet Arnold, the former about the same ago as Atlelino, and the latter about 13 or 14 years old. Circumstances have siuce transpired, wo learn, which go to fasten suspicion upon otic A. D. McPherson, as tho individual guilty of tho abduction, and upon one other person at least, as accomplice in this shockiuK trausactiou. Tho afflicted, and almost heart-broken mother whoso leeluigs can be better imagined, would be grate ful for any intelligence respecting her lost child. Mobile Adv. 7thinst. The Louisiana Advertiser of the 8th mentions that a band of runaway negroes in the Cypress Swamp in the rear of tbe city, had been com mitting depredations. On tiro morniug of the 7th. they attacked and plundered the houso of a widow named Shea, on the new Canal, and wounded a negro girl left iu chargo of the house, who attempted to run for assistance. The labor ers on the new canal volunteered to ferret them out, but being fired on by the marauders, aud be- ine without arm3 they had to desist. The same paper publishes a letter from Galveston, dated 2Gtb ult. received by theSau Jacinto, which states that the Santiago was got off tho bar by some persons at Velasco, aud had been sold with her entire cargo, tho greater part in a damaged state, salvage claimed of course; that Santa Anna. and Almonte wero at Velasco, with other pri soners, under a strong guard; and that the Mexi can forces had withdrawn to Bexar, which they have made their head quarters. Steamboat Accident—The steamer Rob Roy, hich left here on Tuesday last, collapsed a flue on the night of the 9th inst. when at some dis tance from Columbia, by which accident four men were killed, fourdtowned, aud twenty scal ded, fourteen of them badly.—Lou- Adv.