Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, June 30, 1836, Image 2

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M A C ON O E OKOI 4 TELEGRAPH CHEEK WAR. From the Columbus Enquirer, June 23. The Georgia foroes, under the command of filaj. Gen. Sanford, in number 2500, moved from ihoir cainp.iu Alabama, through Columbus, on Monday last and encamped two miles bclotv the City, on the Georgia side of tho river. Since then, tho arms havo arrived, which wo under stand, were distributed immediately among the troops. Tho army took up the line of march yesterday morning at 10 o’clock, and will proceed to tho lowest point, that it is presumed the ene my occupies. Gen. Scott, we have beon informed, will pro bably leave this morning. Thus the arrnv. has at length moved iu tho direction of tho cuemy.— We shall wait with a groat deal of impatience, for the result of the uext twenty days operations Wo haznrd nothing in saying, that if the enemy show’s himself upon the field, that a goodly report will salute the ear of the Atncricau People. A battalion of United States’ troops, two hun dred and fifty in number, commanded by Major Lomax, arrived in town on Thuisday last, and after the usual salutation look up the line of inarch to Fort Mitchell. They are stout athletic men, prepared to do service in the field or camp Thu Columbus Guards, the Cadet Riflemen, and tho Artillery Company of this City, have boon folined into a battalion, and havo elected Dr. Thomas lioxey Major. They have been or dered for tho preseut to remniu encamped in this place, notwitstanding the urgent solicitation of both officers aud meu to be employed on a more active service. CAPT. DAWSON’S REPORT. Columbus, June 19th, J836. Major Gen. Jf’infield Scott, Sir—In conformity to your orders dated on tho 14th inst. with my company, aud a detach ment from the Independent Artillery Company, (of Columbus.) consisting of twenty-five, 1 pro auJ had uotheen aboard bui a few minutes, before i the ludi ins were spied on the Alahatua side.— The firing commenced from tho shore, as tl e guard first discovered them. Tho Indians re turned it for a short lime—but so soon as the fir ing increased from the boat, they disappeared.— What success our bullets may have had. I cannot say——theirs roachod tho boat, and some of my iny company believe theirs reached the lndiaus. We then ascended tho river slowly, according to the plan agreed on by Geu. I owe. On the way up, wo saw where large uumbersof Indians had crossed in canoes au.l batleaux aud on) rafts—all fresh, aud could not have been made but a short rirao. All the canoes, &c. were on the Alaba ma side, except two. Wo captured and destroy ed eight canoes and small flats, or boats, between Roanoke aud the hatchachubba, many of them were new, aud had no doubt been prepared to pass over and attack the fort, to obtain provi sions, aud remove their families. I considered the destruction of the canoes as frequently hazar dous, aud in every iustance had the boat hauled to, and the protection oi tho men, who would go in the yawl, made ascertain as possible. At the mouth of the lli.tchnchublia, we went ashoto to destroy a canoe, saw fresh sigus of In dians. The ludians, (many of them,) are well mounted—we saw where they had swam the horses across the river, which they had taken from Fort Jones. One of my company, during the firing at Roauoke, ascended a tree and saw au in dian on horseback, standing as a watch. 1 saw one myself, who seemed to be closely obverving our movements; he was on horse, and about three huudred and fifty yards oflf. I am of opi nion they are well informed in relation to all otr movements. During my trip, and whilst acting in concert with Gen. Lowe. a few .ndians were compelled to flee so rapidly, that they dropped their bundles of plunder, clothing and a Rifle, all of which Ht have now iu our possession. We also had the unpleasant duty to perform, of burying a most E l w T _ e name of Warren, who bad cruise down aud up tho river, between this place I on Friday last, beeu murdered by the Indians, and Irwinton. and found lying iu Mr. Turner’s field. When I descended the river which was on " '* * Wednesday and Thursday, but few sign; „* met cations of Indians were discovered—on arriving at Roauoke, I slopped for some time to cook, &c Whilst there, tho steamer Hyperion, hauled to, and placed supplies on the bank for that portion of the army stationed at Fort Jones, which con sisted of a quantity of Bacon and twenty barrels of flour—the Hyperion left, and in a short time the Metamora also continued her cruise. When I left tho shore, ihe supplies were still on the bank, and a small guard to protect them. Wheu I reached Irwiuton, I immediately inquired for Gen. Moore, but could hear nothing of bis move- I have thus hastily given you the information. . uenved from my last cruise, aud the incidents which occurred. 1 have the Honor to be, very respt’ly. Your oh’t servant, XVM. C. DAWSON. Capt. Commanding on Metamora reached there, 1 was informed that Owen's hous es were on fire, and a number of Indians iu the yard. I of couise repaired to the place, with all tho forco I could command. 1 soon discovered that tho Indians had Dot been there; but the time spent in going up to Owen’s delayed Capt. Dcn- uard’s arrival at tho post assigned him until near night. About the time Capt. Garraony’s compa ny was dispersed, the Indians were attacked by Major Jcruigau aud Capt. Hall, with about thirty men. They fought about twenty minutes, when they were forced from the very superior number of the enemy to retreat, with the loss of four ex cellent citizens of Stewart Couuty, Jared Irwin, Robert Billups, David Delk, and Mr. Huuter.— Our old acquaintance Samuel Beall, from Wil kinson county, was in the last rencontro, and ex posed himself to imminent perils. While upon tho subject of these border dilficulties, it is proper that 1 should commnnicatc to you the best infor mation which I have been able to obtain of the little affair at Boykin’s, only a few days before I had ordered Capt. Carr of Crawford, from Fort Twiggs to Boykin’s—upon his way down, lie was iufornied by the negroes that ihe lndiaus were buildiug catiocs on tho western bank, lie sent to Fort McCrary with the information, Serjeant Major Brown aud Capt. McCray, with a small portion of Capt. McCray’s aud Capt. Parham’s company joined Capt. Carr ihateveuing at Boy kin’s. The uext morning the whole took their stations opposite the place where they heard the ludians at work. Not long thereafter, something like a dozen ludians. approached the river, appa rently for the purpose of launching a canoe. — They were in au opyu place, and Serg’t Major Brown ordered afiro. Three Indians were seen to fall; they were taken up by their fellows aud carried away. A spirited action of more thaulan hour was kept up, in which a largo portion of the officers and men behaved with much gallautry. It is believed that the cuemy lust six killed, aud it is now known that two of their principal men were wounded, one of them badly. We lost one killed, as you have been before informed, none wounded. In this affair many privates whose names 1 do not uow recollect, distinguished them selves for their coolness and bravery, aud 1 be lieve. all concur in tho statement that Sergeant Major Brown, Lieut. Bradford and]Sauuders from Crawford, Lieut. Robiusou from Sumter, aud Serg’t Files from Crawford, without disparage ment to other officers, were particularly distin guished for their usefulness. I am very resp’lv, Yours, &c. JOHN H. HOWARD, Since tlio report was made, four others have been found dead, which were all that were missing. with myself, Col. G. has conversed. All that I said when I received and read Mr. Bell’s letter, was that I expected instead of 20), there was probably 30 or 40 Indians ; and this remark was mad'-, because I bad so often hoard of 500 In dians at a place when the truth was, they did not exceed 30 or 40. Aud I wish you to bear in miud, that the letter was signed, "S. Jiell," and I did not know what Bell it was, not for a moment, supposing that it could be my old friend, Samuel Boll of Irwinton. If I had known it was him, I should not have mado tho remark, because 1 kuew him to bo a man of truth and honor. I in tended however to write an answer, but was so much engaged, that I asked the messenger to re turn, which ho never did. If I had room, I could say much more, and I hope be able to remove any prejudice that may exist in the public mind— Time cures all thiugs, aud 1 hope will finally do mo justice. Five foot companies have been ordered to your relief this morning. This is as soou as we bavo had power to do so, because we now have 1500 men iu c„inp without arms—1000 staud of mus kets will ho here today, 1-think. One U. S. Company, well armed, arrived this morning aud 7 or 800 "more will be here in a few days, 1 am sorry that Frasier has escaped, for 1 have no doubt he is a villain. Col. Gibson has been active here, to give a ’true statement of your condition, and to urge the necessity of a strong force in that quarter. Of this, we" have always been assured, and it has from tho commencement, been the plan of Gou. Scott and myself, to place a largo force ou the river below. But without arms and ammunition it was impossible to do more than we have done heretofore. Time, however, has caused some to arrive, aud as fast as wo get the meaus we em ploy them. The battle you and Cajit. Garmony fought has done the troops and the State great honor. I this moineut havo received a detailed report of it from Capt. G. which will he immediately pub lished. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant. Signed, WM. SCHLEY. For the Columbus Enquirer. On Sunday, the 12ih instant, Gen. Jessup took up the lino of march from Tuskegee, with about 800 effective men and 2 field pieces. In the even ing ol the same day, Gen. Woodward followed tho troops with between 3 and 400frieqdly Indians under the far-famed Chief Jim Boy. (or Tuste- nugga Emarthla.) and Tuckabatchieliarjo, which force was soon augmented to 500 brave warriors, by the addition of the Ufaulas under their Chief Elika Harjo. On the 15th inst. Gen. Jessup with his forces aud the Indians before mentioned moved forward from Col. Long’s ou the old road in pursuit of the hostile foe, supposed to be embodied in that quarter of the nation, tho friendly Iudiaus with Jim Boy at their bead, composed the van ol the army. Sigus not to be mistaken soon told that we were iu the neighborhood of tho hostile camp The Indians soon left the army; those with them being unable to restrain the impetuosity of their march. At a place known as the Big-spring, the friendly Indians had halted to get water, and let their ponies feed upon tho oats growing in a field tionsof this affair trumpeted to the public not one of which is altogether truo. Whilst resting at this place the Indians had strolled off in small parties and on* of the half breed interpreters discovered the old chief, passing in sight of whore we were lying, and decoyed him into our midst, before he was aware of the danger be was in. He and his son have been sent to Fort Mitchell, where they are safely confined for tho present On the next day. Gen. Jessup, remained at the Big-Spring. The Indians were impatieut: aud to divert them, Jim Boy took ouc hundred of his warriors, accompanied byiny- MAJOR HOWARD’S REPORT. Steam Boat Metamora. Juue 13th. 1836. Major General Sanford :— On my way to Columbus on the 9th, 1 received information that the Gwiuneit corps, which 1 meats—except, that he had taken - as prisoners, I had the day before stationed at Dr. Shepherd’s certaiu chiefs of tho Ufawla Town, and the fol- Plantation, had becu fur some time engage'* with lowing names were given me, of the chiefs:—I the Indians, and wa9 then surrounded. Although Tustouuggcc Harjo, Artimicco and others—that my command had on that day coased. i belipved ho marched on the 12th, took only five days pro- j I might be of some service to them and the eouu visions, that he was expected to return to Irwin- J try, by repairing immediately to the scene of ac ton, and that he had sont back no express—the tion. The boat was ou its way dowu aud 1 a despatch, therefore, which you forwarded by me vailed myself of the facility which it afforded, of to Gen. Moore, has not been delivered—it will be reaching the placo at the earliest hour. At eight returned to Hoad Quarters. o'clock next morning, I left the boat, and proceed I remained thirty minutes at Irwinton, and has- ed to Dr. Shepherd’s bouse, wheu to my great tened up tho river, to tho mouth of the Cowagee, I mortification and surprise, I found that the com- for the purpose of executing your order, iu ascer- pauy had been driv-n from their position aud tbe taining whether tho Indians have iu preparation j dwelling and some of tbe negro houses burnt.— Canoes, Flats, aud Rafts, as reported. I caused j After a little examination, we discovered that we the Boat to haul to and remain, until the examin- were tbe first who had visited ill* spot, rime ation and inquiry could be made. No sigu of I the Indians were in possession, and our party of cauocs or flats, or Indians could lie seen—aud as I observation being very small, I deemed it most tho Plantations were in cultivation, and whites j prudent to returu to tbe boat. We then made our and negroes both on tbe Georgia side, standing j way to Roanoke, a few miles below, when we on tho bank, I got into the yawl and went to them I heard that at loast half of those, who were in the and made strict inquiry, aud ascertained that the engagement were lost, aud that the Indians were . _ _ reports relative to this point are not correct.— in force a small distance from the battle ground, on tho road. It was at this placo, that the cele There is a company stationed opposite tbe mouth I So soon as we could make our arrangements, we brated hostile chief Neab Emarthla, and bis sou of the Cowaggee, (from Randolph county.) Ai | marched ontall the forces from Fort Jones, which were taken. _There are already some dozen edj- this place 1 received information of the attack on could be spared from the protection of the wonn- Fort Jones, and that an express had come for aid ded, consisting of part of the Gwinnett and Mon far tho company there. Hearing this, I imme- j roe companies, and a few volunteers from Ran- diately ordered the Boat to be off for Roanoke, I dolph, Lee, and Stewart, eoinmumied by Major opposite to Fort Jones, and to give her all the I Jcruigau, together with a portion of Capt. Daw 9:eam she could bear. Her movements were sen's aud Gen. Lawhoo’s companies from tbe rapid, aud by dusk I reached Roauoke, and found | boat, the whole amounting to nbout two hundred on the bank two young men who had attempted meu. Upon our arrival, wo made no discoveries »o get to tho Fort, but coujd not. They informed of the enemy, but found four of the Stewart co me that the battle was still going on, and that I luuteers dead on thefield, who were immediately large numbors of lndiaus were still firing on the interred. Night approaching, wc marched to the Fort and yolling excessively—that the bouses I boat with Capt Dawson, ai d as soon as his around tho F orl were on fire. I had nil my com- I troops embarked, we returned to Fort Jones- The P all >' i n readiness, and so soon as tbe Boat was I next day, aided by Capts Moore and Booth and I anchored, I ordered twenty men to protect the Gen. VVellborne, with a few men. ail from Irwin- out on a scouting party. At 12 o’clock, we were Boat, and for her to be hauled to, aud anchored ton, Ala. (our force being then about one hundred, I in Nenh Micco's camp, in the stream. I then marched out withtheFau-! Capt. Dawson having been compelled to go on and declared himself friendly before tho army chc Volunteers Lieut. Lawhon at tbe head of to Irwintou.) wc proceeded to tbe battle ground, started. This camp was on the Big Uchee, ex- the detachment of tho Independent Artillery | and in about one mile, in tbe direction of tho re Company ol Columbus. We proceeded towards treat, we found 4 of the Gwiuneit corps killed the r ort, to aid iu its defonce, and endeavor to After searching the field and woods, iu the imiue- drive off and destroy the enemy. Ou our march, I diate neighborhood, we proceeded ou the Indian , wo met Geu. Lowe, and his mounted men, con- trails to the river, amt discovered that they h id Spring, silting of two. hundred or more, who had has- I in considerable numbers, re-crossed the river ai toned to tho aid of Fort Jones. The Indians had the mouth of the ilatchachubby. The engage- fled and taken to tbo swamps, and it being theu I ment was brought on by tho fire of the enemy dark, it was impracticable to pursue them. Geu. I upon eight of the Monroe company,' which I un Lowe and his commaud returned to Fort Jones. derstood were returning to their post from Col urn and my command to the Boat. On our return to I bus ; these retreated to Fort M’Creary. Capt tho Boat, it was discovered that tho twenty bar- Gaimony hearing the firing, immediately repair- rols o. flour, which had that day beeu left by the ed to the pluce, with forty men, and commenced Hyperion, to supply the Fort, were on the Ala a heavy fire upon them ; he believes there were bama side, tto forthwith crossed over with tho one huudred Indians at that time in view ; hi kept up a continued fire upon them, until the In dians were beaten back to the Creek, something more thau half a mile, wheu ho believes they were reinforced by one hundred and fifty war riors, which forced his company to give back which they did slowly and iu order, keeping up their fire to tbe place where he had first attacked them. .Superior number- enabled the enemy to outflank .our forces, and most of tbe company heiug cut off from the house, commenced a pre cipitate retreat. Capt. Garmony ar.d a few o- thers, reached the station, but were rut off from the houses, by tho ludians availing themselves of tho cover of the Garden to intercept them. At that place, it is believed by tho Capt. and those that were with him, that ho killed three ludians with bis own musket, one of whom he shot after haviug been himself shot through tbo thigh with a riflo ball. It is worthy of remark that none of his meu were killed, until they commenced a pre cipitate retreat. In justice to the company, it must be said that most of them fought with tbo most obdurate and determined bravery, aud it would seem invidious to make distinction between them, but there arc two privates who so pre-emi nently distinguished themselves, that 1 cannot withhold special notice of their names—Samuel Ship aud a Mr. Hunt—the former fired deliber ately, and I hope with great effect, twenty-three cartridges; the fatter was severely wuuudod with a your most obedient and Boat, (although very dark.) went ashore, and found that overy barrel had been emptied, and the contents gone. Whilst tho attack on Fort Joues was going on, I presumo another party of tbo ludians were taking off the flour. Tbe barrels seem to havo becu floated across the river. Early the next morning, I went to tho Fort, where I found Gen. Loivc, and received from him and Capt. Fluellen of Monroe, the following in formation. That on tho day before, about 2 o’clock, Capt. Fluellen, with fifty or sixty of hiscoramand, were on a scout in Mr. Turner’s Plantation, and were fired on by about two hundred aud fifty Indians, The firiug continued for a short time, and tbe number of the lndiaus being very strong, a retreat was ordered, as tho Indians weroextending their flauks, and endeavouring to intercept :hem at the Bridge on Lampkin’s Mill Crook :—before the retreat was ordered, Copt. Ffuellcn received u slight wound in his leg. Two of his cotnpau Major Morgan aud Mr. Ward wore sevoroi„ wounded. Major Morgan was shot through the arm near tho Rliouldor, aud tbo boue shuttered very much. Mr. Ward was shot though the leg - both theso gcotlemeu 1 caused to bo takeu ou hoard the Metamora. and arc now in this place. Tiie Indians pursued the scouting puny from tbe field, where the engagement commenced, and reached tho Fort iu a few minutes after them, and continued to fire unit from that time uutil the arrival of Gen. Lowo aud his commaud. From all I could uuderstpud, the firiug continued more than two hours. They set oil fire, iho houses of Mr. Warren, in sight of the Fort, only a few huu dred yards off, aud others iu view. They suc ceeded in taking and carrying away many horses, belonging to tho Fort. During tho attack ou tho Fort, nine of the soldiers were injured. I saw on my visit to tho Fort, ono dead Indian, shot bv * Mr. Chambers of Gwinnett, in the act of riding off a horso bclongibg to tho Fort. How many Indians were killed aud wounded is uncertain— around the Fort next mnruiug, were sigos of tending along the swamp, for two mdes or up wards, aud richly stored with all kinds of plun der. Hero we killed one Uchee, took 12 pri soners, and returned to the main army at the Big spring. Tho tiny following, tho army movoU forward towards the Ilatchacbubbie Swamp, in search of Ncah Emarthla’s camp, which we en tered on Saturday oveuing, “ but tho bird had flown." Wo found it almost “swept aud gat- nishied.” The Indians had deserted it about two days before, and wore lying in the swamp some half mile off, spying our movements. I had almost forgotten to say, that ou the night be fore, Opothla Yohoto, with eleven hundred friendly Indians, aud some white gontlemcu, joiiy ed us. This increased our fudiau force to about 1600. These were all reposing in the deserted camp of Noah Emarthla. The white forces were about four miles in the rear, beiug unable to cross tbe stramps and ravines with the same facility that the Indians did. About 3 o’clock ou Sunday morning, the Eu- chees made au attack ou tho ludians’ camp: aud never before have I seea or heard any tiling so grand ; and but for tho ivliistling of balls, which came by my ear with much soomipg familiarity, I think 1 could havo eujoyod it finely. I imme diately located myself behind a pine bush—of what size 1 shall leave all prudent men to ima gine. The firing soon ceased, and all was still as tbe dead calm of tho ocean. But little mis chief was done. One friendly Indian only being wounded, from which it is thought he will reco vor. Or. Sunday, wc pursued the bostiles to the Cow aggies, bringing in some 40 or 50 prisoners, who have been sent to Fort Mitcholl. From the Columbus Sentinel, June 24. But one engagement of rauih consequence since our last publication has occured—it hap pened ou last Thursday evening near Fort Junes, between a large body of Indians and Capt. Fluw- ellon’s corapauy from Munroecounty, aud Major Still’s compauy from Stewart. We have not received tho details of tho fight officially, and ans " er - therefore can oulv state it as we have heard Captains Flewelien and Still fought the enemy for a considerable time, when they found that they were about to be flanked, and their retreat cut off at the bridge, on a creek between them and the Fort, thereby preventing them from get ting there, it was deemed advisable to fall back slowly, decoying the Indians ou from tbo river swamp in which they lay, and from which they had greatly the advantage in position towards the Fort. The scheme succeeded, and the Indians pursued them up to the Fort, when a geueral se vere fight was kept up Jo the close of the eve tiing. At this juncture, Gen. Lowe and Capt. Dawson came with their respective forces to their relief, aud the enemy fled. What the result would have been if this aid bad not arrived, is be yond the kon of human knowledge. The killed on the part of tho whites was only oue man. Mr. James Warren, a gentleman formerly Sheriff of Pulaski county, a worthy and estimable citizeu The enemy lost one killed certain, for he was dragged into the Fort and scalped, atjd they were seen to carry off others, (which is their custom.) The Iudiaus succeeded iu crossing the river tbe next morning, and have not appeared on our side siuce. They sent a few of their number to fire ou Capt. Dawson’s compauy on board the Meta mora, as a check, while the main body crossed higher up. Quite a finesse. TIic CltcroBccs* From • > (i t r io. We lay before our readers with much pleasure, th following communication to his Excellency the Gove*-! nor, from which it appears, that the Cherokee Indians residing in tbo county of Murray, are disposed to re main at peace—to submit to the la vs of the State, and to fulfil the obligations of the Treaty lately ratified by the Senate of the United States. We hope their professions may prove sincere, and that the same spirit of subordination may actuate the wno(e tribe. Coosawattee, 15th June, 1836. To His Excellency XVm. Schley, Governor and Commander in Chief, &c. Dear Sir—We herewith transmit to your Excellen cy, the interview held this day, with the Cherokee peo ple at this place, by the undersigned, who were select ed and chosen as a delegation by the people of Murray county, for the purposes therein contained. We have the honor to be, humble servants, M. T. C. LUMPKIN, X a JAMES DONOHOO, 2. J. LAYMAN ER, IIAR. DAVIS, I s. JAMES EDMONDSON. J § Coosawattee, 15th June, 1836. Whereas, on the 11th day of Juno, 1836, a delega tion of five persons were selected, to wit: M. T. C. Lumpkin, James Donohoo, Jacob Layman. Hairisou Davis and James Edmondson, on the part, aud in be half of the citizens of Murray county, to hold a talk with the Cherokee ludians at that place, iu relation to the unpleasant rumors that have been set afloat upon this country, with regard to anticipated hostilities on their part: And Whereas, on the said 15th day of June, a num ber of the Cherokee people did convene at this place, and after some deliberation on their part, appointed a committee of twelve of their leading men, to hold an interview with the said delegates: and the said dele gation then proceeded to propound the following ques tions, to wit: That the citizens of the county had become alarmed to witness so many Creek Indians moving in among the Cherokee people, without any knowledge of their intentions ; and another ground was, that we had be come suspicious of them iu consequence of the ratifi cation of the late Treaty knowing that a portion of them were entirely opposed to the Treaty, And again —knowing that the Creek and riemiuole Indian-: were th»n in an open state of war with the white people for the same causes—that we anticipated a difficulty with the Cherokees—and believing, as we did. that our suspicions were well founded, proceeded to inform them, that General Orders had issued fropi Brigadier General Hemphill, to proceed without delay to wrest frem them, all their fire arms, ammunition, &c. in answer to which, we herewith transmit the following By a gentleman who holongs to Col. McLe more’s command of the Chambers co. volunteers wo learn that all is quiet in that section—no hos- tiles have been heard of of late. Tbcjlndians ap pear to bo friendly disposed ; and none of the whites have been murdered siuce the killing of Mr. Edwards. The settlers have commenced working'in the crons agaiu. By a gentleman from Fort Mitcholl, we learu that about 52 hostile lu dians, consisting of meu, women aud children, have beeu brought in to that placo prison ers. The men are kept safely chained and guar ded. Old Nelia Mathla is there, aud has been heard to say that he wished the white mon would shoot him atouce, that they could not shorten his days much. We cannot but admire the undoubted valor & martial bearing of this unrelenting Chief Coosawattee, 15th June, 1836. To the honorable Committee of Murray County : We, the Committee appointed in behalf of the citi zens of Coosawattee, Rabbit Trap, and Ostenolee Towns, after giving the various questions propounded by the Committee in behalf of the citizens of Murray county, a deliberate and full consideration, beg leave most respectfully to make the following report, to wit: That it is with feelings of deep regret on pur part, to see or hear of any excitement ou the part of Murray county, in anticipation of any hostile movements on the part of the Cherokees, more particularly if such ex citement has been occasioned by any threat or act of die Cherokee people. So far as your committee have been informed with regard to the sentiment of die Cherokee people, they have been such as to warrant your committee in advancing un opinion, that no hos tile movement whatsoever is contemplated ou thepaj-t of the Cherokees. Your committee influenced by motives of frankness, must confess, that there are feelings of coolness exist ing between the t wo parties of the nation, known as the Treaty party, and the opposition party, but hope that diose difficulties may be settled iu a manner satis factory to both parties, and that peace and good feel ings will be restored ; and your committee further pledge themselves, to use their influence to bring about a result so desirable. As regards the Creeks, your Committee has beet} assured by their leading inen, that their object is peace; that some of them are connected with the Cherokees, and that they wish to remain in peace, and remgve to the west with them, Your committee solicits the cidzens of Murray county on their part, to see that the Cherokees be dealt with according to the laws of the State, in all cases, when any controversy may arise between them mid the whites, until tho time expires given them to re move, under the late Treaty. It is with feelings of gratitude, your Committee see that the citizens of Murray county manifest such feel ings of friendship towards the Cherokees unaer die present 6tate of excitement throughout the country, J. M. LI.NOH, GEORGE SANDERS, JOHN SANDERS, JAKE TORGA, In bihalf of the Committee. Test, John B. Bell. FromTexas. The Texian ComcSi^^-V % Grayson, and James Colling,*’r 8 *** P.v v rival by the Independence We notice, left this city for XVasW, 3 evening in the Steam Boat Scut J*5j object of their mission is general!* be for * he purpose of negotiation the * i gmeut of leXas as au indeDen,|?„, a . ck| "i vW United stales. We will, we trust to announce the complete successJr? ere C otic and high minded endeavors. tht ‘ r Ptfrj. VVe are authorised to state, on it, of the Texian Commissioners, j us . , aut Wis Velasco, the preseut seat of envem*'^ K as, that on the first day of last mco ? h U,of Tet! ment iu the nature of au arini,,j ce “ 30 into betweeu the governmet of T c .»a Antonio Lopez do Sauta Auna .? s a “' Geu stipulations of which on the pan 0 f k C!il i were, that all tho Mexican forces .h_ • le Htr should forthwith evacuate the conntJ 3 * c, »t beyond the Rio Bravo del Norte • th ‘ pet;ty taken by any portion of th» 3,1 from Texian citizens, at any time s i n «? h >J mencement of tho late invasion shmii/i. ' 0 ®- with restored; that all Texian hands of the enemy should beimmediatT Wlll# liberty ; for and in consideration of a cc~ l: ding number of Mexican prisoners in lh”^ 1 ’ 00 ' of the Texians—aud finally, that there ih i for the preseut a cessation of all hostilities S’ 1 * land and sea. Among the minor stipulations of the aert* was or.e given by Gen. Santa Anna Derr* 1 ?" that be would not himself take up arms •' I people of Texas, duriug their iirnrrl* I pendence. 66 or lu( k- Wo are farther authorized to slate ti compliauce with the stipulation for the evat 111 of the country, all the Mexican forces we" 5 ' 1011 tually retreating as fast as possible, havinr,i C ' they were last heard from, already Sau Antonio and Goliad, under the Geu. Ftlasola, who, whilst being next iu nt 1 Geu. Santa Anna, had. ou receiving C o»° the armistice, passed his official eugnrttnij tf obey its terms, so far as they applied to him 10 From this state of thiugs wo ourselves infer that additional voluuteers from this count" at the present time, is nut needed—pariicu j^ as the season of the year is quite Unpropit, foreigners ; and provisions iu the rc| tihm.L ; “ to its late destroyers and other causes, are Ian* entably scarce, and likely to contiuue'so j-T few mouths to come. We do therefore urrert« our own serious opinion to all those whose ma.' nanimitv would prompt them forthwith toJ s f # the farther relief of the country, that they do well to postpone their departure for a while oral least uutil there shall be some chaugecf the present condition of thiugs, which just would not seen to authorize the addition of mn,, more consumers to those already iu the country At all events it is pretry evident there willij little or no more fighting in Texas for some mcii. ths ; and such being the case, and taking i B!o consideration the scarcity.of provision) wl^i, must uecessarily exist therefrom thetflecuofil!* late campaign, we cauuoi avoid reiteratin' our advice, that at least for some time to come, there shall be no further emigration of vduuiecri to *liat country —Bulletin OSEOLA. This bloody chief of the Seminole Indians, better though he is uow quiteold and much wasted in I known by the name of Powell, is said to have been flesh? yet his eye is as fierce and keen in its glance 1 8 }^ a ^'.^ k V- l - nce ’ a personal contest with one as the wildest Eagle of the mouutain. He is the Head Quarters. Georgia. ? Columbus, I5th June, 1836. £ Major H XV. Jernigan. Lumpkin. Ga. Sin—-Your letter of tho J5tb inst. came to hand last night, by Col. Gibson, from whom, aud Mr. Pitts, 1 have learned the great cxcitcmeut pro duced against me in Stewart, by the report made ~ r my conduct by Dr. Pope aud others. I regret of ball passing through bis ueck, after which be fired ! very much that I should have been so grossly three rouuds unon his ranidiv advancing em-mv. mi>r»nn>cnnt»j i... .... r.. i mucu injury haviug bocu done them—blood was pulled Seen sufficiently to trail them, as I tvas informed, might A hf* lliimlifir nminxl tlm !<*/«_• * ■ „ _ ■ The uumber around tho F 0 rt arc said to have been two or three huudred. XX hilst at the Fort, Gen. Lowe suggested the plan or extending his mounted men from tho Fort as hign up the river as Turner's field, and for me to go up tho river and cudoavo r to iutcrcept any Indians that might attempt to pass. This was a- grcod on. I immediately returned to the boat, three rouuds upon his rapidly advancing cuemy Young Aloxaudcr, too, fought bravely, but receiv cd a ball in his arm, he was soon disabled. The Captain evinced as much coolness as well, as bra very throughout tbe whole engagement, as is or diuarily exhibited by old and experienced officers. He not only gave tho enemy eighteen of his own cartridges, but was active and vigilaut in directing his men, both io tho attack aud tbe defeucc, am wheu he bail only a few men around him, him self wounded, aud tho ludians firiug upon them from almost every direction, he mumtuiued fats presence of mind so as to order the lot fen cp to be dowu iu sevrrnl places, that his horses eseapo capture from the enemy. All con cur in their testimony that a considerable number ol the eueiuy fell. I cannot conceive how they could have done better under the- circumstances, for I had ou that day ordered twenty of that com pany to take possession of Fort McCrary and keep it for a few hours, until 1 could send Capt. Duuuard’s company down, which was only six miles abovp, at Boykin’s plantation. When I misrepresented by these persons, for I never in tended to convey to them, the impression they seem to have received. Charity calls on me to suppose ’hat they were so much excited, by the events which had occurred below as to be unfitted to place a proper construction on my words or acts. Col. Gibson and.SIr. Pitts, both called to see mo under a high state ofoxcitoment, produced by their statements, but I am happy to say. that they are both satisfied that I have not lioen want ing in a faithful discharge of ray duty, nor in sympathy for the distressed condition of my fel low citizens, who are suffering from the inroads of the savage. So far from iny refusing to send you aid, ns reported by Dr. Pone ami others, I immediately issued an order, to have all the force that could he provided with arms and ammunition aud spared from this post, sent dowu by land and water, to your rcliof. This order speaks fot it self, aud for my acts. Col. Gibson has seen it. Every gentleman here, of all parties, are ready la I ofWsown tribe. XVe copy die following account of | his death: Front the Mobile Chronicle, June 11. XVe received by yesterday’s mail a letter which we publish this morning, giving some account of the recent death i f Ooeola, or Powell, the Seminole Chief. XVe publish the letter with die signatures, and although we nave not the pleasure ofknowing the individuals whose names are affixed to die communication, yet we feel satisfied that every reliance may be placed upon their statement as obtained from the Indian. Mr. Editor—Through the medinm of your paper, we think it our duty to state some facts of a highly im portant nature Last evening, the 8th of June, an Indian who calls himself O-ha-ha-ta-ca, came into the settlement on Lit tle River. He has been three days coming from Flo rida, rides a very good pony, and is on his way the Ouchita tribe of Indians near Red River. The day before he left the hammock, called Meta or Bear Hammock, Powell and a young Chief, Ho-pa-to-pha, had had a personal fight. Powell received a wound in the side, near the heart, with a hatchet, which in stantly caused his death. The friends of the deceased were determined to kill the young Chief, hut he suc ceeded in making his escape. VVe questioned him respecting the disposition of the Indians. He stated that they would ever b - unfriendly to the men who had taken their lahd. He also sta'ted that there was much sickness among them, something like a cholera or a bad bowel complaint. These are all the facts of an important nature which tee learned from him. JONATHAN R. XVATSON, JACOB VICKERS Near the Head waters of the Little River. June 9,1836. only ludian tho writer of this article ever saw. ihnc count look a white man frill in tbe eye when you address him- If he had his youth aud strength at this time, as ho had in the days when he lead on his warriors ngaiti9told Hickory iu the first Florida war, he would .give the whiles great deal of trouble. His capture will distract tho hostilesnn little. His judgmeutis yet stiong. aud his counsels no doubt, havo been listened tc and carried into execution by bis more youthful but loss savage and revengeful warriors. The U. S. Compauy of Marines havo arrived under the command of Col. Heuderson, and will proceed to tho theatre of war. The Georgia forces, it is presumed, reached Roauoke ou yes terday (Thursday) aud in a very few days we may lookout fora battle, and an end of the Creek war, GEN. SCOTTS PLAN OF OPERATIONS XVe learn from a good source, that Geu, Scott’s plan of operations, as a commencement against tbe hostiles, will bo something like the following: To station a sufficient force or guard every six or eight miles, on the east bank of the river, above and below Roauoke, to prevent the ludians from crossing and to aid each other, if acttacked ; de taching the U. S. Company of Marines, under Col: Henderson, ou the ludian side of tho river, opposite Fort Twiggs, to bo aided by tho forco at that Fort, in case of au attack. After this is arranged, he will cress the river in person, with tho main army, below the Indians, and take tyba* a huuter would call a geueral drive for the game aud to fall upon them pell raell, not allowing tbe rascals even the benefit of leg bail. Gen. Scott aud staff left our city this morning, [Thursday,] for tho army uow at Roanoke.— Tho whole of our forces aro uow well armed aud eager for a fight. From the N. Y. Evening Star. LATE & IMPORTANT FROM ENGLAND By the packet ship Independence, Capt. Np, it will be perceived we have ne.vsof the highest interest from England. The Irish Corporation Bill has received such amendments in the Lords, aud cpuceuirated the coiporatiqu power so en tirely iu the hands of the Lord Lieutenant, that it amounts, to a rejection of the measure as it came up from the commons. This has placed the two houses in direct collision xvitL each other, aud threatens to carry matters to such extremes as may possibly end in the renewal of the scene of the protectorate under Cromwell, aud then if not the dissolution of the Lords and the aboli, tion of th<t peerage, tho abrogation at least of the laws of primogeniture. Considerable seusation was excited in London by the suicide of the Hon. Rerkelv Cravon a gentleman aged 50. well known in ’fbe sporting would, who had lost, £30,000 at the Derby Ri ces, and in consequence thereof, blew out hi* brains wi'h a dueling pistol. New Artie Expedition uuderCapt. Bick.-li consequence of the representations of Sir John Vrankliu, Capt. Back and the Earl of Ki|»» members of the Geographical Sociciy, to the Lords of the Admirality, r> spec ting a uew sr tie expedition His Majesty has placed its ship Terror under the command of t apttaia Back to proceed to the Mayne river, ou ihe wet- tern shore of Not th America, near Sir. Thomas Ross’ Welcome. He is thence to cross the isth; mus aud proceed along Prince Regent’s inlet, whence he will continue hy Hecla aud Fur] Struts to Point Turn. Col. Tapper, the: brave Commander of the Scotch regiment iu the battle of St. Scbe>:iin.a since dead nfhis wounds. Mr. Power, the actor, was about to return to the United States, permanently to reside iu this country. The new French legion for Spaiu is as hling at Bau, and will be composed of ten bat talions. TJje French foreign legion in Sp.iin when in’ creased as it is about to be, will amount to 15,OOP meu under Geo. Bernelle. XVo stop the Press to say that information hasjust reached us, that TWELVE HUNDRED Hostile lndiaus, havo this day (Thursday,) sur rendered themselves at Fort Mithchell, with all their arms, &c. XVe cannot vouch for the above, but it conies very straight. A Duel.—In tho memorable 24 hours isittin^ of the House of Representatives, duriug the noc turnal part of it, a difficulty arose between Mr. Jenifer of Mil. aud Mr. Bynum of N. C. of such nature as to call for a demand of personal sat isfaction ou the part of the first named gpntlemau, ■vtiich was accordingly made. Wo learu from ^he Alexandria Gazette that tho parties melon Tuesday, at Rock Creek near Washington, ac companied by their respective friends. The dis tance selected was ten yards, or thirty feet. Af ter six ineffectual fires, we understand Mr. By uutu came forward iu the most honorable man ner and expressod himself in terms which at once settled the difficulty. , . • ■ — - -—Mr. Jouifer was accompanied by Mr. Peyton T ro C* aux,ety *° do aI11 havo] aud Mr. Pickens; Mr. Bvnnm by Mr. Sevier and power to do. XVuh those persons, as well as Mr- Hanuegan. From the Savannah Georgian, June 22. ^ From East Florida.—The Steatn Packet Florida, Capt. IIkbbard. arrived here yesterday from Picolata via Black Creek, Jacksonville, &- c . XX r e learu from a passenger that Gen. Clinch, ho our readers are aware, is invested with the command in Florida, was at Jacksonville wheu tho I' lorida left that place, Gen. C. having been up to Black Creek, and thence returned to Jack sonville. XVe wish much that the Hero of the Ouithlacoochce had some troops (whether "good" or bad.) XX’e have not the least doubt that he would siond tho Indians into “surnmpr quarters,” We learn nothing'in additon, except that tho Indians havo, of late, repeat' ~*iy vissited Mr. So lano’s 4 miles above Ricolata, ou the St. Johns. From the correspondence of the Charleston Comet- Washington, June 15. Mr. Preston has introduced to day a resolution, calliug oil the President to communicate all tbe information he has received concerning the con dition of TexasJ iu a political sense, the organiz ation of her Government, the relation in which and any Drowned—On tho forenoon of Saturday last a youug man, (ol yellow complexion.) He was stepping from the guard of the steamer Y r alIo- bousha to that of the Compromise, but having missed his footing, he fell between the boats and was not seen to rise. XVe could not learu his namo. By arrivals from Louisville yesterday, wo aro informed that the uppet rivers are at au unusual height. At tbe inouib of the Ohio tho water is epresented as being higher thau it was in 28. The entire of Front street, in Louisville, is com pletely inundated ; the water pouring rapidly into all the lower apartments on that street. ’ The dwellers there were obliged to have recourse to the upper stories for safety.—Lou. Adr. she now stands in regard to Xlesio correspondence he may have had with tbe am tliorities or commissioners of Texas. 1 presunn that when this resolution shall come up to-mor row, iu jts course, we shall have another spec™ from Mr. Prestou. The subject seetns dear to him. IIo delights to descant upou liberty»«“ chivalry, the Saxon breed and language, and o- liter topics which grow out of these : acd uiilc:* he shall l.o checked by some friend, he will S 1 ' 0 i.s au outbreak to-morrow. The impression hero is, that a Convention is seriously thought of !C tween the Southern States and Texas, and tn 2 Gen. Jncksou understands, and is favorable to> this project. I will not pretend to say what ' 2 luo ought to he attached to this rumour, bn circulates so freely, that it is likely to find ailT cates and believers in abuudnuce. , The bloodlessduel between Messrs. By ,,n ® a Jenifer, is the sole subject of ridicule and laiig iu the city. Tbe world is staggered wheu t ’ told that two men shot at each other six tun 5 > ami could uot hit a barn door. The affair will have a good effect. It will® j duelling into disrespect, for the moment. * teach gasconnders that the world i s r uot *7* * to be humbugged by bravado. XVe had ther case ou the tapis on Sunday; hut is 1 . affair ended so sadly, so disadvautageously, =° ^ diculously, it is not probable tint any 0 . will very soou attempt to trample on public (>| • mon. , The battle ground on which Messrs. . ^ and Byuuin fired their pistols, is enhanced to f lue, in couscqueucc of its vast accession ol Gold.—We aro happy to state, fra® i rCl “ r ? s ! received at the Treasury, that during the P‘ week alone $286,625 of gold was coined a mint. This is au amouut nearly Jjk whole average aunual coiuage before K3I—9- ^