Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, July 07, 1836, Image 1

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W if +\ MACON ftfiOKCtlA ¥ i 3 i a 1 1 Jed. By HI. BARTLETT. Mdkcojc, GjEGJici.i, Tiai Jtsipa i’ lixr 7, isao. Vodiiitc X.—Kunibcr 54. Perms of Subscription. Three Dollars, paid in advance. will payfor the pu- v rr one gear. Five DqLLARs, paid in advance,itiU pay fur the papec tieo gears. Ten Dollars, paid in advance will pay fir the payerfive gear,. irAen not paid ml Inn six months after the year, has fj HoienerJ, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum , C M he charged. If not pair! until the end of the year, pour Dollars per annum mill be charged—with interest thereafter. Terms of AdTCTtlsiAl TROT HILL. TIIE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter Sc Cornwall, that he intends re aming the XXVrre House & Commission IS us incss, at “the store next above the one recently occupied by 'V.J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as the town ofTroy. _ lie further informs the public that he has bought the half "Sms. and haring now on the way, from New a square, or twelve brevier lines, will ft inserted one time ^ or ^’ a ^j ether pl,tce». „Jkgfc Advertisements not exceeding one hundred words, I for'One dollar. JVhen more than one insertion is given, jpg^^lhfiS^k^lS^hkbSlI be sold ■ 7 o cents fateful, and low for ready pay, be will be ready to receive Cotton -f”* dtdmx0 " of ont J° urth ten'be made, when ear , y j„ tJ)(J yf i nd ^ prepnn .j U):lku advalice9 ._ He would particularly notice to his friend* the great Sheriffs’, Tax Collectors’and Coroners’ Sales art chat- by the levy. Yearly Advertisers will be allowed two squares in each aa taper for Twenty Dollars per annum; and t» the same ratio for a larger space—payable quarterly. The expenses of our business, and the state of the times, r, that these terms should be rigidly adhered to. t quire. advantages his Warehouses have over those iii the dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being detached from other buddings and at a distance From any street or latte, and well enclosed ■May 5 jo tf II. S. CUTTER. ./ .Veir Stock of iFRIAG AAD SL.tI.ULK t’LOTIlfl G JUST RECEIVED BV WM. H. BUmttSAI*h, ^ T the new' Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mill- 2tL berry aud Second streets, including the foliow- .Ycw York Sf Darien. lAnc of Packets. BRIG Amelia Strong. J. Chace, Master, Proinuun, Air. Matthew’s, 44 new 44 Darien, C. P. Uuckloy, 44 Macon, A. Bibbins, 44 ‘Schr. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, " All good and substantia! vessels, well calculated for the trade, with good accommodations for passengers, and experienced commanders. One of the vessels will al ways he at each eudof the Line to receive freight, and will sail regularly once a week. Shippers by this line can effect Insurance at five eighths per cent mid they may rely upon tho vessels being regularly despatched. The subscribers are also agents for several Steamboats to run regularly during the boating season between Darien, Ilawkinsville, nnd .Macon, and are induced to believe that they can give great facilities in forwarding ,r oods destined for the interior of tho State. H AWES, MITCHELL & COLLINS, Darien. 1st July, 1835 3 Agents. " .Huron Steam Boat Company Georgia Candles, Ac. - : pXEa Georgia tallow caudles, AttxW 10 do sperm 250 gaJIs. best Lamp Oil, do. mp Ui 3Q0 do. Linseed Oil, With a vnrietv of Groceries, just received and for enloliy marcli'»37 CHARLES CAM PBERI.L. . Plain and Ornamental Painting. rfifV HE snbscriber lias taken the shop formerly oc .El cupied by Mr. Tims. AlpClcskey, neatly oppo- Summcr cloth, Bombazine, Gross Cloth, Grass and iirown Linen Circassian - and llouau Cdssimeic FROCK COATS. Summer Cloth twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass aud brown Linen, and Rouau Cassimere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Ermiuct, C; sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, sitnere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling. Fancy Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mist, llouau Cassimere and Jean* PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, aud E'onan Cassimere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and buff grass Cloth, huff and brown Linen, Pongee, llouan Cassimere and Jeans ROUND JACK ETS. A large assortment of fancy TESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, &c. ilc. Ac. BANK REPORTS. AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING COM PANY. Office Aujustdfnturanee and Banking Company, ) 12/A April, 1836. j To his Excellency Governor Schley : S IR—1 have the honor to transmit herewith, for your own and the pnblic information, a statement exhibiting the actual cotiditiounfthis institution on the fourth day pf the present piputh. It will be seen that S ie office is in possession of very ample means to re' eem its circula ' Bulloch, W.R. &W. Gaston, trustees " 10 800 i Telfair, Alexander, estatoof Catrrcsioh rtre an I M.-rino j T. Telfair I’J ' ery i | eem its circulation—to meet all its engagements with Angohi Cas" l * ie P®khc. an, l will have left of the surplus lund, HU' Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox, do. EXCEL, “ J. L. Willcox. gM^HIS company have now their line of Beats in 8 complete order for freighting- They have a new steamboat added to their line called the Superior, and ten Tow-Boats. The Boats will run regularly between Macon and Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every five or six days with tow-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats,built express- Jv for the navigation of tho Oemnlgee and Altamaha rivers; these increased facilities will enable the com pany tho moans of giving the greatest despatch to Cotton or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carrv cotton and merchandise between Darien aud Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. Thcro are also, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and New York, which coins to Iluwes & Mitchel, of Darien. .- Agentsfor the above Boats : J. GODDARD, Macon. Boyce, Henry &■ Walter, Charleston. L. Baldwin & Co. Savannah, Hawks, Mitchell it Collins, Darien, Gt:o. K. Roberts, Ilawkinsville, Macon, 24th Dec., 183.7. -*» Or ami sec Steam ISoat Company. site tho new market, aud is now prepared to execute all kinds of House and Sign Fainting, Chair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Having in Ins employment some of the most effi cient workmen to be found in the Suite, he will be a- ble to undertake largelv and execute with neatness. April4 (hn 41 DANIEL T. REA. .Yew Store——Crests Goods. T HE subscriber is now opening, on second street, next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. Which will he sold nt prices much reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will he sold ac cordingly. ills stock comprises in part as follows: WOQLPNS. 8-4, 0-4 and 10-4 Loudon Duffil Blankets—10-4 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plaius and Liuscys— super blue, black, Iirown niixt Cloths—Fine and com mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentin nnd Toiliuet Vesting*—super white and red Fianuels—do Merino do. STUFFS. Black and colored <5-4 Merinos—do do Bombazetts— fine <5-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinct—figured Circas sians. - ■ COTTON GOODS. super and common plain dud twilled Calicoes—swiss, Jaconet,.Hull and Book Muslins—Iduf k aud colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in £ pieces very fine —colored aud white Homespuns—Rowen cassitneres nnd checks—birdseye and ltassia Diapers—Linen cambric Ilkfs, Russia sheetings, Ac SILKS. Goods at Cost. B ALES of Blankets. Flannels, contse Cloths, Drill, Domestic-Cottons, Satinetts, Hats, Shoes, Negro Cloths The most of the above ate well adapted for Troops destined for Florida or the Creek Nation, and are of fered for sale at cost till the first of June, by -May 19 47 ISAAC NEWHALL. Hashing anti Iron. "$ fPh Pieces heavy Hemp Bagginj B RtV NlJf jo tons Iron assorted 25 bids Flour . 15 lihds Molasses Jnstreceived and for sale by may 19 CHAS. CAMPBELL For Sale, 350.000 SUS&* 01 hhas St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags CofTee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 lihds choice -Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Richmond Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey, S proof, 75 bbls pnre Rum, and 20 Gin. Aprilf. 41 DAVID RALSTON. of Black super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring uo —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsuets and siuchews. HANDKERCHIEFS ho fgl IIIS company will lie prepared to commence bit- sines*, early in tho next season—They will have | HIM — situ’ . .1 a li’ieof Pankets hotwoeu Now York, and Duriouji.nd steam vessels pi forward goods from Darien to Macon —Theagents ip New Yolk, Charleston,audSavattuah, will he anlinpisej to contract for the delivery of goods ia .Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermcdi- ato charge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable in Savannah, Charleston, and New York— The company's vessels and bouts, will be of first class with experienced commanders, and no expense will be spared to meet the patronage of the public. PH. R. YONGEiV- SONS, Agents in Darien may 27lli 1837 49 rich satin, fignored Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and uiartin gauze Ilkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons Handsome thread Edgings aud Quiltiugs—Blond Ed- gings and Bobinct I .aces—and many other articles, which cannot fail to give satisfaction us to price and quality. dpi: 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN. C .\ I'T .Marryall's complete works in I yolupie, I Vncillings by the Way, T 'if .tincon Steam Stoat Company W ILL- run two or three lighters during the sum mer aud full, beiwevu Darien and .Macon.— The line is prepared Uptake all merchandize that may he offered or shipped to their agents at Darien, and tor- ward them without, detention; Their Lighters are made of light draft, andean run at the lowest stages of the river. J. GODDARD. Agent. May 211 48 4m is Summer df Fall .Icranmuncn toF Use Gilbert GitfJicy, a novel, in 2 volume: The Naval Sketch Book, 2d scries, Life and times of Itieuzi, Spain revisited, by the anthorofa year in Spain, Private Life of LttFayclIc; Itienzi. Adventurcsof a Rifle Brigade, Cotton on the Religious state of thecouniry, Tomlin’s Law Dictionary, Milford’s Pleading*, ilc. ic. Just received and for sale by June 9 50 JAMES S. OI.COTT. .Here It ants’ Insurance Company Macon. Capital Sloek 100,000 Dollars ! A COMPANY,under the above title, has recently been founded with an actual cash capital of One Hundred Thousand Hollars, to bo paid on tho first of October next, at which time they will commence taking marine risks to and from the city of Macon, to any port or place in the United States'; the capital stock will beheld ready at all times to meet any losses that maybe due from thecontpany. The claims ol this Company, when contrasted with those of other distant offices, heretofore having done much business here, justifies the belief that this local institution, based as it is, will be liberally patronized, particularly when the terms are as liberal as in any o- thcr marine offices. James Goddard, President. XVm. B. Parker, J Cowles, F. II. Wellman Thos. Taylor, Jane 16 51-tf James R ea, Secretary. THE SVItSCRIBEItS ' H AVE purchased Mr. I-aird H. Wiley’s inter est in the late firm of Fort, Hamilton & Wi ley, and Hamilton, Hayes & Co. and given IRA E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Goods business will be continued at the same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton & Co and the Ware Houses aud Commission Business as heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON, HAYES &Co. FORT. HAMILTON & Co. June 23 52 • appropriated, after paying all just-claims, a balance ol from twenty to twetitvlive thousand dollars. I (tin, &c. A c. PETER BENNOCH, President. State of Augusta Insurance and Bunking Company, on Monday morning, the 4th of April, 1836. un. To capital stock, Dopnite*, Dividends unpaid Surplus and gross profits Amount due other banks and agents Bills issued 348,000 Oti hand, 58.194 175.000 00 45,022 92 •147 70 ' 79,301 55 1,236 86 “t -289,806 00 $590,614 73 By notes discounted & running to maturity 17%%$ 03 Notes and bills lying over, of which there is gbotf ' 4,729 05 Of which there is bad 1,247 54 5.976 59 Notes nnd bills in suit Bills receivable Bills of exchange on New-York, Charles ton and Savannah, and balances due this batik by banks in those places Amount diie by agents Bank of the Suite of Georgia, brauch at ' Milledgeville Real estate iu Columbus and Augusta Insurance dues Protest account IncidenUil charges and losses paid since January Inst Bills of other banks, checks, &c. 19.Q89 (JO Specie in vault,silver 47,233 74 Gold 3,60162 50,83536 1.323 16 2,461 19 278,908 70 15,785 80 295 18 5,994 77 1,106 32 12 00 34,497 30 70,824 36 $590,814 73 Company 80 331 26.480 i liarlesioti Fire and Marine Company 100 72 7,200 Campbell, 11. T. 8U 16 1,280 Carter, A. «• 10 800 Central Bapk of the State of Georgia «( 1000 80,000 ClcJaud. Moses mi 5 • 00 Cole, J. 1). 8b 3 160 Cuyler, R. R. “ ■ 00 1.760 Cramer, R. •* ~4 320 Cumming, John *» 13 1,040 Cumming, John 100 11 1,100 Comntissioaeis of I'ilotage for the .fort of ^avauuuh 80 61 4.880 Davis, W. and Ai. Luffbftirroiv, trustees •* 9 720 Davis, W.audM. Luffburrow, trustees 85 5 425 Dasher, J. VV., VV.-B. Bulloch, aud G. W. Owens, trustees •• 10 650 Di-uicre, It. senior 100 22 2,200 Diii,,:i, John 8ft 1 80 Directresses of the Savauuah Free School Society, •* 12 960 Dunhnui, Charles »• 26 2,080 Elliott, Alary •• 9 720 EJJiptt, Mary 100 0 200 lixecutobs ot the estate of J. W liters. 80 100 8,000 Telfair, Mary “ Mary its, 4 SAN, \ Dil K. J Directors w Pioneer Steam & Pole lioat Line. T ilt; proprietors of tins above line notify their friends and the public, that they will have run ning on tho Altamaha and Oemnlgee rivers during the summer ami fall months, four or five Pole Boats, particularly adapted to hoc stages of water, and which will be aided by Steamboats when the water will per mit Shippers bv this line may depend upon every at tention being paid, and exertion used to give despatch 8lti to property shipped by it to any of the landings on said rivers. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag'l A’acuti. ' AGENTS. Messrs Hot comet, Peik A Co. Charleston. E. P. Butts, Trq.'Savomiah. Rowland, (’hank & Shackelford, Darien. Halstead, Taylor A Co. Ilawkinsville. Macon. June 2# 1 Cm For Sale Y Saw nnd Grist Mill with the Lauds and Titn- l i r attached. Abo, the Teen s, Sawyers, Tea Ulsters. Ac. M v entire stock of Good*, consisting of Groceries, Dry Good*. Hard ware, Crockery &c. •'0.000 lbs Bacon. 9 or Houses on Cherry street, good Busi ness stands. ‘ 9 improved Dwelling I.ofs in Macon. 200 acres well limbered Pine Land one and a half miles from town. ID likely Negroes. Likewise, ni> Household furniture. The whole will be sold at reduced prices nnd on ac commodating term* ’xpectiug to be absent from this state. I am desirous of closing the busiuess before the first of July. t,.oe 9 50- D. RALSTON molasses /fl iffc Hhds best quality family Molasses just ro- wJ* eeived nnd tor-sale bv June 9 CO SMITH, RODGERS A CO. Tiunito Covers F. F. LEWIS. .1SJERCH.3JYT T.ilCOll. T HE subscriber has just received a supply of Spring and Summer (’loiliingr, made of the best materials, which he will sell low for cash lie invites persons to give him a call. Tailoring Business done as usual at his shop with despatch, and in the neatest manner. He tenders his warmest thanks for past patronage, and will endeavor to deserve a contin uance of the same. F. F. LEWIS. April 21 43 Mulberry st. opposite Central Hotel. N. B. Those indebted will please call and pay their dues—he must have money to meot the demands a- gainst him.’ F. F. J. __ Jm H. BITRDSALL, g g AS Just received a new and extensivo as- _sortmeut of olive J UST received, and for sale by April4 41 GEORGE \v April4 41 GEORGE W. PRICE A Co. Lamp Oil, a superior, quality, May 5 35 G. W. PRICE A Co. Commission Business, Darien. • £1 HE.undersigned have resinned business a* a JL hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all busiuess entrusted to thoircare. We believe we have made arrangements that will nimble us at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On onr wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the loast possible expeuse, and onr opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed ed by any other House. Darien, it lay 20, 1835. HAWES. MITCHELL & COLLINS. Rice. Raisins, Ac. JK TIERCES Rice, .*3/™ y 60 bags Coffee, 15 hbds Sugar, 20 boxes best'Malaga Raisins, Loaf Sngar, Best Apple Vinegar. Ac. A'c. April 18 43 Forsnle by CR AFT A-. LEWIS. Commission Business, Darien. T HE Undersigned have’formed‘a Copartnership lor the purpose of transacting u general Coin- mission and other business under the firm of SNOW A ROGERS, and offer their services to their friends, and the public generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods and produce to aud from the interior of the State, will receive particular attention. It mny be proper to state that they have no connection with any of the ^tcani transportation lines; Goods for the interior will always ha snipped by those who will probably give <h”m the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jan I, 1836 28 GEO. T. ROGERS •hiction and Commission Business. I Take this method of informing tny friends and the public generally, that I have taken up the above busiuess, and rosp /ctfidly solicit a share of patronage. All Goods consigned to me shall be strictly attended lu, according to directions, dec 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND-. Cotton Ostiaburjjs and Yarns. ■ A LARGE supply of the above, of the best quality /n from the Scull Shoal factory, for sale by May J2 _J5 CRAFT A LEWIS. Stvaim’s Panacea, Indian Panacea Zleady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, muck, invisible green, Adelaid, brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine bine, black, brown and green Cloth Fropk Coats, . Superfine bine, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, Kerr, Andrew and bine, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattiuet t Kerr, Richard Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, bine, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattiuet Pantaloons, Youth's clotli aud satlinet Dress and Frock’Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black nnd blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and wliite .Merseilles Toiliuet, Swansdown and Sattiuet Vests Cotulet Cloaks aud Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth A Patershaiu Box Coats At a meeting of the Board of Directors on Thursday, the 7th April, 1836, the following report was read and accepted: The undersigned, a committee appointed for the purpose of examining the bills of exchange ppd notes of the Augusta Insurance and Banking Company bn hand, having performed that duty, are of opinion that there is the suin of twelve hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty-four cents of bad paper, aud one thou sand and forty-nine dollars and sixty-nine cents in doubtful paper. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, > Pn T. J. PARMELEE, J Committee. Personnally appeared before me, the Cashier of the Augusta Insurance and Banking Com pany, who being duly sworn, certify that the foregoing statement, and list of stockholders annexed, are correct, unsettled accounts and claims excepted. PETER BENNOCH, President. ROBERT WALTON, Cashier. Swoni to before me, this 13th day of April, 1836. F. A. MORGAN, Notary Public. List of Stockholders of the Augusta Insurance and Bank ing Company, 4th April', 1836.' ", ’ . . ’ Alexander, A. L. Bunce, W. J. Bennoch Peter Bones, Joint Bones, John trustee T. A. Bones Bones, John do M. C .W. Bones Bones, John do II- Longs treat Beers. J. D , I. R. St. John' A. Co. Bryson William Clarke, Samuel • . Campbell, estateof J. Campbell, Robert (lamp. Philip’ ^ Cumming, Mrs. Ann Cumming,.William trustee S. Cumming Cumming, H. II. trustee Ann E. Cumming Cumming, Win. and others, trustees of II. H. Camming Camming, II. II. and others, trustees of J. II .Cumming R. F. Poe, trustee of Mary C. Davis Crawford, Charles A. Casey, Thomas G. Carmichael, J. C. Coskay, John Davis. Joseph D’Autiguac, William M| Fox, John Fraser, James Graham, Alexander Gleudcmng, William Harper, J. & W. Herbert, estate of J. Knight, estate of E. Kilburn, J. K. Flaming, Helen Fiouruoy, William **. Marcus *•* Marcus *• Robert Willis “ Robert Willis 44 Robert Watkins “ iioweil Cobb “ Howell Cobb “ John J nines “ John Janies Floyd, Eliza Fioyd, Melinda Gaston, WiJtiatn Gaston, Wni. in trust for M. Brickeil Glynn County Academy [ German Lutherau Congrega tion at ELenezer Glenn, Ann Gibbous, B. trustee Gillett, VV, S. Giilett. Eliza Gugel, Daniel Gibson, Pat- Gibson, Put. Godfrey. William Habersham, R. trustee Haig, S. G. Herb, Frederick iJopkiiis* E. Hutchison, R. Hutchison, R. Houston, P. “ Pat. trustee of J. Woodruff “ “ 44 S. M. Joliusiou 44 44 “ R- Moodie Hunter, James, cashier Isaac, Lucy I £9 15,120 b 160 100 80 100 100 80 100 80 100 20 1,600 1-4 1,250 94 7G0 25 2,800 224 2,500 124 1,250 124 1,250 10 800 124 1,250 194 1,560 Margaret Margaret C. “ Alexander . Truchelui, M. C. D. Thotftas,' tl. AV. executor Tubman, It. Trustecs of the Academy of the county of Chatham Uutbn SSocifety Union Society Wallace, N. A G. W. Ander son, trustees. Wyer, II. O. Wilkius, M- C. “ Archibald, senior, “ Elizabeth “ P. IJ. senior ‘ “ P. II. senior, guardian ofj. C. W ilkins * < Wilkius, P. H.'juhibt * White, \V. M. A A. Knox, trus tees Woodruff, Thomas M. 1 “ Mary p. 4 “ Georgia ' Wallace, N. W. Scarbrough, & W. Taylor, trustees of L. Isaac 11 Wardens and Vestry of Christ’s iij Church, Savannah 100 Wnrdens and Vestry of Christ’s Church, Savannah, 80 80 100 •SO J00 SO 6 9. n 5 15 4 2 10 5 9-1 4$0 1,760 500 1,200 400 ICO 800 400 7,520 300 03 5Q 6 5,040 3,200 600 60 16 -M 10 1,280 2,000 800 153 12,64ft 90 7,00ft 50 4,00ft 174 1.40b 654 5,240 22 ~5 5 121 1,76Q 40b 400 9,68ft 2G 359 7C0 6,487 535,400 Personally appeared before inp, G. W- Anderson, 1 President, andJ. W. Marshall, Cashier, who being 80 67 260 200 5,360 100 80 10 50 1.C00 4,000 13 100 80 15 100 80 100 80 100 80 100 2 50 75 20 15 3 20 10 3 6 17 14 22 3 a 60 65 25 1,010 160 1,500 160 160 4,000 5,920 2.000 1,200 240 1,600 800 210 600 1,360 1,200 1,760 240 320 6,000 5,200 2,o>>0 duly sworn, depose and say, that the above L a correct and true list of tho Stockholders of the Planter’s Bank of the State of Georgia, as taken from diestock ledger. J., Transfer If Discount department. Planters’ Bank, Savannah, 1st April, 1836. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks. &c JLalesl style Drab Hals. GEO. A. KIMBERLY H AS now op hand, and in progress of manufac ture, an assortment of the above named HATS, which for style and quality cannot be excelled ; and at prices lower than usual in this market, march 17 37 DOTTBH’S C.ITSSOCl4 O.V, \ supply just rec’d bv II tv J SHOTWEl.I. 200 Bagging. PIECES heavy Hemp, for sale by mrnmi ‘wis. May 12 45 CRAFT & LEI CoiKirlncrsIilp.. FBI IIE undersigned have formed a connexion for B the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under the firm of COOMBS A DOUGHTY. JOHN S. COOMBS Savannah. June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY. Bolting/ Cloths. N OS, 3,5, 7,9,10, Anchor Brand, for sale by April21 43 CRAFT A LEWIS. June 23 Rouse and Lot for bale. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale Iii* House and Lot on Cherry street, be ing pleasantly situated, containing feu good rooms, and every necessary ont-b uil ding. JOHN IIOLZENDORF. 62 5t A Lime For Sale. PPLY to WILLIAM DANIEL, who has made ( arrangement* for a quantity, and will he deliv-1 at his shop, or bv the load, at any place in the JFkpr Sale, A comfortable dwelling house with out building* complete, situated on Poplar street and .Cotton Avenue, a delightful _ situation with one or two loin and fine wa ft fer, will be sold on reasonable terms for rash. Pur terms apply in Macon to MavIJf, 48 WM. DANIEL. _ at any place in me 1 GEORGIA ; Campbell county '".v for cash. April $5 44 ’ WM. DANIEL, j -**JHKkEAS Sidney Wtlkerson gppli — “ V r . for loiters of dismission from the lies to me Estate of P iouiprcliciisivc Commentary, i Thoinas w . Wilkin, deceased: OR sale at the store of J. II. & W. S. ELLIS. 1 T/imc are therefore to cite and admonish all and singi rnil - Agentsaud subsctiber* will call and get ; tar the kindred aid creditors of mid dr erased, lobe as c ’ April 6 41 appear at my pffiee within tht time prescribed by law to Cuba . tlotassrs and Bale Hope. 20 HHDS Cuba Molasses prime ijnality. .. — 100 Coils halo Rope, best quality, May 5 45 for sale by REA tt COTTON- gtteoquso^a»f they have, win; .-aid httm! I mat be granted. , Given under my hand at office, June 11, 1836. 52 Imp E. P. BOMAR. c. c. o. Summer Clothing:. A Large assortment just received bv april 27 “ 44 CRAFT & LEWIS. J Ca UST receiv Mny 5 45 rpctinpr and Rugs, red, a large assortment, G. W. PRICE A Co. Fresh Canal Flour. ik/k BBLS Canal Flour,* QP ™ r 10 boxes fresh Raisins. Just received by CIIAS. CAMPBELL. June 30 53 T HE Subscriber will take risks for the Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, during the absence of W. Melrose. Esq. D. B BUTLER. June 3U 53 2t F OR Fever and Ague—Rowan’* Tonic Mixture —Quinine Mixture, for sale by & VV. s. april 26 44 J. H. ELLIS. Wool. T HE subscribers will pay cash for9000 pound* clean wool,CRAFT A LEWIS Lawrence, Garrett Harris, Jeremiah Harris, Jer. trustee Columbia county academy Hamilton, T. N. Henry, I. Cash Mealing, II. Moore, John Morgan, F. A. Nesbitt, estate of II. Paruielee, F. J. Porter, John Peck, Samuel II. Quin, estate of Edward Shannon, James Sp&icer, Alexander St. Andrew’s Society Turpin, W. H. Tubman, Richard Smith, William White. George O. White, Ann E. Waters, C. and C. A. Harper, trustees of Charles Jackson, ’ ’ ' ‘ Wardlaw, James Miller, A. J. 100 50 12 25 13 13 • 4 44 Jones, Geo., iu trustfor Sarah 44 44 44 N. VV. 85 80 14 2 3 60 6 179 240 4,600 480 •• N. VV. for his daughter S Julies 4 « 3 240 1,344 Johnston, P. A. «* 19 1,520 10 E. H. “ 31 2,480 100 *’ L.C. «» 40 3.200 445 “ M. H. «• 19 1,520 50 •• R. R. 24 1,920 10 35 33 33 '* S. M. 44 19 1,520 44 VV. P. 44 19 2,520 Jackson. J. J. 44 12 960 Jackson, Jabez 44 29 2,320 33 Ker. Mary 44 8 640 Kollock, P. M- 44 4 320 33 “ M. F. 44 4 320 33 “ M. F. 100 3 300 40 44 George J. 80 4 220 25 Lamb, James 44 100 8,000 30 10 10 Lamb, James 100 100 10,000 Lawrence, J. T. 80 2 160 30 LeiouIl.,T. E Lloyd, guard’u 100 5 500 100 LeCompte, Lewis 80 72 5,760 21,0 Lew, Audrew •* 50 4.000 Maimiug. James 44 75 6,000 25 Milieu. Ann C. «t 27 2,160 77 Miller, Eliza 44 10 800 10 50 Meigs, Jona. 44 4 320 155 Montgomery, Jane 44 ’ 2 160 100 Mougiu,J. D. J00 100 10,000 l00 lMo rreheail, J. trustee 80 20 1,600 25 Molyneax, E. Junior too 95 9.500 30 Mims, Hetty and Philppa 44 0 200 5 Minis, Hetty and Philippa 80 20 1,680 60 Murfev, John 44 40 3,200 75 Myersj G. \V. 44 0 160 25 90 50 100 80 Myers, C. 11 2 160’ Nicoil, J. C. 44 25 2,000 O’Byrne, L. and II. Cassidy, trusees ' «« 5 400 150 O’Byrne, Daniel Perry, J. (5.—H. Taylor, guard. 85 2 175 50 bb 9 720 50 Peitibone, Sarah *• 23 2,240 100 Pray, Ann *• 126 10,080 25 Pattersou, William 44 20 1,600 10 90 100 Ralston, R. 44 2 160 Rees, Mary D. 44 2 160 125 Rice, Mary D. 85 4 340 25 Rice, M. R. 44 4 340 75 Richards, G. E. so 0 160 1 STRIKE THE LYRE AGAIN. “ Lake biipcrior.” “ Father of Lakes!” thy waters bend Beyond the e.igle’s utmost view, Whet:, throned’iu Heaven, he sees thee send Back to the sky its world of blue. Boundless and deep, tho forests weave Their twilight shado thy waters o’er, And threatening cliffs, liko giants, heave Their rugged forms along the shore. Pale Silence, 'mid thy hollow eaves, With listening ear, in sadness broods ; Or startled Echo, o'er thy waves, Sends the hoarse wolf-notes of thy woods. Nor can the light caiioe that glides Across thy breast like tiling of air, Chase from thy lone and level tide The spell of stilluess deepening there. Yei round this waste of wood and wave, Unheard, unsec-n, a spirit lives. That breathing o'er each ruck anil cave, To ail, a wild, strange aspect gives. The thunder-riven oak, that flings Its grisly arms athwart the sky, A sudileu, startling image brings To the loue traveller’s kiudleu eye. The gnarled and braided boughs;’that show Their dim forms iu the forest shade, Like wreathing serpents seem, and throw Fantastic* horrors through the glade. The very echoes round this shore Have caught a strange and gibbering tone: For they have told the war-whoop o’er. Till the wild echoes is their own. Wave of the wilderness, adieu ! Adieu, ye rocks, yo wilds, yc '.vnode 1 Roll on, thou element of blue, Aud fill these awful solitudes! Thou hast no tale to tell of matt— God is thy tltomc. Yc sounding caves 1 Whisper of Him whos/* mighty plan ‘ Deems as a bubble all von;’ Waves'! Shares 5,000 On which $35 per share paid in, is $175,000 SAVANNAH PLANTERS’ BANK. "■* 1ST ,of /|ie Stockholders of tho Planters’ Bank of JLi the State of Georgia ;— Stockholders. Shares. Amount. Academy of the county of Effingham. 80 20 1.600 Anderson, George 8 IPiitdoic Glass. By 10, 10 by 12, 12 by 18 Just received and for sale by may 19 CIIAS. CAMPBELL. ■N HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on duppe Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov.5,1836. " ROBT. COLLINS. Bacon. 1 IIIIDS bams, choice for sole by June 23 52 quality, just received and REA & COTTON. James XI. Cooke, -Vo. IOO, Br oadway JS'ctc York, OFFERS for sale every description of Cabinet Furniture, such as Sofas, Sideboards, Bureaus, Ta- I hies, Divans, Chairs, Looking Glasses, Bedstcds, hair Mattresses, and every arti cle iu the furnishing line, which will be sold lnvr for cash or on time.’ Goods packed for shipping at short notice. 21 ' ‘ ■■■ if «/• Jk\ % April 21 43 3m do Eliza M. Eliza C. Mary S. Edward C. Georgiaiia Ann C. Julianna W. in trust for Eliza C-, Mary E. George W. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Arnold, C. M. Alrny.C. H. Anciaux, L. Barclay, Anthony Blanchard, C. Ball, C. Ball, 'A, Barnett, S. J. Barnes, C. Boyd, E. A. Barron, Ann Barron, Ann Bolton, E. 44 R. R. 44 M.—C. Bolton, trustee 44 James, son of John 14 Ann H. daughter of Bourke, A. tmsteee of E. Smith Bourke, A. trustee of E. Bourke Bones. John, guardian Bowen, W. P. estate of S. Wjlkins 100 80 179 14,320 2 10 10 10 10 10 4 10 2 200 800 800 800 800 800 320 800 160 120 15,200 4 320 16 1,280 1,920 3,520 160 24 44 2 2 100 60 2 12 10 28 •2 2 2 2 12 11 3 15 25 75 160 160 160 960 800 2,240 •200 160 160 160 980 880 240 1,200 2,000 6.000 100 8ft 100 85 80 T. J*. •* A. junior “ Alexander “ William Roma, F. Roma, Victorie Ross, Hugh Roser, Henry Stow, E. C. Sinclair, E. agent Smith. James, guardian Shaffer, II. S. Shaffer, H. $• Scarbrough, Julia J. " Charlotte “ Lucy Seymour. C. F. Smith, Catherine) Scott, \V. J. Scott, Elizabeth Stormont, Thomas Shodde, T. A. trustee Scott, Robert Shaffer, Mary Smith, A. junior, trustee •* ** *• of E. Magill “ “ •* *» of". MagiU 100 75 20 2 100 80 100 60 Saunders, Eleanor Scotr, estate of W. J. Scott, estate of VV. J. Stephens, A. W. trustee Savannah Female Asylum Sorrel, M. A. D. A.E. D. Francis > L. J. Stiles, R. W. Stiles, R. W. Theological Seminary of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia Taylor, M. C. 91 ’ !*'. '-’t. 80 20 5 4 2 4 5 20 6 3 1 71 9Ji 160 160 160 160 240 160 6,000 1,600 200 400 - 500 425 720 160 160 160 1,6U0 500 320 16o 230 400 2,000 43u 240 80 7,100 2,000 100 80 211 16,880 19 1,900 A Capital Picture.—The following capital picture ofa political loafer, is copied from the Cincinnati Far mer:— Peter Brash was in a dilapidated condition—out at elbows, out at knees, out at pockets, out of spirits and out iu the street, an “out and outer” in every respect. lie set upon the curb stone, leaning his head upon his hand, his elbow being placed upon a stepping stone. Mr. Brush had for some time been silent, ab sorbed iuueep thought which he relieved at intervals by spitting through his teeth, forlornly into the gutter. At length, heaving a deep sigh, he spoke: ‘-They used to tell me to put not your trust in princes—and I hav’nt. None of ’em never wanted to borrow no thing of me. Princes! pooli 1 put not your trust hj politicianers! them’s niy sentiments—There’s no two mediums about that. Havn'nt I been serving my country these five years, like a patriot; going to titcej- inga aud huzzaing my daylights out. and getting blue as blazes;hav’nt 1 blocked the windows, gotlibked fif ty times, carried I don’t know how many black eyes and broken noses, for the good of the commonwealth, and the popularity of our illegal rights, and all for what! Why fornix. If any good Las coinc out ofit, Ihecoun- try has put the whole of it into her pockets, and swin dled me out of my earnings. I cant get no office !— Republics is ungrateful. I didn’t want 110 reward for my services. 1 only wanted to be took care of and have nothing to do; and I have only got half nothing to do"!—Being took care of was the main thing. Repnh* lies is ungrateful, I’m swaggered if they ain’t.”— “Come along with hie,” said Charley, helping him along, “I’ll'talcs care of you. But wbat made you a politicianer’.havn’tyouagood trade?” “Trade! yes but what s a trade, when a feller’s got a soul—a whole soul? Trade ! I loved mr country, and I wanted an office— I didn’t care what if it was fat and easy. I wanted to take care of my couutry, and I wanted my country to take care of tne. Head work i* the trade I’m made for ( ur .miking that’s my line. Talking in the oyster cellars—in the bar rooms—any where. I can talk all day, only stopping fi>r meals, and to wet my whistle.— But parties is all alike. I’ve been all sides—tried e’«n, and I know—none of’em gave me any thing, and I' »c 11 mind to knock off and call it halfa i'ay.'’ Every body knows, what a pattern for prudery In dy Morgan is. The other day she corrected a lively young tnilesian lass for saying, ‘she could not see a cer tain object with thenaked. eve.” ‘Kitty!’ exclaimed the Authoress of the‘Book of the Boudoir,’ upon tny conscience you ought to be more delicate in your lan» gunge—always for tlie future say tho 'undressed organ of vision.” , French mode of making Brandy Peafhe$.—-Scald them 118 11'7-lU 1 ' n I 101 water, then dip them in hot strong lie, rub them wit 8 400 with a cloth and throw them into cold water; make a eu rr.’tuu S y ru p 0 f3-4 0 f a ppittid of sugar toone pound offrnit, and when cold put in an equal quanttiy cf brandy. 100 80 2 3 20 2 40 23 160 240 1,600 160 4,000 1,810 400 480 Tansy.—This herb may be frequently observed grow ing in tlie country church yards, which induces us to think it was formerly used a; a funeral phut- Tansy has this peculiar virtue, that if any dead animal sub stance be rubfied with it, the flesh fly will hot attack it. Boerhave says, the leaves applied to a dead body, and intruded into the mouth and nostrils preserve it from putrefaction and insects; wt.enco the plant has been called Athanasia. that is immortal plan'.