Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, August 04, 1836, Image 1

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k MACON GEORGIA TELE016API ^7—✓' / 4 vw-mw+m L c2 By M. BARTLETT. .71.1 CO.V, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4L 1836. Volume X.—dumber 58. Verms of Subscription. Three Dollars, paid tn adtanre. will pay for the pa yer oneytar. Five Dollars, paid in odrance, uill pay for the paper two years. Tx* Dollars, paid in advance gilt pay for the paper five years. When oat poll within six. months after the year has tamounted. Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum wiU he charged, if not pall until the end of the year, fjur Dollars per annum will be charged—with interest thereafter. Terms of Advertising. Advertisements not exceeding one hundred words, half a square, or twelee brevier lines, will be inserted one time for One dollar. IPhen more than one insertion is given, 75 cents for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance. Sheriffs', Tax Collectors'and Coroners' Sales are char- gsd by the levy. Yearly Advertisers will be allowed two squares in each paper for Twenty Dollars per annum; and in the same ratio for a larger space—payable quarterly. *ork X if a rim JLitte of Packets. BRIG Amelia Strong, l. Cbace, Master, Premium, Mr. Matthews, " new M Darien, C. P. Buckley, " “ Macon, A. Bibbins, ** ’Schr. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, " All good and substantial vessels, well calculated for the TROT HILL, THE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter ,V Cornwall, that he intends re timing the Ware House X Commission Business, at the store noxt above the one recently occupied by T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as tho town ofTroy. * Ho further informs the public that he has bought the Goods, &c, and having now on the way, from New York, and other places, JDryr Goods and Groceries, takii REIuW.&2u. J.A.&S.S. VIRGIN Watch Makers St Jewellers, Would inform their friends and the public, that they have remov ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently oc cupied by J H Sc W S Ellis,drug gists, where they will be happy to ith a call. They together making his stock complete, which will be sold serve any who may favor them with a call, have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of low for ready pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton | Wk/3.tcIlCS» JcWelrV* &€• early in the fafi, and be prepared to make advances ° r * he latest fashions, which they will sell cheap for He would particularly notice to his friends the great cash-consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es- advantages his Warehouses have over those in the capement, duplex, epme, alarm and vertical Watch- dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being j b ® st • gold, silver and steel guard detached from other buildings and at a distance from Seals and Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast iy street or lane, and well enclosed Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, May 5 45 tf H S CUTTER. | gold and silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea, — w- t i- -— : —— salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and S * .tiTCT r>i a '• _ r .l c I cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free A ofTv hT «k?n?mo e nart?erS from nUoT 5 •Uver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil- • i, “ ken ,mo P ^uu h P ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snuf- rrancw McTeir and Robert H. Lawrence. The bus,- BoxeSi Accordian9 , Hutes, Flageoletts, ness w.llbecouUnucMatthooldstand.ur.derthef.rmof Fif ; g DrulI1Si &c. Swords, sword Canes, Knfvesand *'“*"“*-*'» IwCXlalK A. VO. I | pj st0 ] Sj among which is Rnggles’ pocket Rifle, that on the same liberal terms as heretofore. The under signed will give his personal attention, and solicits a paasenge experienced commanders. One of the vessels will al- i claims against W. & II. Bryson.yvilMte settled b; ways be at each end of the Line to receive freight, and | new firm, will sail regularly once a week. Shippers by this lin can effect Insurance at five eighths per cent- and the' may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched The subscribers are also agents for several Steamboats to run regularly daring the boating season between Darien, Hawkinsville, and Macon, and are induced to SAMUfiL CLA ISSt Ware House X Commission Business THE SUBSCRIBERS inform thei * A friends, and those of the firm of W. & tifmi M' Bryson, that they will contiouo the I will give satisfaction to all who may en ———•-— , . . .... . - , business under the firm of Clarke, Me- in his hands. Spoons&c-engraved- believo that they can give great fiicilities in forwnrding Tair&C0 |ltthel|t0refOc iedb W . & H. Dry- 1 1 .. m n A. .1.. . •. *i a .1 lAV tlin intssiAV At f Ka Si fat A I • . ■. ■ • ■ ^ goods destined for the interior of the State. HAWF.S, MITCHELL & COLLINS, Darien. 1st July, 1835 3 Agents. will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and gloss Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other artioles usually kept in their line N. B. We have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can. and entrust their work Oct-1 if niches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Xc. .Tlatgyn Steam Boat Company. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox, do. EXCEL. “ J. L. Willcox. son; all Cotton stored with us, will be insured from | C. G. St. JOHN fire, free of expense to the planter, which will make wmrATCII Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op our Warehouse more safe than any fire«proof Ware-I y y posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in- house in the city. The rates of Storage will be cus- I forms his friends and tho public, that he has taken the tomary. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton I store formerly occupied by tho Hawkinsville Bank and Produce, and all Cotton consigned to us by cus-1 where he is now opening a new and splendid assort- tomors, will bo sold free of commissions. The Receiv- lnent 0 f WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best quill ing «fe Forwarding businesswjll be continued as here* I jt y and latest fashions selected with great taste and tofore. We hope that sUrict attention to busines. | judgement expressly for this market, among his ossort- * * * *“ ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s and Ruby Cylinder . Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenent seconds of Who have on hand, and offer for sale on their usual | jj, e most approved makers and rated to suit the cliin- T | IIIS company hove now their line of Beats in w.llmont a continuance of the patronage so long exten Uent may be found Gold complete order for freighting. They havo a ded to the firm of W. & H. Bnwm. did Gold Duplex, Patent new steamboat added to their line called the Superior, ° fAr^iTni v , Vatche9 w,tb Extra Jewe id ten Tow-Boata. I Who have on hand, and oner for sale on their usual t), e most approved makers ^ mv The Boat* will run regularly between Macon and [ liberal terms, the following, and also a large assort- J ate a general assortment of Ladies A Gentlemen.* arien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every | n,ent °f every article m toe ^ ^ | Gold and Silver^ Patent Levers Lepine and plain NEW SPRING CLOTHING. HORACE FITCH I S now opening at the store opposite the Washing- Hall, a ucw and handsome assortment of Spring: and Summer Clothing. which has been made up by L. Fitch, and will be sold cheap for cash, consisting in part of Super black, browii T yet‘n aud olive cambiett f. Coats, v “ “ “ *'* “ “ dross Coats, “ “ “ •* “ bombazine, f. do. i “ “ “ “ “ “ dress do. “ “ “ “ ' “ summer cloth, I Bron-n and white grass linen frock coats & coattees. Brown and white German and French lineu do. do. black aud green bomazine coats, pants. French & German lin. do bl'k & green cambiett do lasting & Circassian do olive & brown do do Dutch and inixt do br’wndfc. white grass lin do white and buff mersailles do do drilling do vests, do do imp. cord do do do valentia do linen & doe skin do fig. & rib. mersailles do crape dril. &. honey comb plad & spotted do do pants. do &■ fig’d shelly do merino, casimer. lasting do English & French silk do cantoons and cord do bl'k <& fig’d velvet do cloth & casiiuere do Florentine and bombazine with a general assortment do of common do with a good assortment of white & grass linneu short common do Fine liuuen and cotton shirts, linnen and cotton drawers, Angola.nett shirts and drawers, &c. &c. Also, stocks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random, linen, black and white silk half hose, black horse skin, buck skin, black and white silk aud linen gloves, su«- icnders, a variety, Spittilfield, pongee, flag and ban- lia hdkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d and red bordered cravats, white do. stripe ruusian belts, braces,fine browu linen, (for childrens’ aprons) blue, black and green broad cloths, white drilling, bombazine, and merino cassi- mere, fine palm leaf hats, common do, children's leg horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of Hats, Shoes, Boots, Sc. ,n * which I invite my friends and public to give me n call at the store next door to W. B. Johnson. Gentlemen wishing their elothes made to measure at the North, by leaving their measure with me can have them made in the best and most fashionable style, march 31 40 HORACE FITCII. N. B. Those that have not settled up their last years’ account will not forget that I want my dues. H. F. ‘STIX1KK THX LYRE AGAIN.’ Darien, five or r six days with tow-boats. The company have .... . urocery Mj now sixteen tow-boats, all firstrato boats, built express-1 which business they continue oi the navigation of the Oemulgee and Altamaha I scale as conducted heretofore by ly for the navigation of the Oemulgee nvera; these increased facilities will enable the com pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to cotton or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are also, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and Now York, which come to Hawes &■ Mjichel, of Darien. Agents for the above Boats : J. GODDARD, Macon. Botce, IIenrt A- Walter, Charleston. L. Baldwin & Co. Savannah, Hawes, Mitchell &. Collins, Darien, Geo. K. Roberts, Hawkinsville, Macon, 24th Dec., 1835. 26 Ocmutfzec Steam Boat Company. 3Sgg£ T HIS company will bo prepared to commence bu siness, early in the noxt season—They will have j a lino of Packets between New York, and Darien and j Grocery JLine, on the same extensive W. &. H. Bryson. 1000 pieces best Hemp Bagging. 50 do Osnaburgs, 150 do Cotton Osnaburgs, 700 lbs hemp bagging Twine, 110 hhds Sugar, 40 do prime Molasses, 500 bags prime Coffee, , 100 do green and white Java Coffee, 200 kegs cut nails, assorted, 5000 bushels clean Liverpool Salt, _ 650 sacks do do. in good order, 700 bbls assorted Domestic Liquors, 6 pipes Cognac Brandy, 4th proof, 5 pipes pure Holland Gin, 2 hhds Jamaica Rum, 100 bbls and qr casks of different’kinds of Wines 10.000 lbs rock Salt, 10,000 lbs Castins, assorted, Also, a full assortment of Smiths’ Tools. Augusta, July 20,1836. 57 2mp Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Breast Pins and Finger rings. Gold und silver ever pointed pencils. Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, ,&c. &c. Together with cles kept in htsline N. B. He has selected the best of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom.' A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 Wjftl. H. BIKDSALL. H AS Just received a new aud extensive as sortment of Ready-made Criothiag. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Clodi Coattees, and bluo, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Merchants’ - Insurance Company of J Sn P er - blue - b,ack . invisible green, drab, brown, olive, Macon. I an d green Cloth Pant; loons, Capital Stock 100,000 Dollars / Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet PuuuJoous, A COMPANY, under the above title, has recently Youth’s cloth and sadinet Dress and fcV a Coats, been founded with an 'actual cash capital of do „ ?° Pantaloons, One Hundred Thousand Dollars, B,ack blneCass.mere, black nun colored Velvet, to be paid on the first of October next, at which time I black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light -- •• ... 1 colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toilinet. Swansdown and Sattinet Vests ,1V THOMAS MOORE. Thr lumoicr \ veb* that Doat anilaiunc,' The rammer <lcwe that fall, Though light tbi'f be, thij hoar! ofmioo Ii lighter than item all. It tells me every cloud ie part Which lately teem'd to lower; That Hope has wedyoung Joy atlart, And now's lhair nuptial hour. With light thut round, within, above, With nought to wake oaaaig'i, Except the wiah that ell we love,. Were at thia moment nigh. • It aceme aa if I.ifc'a brilliant ran Had (topped in full career, To make thia hour ila brighten one, And rcat in railiance here. H AVING declined belli" absent from the State, and having increased my stock, I now offer a Large Assortment of Hoods, suited to the trade of this place, at wholesale or retail, on accommodating terms. I invite my former custom ers and others, to call and judge for themselves. July 14 55 DAVID RALSTON. P S. Cash will be paid lor good beef Hides. In Codo Quics. BY J. H. BRIGHT. Should sorrow o*er thy brow. In darken'd shadows fling, And hopes that cheer thee now. Die in their •_*urly spring ; Should pleasure at its birth Fade Like the hues of even. Turn thou awsw from earth. There's rest for thee in If wen. If ever life shall seem, To thee a toilsome iray, And gladness cease to beam, l'non its clouded day ; If like the wearied dove O'er shoreless ocean driven, Raise thou thine eye above. There’s rest for thee in Heaven. RutO! if thoughtless flowers Throughout thy puthway bloom* Aud gaily fleet the hours, Unstain'd by earthly gloom; Still let not every thought i To this poor world be given, Not always be forgot, Thy better rest in Heaven. When sickness poles thy cheek* And dims thy lustrous eye, And pulses low and weak, Tell of a time to die; Sweet hope shall whisper thon— “ Though thou from earth bo riven, " There's bliss beyond thy ken, "Thore's rest for thee iu Heaven !** The barkeeper was amazed at such boldness-, ^uppy, and to a Count with a page full of titles, and qunrteriugs as numerous as those of a Ger man Prince. . He reported, as in duly liott’i:!. to his master this outrageous insult. The at os tor looked nt the officer, the officer laughed tit hit*. “ Do you know,the Count! ’ Know hint!” replied he with a sneer mat would have graced the lips of Richard the T.'; ; rd, “ No sir, I do now know him.” “ Good God, sir? what do vou mean or-- quired roino host, aghast. (The Count’- !•«!! still due aud unpaid amounted to tin wards of $200.) 1 At this moment the Count entered the room where the above conversation had passed : and ns he met the eye of the Lieutenant, he turned to the laudlord. it spoke volumes. He turned to go off. ’* Come here, sir,” said tho officer ; and to tho amazement of tho landlord, bar keeper, and as sembled company; tho Count with a faultcriqg step, approached. His cyo was downcast, am! ho looked tho very picture of a detected aud con vreted felon. “You infernal rascal, how dare you can.. here mid assume such names, end attempts to pass yourself off for a geuilemao )" “ Oh. Saro!” commenced the Count, hut ho was interrupted by the cl' : - er, who exclaimen a voice that made the leuco, sir—no lies.” Catching iiiui-bv the him passive; and add- lows : • This fellow hero, devil quake, •• Si- of the coat- he beid i.-ose present a-to!-. To Country Merchants and others. rSJlHE subscriber having concluded to close his 8 Dry-Goods business in this place, offers hi, Stock in parts, or entire, on such terms that country dealers will find it to their interest to make him a call. To individuals he is offering great bargains. July 14 lui—55 JNO. RUTHERFORD. LEATHER. A N assortment of Harness, Bridle and Upper Lea ther, for sale by CRAFT <& LEWIS. ’ July 14 55 LAMP OIL. A GOOD supply of tho best quality Lamp Oil, kept constantly on hand, and for sale bv July 28 57 CHARLES CAMPBELL. I go< —The agents iu New York, Charleston, and Savannah, in .Macon, at a freight agreed on without Mfnned - the city of Maco „ t to ony port or pl#co in t, ie United j Merseilles ToUmet, Swansdown ate charge and the agent in Macon. w, “ «**"«L5 ot ‘ on States! the capital stock will be held ready at all times £»mlet Cloaks and Great Coats, deliverable in savannah. Charleston and NewYorit— t# ^ , 0 ‘ SMlhat may b(J due f r0 m th'ecompanv. Mixed brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats. Tho company • vessels and boats, will be of first class I f *. r*omnanv when rnntn^tprf v\^ith I Lyon Skm Overcoats, Wi . t l 0 d\ P n C M,Petfhe C rfZ^e r oVZ d rrhr^^^ W, b ° I foo^of other distant office.heretofore having done I Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks. Ac •pared to y-o P vri-"\FsONS P A/r«iis in Diricn mnc “ business here, justifies the belief that this local | „ P ”; ^°NGE vV SONS, Agents in Dancn. iaa , imtioa based aa itis> will 5e , - ■ *' —<m .j- 1 particularly when the terms are as liberal as in any o- Suminer A hall Arrangement of the f tber ~ Pionccr Steam & Pole Boat Line T ilE proprietors of the above line notify their friends and the public, that they will have run ning on the Altamaha and Oemulgee rivers during the summer and fall months, four or five Pole Boats, June 16 51—tf James Goddard, President. Wm. B. Parker, 1 J Cowles, ( n . . F. H. Wellman, f Diruturt Thos. Taylor, J James Rea, Secretary. TUB SUBSCRIBERS H AVE purchased Mr. Laird H. Wiley’s inter- _ Cstin thelate firm of Fort, Hamilton & Wi- particularly adapted to low stages of water, and which I let, and Hamilton, Hates & Co. and given IRA I aue - s ~' 1 . e L will be aided by Steamboats when the water will per-1 E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Goods I g°w»t nim - F. F. JLEVVIS. ,TLERCHAJh'T TAIL OB. T HE subscriber has just received a supply of Spring: and Summer Clothing:, made of the best materials, which he will sell low for cash. He invites persons to give him a call. Tailoring Business done os usual at his shop with despatch, and in the neatest manner. He tenders his warmest thanks for past patronage, and will endeavor to deserve a contin uance of the same. F. F. LEWIS. April 21 43 Mulberry st. opposite Central Hotel. N. B. Those indebted will please call and pay their dues—he must have money to meet the demands a- ‘ " F. F L mit. tention to •aid AGENTS. Messrs Holcombe, Peck &. Co. Charleston. E. P. Botts, Esq.’Savannah. Rowland, Crane & Shackelford, Darien. Halstead, Taylor & Co. Hawkinsville. Mncen.'Jnne 30 1 6m WARE HOUSE AND Commission Business. THE undersigned respectfully in- ■$> forms his friends and the public gen erally, that he has l-ecome proprietor of the largo and commodious Warehoftre in East Macon, formerly occupied by Messrs Hamil ton db Haves, where he will transact the above busi ness in all its branches. Ho will make liberal advan ces on Cotton stored with him, or on shipments to any of his friends in Savannah, Charleston or New-York, when deaired; and by his unremitted attontion to bu ainem. hopes to receive such share of public patron age as his exertions and accommodations may merit, D. FLANDERS, The subscribers havo entered into copartnership un der tho firm of FLANDERS Xc COOK, and will, in addition to their present stock, constantly be receiving from New-York and Boston, a large and general assortment of Dll\ m GOODS X GBOCEBIES, comprising Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Iron, Salt,. Bag ging, and every other article in thut line of business. Their friends and the public generally, are invited to give them a call, at tho store fornie r l^occu|ued^t^ D. II.' L. COOK. For Sale, f t landers. July 28 57 3m Commission Business, JOfaritM. ifjFiHE undersigned havo resumed business as a- ■ bove, and will as heretofore, pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. Wo believe wc have made arrangements that will enable us at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when tho river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built exnressly for that business. On oar wharves •are large' Storehouses, calculated for tho storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed ed by any other House. Darien, Slay 20,1835. HAWES. .MITCHELL 6x COLLINS. heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON, HAYES <fcCo. FORT. HAMILTON &. Co. June 23 52 NOTICE! T HE subscribers having purchased the entire Stock of Mr. Isaac Newhall. now oflfer for sale, at ve ry reduced prices, and on very accommodating terms, 60 cases Boots and shoes, of all descriptions, 14 cases fine fashionable Hats, 662 pieces American and English prints, 2 cases silk and Gingham Umbrellas, 50 doz palm leaf Hats. Blankets, shirtings and sheering, and various other articles. Also constantly receiving NEW GOODS from the manufacturers. Merchants and Planters will do well to call and examine, as they can be sold less than they can be bought in New York and laid down here, by 10 per cenL C L HOWLAND, July 7 54 N G PHILIPS. N B; The Auction X Commission Business, will be conducted at the same stand, next door to the Post Office. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. C L HOWLAND & Co. J UST RECEIVED from New-York, and for sale bv S.7IITH, RODGERS X Co. 50 bags and 50 barrels prime green Coffee, 20 hhds prime St Croix sugar, 30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin: We will also soil our DRY GOODS, a splendidas- Bortment, at, or about cost, os we wish to turn our at tention to the cotton and grocery business: July 7 54 A Jh'etc Stock of HhWKHbsTard, 61 hbds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron. 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Richmond Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old. 20 bbls old Monongaliala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75. bbls pnre Rum, and 20 Gin, April 6 41 DAVID RALSTON. FAINTS AND OIL. KEGS No. 1 and 2 White Lead 300 galls Linseed Oil With a general assortment of Groceries, for sale, at the lowest market price. JulySS 57 CHARLES CAMPBELL. HAMS'. 8 HIIDS Boston Hams, a prime article, for family use, in fine order; just received, and for sale by July 28 57 C. L HOWLAND & CO. Carriages, Piano Fortes, &c. S FEW line toned Piano Fortes ; three splendid ti. new built Carriages, for sale by April 18 43 CRAFT & LEWIS Plaid Muslins. A New and splendid article for Ladies Dresses, just received by CRAFT&LEWIS, april 27 44 Etitest style Dr ah Hats. GEO. A. KIMBERLY H AS now on hand, and in progress of tuannfac ture, an assortment of the above named HATS which for style and quality cannot lie excelled ; and a prices lower than usual in this market, march 17 3 LBS prime Bacon, 2000 ibs Lard, May 7 l2 45 For sale by CRAFT & LEWIS. Commission Business, Darien. T H HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership for tho pnrposo of transacting a general Com mission and other business under the firm of SNOW A ROGERS, and offijr their services to their friends, and the public generally, in thcabnvo business. Forwarding Goods and produce to and from the interior of the State, will r'coivo particular attention. It may bo proper to state that they havo no connection with any of tho Steam transportation lines; Goods for the interior will always be snipped by those who will probably give them the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1.1836 28 GEO. TL ROGERS JAMES S. S. OLCOTT is ray au- thorised agent during my absence from the State. July 14 55 JAMES S. OLCOTT. MW 11 II I Ulll III I ■ ilT act as my general Agent during my absence from the Sbrte. June 16.1836. J- GODDARD. | INaaA PIECES heavy Hemp, for sale by /•IMJ May 12 46 CRAFT & LEWIS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, JUST RECEIVED BY WM. a. HURDS ALL, A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul berry and Second streets, including the fnllow- g : Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen, Circassian and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS. Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass and brown Linen, and Rouan Cassimere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminet, Cyprus, wor sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola C: si mere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling, Fancy Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mixt, Rouan Cassimere and Jeana PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen, Pongee, RonaK Cassimere and Jeans ROUND JACK ETS. A largo assortmentof fancy VESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, &c. &c- &c. Bagging and Iron. -M Pieces heavy Hemp Bagging ■ 10 tons Iron assorted 25 bbls Flour 15 hhds Molasses Jnst received and forsale by may 19 CHAS. CAMPBEEL. Notice. T HE undersigned has connected JAMES D. CARHART with him iu Mercantile Business, at the store located on the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, and the business in future transacted by that establishment alone, will be distinguished by the tide of WM. B. PARKER A Co. the said J. D. C. being tho Company and having an in terest iu the said firm only. July 7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER. Rice. Raisins, Ac. CfcUN TIERCES Rice, /W Vf 60 bags Coffee, 15 hhds Sugar, 20 boxes best Malaga Raisins, Loaf Sugar, Best Apple Vinegar, &c. &c. April 18 43 Forsale by CRAFT & LEWIS. Molasses A N Hhds best quality family Molassi* just re- TtVF ceived aud forsale by Juue 9 60 SMITH. RODGERS & CO. King Death. BY J. F. BROWS. I am Dealh, kin; of king], and my reign begun With the birth ofaiu and the fall of man, Where Farai.e und Ruin together make (port I boiat my blaclt atandard and rammon my court: For 1 am King Dealh. ) Wbat matters an age or an empire to me, I am lord of tho earth and rulo o'or the sea; The king in bla palace, the worm in hia clod, The oak of the tails, and the grass of the sod : For 1 am King Death. I mix up my gall in the wratera of strife, Audi rolltliair dark waves with the tempest of life, The preudest dyna.ties I crumble to duat, While I rain my black bail o'er the hearts of the just : For 1 am King Death. Old age would fain mock me, I leva! my dart. Youth claims his acquaintance with Love, and I start; But. when he has run hit wild course of delight, 1 lift up my icc cold hand, and 1 unite: For 1 am King Death. The atheist sits in the seat of tho (corner, And weepe in his stubbornness, I am no mourner, 1 smile while he curses, and laugh at the trouble. Who hope against hope, and 1 burst tho bright bubble : Fur I am King Death. T^ime and Life are bold fellows, bat 1 care fur neither, The prince with the peasant I yoke to my tether. The proud with tho abject 1 make draw together In the land where the sun never lit up tho heather : For l«m King Death. The religions man’s hopo I bruise as a reed, The mighty man’s courage I rot as a weed, The upright may smile and submit liko a man, Defy mo and mock me, but triumph w ho can : For I ant King Death. 1 am Death, King of Kings, and Despair it my brother, Sin founded my kingdom, the world knows no other, Where Famine and Ruin together make sport, I hoist my black standard aud summon my court: For 1 um King Death. f HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov.5,1836. ROBT. COLLINS. F OR Fever and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture —Quinine Mixture, for sale by anril 26 44 J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. 'L’oiuitrclieiisivc Commentary, F OR sale at the store of J. H.&W.S. ELLIS Agents and subscribers will call’hnd get their copies. April 6 41 ^^1AJ*T Manryatt’scoi BACON. F OR SALE asnperior lot of Bacon, just received from Tennessee wagons, and a further supply to arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal terms. July7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER & Co. £ea a cotton, OFFER FOR SALE OS ACCOMMODATING TERMS, /f » Pieces HEMP BAGGING, 200 barrels Canal & Philadelphia Flour, fresh ground, and warranted sbund, 205 bags and 20 barrels Coffee, 67 hhds St. Croix and Perto Rico Sugars. 90 barrels do 50 boxes Brown and White Havanna do 90 hhds Cuba Molasses, 56 barrels Gin, 75 barrels Rum, 20 barrels Pork, 30 hhds Bacon, assorted, 10 tierces Rice, 14 boxes Sperm Candles, 20 boxes Tobacco, 30 M Segars, of the best quality. July 20 5C works in i volume, Pencillings by the hVHf, _ Gilbert Gurney, a novel, in 2 volumes, The Naval Sketch Book, 2d series, Life aud times of Rienzi, Spain revisited, by tho author ofa year in Spain, Private Life of LaFayette; Rienzi, Adventures of a Rifle Brigade, Cotton on the Religious state of the country, Tomlin’s Law Dictionary, Milford’s Pleadings, &c. &c. Just received and for sale by June 9 50 JAMES S. OLCOTT. Fresh Canal Flour. ChAh BBLS Canal Flour, 10 boxes fresh Raisins. Just received by CHAS. CAMPBELL. June 30 53 Windoir Glass. 8 By 10, 10 by 12, 12 by 18 Just received and for sale by may 19 CHAS. CAMPBELL, Wool. T HE subscribers will pay cash forS dean wool. ORAFT & LE l pom WIS N Bolting: Cloths. JOS. 3,5,7.9.10, Anchor Brand, for sale by April 21 43 CRAFT & LEWIS. Canal Flour. BBLS Canal Flour, fresh ground, and war- O V ranted sound. For sale by July 14 55 REA & COTTON. Summer Clothing O F almost every description, May5 45 ~ “ G. W. PRICE &|Co. Copartnership.. T HE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU8INESS in this city, under the firm of eOOMBS & DOUGHTY. JOHN S. COOMBS, Savannah, June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY. Carpeting: f UST received, a largo Msy5 46 and Rug assortment, G. W. PRICE & Co. IMaiu and Ornamental Faulting. T HE subscriber has taken the shop formerly oc ( cupied by Mr. Thos. McCleskey, nearly oppo site the uow market, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of House and Sign Painting, Chair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Having in his employment some of the most effi cient workmen to be found in the State, he will be a- ble to undertake largely and execute with neatness. April4 Cm 41 DANIEL T. REA. AMERICAN DUPABILITY. We doubt not there aro those m our own little city who could a “talc unfold” of Counts, Lords, Dukes, Reverend Colonels, and noble Hag-pi pers. at least equal to the following of the Haiti more Count. Chances and Changes—About five years ago ourcity was honored with the presence of a whiskered aud moustachoed foreigner .rejoicing iu one of the longest aud most uuprotiounciable names iu the whole lilt of Italian Nobility. Count C arrived iu this city from the Lord knows where. lie quartered himself at one of o u r most fashiouable hotels and oue whole page of the re gister was devoted to the use of his uaiue, rauk and titles. He ate nothing at the Hotel, for the diuper was not done by au artiste. Delmonica received bis patrouuge in that line. He purchas ed a span of beautiful imported horses aud a Ger man Landau. In tact, nothing American pleas ed the Count but the ladies. They, dear souls, according to his account, (which by the way was always given after dinner) bad dis Among his stories, which were somewhat a la merville, there was oue of his having paid $20,000 was formerly my s-. .. t on board the-" up the Straits. He alwejj^.had a passion for wearing my clothes, wad fot'-a'ic tg time his practice remained u:;d; -overed. At iast 1 caught him ashore in. my rr-w uniform, and kicked him out of the ship. IIow the devil he ever got here, Heaven ouly knows—but how bo mauaged to pass for a Count, for six yon, gentlemen, cau say best”—and with these words, and saluting the Count with his foot t« derrige, he turned aud left the apartment. The Count wished to follow, hut was collared by the enraged laudlord, who, though but an hour before had been all botvs, and smiles, now bad the impudence to touch his sacred person. “ Pay my bill, you infernal scoundrel,” roared ho as ho shook the poor Nobleman, till bis deli cate nerves, uuused io-sticb harsh treatment, al most sunk under tbc shock, or shaking, as you will. He made no reply to the question, but called upou all the stums in the calender for pro tection. They were busy, and his prayers pass ed unheard aud unheeded. The question was asked twice aud thrice, but receiving no answer, he turned the face of the nobleman towards the door, which was conveniently open, and with tho assistance of the landlord’s foot, his lordship . reached the bottom of the stairs very quickly., Without waiting for the parley, he made for iliu. front door and vanished, just as the toe of tbc host’s boot came in coutact with ids person for the last time. The landlord went to his guest’s— tho Noble Count’s, room ; bis trunks were there, but, alas! they were, with tho exception of one shin, which occupied the largest, empty. Necessity had dri ven ihe Count to dispose of bis wardrobe piece-, meal, aud the landloitl’s share of the stock oi). hand w as Hopson’s choice. The truth is, for we must now tell it, the Count was’uo less a personage than un Italian valet, who, having beeuiii the employ of noblemen aud gen tlemen, had imbibed certain uotinus of hi* own importance far from derogatory, aud lie determin ed to iufcct others w ith the same- For that pur pose, he for a loug time had hoarded up ids wa ges, and when he had amassed enough to coin • mence operations on a scale suited to h : s own ideas of grandeur, he started—he purchased a lino wig aud some false jewels, and disguised as a common sailor, he sailed for New Orleans in capacity of steward. Thence ho went lo Cin cinnati iu the satec* manner on board , one o f tile steamboats, and from Citnii.naii he started, lor this city. Here be, commenced his. operations, * which, for nenrlv six months, had succeeded to admiration, and for how much longer time he might havo acted Count, none can tell. Hut who shall tell the anger, the disdain, the contempt of the ladies, who had fondly dreamed of one day hearing themselves addressed as •* Mi Ladi?” (I don’t mean all at once.) Who shall say how they reviled—how they abused the me mory of the poor Count ? Not 1, although I have heard and know. I leave you to imagine them. Last week I saw the Count—but wbat a Count! He had managed to keep bis over coat, and tt.a: remained oue of •* auld laug syue.” His bat had been.” Before I had time to remark furtlu r he turned a comer very sharply a^d disappear ed. I turned to see if there was any cause fm damages in oue of our western cities, on au ac- thi ' s apparently sudden cluing* of course au lion for a breach ol'marriage promise; but he al- * a ' s ho had | )ecll previously c \v{tvs mHininmnn fnnt mil no onntnctPi tlm 1 . • , Lime For Sain. 4 PPLY to WILLIAM DANIEL, who has made arrangements for a quantity, and will be deliv ered at his shop, or by the load, at any place in the city for cash. April 25 44 WM. DANIEL Printing: Paper. A small lot of Printing Paper, 23 by 35 inches, good quality; a few reams Foolscap; Cards, &c. just received, and forsale. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. July 14 55 Paints, Varnishes, Ac. W HITE LEAD, Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow, Red Lead, Litharge, Lamp Black, Whiting. Terra de Scinna, Spanish Brown, Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Japan Varnish. Leather Varnish, Picture Varnish, also, Window Glass, JPaint Brushes, Xc. Feb 18 35 By J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. T HE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Saltmarshlf Overton isthisday dissolved by mutual consent. O: Saltmargh is authorised to re ceive and liquidate all demands in any way connected with said firm. O; SALTMARSH, January 1,1836. 3mp 54 W. H. OVERTON: P ure White”Lead und Linsaed~Oil for sale april 26 44 by J. H.& W. 3. SLLfS. ways maintained that had he contested the point he must have gained, as the lady was iu fault, but he was too gallant un Itmno to mind a trifle of$2U,0t)0 when a lady was concerned. Ego was his theme, morning, noon aud night, and he actually believed many of the stories he had told, because he had related them so often, tboy were a part and portion of himself. The Count visited iu the first circles and was “the observed of all observers.” The very name of the Count had its effect upou many of our bright ladies, through whose busy brains ran vi sions of Palaces at Milan, Villaso" the Aruo, aud spleudor unrivalled. One young lady who had mogt probably rend or heard of Wilkes, was once beard to declare pettishly, in answer to the imper tinent remark of some native fop that the Count squinted “ not more than a gentleman should.” He did squint, 1 had forgotten to mention that, but, in a Count, that could be no defect. It is a beauty in au editor—how different in a Count ? The Count’s funds held out for some time, al though he had cut a pretty severe dash; but there must bean eud to all things. His first move was the sale of his Landau and horses. Then he grew extremely partial to American cooking and took his meals at tho hotel. He aHo grew tem perate, but did not givo up his wine entirely. Prom Hock aud Champagne he fell to bumble Port and Claret. His beautiful rings disappear ed one by one, and people began to wonder a’ the singular taste of the Count, iu changing his attire and habits so thoroughly. About six mouths after bis arrival, an Ameri can naval officer returned from the Meditcrra ueau, and put up at the hotel honored by haviug as its guest the Count.—At the dinuer table the first day, he was seated opposite hint, and there was something in the Count’s appearauce which attracted his nttentiou particularly, for he kept his eyes fixed ou his lordship during the whole meal. This was very annoying to the Count as every one present must have observed the ashy paleness of liis face, and the tremor which seized upon him. His eyes fell beneath the steady firm gaze of the Yankee, and, Nobleman as he was, he dared not to ask the cause of this disagreeable and impertinent scrutiny. Alas, he knew too well. But I will not anticipate. What Count is that you have got there?” asked the Yankee officer, whose only r ink was Lieutenant, and who affixed to his name on the book at the bar, U. S. N. Here, sir, is his name and titles. His name coming direci'v towards me. f saw olio of the police office's coming, "find 1 was enlightened. •• Alas, poor Yorick.”—Rail. Gaz. Extract from an American paper.—hi one of our last English papers we notice among other property disposed of nt public sale, that: a congregation of the established church was knock ed down to tho highest bidder for two thousaud three hundred ami fifty pounds sterlibg, or, in the words of the advertisement, that* sum was given for ‘the next presentation to a Vicarage with an income of six hundred pounds per annum, the present incumbent being fifty-nine years of age.’ We can imagine that an experienced -auctioneer would find some difficulty in putting up such a:t article. A lot of human souls would puzzle a man accustomed to dealing in bale goods, aud he might find himself embarrassed for language to tempt the reverend spcculaiors to ollVr an ad equate price for the singular commodity in the market. A simple inexperienced publican could only say, ‘how much is offered, reverend traders iu souls, for this parcel of church-going, tithw-paying parishioners ? .Two thousand pounds. VVL-* =, no more for this profitable congregation ? W ity gentlemen it is not half the value—three bum ■<! and fifty pounds more—dog cheap still.—V ;y only two thousand three hundred aud fifty p r i;... ;; for the power to save or damn so many honest Christians? Is no more bid ?—Going—g.:i ;— gone.’ In onr uncivilized cotiDiry ibis u .uid l o rather shocking, but in England it is ,-.q::i;e ihe reverse. The- vitiou of half the kiuguont is regularly;:' the market, and Christian cor.grega- tio«*r.r<» Sought and sold as we dispose wfire or pice; goo,if; and.ytt these Trail what is lioly and important in this wori*: next, think th o slt-.-y are entitled to revt cause we sell the labor of blacks. St ■ force of names aud power of j-rejui" is so long I cannot speak it, but you can rea yourself.” “ Hum.” said tho Lieutenant having finisher the string pf titles; “d—d puppy-” We owe a short apology it. the reader or tl hurry with which we are und* the necessity gettiug out this paper. C - of our devils g him a new hat, and could i..,;be prevailed or to do any thing but sit sti ' -tt day or two, wear it tcilh all his might / Yes, reader, “ imp!” think you he did not Jt “ too big his breeches !” he actually refused to havo thing to do with “ pi," said he’d throw i< ”h—I” if wo attempted to mr,ke him stonii |N assortment of llirats . Bridkt