Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, August 25, 1836, Image 1
MCMQ—i MACON OEOR ny n. BARTLETT. .II.ICO.T, GJEOAIGI.1. i'emn 01 Mibscriyiion. Three l)oL\.kK*,p*idi* advance, will pay for the pa per ouc year. Five Collars, paid in advance, will pay for the paper two years. Tart Dole ars, paid in advance \oiUpayfor the paper Jiea yean. fFAe* not jut if within m month* after the fear has commenced, Three Dollar» ayd Fifty Cente per annum mill be charged. If not paid until the end of the ytar, f'onr Dollars per annum will be charged-rmth interest thereafter. m Terms of Advertising. TROY HILL. THE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter Sc Cornwall, that he intends re anting the ffSnre House A* Commission Business, at the store next above the one recently occupied by T. J. Chase, on "he margin of East Macon, known as the town ofTroy. * He further informs the public that he has bought the . . , , -j . ... Good*, A c. and having now on the way, from New Advertise neats not exceeding one huwlred words, half y orJ{ #|1< j other | )lCeg 5 1 a . i ’ Vry Goods and Groceries, for One dollar. When mart^ than one Msetttoii u o**: together making his stock complete, which will be sold 73 rents for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance Sheriffs’, Tat Collectors' and Coroners’ Sales arechai ntd by the levy. ° Yearly Advertisers will be allowed two sauaresineack paper far Twenty Dollars per anuum; and in the same ratio for a larger space—payable quarterly. On all accounts for Advertising. Job Printing, Sec. as well as for subscription. Interest iciU be c.urged, when nut scttl d within the year ,VctP fork if Darien JLine of Dackcls. BRIG Amelia Strong, J- Chacd, Master, Premium, Mr. Matthews, “ uew 44 Darien, C. P. Buckley, “ “ Macon, A. Bibbins, 4 'Schr. D. B. Crane. T. Baker, 4 All good and substantial vessels, well calculated for the trade, with good accommodations for passengers, and experienced commauders. One of the vessels will al- way* bo at each end of the. Li no to receive freight, and will nail regularly onco a week. Shippers by this line can effect lusurauce at five eighths per cent and they may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched. The subscribers aro also agents for several Steamboats to run regularly during tlie boating season between Darien, 11 twkinsviHc, and Macon, and are induced to believe that they can give great facilities in forwarding •mods destined for the interior of the State. HAWES, MITCHELL A COLLINS. Dorian. 1st July, 1835 Jt Agents. Tflacoti Steam Boat Company. BSMOVikt s^sajair. lli low for ready pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances — He would particularly notice to his friends the great advantages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being detached from other buddings and at a distance from anv street or lane, and well enclosed May 5 45 tf H. S. CUTTER. Notice. S AMUEL CLARKE surviving partner of the firm of W. «&II Bryson, has taken into partnership Francis McTeir and Robert H. Lawrence. The busi ness will be continued atthe old stand, tinder the firm of CLARKE, McTEIK A Co. on the same liberal terms as heretofore. The under signed will give his personal attention.- and solicits a continuance of former favors. All debts due to, and claims against W. & II. Bryson- will be settled by the new firm. AAMUr.L CLARKE. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. Georgo Willcox, do. EXCEL. ’* J- L. Willcox. T HIS company have now their line of Boats in complete order for freighting. They have a new steamboat added to their line culled the Superior, and ten Tow-Boats. The Boats will run regularly between Macon and Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every live or six days with tow-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all firstrato boats, built express ly for the navigation of the Oemnlgee and Altamnba rivers; these increased - facilities will enable the com pany the means of giving the greatest uespatch to cotton or goods shipped by thoir line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and Savannah, and Darien aud Charleston. There are also, five first rate Packets running regnlnrly between Darieu aud New York, which come to Hawes & Mitchel, of Darieu. Agentsfor the above Boats : J. GODDARD, Macon. Dover:, IIKJWT & Waiter, Charleston. L. Baldwin & Co. Savannah, Hawks, Mitchell & Collins, Darien, Gao. K. Roberts, Hawkinsville, Macon, 24th Dec., IS35. Oemnlgee Steam Boat Compauy. fjl HIS company will lie prepared mcoinmence bu siuess, oarly'in the next season—They will hav _ line of Packets between Netv York, and Darien on.: steam vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon —Tlu' agents in Netv York, Charleston, and Savannah, will be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods in Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi ate charge and the agent in Macon will roceive cotton deliverable in Savaunah, Charleston, and New York— The company’s vessels and boats, will be of first class with experienced commanders, and no expense will be •pared to meet the patronage of the public. PH. K. YONGE A SONS, Agents in Darien. may 27th 1835 49 Summer sTSli Hrrangemcnl ot the Ware House S’ Commission Business THE SUBSCRIBERS informtheir 4> ^£0 friends, and those of the firm of W. & II. Bryson, that they will continue the business under the firm of Clarke, Me Teir & Co. at the stores occnpied by IV. & II. Bry son ; all Cotton stored with us will be insured from fire, free of expense to the planter, which will make our Warehouse more safe than any fire-proof Ware house hi the city. The rates of Storage will he cus tomary. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton and Produce, and all Cotton consigned to us by ciis turners, will be sold free of commissions. The Receiv ing A Forwarding business will be continued as here tofbre. We hope that a strict attention to business will merit a continuance of the patronage so long exten ded to the firm of W. A H Bryson. CLARKE. McTEIIl A Co. Who have on hand, and offer for sale on their usual liberal terms, the following, and also a large assort ment of every article in the Grocery L,iue, wjiich business they continue on the same extensive scale as conducted heretofore by W. A. H. Bryson. 1000 pieces best Hemp Bagging. 50 do Osnaburgs, 150 do Cotton Osnaburgs, 700 lbs hemp bagging Twine, 110 hbds Sugar, 40 do prime Molasses, 500 bags prime Coffee, 100 do green and white Java, 200 kegs cut nails, assorted, 5000 bushels clean Liverpool Salt, 650 sacks do do. in good order, 700 bbls assorted Domestic Liquors 6 pipes Cognac Brandy, 4th proof, 5 pipes pure Holland Gin, 2 hhds Jamaica Rum. 100, bbls and qrcasks of different kind* of Wines 10.000 lbs rock salt, 10,000 lbs Cnstins, assorted, Also, a full assortment of Smiths’ Tools. Augusta, July 20,1836. 57 2tnp WAREHOUSE AND J.A.&S. S. «, uteJt Makers Jy Jewellers Would inform their friends afid j the public, that they have reinov- j ed their establishment to Cotton [ Avenue, to thes;.>re recently oc cupied by J H 4b WS Ellis,drug- gisu. where they will be happy to serve any who may favor them with a call. Tnev have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a huge and splendid assortment of batches, Jewelry, &c, of the latest fashions, which they will sell cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es capement, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Seals aud Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, scup and cream- Ladles—all of which will he warraited free from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays aid Snnf- ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Fiaj$oletts, Fifes. Drums, dtc. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and Pistols, among which is Baggies’ pocket Rifle, that will shoot fifty yards with pqtcision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shc-U, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca ses, Pocket Books and Purstts, silver Snuff boxes, sil ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gift and glass Beads, steel Peas, and a variety of other articles usually kept in their line. N. B. We have the best of material* for repairing Watches of all kind*. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to.thiuk that he can. and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in his hands. Spoons&c-engraved- Oct-1 Watches,~Jewelry, Silver Ware, ttc7 ‘STRIKE THE L»jm AGAIN. From the German. liarvest Song. Autumn winds are sighing; Summer glories living; Harvest time is nigh: Cooler breezes quivering. Through the pine groves shivering, Sweep the troubled sky. minor publications, we were 'without a light to gnide us, until the receut able and in’erestiug work of Dr Combe, on Health and Mental Education. This work [ furnishes a desideratum long needed, aud long felt.— J W hile it supplies the student with the requisite text- Sse tho fields, how yellow! Clusters bright and mellow Gleam on evert hill. Nectar fills the fountains. Crowns the sunny mountains. Runs in every rill. Notv the lids are springing— Maidens blythe are singing— Swells the harvest strain; Evety field rejoices; Thousand thankful voices Mingle on the plain. ( book, it affords abundant evidence to all who 'read it, I that many of the laws of health are fully known and . defined, sufficiently so at least. to render them worthy i the study-of every inquirer after truth, and tq place upon bint, in the estimation of the impartial reader the imputation of a madman and a suicide, who re- j_*cts the conclusions of the author, and acts'in oppo sition to his injunctions. We cahhot give a better de scription of this book, than is'furnished bv the adver tisement of the publishers: ‘•It mty,- in f ct, be called a guide to the most suc cessful development of intellect, to the preservation of health and the attainment of longevity It treats jti> Then when day decline! b. When the mild moon shineth, Tabors sweetly sound j Music softly sounding. O'er the moon-lit ground! eraMMMSStojr bcshvdss. THE UNDERSIGN ID will con tinue to transact the above business at the Ware House occupiedby him last season. Grateful for the liberal patronage re ceived from his friends aud the public, by strict atten tion to business confided to his care, he hopes to merit a share of the public patrooage. He will make liberal advances on cotton stored with him, or on shipments to Savaunah, Charleston and New York. A. E. CHICKER1NG. Macon. August 11 59 Cm C. G. St. JOHN W ATCH Maker A Jeweler Cotton Avenne op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully iu- forrns his friends and the public, that he has taken the store formerly occnpied by the Hawkinsville Bank where lie is now opening a new and splendid assort ment ofWATCHES A JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for ibis market, among his assort ment may he found Gold pocket Clironr,meters splen did Gold Duplex, Paten*. Lever’s and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra’Jewels and iudepenent seconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the dim- ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens Gold and Silver. Patent Levers Lepine aid plain Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Breast Pin-and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed |>eucils, Gold aud silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, Ac. «fcc. Together with a great variety of other arti des kept in hisliue N. B. He lias selected the best of materials for re pairing watelies and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 To he Editor of the Macon Te egrap ; “Houston county, August 15,18.16. ' “Dear Sir—In the August number of the .Literary Journal, p blished in Ch irleston, there is an article entitled “Laws of Health,” the object of which is to recommend the study of Physiology in ur colleges. I have just learned that the Trustees of the Georgia Uuiversity, last summer, recotnmeuded to the Legis lature the institutio of a Professorship f r that pur pose. The Legislature h ve yet to act upon it, t may therefore be of same use to give tbe article a more general publicity. If the columns of your paper are notpre-occupied, I should be gratified to see the at* cle inserted.” U. Pioneer Slcatn & Pole Boat Line. T HE proprietors of the nbovp line notify their friends and the public, that they will have rub- ning on the Altnniaha and Oemulgee rivers daring the summer and fall months, four or five Pole Boats, particularly ailapted to Into stages of water, and which will be aided by Steamboats when the water will per mit. Shifter* by this liue may depend upon every at tention beingpaid, and exertion used to give despatch to property snipped by it to any of the landings on said rivers. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag’t Xacon. ' AGENTS. Messrs Holcombe, Peck A Co. Charleston. E. P. Butts, Esq. Savannah. Rowland, Crane At Shackelford, Darien. * Halstead, Tatlor & Co. Hawkinsville. Macon. June 30 1 dm . JTOTMCE. THE “Steamboat Company o 1 Georgia,” oiler to ahipperc unusu* ay al facilities for transportation o Goods and produce between Sa vannah and Augusta. Having three first ra|e steam ers of speed and light draft of water, with a full set of tow boats, the Company will lie enabled to despatch three sets of tow boats per week, with a navigable riv er. and in the event of a low river their new iron steamboat Chatham, it is expected will be enabled to reach Augusta at all times if there should be three ieet water in the channel of the river. Their other steamers, Cherokee and Georgia, drawing not over three fee’ 6 inches, can, at any timp, other thuu the lowest state of the river, ascend to Au gusts. With these facilities for the convenience of the pub lic, the Stesmboat Company rely upon the continu ance of the patronage of the public, with an a-sntance on the part of the Directors of tho Steamboat Com pany, that every attention will bo paid in the protcc- tionof property aud giving despatch to the same. Aug K <J0 St WM, TAYLOR. President S. B. Co. of Georgia. Commission Business, Baricn. T HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership lorthe purpose of transacting a general Com mission aud other business under the firm of SNOW & ROGERS, and offer their services to their friends, and the public generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods and produce to and from the interior of the State, will receive particular attention. It may be proper to ststo that they have no connection with any of the Ste un transportation lines; Goods forthe interior will always be shipped by those who will probably give them the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1,1836 28 GEO T. ROGERS merchants’ Insurance Company of Macon. Capital Slock 100,000 Dollars : A COM FAN V', under the above title, has recently been founded witli an actual cn*h capital of fine Hundred 'Thousand Dollars, to be paid nil the first of October next, at which time they will commence taking marine risks to and from tho’city of Macon, to any port <>r place in the United States'; the capital stock'will beheld ready at all times to meet any losses that in»y bo duo from thecoinpauy. The claims of this Company, when contrasted with those of other distant offices, heretofore having done much business here, justifies the belief that thislocal institution, based asitis, will be liberally patronized, particularly when the terms are as liberal as in any o- ther marine offices. James Goddard, President. Wn. B. Parker, 'j F. bX..u, } Dimu " Tnos. Taylor, J June 16 51-tf James Rea. Secretary. NEW SPRliMx CLOTHING IIOIMCE FITCH I S now opouing at the store opposite th“ Washing- Hall, a new and handsome assnrtmeutol Spring and Summer Clothing:, which has been made up by L. Fitch, and will be sold cheap for cash, consisting in part of Super black, brown, green and olive catnblett f. Coat*, •* “ 44 44 dress Coat*, 44 •• “ bombazine, f. do. «< J * 44 - 41 44 dress do, 44 44 “ 44 summer cloth. Brown and white gross linen frock coats & coattees, Brown and white German aud French linen do. do. black and green boraazine coats, pants. French & German Un. do bl'k Jit green camblett do lasting & Circassian do olive »fc brown do do Dutch and mixt do br’wn«V- while grasslin do white aud buff niersailles do do drilling do vests, do do imp. cord do do do vaientia do linen & doe skin do fig. Sc rib. mersailles do crape dril. & honey comb plad & spotted do do pants. do tie. fig’d shelly do merino, casiiner, lasting do English & French silk do cantoons and cord do bl’k &. fig’d velvet do cloth & casimere do Florentine and bombazino with a general assortment do of common do with a good assortment of white & grass linncn short common do Fine linneu and cotton shirts, liunen and cotton drawers, Angola nett shirts and drawers, &c. &c. Also, stocks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random, linen, black and white silk half hose, black horse skin, bnck skin, blaek and white silk and linen gloves, sus penders, a variety, Spittilfield, pongee, flag and ban- dia bdkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d aud red bordered cravats, white do. stripe ronsian belts, braces, flue brown linen, (for .childrens’ aprons) blue, black and green broad cloths, white drilling, bombazine, and merino cassi- mere, fine palui leaf bats, common do, children’s leg horn do. and cap*, also, a large assortment of Hats, Shoes, Bools, Sc. which I invite my friends and public to give me a cau ar the store next door to IV. 1». Johnson march :tl 40 HORACE FITCH. WARE HOUSE AND Commission Business. THE undersigned respectfully in forms his friend* and the public gpn- . erally, that he has become proprietor of the large and commodious Warehouse iu East Macon, formerly occupied by Messrs Hamil ton A Haves, where he will transact the above busa- Commission Business, Darien. 1 1 HE undersigned have resumed business as a- bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable its at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for die storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cptton inland or coastwise, are not exceed ed by any other House. Darien, May 20,1835. HAWES. MITCHELL & COLLINS. NOTICE. WM. II. 1IUKDSALL. H AS Just received a new aud extensive as sortment of Heady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adejaid, oil ye brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, . _ Superfine bine, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, aud blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats. Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fatlcy colored Sattine: pantaloons, Youth’s cloth and sadincl Dress and Frock Coats, do do do - Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florintiue, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valeiitia, English Silk, colored and white Merscilles Toiliuet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts. Collars, Bosoms, Socks. &c .■1 .Vetr Slock of SPRING AN»» SUitlHIER CLOTHING, JUST RECEIVED BY WM. II. BUKDS.&Z.L, T the new Fire Proof Buildings„ corner of Mul berry and Second streets, including the follow ing: T HF. subscribers having purchased the entire Staek of Mr. Isaac Newball, now offer for sale, at ve- ness in all its branches. He will make liberal advan- ar ticles. Also constantly receiving ry reduced prices, and on very accommodating terms, 60 cases Routs and sboes. of all descriptions, 14 cases fine fashionable Hats, 662 pieces American and English prints, 2 Cases silk and Gingham Umbrellas, 50 doz palm leaf Hats. Blankets, .hntinga and sheetmg, aud various o’her ces on Cotton stored with him, or on sliipments to any of his friends in Savannah, Charleston or New-York, when de>ired; and by his nnremitted nttontion to bn ainesi. hopes to receive such share of public patron- age as hi* exertions and accommodatimw ma NEW GOODS from the mannfactnrers. Merchants and Planters will do well to call and examine, as they can be wild less than they can be bought in New York and laid do wn here, by 10 percent. ’CL HOWLAND, July 7 54 N G PHILIP-. N B. The .hid ion -V Commission The subscribers have entered into copartnership un- j jfirsincss. will lie conducted at the same stand, next der the firm of door to the Post Office. The pntnnage of the public FLANDERS »i COOK* ! is respectfully solicited. C L IIOWI.ANI) A- Co. aud will, ir rddilicn w their present stock, constantly f r be receiving rom New-York and Boston, a large ind j general assetiment of - D/£\* GOODS St GJIOCCBIDS, 1 comprising Hats. Shoes, 5-addlery, Iron, Salt, Bag ging, and every other article in that line of business > Thsir friends and the public generally, are invitee to ‘♦five I beat a call, •! the stor. forsict^wjupwo bv D. Flanders Joly 28 D. FLANDFRS, II. L. C‘»OK A ^ assoirmeni tff Harness. Bridle atK* I T RK>^L ea * iher, for sale by CRAFT A July I ; j • Camp Oil. ■ iallon- Winter strained Lamp Oil very hand.ome—just received and for sale . * ly H. & J. SHOTWtLL. Jan. 14. 30 Opposite the Central Hotel. 500 For Sale* 250.000 61 hbds gt Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25' hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond Flonr. 5 pipe* pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure Jind three j ears old. 20 bbU old Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbla pure Rwtn, and 20 Gin. 41 DAVID RALSTON. Summer cloth, Bombaziue, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen Circassian and Ronan Cassimere FROCK COATS. Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass aud brow a Linen, and Rouan Cassimere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminnt, Cyprus, wor sted and Vaientia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Caa- stmere, brown and gra*s Linen and Drilling, Fancy Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mixt, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS, ‘COATEES and PANTALOON'S. White and buff grass Cloth, huff and brown Linen, Pongee, Rouan Cassimere and Jea ns ROUND JACK ETS. A large assortment of fancy VE STS. Fine Linen Shirts. Silk under Sihirts and Drawer*, Ac &r Arc. F; F. LEWIS & T. F. NEWTON, .Hermant Tailors, H AVE ent.-red into co-partnur.-diip under the firm of Lewis & Newton, for tha purpose of trans- setiug business iu their line. | They expect to have on liana irum New York, in a short time, a general assortm-.-nt of Cloths, Caasi- meres, Vesting*, &c. Which, together with the stock ou hand will make their arsorti nent complete. Also, a general assortment of Readv-Made Clothing which will be sold low for cash. They solicit a share of the public patroi.age. 1. F. LEWIS, T. F. NEWTON. 1 , Aug 18 60 fit RS. ANN F. TAYLOR A Mis* MARGARET lTJL J. HARVEY will open School, at their fa State - I G. B. CARHART will act as my , "eneral Agent durin" my absence from the , ther’s residence, on the first Monday in September, June 16.1838. J. GODDARD. Aug 11 59 From th; Southern Literary Journal. TIic Laws of Health. “Know thyself,” is a precept which ha* ever been considered as imperative as it is wise. It has always, however, had reference, in its application, to the mo ral and intellectual, rather than the physical man.— Thousands of volumes ha e been written to exhibit and develope the powers and susceptibilities of the human mind, the character and tendency of the af fections ol the heart, replete with instrnctiou forthe improvement of the one, and the regulation of the o- tlier. While genius and talents have been thus exert ed, and been so liberally poured forth, the results of their researches and labors in relatiou to the inner man, is it not strange that so little regard has been paid to tbe outer roan ? Tr o it is, the one is hea ven-born and immortal, endued with susceptibilities of ceaseless improvement, while the other, the tene ment that encases it, is frail, fragile, and snbjectto de cay Yet, it is equally true, that the happiness of man is, in a great measure dependent npon his physi cal condition; nav, that this sometimes controls his eternal destiny. In expressing o -i ( surprise that so little has been done to render us acquainted with our physical structures, we intend not to depreciate what medicine has effected, in discriminating, and curing the diseases which flesh is heir to. Here, much has been achieved. Here, many important discoveries and improvements have bepn made. It has been, however, the aim of the medical profession, to ascer tain the character of the malady, and to learn how to apply the remedy, rather than to investigate the caus- ses of disease, and prevent its existence. The sci ence of ph siology—the laws of the human constitu tion—the only basis of correct knowledge of ph steal man, have never received the attention they merit, have never been ascertained and defined with the pre cision their importance demands. We are not ol the profession, ana will therefore lortify the assertion by the testimony of a competent witness. Dr. Combe, speaking on this subject, says: “There is scarcely a medical school ill tins country, (Great Britain) in which any special provision is made for teaching it; the pupil being left to elaborate it for himself from amid information communicated to him for other purposes.” In our country, it is believed, the remark of Dr. Combe will apply with equal, if not still greater force. If then, ancli are the facts in the department of life, wlteu we should reasonably expect a far different stale of things, how few and limited must be the facilities of correct information in t o community at large?— How general and deplorable the ignorance of, and consequent disregard to, the fundamental laws regu lating our physical condition ? That this inattention and ignorance prevail, and even among educated men, every day’s experience furnishes ample testimony. It is proved by the patent specifics, nostrums and pana ceas, that every where find their ready and confiding patrons. It is proved by the prevailing and extended quackeries of the empirick—by the thousand various and contrarient prescriptions which are daily admin istered, from the “«j*yhji«r4p” of tho old women, to the number six of the man of steam-—means, often times as ’inadequate to the end, as would be the at tempt to extinguish the fires of Mount Etna by a syringe, and as disproportioned as would be the heat of the Volcano, to the absorption of a drop of water. The truth is, the great mass of maukind are ignorant —totally ignorant of themselves. They know not the dangers to which they are exposed, nor with how much facility many of them may be obviated or remedied.— When disease lays his heavy hand upon them, if no faithful physician is near, their efforts at recovery are experimental; all before the is dark, dreary an! in comprehensible. Why is it, that this apathy exists upon a subject in which we are so deeply interested? Why is it. that men learned in every other department of literature and science, are content to live and die, ignorant of those laws o: nature to which they are subject and npou which so much of their happiness and usefulness tnay depend ? Are the laws ol health enveloped in a darkness that cannot be penetrated ex cept by the professional mediciner? Is he always to enjoy the monopoly,and shall none other be permit ted to look behind the veil which he has aided to con struct and throw around the subject? We live in an 4ge of improvement. It has been truly termed the h- tilitarian age. Men of the present day are throwing off many ofthe prejudices, which for ages have fet tered their predecessors. Is it not time that the pre judices which so long have existed^ and which have prevented inquiry and the acquisition of correct and genera] knowledge in relation to the matter under consideration, should be removed? We have long thought that that system of education waB defective, which does not embrace it within its scop6, and conse quently, that all our higher schools aud colleges are censurable for the omission. We coutend, that in all the colleges of our country achair should be filled by a professor, competent t« teach the general principles of physiology—the laws of health. In favor of this innovation, and in exami plain, familiar and perfectly intel igible language, not of disceaso til its ten thousand painful aud appaili..g forms! but of the apparently trivial .circumstances in « hich disease has it* unsuspected origin; shows, for examplb, how it is that a wet foot produces in time an affeqtion of trie lungs, why cleanliness promote^ and preserves health, how exercise produces its beneficial, and indo ence its had efforts; explains, so far as can be Explained, the mutual action of rniud and body up on each other; and tells us ho.vv to av id disease, by preventing or repairing the too' often unreg rded im prudences and neglects, which, trifling as they seem, are yet. in almost every case, the real, though remote agents in producing illness. The excellence of the work is two-fold; first, it: the truth, the wi-dom, and the comprehensiveness of ts instruction; secondly, in the total absence of all technicality, and the straight forward simplicity of the ideas, as well as the hingitagc in which they are conveyed. The matters set 1‘urtli areoi paramount interest among all worldly objects to every rational being, inasmuch as they relate to the greatest duration and highest enjoyment of life, and they are so exhibited, that »o medical knowledge, no peculiar strength of intellect, nothing more, in short, than plain common sense is requisite for their com plete appreciation.” If this be a correct description ol tho labors f Dr. Combe, (and we believe it to be true in every particu lar,) there cun be no validity in the objection, that the principles of physiology are not sufficiently dclii.ed. to make them a subject of collegiate study. One thing at least is certain, all can be taught here, that is known by those who claim a monopoly of the science; in other words, the student can learu ail that is known by the physician, to whose judgment aud guidance he is now compelled, blind-folded, to'surrender himself. _ ♦** i*.on* sands, to evade, detect and remedy, mar.v ef ;ba ri:d- adies to which those nearest at.*!d.-are-t posed. 'Is"ke.p(jiccdL(artd wim is not at tinu »' where fiis frionds aud neichPbr* in tii-' Kefir of peril, cannot * have access ‘o the counsel and skill'fff (he regular pb» » sician, hotv much more extensiv* 1 : mV bo tbe.spbero of h>s usefltliiess? In our Soiuhr' Kenuntry, rorriC- erations growing out of rinr domesticrir.stil’iiinn!*. af ford additional arguments in favor of iFe study, .Vs- uy .ofour pliilitersareoduraio.jt meji. g/atln.’ttespf col leges. They are the gunrdians.of Die health of those dependent upon them, an;! oftentimes pecessttv 'uiuiauity compel'them ta act ffie part of life Teemcal practitioner, as WeJt'as adviser. IIow much belter would they be qualified for the duties incumbent npon hem. had’ffieir early education led-’ them to the invo*i Ligation of‘the character of physical man, and of tho laws which regulate bis health t > 5. .Another advantage of tha proposed study, is its tendency to urrest ffie progress of empiricism, and tii elevate the character of tin*medical profession. That . quackery, in its various form*, is extending wiih rapid ' strides, that it already' ranks among its disciples aiid patronS. many of the higher and more intelligent clas ses of society, and that the nuniber ofthescisdaily increasing, are truths as obvious toVvwy observer as ■is-the ftc:. that confidence in the medical profession is continually diminishing. This is a state of tiling = ap palling to the feelings of every friend of science ot every patriot and philanthropist., .That it shouldtt- m ist iu ibis intellectual age. this- age of improvement, is a singular anomaly. But ns anomalous as it may appear, it is a striking evidence of that improvement. Men now will not, submissively, surrender themselves to the dictation’of others without examination; they - think for themselves and act from the conviction* of their own understandings. When they see therefore, with what facility a medical student can obtain ht* Ij- to kill and to cure, how little is the time devoted to -tndy. how limited the knowledge acquired, iho un- I willingness, (arising too often from inability) to give the rationale of the mode* of disease and their tomc- % - dies. or when attempted to be given, the learned < 1 ttiCai jargon, betraying the igfioranpe ofihe ntflbof .ind the jarring contentions and citnlrarietit pfnirlic ■ in il lation to the same case, of different members of the same profession, they come to the conclusion ih .: the doctors’ science is nothing more than theory, hi* skiH. successful experiment, and-they couseqpebtly, : reject ijjs prescriptions and regard him as au incubus upon < society. With how much propriety conclusions sre .-•.t- tained, and this ostracism enforced, it is not o-ur desire 89 From the friendsand admirers of metaphysics and po- j nor onr pro\ irtce to determine. If is sufficient for onr litical economy at least, this objection would come vviui | purpose, that it will be denied by none out of the pru- a very ill grace. For all who know uy thing of ttiesc j lession. and by hut few,in it. that Ih’o medical proles- scieuces so called, nifitd acknowledge that as in the j sion is degraded by the low standard of attainments one from Locke, to Brovvn, every writer has had his required for admission, by incapacity iti numerous in own peculiar system, founded upon the exploded tkeo- stances, by the oracular mode of communicating its o- ries of those who have gone bolbie him, so in the bill- I pinions, often adopted by the frequently cautious con- er, the labors of diuith aud Say, Kicard • mid Cooper, ) ceaknent from the patient and his intelligent friends, wi h all toe other prominent authors, exhibit a destitu tion of harmony and demonstration which forces the conclusion, that the knowledge of those who know most, is, at best, indefinite, vague aud uncertain. Yet in every college of our country, there is a professor of metaphysics, and in not a few, of puiitical economy. But what are the adv ullages to result from the pro posed plan ? 1. Pretention of disease, and the health of the stu dent. When a youth enters the walls of a college, he enters upon a new tiieatre of existence The re straints of parental solicitude are no longer around him. Temptations, having a direct bearing upon his present aud future health, are evety where before him, ou the o o hand, to exert to their utmost cUrnpas-. the powers of his intellect; on tbe other, to yetid u> tile se ductive allurements of indolence, pleasure and vice.— Ignorant of his physical structure, of its functions, of its connection with external objects, and of their influ ences, he is the sole guardt tt of his health. How 'of ten is it :hat here the seeds of disease are sown, igno rantly permitted to vegetate, and sometimes even fos tered with sedulous care ? How of ten does disease, thus generated, if tt dues not hurry its victim to an early grave, follow him through years of protracted pain, and briug upou him tbe infirmities of a preuji lure old age ? Whar, though it permit him to ascend the bills of science and tii drink at the fountains ot classic lore, yet every step is impeded by physical de crepitude, and every draught is attended with pain From ignorance of the laws of health, and disregard to them at this perio . what talents have been cut oil, what usefulness destroyed, what expectations blighted, what individual suffering endured! Who is there in the circle of his acquaintance, cannot point to those who cau trace the origin of their broken constitutions aud dilapidated etrength, to some trivial excess or neg lect iu the days of their college life; or to others in a similar condition, who will declare, that had they then kuown the elementary principles of jdiysiology. “the winter of their discontent” would have been d ferred and they have evaded the withering prospect before them, of having their “sun to set at noon ?” The friends of education have long been sensible of tbe dangers to which we allude. Aud efforts have not been wauling to obviate and re ieve them Ileace the institution of gymnastic exercises, of manual labor schools, aud of otner expedients of similar'character and tendency. T/iese, under certain circumstances, i-iay be useful, but they pre-snpposr au acquaintance on the part of those for whose benefit they are inten ded, with tiie human constitution, its functions and sus- sceptibiiities, wiiich does not exist. They overlook the propriety, and necessity, of that previous know ledge which should direct their application, and upon which their utility depends They are, for the most part, ro gh-edged instruments, and when placed iu the hands of those who know not when or howto of the character of his disease, its remedies, their con nection with it, aud’their modus operandi. It is fioi’i these causes, mote than any thing else, that have origi-' ii.ited the popular distrust in till’ science and i:.< pro- ffissors, and to their operation,is to he attributed the progress and prevalence of empiricism. Why should thesecatlsesexist, and these consequences result?— The answer is found in the fact that the mediciner deals with those who are ignorant of tho fundamental principles upon which the utility of liis art is founded, and of the duties incumbent upotThiin, with llio.-e who yield implicit obedience to bis decrees, without being able todeiectliis errors. Hence, ali fearojjj theqonsr- quencesof mal-practice is removed, there exists no re sponsibility to public opinion, and theieis,i|o. stimulus to study and fidelity, other than that arising from pro fessional pride, and the approbation of a good cniiiCt- ence. In the other learned professions, a man’s men tal calibre, the extent of his acquirements and tha pe- euliat adaptation ot his talent* to his department, are immediately ascertained, and iu public estimation he at once sinks to the level, or rises to the elevation to which his real merit entitles tiim- The Opmifnil phjj:-^. sio«Hi,-however, cun smbothiv jilide'atmig the current, and without a shadow of claim to it. can meet with success; and sometimes obtain celebrity, and tbe true character of his intellect and attainments' nro never known. Non-let the science of physiology be taught in onr colleges^ and there will annually go forth an ar my of disinterested witnesses, competent to prove, that the human constitution is governed bv known Jaws, laws are, and the absurdity and falla cy of. those who, ignorant of them, undertake to pres cribe fur. aud regulate the systems in which they ope- e fur. aud regulate the systems iu whi rate. Their ideasvvill be communicated to, and exert their influence upon, their families, their friends, and tira circle* in which they move. The quack (will be compelled to retire from the field of his devastations. Ttie regular physician will learn the necessity of be ing able to explain the principles upon which he acts, and of laying aside as a cloak, too thin to ho of any a- vail. the mystery in whichsome now attempt to shroud themselves, and' throw around their duties. Public opinion, thus enlightened aud regulated, will bo to thu profession a refiner’s fire, it will purifv it from the dregs which have encumbered it. and subjected it to odium, aud will place the deserving upon an elevation, whdfe they will command the confidence and respect of all. Wo might go on with an enumeration of the bene fits to be conferred by the introduction of this study in to our colleges. \Ve shall, however,content ourselves witli simply, adverting to itsteiuleupy to tbe promotion of virtuous conduct, to the increased ability it will af ford the individual affected by disease, to give to hi* medical advisci; a more iutell gible account of its histo ry and character; and to the effect produced upon him use ; by his own knowledge, that in submitting to theptc- thetn, as experience lias fully proved, they are' a* aptto scription* of hi* physician, Ik! is rendering oledieucc nation of some of the advantages resulting front it, we propose to offer a few remarks. Before entering into this discussion, it majr be im portant to premise, that we do not wish, under the de- pa tment proposed to be instituted, to establish a me dical school, or in any wa. to underrate the impor tance L>f a regular and independent medical education. AU that is desired is, thit physiology shall be taught as other sciences are taught—the fundamental principles explained, defended and impressed upon the mind.— Will it be said, -A liule teamin' i* » dnngeroui thia?. Drink d nop, or U*te not tha pieriaa »prme V The truth of this monition is no more applicable here, th-rn to • 11 other branches of’ education. No one expects a student in college to become an accom plished' mathematician, geologist, chemist or political economist. And no one would expect him to become a thorough and perfect physiologist. His proficiency in one department, it may fairly be presumed, would bear an equal comparison to his improvement in‘be other*: and the same rule, so far as extent of acquisi tion is concerned, that would render one useless or dangerous, would apply equally to all. The question here suggests itself, are the laws reg ulating th« human constitution sufficiently ascertained an define!, to render them worthy of an introduction into a course of thorough and systematic instruction ?. fr is unquestionably true, and as strange as true, that there has been upon thi* snbject-a lamentable deficien cy of observation and research. Allis not known that should, and will be, known. Here, as in mental phi- losopoy. theory upon theory has been erected and d do injury as good. Who cau expect a Imildiug to be erected according to the rules of architectural taste, by the novice, who is ignorant of the first principles f his art and the use of his tools ? Who can expect, that his own frame, “a harp of a thousand strings.” can be kept in tune, by one who knows nothing of its con struction? Let then the student be early instructed in a knowledge of himself, of those general laws which control the human .constitution. He will then team the character and capacity of bis physical powers, how numerous and potent are the influences which, like covert foes, are lying in wait to seize upon and de stroy him, and-how to evade their approach and resist theirattacks 2. The study of physiology is calculated to exert a beueficial effect upon the mnraj feelings ofthe student. He is here led to the contemplation of one of the no- blest displays of the wisdom and power ofthe groat Creator. In his own body lie beholds a world within itself.—all its parts inutiiailv dependent upon each o- ther, acting in perfect harmony, and exactly adapted to the purposes for which they were respectively inten ded. While with Drvden he is led to the acknowledg ment, that “God sever made hi* work for mu to mend,” he is irresistibly constrained to reverence aud adore tbe author of his being. 3. An acquaintance with the science, leads to a more complete development of the intellectual powers.— There is no truth in philosophy more clearly establish ed than, that the operations of the mind are intimately connected with the physical organization, and conse quently that the successful cultivation of the former, depends upon the observance of the laws of the latter. For instance, the brain is the organ of the mental fa culties. Let this be effected by an excess of activity or repose, by stimulating drink or food, by anger, joy or grief, aud to the same extent are the faculties of the mind affected. He that learns therefore, what are the physician, 1 to the Uws of his Creator. Our object has heeu ra ther to solicit consideration of the subject, than to dis miss it ip all its dentils. We believe the clay is ap proaching, when such will be the improvements of general and profcssicuaj eibiuatlon, that it will he un derstood to an extenf, and followed by practical results affecting tlie ImppiiiesS and of onr race, which none now cAn adequately conceive. Wo call then upon our legislators, upon those who < ontopl tho literary institutions of our country, the gliariJiao* and guides of the education audimprnveinent of em youth, to give it the nttetitiou its importance demands. Geo gia.June, lSliti. In organic laws to which he is subject, learns at the same time the ’ necessity of obedience to them, in order to the full de velopment of the intellect. _ 4. Thi* knowledge is nspfiif in subsequent life. In the selection of studies, constituting what is usually, t-'rm d a liberal education, two objects are alwavskept in view, viz: to extend the powers of the mind and , to improve iu or in the language of an able writer in tlie d'niitirgh Review, “to make the mind an instru- m 'lit for the improioment of science,and to makesci- enee aijius’r’tiuent for tbe immovement ofthe mind To effect the foi mer object mathematics and logic are .d int 'd, and to aeVomn1i«h the latter, reference is had to df! general ranee of other sciences, preference be ing given to the* most clos dv connected with the practical purpose* of life. Now upon this principle of selection, (and it is every yrbare roeognixed.) why it is that th'‘*cience under consideration h.i« been uni versally ex bided it i« difficult lo divine. Next to a knowledge of hi* elnions ■ind duties to his Creator, whateafi be of more on in-itice to a national being? What more useful - in ' I the relations of life? What the amount of^ovd it mav eoah'o one to avoid, and of I good to confer? Its henefi;* ore not the j moltshed. In'our own language, excepting the la-: individual himtidf f* be the head of a family 7 It her* of Sir John Sinclair, aud some subsequent and will onable him to .avoid the errors of physical and jaen- Suicidt.—Mr Joshua Bradford!, who resided iu the west part of this town, committed suicide by cutting liis throat with a sytbc, ou the night ol SSfth instant. Do (old liis wife that ho lienri! cuttle breaking into his enclosures, tinil left the house tinder pretence ofturning them out. After some time, his wife becomiug alarmed ;ii Iris absence, awoke several of the neighbors ;:ud made diligent search for him ; but he w is nor found until inoruiug. Ho was in a field sonif distance from the house, his throat cut from oar to oar, and the bloody scythe lying by bis side.— (jo was about 33 years of age. iu easy’ circum stance, and had a wife aud several ciiildreti- Ptatlsburgh Hep. Fatal Accident. Robert D. Huey, Esq., ar highly respectable citizen of Harris county, was.’' on Monday morning last, shot through iho bedyv and expired in a few hours. ‘1 be Diets,- as iiir learned them, are these: Mr. Huey hud heeu a*’--, tempting to uubreach a rifle guu, that was, con trary to his kuowledge, loaded. For that puv-’ pose, he placed the breach iu the Crc. at tbe SUtBrnT time holding the muzzle, wfceu she went uT.prv- duciug the above stated, catastrophe, t rc/ou- personal ncqaiutanct) with Mr. Huey, we feel un hesitancy io saying that his fiwitfy uictwitii a !osj- tliat cauQut be repaired, find tbe ixjnxpuuity w»- uhich he lived ag, cacvlloot neighbor'and use+iti ciizen.—Col. Sen. Eleven hundred dogs Iravo beeu killed nti4 hmiod in this city within the last :en days. Thi City Inspector paid for tlrar du/uber. and the r probability is that nisuv more 1 which no account bus > >-’•-«»• «*', allowed is fifty cents e;;.. o l :>er, and re uil'ed, of j? i The sqi^ t S53ti have 'becu paid it the time mentioned:—A'. T- Ftmep.