Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, September 01, 1836, Image 2

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V t / ill A COW GEORGIA TELEGRAPH WASTE FROM EUROPE. -ulnmary work has beeu made of ibe as* s;i»rtin Alibeau. It will bo se-u by the extracts from Paris papers. Riven below, that be w.iB tri ed «i. tlte 8th nnd 9th of July, and executed uu the 11 lb. No .dditiouul facts were elicited on bis trial, nor does it appear that he had auy ac complices. Great preparations are inakiug in Paris for the celobratiuu of the “Uiret days.” The King has signified his determination to be present ; not withstanding the rctnonslraucc of bis Ministers. Much exciti meut was caused in Paris by the trial and conviction of the Editor of the Gazette de France, who was sentenced for six mouths im prisonment and a Hue of 4000 francs, for publish iug an objectionable article, or, as the G.izettv says, for defending a principle diametrically op posed to that for which ou the morniug of the awe day Alibeau suffered death. The editor innintniued that the ceiekratiou of the uuuiversa- ry of the Revolution of July, was **au act of deep hypocrisy—an attempt upou the good sense of the public, nud a provocatiou to moral anarchy, which supports anarchy de facto.” London, July 10 EXECUTION OF ALIBEAU. JJy the Paris papers of Saturday and Sunday, wc lctirn that the trial of Alibeau took place ou I’ridny and Saturday, Nothing transpired ou the investigation to implicate any other person* iu hi* detestable scheme, nor was any thing made known by the trial with which the public is uot already acquainted. He calmly throughout ad mitted tltiit it was bis design to kili the King, and be ascribed his determination to the manuer iu 5 ’liicli the government bad, iu hisopiuiou, trodden own the liberties of France aud suppressed the iusitrrcciious. • A great number of wiluesses w ere examined, who iu general, spoke well of Alibeau iu other transactions, giving him n character lor geueroai- (y and honorable feeliug, which did uot, how ever, seem incompatible with sometimes living on oth ers. lie evidently wished to play the hero, aud claimed the right t<> kill tho King because Brutus slew Caesar. There does not seem to have beeu one extenuating circumstance brought to light by j the trial, and the Court seuteuced him to be be headed aud treated as a parricide. From the Correspondent of the London Courier. Paris, July II.—1 have just returned from the harrowing spectacle of the decapitation of this great criminal, who met his death with all the coclncss or rather carelessness, which might have beeu expected .rum his whole deuteauor *htee the moment of his arr<st- Having been made acquainted late last night, with the fact that the awful ceremony was tixed for this morn ing at a very early hour, aud being rather curious to second judge for myself whether the utter iu- diffcrcuce to death which he professed during his trial would accompany him to the scaflold. 1 reached the spot, or rather the vicinity of the place appointed for execution, by 4 o’clock ; but even thus early evetv avenue leading immediate ly to the Harrier St. Jacques, (ou which the fatal eugiue had been erecteu at midnight) was occu pied by roups who bad received orders to pre vent all across on tbc part of tile populace. A little expostulation with one of the officers of the police, added perhaps to the fact of my being an Euglishmau, however opened a passage for me to the semicircular space iu which the niachiue of death was placed, whence, notwith standing the uuusual array of military and muni cipal guards who surrounded the scaffold, a tol erable view of the proceedings could be obtained. As the time appointed for the execution ap proached, several persous were admitted past the troops, hut always upou application to the police whose great strictness, coupled with the vast mil itary force a foot, gave sometbieg like a color ol truth to reports abroad that some attempt at dis- tm bailee, like that of the 6ih June, 1832 was iu contemplation. About five o'clock, the arrival of a body of muuicipai guards, proceeding from the direction of the prison, gave notice that the cmptii was at hand, and immediately afterward the vehicie ap peared in wLich was Alibeau, a priest and the executioner. On his desceudiug it w as perceiv ed that the forms of the sentence were literally being carried iuto effect. The bead of the con vict was covered with a large black veil, and he was led barefooted to the leo: of the scaffold.— Then a delay of a few seconds took place, the clergyman retired, and Alibeau mouuted the steps «.f the guillotine. The officer, in audible voice, acre read the terms of the condemuauou, after which the veil was instantly drawn from bis face by one of the executiouers. He was deadly pale, but with this exceptiou, his feature, bore oo|trait whatever of a, prehen sion, or expression of any kind, w hich might have i>cen expet ted, even in the most courageous, iu so an lut a situation. He looked towards the few persons assembled, aud the most perfect silence prevailed, seemingly in the expectation that he intended to address them. He merely, however, said Aditur mts braves. Then resigutug Itimselt with the most perfect sang froid to the bands of the executioner's assistants, he was placed u a oil the plank, with his head benenth the fatal axe. Here bo once more called out, in an audablc voire, Adirux mts braves, & the words were scarce ly finished, when the machine fell, and he was no more. While the assistants of the scaffolds were pre paring hint for the block, he said a few words to them, which wore inaudible except to those im mediately arouu.'i him ; they were, ”J die a Re publican. The Peers who coutlemued me were base and cowardly.” Iu a few minutes, people, military, find scaffold, all had disappeared, and the Harrier St. Jacques resumed its usual aspect. other hand directed to the general government aud published in the Diario,declare most directly that the greatest tranquillity prevailed throughout. The Mex'Csn fleet consisting of the brig F ima and the schooner t’ravo, were at Vern Cruz on the 9ih. They were preparing to make a cru.-ze A considerable number of criminals have been cor,derailed and executed in Mexico during tin month of July last. Amoug them we see lb name of a certaiu Jose Maria Ortega, a grena ■tier of the hattaliou of Meutillan, charged will homicide upon the person of a corporal belonging to the same battalion. Hy a decree of the general government pub iislicd in the official paper of the I7tb July, an an nuai di itnbutiou of $3 upou every thousand dol lars worth of property, has been declared upon all real estate. Voluntary donations continue to be made throughout all the states of Mexico to assist the government to meet the expenditures growing out of the war in Texas. We have made u calcula tion approximating to the auuual amount of sub scribers, and find ten thousand signatures, hut the total sum subscribed is not more than from five to six hundred dollars. We feel not the slightest astonishment that no more has been raised as the highest donations are uot above one dollar, aud the greatest uumber average less tltau one bit ceuts ) When we cousider what little pa triotisin is exhibited here by the Mexicans in a cause which denominate a natioual oue, \vn are aunzed that tlu-y should still cherish the hope of subjugating Texas. The Texians received a ve ry different sort of response when they appealed to their brethren of the United States : for dol lars subscribed by the Mexicans we gave thou sands. The Diario of the 24th July, informs us that a pamphlet is circulated in the capital, entirled The Ministry made known,” said to have beeu priuted at Onjaca, iu Valdes’s office, but which was really primed iu Mexico. This document is wholly occupied with censuring the acts of the cabiuet. M.Mauguino is accused of being the cause of all the doubles aud disseulious which have formerly existed. The Secretary of War. Tornel, is called a coward, aud uu worthy of the place which he occupies This pamphlet appears 1 to have given great uneasiuess to the ministry, if we may judge from the articles published ill the official papers against it. From the official proclamations relative to the conspirators in the state of < )ajaca, and the south ern provinces, and the movements of the federal ists in Mexico, received by the general govern ment, it appears that numerous arrests have been made since the battle at Ella. Two iudividuals belonging to Lavareigu’s baud (the coutpaiiiou of Haheriila Meleudes) have been arrested and im prisoned on the charge of exciting the people to revolution by proclaiming a new government aud crying long life to federation. Oue of those in dividuals in defending himself was wounded. INDIAN WARS. From the Columbus Sentinel, Aug. 25. MAJ. JERNIGAN’C- OFFICIAL REPORT. Capt. Hall to iuform my eastern division that their force would be the oue required to approach the swamp ; aud as the point covered by Capt. Hall’s company, was the least probable for the Head Quarters, Lumpkin, Ga. ( J .inJian’scscapt, I should blow the horn before 1 August 5th, 1836. J j countermarched, to iudece the enemy to believe General—After the battle on Sunday, the 24th | t hat a station was kept there. I accordingly " joined the companies of Ball and Clifton together, are ‘‘'tended f nr July. I received by verbal express, a desire ou toe part of the officers in command at Fort Mc Creary, to reinforce them with my company early next morning on the battle ground, and take up the pursuit of the savage foe, who were directing their course to Florida. I returned a written message ou Sunday night, saying to the officers! would meet and co operate with them next morniug. At this time my company were at their homes recruiting. 1 forthwith summon ed nnd collected those of my company who were nearest, and called upou citizens for assistance. Early next morning, 1 was informed tho ludiaus had crossed the Cuthbert road, seven miles below this place. I therefore kuew that it would be a loss of time to go to the battle grouud, and also anticipating your orders to pursue with energy, determined to lake up the pursuit with my own force. I immediately informed the officers at Fort McCreary of the travel of the enemy—that * should endeavor to cut them offfrom the swamps below, ami desired -heir immediate aid, tvkich, however, I did not receive. I set out for Mrs, Wambles’ on the Fort Gaines road, and soon ascertained the ludians had crossed Patuwla creek, aud gaiued the west side of the road, aud were inakiug their way to Echowauotcbaway swamp. I found their trail, at which time I was reinforced by citizen soldiers. I organized my company, and citizens of Stew art and Raudolph comities, eighty in the whole, and with advauco and flauk guards pursued 'heir trail. After a march of three miles struck the plantation of Mr. Reuben Joues. The ludians scattered, and 1 am sorry to say, my advance guard separated also. Capt. Thomas Stapleton commanding the advance went with a few others through the cornfield. 1 was met by oue of the guard, and informed that tho priucipal trail bad J awed on the west side of the plantation, which pursued uutil my own guardman gave me a sigual to halt. lie returned aud stated he had seeu the Indians encamped ou a branch swamp, aud thought himself undiscovered by tbc enemy. I despatched him to give signals to the flauks to return iuto line, and if possible to return Capt. Thomas Stapleton with the balance of the advance. He however, soou returned without being able to fiud Capt. S. I dismounted iny company in silence, detailed a horse guard and was piepnritig for a silent approach upon the camp, when to my great sorrow, a brisk firing took place hetweeu Capt. St ipletou’s guard ami the iadiaos. The first thought that occuried to ine was, that my little band, who had passed through the field, were surrounded, l therefore determined, instead of approaching them in si- Tiiree muskets aud four shot guns were fouudon j lence. that I would make a furious charge, there his premises. ~ ( by direct them from the advance guard, and turn At N« pascolula, seventeen persous have also them to me; which effect was pro raced, hut hot From the New Orleans Bee. LATE AND IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. By an arrival from Vera Cruz ou Saturday, evening last..(20th Aug.) we have been furnished with our files of the Diario del Gohieruo of Mexi co, to to the 30th July, inclusively. As w< predicted, domestic commotions have heguu, aud are now agitating that republic. Tlte liberal party or federalists (i. e. those opposed to centralism) are making rapid advuurcs; they have made a bold attempt to abolish the present order of things and restore the government to its former feature*, but whether their force was iu sufficient to obtaiu tho success they calculated up on, or whether the government anticipated their designs, and frustrated them by timely organiza tion. tvo cunnol tell ; however they were com pletely routed at Etla, iu the engagement • liiclt took place.between 901) government troops under the commando!' Gen. Ganalazo. aud liOOfede- ruhsts lommanded hy Cob Miguel Acevedo. From Gaualazo an official despatch or bulletin ».PP cars italic Diario of the 24l!i; which states (hat the federal party had 100 men killed, 228 taken prisoners ; among the latter is Acevedo, chief of tho jBVolutiqpisig, Andreas Castcucda, brevet cuinmaudaul of the battalion at Ruunrez commanding, the company of Tacachi, and a /<>u ;gucr named Lapreliadi. captain of artillery. .The remainder of their force were completely routed. The loss on the part of,the government V*a* ii killed mid 6 wounded. ' \ Tbe day succeeding this engagement,Acevedo. Gasreui dji, Raiii.Vez, and LHpilludi were shot; a , council uf war had been held upon the other offi cers tun tlte result, has not sex transpired. ■ Tho cnmniandani of artillery of the federal 'troops Mirrccded ht makinghis escape front Etla and ton arrived in tins city. Hen. form;. us, iha: Abe great i ,t *gm lion puvaile in the interior ol beeu iinested ou the charge of belonging to the army of federalism. Louis Feagaso, a sergeant, to whom is chiefly attributed the troubles at I luujiinpom, after utm- irg 58 Aieii. the remnant of the ;iriny at Ella, pre sented himself on the 15th at the village of St. Peileo’ Teoscculo (Oajaca) before the agata- mento, to proclaim his readiness aud ibat of his comrades to submit to the disposition of the gener al government- The same baud afterwards pro ceeded to Mtajaca where they made the same declarations. Oornlija hearius of this despatch ed immediately Col. Pedro Quimaua with the detachment under his command, to cut off the fu gitives and show them no quarters. At Situ Fclipi (Guunnjato) a Lieutenant Col. of the name of Lewis Gonzales made efforts to excite the patriots there to revolt, but uot rom- plctrly succeeding, ba decamped fur Zacatecas, where a partv of troops have been sent to arrest hitn. An official letter from Lonja says that the Gonzales party, of whirh we have spoken in the preceding paragraph, has been reduced to six meu ; the balance having abandoned him. He will have to make his escape from that depart ment or run the risk of beiug arrested or killed. Another official uote from the same city under date of the 24lb July, states that the detachment of troops, scut iu pursuit of Gonzales aud his ac complices, are inakiug every endeavor to ferret them out, and that but little doubt is entertained of the whole of them being taken. On the125th, the official account of the arrest of these individuals amounting to 22. were received It being our intention to give every thing con uected w ith the progress of «he Mexican revolu lion, we have been induced to make our details thus ample, besides by so doing it will give a claim to the events which inay hereatter occur, and tho cause which brought them about consequently made more apparent. An obituary of the late General Arrago. bro titer of the celebrated Geo. Arrago. the a»t«or.o mer, appears in the Diario of the 17th. Mr. Ar rago had succeeded iu winning the esteem and regard of the whole Mexican nation altb >ugh ho was a stranger, and of course like all strangers liable to their suspicions He arrived at Sola de la Marina iu 1816, with n division consisting of 250 men, and there fought for Mexican indepen dence under theflagnf Gen. Minn. Ilis assidu oils efforts and military knowledge contributed greatly in the deliverance of his adopted country from the thraldom of Spain. Upon the death o r Miua he succeeded to the command of the divi sion which had been entrusted to that officer. In 1821 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel with the pay of a full Colonelcy : at th.. time he commanded the light battalion of Gue retaro. •Subsequently ho became ouo of the Ma jor General’s staff, and was elected to tho com mand of chief of tho Zapadores, which body he himself created. Still later he became actiug Colonel of the Engineer Corps, and afterwards Director General of that department. In that capacity it p’as that he visited Texas, and there took the liver complaint of which be died on the lltli of July, agod 47, univeisally regretted and deplored. M xi“<» tenet! hy the nmolutioti ry move me&t'j *>' • i pr ?; di^urtianeegaro h > t. Iv .ntic.- geJtcd. GEN. HOUSTON. We have a letter from General Houston before us, to a friend iu this city, which is characteriz ed by the noblest sentiments of patriotism. He has been recalled to the head of the army oy the voice of the people, nnd the unauimous wish of the soldiers. Before the war commenced, he had declared that he never would hold a civil office in tlte country, and when peace is restored, lie is to retire to private life. The opinion of General Houston is, that Texas, when it shall have asserted its independence, will seek admission into the Uuion. He is, himself, decidedly iu favor of that course, considering it essential to the interests of the new country ami of much importance io the Union. Tho story of General Houston's difficulty with the Cabinet, hnd its origin in a difference of opin ion frith regard to the disposal of tranta Anna The General wished him retained as a prisoner, nnd kept safe. Tho Cabinet wished to release him. The design of tiio Cabinet on this subject was counteracted by public opiuion, in the absence of General Houston. Geu*ra! Houston’s wound is (till very bad.— Thu ball cut ofl'the bom; of ibe a»klc. jtist above tin-joint. Twenty-two pieces of bone have come out. and sume swvcn or eight are yet to enmo.— His gctiera! health is improving. It it as wretch ed when he commenced the campaign: when lie reached Now Orleaus he was at the point of death The moment he is ablo, he says, ho will repair to the army, in ohedicuco to the call which rep.ur io me army, tit oocutcuco te &' olurtal itrrilufrs from thiTStafcs, xm xfto jhas been -made-upon Rim.—Globe. in time to save tbe unfortunate Staple*ou. He had fallen. The battle commenced : the ground was closely contested by both white aud red men. We drove them back one hundred yards, at which time they censed their yells. I ordered a charge, but such was their superiority of numbers my order was not obeyed. My meu continued the firing, aud the ludians returned the blast from the thicket and branch. They haviug de cidedly the advantage of the grouud, I ordered a retreat of one liuudred aud fifty yards, bearing inv wounded before me, expecting tbe Indians would pursue and give its an equal chance with them, (except in numbers) which, however, they did not do. My wounded were carried to the house of Cap'. Stapleton, to receive attention. Wiili the balance of iny force I returned to the scene of actinu, and found the bodies of Capt Stapleton, Thus. Williams. Jr. and a young mau of the name of Cook, who lived with D. M. Les cuer. of Stewart county. I saw evident marks of Indians being dragged from the ground. Their loss is unknown. My loss was three killed and seven wounded. The names of the wounded are Clemeiits Bryan, of Raudolph, in the shoulder, se verclv ; Robert Wellborn, through the chest Felder, arm broko ; — Martin, iu the leg ; N. it. Bryan in the throat, by a spent ball William Shield, in the foot; otto other slightly nounded, name uot recollected. The battle continued about fifty minutes. The number of the enemy estimated between two and three hun nred. After returning to the house of Mr. Jones near the grouud of cucainpineut, I made prepa ration, and ordered ray dead to Lumpkin for in terment, aud being nenr night, cucainped Bat tle closed nbout 12 o’clock, 31., 3!ondav, 25th July. Tuesday morning, 26th, I resumed the pursuit and found the trail, which passed many swamps and bogs, aud such was the irregularity of their course, that ten miles travel, upon the trail, led me within two miles of the battle ground. They were either lost, nr hoped 1 would overrun their trail and go on below. About twelve o’clock, after crossing Erhowanotchaway, their course was easily determined. 1 pursued until near sun set: found I was near them, and they travelled down a large swamp- 1 halted my company, believing it best not to apprize them of the close put suit, it beiug souear dark that nothing effec tive could be done iu the swamp. I sent out spies, aud kept out strong camp guard at Mr. Brown’s, where 1 spent the night. My spies returned, and reported the enemy travelling slowly. I was this evening reinforced by n company from Lanahas- see. Stewart county, commanded by Capt. Gnlha Matthews; aud at camp by Guilford's company, aud a part of Cap;. Sucllgrovcs company, Co‘. Wood, Major Wills, and Capt. Smith, together with many other brave officers aud soldiers join ed in the pursuit at this camp, the force now amounting to about 301) men. A council of offi cers was called, who uuauimnttsly requested mo to taKe the general commaud.'o which I consent ed. and requested Col. Wood, of Randolph, to aid mo by extending my orders throughout the liue, to which ho agreed. 1 divided my own company iuto three Captain’s commands, and assigned to Major T. J. Still, Capt. G. B. Ball, aud Capt. N. Clifton, each a division. I issued orders to Captaius comma iding to piepare for a day light march. At this p'nce I received your complimentary orders coufiding in me to pursue and check tile enemy. Wednesday. 27th. This morning before sun rise the hue was tunned, and troops in motion, and for two reasons without breakfast. First, no timo to cook; and second, nothing to cook. The trail was soon discovered, aud about tlireo miles below the camp, ray advanco guard, under com mand of Capt. Moye, heard theTudiuns crossing Turkey croek, at its couflucuco with the main Echowanotchawny. I advaut-ed to thesput, and prepared for battle ; ordered the advance for ward, and in crossing Turkey creek, which was swimming, the Indians fired several scattering g uts from thick cane brakes, and seemed to be moving forward. 1 ordered the advance guard to return and join the main force, as'I kuew we were very close upon them. I wished to guard every point until 1 could go round and view tho situation, and make an effectual blow upon them I detached Capt. Matthew’s, Guilford’s, anu Soellgrove’s command to station on the eastern side of the main creek, and below the Chuinba aud Turkey creek . I stationed Capt. Cliftou’s company on the trail winch entered the swamp. Capt. Still’s and Ball’s companies 1. marched a- cross tho main creek, and despatched Capt. Still to a trail through the swamp, w hich was said to be nbout two mdes. Tbe pilot who gave ine the information professed to know the couutiy well. The distance, however, proved to be five miles. Having itow iltcAn points guarded, and know- and from each detailed a guard, aud moved ray horses to the highland. Capt. Ball returned and informed me of the arrival of Gen. William Well born, of Irwinton, who brought ten men under his command. The Goneral ou his maren to join my eastern divisiou, was cursed and damn ed by the ludiaus in the cane brake. He reached tho station without being fired on, and by consent aud request of the Captaius commanded aud led that division. Tho minute approached, aud sig nals of entree into the swamp being understood with a part of Capt. B. aud C's. company J marched to tho swamp. At precisely 11 o’clock, my sigual guns were fired. The signals being understood, the liue of march was taken up knew from tho ludian character in war, that they were well prepared for battle, and would vigilant ly guard ibeir trail; aud from what had passed between them aud Gen. Wellborn, that spies would be placed on the eastern force, I therefore determined, if possible, to tako them by surprize I marched through Turkey aud Churaha creeks, leaving the ludian trail on my right- After marching about tbreo hundred yards, the mud and water thickly set with cane, I discovered a bushy water oak ; 1 seut a spy up the tree, who reached the distance of forty feet, and returned down, aud reported the camp at the distance of three hundred yards, all cane brake, uutil we reached the hammock, upon which they were situated. He pointed out a noted forked pine, as a land mark. He also iufnrmeJ me that he could discern spies watching their trail, aud oth ers watching General Wellborn’s division. I di rected Capts. Ball and Clifton to move forward, inclining to the left, in order to give them au at tack broadside. The march was continued un til I could hear the ludians talk. I ordered a hall by giving signs, and despatched Col. Wood, with others, to gain the rear of Gen. Wellborn, and iuform him where I was situated, the situa tion of the Indians. &c. My messengers had not been absent two minutes before a dreadful firing took place between Geu. Wellborn and tho In dians. I ordered a charge with the souud of the horn, and io thirty seconds from the fire of the first guu. the two companies gaiued the ham mock, and covered the line of Indicts braodside. The firing from all quarters was heavy and ani mated. The Indians fought with mere despera tion and gave up the ground with more reluctance than auy battle I have had with them. Such was their determination to keep the ground, I saw one shot down uot more thau thirty steps. Charge, was the order of the day, and was ordered by officers, and performed by soldiers, well worthy their country’s praise. The engagement lasted 45 ininutcS'. and ended about half past one o’clock After forcing thorn from their strong positions, two infant children were heard to cry iu the cane brake. I bad them brought to the battle ground. My loss was three killed—31 r. Carter, of Jnvin- ton. Ala. ; David Sutlev, of Randolph, and John (-rocker, Jr. of Lumpkitt. 1 had thirteen woun ded—a part of those whose wounds wereslight, returned to tbeir homes. Tbe following is a lisl of the wounded, E. Butler, Frith, Thomas Shepherd, Willis Barton. William Hughes, Col. Wood and William llilborue of Raudoph, Lewis Williams, Richard Canuady and Capt. Greeu B. Ball, of Stewart, Capt. Jenkins aud Pat terson, of Irwinton, Ala. The lossof the Indians cannot he ascertained. Such was the extent of the swamp, tbeir escape with deadly wounds is not a matter of surprise. Eighteen were found dead, some of them three miles from the battle ground. 1 returned to the camp beariug on twelve pack horses and two ponies, captured from the Indians, uear $1000 worth of Roanoke goods.- The most of tbe horses were lost in the battle on Sunday near Fort 3L-C.reary. aud 1 am happy to say, have heeu identified and restoied to their owners. The goods were divided out to Captaius of companies, who distributed them to their sol diers. Wednesday night, at Camp Fiiiiugame, I had tho pleasure of se 1 ing you with reiuforceinents. Ono iufant was taken by my company on the next morning near the battle ground, and since iny re.uru to my statiou, I am informed that one of the citizens found a girl six years old. Tbe three infants uot exceeding six months old, were taken away by geutlemett who seemed pleased to have them. I returned to my station agreea bly to your orders. Nothing has occurred worth notice siuce my letters to you at your ramp iu Baker. In conclusion, 1 owe it to those brave officers to state that Gen. Wellborn, Col. Wood. 3Iajor Wills, Capts. Ball. Guitlord. Still, Suellgrove and .Matthews, discharged the respective duties assigned them, as officers, to my cutire satisfac tion—moved forward with that fearless courage which moved our forefathers in ’76. r L hoir motto Do or die !" I am, very respectfully, vours, H. W. JERNIGAN. Capt. Commanding Stewart Rangers Major. Geu. Jolts W. A. Sanford, Head-Quarters, Columbus. We took these Indians on the Ah-hagee creek, a little way above the old Chehaw Town. Front this party we learned that the most of the War riors had left the Creek nation and gone over to Florida. A porti in of my command is now quartered at Fort iMitchell. Some of them are made on Ohio KentucltV’inailL“° ca " ^ill U at Ben Marshall’s and a party of 6 I seut out to I Th*yj o"‘„°:. e " tue . k ^ Indi l u>a ami ml? talk with the ho-tilos, and say to them, they had better come in. for. if we were obliged to hunt them again, we w'ould shew them no quarters this party are still out. I have now under my command, 117 friendly Indians; only a part of them however are mounted. If we all had hor ses we could be much more serviceable. I have the honor to he, Very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, PADDY CARR. From the Nashville Union. THE PRESIDENT AT H03IE. General Jackson accompanied by 3IajorDouel- son, arrived at tho Hermitage ou Thursday last, lie was met by two committees of this city and county, and by laige numbers of citizens, some miles beyond Lebauou, in Wilson county, up wards of thirty miles from this place, from whence he was escorted to the Hermitage. He was ad dressed on behalf of the citizens’ committee by the Hod. G. W. Campbell, ill a style of manly and dignified eloquence, becoming the occa-ion. and by A. Ewing, Esq. on behalf of the Youug iMcn’s committee, in a neat, spirited, aud elo quent manner, highly creditable to tho orator aud to thoso whom he represented. The President replied to the addresses respectively, in that style and tone of deep feeliug, peculiar to himself, and iu which he stands unrivalled. He dined at .May- son’s, iu Wilson, where he was also met by a large concourse of citizens, and an address was made to him oil their behalf, by his old neighbor and frieud, Capt. Peter 31oseley. We expect to be furnished hy the committees ivith copies of the addresses, replies and proceeding, which will be forthwith laid before our readers. The President’s journey, from the time he eu- years’ service, and must be employe,. ” ,ur “D* necessary calls for the defence of ow ders. Should the occasion arise for ' er ^ or - .""“ her _°“. tho astern frontier,,he call ffi" Iiiioo ihere is, howover, no information mT.tii? 0 *. apprehension of hostilities to any S priL ^ from tho Western ludiaus. Should * eit ?l arise, (he brigade from East Teouesw 0ecess “y ordered to the western frontier as S onn *' 11 service can be dispensed where thev am •?* ^* if ployed. 3 c no » 9m- I would barely add further, that the * r given you bv the order of the 4th of Me beeu satisfied, by yielding to the req2i£ avin & Geu. Games, a new authority from L n of ment of War was necessary to au’horb Ue P art " comply with that of the 28th of June * y ° 9, » The Government of the United State-1, • adopted, in regard to Mexico and Texas rule of neutrality which had beeu obsm a * 8 ®’ similar cases before, it was uot to have h. 10 a! * pected that Gen. Games should have ha.?' requisition for additional military force ^ ® s sons plainly inconsistent with the 0 bli« *“ re *' that rule. Should Mexico iusult ? v " s of tered the State, has been marked as we learn from letters from gentlemen of the first respecta oility, written from different counties—with tho single exception of one village; by the most signal aud enthusiastic demonstrations of the attachment, love and veneration of the people. Never was he before, on any journey through .he States, so universally mer, gieeted and escorted from coun ty to couuty, by such crowds of warm and de voted friends. We have no room to be more particulars; but the above facts, which are un doubted. are cheeriug and gladdening to the heart of every republican in tbe State, aud must be so to our friends abroad. GEN ARMSTRONG’S BRIGADE. Maj. Lauderdale. Capt, of the Spy company attached to Gen. Armstrong’s command, has been on express to the President on the road to the Hermitage, near Lebanon, and has departed for the army, which, wo understand, is stationed at or near Wetumpka, Alabama. We learn, ge nerally, that Geu. Armstrong’s command will uot lie ordered to Florida immediately. Major Lauderdale left this city for the south yesterday morniug. flag, iuvade our territory,or imerrumL^J 1011 * 1 iu the lawful pursuits which are snara™!?* 11 * them by the treaty, then the Govcrumc ' * promptly repel the insult, and take snepd.L U r«ton for the injury. But it daes natLl ,?*' offences of this character have been commi t by Mexico, or were believed to have hZV General Gaines. DeeD “I I am, very respectfully, Your very obedient servant ANDREW JACKsnv His Excellency N. Cannon, ALlvs0 «- Governor of Tennessee. P. S. Before closing this letter, the docent, referred to by tho acting Secretary 0 f \V,, “ having beeu transmitted to me, have he*.,, ceived. re ’ Sir War Department, July 25,1836 .Major General Gaines has apprized ifo Department that he has made a requisition uno» Vnnr I’.VPpIlnnm’ fni* n comment • your Excelleucy for a regiment of mounted run. raeu for ihe service of the United Stales. 6 Copies of the despatches received from Gen Gaines have beeu transmitted to the President of the United States, who will issue such orders upou them as he may think circumstances re quire. Meantime I have the honor to inform you, that in oroer to prevent auy inconvenience or delay in the event of the confirmation of Gen Gaines’ requisition by the Presideut, a dishursin"- officer will be ordered to proceed to the State’ of Tennessee with the necessary funds. Very respectfully. Your most obedient servant, C. A. HARRIS. Acting Secretary of War. His Excellency Neivton Cannon, Governor of Tennessee. ing the < Indiana were below us> I despatched From the Columbus Herald. Aug. 23. I’he report of Paddy Carr, a friendly Indian commander, which we insert below, will be read virh interest, as it is free from bombast aud egot ism, and relies for its merit upon what actually took place. • Gen. Sanford : Sir : I have the honor herewith to report the movements of the force uttder my command, consisting of friendly Indians ; also, their present number and position. On the 4th inst. we re ceived orders to march to thoCowagee and Hat chachubboe creeks, for the purpose of scouring these creeks, and iu cornpauy wiih a body of Ten- uesseo Troops, that duty was performed—the fol lowing creeks and swamps were thoroughly bunted : Cowagee. Hatchachubbee Wilarui. and High Log, we also extended our search as far as to the (.'hewala, only about 5 miles above Irwinton. The first discovery we made of hos tile Indians, was on the first day we went out, and on the waters of tho Hatchachubbee ; they consisted of 12 in uumher, 2 Warriors,! woman, and the balance children, which we took prison ers without Opposition. The next party we overtook on the Ccwagee, ou the uextday ;,.this gang contained about 10 Indians, who. when they first discovered us, sheiVcd signs of fight; they were all stripped perfectly naked, painted in war like style, ami several of thorn iu tho act of shoot ing, having their rifles raised to their shoulder and cocked. 1 spoke to them iu Indian, and told them to sfnnd, to which they agreed. 3Iy party was about two hundred yards in advance of the Tennessee Troops, and before the latter could get up to me. the hostilcs jumped down ;ho bank into the creek, aud wercout of sight in a moment, we fired on them, but without doing any itij ury. We gave chase and followed them about 6 miles, we never ceuld get sight of them after wards, they took to the middlo prong of the Co- wngeo swamp, where uo doubt they scattered themselves. Night overtook us nnd we quit the drive. On nur return, and during tho iiext day, wc discovered fresh trails in Cowagee, and from tbe foot prints to he seen, there were some 15 or 20 in a gang. We followed these trails about 9 miles, but could not find the Indians. We theu returned to Fort Mitchell aud there struck camps. After waiting two days we started out alone—no GEN. GAINES’ LATE REQUISITION. We copy he following correspondence from an extra Bannerof this morning. It will beseen that Gen. Gaines’ late requisition on this State, aud which has been met with a promptitude al ways characteristic of Tennessee patriotism, has been made without lawful or constitutional an thority. whatever necessity may have existed for it iu his own estimation. Tbe President’s letter to Governor Caution, shews that tbe Government has been prompt, enerttetie, aud mindful of the safety of our frontiers; and has, at the same time, proceeded with that regard for the obligation of treaties, aud the preservation of the national faith, which becomes the honor of the country. GEN. JACKSON’S LETTER. Heumita&e, Aug. 5,1836 Sir : I have received your letter of the 29th ult. and the 4th inst. accompanied hy the copie: of communications which were addressed to. you ou the 4th of May and 25th of July hy the Secre tary of War, and also accompanied by your Pro claination of the 20th. fouuded on the requisition made by General Gaines hearing oate the 28th June last. The documents referred to in the communication <o you of the 25th ult. from the War Department, have not yet been received The obligations of our treaty with .Mexico, as well as the general principles which govern our intercourse with foreign powers, require us to maintain a strict neutrality in the contest which now agitates a part of that republic. So long as .Mexico fulfils her duties to us as they are defined hy the treaty,aud violates oouo of the rights which are secured by it to our citizens, auy act on the part of the Government of the U. Stat-s which would tend to foster a spirit of resistance to her Government and laws, whatever may bo their character or form, when administered within her From the Standard of Union. THE NULLIFIERS. Who first praised Martin Van Bureu, a ad rul ed for him in Georgia ? The uullifiers.’ Who curses him, and voles against him ? The uullifiers! Who first told us he was a democrat, and a man of talents ? The nullifiers! Whodid’nt tell any body in 1824 and 1832 that he was a tariff mau 1 The nullifiers! Who were as well acquainted with Us politi cal ac s iu 1824 aud 1832, as they areiu 18-36! The nullifiers! Who tell all these tales ou Mr V.iu Buren now, which they kept so dark iu 1824 and 18321 The uullitieri! Who cau tell whether they were in earnest then, or piayrag possum now ! The uullifiers ! Who got toad with that genuine old republican Philip P. Barbour, when bis uarno was announ ced ? The nullifiors! Who sent delegates to the Baltimore conven tion from Georgia iu (832, to uomiuate Martin Vau Btiren? The uullifiers ? Who abused the Baltimore convention oflSL , The nullifiers! I Who voted dowu John C. Calhoun and nob- fication in the Legislature ? The nullifiers! Who are now in favor of John C. Calhoun atu nullification 1 The uullifiers! Who quarrelled with Andrew Jackson a»oc! the Proclamation aud Force Bill 1 The nullifiers! h Who named it the “ Bloody Bill.” ano they would support no man whose hauds ' tt,( crainnrt tvith I Lo oitilfV fl*;i ntt.iPl IO!! ? stained with the guilty tran^ctioD: Tho uullifiers? ... . j Who abused the “ Bloody Bill” from <«J 48 own hums and junsdietton, would be unnu.hor- d an(J week to , reek j ized and highly improper. A setupulous sense , ullifiers! of these obligations has prevented me thus far | How |#Bg did ’ lhey c011(iuue t0 p0 ur outtber from doing any thing which can authorize the ilUlUUliZU lilt? I # . .. • • j suspicion that ou. Government is unmindful |^{^‘^Venoeslee Bell was fairly hun;^ them, aud I hope to be equally cautious qnd circumspect in all my future conduct. It is in reference to these obligations that the requisition of General Gaiues in the present instance must he considered, aud unless there is a stronger ue ccssity for it. it should uot be sanctioned. Should this necessity not he manifest, when it is well known that the disposition to befriend the Tex ians is a common feeling with the citizens of the United States, it is obvious that that requisition may furnish a reasou to .Mexico for supposing that the Govortneut of tht United States may he induced by inadequate causes to ovprstep the lines of the neutrality which it professes to main tain. Before I left Washington, Geaeral Gaines in timated to the Department of War that some in dications of hostilities from tho Indians ou our western frontier had been made, and that, if it becamo necessary, he should make a call for the militia. He had also informed tho Department of his ill health, and asked for a furlough to enable him to visit the White Sulphur Springs. I di rected the Secretary of War to grant him the fur lough, aud to inform him of the apportionment which had been made of the 10,000 militia uuder tho volunteer act, aud if tho emergency should arise which would make it necessary to increase the force under his command, that a thousand volunteers in Arkansas and another in 31issouri. raised agreeably to this act, would ho enrolled and held ready for, tho service. This force, aided hy the portions of tho dra goon regiments that would bo stationed in that quarter, and those of the regular army already there, were deemed amply sufficient for tho pro tection of tho frontier near the Indians referred to. There are no reasons sot forth in tho requi- tion which the General has since made upon you to justifv the belief that the force above enume rated will be insufficient, mull cannot, therefore sanction it at the present time To sanction that requisition for the reasons which accompany it would warrant the belief that it was done to aid Texas, and not from a desire to prevent an in fringement of our territorial or national rights. I deeply regret that the Tenuessee volunteers, whose prowess and patriotism are displayed so promptly ou all occasions that threateu the peace or safety of their beloved' country, have been called out on this occasion without proper con sideration. They can for the present onh bo the neck of Judge White, aud its tones bejw 1 beat the Presidential tuue! „ , How did they get over the “ Bloody Bi fair ? Why—th th-th-ey ” jist draft it'." » Who don’t talk about the “ Bloody Bill The uullifiers! Who called the Union men Tories. The nullifiers ! , Who called Andrew Jackson a tyrant a per ? The nullifies ! , .-..inoist! Who called Martin Vau Btiren an aboliuo 1’he nullifiers! .•* Who didn’t know what to say, or '^ ‘ to look when Van gave the castmj Calhoun’s amendment? The nuilifiers? h* an a!^ Who knows General Harrison tionist? Every body! Why ? ' d to rsi;! Because he wauts tho people f fee ! money to buy theii slaves and set re f eI tace Who will support Gen. Harrison to Mr- Van Buren ? Tho nullifiers! their*P* I Who were loudest for many y ea ’ position to the U. S. Bank? The nullifiers ? , _ . -mi Gf“ (r: I Who took sides with toe Ban • Jackson took measures to breaK moving the deposites. &c. The nullifiers ? ,h.t subj* 1 ' *?!' Who don’t speak much on re bapp?', tho country prospers aud the pe«l- The uullifiers ! „nllificatio u ' 1 Who don’t talk much about these latter days ? , • The uullifiers! „^ tw | cot*"* Who are trying to Union party? The nullifiers! V\ ho can’t do it ? Tho nullifiers! PAUI rsDP^n Judge White is now as nuteh w £ ^ Whigs, and is as macho^nsod^^^^ which brought the present power, as ever was Daniel May. Aud yet, the des:gn‘ n K , c.ill insist unou lt» to white men with us—during this tour of four days, mustered into the service aud discharged. If — . . , . . , DO a it, ‘ u ". fi wo came upon and captured a party of 12 ludians, there arfe funds appropriated out of which thoy j opposition still iii'tst 1 1 1 /jpAi£ ® consisting of men, women and children, whom can be paid, au order to this effect will be given.! son man J Judge *1klWtfW^is wo brought with us to Fort Mitchell and secured.. Tho ten thousand volunteers authorised under | cockade stamp.—’/'™'