Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, September 08, 1836, Image 1

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/ f BTl. ILL* MACON CrEOECr "*>• 'AJfiliJE • API! By !TI. BARTLETT. =rfc .rr.ICO.V, GFOXGI.l, TiOJtSBei 1*. S£i!»?’A’.tlBTHZ 8, 1886. Volume .—-JVum er G3 i'ci'kiiH oi s»iii>sr-.i-ii>tfon. p 1 fir the paper two pear*. 1IJ L trillpay for the paper five yean, IVken not paid within tit ir /»«■* wumn tit months after the year hat Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum TROY HILL. THE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter if Cornwall, that he intends re timing the II'are House SCommission Business, at the store next above me one recently occupied by T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as the town ofTroy. He further informs the public that he lias bought the commenced, ... teili he charged. If not paid until the end of the year, Four Dollars per annum teiU be charged—with interest thereafter. Aleertis^Us^ot e^rJt^o^SSucT,cords, or 18 a,ld havin * ‘ now °“ ,he way, from New brevier line*, (considered a square,) will be inserted one York ’ «g«h«rphnq. time for One dollar. IVhen more than one ., • . nn J rrnls far each sub- }°S et ' ler making his stock complete, which will be sold gitxn, 7., cents for the first, and oO cents for tacn sub |ow fof ^ pay be wj „ , )e f. , 0 Ie6dve Co „ on - a] sequent insertion Sherifs’, Tax Collectors'and Coroners' Sales art chat ge.d by the levy. Yearly 1 dvertisers will be allowed two squares in each paper for Twenty Dollars per anuam; ana in the same ratio for a larger space—payable quarterly. On all accounts for Advertising. Job Printing, Sfc as well as for subscription, Inttrest will be e.urged when nit nettled within the year .lVir i*orle if Bt-ricn Line of Backets. BRIG Amelia Strong. J- Chace, Master, Premium, Mr. Matthews, “ new “ Darien, C. P. Buckley, “ “ Macon, A. Bibbins, “ *8chr. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, “ All good and -nhstnutial vessels, well calculated for the trade, with good accommodations for passengers, and experienced eoimnnndrm. One of the vessels will al ways be at each end of the Line to receive freight, nnd will sail regularly once a week. Shippers by this line can effect Insurance at five eighths per cent and they may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched. Th'» subscribers arc also agents for several Steamboats to run regularly during the boating season lietween Darien, Hawkinsville, and Macon, and are induced to believe that they can give great facilities in forwarding goods destined for the interior of the State. HAWES, MITCHELL & COLLINS, Darien. 1st July, 1835 3 Agents. .Bacon Steam Boat Company. early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances.— He would particularly notice to his friends the great advantages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being detachedfrom other buildings and at a distance from any street or lane, and well enclosed May 5 45 tf II. S. CUTTER. Notice. ness will be continued at the old stand, under the firm of CLARKE, IHcTEIR cV Co. on the same Ijberal terms as heretofore. The under- signed will give his personal attention, and solicits a continuance of firmer favors. All debts due to, and claims against W. & II. Bryson, will be settled bv the new firm. SAMUEL CLARKE. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox, do. EXCEL. “ J. L. Willcox. T HIS company have now their line of Beats in complete order for freighting. They have a new steamboat added to their line called the Superior, and ton Tow-Boats. The Boats will run regularly between Macon and Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every five or six days with tow-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express ly for the navigation of the Ocmttlgee and Altamaha rivers; these increased facilities will enable the com pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to cotton or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a cumber of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are also, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and New York, which come to Hawes & Mitchel, of Darien. , Agents for the above Boats : i J. GODDARD, Macon. Botce, Henry A Walter, Charleston. L. Baldwin A Co. Savannah, Hawes, Mitchell it Collins, Darien, Geo. K. Roberts, Hawkinsrille, Macon, 24th Dec., 1835. 26 Ocmttlgee Steam Boat Company. T HIS company will he prepared to commence bu siness, earlv'in the next scasou—They will have a linn of Packets between New York, and Darion ami steam vessel* to forward goods from Darien to Macon —The agents in New York. Charleston, and Savannah, will be authorised to contract fi>r the delivery of jrond- ln Alaoon, .t _ oflicwiinr-ws™. Dto charge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable in Savannah, Charleston, and New York— The company’s vessel* nnd boats, will be of first class with experienced commanders, nnd no expense will be •pared to meet the patronage of the public. PII. R. YONGEJk SONS, Agents in Darien mar 27th 1835 49 ■ STi miner if Ball •irrangenient of the II'are House S' Commission Bttsiness THE SUBSCRIBERS inforuitheir ‘o' friends, and those of the firm of W. & . H. Bryson, that they will continue the .•..£>»»> business under the firm of Clarke, Me Teir & Co. at the stores occupied by W. & II. Bry son; all Cotton stored with us will be insured from fire, free of expense to the planter, which will make our Warehouse more safe than any fire-proof Ware house in the city. The rates of Storage will be cus tomary. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton and Produce, and all Cotion consigned to us hv cus tomers. will be sold free of commissions. The Receiv ing A Forwnrdinghusinesswill be continued .as here lofore We hope that a strict attention to business will merit a continuance of the patronage so long exten ded to the firm of W. A H Bryson. CLARKE, McTEIR & Co. Who have on hand, and offer for sale on their usual liberal terms, the following, and also a large assort ment of every article in the Grocery Line, which business they continue on the same extensive scale as conducted heretofore by W. A- 11. Bryson. 1000 pieces best Hemp Bagging. 50 do Osnaburgs, 150 do Cotton Osnaburgs, 700 lbs hemp bagging Twine, 110 hhds Sugar, 40 do prime Molasses. 500 bags prime Coffee, 100 do green and white Java Coffee, 200 kegs cut nails, assorted, 5000 bushels clean Liverpool Salt, 650 sacks do do. in good order, 700 bbls assorted Domestic liquors, 6 pipes Cognac Braudy, 4th proof, 5 pipes pure Holland Gin, 2 hhds Jamaica Rum. 100 hbls and qr casks of different kinds of Wines 10,000 lbs rock Balt, 10,000 lbs Castins, assorted, Also, a full assortment of Smiths’ Tools. Augusta, July 20,1836. 57 2mp WARE HOUSE WAREHOUSE AND I CO.miHSSIO.V BI/SLVJESSU' . THE undersigned will couti le to transact the above business in I its ♦ .M various forms at their old stand, ’hey \vii|,ashitherto. uiuke liberal ad nee- ou prodare and merchandize iiftore, or to be snipped either to Savannah. Charlestor New York or Liverpool, aud will devote the same pt loiui 1 . and undivided attention to all business eutru:-d to (heir care, and particularly to that of selling ittou from the warehouse or wagons. Having dispistl of their warehouse iu East Macou, they' will in ••-lire confine their business to oue house, which th < are enlarging considerably for the storage of Cottq. and where they will be happy to serve those wl( have given them their patronage from the East sided' the river. Feeliug grateful for the liberal patronngliere- tofore received, vve hope by a strii-t attention t busi ness to merit a continuation of the same. HAMILTON, HAYES A JO. Macon. 1st September, 1836 200 pieces Best llemp Bagging for sale at mrket rates, by 11. il.d.'O. sept I 62 NOTICE. T HE subscribers having purchased the entr* Stock. of Mr. Isaac Ncvvhai!. now offer for sal- at ve ry reduced prices, nnd on very accoinmodatinyterius, 60 cases Bouts and shoe... of uli descriptrus, 14 cases fix* fashionable Hats, G62 pieces American and English prints, f 2 cases silk am! Gingham Umbrellas, 50 doz palm leaf Hats. Blankets, shirtings and sheeting, and variius other articles. Also constantly receiving NEW GOODS from the manufacturers. Mercltanu and Platters will do well to call and examine, as they can besold less than they ran be bought in New York end lad down here, bv 10 percent. C L HOW1AND, July‘7 54 N G PHILP8. N B. The .turfion S' Commission Business, will be conducted at the same staid, next door to the Post Office. The patronage of tlfi public is respectfully solicited. C I, HOWLAND t Co. Pioneer Steam & Pole Boat Line. T .l proprietors of the above line notify their friends and the public, that they will have run ning on the Altamaha and Ocmulgee rivers during ths summer and fall months, four nr five Pole Boats. particularly adapted to low stages of water, and which will be aided by Steamboats when the water will per mit Shippers by this line may depend upon every at- tontion being paid, and exertion used to give despatch to nropertv snipped hy it to anv of the landings on said rivers'. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag't locon. AGENTS. Messrs Hoi.combe, Peck A Co. Charleston. E. P. Butts, Esq. Savannah. Rowland, Crane A Shackelford, Dnrien. Halstead.Taylor & Co. Hawkinsville. Macon. June 30 1 6m ' UFoTicm. THE •‘Steamboat Company of Georgia," offer to shippers unusu al facilities for transportation of Goods and produce between Sa vaninli and Augusta. Having three first rate steam ers of speed and light draft of water, with a full set of tow boats, the Company will be enabled to despatch three sets of tow boats per week, with a nnvigable riv er, and in the event of a low river their new iron steamboat Chatham, it is expected will be enabled to roftch Augusta at all timed il* there should lie three feet water intne channel oftheriver. Their other steamers, Cherokee anti Georgia, drawing not over three feet 6 inches, can, at anv timp, other than the lowest state of tho river, ascend to Au gusta. • With these facilities for tho convenience of the pub lic, the Steamboat Company rely upon the continu ance of the patronage of the public, w,th an assurance on the part of tho Directors of tin- Steamboat Com pany, that every attention will bo paid in the protec tion of property nnd givingdespatch to the same, CO.B.JTISSIOA' BUSLVJESS. Jlyrick. Napier & Freest ■ afmun inform thetr frieuds and the 4* JR public generally, that they are enlarg ing their Ware House adjoining their store on Cotton A veuue. and will have it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or —J—— •— l.«j. ---.J — Pt*— *4-" will !»a nrunintlv •mended t \ They likewise inform those .Merchants who forward their goods by Macon, that, they have a large and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer chandize, and will receive aud forward ail goods con signed to them. Their charges in every lu-tanco will be os low as is customary in the city. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotion stored with them or ship ped by them to any other market. Ilaviugone of the partners of their firm (Mr. A. R Freeman) located in the city of New York for the pur pose of affording the necessary facilities to their busi ness in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants and others who have business to transact in that city, that he will be prepared to attend to any Commission Business «ith which he may be favored. They em brace the present opportunity to return their grateful acknowledgements to their friends and the public for past favors, and solicit u continuation of their patron age. In addition to their present stock, they will receive carlv this fall a fine a.-esrtiuent of Dry C.oods, Groceries. Hardware, Cutlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton Bagging, Readymade Clothing;, Ac. Ac. Ac. suitable for the fall trade, all of which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms Macon, August 25 61 tf WARE HOUSBZ3 AND Commission Business. THE undersigned respectfully in forms his friends aud the public’gen- e rally, that he has become proprietor of the large and commodious Warehouse in East Macon, formerly occupied by Messrs Hamil ton Hayes, where lie will transact the above busi ness iu all it> branches. He will make liberal advan ces on Cotton stored with him, or ou shipments to any of his friends in Savannah, Oharjeston or New-York, when de.ired; and by his unreraitted .iu-niion to bu siness. hopes to receive -itch shar • of public patron nan as his exertionsand accommodations mav merit. ° n pi .ivnriK merchants' Insurance Company of macon. Capital Stock 100,000 Hollars ! A COMPANY, uuderthe above title, bos idcently been founded with an actual cash capital of One Hun tired Thousand JOoIhrs, to be paid on the first of October next, at which time they will commence taking marine risks to did from the city of Macon, to any port or place in thl United States; the capital stock will be hc-ld ready at ill times to meet any losses that ui*y be due from tlieconpanv. The claims ol this Company, when contrasted with those of other distant offices, heretofore having done much business here, justifies the-belief that this local institution, based ns it is, will be lilierally patronized, particularly when the terms are ns liberal as in any o- ther marine offices. Ja*ks Goddard, President, Wm. B. Parker. J Cowles, F. II. Wellman Thos. Taylor, June 16 51-tf James Rea. Secretory. ,.j Di Directors 4 .Ik HHDS St Croix. P. K. and N O. Sugar, TCnF 150 bags prime green Coffee, 40 hhds prime retailing Molasses, 50 bbls N. E. Rum. 40 „ American Gin, 35 ,, Whiskey. 250 ps heavy Hemp Dundee Bagging, 50 coil* Rope, 6000 lbs bagging Twine, SALT. Ill OX, SAILS. CASTINGS, 5r A General stock of Groccrii’i), in store and for sale on accommodating terms bv EDMUND RUSSELL. sept 1 62 Mulberry st. J.A. &S.S. VIRGIN Hatch Makers If Jacellers, Would inform their friends aud the public,that they have remov ed their establishment to Cotfiyi Avenue, to the stop; recently oc cupied by J 11 A. W S i.ilw.driig- gists, where they will be happy to serve any who may favor them with a Call. They have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a large aud splendid assortment of Watches, Jewelry, <£tc. of the latest fashions, waicli they will sed cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver lever?, anchor es capement, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Seals aud Keys, Ear Knobsimrt Drops. Breast Pins, Finger Kings, gold, silver nnd steel Spectacles, gnldam! silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea. suit and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Kuives, Castors, sil ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Sniff ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Fhigeoletts, Fifes. Drums, «3cc. Swords, sword Cane.;, Kuives and Pistols, anuinar which is Ruggles’ pocket Rilie, that will shootfifiv yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shell,’ silver, gilt and horn Combs, Cnrd ca ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snutf boxes,sil ver Toys, stiver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of oilier articles uvuallv kept iu their liue. N. B. We have tho best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds.. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the btisitWs iuduces him to think that lie can. and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in his hands. Spoons Arc-engraved- Get- 1 U'alchcs, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Sc C. G. tiu JOHN W ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in forms his fiViiids and the public, that lie lias taken the store formerly occupied by tho Hawkinsville Bunk where lie is now opening a nftw and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of tho best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may he found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold* Duplex, Patent Lever's and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels and Indepenentsecouds of the must approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate nnd a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Breast Pine and Finger rings. Gold-and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, Ac. Ac. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in hisline N. B. He has selected the best of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who inny favor him with their custom. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited Oct 27 18 ‘STRIKE THF. IaTRK again.’ Stanzas, BT 7. O. WHITTIER. “Art thou beautiful t Live then in accordance with the curious work and frame of thy crcutinn, and let ilia beauty of thy per-on teach Hire to beautify thy mind with holiness the ornament of thy beloved God ” Penn. Kind up thy tresses, beautiful one. Of brown in tho shadow and gold in tho tun! Tree should their delicate lustre be thrown ; O’er a forehead more pure then the Pari in atone; Shaming the light of iheae Orient pnarla Which biml o'er its softness thy soft w reathing curia. Smile; for thy glance on the mirror is thrown. And the face of an angel is meetin? thine own; Bcautiftil creature I 1 marvel not That thy cheek a lovelier lint has caught: And the kindling light of thine eye hath told Of a dearer wealth than the miser’s gold. Away—away—there is danger hero— A terrible phantom is bending near ; Ghastly and sunken, his raylesseve Scowls on thy loveliness scdimfully; With no human look, with no human breath, He stauds beside thoe—the hunter, Death! Fly; hut. alas, he will follow thee still, Like a moou-light shadow beyond thy will. In thy uoou-day walk, in thy midnight sleep, Close at thy heel will that phantom keep; mill on thine car shall his whispers be, Wo; that such phantom should follow thee l In the lighted hall where the dancers go. Like beautiful spirits to aud fro; When th.v fair urnis glisteu in their stainless while. Like ivory bathed in still moonlight; And not one star in the holy sky, Hatlt a clearer light than thine own blue eye. Oh then, even then, he will follow thee. As the ripple follow s the bark at sea; In ths softened light, in the turning dance, lie will fix on theo Ills dead, cold; The chill of his breath on thy check shall linger, And thy warm blood shrink from his icy finger. And yet there is hope. Embrace it now ; While thy soul is open os thy brow; While thy heart is fresh, while its feelings still Gush clear as the unsoiled mountain rill, And thy smiles are free as the airs of Spring, Greeting and blessing each breathing thing. When the after cares of thy fife shall come ; When tho bud shall wither before it bloom. When thy soul is sick of the emptiness And changeAd fashion of worldly- bliss ; And the weary torporof blighted feeling Over thy heart of ice is stealing; Then, when thy spirit is turn'd above, Uy the mild rebuke of tho Christian’s lore ; When the hope of that joy in thy heart has stirr’d, Which the eye hath not seen, nor e ir hath beard, Then will that phantom of darkness be Gladness aud Promise uud Bliss to tbes. WM. 1J. HU ROS Y L Is. H AS Just received a new aud extensive as sortment of Zieady-madc Clothing. e, black, invisible green, Adeluid, olive HE subscribers have formed a copartnership mi- der the firm of .SHACKELFORD, BOAG A Co. for tlio purpose of Importing a ml t'anmicting n WHOLESALE DRY GOODS BUSINESS. They will open a largo and extensive stock of Goods (direct fKel st of^^M.'n. , hfij‘J , i ll K , l r t£k“of'bu'.ld , , , ,', 0 *Ji t , ■ „ r . , „ 11 JriWMmSSs -fififrtSfTJoDant. BostriniL Socks. & at :he corner of Fraser s \V harf and East Bay. J. M. SHACKELFORD, W. S. BOAG. Charleston. July 26 58 9t .Vcw Store——Fresh Goods. T HE subscriber is now opeuing, ou second street, next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bnuk, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DR Y GOODS. Which will be sold at prices mncli reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows: WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffil Blankets—IQ—1 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains tuid Linseys— super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine asd com mon 6aiiuets, assorted colors—superfine Vaiestia and Tuilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—do Merino do. STUFFS. Black and colored 6-4 Morinos—do do Bonrbazelts— fine 0-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. superand common plain nnd twilled Calicoes—swiss, Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in j pieces very fine —colored and white Hoiuespuus—Kowcn cassimeres and checks—birdseye aud Russia Diapers—Lincu cambric Ilkfa. Russia sheetings, Ac SILKS. Supcrfipe blue, brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine bine, olive, green and mix’d Cloth (Justteos, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored $attinet Coattces and Frock Coats. Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth and satiiuot Dress nnd Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black aud colored Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valcntia, English Silk, colored aud white Merseilles Toilinet. Swansdown aud Sattinet V ests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth A Patersham Box Coats. Black super Poi de soio silks—do Italian Lustring do —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsiicts and sinchi •« - .1 JtTew Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, JUST (IKOKIVKD BY k wm. is. svftBsm, A T tiie new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul berry aud Second streets, including the follow- ing; Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen Circassian and Uouan Cassimere FROCK COATS. ..Summer Cloth twilled Merino, grass Clqtli. grass aud brows Linen, and Rouan Cassimere COATEES. Sntuiuer Cloth. Bombazine, Kriuinet, Cyprus, wor sted nnd Valentin Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas- simere, brown and gru^s Linen and Drilling, Funcy DriUhlg. Pongee, Mexican mixt, Uouan Cassimere and Jeans PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Ronati Cassimere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and huff grass Cloth, huff nnd brown Linen, Pongee, Ruuaa Cassimere and Jeans UOIh\D JACK ETS. A large assortment of fancy VESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, Ac.' At A-c. From Ihe New York Express. A great Project—The N- E- Boundary.—Tbe plan which tho Canadian and the New Brnus- ; ick people, under the auspices of the British government, havo projected, a rail road from Quebec to St. Andrew* in New Bruuswick, or to the city of St. Johns, on the River St. Johns, so as to make, as it is s rid, the St. Andrews a v.barf, and the Bay of Fundy a harbor for the St. Lawrence, is onu of the most magnificent that has yet beeu prcjected on thU continent, and calculated to involve ultimately the most im portant political consequences. The idea Wis stolen from tho Maine Legislature, where the project was originally started ; but Great Bri- taiu with that sagacity aud foresight that distia- boiitieil Aug lit 60 5t WM. TAVLOR. President S. B. Co. of Georgia. Despatch. Til E PUBLIC is notified tbrt the Ocuiulgee Steamboat Co’s steamboat Comet will contin ue to run to Hawkinsville, or as h -hat she can get, thereby giving greater despatch than usual at this season of the year, to merchandize shipped by tho Co’s boats. RLA A COTTON, sopt 1 ' 48 4t Agents. D. FLANDERS. Tho subscribers have entered into copartnership un der the lirin of FLANDERS A COOK, and will, in addition to their present stock, constantly be receiving from New-York and Boston, a large and general assortment of DK\ % GOODS if GROCERIES, comprising Hats, 8bocs. Saddlery, Iron. 8elt. Bag ging, aud every other article in that line of bn Their friends *'* pivo them a Flanders. July 28 57 3m II. I.. C**OK HANDKERCHIEFS. .Mandarin, Herniuci, embroidered Uomntii, Bagdad, rich satin, liituered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool nnd martin cauze Ilkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread'Kdgings and Qniltitigs— Blond Ed gings and Bnbinct. Laces—and many other articles, which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and ' qualitv. dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD MeARN. very other article in mat uue oi oosniess. ds and the public | . Morally, are invited to tcall, at tbe store formerly occupied by D. D. FLANDERS, WARE HOUSE .3 Shoes. CASES Gentlemens fine Calf, sewed, Brogans 3 do stout Kip pegged do 1 do fine calf, Bojs do 1 do stout sewed Men’s Shoes 1 do Ladies Pruneila Slips Just received, and for sale low by Aug25 Glif C. L. HOWLAND & CO. T' CO.II.IIISSIO jY busijyfss. ■ TNI HE undersigned conunuesto transact the Ware 'Commission Business, tiaricn. | 3 House and Commission Bnsmess, sjtnate ceu- | HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership ; tral to the Cotton Market, on the corner of Cherry aud tor the purpose of transacting a general Com- j Second streets, within a few feet from Cotton Avon e, in and otter business under the firm of formerly occupied by James C. Morgan. Liberal ad- W & ROGERS, ! vances will be made on produce or other articles stor- and offer their services to their friends, ar-d the public ■ ed or shipped. Cotton will be sold from wagons or .generaily, i n the above business. Forwarding Goods, store at 25 rents per bale, uud ^tored ^al^cujriouiary aud produce to and from the interior of the State, will i rates, receive particular attention. It may be proper to Aug 2o uni state that they have no connection with any of tho Steam transportationlincs; Goods forthe interior will always be snipped by those who will probably give . them the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1,1836 88 GKO. T. ROGERS L. L. GRIFFIN. Commission Business, Jturien. rglHE andereigned have resumed business as a- 0 bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable ns at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves , are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at tho least possible expense, nnd our opportunities -to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not excee b'd by njty other House. Dnrien, May 20, 1835. HAWES, MITCHELL Vt COLLINS. WARE HOUSE XXD COJT-lt IS SI O.V BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGN. D will con tinue to trail<aet the above business, at <>' $ the Ware House occupiedby him last ason. Grateful for the liberal patrnna-o re- eired from his friends and the public, by strict alten- on to business confided to his care, he hopes to merit ibare of the public patronage. He will make liberal advances on cotton stored with h ,oron shipments to Savannah, Charleston and N wYork. A L. ( DICKERING. ’ aeon, August 11 50 Pin U. are authorised to announce tlie ii*®* name of ABNFlv HAMMOND, Esq. a etui- I idateforTax Cullocwr for die ensuing year: l AiKfSG ® For Sale, 350.000. 61 libds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnraond Flonr, 5 pipes pure II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON. , Plain ami Ornamental Painting. T HE subscriber has takeu the shop formerly oc cupied by Mr. Thos. McCleskev, nearly oppo site the new market, and is now prepared to execute qll kinds of House nnd Sign Painting, Chair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, , Enamelling -cals. Having in bis employment some of the oiost effi cient workmen to be found in the State, he will be n- ble to undertake largely and execute with neatness. April4 6m 41 DANIEL T. REA. F. F. LEWIS A T. F. NEW TON, ."tlerchiint Tttilors, H AVE ent.-red into co-partnership under the firm of Lewis & Newtox, for the purpose of trans- ac ting business iu tbeir line. They expect to have on liana Irom New York, in a ! slio.rt time, a general assortment of Cloths. Cassi- inere.s, Vestings, Ac. Which, together with the stock on hand will make their assortment complete. Also, a general assortment of Rendv-Made Clothing which will he sold low for cash. They solicit a share of the public patronage. I. F. LEWIS, T. F. NEWTON. Aug 18 GO J US r iP RECEIVED from New-iork,findior salu bv S.HITH, ItOBGBBS »V Co. 50 bags and 50 barrels prime green Coffee, 20 hhds prime St Croix sugar, 30 bbls Kiim, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin. We wiil also sell our DRY, GOODS, a splendid as sortment. at, or about cost, as we wish to [turn our at tention to the cotton and grocer}- business. July 7 54 ' ■ A; LEATHER. A N assortment of Harnese L Bridleaud Upper Lea- . W ther, for sale by JoIv 14 55 CRAFT & LEWIS. , REA A COTTON, OFFXR FOR SALE ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS,. K rffe Pieces HEMP BAGGING, .200 barrels Canal &. Philadelphia Flour, fresh g.round, and warranted sutind, 205 bags and 20barrels Coffee, 67 hints St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, 90 barrels do 50 boxes Drown aud White Ilavanna do 90 hhds Cuba Molasses, 56 barrels Gin, 75 barrels Ruin, 20 barrels Pork, 30 hlids Bacon, assorted. 10 tierces Rice. 14 boxes Spann Candles, 20 boxes Tobai co, 30 M Segars, of tbe best quality. Jnly20 56 ATT Marryatt’s complete works in 1 volume, xL. P. iieiiliiii - by the Way, . Gilbert Gurney, a novel, in 2 volumes, Tho Naval Sketch Book, 2d series, Life and times of Rienzi, Spain revisited, by the author of a year iu Spain, Private Life of LaFayette; Rienzi, Adventures of a Rifle Brigade, Cotton oil tiie Religious state of the country, Tomlin’s Law Dictionary, Milford’s Pleadings, Arc. &c. Just received nnd for sale by June9 50 JAMES S. OLCOTT Oopartuersiup. 1J1HE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, tinder TO RENT. tho firmof C003IBS&. DOUGHTY. Storo-Houseori the corner of Cherry and Third i JOHN S. COOMBS, rm streets, 40 by 52. ■August 93 VJD RALSTON I Savannah, Juno 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY. i Blank!* for sale at this Office^ guisbes all her political movements, has takeu it up and adopted it, aud is likely, for want of suf ficient euterprize iu the Maiue Legislature, uot ouly to rob that state of the honor aud profit, hut oven of tbe territory over which it is absojuiely uecessa-y to construct the road. Hence, un doubtedly, the reason why Sir Charles Vaughan, in his correspondence with our government rela tive to tho N. E. Boundary, after the starting of the project, refused even to fall back upon the award of tho Kiug of Holland as to the dividing line between Maine, and tho British Provinces, though ho was verj willing to adopt tlpit line im mediately alter u.b award. Tlie object of the British government now, is to.sccuro enough of this disputed country to make a rail road upon, betweeu the Bay of Fundy and Quebec. The ’ Hon. John Holmes, late U. S. Senator, says, in a letter to the Portland Advertiser, that this road, an act of incorporation for which passed the Le gislature of New Brunswick and Lower Canada in December last, is to cross near oue hundred mile, through the State of Maine, including a tract of oue huudred miles by fifty. Mr. Holmes, therefore, very naturally calls ou the Governor of Maine to adopt such a course as shall avert all foreign legislation withinthe jurisdiction of Maine or even within the disputed territory. The Gov ernor of Lower Canada, Lord Gosford, it appeals has a plan of tbe route, and a report of tbe com tnissioiiers and surveyors, &c. which Mr. Holtne^ wheu in Quebec endeavored but unsuccessfully, to obtain a copy of. The leugth of the route does uut exceed 250 miies—the estimated ex penses 4.000,000 dollars, being at a rate of six teen thousand dollars a mile—a mere drop in the bucket for a wealthy and powerful govern ment like England. This project we havo called magnificent—not only ou account of the greatness of the undertak ing itself, but on account of its high and weighty consequences. It enables the British govern ment to transport all her troops, munitions of war, &c. with all possible speed from that itn- porlnut naval position, Ha'ifax. where the Bri tish Government is uow fitting up oue of the strongest fortifications iu the world, to Quebec, Montreal. Toronto, tbe Lakes, aud all along our Northern aud Northwestern teiritories. In five or six days soldiers can he taken from the great military and naval depot at Halifax, and upon the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario. Tbe difficult and dangerous o»*t£gU»u of the Gulf of St. Lawrence is thus ay -iikd. Saint Julius, in population and wealth, being the great outlet of the vast Lake and St. Lawrence couti- , lI T- w 11 soon rival New York. The British will also thus have a port where ! their produce can be 9eut to and from tho West Indies. Military and commercial advantages prompt tho British Government not only to ex pend 4,000,000 of dollars, but 40.000,000 if ne- ce-isarj—for wjth the harbor of Halifax near Eu? rope ns it is, a cordon of British bayonets can be made to surround us iti the shortest possible time, aud the produce of tho Canadas, now seeking a martin New York in American ships can thus bo turned to St. Johns or St. Andrews iu British bottoms. Having had, when in England, much conver sation with distinguished Englishman, upou this aud other topics connected with the Canadas, aud with the North Eastern boundary, we con- feos. that we look upon the movements, tho Bri tish aud colonial governments are making and the developements in the late published corres pondence between Mr. Forsyth ami the British Minister in Washington with great ausiety and alarm. Eug-Iand is vigilant, active aud Argus eyed in all quartors of the globe. The advances Ameri cans are inakiug iu Texas do not please her, but she will not interfere. Ilereyqis tiuou iht North and East, upou the frowning battlements she his reared at Halifax, and tho Rock of Quebec, that the gallant Wolfe won fu;- her. Fti * disputed territory, right ur wrong, she intends to have enough of, to make this road over. Talk. then, is we may of Texas—of the five million with I canoe—<■/' treaties with Naples, I’rus-da, &c.— but rely upon it. there is no ques tion with i foreign power now so vastly involv ing the future destinies of ibis country as the question ofthe disputed North-Fasteru boundary line with ^England. The Toxian navy is composed of (i schooners. 2 armed steajaerj, and a g«n brig*. From the li mhuigton Globe. j The Isthmusoj Panama.—It appears that the I project of a law, granting to Co'. Charles Biddlo the privilege of making a rail road and canal from I Cruces to Panama, to connect the Atlantic and I Pacific Oceans, has finally faiici'—in so far, at | least, as it was intended to be exclusively iu | favor of Col. Biddle and his associates. A law, however, has been enacted, nnd has received the sanction of the Executive, which grants the privilege to those who shall offer tho greatest ad~ vantages to New Granada, which means that tho highest bidder shall take it, as wo would snv ill this country. But the law as passed seems to have be-'ii ft.compromise among the applicants for a gram, aud wo suppose that Col. Biddfe is still interested, and is associated with some of the natives, and perhaps F.nglishmeu. Tho prospect for a serious aud vigorous prosecution of the outerprtsr, seems to be promising; and if we can learn that some of onr capitalists, who understand rail road and cannl making, are tuter- osied in it, we shall entertain sar.guiue hopes of its completion ; or if English capitalists engage iu it, it may go on. But the natives, we ap prehend, though ahouudiug in zeal nnd public spirit, may be ratherdeficicut in capital and skill* But whether the work he commenced under native or foreign auspices, we say, success to it ! Tho following are some of the. principal provisions : Tho privilege is made exclusive to those who. offer the lipst terms. The law is void, if Baron Thierry, who Jras a prior grant, shall complete a ca; al- whmjf he has undertaken, to mak£ncrosg the IsthmuJP’ The Governpieiit agrees to spll to the grantees about seven hundred thousand acres, of land, at about fifty cents the acre, iu gold or silver, or in evidences of the consolidated domestic or foreign debt. Besides, it m ikes a donation of about 140 thousand, to be forfeited if the grantees fail to comply with the couditious of tbe grant. All the expenses of surveying, and of perfecting titles, to be at the cos! of the grantees. Settlements of foreigners are to be formed, but no slave or ft-eed man is to be admitted, and ilm colonists are to ask for letters of naturalization within six months. If they fail to do so, they will, not be regarded as settlers. The grantees shall fix the rates of goods aud fare for persous, hut it shall be the same to all, nation-, Tho grantees shall pay to the Government at le.asi two perceitlumon the clear profits, which, shall he applied to the liquidation ofthe foreign, debr. At the end of forty-five years, the rail road aud canal shall he ceded to the Government, iu good order, and that portion of the donation of laud that tuaj be necessary. The trausit of thesubjoers of any nation at war, with Now Grauada, is prohibited. The grant cannot be leased or aliened to any foreign government. All controversies to be decided by the tribunals of tho republic, and according to the laws of tho country. BARON THIERRY. The Journal du Havre gives a sketch of this, gentleman—not of the most ftatteriug character, it must be confessed—and if true, is rather omin ous for the canal which is to be made across tho Isthmus uuder his auspices, as he is the same individual, it appears, has been figuring as the granteo ofthe privilege referred to in the fore going law. Tho Journal speaks disparagingly, not only of the Baron, but also of the undertak ing connected with his name, which nevertheless is considered, hy compete - *; judges, to he entirely practicable and that,too, without auv very extra ordinary outlay The following is tho article from the Journal: Canal by the Isthmus of Panama. The republic of New Grauada has made, a. new attempt to obtaiu the caual, so long proposed, by the Isthmus of Panama. For this purpose, alter the term which was stipulated in a previous contract with a house in New-York had expired, a new contract was made with a certain Baron Thierry, a Frenchman by birth. This man ap pears to be the same who announced himself some time ago as the King of New Zealaud, and who uolified, officially, his taking possession of this imaginary throne, to some foreign powers.— For two years, the republic had in vatu looked for an undertaker who might be willing to con struct, at his own expense, a canal across the Isth mus, for \vhieh a cession of the tight of transit was promised for a certaiu tirpe For this rea son, the propositions of the Baron Thierry- were accepted, lip promised to deepen the bed of the river Charges and the Rio Grande, aud to uuito them by a canal navigablp for vessels draw ing ten feet of water ; toercct the quays, ware houses, embankments, and bridge-, and to perform the other labors necessary to ft communication ; to commence ibo work within two years, and to finish it witliiu three other years ; to maintain in good condition tlie canal and the works depen dent on it; and to Surrender it fitly years after wards iu good repair, with die exception of the vessols, the ware-houses, the fortifications aud the artillery which he should have in possession ; to pay annually lo tho republic due half per cen tum on the proceedsof the tauai; to erect and to mouut with artillery, at hi- own cost, any fortifica tions that the public might believe necessary ; tq defray the expense of the garrisons of the republic; and to exclude from tbe caual ail the fitates at war with her. For all this the republic ceded to him the ground necessary for tbe construction ol the caual, and the works dependent on it; gi an ted him for the term of fifty years, the exdusivo use of the cabal, and the freight of merchandize and fare of travellers, to be paid at a fixed r.tto ; permitted to him import, frceof duty, ail the ma terials necessary for tt-o c.iual; engaged not to permit the esf. bdshmeut of any other canal, with in 50 m rinc leagues, nor auy rail road w-ithin 2 leagues of cither bank of the canal, aud renoun ced all duties, carriage of letters, inspection of passports of travellers outhe canal, &c. Time will show if tho undertaker, is in condi tion, to comply with his contract. Be that as it may, the Congress of New Granada seems to be seriously occupied with fhis affair, and has pro mulgated a decree to the effect that the ports of Panama, Portobello aud Charges, shall be declar ed f. ee pprts lot 50 years from the time when the communication between the two seas shalf'uo opened either by the canal or by a rail road. By the Globe.—We think tho Congress ol New Granada might well be- riouslyoccupied (“s trie Journal rajs) with the subject, lor [t is one of great aud absorbing interest. A rail road across the Isthmus may produce great changes iu tuo trade ol tho Pacific, (and all for the better) whirl] cannot now be well estimated ; aud it is at least probable, we think, th it the work will not bo completed by those w bo are about to undertake it. How to make lore successfully. —Yirst make fool of yourself; all it re-;. i» a-easy ;i How to be a leofm. man.—Count $550,001) on your credit in tlie bank. How to eschew P/.ysi . Eat slow. How to rt ji nt in sackcldh and unites—M ke a lovo match and run away to lit- married. How to get the dyspepsia- --Eat every hour, and you will soon have it. — Helmet- Among the incredible feats performed hy Arabs exhibiting in London, is this. The, run aud th-ow themselves ,-oitud in t ;e air, p,eking up a guu from the ground, and firing if off befora ^tbey alight on tlieir feer.