Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, September 08, 1836, Image 2

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\ * MACON CEOftCI FOREIGN. New-York. August 23. By the arrival of the packet ship Gen. iVish ing.'ro, ('apt. Hddrnilga. wo have received Lou- 11.).i pap irs to th * 25th of July, aud Liverpool p-sp >.,•* to the 26th. They do uot contaiu auy poi ;ic il nows of •*» veil m rn vii. 4 T').' king oi'Eugbnd is indisposed—-his c >ui- plaiut U sal to be ao att ack of the rheumatism . The l!i»u.>e of Lords had agreed to a secoud ■ eaJtug of U»e Irish Church Bill, with an iutini-t- tioa on 'he part «>r the Duke of Wellington that 4.hcy will reject the appropriation clause. London, July 21. A deplorable commotion tookploce at Figut*- ras on the 1 i tli tost. On the approach of the Car- list bauds', commanded by Hrugo and Joriila, the news of the assassination of the Barcelona courier near Gtroua. afforded the ultra Liberals a pretext for exciting au uproar, which the troops of the line were utiablo to prevent. The populace wero driven to tho utmost exasperation by false reports of treachery. In the tumult thus produ ced, the Governor, Brigadier Tena, was assas sinated, his corpse dragged through the sheets, and it was not before other Jives were dcsstroycil that tranquillity was with great difficulty restored. Tho accouut was b.thiuced by ntroeities com mitted by the Carlists. Don Carlos lately or tiered tho execution of the venerable Dr. Manzan arcs, whose only crime was that of being father of Manzsuate*. who was minister at Cadiz iu >$23, and who was subsequently shot by order of terdimr J. Tbc father .Mnnzannres, oil whom veugeaace of Dou Cat las has now fallen was 65 years of age. He was shot at Esroriaza, at the door of his uwu house. Thi* unfortunate geutletunu was one of the fifty persons seized by Don Carlos upon the slightest pretext, who were lately drawn from their prison at Mondragon, and marched on Ouatc. Three of the prisoners besides were shot during the march, before the eyes of their unhappy companions. lutellige.uce from Havouno to the 12th inst. Mates that ou the l ltb General Evans attacked Futitarabia, which was stoutly defetidcd by the Carlists. lie succeeded in gaining possession of tho Capuchin Couveot, and of a wood at a small distance from the town, from whence bis soldiers could attack the enemy with apparently no dan ger tu themselves. In the course of the night the town was reinforced by a large body of ('nrlisls. So early as four o’clock in the morning the firing was renewed, when the British troops were for ced to abandon the convent, and the Carlists succeeded in firing the wood io which they had outreuchc.i themselves. This was the sigual for retreat. The Christines fell hack upon Guada lupe, where General Jareguie (El Pastor) arrived in lime to cover their rear with fresh forces. No attempt was, however, made to renew the en gagement up to twelve o'clock. By aa official report published by the Carlists, the Cbristiuos are reporteu to have lost four hundred men in kil led and wounded. Tho same document repre scuts the loss of the Carlists ns inconsiderable, from fifty to sixty killed nnd wounded. Early on the moruiug of the 12th the Carlists attempted to set fire to Behobia, by meaus of an infernal machine fastened to a cart, and drawn by an ox. The animal wastheu driven towards tho town; but before entering it exploded, *o that tho only porsons injured were the drivers, two of whom were kilted, but whether by the explosiou of the machiuerar by shots fited by the garrison, had not been ascertained. The accouuts from the Asturias are. upon the whole unfavorable to the cause of the Queeu .It is said that Cordova has despatched 20,000 men iu pursuit of Gemez, who had reached Orris on the 2d. Madrid journals to the 10th instant inclusive have been received. Au air of gloom, jf not of despondency, pervades the capital. The ac counts from the provinces are disheartening iu the extreme. INDIAN AVARS. From tin Columbus Enquirer, Sept. 1. MAJOR J. C. ALFORD. Tho Report of this galiaui and persevering of ficer, given below, will be read with interest by tho whole country. It came upon us we confess rather unexpectedly, haviug no knowledge of his movements and supposing all the time that the troops below wete at their respective stations, or, at most, looking about the swamps in Baker, instead of this, as will be seen by the report. AU /ard and the soldiers with Jti in have been in long and hot pursuit of the Indians chasing them thro' the hammock, giviug them battle wherever they could be overtaken, and fol owing the flying foe far beyond the ilithlacuochie. o the very margin of the dismal Okejinoke. Sitting at home as must of our fellow citizens at this time are, at tending to their own business mid blessed with the enjoyments of domestic peace aud plenty, tlteycao form unjust idea of the hardships aud privations iucident to such a campaign. The vo iunteers who followed* the savages iu their flight to the £oQlh had not only to coulend with a burn ing suu, dark swamps, and blood thirsty enemies, but they bad also to war with hunger, aud fre quently replenish empty stomachs upon the un substantial food of the empty air. But the re port speaks for itself, and to it we invite the rea der’s attention ; Lumpkin, Aug. 25th, 1836. Major General John W. A. Sanford. Sir—After your departure from Baker county, 1 continued to scour the swamp and executed the order left by you, for the removal of the troops to the head of Spring creek. Capt. lientz. iu obe dience to your order, charging him specially with reonctio’i of the Indians fought by ineoti the 5th of this month, continued his pursuit of their trail to Fliut River, where they crossed, near New ton. Ho sent me back au express, stating the fact. In the mean time. I had the samt day I re ceived the express from Ileutz. before the express arrived, gone in company with Mr. Tontpkius aud Howard of B tker county, and a considera ble number of my owu men, and pursued the trail of the Indians from near my battle ground, to company iu pursuit, bopiug the Indians would recognize them, aud not seeing us. would fight again we followed near enough to be ready in that event to help. The night before, the enemy hud crossed the river, killed two beeves and re crossed and camped on the same side with Hentz iu the river swamp; we of course lost much time tu trailiug them, ou their fox like chase. About ten o’clock, wo received news of them going down the river ou the West side ; Restrained off after them, crossed at a bridge where they had just passed. Several companies had now joined us, (to wit,) Capt. Night. Pike, Grantham, Bur nett aud many citizens without officers. The people of Lotrudes aud Thomas counties, are a gallaul set of men, aud acted most promptly in deed, submitted themselves to my command most cheerfully, and acted with us like good citizens ought to do, when their couutry is iuvaded.— Alaj. Hall aud Btrictland aud Col. Blair of Lowndes county was iu the field. The pursuit was bold and impetuous. Tho iudiaus entered the river swamp about four miles below tho bridge where it is wide aud deep; uot knowing our grouud, we followed on horseback, on the trail made by their horses, (they bail stolen three hor ses the night before the battle with Heutz’s aud captured eight from his company in the fight.)— The Iudiaus crossed the 'V itblacoochy in the swamp, where there was no ford ; so did we. They penetrated the very thickest parts of the swamp, iu hopes to hide, we followed them; they crossed deep Lagoous, which by the time wo came along, had uo bottom r we tleated our hor ses over after tbem, dually our advauce; an nounced the fact that we had overtaken them.— ordered the men to dismount and charge— when we came up, the Indians had thrown away their clothes aud provisions aud &haudoued their horses, and fled in every direction; we retookuhe horses taken from Capt. Heutz’s men, as well as from the citizeus, and returned them to their owuersi The soldiers done what they pleasid with the plunder. We could not pursue the en emy any further uow: they had scattered aud run off in the swamp iu every direction, wo hun ted for them in vaiu until night—camped at Mr. Vickor’s. The soldiers sod citizens put up at lMieig TELEGRAPH where they crossed Spring creek, near where it | bouses nearest the swamp; nothing to eat today runs into Cbickasahatcbie ; we found the trail so | for ntau or horse. Today, the fourteenth. Cop iu tbfueigbborhood, and was there shot and kil led It some boys, very much to the honor of ibtsiule warriors. 1 herewith transmit Capt. Ken lick’s report, of his operations on the trail you .idered him to pursue. In|losiug this commuuicatiou. General, you POJLITICAX. Bunker Hill, August 29,1836. TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA, AND ESPECIALLY TO THE STATE RIOUTS PARTY. Unalterably fixed in the opinion, (hat the best will aud< urznit me to subscribe myself your friend i c > e, ' cs,s °f the people of the whole Union depeud ledieut servant. JtiLllls C ALFORD Major Com. 3d Battalion mounted men. From Florida. Charleston, August 29. Fin% Florida.—The schr. George &. Mary, Capi Willey, arrived at this port on Saturday pfteboou. We are indebted to Captain Willey for the fol lotvrig information, obtained by him from the Exjress Rider, who arrived at Bl»ck Creek 22d inst' A detachment of llOmeu, under command of l. tj. Pierce, haviug information that the lti- diai, were in their vicinity, went iu pursuit of the: ; od arriving at Geu. Clinch’s plantation, the; found 300 Indians, with about 100 horses hob: ted, aud 300 head of cattle—the Iudiaus tvete.immediately attacked and repulsed, after a battle of oue hour, the whites haviug oue killed, owing to his horse taking fright aud ruitiug iu tue uidst of the Indians, aud 16 woulded. The Iudiuis loss was 10 left dead ou the field, their wuptded they carried off—the Indians retreated toajtammockas usual; they immediately rallied aud pursued the whiles to within 2 miles of Mic- auopy when they abandoned the pursuit. be Express Rider states that Lieut. Herbert had agaiu 'distinguished himself, and that Major ~ was making preparation to attack them, on the follwiug day. INTERESTING DISCUSSION. Communicated for the Baltimore Gutette. Extract of a letter from a gentleman of this city, dalod ‘•Manchester. (Eug.) June21st, 1836. “ •••• I chauced to be iu Glasgow, Scotland, at a most fortunate time, as I had an opportunity of hearing the wholo of a very able discussion between the renowned George ^Thompson, Aboli tionist, and our highly esteemed fellow-citizen, the Rev. Mr. BrecJtenridge, on the subject of * A- morii-au Slavery,’ as Mr. Thompson calls it.— Mr. Brockenridge catno to tbis country about two mouths ago, and soon after he arrived, there ap peared in the public papers a challenge signed by Thompson, announcing that he would like to meet any American gentleman or clergyman to discuss tho principles of Abolition, Colonization, foe aud Mr B. accepted it. The disputants mot iu flr. Wardlaw’s Church, iu Glasgow, on Mon day evening, the 13th inst. and continued the dis cussion for five successive evenings, three hours each evening. Each was to occupy tho rostrum for half an hour at a time. Dr. Wardlnw, the Chairman, first arose and stated the object and rules of the meeting, by which ’here was to he on the part of the audionce, no expression of feeling whether by applauding the speakers, or vice vena. After making a few remarks upott the differeut positions which each of the disputants held, and distinctly stated that Mr. B. was not a slavehold er or advocate of slavery, be resigned the floor to Air. B. who began by saying that he was ‘aware <>ftb« dt Iicate position iu whtcb|he stood before so large and respectable au assembly, (upwards of 1000) whoso opinions were, he was sure, nil lean ing towards his opponent; hut he besought their patient heariug, for he came not to advocate sla very, or oven to dispute the right of foreigners to interfere in so momentous a question; but ho had much fault to fiud with the mode which some for eigners had adopted to free our slaves; and which. if persisted in, he hoped to prove, would nor only defeat their nvowed object, hut would be fraught with the most injurious results both to our nation and tho slaves themselves.’ During this half hour, he w as listened to iu silence and with at tention; hut it was easy to see, by the countenan ces of the audience, and even by the respectable < oti!mittee who occupied the platform, that he was pleading against prejudice, and had a difficult task to ftciform. Now. Thompson, their favor- iso; and at the first aud each succeeding much larger than wo expected, that all expressed astonishmeut at the fact, that I should have believ ed I fought only sixty oo eighty ludians, as you recollect I verbally reported to you at the time. Who could have induced you to t ink General that there were only fifteen or twenty? I cannot imagine, or is it n matter of any momeui- 1 ouly mention the fact to currectit, believing as I do that you would be gratified to know the truth, requested Mr. Tompkins. Howard and Greer with others to count the principal - mering places of the trail as the Iudiaus w ent iuto the Creek and there were twelve different trails of at least an average of ten tracks to a trail, where they crossed. Convinced of the fact, ’bat Hentz was pursuing a body of Iudiaus he could uot conquer I at nueft determined to follow him and overtake him if possible, although he bad been gone seve ral days. On my return to camp, and whilst 1 was stating the facts to my officers his express arrived it was near night, i issued my order for Capts. Greer and Sledge, to march early next • rnittg. They done so. We set off ou the teuth of this month, went thirty five mile* that night to Wests, near where the Indians had robbed a house on the line of Bak er and Thomas counties; here we were joined hy Capt. Evt riti and his company from Decatur county. We could get no pilot. There were but few people liviog in the settlement. Mr West was so much alarmed, be could uot tell us tin- way to bis son-in-law’s house, two miles off. the one that was robbed. We started ou tbelltb. ns early as we rould see, and found our way to the bouse. Here wo took iim unit rf uy of horsemen, who had gone up North, to a station instead of Hentzs’ trail, and w ent 20 miles out of our way. Finding wo were wrong, and fearing we should not he nbleto right ourselves in time to overtake Capt. Hentz. I ordered Capt. .Sledge to return to Camp Alford. With Capt. Greer and Everitt, and their companies, we took the general course ofthe Indians, andfortuuately landed at night iu hall a mile of the right trail; but unfortunately, landed where w e started; here we camped al a deep steep creek, which I call ed Camp Greer, in honor of my officer, who had that day, when the hope of overtaking the Indians was very faiut, still resolved to follow me, if I couliuued to go a head. Hentz was a longways ahead, but so. soon as the sign was right, we pursueiHiim with all possible speed.— Ou the I2tb. we passed two ofthe ln< inn ramps and several largo Creeks, the head waters of Oakaloekney aud the Okapilca ; joined to day by Capt. Newman and his company from Thom as county. Force increasing, trail warm, men ardeut, all anxious for battle. About 3o’clock in the evening, tvo saw before us, a bouse with many people all seemed to be greatly excited; at our approach, and when wo wete still fitr off. 1 mentioned to our boys, that from the strange appearance of things all was not right; we gal loped up. and the first to salute us, was one of Capt. Heutz’s men, badly wounded. Ho infor med us, that at eleven o’clock that day, they bad attacked the euetny in a branch and bad been compelled to retreat: the battle grouud was four miles off, aud Capt. Hentz, after being 1 reinfor ced. had gone back about two hours, to try it again. Hcntz’s defeat, with the sight of his wounded men, created a great sensation iu our ranks. All the men and officers manifested the most ardeut wish to retrieve the fortuues of the day aud punish the ettemy ; we strained our horses to the battle ground; the Indians had goue and Heutz after them; wo pursued them till night camped at Fulsom’s; heard of Hentz two miles ahead. After we campod, I procured a pilot and fouud his camp—his men manifested great joy at ttty arrival, and truly General, if there was auy fight in me. 1 felt it then. The cowards that bad refused to fight that day had all run home, and hero wore a few brave fellows encamped near the enemy, mortified at defeat, swearing they would whip tho enemy or die in the attempt; the citizens who hail joined them jo thedav, had left them at night; it was now dark and gettiug late in tho uight- 1 ordered them to remaiu in the rooming, until I came up, and returned to my rump The .-tun of tile figlil i- < ;i-i!y mid.— To day. tain Greer and his company rested. I pressed a fresh horse, aud with my friends Graves who never tires, I weut back to the swamp, ar ranged the v .rious companies who had repaired to scour the swamp. Today. Capt. Newman’s compauy came upon the rear, or flank guard of the Indians, aud iu sight of oneoftheit warriors fited tight or ten guns after him as he run, do no: kuow whether he was bit or not—could see no more ol them to day. Determined never to de sist so long as there tvas any hope, I issued my oi-derfor all to lie as near tbeawamp as possible, for hunger forc-d tbem to go some where to get something to eat, aud to be at the swatnp by sun rise, aud all that were not there by oue hour by suu, not to come at all—the order was promptly obeyed aud Capt. Greer’s compauy aDd all tbe other companies were there at the appointed time; we rushed iuto the swamp, and after pluu- ging for au hour, we heard guns fire at our house; wo supposed at once that the Iudiaus bad made an attack ou tbe guard left to take care of the horses; I ordered every man to rush to the spot, aud ou arriving, an express was the occasion of firing, with information that tbe Indians were seen that tnorniug four miles below, going tow ards grand hay.ou the eastern branch of Withla- coochy. Wo pursued at the top speed of our horses—just before tve came to the place where rhey wero seen, there came upon us a heavy thunder shower, and weiould not trail them well. I am ofopinon they h„d sepernted to meet at grand bay, a most extensive aud impenetrable swamp, iu the direction of Oakafonokee swamp. iha *i<l of seycral good trailers, wo pursued their sign with much difficulty to tne river, amt where a fen of them had crossed, hut never could trail them auy further that day. All agreed l tbat if they get to grand bay, we conld uot drive for them successfully, and the citizens urged up on u» >o ilneht and let natch for their I march from the swamp and cut them off between J man. She is a Creek, and it is reported that she there and Oakafonokee, he that ’hen it might. cai >»o iu company with 25 warriors; she gave 1 gave up th« chase and returned to Roundtree’s out f ram fatigue, and thev left her. with a orotn- house, where I was kindly treated in my roost . AUGUSTINE, AUG. 26.—From Mican- opyj—Au express arrived in. towu ou Monday uigtt last Irom Micanopy, bringing intelligence of a battle at Fort Drane, which took place there ou jhe morning of th 20th. The following par ticulars have been politely furnished us by an officer of the army, and are the subsiauce of the distatches brought by the express. Ilaj. Pierce of U. S. Artillery, arrived at Mi- caitopy with the train from Garey’s Ferry, on tb evening of the 20th inst. Fort Drane distant 1( miles, having been abandoned ou the 6tb, was unierslood to be occupied by the ludians. Capt. C lids of the 3d Artillery commanding at Alicau- ojr, on the arrival of Maj. Pierce, had contem- pltted a movement on the euemy. Tots was at oqce sanctioned by Maj. Pierce, who marched at 2 (t’clock on the morning of the 21st ult. to find the enemy, His force was composed of Capt. 1 Child’s company of the 3d Artillery—of a detach ment ofthe 1st Artillery, aud a field piece, man ned by a detachment of Capt. Gall’s compauy of the'4th Artillery—in all III) men. They arrived at Fort Drane at sunrise, and found the Indians in the occupation of the place. They were immediately and gallantly attacked— Major Pierce having completely surprised them, aud given the fi-st fire. The celebrated chief Powell was present in person, having been seen by those who knew him, and bis voice recognized repeatedly. The euemy was soon routed and driven three-quarters of a mile into a hammock, leaving teu dead on the field. Tbe action lasted ! one hour. There can be no doubt that the In dian loss must have been 30or40. as their num bers were estimated at from 3 to 400. Their women and children were with them. The officers engaged in the affair were Capt. Childs, of the 3d Aitillery, Lieut. Irwin of the 1st., Lieut. Pickell of the 4th, Lieut. Spaulding of the 2d Dragoons, Lieut. Betts of the 1st. Ar tillery. The troops were all regulars. Major Pierce returned the same day to Alica- nopy, bringing off his killed and wounded—his loss being I killed and 16 wounded—among tbe latter Lieut. Betts of the 1st Artillery. Acting Adjutant. l* io that. Major, Pierce contem plates another movement on (he enemy tu tno course of a day or two. Au Indian squaw with two children, were taken on Sunday last, near Brandy Branch, about 18 miles N. \V. of Jacksonville, by a Mr. Spark- upou tbe triumph audgcneral recognitiou of State Rights principles, 1 conceive it my duty to do every thing iu my power to promote, at all times, the success of the State Rights Ticket. In these times, as in all others, it is safer to rely rather upon tho action than tbe professions of public men. Gen Glascock’s conduct during the last session of Cougress, upon tho Abolition ques tion was so perfectly satisfactory to the State Rights party, that many of our friends, influenced by the integrity of their princ’ples, manifest an ardent desire to give him their support. This is nothing less than would be expected from those whose devotion is more to principle than to men aud although it is improper for auy State Rights man to indulge these generous feelings while he has a full ticket of his own party before him, for the substantial reason, that it would bo au act of great neglect, and indeed injustice, to his political friends, as their action upon that subject, as well as upon all others, would have been equally satis factory, had au opportunity been afforded them ; yet many, nevertheless, will make room upon our ticket for the man who has burst the shackles of party interest, and come out upon his couutry’s side. Therefore, that the general ticket may not be affected by the vote given to Gen- Glascock. I withdraw my name: for if a vacancy should uot be created upon our ticket, the whole would have to divido the loss. Candor requires us to acknowledge that we have no votes to spare, aud the truth can never do injury to a virtuous cause. I should have done this act earlier, had I been in a situation to learn more of public opinion. Influenced aloue by what I believe to behest calculated to advance my country’s interest, I do hope my motive will uot be harshly considered or hastily condemned by my political friends, aud that they will examine the subject well before they censure the act: but to the good sense of the par ty, I yield with perfect submission. It is, I give the most effectual and undivided vote to our party, and secure tho election of the bal ance of its representatives, that I withdraw. It is to advauce the force aud power of our everlast ing truths, that I withdraw ; and it is lastly, to call upon the people to look at who they are supporting, and for what they are supporting them, that I have withdraw. Very respectfully. JOHN H. HOWARD. a hearty tlisposiuon between them to to the full extent, where their joint °<r opera ^ be of mutual advantage is my ardent it-* ma * us both bear in iniud, that though each^',?’ * et have us separate interest to a certain Stl ‘ mav as it regards other sections, t), ev bo ,j* te , at < common interest, and that interest i, , • Ve » Southern Atlantic by the nearestxhem, routes with the great bo.tom ofthe ppiond its vast tributaries. exhaused aud debilitated condition. Aly staff was with me—Capt. Greer was at Hall's several miles on our return march, hi two nights and a whole day, I had one cup of coflee only, my tnen were but little better off. General, I done all, and suffered ail that man can do aud sufftr, to crush the cruel and the cowardly savages but I could uot make them fight. I loft them ou the further bauk of the distant Withlacoohy, bending their course towards the dismal Oakafanokee— where Capt. Night of Lotvudes county, informed me he believed all that bad succeeded in escap ing had concentrated, preparatory to their re- novnl to Florida ; he is a man of good sense am! reat energy, and I rely much upon his o itiion indeed; front all that I can learn. I am out from fatigue, aud they left her, with a prom ise to send a horse for her. Capt. Dummett's compauy of mounted volun teers have been stationed at Weadinan’s planta tion, eleveu miles from tho city, on tho Picolata road. A daily intercourse is kept up each way to Picolata and St. Augustine. A detachnteut of Capt. Phillips' compauy have been stationed at Hansou’s plantation. Office of the Herald, ? St. Augustine August, 26. y We lean that last night, about 9 o’clock the sentinel who was ou post at Hansou’s plantation, was fired upon by au Indian or negro from be hind n fence, near to tbe house which is occupied by the detachment who are stationed there. The ball passed very near tho sentinel, and through a door aud lodged in the sill of the door opposite. Tracks were discovered this morning in the field about 50 yards from the house. It is supposed there were 5 or 6 Indians. A detachment of U. MR. CALHOUN. Ertract from the letter of John C. Calhoun. Esq. to a committee ofthe citizens of Athens, in which he declines a Public Dinner. Of all questions, which have been agitated un der our government abolition is that iu which we of tho South have the deepest concern. It strikes directly and fatally, not only at our pros perity, but our existence, as a people. Should it succeed, our fate would bo worse, thaD the Ab origines. whom we havo drove out, or the Slaves whom we commaud. It is a question, that ad mits of neither concession, nor compromise.— The door must be closed against all interference on the part of the General Gnverum *ut in auy form, whether iu the District of Columbia, or iu the States or territories. The highest groquds are tbe safest. There is ouo point, in connection with this im portant subject, on which the South ought tp be fully informed. From all, that I saw and heard during the Session, I am perfectly satisfied, that we must look to ourselves and ourselves only for safety. It is petfectly idle to look to the non- slave holding States to arrest tho attacks of the fanatics. I readily admit, that the great body of the enlightened citizens of all narties iu the^e Otates are opposccrio nun „„,i ous schemes, but sa intent are tbe two parties, From the Richmond Enquirer Fair and above board /-For once. V . cal Auti-Masous have been treated as at '' served. Webster has an, wered—Harrison £ ey de ' en two answers—Neither of them giv ' But Mr. Van Burau has met their inter™! 3 ' 10 ?' iu a clear decisive spirit. Even the Phil a i° rie * Inquirer, who has hitherto charged him »i,k Phia committalism, equivocation, Sic. &c ' fton ' to admit the Vice President's letter to I , r° UDti aud unequivocal ; uo oue cau misundJ’, 6 , - nk he speaks of Anti-Masonry a3 a dch, - dlt; avows his determination to be iiniuUtte^ , aad m his appointments to office. We tnav ° U diet with entire confidence that everv And m pre ' m Pennsylvania will support the electord S pledged to Harrison and Grander (U~ • *'• course, lending some countenance io Lir"?* 00 - f cal party.) The following is , he cS^' which passed ou tne subject. u naeoce 1 IYTSBDK6. August 8 laoc To tbo Editors cf the Gazette : ’ “ Gentlemen; Inclosed you will find a , the letter addressed by tbe Hon. AlaS V a ?H° f ren to the committee appointed by the late 5“' tiounl Auti-Masonic Convention, i «ill .i.t r' you to publish it j n your 1 " ,U ,baa fc . Very respectfully, &c. W. W. IR\VI\ •. “ Washington, Slav 19 “Gentlemen : I have to acknowledge the t e cetpt of your letter, communicating in m T a „ solution adopted by the •• National Anti ?h s , !f Convention,” recently assembled at Phtlad- lnl • instructing you to ask me whether, if I Fresident of the United States, I would auS re- adhering Masons to office; and have the honm m state, tu reply, that I should not, in the even! id luded to, (eel it to be tny duty to inquire whether applicants for office were eitheradherm* l/asouc or opponents of the Alasouic iustitution° Whilst the tact of auy such applicant being au adberiur Mason, would certainly not be regarded by me as constituting a grouud of preference, I could not at the same time, look upon either circumstance as creating a disqualification for office, if thean- plicant should prove to be, iu all other resueets well entitled thereto. r 1 I am, geutleraeu, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, rp w « _ , A*- VAN hi'REN. sow. W. Irwin, Ezekiel Birdseye, \Vm. A. Simpson, Thaddeus Stevens,Edward S. Wil liams, aud Charles Ogle, Esquires.” deliberately of opinion, ihat uot oue Indian has ; gone to Florida. The squaws I havo with me, j informed the people at Thomasville, that the In- j dians would stop in Okafauokee two inonus, aud : S. Troops went out to reinforce those stationed there go to Florida in a body, and I learned iu j at that place. Hanson’s is 5 miles west pf this Lowndes, that the signs around the swamp arc place . • ' fresh and iafalljble. ' This afternoon Bon Wiggins arrived in town Iu anticipation of your order, I brought tho from th<‘ neighbourhood of Now Switzerland, Indian prisoners with me, ou my return march, and met your express at camp. There are 31 women aud children. Eighteen were taken at the battle of Bushy creek, in Lowudes c ouniy. (Colonel ilallowe’s plantation) whither he had goue to collect some horses, with two others, states that this morning after crossing Sampson’s Creek ou his return, they discovered a party of where the men and officers who fought them, dis- j Indians a short distance from them. They sup-' tiuguished themselves. These were Beall’s In- pn«e there were fifteen or twenty in the gang.— diaus. This battle hasbecn reported in the nows- | They put spurs to their horses and rode with all papers, with tho officers who commanded Capt. 1 haste, to town, bringing with them the (tuxes they Sttelly from Lowndes, a itli sixteen men enptur- bad collected. In coming through the 12 mile burst of eloquence (far he is a fluent and hand- The Indians s eing they would be overtakeu hy some speaker.) he elicited applause. Cries of : Capt. Hentz, bad formed an exteuded line iu a ‘Hi at hear!' rang through tbo house, iu despito ; small branch swatnp, where two branches ran m .ill tbo worthy chairman could do in prevent together, making a narrow swamp of thick hu tb it; .Hid 1 was almost afraid Mr. B. would be tit- j es, nearly in tbe shape of a half circle, with an terly discouraged; but true Kentucky blood stir red <n his veins, am) uoihing daunted, he again took his «.uru, and told the folks some facts they never hrard before. Curiosity aud doubt now seemed to reign, till their champion again aroso, aud . smoothed over things a little. The next evening .Mr. T’s. arguments were pretty much a re ju tiuoa of those advanced on the first, und Air. h. told him so. Whispers wore now running , perior numbers ■Ml ‘ that ihriitlgh the crows! that he (Air. B.) was a ‘e/rtv r j company chill—Jinna ye think, try man, that Thom/ son's , their grotin caught a tartar, Ac &c. On Wednesday ning there w.m Jess applause fpr Thompson; and on Tliur- :y he wis actually hissed. aud .Mr. 11. war nly aypiaiukd. You may be Mire’I was de lighted at the success if my townsman; nml at the 8.line tnue, I gave the good people of Glas gow credit .or such ,good seme, uow that they : f< know tlte truth, and the ie/ioIt truth; for it was j ■ i Rot of downright falsehood that Air. T* stood ac cused, but of uot telling ’.he whole truth of some of his i£rcinifiil talcs The l.istev*ning whs not so interesting, but o.ich speaker, at his parting ad dress was loudly cheered. Altogether, the dis- ettssiou tvas highly interesting; aud I have uo loubl will be productive of much good ; e.ipe- viady as the debate is to be published in citrnro." open pino wood* to enter it. Their line, if straight, would (in the language of all that gave au jpiuion } have boon at least five huudred yards long: of course, as is usual with them, they were in open order to extend their flaoks. Their number of warriors must have been at least eigh ty strong, with the advantage ofthe covert of the branch swamp, their pick of the grouud and ru- That' portion of Capt. Heutz’s would fight, could uo: maintain The brave Tinsley, (our pilot iu j Chickasshatclii ) nil those (ought wilb him, were compelled to retreat, after haviug five men badly w ounded. Tlteir number was about thirty, ns well as 1 could learn, and I would men j linn every name if I could do so, without leaving uy, but I do not know them all. some brave might have his feelings wounded, by not (■mg known. The balance of the command run and never came back. At three o’clock oir tbe 13th, i w as on my horse, with my commaud; we came up to Heinz's-command before light, ou the banks of the W ithUcoorby proper, here called little river, the eastern branch being called Withlacoochy, improperly, (see map Georgia,) 1 kept my comm mti in tbe rear some distance, and so soon as we could see tbe trail, sent Henlz’ edon the Allapahaw. three prisoners and killed ten Iudiaus. Capt. Browning of a statiott iu the upper part of Thomas rouuty. captured JO wo men aud rhildreu. out of the company of ludians, pursued by Capt. Kendrick. The warriors of tins panv we could bear of. on nnr mnjch to our l< fu yursuiug tho same general course with till tbe oilier Indians I have heard of. These together, composed the party of prisoners in my posses sion, which trill be sent on towards Fort Mitchell this evening. Ou returning to my camp in Ba ker, I found that we had left uo Iudiaus behind us, and none (lave couie in during our absence. I herewith transmit a certificate of the citizens of Baker county, that the swamps are uow moro clear of Indiana, than they have been for 5 years. Under thi> state of affairs, 1 have left Camp Alford and marched to Lumpkin, preparatory to ourheiug discharged. I am gratified Goimra!, that my aaitnliou has cUVcted at the point of the bayonet, wbat heretofore uo array of force, or parade of men could otherwise accomplish, the totnt expulsion of the Iudiaus from Chickasn- hatchie swamp. Our lime L nearly out: we now believe tvo have no mote work to do. Tho opi nion is now predicated upon good evidence, aud we hope yiut will order us up immediately aud discharge us. We have to day, to bitty ono of the best citi- y.rus of Troup couuty .vhodied of conjestive fever yc-ierday. Air. Brittain Evaus, a man of groat merit at home as well as iu camp. Before I close ibis my fiual report to ynf, permit me to make one suggestion The frontier of Georgia will now be changed from Alabama to Florida* The war in Fh-rida this winter will send tho In dians back Upon the popple of Lowndes, Thomas, inrin and the oilier southern couuties. Our Mate ought to preparo for her defeueo in time, ami provem a useless sacrifice of tho lives and property of our gallant bretheru of thit portion of out State. I to mention that in driving the swamp, wo cut off an aged Indian warrior, from the body of his people, aud in attempting to swamp, thoysav they discovered numerous signs of Indians. The 12 mile Swamp is a thick dense Swamp on tho road leading from titis to Jacksonville, and is tho placo where Capt. John Williams was attacked by a party of about 50 negroes tint! Indians ou the 11 th Sept. 1812.— The lather-iu-law of Ben Wiggins, and we be lieve Ben himself figured conspicuously Iu this battle. The Swamp is admirably adapted to all the purposes of Indian warfare. Tho Mnudarin Company have been engaged in scouriug this region of country several days, hut the Iudiaus always manage to elude our troops whenever they are in suporior force. From tho West wo have nothing of importance since the affair ofthe 20th. The post at Miconopy is to bo abandoned, and a position taken up about 20 mils uearer Garey’s Ferry. Tho Creeks, it appear^ are dividing themselves into small partios offrotn teu to fifty in r.umber, in order to elude tho vigilance of the Georgia troops, aud make good their escape to Florida where they hope to battle to better advantage.— Hundreds, we may say, have already made their which divHe and distract all the uon-slave hol ding States, on getting, or retaining power, that neither will directly oppose the abolitiouists on our accouut from the fear, that by incurring their displeasure, they might lose their aseendeucy in their respective States, or defeat their prospect of rising to power. As stroug as may be their sympathy for us, their regard for their party at home is still stronger. Of this we may be per fectly assured. Nor would it be less vaiu to look to Cougress. The same cause, that prevents the nou-slayeholdiug States from interfering iu our favor at home, will equally prevent Cougress.— We must not forger, that a majority of Congress in both Houses are the Representatives of those States, aud, of course, actuated by ail the fee lings and calculations, which govern their res pective States. But, if true to ourselves, we need neither their sympathy, nor aid. The Con stitution has placed in our power ample means, short of secession, or disunion, to pro’ect our selves. AU we want are harmony and concert among ourselves to call them into effectual action when the necessity comes. As to the act regulating the public depostte", I consider it by far the most fortuuatc measure of the Session. And here let me say, which is due to truth and justice, that for the success of this great and beuificent measure, the Couutry is greatly indebted to the steady aud firm co-oper ation of a majority of the friends of the adtnin istration iu both Houses, who proved by their acts, that they preferred their Country aud its Institut'ons to patty attachment. If l mistake not, the passage of the measure is the commencement of a uew political era. It will he regarded in history as makiug the termin ation of that long vibration of our system tow ards consolidation, which lately threatened the overthrow of our institutions and tho loss of our liberty, and the commencement of its return to its true coufederntive character, as it came front the hands of its framers. There is ono view of this important subject highly interesting to the Southern Atlantic States and especially to this, which deserves notice.— I* will afford the means, if properly applied, of opening our connection with tho vast aud fertile | regions of the West to the incalculable advan tage of both them aud us. Wo are fariu the rear ofthe other 6ectious in reference to internal ini provemeut. Nature seemed to place au insepar able barrier between the Southern Atlantic ports, and the West; but a better knowledge of the geography of the Couutry, aud the great advance of the menus of conitnuuicatiou between distaut parts, by Rail Roads, have, in the last year, or ttvD, opened new views of prosperity for our sec tion. Instead of being cut off from the vast com luerce ofthe West, as had been supposed, we fiud to our surprise, that it is in our power with pro per exertion* to turn its copious stream to our owu ports. Just at this important moment, when this now brilliant prospect is unfolding to our view, tho doposito bill is about to placo unde From the Standard of Union. TQ THE USION PA J! TY. It is less than sixty days to oue of the most im portant elections which has ever takeu place in the State of Georgia. Nine representatives to Congress are to be e- lected. aud a powerful effort will lie made to de feat the Union ticket. The election of Presideni and Vice President which takes place in fjevem- ber next, aud the deep rooted hatred pf the oppo sition to Gen. Jackson aud the measures of his administration, has aroused the combination in every quarter of the Union, to the last violent struggle for victory or death. Butin Georgia, the uullifiers will introduces uew system of tactics. The broad grouud oa which the contest has been w aged for four yean past will be maiuly abandoned, and instead of advocating their claims upott the basis of uulliS cation, and holding it up as tbe great corwtrva live principle <>i liberty, they will seek to direc mil'll loutin— ui.jooic, -.yd to turnitn- way from the coiltfcniplaiipu of principle? iihiel it has seriously considered, ‘and sofemuly Mo dem tied. The abuse of .Marlin Van Burcu and Richtrd M. Johnson—surmises and inuendoes agaitst their public and private characters, and praiic aud hallelujahs to White aud Hurrisou, with a lit tie faint praise occasionally to Daniel Websiet will be the burdeu of their spug. This tve pre dict with confidence. To those union men, if there be such, whahsvo felt misgivings iu relation to tho opinions of kr Van Buren, on account of the charges ant! state ments made by the uullifiers, we now address ourselves, llis opinions of the abolition ques tion have been laid before you, jn which best and- pledged to sustain the rights of the South, to th last extremity ("au you ask for more? C* you douht the word of a man whose whole lif has been devoted to his country ? But what Dior- could you expect of a party which has dccouucei Andrew Jackson a tyrant and a traitor, aud tin whole union party as tories ? While they are makiug tho cry of abolition a gainst Air. Van Buren, in the very face of hi votes anc' publicly expressed opinions, tbeyatn' their preference for General Harrison of Obit, an open aud undisguised abolitionist. They dis t metiy declare, if they cannot elect Judge VV liitf they will take Geu. Harrison iu preference to Mi. Van Bureu. We have said General Harrison is rm abolition ist, and in proof of this assertion, tve appeal to speech delivered by himself, in which ho expres ses himself iu favor of the emancipation ot slaves, ntui declares his opiniou, that Coupe: may constitutionally appropriate the surplus rc veuuo to that object—that is to say in pl*' u glislt, that Congress may rob u. of oar qonq by the most odious and oppressive taxation, u raise the menus to pay us for our own slauv- hat she may take from us, “forty hales of « ton, out of every huudred," to raise a fund 0 way to the Seminole's, where, prompted by the I the control of the States interested ample meaus almost universal success of that nation, and in | of accomplishing, ou the most extended and du purchase front us the very slaves who ffltde Cotton. And this is General Horrisoo, a cau ditto for the presidency, aud tylw i s P re ' erre • the uullifiers to Mr. Van Bureu. The application ofthe jtublic revenue f interim! Improvement by >6* Genera ^ ernment, was considered by Mr. JefiersM, ill genuine republican, as a high hanucc <■ measure, but it is pure and uudefilM democ J when contppred to tho most quir»g*wp P 5 of Gcueral Harrison; a project which B0 * ^ ern man cau contemplate without horror may. Such a system, not to speak o ^ cal consequences, is so unjust, so . jj( j „ oc repugnant to every princip e of equity* ” . - ' who loves h.sceuu -y . conscience, that no man woo - > ~Vast»««’ himself, can look upon it with du. - mJl mice.—It would bo no better than too » of his own money, to pay him for Hr ' Cipk 'ti!c nullified ty. And these are the prut r'sou, who is now preferred conjunction with them they will make a hold aud daring stand. A gentleman recently from Hamilton couuty, informs us that bodies of Indians, from tentosixty in a gang, are continually passing down; and when interrupted by the whites hastily collected together, fly to a hammock, nnd daro them to come in.—Floridian. Riot at Exeter.—Air. Storrs, an abolitionist, attenipted to deliver a lecture at Exeter, N H. on Wednesday evening last, in .the Alethodist chapel, but was prevented by tho assemblage t»('a mob who broke tho windows of the church, and then drove the congregation from the house by discharging water upott them from an engine. rablo scale, a system of rail road communication that, if effected, must change the social, political and commercial relations of the whole country, vastly to our benefit, but without injuring other sections. No State has a deeper interest in see ing the system executed than (reergia. Her po sition gives her great and commanding advanta ges in reference to rail roads; more so iu tny o- pinion, than any other State iu tho Union, and all that she wants to raise her prosperity to the highest point aud place it on the most durable foundation is i wise aud judicious application of her rnea*‘s-. Though possessed of less advanta- I speak the sentiments of emu who is with us, heart and ^^'gj^politk Do not suffer yours^; Mr. Storrs and his friends, black and white, were get around us to rejoin them, he pawed a hottso completely drenched. ges; I feel confident. Carolina in saving, that she feels no envy at the designations. .... * ° - if there was doubt m the mum question involving «ur p rights. Union men, beware! to meet your adversary upon a , “ 1 "'N* 1 principles of the contest are u0 A t ,° t .r-isiii 18$' ligeation is nullification stl| f- onf t jf it e> 2-3- 4 and 5, »o it is io 1830, *» , rho a gains tlte ascendancy, woabeude them marked as its victims- We must 0 uullifiers, f-r however they Ijoeiole** name and *>ssumo anothet. tiiel • u 'jhedc the same. Their creed yinaWta' - *n-jat a trines of Messrs. Calhoun, .McDuffie, • Hamilton. . !ft Georp*" 1 We recognize but two |«- ies '“ [he j r prof ion and find these a of auj £ 3 Of > h0 superior advantages of Georgia, aud that she will mere *>■■»» succc 33 . rejoico to see them developed to the fullest ex- the out-set of the conflict, ^{iples tent. That there may be ageneroxts rivalry and j niou party, and the trnim