Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, September 08, 1836, Image 4

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M 4 e OIff <*• 'E O R fi J A T I ll (Er R A P fl MFJOICIJVJES, Ac. 4 FRESH SUPPLY just received by J. H. At W. S. ££il<5>< Mbcouic Ilnll. Cottou Avenue, among which are the f ollowiug MEDICINES, Ac. Sulphato Quinine (frencti) Ciiutharides, DRUG STORE. T HE Subscribers have resumed the Brttg Business, at their old stand, formerly Eh Fly stone, Colocyntb, Court piaister. Castor oil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, puiv. Corks velvet. Calomel, Antimony, Aloes. Rheubarb, Jalap, . N Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk, Acetate lead, do cunri, do Zinc, Arseniate potassa, Ether sulphuric, do nitric, ' Nitrate silver, do potassa, Phosphate soda, tin iron, Sulphate iiuu, do potassa, •io soda, do magnesia. Borate soda, Phosphorus, Manna fluke, Ointment hyd. potassa,' do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch, Oxide mercury, Extract Jalap, do Butternut, Hyosciatnus, Gentian, Belladonna, Taraxici, Rhubarb, Nux Vomica, Rhatania, Cicuta, Glycyrrhiza, do do do do do do do do do Sulphate Morphine, Acetate do Iodine. Acetic acid, Oxalic do Citric do Prussic do Tartaric do Ammonia, do (Aromspts) Antitnonialis pulv Veratrine, Strychniuo Emetine, Rhoubarhiuc, Croton Tigliuni, Secale cornntum, Oil Sinapiue, Oil cautbnridin, Pyroligneous Acid, ifydriotate Potassa, Peporine Oil Mack pepper, Irish moss, Mtk<k, v Chloride sods, Citrated kali, ChSoride Lime, Medical mustard, in pots, Opium denurcotized, Cyaumot pblassiutn. Comp. Tonic extract, Carrageen, (prepared) Spigeiia comp extract, Blue moss, i'recip. ext. hark, Peruvian do Calisaya • do l’nxa do .Red do Chamomile dowers. Senna. Uva Ursi. Ilorehound, Sl '*fic, ,. African Cayenne, Bayberry bark (pow’d) Blood root, do Cu'chicuin, do Goldenseal, Slippery Elm (pow’d) 1 Quassia, Gentian (pow’d) Cort. Aurant (pow’d) Lobelia and scad, Hemlock, Skunk cahbggc, Squills, Gamboge, Hops, Mexerium, Alknnet root, Cortcassarilla, do sassafras, Ladies’ slipper, Golden thread, Sadiron, Cinnamon bark, Powdered ginger. Root do Curcuma, Mustard seed, Mace, Cloves, Nutmegs, Caraway seed, Anise do Coriauder do Arrow root. Aqua Tortis, Anodyne (Hoffman's) Borax. Black lead, Brimstone, Blue stone, Juniper berries, Cubeb do Oxide bismuth, Bees wax, Burgundy pitch, Balsa ui copivi, do tolu, do Peru, Ulacx drop, PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Lees’ pills, Compt fi’d cx’t Pink Root, Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter, Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative. Gum Arabic, do do do do do Camphor, Scammouy, Myrrh, Asafartida, Guiac, renrl Barley, Syringes, Honey, Otto roses, Magnesia, calc’d do curb, I.riugloss, Quicksilver, Seidlitz powders. Soda do Saratoga do Sponge, Tamarinds, Wafers, Snrsaparilla, Red precipitate, White do Black do Pearlash, Annatta, Indigo, Spanish float, Logwood, Fustic, Copperas, Spanish brown, Venetian red, Madder, Fig blue, NutgalLs, Alum, Cochineal, Spts Turpentine. Venice do Starch, Salt Tartar, Sal Ammoniac, Glue, Rosin, Jujube paste. lis, Shotwel! & Co lately occupied by Mr Wm G.} Browu, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of H. & J. SHOTWELL, who intend keeping n very general assortment of. Goods peculiar to their line of business, together with n great variety of miscellaneous articles that may be I difficult to be found elsewhere. Their Slock is now very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly I all their Fail and winter supplies, a general enumera tion of \\ hich could not be given in an advertisement. Some of the Articles received are, (Drugs A Medicines.) Rochelle Salts, Hellebore, Iceland Muss, Flos Ben zoins, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calatninaris, Henry’a j -Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne .Pepper, Black Pepper, Alspice. Hemlock Bark, Bayuerry do, Poplar | do, Cinnamon do, Goldeu Seal, Sumac, Mein. Anisi, I Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gem ; Guiac, Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Ptp- : uermint Lozenges, Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lein hi ; Drops, Coriander Seed. C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au j rout. Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, Pink Root, Gum Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lcb- j «lia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Ext Colocyntb, Pul. ! Gm Arabic, Ground Race Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl j Barley, refined Borax, Bole Armenian, Cera Alba, I Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, Ca- ! nella Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carh. Soda. Castor, ! Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazsrion, Sassafras, Bals am Honey, Cumfrey Root. Dragons Blood, Oil Lav ender, Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark, do Liverwort, Stricnine, Emetine, Digitalis, Flat Bark, Flos of El der, Ext Hyoscyamus, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, J Henbane, Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammouy j Aleppo, Gold Thread. Hydriodate Potass, .Mustard ( Seed, Spts Nitre, Oil Wortnseed. Croton Oil, Olive 1 Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanfords Bark. Tamarinds, ■ Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium, Ca„tharides, Flowers of Chamomile, Oil Pepper- I mint. Bermuda'Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li quorice, Frgot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate. Aloes, Gum Arabic, Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid, -Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As- phaltum, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass, Bals am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Cartti, Cream Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia, Mercurial Oiiitroent, Blue Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop. Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinna niott, Acetate Morphine, sulph do, Conip Ext Bucha, do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Roott Comp Ext Cubebs. Piperine, Iodine, Butler’s Magne sia. hreosote, Assafoctida, Nutmegs, Tapioca, Manna, Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian, salt Petre, Glaubers salts, Concentrated spts Ammonia. JPftints, Bye Stuffn, Oils. 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red do 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do 6 kegs Yellow Ochre do 20 canisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish Browu dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do 800 lbs Yellow Ochre dp 1500 lbs Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi- ; gria, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Utubar, Lamp Black, Ivorv do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes, Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Plaster, Wa ter Lime, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black Paint mixt. Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Pros tings, Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chopped, Fustic, Madder. Camwood, red San ders, Copperas, Rrazilletto Wood, Annatto. 300 gals Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter do 180 do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Train Oil 1 bbl Liver Oil, • do Neats Foot 1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do. JVEW DRUG STORE. DR. H. XOOlteXS AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS &, MEDICINES, at the Store one door below VV. B. Johnston’-Jewelry, which he will sell at mo ‘ ierate prices: among which are PAINTS, White Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Stoue Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Rosepiuk, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion, Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colours. OILS, Linseed, Speim, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copal, Japan, Coach, Leather, 6c Picture Varnishes. BRUSHES Flesh, Hair. Hat draining, Varnish,Furniture, Tooth. Paint, Nail, Com: Shoe, Snubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. PERFUMERY Cologne, Ross Honey, Florida, Lavender, & Orange Flower Wate., Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Shaving Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Meil, Flake White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender, Neroli. and Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Puffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi ols, Tonqitin Beans, Vin de Itouge, Vegetable Rouge, A Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS. Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Ammoniaret of Copper, Sago, Emetine, Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- ocynth, Elaterium, Jalap, Kahinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla &. Cubebs, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient* English Calomel, Hoffman’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jnjube Paste, Lactucarium, Lan cets, Patent Lint, Lupuline, Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Copniva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreen, Se neca, Denarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho rus, Piperine, Pocket Instruments, Hydriodate & Ox y-muriate of Potash, Potter’s Catholicon, Liquor of Po tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhubarbarine, Sali- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Sjrrap of Liver wort, One Stethoscope, Swaim’s Panacea, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum, Wine ofColchicum, Trusses, Turbith Root, White Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate «f Colchicum, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines. and nil others in common use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling.Instruments; and one second hand set of Amputating and Trephin ing Instruments. April 29^ T Bibb Sheritf Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, at the court house in the city of Macon, bc- ticeen the usual hours of sale, The undivided half of fractions Nos. 117 and 119. lying on the east side of the Ocmulgee river, as the property of Drury Thompson, adjoining land of John Loving, to satisfy sundry fi fas. front Justices Courts, and from Bibb Superior Court, iu favor of George Northern and others, levy made ’ S T! OUR months after datn „„ r to the honorable the inferior T*" 1 t county, when sitting for ordinary pu ^ n of llfi* J sell the negroes belonging to the eS ! 1C > ■ lato Pt “id county, decease*' 6 te of Je W,- l<l " a2 ° R M l ppt,,.. ^ d ~ JOl,n r . „ t0 *** inferior court of Henrv "tilfct^ Monroe Ran iCoad Notice to Stockholders. HE Board of Directors of the Monroe Rail Road Company have resolved, that the third instal- ment of Ten Dollars per share be required to be paid turaeTto me; the above' property on the 28th day of October next, and a fourth mstal- jj le 3a)e not complied with. tnent of Fifteen Dollars per share be required to be The fourth part of Lot No. 1, and improvements r pate on the oth day of January next. 1 hose stock- thereon, it being at the corner pf Bridge and Cherry ! B^OLR months after date app|j ca ,: . *■ holders who are desirous to do so, can pay an addition- ,i„. „n„i, n to sa- j -*• , t0 the honorable the inferior court fi'* ** H me interior court of HVnrvT, t in favor of George ting for ordinary purposes, by a constable and re- belonging to the estate of’WiK £ Vl$ ty has been sold and county, deceased. 1VM i-v . ,n ' hte r ^ I June 2 49 LE> 1 ■ HEFIIv^ sheriff. Also, u:ill be sold as above, at the same timeanr , lace. One negro man, Isaac, about 25 or 2G years old, le vied on as the property of William E. Boren; also, Charles Crawford’s interest in two negroes, to wit, Polly about 35years, nndSealy about 15 years old, all to be sold to satisfy one fi fa front Bibb Inferior court, MACON ACADEMY. Female JDepartsncnt. MR. DARBY would inform his friends and the public thathe intends to re-open his School Jar i/o/ing f. ft dies, on Monday, the 12th of Sep-; in favor of the Bank ofthe State of Georgia vs. Charles tember next. In announcing Crawford and Wil'iam E. Boren; Isaac pointed out by his intention, he would present Ambrose Baber, and Polly and Sealy pointed out by Georgo P. Wagnon, all sold as the property of the said Crawford and Boren. One Lot and improvements in East Macon, contain ing three fourths of ap acre mere or less, whereon David J. Davis, now resides, it being part of Lot No. eight, containing ten acres, levied on as the property of Daniel B. Brooks to satisfy one fi fia from Bibb In ferior court, in favor of Edmund Russel) vs. Daniel B. Brooks ; property pointed out by lohn Oliver. Septl BENJ. RUSSF.LL, dtp. shff. his grateful acknowledgements to the parents and guardians of the pupils who have been com mitted to his charge during the past year. The subscriber is happy in being able to inform the public that the Institution is now furnished with eveiy thing necessary to place it on a footing equal, at leastto any Female Institution in the State, fora complete and thorough education; and concurring fully in the sen timent expressed by a most distinguished and success ful teacher, that to teach any of the sciences without direct demonstration with suitable apparatus, is the height of folly, he has been at much expense iu fur nishing a first rate apparatus for every department, and a cabinet of mintralogical and geological specimens. JVi'ins. For small children, For English Studies, ... Latin and Greek, (or either) Nat. Philosophy, (with lectures extra) Chemistry, „ „ ,, Mineralogy, Geology and Botany „ Drawing, including perspective, including painting in water colors and on velvet, Music, - - - - 12 50 Geology, as far as connected with Geography, will ho given to classes which are sufficiently advanced, with the use of the cabinet without charge Saturday mornings, as heretofore, will bo devoted to such pupils as may choose to attend to familiar illus trations of some interesting portions of Natural His- AOUK months, after J? to the honorable the inferior county, when sitting for ordinary te sell part of the real estate of AhLr oT*' for £h of said countv. deceased Mav « ,; nan >piot ■. ’ WILLIS CHAMPION a, FRANCIS CHAMpfONjui F OUR months after dateakni;*.,- ” 5^ to the honorable Inforio/ C 0 nrT '7 e** county when sitting for ordimrv „ CjifrLj, sell the real estate of William ^elK/yS L S THOMAS,Sj- ty deceased June 9, 1836 50 $5 00 7 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 is 00 Butts SIiei'ilT Sale. O N thefirst Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, will be sold\at the courthouse in the town of Jackson, Uutts county, within the legal hours of sale, A negro man named Joe, levied on as the property of Hugh Ilamil, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from the Inferior court of Butts county, in favor of Samuel Maddux vs said Hugh Hamil—property poin ted cut by Plaintiff. RICHARD McDUFF, aug 2 Dtp Sheriff. Houston SherilT Sale. POSTPONED SALE. N the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, trill be sold before the court house door, in the town of Perry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale, Lot of Laud No 13, in the 15th district of Houston county, containing 202£ acres (oak and hickory land) more or less, levied on by two Fi Fas issuing out of a F OUR months afterdatelJ^i^ZTTTr^ to the inferior court ol |L . ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the"^^ grossof Frederick Sessions, late of , a J ? ceased. May 19 ASA SESSIONS 7 rrr:—r o : F OUR months alter date anni;^., : to the inferior court of Bmts ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to g 2f !!?**>' and negroes belonging to the estite j i ^ ■ud son, late of Batts county, decea^d fer *»*t- DAVID KIMBEL? f 49 JOHN ANDERSON, }■**•> . T r notice; - A&SkAIsv ed to the said estate are to make immediate ,!* W ,bl ' „ RILEY WlsF ^ Butts County, 6th August, 1836. ’’™ f - P URSUANT to the last will and testament of Nathan Williams, late of Butts county, deceased. SWAIM’S VERMIFUGE. The most useful Family Medicine ever offered to the Pub lie. No family ought or ever will be without it after a trial. Patent. T HIS well known Anti-dyspeptic and IFortn Medi cine, has proved successful these twelve years past, and is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it, to be far superior to any other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is reco mine lined. It is perfectly safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It seldom fails curing Cholera JTIorbitS, Bys- entcry or Boicel Complaints, Colic anti Bleeding Biles, either in grown per sons or children, and it gives appetite to almost all de bilitated persons. Worms frequently infest children,^ aggravate all other diseases, and are die chief cause of fevers, Bowel Complaints, aud chronic and nervous dis- JPatent and Compound Medicines «««•. incident to childhood which ore so numerous Swaitns Vermifuge, do Panacea. Thompson’s Eve i »“ d ^fluently fatal. It is much to be regretted dial thousands of children are swept off, or are rendered do Pills, Peters’ do lluuters’ pills, Moopers’s do Anderson’s do British oil, Bateman’s drops, Thompson's jye water, Godfrey’s cordial, Salts lemon, Worm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops. Swaim’s Panacea, Indian’s do Ess Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liverwort. Comp sarsap. copivi Bleachiug Liquid, Mead’s Pills, Issue plaisters, Elixcr life, Ginger beer powders, Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy. Chlorine tocth wash, Bav rum, Balsam honey, Cough Lozenges, Extract coffee, Cullen’s liquid magnesia, Potter’s catholicon, Rowan’s Tonic Mixture, Relfcs Vegetable specific, Oil Wortnseed. Ext Burhu, cubebs Sc Ext. Bonesct, Tonic Extract. do sash do Oval Varnish do Camel hair do Badger’s hair do uze* Graining do do Flesh do oss'd do Horse do do Hair do Nail do Comb do Tooth do do do silver wire, Cloth do Scrubbing do Shoe do Parent leather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, Fitch Tools, Counter Brushes, Hat do Crnmb do PERFUMERY At BRUSHES, &c. Ilair Powder, Almond paste, Pexri do Ground paint bmshes, Rouge, Milk of Roses, Cold cream, Cream Almonds. Florida water, variot Cologne do do La render do do Re so do do Bears' oil, Ward's hair oil. Marrow Pomatum, Orange Flower Water, Macassar oil, Spirit of Rose, Camphor soap, Musk do Emollient do Windsor do dj do Brown, Wash Calls, Curling fluid, Antique oil, Lip dalve, (Persian Otto Shaving do Rose.) Shaving oil. Tooth powder, (snperior) Powder Puffs and boxes, ' Erosive do Preston salu, Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles, do Rose, Tapers, do Musk, Dutch cologne, Honey Water. AtkiusoG'a Depilatory. Shaving cakes, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. Amputating cases, Capping glasses, Trepanning instruments, do do with aii Dissecting do Pocket cases, Spring Lancets, Evans' thumb do Dentists’ cases, Tooth keys, do do (moveable but- Gum Lancets, tons, Medical spoons, Scarificators, Scales and Weights, Abscess lancets, Teetb Files. Tourniquets. The subscribers intend keeping a fall assortment of DRUGS. MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS. SHOP FURNITURE, &c. consisting of all at-tHea in the .iu necessary for the supply of physicians, Plantations or Puniliaa. They will be supplied with tho best that r.r:(b« selected out of the New-Yorkand Philadelphia pomps, Gum elastic catheters. Silver do Scton Needles, Spring lancet blades, Tooth claws, Swaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s Eye Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix ture. (forthe fever and ague ) Ilarla-m Oil, Gowland’s Lotion. Potter’s Catholicon, Barclay’s Comp. Saraa- parrilla and Cubebs. Dalby’s. Carqtinative. British Oil, Opodeldoc. Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills, N. L. Turlingtons Balsam. Bateman’s Drops Jesuits Drops, Cephalic Snuff, Aromatic do, Wal- di's Tincture or Cough Syrup, Carpenter’s Prepara tions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar, Welch Medicam- ontum.IIygean Syrup, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops, .Morrison’s Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine, Sphon’s Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion. Nipple Salve, Bleaching liquid. Ess Mustard, Citrate of Kale Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cream, Hays Liniment, Chapman’s Mixture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamilton's Worm Lozenges, Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint ment, Hoffman’s Anodyne. Surgical and Medical Instruments Pocket Instruments in Cases, Silver Spring Lan cets Evans Crown thumb Lancets, Obstetrical Instru ments. Fox’s Spring Turnkeys, Teeth Forceps, Cup ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas tic Syringes, Metalic do, Stetheoscopes, Apothecaries Scales and weights, Spatulas ass’d. Metalic Staffs and Sounds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons. Brushes Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do. Sash Tools do, Badger’s Ilair Blenders Graining do. Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brnritea assor ted. Palters do do, Cloth do do, Hat Craiub Brushes. Hearth do, Dusting do, Counter do. Shoe do, Hat ters’ Broshes, Table do. Flesh do, Shaving do, Fur niture Brashes, Whisk Brooms, do Brashes. Glass If'are. Store Furniture. Window Glass Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 inches, Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass Plates, Tincture Bottles from j pint to 2 gallons, do Specie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do, I to 8 oz Vials, Ground stoppers White and Green Vials assorted, Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures, Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses Drain Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungeuts Tubes or Fillers, Glass I,amps, with shades, do without shades, Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades, extra shades. Cologne, iratcr Fancy articles, Soaps Double distilled Cologne Water in fancy and plain Bottles, Florida Water, Milk of Roses. Orange Flow er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses, Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Pre.-ton salts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Pungeuts, (cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen cils, Wash Balls, Otto ofRose Vials, Variegated soap. rkefr it! racei' J.m 28 from prompt all-' Merchants and Physicians, do Transparent for shaving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Conrt Pias ter, Teeth powder. Miscellaneous Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap, Variegated do, Turpentine, Fine slid Coarse sponge Cox’s Currying Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed. Lamp Glasses, Izitnp Wick, Bees Wax, Diamonds, French Chalk, Emery coarse nnd fine, Black sand, Pearlash. Castile soap, Scotch, Rnppie aud Macaboy snuff, sha ving Boxes, Honey, Glue, Blacking, I>!mon syrup. Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime, Wafers, Ta pers sealing Wax, starch, sandPaper, Indelible Ink, Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, Ma gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac. Intending to be permanently engaged in this busin ess, the subscribers will nse every exertion in their power, to render it worthy the petronage of their old and new customers. Orders by Setter will meet the same attention as if tnado in person. HARVEY SHOTWELL, JACOB SHOTWELL. Painting of every description carried on bv Macon Jan. U. 29 IL A J. SHOTWELL. <S]rk TI Kit CMS Rice, ~ 60 lings Coffee, 15 hhds Sugar, 20 boxes best Malaga Raisins, Loaf Smrnr. Best Apple Vinegnr. Ac. &c. April IB 43 For sale bv CRAFT A LEWIS. leetile, pal —which leads on to pulmonary complaints, See. &c Worms being especially apt to infest persons of de- bilitntcd digoetivo orgnne and omncintPfl COHStitUtlOH** much mischief is often done by the ordinary worm medicines, whieh generally consist of the strongest purgatives—calomel, that destroyer of the constitution bitters, pink root, or spirits of turpontine, worm see* oil, &e. Articles of this kind may destroy worms, but they debilitate the stomach, and often materially in jure the general health, without removing tho cause. Swaim’s Vermifuge has the peculiar udvautnge of re moving the cause of worms, by giving vigor and heal thy action to the stomach, bowels and organs of diges tion—thereby removing measles, croup hooping cough aud many other complaints. It is by this means that so many grown persons have been relieved, by its use, of dyspepsia, sick head-ache, foul or sour stomach, FOUL BREATH, coughs, and most of the bilious symptoms, dfcc. <kc. &c. This medicine willrelieve Bowel Complaints or Dys entery, Billious Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or weakness iu the stomach or bowels, loss of a either in children or grown persons, in a few and seldom fails enring CHILLS and FEVER or FE VER A AGUE, aud Intermittent or Billious Fevers For sale, wholesale and retail by July 7 54 J H. & W. S- ELLIS. lory. The principal is engaged in making observations on celestial phenomena, as they occur, and classes in As tronomy will be permitted to become practically ac- will be sold before the Cenrt House door in Jackson, quainted with this interesting science. The constella- j on thefirst Tuesday in Novembernext: tions will all be pointed out as they arrive at conve- ( One negro woman, a negro man and five children, nient positions for observation. j a H likely, the plantation on which the deceased resided Particular attention will be paid to children, as we ; at the time of his death, in high cultivation and well irn- believe the success of scholars depends on the man- j proved; a cotton gin, fan and thresher, L_ D by b Sr- W 6. BILLS »13 aud 16,- * . • superior qualities, L SHOTWELL. Ill ► Bids best quality fimiiy Mola-i ceived and for sale by yttnai* rn B.MITH, Rf>»GE* a just rc- St OO . THE SUBSCRIBER- M W AVE purchased Mr. I Atnn 11 Wii.ct’s inter- B~1 est in tlielste firm of Fort. HxmLToa & U’t- LBY, and Hamilton, IIates & Co. and given IRA i E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Goods • business will be continued at the santie place, nndcr j the firm of Fort, Hamilton A fo. and the Ware Houses mid Commission Business ns -lcretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON. HAYES & Cu. FORT, HAMILTON A Co. « Jnjte 26 If? Pratt’s Nipple Shields. T HE Medical College ofGeorgia at Augusta have given their opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s Nipple Shield to any thing else hitherto offered for the same purpose, which opinion can be presented if necessary to physicians and others. The opinion of Dr Baber and other physicians in Macon who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Dewees and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only, price §5, with printed directions. II. LOOMIS. Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mulberry street. Certificate of Doctor Dewees. " Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat ter of much public importance to possess a means of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nipples, I have much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield” you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. Iu the two or three instances I hive known them to be used, much satisfaction has been expressed ; ind I have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. I am so well persuaded of this at this moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish that our city through the various apothecaries may bo supplied with them. I am yourr, &c. Philadelphia. VMhJan. 1834. Wm.P. Dewees.” NEW LIVERY STABLES .In(l Carriage Bcpository. AVGUSTA, GEORGIA. C MINER. respectfully informs his friends,that • he has Leased the Ware-house and Lot. known ns Burton’s, late Mr. John Rees, near the Planter’s Hotel—and has all those superior buildings construc ted into Stables and Carringe Houses.—Hus on hand, and will keep, a general asortiuent of CARRIAGES for sale of tho ietest fashions and best finish. His con nection in this branch ofhis business, is such, as to in duce him to believe, he can offer greater inducements to the purchaser, than any like Establishment at the South. Ilis Stables are all Dirt Stalls—iride, high nnd airy; can accommodate any number of Horses on Livery from 1 to 200—price per day, each Horse, longer or shorter time, 50 cents.—Horses and Car riages of every kind nsttally hired, can be had on the most reasonable terms. The proprietor pledges bim- selfto do every justice to his Friends—who may pat ronise him. For Sale. 1 Pair of Extra fine Northern Carriage Horses, 7 and 8 years old, of fine blood, jirice $ 1200, sold for no fault. * _ 1 Pair Sorrels, 15J hands high, 6 and 7 years old, fine Travelers, well broke, can bo recommended for family use—belonging to a private gentleman who is going to travel, and wishes to sell immediately. 1 Pair Dark Bays, 16 hands high, 6 and 8 years old. sound and gentle—nnd 1 Saddle Poney, young and sound. also. Two Baronchcs, I Buggy, I Sulky and two Gigs; all have been used some.—Stddfor cash. May 24 3m. 50 Insurance. T HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will imuire Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire in this city. Apply to Macon, Oct.27 ROBERT COLLINS. ner in which they are first taught; also to the con duct and deportment of pupils while on the promises, before school and during recess. J. DARBY, A. M. Aug 18 60 tf Principal. WA SHING TON HALL. a THE Subscribers have taken that com- modions and well known public house in the City of Macon,—the Washington Hall, lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.— By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is Tnferior to t o one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT. Feb 5 1835 36 GLOBE TAVERN, Clinton, Jones County, GS-a. T HE Subscribers (lato proprietors of the Clinton Hotel.) tender nur thanks to our triends and patrons lor past encouragement, and respectfully beg leave to announce to the public, that wo have removed to the commodious House known as the , GLOBE TAVERN, situated in tho busiucss part of the town, aud fronting tho Court-House. Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur chasing the property, we consider ourselves per- inancutly located, and shall continue to improve our accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is uow open for the reception of Travellers or Boarders. We shall at all times endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac commodations as will prove satisfactory to those who call on us. Tho usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS. &c. we think unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro vers, readily furnished. WOOD & WEEKES. 19 tf GEORGIA, Campbell County: "WJSt^HEREAS, Mary Varner and R. H.Jchi: justice’s court of Jackson county, against James H enato^o’f JnliZvartZr 16 ^ 01 'V* m ' n ' s,r fli°i>, on Raney in favor of Jared W Montgomery-levy made ‘„ g ed ’ ° f com MV and returned to me by a constable, septl 62 j Thcco nrp . , L__ GEO RGE M. DUNCAN, Pep Sheriff_ | Jn & SSSfi* and appear at my office within the time pnwriMk- law, to show cause, if any they have, why »id j etl „; should not be granted. 1 Given under my hand at office, this 8th dar August. 1836. 61 E. P. BOMAR. c! ?{ #f GEORGIA : Houston County. * HERE A 8 Thomas N McWilliams apri'infc, T ” letters of Administration on theestsic of Rcjl L. Irwin, deceased— ’ “ These are therefore to cite and admonish all nc gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased lihol appear at my office within the time prescribed (y / w t, shew cause if any they hate, why said Utters AriUsat granted. Given under my band at office August 22 1-36. 61 CHARLES II RICE. e ,.o. Also will be sold on the following day, at the late residence ofthe deceased. 1 roed wagon and 6 head of horses, a considerable stock of cattle, hogs, and sheep. Also, a large quantity of corn fodder and oats, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, and various other articles of perishable property. Terms made known on the day of sale. NATHAN H. WILLIAMS, . STEPHEN W. PRICE, re - sept 1 62 YrTNDER an order of the Inferior Court of Bibb coun- YJ ty, sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold be fore the court house within thcusual hours of sale, On the first Tuesday iu OCTOBER next, at Macon, Bibb county, ELEVEN NEGROES, men, women, and children. On thefirst Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, before the courthouse in Floyd county, Lot No. 631, 3d dist. 1st section, originally Cherokee now Floyd county. On the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at Ma con, Bjbb county, all that part of Lot No 166, in the 4th district of originally Houston, now Bibb county, not included in the widow’s dower. On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the courthouse in Lowndes county, Lot No 469, in the 10th district formerly Irwin, now Lowndes county, containing 490 acres.' On the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the court house in Carrollcounty, Lot No. <03, in the 10th district of said county, near Carrollton,—contain ing 2024 acres. All sold as the property of James McDonald, late of Bibb county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs.— Terms on the day. August 4 58 JEMIMA MCDONALD, Adm’rx. GREF.N MCDONALD. Adm'r. GEORGIA—Campbell county. T OLLED before me (August 10th, 1836,1 tykh G W Brown, of said county and?fi7th dirakt G. M. one claybank Mare, black mane anntail,bra. ded with C S on the right shoulder, and about 7 tit8 years old. Appraised to forty dollars by Levi Phillip and Daniel Westel. EDWARD DEAN,I. P. A true extract from the estray'book. 69 F .TV RflHAB.r , • T HE subscribers wish to hire immediately abut 30 good hands to w ork on Flint River, andvrill give liberal wages. It will be well for tho>e disposed to engage for that purpose, to remember there w | few marshes near the river, and conaequemlyleuditi ger from sickness than on nlmost any river in the Sttt. Apply to T. HINES, Decatur. A. SHOTWELL, Lee. septl 62 3t GRF.RN Tl X SUV VUle Valnnblc Lots for Sale. rS 1EU- subscriber iviirsell lots number 7 and 8 n ■ square 17—having their fronts, one on Walnut and one on Bridge street, and the other on the Com House Square. Also the valuable wharf lots andswe house at present occupied by- Mr. Butts. Apply t» Charles J. McDonald, or Septl 62 2t FA RISK CARTER O A “hefirst Tuesitayin OCTOBER next, will besold ! before the court house, in Carrollton, Carroll county, within the legal hours, under an order of the In ferior court of Bibb county, Lot No 50, in the 3d district of Carroll county, sold as the property of Caroline Spruce, a minor, for the benefit of said minor. Terms on the day ang4 58 JAMES VV. GREEN. Guard. January 20, 1804 CENTRAL, HOTEL, Macon, Georgia. T il 1S establishment is now under the control of the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren der comfortable those who may call on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS. Feb 25 35 JOHN D. RAMEY. A GREEABLE to an order of the honorable Inferior court of Pike county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, be fore the court house door in Lumpkin, Stewart county, icithin the legal hours of sale, Lot of Lund No 147, in the 2 ! 'th district of formerly Lee now Stewart county, sold as a part of the real es tate of Anderson Griffin, late of Pike conuty, deceas ed. Terms of sale made known on the day. July 2, 1836. 54 JNO R KENDRICK, Adm'r. MARY P GRIFFIN Adm'rx. Notice. T HE subscriber oilers for sale the House and Lot j occupied by him as a residence, also, nee cm- j dred and forty seveu acres of land in the Ocatlgt bottom, adjoining the town reserve, with a goo. «p- ■ ply of valuable timber, good soil, and a convenient | place for brick making. Septl 622t CHARLES J. MCDONALD^ Fashionable Hat & Cap Store, Mulberry Sired, Macon. T IIE Subscriber having established himself in Macon with a view to a permanent residence, will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Mle&TS, C.1BS, FUBS, Ac. comprising every variety of style and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may bo found Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarum and wool Hats; Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black aud drab silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian &c etc, From his long experience mid personal attention to the business of manufacturing hats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him *vith thfeir patronage that he can furnish them with an arti cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to any before offered in the southern market, As his work will be principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when desired lie will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser From the facilities thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes to deserve as ne trusts ho will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY D°Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins Notice. T HE undersigned has connected JAMES D. CARI1ART with him in Mercantile Business, at the store located on the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, nnd the business in future transacted by that establishment alone, will be distinguished bv the title of WM. B. PARKER A Co. the said J. D. C. being the Company and having an in terest in the said firm only. July 7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER. Pinuuo Covers J UST received, and for sale by A®rfl4 41 GEORGE, W. PRICE VV Win G. B. CARHART will act as ipy 3F general Agent during mv absence from tjje plates suae MKitfOCte ft-'GODDARD:- A UKLEaBLY loan order of the Inferior Court of /Y Morgan county, when sitting for ordinary purposes will be sold on thefirst Tuesday in OCTOBER next, irithin the legal hours, before the court house door in the town of Forsyth. Monroe county. Ail the NEGROES bclongingto the estate of Tho mas Summerlin, late of Morgan county deceased, to wit: Rial, a negro man 27 years old, a tanner to trade, Mary, a woman,30 years old, also, Mariali, a girl 13 years old, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.— Terms made known on the day of sale. 93d July, 1836. 57 Till: ADMINISTRATORS. TTNDF.R an order of the inferior court of Fayette ™ J county, sitting for ordinary purposes will be sold on thefirst Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, between the lawful hours of sale, before the court house in Fayette county, Lot No 72, in the 4th district of Henry now Fayette county, sold as the property of Jesse D. McIntosh, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.— Terms made known on the day of sale. DAN’L B. HEAD, Adm’r MARGARET L. McINTOSH, Adm'rx. ang8 60 BOOB OFT! T WO YOUNG MULES left me on tie fa® of May, near Travelers’Rest, in Housionwt ty. One of said mules isadark bay the other a la’’ 11 or nearly a black—both of them three j ears okhjv? information of said mules, given to John Emm.® Houston county, or to myself in Macon, will bet®* fully received, and a liberal reward paid to the tw*' er. JOHN C. RODGLSb ang 18 60 tf Insurance Bank, oi ColinuM*!, T^TOTICE is hereby given that an additional J_Y nient of 33J dollars per share, of the| C, P‘ stock of this bank will be required to be |)ain (, '“ 1st Monday in November. By order of the Born Aug 20. 61 B. HEPBURN BACON. Zi F OR SALE a superior lot of Bacon, juft teetf- from Tennessee wagons, and a furUici arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal tero-- Julv7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER&it imd*“* T HE partnership heretofore existing ", j firm of Saltrqarsh * OMM* » by mutual consent. O. Saltmarshis * nUju, "’” eC |d ceive and liquidate all demands in any 'y 3 . v < ^,, with said linn. °- SALTMAR^I. January 1,1836. 3mp 54 AV, H. QAjjyl^- PCtffciffc 0,ll.JSw!Sr«uAjOJ5£3 * tmffi BBSS* J ■he the Jan. 14. 30 Opposite the > W IT L be sold on the first Tuesday in BF.Il next, before the court house door in Walker county, icithin the legal hours of sale, Lot No. 16, in the 2Sth district 3d section, for the benefit of the orphans of William Jones, lato of Camp bell county, deceased. Aug 20 62 JAMES McCRACKIN, Adm’r. NDElt an order of the Inferior Court of Pike coun ty, sitting for Ordinary Purposes will be sold with in the lawful hours of sale, before the Court House, On the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, at Zebu- Ion, Pike county. One Negro Woman* A 60 aeres Land, being a part of Lot No. 4. in the first district originally Monroe now Pike county. On the first Tuesday iu DECEMBER next, at Co lumbus. Muscogee county, lot No. 89, in the fifth district of said county. On tho first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at Hamil ton, Harris county, Lot IVo. 230, in the 21st dis trict formerly Muscrgee, now Harris county. Sold as the property of Frederick Sessions, late of Pike copnty, deceased, for the benefit of all concerned. Terms on the day ASA SESSIONS, Adm’r June 30 1 aOIK», r Florida ILLS of the Farmers Dank oF F/orida, p at the agency in Perry, will be ■ jHLaw at ine ugviicy in x en/t NOVEM- j ment for good-, or accounts due Uiesa^'^^ . Aug. 11 59 CiLAo- 1 7!UUK months afterdate application will be made ’ to the Inferior conrt of Houston county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leni e to sell all the real es tate lying iu said county of Houston, and a negro girl belonging to the estate of William H. Riggins, deceas ed, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. JOAB W. C. HORN, Adm’r. July 7 55 F OUR months after date, application will be made to flie Inferior Court of Pike county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real aud personal estate of Samuel Leak, late of said coun ty, deceased. DARLINGTON LEAK, ? T1LMON LEAK, JANE LEAK, ExectttWs. AirgwtfSJ ty Aug. 11 59 Store to e 1 fp(» , ^ I TIIE House on Cotton A , ,fj occupied by Wm- C. ‘ ar ’ ^ ( S|L vision Btorc ' Ap c P jjAFT & LEW 5 ' July 21 55 ^ For Sale. ^ *jth # I tor sore . urttnto^ A comfortable dwelling p 0 pj*j Jfafk buildings complete, situate ^ 3af SSL street and Cotton Ave ". 0 BMtdr> ! *;' ‘tilj/f fl' situation withoncor tw y e tenr ; ‘ i sessMs&l. ter, will be sold on reasons cash. For terms apply in Macon to pjjVjEL | Mav 26 48 StoZtS~for galebbj^ THE subscriber offers « r ^ ^ building on Cotton Avenue, flijfi'L d by Robinson&.d**®"* lijjisj Also,the supenor-torn (w berry ^ l tenement attached) . wtfcfc* ,> adjoining Mustian & fllott’n H° ,e ’ merly ownrd by Wm. H Burdsa • I For further particulars j * For Sale, ^ eettdj j M BRICK HOUSE audlo,on n ^ New and Poplar **#*’%'bouse,<5 Cotton Avenue. It is a two ■ J filing • S PJ’ ^ 1 convenient. There 5. an abundant ^ ^ good water on the lot. Colle?*' I veniency to bnsinee - and the - {i]ffi ;i I0 n & | it valuable. Apply *°. *^ e—I * r ; T .tah**^* 1 * myself. Also its Ftamutre. » ld . accommodated until the propertj g. £0 Aug 25 62 xtAR^!' 1 > M RS. ANN F. ’TAYLOR s ‘ ‘ttf J. HARVEY will open »£*JjJsep®» V tiier’s resideneq^j® 4be lirst -1 Atrg II Vf