Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, September 15, 1836, Image 1

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MACON GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. rtv H. BARTLETT. i'enns of SdMcripUiB. Turk* Oollann, paid in alcauec. wiU pay far the pa- y wr ... rw.y^jg^-.-paga cs yrtfrs &r the poptr too years wiU payfo. JiSTSShi *ix moittAf n/ter frte ytar Am TROT HILL. THE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter If Corn trail, that he intends re timing tlie .IWCO.V, GEOKGU, THUJfVUMY", SEPTEMBER IS* IS3<>. -■ ■ « Volume X.—Nnmber 64 H’rtrc House & Commission Business, at the store next above tne one recently occupied by T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known ns the town ofTroy. . He further informs the public that he has bought the Goods, &c. and having now on the way, from New will pay for the JI^LZd Three DJUrs anil Fifty'Cents per annum SlZTharJj. If nut paiil until the end of the year. Four Dollars per annum will he charged—with interest thereafter. Tejpmg of Advcrttolnf. „ uu 11U , IU AJeertise,neats not exceeding one hundred words, orW, y ork and otller p|;ices brevier lines, ( co * uder *i L a ' Dry Goods anti Groceries, time for One ilollar. When more than one tnsertum is together making his stock complete, which will be sold given, 75 cents for the first, and oO rents for eac t suj- j ow f or rea( i v p a y f he- will be ready to receive Cotton sequent insertion. . . I early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances— Sheriffs', Tae Collectors sou Coroners Souq art cm - }{ e weald particularly notice to his friends the great -ed by the levy. . , advantages his Warehouses have over those in the n " * ■ *-*"■»*"*« ■"' u ,,r allowed two squares me 11 ,j e(we parto f the city with regard to Fire, they being 01 ■' '■ Yearly Advertisers will be tfllotced two squares im tZ. Dollars net annum: and in the same naser for Toady Dollars per annum; anil ratio for a larger space—payable quarterly. On all accounts for Adeertisiug. Jab Printing. fir as well as for subscription. Interest iciU be e urged when fi d settled within the year .YctcCork S DarienEineoflPackets. zSSr BRIG Amelia Strong, J. Chace, Master, Premium, Air. Matthews, new “ Darien, C. P- Buckley, Jacon, A. Btbbins, ■Schr. D. 11. Crane. T. Baker, All good and substantial vessels, well calculated for the trade, with good accommodations for passengers, and experienced commanders. One of the vessels will al ways bo at each end of the Line to receive fojSj'J* will sail regularly once a week. Shapers by tins line can effect Insurance at five eighths per ceut and they may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched. The subscribers are also age w detached from other buildings and at a distance from any street'or lane, and well enclosed May f> 45 tf H. S. CUTTER Notice. S AMUEL CLARKE surviving partner of the firm of W. &H. Bryson, has taken into partnership Francis McTeirand Robert H. Lawrence. The busi ness will be continued at the old stand, under theftno of CLARKE, McTEIR A: Co. on the same liberal terms as heretofore. The under- signed will give his personal attention, and solicits n continuance of former favors. All debts 'due to, and claims against W. & H. Bryson, will be settled by the new firm. SAMUEL CLARKE. Ware House S Commission Business THE SUBSCRIBERS inform tbeir <>> •'S friends, and those of the firm of W. & M&Kma II. Bryson, that they will continue the business under the firm ’of Clarke, .Me Agents. _ Darien. 1st July, 1835 3 —.llacon Slctfm Boat Company. mav relv upon the vessels betug regmany ™»i«w*u«»., Tcir & Co. at the stores occupied by W. «fc II. Bry- The subscribers are also agents for several Steamboats son; all Cotton stored with ns. will be insured from to run rc-ularly during the boating season between fire, free of expense to the planter, which will make Darien ffiwkinsville, and Macon, and are induced to our Warehouse more safe than any fire proof Ware- K..r,eve’that they can give great facilities in forwarding house in the city. The rates of Storage will he cits- goods destined for the interior of the State. tomaiy. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton 6 IIMVES, MITCHELL &• COLLINS. and Produce, and all Cotton consigned to us by cus- *—tomers, will be sold free of commissions. The Receiv ing & Forwarding businesswill be continued as here tofore. We hope that a strict attention to business will merit a continuance of the patronage so long exten ded to the firm of W. & H Bryson. CLARKE, McTEIR &. Co. Who have on hand, and offer for sale on tMir usual liberal terms, the following, and also a large assort ment of every nrticle itrtlic Grocery JLine, which business they continue on the same extensive scale as conducted heretofore by W. &.H. Bryson. 1000 pieces best Hemp Bagging. 50 do Osnaburgs, 150 do Cotton Osnaburgs, 700 lbs hemp bagging Twine, 110 Ikhds .Sugar. 40 do prime Molasses. 500 bags prime Coffee, 100 do green and white Java Coffee, S00 kegs cut nails, assorted, 5000 bushels clean Liverpool Salt, 650 sac fib do " do. in good order, 700 bills assorted Domestic Liquors, 6 pipes Cognac Brandy, 4th proof, 5 pipes pure Holland Gin, 2 hlids Jan’mica Ruin. 100 bbls artd qr casks of different kinds of Wines 10.000 lbs rock Balt, 10,000 lbs Castius, assorted, Also, a full assortment of Smiths’ Tools. Augusta. July 20,1836. 57 ’ 2mp Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Wilcox, do. EXCEL. “ J- L. Willcox. J T HIS company have now their line of Beau in complete order for freighting. They have a| new steamboat added to their line called the Superior, and ten Tow-Boau.' " ’ „ ,, The Boats will run regularly between Macon and Darien, one’ of the steamboats leaving Darien every five or six days with tow-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats,built express ly for the navigation of the Ocmulgec and Altamahn rivers; ihese increased facilities will enable the coin- pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to cotton or goods shipped by their line. They hnvo a Steamboat and a 'number of sloops, to canrv cAtton and merchandise between Demo and Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are also, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and New York, which cohje to Hawes & | Mitchcl.of Darien. Agents for the al—te Boats : j! GODDARD, Macon. Boyce, IIf.nry «& Waiter, Charleston. L. Baldwin' & Co. Savannah, IIawes, Mitchell &. Collins, Darien, Geo. K. Roberts, Hawkinsville, Macon. 24th Dec., 16:15. ' 26 Ocmulgec Steam Boat Company. * n WARE HOUSE '4sn 1 C0.71.11 ISSIO.A’ BCSI.YESS. THE undersigned will continue to * transact the above business in all’its ♦ .d various forms at their old stand. They will, as hitherto, make liberal advances on produce and merchandize in store', or to be shipped either to Savannah. Charleston, New Yoriror Liverpool, and will devote the same persona! and undivided attcnlicu to all business entrusted 1 to their care, and particular!)* to that of selling cotton from the warehouse or wagons. Having disposed’of their warehouse in East Macon, they will in future coniine their busiucss to one house, which they din enlarging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and wljere they will be floppy to serve those who have given them their patronage from the East side of the riVer. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronagebere- tOfore received, we hope by a strict attention to busi ness to merit a continuation of the same. HAMILTON, HAYES & CO. Macon. 1st September. JStSB 200 pieces Best Hemp Bagging for sale nttnarket rates, by ' II. II. <fc CO. sept I 62 WJTILE. T IIF. subscribers having purchased the entire Sleek of Mr. Isaac Newhnll, now offer for sale, at ve ry reduced prices, and on very accommodating terms, 60 cases Boots and shoes, of all descriptions, 14 cases fine fashionable Hats. GG2 pieces American ami English prints, 2 cases silk and Gingham Umbrellas, 50 dnr. palm leaf Hats. Blankets, shirtings and sheeting, and variouso'hcr articles. Also constantly receiving NEW GOODS from the manufacturers. .Merchants and Planters will do well to call and examine, ns they can be sold less than they can be bought in New York and laid down here, by 10 per c.etit. C L HOWLAND, July7 54 N G PHILIPS. N B. The eluction & Commission Business, will-lie conducted at the same stand, next door to tin- Port Office. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. C L HOWLAND & Co. merchants’ Insurance Company of Macon. Capital Stock 100.000 Dollars! A COM PAN Y, under the above title, has recently been-founded with an actual cash capital of One Hundred ThpieshU'd JfFollars, to be paid on the first of Orfifhi-r flext, -at which lime tliey will coninieiicc taking marine risks to and from tljh city of Macon, to any port or place in the Uni*ed onipaf.)* those of other distant office/' heretofore having done much business litre, justifies the belief that thislnrul institution, based as it is, wilt be liberally patronized, particularly when the terms‘are ns liberal as in any o- tlier marine officer.' '* James Goddard, President. Wm. B. Paiiker. A J Cowles, ! r,. . F. II. Wellman, ( DuretaT * Tho». Taylor, j June 10 fil-tf James Rea, Secretary: rsmoVas. J.A. &S. S. VIRGIN Watch Makers Sf Jewellers, Would inform their friends am! the public,that they have remov-' ed their establishment to Cutt»n Avenue, to the store recently oc cupied hv J H & W S Ellis,drug gists, where they will be hapb-vto serve any whp may favor them with a call. They have in addition to their former stock, just received from New Yolk a large and splendid assortment of Watches, Jewelry, <3ic. of the latest tksbions, which they will sell cheap fo cash—consistvh'g of gold and silver levers, anchor es capement, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch es, of the best' quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains Seals‘and Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Pins. Finger lUngs, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver'ever pointed Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladlee—all of which will be warranted free from alloy : silver Cups, butter Knives*, Castors, sil ver plnteil ami bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snnt'- ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes. Flngeoletfs. Fifes. Drums, &c. Swords, sword Cartes, Knives and Pistols, among which is Rnggles’ pocket Rifle, that will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shell,silver, gilt and horn Cmitbs, Card ca ses, Pocket Bpnks and Purses, silver Shull' boxes, sil ver Toys, niter Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety ofother articles ‘ usually kept in their line. ' N- fS. We have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can. and will give satisfaction to all whp may entrust their Work in his hands. Spoons &c- engraved- Oct- I “STRIKE THE LYRE AGAIN.” From the Southern Literary Messenger. Tlie Old Jlan’s Carousal. BY JAMES K. PAVLDI.VO. ' Drink, drink, whom shall n« drink ? A friend or a mistress ? Come let me think. To those who arc absent, or those who uro here ? To the deed that we lov’d, or tli“ Jiviuff ntill dear ? Alas, when 1 look, l find nonco.'tlte l «>t, The present is barren, let’s drink to tlie put. Come, here’* to the girl with the voice sweet and low, The eye all of tire and the bo.'oin of snow. Who erewhilo in the days of my youth tint are fled, Once slept oiiray f»o.-*otn and pillow’d my head '; Would you kno f ivh tre ttuiud such a delicate prize, Go seek in yon church-yard, for there she lice. And here’s to the friend, the one frirnd of njy youth, With a head full of gcuiu*, a heart Hid of truth, Who traveled with mein the sunshine of life, And stuck to tny side hi its sorrow and strife, Would you know* where to find a blessing so rare ? fib drag the lone sea, yon may hud him there. And here’s 10 a brace of twin cherubs of mine, With hearts like their mother’s, as pure as this wine, Whocume hut to see the first act of the play, Grew tir’d of the scene, and so both went away. Would you ku«w wheretus brace of bright cherubshave hied? Go seek them in heuveu for there they abide. a hhds si Croix, p H. ami A o. sugar. 2teadv-made Clothing, 1^ bags pnmfe green Colli**. Superfine bine, black, invisible green, Atlelu T 1 XVAKE HOUSE AND . CO.II.IIISSIO.Y BUSI.VESS. r Hyrick, Napier A Frec- 1 mail inform their'fricuds and the ^ ^ public generally, that they are enlarg- " ing their Ware House adjoining their store on Cotton Avenue, and will liave it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence ment of tlie ensuing season. All cotton consigned to | HIS company will he prepared to commence bu siness, early in the next season—They will have a lino of Packets between New York, and Darien and steam vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon ( . „ - , —The agents in New York, Charleston, an J Savannah, them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or will be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods orders'to buy and sell ! n the market, will be promptly in Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermcdi- attended t They likewise inform those Merchants ate charge and the agent iu Macon will receive cotton j who forward their goods by Macon, that they have a deliverable in Savaunah, Charleston, and New York—I large and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer- Tlie company’s vessels and boats, will be of first class chamlize, nud will receive and forward all goods con- with experienced commanders, and no expense will be I signed 10 them*. Their charges in every .in-tance will ’ " * ■' 1 be oslowas iscustomary in the. city. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotton stored with them or ship- 150 hags pftmC green Collee. 40 hhds prime retailing Molasses, 50 bbls N. E. Rnnt. 40 „ American (jin, 35 „ Whiskey. ' 250 ps heavy Heinp Dundee Bagging, 50 coils Rope, COHO Jbs hhggiug "I’wine, SALT. IfiPX, MAILS, CASTIXGS. If ' A .General stock Of Groceries, in store and for sale ou acconuiioilatin^ terms by * EDMLNDKU.SSKLL, sept 1 62 Mulberry st. Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Sc C.- G. st. JOHN W ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully 'in forms his friends and the public, tjmt lie has taken the store formerly occupied by the Hawkinsville Bank where lie is now opening a new and splendid assort ment ofWATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qual ity mid latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may bel’mimlGoid pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Paten'. Lever's and Ruby Cylinder Watches with' Extra Jewels and inilepenent seconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit tlirt clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals. Keys, Earrings Breast Pinoand Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils. Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, prtt! and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, A-c. Arc. 'together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in Sis line N. B. He has’selectcd the best of materials for re pairing wa'ches mid will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofpiildic patronage is rcspeptfnllvsoiicitcd. Oct 27 ' H s ” ‘ A bumper, my lioya f to a £ray-hea«Je>1 pair, Who watch’d o’ernty childhood wiili temlerestcare, God lilct-a theiu uud keep t-onn, and may they look do wn On the hCiul oi’tlit'ir »oii, «tith<iut tear, nijh or frown ; Would you know whom 1 diiuktu— go s« ek midst the dead# You will dud both their name* ou the stone at their head. And here 4 *—but alia, the good tvtue is no more, Tbe bottle is emptied of all it* bright store: Liko those we iiave toasted, its spirit i> tiod, And nothing is left of the light tout it shed, TUeu, a bumper of tears, boys, the banquet here ends, With a healtu to our dead, mucc we've no living friends* Sacred S o ng*. BV W. MAXWKLL. Oh strike the Harp. Oh! strike the harp, while yet there lies In Alusic ; * breath the power to please ; And if the tears should Ml mine eye>, They can hut give my bosom ease. But hush the note* ox Lino and .Mirth, Too welcome to iny heart before; For now thoue airs that breathe of earth Can charm uiy peusive soul uo more. Yes, 1 have loved the world toow»*!l Auc lovedm 1*1 anuro’» traiu too long ; And 1 have foil her sweotoi .poll (n beauty's smite, anil I’assion * *oug. But now my soul would break aorciiain?, Whileyet perhaps tnc grace is civeu ; Then strike the Harp of Zion s strains, And she shall soar at one ? to iieavcu. WM. 11. BUUDSALL, M AS -Iiisi received a new ami extensive as- snrtineutof rpared to meet the patronage of the public, 1»H. R. YONGE & SONS, Agents in Darien may 27th 1635 49 Summer St Call .lrran^ctncn toT the Pioneer Steam A Pole Boat Line. I ped by them to any other market. Having one of the partners of their firm (5fr. A. R. Freeman) located in tlie city of New York for tlie pur pose of affording the ueccssary facilities to their busi ness in MacOn. they respectfully info>u»_ Merchants and others Who have business to transact iu that city, that he will be prepared to attend to any Commission Business vith which ho may bo favored. They em- T !i E"~p"roprietors” of the above lino notify their I brace the present opportunity to retnrn their grateful friends and the public, tlint they will have run-1 acknowledgements to their friends and the public for iiing on the Altamnha and Ocmulgec rivers during past favors, and solicit ft continuation of their patron the summer and fall months, four or five Pole Boats, j age. particularly adapted to low stages of water, nnd 'vhicli I In addition to their present stock, they will receive will be aided by Steamboats when the water will per-1 earlv this full a fine awrtnieiit of init. Shipners by this line may depend upon every at- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, tention being paid, and e'xeruon used to give despatch Cutlery, Bale Rope, Iliavy Hemp, Cotti .«.! I... I* .»•%«* /vf tlm lonilimrc nn I ft • _ to property said rivers /. iioWL'AND, Ag’t Macon AGENTS. Messrs Holcombe, Peck & Co. Charleston. E. P. Butts, Esq. Savannah. Rowland, Chase & Shackelford, Darien Halstead, Taylor & Co. Hawkinsville. Maenn. June 30 1 Bin JYOTJCE. THE “Steamboat Company of Georgia,” offer to shippers unusu al facilities for transportation of | Goods and produce between Sa vannah and Augusta. Having three first rale steam ers of speed and light draft of water, with a full sqt or tow boats, the Company will be enabled to despatch three sou of tow boats per week, with a navigable riv er. and in the event of a low river tlieir new iron steamboat Chatham, it is erpe-ited will be enabled to reach Augusta at all times if tlie re should be three feet water in the channel of the river. That o'.her steamers, Cherokee and Georgia, drawing not over three feet 6 inches, enn, at any tune, oilier than the lowest state of the river, ascend to Au gusta. With these facilities for the convenience of tlie pub lic, the Steamboat Compauy rely upon the continu- anceof the patronage of the public, with an ^assurance on the part of the Df r, mat part of the Directors of the Steamboat Com pany, that every attention will be paiditl'the protec ting of property and givingdespa^ch totlrt^saine^ ° S President S. B. Co. of Georgia. Despatch. TH E PUBLIC is notifiod thi.t the Ocmulgee Steamboat Co's steamboat Comet will contin ile to run to Hawkinsville, or as high as she can get, thereby giving greater despatch than usual at litis season of the year, to merchandize shipped by the CJp’s boats. RtA & COTTON, sept 1 62 4t ’Agents, & Commission Business, Darien T HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership lor the purpose of transacting a general Com mission and other business under the firm of SNOW A ROGERS, and offer their services to their friends, and the public generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods and produce to and from the interior of die State, will receive particular attention. ,It may be proper to state that they have no connection’ with, any of the Steam transportation lines; Goafds for tlie interior will •Iwsy* be shipped by those who will probably give them the greatest despatch. .ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1,1S36 28 ;GEO. T: ROGERS otton Baggin L Readymade Clothing, dec. Ac. Ac. suitable for the fall trade, all of which tliey offer for sale 6rt the most reasonable terms Macon, August25 61 tf WARE HOUSE A*I) Commission Business. THE undersigned respectfully in forms his friends and tlie public gen erally, tliathe has become proprietor of the large and commodious Warehouse in East Macon, formerly occupied by Messrs Hamil ton & Hayes, where he will transact the above busi ness in all'its branches. He will make liberal advan ces on Cottou stored with him, or on shipments to any of his friends in Savannah. Charleston or New-York, when de>ired; and by his unremitted attention to bu siness. hopes to' receive such share of public patron ni>c as his cxertiuU8and accommodations may merit. ° D. FLANDERS. The subscribers have entered into copartnership un der the firm of FLANDERS & COOK. and will, in addition to their present stock, constantly be receiving from New-York and Boston, a large and general assortment of 7RF GOODS S GBOCEJtlES, rising lints, Shoes. Saddlery, Iron, Salt, Bag and every other article in that line of business friends and tlie public generally, are invited to give them rt call, at the store formerly occupied by D Handers. D. FLANDERS, July 28 57 3m H. L. CtU)K WARE HOUSE CO.II.IUSSIO /V BUSIJYESS. J flHE undersigned continues to transact tlie Ware JL House and Commission Business, situate cen tral to the Cotton Market, on the corner of Cherry and Second streets, within a few feet from Cotton Aven e, formerly occupied by James C. Morgan. Liberal ad vances will be made on produce or other articles stor ed or shipped. Cotton will be sold from wagons or store at 25 cents per bale, and stored at customary rates. L. L. GRIFFIN. Aug 25 6® ^I T il E subscribers have formed a copartnership uu- der the firm of SHACkELFORq, IfOAG A Co. for the purpose of Importing and fnnsneting a WHOLESALE DRY GoqpS BUSINESS. They will open a large and extehVive'stock of Goods (ditftet from Europe) suited to the Southern market, about the 1st of September, in Faber'e block of buildings at die corner of Fraser’s Wharf and Fast Bav. J. .11. SHACKELFORD, W. S. BOAG. Charleston, July 26 58 At jVcic Storey-Fresh Goods. T HE subscriber is now opening, ou second street, next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op positc the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. Which will be sold at prices'/hucli reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows: • WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Loudon Dullil Blankets—10-4 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Liiise)'s— super blue, black, brown tnixt Cloths—Fine nnd com mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentin and Trtilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—do Merino do'. STUFFS. Black and colored G-d Merinos—do do Bonfliazctts— find 6-4'Bombaziucs—Pink Ratinet—figuriid Circas sians. ' COTTON GOODS. super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—twin, Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black anil colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in j pieces very fine —colored and white Homespuns—Koiven cassimeres and clocks—birdseyc and' 'Russia Diapers-—Linen cambric Hkfs, Russia sheetings, &Q SILKS. ' Black super Poi do soie silks—do Italian Lustring no —rich colored silks very cheap—laivantiues,' snrsnftts and sinchews. HANDKERCHIEFS. Mandarin, Hcrninci, embroidered Romani, Bagdad, rich satin, figucrcd Thibet, edibroidered Thibet wbpl and martin gauze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbon^— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltingtl—Blond Ed’ gings artd Bobinet Laces—and many other articles, which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and quality. dec 17 25 ARCHIBALD MeARN. Superfine blue, black, invisible greeu, T^tlelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black,brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy coltrfeif Sattinet Coattees nnd Frock Coats. Super, blue, bjack, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green C|iith Pantaloons, ; Blue, black aiid fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth's cloth and satlinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassiiuere, black and colored Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Vnlentio, English Silk, colored and white MerseiTJes Toilfnet, Swnnsdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersliam Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts. Collars. Bosoms. Socks. Ac Husbandry. Why shonlii girl*, a -.wit exclaimed, i Surprising farmer'* bu J Bccauso they’re >l«ui studying The ttrl oritusband-ry. 4 Jl'etc Slock of SPRING Mil SUITIITIER CLOTHING, JUST RKCKIVF.D BV WM. H. EURDSALX’, A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul berry and Second streets, including tlie foHow- iiig: Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen Circassian and Rouan Cassiniere FROCK COATS.' Summer Cloth, twijlcd Merino, grass Cloth, grass and brown Linen, aitd'Rouan Cassiniere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminet, Cyprus, wor sted and Valentin Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas- sinierc, brown and grass Linen and Drilling, Fancy Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mixt, Rouan Cassiniere and Jeans PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Romm Cassiniere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen, Pongee, Rouan Cassiniere and Jeans KOI ?ND JACK ETS. A largo assortment of fancy VESTS. Pine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, &c. Are. Arc, A Case not to be found in any of the Books.— Barney Cunningham was dancing with all his might, while l’nt O'Leary was playing Paddy Carey on his Jew’s Harp, and Jemmy Callahan sitting quietly looking f'rt, smoking Hs pipo on the head of an empty %li}s1cey barrel. All of a sudden the Divil got into Pat, who changed the tune to Molly pul the kettle on. which, as it were, brought Burney up all standing, and caus ed him to bite Itis'lougue through. Upon this, Bar ney, without saying a word, quietly marches up to Pat auii gives bjm a black eye. and upon that Pat appoals to Jemmy Callah in whether this was not ofieoding agaiust good manueis. Whereup on Jemmy decides, that Pat had no right to change the tune without giving the gentleman notice, and so the matter was settled to the satisfaction of all parties.—S'. Library Messenger. A Polite Struggle,—Terence Branuagau and Davy Dougherty were sworn brothers, and rec koned very much of the gentlemen, and happen ing to run against each other iu luruiag a corner, stopped to make apologies. It was all my fault Davy, tny jewel,” says Terence. “ By St. Dan O’Connell, but it was all mine,” says Davy. “ By tlie honor of a gentleman, it was mine,” says Tereuce. By the Holy Poker, I say it was mine,” says Davy. “ Do you doubt the honor of a gentleman ? 1 thought you had inure politeness. Better man ners to you sav I,” says Terence. “ Do you reflect ott my manners you spalpeen? If you won’t take a genteel apology, take that,” says Davy, hitting Terence a click aside of his pate, which Terence returned with interest, and so they had a bloody battle all about politeness. Ibid. Commission Business, Darien. rg1HE undersigned have resumed business as a- i hove, and will os heretofore pay ’ prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to tlieir care*. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable us at'all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when <be river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On onr wharves are largo Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot- . — ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities VisCs ** ” c to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed-. iff**’ name of 6 ? by any other House. Darien. May 20, 1835. HAWE8, MITCHELL <!L COLLINS. WAKE HOUSE BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGNED will con tinue to transact the above business, at the Ware House occupied by him last ’ ' season. Grateful forthe liberal patronage re- eived from his friends and the public, by strict atten- on to basincss confided to his care, he hopes to merit Glare of the public patronage. He will mak<5 liberal advances on cotton stored with h , or on shipments to Savannah, Charleston and N wYork. A. E. CHICKERING. Iieon. August 11 59 6m 3 SIMM. CASES Gentlemens fine Calf, sewed, Brogans 3 do stout Kip pegged do 1 do fine calf, Boys do J ‘do stout sewed Men’s Shoes 1 do Ladies Prunella Slips Just received, and for sale low by Ang25 61tf C. L. HOWLAND A* CO. For Sale, 250.000 l^qnO^Lard, • 61 hhds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, ’ “ » 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, ’ 100 kegB Nails, assorted, ■ 25 hhds chbice Molasses, 150 whole and half Lbls Canal and Ricnmond Flour, 1 ■■*’ * 5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin. 41 ^ DAVID RALSTON^ Plain and Ornamental Painting. T HE subscriber has takfen the shop formerly oc cupied by Mr. Thos. McCleskey, nearly oppo site the new market, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of House and Sign Painting, jChair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, 'Gildingand Glazing, Paper Hanging, i Enamelling seals. Having in his employment some of the most effi cient workmen to be found in the State, he will be a- ble to undertakelargely and execute with neatness ApriI4 Cm 41 DANIEL T. REA. LEATHER. A N assnitment of Harness, Bridle and Upper Lea ther, for sale by CRAFT & LEWIS. '*jiily 14 55 arc authorised to announce tlie 1 TO RENT. ABNER HAMMOND, Esq. a can-, A Store-House or. dje corner of Cherry and Third j j idate for Tax Collector for the ensuing year- im streets, 40 by 52. Apply to 1 1 Aug 25 61 " \ August 18 DAVID RALSTON. I F. F. LEWIS & T. F. NEWTON, .tlerchant Tailors, H AVE entered into co-partnership under the firm of Lewis & Newton, forthe purpose of trans acting business iu their line. They’expect to have ou liana iron! New York, in a short'time, u general assortment of Cloths. Cassi meres, Vestings, dtc. Which, together with the stock on hbnil will make tlieir assortment complete. Also, a general assortment of Readv-Made Clothing which will he sold low for cash They solicit a share ofthe public patronage. E. F. LEWIS, T. F. NEWTON. Aug 18 60 J UST RECEIVED front New-York, aud for sale bv ' ' S.1IITH, HODGEItS S Co. 50 bugs and 50 barrels prime green Coffee, 20 hlids prime St Croix sugar, 30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin; We will also sell onr DRY GOODS, a splendid as sortment. at, or about cost, as we wish to [turn our at tention to the cotton and grocery business. Julv7 54 REA S COTTON, OKFKR FOR SALE ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS, A pr Jk Pieces HEMP BAGGING, ratfti'Vr zoo barrels Canul &. Philadelphia Flour, (resii ground, and warranted sound,. 1 205 bags and 20 barrels Collie, 67 hhds St. Croix aud Porto Rico Sugars. 90 barrels 1 J do 50 boxes Brown aud White Havanna do 90 hhds Cftba Molasses, •'* " 56 barrels'Gin, ' 75 barrels Rum, ■20 barrels Fork, 30 hhds Bacon, assorted, 10 tierces Rice. 14 boxes Sperm Candles, 20 boxes Tobacco, 30 M Segars, of the best quality. July 20 ” • 1 5G JFaler Spouts.—Two of these wonderful Pho uomenii were seeu from bu hoard tho schooner S. S. Mills ou her passage from Charleston to this place on Sunday last. They w ero represent ed aft havitig presented an appearance awfully sublime; they approached within about half a utile ofthe vessel.— Htgusline Herald. Prom the Neur York Journal of C nimtrce. Police-Office. August 13.—Extraordinary Case of a Female Husband.—A paragraph ap peared in this paper on Saturday, relative to a female who was fouud intoxicated in tho street, on Friday night dressed in men’s clothes. The account she gave of herself turns out to be also j false, or at least she has told a different stoty. in consequence of a farther and more extraordinary discovery haviug been made in relation to her. On Saturday morning a decent dress&Jj woman called at the police office and asked io see James' Walker, (the name by which the feltaale called herself before her sex was discovered) whom sho said was her husband. The woman was informed of the discovery which had been made, and was permitted to see tho person in question, to whom however sho decliiued speaking, and went away. In conse quence of this occurrence, James or rattier Jatio Walker, was again brought before the magis trate, and underwent another examination, in which she stated that she ws.s a native of Liver-' pool; that her real name is George Moore Wil son, and that George is a name commonly given to females-in England: that both her parents died when site was very young, and that when she was twelve years old, in eonsequeuce of be ing ill-treated i>y her 'friends, she ran away from them, put on boy's cioyieij and made her way to fcjco laud, the native place of Her parents. When she arrived there, she went to work in ' a factory, still retaining her boy’s dress, and remained in it uutilshe had nearly arrived at womanhood, when she married a Miss Elisa I’uminiiigs, with whom she set sail for Quel.c .• two d tys after their mar riage. A foW days after'her marriage/ she im parted the secret of her sex to her wife; hut not withstanding this, tho two femtles have lived to gether ever since as man and wife. Fifteen years haVo passed since their union, dutii.g which n appears they experienced a great variety of fortuuo, but kept tho secret of ihe husband’s sex so well, that it iiever before transpired, aud re- maius even uuknowu td tho Wife’s father, who has resided for some years' with them. ", As the first account which tins woman gave of herself appears to be lalse, this one may be also u..true—hut it stands corroborated to a certain extent by the, wife having called to see her on Saturday, aud by the vexation and pm she evinced on hearing that her husband's sex was discovered ; and also by a marriage certificate Having been fouud on the p risoners person, cer tifying that the marriage was solemnized at tho time and place which she stated iu her examina- The magistrate considered the latter alto gether so extraordinary, that he has detained her until it can be more fully inquired into. V Ammonia, in a liquid state, (Spirits of Harts-- horn) is highly recommended to cauteriso the' wouuds which laborers may receive from the bite of vipers during harvesting. It is a specific for the bites of all vcucnious serpents or insects. Applied boih egtertially and internally, it cures the bite of a rattlesnake. It will instantly re move all uneasiness from the biles of muiquitoes. The Town Council of Aiken, S. C. have a Weigher and Inspector of Cotton ; W. B. Prit chard, Esq. has beep chosen to the office. This is the first Inspectorship we believe, of Cotton, that has been established in the United States, aud the example is worthy of general irahatioa in our Southern sea ports’—Char. Courier. Police Court.—At a Court, held on Saturday last, his Honor Wm Fraser, presiding, fldyviu, E Roberts, an Englishman by birth, was fully committed to take his trial at tho noxt Superior Court, forthe misdemeanour of haviug held im proper language with slaves, telling them they ought to be free, anti tlint half the people' of the United States were in favor of their freedom. Mr. Robers should thank his stars, that he did not commence his crusade in some quarter where Juoge Lyucb presides. Here, the majesty of tho aws are too highly respected, to tolerate the ju risdiction of ibis despotic dignitary. ; * Darien Telegraph. Value of Bed-Bugs.—A very ingenious Ger man Physician, who has resided iu this city, a few years, and who professes a most profound aud practical knowledge of chemistry, has disco vered a method by which he can extract an es sential oil from the little iusecl called tho Bed Bug, that will rival iu odour aud perfume the most delicious otto of roses. The ingenious in ventor has some notion of gettiug up a company for the manufacture of this article. We advise housekeepers to preserve their bugs carefully from waste and destruction. There is no end to tho secrets of nature and tho success of science. New York Herald. c APT Marryatt’s complete works in 1 volume, PeueiUiogs by the Way, Gilbert Gurney, a novel, in 2 volumes, 'The Naval Sketch Book, 2d series, Life and times of Rienzi, Spain revisited, by thoauthorofa year in Spain, Private Life of LaFayette; Rienzi, Adventures of a Rifle Brigade, Cotton on the Religious state of tlie country, Tomlin’s Law Dictionary, Milford’s Pleadings, &c. &c. Just received and foroaie by June9 50 JA.MF3 S. OJ OOTT. Copai’tuerclujp.- T HE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE attd COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under the firm of COOMBS &. DOUGHTY. • JOHN S. COOMBS. Savannah, June 1 50 E. W, DOUGHTY. Blanks (or sale at this Office* NURSERY MAXIMS. Judicious mothers will always keep in mind that they are the first book read, aud the last laid aside in a child’s library. Every look, tone aud gesture, nay, evendress mako auimpression. Remember that children are meu in miuiature, and although they are childish and should be al lowed to act ns children, still all our dealings with them should be manly not morose. Be always kind and cheerful io their preseuce; playful, but never extravagant in statements, nor vulgar in language nor gestures. Before a year old, entire submission should be secured ; this may be often won by kindness, but must sometimes be exacted by the rod, though one chastisement 1 cousidcr enough to secure the object. If uot the pareut must tax himself for the failure, aud uot to the pcrvcrscuess of the child. After one conqucsr, watchfulness, kind- m-ssaud perseverance will secure obedieuee. Never trifle with rt child or speak beseechingly when’it is doing an improper thing, or when watching au opportunity to do so. Always follow command with a close aud careful watch, uutil you see that the child does tin thing commanded—allowing of no ev.ision, nor modification unless the child ask for it, and it is expressly granted. Never break a promise made to a child, or if you do, give your reasons, and if in fault own it. aud ask pardon if necessary. Never Trifle with a child’s ieelings while under discipliue. ChildieD ought never to be governed by fsar of the red, or private chastiseineuts or of dark rooms. Correcting a child oil suspicion or without un derstanding the whole matter, is the way tom aft e him hide his faults by equivocation or a lie—to justify himself—or to disregard • you altogether, becattre he sees that you do not understand the case ami are in the wrong.—Religious Mag. Mr. L. O. Reynolds, Assistant Engineer of lha Central Rail Road, arrived yesterday in the Oco nee from New York, aud will forthwith proceed to Macon to commence the survey preparatory to the location ofthe Road—Sav. Georgleiu.' Darien, Sept. 6. Melancholy Accident.—Ou Wednesday last,- about oue o’clock, two young men, Henry Brooks aud Joseph McCoy, the former secoud engineer, and the latter carpenter ol the steam Boat David Crockett, accompanied by a negro, got into a small canoe heavily laden with brick and lime, to pioceed to the Lower Bluff, where the Crockett was lying to receive some repairs The day was hazy, aud a heavy shower fell while they wero .'paddling to their destination. When they had jpst canto in view of the steamboat, a squall sprung tip, nnd the canoe filled with water. Tho great weight caused her to sink instantly ; and the whole three had to swir for tbeir lives. Tho only one, how ever, that reached the shore in safety was the negro; Brooks and McCoy sunk to rise no more ! What renders the case surprising, is the fact that both the meu were good swimmers. Want of preseoce of mind was tho cause of their death. ■ Brooks was a native of New-York‘city, and was the main support of a respectable wi dowed mother 1 She had fuursons, all cngiueers; tine was hlowu up last summer in the steamboat Pioneeriaud killed, at the same rime, Henry, w ho met his fate yesterday, was severely scalded, but recovered, alas! to he drowned. Another'ofher sons was destroyed iu the pursuit of his business, somewhere else : and thus has this poor widow been bereft of three of her offspring in the course of a brief year. On the very day Henry met his death, he had yielded to the importunities of his only parent, and taken his passage in the packet brig Amelia Strong, for New York ; but never was his mother to look on : him again. McCoy was just recovered from a severe fit of sickness, and was loo weak to make much exertion to save his life. The bodies were reeovered ou Friday last, and tho .verdict of inquest was “ accidental drowning.” They were subsequently decently interred. Another death by drowning !—On Mondaylnst 29th ult. Peter Odona, a fisherman, w as drowned between this place aud Sapelo. It appears he was somewhat intoxicated, and fell headlong out of bis boat. A little boy, his son, w as iu the boat with him; but was unable to render him auy as sistance. He has left four children unprovided for. His body has not been recovered.—Tck- graph. Exports of Cotton from Darien—Tho subjoin ed abstract of the amount of Cotton shipped from this port for the season, is by no means a correct oue. If all the 5>ea Island Cotton shipped from, the adjoining plantations were taken, its amount' would be an increase of at least 20,000 bales. FROM 15th OCTOKER TO 15th JULY. To Savannah, 76,330 To New York, 7,356 To Charleston, 10,177 To Liverpool, 5,745 Total 90,6' -a 4 Before the introductib-i ot' Vatripatinn. ft v, ->s estim:"“d that between sevruly and eight;- U'->u- sand people died a day, upon tile whole g'obe, of the small pox.