Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, September 22, 1836, Image 3

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M A 0 « CUff O ft O t i TELEGRAPH =s— cpuntry. During the last war, with every op portunity for doing much, ho did but little. It is even said and believed, that he prevented (through cowardice,) his Army from going into j battle when it was anxious to do so, and when victory was certain. General Harrison, the great ivhig, candidate for the Presidency, is au advocate for selling the poor debtor into slavery for a period of titne proportioned to the uiimuui which he is unable to discharge. Are the people of file United States I prepared to sustain a man for tho highest officeJ heir gift, who sanctions a doctrine whirh would] WARE MOUSE AND V ■ COMMISSI O.V BUSI.VESS. THE undersigned will continue to transact the above business in all its various forms at their old stand. They will, as hitherto, make liberal advances on produce and merchandize in store, MACON: Thursday, September 22. 1836. IVomiuatious of tlie Un»on Party. roil rRESIDK.ST OF THE UNITED STATES, MARTIN VAN BlIREN, of New- York. rOR VICK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATUS. RICHARD M. JOHNSON, of Kentucky. Georgia Union Electoral TIckcf THOMAS F. ANDERSON,'*/ Franklin. WILLIAM B. BULLOCH, of Chatham. SAMUEL GROVES, qf Madison. THOMAS HAYNES, ofBaldicin. REUBEN JORDAN, of Jasper. WILSON LUMPKIN, o' Clark. PITT MILNER, of Monroe. WILLIAM PENTICOST, of Jackson. THOMAS SPALDING, of McIntosh. WILLIAM B. WOFFORD, of Habersham. THOMAS WOOTTEN, of Wilkes Georgia Union Congressional Ticket. JOHN COFFEE, of Telfair. GEORGE W OWENS, of Chatham. CHARLES E. IIAYNKS, of Hancock. SEATON GRANTLAND, of Balduin. GEORGE W. B. TOWNS, of Talbot. JABKZ JACKSON, of Clark. JESSE F. CLEVELAND, of Dekalb. THOMAS GLASCOCK, of Richmond. HOPKINS IIOI.SEY, of Harris. Bibb Union Ticket. FOR THX SENATE, LEWIS LAWSUE. FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) SAMUEL B. HUNTER, JOHN B. LAMAR: Houston Uniou Ticket. FOR SENATOR, JAMES DEAN.Esq. FDR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. JAMES E. DUNCAN. JNO. N. DUPREE, JAMES M ' KELLY Carroll Union Ticket. WILLIAM BEAI.L, Senate. JAMES II RODGERS, ) „ ABEL II. HARRISON. < / *'*’*’ The Macon Steam jtooal 'Company M'XflLL run two nr three lighter- during the kiiiii- m, • . , , i —......w.nwumwai f f nier and fall, between Darien and Macon.— inis is tnc man wno, | have disgraced the darkest hours of federal tyrnnJ'Tlie line is prepared to tnke all merchandise that may or to be shipped either to Savauttah Charleston, New J 1 J J *“ “* 1 * andlor * l’ork or Liverpool, and will devote the same personal are : and undivided attention to all business entrusted to of light draft, arid can run at the lowest ; iheircare, and |n.rticuhrly to ih at of selling cotton theliver. The steam boat Sttpt rior will be in from the warehouse or wagons. Having disposed of readiness to tow by tho first ol October next, of stum- j their warehouse in Last .Macon, they will in future er if the river will admit, and the steaiu boat Excel; confute their business to otie hoi!>e, ’ which they are will commence rn lining during flint month. i enlarging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and sept 10 4m J- tiOHDARD. Agent. i where they will be happy to serve those who have DRY GOUUM! bKY GOODS! ! ?iven them their patronage from the Last side of the Charleston, S. C. J _ _ j river. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here of friendship. Judge Whito has assumed that garb, to betray the South and to betray the Administration. An avowed friend of the ad- i besides being an avowed Abolitionist and a bi- , U J? Will they support the advocate of slavery ho offered or shipped to their agents at I larlpn. and oted Anti-mason willing „// I for debt, at a time when thfc voice of the com- war * ‘hem without detention. Their Lighters meet Anti, mason, was willing to sell unfortu- , calJs JoU(jJv for abol if hiitg imprisonment matf oflight draft, arid can run at the lowest stag, nate debtors to pay their debts ! I for debt, as lone of the relies of barbarism? White, who is held up as a pattern of purity, I How does it happen that tho Harrison ’prims has in mnr/. : ■ ... . r ,are so sileut about this matter? A few days > tancc? than one, stooped to s j DC0 wc a || u ded to it iu a way calculated m tlie most disgusting acts of dissimulation, to ef- attract their attention, but not a word has becu feet his object. If any proof were wanting ‘‘Jicitcd. They will ueiilter cuufcss nor deny. “• ^ « K p,a„cc to the Slate Rigtel committee would be conclusive. The most I favor of selliug the poor debtor, and coincide witii dangerous enemy is he who assumes the garb! senliuieuts of ‘ l,e c,en ,,a r rUoa i" rela ‘ il,n }o it? of frlnndcblr, T..4_ tin.:.- . PaUUyttanum. "LIVERPOOL, AUG. 7.-Our late circular wonld give you the course of the cotton market ... . up to the the third iusi, aud continued iu the same ministration j lie has been at hoart its bitterest heavy state uuitl to-day more particularly for the enemy. A native citizen of the South, and '°' v & ,uidliu S qualities which have been pressed Dosspssimr its i, . r ’ ott the market m quantity lievoud the demaud,and ^ n onfulcncc, lie has sacrificed So- j the buisiness iu them thb last few days has conse- uthorn interests on the shrine of avarice and I queutly been mostly at a further reduction of I 8 ambition. Judge White lias been guilty of du- P er ib -’ wh ! le ,he 8 0ud a,,d f " ,e qnaltties • a e 1 . * treachery in the most heinous do- have to day however had more demand for all gree, aud yet he is held up by the nullifiers as descriptions, and about 5000 bales have sold at worthy of the highest confidence. * prices a shade bettor than could have been real- *tm,‘ ,»' .... * . . .■••wed for sonic days past, though the demand ><liich hese are the men [\\ ebster, Harrison and has been altogo her frumealer* atul consumers White,) whom the opposition arc running, in *° be freely met. The sales for the week ,diircr f Bt lectionsof tbecountry, brettkdom, jSSfSS* KEffi'Jw? n't*"ub Mr V an Huren and to defeat the wishes of the 200 at 11 3 4: 6760 Orleans at 7$ and 13; 4250' people. Will an intelligent people be hum- Alal,!una ar > d Mobile at 8 and ll£ with 30 at 7$ bugged and baud™,Jed iu ibis way 1 Wo to, 7 ££$ d,5 £ fiJTEt'wS * hales and to-day about BOOObales li.ive beau «oI«l as above stated. Tho import on the past week T HE subscribers have imported from Enghind, f tofore received, vve hope by a strict attention to busi- direct, a large and splendid assortment nf FALL j ness to merit a contitumliph of the same. GOODS, well adapted td the season, :ind niiiniifaciiirj ' HAMILTON’. IIA'VES & CO. ed expressly for the Southern markets.* Which, withy Macon. 1st September. 1S26 their snpplies from the North, enables therk to offer u j 200 pieces Best lleuip Bagging for sale at market stock eauaFto anv in the United States, add nt ]>rices i rate's, by * H. ll.& CO. ns low. C.&'G. II.KELSKV sV HALSTED. j sept l • 62 . CkaHestnn, Sept. 7,1836. <>4 9t j IVOTliCD. Hats, ghoes, ami Uoiinets at Cdst. i 731HF. puroliased the entire Stock T lfE subscriber having detemiiued to cliaMtloti I J3l of Mr. Isaac Newhall. now offer for sale, at vc- the trade in the above articles, will dispo/o nt I ry reduced prices, and on very accommodatingtopnc, them ateost; hisassortinent being good, purciitijefs will j find it io tlieiriuterest to call. , soot 15 04 V/M. If BURnSALI,. IftcRn’sT t'gVlablc I onic .tJuliiie. We qtU the attention of the People to the ^ ,ho lT ‘.' i,ed n a* ▼ , wwv.. I Slates, ihe stock of coilou in this port is t^tnna- following letter of Judge White, accepting his ted at about 2B7.000 bales, against 253.000'at nomination. The least that can be said of it is, I s0,ne P er ‘°d left year: the stock uf American is that it wants candor. He believes that the e- COTTON has declined a shade since last week. Price, this morning, 1G 1-2 cents. The great length of tho publication on our first page, together with the sickness of two of our hands, lias prevented us front putting in type several articles prepared for this number. lection of a chief magistrate ought to be left to j the people themselves; but instead of follow- | ing up his belief, he endeavors to take the about 217,000 bales being an increase of 8(5,00 bales. R Ftrcr and Ague Conqueror, ler Intel initicnt or Fever and Ague. This inestimable Febrifuge has warranted itself, by repeated trials, to be superior to any article yet offered to die public; it is itdidiible in Inlermiftent and Tcver aud Ague; in recent cases itexteuuinates the Chilis and Fever in from twenty. fSjir to forty cigliMiours'; being of a vegetable Compo sition, the public will .-ipnrohend mi injurious eilects from deleterious minerals; it operates a.« a mild but effectual purgative, and may be given with final ad vantage in Dysentery. Bowel complaints. Depraved Appoiite, Fjatnlencjv Jaundice, Night Sweats, am! many oilier infections of similar origin. For proof of the efficacy of this mixture, try a bottle. Tim invontui being aware of the many unpriiicipiihl frauds that arc 1 daily practiced on die public, bas t ikon the precaution to prefix bis signature lo tbe genuine. I el said bv sept 15 01 II. »V. J 8HOTWEM.. ‘ i KOI HILL. 60 cases Bouts and shoes, of a|! descriptions, 14 cases fine fashionable Hats, 662 pieces American and English prints, 2 cases silk and Gingham Umbrellas,' 50 doz pii.'m leaf Hats. Blankets, shirtings and sheeting, and various other articles. Also constantly receiving KEW GOODS from the manufacturers. Merchants and Planters will do well to call and examine, ns they can be sold less than they can be bought'in New York and laid down here, bv 10 per cent. C I. HOWLAND, July 7 54 KG PHILIPS. N B. The faction 6> Commission ISllSilieXH. will be conducted nt the same stand, next door to die Post Office. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. C L HOWLAND & Co ^ICFchantsr - Insurance Conijiauy of .Macon. Capital Sloth 900,000 Hollars l 4 COM FAN Y, under the above title, has recently been founded with an actual cash capital ot One Finndred Thousand Hollars, Watches, Jfeucelry, Silver Ware, Sc. C: G.-:St.‘JOHN - * kT r ATCH .Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op- V V [ I'.-iv Washington *fa!i. Rc.-pcf:iii!!y in forms his friends and the public, that he lias taken the store formerly occupied by the Hawkinsvillo Bank where he is now opening a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the bestial ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's and I^uby Cyliuder Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenent seconds of the most approved makers aud rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies «S: Gentlemens Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepire and plain Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Kevs Earrings Breast Pin- and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils. Gold'and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, &C. &c. Together'with a great variety of other arti cles kept in hisliue N. B. He has selected tlie beat of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share of public patronage'is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 THE undersigned informs hi* i be P« d '° n ‘he first of October next, « which time r • l .J .1 sTm* u*s» nri will commence taking marine risks to and from Diends and those ot die late ™« of t!incitv of MacoI1 , toany * ort OT pIace (Q , he Uni , ed Cut er ^ orn u , r ( Suites; the capital stock will beheld readv at all times s lining th<* 1 Ware Ho use Sf Comm isSion IS it sin ess, From Texas. New Orleans, ^ept. 15. Wc have this tnmpejit learned by an lection out of the hands of the people, and to *T 0,D ^’ a l ves ‘ on * Texas, some additional informa nt tlie store next above ihe one recently occupied by T. J. Chase, on the margin of Lcisj Macon, known as tlie town cfTroy. capital to meet any losses that maybe duo from thecompany. The claims b! this Company, when contrasted with those of other distant offices, heretofore having done much business here, justifies the belief that this local institution, based as it is, will be liheraliy patronized, The Cholera still prevails in Charleston : hut from the last reports of the Board of health it appears to be subsiding. Some ot tlie Nullifiers we understand deny that there is any such a section in the consti tution of Georgia as wo quoted on the 8th inst. und accuse us of having made a false quota tion. If any man seriously believes this charge we refer him to the constitution itself, in Prin ce’s Digest. Tlie Nullifiers now attempt to charge the Union party with being friendly to black suf frage. They know the charge to he false : the Union party have always been the friends of a free white suffrage. This charge cotncs with a bad grace from the Nullifiers. It was they who defeated the amendments to the constitution of this State 3 years ago, which went to exclude blacks from representation in the Legislature. The Nulii- fiers it will bo recollected were in favor of ne gro representation; while the Union party were opposed to it. And that is the reason why the plan of reduction, so casncstly desired, failed. place 1, in the tend, of the person, rtn I SaS^SE ."''T ,iXT ho says ought not to have it. j dency, and Lamar to the Vice Presidency. Au- Judge White ought to know by this time, 0, ** er "“ e,n P‘» which proved unsuccessful has (wh„ every Uedy else knows,, thn, he ennno. JESUS: L? be elected by the people; and that the only stated that he was employed for the purpose by purpose of bringing him out as a candidate was ‘*° MextcaiiConsul of ‘his city, this, however, is to defeat an election by die people 1 And yet Thd armed Texian schooner Teryible had tak- he says, he has seen no reason to satisfy him on several Mexicau prizes, which ware sent iu for that he has fallen into error! That Judge W. i ». _ .... , . the rexian Army about 3000 strong, had re- was wanting in sincerity and singleness of heart moved their encampment to the Garcitc, near wc have for some time suspected; but that he Matagorda—Bulletin. was such a bungling politician as to furnish the We are a^7i annourfee proofs of Iiis own duplicity, we did not suspect. BENNET ADAAfS, as a candidate for No wonder this letter has been kept back' iS ** ar •' ra « h 4 ! i»P |a «ofJames L. Wllliams- from last May uutil the eve of the election.— 11 October. resigned. Election on the first Saturday sept 22 65 The managers of the party were afraid its pal pable contradictions would be exposed. WASHINGTON,May 30tlt. l836‘ Gentlemen: Your letter dated the 5th iustaut., informing me that a Coi.veiition of Delegates ot a portion of the people of Georgia, lately held at Millodgevillc, had nominated mo as a 'suitable person to fill the office of President of tho United States, was received a fewx since. Through you J beg leave to tender to the mem bers of that Convention my siucere acknowledge- Look at This!—JLast Warning. W OTICE is now given to all person* liable to pay Tax, residiug in the 564th and 716th district G- M - that has not given in, would do well to call »nd give in their Tax Returns for the pi'»sett year, J8:U», as the . Tax Books will be dosed ou the first of Octobar next, and all defaulters double taxed. JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH, t. n. a c- sept 22 65 . Why are the opposition so anxious to drop tho subject of Nullification ? Because they know, that so long,a$ the contest coutinucs un der the old party divisiom of UNION and NULLIFICATION, so long will they contin ue to be beaten. Hence their great exertions to raise a smoke about Abolitionism ; to paint Van Burcn as a monster; to make a saint of White; and to say nothing about old party nantos—thinking thereby to steal a few Union voters, and thus win the day! Wo hope our friends will be found wide a- wake, and not suffer themselves to be coaxed M frightened into the support of principles they abhor. 07* Go the UNION TICKET, boys !— Union Ticket J The opposition affect a wonderful horror at the suppossd principles of Mr Van Burcn : They affect to believe tint he is an Abolition ist of the worst dye. It is even charged against him by the stump orators at the muster grounds, that he is a member of the Abolition society, and a subscriber to Abolition newspapers !— These vile slanders ore industriously and vo ciferously urged at all the precincts, where it is believed no one will be able to contradict or refuto them. Theso charges have been deni ed and the proof challenged so often, in print POd otherwise, that the opposition are getting ntoro careful how and where they make them. If the accusations are true, why don’t they Wag tho proof I Empty unsupported asser W 8*5 SEWARD. ILL be pad for tbe apprehension of El’II RAIM a black mail, about BOyear* of age, 5 feet 10 „ , inches high, has a heavy bcaid which causes his face tnents for this distinguished mark of tbeir con-1 to Jo <k rough—was formerly owuod by die Messrs, fi.leuce, I Harpers of Augusta, aud bought of them by a Mr Mat- Relieving as I do. that the election of a Chief thews of Columbus; it is believed he will try to make Magistrate ought to be tho work of the people his way to his former master in Columbus. The above Htmff/cM, uninfluenced by those already iu office, reward will be paid for hw apprehension, if lodged in * b “j”°<£t A.,.*,.. 1 *“ i&si?vrdsssr roforc f»aid, that my political fneucls have my con- I se|lt q~ Q t sent to make such use of my name as in tehircu- J «—*— — tsfy ma that to g.vmg such consent I have fallen the v 2 4Ui d,y of December uext,all the personal proper- mto any error: tliereloro, I will continue tooccu- t y helongingto said estate, py the position iu whirh I have been placed; so j Consistiogof Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Household and long as tho wishos of the community may seem J Kitchen Furniture. Arc. ■ to require it. 1 Also,in the town of Zebulon, on the first Tuesday iu Accept my thanks for the polite and frienoly January next: Ouo Lot mid one Fraction of laud, ba- , ”, *; . ... j* u. i.A.nshMi.A iiiMiuuion, oasec a« ms, wi Ife further liitorms tbe pu '• particularly when the terms are us liberal as in any o- Goods, A c and havtng now on the way, Lem New ^ ol - ccs * ^ ork, and other pLcw, .. . * James Gordard, President. Hihj Hoods and Groceries, \Fm. b. Park™ i together making hi* stock complete, which will be solo J - — ' low for ready pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton j early in the fail, and be prepared to umke advances — ; lie Would particularly notice to his friends the.great i advantages hi* Warehouse* have over 'those iu the j dense part of the city witii regard lo fire; they being j detached from other buildings and at a distance from I »nv street cr lauc, and well enclosed j Mav 5 45 tf II. S. CUTT! 3, j x . W iKE HOUSE i ASD . i CdMzriSSfOJV BVMVMZSSg j Jlyrick, Napier & Free-! .JinaH iuforiu llieir friend* aim ttie 4# a Cowles. ! F. II. Wellman, > Directors Thos. Tavi.o*, j Tune 16 5l~tf James Rea. Secretary. illlDS 8t Croix, 1*. It aud O. Sugar. 150 tiags pri me green Coffee. 40 hhds prime retailing Molasses, 50 bbls N. E: Rum. 40 „ American Gin, 35 ,, Whiskey, 250 ps heavy Ilemp Dundee Bagging, 50 coil* Rope, 6000 lb* bagging Twine, SALT, IRON. MAILS, CASTIXGS. A Gtaneral stock of Groceries, —iT\. . ”' '.n„ ,|iau I,,',. ai,i up ; a uenerai siock oi «»rocrrt:-s, piibjie gem n . l «.y . j ?*{ in store and for sale on aceomtniidatiiig tenns bv mg their Ware House adjoining ttietr rntirTvn t?rr<«Pii st.»c on Cotton Avenue, and will have j EDML N ° : I... I sept I 02 atnurerru ft. it ready for the reception of cotton by tbe commence- j — r ^l— M>«gerrg _ meni of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to rSTJ HE subscriber* have formed a copartnership on Utentbv Planters and others, dealing in the article, or ‘ „„ . _ _ ^ SHACKELFORD, BOAG & Co. Liberal advan them or ship- A. It. pur- terms iu which you have comtnuniented the result of the deliberations of the (.-ouventiou, and bo- lievc that. I urn'’gentlemen very respectfully, your obedi ent servant, HU. L WHITE. iug the same whereon said deceased lived, aud Four Negroes, beiug the whole of the real estate of said de ceased Terms of sale, made known on the Uays. MARY A. W. CHRISTIAN. Adufx. sept 22 65 ’^i'^T'iLL be suld, before tho court house, within the will open a large and extensive stock of Goods (direct from Europe) suited to the Southern market, about Ihe 1st of September, in Faber's block of buildings at the cornet of Fraser’s Wharf and Fast Bav. J. M. SHACKELFORD, W. 8. BOAG. Charleston, Jnlv 26 58 flt Shoes. 8 CASES Gentlemens fine Calf, sewed, Brogans 3 do stout Kip pegged do 1 do fine calf, Boys do 1 do stout sewed Men’s Shoes 1 do Ladies Prunella Slips Just received, and for sale low by Ang25 tiltf C. L. HOWLAND & CO. orders'to buy and sell rir thetnarkot, \\ill be pfohiptly -. attended t-.' They likewise'inform those Merchants ‘he purpose of Importing and fausacting whi> J |Vmvar<l theirgoods by Macon, that they haven WHOLESALE DRY GtfoDS BUSINESS’. They large and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer chandize, and will receive and forward all goods con signed 'o them. Their charges in every iii tance will bean Iowa* is coKtonmry in the city. ’ 1 cl-s will be m'ido r o5i cotton stored with pud by them to any other market. ’ 1 Living uni! of tiio partner* of their firm (Mr. / Freeman) located in the city of New Y otk .’or the . pose of affording the necessary facilities to their bu*i- nes* iu Macon, they rdspectfully infoim_Merchants aud utliers who have Inujiic** to transact in that city, that he \vill be prepared to i,trend to any Commission Buritmsj vith which he may he favored. They em brace the present opportunity to return their pratclnl acknowledgements to their friends aud the pilbkc for past favors, and sulicir u continuation of their patron age. Ip addition to tjieir present stock, they will receive early this fyli a fiua asssrtmeut of • Dry iiooils, Grocciics. Hardware, Cutlery, Hale Hope, Heavy Ilemp, Cotton Bagging, Readymade Clotliin^, Ae. Ac. &e. suitable for tlie fall trade, all of wKitli they offer for Sale ou the must reasonable term* Macon, August 25 6! tf WARE HOUSE AM* Commission HtssUtess. ■a-— -j THE. undersigned respectfully in- <0* . vS forms his friends and the public gen- if* l j/ erally, thatho Ills become proprietor of o9BH the large aud comuiodinus Warehouse The Messcuger’s Pear, of which he was bragging the other day, turns out very much like the negro’s rabbit—of which, while the said negro thought he had safe possession he could not say too much in iu pyaise, but the moment it slipped throngh Ids fingers he dis covered that >t was a pour skinuy gnod-for nothing creature, that wonld take more fat to cook than iu car- cee wa* worth ! So onr neighbor, whe;i he discovers be has been extolling Van Buren fruit, exultingly ex claims, that he has found a speck in it! This is the Messenger’s general practice, towards his political nd- thc whole Union Ticket! and nothing but the hc b a long life spent in the service of theircountry; to feast ,, ,, n i u o i n , | v w legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in F.>. Delauby.b. Rock well. Esqs. and others OCTOBER next, at ^grange, Troiip county, I^i No. 76, in the 4lh district of said comity. And oil the first Tuesday in January next, at Ma con. Bibb connty, part of Lots No. 6/aud 70, iu tha 13th district of formerly Muscogee, now Bibb, iyiu upon what he imagines a black speck! Ourneighbor is not skilled in phrenology,or he wo'ld have seen that it wa* his own cranium where the bump of acquisitiveness is so hugely developed; since he it is who getting all the odd nicknacks; and that the organ of conscientiousness is proportionality feeble; hence his inability to do justice to a politic*! opponent. We should conjecture also, that his coloring was pret ty full, .considering the dark shades and black spots under which hc so habitually conceals tbe trtilb. on the waters of the Tobesofkce , sold as the property of Christiana Scott, for the beuefit of all couccrued.' Terms on the day. JOSHUA JORDAN, > sept23 65 JAMES HOY, ) Trustees. in East Macoa, formerly occupied' by Messrs Hatuil toil & llayes. where lie will transact the above bu*i- ues* in alliu brunches, lie will make liberal advan ces ou Cottou stored with him, or on shipments to any of his friends in Savannah. Charleston or New-York, when desired; aud by his unreiuittoJ attention to bu sines*, hope* to receive sur-h share of public patron use as his exertions add accommodations mav merit. ” D. FLANDERS. The subscribers have entered into copartnership Un der the firm of FLANDERS A: COOK, anil will, in addition to tli’eir present stock, constantly bereceiviug front Now-York aud Boston, a large and jrfenerul assortment of HJS *’ CO OHS S CltpCEItfMfS, comprising' Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Iron, Salt, Bag WARE HOUSE .In:.' Commission Hasiness. The undersigned desire to inform their Friend* and the Public generally, tiiat tlity continue Ihe above business. They ^ | ^ are uiakiugsomeadditiou to their Ware *iiJT au d'Sv«H' other article in that hue ol business housewhichisconvemently situated on ‘ X| le jrliiende and the publicgenerally, are invited to a ’’ ■* **■ ■" 1 give them a Call, at tbe store formerly occupied by D Flanders. D. FLANDERS, ' July 28 5T 3m II. L- C<><>K Lectures in Geology. We ere gratified to b-arn tiiat Mr. Merrill’s* Lectures on Geolon* appear to meet the un qualified approbation of those who attended his course; and that, at the request of several gentlemen, Mr. M. has consented to deliver a second course on the same subject, to commence To Night, et the Academv Those desiring to become members ofins class can obtain tickets at tlie Post-Office,' ' September 22,1836. Mr. Merrill, Sir—We. ns members of vour class inf . ... Geology, feel it to be our duty npt to let this opportu tion, in tlio teeth of the strongest facts, (even i nity pass without taking sotno substantial method of though urged by . Gain,l!) « re to ptot|BB?ftK35SJa5StfC£SS*S ■and should not have wciglit of a feather ■®ith thinking men they will not have. Even were Van Burcn the vile thing the op position would make him, is hc not to be pre subject Your illustrations of the formation of Gra nite ; the nature and causes of tlie Meteoric shower, with meteois in general, the evidences and effect* of the delpge, tho manner of iu production by the "break ing up ofthe of the waters of the great deep.” • i-~ | Mho’ theory and explanat of the causes of Volca- ■erred to Webster? to Harrison? or to IIu<dt ! noesarid Earthquake*, wdre all topics of peculiar Is. White ? •*“ “ ! - interest, aud cannot fail to excite the attention at sci ence We wish you good speed iti your efforu to pro mote the boundaries of science, and hope the time js not far distant when knowledge and iu advocates will reap the rewaid they so justly merit D. B. Butler, " Asher Ayres, Win. B. Ball, Geo. P Cooper, John Hunter, J. D. Miller, Harvey Shotwcll, J. II. Morgan, Salr lias never don&rJUjf great tbingt for his' 'MswtnSep’tcmiserafrj 1 630^ C,win ‘ DS ^ Webster does not disguise his anti-slavery feelings; every speech of his for the last 20 or -50 years, has teemed witii hostility to the South, to Republicanism, and to his country’. Harrison, though an ex-Governor and Gen- Second-strect adjoining their store, they will be pre pared to make liberal advances on Produce or Mer chandise, either in store or to be shipped to 'Savannah. Charleston or New York. Their personal and individual attention will be de voted to selling cotton from the warehouse or wagon. In addition to the above, they will continue the mer- fcnntile business at their old stand, and expect shortly to receive from the New York and Boston markets, a fresh supply of J>ry Goods. Groceries* S ard ware. Ilau. Shoes, Ac. Ac.—wl.icli will make eir assortment large and complete. By a strict attention to business they hope to merit a shire of public patronage. sept 15 04 GEORGE JEW ETTA CO. Pratt’s Nipple Sliiclds. rWl H E Medical -College of Georgia at Augusta have ■ givt« their opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s Nipplt Shield to any thing else hitherto offered for tho same purpose', which opinion can be presented it necessary to physicians and others. Tlie opinion of Dr Baber and other physicians in .Macon who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor 'Dewccs and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by tlie subscriber ouly, price S5, tvith printed directions. H. LOOMIS. Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mulberry street. Certificate of Doctor Deuces Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a tuat- ier of much public importance to possess a means of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nipples, 1 have much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield" you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. In the two or three instances Ih iVo known them to be' used, much satisfaction has been expressed; snd'J have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. I ain so well persuaded of this at this moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish that cur city through the various apothecaries may be supplied with them. I an. yours. &c. P.’i’.t.’rJpbi*' 1'Mh Jan. 1834 Wa. P. D/.wees. Bushels -Salt 300 sacks do Bacon,"Mackerel Flour. Audajfeu’hluis; "Boston Hams,’ 1 for sale by •epfl? Er RUSSELL,- Mulberry^street. HOUSE O eOJUMlSSIOV nrsi.vr.s.s. FQnJlE undersigned continues to transact the Ware ii House and Commission Business, situate cen tral to the Cotton Market, on tlie corner of Cherry and Second streets, withiua few feet from Cotton Aven o, formerly occupied by James C. Morgan. Liberal ad vances will be made on produce or other articles stor ed or shipped. Cotton will ho sold from wagons or store at 25 cents per hale, and stored at customary rate*. L. L. GRIFFIN. Aug 25 6m ' WARE ISOUSE' C0.11.11 ISS*O.V BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGNED will con- * tifltie to transact die above business, at ♦ 2 I die Ware House occupied by him last KIVSWSSSJBf season . Grateful for-die liberal pafronage re- etved from his friends and the public, by strict atten- ou to business confided to his care, he hopes to merit chare of the public patronage. He will mak; liberal advances on cottnnrstored with i,oron shipments to Savannah. Charleston and N wYork. A. E. CHECKERING, aeon. August 11 5D 6m For Sale, LBS Bacon, 10,000 lbs Lard, 61 hhds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, ussorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole aud half bbls Canal and Ricnraopd Flour, 5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old. 20 bbl* old Monougahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin. 41 DAVID RALSTON. Plttiu and Ornamental Painting:. - I K HE subscriber lias takeu the shop formerly oc enpied by Mr. Thos. McCleskev, nearly o'ppo site the new market, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of *’ Hdu?e and Sign Fainting, Chair Fainting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Haying in his employment seme of the most effi- cient workmen to be found iu tho State, lie will he a- ble to undertake largely and execute'with neatness. April 4 6m 41 DANIEL T. REA. VPT .Marryat-.’s complete works in 1 volume, Pencilling* by the Way, Gilbert Gurney, a novel, in 2 volumes, The Naval Sketch Book, 2d series, I.ife and times of Rienzi, Spaiu revisited, by the authorofnycarin Spain, Private Life of La Fayette; Rienzi, Adventures of a Rifle Brigade, Cotton on the Religious state of the country, Tomlin’s Law Dictionary, Milford’s Pleading*, Ac. &c. Just received aud for sale bv June9 50 JAMES S. OT.COTT KESSOVAS. J.A. &S.S VIRGIN Watch Makers If Jetctllers, Would inform their friendsand the public, that they have remov ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently oc cupied by J H & WS Ellis,drug gists, where they will be happy to sen e any who may favor them with a call. They have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of Watches, aTewelry, &c. ofthe latest fashions, w.-lich iliey will toll cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levels, anchor es capement, duplex, lepiiie, alarm apd vertical Watch es. of the best quality; go)J, silver and steel guard Chains, Seals aud Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever pointed Pencils, silver table, ten, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which wtil be' warranted freo from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil ver plated aud bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and SmiG ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Flageoletts, Fifes, Drums, tVc. Swords', sword Canes, Knives and Pistols, among- which is' Ruggles’ pocket Rifle, that will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shell, silvct, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver’Suuff boxes, sil ver Toys, silver Thimlilea, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of dtlier aaticlea usually kept in their line. ' N. B. We have the best of materials far repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to thiuk that he can. and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in his hands. Spoons Ac-engraved- Oct-1 WMi 1J. JBI' ItiJM.VJL.JL, AS Just received a new aud extensive as sort uicut -of 2$.eady-made Slothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive browti and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored’ Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats. Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons. Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pautaloons, Youth’s cloth and sattinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue*Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toilinet, Swansdowu and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & I’atersham Box Coats. I.von Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts. Collars, Besoms. Socks. &e Jl’cir Siorl: of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, JVST RECEIVED Bl’ WSS. S. BVOSAIl, A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul berry and Second streets, including the follow ing: Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen Circassian and Rcuan Cassiincre FROCK COATS. Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass and brown Linen, and Rowan Cassiitiele COATEES.’ Summer Cloth. Bombazine, Lrmiijet. Cyprus, wor sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cold, Angola Cas- simere, brown and gra-^s Linen and Drilling Fancy Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mist, Rouan Cassimcro and Jean^ PANTALOON’S. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, ’brown linen, and Rouan Cassiinere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and buff grass Cloth, buff and browti I.iuet), Pongee, Rouan Cassimerc and Jeans KOUN D JACK ETS. ' . A large assortment of fancy VESTS. Fine Liltou Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, &c. Ac Ac. c Coiuirtuersliip.. T HE ttudersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under the firm of COOMBS & DOUGHTY. JOHN S. COOMBS. Savannah. June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY REA Oc COTTON, OFFER Ft-R SALE ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS, ftf Piece* HEMP BAGGING, _ 200 barrels t'annl & Philadelphia Flour, Iresh ground, and warranted sound, 205 bags aud 20barrels Coffee, 67 hhds St. Croix'arid P«-rtn Rico Sugars. 90 barrels do 50 boxes Brown and While Ilavanna’ do 90 hhds Cuba Molasses, 56 barrels Gin, 75 barrel* Rum, 20 barrels Pork; 30 hhds Bacon, assorted, 10 tierces Rice. 14 boxes Sperm Candles, 20 boxes Tobacco, 30 M Segars, of die best quality. Julv 20 56 TO LET. Tbe House corner of Cherry and Third street*, at present occupied by Mrs. Wil liatnson. .Possession will be given tho 1st of October next For terms apply to sept 15 64 REA &. COTTON. TO Hlp’T. Store-House on the corher of Cherry and Third 3oiftF streets, 40Jiy 52. August IS App iJ. to AVID RALSTON LEATHER. A N assortment of Harness,Dtidic and Upper Lea ther’, for sale-by CRAFT &■ LEWIS. *JaIf 14^ W- F. F. LEWIS & T. F. NEWTON, .Uerchaut Tailors, H JJ A VL entered into co-partnership under tho firm JLJ. of Lewu & Newton, for the purpose of trans acting business iu their hue. They expect to have on hand trom New York, in a short time, a genera! assortment of Cloths, Cassi- uieres. Vestings, &c. Which, together with the stock on hand will make tbeir assortment Complete. Also, a general assortment vf Readv-Made Clothing which will be sold low fdr cosh They solicit a share ofthe public patronage. K F.. LEWIS, T. .F. NEWTON. Angl8_ 60 ' ' _ J UST RECEIVED from New-York, and tor sale bv SMITH, ItOOGERS Co. 50 bags and 50 batrels prime green Coffee, 20 hhds prime St Croix sugar, 30 bbls Rum. 30 bbl* Whiskey, aud 20 bbls Gin. We will also sell our DRY GOODS, a splendid as sortment, at, or about cost, as we wish to -turn our at tention to tlie cotton and grocery business. July 7 54 „ , Stv iti in’s Pauarea, liidi::u Pauncea JPOTTER’ C.lTBLOEICOJV, \ hi ppjv in *t rec’d by H «Xt J SHOT WELL Pianno Covers WV8T received, and for sale by •f April4 41 GEORGE W. PRICE & Co. B ILLS ofthe Farmers Bank of Florida, payable at the agency in Perry, will be received in pay ment for goods, or accounts due the snbscrber Aug. 11 59 CHAS. CAMPBELLi SW r AIM’S VERMIFUGE. The most useful Family Medicine er cr ojjcrcd to the Pub lie. Mo family ought or cccr trill be tcithout it ojlor a trial. Patent. T 1118 well known Anti-dyspeptic and Warm Medi cine, has proved successful these twelve years past, and is universally acknowledged by all who havl tried it, lo be far superior to any other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is recommenncd. It is perfectly safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It seldom fails curing holcrtl Jfforbns, IttfS- entery or Itoivel Complaints, Colic anti Bleeding Myites, either m grown per sons or children, and it'gives appetite to almost all de bilitated persons. Worms frequently iiil’esl children, aggravate all oilier disiases and are the chief cause of fevers, Boteel Complaints, aud chronic and nervous dis eases, incident *o childhood, which are so Humorous and frequently fatal. It is much to be regretted that thousand* of children are swept off, or are rendered feeble, pale and emaciated through the firs: stage of life —which leads on to pulmonary complaints, «Yc.&c. ’ Worms being especially apt to infest persons of tie--- bilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions,- much mischief is often done by < tho ordinary voim- medicines, which generally consist of the strongest' purgatives—calomel, that destroyer of the ccnstilulicn- bitters, piuk root, or spirits of turpentine, wotnt sod- oil, &c. Articlesof this kind may. destroy wont's,Lit they debilitate the stomaci?, arid often materially afe jure the general health, .without removing the cause*. SwAtit’s Vermifuge has tlie peculiar advantage of re-«" moving the cause of worms, by giving vigor and heal-- thy action to the stomach, bowel* aud ctgansof d:g< tion—thereby removing measles, croup hooping cough; and many other complaints. It is by this tner.11* that so many grown persons have been its -use’,' of dyspepsia, nick liead-aehe, foul or sour stomach,* FOUL BHEATH, coughs, and most ofthe bilious' symptoms. Sec. Sic. &c. This medicine vvillrelieveBowel ConipIair.!g or Dys entery, Billions Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or' weakness in tlie stomach or bowels, loss oj appetite either in children or grown persons, tn a few hm. rsf and seldom fails curing CHILLS and FF.VLILor FL VER & AGUE: and Intermittent or Billions Feveiu. For sale, wholesale and retail bv July 7 54 -J rl A- W S ’~MT» ^ Gallons -Winter strained i.; mj^ \ ■ ry handsome—just received and for sale 500 Jan., 14. 30 by H. A J >HOTWt LI. Opposite tht Central Hotel.