Newspaper Page Text
Volume XI,—yuinhor 4.
...jjis o. suuscripuoii.
Three *« advance. wiU pay for the pa-
1 Five Dollars, paid in adcauct, icitt pay
mane year.
".'llwTrtk' P“l* r .J}“ *“ n
“ ffL-a not paid It
r two years. Ter Dollars.paid in adcanct
tot p
rj/tifitenced, Ti
not paid tritium six months after the year has
"arte Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum
*"771. karted. If not paid until the end of the year,
“esr Dollars per annum will be charged—with interest
thereafter. 4 4 | ve ,. t isiU}r.
Aifttisements not exceeding out hundred words, or 12
, Una, (considered a square.) will be inserted one
1 fjr out dollar. IVhtn more than one insertion is
rites, lo rests for the first, and 50 cents for each sub-
^ ‘.n f s ' Collectors’ and Coroners’ Sales an chat-
S ‘v %‘j thrrtiwrs will be allowed two sauares in each
' f , r r. *iu Dollars per annum; and in the same
• . Utter space—payable quarterly
** On all accounts for Mrertising. Job Printing. kc
p ■ ' Jell as for subscription. Interest will be c’mrged.
toit p *not settled within the year
jb'riuVork jTuarien Eisie of Rackets.
** - BRIG Macon, A. Bibbms, Master.
•• Amelia Strong, Brown, *•
<• Darien, C. P. Bulfcey, “
14 New Jersey, B. .Matthews, "
•• Premium, J. Couborn, “
“ (New)
Scbr. D. B. Crane. Baker, “ _
These vessels are all coppered, fastened and built
eipreasly for lliia trade, bive experienced captain*
and sail legiilarlv once a week from each port.
Vessels bound for Darien will find Jloboy Fit
casv access: 19 to 21 feet water will be found on h
Bar at liigl' water, the aame depth can hi carried w ith-
in six miles of Darien, 13 feet cubic carried up to the
city. The anchorage in Dohoy sound and river is
nirtictilatly safe and good, with ample room tor ves
sels to carry off the whole cotton crops, coming t'otsn
the rivers to Darien.
Agents Darien.
Refer to James Goddard, Fsq. Maco.i.
Oct 10. 1*36. 2
~7Wnron Steam Boat Company.
Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox,
do. EXCEL. - J. L. Willcox.
'■11119 company have now their line of Beats in
JL complete order for freighting. They hare a
•lew steamboat added to their line called the Superior,
sud ten Tow-Boats.
The B ixL* will run regularly betwe -n Macon and
Darien, one or the steamboats leaving Darien every
five or six days with tow-boats. The company have
new sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express
ly for the navigation o<" the Ocmillgee and Altainaha
nrers; those increased facilities will enable the com
pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to
cotton or goods shipped by their line.
They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops,
[•carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and
Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are
alio, five first rate Packets running regularly between
Darien and New Yor«, which come to Hawes <1
Milchel, of Darieu.
Agent* for the abort Boats :
J. GODDARD, Macet*.
Dotce, Hussy A Walter, Charleston.
L. Baliiwix be. Co. Savannah,
ITawes, Mitchell A Ooi.nss, Darien,
Geo. K. Roberts, llawkiusviile.
If scon. 24 th Dec., 1^1-’, 2d
o.-.nmigee Steam Boat Company.
My rick, Napier A Free-
~ tj BUUI inform their frieuds and tlie
♦ B public gent rally, that they ure enlaig-
mg their Ware House adjoining their
store on Cotton Avenue, and will have
it ready for the receptiou of cotton by tlie commence
ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to
them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or
orders to buy and sell : u the market, will be pr inptly
attended to. They likewise inform those Merchants
who forward their goods by .Macon, that they have a
large and tale Brick Store, for the reception of mer
chandize, and will receive and forward all goods con
signed othera. Their charges in every in lance will
be us low as is customary in the - city. Liberal advan
ces will be tu-ide on cotton stored with them ar ship
ped by them to any other market.
Having one of the partners of their firm (Mr. A. R.
Freeman) located in the city of New York for the pur
pose of affording the necessary facilities to their busi
ness in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants
and others who have business to transact in that city,
that he will be prepared to attend to any Commission
Business vjth which he may be favored. They em
brace the present opportunity to return their grateful
acknowledgementsto their friends and the public for
past favors, and solicit a continuation of their patron
In addition to their present atock, they will receive
earlv this fall a fine assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware,
Cutlery, Bale Rope', Heavy Hemp, L'otfsn
Readymade Clothing, Ac. Ac.Ac.
suitable lor the fall trade, all of which they offer for
sa le on the most reasonable terms
Maran, August 25 6] tf
Mouroe Kail Road Notice to
T HE Board of Directors of the Monroe Rail Road
Company have resolved, that the third iustal-
'tnent of Ten Dollars per share be required to be paid
n the 2*th day of October next, and a fourth instal-;
incut of Fifleen Dollars per share be required to be i
paid on the 5th day of January next. Those slock- J
holders who are desirous to do so, can pay au addition
al instalment on the day that the fourth'instaluieut is
called in and be allowed interest thereon at 8 per cent
until the fifth instalment be p • d.
Forsyth. July 23 57 ALI -ED BROOKS. See.
.9ml Commission Business*
f~ THE undersigned respectfully in*
' liisianilm ibnns his friends and the public gen-
t erally, that he has become proprietor of
the large and commodious Warehouse
in Fast Macon, formerly ccupied by Messrs Hamil
ton Ar Hayes, where be will transact the above busi-
ue-sin all its branches, lie will make liberal tdvan-
ces on Cotton stored with him, or on shipments to any
of his friends in Savannah. Charleston or New-Vork,
when de-ired; and by bis unremitted attention to bu
siness. hopes to teceive such share of public patron
age as his exertions and accommodations mav merit.
The anbsetibors have entered into copartnership un
der the firm of
and will, in addition to their present spick, constantly
be receiving from New-York and Boston, a large and
general assortment of
comprising Hats, Shoes, Saddlery. Iron, Salt. Bag
ging. and every other article in that line of bnsiness
Their friends and the public generally, are invited te
- ive them a call, at the store formerly occupied bv D.
Flanders. D. FLAN DIRS,
J'i!v2S 57 3ai II. I.. COOK
waHe house
Watch Makers tf Jewellers,
Would inform their friends and
the public, that they have remov
ed their establishment to Cotton
Avenue, to the store recently oc
cupied by J H «L W S Ellis,drug-
ists. where they will be happy to
. Tin
uiey wi
serve any who may favor them with a call. They
have in addition lo their former stock, just received
from New Yotk a large and splendid assortment cf
Watctes, Jewelry, &c.
of the latest fashions, wnich they will sell cheap for
cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es
capement, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch
es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard
Chains, .Seals and Keys, Ear Knobsand Drops. Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles,
gold and silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea,
salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and
cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free
from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil
ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snnf-
ers, Musical Boxes, Accordiaus, Flutes, 'Flageolett*.
Fifes. Drums, See. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and
Pistols, among which is Buggies’ pocket Rifle, that
will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den
tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca
ses, Pocket Books and Parses, silver Snuff boxes, sil
ver Toys, stiver Thin>t>!»s, Scissors, total, gilt and
glass Beads, steel Pens, aad a variety of other articles
usually kept in their line.
N. B. We have the best of materials tor repairing
Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge
of the business induces him to think that he ran. and
will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work
n his hands. Spoons See- engraved- Oct-1
B’atchcs, Jewelry, Silver Wmre, ttc.
C. G. St. JOHN
W ATCH Maker Ar Jeweler Cotton Avenue op
posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in
forms his friends and the public, that he has taken the
store formerly occupied by the HawkinsviUe Bank
where he is now opening a new amt splendid assort
ment ofWATCHKS & JEWELRY of the beat qual
ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and
judgement expressly for this market, among bis assort
ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers Splen
did Gold' Duplex, Patent Lever's and Ruby Cylinder
Watches with Extra Jewels and iudepenentseconds of
<1 I
R ESPEC11 ILL\ solici s the uttcutiou of j»ur-
chasers to a very large assortment ol’
.... k Hat* ad Caps,
wlucn hate been made bv him expressly for retailing,
and aro warranted to be of superior stylo and quality
to any ever before offered iu Macon; among bis assort
ment may be found,
Super fashionable black and drab Leaver Itats,
do broadbrim do forelder.vmen,
do lash do do satiu beaver do
do do du black and drab Russia beaver,
Wide, meridian and narrow brims,otter, nutria, uinak-
rat. raccoon and cony hats of every variety of
shape i nd style,
Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fashions,
Cur asset Cloth Caps, costaisSitig af
super No 1, Otter t aps,
“ seal, mink, muskrat and cony do
mens and boys full top cloth caps,
it ,i Robinson’s do do
r S now opening at tlie store opposite th- Washing*
L Hail, a new and handsome assortment ol
Spring and Sumiut'ir L'ktititig;,
1 which Las been made up by L. Fitch, and will be sold
cheap for cash, consisjng in part of
tiuper black; blown, green and olive camblett f. Coats,
•• •• “ •• “ •* dress Coats
“ “ •• “ bombazine, f. do.
». .. .• «• •• dress do.
“ ,4 •* •• ,4 summer doth,
Brown and white grass burn frock coats & coattees,
Brown and white German and Fr. qcl. linen do. do.
biack and greeu bouiaziue coats,
pacts. French & German lin. do
bi’k& green ctttubleit do lastiuxjtV. urcassiau do
olive At brown do do Dutch and mixt do
t>r’wn&white grasslic do white and huff mersaii’es
do do dulling do vests,
do do imp. cord do do do valentia do
linen & doe skin do fig. Sl rib. mersailles do
crape drib &, honey comb j.lad A spotted de do
pants. do .V fig u shelly do
merino, casimer. lasting do Engl: <h St French silk do
cantoous aud cord do hl’k .Y'lig d velvet do
cloth Sc, ctisimcre do Florentine aud bombazine
with a general assortment do
of common do with a good assortment of
white & grass linnen short common do
Fine linnen and cotion shirts linnen and cotton
drawers, Angola nett shirts aud drawers, <Stc. &c.
Also, stocks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotion, random,
linen, black and white siik half hose, black horse skin,
buck akin, biack and white silk and been gloves, su«
penders. a variety, Spittilfield. pongee, Hag and ban-
dia hdki's. Dalian plaid. !i;;’d and red bordered cravats,
‘strike the lyre acair.’
•> ,. acorn lop celeste caps,
children s fancy silkcaps’dtc.iVc. &-o. J w j.j te do. siripe rousie.u belts, braces,ripe brown linen,
i'l.;,iai,; < if.* ,C |*. 1 . ^ er,, ! s ’ '‘'“da and rubs, consisting of! (f or apron*) blue, biack «nd green broad
,. , a ‘ squirrel, sable, ermine, geiiott, rtab-1 cloths, white drilling, bombazine, and merino ca.-si-
1)1 L JUKI filVDIlQ/irttE 11 i — * - - j ft’llfl
m-re, fine palm leaf fiats, common do. cmidren * leg-
•ttnd Cosnsstission Basistess.
, The undersigned desire to inform their
Friends and the 1‘ublic generally, that j the most approved makers and rated to suit the flint
f ilD company will be prepared to commence
fi si:i*s>. early in the next season—They will have
a ii it of Backets between New York, and Darien and
s- .-a vessels to forward goo. Is from Darien te Macon
—Tne Agents in Sow Vork. Charleston, and Savannah,
will be authorised to contract for the delivery of goode
ii Macon, at a freight agreed on without intennedi-*targeend the agent in Macon will receivecotmn
deliverable ■ Savannah. Charleston, and \ew York—
The company’s vesatks and boats. Will be of first class
who experienced commanders, aud no expense will be
.pared to meet :h» patronage ofiht public.
!'H. ti. YO.Viiit SDN'S. Agents in Darien.
•nsv >7ih I'*■{." 49
8 - firmer tt Fall •Srrassgement of the
? in nee i* Steam dt Pole Boat Line.
ryt:f . proprietors of the above mm notify th»-ir
H frien I* and the public, that they will have run
ning on the Alt., mahu and Ocmulgee rivers during
iha s immer and fall months, four or five Pole Boats.
v irticularly adapted to low stagi s of water, and which
w ill be aided by Steamboats when the water will per
mit. Ship lers by this line ronv depend upon every at
tention being paid, and exertion used tr give despatch
to property shipped by it to any of the landings on
said rivers*. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag't > aeon.
Meisra Holcombe, Peck & Co. Charleston.
E. P. Butts, Eaq. Savannah.
Rowland, & SnACKEt.roun, Darien
Halstead, Tavlor «fc Co. Hawkinsville.
Marow. June 30 1 fim
Co nstitution Business, Darsen.
T HE Uudcrsigned have formed a Copartnership
lor the purpose of transacting a general Com
mission and other business under the firm of
b.xon A ROGERS,
and offer their services to their friends, mid the public
geuerally, in the above busiiiess. Forwarding Goods
and produce to and from the interior of the State, will
receive particular attention. It may be proper to
state that they have no connection with any of the
•Steam (ransportationlines; Good* for the interior will
always be shipped by those who will probably give
them the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW,
Jan 1. IKWi 28 GEO. T. ROGERS
they continue the above business. They
.ire inakingsome additiontotheir Ware
nouse uhichisconveniently situated on
Second-street adjoining their store, they will be pre
pared to make liberal advances on Produce or Mer
chandise, either in siore ur to be shipped to Savannah.
Charleston or New York.
Their personal and individual attention will be de
voted to selling cotton from the warehouse or Wagon.
In addition to the above, (hey will coatiune the mer
cantile business at their old stand, and expect shortly to
receive from the New York aad Boston markets, a
Iresb supply of
Dry Goods• Groceries,
Hardware, Hats, Shoes, Ac. Ac.—which will make
iheii assortment large and complete.
By i strict attention to business they hope to merit •
share of public patroiiage.
■ept 15 M GEORGF JF.WI TT & CO.
ware House
THE uudersigued will continue lo
* transact the above business in all its
various forms at their old stand. They
will, ashitherto. make liberal advances
on produce and merchandize in store,
or to be shipped either to Savanuah. diaries ton. New
York or Liverpool, and will devote the same persona!
and undivided atte,iiicu to all business entrusted to
their care, and particularly to that of selling cotton
from the warehouse or wagons. Having disposed of
their warehouse in East Macon, they will in future
confine their business to one bouse, which they are
enlarging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and
where they will be nippy to serve those who have
given them their patronage front the East side of the
river. Feeling grateful for the liberal patrouagehere
tofore received, we hope by a strict attention to busi
ness to merit a continuation of tlie same.
Macon. 1st September, 1836
’ 200 pieces Best Hemp Bagging for sale at market
rate*, by H. H. A, CO.
sept I (52
Commission littsincss, Darien.
• glllE undersigned have resumed bnsiness as
fl. hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten
lion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe
ive have made arrangement* that will enable us at all
limes to forward goods for the interior with the least
possible delay, by steamboat* when the river will ud-
iait, or in extreme low river by small flats or ligbters,
bail: expressly for that business. On onr wnarves
are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot
■on at the least possible expense, and our opportunities
to forward cotton inland or coastwise, nre not exceed
'd hi ativ other House. Darien, Mav 20, li*:»
co.n. mss to r u csevess.
f m^;i j| U lursigne i continues to transact the War.
1 House and Commission Business, situate cen
tral to the Cotton Market, on the corner of Cherry and
Second streets, within » f« w f«st from Cotton Avcn e.
formerly occupied by Ja'ine* C. Morgan. Liberal ad
vances will be made on p ru'd nre or other articles stor-
od or shipped. Cotton will be sold from wagons or
store at 25 cents per bale, and stored at customary
rates * L. L. GRIFFIN
An« 25 r,.„
♦f vn co tr -tissio.v bcsmam ss.
Til UNDKR'IGN l» will con
tinue totransact the above
lie Ware House occupied by him last
Grateful for the liberal patronage re
ceived from ms friend-ami ihe public, by stict often-
tio-j to business confided to hi* care, he hopes to merit
a share of the public patronage.
He will inak; liberal advances on cotton stored with
nun, or on shipments to Savannah, Charleston and
Macon. August 11 59 6m
SHaalit for nit at tki» Ofliet.
THE uudersigned informs his
friends and those of the late firm of
Cutter Sr Cornwall, that ha intends re
suming the
Ware House tf Commission Business,
at tlie store next above tne one recently occupied by
T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as
the town ofTroy.
lie further informs the public that he has bought the
Goods, aud having now on the way, from New
York, and other places,
Dry Goods atitl Groceries,
together making Ins stock complete, which will be sold
low for ready pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton
early in the fall, aud be prepared to make advauces.—
He would particularly notice to his friends the great
advantages his Warehouses have over those in the
dense part of the city with regard lo Fire, they being
detached from other buildings and at a distance from
anv street or lane, and well enclosed
M., v r, 4'. tf II. S CITTT' R.
ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens
Gold and silver Patent Levers Lepine aud plain
Watches. Fiue Gold Chains, Seals. Keys. Ear rings
Breast Pin 1 - and Fiuger rings. Gold aud silver ever
pointed pencils. Gold and silver spectacles, silver
spoons, pen and pceket knives dirks, canes, pistols,
Ac. Ste. Toge.her wi«h a great variety of other arti
cles kept in his line
N. B. Heliasselei cd me best of materials for re
pairing watches and w Igive satisfaction to those who
may favor him with the (custom.
A share of public patronage is respeetfally solicited.
Oct 27 18
H \S Just received a new and extensive as
sortment of
Steady-made Clothing.
Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adeiaid, olive
brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats,
Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees,
and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinst
Coattees and Frock Coats,
Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black aud fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons,
Youth’s cloth and sailinet Dress and Frock Coats,
do do do Pantaloons,
Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet,
black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light
colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white
Merseilles Toilinet. Swansdown and Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth St Patersham Box Coats.
Lvun Skin Overcoats.
Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks. Ac
.1 JIV*r Stock of
T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul
bit and swansdow n.
Hats made to order at shortest notice.
Hat trimmings, alcohol and shellack, constantly ol
band. Oct 21- 3
Boots and Shoes, Domestics, ite.
75 CASES Boots and Shoes, consist
ing iu part of
Gentlemens fine calf Boots, sewed
and pegged.
Stout p* gged and water proof Boots.
Fine calf and stout Shoes and Pump*.
Ladies Seal, Moiorco and Pruueila \\ alking Shoes.
Slip* and Bootees ; Children s Shoes o ail kinds.
A complete assortment of Negro shoes.
20 cases Domestic Cottous. bleached «ud uiibietch
ed. consisting of fine Shirting and wheeling, stout do
30 pieces Sattinetts of various patterns
Fine 4-4 and 7-S Flannel; Blankets; Calicoes, Hat-;
Ac. just received, and lor sale on most liberal terms,
oct 13 2 _ Next door to the Post-Office.
H w«. si. H&ZL'DSS&XsZ
A\ IA(* determined to do«e his business, will
dispose of hissteck of Goods, consisting of an
extensive assortment of
Staple and Fancy Cry Goods,
licath/mafir Cloth ini',
at eery reduced prices. Purchasers will undoubtedly
find it to their interest to avail themselves of tlie pre
sent f-vorah.’e opportunity of supplying themselves
with CHEAP GOODS. Oct 1.5 2 is
berry and Second streets, including the follow-
Factorage A Coiiiini'.wion Unsiiiiess,
BO.iVMJYti, ttc.
T H E subscriber has located in the city of Sa van-
nali for the above purposes, and taken stores
nearly opposite the City Hotel.
The steamer “ Chieftain ** Capt. White, will
be ready in nil the present month to receive freight far
Hncnn.'and will continue regularly throughout thesea-
nou. the river admitting, and unavoidable accidents
inly intercepnug.
Goods for forwarding will experience no delay, and
ih- interest of the owner oulv taken into consideration,
net 13 2 *9. F. Pit K. N.<UX
.Merchants* Insurance Company of
r HE public are hereby informed that the whole
of the Capital Stork of this Company, of
One Hundred Thousand Dollars
in ca-li, has been paid in, and is now prepared lo take
risks according to previous notice ; viz. to and from
the city of Macon to any port or place in the United
States, on eqnallv advantageous terms to the assured
as other Marine Companies.
Janes Goddard, Prcsideat.
Wm. B. Darker
J Cowles
F. IL Wellnas
Thos. Tavlor,
oct 6 I-tf James Rea, Secretary
S IX go.»d Journeymen PAINTERS, for which It-
• .eral wages will be given. Apply to
HAMEL T. REA, Macon G*.
TJ-The Charleston Courier will give the above four
;i«erlions. ' i, P l
*•’] .
> Dii
■as, I
*. J
store House to Best t.
ONI. or both of the Store Houses ad
joining the subscriber*; for a large and
general assortment they could be easily
united and would make a desirable stand
for business. To any one desirous of
Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and
Brown Linen Circassian and Rouan Cassimere
Summer Cloth twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass
and brows Linen, and Rouan Cassimere COATEES.
Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Krminet, Cyprus, wor
sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas
simere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling Fancy-
Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mixt, Rouan Cassimere
Boys rummer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and
White and buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen,
Pongee, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans ROI T N D JACK
A large assortment of fancy VESTS.
Fine Linen Shirts. Silk under Shirts and Drawers,
Ac. Are Ac. j
.fterchunt Tailors,
H WI.ent red into co-partnership uuder the firm
of Lewis & Nkwtos, foi the purpose of trans
acting business in their line.
They expect to have on hana tram New York, in a
short time, a general assortment of Cloths. Cassi-
uieres, Vestings, Ac. Which, together with the stock
on band will make their assortment complete
Also, a general assortment of Readv-Made Clothing
winch will be sold low for cash They solicit a share
ofthe public patronage, t. F. LEWIS,
Aug 18 (54 T. F. NEWTON.
J 4A HIIDS St Croix, P. It. and N O. Sugar,
*411 150 bags prime green Coffee,
40 hhds prime retailing Molasses,
50 bbl* N. E. Rum.
40 „ American Gia,
35 „ Whiskey,
950 pg heavy Hemp Dundee Bagging,
50 coils Rope, 6000 lbs bagging Twine,
A General stock of Groccrirs,
in store and for sale on accommodating terms by
sept 1 62 Mulberry st
FBI Uh subscribers inloiiu their menus auu Zia pu"o-
JiflL lie, that they have removed to the fire proof
brick store in Third-street, tiearh opposite to th • store
occupied by David Ralston, amia fow doors south'
west from ihe Central Hotel, wiiere they offer for sale,
(a part of which to arrive,)
75 hhds St Croix and Porto Rico Sugars
300 bags Prime Green Rio. and Java Coffee
150 barrels Northern Rum and Gin
25 casks Wine and Cordials
pipes < oguac Brandy and H Gin
15 baskets Champaigne Wine, part superior
boxes Muscat do
40 bblsNo 3 Mackerel
No J Salmon
150 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging
60 coil* Bale Rope
400 lbs Twine
6000 lbs Feathers, to arrive
A Ueneral Assortment of
Oi y Goods, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Ac. &c. all of which will be sold at unusually low
prices, for cash onlv, by
J UST RECEIVED from'Now-York, and for
sale bv
50 bags and 50 batrels prime green Coffee,
20 hhds prime St CroU sugar,
30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20bbls Giu.
We will also sell our DRY GOODS, a splendid aa-
sortment. at, or about cost, as we wish to turn our at
tention to the cotton and grocery business.
July 7 54
Charleston, S. C.
horn do. and caps, also, a Urge assortment of
Hats, Shoes, Boots, NV.
which I invite mv friend* and pnbitc to give me a call
■at the store next door to VV. !>. Johnson
march 31 40 HORACE FITCH.
~ Molasses
?3 O Ilhdi I est quality family Molasses just re-
J3 aud lor safe by
In « 9 ft SM1T»* qOPOFRS A CO
4000 SS5&X
Bacon, .'.fackerel Fiour.
Aad a few hhds; “ Boston Hams,’ 4 for sale hv
ser* c LL. Mulberry et
The Revel—Parody.
The w iotrj suu dcucomfmf low,
• leamnd coldly on tne uutroddcu srtjiv,
AndaotxX liin la.*t departing glow,
Arruud hi all uudieeringlj, *
ttut soon wa* *cen mother sight.
To .h'xT *nd chill the dreai v eight.
When the huge li^arth-fir© rhed its light,
On the old bail's rude tceaerj.
Then iu their tittered rags arrayed,
(True etuMeras of a jovial blade]
hach taper crooked footpaths made,
To join the boisteroua revelry ;
Or drawn by steed, that i>ecmed es drivel)
Hy spirits-from Mjaie place hut heaven,
They hastened on that frosty even
i^uhsve a hand in deviltry.
Then there was many a welcome given—
Then shook the kail w ith echoes men,
And w it, and uurth, like .scripture leaven
WvrcmuUip' ied excoouiDcly.
And bright the midnight fire glow,
l po»i t.scloue ftreet** frozeu fuowy—
Aud s ill the licrv rum shall flow,
Ado;vn their throats more rapidly. M
*Tis morn, too soon the checrl**?* sun
Bath roheto view their pranks and Ait.—
Nor now for wife, nor cash, nor dnn
Care they—but still drink heartily* *
The revel r!.ickens. Oil, ye bravflt
Drink ou—nor look so dull nn*i grave.
For nothin" now your heads can rave
From broomstick’s sounding melody.
But n*»w they part—their stub orn feet
Refuse to bear them thro' the street—
They fall,and make 111* tuows their sheet,
Auddrcamof rum aud revelry. L
Macon, Oct* 17th.
Faints and Oil.
KEGS No* 1 ami 2 White Lead.
■iSr 30(1 gal* Linseed Oil.
With a general assortment of Gioceries, for sale, at
the lowest niarkt^ price.
Jniv 28 57 CHARLF3 CA*1F” V LL.
- :a *l nr,s Winter strained Lamp Oil very
tjy *0 handsome—-just received and for sa!>-
Tan 14 SO Opposite the. Central f Intel
A N assortment of itarrie**, Bridie and Upper Lea-
A. ther, for sale by CRAFT & LEWIS.
J 'll v 14 55
AVK purchased Mr. Laird' Wiley’s inter-
stin the late firm of Fort, Hamilton A: U 1-
LRV.aud Hamilton, Haves & Co. and given IRA
E. FORT an intere-t in the same. The Dry Good*
business will oe esutinued at the same place, under
(he firm of
Fort, Hamiliou & Co.
and the Ware Houses and Commission Business a-
herelofore, under the firm of HAMILTON. HAYF>
June 23 5*
4 Lot of first quality, put up in Tin Cans for fami
ly use. For sale hy CRAFT it LEWIS.
also, a small Lot good country Bacon,
sept 8 63
T II undersigued have formed a connexion for
the transaction of a general FACTORAGE
and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under
the firm of COOMBS & DOUGHTY.
Savannah. June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY.
I HE Subscriber will make libera. advances on
_ Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah,
T HE subscribers have imported from England,
direct, a large and splendid assortment of FALL
GOODS, well adapted to the season, and manufactur
ed expressly for the Southern market*, which, with
their supplies from the North, enables them to offer a
stock equal to any in the United States, and at prices
as low. C. & G. H. KELSEY & IIALSTED.
Charleston. Sept. 7,1836. 04 3t
Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston
nov.5, 18:55. R.0BT. COLLINS.
Tar .flacon Steam Boat Company
W ILL run two or three lighters during the sum
mer and fall, between Darien and Macon.—
The line i* prepared to take all merchandize that may
be offered or shipped to their agent* at Darien, and for
ward them without detention. Their Lighters are
made oflight draft, andean run at the lowest stages of
the river. The steam boat Superior will be in
readiness to tow i»y the first of October next, or soon
er if the river wiii admit, aud the steatn boat Excel
will commence running during that month,
sent 10 J. tiODDlRO. Jfnit.
T HE subscriber having determined to abandon
the trade in the above articles, will dispose of
them atcost; his assortment being good, purchasers will
find it to their interest to call,
sept 15 64 WM. H BURDSALL.
T HIL undersigned ha, connected JAMES D.
C ARM ART with him in Mercantile Business,
at the store located on the corner of Mulberry and
Third streets, and the business in future transacted by
that establishment alone, will be distinguished by tbe
title of WM. 55. PARKER &. Co.
tbe said J. D. C. being the Company and having au in-
terestiu the said firm only.
Jnlv 7 54 tf WM. B P\'?K r '".
Tales of the Woods,
The Doctor.
Three Eras of the life of Wo
The Diary of a Descnnuyie,
Lord Roldan,
The Old World and New,
Shepherd Lee,
Stewaid’s Adventuies—Capture of Murrel.
A PLANTATION to rent or let on shares, consis
ting of about 300 acres of open laud, and the
most of it rich river botto* land, two miles from .Ma
con. For terms applv to J. GODDARD
Oct 6 1 tf
For Sale,
Y BRICK H**USE and lot, on the corner of
New and Poplar streets, within 70 yards of
Cotton Avenue. It i* a two story house, new and
Convenient. There is an abundant boiling spring of
good water on the lot. Its situation as to health, con-
veniency to business and the Female College, renders
it valuable. Apply to Messrs Hamilton «Sr Fort, or
myself. Also its Furniture. Private boarders will be
accommodated until the property is sold.
A or 25 <52 A B. COOK.
Land and Negroes lor Sale.
T ill subscribe! oti’ers for sale the-PLANTATK IN
whereon he now lives. 7 miles below Macon,
in Bibb county, containing 860 acres good pine land.
There has been for the last 5 years a good SAW MILL
in operation unon said plantation, but has been stop
ped this year on account of some'repairs wanting
done. Stnn" Creek, the stream which said Mill is on.
is a never failing stream, and the mill is better situated
on accountof pine timber than any null within the vi
cinity of Ml con.
Also, ten likely NEGROES will be sold, together
with Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, &c. Ac. Said
property is now offered for sale on accommodating
terms; a credit from one to three years will te given
if required, sept-8 36 E. DAVIS.
~Valuable HULL Property for sate.
T ill, undersigned oiler* for sale his two SAW
MILLS, within three miles of Macon—both
Mills are now 111 successful operation.
On the premise* is al-oa GE1ST MILL- Attach
ed to the Mills is 1500 acres of finely timbered LAN D
withail the huilding* requisite for conducting the busi
ness. Added to these adv antages. is a Spring of pure
water, a healthy situation, and it* near h cation to the
rapidly growing city of Macon, where a market can al
ways be had .or Lumber 11 fair prices. Personswish
ing to purchase, are invited to call on myself on Utn
premises, or on Rogei Me all at Macon,
sen 21 65 . ELEAZAR Me "ALL.
renting them for such purpose, the terms will be mode-1 stock of this bauk will be reun
rate S A PP ly to JEWfiTT «fc CO. I lat Monday m November. By
«?i 8? *v v l.W
For Sale,
350.000 f&iru
61 hlid* St L'roix sugar of superior quality,
50 bags Coffee,
45,000 lbs Swede Iron,
100 kegs Nails, assarted,
25 hhds choice Molasses,
150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricntaond
5 pipes pure H- Gin and C. Brandy warranted
pure and three year* old.
20 bbk old Monnngahala Whiskey, 5 proof,
75 bbl* pure Hum, and 20 Gin,
rutiui'.iui c „iiuk 01 Columbus.
'WTOTlCL is hereby given that au additional instal- = _
X el ment of 33| dollars per share, ofthe capital meut for goods, or account* due tbe subserber
stock of this bank will be required to be paidonthe Aug. II 50 CHAS. CAMPBELL.
iy order of the Board. I _ . k ,. .
HRPB'BRJi, cash. I Job Printing done at this Office ■
Notice to Citizens of Macon.
T il Lsubscribers h»ve 600 acres of heavy l imber
Land, mostly oak and hicitory, for sale in iou of
20 tc 25 acres, to suit purchasers. Tbecouveyauce to
town easy, and distance from 1£ to 2^ miles For
terms apply to J. GODDARD,
Oct6 1 tf C. B. COLE.
Nolice to Shippers of Cotton.
F IVE cents per bale «v ill be charged for G liarfage
on all cotton shipped at our wharves.
Oct 1 1 4t P- RYONGt. A aOS8.
Ware IIous.' and Wharf Property
I'or Sale.
T IIP. undersigned offers for sale hi* well kniiwu
property on ihe river bank in Macon, consist
ing of Ware House. Store House, G liarves Ai . Ac
Oct 5 1 ROGER AlcUALL.
B ILLS of the Farmers Bank of Florida, payable
at the agency in Perry, will be received in pay
W ILLbe paid for the apprehension ofF.PHRAIM
black man, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 16
inches high, has a heavy beard which causes his face
3> lo k rough—was formerly owned )>y the Messrs
Harpers of Angnsia. aiulboughtof them bv a Mr Mat
thews of Columbus; it is believed he will try to make
his way to his former master in Columbus. The above
reward will he paid for his apprehension, if lodged in
anv safe jail so that I get lira giving me information
at Clinton. Ga. HENRY W OARSEY.
sept 22 65 9t
The above rewa.d will be paid for
the apprehension of my boy
sometime* collet! Bill Black. William
inf: me about 25th Decemoer last; he is
a very bright mulatto, about-f» feet 10
inches high, thi k set, full fared, small red. or rathei
blood shotten eyes, and straight yellowish hair. I have
no nonbthe will change his name and try to pass him.
self lux a white (nan, winch he may he able to do un
less to a close observer. He ijapoWmerly the proper- J w' e “• d« ratanri il is the wUh" of Col.
Il oi '* ° f v " 1 pl “'' 0 ’ trdV -r, l“ h T I to complete, if sibie, th« survey of
tlinm^b the up country last ^uurnier I he above re . - f „ .• * P - 0 i»lr
ward will be paid for bis am*t if lodged in .1 safe tail! ^ wu,e ,n t,me for h,m to tbt T ?.
TALLAHAsstE. October 8.
The V. S. Scnr. Major Dade Lieut- Hovvsoa
eotiiuiauding, arrived at St. Marks ou Sunday
last, from tbe Isuw'autiee rivt-r, havtug a large
number ol sick sailors and soldiers ou board,
passengers to Pensacola, lo which place the ves
sel is now returning o refresh and refit; having
lieeu employed since June, navigating on thi*
part of the coast, aad up iho Suwannee. Lt 11.
coufiriiis- previous reports of the sickness ol the
position of Camp Call—Suwannee Old T< wn—
where five companies of tbe 4ih luTatttry U S.
Army have been encamped ihe past il mouths.
24 deaths have occurred an ong tbeui, anti bo-
tween 80 or 90 of the remainder are at this time
ill, leaviug omy o0 reporieti lor duty.
I he Cmnniauder-in-chtef, with the Tecuessee
mounted Brigaile, were ferried over the river on
Tuesday and Wednesday Iasi, and took up their
line of march the next day for the Indian settle
ments on the U ithlacoochee : The guides had
joiued the army aud^ave the troops grounds to
hope for a meeting wall considerable bodies of
Indians wilhiu two more days’ inarch.
The U. 8. sleame: Izard, remained iu the riv
er to aid Brig Geu- Read iu establishing a depot
at the s ; te of the old block house on the Uiihla-
coochee; whether he wras about to take with bun
the Florida Militia'; aud to which point all the
infautry. marines aud frieudly Indians from the
Creekcouutry are ordered to pioceed- Thi Ten
nessee tioops had sulieredbui slightly from sick
ness aud as the rainy season had terminated, mid
full stock of supplies are to be iustauliy placed
within convenient reach, the campaigu will
doubtless progress with a vigor aud euergy,
which will ensure a successful resul^.—Floridian
The Roston Atlas estimates that the popula
tion of i hat city borders hard upon 60.0(10. mid
think* that iu 1440 n will number 84,000. liso,
its population will have doubled in tweuty years.
f lague.—W c are sorry to see that the dread-
mi disease, the plague, is spreading fearfully at
[ the east. - Accounts from Smyrna suite its ap
pearance there; the Smyrna Journal under date
of June 24tU. says ‘T he eases of Plague have
tieeii more numerous the past week. Accounts
from Magnesia are still worse. The number of
victims .it ihe I*tier place are stated ai more
than 12.UOO. eleven ibousand of whrttn were
Turks. Consternation regus throughout mat city;
ard its surd, there is uni a house, nor a family hut
has to deplore the loss of its members. Report
*nys the plague had ceased at Me ( iblin.
A gaug of rogues, consisting of uegrnes and
men, in the city of New York, w hich for six
months past has been carrying ou it* robberies,
has bceu broken up. T he movements ol the
.ang. were something like the following.—
Towards evening they distribute thfce scites in
differen* parts ofthe city, and when a well rtres-
sed gpiitleman is seeu in a convenient place, a
negro stops op to him aud asks him to change a
dollar or a hill, and when ihe strauger lake's out
his pnrf et-hook to accomodate the n!lii.n, it is
uar. bed and the thief makes off w ith, it at the-
top of hi* speed. At this moment a while man,
one of the gang) pietrtiding, to he an officer,
steps up la the dupe, and by making enquires,
concerning tbe thief, detains the goiitletpan'uiSgJ,
ihe negro it ata safe distance with the ifaoiiey.*—
Tiicrt-iiie other plans ofoperation besides this.—
ID sistance in such casos would be of uo avail, as
the odds twe greatly against him.
The gang w as discovcied and broken upbytt
police officer, pretending himself a xirangir, i-nd
sufiering - a temporary imposition. A posse of
brother officers were ready, and the rogues were
Flaue Up at Liiakll.—Tbe Factory fiirfs
at LoweM turned oul ou Saturday last, liacause
their it .get were reduced twelve aud a hall rents
a week—or rather because the Companies have
increased the price of board so 'as to produce
that effect. We learn from tbe L iwell Advertiser,
that on Monday afternoon r>t 2 o’clock 'he girls
were assembled iu the grove on Chanel llill, bc-
iweeu (J- rhain anti South ssreet, to the number
of about ‘wo thousand. They were accompanied
‘>y several hundred men aud boys, which gave the
w hole seem the appearauce of a general muster.
They appeal'd cheerful and happy, aud seemed
lo think it n fine holiday. They lud a regular
meeting in the City Hall ou Saturday evening,
hn' concluded to hnl their iueetiugs iu the day
tim. more becotoit g tlie character of their ecu.
CusNirift- —A shori time since High Consta
ble Hays went to scarrh n house, where a mam
had been robbed of a $100 bill. Alter a su ite'
search he was about to leave the premises with
out success, when he suddeutly mrued to ibo'
w mini in attendance, and givu g Lei Ins baud,
wished her a good bye. In so dciug the crafty
--flicer drew: a tailor's thin.ble from her finger, ia
w bit b wras hidden the indented note. This wor-
hy functionary has obtained smelt aknonledgfl-
i.f human nature ia consequence of his long prac-
e, that he is almost oinuicteat.—fi. Y. Start-
I The JFtsUrn Rail Road —Vol. Bisitbase. Aff
Uivil Engineer appointed by Governor Sthley,
to survey the several passes through the Blue*
Kidite Mountain, with n view of con.traccing a
Rail Road, to connect the western with the sotr--
ihcrn Atl ntic States; passed through onr village-
\ <-terday, on his way toesacmethe flighrrasjeo
nil < oosnwayter route. W e understand he has
completed the survey of the route by the Raban
K i>*, mill tnal he has reported it .19 being highly
favourable to tne rousirticrion < f a Rail Road.
plete. if po -sihie, th" survey ol the High-
ao I get him.
Savannah, Ang 9
6m f-
I of his oliservatimi previous to the meeting of «he
Macon Gonveution. Miners’ Rec■