Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, November 03, 1836, Image 1
By 1«. MACON, GEORGIA, TUUMMDAN, NOVEMBER S, IS3G. ,,-ri •-**&./»•***'/'#' Uinaw i ci2M>£\ iUM tiiiw Ij*■<- Ii I tH)Jr»Ml > : — * Volume 5l1.—Klinger Terms of Subscription. . Turkic Dollars, paidin advance.willpay for the jw- * L war. Five Dollars, paid »■ arfcance, wd/ paj ft, the paper «do years. Ten« advance Ouleonikt after the year has] WARE HOUSE •i VO COMMISSION BUSINESS- .■tiyrick, iVayicr A fhu ? jSP mail inform iheir frieuds and the A ™ public gem rally, that tiiey are enlarge ingtheir Ware House adjoining their store on Cotton A veuue. and will have commenced, Thru Dollars and Fifty Cents per mnnmn I m j 4 charged. If aot paid until the end of the year, it ready for the' reception of cotton by the commence- Fotr Dollars per annum. wiU 6a charged—with interest ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to ,i„ r ,after. them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, ‘ /lCrta V A ,«.. A n«:cin(V M ... U.I . ..II ...ill 1. a Terms of Advertising. Advertisements not eiceedingone hundred words, or 12 brevier lines, (considered a square,) mil be inserted one lime for One dollar. When more than one insertion is given, 73 cents for the first, and 50 cents for eaehsub- -EK Jtoe Collectors'and Coroners’ Sales are char- t^VeoJt* IdeerHsers will be allowed two smarts in each ’ f„ T,ceaty Dollars per annum; and in the same Ltio for a larger spate-payable quarterly . Or all accounts for Advertising. Job Printing, fa. ns wdl as for subscription. Interest will be c'utrged. not settled within the year iVfim Vork S' Darien Line of rackets. BRIG Macon, A. Bibbins, Master. Sir “ Amelia Strong, Brown, *• “ Darien, C. P. Bnlkey, •• ’’•< .fifty “ New Jersey, B. Matthews,- •• aoaBsm „ Premium, J. Couhorn, “ “ (New) Schr. D. B. Crone, Baker, These vessels are all coppered, fastened and bni'.t expressly for this trade, have experienced captains ana sail regularly once a week from each port. Vessel* hound for Darien will find Dohny P easy access: 19 to 21 feet water will be found on h Bsr at high water, the aame depth can be carried with in six miles of Darien, 13 feet cubic carried up to the city. The anehorage in Doboy sound and river is particulaily safe and good, with ample room tor ves sels to carry off the whole cotton crops, coming down the rivers to Darien. HAWES, MITCHELL k COLLINS. Agents Darien. Refer to James Goddard, Esq. Maco.i. Oct 10, 183G. 2 T&acon Steam Boat Company. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox. do. EXCEL. “ J. L. Willcox. T II1S company hnvo now their line of Beats in complete order for freighting. They have a new steamboat added tu their line called the Superior, and ten Tow-Boats. The Boats will ran regularly bettve-n Macon and Darieu, one of the steamboats leaving Daricu every live or six days with tow-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all firstratc boats, built express ly for the navigation or the Ocm tlgee and Altumalia rivers; theso increased facilities will enable the com pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to cotton or goods shipped by thoir line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien anil Savannah, aud Darien and Charleston. There are also, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien aud Now York, which come to Hawes A Mitchel, of Darien. .Agentsfor the above Boats : J. GODDARD, Macon. Boyce, Reset & Walter, Charleston. I.. Baldwin Av Co. Savannah, Hawes, Mitvukm. k Collins, Darien, (ir.o. K. Roberts, Ilawkinsvillc, M-icon. 21th Dec.. 1835. 20 "siciwsiigce Steam Boat Company." orders to buy and sell ; n the market, will be promptly attended to. They likewise inform those Merchants who forward their goods by Macon, that they have a large and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer chandize, and will receive and forward all goods con- -igtied o them. Their charges in every in-tance will be as low os is customary in die city. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotton stored with them or ship ped by them to any other market. Ilaviugone of the partuersof their firm (Mr. A. R. Freeman) lucaied in the city of New York for the pur pose of affording the uecessary facilities to their busi ness in Macon they respectfully iufurm Merchants and others who have business to transact in that city, that he will be prepared to attend to any Commission Business villi which he may be favored. They em brace the present opportunity to return their grateiui acknowledgements to their friend* and the public foi past favors, apd solicit a continuation of their patron- age. In addition to their present stock, they will receive carl v this fall a fine asasrtineui of Dry Goods, Groceries. 35 su'd ware, Cutlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton Bagging, Readymade Clothing, &c. Ac. Arc. suitable for the fall trade, all of which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms Maenn. August 25 HI tf / Warehouse Anti Commission Business. 'File undersigned desire to inform their Friends aud die Public generally, that iheycoiilinuethe above business. They are inakiiigsome addition tudicir Ware iuiuse which iscouveiiieiidy situated on Second-street adjoining their store, thty will be pre pared to make liberal advances on Produce or Mer chandise, cither in store or to be shipped to Savannah. Charleston or New York. Their personal and individual attention will be de voted to selling cotton from the warehouse or wagon. In addition to the above, they will coutimie the mer cantile bud ness at their old stand, and expect shortly to receive from the New Ycrk and Boston markets, a fresh supply of 2>ry &oods* Groceri *s, Hardware, Huts, Shoes, Ac. htc.—which will make their assortment large and complete. ■ By a strict attention to business they hope to merit a -h ire of public patronage, sept 15 64 GEORGE JEWETT & CO. W ARE HOUSE A.YU COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE undersigned will continue to transact the above business in all its ♦ JB various forms at their old stand. They f < jf will, as h'therto. make liberal advance* on produce and merchandize in store, or to be shipped either to Savannah. Charleston, New i ork or Liverpool, and will devote the same persona! . :» ui tiaii Hoad Notice to Ki - Stockholders. r HE Board of Directors of theMonroe Rail Road Company, have resolved, that the third iustal- . u-ntof Ten Dollars per slum- be required to be paid i he 28th. day of October next, ana a fourth instal- i-nt of Fifteen Dollars per shared be required to be mid on the 5th day of January ‘next, • Those stock- •Iders who are desirous to do so, can pay an addition al instalment on the day that the fourth instalment is ‘■■died in and be allowed interest thereon at 8 per cent uitil the fifth instalment be p.i d. Forsyth. July 23 57 AL1 BROOKS. Sec. RE3MOVAZ., J.A.&S.S. VIRGIN Watch Makers fi- Jewelers. Would inform their friends and the public,that they have remov ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently oc cupied hv J H & W S Ellis,drug gists, where they will be happvto serve any who may favor them with a call. . Tiiey have in addition to*their former stock, just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of Watchesp Jewelry, £tc. of the latest fashions, wnich they will sell cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anclmr es capement, duplex, lepiiie,' alarm and vertical Watch es, of the best quality; gold, silver ami steel guard Chains, Seals aud Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever pointed Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free from alloy ; silver Caps, butter Knives. Castors, sil ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snuf- ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Flngeoletts. Fifes. Drums, &c. Swords, sword Canes, Knives aud Pistols, among which is Ruggles’ pocket Rifle, that will shootfifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horu Combs, Card es ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles usually kept in their line. N. B. We have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can, and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work nhis Imrcl*. Spoons &c-engraved- Oct-1 Watches, Jeicelry, SiSrer tyare. ffc. C. G. St. JOHN llUA^CH Maker k Jeweler Cotton Avenue op- V V pusite Washington Halt, Respectfully iu- j forms his triends aud the public, that lie has taken the j store formerly occupied by the IlavvkinsviUe Bank where he is now opening a new aud spleudid assort ment of WATCHES k JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chrouometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's aud Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenentseconds of vsSioi' - .^r- ypPH** • NBV T SRRI !\ Sfe T1112?G. 11 ■ KOBAjbi; «WCCH / ~ T~ 1 3 now opoiung at opp.os.te the Hashing-. - • *, A , <e J^f^ OKFF s Hall, a new ami handsome**»*»»!*«*»« . JUDGE W HI i f AND Tli! €H«TOKr.ES. ■! SprSsic and Summer 'DSotliinST, ^ c ot the < lierokee Cotnrtnras we.! which “as brfeti-uSude -up by L. Fitcli, • aud will he sold ^ those owning landed pro; ertv m u to look upon tlu i cheap for cash, consisting in part of i H MVeifcC smd-obsttna*o course John Ross has PtnusKv i tSuaer hl ick brown •'iceu and olive camblettf. Coats, ‘ m. apparently against light nml kecvvlcdge, tor a fev | - 4 : •• dress Coats 1 years back, miolation to our Cherokee difficulties. The } *; •• .. hombaziue, fi do- I excuse rvudetod by him at a recent meetiugof his pto- .V dres's (. 0 . 1 p!e, for rejecting the ltb«?ahafler-.i)f the gti'hernaienl: . i T0.1 ' ■muimiurid ' " ■ HATS, BA IS .. OtORGE A. KIIUBRRLY E8TEC 1 f ULEY solicit the atteiniou of mir- .. .. scunner clotli; that he wished to go to Washington this wii. , ,. * ; „ r. , i. a, 4 i ter, lor tlie purpose of having some of the details ofthc Brown and white grats l.nen . .. » ’ ireetv sISvodarinMnrfbl *n]!|L>ii Ih> wonkl accent j Brown and white German aim fi\acjilmeu c ,do do. i iw.vmi . Iir.ui'.r/t itP * .. .. I CUiltS. J black aud green boiuaainc ■ . .. coats, pants. French &. German lin. do j bl’k «3h green cnuibleit do lasting »'c Circassian j olive di brown do d<> Dutch ••mhuiixt chasers tu averv large assortmeutoi j o.'ive of. tiroun do do lrmc;i .mamix: oo .... • , | snlS '<*11(1 UftpSi i hr'wndc white grassliu do while hull mersaiiles wh ch have been made by him expressly for retailing,! do do drilling do vests, and are warranted to be of superior style and quality ’ to uuy ever beloreoft'ered in Macon; among his asiyr’t- meut mav be found. Super fashionable black and drab beaver Hats, do ^ broad brim do for elderly men, do fash do do satin beaver do do do du rfc 'ilo lip do do imp. cord do do 'do valentia iiuen.db dou skin do fig. rHz..Versailles crape dril, & honey comb pladcv spotted‘do tip pants. do*.A lig’u shelly do meriuo, casimcr. lasting do English »Si<ij'rench silk do cuutpous and cord do l.i’k v- ti.t’d velvet do ... “lack and drab Russia beaver, cloth k casimcre do Florcotmo and bumbazin. me, meridian and narrow brims, otmr, nimia. inusk- w i 'h a general assortment do rot, raccoon and cony hats of every variety pfj of common do with a good assortment . ^I white <!«■ grxs-iiitoeu-bort co r.moo dp 1 int.,s beaver and satin .leaver hats, latest fashions, ! i' ine himen and cotiou shirts litiuen and cotton * <***« Caps, consisting Of drawers, Angola uetl shirts and,drawers, Ac. &c. snper No 1,-qJtter C aps, ' - ' 44 Cftll tnililr and undivided attenticn to all business entrusted to the most approved makers and rated to suit the dim- heir care, and particularly to that of selling cotton ! ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens mi the warehouse or wagons. Having disposed of Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain T HIS company will be prepared to commence b siucss, early in the next season—They will liax a lion of Packet* between Now York, and Darien an steam vessels to forward good* from Darien to Mac- —The agent* in New York, Charleston, and Savanna., will bn authorised to mntraet for tlv« delivery of good i:i Macon, at a freight agreed on without interim .fi at..- .marge and tlie agent in Macon will receive cotio ■lelivnrable in Savannah. Charleston, and New York The company’s vessels and boats, will be of first da u'ith experienced commanders, and no expense will I * pared to meet the peirtmsgo.of the public. PH. R. YONHK &. SON'S. Agents in Darin ■n*v27ili H:l.~ 49 sit Miner S S'ittl Arrangement ~of thr Pienecr Steam A Pole Boat Liuc. flil . proprietors of the above tine notify the. JL friends and the public, that they will have riin- ntng on the Altaniolm and Ocnmlgee rivers duriiu the summer and fall months, four or five Pole Boats ^ ytrtinilarly adapted to low stages of water, and whic j will be aided by Steamboat* when the water will per mit. Shipoers by this line may depend upon every at temion being paid, and exertion used to give despatch to property shipped by it to anv of the landings on said rivers'. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag’t Macon. AGENTS. Messrs Holcombe, Peck & Co. Charleston. E. P. Butts, Esq. Snvannah. Rowland, Crane Shackelford, Darien Halstead, Taylor k Co. Ilawkinsvillc. Macon. June 30 1 fim * Commission Business, Darien. T HE Uudersigned have formed a Copartnership lor the purpose of transacting a general Com mission and other business under the firm of SNOW* ROGERS, unilofler their services to thoir friends, ami the public generally, in the above business. Forwarding Good* and produce to aud from the interior of the State, will receive particular attention. It may be proper to state that they have no connection with any of the Steam transportation lines; Goods for the interior will always bo shipped by those who will probably give them tlui greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1.1836 28 GEO. T. ROGERS i'ammisnion Business, Barien. I t HE undersigned have resumed business a* a- bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe ' we have made arrangements that will enable n* nt all times to forward goods for the interior with the lets possible delay, bv steamboat* when the river will ad- mi.. or in exireme low river by small flats or liguters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves •ire large Storehouses, calculated for tlie storing of cot Ion at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to Gmvard cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed ed by any other House. Darien, Mav 20, 1835. II \WES. MITCHELL k COLLINS. i« ir warehouse in East Macon, they will in future ■online their business to one house, which they are •■■larging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and hero they will be nappy to serve those who have : i ven them their patronage from the East side of the ver. Feeling grateful forthe liberal patronage here- • ore received, we hope by a strict attention to busi- -* to merit a continuation of the same. HAMILTON, HAYES & CO. Macon. 1st September. 1836 200 pieces Best Hemp Bagging for sale at market •:m. by H. H. k CO. -•pt 1 62 ^ TROY IIILL. THE nndersigned inform* his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter Sf Cornwall, that he intends re suming the ; Yare Blouse tf Commission Business, filestore next above lue one recently occupied by J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as ■it town -ifTroy. • le further informs the public that he has bought the •nds, dr*, and having now on the way, from New ••rk. and other places, Dry Goods and Groceries, •irether making his stock complete, which will be sold ow for ready pay, he will be ready (o receive Cotton • irlv in the fall, aud beprepared to make advances— ' • would particularly notice to his friends the grea ■ vantages his Warehouses have over those in Us tense part of the city with regard to Fire, they beiu letaehed from other buildings and at a distance from suv street or lane, and well enclosed \u v r, 4f. tf H. 8 CFTTTR. Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Breast Pin-and Finger rings, Gold arid silver ever pointed pencils. Gold aud silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen aud poeket knives dirks, canes, pistols, Ac. Ate. Together with a great variety of other arfi- cles kept in his line N. B- Hohasselei cd rue best of materials for re pairing watches and tv Igive satisfaction to those tvhs may favor him with the i custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited: C « t 27 18 Will. H. BURDSAL.L. H AS Just received a new and extensive sortmentof Heady-made Clothire. e, black, invisible green, Adelaid, as- olive F.icior.igr A UotuuiivsioM Business. ‘ BOATING, Sc. '■NIIE subscriber has located in die city of Savau- 1 nah for the above purposes, and taken stores lenrly opposite the City Hotel. The steamer “ Chieftain ” Capt. White, will iie ready in all the present month to receive freight Ibr Incon, aud wilt continue regularly throughoulthesea- «ou. the river admittiug, and unavoidable accidents only intercepting. Goods for forwarding will experience no delay, and ihs interest of the owner only takeu into consideration. oct 13 2 S. f. DICKENSON merchants' Insurance Company of Macon. T HE public are hereby informed that the whole of the Capital Stork of this Company, of One Hundred Thousand Dollars iu cash, lias been paid in, and is now prepareil «o 'uke risks according to previous notice ; viz. to and from the city of .Macon to any port or place in the United States, on equally advantageous terms to the assured as other Marine Companies James Goddard, President. Wm. B. Parker. ) F. *11." Wellman, i Dtrectars Tnos. Taylor, J James Rea, Secretary. •WARE HOUSE COMMISSION BUSINESS. 133 H f. undersigned coiilinnesto transact the Ware I. House and Commission Business, situate ceii- t[»l to the Cotton Market, on the corner of Cherry and Second streets, within a few feet from Colton Aveti e. formerly occupied by James C. Morgan, liberal ad vances will be made on produce or other articles stor ed or shipped. Cotton will be sold from wagons or store at 25 cents per bale, and stored at customary »«»». L. L. GRIFFIN Aug 25 • 6m AND COMMISIOJV BUSINESS. THE UNDERmIUNI 1) will con tinue to transact the above business, at the Ware House occupiedby him lost season. Grotefu( for the libera] patronage re ceived from his friends and the public, by strict nfi.-n- uou to busino** confided to his care, he hopes to merit » sharo of the publie patronage. Me will maki liberal advances on rottnn stored with n.oron shipments to Savannah, Charleston and „ York ; A. E. CHICKERING. M icon, Augnst 11 59 6m Bluui&$ for sale at All in Oilier. oct 6 1-tf dolasses, Sugar, Coffee, Bagging. Ac. elb hhd* Prime St. Croix Sugar. OQ9 39 do Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar, 30 Barrels do. do. 29 Boxes Brown ilavnnnah Sugar. 26 hhds. Porto Rico Molasses, 24 do Cuba do 90 Bogs Coffee, 220 Pieces Hemp Bagging, 80 Pieces Tow do 50 Qr Casks, 15 Boxes Tobacco, 5 M Cig ars, for sale by On 27. ■A k COTTON . f ill, insurance Bank of Columbus, will msui B Cotton on the River, aud also take a few risks against Fire in thiscity. Apply to Macon, ttrt.27 ROBERT COLLINS. BACON. F OR SALE a superior lot of Bacon, just received from Tennessee wagons, and a furthe. supply to arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal term*. - July7 54 tf WM. 11. PARKER k Co. liisuraiire Rank off Columbus. N tITIOF. is hereby glfen that an additional instal ment of 33J dollars per share, of the capita stock of this bank will be required to be paidonthe 1st Monday in November. By order ol the Board ->o 61 IL UF.PBURN. Cash. tVASTEl.. ^ to Macon Ga UTThe Charleston Courier will give the above four insertions. Sept 28 ^ ■ Superfine blue. brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel- mix’d and faucy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancycolored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s clotli aud satlinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons. Black and blue Cassimerc, black and colored Velvet, black Florintiue, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Marseilles Toilinet. Stvaiisdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks. &c A Netv Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, JUST received by wm. H. A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul berry aud Second streets, including the follow- iug: Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen Circassian and Rouan Cassiinere FROCK COATS. Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, gross Cloth, grass and brovtn Linen, and Kouan Cassimere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminet, Cyprus, wor sted and Valentia Cnpe, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas- simere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling Fancy Drilling, Pongee,' Mexican mixt, Rouan Cassimerc and Jeans PANTALOONS. Bovs summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and buff grass Cloth, buff aud brown Linen, Pongee, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans ROI’ND JACK ETS. A large assortment of fancy VESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, &c. &c Ac. F. F. LEWIS & T. F. NEWTON, Merchant Tailors, \ VI'. eut red into co-partnership under the firm of Lewis k Newton, for the purpose of trans acting business in their line. They expect to have on liana trom New York, in a short time. » geueral assortment of Cloths, Cassi- meres. Vestings, Ac. Which, together with the stock on hand will make their assortment complete Also, a general assortment of Readv-Made Clothing which will be sold low for cash They solicit a share ofthe publie patronage. t. F. LEWIS, Aug 18 60 T. F. NEWTON. scstl, mink, muskrat and cony do mens and boys fail top cloth caps. >• lt Robinson’s do do •» acorn tup celeste caps, children’s fancy silkeaps, Ac. Ac. Ac. i P < fi er * , )s muffs and rutl*. consisting of chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, genett, tab- bit and swausdown. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimming*, alcohol and shellack, constantly ol hand. Oct 2i> 3 Boots and Shoes, Botnestics. Ac! 7$ CASES Boots and Shoes, consist ing in part of Gentlemens fine calf Boots, sewed aud pegged. . Stout pf gged and water proof Boots. Fine calf and stout Shoes and Pumps. Ladies Seal, Morocco aud Prunella Walking Shoes. Slips and Bootees ; Children s Shoes oi ail kinds. A complete assortment of Negro shoes. ■ I 20 cases Domestic Cottons, bleached and unblench- j ed. consisting of liuc Shirting and Sheeting, stout do. j 30 pieces Sattinetts of various patterns. ALSO. Fine 4-4 and 7-8 Flannel; Blankets; Calioucs, Hals; Ac. just received, and for sale on most liberal terms, h r C. I, HOWI.AND A CO. oct 13 2 Next door to the Post-Office. SELUNG OFF! BVBSSA££ »5^j -';ING determined to close his bitsfuesa, will Are. dispose of hissteck of Goods, consisting of an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Readymade Clothing, HATS, SHOES, &c. at very reduced prices. Purchasers will undoubtedly hnd it to their interest to avail themselves of the pre sent l -vnrable opportunity of supplying themselves With CHEAP GOODS. Oct 13' 2 is T HE subscribers inform the i7 friends and the pub- lic, that they have removed to the fire proof brick store in Third-street, nearly opposite to the store occupied by David Ralston, anda few doors south west from llie Central Hotel, where they offer for sale, (a part of which to arrive,) 75 hhds ftt Croix and Porto Rico Sugars 300 bags Primo Green Rio, and Java Coffee 150 barrels Northern Rum and Gin 25 casks Wine ami Cordials pipes Cognac Brandy and H Gin l.> baskets Chainpaigne Wine, part superior boxes Muscat do 40 bbls No 3 Mackerel No I Salmon 150 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging 60 coils Bale Rope 400 lbs Twine 6000 lbs Feathers, to arrive 4 General Assortment of Dry Goods, Shoes, Mats, Hardware, Ac. Ac. all of which will bo sold at unusually low prices, for cash onlv, by 'w* >3 2 WILLIAMS A PR \1H.FV Also, stoclis, cojlars. bosoms, gloves, cotton,random, linen, black attd- white silk half bos", black horse skin, buck skin,Ltaokiuid.white sdknndlinen gloves, sus penders, a variety, Spittilfie'-d. pongee, flag and ban- dia bdkfs. Italian plaitl. tig’d atul redibordcred cravats, white do. stripe rousian belts, bract's,find brown linen, (for childrens’ aprons) blue, black and green broad cloths, white drilling, bombazine, aud merino cassi- inerc, fine palm leaf hats, common do, children’s leg horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of Hats, Shoes, Boots, Sfc. which I invite mv friends and public to give me a call at the store next door to \V. G. Johnson. march 31. 40 . HORACE FITCH ■ • : : illolassfis ’ - ; Hhds I est qualify family Moiasse, just re- rf}vrt a’ld for sale hv re RODGFRS A- m iMshets ba|t ~ _ _ 3()Q sacks do Baroli. .Mackerel Flour. - And a few hhds: .*• Boston Ilitnis,’ 1 for sale I- ept 6 E. RUSSELL. Mulberry street Faints and OK. Ki'-GS Nos 1 and J VVLire Lead. 31)0 gals Linseed Oil, tV’iili a general assortment of Groceries, for sale...t the lowest market price. July 28 57 ■CHARLES CAMPBELL wixS i .ifloi.s Winter si rained !.anip t>il ver_v VL? ijr handsome—just received and lor sal- treaty altered or amended, :tg>< theit he wouM accept the treaty and remove to the And then we ask them to examine carefdllvy'efideally, and impirtially. tlie t'oUowiug.dctniis of Judge W Mile’s opinions with ri - gard jo tlie sovereignty'abid exclusive right of tlie Cher okee people over that portion of the country claimed by them, within the jurisdictional limits o1 Georgia. And than again, we ask them, if i: is not c!e».r, to the perception.of the-most common understanding, trial Ross is determined to stand -out, no matter what the coiti-equences may be, until a new President is elected, whose views and opinion*.may be favorable to tlie Cherokee ClainLs. Who would Koss prefer lor l’rcsi- dent among the candidates now before the people? Judge White, most assuredly. Why 1 Lecansc his feelings and opinions accord with.his; and because tho.-c wlio voted against the. treaty, the most of tliem at least, are now die warm sapt orters of Judge White. Who voted against tlie ratification of the Treaty ! The Journals of die Senate ot' the - United Slates says— JOHN C. CALHOUN, of So. Ca., CLAY, of Ken- tuexy, Crittenden, of do., Clayton, of Delaware, Nau- dain, of do., Davis, of Mas::.,, of do, l' wing, of Ohio, Li IGII, of Va., Porter, of La., Pren. tiss, of V't., Swift, of do., Roberts, of It. I., Socthard-., of N. J., and Tomlinson,of Conueclicut. Every Yar. Buren man in the Seriate voted ibr die ratification. Un der these circumstances, Ross’ hopes and prospects, of reclaiming his country, and setting up, widiin die limits Ian. 14. 30 by H. AJ. SHOTWULL. Opposite fiie Orjifrat lintel LEATHER. A N assortment of Harness, Bridle -and Upper Lea ther, for sale by CRAiT A Lt-tYIfc.- 1‘rlv 14 55 THE SUBSCRIBED L\VE purchased'Mr. i.xiuD H. Wiley’s inter est in th. fate firm of Post, IIamo/on A IV i- lev, and Hamilton, Haves & Co. aud given IRA E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Gi-oob business will ue continued at the same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton A Co. and tlie Ware Houses and Commission Business as heretofore, trader ;he lirin of HAMILTON.11AYES A Co. FORT. HAMILTON a Co. Jiiuc 23 52 Lard. A Lot of first quality, pm up in Tin Cans for fan ,iy use. For sale by GRAFT & LEW IS, a sjnali Leigood couniry Bacon. sept 8 63 ; • .. Copavtncj’sliip.. T IIE uudersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE aud COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under the firm of COOMBS A DOUGHTY. JOHN S. COOMBS. Savannah. June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY. 40 tl All ■ Jki uwn S IX good Journeymen PAINTERS, beral wages will l»~ given. Apply t Daniel t. rea, 3 Store House to Rent. ON E or both of the Store Houses ad joining tho subscribers; for a large and general assortment they could be easily united and would make a desirable stand. for business. To any one desirous of tenting them for 6uch purpose, tho terms will be mode rate. Apply to GEO&QrS J&WETT &CO. ssjt W e$ HHDS St Croix, P. R. and N O. Sugar, 150 bags prime green Coffee, 40 retailing Molasses, 50 bbls N. K. Rum, 40 „ American Gin, 35 Wbis-ey. 250 ps heavy Hemp Dundee Bagging, 50 coiU Rope, 6000 lbs bagging Twine, SALT. IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, fir A General stock of Groccrit-s, in store and for sale on accommodating terms bv EDMUND RUSSELL, sept 1 62 Mulberry st. For Sale, 350.000 Hasra* 61 hbds St Croix sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron. 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal aud Ricnmond Flour, 5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON. J UST tvJLCJfcll VAiD froiuNew-V ork.aiid for sale bv SMITH, RODGERS £f Co. .>0 bags and 50 barrels prime greeu Coffee, 20 hhds prime St Croix sugar, 30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin. We will also sell our DRY GOODS, a splendid as sortment. at, or about cost, as we wish to turn our at tention to the cotton and grocery business. July 7 54 DRY GOODS] DRY GOODS IT Charleston, S. C. T HE subscribers have imported from Engla.vd, direct, a large anil splendid assortment of FAL-L GOODS, well adapted to the season, and manufactur ed expressly for the Southern markets, which, with their supplies from the North, enables them to offer a stock equal to anv in the United States, atul at prices as low. C. &G H. KELSEY A HALSTED. Charleston. Sept. 7, 1836 64 9t HATS, SlfOES~SpBO.YJYETS AT COST. T HE subscriber-having determined to abandon the trade in the above articles, will dispose of them atcost; his assortment being good, purchasers will find it to their interest to call. 15 64 WM. II BURDSALL. Notice. 1 3HE undersigned has couuected JAMES D. CARHART with him in Mercantile Business, at the store located on the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, and the business in future transacted by that establishment alone, will be distinguished, by the title of VE 15. PARKER & Co. the said J. D. C.-being the Company aud having an in terest in the said .firm only. J«l L r 54 tf WM. B. PARKER. NEW BOOKS. Tales of the Woods, The Doctor, Three Eras of the life of Wo man, The Diary of a Desennuyie, | Lord Roldan, The Old World and New, Shepherd Lee, Steward’s Adventuies—Capture of Murrel. Oct 17 3 JAMES S. OLCUTT. Notice. A PLANTATION to rent or let on shares, consis ting of about 330 acres of open laud, and the most of it rielii river bottom laud, two miles from Ala- con. For terms apply to J. GODDAltD. Oct 6 l ' if J 3 llr. tsilOscriber will make liberal (ulismc- > , 1 Cotton shipped to bis friends iu Savannal. Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nuv.f>, 18,15. ROBT. COLI.INM fae Macon Steam Boat Company W ILL lira two or three lighter* during rite sum mer aud fall, between Darien and Macon.— The line is prepared to take all merchandize that may be offered or snipped to their agents at Darien, aud for ward them without detention. Their Lighters are mode ot light draft, andean run at the lowest stages of Uicrttci. me steam uoat upereor will be ii reuuiness iu tow by the first ot October, next, nr soon er ii toe river wi i admit, and the steam boat Excel will commence running during that mnnlb. sept in J. tfODDAHT). Agent. For Sale, , TV BRICK HOUSE aud lot, on the corner ol IVM. ■>'-" a -d 1‘opiar streets, within 70 yards ol Cotton Avenue. ' It is a two story house, new and convenient, t lie c is uu aouudaiil boiling spring ol J good water on I he lot. Its situation as to health, cou- vctiieuty to ottsiucss aud die ! emaie College, renders it valuable. 'Apply to Messrs Hamilton A- Fort or myself. Also its Furniture. Private boarders will be accommodated until the property is sold. Aug 63 A. B. COOK. li.tud aud tcgioes lor sale. j H itNUDscnbei ulleisiui sale the PLAN'PATH N H vViiei’eou ht turn oves. 7 miles Delow Macon, in iiibb cou.nty.. containing 860 acres good pine land. There has boon lor the lastoyeatsagood SAW .MILL in operation ifuou said plantation, bui has been stop ped this year on account ol some repairs wanting done. Stone Creeu, tho stream winch said .Mill is oil, is a neverlkiluij stream, and the null is better situated ou aeconutof prove timber than any null within the vi- c inty of Alacon. Also, ten likely NEGROES will be soid, together with Horses, Muhts, Cattle, Hogs, Ac. Ac.. 'Said property is now otiered for sale ou accommodating terms; a credit from one to three years will be given < -. d. >e;ii S 36 P.. DAVIS. i-joH.m.e . TiMAi'S* Froitcriyfire sate. T tr,, .uiidersignetl offers for sale bis two SAW MILLS, within three miles of Macon—bell, i.. are now nr successful operation. gainst the,Treaty, and knows Iris opinions arc in hi* fa vor, and therciore it is, that he wishes to go to W ask- ingtou this winter lor tlie purpose of ejecting an altera tion in some ol the details oi the Treaty. People of tlie Cherokee country! Are you willing; .that your Cherokee difficulties sbuil yet harms® and pci- plcx you for perhaps another four or eight years? Tncri elect Judge W hite y our President, and you will iitieai t have a 1'uir chance lor it. Are you ready and w filing to be driven, perhaps at the point of the bayonet, from your homes to seek.rcfugc in another Conntiy? Then elect Judge i'v hite, and y ou will siai d-ucharice Ibr it. lor if hois lavorable to Rqss’ claim, ai.d-is elected, it may yet be sustained, and ot course you must leav e the cotintro right or wrong. But it y ou arc, as vve are pet- suaded you arc, disposed to avert trom you a calamity so dangerous, elect Martin Van JLuren, who has aidcu Geu. Jackson in all hi* measures to rid cur country of this troublesome population, and who is pledged to cur ry out his Iirdian policy thas begun. From the Atlza\s.{ Tennessee) Republican. • Tlh. MU.blm.NCY. It is astonishing drat some of the VVliite editors will still .hold out the idea, that Judge White hasachufice of bung elected President of the United Stutes. Ail of his intelligent tricuds must know, and a large number of them have acknowledged, that the Judge lias no possi ble chance of; being elected by the people; while some of them have the candor to say, lie cannot be elected dy Congress. in order to keep tlie people, in the dars, some of tlie W hite editors publish to tlie world, that certain iiidivid- have been elected in different part* ot Tennessee, to till vacancies in the Legislature now in session. W hy uo they not state the luct—that the Van Buren candid ate in bumuer county, beat die White candidate diiec to one? That the V an liureu candidate in Alaury, be?.t the VVhite candidate four hundred and niuetv-tive vote? That the Y an plureu candidate in \Y r in-rcn and PYaiiklin, was elected vvni.out opposition? That the Van Buren candidate in Ouilivan county, heat ‘’he \mite candidate deb votes? Andtnut Capt. AlcOlel- land's company, probably numbering more than sixty men, had lacy been at home, would have increased die majority to 44U, or upvvaids, as vve have been informed, there is but one Vv lute man in die company. Why do die White editors keep so dark on this subject! Why do they not give all die election returns, and state Lire .Vote for each candidate, and. say who are White, and vvhoare Van buren mep! Why du they nutlet the people know die fact, ttiat there is no ticket running, or expected to be run iu any istate, save detenf 'l liey know ihat Judge White was brought out by a caucus of eleven, and dial the Stoles where his name is run, num- der lUtcn. They know that the eifiotn. States cannot possibly elect the Judge;, either by the people, or by the House of Represcntativ cs. Then why do they contin ue to run his name? All die foregoing questions can be answered in a few words.—They wish Harrison elected, ; nd Urey know Uiat Harrison cannot possibly, beat Van liurei. ill Ten nessee, and if Judge V, bite was not a candidate, 'len- tl’essee might be tlie means of Y an Emeu’s election by the people, and thereby prevent an cT'.chon by Con- gress. * . : . Tlie number tlemi may be remembered with sorrow by the people ot Tennessee, and of the United States, ii' the i ederui party sliouid triuinpn, by the split in foe Republican party, made by Judge White and ids friends. ’ In Congress, only eleven republicans were found wil ling to destroy the party who have sustained Jackson’s Administration, in foe United States, only iLtai Stales are found running Iris name, to aid die enemies of. die people in getting into power. Let die people look at this. LUtcn estates cannot make a President. Will the Republicans of Tennessee suffer themselves to be chcate'd out of their votes by the tune of e'eren. We shall sec. II* * i-Kv Hu*V 111 ollvvvbrl Ml uuriomiii* * , * . , Du the premises is also a GRIST MILL. Atlach- Heuerat uovernmeut? * . x ^ . . ...... ‘X rn vrxil miivn<*Ki fn From the Lynchburg Democrat. A SilUrU' catechism TOR THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS-GF VtRCtNU. Arc you iu tayor oi a National oank? jVre you in it.vor oi a high jirotective Tariff? Are you in lavor oi internal improvements by the General uoverument? Are you in iavor of raising mere revenue than is re quired by the Wants of foe Government? Are you in favor ol a iatitudiiious construction of the Constitution/ Are y ou iu favor of investing Congress with the pow er to legislate ior the abolilion ol slavery? Are you in iavor oi taxing the slave-holder to raise a fund to pay him tor his own property ? JJ you arc, votejor Gen. liarnson—he is your man. Arc you opposeu to a National liana? Are yon opposed to a high protective Tariff? Are you opoosed to lutermU Improvements by the Notice i’.o Citizens of lffacsn. T HE subscribers have 600 acres of heavy Timber Land, mostly oak and hickory, for sale in lots of zUlo 35 acres, to suit purchasers. Tho conveyance to town easy, and dhuanc* from IA to 2J miles. For terms apply to J. GODDARD, Oct6 1 tf C. B. COLE. Notice to Shippers of Cotton. F IVL cents per bale will be charged far Wharfage on all cotton shipped at our wharves. REA k COTTON, J. GODDARD, J. T. ROWLAND, ROGER McCALL, J. R BUTTS, P. R- YONGE, jr. Oct I | 4 t P. RVONG A SONS. HAT?, Ware Ilonse ami Whari Pr periy Ear Sate. T HE undersigned offers for sale his well known property on lire river bank in Macon, consist ing of Ware House. Store House. VV harves, A:c. *3kc Oct 5 I ROGER McC A Li ed to tlie Mills is 1500 acres of finely timbered LAN D with all the buildings requisite for comliu tiny the busi ness. Added to these advantages, is a :-prmg of pure water, a healthy situation, and its near location to the rapidly growing city of Macon, where a market can nl- ways be had .or Lumber it fair prices. Persons wish-; ing to purchase, are invited to val! on myself oil foe premises, or on Roger Me: all ai Macon, sc it 21 65 ' i l.' VZAP Mr Al.I.. $25 REWARD. W ILL be paid fertile apprehension of EPI1 HAIM ;t biacl; m in, about 50 ye irs of age, 5 feet lit inches high, has a heavy beard which causes hi* fade lo lok rough—was formerly owned by the Messrs Harpers of Augusta, uifdbougbtof thorn by a Mr Mat thews of Columbus; it is believ ed he will try lo uial^e his way to his former master in Columbus. The nbcvi ‘.reward wilt fee paid for his apprehen-ion, if lodged it: nn'v safe jail so that I get Lim giv ing me infoimetioi it Clinton, Ga. HENRY W. DARN} Y. sept 32 65 9t Are you opposed‘to tiic raising more'revenue than is requiiea by foe constitutional wants oi foe Government? .ire y.ou in liivor ol a strict construction of the Con stitution? Are you opposed to any interference by Congress with your ulave property? Are you oppose*? to taxing tlie slave-holder for the- purpose ol pay ing ium lor uis slave? Ij you are, votejor Martin Can Buren—lie is your' man. Crockery & Hardware. A T New York Cost for sale by - • GEO. W. PRICE & CO. Oct 27, i 1SJOO KUXYASvB. The above reward Will be paid for the apprehension of mv bov IPUIkntt, sometimes called Bill lllark. Willian' left ine aboiit 36th. December last; he is .a very, bright mulatto, about 6 feet 10 inches high, tho k set. full faced, small red. or rathei blood shotten eyes, and straight yellowish hair. I have no tionbthe wiflchange his name arid try to pass him self for a white man, which he may be able to do un ^^li.LS ot 1 tlie Farmers Dank ■dilurniu. payable less to a close observer. He was formerly the proper- at tho agency in Perry, will be received in pay ment for goods, or accounts due the subserber. Aug. 11 59 CHAS. CAMPBELI- Job PriHlinsr done at this OiSce- »yof M. Myers of this place, and traveled with him through the up country last summer The ahovefe ward will be paid for his arrest if lodged in a sale jail so I get him. Y. S. PICKARD. Savannah, Aug 9 6m t Gen. Haniscn appcan, to be'a man. of “ contiftjVrr.- gies.” ll foe VV big presses are-to be relied up*n,’aiid. tiiey are certainly good authority on the subject,’ lie-ha.*, no fixed, ajulsettieo opmioiui. ' He is a “ contingeiit’^, a “contingent" Tariffito, a ‘■‘•contingent 7 ' internal inipioveriient man, a “contingent” Einaaei-- iiatidblsf, the “cdntingtnt’' Clerk of Hamilton cdrmty;- Cliio, a “contingent” candidate for• and l e has been dragged through the. streets of Thiia,- eelphia by “contingent” hoisct^ It the ptc t icclou-v regara these numciou.- “ccnUngcr.iies” as evidence o?i his superior qualifications ior- the Prcsilcncy, they rnus.^ he tlit mort stupid set ot ,v **~n rffinTrngvtil” dolu in ql Cliristendom.—ib. A Hard Case.—/A woman whose husband was in ther penitentiary, ouvimerating his sufferings, said., “ I:e is tiilovved no viai'.ors <*n Sunday; and worse than that he- is obliged t*x go to church, vvliic'i the poor fellow bos. never been, accustomed to 1 '.” Secrets of Comfort.—Though sometimes small evils? like invisible insects, inflict pain, and a single l: .ir may stop a vast machine, yet foe chief secret of coi:.: iH libs in not suffering trifles to vex one, ami in cul tivating an undergrowth of ar -11 few great ones, alas! are let Essays,