Newspaper Page Text
M A V O i\ U K O K ii 1 4 TELEGRAPH.
The Keystone of the Arch is safe. Pennsylvania
regenerated aud disenthralled—When in tire year 99,
she first broke the federal phalanx by electing Governor
McKean, she scattered dismay into tliuir ranks, and
gave the lint assurance of the success of die Republican
cause. Her victory of the last week is still more deci
sive and triumphant. Never has there been a more sig
nal defeat. Never lias the democracy obtained a more
glorious victory. It has coine upon the Whigs, like the
iiaud-tvritiug upon the walls of Belshazzar's Palace.
Thu Whigs had tiattered themselves, that the Rank
of thesU. States had wound herself so completely a-
round the interest 01 the State—that the Anti-Masons
uud Whigs had formed so powerful a coalition—that
tiie fnuuus of Wolf and .Muhlenburg had become so far
alienated If om each other—that the patronage of office
holders was *o powerful—that the presence of the
Conquering Hero would work such miracles—and that
it was -o c.isy to excite a jealousy between Pennsylvania
and New fork—that those and other causes would
prove irresistible, and that their victory was secure.—
How little did they know the spirit of her People!—
Thy have risen in all their strength, and burst asun-
tier all the coils of the liauk, all the influence of Phila
delphia, all the patronage of office, all the attempts
£ reduce a jealousy he tween the two great States They
ave risen in the majesty of their strength, and exhibi
ted ouu of Cue strongest examples, that has ever been
given, of the moral courage, with which a free people
can subdue every difficulty.—The power of the Rank
has even Jailed of it* effect: and that monstrous instr
Vition, which was expected to conquer the People
now cowering at their feet.
We congratulate our republican fellows citizens upon
lire glorious triumph 1 All hail, noble Pennsylvania!—
lire great Key-stone of the Federal arch.
Ju tile days of terror, in '99, Pennsylvania and Vir
ginia stood by each other, and supported the same
great Republican principles—In 1836, they will do the
same. And surely, if Pennsylvania has stood to her
principles, in defiance of the powerful institution which
u mongrel and a, estate Legislature had quartered u-
pon her, we in Virginia, who have no such obstacle to
subdue, no such seduction to resist, can pursue the
glorious course which Pennsylvania has marked out
to us,—Richmond Enq.
“Old Virgii.ay never tire.” in the Republican cause
thur urcounts from thu neighboring as well os distant
counties, ore cheering. \V e hear trout the Northern
Neck, that the people nre rejecting the uncommitted
half White, half Harrison, half horse, half alligator,
ticket, vvbilh disdain. They wish to have some lot
and part in the election oftheir Chief .Magistrate—and
hate no idea of transferring their own rights of suffrage
with their eyes and hands, bound to a parcel of Elec
tors, who have never avowed their own selection, and
.wjiose.voice is to be ultimately governed by circum
stances, their own interest perhaps, or the intrigues of
.their managers—tb.
In the Key Stone Stale, there are, so far, sixteen
Van Horen Democrats elected to Congress, and nine
Jlai risen Whigs.
Of the State Legislature, the Pennsylvanian has the
Pennsylvania Senate.—Eight members of this body
are chosen annually, and it is a .significant sign of the
limes to find that oftlie eight this year the friends of
Van Rurcu have elected all! Yet the Senate in its
outrageous proceedings last winter pretended popular
The same paper remarks:
It is a striking commeniaiy on whig tactics, that
wherever Harrison lias liccn exhibited hi Pennsylvania
—except in this city—his friends have been literally
crushed at the late election.
For tlio House of Assembly, Seventy-one Van Duren
Democrats have been elected, and Id Harrison Whigs,
There will probably be two added to the former, and
nine to the latter, making a majority in 100 members
of FORTY SIX.'! for Van Rukkn.
These Gentlemen llhigs,arc the NorthemDemocracy.
.Stand aside, and let tlic voice ofthc People be heard.
TiicIZanesville Aurora thus sums up the general
result, us far as ascertained at that central point on the
loth instant:
Hamilton b.isgiven about-150 majority forthe whole
Van Ruren ticket. Rutler 1-100, Knox 600, Coshocton
4-10, Morgan 300 and upwards, Wayne 900, Stark,
4 or500, and many other simlar majorities.
On the other baud Clark, Green Champ aigne,
Logan, aud many othercouuties, which have uniform
ly been aganist us, have gone os usual; though the
majorities in a number of them have been reduced. It
is now given up by the wiggies here that we will have
a majority of from ten to fifteen in the Legislature.—
Consequently, SOLITUDE EWING is permitted to
retire to solitude, therefore we hove gained our main
object. It is possible, we many lore our Governor,
but not probable.
We have little doubt of the State going for Van
Buren iu November.
None of the previous acconnts which have been
reeievod, make any mention of the state of parties in
the Legislature; except that above given. We think it
highly probable that Vance is elected by the heavy
majorities obtained by him in the congressional dis
trict so long represented by him. He has outrun
his party strength greatly in that section, hut we do
not neiieve however, that Harrison, who is defeated
in liii|whnlu d : strict, can caminanp any portion of the
democracy, which votes (or Vance from local and per
sonal attachment. Wc had calculated on the gain of
one member of Congress, but now believe the parties
will stand precisely a* they do in the present Con
“Am. tiik Dccenct."
The attempt made by some oftlie Northern Whigs
to mix polities with religion, is pitiful in the extreme.
'The other day itsuited some of these Wiseacres to pro
claim to the world that M. Van Buren was .(or is) a
Homan Catholic." If he were, we arc at a loss to see
how his religious sentiments could weigh a feather ei
ther for, or against him—much lens the charge of being
rolton.snmo religion, professed hv a Carroll of Car
ol" the (now the honored dead) a Taney,or an England,
weigh against him. Now, one of these dolts, to abuse
u Sect, whose unpretending and simple piety he can
not comprehend, gives vent to the iollowing discov
Prom the Vermont. Patriot.
•'Van IIl'iuen is sow said to bc a Mbtiiodist!—
This accountsroa ms having been bawmsg ‘Glorv’!
To agitate Abolition was bad enough, in cur opinion.
Some of the zealous whig* would, however, move
'•jlcavem Earth, and itself, to break down the
barriers of the Constitution, and with them, the liber
ties of the People. But that People, erelong, will plant
their feet upon such vile miscreants, though pampered
and cherished .by the party—no principles.—Utor-
been instrumental, more than any other man, in retain
ing them on our soil,to the great detriment and injury
of (lie citizens of Georgia.
bth. That while Gen. Jackson was a candidate for
the Presidency, Judge White opposed his election to
the United Situ to Senate, on the ground that no can
didate for that high officejnught to remain iu a situation
which gave him such opportunities for electioneering;
and yot that the Judge himself; since he has been run-
ing. to use the language of one, of his friends, “head
and tail up," for Presidency, has willingly himself been
elected a Senator in Congress.
9th. That since his nomination for the Presidency,
he has pursued a course in Congress utterly inconsis
tent with his former conduct, and plainly manifesting
that he has deserted his party and principles for the
hope of office. Southern Banner.
The following letter from Chapman Powell Esq. a
member elect from the county of creditable
to the head and heart of the patriot.
He is a Jackson man, and will not consent to see
the measures of the present administration overturned
by any political combination whatever, and has there
fore magnanimously surrendered all his own predilec
tions for the good of his country.—Standard.
Dkcatcr, De Kalb Co. Ga. Oct. £4, 1836.
Sib.—In lookingover the Southern Whig, publish
ed in Athens, I find that the Editor in making classi
fication of the members elect to the Legislature, has
thought preperto designate me a "White'’ man. The
object of this note is to correct such an impression, aud
to state that I cannot under any circumstance lend my
aid, in elevating to office, any individual hostile to the
administration, or one who would if elected give ennn-
tenunre to measures, in direct opposition to the prin
ciples brought into practice, and sustained by Presi
dent Jackson. I consider Judge White in the ranks
of the opposition, consequently feel myself bound to
sacrifice ivliatever prejudices I may entertain in fa
vour of a Southern candidate, partici larly, when that
candidate lias no claims to my support except such as
arise from sectionnl considerations alone. I remain Sir
your friend aud obedient servant.
From the Federal Union.
The letter from Mr. Forsyth, which we have been
permitted to publish, is of the most conclusive charac
ter, and ought to dispel every distrust of Mr Van Bu
ren, which may have been felt by any southern man.
Several citizens of Baldwin, old acquaintances of Mr-
Forsyth, and each of whom owns a large number of
slaves, believed that Mr. Forsyth would be able to in
form them with certoiuty, whether their estates would
be endangered by the election of Mr. Van Buren to the
sresidency, or whether the South would have reason to
"eel safe under his administration. To their enquiries
.Mr. Forsyth gives explicit and satisfactory answers.
We have two remarks to make on this testimony.
1st There has been a very close intimacy between
Mr. Forsyth and Mr. Van Buren. The feelings, inten
tions and plans of Mr. Van Buren nre better known to
Mr. Forsyth, we believe, than to any other man. The
Secretary of Suite is well acquainted with the subject,
in relation to which he testifies.
2d. .Mr. Forsyth is a southern man, aud a gentleman
of such firm and elevated diameter, that we may feel
assured his opinions are well founded, and his state
ments strictly true.
Wo believe that no rational and candid man will
question the truth of his statements, or reject the opin
ions which he lias formed of Mr. Van Burcn’s course
in relation to the abolitionists. This letter gives us an
assurance in which we may safely rest, that Mr. Van
Buren Is a friend of the South; and that when ducted
to the Presidency, the measures of his administration
will conform to the wishes and interests of the South.
As a northern man, his liberal, and enlightened, and pa
triotic course on a question which involves the vital in
terests of the South, gives us a certain aud glorious
pledge of the perpetuity of the Federal Union.
this last place a detachment of300 Tennessee Volun
teers under Col. Giji proceeded, who returned in the
evening with 3 killed and 7 wounded, by a shot from
an unseen foe, unable to cross the creek tram the depth
of water.
Maria Monk.—The New York Commercial Adver
ser contains a long and interesting narrative, by •> “*
1mm 1.. Stone. Em;, the intelligent editor of that pa-
Thc nkn body continued their march to the river, per of an examination made by"hlmscK
and on reaching the banks, after passing the mostvil- of the Convent of the I , they being
" horseback found the company with two or three other person.,, they neing
horseback, ,ounuu ! 0 l adm P ted J iRtothec i oJster> w ith instructions that they
should be permitted to examine every apartment, by
v 0 I • os* .i. r»: J _r If *^.1 Af- Stn
mortified that a barrier so unluoked for was thrown in
our way, a few shot were fired from the other side and . Ac exposurc ofimpossibilities. Nor
It was with amA difficulty that the impetuosity of onr e g farthcr tiiem . I might
mid be restrained the firing was. con" ^ indeed write a volume as large as her own, in the cx-
* .1 _ — n r«Un nMilt.tii Jinnno inpfMicicti'nciPs n n n r.ontra-
Apalachiola, October, 19.
The steamer Meridian arrived at this place from
Tampa Buy ou Monday last. There had been no
fighting in that quarter since our former dates. The
deputation of friendly Indians which had been sent
out to hold a talk with the hostiles, and induce them
to come to term without further fighting, had returned
to Tampa, without having been able to effect any
thing.—Harjo the head of the) deputation, reports that
he limed the Chief of the Seminoles in a hammock
within the Withlacoohce Swamp, which was sur
rounded on all side by deep morasses, ponds and an
almost impracticable underbrushwood, with ashe -cal-
cuated, about 3500 of their people, men, women and
children. On the proposal being made to Oseola to
lay down his arms and retire to the Westward—the j was w , ^
reply was firmly and decisively; “Never; the iand | lant band marched to the banks, two feet deep “iwa-
is ours, and we will die on it.’'—They boasted ter, and after much ineffectual firing, which, our oft-, --- close ty, pro &acted narrative, by expresing
of having beaten off other armies of the Whites, and | cers obspryccj, wasonlyusefulm gettm^rffijOfanumi- ^i em „ opinion, founded not only u
Qrt the opposite side.
ue opposite sum. aouu. VhnmT I refutation I have given the great and essential
l ZTZ\’ jSfjE la-1 turcs ofher work, the minor and less important fabn-
cations fall to the ground of course. I will tnreforc
... ... •— m y
cut preparations against them. 1 —*« nthp ,nff wmmr
muon orwincfi we nau too muen, m y own careful examination, but upon tire firmest
sound of the bugle, Major Gordon, being wounded in c( £ victions 0 f licarl lythe entire population pf Montreal
_ . . the breast by a spent ball. in t j. e : r a , I embracing the great body of the most intelligent evan-
FromtAsSt. Augustine Herald Oct. 20. TJ>e army, thus foiled by the " a ‘« 1 “ 1 a b ‘,gelical Christians, THAT MARIA MONK IS AN
IMPORTANT BROM THE ARMY. to cross , 11,0 rlv F r * an , d « nd “ e at a “ n *'V ARRANT IMPOSTOR, AND HEft BOOK IN
By the Steamboat Dolphin, Capt. Pcnnoyer, which and almost without rations, had but one ot 1two cour- ITS ESSENTIAL FEATURES, A TISSUE
arrived tliis day, direct from Garev’s Ferry we have sesto P u « ac - The first was to fall back to Black tree* op CALUMNIES. However guilty the Catholics
received the following interesting sketch oftlie move- or Volusia for supplies—or to advance onward * may {, e j„ ot her respects, or in other countries, as a
inents oftlie army from the time it left Suwance Old of ‘ h , c nver to communicate with Genera lKcau ^ of honor and r profeiBor c f the Protestant faith
Town up to yesterday morning, and wc are induced or Colonel Lane, to obtain provision there, 1fie last | j MOgT SOLEMNLY
to lay tiiem immediately before our readers. course was preferred by the Gen. and by a cpuncil ot
Gov. Call left Suwanee Old Town, with the Ten- war and the march was commenced—greatly 1to our
ncssee Brigade, under Gen. Armstrong, and the Mid- disappointment, no depot was established, at the point
die Florida Volunteers, on the 28th Sept On the »Hh s ° peremptorily ordered, and the arjny was directotno
lie attacked and routed a party cf Indians and killed 4; fo, n Drone and Gary’s terry. Luckily the rnaino j t
a l-i uiumiw ami hiucu4 ; 7. . —-v - ’T • . . :• • a. ’ n# i nve was placed in me nanus
to, late on the evening oftlie 2d ofthc expeditipn was effected, a junction was tormea wiA Maria 3Ionl?>
up their camp at Fort Drone with Col. Lane, who crosspdthe \\Mnd ■c J ofsoine ofherfriends, and wi
New-York, Oct. S, 1836,
In a postscript, Mr. Stone states that after his narra
tive was placed in the hands of the printer, he had an
k, at the .arnest solicitation
with Frances Partridge, “a
newly escaped nun,” who came to confirm her state
ments. He was fully convinced, from the short exam
ination which he gave them, that neither of these wo
men was ever within the walls of the Convent of tbe
Hotel Dicu, and that they were both lying impostors.
•ic arrived at Fort Droue,
Oct the Indians broke ubiuv.. «•«>,» run uiuuci . . ---- ------ .. , -
and fled during the night. On the 3d October, Col. Gaines battle ground on the- - J miles above our
Cuthbert with tiie Florida Volunteers, on his march encampment, having been governed m Ins ' ar c?V“X i menLs .
:o Santa Fc bridge, attacked a small party, of Indians, the sound our artillery, as we fired daily a g
and killed five. On the evening of the 4th of October. g nn - „ . » f „_„
Maj. Pierce, received orders Iron. Gov. Call to join Thus has ended fora time our operations. Many
him at Fort Drone, with all his disposable force, and J horses have been lost, and must be rep la ^‘k
with ibis wagon train and as much provisions as’ '" *
could transport for tlic army. . i«u™. j-—| postscript to uol istone s j\anauve oi nis mvesuga-
Major Pierce marched on tlic 5thin the morning at | the mcjins to assail it. We nave | tion of MariaMonk’s pretended disclosures. It is suf-
3 o’clock, and arrived at Fort Drone on Satu ‘ " L ‘ ’ J * ’ ° n ' ' ’
Cth, with ten days provision forthe Tennessee
Gov. Call, marched on Mondav, the 8th for tiie With-1 tlicrc is a large peace party iu uie nw™ ITaUniil I doned woman and her infatuated supporters.
Ircoocliy, taking a new direction with a view to sur- have sent in an envoy, but from dread thal w . ^ j v Postscript.—Since the copy of the foregoing narra-
prwe the Indians; to do this, it was necessary to cut a shoot him. They tell us that their powder is i < y i ^ p| acec | in the hands of the printer, at the ur-
new road for tlic Artillery and wagoa train, tor niorc exhausted, and above ail that the two headc ue s, e solicitation of some of tiie friends of Maria Monk,
fhan 50 miles, which was performed by the h^.ttallion of most warlike and the most hostile, next to I oweil, tnc j | iavc j, at j aii interview with her together with the
!i00 artiller)' under Major Pierce, in 5 days, and al- one ofthc Miscasukics, the other ot tlic Long owainp new jy escaped nun, as she calls ljersplf, Frances Part-
1 hough attended with considerable fatigue, was crow- tribe, were killed by Maj. Pierce at |ort inane—,rom I ^dgc, who has arrived in season to confirm all Maria’s
ned witli s»ecess, and on the morning of tlic lgth, the flint or some other cause, perhaps, thedefection ot | statemcut; . j and a jj di V(!r s other tales of terror ofher
advanced guard surprised and attacked a large party the Creeks. YVe believe that there is {lisceiition | own The result is, that so far from giving me reason j 1fl ,
of Indians, routing and dispersing them, killing 13 war- among them, that their war spirit is broken, and that ^ a j tcr as j n „j c |i ne tijat I have written, I would add n d • »ao= i
riors and taking 12 female prisoners. they will be whipped, humbled, and perhaps shippeij I tot i, e j; m . c ofmyeon'tradietions oftlie calumnies con- i i ’
Thi> itoTt tmimincT Ip.'trninvfrntn thn Tnilini) lirNnilPm I |)(>fofC Christin&S. A high Spirit pre\ tills 111 OUT | tainorl in tha Awful nicrlneimta ” if lnn*rnnsrf» YVnilld ! ^ ’ f
the little thing to build a fire, hang on the tea-ketle an<t
have it boiled before she rerurned. She was obli-od.
hang on the empty kettle, and then dip in the witer
accommodate the severe task to her strength. YVlV]
doipg tli* s her clothes caught fire, and she was jh-J j
to death. They called her Maryj"Jane Waters.
Another little girl perished by a similar accident bw
lingered for a longer time, and was buried on tbe sains
day with Mr. Anderson’s. These arc three loud an*’
repeated warnings to parents and children. Pittsburt
Saturday Eve, Visitor. °
Highway robbery, murder, arson, housebreaking and
theft arc succeding each other rapidly in Quebec, ty,
mentioned in Monday’s paper a cruel case of nirinvav
robbery on the Carougc road on Saturday; the = pla c {
was, however, indistinctly laid, it was at the brook be.
tweeu Spencer Wood and Mr. Shepherd’s, On Mon-
day, a peaceable inhabitant of St. Johns suburbs, Auto-
nie Belaudet Darose, the father of a family of five youn*
children, who, with his wife, depended on his labor for
their support, was killed by a blow with a bludgeon
near St. John’s gate, between 7 and 8 o’clock in the
evening, when he was returning to his work at Mr.
Turner’s bake-house, Fabrique street, where he has
long been foreman. The same night an attempt at nr.
son was made at Messrs. Gilmours’ property, at Well’s
Cove, and every night there are thefts and attempts at
housebreaking. Quebec paper, Oct. 12.
From the Baltimore American.
A correspondent of tae New York^American, under
the signature of “A New Englander," presents some
valuable and pqrious statistical information as to the
mortality among whites and blacks, i slaves and free,
deduced from the bills of mortality of the cites of New
York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, during the yean
1820, ’21, ’22, ’23, ’24, ’25, and ’26.1 The. following
arc his calculations:
Annual deaths among whites in New York.
To population (black excluded) as one in 49.17
Do. in Philadelphia* “ “ 39.06
Dc. in Baltimore, “ “ 30.99
Deaths among blacks in New York as “ 19.01
Do. in Philadelphia, “ “ 19.52
Do. in Baltimore, “ “ 39.90
Deaths among free blacks in Baltimore to
population (slaves and whites excluded)
Do. among slaves.
The next morning learning from the Indian prisoners . , * ... .-
that there were Indians on tiie opposite batik of the harmony between the regulars and volunteer militia,
Withlacooohy, and that there were two places where and zeal, courageand ardour throughout all.
the Indians were in tiie habit of crossing *J*e Governor In addition to the above the Herald has the foliow-
resolvcd to cross ^practicable and capture tiiem. On j n g
our arrival we found tiie waters swollen over its banks,
tained in the “Awful Disclosures,” if language would
allow of it; for if I before had entertained the least lin
gering fragment of a suspicion, that I could in any
respect have been deceived, this interview would have
done all away. The friends of Maria have looked up-
MiUedgtville, October 28, 1836.
Dear Sir: The position which you have occupied
for many years leads us to believe, that you are well in-
it: Tl
formed in a matter deeply interesting to us as owners of
slaves, and in relation to which our neighbors and
friends, with tiie whole South, feel intense solicitude.
It has been said, by some, that Mr. VAN BUREN is
not opposed to the schemes of the abolitionists that his
election to tiie presidency will encourage these fanatics
to prosecute their notorious attempts; and that under his
administration the rights of tiie slave-holding States will
not be safe. On this most important subject we arc onx-
iuus to obtain the best lights within our reach; aud we
believe tbat your official relations to Mr. VAN BUREN,
and tlic long continued and very intimate intercourse
which wc understand that you have had with him, will
enable you to give ns more correct information than we
can obtain from any other source. We request tiiat
you will state to us, what you believe to be the feelings
and intentions of Mr. Van Buren, in relation to the ab
olition question; and, if he shall be elected to the pres
idency, how far his administration may bc expected to
conform to the wishes and interests of the Soul
tliis vital subject.
With high regard, your fellow citizens,
Major Pierce marched on the 5tiun the morning at I on dle arl .j va i anc i confirmatory statements of Miss
tiie approach to it covered with a dense under growth, I o’clock, and arrived at Fort Drone on Saturday the Patridge as a god-send: but if they are ever brought
and flooded for quarter of a mile with from one to three (It h, with ten days provision for the Tennessee brigade. t 0 their right minds upon this subject, they will lament
feet water. The advance entered the hammock and | Uov. Call, marched on Monday, the 8th for the \\ ith-1 bitterness of heart, that they ever had any thing to
‘ L “ ‘ ‘ into the de-
them, in pro
, _ . friends—clerical
was found impracticable to operate to advantage on t ban 50 miles, which was performed by the battalion of ant ] | a j c a l. Suffice it to say, that their imposture
horseback, and the men were ordered to dismount.— 200 artillery under Major Pierce, in 5 days, and <ti- in ten minutes rendered as apparent as tlic sun at n
Major Gordon then with 200 dismounted men entered though attended with considerable fatigue, was crow- d a y. 1 am now more tree and bold than ever to de
theftiammock, marched through itto the bonk and there n cd with success, and on the morning of the 12th, the dare, that neither Maria Monk, nor Frances Patridge,
a smart engagement took place, which, tasted about 30 i advanced guard surprised and attacked a large party! has ever been tcitftin the trails of the Content of the Hotel
miuutcs, in which the gallant Major Gordon, and some oflndians,routing and dispersing them, killing 13 war- Dieu. So ignorant indeed is Fr '
others were wounded. The river was deep and rapid riors and taking 12 female prisoners
and found tobc impracticable for cither horses or men
Charleston, Oct. 26
Lt. Col. I Jinc, commanding the detachment offriend-
Froncis Partridge of th e
very large block of buildings—assigning a passage
and stair-way entrance into the Hotel Ditu from Notre
Dame street! Nor was this a mere lapsus lingua:.—
I gave her time to recover ; Maria—for they assisted
’ prompting each other—gave her a kind hint to re-
ver herself, but she did not “take,” and three times
. _ __ , . _ . __»tinctlydid she repeat the fatal mistake. In the
the passage of the river being improcUcuble, owing to j mjshrs with the Seminoles, and burnt their villages— I course of various other questions, she stated that with-
tiie swollen stream, tiie Governor found it necessary W as ordered to Fort Drone by Gov. Call, and two hours 1 j n fier knowledge, a new stone wall had been erected
to march for the mouth of Withlacooche, where lie ! 3 f'tej-his arrival there (about the 20th inst,) connnited I across a particular cellar, during the late summer.
, J — 1 — J — J J * . -oj. . r." . i” ~ c ■ •- ■ -• ■> ■ -«-! j — .i i The story was untrue. On being asked which of tiie
cellars had been newly white washed during the pre
sent season,she replied that they all had been tliorougli-
Thc troops were therefore recalled. At tiie same time
a similar operation was going on at tlic other crossing
place, three miles distant, with similar results, that at
tlic latter place we lost three killed and “
fi ve or six ]y 750 Creek warriors, arrived at Tampa Bay, fought I cover herself, bui
wounded. ’ Our provision being nearly exhausted, and | his way to the Withlacoochce, having had two skir-1 distinctly did she
* * * * " - • • nwitlfr to I ? .I *1 <1 ml hnnit tlioir villniriN-— I i* .
south, on
we found no provisions, and wc had no alternative lint slIccec j him.
to march to Garcy’sferry for a supply. Ou tliis march
our men experienced some sufferiug for want of pro
visions, but on tlic morning of tiie 19th Maj. Pierce in
advance, arrived at Garey’s Ferry, and on tiie same
day caused rations for tiie supply ofthc whole army to
bc'trousported to meet the troops at Santa Fc bridge
about 25 miles. The Creek Indians liavc arrived at
Fort Drone
ly whitewashed throughout, this season; tiiat she had
herself assisted in whitewashing tiiem; and asked
Maria, if they nad not forme rly been engaged in that
work. To which Maria assented. Now it is a fact
that neither of the cellars of the Hotel Dicu has ever been
whitewashed at all! neither the present year, nor in
brig Caroline, Captain Pinckney, .which arri- years past. Not a particle of white wash has been used
terday from Gibraltar, brings advicesfrom tiie beneath the first story, and the walls arc as bare of
From the Baltimore Republican.
, ved yesterday ,, .
Wc shall soon bc prepared to take the j Spanish capital ten days later than betore received.— lime as when taken from the quarry! The examina-
field with our brave Tennssecans, with ample supplies, 'pj, C y reach to September I6th. tion was pursued, especially with Maria, until tiie proof
J “* The new Ministry had been completed by the up- was clear as the light, that they were both, in all res-
pointnientofSenor Lopez to the Ministry of Interior, pects,lying imposters. Under these circumstances, I
and Mendizabel to that of Finance. I gave my views to the gentlemen present, and begged
Letters of tiie 14th from Malaga, state that a new Jqn- them to discard them at once. But as I thought they
ta had been formed there, which was acting indepen- appeared tolplaco more confidence in their word than
• ’ They had abol- i n mine, I retired. They urged me to stay longer;
treasuries but I told them it would do no good. The fact was
bells lrom | nowfunqustionable lhat they hadlnever been in tile Con-
and wc shall then conquer the enemy aud close the
Sxvax.n’au October 6.
Sparta, October 29th, 1836.
Thomas Xoughon, Farish Carter, Green H. Jordan,
WUliam Sat ford, Benjamin S. Jordan, Esqs.
Gentlemen: Your letter of yesterday’s date, was put |
into my bands this morning as I was about to leave Mil-
ledgeviUe for this place. It was therefore "out of my
power to reply to it before this afternoon. My intimate ]
acquaintance and constant intercourse with'Mr. Van
YVe are happy X* see that the Judge is detei mined
-to \iudicute Himself whenever “ unjustly accused.”
Wo will here state some oftlie charges that have been
made against him, uiim; of which have beeusoloug pub
lished, that the Judge has had ample time to contradict
them if "uiijnst." As he has not done so, it is fair to
suppose by his own ilocisratiou that he admits their
-truth, lt is charged against him—
1st. Tiiat in August, 1835, he voted for Thomas
Frazicr.jbr member of the Tennessee Legislature, and
that Mr. Frazier presided at a meeting wliich advoca
2d. That Judge While was the attorney and conn
*elIor ofaii abolition society established in the neigh,
tnirhood, known as tiie “sneiety of tiie friends of hum
anity and that he on one occasion! drew up uu ad-
sfirtssiur said society.
• W That although the Legislature of Tennessee lias
been frequently ha missed with .pctiiioiudbr the abo-
1/feon of slavery. Judge Whitt has never been known
P» open his iireuth against them.
Aih Thms i.. ha»- always fiejm considered favorable
ccsslul in procuring.all the material necessary for the
prosecution of the war.
From the Herald—Extra, Oct. 21
YVe are pleased to learn tiiat Gov. Call has confcr-
cd upon Maj. Pierce the appointment of Quartermas
ter General. We led satisfied that tlic office could
uot be in better hands. He proceeds immediately in
the Dolphin, to Savannah and Charleston, with dis-
Boren, for more than ten years, enable ine to state to I cretionary powers to procure every requisite for the
you, that his feelings oil the abolition question are siniil-1 Army.
ar to those of every honest man south of the Potomac, I From the same.
who holds in unqualified abhorrence the designs of tiie To the Editor oftlie Florida Herald,
abolitionists, and the means pursued to accomplish I Sir:—As it is desirable to your readers and to tiie
them. He has faithfully exerted his pe ’—‘ * —
cal influence to thwart tiiem heretofore:
his intentions are ever to do so. If I had (be smallest rea-1 the follow'ing short, but correct, statement furnish
son to doubt, that, if elected to the Presidency, his ad- C! j by one who was with him.
ministration would not conform in tills matter to the (j„ i(ie 2dtii, tlic Governor passed tlic Suwannee,
wishes and interests of our State, he should receive, a t the Old Town, with 1250 Volunteer Tennesseans
notwithstanding tiie personal relations between us, my j UU( | J25 Floridians, all jnounted. (He had ordered an
most inveterate opposition. No one deserves tobe sup- abundant supply .of rations and forage, wliich was then
ported here, vvhose opinions ou that vital question are I afloat, at the mouth of that river,but owing to tiie sick-
at all equivocal. .ness of the crews of three steamboats lying in the river,
I am, gentlemen, with great respect, your obedient I Jmd not been brought to the depot. Such was the ini-
servant. JOHN FORSYTH. I patience of the Volunteers to find the enemy that they
prepared to make a sudden rush on tiie foe, presuming
mirotioiTof our readerol - WcliopeThathe wUl besuc-1 Beceilc. I leave; pained that men of sense should shoiv such a
- . • ■» f i c •»._ I On the 12th, Gomez, was m Uticl, and had been spirit, and allow themselves to be made such egregi-
joined by Quiloza, Esperanza, and El Sorrador.
prisoner Lopez had attempted to escape, but fa’
General Alaiz left Cuenca for Uticl, in pursuit ...
mez, on tlic 13th. Thus it seems that Madrid ts relie- captive silly women.” The case is here reversed.—
ved from tiie unpleasant vicinity of the Carlists. “Silly women’" arc “making captive” men of sense.
Important despatches are said to have been received How melancholy to see grove theologians, and intclli-
from I’arisat Madrid, on the 15tli; supposed to an-1 gent laymen, thus pinning themselves to the aprons of
But enough.
YV. L. S.
nounce definitely the line ofconduct to be pursued by such women!
the French government _ I
Don Manuel Aguilar lias been appointed envoy cx- DESPATCH,
traordinary and minister plenipotentiary to England. YVe were yesterday, says the New Y'ork Gazette, an
A number of patriotic societies had been formed in | eye witnes to a specimen of despatch, which, had it
• • “ * •' * ’ ’ J '— — ■* action, we should have
operation, at
of reducing wheat
Arrangements were in progress, throughout tire I in straw to baked bread in ten minutes. The process
kingdom, forthe sale of the property of the religious was as follows: Twelve bundles of straw were placed
committees, the produce to be applied to the expenses in a machine in the garden, which came out threshed
of the war. inanimate and a halt. The winnowing was effected
The Carlists and Christinos were in proximity not J in a minute; the grinding and bolting occupied a min-
far from Y'ittoria, the former occupying the left, and | ute and a half; the dough was kneaded, and the cakes
,,,.r J!!, As ‘ t „ U dcs, , e y° ur r “- crs a P, t0 110 the capital. On the 14th a royal order was issued lor not fallen under our own inspection, we sho
-re- i. public generally, to learn the operations ot tiie army tlle . )a ^ ujent 0 f t i, e halfyearly interest of the domestic beep sceptical in believing. It was the opei
re and, Jam sure, commanded by Gov. Call, you wUl be pleased to pub- | ^ a .. ablc tlial day / J the fair of the American Institute, ofrcducin
lad the smalk*st rea- the short, but correct, statement furnish- J - .t .i._ I 1 1 I -j:.. mi.
_ This calculation presents some very important facts,
first, the great disproportion between the deaths amorr
the whites and blacks, and second, the still more sto
king difference between those of tiie free blacks and
slaves of the city of Baltimore. It speaks volumes in
ftivor of tiie care bestowed on the slaves by their mas
ters, who, it seems, have only half the chance of living
which the slaresjhcrnse!;‘es hate, and the mortality among
the latter is only one-fourth as great as among thefne.
blacks of our own city. Indeed, in the year, 1834, there
was but one death tc 102 of tiie slave population in
but one in 88.73. The aver-
for six years, is as stated a-
Again, in the country ofMiddlescx, Y'irginia, calcu
lating for a population of 2000, there arc none of the
free colored people who have attained the age of ICO
and upwards, while of the slaves there are 18.7. In
l’rincicss Anne county there are24, and in Orange20,
to the same proportion ofstave population. 1 Through
out the United States,according to the last census, there
are 14. 1 in a population of 20,000 slaves, who Shave
reached the age of 100 and! upwards, and-but 1.02 a-
mong the same numberof the free. ’ According to the
reports of interments for the. city of Baltimore, for tlic
years 1831 and 1833, it appears that ‘eight persons at
tained the age of 100 and upwards, where of serr.n were
colored, whose united ages amounted to 759. It is al
so a fact well ascertained, tiiat the slaves in the princi
pal slavcholding States double their number in some
thing less than28 years,’while it is evident that the free
colored population would actually become cxbuct in
tiie course of a few years, were their numbers not
recruited by constant accession from the slave States.
The Boston Post says that a Portland doctor has dis
covered an effectual cure for the tooth-ache. It is: Fill
your mouth with cream and then bump your head a-
gainsta wall till it turns to butter.
Mode of resisting the attacks of Dogs. YVe find tho
following advice in De Bereger’s' Helps and Hint'.
When you are attacked by dogs look at them with
your face"from between your opened legs, holding the
skirts away, and running at them thus backwards,grow
ling angrily, most flogs seeing so strange an animal, the
head at tho heels, the eyes below the mouth, &c. are so
disiqayed tiiat with their tails between their legs, they
arc glad to stamper away, some howling with af
A Mathematical Idea of Honor. A graduate of Cam
bridge gave another the lie, and a challenge foUoivid.
The mathematical tutor of his college, the late'Mr. 1.
heard of tiie dispute and sent fqr the youth’ who told
him he must fight. “ Why!" said the • mathematician
lie gave me the lie.” “ Y'ery well, let him prove it;
if lie proves it, you did lie, and if lie floes not prove if,
lie lies, Why shojild you shoot one another.’ Let him
prove it.
A Blade She
An ecclesiastical council convened
i ecp.
at YVestborough, last week, to examine the case of the
Rev. Mr. Phinney, pastor pf the church in that place,
preferred against
hood; and remo
ved him from the Christian ministry. He attempted no
defence, and was not present at the sitting of the coun
cil. New Era.
the latter the right bank of tiie Ebro.
“ LIVERPOOL, Sept. 21.
“ YVe had but a quiet market on Monday and yester
day—-the sales of the two days not exceeding 4500 bides,
I formed,' in two minutes. The whole contents of the
twelve bundles were placed in a kitchen range, anil
came out thoroughly baked in four minutes; making
in the whole, ten minutes. The cakes were distribu
ted round, aud they only wanted the aid of a cooler,
From the .V«M Evening Post. I that they might be surprised; and although uu express I rv toi'llena better _ demaS mid prices I and a few pounds' of Goshen butter, to have been
YVhen Mr. Jones, of North Carolina, entered tiie Sa-1 ** Gen. Itced, then at the Old lown, overtook the . ? , . - . The business amounts to about swallowed in another minute, without the aid ofmas-
, are about i higher. The business
5000 bales, of which about 800 bales American onspe- ucation.
dilation. „ LIVERPOOL, Sept. 21. | In a long and elaborate article on cotton manufac-
loou at Niblo’s, during the great Harrison debauch of Governor within 10 miles from that post to inform him
last night, die Whigs rose in a body from their seats and foe reception of a full supply of every tiling wanted
received him with three cheers. Afier tliis most gra- by the army, both officers uiul men expressed a dcci-
cious salutation he addressed them, and in the course of Jed unwillingness to delay their march. On their route
his address made one important disclosure,which the to Comp Drone, seven Indians were killed, and lew.
Democrats of North Carolina might as well know be- if any, discovered by tiie spy guard in advance, csca- ' e O’
fore the November election. Ho admitted and distinct- ped tiie unerring shot of the Volunteers. nf wnrknntin ch»ZofNovember. A I millions, whilst in the United States there were only
Iv announced, tiiat tiie Whig party of North Carolina On tlic 1st of October, the Governor reached I ort j l- i L i iad i, erc tewlav consid- 0,10 million and seven hundred and fifty thousand; and
was ready to go for Harrison in the event of White be- Drnncand ftmnd fefi'W.oifte q W Wliburm..g,- Mgrto^ayconna year, there were imported into
Ug out of the question. Now, h,, and all his party at They had escaped,fl,e.r women and children by a altCTwenoticeno this country, cotton go'ods, from England, to the value
home, pretend to lie people, that they have no one in few hours only, and but for tiie accidental escape ot a , lr .cesto SrtainlvInore ? easily obtained by of $8,200,000; from France, $1,100,000; and from
view hut Judge YY lute, and that their electoral ticket W found about \V aroliouta, who was hotly pursued, “ .^ Mo^ey Market in Loiolo.fdocs not bef- Germany, of $300,000, making a total of $9,600,000.
is pledged to bis support. Thus it is. you sen:, the peo- ■ butm vain, we should liave surnnsedand uerhans des- I nol<Jl -r B . iiic .uoney .sa kc 1 > w* -' 1 • - ' .mb .< r
pic are tricked. ONEYVHO WAS PRE8ENT.
1 Ride and Tie."—IIow aptly is this phrase illustra-
butin vain, wc should have surprised and perhaps des
troyed tliis whole gang of Alicasuckics, with l’owell at
their bead. As it was, four oftheir number were run
down and killed.
The army remained encamped at Fort Drone until a
rts frot-i
000 to
India and Africa, $215,000 to China, and $86,000 to
the West Indies—Baltimore American.
to tb
indidste for tho Presidency,
otlie. That on one oecarion the vote of afree Qcgro
was ohjerwd to on the ground timbe Jjad not paid his
luxe*, knd. that Judge U’hitu paid the ,n)onty and in
Wstud upon his voting.
Bth. That at an etsition in KnnxvHj* in 1825
i the an-
# of Baldwin
•nmy, Ucnrpia. n gentleman well known in that
US’ h.iurhnod a* one of high character nnd uniinpeach-
abl • voracity, aud who was an Knoxville at the
’ fhat •** b«s expressly stated that THE
JpaazBSis<; all the powers or
attorney and confidential adviser of John Ross, ho has
to tho gradual a|>oli-io!iof slavery,’ and that he has
liever raid iiuy thing against it, until since ho was a
* .YlitllUl, .I.YU IV .lUilM* Y V I JL 11
T'lY’HK POLLS! This statement L« made,on i
ahority of BENJAMIN L. LESTER, Esq. 0 fB
e quote
ted by the couree wliich the Bank Whfcs Federalists I . Th* »nnyre*Mmed encampt-datForlDroneuntU. | a lair to ? ood ,:ur 10 i a Ui ’
and Nnllifiers.arc now pursuing in regard to their can- J’V‘ c f u ^ co , uid ^ e ^ cted T ‘‘ 1lhen “M “ LIVERPOOL, Sept. 20.
didates for tiie Presidency. Find, they saddle the White SSto fa ffidherdy “The roles of Cotton lust week were 23,700 bales, I RACE EXTRAORDINARY.
W ! d ' af, f r .i! e r l i‘ e . an d becomes ja- . . Mi-rht'ofd'hat 10 o’clock au exnre<s 3000 ol ^'which were on speculation, 2100 for export. YVe understand, some time last week, six Lawyers
< lf^ , nm n ^wfeeliiig rider, “ties, and mounts I . j . ». • ^ * »•» ir • The import was only 3434 bales, leaving our stock 35,- and the Judge, on their way to Lincoln Court, in this
the old I arilhte and Abolitionist, “ Hamaon;” and thus j - . ,.^‘v vj/oridinns'liid rcLchod the ifitcr nlace hales short of last year. Uplands .range from 8 a State, were jogging along quite leisurely, in indian-iile,
tiwy go on nmwo and rnxc.YVebster, White and Har- “ on .? ,at lOOIIondmns had reached tiicjultcr place Bea Islands Is 8d to 3s 3d!” when the fifth horse became alarmed it sometliiug in
rison. But they are all unsound nags-are either “wind to aid m escorting provissums to Camp Drone—at]12 | 1 * u oca 1 '- ... ... • b - •
galled” or “spavined,” and mart be distanced bv the I ©clock, 2 Jjo«u» after the express tlic Major was in tho
Democratic steed, tiie “ V*v Bluev,”—Raltigh Reg.
the road, and started, upset the gig, threw out tiie dri-
addle,and his whole command on the move. It is zeal I Age of Jhe World.—At the meeting of the British As-1 '. er > and scattered hooks, papers, &c, in every dircc-
god energy like tins that the times require; it is tliis that j sociutiou, on Friday week, the only fact elicited was I {’ ow - He soonxame up with the fourth horse, who
Mrs. Anne Royal comes out lustilv in support of | ***nsd.c confidence ofthc GeuerM m chief and saves the declaration of Dr. Buckhmd* that *1^ years kept «-* J “J J" took tire
evening of tiie next day, major Pierce with his detach- j taiion to the two first chapters of Genesis. This an-1 _ seeing dread vantage their opponents had
uient, reached Fort Drone, and' ~ * " J r ‘
wearing petticoats. She thinks it an indispensable arti
cle for all old grannies, and therefore will not quietly
look on and see him defeated on that account. Verily,
tho old General has become tiie “ pet of the petticoats."'
Troy Budget.
Mr. YVebster is in Berkshire, making speeches at the
cattle sliow, ladies’ fair, and other places. If Mr. YVeb-
slcr, Gov. Everett, and Mr. John Reed, were only de
mocratic candidates, we should almosl
been running round the couiHiy eld
«ht-y aro tehigs, the tiling is impossible! YViiig candid
ates, you know, never electioneer, for themselves! Bos
ton Daily Advocate.
Nashville, Oct..
Internal Improvement Convention.—A Conveni;
7 or 8 days rations for his whole
of 65 miles.
With this supply it was deemed advisable to prest on
to tire Withlacooehy, pass it at the cove, if found for-1 A late English paper states that a certain Lorenzo
dahlc, and capture their women and children if the Giordano, of Finqiare, has found the meansof remain-
warriors shold elude us: or should the waters ot tire | j n g f or ^ hours at a time, in the deepest places at the
bottom of the sea, with the power of walking at the
1 rate of a mile an hour. For this secret he asks the sole
I right of doing this foe two years, and the half of what
ol the friendly Creeks. On tire way the advanced I he rinds in his sub-marine peregrinations.
; urd fell in with a small encampment of Mickasuc-
ries, the most yvaritke and hostile of the tribes, killed , 4n Fn „i;. h nnn „ Mwit! Th c Americans have been
ik d!
and although tiie five sulkies were all knocked into a
cock-hat, we arc happy to learn thc lawyers were
worse scared than hurt.—Constitutionalist.
... ’ „ . ~ . , ’~ , ’ . An English paper says: “ The Americans have been er was out. She ran in flame:
H l J™" "J? dld p n “ . fi r re a and took ^“"*4 turning their attention to the Black Sua, at last, and for assistance, which she dial.
: » «f .!? ““rggSCf to. 4- now on Iheir ™ Ann, Oi.n. „ *, l nind fully . t n™d d„„ ,l,o died d,
Distressing. A little girl, seven years old, by the
name of Frances July Anderson, daughter of Mr. An
derson, a teacher in this city, caught her clothes on fire
in attempting to toast a piece of bread, while her molt
"" ran in flames to the neighbors crying
not receive till so dread
fully .burned that she died the next day at 12 o’clock.
y. jj er p arent3 recently moved
ittle orphan girl, six years old. in
as also burnt to death by her
woman with whom she lived
early in tho piorningt aud ordered
Charleston, Ort. 26.
The ^Citizens were ajarmed this morning at half past
3 o’clock, By the’ cry of Fire, which was found to pn •
peed from tiie premises occupied by Mr. D. J. Dowling,
as a Job Printing Office, on the south side of Broad-st.
tour doors from the S. E. corner of King and Broai..
The wind blew fresh from the S. Blast, which with the
dryness of the weather, threatened destructive conse
quences from tliis conflagration, but by great exertions
on the part of all those connected with the Fire Depart
ment, tne flames were prevented from extending into
King street. This was highly fortunate, as many of the
houses in that vicinity are of wood. We liave not bten
aide to learn how the fire originated. The following
is tiie loss of property which has been sustained:—
A small two story wooden tenement, owned by Mr-
Mordccai Cohen, and occupied by Mr. D. J. Dowlingi
as a^Job Printing Office. ’’ ....
A large two story wooden tenement, owned by 31r.
M. Cohen, and occupied by T. I. Cooper, a free color
ed man, as a Shoemaker’s shop, and by a free colored
woman, as a confectionary.
A smrl! two story vvooden tenement, owned by
Cohen, and occupied by Messrs. Burke & Miller, as »
Job Printing Office.
Thu whole valued at about $7000—no insurance.
A three stoiy brick house owned by Mr. A. C. IM®»
and occupied Dy Cnpt. John R. Rogers as a dwelling-
Value $5000. Insurance $2500.
A two story and a half brick house at the comer ot
King and Broad sts. owned by Mr. Pennell, and occu
pied by Peter Brase, as a Grocery. Valued jit $50w-
Insurance $2000- Loss in stock of goods $5000. to-
surance $2500.
Messrs. Burke & Miller, lost their Press and a por
tion if their Type, and Mr. Dowling, all his I na, ‘^ j
materials, with a number of copies of valuable " or j
in press and just completed
TIONS - - • .hi.
The following is tiie result of the Elections in :
State, for Members of tbe next Congress:
For Charleston District Hugh S. Legare.
For Richland, &c. Franklin H. Elmore.
For Kershaw, &c. John P. Richardson/^
For Y’ork, Ac. W. K. Clovvncy.
For Edgefield, &c. F. YV. Pickens.
For Beaufort, Ac. R. Barnwell Smith.
For Fairfield, Ac. J. R. Griffin.
For Pendleton, Ac. YV. Thompson. "
In one District, viz: Georgetown, Marion, «x: •
result is not known.
A letter, supposed to have been lost, containing ’
sum of $21,01)0, which was mailed atNew-Onea®*,
June last, canre tc- band safely on Saturday,
been improperly sent to Ncw-l’ork and m ** > .
was doubtless thrown out of tire way by the ‘J 1 ® , , 0
with the Indians. It is matter of relief not o
Messrs. Sheffield A St. John, tovvhpm the letter
longed, but to the others upon whom suspicio I ___
have rested, that it has safely reached itsdestin-
Mobile Register.
It is our painful duty to announce the 5^“®
Rev. Asa Messer, D. D. LL. D., and for a , = *, d
the President of Brown University. He I ■-
life ou the night of the 11th inst. in the &- 1 - > '
age. He Presided over Brown University from
until iiis resignation in 1826, and condaefed th o,
of tiie College with a success highly honorable -
talents and learning. Providence Courier.
.Speaking in season. Henry Chapman, Es-J-^ (
field, says that he cannot consent to bp run as » ^ (
dato forCongrcss i Jfte should be nominated.