Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, November 10, 1836, Image 1
Terms of Subscription. Three OoUaI», paid in advance. mbl nay for the pa-1 iL«r r'lVE . >0LLARS, p«»d •* Rrfranee, i«R fELff t«» Jf«™' ' r * X !>'»»-«.*•«• J»«* ** uJeaaCe rill nan Ur the paper five yean. •(ini ,, iU wuhik the months after the year has .Ireetd Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum % If not paid until the end of the year, pair Dollar* per annum will be charged—with interest thereafter. of Advertising. Ader.ttisincnls not exceeding one hundred words, or 12 » lints, (considered a square,) will be inserted one L One dollar. IThen more than one insertion is U cents for the first, and 50 cents for each sub- ffiV;- hrger spate—payable' ipnirterlu Os r.U accounts for Advertising. Job Printing, fre (li f 0 r subscription. Interest will be c'mrged “irlan n' t stilled within the year WARE HOUSE •J.VJ9 co.Ti.nissia>.r bvseyess. Vyrick, Napier Ac Free- _'tnan inform their friends and the ^ -#i pH bite gen< rally, that the* are enlatg- iug their Ware House adjoining iheir store on Cotton Avenue, and will have it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence ment of the ensuing season. * “ FAIL ROAD STOCK. GRRF.ABl.Yto an act of the i-egudatare of-iha State of Georgia, books of subscription will be ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to Mate of «»eoi„ . _ them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or ®P en « d Foravth, on the third Monday m November orders to buy and sell -n the market, will be promptly next for 1500 »*»«* of !,tock *» ,l,e eontem*fe»#d Rail buy and sell ; n the market, will be promptly attended t '. They likewise inform those Merchants who forward their goods by Macon, that they have a large and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer chandize, and will receive and forward all goods con signed 'o them. Their charges in every in-lance will lifttfFsrS A* Ifarien JLiate of Packets. BRIG Macou, A. llibbins, Master. - Amelia Strong, Brown, *• « Darien, C P. Bulkey, “ « New Jersey, B. Matthews, “ •• Preiniutn, J. Couborn, “ “ (New) Schr. I). B. Crane. Baker, Freeman) loraied in the city of New York for the pur pose of affording the necessary facilities to their busi ness in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants and others who have business to transact in that city, that lib will be prepared to attend toauy Commission Business with which he may be favored. They em brace the present opportunity to return their gratotui acknowledgements to their friends and the public for past favors, and solicit a continuation of their patron age. In addition to their present stock, they will receive early this fall a fine asssrtment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton Bagging, expressly for this trade, hive experienced eaptaius B nd sail regularly once a week from each port. Vessels bound for Darien w I find Do tiny Bar easy of arcess: 19 to 21 feet .vat r will be found on the Bar at high water, the -ame depth con be carried with in six miles of Darien, 13 feel cubic t arried rip to the city. The anchorage in I>oboy sound nnd river is p irticnlnrlv safe and good, w ith ample room tor ves sels to carry otf the whole cotton crops, coming dow n the rivers to Darien. HAWES, MITCHF.LL & COLLINS. Agents Darien. Refer to James Goddard, Fsq. Maco.r. Oct 10. 1KW. 2 TWtroti Steam Boat Company. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Wiltcoz, do. EXCEL, •* J. L. Willcox. r jn IIIS company have now their line of Busts in it complete order for freighting. Titov have a new steamboat added to their line culled the Superior. anil ftt Tow-Boats. The B rats will run regularly hetwe n Macon nnd Darien, one of the sis.unboat* leaving Darien every live or six days w’ith low-boats. The company have now sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express ly for the navigation o r the Ocmulgee and Altainaha rivers; these increased facilities will enable the coin- puny the means of giving the greatest ..espatch to cotton or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise lietweetl Darien and Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are also, five first rate P ickets running regularly between Darien and New Yom, which come to Hawes A Milchel, of Darien. Agents for the. above Roots : J. GODDARD, Macon Bovce. Hkxrt ft- Walter, Charleston. 1,. UaLDWIV ft. Ce. Savannah, lliwrs, Mitchell A*. Darien, Geo. K. Roberts, Hawkinsville, Macon. Mth Dee;, I W Ocmul"re Strum sale on the most reasonable t -rms Macon. August 25 61 tf WARE HOUSE .intt Commission Business. The undersigned desire to intiirin their Friends uud the Public generally, that they continue the above business They are tnakitigsonie addition to their Ware hoii«Qv\ Inch ^conveniently situated on Second-street adjoining their store, they will he pre pared to make liberal advances on Produce or Mer chandise, either in store or to be shipped to Savannah. Charleston or New York. Their personal and individual attention will he de voted to selling cotton from the warehouse or wagon.' In addition to the above, they will continue the mer cantile bittiness at their old stand, and expect shortly to receive from the New York and Boston markets, a fresh supply of 3>rv Goods* Groceries, Hardware. Hats. Shoes, Ac. Ac.—w' ich will make ihoit assortment large nnd complete. By a strict attention to busine-s thpy hope to merit a »h ire of public patronage. - pt 15 64 (,| ORGF JFWFTT & CO. WARE MOUSE " —" co.n.jussiojy bisi.yess. ML undersigned will conliuuc to transact the above business in all its various forms at their old stand They will, as hitherto, make liberal advances on produce and merchandize in store, or to he slopped either to Savannah Charleston, New fork or Liverpool, and will devote the same personal and undivided attention to all business entrusted to iheir care, and particularly to that of selling cotton from the warehouse or wagons. Having disposed of their warehouse in East Macon, they will in future Road from Forsyth to West Point, in Troop county; and will be kept open for the space of sixty days.-— Five dollars per share will he required to be paid at the time of subscribing. Oct 29 5 2t H H. LUMPKIN. 1 D SANFORD, VComm’r*. LG. CABAMSS. S . removal. J.A. & Sis. VIRGIN hatch Makers 6? Jeieellers, Would inform their friends and the public, that they have remov ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently oc cupied by J H & W S l.llis,drug gists. where serve any who may favor them have in addition to'their former stock, just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of Watches* Jewelry, 4tc. of the latest fashions, w iich they will sell cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es capement. duplex, lepiue, alarm and vertical Watch es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, aas-’ - &u*TS, Ji.iTS, limits R nS»^SG“ A. Kl.lIBEftLY LSJ Eg 1r ULLY solid s the attention ot pur chasers to a very large assortinem of ii£ats ind Gaps, 'j? now oponipg at the store opposite the Washing-; Hail, u new mid handsome assortment ot j j Sndis? and fiitaiKW Ootliin?, ! ! which has been niadd*np by L'j'itch, and will be sold j ! datiap fbf cash, consisting id jv*vt of j inner black., brown, ^runa and ohvecumblett f. Coats, I •< *• * dress Coats j i -‘ •• “ *• bombazine, f. do. 1 -i *- n •• •• dress do. j ; ■< sun' u •* summer cloth, i am! white grass Lnen frock coats & coattees, I Brown aind wh.te GermaH anil French iineu do do. black and green btniiazjae * coats, pouts. French & German lin. do j bl’k iS: green cnmblett do lasting »V Circassian do ■ olive & brown do do Dutch and itiixt do which have been made b/him JIpT^“y for retailing, J I*r’'vn A; w hho grasslin do white :t;.d butt mersailles and are warruited to be of supenVr~slyIe "aiid”qiiahu * m> dnhiog do vests, ■ to any ever before offered in Macou; among ins ussori-,/ ! ° ' ^ 'np. cord do ^ do do- valentia do mem may be found, > liren\V doe smn no fig. dr rib. mersaulca do / crape drd. cr Imney comb piad & spotted do do pants. do As tig’d shelly do 1 merino, casimer. lasting do i tiglish i French silk do cajitoons and tiird do bl’k iV fig-d velvet do imers do Florentine and bombazine assortment ->r“ - do'. shape, nd style, J ~ y ‘J of comtnim- do^‘with a good assortment of Youths’ heaver aud’satin beaver haLs, latest fastimiu, j wh ' t ‘ & « ra!W short common Eur anti Cloth Caps, consisting tn’ Super fashionable black and drab heaver Huts, do broad brim do for eldeny men do fash do Uq satin beaver do H A W -i Mli« dniir- do A u black alnlilrah Russia beaver, i r u . the^ will he haniwfo " lde ’ wt ‘ ri,I,un ««rrow brims,otter, iiutna, musk- , c;,,: , h * n *' lnP , vhlVcaM P Tev I r f*’ taCCO ! m a,,d toD > bats of every variety of j ce ' !t ' r!,, with a call. Inev shane. nd stvle J 1 ! bf comtnoi super No J, Otter < nps. “* seal, mink, muskrat mid cony do mens and hoys lull top cloth caps, » » Rohinsou’s do do te- ,. acorn top celeste caps, children’s fancy silk caps, Ac.Jcc. A c. Fur capes, Pelerins, muffs and rulis, consisting of gold and silver ever potnled Pencils, silver table, tea, i chinchilla, lynx, sijuirrel, sable, ermine, geuett rab- 1 A ! " t,r cixxiclx salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and bit and swausdown. ’ “ ’ I cloths, >v!u cream Ladles—all of which will he warranted free ' Hats made to erder at shortest notice } tn?r«. fibfie' | Fine linnen and eotton shiits iiuuen and cotton j drawers, Angola nett shirts and drawers, Ac. Ac. ! Also, stocks, collars; bosoms, gloves, cotton, random, i linen, 1 black aVM white silk half hose, black horse skin, [ back skin, black and white silk and linen gloves, su-^- j penders, a variety, Spiltilfie'd pongee, flag and ban- [ oil hrfj ;s.'!ri!ian plaid tig’ci and red bordered cravhts. white d ~i strine ronsian belts', braces, fine brown linen, ,hens’ aprortr.) hi*ie, black and green broad hite drilling, bombazine, and merino cassi- hortest notice. ’ m.Te, foie p.-tliii leaf hafs. common do, children's leg - from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil- 1 Hat trimmings, alcohol and shellack, constantly on j !, orn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of ver.plated aud bronzed Candlesticks. Trays and S;mf- hand. Oct 2' } * WS’entc VSimsw.- i&jin.fs. ttr. ers, Musical Boxes, Accnrdiaus, Flutes, Flageoletts, ' ■* | Fifes. Drums, Ac. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and Pistols, among which is Ruggles’ pocket Kifie, that will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil Den tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and how Combs, Card ca ses, Pocket Books aud Purses, silver tSliulF boxes, sil ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt uud glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles usually kept iu their line. N. B. We have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can. and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in hi-- hands FpoonsAc- engraved- Oct- 1 FOR the VACO* OEORKIA TELM&tPli. The l‘a;tiu , 'i ear. When cull'd from thus*.' m- Invo p..rt, O, is iliore might on curtli » ore do** . TtiHii that u hieft speaks the faitlikii heart ? The enalfcc’ed purling n ;.r: There's iiauglit Ueiovy. Ihere'snaueht above, More dear than lhat true pledge cl love. Itepcake of rarlh’s most sacred ties— Of uiiads u hich to each oilier cling iu clos.-r h-mds than the lov'd guise Which friendship o’er the sou! would thug; It speaks of hearts » hich feet the tie Of b -,e's cm hunting elavcrt. And thro'th" lonely walk* of life, When riisi.iht far from nil that’s dear— That secue, in fancy's mirror rite. Will oil In fairy garb appear, Aud sooting tin sorrowsol the bieaet la whitpc!* that thou still art blest'. Amidst the t-ity’t solitude, Oi in sir ugi lunds, ui outhcaeo, That elmusii d vision niil intrtuio * poi, orj ti.c'ipus— ic.r mti. ory Oft to I,right co.oitng an ays Tiial SAC.lust in nr of happier days. Let wild Auihition still sllure Her fame-pursuing votaries an; I-et Avarice hid her slaves eocure Mem k or rone's chili relentless frown: liui give to lue the ueail Mu cere, Thespeukiug eye—aim purling tear. Macon, Oct. .list. L.! Mats. &f2ocs, Extols, £tc. Eoitm and *aoes, Udaicsiics. 4 %c7~~; ' T, “ ch 1 invite 1 «F/ ri ''."isand public to give me a call 75 CASKS Boots and Shoes, consist-] at 5,w | f or l< * U ' * > ’ d " rlTrI| ing in part of I march -.1 W " HOhACL HIGH. tCatcHes, aetceiry, surer fCure, Sc C. G. ah JvjilN ing in part (ieritlemens fine calf Boots, sewed j and pegged. Flout ptgged and water proof Bootn. | Ftne call'and stout .Shoes and Pumps. Ladies I’ieal. Morocco and Prunella Walking Shoes, j Jot e ATCI1 Maker A. Jeweler Cotton Avenue op- f '- v ■ •* oct 13 w posite Washington ‘lull, Respectfully in forms his friends aud the public, that lie lias taken the store formerly occupied by the llavvkinsville Bunk where lie is now opeuiug a new aud spleudid assort ment of WATCHES it JEWF.LRY of the bestqual- ity uud latest fasbiona selected with great taste aud judgement expressly for this market, amoug his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's and KuLy Cyliuder Watches with Extra Jewels and iudepeiieutseconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and u general assortment of Ladies A. Gentlemens Gold and silver Patent Levers Lepiue and plain Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys. Ear rings Breast Pi|t < ' and Fitiger rings. Gold and silver ever “ ,,,f r. l ^ bU r e n“r^ h0 r’ "H* they ° r ! (i«ld aud^silver spectacles, silver ijiven them their patronage front the East side of the sittoss, early ill the ll ixt season— 1 They will hav ,i li .e of Packets between New York, and Darien and ,;oatn vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon —The agents in New York, Charleston, nnd Savannah, will lie authorised to contract for t!to delivery of goods in Macon, at a freight agreed on without intarmedi- egargn and t!te agent in Macon will receive cotto i delivi ruble in Savannah, Charleston, and New York— Tliu co-i vaac's vessels and boats, will lie of first class with experienced roimmuidors, and no expense will lie spared to meet tht patronage of the public. P1I. R. YONGEifc SON' S, Agents in Darien. nnv 27th l'T> 49 Sliutincf S IF.rtf *&rranffetnent^pf tire «qSSx'%S{S Pioneer Steam & Poic Boat Line. T 1 proprietors of the above hue notify their friends and the public, that they will have run ning on the Altanmka uud Ocmulgee rivers during the summer aud fall months, four or live Pole Boats. particularly adapted to low stag'* of water, and winch will he aided by Steamboats when the water will per mit. Shinaers by this line may depend upon every at tention being paid, and exertion used » give despatch to property shipped by it to anv of the landings on said rivers'. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag t .'.aeon. AGENTS. Mersr* IIolcokbe, Peck A. Co. Charleston. E. P. Butts, Esq..Savannah. Rowland, Crank A Shackelford, Darien. Halstead. Tavlor &. Co. Hawkiiisvilie. Mason June 30 I .dm T’u ;i ntssion Business, MJarien. T 'l . Undersigned have formed a Copartnership uirtlie purpose of transacting a general Com mission and other business under the firm of SNOW & ROGERS, ■mil offer their services to their friends, and the public Sftiernllv, in the above business. Forwarding Goods and produce to and from the interior of the State, will receive particular attention. It may be proper to date that they have no connection with any of the Steam transportation lines; Goods for the interior will always be shipped by those who will probably give them the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jnnl.HIfi 2B GEO T. ROGERS Commission Business. MJarien. • rflHE undersigned have resumed business as a- H. hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable us at all times to forward goods for- the interior with the least possible delay. Iiv steamboats when the river wilkad* •nit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighten, built expressly for that business. On onr wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ion at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed- ed b) any other House. Darien, May 20, 1835. HWVE8. MITCHEI.I. A COLLINS. f —tf WARE HOUSE kM *» river. Feeling grateful for the liberal putronagehere- • o ore received, we hope by a strict attention to busi- • as» to merit a continuation of tiie Fame. HAMILTON, HAYES & CO. Mu'-nn. 1st September, 1836 200 pieces B -t Hemp Bagging for sale at market rates, by II. il.& CO in I 62 TROY HULL. TIIE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of ( 'alter it Cornwall, that he intends re ■ lining die. 3 fare House. St Comm ission Business, at tire store next above me one recently occupied by I’. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as the town nfTroy. He further informs the public that he has bought the lands, Ac. and having now on the way, from New York, and other pliicts. Dry Goods and Groceries, together making his stock complete, which will be sold low tor ready pay. he will he ready to receive Cotton early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances— He would particularly notice to his friends the grea advantages his Warehouses have over those in th dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they bein detaehedfrom other bttildiugs ami at a distance from inv street or lane, and well enclosed May ft 45 tf _ H. S. CUTTER. Fuctorage A Commission Business, BO.MTI.YG, Stc. VVN HE subscriber has located in the city of Savan I nah for the above purposes, aud taken stores nearly opposite the City Hotel. Fl.c steamer “ Chieftain ” Capt. White, will lie ready in all the present month to receive freight for Mucou, aud will continue regularly throughout the sea son. the river admitting, and unavoidable accidents only intercepting. Goods for forwarding will experience no delay, and the interest of the owner only taken intocousideraiion. oct 13 2 S. F- DICKENSON merchants' Insurance Company of macou. T HE public are hereby informed that the whole -of the Capital Stork of this Company, of One Hundred Thousand Hollars iu rash, has been paid in, and is now prepared to take risks according to previous notice ; viz. to and from the city of Macou to aiiy port or place in the United States, on equally advantageous terms to the assured as other Mariue Companies. James Goddard, President. Wm. B. Parker, h kSrsi—. Tiros. Taylor, J net 6 1 —tf James Rea, Secretary. II lioiassi s Sugar, Colfcc, Bagging, Ac. •k IiIdU Prime St. Croix 8ugar. d PW 30 d<> Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar, 30 Barrels do. do. 29 Boxes Brown Havannah Sugar. 26 hhds. Porto Rico Molasses, 24 do Cuba do 90 Bags Coffee, 220 Pieces Hemp Bagging. 80 Pieces Tow do 50 Or Casks, 15 Boxes Tobacco, 5 M Cigars, for sale by Oct. 27. 4 REA & COTTON X U1 l lnsarance Bank of Columbus, will insui • Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire iu thiscity. Apply to Vlaron. Om.27 ROBERT COLLINS. BACON. F OR SALK a superior lot of Bacon, just received from Tennessee w agons, and a furlhe. supply to mu :o the Cotton Market, on ibe corner of Cherrv ami i arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal term*. Second streets, within a few feet frnm I'oiton Aven e, 1 July 7 54 tf WM. B. PAliKI R A Co. formerty occupied by James C. Morgan. Liberal ««f. I Insurance linilU ol C'ollinihiis. vances will he made on produce or othr r articles »tor- -]«rt I'lHCE is hereby given that an additional ilistal ed or alupped. Cotton will he sold from wagons or „f ;;;t| dollars per share, of the capita I store «t 25 cent* per bale, nnd stored at^cuiitoniary ( mock of this bank will be re.|nired to be paid on the Ac. Ac. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in liisline N. B. He has iele« ed tuc best of materials for re pairing watches and w Igive satisfaction to tboae wh» may favor him with the * custom. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited Oct 27 H WM. If. BdiUSALL, A»S Jusi received a neiv aud extensive as sortment of Ready-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adel&id, oliv brown and green Broadcloth xDress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats. Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, . and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, oliva and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth aud satlinet Dress aud Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassinierc, black and colored Velvet black Florintiue, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia. English Silk, colored aud white Merseilles Toiliuet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth A Patersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks. Ac ./ .Veic Stock of SPRING AND SUMNER CLOTHING, JUST RECEIVED BT WM. H. 3VRDSRI.X. A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mu! berry and Second streets, including the follow ing; Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen Circassian arid Kouan Cassimere FROCK COATS. Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass uud bronE Linen, and Ronan Cassimere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Frrainet, Cyprus, wor sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord. Angola Cas simere, brown aud grass Linen and Drilling Fancy- Drilling, Pongee, Mexican tnixt, Rouan Cassimere aud Jeans PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen, Pongee, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans ROI’ND JACK ETS. A large assortment of fancy VESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers. Ac. Ac Ac. vo.rr riissro v busi.yess. r H v undersigned continues to iraii-nrt the Ware Hnn«e nnd Commis-fioti Business. F. F. LEWIS ft T. F. Nki t* tU i, Jmerchant Tailors, H AVE enured into co-partnership under the firm of Lewis & Newton, foi the purpose of trans acting business iu their line. They expect to have on bana irom New York, iu a short time, a genera! assortment of Cloths. Ca»si- ineres, Vestings, Ac. Which, together with the stock on hand will make thcii assortment complete. Also, a geueral assortment of Rnndv-Made Clothing which will be sold low for cash. They solicit a share ofthe public patronage. L F.Ll.VVI8, Aug 18 60 T. F. NEWTON. Halking Slips and Bootees ; Childrens Shoes ol all kinds. A complete assortment of Negro shoes. 20 cases Domestic Cottons, bleached aud nnhleach consisting of fine Shirting and Sheeting, stout ilo 30 pieces Saitiuetts of various patterns. ALSO. I ibe 4-4 and 7-8 Flannel; Blankets; Calicoes, Hats; Ac. just received, aud for sale on most liberal terms K “ C. L HOWLAND A CO. Next door to the Post-Office. Ill IR subscribers inform their iriends ami tne puti- JL lie, that they have removed to the fire proof buck store in Third-street, nearly opposite to the store occupied by David Ralstou, anda few doors south west from the Central Hotel, where they offer for sale, (a part of which to arrive,) 75 hhds St Croix and Porto Rico Sugars 300 hags Prime Green Rio, and Java Coffee’ 150 barrels Northern Rum and Gin 25 casks Wine and Cordials pipes Cognac Brandy nnd II Gin lo baskets ChampaigneWine, part superior boxes Muscat do 40 bbls No 3 Mackerel " No I Salmon 150 belts heavy Hemp Bagging <50 coils Bale Rope 100 lbs Twine 6000 lbs Feathers, to arrive. 4 General Assortment of D y Goods, Shoes, lints, Hardware, Ac Ac. at! ol which will be sold at unusually low prices, for cash otilv. bv net 13 2 _ ■ WILLIAMS A BRADLEY J UST TKECEI FED from New-York, ami II I sale bv S.BiTil, BOBGEBS S' Co. 50 bags aud 50 barrels prune green Coffee, 20 hhds prime 't Croix sugar, 30 bbls Rum, 30 hbis Wiiiskey, and 20 bbls Gin. We will also sell our DRY GOODS, a spleudid as sortment, at, or about cost, as vve wish to .turn our at tention to the cotton and grocery business. July 7 54 DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! • Charleston, & c. 1 1 HE subscribers have imported from England direct, a large and spleudid assortuieiitof FALL GOODS well adapted to the season, aud manufactur ed expressly for the Southern markets, which, with ilieir supplies from the North, enables them to offer a stock equal to any in the United Slates, and at prices slow. C. AG H. KELSEY A 11ALSTED. Charleston. Sept. 7, 1833 64 9t ii.t rs, ts AT COST. HE subscriber having determined to abaudou the trade in the above articles, will dispose of hem atcost; his assortment being good, purchasers win tihd it to their interest to call, sept 15 64 WM. II. BURD8ALL JSTo lasses FJbdj I e-it quality family Molasses just re- Ti : v»* tt’ie tofVrfTe hy I (, SMITH RODGERS A CO she’s 6alt •trip tacks do Bacon. Mackerel "lour., Aud a few (bids; Boston Ilams,’ 1 for sale by s‘.o"' , : t.L '--rrv s - ■ '__ k’Uiolk uud <0*1. Ki.GS Ao» 1 alia - A iuie i,ead, v gals Daisied Uii, IVith a general ufcSortuient of Giocerics, for sale,at the fewest market price. July 28 57 CHARLES CAMPBELL THE SUBSCRIBER'^ AVE piirchas: rf'Mr. Laird 1 VV ilky’s inter est in th»-late firm of Fort. Hamilton A \i i- LEi.'and Hamilton, Hates & Co and given IRA E. FUKTaii iiitere t ill the same. The lliV (yooi - business will ue continued at the same place, under the linn of Fort, Hamilton & Co. and the W are Houses and Commission Business a- heretofore, under the orm of HAMILTON. HAY. rj A Co. l’Orif. HAMILTON L Go. June23 52 ' sm Gallon* Winter stfuiued Lamp Oil ven iianJsome—just received anr! for salt !#v If. J. sHOTWi LI:. , to f )p}wsiti'thr Centra? Hotel From thoYjttitcd States Gazette. The folIoAiiig beiiuuiui . uu r.v|sif.*«ivc *' |»royer/* was lately rec."jft*.; lruiu itis uLk Dt v» uc, by g« i.iienian ul'this city, who has foi uiuuy uiouths cApi-iipihed “the iva) v\art;lie(s ol* fortune.” 1 have reason tobtiitw iho “Fr^t r wtu* written >^Uiiout al- mu.'i a second Ihoughi o» l.jjjjroiDjitu, ana evinces tuienia a*id ^.ie- t> iu theuuthoi. .'s, or p vei} high grade—equal in tuy ustiniution vtilli tUoM* Ho, by then poetical |n otiuitiou» lia\c brought honor to tueiuselvea :«uu rtuouu uu t « i couuiry. At« such 11 baa been r< quchiou ior pui-Iita-iou, b lit!\iusit»iU gra(if> \ery inauy of your readers, *uuu aidvu$ pLicrs A anpccrihui* Flayer FOR AS ABiEM I HUSBAND, b atucr in lie vco: Behold he whom i love*is ilidly Ircadin* The psilii of lu\- in braviuers of soul. With thick durkuess u«*w uiouuu him spreading lie io. g Haiti etnvi »* Ob thou most Uiuu, bieuU not the goluen bo^l. father iu Hcnten: Thou who bo olt lias heab o the l ioKcu hearted* Anu r. ioi d the weary tpint,bowed \<ilh care, Let mm not say, his joy liaih dl departed, Leslhe be drn< n Dow n to the deep abys» t f dark tier pair. Father m Ilea wo: Oh grant to hit» u*o»i dierished hopr.s a blessing, Lcl and resi ut>* cud upt-u iii** head; Thai hra torn heart iln holy love possessing, .hay not Lz civet), Let guatdiau angeU wnieahie lonely \ cd. Fai'icr iu lfeaveo: Oh rat*y his Ktui be stayed ou thee; each feeling Si ill !if:ed up ill gruiitude auo love, Anu may that fuitii, tne joy* of llcaveu revealing 'lo nun Ik given, *Tili he shall (a ,.iee th\ imrncid li'.lm above. ' Pt Ts. ‘Pi... ‘ <i\I.GAti fur sale by Aitril 26 44 J. f W. 1.1 IP iti’ ;!A SACKS SALT, for sale by Vtt, 3 > l .DM END RUSSELL. For Sale, titilGlv. ii'iLiisi. auu iut, on tiie corner oi <;vv and Poplar stioets. within ill yaria Ji liiu-iu Avenue. It is a two story house, new ai... 004.enieiii. iue'o is au'abundant boiliug spun;, guotl water on liie lot. Its situation as’to imUHh, cui.- voineticy to mis mess anil the , c unite College, reiulei> it valuable. Apply lo Messrs Hannlio'i ft ton i : uiyself. Also Its Fuiumire. Private boarders will be accommodated iiutti me properly is sold. Aug ti-> hz A. ii. COOK. iiuiiil aud Aciiiotk lorsaie. A V it.. otk-islor sue the PLnVA tATI . whereon he uuw lives. 7 tunes below Mucon, iu liihb county, loniuiuiiig 800 acres good pine iunu. mere hasoeeulur the last 5 y ears a good b A W ftllLi iu operation uuon taut plaiilatiou, bu< has been stop- peu uus year on account of some repairs wanting done. Slone Creek, the stream which saiu Mill is on, is a never failing stream, uud the unit is better situated on account'd' pine umber than any m>li union the u- c inly of Macou. Also, ten likely NEGROES will be sold, togethi r with Horses, Mines, Cattle, Hogs, ftc. Ac. can, property is now offered lor sale on accommodating terms; u credit from one to three years win be given if required, wept 8 36 L. DA V la. MCiiLMM* Alii.bTiuNS In June, 1855,1 In.-gan the habit ot morning ablu tions, humedn ey after rising. After washing every partot my body; 1 employed triction with a coarse tow el, till i In d caused a plow over the whole surface. This practice J have continued ever since, with the lol feKIng results; 1. 1 have not suficfed froni cold or influenza, during the whole time. 2. I iiave scarcely felt uncomfortable at any time from .tire cpld ot the past ee.vcre winter. 3i I can piertorm nearly double the labor than I could before. 4. Neglect of exercise effects ms far less. 5. I sleep better and suffer very little from fatigue, even when my labors are severe. I am almost entirely free from dyspepsia, and have lost my sallow countenance almost entirely. I am a healthy man.—Alorvi 1. former. ['ihi above is the testimony ol cue who had, forsev- .r:il years previous to the practice of cold sponging, suffe red much irom dyspepsia, inflammation of the lungs, influenza, Ac. There are many who can tes tily to similar good effects irom tills practice.*—port. Adr. I HE Notice. undersigned has connected JAMES D. T CAItHART with him in Mercantile Business at the store located on the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, and the business in future transacted by that establishment alone, will be distinguished hy the title of WOT. 15. PARKER dfc Co. the said J. D. C. being the Company aud having an in terest in the said firm only. July 7 54 tf WM. II. PARKER. NEW BOOKS. Tales of tae Woods, The Doctor, Three Lras of the life of Wo man, The Diary of a Deseunuyie, Lord Roldan, The Old World and New, Shepherd Lee, Stewatd’a Adventuies—Capture of Murrel. Oct 17 3 JAMLS S. OLCOTT. /i dk HHDS St Crnix, P. ft. and N O. Sugar, *Xvr 150 bags prime green Coffee, 40 hhds prime retailing Molasses, 50 bbls N. E. Rum, 40 „ American Gin, 35 „ Whiskey, 250 pa heavy Hemp Dnndee Bagging, 50 coils Rope, 6000 lbs bagging Twine, SALT. IRO\, NAILS. CASTINGS. If A General stock or Groceries, in store and for sale on accommodating terms by EDMUND RUSSELL, s»-p? 1 62 Mulberry if, rate*. An* 25 6m L. L. GRIFFIN ’ warehouse • i.YD CO.II.IMlSiO.Y BCSM.YESS. Til . UNDER-Ig!*! D will cou- inue tutran-uct the above business, lit 18 Ware House occupiedby him faat -a-ion. . Grateful for the liberal patrenngere- P ,,b '. ic ' *?> "'net alien- * C Dnoaed in hi# cs .. . — public patronage, l* will iO'ik • lib-ral advances on cotton stored with 1st .Monday in November. Aug 20 61 Bv order ol the Board. B. HEPBURN, (a \ to biHin i*n confided to hi# care, he hopes to merit • Share »f,he public patronage. ' 'ih»ral advances on rotten stored with N ’ ' "P'nant* to Savannah, Charleston and M.s ,rk i . * R rincKKinsa. Jnacou. \ ugust 11 59 r, m la akifer sale at tliis OUiee. WAITE .K IX _imd Jinirnevuieu PAINTERS, for wbichli- wages will he given. Apply to DANII L ,p . REA. JlaconGa. iTThe Charleston Courier will give the above four Sept 28 66 8 insertions. store Bouse to Bent. ON or loith ol the More Houses ad joining tiie sufcscribeis; for a iarge and general assortment they could be easily united and would make a desiruble stand , i.. for business. To auy oue desirous of renting them for such purpose. Uie torn., wffU* mode- rate Aoply to GJLMRGL JLV\ LT r ft, CO, j .opt # » r VJ For Sale, 2150.^00 lOjffHMhs Lard, 61 hhds St Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, * 100 keg* Nail*, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond I Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Gin aud C. Brandy warranted pure aud three years old, 20 bbls old Monnngahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON. IIATS Cro kery & Eartware..,, Jh T Xew York Cost for sale hy Oct, 27, 4 Notice A PLANTATION to rent or let on shares, consis ting of about 300 acres of open laud, and the most of it rich river bottom laud, two miles from Ma con. For terms apply to J. GOD DA if D. Oct 6 1 ' tf Natice to Citizens ot OTueorT T HE subscribers h»ve U65 acres ol heavy flintier Laud, mostly oak and hickory, for sale in lots of •JU to 25 acres, to suit purchasers. Tbernuveyauce to town easy, and distance from to 2£ miles. For terms apply to J. GODUAiiD. Oct 6 1 tf C. 6. COLE. Notice to Shippers of Cotton. F IV E eeilts pei bale iv ill be charged for »V iuri'agp on all coituusiiippeuatoiir wharves. REA ft COTTON, 1 J. GODdARD. J. T. ROWLAND, ROGER McCALL, J. R BUTTS, P. R. YONue,jr. Oct 1 1 4t P. RYONGEft SONS. Ware Ilous;* aud Wharf Properly For Sale. FMT HE uudersigued otters lor sale his well known M property on the river hank in Macou. consist ing of Ware House, Store house. Vt bartea, ftc. ftc Oct 5 . 1 ROGER HclVU.!.. B 1I.ES of uie Farmers tfsuk ot Fiorina, payaiih at the agency iu Perry, will he received in pay went for goods, or accounts due the siibscrbcr. Gie II 59 DMAS CAM PIP f f VutuaDle JHLL Property for sale. T HE uudersiaued otlers for sale ln> two SAU MILLS, within three miles of Macou—boil, aims i-re now in successful operation. *>tr the premises is also a GRIST MILL. Atiaci.- ed to the Mills is 1500acre*of finely lunhered LANE, with all the buildings requisite for conducting the busi ness. Added to these advantages is k Spring of pun water, a healthy situation, and its ueai h cation to the rapidly growing city of .Macon, where a market tan al ways be had .or Lumber 11 fail prices. Persons wish ing to purchase, are invited to call on myself on trie premises, or on Roger Mcf all at Macon, styt 21 05 ELEAZAR Met ALL. $'J5 RE WARD. W ILLbe paid for the apprehension ofEI’HK AIM . black man. about 30 ye irs of age, 5 feel 10 inches high, lias a heavy heard which causes his law to lo k rough—was formerly owned hy the Messrs Harpers of Augusta, and boughtof them by a Mr A, at- thews of Colnutbus; it is believed he will try to inakr his wa v to his former master iu ('oliimhus. The ahov reward will he paid for his appreheusiou, if lodged ii anv safe jailsothat I get Lini giving me information it Clinton, Ga. HENRY W. DAUF1 Y. sept 22 65 9t GEORGIA—Houston county. W ’HKREAS John Bryan and Achilles • S. Eilaeworth apply for letters of admiuis'.ra timi mi the « state of Little Bryan, deceased Titcreare therforeto rite and admonish oil and singu lar, the kindred and nt ditort of said deceased, to lit autl appear at my office' within the tin.c prescribed by lan, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 17th Oct- 1833. 3 ___ C. H. RICE, c.c.o. Ol ORCIA. Butts County. HEKEASyGeorge L. Thompson ap- w V plies tome Dir Leticrs of Administration <i ;ht estate of Green B. Reeves, late ef > aid county, deceased. These are. therefore to cite and admonish all andsingu iar the kinared and creditors cf said deceased to lr am- appear at my office withiu the tin opresfrileel iy lav ft shew cause if any they can why said letters should noth’ granted. Given under mv hand at office this 17th day ofOcto- !>er. |836. 3 ' JOHN AicCO'tD.c r. The following extraordu ary performance of a lore- motive engine, made lor ;lie I’eniisyivat.ia Jia;l road, is related in the Philadelphia National Gazette. This is the second engine from the factory of the fame, in genious ai.d scii-ntilic maker, i nd forms a new and h ghly lionorubic c alt lire of die skill ol American mechanics.—Baltimore American. INCLINED PLANES. The new locomotive tIrani engine, “ V.'atliington County Parmer,” built for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania liy Air. Noiris, ot this city, was placed on die Coinmiria Rail road on 'i needay afterr.ccu. The power ol ,he engine was then tested in ascend ing the inclined Plane, which was pcrlormed to the complete ratislacUon ol numerous scientific gentlemen, ii.viied expressly for the. occasion. The plane is 2,806 leel long, ascent in that distance l!)t» fret, equal to 3o-‘J feet to the mile, or 1 foorrise in 143.1U. Weight of eogine, J8,l<0 lbs. with water in cluded. Load drawn up 30,116 lbs., including lender with fuel and water, tpo large passenge r cars with 39 j passengers. Time ol running,.3 min. 15 see. Pres sure in the boiler under . b ibs. In descending the plane, li.e engineer repentediv canie to a dead stand from a great speed, and ior some uinntes piayed up and down the grade, thus proving most toiitfaciorily the wunfme power of the engine, and the perfect safety in it- peiloin.ance. I hc engine is a master piece of machinery aud of beautiful exte rior. The result here obtained hns never been equalled by the best engines in ce-untiy or Europe, except ing only similar periomianees oi the “George Wash ington,” an engine by die tame maker. The advantage of this great improvement in loco motive engines is sell-evident; tad roads can be ccn- siructed at much less cost than berrtoftne, ii'ow :hut engines can be procured (of the usual weight) to per- forn on grades of 70, or even 100 tuct rise in tiie mile. “ Mother,” said a little grammarian, “ if Lord Wel lington is a hero, v\ as not Joan of Arc a shero. Among the latest inventions “ down oast,” u a pa tent india-rubber steamboat, with a white oak Loiler. Strength of the hun.on frame.—At the late anniversa ry of the opening of the .Surrey Zoological gardens, some amusing feats of strength were exhibited hy two Frenchmen. One of them successfully resisted the u- iiit.-d etibits of two horses to drag him from a platform on which he was ly ing; and the other, while lie was suspended by his feet from a cross-beam, raised in the a.r a horse of ordinary size. A rencontre took place in Crawford ccutity, Arkan sas. on die JCtb uit. between James, and Jack- son Trammel. The latter was killed with a large hulrh- er-knife, and Shannon, who was badly wounded, made his escape. Shannon’s father and brother have been, arrested and bound over ier tr ial as participants in the murder. j Laru, < , ■ 'I!( IA—CrnuJour county. WKT4II l!l A^Johl Bluckstonen| pliesu meforlet- y y ters of administratioii ou the estate ot Libert I'.ivVc!!. lull-of said Comity, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish alt persons ' con'cr' c'* ‘ohe and appear at my office within thetime pte- i ........ b * ■*»... .-<r ■ . .. e said A Lot of first quality, put upin Tin Cans for land * seri*’d by lav, to shew cause if any they leave, tthy s< iy use. For sale hy CRAFT & LEWIS. application should not he granted. also, u small Lol good country Bacon ’ r '~—- —* 1 ’ ‘ - ‘’ 5 * 1 * - A,£ sept 8 63 GEO. W. I’RICE & CO. 'Given under my baud tins '7tl < tillei. It-3b 4 VV. 11. BiiGOKS, c. c o* Copartnership. ' OR (i I A—Houston county T HE undersigned have formed a connexion for -WOT7H1 ki Ac Laniti 1 ucerit Lupplies to n . !< the transaction of a general FA< TD.VA. E f'j' feUar* of admitiiMratRuon lit estate ol V n and GO.M MISSION BUSINESS hi this city, under , him < Warim main, deceased: the firm of COOMBS ft DOUGH 1 Y. j Tlust are therefore to rilt md admonish all ano si/ JOHN a. COt-MBS, l l 5s!».i'ris5?!,''Rj™B, . J Savannah. Juue f g 1 *ie 5uh*eo)wy4_, inKrT Charleston, Phtladciphia, New York or Bo.ftftu j. Given qudtr my liai.d u; AK-'.’A.Vb'VV’' Gt ,< ber aw.5,1835. ROBT. COLLINS, l it 30. 5 ' . C. Ii KILL, c. c. ... M I’S ft DOUGH 1 Y. ^ ^ j TIus< arc therefore to rilt md admonish all ano sit !i JOHN B. C<>; ,M i; c~, aniuf thehindrid aud.rrrd.terscj sale demised to beat” , ml ] l^ratmyuj Sec uit bio the, time prrsoibep by lau 'o I fiber will make liberal .advances ou to cause ifunyjjuyfasi. i. if. letters suouttinoth’ The gold mines in Virginia continue to attract aricn no: . The Yaucluse mine adjoining tho rich Greeiv wood mine. Las been brought into market for £51,060,' or $30 |ier share. More than 700 shares have already; been taken. As much a* §>30,000 laive been obtained • from the Vanchise mine hy simple washing. ISTHMUS. The Baron de Thierry was atOtaheite in the begin.' ninx of June, still wailing the arrival of the vessels' which were to conduct him to. New Zealand; skculdi they not arrive by the 1st qf August, (which will com plete a twelve mouth’s residence in that island,) he in- • tends returning by the earliest opportunity to Eanama,- to carry info executionDie cutting of the Isthmus, ir‘ hting. his determination to sacrifice every other object* to th(; active prosecution of a work which promises' such immense advantages to the commercial \r or Id The Fredericksburg Arena, of the 14th insf. speak ing’ of the deficit in the wheat crops of the country,. s-- timates die loss at five million bushels, and give*, tha- foilrwing table as the annual amount of gra;np;.a;uc- ed in the United States: Indian corn ICO,tCO,f€0 bnrhclx. Wheat 5C.C60.0C0 I Jafrf