Newspaper Page Text
31 A € O N GEOJiOIA T £ L E H A P U
lr * l H » «»'£. ! . £lAlUGS..U£DICiJ%'FS,Sc.
I'i[\iS.w . iu. . (I.:cd ll.> A PttESlI SUPPLY just received by
U. jiiiiiSMUi-i '.h’-ir .id, > •••• I .ixL J» II* & A! • S>* liI*t*IS»
)u, ShoUvull Jk Co. khuy occupied by .ilr Wm U. i Aiucouie Han. Cbitari Avenue, among which are the
i Town, opposite die Centra! Huiel, under the firm of I following
If. & J. tillOTWELL, ! MEDICIAfUS, dec,
wllci inte
U. CL J. allUl W ibis Li, t au
iiieud keeping n very general assortment of I Sulphate Quinine (freuch) Cantliande*,
i peculiar to their iine of business, logetiierwith I Sulphate Morphine, . Elystone,
•i great variety of inrirotianeons a, tides that may be I Acetate do
difficult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now-
very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly
all their Fall and winter supplies, a general cnuuiera-
loti of u hsch could not be given in an advertisement.
Some of the Articles received are,
(Urnv's dc Medicines,}- _
Rochelle Salts, Hellebore. Iceland Muss, Flos Ben-
■/.oino. Juniper Berries, Lapis Calaminaris, Henry’s
Mavuisia. ..ladder. Mace, Cayenne Pepper, Blade
Acetic acid,
Oxalic do
Citric do
Prussic do
Tartaric do
do (Aromspts)
Aritimouialis pulv
Lozenges. Oil Spruce, —
Drops, Coriander Seed. C. P. Castor Oil, Con An-) heeale omnium,
rant! Cherry tree Bark. White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, O* Sniapme,
Pink Hoot, Gum .Mvrrh, Seed Lac, Senelta oil, Lob- 1 *>» canthandin,
el,a. Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm. Ext Colocynth, Pul. ITroligtieous Acid,
Gin Arabic. < iron tut Race Ginger. Balsam Fir, Pearl i llydnolate 1 otassn,
Barley, refined Borax, Uoie Armenian. Cera Alba,; *’*P* n,,e
Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, Ca- 0*1 black pepper,
jielia Alba, Rust i/f Iron, Sup. Caro. Soda. Castor. Irish moss,
Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazerion, Sassafras, Bals- Musk,
am Money, Cutnfrey Root. Dragons BI->od, Oil Lav- Chloride soua,
under, l.emon, Bergnihot. Ext Bark, do Liverwort, * •itrated kali,
Stiinline. Emetine, Digitalis, Elm Bark, Flos ol El- Cblonde Lime,
dor. Extllvoseyamus, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, .Medical mustard, in pots,
'Henbane, "Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Dpiumdeiiurcotized.
Aleppo, Gold Thread. Hydnod»te 1‘oiass, Mustard ' (.yanuret potassium,
£>ecd, Slits Vitro Oil Wortaseed. Croton Oil, Olive Comp, i nine extract.
Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanford* Bark. Tamarinds, Carrageen, (prepared)
Gain Copal, Svrup of Liverwort, Tnrkcv Opium,
Cu tharides, Flowers of Chanivpiile, Oil Pepper
mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li
quorice, Ergot. Nnx Vomica, Corrosive sublimate.
Aloes. Gum Arabic. Precipitate, -pis Hartshorn, Curb
Potass. Aloohol, sarsaparilla. Epsom salts, Nitric Acid,
.Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As-
pktitiim, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass. Ba|s- j
am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs.
Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut ,
Galls, Isinglass. Magnesia, Mercurial Oiutmeut, Blue ,
Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop. |
Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinua
Spigcdie comp extract.
Blue moss,
Precip ext. bark,
Peruvian do
Calisaya do
T«>xa do
Red do
Chamomile flowers,
IJva Ursi,
African Cayenne,
Dayhciry bark (potv’d)
Court plaister.
Castor oil (fresh)
Sweet oil do
Charcoal, pulv.
Corks velvet,
Prepared Chalk.
Acetate lead,
do cunri,
do Ziuc,
Arseniate potassa,
Ether sulphuric,
do nitric.
Nitrate silver,
do potassa,
Phosphate soda,
do iron,
Sulphate iron,
do potassa,
do soda,
do magnesia,
Borate soda.
Manna flake.
Oinmient hyd. potassa,
do Iodine,
do Veratrine,
do Itch,
Oxide mercury,
Extract Jalap,
do Butternut,
Nux Vomica,
•7 II M. V MS mm+lM-MM.
it useful Family Medicine ever offered to the Pub
No family ought or ever trill be without it after a
Gum Arabic,
Elm (pove’d)
Gentian (poiv’u)
Cort. Aurant (pow’d)
Lobelia and seed,
Skunk cabbage,
G iliac,
Pearl Barley,
Olio roses,
Magnesia, calc’d
Petre, Glanbers salis. Concentrated spts Ammonia.
faints, Bye Staffs, Oils.
250 kegs White Lead in oil
25 do Venetian Red do
30 do .Spanish Brown do
2(WO lbs Soap Stone Paint do
6 kegs Yellow Ochre do
20 .misters Verdigris do
900 -It* Spanish Brown dry
200 lbs Venetian Red do
800 lbs Yellow Ochre do
lfiOO lbs Spanish Whiting do
Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi
gris. Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith
arge. Spanish Pumice Stone, Umbar, Lamp Black,
Iv,irv dn, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk,
do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes.
Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Plaster, Wa
ter Lime, Terra de Sienna. Green Blue and Black
Paint mixt. Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings,
Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car
mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground
and chopped, Fustic, Madder, Camwood, red San
ders, Copperas, Brazilletto Wood, Aimatto.
300 gals Linseed Oil
400 do Sperm Oil fall strained
350 do do do winter do
ISO do Spirits Turpentine
300 do Train Oil
i bbl Liver Oil, i do Neats Foot t
1 bbl Copal Varnish. Japan do
Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do.
Patent anti Compound .flcdieines
Swanns Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson's Eye
Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tome .Mix
ture. (forthe fever and ague ) ilarltem Oil, Gowland’s
Lotion. Potter’s Catho'.icon, Barclay’s Comp. Sarsa-
pnrulia mid Cubebs, Da'by's Carminative, British
Oil. Opodeldoc. Jlidkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious
Pills, lv. k. Turlington* Balsam. Bateman’s Drops
Jesuits Drops, Cephalic Suitff. Aromatic do, Wal-
di'u Tincture or Cough Syrup, Carpenter's Prcpara-
-lions, Henry's Aromatic Vinegar. Welch Medicain-
etitiiin, ilygean Syrup, Mead’s Rills, Walker’s Drops,
Morrison's Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic .Medicine,
Sphou's Digestive Elixir, Little's Lotion, Nipple i * • . .• r» n *
sSve, Bleaching liquid, l> Mustard, Citrate of Kale J chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dajby s curmujauve
Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic
Cold Cream, Hays 1,'iiiuiem, Chapman’s Mixture,
Bullard’s Oil of Soap. Scott* Pills, Hamilton's Worm, . , - ,
Lozenges, Jndkin'a Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint- 1 °‘>per« » o
ment, Hoffman 1 Auodyce j " d
Surgical and .tlr/iira! Instruments
Pocket Insiruments in < ases. Silver Spring Lai'-
co;j Ev:.u‘ Crown thumb Lancets, ‘ 'bstoincal Instn
ments. Fox'- Spring Turnkeys.-Teath Forceps, Cuj
ping glasses, 'Ewet zers, gitirgita! Nei-dics, Gum Ela
tic Eyriiigcs, ' .’eti.llr ilo, Stethcoscones, Apoth^cari
Scu!-’ and weights, Spatulas ass’d Metalic StaSa at
tiouiia. . Hair Sieves. Medicnl Spoons.
Ground l'amt ilm lies .• •art-d sizes. Varnish t ,
Bash Tools do, Badger s Hair Iilend< r» Graining do,
Cauiel* linir uu. i may i;d j.lain Hnr BinGies assor
ted, Palters do do, Cloth do do, Hat Crumb Bruslics.
Hearth do, Diisliug do, Counter do. Shoe do, Hat-
do carb.
M ezcriuui,
Alkanct rust.
Seidlitz powders,
do sassafras,
Soda do
Ladies' slipper,
Saratoga do
Golden thread,
Cinnamon bark,
Powdered ginger.
Root do
Red precipitate,
White do
Mustard seed,
Black do
Indigo, Spanish float,
Caraway seed,
Anise do
Coriander do
Arrow root,
Spanish brown,
Aqua Fortis,
Venetian red.
Anodyne (Hoffman’s)
Fig hlae,
Brick lead,
tSiiie stoue,
Juniper berries,
Spts Turpentine,
Cubcb do
Venice do
Oxide bismuth.
Bees wax,
Salt Tartar,
Burgundy pitch,
Sal Ammoniac,
Balsam copiri,
do tolu,
do Peru,
Jujube paste.
iliac i drop,
lores’ pills. Couipt fl’d ex’t Pink Root,
Opodeldoc, by <1. W. Carpenter,
Peters’ do
Hunters’ pills,
BritUk oil,
Hate man’s drops,
Bleaciiing Liquid,
Mead’s Pills,
Issue p,busters,
Elixur life,
Ginger beer powders,
Medicated Oil silk,
Digestive Llixer,
DS, II IiOO.vilS.
H AS removed his stock of
oft us, .nvniciaVES,
Paints, Otis, f. c.
Eu the store on Cotton Avenue, recently occupied by
Mr. J. D. Winn, and adjoining the store of J. dc W-
Baldwin, where he is alsu opening v, new supply which
he ofiers at wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices
for cash or good notes. In order to avoid any uiisuii
demanding, it may be proper to state that Paints, Oils
and Glass are considered Cash Articles. The follow
ing articles ore included in his supplies, viz:
Loco loco Matches, Lucifers, Rowland’s Kalydor
Wafers, Drop Lake, Bru-bcs. Fancy and Shaving
Soaps, While Bar Soap, Salad, Oil, Morton’s Cough
Syrup, Rowan’s Tome Mixture, Potter’s Catholican
Mortar* of Iron, Brass, Marble, Glass and Wedge-
wood, Ware. Orange Flower \Vater, Rose Water
Mace and other spices, Alcohol, Shellac, Nitric Acid,
Verdigris. Zinc, Lobelia, Myrrh, African Cayenne
Pepper, Valerian, Sage, Neats Foot Oil, Logwood,
Fu-tic, Indigo, BrazilYVood, Coein Wood, Copperas,
Alum, Brimstone, Venetian Red. Glue, Badger Hair
Blenders, and Shaving Brushes, CauiiTs Hair Blen
der* mil Pencils, Sable Pencils, Brooms, Polishing
Paste, Rotten Stoue, Bath Bricks, Bear’s Greece.
Stomach Tubes. English Calomel, Medicine Chests
with directions for farmers , Lamp Glasses, Brushes.
India Ink. Black and Red Ink, Copper Scales, small
Brass Scales, Rochelle Salts. Acetate of Zinc, Vera-
trine, Morpheue, Pipe rule, Strychnine, Quinine,
Rhuharbariue, Saliciue. kreosole and its preparations.
Chlorine Tooth Wash. Chlorate of Soda, Extract of
Pinkroot, and other preparatioi s of Carpenter. Ex
tract Dondel'on. Swaim’sVermifuge, Varnishes. Tooth
Instruments for Physicians. Black Sand. Court Plas
ter, Spirit of Turpentine Swaim’s Panacea, Hatters’
Bowstrings, and all other articles usually kept in
Drug Stores. Oct. 27 4
The most
lie. No ft
HIS well known Anti^iyspeptic and Harm Medi
cine, has proved successful these twelve years
past, and is universally acknowledged by all who have
tried it, to be far superior to any other medicine ever
employed in diseases for which it is recouimenned. It
is perfectly sale, and no child will refuse to take it. it
seldom fail* curing Itolcra .TIorbus, Oys-
entery or Boutet Complaints, Colic
and Bleeding Piles, either m grown per
sons or children, and it gives appetite to almost all de
bilitated persons. Worms frequently infest children,
aggravate alt other diseases and are the chief cause of
ferers. Bowel Complaints, aud chronic and nervous dis
eases, incident to childhood, which are so numerous
and frequently fatal. It is much to be regretted that
thousands of children are swept off, or are rendered
feeble, pale aud emaciated tlirough the first stage of life
—which leads on to pulmonary complaints, «!tc. tic.
Worms being especially apt to infest person* of de
bilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions,
much mischief is often done by the ordinary worm
medicines, which generally consist of the strongest
purgatives—calomel, that destroyer of the constitution
bitters, pink root, or spirits of turpentine, worm see
oil, &c. Articles of ibis kind may destroy worms, bu
they debilitate the stomach, and often materially iu
jure the general health, without removing the cause.
Swaim’s Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of re
moving the cause of worms, by giving vigor and heal
thy action to the stomach, bowels and organs of diges-
tiou—thereby removing measles croup hooping cough
and many other complaints. It is by this means that
so many grown persons have been relieved, by its use
of dyspepsia, sick head-ache, foul or sour stomach
FOUL BREATH, coughs, and most of the bilious
symptoms, &c. Ac. <&c.
This medicine willrelieve Bowel Complaints or Dys
entery. BiUious Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or
weakness in the stomach or bowels, loss of appetite
either in children or grown persons, in a few hours:
and seldom fails curing CHILLS and FEVER or KEj
VER & AGUE, and Intermittent or BiUious Fevers.
For sale, wholesale and retail by
July 7 54 J H. & W. S. ELLIS.
T 1
Actidctaical ffotirc.
THE Jttck^ou Acad
emy will go into operation
the ensuing year, under ilie
charge of the Rev. W. A.
aighly approved qualifications.
Having the advantage of a
Chemical, an Astronomical and
Philosophical apparatus, they
will be able to give thorough in
struction in all the branches of
Bibb Slicrifl Sale.
~?TI7'ILL be sold ou tfit first Tuesday in December
w w next, at the court house in the city of Macon, be
tween the usual hours of sale,
One lot aud improvements in East Macon, contain
ing one acre, it beingparlof lot No. 4, containing ten
acres, whereon Lewis J. Groce now lives. levied on
as the property of Bolomou Groce to satisfy one Fi Fa
from Bibb supeiior court, in favor of Parish, Wiley
IT A * ,E1 <- a » order of the Inferior Court of km„
ty, sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be s
sold k.
I & Co. vs Solomon Groce—pointed out by the delen- JOth district formerly Irwin, now Lowndes
Jure the court house within the usual hours of sale
On the first Tuesday - !!. DECEMBER next at v
con. Bibb county, all that part of Lot N 0 166 *i„
4th district of originally Houston, now Bibb
not included in the widow’s dower.
On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next at n
courthouse, in Lowudes county, Lot No duq !f e
inti, tt!.,n*i t ... , . m tee
One negro man named Davy, CO or 65 years old—
levied oil as the propertv of Elijah Cotton, deceased,
to satisfy one Fi Fa from Bibb superior court in favor
of Rufus K Evans vs Elijah Cotton—-property point-
liberal education
Music, Painting and the Fine Arts will be taught—
also, the Latin and Greek Languages. . ....
The highly reputable character of Mr. and Mrs. [ ed out by the Administrators of said deceased.
Florence as teachers, cannot fail to elicit for the insti-: One house and lot on Cotton Avenue, being the
tiition a liberal patronage, and to place it, in point of j brick store at present occupied by Benjamin R. War- least, upon a level with any similar insti- ner—levied onasthe property of William B. Cone,
tution in the State. I tq satisfy sundry Fi Fas. one from Bibb superior court
The moral and healthy condition of the village will | in favor ef the Commercial Bank vs William B Cone,
afford an additional inducement to parents and guar- j One house and part of the lotin East Macon, where-
diaus from abroad to seud their children; for the ac-' on Pleasant Heath now lives, it being No 16,'as the
conunodation of whom boardiug may be bad, either in property of Rice Durrett, to satisfy one Fi Fa from a
private families or at tegular boarding bouses, at the justices caurtir favor of John Creech vs Rice Dur-
most reduced prices. WILLY W. GAITHER.
containing 490acres.’ —counts
On the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next bef
the court house in Carroll county, Lot No. 163 in it
10th district of said county, near Carrollton,- conmi,
ing 202j| acres.
All sold as the property of James McDonald lat. r
Bibb county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
Terms on the day. August 4 58
most reduced prices
Jackson. Oct 14 tljan
Sec Board of Trus.
Academical notice
T HE HILL ACADl.MY, .Monroe county, will!
open on the second Monday in January next, •
under the rectorship of Mr. MAUSSINET, (the pro-;
sent rector of Franklin Academy, Putnam county
rett. Property pointed out by the plaintiff'; levy made
and returned to me by a constable.
nov 2 5 BENJ. RUSSELL, dep. shff.
Campbell Sherilf sale.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEM
BER next, at the court house in the town of
. Campbellton, Campbell countv, within the usual
and formerly a principal teacher in the Scotlsborough hours of sale
Institute;) and from his reputation as a gentleman of
distinguished literary attainments, moral character
and industrious habits, we confidently recommend our
Institution as presenting as ntanj inducements to gen
eral patronage, as any other institution in Georgia;
especially when we take into consideration the moral
character aud health of the neighborhood.
Our course of instruction will embrace, in addition
to the elementary branches ol’ the English language,
a thorough knowledge of Grammar. History. Geogra
phy, with the use of the Globes. Celestial and Terres-
tial, Composition, Rhetoric, Moral and Natural Phi
losophy, Chemistry. Algebra aud Mathematics, mixed
aud pare. Mr. Itlaussinet will also teach, critically
tile Latin, Greek. French and Italian languages.
With regard to Mr Maussinet as a gentleman and
scholar, we are referred to a number of literary gen
tleman in this State, among whom are the names of
Dr. Brown, (the founder of Scottsborough institute.)
and Dr. Ambrose Baber, of Macon. Nov 1 5
) Trustees.
Pratt’s Nipple Shields.
T HE Medical College oLUeprgia at Augusta have
given their opinion of the superiority of Doctor
i'rail’s Nipple Shield to any thing else hitherto offered
for the saute purpose, which opinion can be presented
if necessary to physicians and other*. The opinion of
Dr Baber and oilier physicians in Macon who have
examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor
Devvees and the Medical College of Georgia. The
liistnimeiit is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only,
price $5, with printed directions. H. LOOMIS.
Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mulberry street.
Certificate of Doctor Dcwccs
" Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat
ter of much public importance to possess a means of
lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nipples, I have
much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield"
you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala
dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I hare
heretofor: seen. In the two or three instances I hive
known them to be used, much satisfaction has been
expressed: and I have no hesitation to believe it wii)
generally succeed. I am so well persuaded of this at
this moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish
that i nr city through the various apothecaries may bt.
supplied with them. I an. yours. Ac.
Philadelphia, V.’thJan. 1834. WM. P. Dewees.”
THE Subscribers have taken that com
modious and well known public house in
the City of Macon,—the Washington Hall,
lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.—
By the unremitting attention of both of
them, they flatter themselves that their House vviil ob
tain for them a general patronage from the Public.—
They have secured the valuable services of a Lady,
whose reputation as a manager of u public house, is
inferior to no one in the State.
Tbeir tables will be furnished with the best the coun
try affords, and tbeir bar with the choicest liquors.
The Stables are attended by careful and experienced
Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT.
Feb 5 1835 3f.
Jflttcon, Georgia.
T II1S establishment is now under the control of
the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren
der comfortable those who may call on them.
Feb25 35 JOHN D. RAMEY.
Gideon Brown’s interest in fraction No. 114, con
taining 170 acres and 2 roods, in the 14th district for
merly Fayette now Campbell county to satisfy sun
dry Fi Fas in favor of B. Mnroney and others, proper
ty pointed out by the plaintiff—levy made and return
ed to me by a constable. D. D. SMITH, Sheriff.
Oct 21 ' 5
Fayette SlieriflTSale.
B EFORE the court house in Fayettecille, Fayett
county, on the first Tuesday in 1)1 CLMBL'K
next, trill be sold, within the lawful hours of sale.
Nos. 29, 33, 34, 42, ail'd 43. all in the 6th Dist. of
Fayette county,* each containing 202^ Acres, all levi
ed on as the property of Alexander Ware to satisfy
an execution issued from the Superior Court of Jack-
son county iu favor of Uiley W. Webb, vs Greene
R. Duke, George Shaw, Horatio Webb, Sylvanns
Ripley, John Appleby aud Alexander Ware and Allen
Matthews, security on the stay of execution.
ALFRED BROWN, Dept. She riff.
Oct. 1836. ' 4
For Sale
In Perry, Houston county, the
stand at present occupied by Phin-
ney Oliver The House has Jong
been occupied us a Tavern, and is
too well known to need descrip
tion. Perry is a small, but thriv
ing village, tn a rich prosperous county, and is the
thorough fare for a great deal of travel. Attached to
the house are 3£ acres of ground, with stables and o-
ther out houses:
If not sold before the first 1’uesday in January, it
will on that day be sold at public outcry to the highest
bidder. Terms will be made to suit purchasers.
Apply to the subscriber at Vienna P. O. in the 14th
district, 8 miles west of Perry, or to M. Bartlett, iu
Macon. Nov 3 5 .MOSES COLLINS.
i'.SS iceiauu ,uuaj, *
Cough Mixture,
Fluid ext sarsaparilla,
Syr Liveiwort.
Relfes VcgetaiiU specific,
Oil Wonuseed.
Ext riuchu,
tars’ Brush-, Table do, Flesh do. Shaving do.' Fu^ ' W* cubeb *
nitttre Brushes. Whisk Brooms, do Brushes.
Glass U*«rf, Store Furniture,
y/mdovtr Celass
Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by
2c inches. Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass
Plates, Tinctnro Bottle* from Spirit to 2 gallons, do
Specie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do. I to 8 oz Vials,
G.-oum stoppers White and Green Vials assorted,
.iursiug Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures,
Glass runnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungent* Tube* or
i tilers. Glass i simps, with shades, do without shades,
Giu.*s Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades,
extra shades.
Cologne, -rater Fancy articles, Soaps
Doiibio distilled Cologne Water ill fancy and plain
Battles, Florida Wa'or, Miiltof Roses, Orange Flow-
or Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder,
P.iinatum, .Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses.
Mu«k, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston
•alts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Pungciits,
(cat class.) Metalic shaving Bo tes, Camel* Hair Pea-
tils,'.Vash Bulls, Otto cf hose Vials, Variegated soap,
do Transparent for shaving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon
do Coylon, English Wind'or, soda snap. Court Plas
ter, Teeth powder
Kite ■' n’* Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap,
Hair Powder,
Pearl do
Almond paste
do saidi
Milk of Roses,
Oval Varnish
Cold creaui,
Camel hair
Cream Almonds.
Badger’s hair
Florida water, varioussizes Graining
Cologne do do do
do oss*d
Lavender do do do
Rose do do do
Bears’ oil.
Ward's hair oil,
Marrow Pomatum,
Orauge Flower Water.
do do silver wire,
Macassar oil,
Spirit of Rose
Camphor soap,
.Musk do
Pa’ent leather Brooms,
1 .mollieut do
do do Dusters.
Windsor do
do do Brushes,
do do Brown
Fitch Tools,
Wasb Balls,
Counter Brushes,
Curling fluid,
Hat do
Antique oil.
Crutut do
Lip Salve, (Persian Otto Shaving do
Shaving oil.
T.iuth powder, (superior) Powder Puffs and boxes,
Elusive do Preston salts,
Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles,
do Rose, Tapers,
do Musk, Dutch cologne,
llor.ey Water, Atkinson's gfepilatory.
Slur ing cakes,
\raputatiog cases. Cupping glasses,
Trepanning instruments, do do with ni
Gum elastic catheters,
Silver do
■Seton Needles,
Spring lancet blades
Tooth claws,
Chalk, ’hnerv eoursa.a»d fine, Black sand, Pearksh.
Castile soap, Scotch, Rappieand Macaboy snuff, .sha
ving Boxes, lloncy, Glue, Blacking, 1-emou syrup,
liar hers shat ing Cakes, Chloride: Lime. Wafers, Ta
pers sealing Wax, starch, sand Paper, Indelible It:);.
Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings. Bellows, Ma
gic Matches. Swifts, Hath Brick, shellac.
Intending to be permanently engaged in this busin
ess, the subscribers will use every exertion in their
power, to render it worthy tho patronage of their old
and new customer*. Order* by etter will meet the
game attention as if made in person.
Painting of every description carried on by
Macon Jan. 14. 29 II. A. J. SHOTWELI,.
*“Gf't'ti’s Ve;;ctaVl<‘ Torsic illixlHte.
O ': Fever and Ague Coniucror, for Intermittent or
•• ever aud Ague. This inestimable Febrifuge
has warranted itself, by repealed trials, to be superior FURNITURE, &c. consisting of at! artHes in tb
to ttuy Hrticle vet offered to the public; it is infallible I fine neresatrvfor the supply of physicians. Piautilioti
. tit Intermittent and Fever and Ague; in regent cases riT ‘
•it exterminates the Chili* and Fever in from twenlv-
fotir to firry eight hoars; being of a vegetable compo
sin')!!, ths public will apprehend no injurious effect*
from deleterious mineral*; it operates as a mild tint
effectual purgative, and may be given with ereat ad
vantage in Dyteutery, Bowel complaints, Depraved
Appetite, Fl ttuleucyl Jaundice, Night Sweats, «p.d
jnanv other affections of similar origin. For pioof of
.»be efficacy of this mixture, try a bottle. The inventor
beisg aware of the many unprincipled fninds that are
oktily practiced on tho public, has taken the precaution
lo prefix his signature to the genuine. Forsde hy
*ept 15 fil H ,V. J SHOT WELL. Agents
Dissecting do
Pocket cases.
Spring Lancets,
Evans’ thumb do
Dentists’ cases,
Teeth keys,
do do (moveable but- Gutn Lancets,
ton*. Medical,spoons,
Scarificators, Scales and Weights,
Abscess tziuceL, Teeth Files.
l’he subscriber* intend keeping a full assortment of
ot Families. They will be supplied with the be.-t that
can be selected out of the New-Y'nrkand Philad- Iphia
market- Order* from Merchant* ae J Physicians,
« ni receive pronmt all—ifion.
Jan 28 31 J. H. A W S. El LIS
Green's Tonic JUixture,
Rowand’s Tonic Mixture.
A GOOD supply of each. Just re< eived, and for
■% sale by If. & J. SlfOTWFI.L
sept 15 64 Opposite Central Hr.-el. Mnron
A LL persons having demand* agaiiutt the estate of;
• m Sejdeu J Delamar. late of Pulaski county, de : -
Morton's Pulmonic .ixpcrto. aut
For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas. Consumptions end Whoop
ing Coughs.
A MONG the numerous complaints with which the
human family .-re afflicted, none are uiote com
mon than coughs, colds. &c. and uoue more fatal iu
their results, unless timely care is takan to stop their
progress before they become too firmly seated upon
the lungs. Notwithstanding the many remedies that
have been offered to the public, not uuy have hereto
fore proved successful in procuring a certain and spee
dy relief.
The proprietor having been an eye witness (for sev
eral years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraor
dinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it
to the public, in a way that it may receive a more ex
tensive circulation; aud at a price that the poor may
receive the benefit of it as well as the rich.
This syrup is particularly efficacious in removing
coughs arising from colds, attended witii hoarseness
and soreness about the windpipe; likewise shortness
of breathing, tightness across the breast, accompanied
with a tickling cough; and in all consumptive cases its
use is particularly recommended, likewise whooping
cough is greatly relieved by its use— children lalmrii.g
under this distressing disease in innumerable instan
ces have.been astonishingly beuefitted in a few duys;
the pleasantness of it is a great advantage, as children
will take it with as much pleasure os they will pre
N. B.—The directions accompanying each bottle
will be signed by Wm L Perkins, the sole proprietor.
Each bottle is sealed with the impression of MOR
SYRUP, plainly stamped on it.
For certificates, see the directions.
We have just received a fresh supply of the above,
and can safely recommend it as a very excellent medi
cine. Oct’. 2 H. & J. SHOTWEI.I.. Ag'ts.
Brought to Macon Jail,
O N the 5tli iust. four negro l-llow*, viz. Taflee-
about 25 years old. black complexion, about five
feet 8 inchei high; also. Lewis, between 30 and 35
years old. black complexion and stoutly built, about 5
feet 7 inches high. They say they belong to Kilkreese
& Taylor;—Kilkreese lives in Charleston, 8. C. aud
Taylor in Marengo county, Ala. Also, Spencer, a
bout 18 years old black complexion and slender built,
about 5feet 5 inches high; he says he is the property
of Thomas Cole of Montgomery, Ala. Gt-orge, n-
bont45 or 50 years old. black complexion, about 5
feet high; he says he belongs to Solomon Pope ol
Lowndes conntv, Ala. The owners of the above ne
groe* are requested to come forward, prove property -
pay.charges and take them t way.
Oct 20 3 4t GEORGE I. PITTS, Jailor.
B ILLS on Savannah, Charleston and New ork
will be discounted by application to
sept 23
Papering for Rooms.
J UST received h good .ssortmeut of handcomq,pa
per lunging and bordering
Oct 13 2 H. & I SHOTV41 LL.
Valuable Property for Sale.
A NY person wishing to purchase a haitdrome situ-
xs atiou for a House of Eutertainnieut. well im
proved, with i good two story Dwelling house, and
all other improvements necessary for a public bouse,
all new It issitnated two miles East of Macon, at
the fork of the Milledgevilleand Marion roads, where
the subscriber now makes hisresideuce. Also, three
hundred and thirty-eight acres of first quality oak aud
hickory Land, lying about one mile above, with about
150 acres cleared, under good fence, well improved,
with a fine young peach orchard of about 2000 trees,
and a most excellent garden. &c Payments will be
made easy for the purchaser,—say four annual in
stalments. SAMUEL MORGAN.
N«:v't 5 4tp
By WJL.blAM SCHLEY Governor of said State.
W HEREAS. I have, as directed by the act of the
General Assembly of tbe State, passed Uie
11th dav of February. 1799, entitled "An Act to re
gulate the General Elections in tbi.-, State, uud to up
point the time of the meeting of the General Assem
bly,” arranged and counted up the votes given to tiie
several candidates at the election, held throughout
the State on Monday, the thir>l day of October inst.
for nine members to represent this State in the House
of Representatives of the Congress of the United
States, for two years' from and after the third dav of
March next, from which it appears that Thomas Glas-
cocl, GeorgaW. B. Towns, Jesse F. Cleaveland
Charles E. Haynes, Seaton Grautland, George W.
Owens, Hopkins Ilolsey, Jabez Jackson and William
C. Dawson, hare the highest number of votes.
I have therefore thought proper to issue this my Proc
lamation, hereby declaring that the afore.-aid Thomas
Glascock, George W. B. Towns; Jesse F. Cleveland,
Charles E. Haynes, Seaton Granlbmd, George W.
Owens, Hopkins Holsey.Jabez Jackson, and William
C. Dawson, are duly elected to represeut this State iu
the House of Representatives of the Cougressof the
United States for two years from and after the third
day of March, eighteen hundred aud thirty-seven, and
notifying each of diem to signily his acceplance of the
said appointment, and to produce the requisite proofs
of eligibility to the time prescribed by tin. Act above
mentioned. , , , . , „
Given under my hand and the great 6eal of the State
at the capitolin Milledgeville, this the twenti-
[l. s.] eth day of Oct.eigateen hundred and thir
ty-six and of the independence of the U States
the sixty-first. WILLIAM SCHLtl.
By the Governor,
William A Tensulle, Secretary of State.
Iloust .ii Sheriff Sale.
O N the first Tuesday iu DECEMBER next, will be
sold before the court house door, in the town of
Perry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale,
One lot of laud No. 52, in the f5th, List, of lions
ton County, Levied ou as the property of Samuel
Douglass to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Richmond
Superior Court in favor of Talbot and Walker, forthe
use of F Walker, against Samuel Douglass and
George M. Walke .
No. 202 in the 16th Dist. of Houston county, Le
vied on as the property of John McLeroy to satisfy
two Fi Fas issued from a Justices Court' of Wilkes
County in favor of Abner Wellborn against said Mc
Leroy—Levied on aim returned to me by a consfable.
Lot No, 89 in the 5 Dist. of Houston County, as the.
property of Charles Griffin, or all Charles Griffin’s
.merest in the same, lo satisfy two FiFas from the Jus
tices Court of said County of Houston, in favor of
Wm. B. Dunree and others against said Charles Grif
fin—Levied on and returned to me by a constable.
No 21. in the 14th Dist. of Houstou County. Levi
ed on as the property of Edmund McLin. to satisfy a
Fi Fa, issuing from a Justices Court of Baldwin Conn-,
ty. iu favor of Jilet and Buchannon. against snid Ed
mund McLin and Win. J. McLin—Levied and retur
ned to me by a constable. GEO. M. DUNCA N N-
Dept Sheriff.
Also, will be sold as above,
Lot of Iaind. No. 194, in the 5lh district of Hous
ton county, containing 202$ acres, more or less—levi
ed on as the property of Adam Foss to satisfy one Fi
Fa from a justices court in Wilkes county, in favor of
Joseph Gatril! vs said Foss. Eropertv pointed out by
L. P. Hopper—levy made and returned t • me by a
constable. JOHN C. MOUNGER, Sheriff.
Oct 7 2
O N tho first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will
be sold before the court-house, in Campbeltoo
am p bell county, within tho legal hours of sale.
Lo! of Land No 59, in the first District, formerb
Carroll now Campbell county.
Also, on the same day, before the Court-house in
Gilmer county, Lot No. 50. in the 4th district, firstsec
tion Sold as the property of Wiley Heflin, late ol
Henry county, deceased, for the benefit of tbe heir
Terms on the day.
oct1. 3 WILEY J. HEFLIN. Fx’r
o :
N the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before
the court house, in Stewart county, trilhin the
legal hours of sale, under an order of the Inferior court
of said county, sitting for ordinary purposes,will be sold
Three Negroes,
belonging to the estate of Benjamin F. Nelson, late
of said county deceased. Sales posilivo. and terms
t T NDt K an order of the Inferior font lyFu^Z;,,
ty, sitting for Ordinary Purposes. wiU be. sold
in the lawful hours of sale, before the Court House
OnthefirstTucsdavin DECEMBER next atCi
lumbus, Muscogee county, Lot No. 89, in the fifth
district of said county.
On the first Tuesday in JANUARY nex:. at Hamit
ton, Harris county, JLol No. 230, m tre 21st dis
trict formerly Muscogee, now Harris county.
Sold as the property of Frederick Sessions, late of
Pike county, deceased, for the benefit of all concerned
Terms on the day ASA SESSIONS, Adm’r ~
June 30 1
O N the first Tuesday in January next,will, wnEm
the legal hours, be sold before the court H cl t fc
door, in the town of ftlonticello, in Jasper county, a( .
cording to the last will and testament of Joseph' \vj,
son deceased, sixteen negrois; provided they me tot
otherwise disposed of Also wiil he sold at the late res
idence of the deceased in Jasper ci unly, on Tuesday
the 20th of December next, all the perishable property
of said deceased, consisting of horses, cattle',
household and kitchen furniture, and other articles tes
tedious to mention, the above to be sold for the benefit
of the heirs and cridetors of said deceased.. The
terms to be made known on each day of sale.
_ Oct 31 5 ABEL P. WILSON, Ex’or.
W ILL be sold vn thejmt lutsenyin JANUARY
next, before the court house dour in the totcu i f
Y-ebidon, Pike county, tlu Jut towing property, to uu:
Oneiuiproveu lot cf Land, consisting ol pails of
Nos 56 aud 57, and containing 2ti2|acres, situmed in
the 7th district originally Monroe now 1 ike comm ; _
Also six Negroes, viz : Luke, a fitat tale XegtJ til-
low. aged about 21; Winney, aged about hO, an e.v
cellentcook, laundress, io and her four chiiditn.—
Sold in pursuance of an order Irctn the inferior court 'I
of Pike county, when sitting as a court of
fur tie* benefit of the creditors ol John Johin-on de
ceased. W. G. MILNLR, f ,, ,
Oct 24 5 E. W. WELLS, ] A{t,ars -
W ILL be sold ou Monday, the 19th day of DE
Ci MBLR next, at the house of Aiitiotie G.
Duke, deceased.
Part of the perishable property of said deceased,
consisting of the crop ol cotton, Lor^i, one vvfiut
fan, one wagon, one cart, and a number of articles
too tedious to mention. Terms u auc on lie
day of sale. CHARLES A. K1LLGOKE,
' Butts county, Oct 28 5 Adm’r.
wsTmr be sold on ttu first r£uy a, _ ,-i i
V ¥ RY' next, before the court house door in Ztku-
lon Pike county, between the usual hours of sale,
Simon and Cloye, each about 55 years oi age: also.
Jacob about 17, Colonel 14, Adt-iuid b. at d tuu bu 4
years of age. Sold as the property of the heirs of
David Neal, deceased. Nov 2 5
JOHN NEAL, ] Guarns -
ILL be sold to the highest bidder, at the hou.-e
of David Martin iu Butts Comity, on Saturday
the lOlh of DLECLMBER next, ail the peritliuLl-
property belonging to the estate of Dennis McCarty,
late of said County deceased. Consisting of one 8or
iel Mare, Saddle and Bridle, one Conk shell, and
one Pock* t book. Terms made known on the day.
Oct. 21 1836. DAVID MARTIN. Adm'r.
A GKLLABLL loan order of the honorable Inferior
courlof Pike county, sitting for ordinary purposes
will be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY
fore the court house door, in Ncwnan Coweta county,
within the legal hours of sale
Three negroes, namely, Melly, Isham, Riai. belong
in': to the estate of James Carson deceased, sold lor
the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.
tvffk'lLl.Ae sold on the first Tuesday in lx I.Cl MBLR
V p next, at the court house door in the town of Zcku-
lon, Pike county, between the usual hours of sale.
Lot of Land. No 139, in the 3d district of origiuai-
ly Monroe now Pike county,—sold as the property of
Carlton Greer, deceased, in Marion county, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day.
pt27 66 ROBERT GREEK.Adm’r.
► Adm’rs.
A LL persons are cautiout-d not to trade for a cer
tain note of band given by the subscriber to
Mrs Sarah Ann Taylor for forty dollars, date the 17th
day of February. 1836, and due the 1st day of junua-
rv. 1837. as he is determined not to pay said note uu
less compelled by law .GEORGE G. DUPREE.
Oct 25 2t ' , 5
Strayed or Stolen,
I N Meriwether county, on the 30th night of Septem
ber, oue Bay Mare, dark body with a long switch
tnil.l5orl6 hands high, six years old last spring. A
reward of Ten Dollars will be paid fur the delivery of
raid mare, or any information, so that I get her. or fifty
dollars reward fur the thief. If stolen ; tne subscriber
living in Fayette county, the sixth district. Geo.
O RDERED, That the Stockholders of the Far
mers’ Bank of Chattahoochee, be' and they are
her* by notified, that Forty Dollars per share on the
Capital Stock is required to lie paid, at the Bunking
House in Columbus, on or before the 15th December
next By order of the Board,
Oct 21 3t 5 CHARLES L. BASS, Cashier.
J UST RECEIVED by boat* I3and 16,
5GO keg* White Lead in oil.
100 gals. Linseed oil. of superior qualities.
.<ic 4 '8 H. A- J. SHOTWn.L
For sale,
A LIKELY NEGRO W OMAN. 28 or 30 years
.4d. n first rate house servant. .Also, Iter daugh
ter. ''or JOyearsold. For farther particulars inquire
at this office. *ov 3 5 3t
'V’’ E'-ver an-’ ' -ic -Itowan’s Tonic Mixture ( ceksed—and all those indebted to said estate, wiilmake
or —Qttudne Miitase, for sale hr t settlement ir terms of tbe 1; w. with
... -y.) £$ 44 K. H. A Vt, S. ELL©, j flfft K?
A N assoitmeni of Harness, Bridle and Upper Lea
ther, for sale by CRAFT & LEW IS.
Jnl' 14 55
We are authorised to announce the
name of ABNER HAMMOND, Esq. a can
tdaie for Tax Collector for the ensuing year.
Aug 52 61
xlL of Monroe couuty, will be sold on the first Tues
day in DECEMBER next, within the legal hour* of
sale, before the court house, door, in the town of Jack-
sou, Butts county;
Oue lot of land, number (30) thirty, in the 4th dis
trict of formerly Monroe, now Butts county, contain
ing 2U2j acres more or less, adjoining muds of Richard
Noleu and others, belonging to the estate of Daniel
Tomlinson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs
of said deceased. Terms made known on the day.
sept 28 1 WILLIAM GILMORE. Adm r
O N the first Tuesday iu DECEMBER next, at the
court house door in Twiggs county, to the highest
Lot No. not known in said county, containing 202j
acre* more or less, it being the place whereon Hosea
W. Sullivan, deceased, formerly lived,—sold for tbe
benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made
known on ihc day of sale, sept 8 64
in right of his wife
Guardian for Berry Sullivan.
NEWflLL be sold, before tho court house, within the
V ¥ legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in
DECEMBER next, at Lagrange, Troup comity, Lot
No. 76, in the 4th district of said county.
And on the first Tuesday in January next, at Ma
con, Bibb county, part of Lots No. 67 and 70, in tbe
13th district of formerly Monrce, new Bibb, lyin'
on the waters of the Tobesofkee ; sold as the property
of Christiana Scott, for the benefit of all concerned.
Terms on the day.
«ent2 65 JAMES HOY, ( Trustees.
^J^riLL be sold, at tlie late i«sidencc oi
W ILL he sold before Court House door at Jack-
son, Butts County, on the first Tuesday in JAN
UARY next,
A uegro bov named Norris, also 50 acres more or
less of land, tbe same being a part of lot No. 96. in the
second Dist, originally Henry, now Butts County,
also, lot No 128. in 2d dist originally Henry now Butts,
containing 2024 acres of land—-sold hy order of the
Court of Ordinary of Butts County, forthe benefit of
the heirs of James And :rson, late of Butts County
Also will be sold as above, at Rome, Flovd County,
oil the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next,
Lot No 749. in the 3d Dist. and fourth Section of
originally Cherokee, now Floyd County, containing
40 acres more or less.
n c i 17th 18?6. 4
C an order of the Hon. Inferior Court ofTal-
bot county sitting for ordinary purposes, will bs
sold at the Court House, within the usual hours of sale
On the 1st Tuesday in JANUARY, next at the
Court House. Taibot county, five Negroes, two Negro
women two children and otic negro man.
Also on the 1st Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, at
the Court House in Sumter county, one lot of Pine
land. No. ”11 in tho 28th Dist. originally noiv
Sumtc comity, all sold as the property of John Riley
late of Talbot countv deceased for the use of the heirs
of said decease. Term* made known on the day of
sale- JOSLPH RILF.Y. Adm’r.
Oct. 1836, 4
« i\ Me JIISL luesi,oy tn 1* LUivL Aivl next, uUl Ot
sold at the court house door in the totcu oj Chat-
tuga. Walker county, within the usual hours of sate,
Lot No *03, in tne- iwenty-secoiiu district of said
couuty under an order of the honorable Interior court
of Jackson county, when sitting for vmwuiy pitrpo-
ses, it being all the real estate ol Lucy Archei, late of
said county deceased Terms maue known on the
day of sale. JOHN A. WALLS, Adm’r.
Oct 3 2
S.lOUK months utter date application w ill be made
JP to the honorable tiie in-erior c urtoi iiou.-ton
Christian, late of Pike county, deceased, or ' county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to
the24th day of December next,all the personal proper ■ sell the negroes belonging tp the estate oi John Quig-
ty belonging!!) said estate, ! ley,late of said county, deceased.
Consisting of Horses, Ilogs. Cattle, Household and j .vug 20 * K. li. LLCKEY, Ad'me.
K Alsorin' the town ofZebulon. on the first Tuesday in ' fi' app.icauon wnt m- maJi-
January next: One Lot and one Fraction of land, be- 1 -
WE arc authorized t«> announce
_ D: AJP8EY J. CAHti, Esq a candid*!., for
NLWON CLAYTON, Adra'/iiTob tloue at thiE OittCOa heaver of.Tax Returns. 3 oct‘20
itig the same whereon said deceased lived, and Four
Negroes being the whole of tbe real estate of said tie
ceased Terms of sale, made known on the nays.
sept 22 65
O N the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next will b.
sold before therour house door in the l wn of Mc
Donough. under an order of the Inferior court of Fay■
ettr. county when sitting for ordinary purposes:
Lot No 27. in the third district of Henry county!
also, 175 acres in tbe same county and district. No 6.
it being part of the real estate of Abner Champion,
late of Fayette county deceased.—sold for the benefr
of the heir* and creditors of sai l deceased, sept 7
P URSUANT to the last will and te*taa:ent o'
Nathan William*, late of Butt* county, deceased,
will be sold before the Oi url House door in Jackson
on the first Tuesday in December next:
Two negro women, a negro inau and fire children
all likely, the plantation on which the deceased resided
at the time of his death, iu high cultivation and well uu
proved; a cotton gin fan and thresher.
Also will be sold on the following day, at the late
residence of the deceased I ro"d wagon and 6 head ol
horses, a considerable stock of cattle, hogs, and sheep
Also a large quantity of corn fodder and oats, farming
utensils, household and kitchen furniture, and various
other article* of perishable property,' Terms made
known on tbe day of sale.
•eptl 6S>
to tiie Inf riot court ot Houston county, when
sitting for ordinary business tor leave to sell all the
real estate belonging to Elijuh Law, late of Morgan
couu’y. deceased, sept5, J836. 63
MUSES COLLINS, Adm de bonis non.
F OUR months alter date we shall make application
to the honorable the Interior court of Pike coun
ty, when siuing for ordinary purposes, foran order to
sell all the real estate of Irby stumper, late of Pika
county deceased,
sept I 63 M. W. STAMPER,
> Adm’rs
M AOUK month.-, afterdate, annlic. tion will be rnuoe
3l to tiie Interior court of Uibli county, sitting for
Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of
Benjamin Parker, lute of said county deceased,
sei t 8. BL’RVVLLL PARKER, Adm
1 4OUR months after date,appi ion will be made
to the honorable the interior court of Houston
comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave
te s»ll lot number 118, in the 12th district of said coun
ty being the real estate of Jeremiah McCormick, de
ceased. for tiie benefit of said estate.
sept lv 64 JOHN R SENT! RFIT. adm’r
F . 't. .iouths after . ate. appiicalini wt H.i made
to the h inorablc Interior court of Craw ford coun
ty, for leave to sell all the real estate of Wm. J. M a y n ‘
man, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit ol
the heirs. ALEX. M. K. SWIFT, Adm’r.
sept 5.1836. _ __65 ' -
F OUR months after date, application will bemade
to the Inferjcvr Court of Butts County, sitting
for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate
of Dennis Mc’Carty, late of -aid County deceased.
Oct. 21st) 4 • DAVID MARTIN, AtUnr.
><yicfe&ualMftp i.«r>~iwpr