Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, December 22, 1836, Image 1

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MACON GEORGIA TElJiGUATir By M. BABTLBTT. .71.1 CO.V, GEOBGI.t, TIIVRSD.l 1\ DECE.71BEK 28. B$3«. Terms of Subscription. ... . IBKK Jju. ms, piilin advance. wilt pay far the pa- 1 cocar. Five Dollars, paid in advance, will pay Lpc'r two years. Ten Dollars .paid in advance ilss jjrtkepnptrfve yean. r "’ : rn ml ”'‘ l • e *>htn Slx months after the year has ' 1 '. ri i force Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum W -h" -i treed. If not paid until the end of the year, 9,7 irs per annum will he charged—with interest rirre-t/t> r - ^ efM9 0 f Advertising. I lee disrate ms n it exceeding one hundred words, or 1*2 r ii:l s. (considered a square,) will lie inserted one f rT ‘ ,- ij ar d.dlar. When more than one insertion is l, ' n ' ' -, rrn ts for the. first, and 50 rents for each sub- tjir ' ^ rilo’n S'V'f' r " fo r Collectors' and Coroners' Sales arcchai- s * » 1 y ! * *•' M " 11-ethers will he allowed two squares in each Vr L 1 it Tw- nty D dlars per annum; and in the same ’’TliwO larger space—payable quarterly //. nil accounts for Idrertisiug, Job Printing. S(C , r !l as for subscription. Interest will he. e'uirgcd settled within the year - ;Xj 5 . . _ I'arA- at Darien Fine of Packet.* * * 1 Macon, A. Bibbins, Master. •• Amelia Strong, Brown. *• o Darien, C 1’. Bulkcy, “ «• New Jersey, B. Matthews, “ *• / Premium, J. Conborn, “ « (New) Schr. D. B. Crane. Baker, “ These vessels are all coppered, fastened and built WAKE HOUSE •1 YD CO rifllSStO V it t SLY ESS. Uyrick, Napier A Frcr- ~ If man inform their frieuds and the ♦ public gent rally, that they are eidaig- ing their Ware (louse adjoining their store on Cotton A venue, and will have it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence ment ol the ensuing season. All cottou consigned to them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or orders to buy and sell >ii the market, will be promptly attended t •. They likewise inform those Merchants who forward their goods by Macon, that they have a large and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer chandize, and will receive and forward all goods con- 'igned o them. Their charges in every in-tance will he as jow as is customary in the city. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotton stored with them or ship ped by them to any other market. Having one of the partnersof their firm (Mr. A. R. I reemau) located in the city of New Vork for the pur pose of affording the necessary facilities to their busi ness in .Macon they respectfully inform Merchants and others who have business to transact in that city, that he will lie prepared to attend to any Commission Business vith which he may be favored. They em brace the> present opportunity to return their grateful acknowledgements to their friends atid the puMic for past favors, and solicit a continuation of their patron age. _ coppe »nressly for tliis trade, have experienced captains «*:i . . ocularly once a week from each port. Ves.-ls h mud for Darien will find Dubov B r v of access: 191“ -I fee* water will he found on the R "r at high wafer, the same depth can be carried with. ! in .i\ miles of Darien, 13 fentcuhic carried tip to the j The anchorage in Doboy sound and river is j n irtirulailv safe and good, with ample room tor ves- ‘■,.U to carry olf the whole cotton crops, coming down the rivers to Darien. HAWKS, MITCHELL & COLLINS. Agents Darien. Kelcr to James CioniuRD, Fsq. Maco.i. ;>ct 1(1. 1836. *2 In addition to their present stock, they will receive early this fall a fine asssrtment of Dry Cood«, Groceries, Hardware. Cutlery, Bale Hope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton Bagging, Readymade Clothing, «f:e. Ac. Ac. suitable for the full trade, all of which they offer for sale on the most reasonable t- rtns Macon, August *25 61 tf WARE HOUSE •Inel Commission Business. The undersigned desire to inform their a Friends and the Public generally, that '<a>yafr» they continue the above business Tliey are makingsome addition to their Ware house « hicliisconvenientlv situated on Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware and TJ.VC P G GODS, At the Lowest Prices. , ... C.G. ST. JOHN. Watch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avsnue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful ly informs his friends ai d the public, that he is now opening a new and splendid assortment of WATCHES A JEWELRV, of the best quality and latest fashions, consisting in. part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’and gentlemen’s Hold Duple*. Patent Le ver, Anchor l.scapenient and Lepiue Watches; la dies fine Gold Curb. Guard. Basket & Cable Chains; Watch Hooks, Seals and Ke/s; Swi\els, Finger Rings, Far Rings anil Broaches; children’s Far Knobs ami Wires; gentlemen's Curb and Linked Guard and Fob Chains, Seals. Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som ind e illar Buttons. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Seals and Keys, Medalinns, gold and gilt Buc kles, silver and cotcb Snuff coxes, gold and silver I verpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, sil ver and shell Contbs, gold and silver 'Humbles, gold, silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eve. Seed Coral, large Coral. Coral Necklaces, Bead Bags. Chains and Purses, a variety of cfet and plain Beads. Spv Glasses; Quizzing Glasses. Pocket Books, Emory cushions, card and cigar rases, imitation fruit, lurifer matches, lire machines. Rogers A: Sons’, and Wade A- Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps, i scissors, dirks, chess men ami hoard, backgammon boards dice, dominoes, steel pens walking canes, pistols, powder Husks, shot pouches, game bags, otto of roses, cologne, lavender and Florida water* fancy soap, lip salve, pearl nnd tooth powder, flutes, fhtgeo- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes, o play frony-t to 1*2 tones, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen's dressing cases, hair and tooth brushes BLIS8. 11 f'I(iron Steam it out Company. .Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George vVdicox, do. EXCRL. '* J- L. Willcox. »«:|H comp tnv have now their lino of Beats in £ complete order for freighting. They have a ,... w steamboat added to their iine called the Superior. and ten Tow-Boats. Tim Boats will run regularly be two -n Macon and Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every , iV • »r -ix days with tow-boats. The company have „ v sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express- l*ir the navigation o r the Oemulgee and Altamaha nvers; these increased facilities will enable the com [.any the means of giving the greatest uespatch to , „:r!>n or goods shipped by their line. Tliev have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and Savannah, anil Darien and Charleston. There are also, five first rate Packets running regularly between "i and New Yors. which come to Hawes A •dit. licl, of Darien. Agents for the ahorr I! fits : J. GODDARD, Macon. Hover.. Hkvry & Walter, Charleston. I.. Bai tiwin * Co. Savannah. 1!aw::«, Mitch km. A Collins, Darien. Geo. K. Roberts, Ilawkinsvillc, M acon. 24tb Dec.. H3~. ‘l’* *—c'n i i* 7 "'r Si (ft tie J ton* Co it pant Second-street adjoining their store, they will he pre- | pared to make liberal advances on Produce or Mer- I chandise, either in store or to be shipped to Savannah. | Charleston or New York. Their personal and individual attention will be de voted to selling cotton from the \\ arehousror wagon. In addition to the above, they will continue the mer cantile business at their old stand, and expect shortly to receive from the New York and Boston markets, a fresh supply of 3>ry (goods. Grocer! s« Hardware. Hats. Shoes. Ac. Ac.—Wi ich will make their assortment large nnd complete. By a strict attention to business they hope to merit li re of public patronage. sept 15 1,4 GF.ORGF JF.W1 TT A TO. seal, mink, muskrat and cogy do mens and hoys full top cloth caps. ., „ Robinson’s do do •, ,. acorn top celeste caps, children’s fancy silkcaps, A c. Ac. Ac. ■ . . . ■ .. Fur capes. Pelcrins, mnflfs and ruffs, consisting of) Birmingham and Sheffield stiver plated.-astors, liquor chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, gcueit, rah- stands candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers |,it and styansdovvn. and snuffer trays, tea fays, silver table, tea. desert,. Hats made to order at shortest notice, salt, mustard and cream spoons, sonp ladles, s. gar ; Hat trimmings, alcohol and shellack. constantly oe i tongs and batter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster hand. Oct 2c 3 mantle clocksto run eighteen days without winding. ' military anti military Trimmings, »r d a variety of other articlesusually kept in his line, al! of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens and persons generally vis itilig oitrcilv to call at his store and examine hi -*— l- If.lTS, ff.JTA, JWHS. GEORGE A. KLUBERLY R ESPECTFULLY solicits the attention bl pur chasers to a very large assortment of i — ,., h , and C?aps* , rat he sub.-crib^uax lately ............ have been made by him expressly for retailmg, g_ m-rehanu.s., consE-ffog of 1 «» e of superior sty!e and quality . ’£Jan: icifre, Groceries. to any ever before offered in Macon; among Ins assort-1 j,,,.,,., or 0i /s mr lam..,-, niui { .i.t., > ; s .ddf.rv, Hat ment ...ay be found Uo.mew. Ac. Ac. which liicv hv.iex- xxiil bear com Super fashionable black and drab heaver Hats, j pari , ou n.qualilv ami price anv in the city Per do broadbrim do for eldpriv men, sons wishing lo pur.hasea.e invim.1 to ca l and ex do fash do do HjUiti heaver do amine lor themselves, as cArac „/!" do Wack ami drab Russia beaver, Lahore.; pull's, a.-o too often impr-m uis. Oiieestah- >V tde, meridian and narrow brings,otter, nutria, mask- J !;4lI „ eIlt if . |,„.„ted.,it the . m-ner of Third and Mul- rat. raccoon and cony hats of every verjety oi , fll!| . rv . „ff ; erou the con r ,.f Poplar street shape, nd style, • ! anffCottou Avenue. U:M B. PA UK. U A Co. j ontns beaver and satin heaver hats, latest fashions, i).-,,. tr. s; Fur anil Cloth Caps, consisting of super No 1, Otter Caps Volume* 3,1 .---A umltcr 12; Academical Notice. Ttii. Jnckson Acad emy "'ill go into i.t oration the ensuing y.:ir, t i:fc. the charge of the Rev. XV. A. FLOiiFNCi. and 1 ADY. ol higl fv i.pj-toved qualifications. Having the advantage ol a Chemical, an Astronomical and PiiLOsophieal apj rams, they wiil he able to give thorongHin- 1IK snbscriiier will receive in a few days a large | ’ ~'“*~n ' r 'r '^nli n linn itt all the branches of stock of j liberal education. ■ Carriages. &’e. j Mu-ic, Painting and the Fine Arts will be taught— Most of them made hv t'ue in \v.,« Ki■,>-u in Newark , also, the Latin aad Greek I.angr.a. and New Haven. Macon. Dec ! i The highly reputable character of Mt- ansi Florence as teachers, cannot fail to elicit ff r the insti- s'.'if. | tutiot. a liberal patronage, and to place it, in point of ts s-.,... .»□ ^ j () j-1 celebrity,at least, upon a level with any similar insti- ' Union in the State. * The moral and healthy condition of. the village xvill afford an additional inducement t<- and guar dians from abroad to send thi ir childic ny <cr the ac- commod.itioii of whom hoarding may 1 e had, ettherin private families or at legnlar boarding hcn-i s. at the i i n«**«^*i I tttostreduced prices. WILEY IV. G.MTIIIR. f catalogues and 1 J:lcksoI1 . u ' t 14 t ,; !in Pec Hoard of Trus. MACON ACA.Wa.3iTt. ill’. SIJHm KlJ,i P'S tl.e debt of gjati- JS , tude «hich they owe. ai d tin- man; ehligations winch hind them to the citizens of .Macoi: Lt -i its vi- ltitve individually i - ,TiT:—TT*—Vi rr;—:—; r: iff'iff ,7, .7 ! cinity for the liberal patronage lltey ‘have individually j J. lie,'that thev'liave 1 rinnoveii 'in* iho tire proof! received during their residence in the city, take this brick store ’nurd-street, near.'* oppo-fe to the store oc ' a *'“" «» »*«•«•■«'S Im lr 1 ’V 'occupied t,v David Ralston, auda fe-.v doors south- grateful blanks forall pastJavois. ant [e * 1 . .... . .. . iititinn't •iswmmli' in lliu ?trl .tf It ;if*. 11.57 tCJ HlUnt tllllt orcMiiit'a mv i;:iviu itaision. anna lev. uuors simui- ^ ^ *. • .■ p • • „ , west from lit a Central Hotel, where they offer for sale, untiring assiduity in tbe.arlff wac.u.g to merit .heir Setv Fall autl Winter Clothing. A T the .Macon Clothing Store, one d*>oi above stock. T HIS company wfdbe preparec to commence ha smess, early m tile next season—They wiil hat a live of Packets between New York, and Darien an nie tin vessels to forward goods from Darien to Maci i — fttc .igeiiis in New t ork, Ghurte-ston, and Savanna will iia a uhorised to contract for the delivery of good- i Macon, at n freight agreed on without intennedi- 1 charge and the agent in .Macon will receive cottou riivvr.uile ill Savaunali. Charleston, and New York— Tl:*c > op iiiy’s vessels and boa's, wiil be of first class with experienced commanders, and no expense will he ■ i.vd i i meet til • patron .go ofi.'ie public. PH. li. YONGK A SONS, Agents in Darin. wit 27th |S35 _ 49 r.Y s' ai ilrranganeiit of in. WARE HOUSE .C YD CO.lS.fUSSKKY BESI.YESS. THE undersigned will continue ti J transact lhe above business in all its ( 'O’ various forms at their old stand They ' ill. as hitherto, make liberal advance! on produce and merchandize in store, ir lo be snipped eilh**r to Savannah. Charleston, New i ork or Liverpool, and will devote the same persona! undivided attention to all business entrusted to ii dr care, and particularly to that of selling cotton •'rum the warehouse or wagons. Having disposed of lo ir warehouse in Fast Macon, they will in future ■online their business to oue house, which they are •iilarging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and ■• here they will be happy to serve those who have given them their patronage from the East side of the • iver. Feeliug grateful for the liberal patronagehere- .1 ore received, we hope by a strict attention to busi es to merit n continuation of the same. HAMILTON, HAYES A CO. ’Macon. 1st September. 1836 •200 pieces Best Hemp Bagging fi r sale a* market lies, by H. H.&CO. s.-pt I 6*2 TROY I1ILE. THI. undersigned informs In's, friends and those of the late firm of Cutter Sf Cornwall, that he intends re- s lining the Ware Douse & Commission Business, i the store next above me one recently occupied by, F. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as the town ol'Troy. lie further informs the public that he has bought the ends, ,V°. and having now on the way,from New York, and other places, < Dry Goods and Groceries, ■ •gother making his stock complete, which will be sold ovv for ready pay. he xviil he ready to receive Cotton , ur| „j lla |. early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances. j. ^ ^ S. S. Virgin feelgrateful for past favors, i He would particularly notice to his friends the gren j ull( j would still solicit u shaie of the pulic patronage, advantages Ins \\ a rehouses have over those in th j doping to give salifaction to all who may favor them dense pari of th» city with regard to t ire. they hem 1U , r | in p. . - . . ran at ms sure aim exaunue .u-se.^. ^ (vW) , dl Jj;ls fan muuulucU where he is ever ready and happy to attend to those pnst summer,) and which wi who may favor him with their calls - N B—P irticnlar attention paid to Watch Repair ing. ■ Having selected the best of materials for repair ing Watches. Ire is now prepared to manufacture any part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece he makes as jierfec! a-> ihe original, and his Watches to perfiu unveil Oct 27 7 aJwK A* slHX&i IVahccs, Jeiretry, Silm r %Yare,He J. A. A S. >. ViKCiiiN, ; U omd iiitoiiu tiicir lrieuds aud the m. B. Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The sub- sci iber is now receiving his ’ j Call and Winter Stock of Clothing, > iliufuctiireil by Lewis fitch Ute‘ 11 be sold off as cheap, for I cash, as at ally other establishment, CONSISTING OF , Super Black. Blue. Brnxvn, Green, Iiivisiblo Green ; and Claret Dress Coats. (a part ofxvhich to arrive,) 75 hhes >.t Croix and Porto Rico Sugars 3(10 -hags Prime Green 1,‘io. niidJnva Coffeel 1511 barrels Northern Rum and Gin 25 casks Wine and Cordials pipes ''ognae Brandy ai d Ii Gin 15 baskets Chumpaigne Wine, p ut superior boxes Muscat do 40 bbis No :: Mackerel *‘ No I Salmon Is heavy Hemp Bagging s Bale Rope Twine Feadiers. to arrive I timeral 'Assortment of S> yCrooJs, $4ho<?s. 53ts?s, flanStvare.. lie ,vr. ail of which will he sob! a! unusually low ptices. forcasli mily, bv i:« •,.) (ill CO 500 l!v MOO l!» and Glaret Dress Coats. j* r? .. * Wf» »T * A- rp\DI , 'Y Super Black. Bine. Brown. Green, Invisible Green i -. —l!— , .R“--——————— Clare! and Mixed Frock Coals. j ij.i iSMOE S vV £30. V. 't if i Brown. Green, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees. i\ - x .< I /1.1 . x Fine Blue. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pants, j /A. a Ay x P igi A. • Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casimercdo j rgrv;; Beuverteen, Cord and Lion Skin Pantaloons. j ' |jjl * “ ietenuined In abandon ■ I, n ., in iiuuc »n itir: .m..,u aHlCleS. Will d IS t*OSC l l l i uper 15.ue. Brown, Green, .Mixed and Drab Oxer .> , , , > ,, , , , , , , - i ^ , them at cost; ms issortmetit tiemg good, piitcii-istrs will ■ public that they suit continue at their | Coats. I,..,, .. .. ’* subscriber having trade in I lie abnvt continuance. ! They now most respect fully announce to their pat- j rous and thr public at large, that they have formed a t connection, and will conduct tog< titer the .Hale Department of ihe above institution during the ensuing year, [where they hope by their united efforts and unremit- ’ ting exertion- in the discharge id their professional j duties, to he enabled to give general sntisfaetjen and 'j merit the approbation of all An additional room in | the Ac demy, -pacicus and comtortable. has been pro- ! cured, by which means they will be the belt* r enabled i to make such divisions of their time and labor fcin the ! tnani'ffement'of their school as they tuny deetn best calculated to facilitate and expedite the progress of their scholars. The stricte-tat entiun will Le paid to the pioi ids and maiir crs of all conimilteo to their cate; ns well lusto their proficiency in their various studies. Terms and rales of tuition as usual. A commencement of the present arrangement will take place on the first Monday in January next • A limited number of young misses xviil also be ad mitted, at least, until the Female Department shall have'gout* into operation P- MACINTYRE, Dec 15 11 4t J. O’KEEFFE. stand on uuoii Avenue, and htvejust ■ eceivcd airesti supply oi Goods, con sisting in purtoi Uie following articles: lieuileuieu’t and Ladies goiu lexer anchor escapement independent second lepiue uud vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain imdyxua jewelled lepiue aud vertical do. all of watch were se lected with choice tosdit tins m.triiei, aud will tie war ranted to perfirui veil; estates'goid Aeck Cuaius ; Gentlemen’s gold aud silver Guard and fob Lniuus; gold and silver guard and fob Keys; »-ar Knobs aud Drops ; Breast 1 ins am. Fmgei Lints oi ail Kinds; gold, silver, gilt, aud pearl Beit Bucales and .slides. Bracelets aud Head Beils; goiu aud silver everpumt- ed Pencils, steel Pens ol the best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles. Quizzing classes, silver table, tea, dessert, sail aud mustard apoous ; soupaiidcream Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Butter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Timubles, Castors, Candlesticks, sdver, mass, arm biouzed ; coral, gill uud glass Beads; ladies’Lags of the latest fashions, Pures and Pocket Books, < lan- onetts, Flageoletts, r lutes, rites, Accordtalts, Music Boxes large and small, Drums, Organs aud Vminis, Walking Sticks of vauous kinds; silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs , Tea aud Coffee Pots, Bread Baskets silver and jupauued, line painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Sauitdeis’ celebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Deutists’ Piles, Gold Plate, Wire, Foil Ax for Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children; Snuff boxes, Percussion caps, Pipes, ^egar Tabes, Pocket Compasses, Mathemati cal Instruments. Ac. MiLITARY GOODS. Swords Bells,;.paulet.s, i'iotues, *5a.-hes, Buttons, Lace, stars, oruaincnts too numorous to meuiiuu, which will be sold cheap forcasli, or approved city accep tances. N. IL—We have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which will warrant to perform as well as the find it to their interest to call. “.•Tt 15 64 W Goat’s Hair and German Camblet Wrapper do Gentlemen’s super Blue, Black and Invisible Ore-.. . Broadcloth Cloaks. $ US T F. VE 3 VE2) nr! lor sale at my Boo Ladies’super Olive, Green aud Claret Broadcloth ! omre near-h" Post Office viz. Cloaks Ladles’ figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Cloaks. 'uper Blue nnd Pilot Cloth OverCoats. II BERDSAL: . ity, Vi > .u'l't* sicata A k*«>ie iitstti iLittc. i X I . ji' iprielors of me above line notify fiieii ls and tlw public, tlmt tiiey will have run* King on tlie Altamaha and Ominlgee rivers during tii-sminer and fall months, four or live Pole Boats, y irti -nlarly adapted to low stag, s i j irntcr. and xv.iieb w;ll i»j liifj by .Steanihuats when the water will per >ail Sliijners liy this line may* depend upon every at tention being paid, and exertion used t< giye despatch hi property shipped by it to nnv of the landings on ■fid rivers. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag’t Macon. AGENTS. Messrs Holcombs, Puck A Co. Charleston. E. P. Butts, Esq. Savannah. Rowland, Chink A Shackklford, Darien. IIU.STF. w>,Tavi.ok A Co. Haxvkinsvilla. Macon, June 30 I 6m Co amission Business, Darien. yw^H:. public are hereby informed that the whole t lHE undersigned have resumed business as a- ■ Capital Stork of this Company, of hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten- — - — ■ **- •* linn to all business entrustod to their care. We believe ive have made arrangements that will enable ns at all •imes to forward goads for the interior with the least letached from other buildings and at a distance from uiv street or lane, and xveil enclosed _May5 45 tf V H. 3, CUTTER. I’.ietorace A <’oiuuiissioii IIiiuucns. BO. l 'FiJYG, He. I N HE subscriber has located in the city of Savan nah for the above purposes, and taken stores nearly opposite the City Hotel. The steamer “ Chieftain ” Capt. White, will he ready in all the present mouth to receive freijrl t for tiacon, and will continue regularly throughout the.-c i- soii the river admitting, and unavoidable accidems only intercepting. Goods for forwarding will experience no delay, and the interest of the ownjronly takeuintoeonsideration net 13 *2 S. F. DICKINSON .'ncrcllalIts , Insurance Company of Macon. possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad. mil, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities In forward cotton inland or coastwise, arc not exceed ed hyanv other House. Darien, Mav k!6, 1835. ' HAWKS. M1TCIIF.LL & QOLL1NS. WAREHOUSE •t.VD C0.7/. JUSSI O.Y BVSi.YESS. THE UNDERSIGN: D will eon- iuuo to transact the above business, at ,e Ware House occupietlby him last eason. Grateful for the liberal patronage re- e ored l'r„m ms friends and the public, by strict atten- 11 ' i lo business confided to his care, he hopes to merit 1 *haro of the public patronage. ( . Rn " ill m.ik • liberal advances on cotton stored with '•a, or on shipments to Savannah, Charleston and •'«>» York. \. . CHICKERLNG Mir-vi 59 Due Hundred Thousand Dollars in cosh, has been paid in, and is now prepared io nke risks according to previous notice ; viz. to and from the city of Macon to any port or place in the United States, on equally advantageous terms to the assured as other Marine Companies .! xmks Goddard, Prcsitlcnt. W.m. B. Parker. 1 oct G 1-tf J, F. II. Well Tiios. Tati Jamf.s Rea. Secretary. li.mas, ( LOR, J Directurs Clothing. f UST received a very large stock made up ex nri-sslv for us. in first rate style n„v 10 R CRAFT A LEWIS FRUI TREES. AN assortment choice fruit trees from Baltimore. Also. A few dozen Chinese .Mulberry, the best for Silk Worms. For sale by 10 CRAFT A LlA\ IS. December 1 11 ,fi HMDS St Croix, P. R. andN O. Sugar. “8: Mir 150 bags prime green Coffee, 40 Itlitls prime retailing Molasses, 50 bids N. E. Rum. 40 „ American Gin, 35 ,, Whist ey, *250 ps heavy Hemp Dundee Bagging. 50 coils Rope, 6000 lbs bagging 1’wine, SALT. IllOX, NAILS, CASTINGS,/; A 4>t‘iirr:tl stock of Groceries. in store and for sale <m accommodating terms by EDMUND RUSSELL, sept 1 6*2 Mulberry ft. Drab, Blue and Olive Duffle Over Coats; Lion Skin nnd Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Erock Coats and Pnt’.fn!oo;;s; Cloth, Satinet, Peters ham and Beaverteen Hunting Coats, C : oth and Satin et Rotted Jackets. Black and Blue Cloth, black figured and plaid Vel vet, plain and figured English JSitk, dark Valencias. Todinet. Woollen Velvet, black and striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shirts,Silk, Cotton. Merino potentate! lamb | Wool Sijirts. net cotton and woolen, flannel Canton, j flannel and twilled cotton Drawers. Wool, Lamb's tvool. patent Merino and brown cut-1 ton Half Hose. Fine Wool, Buck, Ilqrs 'skiu, Beaver, Whi*e Kid Liened Berlin. Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk Gloves. Black and white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts. Money Belts, nett, worsted and cotton. Silk and Gnnr Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners. Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet nlain A intuiherof Blanks, ol a superior i 50 Violins, from $25 a §*2 5U. 50 Umbrellas, a superior article, frym $10 a fff Fillies, Flageolet!.-;, CJarionelts, Ac. Ac. X >v * I s JAMES s DLCOTT Antdcmical 4otice. T HE HILL ACADLMY, tionree county, will open on the second Monday in January next, under the rcctorsh p of Mr MAE SSINLT, (the pre- -eut rector of Franklin Academy. Piitcaui county, and formerly a principal teacher in the Scot tsborough -institute;) ami from his reputation as a gentleman ot distinguished literary attainments, moral character and industrious habits, we confidently recommend our Institution as presenting as many inducements to gen- era! patronage, as any other institution in Georgia; especially when we take into consideration the moral character and heahh of the neighborhood. Our course of instruction will embrace, in addition lo the elementary branches of ihe English language a thorough knowledge of Grnmmai. History Geogra j . v. with the use of tlie Globes. (. elestial and Torres U d. Composition, Rhetoric. Moial and Natural rhi- lo-ophy. Chemistry. Algehraand Matbemaiies. mixed c THE Subscribers have taken that cum j ami pure. Mr. Manssinet will also teach, critically ; XjjGSt motlious and well known public house m I'lU,. Latin, Greek. French and Italian languages. ct»» Cij; the City of .Macon,—the Washington Hail, \ YVitli regard to Mr Manssinet as a gentlemen and ■/cshAiiffijt- lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Husnu.— ; scholar, we.are referred to a number of liteiary gen- By the unremitting attention of huth of; ,i. •man in this State, ainon? whom are the names of i ffiem, tliey flatter themselves that their IJonsc wiil oh-I Dr. Brown, (the founder of Scottsborongh institute,) tain fur them a general patronage from the Public.— and Dr. Ambrose Baber, of Macon. Novi 5 Blankets ana JYegro Shoes. ft N extensiye stock, for so iIl nnv I > li 'RAFT A LF.WL- c'.*t ev iCtsixamgs. A LARGE stock—some splendid patterns, for sale \‘A. by Nov 24 n CRAFT A L' *A IS Was/i/iMm /oa n. Hale. t hey iiaxe secured the valuable services of a Lady, vhose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stablcsare attended bv careful and experienced and plaited Stocks, blue, black and white cyiuiped Silk | Ostlers. M I.’STiAN A MOTT. Stocks, Spitnlfieid. English Silk, red and jellmv Ban- ) Feb 5 1835 dona, white and red Pongee Silk Pocket Ha-.dkev M. W. McCRAW, BLN.!. BRANTLEY, f Y. CALDWELL, THUS. DYSON, J- Trustees. chiefs, plain and ruffled Bosoms Collars. Purses,Cloth. Fur and Hair Seal Ski'i Caps. Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hats. Boots and Shoes, a grod stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and hhu - ! Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt ms Co’toti Wadding. Military Ball B ittons. Cord. Tns sels. Stars, Lace, Epauletts, Ac Ac. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their Cloths made at the Nor'! will. Iiv leaving their names with me. have them mad ;•> ' • best manner and most fashionable stvle. H.F. Dec 8 H AKE HOUSE ^ co. if mss to v b usr.YEss. 1* I undersigned having purchased from Gen. L. -1. L. Griffin, the Ware House formerly kept by ' 'J J C. Morgiit, tenders his services to the public 18 t ,e above business. He is prepared to extend the "''i i! facilities to his customers, bv making advances '"^pLHlaee stored with him. or on shipments to his •f «r.dt in Savannah and Charleston. • anuected with the W’are IJoiises are safe and ex ten- ! v, ‘ ( l°*c Storages, for the reception of any Goods ; "t any lie consigned to him for-ale, or otherwise. *ac 'ilnation of these Ware Houses, ns to convcni- '•■<'<• and saffty, are not surpassed bv auv in the place '"aid additional security be required. Insurance 'alie infected at a very low rate. The subscriber’s ^ "nnoij will b 'devoted errhsirelit to the above bnsi- ;,V, Go therefore hones to receive a proportion of pu ., l,c Patronage A R. RALSTON, 'hicon Nov *2*2. 9 fk Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil very hr \W handsome—-just received and for sale I bv l|. A J. SHOT WE LL. " 14 10 Opposite the Hotel A .. Hark Prints. as'ortmepi n.trk sm ill figured ’'rent h prints «o*10 6 for ia|e by CRAFT & LEWIS. BLACK CLOAKS. G I'NTI.EMlN and Ladies miperhtio cloth Cloaks Also, Men’s super fine Plaid Pantaloons, and Figured F>ilk Velvet Vests. Just received by Her 8 10 CK \FT A 1.1 WIS POT ASH. F lit making Soap. For sale bv Dec8 10 CRAFT A LEWIS. For Sale, ul hhds St Croix Sugar ol superior quality, 50 hags Coffee, 45,000 lln swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, *25 libds choice Molasses, )50 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricninond I lour, 5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongchala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON. Commission Business. Darien. rSlii.. firm of sNO\V A ROULR8 is ibis day g dissolved. Tue undersigned will continue the Commission business on his own account, and devote his whole attention to this branch of,business. The friends of the late firm and others may rest assured that no exertion on his part shall be wauling to promote such iiilere.ts as may Jie intrusted to his care. Partic ular rltenlioi- will be paid to forwarding Goods and Produce GEO- T. ROGER&. Darien. 1st Nov. 1836. The subscriber, of the late firm of Snow A Rogers, begs leave to return his thanks to the friends of the late concern, and would respectfully solicit thecontiii- tiance ol their patronage to Mr Geo. T. Rogers, xvito will continue the Commission Business on his owh account. Darien, 1st Nov. 1836. 6 6t ISAAC SNOW. HATS, Prime Green Coffee. nr XL Sk hags prime Green Coffee, in small bags. $9 iiF xr Jusl received and for sale by Dec8 10 R,:\ A COT ON- Store Douse to Bent. ONI. or both of the Store Houses ad joining the subscribers; for a large and "eueral assortment they could he easily united and would make a desirable stand for business. To any one desirous of renting mem for such purpose, the terms wiil be mode rate Apply to GEORGE JI.YVI. I I A CO. sepl 22 ~ 65 4000 Bacon. .Mnckere ■ ur And a few hh<i • * Boston Hams." for sale by t ; .* : SSI’1.1. Mulberry street Crockery hardware. A T Setv Fork Cost for sale by GEO. W. PRICE A CO. Oct. *27. 4 31 o I asses m A X |Ihds I est quality family Molasses just re- ■ t-vr< and for stile by J„,;s 9 r-4 SMITH RODGERS A CO. )VM. It. UlRDS.lLL, H VS Just received a netv and extensive sortment of L&oady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, oliv hroxvn and green Broadcloth Dress Coats. Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue,olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees. and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats. Super, blue, biuck. invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth and sailinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and bine Cassimero, black and colored Velvet, black Florin tine, black Bombazine, dark aud light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toilinet, Sxvansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patershnm Box Coats, I.yon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms. Socks. Ac fTT. jlewis a t. f. newton, .Jlerchant Tailors, H ;\ VL entered into co-partnership under the firm of Lewis A Newton, for the purpose of trans acting business itt their line. They expect to have on liana irom New York, itt a short time, a genera! assortment of Cloths. Cassi- meres, Vestings, Ac. Which, together with the stock on hand will make their assortment complete. Also, a general assortment of Ready-Made Clothing which will be sold low for cash Tliey solicit a share of the public patronage, b. F. LEWIS, Any 18 60 T. F, NEWTON. Boot? anti shot's, Boiuestics. Ac. 75 CASES Boots and Shoes, consist ing in part of Gentlemens fine calf Boots, sewed a ,„j pegged. Stout pegged and water proof Boots. Fine calf and stout Shoes and Pumps. Ladies :feal. Motncco and Prunella Walking Shoes. Slips and Bootees ; Children s Shoes oi all kinds. A complete assortment of Negro shoes. *20 cases Domestic Cottons, bleached andnnbleach ed, consisting offine Shirting and Sheeting, stout do. 30 pieces Sattinctts of various patterns ALSO. Fine 4-4 and 7-8 Flannel; Blankets; Calicoes. Hats; Ac. just received, and for sale on mast liberal terms, by C. L HOWLAND A CO. oct 13 2 Next door to tbe Post-Office CENTRA3- HOTEL, •tecoii, Georgia. rgnKlS establishment is now under the control of h the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren ier comfortable those w ho lu.av cali on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS, Feb25 35 -’ HIN D. RAMEY i7IE3*CMAN i S H03’EJL. ;) Formerly cimdiictia: by Mr. iVliot, 8o- ciet. Si Charleston South Carolina i!3r!’ri'i-, DANIEL Cl ; OK, the present proprie- jjji j tor of the above establishment, begs leave .oiniorm its friends and the pubJirgetior- .dv, ibut be has connected himself with Mr. S. W. Shelton, and solicits a coutitiunance of the extensive patro age herefore received • This establishment, as is well knnwn, is in every way calculated to render comfort bc*h to the traveller and j permanent boarder, and every exertion will be con tinued on ihe part of the pront ictor*, to weeommothiu- J tlm.-e why may favot them witliac.di. Mr. S W. Sfielton wiil give his personal attention j to the entire mantfee:.- eu: of the House. D. COOK. Dee. 3 4» 10 S. W. SHELTON. Co. i egtrai RtulBostd aud Btiukit: of tn orgia. Savannah, Nov 22d, 1836 N OTICE ishcreby given, that an iusMlmtmt of Ten Dollars per Share, on the Cipilal Stork of this Company, is required to be paid at the Com- pativ’s Banking House, on or before the first Monday in February next. Bv order of tbe Board of Directors, 10 IL R. f'UYLER. Cashiier Stockholders in the neighborhood of Macou, can nakepayment in ihatciiy. RnRcr. 1OOO 1 ' c,, 5"2l! i b, E ' , "‘ r ' 1 .-C I «> CHARLES 'CAMPBELL. Cieoi’o Acadeiny, Monroe county, j fBTAU: Trustees ol ibis institution are desirous lo S gel a Ti AC *1 nit to take charge of the Acad emy for the ensuing year. A classical teacher, who can entne well recommended for industry, ability, and good moral character, would do well local). None others need apply. Notice and C;:itiio*i. Finin' subscriber hereby forewarns all persons a- J2. gainst trnriiin furor receiving tlie following I S made hy hint and payable to Lemuel Webb, or L. Yv < Lb. to wit: Four siiiiiil nines for twenty-five collars, cr.ih due *25'.h December, 1856. Foe dole for one hundred aoi- lurs. due as above, corciiioiied to lie void on the sub- scri. py paying C. K. Allen, one hnndred dollars, or I on his taking up a note of that amount in C. K. Al- j leu’s hands All ibe above notes bearing date tiiefith ! day of August, tx'tff The said notes having been i frauiiuletiffv obtained and without consideration, the j subscriber is determined not to pnv them unless onm- peibd by law. Vv lhLIAME HERRING. Nov 1 l> 7t ^Notice. IHIO Suitors, Juries and \V itnesscs:—The adjourn Jfi adjourn adjourned August Teini of Houston Inferior court is expected to be held on ihe first Tues day in January next, agreeable to the lodotviug order, to wit; Ordcnd, That the regular adjourned term of.the Inferior eourtof Houston county be adjourned to the fu st Tuesday in January next. Pern , Oct I4ih 1836. JOHN CHAIN, j. i. c. RO:i"t' L. DUNCAN, j.i.c. S EDWARD MOUNGER, j. i c. just received 17 7 or water proof BOOTS. WM. II. BURDSALL. 1 „v, r* PRs ln.Jitt ..ul».'»crovcr S .ocs s£JT WM. II BUKHSALL. Ware House ami Wharl Property For Sale. Hi*, undersigned offers for sale hi* well known B property on ihe river bank in Macon, consist- , u g if Ware House. Store House. W harves, Ac. Ac “>rt 5 I ROGER McCALl.. Copart nersliip. T ill undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSIN ESS in this city, under the firm of COOMBS A DOUgHTY. JOHN S. CO i.MBS, .Savannah. June 1 50 E. W . IlOL<• HTY■ J UST RECEIVED iimu Ncw-Y. rk. and for sale bv S.JIITD, DODGERS A* Co. 50 bags and 50 barrels prime green Coffee, 20 hhds prime St Croix sugar, 30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin. We will also sell our DRY GOODS, a -plcndii! as sortment, at, or about cost, as we wiffi to turn our at tention to the cotton and grocery business. Jnlv7 54 Dec 1 3t A. B. RFID 1 THO. REDDING, j M. TO LAN, ) Trustees B. F. Kl AN. | JOHN PITMAN. I Ciirpcting. PIECES—some splendid pattern*., just re A&yiit reived by nor 10 6 CRAFT A LEWIS JL O J; £. ti i 'Alift Si ILL be so.d to tlie iiighexi bidder, on Saturday tbe 24th iii>t. on the premises, 8 miles from Aiacott. on the Tobcsofkee creek, one mile helo^v where the Federal Road crosses going to Knoxville, the Land and Mills known as Ftawellin's old Mills, containing six I.mailed and fifty two and a half acres, with two Saw and oue Grist Jiilis, situated on a ne ver failing stream, surrounded with well limbered pine l»nd. Together with 8 Mules, and stock of every de scription, wagon. carts, Ac. Terms made knou u on t ie day. «ier.8 10 B A J 8 RUSSELL. ».M)~ACtUiS LATD! ‘ rrjlIJ:; Subscriber offers for sate bis Pl.ANTA- C Tit )N aud TAVERN STAND, on ihe Federal Road, '*milus from Macon, lying on the Tobescfkee creek, consisting of a good two story house and other neciq .-ai y bail ii gs; and ICO acres land—one half oak and Jiicl.nry the balance best sort of-pine land—250 acres open and under fence. The whole in good re- pair. Together with stock of all kinds, and 12 of 15( 0 busheis corn. Terms, ten dollars per acre for the land, in two payments. The above lands are wad I watered and timbered, ard be surpassed for heal'h by ativ situation in 0>o •■.■of! Deo 6 10-3t JOHN AJcMURRAlN. A LL persons indebted to the -state of Jeremiah Smith lute of Bibb county de cased, are reques ted to make payment to the und tsigned; and those having demand's upon said estate vill present them in terms of the law, for settlement to Nov 17 7 HENRY SMITH, Adm’i, City Uots,i>lHcou. (-M< ’re or less j acre nnd ball acf< lots, wil , by order of city council, lie ri4> by Auction on Tuesday 27ti. instant (December) on the premises. T he location ot the most of these bus com prise situation on commanding eminences for private dwellings not surpassed bv anv in the 8tate. The web ascerta in'd fact oflie dth and pure water are consitler- fion sutiiantly • onebisive to attract tho e who Wish tor i permanent location, together with the proximity to thecitv. for trade ami business and the Rail' Roads east and west which will verv soon he in Miccesfnl op- perntion are consider itiomis to be Inst sial.t ol ns we'l a* that these lots are probably 'he last which wiil be of fered fur sale l>\ the city. Terms of sale ^ cash ^ 6 months, J twelve months.; IJEPI IT & HIGGINS Auctioneers. 4 iiatttbic MkijE Properly for sale. __ ygjT Hi. undersicued offers for sale his two SAVC S MILLS. wRIiin three miles of Macon—leiV Mins i re now in successful operation. On the premise> is also a GRIST MILL. Attach ed to die Mills is 15odacres of finely timbered LAND.- with ull tije buildings requisite for conducting the bust. ness. Added to these advantages, is a Spriug of pure? water, a healthy situation, and its near location to thee rapidly growing city of Mac on, where a maffcet can al- - ways iie had ;or Lumber 11 fur prices. Personswish- itig to purchase, are invited to call on myself on tho* premises, or on Roger McCall at Macon, so .t 21 65 ELEAZAR McCALL. T i*PEE *G\ <\\'f'Cir sale by April 26 44 J H U TUB SUBSCRIBER’- H AVE purchased Sir. Laiko '' \\ ilev’s inter est in thelate firm of Fort, Hamilton & U i- lev, and Hamilton, Hayes & Co. and given IKA — E. FORT an interest in the same. The i>iy Goods '7or business will be continued at the same place, under i fHl A’FNTY-FOUR Hall acre LOTS, situated in tbe firm of 1 J. th ; Wost- rn part of the City, eligible for re- Forl, Hamilton A C<^. 1 Ridence* These Lots will he sold at public oof-erv and the Ware Houses and ComnnsMo Bnciness as on die 27tll in«t on the-'remises Teitns nne-thir«l heretofore, under the firm of-HAMILTON HAYFS cash, hne-third at 6 months, and one- bird at 12 i.LLlS. & Co. J true 23 52 FORT, HAMILTON t Co. 1 months. Dec 16 2t li DAVID RALSTON. I c SO acres first B ,ite E .1 CZ ... IJVG X..J JYDSr FOR SALE. S N bodies from 320 to *2501) acr. s all lying in ffltS connties of Russell, Chambers and Macon, Ala bama, near Columbus. These lat Is were selected vv ith a great deal of care, by a comp, ent judge, with a special eye to the culture of corn a td cotton. My a- gent John i). Pitts will be fullyauth .rised tosell those Kiid*, and may be found for the tie t six weeks at tha McIntosh Hall, in Colnnibns (who i pot in the Creek Nation) prepared to shew the same Also, the well known tract of La J lying in the Os- vvirhee Bend, containing “2600 acre . This tiact can not bp sur passed by any lands in th-*' state of Alabama. Nnv 17 7 J. COW 1.1 S. Land Tor Sale. O N the first Tuesday in JAN LAKY nix,, will be sold at tbe court house in Houston usn.-pty. Lot No 83 i- thr 14d|jdistrict Houston, kncvvi a the Hut chin's Lot. . ,,T* . Terms—'2 months’credit, with note ai'd approved >ei urity, wrth inicicst from d e of sale rndisputait titles. Nov 24 8 X\ ILLlAM K. TORRANCE. V 3^ ■■ P^9|)