Newspaper Page Text
popuc SILKS.
(I^nrf July (fctlM.
***7"ILL be »oU, on tne first Tuesday in JULY next,bo-
T I fire the Court-House. iloor in McDonough, Henry
county, within the legal hoars cf sale,
* One Store-House anil Lot, in McDonough, known ns the
Eastern pan of Lot No. 1, in square D ; levied on ns the
property of II. 11. Tomlinson, to satisfy a ft fa from Henry
Inferior Court, in favor of Perkins, Hopkins A “White vs.
said Tomlinson, maker, and Johnson, Jones A Oo„ endorsers.
150 acres of Land, whereon Wad.hll Johnson now lives,
in the 13th District of Henry connty; one Negro Woman,
n .me 1 Phillis, abont 63 years old; ong yoke oT Oxen, Ox
Cart and Yoke; one clay-bank Mare; > he 'd rrtlogB, and
one (iris Istone; levieJ on as the property of vV addill John-
sot—25 barrels of Corn, mow nr !c j c bead of stock Cat-
•le, mire or less; 30 he id of »tnck Ift'Cs, more or less; 250
seres of Land mare or le,.% where m llenajali Guar now
Jives. and one Ncero Woman, qjwned Fanny, about 65years
r,M ; levied on as the property of Isharn Cain, to satisfy sun
dry ft fas from Henry Inferior Court, in favor of B. W.
F ,,*i*o ft Co. an 1 others vs. Thomas W. Slaughter, Isham
ODiri. and Waddill Johnson.
One Male; one Cow ami two Yearlings, and 12 head of
H igs; levied on as the properly of Thomas W. Slaughter—
50J a**res of Land, bfiug LotsJlNo*. 168 and 184, and part of
Lot No. 164. in tile 12th District of Henry county; levied on
si the prooerty of Zephxmia'.t Estes, to satisfy a ft fa from
Ifenrv Interior Court, in favor of Elisha Colley vs. Thomas
\V. Sian.'liter, Waddill Johnson, Zephamiah Estes, princi
pals, an 1 Ishara Cain, security.
Lot of Land No. 36, in the 6th District of Henry county;
levie 1 on as the property of John Gallman, to satisfy sundry
fi fas from a Justice's Court of Henry rountv, in tavor of
John Rowan vs. John Gallman and Ftrley Ford. Levied
on an ! returned to me by a constable.
Eight Negroes, to wit: Lewis, a man, 28 years old; Iliir,
a man, 20 vears old; Beckv. a woman, *27 years old; Lind, a
C irl, 1 j vears old; Riah, a stir!, 1*2 years old; Henry, a boy, 3
vears old; Sarah a womanTSB years old; Spencer, a boy. 12
loirs old; levied dn by virtue of a mortgage ft fa issued from
il.., rv I iferior Court, in favor of Thomas Fear* vs. Axariah
Doss;” levied on as the property of said Doss. Property
pointed out in said mortgage.
XT The above levy to be sold for Gold and Silver.
April 27 30 J A MES L. HE ID, Stiff.
Hesry JuTy Sale*.
be sold, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, be*
Uoihly July Salen.
"mmriLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, at
T T the place of holding the Superior Court in Dotrly
county, vw ii! it; the ustmI hours of sale,
One Lot of Land, So. 139, in the 3d District of Dooly
rminty; levied on ns the property of Jame.d O. Jelha, to satis
fy one ii ft Mimed from fulashi Superior Court, in favor of
Win S Whitfi**!.], A.imr., for the use of.lohn ttiwls, v§.
Ifenrv j. Q. WiuiamsW'm. Baron, and James O. Jelks.
AI - *. oie Lot of Land. 74, in the 1st District ot Doo!y
rmiiiM ■ lev,.* I <»n to satisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from
Dooly Superior Court, in favor of James R. Picket and War
ren A. Mcv vs. Freelmd Buckner. Said Land point
ed out in mortgage fi fa.
ANo, or.e Nerro, named Jim; levied on as the property of
R Jward Rowell, to satisfy one fi fa issued troru a Justice’s
Uou t in the * "VM Company District, G. M.. in favor of Mar
tin (r. Brady vs said Rowell-
June t * 33 DANIEL McLEOD, Shff.
fore the Court-House door in McDonough, Henry
scanty, within »he legal hours of sale,
JOOacreeof Land, No. not known, the place whereon
Jonrv J Vaughn now lives, in the 6th District of Henry coun
ty; levied on as the property ol John J. Vaughn, in tavor of
Perkins, Hopkins Sc White vt. John J. Vaughn, John E.
Va:» Norton, principals, and Johnson, Jor.ea & Co., endorsers.
A’so, 50 acres of Land being the North-East corner of
Lot No. 71, in the 3d District of Henry coonty; levied on as
property of Joshua Shiptrine, by virtue of sundry fi fas isau
ed from a Justice*! Co art cf said county, in favor ofWm. b.
Herrington vs. Joshua Shiptrine. Property pointed out by
plaintiff. _ ...
Also, tlirco Lots of Lai>d, Nos. 89, 101, and 123. in the 3d
District of saiil county, levied on as the property of Henry
J. Williams, in favor of C- A G.H. Kelsey Sc Halstead and
others vs. Henry J. Williams Sc Co., and Thomas D. John
son, security on the stay.
A Iso."tine Negro Man, named Willie; levied on as the
property of Washington S. Belcher, to satisfy sundry fi fas
issued from a Justice’s Court of said county, in favor of
Nicholas Miller vs. Washington 9. Belcher, and other fi fas
vs. said Belcher and others. Levied on and returned to
me by a constable. Levied two Executions.
Also, the^favem now occupied by Janies Sc 3. F. Knott,
in the town of McDonough, No. not known; levied in favor
of Benjamin F. Tucker vs. James Sc E. F. Knott, William
Segur and William F. Crew, securities. Levied on and
returned to me by a constable.
May 25 31 JEMES L. HEAD, Shff.
i\ew Ice Cream Establishment*
Opposite Messrs. Geo. M- Logon 4- Co.
I CE CREAM of a superior quality will be kept on hand.
Separate apnrtmenta are fitted up for Ladiea and Gentle
men. and will be open day and night.
Ice will be sold to Families and others at 8 cents per lb.,
at the above place. J. H. A W. B, ELLIS,
April 27 30
The ITIacon Georgia Telegraph,
£ffuM» TSBifEs, TfcBUanlt. C/Sote», azvi otIUb 'l&BPanfi®,
Ax. Are. Are.
Of all kind*, kept constantly on hand for sale.
The Proprietor of the above Establishment, having ra*
cently received an additional supply of JOB TYPE, feels
confident that any work done by him will give satisfaction.
November 24 8
Witt he *nld. at the same time and place,
One Lot of Land. No. 149, in the 1st District of Dooly
county; levie 1 on as the property of Enoth Shiver, to satis
fy several ti fas in favor of Wm. Sonth. Property pointed
out by J. M. Warren.
POSTPONED SALE.—At the same time ami place,
One Negro Woman, bv the name of Rose, 20 years old;
levied on is the property of David Scarborough, to satisfy
a ri fa iu favor of the Central Bank ami others.
.lut e 35 S. W. PEARCE. D. Shff.
Dooly .Inly Nnlc*.
V^"ILL be sold, the first Tuesday in JULY next, at
1 ¥ the pin e of holding the Superior Court of Dooly coun
ty, withm the legal hours of sale,
On'* Ne.,ro man. by the name of Chance, 35. years old;
levied on as the property of Thomas If. Blount, to satisfy
sun Iry ?i fas in favor of Need am Bryant vs. said Blount.
Also, Lot of Land No. 239, in the 3d District of Dooly
county; levie 1 on as the properrv of .Tames O. Jelks. to sat
isfy one fi fa from Pulaski Superior Court, in favor of Wm.
8. Archer vs. Henry J. G. Williams, William Bacon, and
James O. Jells.
Also, Lot of Land No. 37, in the 2d District of Dooly
county; levied on’as the property of David Patton, to satisfy
sun Irv fi fas in favor of John McKenzie vs. John Quick,
David Pa;t«»n, and Edmund D. Eason.
Also, Lot of Land No, 160. in the lOtli District of Dooly
county: levied on as the property of How-el Mathews, to sat
isfy sundry fi fas in favor of William McDaniel vs. said Ma
Also, Lot of Lnr»d No. 102. in the 3d District of Dooly
county; levied on ;is the property of John J. S. Miles, to sat-
MtV sundrv fi fa-4 in favor of Win. Slade and others, vs. said
Also. Lots Nos. 20. 21, and 22, in the town of Old Berrien,
in Doolv county; levied on as the property of Elizabeth \fil-
ler. to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of Thomas II. Dawson
vs. Elizabeth Miller.
Als i, Lots of Land Nos- 117 and 95, in the 2d District cf
Dooly county; levied on as the property of James Woodard,
hi favor of M.ises Baldwin, for the use of John II. Kennedy
vs. said Woodard, and Alex’r. McGregor, security.
Also, Lot of Land No. 5, in the 3d District of Dooly coun
ty; lev ied on as the property of Josiah Henderson.deceased,
with the Will annexed, for the use of J. B. Neighbors vs.
said II *nd?r
Also, oiic black Horse, 11 years old; one grey Mare, 6
years old; one yoke Oxen. 5years old; one Wagon; 4 Cows
and Calve- ; 2 Heifer*, and one S’.eer; levied on to satisfy a
r e fi ,vt.. of Onediah Ihriith vs. Har dy Alford.
Property pointed out in said mortgage ti ft.
AUo, one L it of Land, whereon John Warren now lives,
in the 3d District of D*»«Jy county, No. not known; levied on
«9 the property of said Warren, to satisfy one fi fa in favor
of Robert B. Davis and J. J. Collier vs. said Warren.—
Property pointed out by said Warren.
May if 32 m DANIEL McLEOD, Shff.
Will be sold, at the same time and place,
The interest of Penclopy Mathis in Lot of Land No. 203,
in the 7th District of Henry county; levied in favor of S. W.
Parham and others vs. Penelopy Mathis. Levied on and
returned to me by a conatable.
Also, one House and Lot in McDonough, known ts Lot
No. 4 i 7, in letter D; levied on as the property of Bushrod
Pettit, to satisfy sundry ti fas in favor of John 8. Walker,
bearer, vs. Henry W. Tindall, Jesse P. Morris—Bushrod
Pettit, security, and James White, endorser. Levied on
and returned to me by a constable.
Also, the interest of Thomas W. Slaughter in 50 acres of
Land, No. not known, wherefon said Slaughter now lives;
levied in favor of Kerrs Sc Ilojte vs. Thomas W. Slaughter,
Isham Cain, and Waddel Johnston, and John J. Thomas,
security on the stay—Issued from Henry Inferior Couit.
Also, Lot No. 24, the North half of Lot No. 9, and 23 a-
cres of Lot No. 23, all in the 11th District of Henry county;
levied on as the property Samuel Wells,jr., in favor of
Lemuel Cobh and others vs James Love Sc Samuel Wells,
jr. Levied on and returned to me by a constable.
Also, two Lots in McDonough, known as Lots Nos. 4 A 5,
in letter A; levied on as the property wf Oliver W. Cox, to
satisfy sundry fi fas issued from the Superior Court of said
county, in favor of John Milner and others.
Also, Lot of Land No. 101, is the 12th District of Henry
county; levied on as the property of Benjamin Hardnett, in
favor of J. L. Sanders and ethers vs. said Hardnett, Levied
on and returned to me by a constable.
All that parcel of Land, whereon James L. Lovejoy re
sides, in the 25th District of Henry county, containing 60 a-
crcs more or less; levied on as the property of Jas. L. Love-
jov, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Henry Inferior Court, in favor of
Wright, Bell Sc Co. vs. J. L. Sc S. Lovejoy and others vs.
the same. Pointed out by Andrew R. Moore, Plaintiffs
All that parcel of Land, whereon Allen E. Johnson resides,
in the 12th District of Henry county, containing 300 acres
more or less ; levied on as the property of Allen E Johnson,
to satisfy a fi fa from Henry Inferior Court in favor of Keers
Sc Hope vs. John Goodwin principal and A. E. Johnson se
curity, and Oliver W. Cox security on the stay, and other fi
fas vs. said Johnson. Pointed out by Andrew R. Moore,
Plaintiffs ^ttomev.
May 25 34 ‘ JAMES W. CROCKETT. D.Shff.
Butts July Hales.
W ” the first Tuesday in JULY next, be
fore the Court-House door, in Jackson, Butts county,
within the legal hours of sale,
One Store House an 1 Lot, in the town Jackson, lately oc
cupied by Bankston & Maddux, as a store house; levied on
as the property of Bankston Sc Maddux, to satisfy sundry fi
fas issued from a Justice's Court of Butts county, in favor
of A. B. Mallory Sc Co. Levied on and returned to ine by
J. N. Thompson, constable. Property pointed out by plain
tiff’s attorney.
Also, One House and Lot. in Jackson, whereon J. Patrick
now lives. No. not known, containing about 2 acres, more or
less; levied on as the property of VV . Irvine, to satisfy sun-
drp fi fas frsm a Justice s Court of said county, in favor of
Samuel Snoddy and others. Property pointed out by Wm.
Irvine. Levy made and returned to me by a constable.
Also, one Secretary and Book Case; levied on as the
property of George \V. Smith, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of
Thomas R. Barker vs. Smith Sc Roan. Property pointed
out by plaintiff.
Also. 6 acres of Land, more or less, in the town of Jack-
son, it being the place on which George W. Smith lately re
sided; levied on as the property of George W. Smith, by
virtue of sundry fi fas from a Justice’ r Court of said county,
in favor of Luther Roll and Cornelius Ives and Roswell
Ives vs. Smith Sc Roan. Levied on and returned to me by
a constable. Sold under ths incumbrance of divers mort-
Also, one bay Colt, about 2 years old, levied on as the
property of George W. Smith, to satisfy a fi ia issued from
Butts Superior Court, in favor of Thomas R. Barker vs.
George W. Smith.
May 25 34 JAMES W. WATKINS, Shff.
POSTPONED SALE —I Vill be sold, at the same place,
on the first Tuesday in AUGUST next,
Isabel and her 4 children, Allen, Sal, George, and one
bov, name not known; levied on as the property of John T.
McCone, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa favor of \^ r m. A. Me-
Cune vs. John T. McCune. Property pointed out in said
mortgage fi fa. May 25 J. W. WATKINS, Shff.
Soda, Icc Ci'cani, &c.
H SHOTWELL, has the pleasure of anr.ouncine that
. his Soda Fountain is now up, and that his Soda Wa-
ter will be constantly prepared in the most approved
manner, and supplied with the most choice and healthy Syr
ups, and constant attendance from early in the morning, till
1U in the evening. And that the Ice Cream Room is also
open, and in addition to the different kinds of Ice Creams, a
eenerel assortment of Stewart’s celebrated Candies, will be
kept. Room open from nine in the morning till eleven in
he evening.
A Refrigerator is kept filled with Ice in the store, for the
supply of families, and will be delivered at all times ipilhout
a moment's delav. Price Right Cents per pound.
May 4 31
2?4fc3EIB2i<E> «3l S&JBmm*
Jane 15 37
Attention, 50th Regimrnl, G. 31.
I N obedience to the command of the Major General,
Commander in cbiefof the eighth division.—you are here
by ordered to be and appear on youi parade ground, in front
OT the Court House in M.con, tn Tuesday, the 20th of
July neat, atll o’clock A. M. Aimed and RqnipQ^fl^^the
law directs, for Division Review, and Inspection- W©
The Commisioned and non Commissioned office™, will
attend a drill on Monday, the 19th. previona, at 10 o’clock.
A. M. fail not, under penalty *>f the law.
By order of J. T. COUNCIL.
Col. 50th Regiment G. M.
M aeon, Jane litb 1841. 37
For !tnl*.
IGHT Checks-on New York.*
do do Savannah. Apply to
April 6
Gold Watches.
A “SPLENDID assortment, jn st received and for sale at
reduced prices, by C. G. St. JOHN,
Oct 19 31 Mulberrystreet.
T HE subscriber respectfully informs th* citirens ofMa
con and vicinity,that he has opened a BAKING ES
TABLISHMENT, opposite the Central Hotel, 3doors be
low the store lately occupied by Wm. B. Parker, Esq.,on
Mulberry street He respectfully solicits a share of public
patronage. Being a professional Baker himself, he confi
dently assures those who may patronize him, that bis manu*
facture will b« of superior quality.
Oct 29 5 tf WM. H. CLARK.
AuftnaUs and Coluuaboa Fuads,
Jan 12 15
T HE subscriber is now Manufacturing CANDIES of
every variety; and will constantly keep a good supply
on hand, for sale, by whole sale or retail. Country dealers
and all others art invited to call and examine his work. He
qelieves he can deal with them on liberal terms, and furnish
es good articles as can be manufactured in the State.
March 16 24 JlH.DAMOUR.
A LL persons concerned, will take notice, that parties de
fendants in Execution, will do well, without delay, to
prepare themselves for payment of tht same, or procure the
written instruction of the plaintiffs in Execution, Of th^ir at
torneys, to grant indulgence, or I shall forthwith proceed to
levy all the Executions in my hands, without respect to per
sons. In all cases the Costs must be paid.
May 11 32 JAMES GATES, Shff.Bibb Co.
Sale of Indian Spring; Property
XMTILL be sold, to the highest bidder, on Tuesday the
v ▼ 22d day of JUNE next, at the Indian Springs, Butts
county, the summer residence of Robert Coleman, late of
Bibb county, deceased, together with several vacant Lots.
As the property is desirable, purchasers would do well to
attend. Sold by virtue of the will. Terms on the day of
May 3
• Ex’r
S TRAYED, from Wm. Robertson's,
near Vineville, on the 1st inot. a BAY
HORSE, with a long switch tail, thick black
inane, a small blaze in the face, a lump Jar
ger than a hen egg in the right hock joint.
right hind foot white, about 5 years old, had on shoes on one
foie and one hind foot, pretty well worn Any information
will be thankfully received, and a liberal reward paid for
said Horse. JAMES R. BENNETT.
May 11 32
T IIE subscriber having taken the building recently occu
pied by Mr. Benj. Russri.l, on the Court-House
square, opposite the Old Mansion House, is prepared to ac
commodate a number of individuals with Board and Lodg
ing, and also, as dav boarders, on reasonable terms.
FI IHE subscriber having lately taken a new
Jl. lease on the above House, and having
Lrufrford .Itily Male*.
J\LL he sold, on the fir.n Tuesday in JULY next, be-
e the Court-House door in Knoxville, Crawford
nnr v, within the legal hours of sale,
(Jne Nccto Boy, about 11 or 12 years old; levied on as the
»: ery of Samuel II■ II:;rris, to satisfy sundry li fas from a
.sti«-e*s Court of Crawford count v, in favor ol Gee. Moore
1 Nathan Bypass. R. CUlf TCHFIELD, D. Shff.
Line 1 35
Crawford July Hales.
^T^TLL r>e sold, on tlie first Tuesday in JULY next, be
¥ 7 fire the Court House door, in Knoxville, Crawford
comity, within the usual hours of sale,
12 C«>ws n* 1 Calves, and one Yearling ; levied on si* the
property of Joseph Bennett, to satisfy a fi fa issued from
Bibb Inferior Court, in favar of Hiram B. Troutman vs. Jo-
sop’i Bennett. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney.
Also, one Shot (Liu; levied on as ths property of Robert
C Parham, to satiny a fi fa issued from Craw ford Inferior
C »urt.'n fa\">r of Richard Harvey vs. Robert C. Parham
a id Philip J. Echols, property pointed out bv defendant.
June 1 35 VVM. CAMPBELL. Shff.
POSTPONED SALE.— Will be sold, at the same time
and flare.
Lots of i, i Nos. 193 and 122. in the 6th District of
ndgiiinlly Houston, now Crawford county, containing each
2b2j acres, more or less- and one-half of Lot of b ind No.
1.7, ia the 7ih District cf originally Houston, now Crawford
c • intv: ad levi*-.| on as the property of Jar.i'** M. Ellis and
Richard W. Eiii-*. to satisfy two fi las issued from Crawford
Superior Court, in tV-or of Henry W. Connor and Wm. B.
Parker vs. James M. Ellis and Richard \V. Ellis? On the
f: fi in favor of II W. Connor vj. James M Sc R. W.
Ellis, nothing but but Gold or Silver will be received on sale
< f v»i ! property. Property pointed out by defendants.
June l ‘ 35 WM. CAMPBELL, Shff.
Houston July Hair.
7"ILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, be
fore the Court-House door, in Perry, Houston coun
ty, within the legal hours of sale,
A Negro Girl, named Amelia, about 17 years old; levied
on ns the property of John V. Brown, to satisfy a fi fa issued
from a Justice’s Court of said county, in favor of Igdaliah
Wood vs. said John V. Brown. Levy made and returned
to me bv a constable. Said fi fa assigned and transferred to
Charles H. Rice.
May 25 31 GEO. M. DUNCAN. D. Shff.
Houstou July Hale.
P OSTPONED SALE.—Will be sold, on the first Tues
day in JULY next, before the Court-House door, in
Perry . Houston county, within the legal hours of sale,
One Negro Man, named Jack; levied on as the property
of John G. Clark, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from Hous
ton Inferior Court, in favor ofJohn S. Taylor and others.
June I 36 DREW RY CLARK, Shff.
Ifo-iitoH .Inly Males.
"ILL bo sol l.nn the fir;* Tuesday in JULY nSKt, be-
i* Court-House door, in Pern, Houston coun
ty. vritJiin the le<».il hours of sale,
V: ix**i. a w . m in. about 30 years old; Lena, a girl, about
7 y: ir.j ol 1; Fred, a boy. about 5 years old; George, a boy,
about Id years old; Charles, a boy, about 16 years old; Jer-
rv, t b iy, nb 14 years old; Gilbert, n bov, about 35 years
old; bin -, a man. about 37 years old; Biddy, a woman, a-
I »• it 35 year# ohl; Mary, a girl, about 4 years old; Elias, a
boy. about v? years old; 1 Road Wagon, and 4 Mules; levied
e:i r » sarisfy sun Irv li f is issuing from Dooly Superior Court,
two .n fav. r of E ijah Warren. Administrator, Ac., one in fa
vor of Wm. Mcl)» iicl, one in favor of Haslam, Price Sc Co ,
a*i 1 other fi fas; all against Daniel B. Lowe. (The one in
fav r * Hnslam, Price &. Co., is to be satisfied with GOLD
♦7r SiL v'KIL)
\Ho, one *0 Saw Cotton Gin; le*. ied on as the property of
fbud'»n A. Turner, to _ Misfy a fi fa issuing from Houston
Superior Court, for Coats.
A* \ one s -rrel Mare; 1 Cows and Calves, and 2 Steers,
r;t -u 2 yearn oh 1 ; one Sow and 6 Shouts; all levied on as th©
property of Wm. Burgamy, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in fa
vor «,f Walker Moore, issuinf^outof Houston Inferior Couit.
June l 35 geo M. DUNCAN, D; Shff.
U "ill )r %uld, at the same time and place,
One Lot of Land, No. 249. in ths 5th District of Houston
county; levied on am the property ofJohn P. Glover, ?en., to
« t.-riy one fi fain favor of the State of Georgia, obtained in
Crawford Superior Court.
A «o. Lot N 136, in the 10th District of sai l county; lev
ied on a*, the property of John C. Davis, to satisfy one fi
obtains.' I in a Justice*s Court, in fav-
s . 1 others. L<!
AYr vi ' Ne
It v.’h tel; le’ri 1
Crawford August Holds.
W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in AUG UST
before the Court-House door, in the town of Knox
ville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale,
One Negro inan, named Moses, about 35 years old ; lev
ied on as the property of Hannah Birmingham, to satisfy
sundry fi fas issued from a Justice’s Court, in favor of Ewell
Webb bearer, vs. Hannah Birmingham. Property pointed
out by Defendant. Levy mads and returned to me by a
Also, 60 acres of Land, it being the North-East part of
Lot No. 59, in the 3d District of formerly Houston now Craw
ford count}*, and known os the place whereon Joseph Long
now lives ; levied on as the property of William Stucky. to
satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a* Justice’s Court of said
county, in favor of James E. Price vs. John Allen, Franklin
Prichard and Wrn. Stocky. Property pointed out by Plain
tiff. Levy made and returned to ine bv a Constable.
June 15 37 W. CAMPBELL, Shff.
W ILL be sold, at the late residence of Aaron Onail,
deceased, in Butts county, on the 23d day of JULY
next, all the Perishable Property belonging to the Estate f
said deceased, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle. House
hold and Kitchen Furniture. Terms on the dav of sale.
JuneS 36 E. W. ONAIL. Admr.
^GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Bibb
improved the same, by building a convenient
Dining Room, with general repairs, thankful
for past favors, he respectfully renews the ten
der of his services to the travelling public,* and feels confi
dent that all w ill be made comfortable who may favor him
with their company.
03 s * The Office of the Monroe Rail Road Line and Sa
vannah Sts^c Line, will be kept at the Washington Hall.
Macon, Jan. 19. 1841. 16 8T. LANIER.
Uncoil, Ofsrgin.
TjnilE subscriber having taken that well
JL known Establishment for a term of years,
moat respectfully tenders his services to the
public as an Inn Keeper. He declines any news
paper details or fair promises of what he in
tends to do for those who may call on him, but simply adds
that his constant efforts will be used to render all comfortable
that may favor him with their company.
Please call and try. FREDERICK 8IMS.
August 27 4g
MilledgcviUc, 3d. Ju ne, 1841
Ts Ihe Tax Collectors of the Staff of Georgia
I DE EM it my duty to lay before you, the third section of
“an act to compel the several Banks of this State to re
deem their liabilities in specie, and to provide for the for
feiture of the charter or cnarters of such as may refuse.”
The section reads as follows:
••Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by the, authority a-
foresaid. That the bills of sacli defaulting Bank or Banks
shall not be receive in payment of any public d u£ or dues into
the Treasury of this State, or Central Bank, except those
of the Central Bank of Georgia, which shall be receivable
on in payment of Taxes and other dues into the State, or
Central Bank.”
By the provisions of this act, the bills of no Bank or Banks
are receivable in payment of Taxes to the 8tate, but such
as redeem their liabilities “promptly,” in gold and silver;
and therefore call your attention to the subject in due time,
that you may be prepared to act advisedly, in periormin
your duty as Collectors.
The bills which are now receivable at the Treasury, are
those of
The Central Bank.
The Bank of Augusta.
Mechanic’s Bank of Augusta.
Augusta Insurance and Banking Company.
Bank of the State of Georgia, and all iu branches, except
the branch at Macon.
Planters Bank at Savannah.
Marine and Fire Insurance Bank at Savannah.
Central Rail Road Sl Banking Company.
Branch of the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company
at Augusta.
Commercial Bank of Macon.
Ocmulgce Bank at Macon.
Insurance Bank of Columbus at Macon
Bank of Milledgeville.
Bank of St. Marys.
Bank of Brunswick.
Bank of Ruckersville.
Western Bank of Georgia.
All which, you are authorised to receive far Taxes so
long as they continue to conform to the obligations of said
act, by a prompt redemption of their bills in specie, and no
longer; and you are further notified, that the bills of no Bank
or Banks which do not redeem their bills as aforesaid, wrill
be received at this department from the Collectors, in pay
ment of Taxes.
Should a subsequent suspension take place w ith any of
the Banks above enumerated, I shall take the earliest mea
sure to apprize you A the fact; or should any of those now
suspended, subsequently resume, it will also be promptly
made known, with instructions to receive their bills.
This Department expects every Collector, as well for
his ow n safety, as for the public interest, to conform strictly,
to the requirements of the law above referred to.
T. HAYNES, Treasurer.
2U*The Federal Union, Southern Recorder, Georgia Jour
nal, Western Georgian, Cassviile Pioneer, Southern Banner,
Transcript. Georgia Jeffersonian, Columbus Times, Geor
gia Argue, Fayetteville Advertiser, Macon Telegraph,
Georgia Messenger, South Western Georgian, Georgia
Constitutionalist, and Savannah Georgian, will give the a-
bove two insertions. 37 2t
F OUR months after date, application i
’ ‘ -
11 be made to the
Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Land belong
ing to the Estate of Wm. Harris, deceased, late of said coun
ty. Also, for leave to divide the Negroes amongst the heirs
of said deceased. SAMUEL MITCHELL. Admr.
March 30 26
I N OUR months after date, application i
JF honorable Inferior Court of Butts county,
ill be made to the
hen sitting
for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate ol
Aaron Onail, deceased.
March l 23 EDWARD W. ONAIL, Admr.
ill be made to the
hen sitting
r NOUR months alter date, application i
* honorable Inferior Court of Dooly county, -
for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lands and Ne
groes belonging to the Estate of XVright Saunders, deceased;
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate.
DURHAM G. SAUNDERS, ) Adtn’rs. ofW.
EDWIN ELLIS. > Saunders, dec.
WRIGHT SAUNDERS, > late of Dooly co
March l • 23 • *
Krandreth'a YenctaWe Umiversal Fills.
M R. B. F. GRIFFIN, (Bookseller,) Macon, has recently
be£n appointed sole agent for the sale of my Pills in
this city, and also East Macon. He will be constantly sup
plied with the genuine PilWnd has an engraved Certificate
of Agencv, signed by me,Wthe only evidence to satisfy the
publicist the Pills he ia selling are genuine. No Dxuggist,
Physlfipb. or Pedfer, ire appointed agents. Therefore, the
publie are cautioned to beware of counterfeits.
Macon. Ga.. Jan. 26. 1841 W
bbl«. XVhinkev, for sale by
June 8 36
Stisrar, Coflfee, Ac.
4 Q HHDS. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugar,
107 Bags Rio Coffee,
250 Kegs Nails,
15 Tons Swedc6 Iron,
50 Boxes Tobacco, for sale by
Jane 15 57 3t RFA A COTTON.
OR SALE, low forcash, a 6} by 2} IMPOSING
STONE, handsomely polished and well framed,
June 3<f 40
Bagging, Rope and Twine.
AiU 1 PS. India Bagging, 44 in., 1 j tn 2 lbs. per yard,
400 Ps. Dundee do 44 in., lbs. per yard,
350 do do do 4*2 in., 1| lbs. per yard,
lfiO do do do 42 in., l] lbs. per yard,
350 Coil Rope,
2,000 lbs. Twine, for sale bv
June 15 37 3t ' REA * COTTON.
4 FRESH SUPPLY, just received by
J. II. At W. H. KI.LI.H,
3ftts4tur Hall, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga.
Among which are the following MEDICINES, «kc.:
Sulphate Quinine (French) Cantharidcs
Fly Stone
Court Plaster
Ca9tor Oil (fresh)
Sw eet Oil do
Charcoal, pulv
Corks, velvet
Prepared (’balk
Acetate Lead
do Cupri
do Zinc
Arseniate Potassa
Ether Sulphuric
do Nitric
Nitrate Silver
do Potassa
Phosphate Soda
do Iron
Sulphate Iron
do Potassa
do Soda
do Magnesia
Borate Soda
M anna flake
Ointment hyd. Pota
do lodiue
do Yeratrinc
do Itch
Oxide Mercury
Extract Jalap
lilQUR months after date, application will be made to the
_f honorable Inferior Court of Pike coui
county, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, fi»r leave to sell the Land and Ne
groes belonging to the Estate ofJohn H. Gilmore, deceased;
tor a more equal distribution among the heirs of said deccas
March 16 24 With the Will annexed.
I JOUR months after date, application will be made to the
r honorable Inferior Court of Dooly county, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 162, in the
2d District ol said county, as the property of the Estate of
Simeon Echols, deceased.
March 16 24 DANIEL B. RHODES. Admr.
F OUR months after date, application will be made to
the honorable Inferior Court of Houston countv, when
itting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real
Estate belonging to the orphans of Janies Perry, deceased;
for the benefit ot said orphans.
Mavll 32 SEABORN C. BRYAN, Guardn.
T HE firm of FINDLAY Sc McELROY, is this day
dissolved, by mutual consent; the settlements of which
will be attended to by both parties.
Miron, April 30, 1841. 32
Bil*b County.—Notire in hereby given
LX tliHt I shall apply, three months after date, to the 8upe
rior Court of Bibb county, for an order to admeasure and
lay off the Dower to which I am legally entitled in the Es
tate of Christopher Chatnbleas. late of said rountv deceased
April fi, 1841 . RACHEL CHAM'BLEHS.
Morrison't Vegetable Universal Medicine*,
F OR sale by GEO. W. PRICE A CO.
May 5 32
C HOPPER STILLS and WORMS, kept on hand, and
J made to order, at the Macon Foundry, by
May 11 32 WM. EcELB^IY
I ClOOn MS. Prime Georgia Bacon, for sale by
JLfJUmj Jnne 15 37 D. A W. GUMN.
eoumv, when sitting; for ordinary purposes, will be sold,
on the first Tuesday in JULY next,before the Court-House
door in Maeon, Bibb county, within the usual hours of sale,
Loti of Land Nos. 234, 137, and halves of Lota Nos. 235,
and 236. in the 3d District of said connty, being in all. 6071
acres, more or less. Sold for the benelit of the heirs and
creditors of Henry Chamhless, deceased, late of said county.
Terms on the dav. L. G. CHAMBLESS. Exr.
Mav 4
G EORGIA, Dooly County. Whereas, Silas W. Tow
ell applies to me for letters of Admin.stratioti. de bontt
non, on the Estate of John Hodges, deceased, late of said
Those are. therefore, to cit® and admonish all and lingu
lar, the kindr.d and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause, (if snv they have,) why said letters should not be
granted. Given under mv han'l, at office, this 28th May,
1841. 33 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, c. c.o.
QEORGIA, Bibb County. Whereas, Mary Rodgers
applies to me for letters of Administration on the Es
tate of Charlea Rodgers, deceased, late of said county:
These are, therefore, to cite and sdmonish all and singular,
favor of J.)*ln T>-m linson ; :he kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
.0 I !e on i returned to me by 0 co-.stable. 1 at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
Girl,about 8 years old. by th- name of , ftf any they have.) why laid letters should not be granted,
the property of Melton M. Ham, to ; Given undermy hand, at office, this 14tb .Tune, 1811
4 EORGIA. Doo'y County. Vvhereas. Josiah C. Fill-
aatisfy sundry fi fna in fovor of Floyd Sawyer* and others.
Levy made and returned to tne by a constable.
Also, 101J acres of Land, Lot No. 132, in the 13th Dis-
t It t of Hous'oti countv; levied on as the property of Howell j r ■ - ‘ ... ' c ~ V — —
< • satisfy sun Iry ti f„, in favor of the Officers of Court u “ of ?.! t ’ ,?n v E f Th ° m “ deceased,
Lx yaw and John J. Collier, apply to me for Letters of Ad
vs. John Chair
Jane l
and Howell Cobb, Attorney at Low.
IVill hr *.l 1. at the same place-, on the first Tuesday in
AUGUST next, 1
One Lot of Land. No. 145. in the 5th District of Houston
county; levie 1 on a s the property of James King. *0 satisfy
oaemorissce fi fa obtained in Houston Snp*rior Conrt, in
favor of Needham Smith. Property poitved not in aaid
mortgage fi fa. Jnnv 1 DREWRY CL ARK, Shff.
iate of aaid eountv
j Tlieae are, therefore, to rite and .admonish all and singu
lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law to
1 shew cause, (if any exist,) why said letters should not be-
. granted. Given under my hand,lat office,this 11th Jane. 1841
I 37 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, c. e. o.
G EORGIA, Macon County. Whereas, Robert Tt A1
exandria applies to me for letters of Admiitiatratieti
Cotton Ba?£iii£.
H\A PIECES Hem-. Inr ia ana Tow B«griag, 42 to
45inch*s—w®ig) ing !| to 2 lbs. per yard.
For sale hty J. B. BT,’IT*.
MacOTt, Juts® 14
1 XX exandria applie
J the Estate of Susan Turner, deceased, late of said connty. I
[ These are, therefore, to* and admonish all and aingn
iar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
canee, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be
granted. Given under r-v band, ai office, this 30th May. 1841.
37 JOSEPH B. TTLL, Dep. e.c.o.
T HE firm ol Bullock. Harrold A Wood was dissolved
on the 26th December last by mutual consent. The
business will be carried on by Mr. T. Harrold on his own
account, who alone is authorized to settle the affairs of the
late firm. He will keep on hand at all times a good assort
ment of GROCERIES, which will be sold low for CASH.
April 6. 27
Raltimore and Georgia Flour.
4 FEW barrels of extra Family Flour.
Also, Georgia Flour, of good quality, for sale by
Rrouglit to Jail,
I N McDonough, Henry county, on the first day of
this month, a Negro Man, who calls himself
AMOS, of dark complexion, very likely; and about
25 years old; says be belongs to Henry P. Brown,
formerly of Elbert county, Ga., but who now has
no settled residence; that he was’hired to Benjamin Cleve
land. of Harris county. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away*.
June 15 37 JAS.*W. CROCKETT. D. Shir.
RLFLE_BORE PISTOL, near James Goddard
Office.^ The owner can hive it, by proving property,
and paying for this advertisement.
Macon, June 8, 1841.
TITHE CITIZENS OF MACON generally, are reques
J. ted to have their yards and out-houses thoroughly den
ied, and all trash, rubbish and filth put in some convenient
place, or in the streets or alleys, on WEDNESDA Yal each
week, by 9 o’clock, A. M. from whence the public carta will
remove it. (If put out on any other day, the Marshal
mil report the same ta the Mayor.) This regulation ia ur
ged on all—particulatly during the summer season. The
Board of Health will report every neglect to this office
Mayor’s Office. 2d June, 1841. 30
1 7TOUR months after date, application will he made 1
' Inferior Court of Houston countv, when sitting
a to the
sitting as a
Court of orditfary. for leave to sell all the Lands belonging
to the Estate of Harris Allen, deceased, for the benefit ol'lhe
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
May 18 33 De bonis non.
Watches, Jesceiry, SUrer I»Vrre, Xr.
Jn A. Ac 8. ». VIRGIN,
Would inform their friends and the public
that they still continue at their stand on
Cotton A venae end have just received a
fresh supply of Goods, consisting in part of
the following articles:—Gentleman’s and
Ladies’ gold lever anchor escnpeinent in
dependent second lepine and vertical WATCHES; silver
lever plahi and extra jewelled lepine and vertical do. all of
which were selected with choice to suit this market, and
will be warranted to perform well; Ladies’ gold Neck
Chains, Gentlemens’ gold and silver Guard .and Fob Chains,
gold and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Knobs wnd Drop*;
Breast Pins and finger Rings of all kinds; gold, silver, gilt,
and pearl Belt Buckles and Slides, Bracelets and Head
Belts; gold and silver everpointed Fencils,steel Spectacles,
Quizzing Glasses, silver tabic tea, dessert, salt and mustard
Spoons, soup and cream Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Butter and
Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks,
silver, brass, and bronzed; coral,gilt and class Beads; la
dies’ Bags of the latest fashions, Purses and Pocket Books,
Clarionetts, Flagcoletts, Fifes, Accordians, Music Boxes,
large and small Drums, Organs and Violins Walking Sticks
of various kinds; silver, gilt, shell, horn and Ivory Combs,
Tea and Coffee Pots, Bread Baskets, silver and japanned,
Sulphate Morphine
Acetate do
Acetic Acid
Oxalic do
Citric do
Prussic do
Tartaric do
do (Arom spts)
Antimonials pulv
Croton Tigliuin
Secale Cornutum
Oil Sinapine
Oil Cantnaridin
Proligenous Acid
Hydnatate Potassa
Oil black Pepper
Irish Moss
Chloride Soda
Citrated Kali
Chloride Lime
Medical Mustard, in pots
Opium denurcotized
Cvanuret Potassium
Comp. Tonic extract
Currageen (prepared)
Spigelia comp extract
Blue Moss
Precip. ext. bark
Peruvian do
Calisaya do
Toxa do
lied do
Chamomile flowers
Uva Ursi
African Cayenne
Bayberry bark, powdered
Blood root do
Colchicum do
Golded Seal
Slippery Klin, powdered
Gentian, powdered
Cort Aurant do
Lobelia and seed
Skunk Cabbage
Alkanet root
Cort Cassarilla
do Sassafras
Ladies’ Slipper
Golden thread
Cinnamon bark
Powdered Ginger
Root do
Mustard seed
M ace
N utinegQ
Caraway s^ed
Anise do
Coriander do
Arrow root
Aque Fortis
Anodyne (Hoffman’s)
Black Lead
Blue stone
Juniper berries
Cubeb do
Oxide Bismuth
Burgundy Pitch
Balsam Copavi
do Tolu
do Peru
Black drop
K ux Vomica
Givey rrliiza
Gum Arabac
do Camphor
dp Scanmieny
do Myrrh
do A»afo;tida
do Guise
Fearl Barley
Otto Roses
Magnesia, calc'd
do carb
Sedlitz Powders
Soda do
Saratoga do
Red Precipitate
White do
Black do
Pearl Ash
Indigo, Spanish float
Spanish brown
Venetian red
P'ig blue
Spts Turpentine
Venice do
Salt Tartar
Salt Axnmccliiac
Jujube Paste
fine painted Waiters, Knives, Rasors, Saunders’ celebrated
Razor Straps with tablets, Pistols of various kinds, Den
tists’ Files. Gold Plate. Wire, Foil See. toy Watches, Rat
tles and Whistles for children; Snuff Boxes. Percussion
Caps, Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Compasses, Mathemati
cal Instruments, &c.
military Gaads.
Swords, Belts, Epauletts. Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace,
Stars, and ornaments too numerous to mention, which will
be sold chea|> for cash, or approved city acceptances.
N. B.—We have a choice selection of materials for re
pairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part
which will warrant to perform as well as the original.
J. A. Sc S. S. Virgin feel grateful for past favors and would
still solicit a share of the public patrenage. hoping to give
satisfaction to ail who may favor them in their line.
Oct 23 4
C. Brano A: J. A. Ac S. A. Virgin,
H AVE formed a connection in the Music business under
the name and style of BRUNO Sc VIRGINS, imp r-
ters of Musical instruments, which they will constantly keep
mhand; among which are Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Flageo-
letts, Clarionets, Kent Bugles, Trumpets, Trombones, Cym
bals, Drums Fifes, Scc.
As we import the above Instruments, we can sell them as
low as they can be bought in New York. Oct 15 3
F OR sale by J. II. 6c W. S. ELLI8, with the usual va
riety of Syrups, Cotton Avenue.
Macon, April 27. 30
Lee's Pills
Cliapmau’s anti-dyspectie
Peters' do
Hunter’s Pills
Hooper’s do
Anderson’s do • *
British Oil
Bateman’s drops
Tompson’s Eye-water
Godfrey’s Cordial
Salts Leinon
Worm tea
Effervescing Magnesia
Botanical drops
Swain’s Panacea
Indian's do
E«s. Iceland Moss
Cough Mixture
Fuid ext Sarsaparilla
Syr Liverwort
Coipp. Sarsap. Cubeba and
Hair Powderj Almond Paste
Pearl do Ground Paint Brushes
Milk of Rosea
Cold Cream
Cream Almond
Comp, fluid ext. Tink Root,
by G. W. Carpenter
Dalby'a Carminative
Bleaching Liquid
Mead’s Pills
I*sue Plasters
Elixcr Life
Ginger beer powders
Medicated Oil Silk
Digestive Elixer
Pile remedy
Chlorine Tooth-wash
Bay Rem
Balsam Honey
Cough Lozenges
Extract Coflee
Cullen’s liquid Magnesia
Poaer’a Catbolican
Rowan’s Tonic Mixture
Rclfe’s Vegetable Specific
Oil Wormzccd
Ext Buchu
Ext Boneset
Tonic Extract
Cologne do
Lavender do
Rose do
Bears’ Oil
do Sash
Oval Varnish
Camel hair
Badger's hair
various sizes
do ass’d
do silver wi
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Augustus B.
■ »- Bornsides. deeeised. or to the late firm of Burnsides A
t.urt .fOrdiaary.Bikkcouat,, .71 a j Tern, 1841
Adeline M. Fort,
John R. Haves. Ex
of Robt. W. Fort, dec. J
O N petition of A. M. Fort, widow of the testator, it ia
ordered, that aaid John It Hayes, Executor of the last
Will of Robu W. Fort, deceased, appear at the next regular
Term of this Court, on the first Monday in July next? and
shew cause why he should not he dismissed from his Exec
utorship of said will, and the letters testamentary cranted
him be revoked, on the grounds, 1st: That said Executor
Macassar Oil]
Spirit of Rose
Camphor Soap
Musk do
Emollient do
Windsor do
do do Brown
Wash Balls]
Curling fluid
Antique Oil
Lip Salve (Persian Otto Rose)Shoving do
Tooth Powder (superior) Shaving Oil
Erasive do Powder Puffs and boxes
Extract Bergamot Preston Salts
do Rose Smelling bottles
do Musa Tapers
Honey Water Dutch Cologne
Shaving cakes Atkinson’s Depilatory
Patent feather Brooms]
do do Dusters
do do Brushes
Fitch Tool*
Counter Brushes
Hat do
Crumb do
Busby, are hereby notified to make immediate navment to v . ... , —
K.,i>. n n.,.;.. m,4 a . „r ,u_ „_:j V. - ., has not made returns of his acting* and doings thereof as re-
Nathan Busby, survivor, and Admr. of the Said Bnmsitles* • ju • n .j s
and that ell demands be rendered in inter™, ^rt.. c l uir . f<J b > l«w. 3d. That said Executor is likely to become
and that nil demands be rendered in. in terras of law ivainst ■* , • , . , j
the aaid Augusta. B. Busnaides. ’ ,g * insolvent, and waste the aaMts of aaid Estate and ba. not
Macon county. June 15, 1841. 37
'iffHIB. JOHN J. JOflKB, I. ... u^ij^
(homed Attorney, daring our absence from the State
is f 7 WRTOLEY a HART.
performed his duty as Executor to attending to th® pro
visions of said Will. And it i® further ordered, that this
rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of this State,
three times previona to aaid Court.
A true Extract from the Minutes, thia 5th May, 1841.
May 19 33 THOMAS J. SAULSBURY, c. C. o.
Cupping Glasses H
do do with air pnmps
Gum Elastic Catheters
Silver do
Seton Needles
Spring Lancet blades
Tooth claws
Gum Lancets
Amputating cases
Trepanning Instruments
Dissecting do
Pocket cases
Spring Lancets
Evans’ thumb do
Dentists’ cases.
Teeth Keys
do do moveable'buttona Medical 8peons
Scarificatora ' Seales and Weight*
Abscess Lancets Teeth Files
The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of
Brags, Mnlictars, Paints, oils, 8kap.Pimitarr,
1 ° T «rticl*» tn the line necessary for the snp-
Ply of Physicians, Plantation, or Families. 'They will be
supplied with the beat that can be selected out of the New
Philadelphia markets. Orders from Merchants
and Physicians wtTf receive prompt attention.
J *“ 28 31 J. H. A W.-8. ELLIS.
I SHALL continence collecting the Taxer
1841, about the 25th of this month. A!) *,
do well to make it convenient to call and p* v
the time is very short, that I have to oDerc. ■ I
very snort, mat 1 nave to ope-a,^
and all cuireni Bank bills, and City CouncilV 1.- .~i c— 1 C ^arip. '
vill be taken for Taxes. “
May 10 33 WILLIS H. BVGIIEr t
07* Kook at Tliis’^ffi
R espectfully inform tUeirfriend, ^ J m
generally, tltat they have aaken the Store os1
of Cherry and Second streets, formerly occupied} 5
Jewett, and more recently by K. Carver A (j 0
.reopening a very general assortment otSt a *4,’
C4o*da, Hardware, CuscUery, Glnsaware"^
lowest market price. 1:
Thankful to their numerous friends and aeqa,;,
the East aide of the Ocmulgce River fur flteUbe, i 1
agementand patronage heretofore received, they „
ly solicit a continuation of those favors ami
pledge themselves to do all in their power to give f
They further say tn any and all of their old tne J. .
rons on the East side of the Ocmulgce river, not J/
river be a barrier against coming over to see thru, ^
have got a dray that will at all times carry ant thin
the river, free from any bridge expense whatever.
81* 1*. iOOK Sr CO,, East .Tinea.
H AVE on hand, and are daily receiving, a gem-ti;.
mem of Groceries, Ae. consisting of " l ‘
100 Bags Cuba Coilee, 75 Bags Rio do
40 Bags Old Government Java do
42 Hhds. St. Croix and Porto Bico Sugar.
4 Boxes Lump and Loaf do
30 Bis. Henderson’s Flour,
40 Bis. Baltimore Whiskey,
10 do Old Monongshela do
50 do N. E. Rum, 35 do Rye Gin,
2 Pipea Imperial Gin,
Cognac and Domestic Brandy,
Holland Gin, Wines, assorted.
Peppermint, Rose and Cinnamon Cordials,
4 Casks London Porter. 10 Bis. Apple VinVe-.
Stewart’s Refined Candy, Lemon Syrup, ° ''
Crackers, Almonds and llaisins,
20,000 Segars, (various qualities.)
Sperm and Tallow Candles,
Window Glass and Putty, Paints and Oil.
300 pieces best Hemp Bagging,
1,000 lbs. Twine, 70 Coils Rope,
1 -UeMm s Cut Nails,
Swedes Iron, assorted size
■on. Nail Rod, Slu* Shanes, and li,.r.
Nails ’ r ' 5 *
Cast, German, and Blister Steel.
ALSO, a good assortment of Staple DRY.f;oor
Hard-Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, 8addlen V
Shoes, Ac. Ac. which will be sold at the lowest mark,.’, **
Sept 29 53 1 ^
f 11H E subscribers would rrspeqt*
A inform the citizens of Macon »aj B
rounding country, that they li»vet e k n L
store formerly occupied hvCHAMiin
SMITH ft CO., as a Clothing
2d street, four doors south of the Washington Hall .ni
they have just opened a general assortment of Grail,*.,
■tool* mid Mh*es, of all kinds, HOYb HOOTc ;v
SHOES. Also. I-ndif.i, ft.- i
S*h®c*. of all kinds and qualities, which they »ill „
low as any now offered in Market. As ;hc subscriber, •
ufacture their own Goods,feel safe in warranting thrum,
of superior workmanship and materials, as those »tn r
give them a call will see on examination. And sstLnv
d« terminrd to sell as low as possible, those wishirc te
chs se for cash, would do well to call before porrharinr
(CP Bools made and repaired, at the shortest note.
Maeon. Nov. 10. 1840. fi
fltllE subscriber having located himself in Macon, 1
A stand recently occupied by Chandler Smith ft Cx
tween the Washington Hall arid Messenger Office, is
opening a fine stuck of CI.OTHING, of every ,W
tion, suited to the season, and a coneral asst ran*
cle usually kept in his line.
He will also carry on tlicXAII.47ltl .\4; HI ,I>vi
at the sttne place, and be thankful for all fatorstn :i
He will rrceiveregtilarly the latest Fashions from N. 1 ■
and v. ill fulfil all orders for the manufacture of Clothe- r
promptness, and in the best manner.
Macon, Nov 3 5 CHAR. f*. THOM Ui
W M. Fk FE hasjnst opened a store in this lice of,
siness, where he intends to keep a full a?
Segars, of every description, and particularly thro '
best qualties. where he hopes to be able to trnmv
every customer who may hia liking.
Hr will also keep a general assortment of TOUAff
and hopes that all persons wishing articles in Ins lice ,
give him a Call.
(UP He also continues to entry on the TAII.OKIH
RTNlNRKMt and will execute all orders in that lire »
despatch, and in the best and most fashionable st\ir F-
stand is on Mulberrystreet, next door to Jackson A Hod,;
Auction Room.
N. B.—REPAIRING done as above, in the Betas
manner, and at short notice. Oct 27 4
CHEAP FOR CASH-Mendyiundc 4 lelbiaj.
K . W. 3IORK18,
H AS rtunoved to the South side of Mulberry-strrr :«*
doors below the 11 ashingtou Hall, and has n:.e
ce<l receiving bus stock of READY MADE CLOTHlNt
consisting ot
tiupertine Beaver, Filot and Broadcloth Over Cnat«.
Gentleman’s Blue and Invisible Green Cloth Cloaks,
Gentleman’s Blue. Black and Green CamblelCloaks.
Blue, Black, Invisible Green A Cadet mixed Frock Con
Bine, Black and Invisible Green Dress Coats,
Kentucky Jeans and Pi'ct Cloth Frock and Dress f ;:*
Blue, Black, mixed and Fancy* Cassimere, batit.cit ts
Jeans Fanis.
Figured and plain Woolen and t-ilk Velvet Cloth.
Cassimere atm Satin Vests.
An assortment of low priced do.
Silk, Buckskin, Woolen and Cotton under Shirt*. »<
Cotton Shirts, with Linen Bosoms and Collars,
Colored Linen and Ruffle do.
6ilh, Cotton and Merino halt Hoae,
Gloves, Fuspenders and Hdkfs.
Linen Collars and Bosoms,
Stocks and Cravats of every variety ]
Superior Fur and Sealett Caps,
Travelling Rags, Trunks, Acj
The above Slock ha* been selected and mnnnfV-iu
with great care, and as sales w ill be confined to CASH p
chasers will find PRICES LOW. R. \V. .V)
Macon, Oct. 20, 1640. 3
L ONDON Porter, of superior quality.
Cognac Brandy of vintage of 1805,'
Superior Chanmnigne Brandy.
4 Baskets of Champaignc Wine, (first quality,)
3 Bbla. Crushed Sugar,
500 Lbs. Leaf do
5 Bags Old Java Coffee,
Brown’s best Tobacco,
Imperial and Gunpowder Tea in Caddies,
London Mustard, (fresh,)
A fine assortment of Cigars,
Colgate’s Starch,
Brown's Turpentine Soap,
Georgia Mould Candles,
5 Boxes Sperm Candles,
l Tierce Winter Strained Oil,
10 Pieces Twilled Sacking,
Whittemore’a Cotton Cards, No. 10,
Collins A Co patent Axes,
A large assortment of hollow ware,
1000 Lbs. Lead,
The above articles will be sold low for Cash, bv
May 18 33 T. HARROLD
riTHREE months after date application will be r’*-’ 1 .
X the Central Hail-Road Bank, for Scrip to 5 bha: fs ‘
Stork in said Rail-Road A Banking Company, the cert*.'-*
for the same being lost or mislaid.
Maeon. April 1. 1841. 27 CHAS. CAMPBELL*
T HE well known Fishery ami Frsettrt 1 *
Swamp Land, adjoining Napier
on, foux miles below Macon, on the Westtri
of the Ocmulgce River, is offered forssk*—
The Land is first quality, 10 acres cf wkifi 1
cleared, but uot under fence; it is well ti mitered wtffi ■*
l ackberry, oak and hickory. Any person wishing te I*-'
chase, can buy, or swap lands in toe counties of IIousw*
Macon, or Stewart. For terms, apply to the suhscribri
miles from Macon, in Twiggs county, near Hardin’s Mi”';
May 11 32 3m SAMUEL M. 6RANBE**lL
Uasrivnlled Pians-Fsrtr". ..m
B RUNO a VIRGINS, sole Agents, beg leave
the citizens of Maeon and vicinity, that they h* ^
hand a good assortment of the ebove Instruments, s* 1
be constantly receiving to answer all demands, I
ufactnred expressly for this climate, of various p* a <
Rosewood and Mahogany, with grand action harp « tc T .
tahe plates, Ac. Ac. containing the latest fashion of j® 1 **
with tablet and hollow corniced fronts, veneered lep (
Grecian scrolls. A written guaranty entitle* the pc'
exchange the instrument in one yesr, (if nninjureih!
Also cor standy receiving new and fashionable
struction Book®, Ac. tn ,,g
N. B.—Mr. C. Bruno will give hi* attention ,
Pianos, and those sold by u* will be kept in run* * * m
otairis J