Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 23, 1844, Image 1

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arcleflrapi), PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, BY n. BARTLETT. QfflCl—Brick Building, corner Cotton Avenue ar.J First Street. TERMS or ZUMCRIPTIOS: , _ , Three Dollni’., paid In advance, will payfor the Tel. Japh one year. Fire Uolln.-., paid m advance, w, it two year.. Ten Dollar*, paid m advance, will P, (vhen notpaid*irithin aia montha after the year haa cora- minced THRCf ROlLARi and FIFTY CENTS, per annum w—r will be discontinued until all arrearages are a ", at the option of the Proprietor. P*j;' I 0 paper*, to non-SnDscribers, 12} cents each. Extra Papers, to Subscriber*. 61 cents each. TERMS nr ADVERTISIMO: AnvCRTlsKMEirrs not exceeding 18 lines, will be inserted sneiimefor ONE DOLLAR; and rtFTT cknti for each . ubseqnent insertion. Sheriff**, Tax Collector*’ and Coroners’ Sales, are char- .rd liy the Levy. * \ reasonable deduction will be made to those who adver tise by the year. On all account* fot Advertising, 4c„ as well as for Sub- ,-ripticu. Interest will be charged, when not settled within | the year. jy.Vo Credit for Job Printing, Blnnltw. .Vc.-Pfl * Letters on Imsines* connected wi’h the Office, must |>/post paid, to secure attention. Co in in is si on It u si 11 css. l3 he this method of informing our friends and the T V public generally, that we are still connected in the \Yiiie-IIon*e nml 4?onnnii.i»iou Itu.iiii.s. which will be conducted at the stand occupied by us the past aeasntt, (on Cherry-street, near t'ottnn Avenue.)' E >r the convenience of our uo-esunt y friends. we are building a SCALE HOUSE,nearly adjoining'Col. Parker** Store, on the A'cuuf. which w:i 1 be cum: deled by the first of Sep tember. r We desire to-retnm our thanks, for the liberal patro-tage bestowed on ua heretofore;. and trust our exertions for the interest of our patrons, to merit its continuance. ' GEO. .1, JKI.1IBEREW , . . TVE5PECTFULLY informs his old customers and the We wtlrbe preo treo to make the customary Advances I A public generally, that he is now receiving from the 1 Order-, and attend toaoclibusiness as may t celebrated Hat Manufactory of JoH.N Hcnt A Co., a very tnsive assortment of HATS AMD CAPS, be confided jo us by our friends, on as favorable terms as • extensive assortment of will be dona by any other regular House in tliia place. HAMILTON & WINN. Macon, Julyfl, 1843, • 41 WARE-HOUSE •AiS*. embracing every style and quality. Among bis assortment i may br found 10 doz. fashionable Beaver Hats. 20 doz. do Cassitr.ere Hats, 10 doz. do llusaia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola SiU lia:„. . , Commission Business. r |'HE subscribers beg leave to infont, heir frieods. and I the publie in general, that they have connected them selves together in the above busioesi, under the firm of GORiUAN A RICHARD SOM, and are now erecting a large and convenient WARE HOUSE. near Cotton Avenue, on Poplar street. The location is dry and elevated, ar.d unencumbered with old buildings and the usual liabilities of fi e, and will be com- , , . , . , i pleted. and ready for busmess. by the first of September. Rinafictured the nan summer. They confidently assure the public,that any con- . Jennings 4 Co., very^favorably known ! glgned J t0 the j r , are , will be faithfully and prrmptIycxeeu- JOII.V L. JO.\ES & CO. SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, ALSO. ONE HUNDRED DOZEN OooJ*. byWm T. Jennings 4 Co., vei ■i am >ng the moat fashionable Draper, city of New York. CONSISTING OF Siirtouts, Frock Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Dress Coats, Coatees, and Office Coats, Travelling Coats, had its’ and Gentlemen's In all the New and various styles; Together with a very choice selection of Bilk and Satin Scarfs. Cravats, Mohair ami Cashmere do Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Drawer*, Under Vesta, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Stocks, 4c. Including a general stock of Youth’s & Children’s Clothing, NEKRO CLOTHING, UMBRELLAS, &c Believing that the system of •• Small Profit, and Quick Returns.” is best suited to the times, they will offer their Goods at prices that cannot fail to be an inducement to pur- rhasers. Maeon. October 10.1813. 2 Relying on the honesty of purpose and the long t stabliah- cd confidence of thrse who know us, we feel no hesitancy in loosing for a liberal share of publie patronage. THOMAS B. GORMAN, JAMES RICHARDSON. Macon, July 4,1843. 41 WARE-HOUSE II. &. .T. COWLES, H AVE just teceiveJ, Fresh Mackerel. Canal Flour. Regala 4 Principe Segari, New Buckwheat, in half and quarter bariels, Together with Rtisruin:?. Sugar, Coffee, cVc. &c. Macon. Nov 28 • ® JOS. A EDWIN SAULSBURY, H AVING purchased of Mr. R W. MORRIS, bis en tire Stock of CLOTHING, CLOTH I. CASalMER'aS, £ic. are prepared to offer the same at very reduced price* for cash The Stock it new, and the Clothing manufactured in the latest style, and in the best manner. They feel warranted in saving, that, as regard* variety, quality, ana price, their Stock cannot be aurpasaed by any in the city. They have on hand, Gentlemen's super Beaver and Pilot Cloth <B»”NSTBIi: MAt—OC^Cja •'«k. rHCSSS, Gentlemen's auper Beaver and Pilot Cloth FROCK COATS, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’* auper CLOTH CLOAKS, Gentlemen s Blue, Black. Green, Cadet Mix© 1 Frock and Dress Coats, Gentlemen's super French CasiiiDere FROCK COATS, Gentlemen's Cloth. Caa*i<nere, Sattinrtt, and Jeans TOUCH'S CLOTHING, OF KVERY nESCRIPTIOM ; BLUE, BLACK. MIXED, AND FANCY CIsOUIS (\SSSI.TIt:U3.S. Also, a splendid assortment of VESTS, Gloves, Siispemlcis, Shirts. COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, TRUNTI£o, CARPET RAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c & c . Macon, Dec 5. 1843 I1T The undersigned, having disposed ofbis entire stock of CLOTHING to Messrs. J. 4 E. SAULSBURY. would recommend them to the patronage of hi* former cus tomers and the public general y—believing that their ar rangements are aueh at will enable them to offer their Goods at stub prices aj to make it to tbe interest of pun-baa- art in buy of them. R. W. MORRIS. Dec 5. 1843 10 3m Commission Ti n s i 11 c s s. rpllE undersigned still continues to occupy the WARE. J HOUSE on the corner of Second and Poplar streets. He offer* hi* aervices in tbe various branches of the AVnrc- IIoum- n»<l Comliiixxion ICn-iiii-.,, and rtspertful ly solicits the patronage rf his friends and the public gener ally ; trusting that, by bis unremitting efforts, he shall be able to meet tbe wishes of those who may honor hiir. with their—and expresses a feelingcfgratitude to bis friends for their libera* patronage. JOHN M. FIELD. Maeon, July 1. 1843. 41 IZcfercnct—Col. Wm. H. Reynolds, I Maj James H. Hardaway, ( . r Messrs. Rea 4 Cotton, ) xae0 "- Joshua Q. Moore, . J Brvant Bateman, J -, , Stephen Castelow, \ Houston. William Moseley, Henry. W. C. Cleavelnnd, Crawford. WARE-HOUSE Commission Easiness. W E shall continue the Ware House and Commission Business, the ensuing season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and Second Streets. In offering our services srsin to the public, we have no pledges to make—believing that nur past conduct will be a sufficient guarantee for the faithful performance of tbe trust that may be hereafier confided to us. We will at all times be prepared to make liberal Ad vances on Cotton, in store, or on shipments made to our Agents in Savannah, Cltarleatcn or New York. D. & W. GUNN 4 CO. The subscribers intend keeping on hand, a full supply of Dry-Goods. Cotton Bagging, and Family Groceries, of all kinds; which they will be glad to furnish to their custom* era. upon as good’ terms at any house in Macon. b D. 4 W. GUNN. Aug. 22 47 Dissolution of Copartnership. rpllE firm of CHAPMAN 4 ROSS ia this day dia- JL solved, by mutual content. Macon, Jan. 1. 1844. IS WM. W. CHAPMAN. WM. A. ROSS. Beaver, JYutria and Russia HATS, warranted more durable han any Hats ever sold * in Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children’s Hats, 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO. 20 doz. black and drab Spotting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, COS SIS TING IN PART OF 3 doz. PBEMIUM OTTER CAPS, S d<-z. Sea Otter Caps, N 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps. 20* doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men’s and Boys* Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Capa. ALSO. 200 doz. Ulcn’s and Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS. All of which will be told ior Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfaction. Purchaser* are invited to call and examine at the old stand, sign of tbe ”JiIG HAT,’’ Mulberry Stree t. Braver. Oiler, NlJiik, * Coon Skins, H’.t.'VX’Iill, for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17. lb 13. 3 GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to bis hitherto splendid stock of HATS AND CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is itbw prepared to offer n\nz inducements to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishment in the State, he will afford his Goods at ns lose, or perhaps lotrer prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at bis Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND j NUTRIA, CASSIAIER, RUSSIA, Mole-Skin, Angola, and Silk ALSO. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland Steal, Nutria, nnd ITIuskrnl. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, JWILLI.YERY A.YD FANCY GOODS, AND DRESS sYIAKIJYG. Tlf Ittt.tV. 11.310 ItRIS ■1TJL would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Macon and country rf generally, that she is now opening, on Cotton Avenue, opposite Messrs. Scott 4 Carbart. and next door to the Messrs. Orrs, an entire new Stock of the most Fashionable and Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to the above Buainest; alt of which hat been selected by one of the beat judges in New York City. Great inducements will be held-outto purchasers fot CASH ; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of publie patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and pm-nptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— “Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch.” Macon, Nov 7,1843 # CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, 0s Mulberry Street, Near the Methodist Church GRAVES, WOOD A CO. R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and Planters to tbeii Slock of WILLIAM A. ROSS GROCERIES C ONTINUES this business on lii* own account, having n „ ... _ _ *L __ purchased from Mr. Wra. W. Chapman his entire in- | A fy _dj . Tj _j£ QTs, terest in die Stock of Goods belonging to the late firm. He n .o Wk'WWT \ 9e U' mum ^ baa now on hand a well selected atocE of goods, consutingof ILVIHI »» -lML, ivC. DRY-GOODS, Rr.a<hj-j\Tade Clothing, lints, Shoes, filaa’dtvnirc, CROCKERY, SADDLES, &c. W hicb will be wild vety low for cash. Jan. 1, 1844 18 WM. A. ROSS. <» piasoji’s TNDERTED to the late firm of CHAPMAN & ROSS, Jl will please make immediate payment, or suits will be brought indiscriminately. The papers are all turned over to me lor collection, and can be found at time at Wm. A. Ro,,’ Store. WM. W. CHAPMAN. Macon. Jan. 1. 1844 18 WTOWL OF CHEAP AND DESIRABLE SUBSCRIBER, i» receiving Urge addition, to his r .1 stock of CO.ICIIBK, CIIAIIIOTKI N. R tKOCCnES, UIKBRIi-S, WACOXS, Ac. from some of the best^orthern Manufactories, which were made expreudy for thi, market, of the best materials, and are warranted equal if ootauperior to those of any other es tablishment. Tho«e in want of any description of Carriages, will find it for their interest to examine the quality and pri ces of hit a, anrtment. ... Rkpairino, in nlltbe different branches executed in tbo beat manner, by experienced workmen, at less than former word*, thougl price* . t — OPEM.NG l’OR TOE SPRIXC AND SDHIBBTKADE, AT CRANE & CLARK’S. rilHE aobscribers of the Peop’e’a Store, are now making JL extensive arrangements for offering to their customers a very extensive assortment of the best selection of Goods for the coming sesaon. that can he found in this market; and their facilities for making purchases are not behind those of any of their coiemporaties. Quick returns and small prof its, will betheit miuto. and therefore they offer every arti cle in the Dry Gm>ds line, at the lowest prices, or iu other jh ir, many things they undersell, they are de termined not to be undersold. Among the go >ds they keep Carriage makers, will find a good assortment of Elliptic I »n hand and are constantly receiving, may be found, besides Sprints, Axattree*. turned and boxed Dishes. Lamps, Bands. I many others, the following; Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces. Silk and worsted FOR THE LADIES, Fringe, Tassels. sn»i almost every article required id their 1 bnaioees. at Augusta prices March 1st, 184 k tf J.W.BABCOCK. Fire Insurance. ♦TIHE Undassigned. Agents for the .Etna Insurance I Company af Hartford Conn., are prepared to take risks on Bnii.lings, Merchandize in Store nod Cotton in Ware-bos sc», iniwe Citv of Macon and itsviemity, again* Fire. REA & COTTON. Ag'ts Feb 7 33 ly COOK'S F AltfTX-BIXtXOUS FILLS. Oil the Cure of Liver Complaint, Dvt|«®ii«.4e. For sale by J. II. & W. tj. ELLIS. Oct 31 5 Take IVolice, T HAT the Ordinance below, will be rigidly enforced n- gsin-t all prr>oas hitching their horses to. or otherwise injuring Shu tic Trees in the streets at Macon. Feb 27, lt?44. A. McGREGOR, Marshal. ” t'EC. 2 r t. All trees «et out or pl anted in the public^^unrp, or “tree!., within tbe limits of this city, shall be 80 feet from the li. .nd.iry line n! the lot on the squ tres nr I Icei -trreta. snd 16 leet from the boundary 1-ne of the lot on the 120 feet Streets, parallel with the bonndiey line. And any person or persona catting down or girdling, or in any other manner in juring. „r fastcrii g a horse, or anv other animal, to a tree in tac public -rpiare* nr streets, in the citv of Macon, shall he ? conation before the Mayor, or any member of '’uactl -n a sum not exceediog ten dollars, nor less than •ne dollar.’’ FOR R'e’t Dress Silks, superfine printed Stripes, Ralzarines, Par is printed Batin and Lace. Muslins, rich French and English Prints, black nnd blue black Bombazine, 4-4 and 6-4 plain . and striped Muslins. 4 4 and 6 4 plain Muslins snd Cam brics. 4-4 nnd 6-4 Bishop Lawns; siik and cotton Hose, silk and cotton Gloves and Mitts; Ladies Cravats. Bonnet Rib- I bans. Flench Flowers, best Paris Kid Gloves; white and black Lure Cardinals, rich Silk dbawls. bla.-k net Shaw ls, cotton and Linen Birdseye Diaper, 2.U00 yards Russia do. I at 121 cents per yard; 2 000 yds Sega, stripe Homespuns at 121 cu* yard; 500 belt* Georgia Nankeen; 10,000 yds bleached ami brown Sheeting* nnd Shirtings; 2.000 yards Si Irish Linens from 37} to 81,25; pieces Karlstnn Gittgmms nt 25 i-ts peryard; 25 do. at 33 and 37} cents; 50doz.LU!e| Caps at 01 a dozen; 1800 boxes silver plated Hooka and Eyes at 6} cents. . FOR THE GEVTLEHEIV, Single milled Cassitnetrs. ribbed nnd printed Ganihmon*. Linen Drills. Linen Cheeks. Check Ginghams. Gentlemen's Scarfs, Cravats. Silk Gloves. &c. . Ladies' Siik Umbrella-. Parasols nod Sunshades of the rno-t choice pattern*, from 75 cents to S3. .60 pieces Gimp with every variety of shade and color. N’l-w Goods received every week; any article not found as represented, may be returned, and the price will be ie- Storeon Mulberry street under Washington Hall. CRANE 4 CLARK. April 2, 1P44. zL — For S;»lc. V LIK ELY Negro girl.00 \ests old,a good cook, wash er and ironer. Inquire o! WM. D. GRIFFIN, East Macon. Macon, March 26, 1844. 36 now in store and to which constant additions of fresh goods will be added during the season, rendering their assortment at all lime* very complete, and which will be sold low lor cash. OI to good customers. Tbe following goods may be found in tbeir assortment : 5 Bales Ticking, 10 “ Osnaburgm. 30 “ Sheetings and Shirtings, 4 Cases Bleached do do 1000 Pieces English and American Prints, 50 “ Scotch and Karlston Ginghams, . 5 Bales Stripes and Checks, 5 “ 3-4. 4-4. and 5-4 Power Loom Shirting, 130 Piece*Plaid Jaconets and 8wis*Muslin*. 50 “ Muslin* and Lawns, 50 “ Ky. Jean* and Saltinetts, 300 “ Nankeen, 25 “ Brown Linens, »5 “ Irish do. 150 Doz. Head Hdkfs. 200 » Flagg do. 23 Pieces Silk do. Fancy Hdkfs. and Shawls, 150 Do*. Hosiery (assorted) 50 “ Gloves do. 50 •• Suspenders, 660 '* Spool Thread, 100 lbs. Black and colored Linen Thread, N 200 • Turkey Cotton, Col'd Cambrics. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cords, Sewing Silks. 4c., 4c. Musquito Nettings—Carpetting 100 Cases .Men’s, Women’s end Children’s Shoes, 15 “ Bonnets (all kinds) COO Doz. Palm Leaf Hats (all kinds) 200 Reams Letter. Foolscap, and Wrapping Paper, 2 Casks Sad Irons, 1 cask Curry Combs, C “ C. 8 nnd Carolina Hues. 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes. Fry Pans, Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles. Knives and Folks, Pocket and Card Knives. Pad Locks. Plate Locks, Butt Hinges and Screws, COO lbs. Pins, Buttons and Combs of every description. Percussion Caps. Spoons, 4c &c., 25 Hbds. P 11.. S. C, and N. O. Sugars, Uhls. Pulverized and Crushed Sucar, Boxes White Havanas do” Uhls Loaf and Trinidad do. 400 Bags Rio ami Java Coffee, 10 Cheats Fresh Tess 30 Tons Iron. Flat. Round, and Square (all sizes) Cast. Ge-man and Blister Steel, Anvils, Vices and Bellows, 40.000 lbs. Castings. 250 Kegs Nails and Brads, Bagging. Hope and Twine, 200 Bag* Shot, 2000 lbs. Bar Lead. Kegs Powder, Canister da. 50 Boxes Soap. 30 ” Spertn Candles, 30 “ Tallow do. 20 "* Starch. 10 “ King 4 Collins' Axes, 20 Coffee Mills, 10 “ Shoe Tacks. 50 “ Cotton Cards. No. 8 and 10. 20 Hbls. Copperas. 20 “ Tanner's Oil, 10 “ Vinegar. 2 Cero-ms Indigo, Sal Era'is, Epsom Salt*. Madder. Ginger, Pepper, Spice. Nutmegs. Cloves, Ca-F.ia. Catnohnr, Brimstone, Blue Stone. Salt Petre, Paints. Oils. Gla«». Putty, Varnish. Turpentine, Sperm Oil. 4c., 4c. 2000 Sacks Salt, 50.000 lbs. Baron. 10 Tons Grindstones. Macon, March 26, 1844. »* Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlcnacn’s IVavy Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Men’s nml Boys’ Black and Drab SPORTING HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of Men’s and Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS, <fc€. (C/* The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few dnors above the Wash; ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ling 4 Mix. Z39I9-, Otter, .11 ink. :attd ICaccoon .skins, for which tbe Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30, 1844 18 GEO. I. 8IIEPARD. * H. & J. COWLES, A VE now on hand, at the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J B. Ross 4 Co., Planters’ Supplies, constating of general assortment of GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, &C.&C. Macon, Oct 25, 1843 ' 6 THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET, BE.tZjUIt /.V STAPLE GOODS CHOICE GROCERIES, Ac. Arc. 4c. OFFERS FOR SALE. AT VERY LOW PRICES! 04 k] k BAGS old Java. Rio, Cuba, and Lagtira Coffee! OUI t 25 hbds St. Croix and Porto Rico Su°ars. 5 000 ibs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar. 20 hbds Cubn Molasses, 30 boxes Castile. Fancy, and Variegated Soaps, 40 do Sperm and Hull’s Patent Candles, 30 do Colgate's an.l Hull's Steam Soap, No. 1, 800 Sacks Salt, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 25 dozen Long-handle Shovel* and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 600 lbs”. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tacks. 50,0001b*. Swedes Iron, assorted, l}to 10 in. wide, 2.000 lbs. German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Patent Shot, 10 doz. Wilson's Coffee Mills, 20 doz. Halter Chains, 100 doz. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10. do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razor Straps, 10.000 lbs. Hollow Ware, (assorted sizes,) 50 reams super Blue 4 White Ruled Letter 4 Cap Taper; 60 do Wrapping Paper, 500 boxes 1 able L alt, 600 p-. superior Gunny and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1,000 lbs three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton nnd Wool Cards. 40 dozen Pails, Msts, Brooms, and Selves, 60 do Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Knives. 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 do Qoilleil Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 12,000 SEGAKS. 20 boxes Imperial. Hyson. Foui-hong and Souchong Teas, pices, of all kinds; London Mustard; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeratos; Salt Petre; Epsom; Starch; Scotch and Macabov Snuff—together with an assortment of DOHEST 1C DRY-GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SADDLERY, Boots and Shoes. Macon, Not 14,1843. 7 CHRISTMAS IS COMING, AND SO AM I. AW!) OLD SAKTISY-- LAWS CLOSE BY, LOADED WITH ALL THE LUXURIES OF LIFE, «» a ■ srpaBTEK-BS ~ 4 XD this is to inform the good citizens of Macon, and the whole people of Georgia, that I have given up distributing XjLlfood for the Mind. auJ will now distribute Food that will please the taste and invigorate the Body. I hare opeeed a FAMILY GROCERY STORE, AT MIT OLD STAND, Where every thing, of the best quality in that line, may be tound. I will receive every flight by the Rail-Road, n!i kind# ct Fresh Fi*h, OYSTERS, Oranges, Racsannas, Apples, Lemons, Pine Apples, Ac. Ac. And tomv country friends, I will say, that I will m ike the most liberal exchanges with you. for all kinds cf COUN TRY PRODtUOK. KTDo not forget to call ai my Store, on Mulberry street, two doors South of the Washington Hall, where you can buy a good many Goods fora little money. Macon, Feb.27th. 1844. -22 C. .4. EJLJL3. liATLS OF FJaE 1GI1T AIM) PASSAGE 55| 20] Cl S 25 200 French worked Collar*. B .11 VE Muslin and heavy work. As we bnucut them at 1. Aurtion in New York, we can sell them at 50 cenu a piece. Cell soon for bargains, at CRANE 4 CLARK'S. April P, 184L 28 Passengers 5 c. pr. mile, (children under lays. 4 servts. half price, Cotton per bale, (round or square) not exceeding 400 lbs. weight,.. Colton per bale, (round or square, over 400 lbs. per 100 lbs Boxes, bales, and all measurement goods.... per cubic foot. Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware, and all other articles that go by weight .....per 100 lbs. Hogsheads and Pipes of Liquor each. Hogsheads of Molasses and Oil, — ...each, Barrels of Liquor, Fish, Beef, Pork, Lime, 4c..... .each,| Barrels of Molasses and Oil........ each Bis. of Flour, Potatoes. Fruit. Onions, and all other light bis. each } bls.Pork, Fish,Lionor,4c. 4allKegsofl0gals.4upwards. each, } bis. Flour, Fruit, Potatoes, 4c each, Salt in aadts not exceeding four bushels......... each Salt in sacks over tour bushels, — perbushel, Corn, Wheat,Meal, and allothergraininbags,I per bushel, Colton Bagging — per piece, Boxes of Soap, Candies, 4c. of common size, each, Brooms in bundles per dozen, Buckets. Collars, Scythes,Shovels 4 Spades, Sifters, 4c. per dozen, Chairs per dozen. Boxes Fruit, Cigars. 4c... ..each, All small packagfcS not weighing 10 J lbs. nor measuring 2 feet, each. Blacksmith's Bellows,. each, Potatoei, Apples, 4c. — ................per bushel, Demijohns, Jugs. Jars. 4c not over two gallons each, Demijuhns, Jugs, Jars, 4c. over two gallons.. each, Ploughs .......... ... each,' Bales of Hay and Fodder, not over 400 Ibs each, Four Wheel Cirriages ......— ....each, Two Wheel Carriages — .. ..............—each. Post and Stage Coaches and Road Wagons,................each,' Lumber, sawed and hewed, per 1,000 feet, —. — . — ....... — W ood,. - ..per cord,: LIVE STOCK. Hogs '. per head, Oxen and Beef Cattle, per head, Horses per head,' - Sheep. Goats, Calves,and Dogs........ per head, Turkeys and Geese in coop3,..............per head.l Dueks and Chickens in coons...............per head,' Special contracts may be made wiili ilie Snperintendant of Transportation, for Freight, on the following article;, w hen in large quantities, viz: Horses. Hogs, Cattle.Lumber. Wood. Brick, or Stone, 4c. 4c. Planters or Farmers are allowed to pass free of charge, Tor passage, when accompanying the produce of their own farms to market. Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, destined for the interior of this State, Tenno.-.-oo, or Alabama, consigned to the Agent of thi* Company, at Macon, will be received and forwarded from any point of this lload, by i\ agons, to their place of des tination, free ofclinige for Storage or Forwarding. Cotton, Merchandize, or Produce, of any description, will be received by the Company’s Agent?, at Griffin. Barnesville, or Forsyth, and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charge, other than the regular rat.-s of Transportation. Ar rangements must be made in all instances, for the payment of Freight and expenses, Jwith the Company's Agent at Ma con, or at the Depot where the goods ere received nr delivered. The attention of Merchants and Planters, is solicited to the advantages efTercd them under the above arrangements, for shipping their Produce to Market, and obtaining their supplies, through this channel ofcommumention with the seaboard. The Central Rail-Road is now completed and in operation, from Savannah to within 2) miles , f our Depot, and will he coinjleied to Macon early this fall. Thi* Road is in daily operation to Griffin, 60 miles above Macon; ami. bv the first of Decemher. will be opened for Business to Lcakville, 21 miles above Griflin; and to tile junction with the Western and Atlantic Rail-Road, early next spring. That portion of the Road originally laid with the thin plate Hail, baa been rebuilt this summer, and laid with heavy flange Rail,and the whole Road from Macon to Griffin, is now in good order fur business. Merchants living in the upper part of the State, will find it decidedly to their interest, to ship their goods bv wav of Savannah, over the Central and this Hail-Road consigned toonrA gents, asgoodscan be hauled from Barnesville orGrrffin, to Coin nbus, for 43 a 50 rents per 100 pounds, or any other part of the country nt proportionable rates. AH goods will be sent forward immediately, unless otherwise ordered. -f. B CRAY, 1 00 2 00 2 50 2 00 1 25 3 501 3 00 j 2 00 38 2 00 3 001 38: Augc st 22, 1843. Agent and Sum : of Tr NEW BOOK STORE OX COTTON AVENUE, Two doom nbovr .llM-im. J. W. 8- ELUS’ I)!U G STOKE. .T. BARIVES, T¥A.VINO MOVED to the above .Stand, otTers to tie j JljL public, a large Stock of B5 O ORSI S T.l TIOJYAR 1% Ac. &c. pr. Trace Chains, 4UOoO Vi.-es. Trace Chains, Anvil*, Bellows and Vice*. 30 Anvils, 20 pr. Blacksmith's Bellows. 150 Hind nnd Sledge Hammers, 40 double hand Screw Plates, assorted, } to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains, 2,000 lbs. Hook Hinges. 100 sets Wagns Boxes, 300 Ibs. Bogging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles, 100 Sauce Pans. 1,000 lbs Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks, 1 Iron Chest. ALSO. A complete assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, TABLE KNiVlid & FORKS, .fust received and for sale by Macon. Nov 14. 18*5. 7 E. B. EED. ! Cherry Street Bakery. T HE subscriber respectfully ioformsthe citizens of Ma- : con and vicinitv. tnat be has opened a Baking Estab lishment. opposite Thomas Harrnld, cn Cherry Street, be respectfully solicits a share <>f public pattonage. Having „ professional Baker, he confidently assures those who may patronize him. that his mamtaciure will be of superior quality. JOHN T. HARBAUM. I Sept. 3. <8 ly* j CHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hyrr.u Books, of every kind and size, in various binding. Southern nnd Vt'smtn Harmony, Kinyfley's Social Choir. Juvenile Singing Book. Mason's Sacred Harp. Bate Pri mmer. Dictionary of Musical Terms, Sf-c. $c. ftlntik RooliM of every description, Coin! Re cord, iiud Doclict HocLm, various m’zch. Ledgers. Jouk.vals and Day Books: Invoice, Re- j cord. Letter. Bill and Receipt Books ; In dexes. for Ledgers. Pocket Memoran dums & Pocket Ledgers. &c. Ac. J. B. would re j rrtfully invite tradin'* nnd others who iay want SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his stork ■hich will be sold at the lowest possible prices, For Cash- ; wholesale and retail. j He als«« receives as soon ns published all the new works from the Harper’s and other publishing houses ir. New York, Bost ’ii nml Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap, and fashionable literature of the day, which he sells at New York prices. Constantly on hand a stock of LAW BLANKS, printed , on the best foolscap paoer. Macon. Oct 4,184::.' GUN SMITH BUSINESS. HMHE subscriber continues to carry on thi* business at ' I his old stand opposite Shotwell's Drug Stoic, where | he keeps for sale Double s«ii«1 Single Rand Shot Guns, ICiflos, Pistols, ami all other kinds ol *l»oiti«.y Apparatus. REPAIRING,of all kinds, and stocking Guns, done at ahortt otice—also, Guns and Rifles altered to percussion locks. Feb. 20 21 p. ROUX. NEW GOODS H C. W. & E. WOODRUFF AVE just received, and are row opening, a fir sornnent of SPRING AND SUMMER, R.i?; r in; and Rope. n( Wi PIECES heavy Gunny Bagging, i/Uli 10U “ Kentucky do Ro do 200 *• Coils Mon ilia Rope, 500 lbs. Bagginp Twine. For sale on reasonable terms bv CHAS. CAMPBELL &Co. Ausnsi 2 47 Ham*. Qnnn LBS. of Georgia Ha ms. for sale by C. A. ELLS. OUUU Oh ! how sweet. Also. 30u0 lbs. Lard, do* March 26, 1844. 2* Consisting of Calicoes, Lawns and Muslins. Balzi lilts; French and Scotch Ginghams; Linen j.nv Cambric Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet. Book, Muslins; Check Muslins; Gleves and Hosiery, kind and quality; :t,000 yards Georgia lYankf ens; Brown ami Bleached Linen Drills for Pauls; Brown end Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cotton Goods, for summer wear; i Palm Lear and Leghorn Rat* v of Men's, "Youths’ and Boys* sizes. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF | Sun Shades ami Parasols; j All of which we will sell at a small advance fro | Please call and see, at our Store, one d#or from Geo. I Price, on Second street. March 12 24 CALF-SKINS.* J L ST RECEIVED, a lot of Calf-Skins, a superior arti cle, finished after the French style. Also. Northern SOLE-LEATHER, SHOE-THRE AD, 8PA1NTLES, 4c. Jan 9, 1844 IS W. PRIC?:.