Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, May 28, 1844, Image 1

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<%> eormfl ri/e est good of rtta akk.ikksr .rr.wnkmi. VOL. XVIII. mB MACOi\, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 38, 1844. iVO. 3S. m* ctiennv*t rCBLI3HKD EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, BY HI. BARTLETT. ■ *,net—Brick Building, corner Cotton Avenue and First Strut. | TERMS 0* SUBSCRIPTION: Three DoIIarn, paid in advance, will pay for the Tel- Lnpli one year. Fire Oollnra, P“* * J|7for it two years. Ten Dollar., paid to advance, will ^Thennolpa^d whhin aix month, after the year ha. com- 1a .uni. nniLARS AND FIPTT CENTS, per annum ."“be Charge" If not Paid until the end of the year, FOUR Ulars p^.nnum will be charged-wuh interest there- No Paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are Lid unless at the option of the Proprietor. Siaele Papers, to non-Subscribers, 12} cenw each. Extra .u, Subscribers. 61 cents each. ■ TERMS OF ADVERTISING: advertisements not exceeding 12 lines, will be inserted pe time for ONE DOLLAR; and riFTT cents for each .KiMuent insertion. 'jiitriffs, Tax Collectors and Coroners’ Sales, are char- ^iby the Levy. ■ ^ nsionahle deduction will be made to those whoadver- y^liv the year. jn'all accounts fot Advertising, Ac., as well as for Sub- p^aien, Interest will be charged, when not settled within Ujear. jyyo Credit for Job Printing, Dlanko, A-c.-Tfl • Letters on business connected wi>h die Office, must itpmt paid, to secure attention. WASHINGTON HALL, M ACON, GEORGIA. rp H E subscriber has again taken this Estab X lithment, where he will always be hap i p- to attend to the calls of bis old customers, '*£&’ and the travelling public generally, lii.-on.June SO 38 S. LANIER. WARE-HOUSE Commission Business. W E take this method of informing our friends and the public generally, that we are still connected in the TViirc-IIou.c nnit Connniasion Bniincss, which will be. conducted at the stand occupied by us the past season, (on Cherry-street, near Cotton Avenue.) For the convenience of our up-count, y friends, .we are building a SCALE HOUSE, nearly adjoining Col. Parker’s Store, on the Avenue, which will be completed by the first of Sep tember. We desire to return our thanks, for the .liberal patronage bestowed on us heretofore; and trust that.'by our exertions for the interest of our patrons, to merit its continuance. We will be prepared to make the customary Advances on Cotton, fill Orders, and attend to such business aa may bp confided to us by our friends, on as favorable terms as will be done by any other regular House in this place. HAMILTON & WINN. Macon, July 1,1843. 41 WARE-HOUSE CENTRAL HOTEL, Macon, Geo. (THE subscriber having become the Proprietor of this 1 .ell known establishment, respectfully soliciu the of the public. The house has been entirely >ed and renovated; the rooms replenished with clean __ ,nd suitable furniture, and the whole interior ol the suMishment adapted to the comfort of his guests. That •t amnestic economy of the House will be such as to grati- i the most fastidious, he bat but loinf-rm the public, that hi! engaged as geueral Superintendents, WM. SHI VERS. JUNR. AND LADY, whose career as Managers i, fivern in Sparta, for nine years, has commended Hi, tie favorable notice ol the travelling public. WM. O. THOMAS £rpt.l9 . The undersigned having disposed of his proprielorshi hue Central Hotel, to Mr. W.G. Thomas, from his know tbiofbim, and the well known capacity of Mr. aud Mrs. rers. in the management of a Public Hoose, can with #denee. recommend the Central Hotel to the patronage tj friends and the public. F. SIMS Sept. 19 51 Commission Business. TITHE subscribers beg leave to inform heir friends, and 1 the public in general, that they have connected them selves together in the above business, under the firm of GORMAN & ICICIIAICDSOM, and are now erecting a large and convenient WARE HOUSE. near Cotton Avenue, on Poplar street. The location it dry and elevated, and unencumbered with old buildings and the usual liabilities of fi e, and will be com pleted, and ready for bus-ness. by the first ofSeptember. They confidently assure the public, that any business con signed to their care, will be faitbfally and prrmptly execu ted. Relying on the honesty of parpose. and the long t itablisb- ed confidence of these who know us, we feel no hesitancy in looking for a liberal share of public patronage. THOMAS B. GORMAN, JAMES RICHARDSON. Macon, July 4,1843. 41 JVI5 £ HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. CHRISTMAS IS COMING, AND SO AM I, ANTE OLD SANDY-CLAWS CLOSE B7, LOADED WITH ALL THE LUXURIES OF LIFE, WARE-HOUSE ST 1 A ND this is to inform the good citizens of Macon, and the whole people of Georgia, that I have given up distributing Food for the Mind, auJ will now distribute Food that will please the taste and invigorate the Body. I have opened a FAMILY GROCERY STORE, AT MY OLD STAND, Where every thing, of the best quality in that line, may be foand. I will receive every night by the Rail-Road, allkinds of Fresh Fish, OYSTERS, Oranges, Banannas, Apples, Lemons, Pine Apples, Ac. Ac. And to my country friends, I will say, that I will make the most liberal exchanges with you. for all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCE. KT* Do not forget to call at my Store, on Mulberry street, two doors South of the Washington Hall, where you can bny a good many Goods fora little money. MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb County 1 1HE undersigned have taken ibis spacious Hotel, for merly kept by Benson Roberts. Esq., and are now nriv far the reception of Travellers and Families visiting t up-country. The subscribers pledge themselves to use every exertion if lie comfort of their petrous. THOMAS B. DANIEL, JEREMIAH LEAK. Msrirua, Jan. 1,1844. 27 . BACON! BACON!! Qfk 111 HI LBS Georgia Cured BACON, yU.UUU 80,000 lbs. do do HAMS. ALSO. 4.000 lbs. extra LEAF LARD, for tale by WM. A. CHERRY. April 2 87 4m Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. INDIAN SPRING. TIHE subscriber most respectfully informs the public, i that he hat taken possession of the well known Hotel I lie Indian Spring, lately occupied by Col. H. Dillon — Le:e are so many living witnesses, who can hear testimo ny the wonderful benefita derived from the use of these fcrqnslled waters, that it is useless to speak of them here. It titures all who are disposed to visit h'ui, that nr efforts rail be wanting to provide all such luxuries as will tend to h-fr comfort; and to afford them all -uch means of amuse a, will enable them to drive “dull care away,’’ and ft** their lime in pleasure. 13* GAMING is strictly forbidden. BRYAN W. COLLIER. hiian Spring, Butts co. March 26, 1844. 26 tO GEOLORICAL DEPART.UE1YT, l Mu.LEDGEvn.LE, Nov. 2, 1839. 1 Inlysis of the Water of the Indio Spring, Butts County, Georgia. Oiiniity, one pint, (wine measure,) or 29,875 cubic inches. /'thminaries for a correct Analysis of this Spring. "■tomeiet ..........29,54 inches. |«iperature of the Atmosphere........63 deg. Farenheit. Jtropersiure of the Water,.... ........46 do do fytcitic Gravity 1,142, that of distilled water being 1,000. OAMBS. •'txic Ga», 0,156 cubic inches. ftrhouic Acid Gas .1,000 do phuretted Hydrogen... 3.5 do 8ALI3E CONTESTS. «d>on*te of Magnesia 1,988 grains. ^'plwM of Magnesia, 71,528 do Ophite ofLime,.... .............7.152 do ^tlpbile of Potash 3,415 do Total of Saline contents....84.077 * JOHN RUGGLE3 COTTING, State Geologist of Georgia. Commission Business. T HE iiudersigned atill continues to occupy the WARE HOUSE on thecorner of Second and Poplar streets. He offers his services in the various branches of the lVn rc- IIousc ami Commission Buiiaris, and respectful ly solicits the patronage of his friends and the public gener ally ; trusting that, by his unremitting efforts, he shall be able to meet the wishes of those who may honor him with their confidence—and expresses a feelingcfgratitude to his friends for their liberal patronage. JOHN M. FIELD. Macon, July 1. 1843. 41 Reference—Col. Wm. H. Reynolds, ) Maj James H.Hardaway, S Messrs. Rea be Cotton, Joshua G. Moore, $ ss.'sk., William Moseley, Henry. W. C. Cleavelnnd. Crairford. ) 3fticon, WARE-HOUSE Commission Business. W E shall continue the Ware House and Commission Business, the ensuing season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and Second Streets. In offering our services again to the public, we have no pledges to make—believing that our past conduct will be a sufficient guarantee for die faithful performance of the trust that may be hereafter confided to us. We will stall times be prepared to make liberal Ad vances on Cotton, in store, or on shipments made to our Ageutsin Savannah, Charleston or New York. D. & W. GUNN & CO. Dry-I kinds; srs, upon as good terms as any house in Mac,-n. F D. A W. GUNN. Aug. 22 R OF CHEAP AND DESIRABLE Macon, Feb. 27th. 1844. C. A. ELL!). carriage repository, o* Mulberry Street, Nesr the Methodist Church m&jsk \Uk SUBSCRIBER, Is receiving large additionsiohis L stock of Caches, cnAmoTKrs, hahocches, BUUGIEM, WAGONS, Ac. *tos lutne of the best Northern Manufactories, which were ^a expressly for this market, of the beat materials, and *\* warranted equal if not superior to those of any other ea- ’■•Wiilimeot. Those in want of any deacription of Carriages, ‘’"find it for their interest to examine the quality andpri- ‘•H of his assortment. i^IFAIWNO, in nllthe different branches executed in the y* 1 Banner, by experienced workmen, at less than former totes. i Carriage makers, will find a good assortment ofEiliptic j’Bjt.Axeltrees.turned and boxed Dashes. Lamps, Banda. Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Tassels, and almost every article required in their (‘"vu. si Augusta prices. JJjrch 1st. 1842. 92 tf J.W.BABCOCK. r Fire Insurance. p8E Undersigned. Agents for the ^tna Insurance jj. Company of Hartford Conn., are prepared to take It) “T 1 Buildings, Merchandize in Store and Cotton in j j-’e-notues, in the City of Macon and iu vicinity, again. •„Jab 7 MILLIXERY AXD FANCY GOODS, AND DR JESS slElKKVG. M rs. iv. n. horbis would respectfully announce t» the Ladies of Macon and country generally, that she is now opening, on Colton Avenue, opposite Messrs. Scot! tc Carhart, and next door to the Messrs. Orrs, an entire new Stock of the most Fashionable and Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to the above Business; all of which has been selected by one of the best judges iu New York City. Great inducements will be held out to purchasers foi CASH ; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— “Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch.” Macon, Nov 7.1843 9 THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET, UK.if Kit l.V STAPLE GOODS, CHOICE GROCERIES, Ac, Arc. Ac. OFFERS FOR SALE. AT VERY LOW PRICES • >/1| | BAGS old Java. Rio, Cuba, and Lag-Bra Coffee} OH If 85 hhds St. C roix and Porto Rico Sugars. 5 000 lbs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar. 20 hbds Cuba Molasses, 30 boxes Castile, Fancy, and Variegated Soaps, 40 do Sperm and Hull’s Patent Candles, 30 do Colgate’s and Hull’s Steam Soap, No. 1, 800 Sacks Salt, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 25 dozen Long-handle Shovels and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 600 lbs. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tacks, . 50,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, 1 jto 10 in. wide, 2.000 lbs. German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Patent Shot, 10 doz. Wilson's Coffee Mills, 20 doz. Halter Chains, 100 doz. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razor Straps. - - - - 10.000 lb*. Hollow Ware, (assorted sizes.) 50 reams super Blue A White Ruled Letter & Cap Paper. 60 do Wrapping Paper, 500 boxes 1 able ‘ alt, 600 ps. superior Gunny and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1,000 lbs three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Couon and Wool Cards. 40 dozen Pails. Mats. Brooms, and Selves, 60 do Pen. Pocket, and Fancy Knives, 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 do Quilled Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 12.000 SEGAHS. 20 boxes Imperial, Hyson. Pouchong and Souchong Teas, Spices, of all kinds ; London Mustard; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeratus; Salt Petre; Epsom Salts; Starch; Scotch and Macaboy Snuff—together with an assortment of DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, HATS; CAPS, SADDLERY, Bools and Shoes. Macon, Nov 14, 1843. 7 Law Notice. T HE undersigned have associated themselves in the practice of the Law, and will give prompt attention such business as may be entrusted to tlieir care. They will attend the following Courts: Bibb, Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson. Houston,Pulaski, Hen- ry and Pike.* - KIP OFFICE over E. B. Weed’s Store, two doors be low W.B. Johnston, on Mulberry street. A. P. POWERS. L. N. WHITTLE. Macon, March 26, 1844. 26 m. johnston, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. KP OFFICE over old Darien Bank. Macon, March 26. 1844. 26 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, Attorney at Law, May 10 Vienna, Dooly county, Georgia. Jan 25 J. S. DEIST 2MARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY. GEO. NOTICE. T HE undersigned having associated J. It. HOWELL with him. their business wiil hereafter be continued uuder the ntme ofG. E. Warren A Co. G. L. WARREN. April 9. 1844.28 OPENING FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, AT CRANE & CLARK’S. rjpHE subscriber* of the People’s Store, are now making JL extensive arrangements for offering to their customers a eery extensive assortment ol* the best selection of Goods for the coming season, that can be found in this market*, and their facilities for making purchases are not behind those of any of their cotemporatiei. Quick returns and small prof its*, will be their mono, and therefore they offer every arti cle in the Dry Goods line, at the lowest prices, or in other words, though in many things they undersell, they are de termined aot to be undersold. A mong the t;o ids they keep on hand and are constantly receiving, may be found, besides many others, the following: FOR THE LADIES, R eh Dreis Silk*, superfine printed Stripe,, Balzarines, Par- is printed Satin and Lace, Muslins, rich French and English Prints, black and blue black Bombazine. 4-4 sod 6-4 plain and striped Mullins. 4 4 and 6 4 plain Muslins and Cam brics. 4-4 and 6-4 Bishop Lawns; silk and cotton Hose, silk and couon Gloves and Mius; Ladies Cravats, Bonnet Rib bons. Flench Flowers, best Paris Kid Gloves; white and black Lace Cardinals, rich Silk Shawls, black net Shawls, cotton and Linen Birds eye Diaper,2.U00 yards Russia d<>. at 12} cents per vard; 2.000 yda Negro atnpe Homespuns at 12} CIS a yard; 500 bolts Georgia Nankeen; 10.000 yds bleached ami brown Sheetings and 8hirtings; 2.000 yards Irish Linen, from 37} to 81,25; pieces Earlston Gitignams at 25 eta per yard; 25 do. at 33 and 37} cents; 50 doz. Lisle Caps at 81 a dozen; 1800 boxea silver plated Hooks and Eyes at 6} cents. 1’OK THE GENTLEMEN, ' J.' buold'siand opposite Shotwell’s' Drug Store, where Single milled Cassimeres. ribbed and printed Gombroon*, he k , for |a | e Linen Drills. Linen Checks, Check Ginghams. Gentlemen s u 0 „|,i c 1M 1 Single Barrel Shot GllIlS. Scarfs, Cravats. Silk Gloves, 6cc. Ititips Pistole. ai»«l all OtllCr IcludS Of Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas. Psrssols and Snnshades of the ’ - most choice patterns, from 75 cents to 83. 50 pieces Gimp with every variety of shade and color. New Goods received every week; any article not found as represented, may be returned, and the price will be re- funded. Store on Mulberry street under Washington 11*11. CEANE dc CL Alt K.. April 2, 1844. 27 Cherry Street Bakery. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ma. con and vicinity, that be has opened n Baking Estab lishment, opposite Tbomas Harrnld, on Cherry Street, he respectfully soliciu a share of public patronage. Havings professional Baker, he confidently assures those who inay uatronize him, that his manufacture will be of superior quality. JOHN T. HARBAUM. Sept. 5. 48 GUN SMITH BUSINESS. fJIHE subscriber continues to carry on this business at For Sale. A LIKELY Negro girl, 20 years old, a good cook, wash er and ironer. Inquire of WM. D. GRIFFIN, East Macon. Macon, March 26, 1844. 26 _ Brought to Jail, «X f N Houston county. Ga. a Negro Fellow, aged ■yiV I about 35 years, who »ays his name is JE3br-. VL and that he helongMo William Tsi'. of the Slate of Alabama. In miles from Greenville. Said Be- gro is about 5 feet 10 nr 11 inches high, and light built. He says bia master’s plantation is on the Alabama river. The owner is requested to eo-ie forward, prove property, pay charset, and take him a-vay. Jar.23, 1844 13 WM. HERRINGTON. ShiT. Dissolution. T HE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Powers & Johnston is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. Tho unfinished business will receive the at tention of bothor cither of the pailners. ^ POWERS, M.’JOHNSTON. March 25. 1844. REA & COTTON. Ag’ts 23 ly COOKS ANTI-BILIOUS fills, h OR -:-e Cure of Liver Complaint, Drspepsia. Ac. Qt,f" ” J « by J. H. &;\\F. §. ELLIS. allacon Iron J* Brass Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. M ILL and Ginartring. Steam Engine Work, Iron and Brass Casting’ of every description, made to order.and Machine Work ^General, corner o r Fourth and Walnut Streets. _ [O* Tbe highest prices will be paid for Old Coppei, Brass, tend, and tlaatlfOH. _ Jan 31 17 ROBT. FINDLAY. Spoiti»u Apparatus REPAIRING, of all kinds, and stocking Guns, done at short notice—-also. Guns and Rifles altered to percussion locks. Feb. 20 21 P. ROUX. NEW GOODS. O. W. & E. WOODRUFF, H AVE just received, and are now opening, a fine as- fiortineiit of SPRING AND SUMMER Consisting of Calicoes, Lawns and Muslins, Balzsrine lins; French and Scotch Ginghams; Linen Lawns; Linen Cambric Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet, Book, and Mull Muslins; Check Muslins; Glaves and Hosiery, of every kind and quality; „ 3,000 yards Georgia Nankeens; Brown aod'Bleaehed Linen Drills for Pants; Brown and Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cotton Goods, for summer wear; Palm Lear aud Leghorn Hals, ef Men’s, Youths’ and Boys' sizes. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Shades and Parasols; All of which we will sell at a small advance from Cost. Please call and see, at our Store, one door from Geo. W price, on Second street. March 12 84 CALF-SKINS. J UST RECEIVED, a lot of Calf-Skins.a superior arti cle, finished after tha French style. Also, Northern SOLE-LEATHE R, SHOE-THREAD SPAINTLES, Ac. _ Ja«9. 1844 15 OEO, W. PRICE. Summer Clothing’. T HE subscribers have received their stock of Summet Clothing, comprising one of the most extensive and va ried they have ever had on hand, and which will be sold at extremely low prices. A call is iavited. May 7 32 J. L. JONES & CO. GUN-SMITHING'. T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of Macon and the public generally, that be has taken the stand known as the old Post-Office, on Mulberry street, one door from B. S. Newcomb & Co’s. Eating House and Bowling Alleys, where be is prepared to do all kinds of work in tne above business, in a superirstyle. Rifles made to order, and war ranted. Double Guus restocked, and all kinds of repairing done with despatch. He has also on band, a few fine DOUBLE GUNS: Ri fle POWDER of a superior quality; GUN POWDER; SHOT, of all sizes; Baldwin’s Elastic GUN WADDING; plain PERCUSSION CAPS; split and ribbed do; Walk- e’’s best English Caps; POW’DER FLASK3; SHOT POUCHES: and all articles usually kept in the line, which will be sold low for cash. E. S. ROGERS. Macon, Jan 30, 1844. 18 MORRISONS Vegetable Universal Medicines, F OR sale by GEO.W.PRICE A COf Mav 5 32 Exchange on New-York, J^OR sale by THOS. TAYLOR. GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to bis hitherto splendid stock of HATS A1VD CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer rare inducements to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishment in the State, be will afford his Goods at as tom, or perhaps tower prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at his Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND OF ALL KINDS, DONE AT SHORT NOTICE, IN’ A NEAT STTXE, AND on the most reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF THE iHacon CJtovflfa iTclcflraiJfj, —SCCJET .28- PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAW BLANKS, HANDBILLS. HORSE BXX.X.S, X.ABEXJS, tWIRE-MMOUSE RECEIPTS, Arc. &c. Arc. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF BC H 1* /Nk SB 9 Of use in this State, printed on fine paper, in legal form, constantly kept on band, and for sale at very low prices. Macon, June 1, 1843. 33 BEAVER, NUTRIA, CASSIRER, RUSSIA, Mole-Skin, Angola, and Silk Uol & W ALSO, ‘ A FINE ASSORTMENT OF JFTLTJ0I CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland Seal, A’ntria, auil muskrat. ALSO, Men's and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen’s Navy Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Iffcn’s and Boys’ Black, and Drab SPORTING HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of JTlen’s nml Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS, <fcC. KT The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few doors above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ting & Mix. •vDB-AimrjE Otter, Mink, mid Raccoon Skins, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30. 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. WHOLESALE Al\U RETAIL. GEO. .f. KE1IBERE Y, R ESPECTFULLY informs his old customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving from the celebrated Hat Manufactory of John Hunt Jfc Co., a very October 3 Bagging and Rope* PIECES heavy Gunny Baggjng, yUUlOO “ Kentucky do 50 " Uusia, do 200 “ Coils Monilla Rope, 500 lbs. Bageinp Twine. For sale on reasonable terms by CHAS. CAMPBELL ACo. August 2 47 H & J. COWLES, n AVE now on hand, at the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J B. Ross A Co., a genet al assortment of Planters’ Supplies, consisting ol GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, Ac. Ac. Macon, Oct 25, 1843 6 200 French worked Collars. F INE Muslin and heavy work. As we bought them at Autlinn in New York, we can sell them at~50 cents a piece. Coll soon for bargains, at CRANE A CLARK’S. April 9, 1844. 28 Trace Chains, Anvils, Bellows anel Yices. XfiTkpr. Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, 4H/V60 Vices, 20 pr. Blacksmith's Bellows. 150 Hand and Sledga Hammers, 40 double kaud Screw Plates, assorted,} to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains, 9,000 lbs. Hook Hinges. 100 sets Wagon Boxes, 300 lbs. Bagging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles. 100 Sauce Pans, 1,000 lbs Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks, 1 Iron Chest. ALSO, A complete assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, AND TABLE KNIYEsS & FORKS, Just received and for sale by Macon,Nov 14.18*3. 7 E. B. WEED. extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assortment may be found' 10 do*, fashionable Beaver Hats, 20 doz. do Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do llnssia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. ONE HUNDRED DOZEN Beaver, JYutria and Russia HATS, warranted more durable han any Hats ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 dux. Youth’s and Children's Hats, 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, CON SIS TING IN PAR T OF 3 doz. PBE.MIU.M OTTER CAPS, 5 dt z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men's and Boys' Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. * do. Sealette Caps. . ALSO. 200 doz» Men’s and Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS. All of which will be sold for Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfaction. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at the old stand, &i£;n of the M 1110 HAT/' Mulberry Street. Beaver, Otlcr, Mink, Coon Skins, JTJEH, for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1613. 3 NEW BOOK STORE OX BIITO.V AVENUEi Two doors abavc.llrun.JT. H. Jk IV. J*. EiLlRi DRI G STORE. J. BARNES, H AVING MOVfeD to the above Stand, offers to t! a public, a large Stock of BOOKS, STnlTMOJYnIRY', BLANK BOOKS, &c. &c. CHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer aud Hymn Books, of every kind and size, in various binding. Southern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley’s Social Choir. Juvenile Singing Book. Mason’s Sacred Harp, Base Primmer, Dictionary of Musical . fi’erms, df-c. $c. Blank Books of every dcscilptioh, Const Re cord, and Docket Books, various sizes. Ledgers, Journals and Dav Books: Invoice, Re cord, Letter. Bill and Receipt Books ; In dexes. for Ledgers, Pocket Memoran dums & Pocket Lkd-jers, Ac. fte. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers and others wl o may want SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his stock which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, For Cash- wholeaale and retail. He also receives as soon as published all the new works from the Harper’s and other publishing houses in Niw York. Boston and Philadelphia, embracing all the die ip, and fashionable literature of the day, which be sells at New York prices. Constantly on hand a slock of LAW BLANKS, primed on the best foolscap paper. Macon, Oct. 4,1843. 2 NEW HOOTS & SHOES, Just Received on Second Street. T HE undersigned would inform thair friends and the public generally, that they bare received a large assortment of GENTS. FINE BOOTS and SHOES; with a full supply of low priced SEWED and PEG BOOTS, and SHOES. Also. Ladies’ SHOES of all kinds and qualities, with a full supply of MISSES' be. CHILDREN’S SHOES, which they would invite all those that are in want of ar.y of ihr above articles to come and amine our assortment, confident that both quality and price will be made satisfactory. . - WHITING & MIX. Macon, April 9, 1844. 28 NEW BOOTS AND SHOES. T HE subscribers have received, du ring the last two weeks, and ara constantly receiving, s large, new and » ell selected stock of BOOTS and 6HOE8, of all descriptions—which the offer at wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices. They invite all those who wish to purchase, to give them a call, and they will endeavor to suit in price and quality. Also, kept constantly oh hand. Soal Leather, Cslf Skin*. Linings. Lasts, Thread. Shoe Pegs, and ull other articles used in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. At the old stand, sign of the Big 8oot, Mulberry street. Macon, May 7, 1844. 32 STRONG & WOOD. GRAVES, WOOD & CO. R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and Planters to theii of GROCERIES, Wanted, | 00Q LBS. Bee’s Wax, by May 14 JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist. Two doors above Boardman’s Bonk btoro. r I 'HE undersigned have commenced the a- I bove. in connection with their CLOTH ING BUSINESS, and are prepared to man ufacture Clothing, of every kina, in the latest style, and at the shortest notice. The exclu sive mention of one of.the firm, will be given to this branch of their Business, and whose experience, they believe, will enable them to give entire satisfaction. T)iey will at all times nave in their employ the best workmen; and will be supplied from New York and Phila delphia, with whatever may be of interest to the fashiona- _ — . ble world. The patronage of the public is tcpeetfully so- Together with several new sly'.es of Gentlemen s Clot* lie:ted- " J. be E. SAULSBURY. ' Caps. Navy Caps, tc. Just received and forsale by For Sale at Bailey’s Drug Store, 1 |\|| boxes Window Glass. 300 kegs White Lead, IvfH 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 5 bbls. Spirit Turpentine, 2 bbN. Copal Varnish, ldo. Japan do- ALSO, 3CjD gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 100 gallons Neatsfoot Oil. Msv 14, 1344. 33 Ladies’ Riding Caps, O F suDerior qsality. and a variety ef patterns—to which the attention of the Ladies is particularly incited. licited _ Macee, Pee IS, 1843 11 April 30 31 GEO. J. SHEPARP. HARDWARE, SHOES, &c. now in store, and to which constant additions of fresh goods will be added during the season, rendering their assortment at all times very complete, and which will be sold low foi- cash, dr to good fcustomers. The follo'winggoods maybe found in their assortmeni: 5 Bales Ticking, 10 “ Osnahurga. k 30 “ Sheetings and Shirting*; 4 Cases Bleached do do 1000 Pieces English and American Printa, 50 - Scotch and Earlston Ginghams, 5 Bales Stripes and Checks, 5 •• 3-4, 4-4. and 5-4 Power Loom Shirting) 130 Pieces Piaid Jaconets and Swiss Muslins. 50 “ Muslins ana Lawns, 50 " Ky. Jeans andSattinetts. 300 “ Nankeen, 25 “ Brown Linens, 25 “ Irish do. 150 Doz. Head Hdkfs. BOO •• Flaeg do. 25 Pieces Silk do. Fancy Hdkfs. and Shawla; 150 Doz. Hosiery (assorted) 50 “ Gloves do. 50 “ Suspendera, 600 ■» Spool Thread, 100 lbs. Black and colored Linen Thread, 200 ■ Turkev Cotton, Col’d Cambrics. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cords) Sewing Silks, Ac., Ac. Musquitn Nettings—Carpetting 100 Cases Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, 15 “ Bonnets (all kinds) COO Doz. Palm Leaf Hats (all kinds) 200 Reams Letter, Foolscap, and Wrapping Paper, 2 Casks Sad Irons, 1 cask Curry Combs, 6 “ C. S. and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes. Fry Pans, Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Knives and Folks, Pocket and Card Knives, Pad Locks, Plate Locks, Butt Hinges and Screws, 200 lbs. Pins. Buttons and Combs of every description. Percussion Caps. Spoons. Ac Ac., 25 Hhds. P. R., S. C. and N. O. Sugars, Bbls. Pulverized and Crushed Sugar, . Boxes White Havanna do. Bbls Loaf and Trinidad do. 400 Begs Rio and Java Coffee, 10 Chests Fresh Teas. 30 Tons Iron. Flat, Round, and Square (all sizes) Cast. German and Blister Steel, Anvils, Vices and Bellows, 40,000 lbs. Castings, 250 Kegs Nails and Brads, Bagging, Rope and Twine, 200 Bags Shot, 2000 lbs. Bar Lead, tKega Powder, Canister de. 50 Boxes Soap, 50 Sperm Candles, Tallow do. Starch. King A Collins’ Axes. Coffee Mills, Shoe Tacks. Cotton Cards, No. 9 and ID. 20 Bbls. Copperas. 20 " Tinner’s Oil, 10 “ Vinegar. 9 Cecoops Indigo.Sal'Erstis, Epsom Salts, Madder, Ginger. Pepper,'Spice. Nutmegs. Cloves. Cassia, Camphor, Brimatone, ’ Blue Stone. :*alt Petre, Paints, Oils, Glass. Putty, Varnish. Turpentine, Sperm Oil, Ac., Ac. 2000 Sacks 6alt, 50.900 lbs. Bacon, 10 Tons Grindstones. Macon, March 26. 184*- h. Sc ~ H AVE jaFt received, '• J*re»h Canal Floyr, ' A Principe Seg2?|, .Kew Buckwheat, is kalf and^erter bAtuli, Together with Bagcin^, Sagsr* CoSse, 48* Macoo, Nov 63 - 8