Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, June 25, 1844, Image 1

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JI1COV, (GEORGIA,) HEM) 11 IIOR\IYt zi)i SHe&raplj; PUBLISHED BVEB.Y i 1 ESDAY MORNING, BT n. K lUTtaETT. Brick BniMkrl corner Cotton Avenue and Fir at Street. T(nX | 0» SUIISCRirTIO.V : T It per Dallnn, paid m advance. will pay for the Tel- egrapb one year, live Dollar-, paid in advance, w. p*y it two veara. Ten Dollar-, paid ip advance, will ! ''vVhenVoipaid whhinalxmnntliJ after the year has com menced. THREE noi.lA»5 .sn F.m CENTS, per annum willhe charged- If not paid until the end of the year, four Ooi.lXh* perannum wil: do charged—with imerest there- 11 paper will be di«r-mtinaert imtil-mll arrearages are * . • . .1.- A-tiAa nf iYia Pr/inriAtnr NJrgr ~imtm and l*fautim Office <’ o in mission 15 it s i n e , s. YJC E lake thi* me hod of inform'ng our friends and the T T public generally, that we are still connected in the \t are-1Ioii»<- nntl I’ammiuion Ru-iuc—, which will he conducted at the stand occupied by us the past season, (on Cherry street near I ottnn Avenue.) F .r the convenience of our uu-CJunt y friemla. we are building a .'t'Af.i: HOUSE nearly I. iii'.nj Col l’.oker'- or. the Avenue, which wilt he coiiioletcd by the first of Pep- temher. r We desire to return onrthanks. for the liberal patromge bestowed on its heretofore; and trust our exertions for the interest nfour patrons, to merit its continuance. 'iidisSiJ «KG* I. Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid stock of CHRIST3IAS IS COMING, AND S ) AND OLD SAtNTEV-CLAwS CiOSi, EST, LOADED WITH ALL THE LUXURIES OF WWW TQe S5 r K'®BHS.B DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer n.tnr. inducement:! to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled hynoHat Establishment in the State, he will afford hi* Goods at nttnle, nr r-Fltll APS lower prices. Every style of HATS AND CABS may be found at Ins Store. ' ^ ■ ’ AMONG THEM— FASIIIOAARLE, MEDIUM, AM O Gom.initffl.oa Bnsin«««« r | ’HE subscribers beg leave to infnrn heir friends, nnd I the public in general, that they have i-onnerted them selves together m the above business. under the firm of ‘ OOIOIAN iV R I IIAKi.ffO ». and a-e now erecting a large and convenient WARE HOUSE. Hear Cotton ATrnue. on Poplar street. The be*po«t paiil. FiSK iuicl liiites' XD this is to inform the good citizens of Macon, and the whole people of Ge< ■ Food for the Mind, and will now distribute Food that will please the taste and ’reio. tlial I liarc-given up distributing invigorate the Dolly. I have opened a location is dry and elevated, nrd unencumbered with old i butldingaand the usual liabilities of ft e. anil will be com pleted. and ready for hua : ness. by the first of September. They confidently assure the uuhlie.tliat any business con signed to their care, will be faithfully and prr mpt ly execu ted. Relying on the honesty of purpose and the long > stablish- TI 4CO\. GEORGIA. |b TFT HE subscriber has ngain taken this E»tab L I, where hr will nlwnvs he hap T? P to attend to thecsll* of liis old customers. and the travellingpublic generally: June SO :1S 8 LANIER. FAMILY GROCERY STORE AT HY OLD STAG’D, ed confideii'-e of tb>sr who know us, we feel m-hesitancy in loosing for a liberal share of public p itron age. THOMAts B. GOKV.AN, JAMES RICHARDSON. Macon, July 4. 1843. 41 Where everything of the best quality ie that line, may be found. I will receive every night by Bail’s Express, all kinds ol Fresh Fish, OYSTERS, Oranges, Ranansaas, Apples, Lemons, Fine Apples, Ac. Ac. And to mv country friends. I will say. that I will in ike the most liberal exchanges with you. for all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCE. (O'Do not forgot in call at my S'ore, on Mulberry street, two doors South of the Washington Hall, where \ou ran bnv a good tnanv Good* fora little money. Macon, Feb.8?llt. 1844. 22 C. A. ELLS. by C.A. ELLS,' L Hill JL I4X4U " ■ * " 2 X’J (j, Macon, Geo. T HE subscriber having become ilia Proprietor.if this Wall known establishment, respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. The house lias been entirely tietused and renwniod -.-the rooms replenished with dean bel* and suitable furniture, ond the whole interior ol the euahliahtnrnt adapted to the comfort of his guest*. That the domestic ecoo >tuy of the House wdl be.s.n-h a- to grati fy the most fastidious, he nas but to inf rtn the public, that it* ht, engaged as general 8operintendem», WM. SiJI VERS. JUNll. AND LADY, whose career a* Managers «f« Tavern in Spirit!. for nine years, has commended Ko la the favorable notice of the travelling public WM. G. THOMAS Sept. 19 The undersigned having disposed of hi* proprietorship In tlieCea'ra 1 Mr. W.O. Thomas, from hiahimwi- rlge of him. and the well known capacity of Mr a td Mrs. dhivers. in the management ol’a Public House, can with C’inti lence. recoinmenil the Central Hotel to l e patronage ef his friends and the pufci > AND Law Notice, iiIVlII, t9Xi61c-§kin, A?: C o mi m i ff ff i o n Bs it s i n c ff s. rFIHE nitdenrtgned stillcoiittniiestonccnpy the WARE- a HOUSE on the corner af secoitdimi Poplar streets. He offer, hi- service* in the various branches ortlie Wtn c- llottsc mid Commix-ion Hit-iut-—, and rt spectful- ly solicit-the patronage < fbis friend* and tbe public gener ally; trusting that, by hi« ttnrr mining efforts, lie shall lie able to meet the wishes of those who may honor biir, with their confide, re—and expresses a feelingef gratitude to his friend* for their libera pitronsge. JOHN M. FIELD. Macon, Jnly 1. 1843. 41 Jl.-fcrrHcr—Coll Wtn. H. Reynolds, f rTlIIE onderaigned have associated'themselves in the -JL practice of the Law, and will give prompt attention to such business as may he entrusted to their rare. They will attend the olldwing Courts: Bibb. Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson. Houston, Pulaski, Hen- ry and Pike. KJ* OFFICE over E. B. Weed’s Store, two doors be low W, U. Jonnstoti, on Mulherry street. A. P. POWER?. L. X WHITTLE. 2t!0 do L With n variety ofC'.h Joly fi to v-t -- A -s) ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Otter, Sh^tlauil $icnl, IS'ntiia, mid .Huskrat. ALSO. Men** and Youths 4 Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do ' Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do ttcaUcnicis’s law Caps: A LARGE LOT OF Men’s find Roys’ B’aek iiiitl E)i i ;ti) HATS; Together with nn extensive Stack of Mow’*. ;md Hoys’ Hlttrk ai:<l Ornb ilifcW gUtG’G'tt A .**1305:;*, Jos'S Slocctveii on ffiooonei Street, IS KN. IV. II. .310 It It I S ill would respectfully announce t«» the* Ladies of Alaeon and <-mintry generally, iha* she t* now opening, ou Cotton Avenue, opposite Messr-t. 8* on & Carharr. and next d*Hir to the Messrs. Orrs. an ENTfltE NEW 8in<’k of the most Fashionable ami Latest Sty 1* of GOODS, adapted to Macon, March 26, 1844. ■*»?{-*** 1; i'n V-oCtl- w 'll . and PEG HOOTS hm of nil kinds ami ijualitic CH ILDltr. N’S SHOE ilitit me in want ofany *i inline our assortment, 1 c will be made settslaetcr Macon, ATTOKNKV AT I, A tv, MACON, OA. (CT OFFICE over old Darien Bank. Macon. March 26. 1844. 26 the above Business; all nf which ha* been selected hv one nf the beat judges in New York City. Great inducements will be held nut tn purchasers fm CASH ; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N B —Order* from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— "Promptness w’tlimit deiav, and punctuality with despatch.’' Macon. Nov 7. 1843 ’ ? Attorney at I.nir, Vienna, Dooly county. Georgia. NIiW EICSOTS A YS5 SISi)IIS ATTOaSi:V AT I.AW, tvv. nr.o. ; Cobb County, rftHE undersigned have taken this Spurious Hotel, fnr- I in-rlv kepi by Henson UoitEnTS. E«q.. and are now ready for the reception of Travelier* ami Families visiting the up counirv. ' The subscribers p’edge themselves In uae every exertion for the comfort of their patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL. JEREMIAU LEAK. KJ” The attention of those in want of any article* in this line, is respectfully invited. Starr on Second Street, a'ew doors above the Wash ington Hail, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs: Whi rcreivin STAPLE GOODS ting & Mix. - -*— -v - ’cv ra? jar-i: js x> _ OtHT. Hinl* :t”<! Hitccoon ffliins, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jnn 30, 1844 18' GEO. I. SHEPARD. WHOl,ESALE AM) retail. V T Bu-iness. tbe ensuine season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and 8ecoi»l Sirens. In offering our services again to the public, we have no p'edces to make—be ieringtbnt our past conduct will he a sufficient guarantee for the faithful performance of the trust that may be hereafter enufi ’ed to us We will ai all times be prepared to make liberal Ad vances on Cotton, in store, or on shipments made to our Agents in Savanuah, Chariest n or New York. D. A W. GUNN & CO The subscribers intend keeping on hand, a fjll supply of Dry-Goods. Cotton Bagging, and Family Groceries, of all kinds; which they will be glad to fnrni«h to their custom- sra, upon at good terms as any hoase in Mae- n. D. A W. GUNN. rjniE undersirned havhig mnetatf j J. |1 HIUVE1.T. I with him. their buainc-s will hetcafter be continued under thn name ol G. L. Wakiies A Co. G. L. WARREN. April 9, 1844. £8 and ESopc. ID PIECES heavy Gunny Bagging, i/lR* 10U •• Ken-ucky do -SO “ -Uu-ia, tlo 200 •• Coij* MnniUn Rope, 500 lbs. Bagginp Twine. For sale ou reasouable terms by C11A3. CAMPBELL ACn, August-J 47 in manolkcrunnjf 1 At the old -land, sight Maconi May 71 1814. h nt. Mulbeixy street. THONG A WOOD. Msrietta. Jan. 1.1844. WRAVES. HiKlll & PECTFULLY ituiie the attenticn of Ale Y iiit, t LB8 Genreia Cutcd BACON, lF.VJvWJ 23.003 lbs. an do HAMd. AL?0 4.000 lb*, extra LEAF LARD, for sale by WM A CHERRY. pril 2 87 4m Cotton A venur, Macon. Ga, GROCERIES. ElAaSHM’Ai.E, SHOES, J. COWLES I ff A VE now on hand, atthe Store formerly occupied by 1 Messrs. J 11. Ross A Co, a gcnetal assortment of Planteis’ Supplies, conaisiing ol ffRa *?. IK&WBEJZI,I*, P I^PKCTFULLV jnf-rins Ins .»M customera oml iVe 3 kt pabiir sreneially.- ihatlie i« now rereuvmp from tbr relebrni^cl Hat Mnujjfar.u»ry of JuilN IIUNT &. C«».. a ?en extensive assortment uf i-3 * a r! a ps INDIAN SPUING •liuliy informs the public. oPEM.NG FllR THE SPKIAU X -I) SU.UJ1I.K 1 li.loL’, i ot ine v.-cll known Hotel i tpied by Col II. Dillon — j ga*» "VST 1 4- ff’J * S’la’S we*, wbo nan hear testiuto- ltls.4.1 3j A. 3. ived from the u.-e of these . TITHE auhsertbers of the Peoo e’s C-mre. are now making jess to speak of them here. ’ J extensive irrangemenL- lor offering to tbrir ruatoineis I to visit h-Ui. that Ilf efflirts n very extensive nssorine nt of the best setecrioti ol U.mmD trh luxuries as will tenc to f *r the coining season, that can be found in this market, ami i all -ori) means nf amuse tlie ; r I'sciiine- for making jiun huacs urc not behind tito-e of "dull care away,’ 1 and . anv of their cnieni|M>raiies. Quick returns and sut.ill prot- | its. will hetheii tn.ilto. and therefore they offer every arti- idden. vie in the Dry Gisidslme. at the lowest prices, or in other .YAN W COLLIER. ( words, though III manv thing* they undersell, they are dr- 'arck 26,1844. 26 lO tennined nm to be undersold. Among the go-ds they keep nn hand an 1 are constantly receiving, may be found,besides DKPA KT.UT\T, ) many others, the following : rtLLK.Nov.•. 1839. s B'OR I'sSp; L.4DIKS, P In-linn Snri!1* T . Ruffs 1 R'ch Dres« Silks, superfine printml Stripes. Balxarinw. Tar- * ° is printed A.itin and Lace. Mn-iins. lich French and English OfJlil- p r iuts. black and blue black Bombazine. 4-4 and 6-4 plain e.^or 28,873 cubic inches, and striped Muslins. 4 4 and 6 4 plain Muslin* and Cnm- |«o/y*»« lif this Spring. brie*. 4 4 aid 6 4 Bishop Lawns;*siik and cotton Hose, silk 9.34 inches. atu l cotton Glove* and Mitts; Ladie- Cravat*. Bonnet Rib- 63 deg Farenheiu bon*. Fiencti Flowers, best Part* Kid Gloves; whito and 46 do do j black Ljc-c Cardinal*, rich Sdk Sln.wl*. black net Shawls, stil'ed water being 1.000. i roHm , and Linen Birdseye Diaper. 2.000 yard* Ru-*iadn. st. I Bt |oi coms ,, er yard; 9.000 yds Negro stripe Homespuns .O.l.'C cubic inches, i at 12j cts a yard; -MiO bolts Georgia Nankeen; 10.000 yds 1.000 do blenched ami brown Sheeting* and Shillings; 2.000 yard* SElOiiSS, Arc. A:c* 1,000 lba three-ply Bagging Twine. 10 boxes Cotton and Wool Card- 40 dozen Pails, Mi la. Brooms,and Selves, 60 do Pen, Pocket and Fancy Knives, 75 do Knives and Fork*, 100 do Quilled Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 12.000 SEGAItS. 20 boxes Imperial. Hyson Pooehongand Souchong Teas. Spice*, of all kind*; London Mustard: Indigo; Madder: Copperas; Sal Aeratns; Salt Pelre; Epsom Salts; Starch; Scott h and Macabox Snuff—together with an assortment of HOflEMTM.; OURS, HATS, CAPS, SA DDL PRY, Boots and Shoes. Mncnn. Nov 14, 1843. 7 Cherry Street Bakery, embracing ever^v st\le and quality. Among may bf fod;td 10 do2. fashionable !!«»»• ver Hats. 20 doz. do Casniinere Rats, 19 <los. do Hats, 20 d<»z. do Moleskin llats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. otmeut 2f!0 French woi'ked Collars. trrl'iK Muslin nod heavy work. As we bought them at 1’ A union in New York, we can sell them at 50 cents a piece, Call.aoou lot ba'gaius, m ^ . OSE DOZES Trace AnviJs ISclloivs ;u»<l Vices. 4/~tf\pr. Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, rx:* *1.*fO'Yice*. 20pr. Blacksmith’s Bellows. 130 Hand and Sledge Hammers, 40 duublr hand Screw Plates,assorted,! to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains, 2.000 lbs. Hook Hinges. 100 nets Wagon Boxes, 300 lba. Bagging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles. 100 Sauce Vans. l.nOO Iha Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks, l Iran Chest. ALSO, A complete asxertment of Peu ami Pocket Knives, TABI,K KN-VK Ju*t received and for sale by Macon. N«»v 14. 1843. 7 I obey I.MKfs. nod Siiawis, 150 Doz. Hosiery, (nsffnrted) 50 ** Gloves dp. 50 " Suspenders, 600 '* Spool Tbreqd, 100 lbs. Hlnclt and colored Linen Ti 200 ‘ Turkey Cotton, Col*d Cittibru‘8. Vesting*, Hibboi; Sewing 8i 1*3. Ac-, fttc. Musqnito Nettings—Carpet 100 Cases Men’s, Women’s and Child: t 15 “ Bonnets (all kindi*) 200 Doz. Pnlm Leal Hats (all kind*) 200 Reams Letter. Foolscap, .-ml Wrn 2 Casks Sad Irons, 1 c;a«k Cqrrv Cf :i 6 “ C. and Carolina lb i Weaver, JWitrla ami Russia E. B. WEED. Caps at 81 a dnxen; 1800 boxes ailver plated Hooka aud Eves at 6j rents. FOR THE GEiVTIjESIEIW, ribbed and p.rinled Gambrnnna. warranted more durable hall any Ilata ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s aud Children's Kata, 20 doz.. do. do. Caps. ALSO. 20 doz. black nnd drab Sporting Hots, Together with a general assortment of 3a!pb*ie of Magnr* ^a'p' 1 *!** '* Lime.. 3*lph*te of Potaih, Single milled Caasitnerv*. _ Linen Drill*. Linen Check*. Check Gingham*. Gentlemen a Scurfs. Cravat-. Silk Glove*. Ac. Ladies’ Si.k Umbrella*. Parasols and Sunshades of tbe mini choice patterns, from 73 cent* to 8X 50 piece* Gimp with every vnrielv of »bnde and color. New Good* received every week; any article not found as represented, rosy be returned, and the price will be te- fsnded. _ „ Store on Mulberry street under Washington Hall. : CRANE A CLARK. April 2. 1844. JT SniifTand Tobacco. \rAC\BOV. Scotch, and American Gentleman Fnnff. . » fi "of quality. Smokiog and Chewing T ibscco. Ju-i receive I and for sale by II, SHOT t\ ELL. June 4. 1844. 36 Egi-oimlii to Jail. IK Hnnsioo county. Ga. » Vegro Fellow.aged J uluiui 35 years, who -ays his name is JESSE. vril an! that he belongs to Wiltlam Tai’. of the Stave «S3. ofAlaham*. I mi e-from Greervilfe. Said Ne gro is about 5 feel 10 or 11 inehes high, and light built. He says bis muter’* plant*iion.i* on the Alabama river. Tiic owner it requested to c'-me forward, prove property, pay chargea. and t-ike h-’m awav. Jar.23,1814 19 WM. HERRINGTON. ShfT. UftHE subscriber rontinuea to carry on this business at J his old stand oppoaile Sliotwell’s Drug Store, where he keeps for sale Doiib e wild Single Biini’l Sliot Guns, Ittlfes, Fi(to[fi,aud all otfier kinds ol $|tuiti»g Ai»i*:»*alus. KEPAlRING.of all kinds, and stocking Guns, done ai short olice—also. Guns aud altered to percuasim locks. Feb. 20 fft P. ROUX. ’content* ..94.077 JOHN RUGGLE? COTTIXG. Slate <Irnh ’ ' it'nf tiroruxn. F OR the speedy and effectual extirpation of all aperies nnd symptom* ol'lhe svlphitic diseaje, PmCnwr VES- PRINTS PILLS stand unrivalled. They have long been >n general use in ine principal citie* in France and the Uni- ed States, by thn*e p, r-on* alBicted with t 1 ■ i a class ol dis- -ase, and are daily receiving their unqualified ajipmlinlion. The unparalleled celebrity and unexampled success of this natrblras and powerful preparation, lias won for itself a mine never to be forgotten as long as there remains an af dieted sufferer upon the faee of the globe, h is truly aur- ■rising tn observe how speedily and harmless it enter* into every minute eharmel, effectually dislodging every germ, annihilating every leprous spirit of the most dreadful of a.l liseanes. and. at the same time, never failing to fortify the ivitem against dtapoanion, or subsequent attack of this com- rilaint. Full and explicit direettods aceompany each box of these Pill*, and a statement of tome of the most prominent avmp- im* is laid down as a guide to the patient in rii,tingni thing ■ne form of this di*e*se from another; also, a statement, .bowing the resnlt of the treatment of one hundred case* with these Pills alone, in one of the most distinguished hos- oital* in France. ftj’ Price Si.50 per box. F«>r tale in Man n. by J. II A W. S. ELLIS. Druggists — and l-v the principal Dru^gi-ts in Savannah nnd Augusta. R lv POS 9 TOR ¥• Neartuc Methouui CllUkCll C % 0« Mulbkiuit cons/s rise /:. pant of 3 doz. PREMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 d* z. Sea Otter Cap«, 5 doz. Soper A tiiria Caps. 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men’s aud Ilo^s* Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Ca, ALPO. 200 Uoz. Boys’ Blac NEW GOODS dSCRlBER . is receiving large iMMimito his «. W. &. E. WOO0RCFF Oil lltlOTf l 8, RAROlTlCHIts, 4414 1 i:s. U.tliO.M*. Ac best '■'orthern M.tnufio tnrie*. which were for thi* market, of the hest malerials. and oiitl if not superior to those of any other e*. .-c in waul of any description of Carriages. ;ir interest to examine the quality amlprl- 4w» — AVE just received, and are now opening, a fine as- . toruiieni of SPRING AND SUMMER All of wh'ch will be sold forCa-h, arpr’ces wbichiMit not fail to uive satisfaction.*'. .J". * : ■ •' Putcbaayrs are invited to call and examine at the ole stand, sign of the “BIG KAT,** Moliirirry Stie< t. Bi’fiver, Otlf-r, Jlittb) & < 049-• Skins. for which the cash will be paid. Maroo. Oct 17.!«-«. _____ :1 J Consisting of Calicoes, I. : wns and Muslins. Ilnlzarior Mus lint; French and th-nti-b Gingham-; Linen Lawns; Linei Cambric Hdkf*; Irish Linens; Jaconet. Book, and .V.uli Muslins; Check Muslin-;* and Hosiery, of every kind and quality; :t,000 yards Georgia Nankeens; Bi*'wn snd Bleached Linen Drills for Banks; Brown and R-esched ond Grass Linen; Brown and colored Count* G4h>«1s. for fsunmier wear; *- ism ^'jWKTrps; Palin l*caf‘ and Lcjliorn Hals. of Men’s, Youths* and Bmi* sizes, ALBO—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Miaric* aud Paiaffol.«; All mCwhich we will tell at a small advance from Cost. Plea.-e m l and -ee.atour Store,one door Irotn Geo. 55 •ond street. HxrxiRIN.;, in all’ Ibp di’ft ! ^mm'ner,hy ei ’ires. '■’irriitfr mnkt I IIHDS. St. Cri.ix Buqnr, 15 ito Porto Rico no 5 hi* Crn-hed do 5 do Powdered do 6 boxes Refined Loaf Sugar. 150 hag* Rio Coffee. 25 do prime Old Java, 75 kegs Sawder, 8-» b-x- Soap. 10 do Starch, II1 a good assortment ofE’liptic I boxed Dashes. Lamps.Band*, ulier. Lace*. Silk a :d worsled every articie required In their NEW BOOKS It J. Bn rues’, Oil Cotton Avenue, Fire In^uiMiiee. I'HE Uplerii^iifH, Affpnts for the iEtns Tn Comnsnv of Hanford Conn., sre prepared on RqiHinj , Mfr Iwndiie in Store s-d C< .'rs-iiotisei, int^e Citv of Macon aud itsvic’nitv. March 25 1844. 50.000 lh«. B 10 T .us (i. Mar on. Mar<’h n J* Brass Foundry aciiiyi: sis op. ferine. Steam I' n a in r Work, Iron fi US'* of every de>cription. mndc to W’oaf idfOeoertli corner o c Poo rib Dictionary 11. & J. COWiJ S, imicreivcd, Fre.fih Mnckcre!. Flour. Bosnia Principe Buckwheat, in half ano quarter bnnelK Together with 21)12-. Stijja: , Coffre, Ac. Price, on 8c March 12 COOK'S l.UUU JAMES 5V. BAILEY. Druggist. Mf»v 14 Two floors above Boardinsn’.** Bo» k 8tnci- For Sale at Bailey’s Driiif Store inn ! nvr* Window. Glass.300 keg* White Le.d. 111 300 gadons Lirneed piL5 bhl*. Spirit Turpentine •2 hbls. t.n-ial Varnish, l do. Japan do. ALSO. 3t';7. ga Inn* Lamp Oil, 20U gallons Train Oil, 100 gallons Xeatsfoot Oil. May 11,1844. 33 Summer ( lutliiiifr ^^T-^T.TsTOVS ^II.T.S, OR the Card • if Liver Complaint. D»sp#psia.See. ' ' • • !>* ’.I 11 A U\ s. ELL >umm*t Notice. . having claims against B. P NrtvcOMn. or COM a A Co. ale t .qui sled in pre-enl l! en jnd ali mdeb e I wi 1 save th-m-elve. Irm;. hv paving wit.lout we having recourse if an st'ornev. 34 B. S. NE5VC0MB A CO. BAOONlj iflin^ Caps, a variety nf pattern*— h al new alyl,, n; Gentlemen's Clf J list received and for sale bv GEO, J. SHEPARD. at the 'ilection in January l a 45. -Y-.y ! 1 33 Corner opposite -he Cei.Hal Hotel. Ga? si'4'haDi ? « I*i33s. 1 «. ruM-d.. 7a? ? i'i < q., »r,r.»»;;’-?*» w f .. t . :. v . J\ for Chill* and Fever ii:M received m d m- «nie ' . " .ifay 1 i 33 il.\ IIYK V v-i{()'« WKi L. Corner n;yi>r>s'te :i:e Ccnit::! 1:< tel. \ beautifuj li.’Uttp tti3. L. mil > of !’. r; Sperm 0 :1 . for sale HARVEY PliOTWKLL. FalaoSs. ‘ ii \KVKY SIIOTWKLt. isk lAiAi