Harris County enterprise. (Hamilton, Harris County, Ga.) 1860-1865, September 23, 1864, Image 1

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VOLUME III.) THE ENTERPRISE, MCRPIIEY \ THOMAS, Proprietors, JAMES. 11. MOOIfEFIEbD, Pubwsuer. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year , : : •’ ; ‘ $lO qq Six months, : : : : : 5 00 For a less time than six months $1 per month. No name will be entered upon our books until the subscription money is paid. advertisements Will bo conspicuously inserted at $2 per square (ten linos) for tlio first insertion, and $ i for each. k> subsequent insertion. All announcement* of candidates for eonr.ty office $10; for any other, $20 —always to bo paid in ad vance. Tributes of respect, Resolutions of Societies, and Obituaries, chatgod as transient advertise uients. r Advertisements of u. personal nature, charged double price. Marriages and des.itls (not exceeding six iiacs( published without charge. OBEYING_ORDEKS. nr maby a. denisoji. V. ■ “Yon aro netting a good many .roses, iiou : tennnt,” sniii the guard, as Cauuiron passed and repassed, followed by portefs loaded down witli flowor-pots,great and small. “Yea,” replied Fred, “and putting them out of the wmoii of pigs, loo.” “Good,” replied the guard, smiling. By night tho chamber was halt full of flowers ; Frod hail bought oue small shop clean opt, and the vendor never ceased staring till tho last plant was gono. Ho had rifled the conversatory, also, ofjsomo of its choicest ornaments, and tho house was lull of perfume. What pains he took to .sort them, and arrange them like a garden, with walks between . “Really, this is more beautiful than tho other was, a great deal,” said Hmily, after she hail laughed till sho was tired at the quaintnoss of tho idea 1 . “Yes, if Mount don’t get n pipe and blast them all With vitriol, or some such thing,” replied Fred. “lie'll never tlonlv of it; oil! if wo only Jiad a glass roof.” “Ono wyntgfatifped introduces two more,” sai I Fred, smiting. “Yes, hut tea is ready.” An orderly stood waiting at tho door do v: v taira. “Well, William?*’ “Didn’t your honor make an asparagus bed thin spring, sir ?”asked tho man, alter a mititaiy salute. “Certainly I did, the finest asparagus bod in the country,” replied Fred, vivaciously, never dreaming of what was to come next. “I saw tho captain’s orderly digging it up, that's ail,” said the map. “Digging it. up—digging up my aspara gus hod ! what in creation will they do next'/ Hand mo my cap', wife/’ exclaimed Fred, bis faco turning crimson—'let me see if there is not some mistake.” “Remember your promise,” said his wife gently, ns sho handed down his fati.guo cap. “Yes, yes, never fear; digging up my as paragus pod! By alf that isn't in tho wa ters beneath, or tho earth, or the heavens, I'll know what this means !” Fred had time to reflect going toward tho arparagus bed. Sure enouh, it was all dug ovor, or nearly all. “Stop! what are’you about ?’ ho cried to the man employed. “bagging, it over, sir,” said the man, who was an Irishman. “VVho gave you the orders?” ‘•The casting, sir, lie's giv’ me the orth era. Frod stood for a moment, almost in de sps:r. llis beautiful asparag is bed, that he had taken so much pains with, given to him for the purpose, too; it was too hard. — l M i‘ a moment lie felt impolled to spring up on the l’rrstm*u.ji_and knock him ovor: but then it was not his IttuH, he was obeying orders. 310 stood there penMvoK- regard ing the sliovol as the Irishman s sturdy foot ploughed it uitcwr, then, without saying a word, ho turned and walked slowly homo. e must do without the asparagus, dear,” ho said quickly to his wife—“it is all dug up.” “ho without it! why, husband mine, will thore bo no asparagus in town besides what you bad planted ?” Ho laughed at hot- cheerful face, and dis missed his chagrin. All through tho sum mer soason poor Cameron had trials suffi cient to test his patienco to tho utmost. The row was turned into his neat yard evo ry night; ho was put to all manner of in eonvcfhoiice in the mailer of receiving his rations, and in a thousand ways trilled with—but Emily was bis good angol—to ! her bo looked for comfort and advice. He had borne bis lot bravely; not ouco bad lie by any unoflicor-liko language, or manner, laid himself liable (o report, and, best of all, ho bad learned that difficult lesson, self control. It was early in the autumn, and Emily, liko a good housewife, had superintended the pickling and preserving for tho ensuing wintor. The peaches, red-and rich, swam in a sea of sweols—tho plums wero tucked away in broadmouthed jars, the cranberries and crab-apples were enough to make one’s mouth water—and never did pickles look fresher and greener. The cellars under tho liouso had compartments, and each officer occupied bis own portion, wlych was always HAMILTON, IJEORGIA, FRIDAY'MORNfiu!, SEPTEMBER* 23, Mi under lock and key. Thither, linen, to tho place set apart by Fred, wore these choice sweetmeats carried, and safely deposited on shelves and in boqks. The day alter cknva the captain’s orderly with a request for Lieut. Cameron's cellar key. * “He can't have it,” exclaimed Emily with more indignation than abehad ever display ed bcli>ro. ~ . , t “Stop, Emily ? would you undo the good worL- you have done?” asked Fred, mildly “jUvo me the key,, love, you know I mast obey orders.” “Rat this is righkdown meanness, Fred, does ho mean to #al ourprv.iyves ?” con tinued Emily, indigegtiuly. ■■ “() no, my dear I ’lie iUprfHe that we shall call for tho key wuetusvvr we want to gel at the.m.” “1 will never ask him for the key, bo sure of that,” replied Emily. “What will you do for tho preserves ?” asked her husband. “Go without them, as you did without your asparagus bed,” she answered, laugh ing a little. “So bo it thon,” replied Fred, and gave tho key up to the orderly—adding, “tell Captain Mount that wo have no further use for the key.” VI. ’fie sun poured batty upon Ilia barracks,- and Uio men wont through their drill like automatons, for tilt) heat was as that of a furnace. It was pitiful to see them standing or inarching with tho great drops ot sweat dripping from their tiro was riio.ro pit iful io sec tho littlo drummer .hoys bearing their heavy drums, and tittering nUwoSt under their woight and tho close oppressive atmosphere. It was mid Ocfpbcv; there Imd been no rain for weeks, ex’ cpt now and then n few drops that men ended a shotvor, and theio wiw much sickness in the yard. At the doors of the .barracks sat pale and haggard marines, just recovering, or so mo times, ns a curtain moved faintly, a pale form, might ho seen stretched on'the hod of disease, gasping for breath, and praying Cut water. Asyot, tho form ofibt'j’y had not been malignant-—bat tho woathtfr • was so sultry, and so unnatural for,that late month, that many predicted the scourge that soon followed. Captain .Mount sat in his handsome sit ting-room, reading and writing How ho would answer a letter from tho department o£vyyr..now All hi*:mavi+r+f**- “It is very strange, this t-onfoumUd dimfi ncss!” he suddenly exclaimed, throwing aside the sheet ho was perusing and drop ping; his head On his hands—‘‘ever sineo 1 got Up I liat-o stumbled about like a blind kitten,” and lifting himself again, he rang a small bell beside him on the table. An orderly answored the summons. “Well, Graves, how is the sickness now?’’ ho asked. “Worse, I’m sorry to say, sir,” replied tho man, after hi-t usual military salute. “John Green is dead, sir, and Mill Grooves wo expect as g"ing fast. There are six new cases.” “The deuce thorn are,” muttered Captain .Mount, springing from his seal and essaying to move to tho window. “’Graves did yon ever fool dizzy ?” “I don't know hut I have, sir, some time of my life,” replied tho man, with some hes itation. “1 believe that’s tho way tho lever commences, sir.” “flow do you know?” exclaimed Captain Mount, turning almost fiercely upon him. Tho orderly started back a pace, and well bo might be alarmed. The enptian’s eyes jvero red and heavy, and bis. faeo appeared swollen ; the look bl’ ferocity which lie-had assumed, added to the feverish purple of bis face, altered bis aspect completely'. But ob serving tho look of fixed surprise with which the man regarded him, lie said more soft!)- —“i don’t know but you’ro right, Graves —send my secretary here,and go for the doctor; tell him to bring a nurse along. Here, Graves, take tho key of Cameron’s cellar back to him—l—l {mvot it before.” Tho man obeyed, ‘syEjaiJ from tho room. Another mou&fb-ufjjfWt yoSlJg man entering moved towarqPtbo at which | tho Captain sat with Jjs head on hi?r hamis. “Captain Mount,” hesaid,‘And stood await ing a moment. “SR - —you sent for mo—Gap tain Mount -what aro your orders for me?” Tho young commander raised hia head” slowly and looked about him, as if bo did not comprehend. “O, yes ! I see—yon, you linvo come,” ho said at last, raising himself. “Alack, I'm afraid I’m going to be sick, very sick; want you to answer those letters immbdiutc ly “—pointing to tho pile that Uj- opened on his l ight band : “L wish you also to write 1 to my mother as I shall dictate, and then I shall bo ready to lie.-by If I should [ have tliis fever that is going the rounds, I shall depend upon yotr Mnvk, to'attend to my buisineas. You shall be well paid fos-'r standing by mo in my need. (>, litis blind ing pain ! give mo your arm, Mack, I will go back to myehambor. Theyoung man, with seeming roluctSncc, . lent liis aid, holding hit faco away from tho feverish breath of tho captain, Who had boen fighting with the symptnnS of’tho foyer for nearly.a week, trying to “brave it out ” , Tho young commander sank exhausted on., his bed, ami was fotiwd by tho Inytrftcks, , physician in a stuper. ‘ y* T Iv i “Here comes tho captain's orderly, wRh soma new in'sult, 1 suppose,” said ‘.Eniily- looking'fYom the window as she sp y ; “1 shophl liiiuk the sad state of tlie mjywould Ids heart if it is ,nol adamnifiS “Craoe^.looks very serious,” sai- ‘Fred* going tvnrkcd tilts'ikior—"Well, nV mail, what tines.thi ovtplaSn want now.” 1 „ . “Iloimll suiftvback your c-cHarfe* ;; sir) says lie hirgofc It beß'l'O.’d Emilyatnd Fretfgbnccd.at each i !her—• rl was tho-Sirat-concession tho vij [t native Mount had evtr made. - “VY hat docs ri moan I” whisperoii'fßvilyy “Tho'oaplain’s not very well this m#.iiig,” said the orderly, rctreabug. slowly.’ f light broke over Froiis Litmlsoine faco*-* ftijji then a quiet, thoughtful look’-feqceecdod’ “Lx ope,’.’ ho tmU nUSfyyV*! hope he isn't go/iug !* Iktvo tie fevor.” . a- ‘ “1 ain’t nodouht of it, sir;” fojiliud G.hafes,- -“lie's a pretty sick .man a'yeady ; scut the xloclor over;” V .-Is.hc so hail as that ?” asked Emily, her .sweet taco growing sad—“poor follow! ami no wife to .mirso him—no sister ; scarcely no—sho would iiavoadded “friend”—w a l she forbore. After Graves Irad gone, Emily throw on a light sun-bonnet, and accompani ed by Algy, tho little ui’uinmor, whom she had quite won over by kindness,she moved along toward tho habitations occupy .1 by tho soldiers and their wives. A ih'trirtcr “of pleasure greeted her as sho entered thy Hist—and with her soft voice cnquirrC after the sufferers. “d’im’s hotter, thank you,” said tUj sol diov’s wife; tho bright tears eyes as sho spoke—“but oh I in tho ury*t, 1 did be so foarfuMio would die.” a Tim was notorious for dniiikomiqjfi and abuse of Ids wife, but lioro shone Gin wo. man’s boart and woman’s love. Shell coved about his bed so softly—drew where the light fell upon the foot) LAf.ice - kept the babe as quiet as a mouse —String a hundred title odices of affection for C).- who in his strong, rugged health bad sco ned to consider hot- Ks only a drudge, to l„ pp.his clothes in order, to clean his gun am p ljust Ids knapsack. in Ins next door, was a mournful la Genus. A woman sat in tho middle of the lit jr, her head and f.tee crouching low, and i >vcro I with her hands*-—a little child hung widely upon her lap, now stroking her long u locks, now crying piteously', and by I 10 side of the room stood a bad,covered with wlutc slieet, under which were delinod shiutpfy. tho i'i-v'J, - -f ft r.ufc to disturb tins piteous grief, tho gentle wo j man moved nohelegply away*, wiping the ] tears from her own ej'Q’?, an i entered th: fioxt plnco. There was no sickliest there but as sho went from ono room to ar.othor, she noted tho heavy eyes and listless move ments, telling that the destroyor was on heir track. Two days after, Ciipluil||§lotinl's orderly came in great haste to identonant Cameron, with a sad story. The secretary had left, afraid of infection; tho nurse hersoif had been taken sick, and Capt. Mount was dan gerously ill, with no ono but himself to stay beside him. The commandant was away, the people outside were 100 nnicli frigMoried to assist, and ho did not know \\Tat ho should do. / “I must go there,”said Fred, with deeis ion. “Yes, wo must go there,” added his wife, meeting his glance. “Not you, Itoaily,” said Cameron. “Not you, Fred, without me,” replied Urn ily. ‘“I shan’t let you go,” said Cameron, in some alarm. . • “Wo are only wasting time,” was the an swer, as I'bnily put on her bonnet, “come, husband, you know when I will, I will s and solhoy walked oil’together. VIII. Tlio captain’s fino mansion wore a desert ed look. 11 was as still as tho grave, for the servants had nearly all gone. Emily locked about at the beautiful furniture, undlisted, tho chairs in disorder, tho curtains unioop etl —a general air of neglect visiblo over all. Graves led thorn to tliecaptain's room. The young man lay’ muttering, with his eyes fixed on the wall, hip arms thrown above his head, his eyes glazed with fever, his chocks bright with burning crimson. s’mi ly - ami her husband looked mournfully on. As they smooth rd Ids pillow, and Emily piucicil hciceouf baml (#n t,ic it*#,,ltch.H^oti-l iiow hot it was—ho looked from one to the other, hut with no signs of consciousnois. For days ho raved, and Frod and his gentle w.ifo kept their watch beside him. ;Tie would beg foi water —oh ! so pitcotisly-4-he would talk of his mother, of Ids childhood, and of Emily soVtotimcs. Ho often laid plans Sis tormenting the Camerons; -fluid snipe of them .wore;uo ludicrous that idle watchers, sad lb.iuslr they felt, could pot forbear their laugh ter. yTako these turkTy.’s’ claws,” ho whit Id ‘JtiVj ittt.itstulfcthem 4|| ‘Camcry ii’a key-loin —lfvl wliat a time he’ll tiayc ‘getting the dooi* open. More, yon Jit lie imp, go tjjj-er and set Chiytoron’s housto <4ll fire, on ‘jHe sure and don t burn tip Emil J -. Tell Cnmo uon to go and wulkiicross tho river—pitch dark and no bridgoa-tlio follow ’ll do it,” lie would add savagely. . Qiu: iiKiyning wkon tin* palp dawn olream -64 hi. Ub'OflgJ* the: hull-opened Shutters, *lie young capfirin opened his oyes and ga?,od il ntOnJly at Jlis watcher. Ca moron .-.it Lb ore - , wnnnnd almost dll himself. A lamp bin - 1- shed an uncertain, flickering light upon the neatly kept apartment. Emily slept in-fife Adjoining room, but she was now moving,•preparing to take her husband’s watch. “Mack,’Said (he sick man fqintly. “It is not Mack, captain,” replied Came ron,/bending over the wasted form before him. •Who then ? it cannot ho—■” “Cameron,” said the other, quietly. The sickm.aulocked, closed,iiis eyes, open ed them again, and ga/.ed steadily at his first oftleCr. • ‘A* ‘* ‘•Wherolticn Ti Iqiu-k ? In; ivtfa lioreyos “tvdny “Mack bhs.bee# gone ‘just, for teen days; .you lqive been vsrysitj,; ;uid uuOoncktus/’ eaui<.’;ttirpTi l _ “ILtVc : H ‘ murmeratl the,captain, vague-’ lay atilt for some time. • -Cameron,” again the pallid object spoke. “Weil, captuin.”. “ls-tbat your wife standing there ?” “Y'e.s, that is Emily.” “What arc you and sho hero for?” “To lake euro ofmni nurse yon,” replied Cameron. The captain’s lip began toquivovand trorn- Ilift, and tho tears ran down tho hollow sock et fftif hiaeyes. Cameron bent ovor and wip ed them a way? with tho lolulh of a woman, saying softly—“don’t fed bad about the past, it is all forgot ten.” ‘By you perhaps—but not by me,” ho re plied chokingly. “One word more, Came ron—l am very weak—how long have you and your wile boon nursing mo?” , “Nearly a fortnight,” replied Cameron—-’ ••but I am afraid if you do not control this emotion you maybe thrown hock. Try to sleep now. and Emily will prepare you some nourishment.” Tho sick man obeyed, closed bis dyes bill the lips kept grieving, and the tears camo slowly through from under his closed lips. Every day ho mended a little, until ho could ul last lie placed in his sidc-chair and w heel ed to tho window. The first time lie sal thore, ho exclaimed, looking out upon tho parade-ground, “how alien t have w alked there devising some plan by which to pro voke you to resistance. Cameron, you have proved yoifrself to he what 1 never was till now, a man !” “ Emily gave mo lessons,” replied llßi lieu tenant, smiling. ■ “Anil I, if 1 had possessed a spark of mag nanimity, might Imvo hail the friendship of this‘noble woman ; instead of that, I have :tj;f *V !ku vltvMnt v*r-y V hwru *llV* self in her eyed ” * “O! no,” ..aid Cameron, quietly, “Emily never despised uny one) you provoked her oftf'.i oil?",;!;, to br sure ; but let bygones lie bygones'; let us not talk of it any more. “Yes, let us talk of it til! 1 learn to look upon myself as I am—oli! Cameron, with all my soui I ask you to forgive me.” “And witli nil my soul l do forgive you,” replied the youngj lieutenant, moved to tears. “lon hnvo risked iufecliou —you have lost re-t and health, lo nurso intolilb tho viper that would have stifngyou”—ami in lii.s weakness ho bowed l.is head on bis hand and wept. . “No more of this Captain,” exclaimed Cameron, with decision, “or I shall have a sick man oil my hands again—boro conics Minily—come, wife, lot us have some music; it down to your guitar, and sing the merri es! song you can think of;” and by tho limo tho song was finished Captain Mount was himself again. Never were llioro more Inilldul friends, forever after, than Cameron and Mount. Tho latter was indofatigablo in his ex-ortions, lilfliclftu! obtained a captain's commission for tho lieutenant. Mount married, several years after, a lady who was the coiintorpatr of Fmilynp mnnnors and accompiismonts, and possibly atriflo more boautifnl. To soo tho two caplaitis BOmotimos, arm in arm, talking like brothers, it would not ho thought that ono of thorn, taking advantage of his position as chief, and Ids absolute authority in times of poaoo-or war, once followod tho oilier with a potly but determined system of persecution, that bo in’glit so ml him from tho army in disgraco. 110 looks back upon that unmanly trial with feelings of sorrow and humiliation. Statistics oi (inmage. A writer in the Jefferson county, New York l ‘moil has made some calculations rel ative to tho number ofmvn killed thusfnrin this war, and gives the following results: There has been enough already slain .to encircle our State, if their dead bodies were laid in one eontintiDiu line. •. 1 f they wero placed in coffins and corded, they would count 30,000 cords. It laid in a wall, twenty-five feet high and thirty foot high, it would ho-over one and ono-fourth miles in length. 1 f fl.vo feet thick and ten feet high, tho pile would roach across the State.. If piled upon a ton acre-lot, they would bo nearly two JmndrJ'd foot high. And il laid upon tho giotind they would cover every foot of soil In .1 offerson county Rovouty-ftvo thousand tons of human blood havo boon spilled ‘in Dixio’a Holt enough to torn every spindle in Lowell, and if die tears wero added lo tho flood It would turn tho mochinery of tho continent; and tho unavailing sighs would fill every ocean sail. The ono-luilf has not yet been told. Tho millions of fcpnndcd and maimed fbr life must ho taken into account, in summing up the grand total ofevibriiu idonl to this bloo dy and fanatical War. And the end i nof.yicl, w .. {NUMBER 21. Hare a I'urpost in Lite, Young man ! have you a pnrposo in life ? What do you intend to boor to do? The question strik osyou, perhaps, with someth mg .of novelty. Yet, it is tho gl oat one on - whidli your future place in ths world depends If no life purpose is yet formed in your mind, it- is full time that you sat down, and spent a season in grave reflection. Without an earnest purpose, nothing worth accomplish ing.can be done In this world Thought, wilt; energy, wortf—theSo aro tho clomcnts of nil success—these are the materials out of which men construct their, fortunes; and it you aro dreaming of wealth, honor, or posi tion in tho future, and have net these to build on, and build”with, advancing years will see the beautiful structure that now rises pleasantly in your fancy fading away like the “baseless iabrio Os a vision.” A young man inquired of Daniel Webster if there were room yet in the legal profes sion. “Y'cs,” replied tho statesman, “plenty of room in tho upper stories.” And so, in the several callings, trades and profession#, thero is plenty of room in the upper stork” But only a few Imvo the onergy to climb ing up and occupy them. All honor to the few! Wo hear daily tho complaint, that all pre* fusions, and alt branches of industry an crowded. And so.lhoy aro, with tho aim to* and mediocre. But there is plenty of rooc in all of them—in tho upper stories —vor., and scope ou,ongh for live men, with tales• earnestness, and will. Ualmppily tho lury number of y ouryutiftg men are wastlngthci leisure hours in sensual indulgence, or plea n.io seeking. Wo find them nightly at tin. theatre, the opera, the ball, or in tho comp; ny of idle men or frivolous women, conten if they can reach the dignity ot an operatic enlioism, or talk learnedly of tho rcadin. ■ and acting of some favorito Wearer ot the sock and buskin. A poor and mean atnlji lio'n yds; no wonder the intellect is dwarf ed that has in it no better aspiration. A low years will pass, and then wo may look for the great company of theso aimless ones, but look in vain. Their mark will b< seen nowhere upon society, their names !> unheard when tho world's benefactors ni spoken of. Aro you content, young man, to be numbered with these! If not, gird , your loins, and, in good earnest sock too quire the highest ability in your art,callii or profession. Let. each day see yon ad\ m ’ vlrit* lit iHvlll urttl y ly as tho sunshines, or tho water runs, will you rise above the common mass. And just in tho degree llmtyour motives are honors ble ami nnsellisb, will you add hftppincss to Buvcefs in life, t SliiiuKe History. A correspondent of the Chattanooga Iu 1 1, writing from Hast Point, relates the fol lowing : Among oilier freight for shipment, wo no ticed at the Hast Point depot yesterday, a coffin, tinder the immediate chargo of a ladyy with whom there is connected a strange his tory. I give it as related by tho lady hor se If. lii’til Mr. R voluntoored in a Georgia regiment, then, as now, in tho army of Virginia About a year ago, tho wife of Mr. II , hearing that her husband was killed in an engagement with the enemy, proceeded to Virginia and brought homo his remains and Interred them in her garden After a widowhood of seven or eight months Mrs. It was woddod to another with whom sho lias lived happily until rccontly, when their happinoss was broken in upon by tho sudden arrival of her first husband, win) bad boon takon prisoner at the time hcv was'supposed to have been killed. But the strangest part of tho story is yet to eomo. A few days after tho singular re appearance of Mr. It , a lady arrived from Virginia and claimed tho corpse buried in the garden as that of her husband, who boro the same name ns our resurrected he ro. This was tin* lady whom wo saw at liast point,on live ovo of ncrmopanyiug tho corpse back to Virginia for interment thorn It seems that both men woro members of tho samo regiment, mid that instead of the Georgia lady’s husband being kiHod, and tho olhor taken prisonor, ns was supposed’ it was just the revorso. % Skntimwvt tn K untuck v.—A letter dat* od ltithmond, Ivy., July 20th, in speaking of tho feeling exiting thoro, says: Having an opportunity of writing you n lino, after a short sojourn in this portion o;’ tho State, 1 liavo concluded to do so, oven at tho. risk of subjecting myself to tho sue veilluneo of tho Federal myrmidons that .lord it over this oppressed and downtrodik 1 peopto. Iler pooplo aro tlmrotighly rovol 1 lionised in sentiment, and would now, with unanimity, hail with joy the advent of a Con federate army. They aro completely disHatisflcd and disgusted with tho Abolith a Government, and would rally under Onr banner, had they an opportunity to dn c Hut the yoke is on them, and they need tho .assistance of onr armies to aid thorn in then* deliverance tVoip its bondage. Wiiii.k tho trjjm containing tho c.yh 1 from Atlanta was lying at tho depot ycsi r day, says tho .Griffin Rebel, a ljtjtlo o !- -'; child of one of the nnr~.w.,au>s, W orl vo years el l, was accidentally run ©voc-by .. train, which crushed Its liead to, pieces, klb ing it instantly. Limit Gen. Dick Taylor has assujifc-1 ('omnmnd'uf the Department of Alabin;. Missiisippi and East 1/ouisiana.