The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 16, 1887, Image 1

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ESTVBLISIIEn iJ. H, EhTILL, Editor nncl'l’i-oprietor. i I'CLLS FROM THK PACIFIC more petitions to the com MERCE COMMISSIONERS. Sugar Refiners Plead That Their Busi ness Will Be Ruined if the Fourth Clause is Enforced—Philadelphia and New York Refineries Oppose Grant ing the Requested Suspension. Washington, April 15.—The following telegrams have been received by the Inter state Commerce Commission from San Francisco: *ll the productive and monetary relations of Ihis coast are threatened with disorder and much loss, and nothing but quick and wise ac r’in on vour part cau save our coast from the tremendous losses sure to follow an illiberal or •arrow interpretation of the fourth section of die interstate hill. We ask a suspension of the haul clause, temporarily at least, that our posit ion can tie placed before your honorable body. This bears the signature of the eight prin clpai hanking institutions of San Francisco. \ rigid enforcement of the fourth clause of the interstate commerce bill will work irreparable mm to our vineyards, fruits and salmon in terests will divert shipments of teas from China , m l in'iinu to the Site/ Canal route, and the •nffees i>f Central America to Europe, and blight -p,] destroy the industries of this coast, which tnm involved a lifetime of lahor and saving io p.oi.i ThHt which was intended I>y Congress as j'hoon to the people will prove an irreparable calamity to the Pacific slope unless relief is eranted We earnestly crave a prompt and liiv-ral interpretation of the fourth section of the hill, thereby protecting us from impending disaster otherwise inevitable. \v, TANARUS, Colkmas Cos., Axn Castle Bros. THE WOOL TRADE'S PLEA. \ petition was also received from the committee appointed to represent all per sons interested in the wool trade on the Pa id" coast, asking a suspension of the opora t.oii of section four of the interstate com merce lav in the transportation of wool by rail from the Pan tic coast States to Boston, New y,,rk, Philadelphia and other through ship ping points. The established rate or three nnd seventy-one hundredths cents per pound is excessive and prohibits shipping overland. The wool production of Cali fornia amounts to 40,000.000 pounds per venr. and the difference i>etween the old and new rates of freight involves a loss of over (1.000,000 annually to the growers. Higher k-atcs menu no higher price to the consumer, but lower net results to the grower, SUGAR REFINERS AROUSED. The commission lias also received by mail the petition of the American Sugar Refining Company of Sail Francisco. It sets forth that the immediate effect of the fourth sec tion, unless modified. will be to entirely de stroy the business of the distributing products hf niir manufactory in the States of the Mississippi Valley. The company has over il.imO.iXKi invested in machinery and mate ■ial devoted to the manufacturing of re fined sugar. and has large contracts lor future business involving many millions of dollars, based upon tlie facilities and opportunities ot tered by overland railroads. The enforce ment oi the law will destroy its trade and capital The railroads are willing to con tinue the old rate, and the parties ask that they lie permitted to do so. EASTERN REFINERS OBJECT. The sugar refining establishments in New York and Philadelphia unite in n letter to the commission. They understand that the Pacific railroads an' a lout to make applica tion to be relieved from trie operation of section four. Before their requst be grant ed the refiners ask an opportunity to be heard in opposition. “It is alleged," they say. “that the Pacific railroads have been carrying sugar at *lO per ton from .San Francisco to Missouri river points while charging Salt Lake City shout -f 1 per ton upon shorter distances.' The result lias been that Eastern sugar re ftners have lieen entirely excluded from markets which geographically belong to them upon all grades of sugar made bv the San Francisco refiners.” WATER COMPETITION. The commission gave hearing to-day to til" representative of the Richmond, Fred ericksburg ,fc i’ntomao railroad, who made in argument in lavor of a suspension of the 'p-Tation oi the fourth section of the act, so far ns it applies to that, road, on account of the water competition which the road lias to meet. Representatives of several roads running eastward iroin Peoria, ill., were licard in •uppnrt of petition.-, for a suspension of the deration of the fourth section so far as it ipfsies to the transportation ot grain east *a"l' They set forth the peculiar eircum sances ot coninetit ion under which the market labored, both with water lines and . I'rtmk lines from Chicago and St. y>'us. Statistics of tlio trade and of tile f'rnues °f the roads were given in detail. A reprewntative-nf the Cane Fear Ac Yiul mu \ alley railroad, of North Carolina, •rale a brief argument in support of the petition to be jiermitted to meet the connie- Jti' n of certain junction | mints. ERRONEOUS REPORTS. The published statement that, the commis i “ 10R appointed a secretary is pronounced •trtirrect, as is also that, to the effect that a - 'Willi was reni'hed yesterday with respect . V'"i ,r sion rates. No session was hold yes ruay and no decision upon t hat subject has n made. A large number of iietitions im. been received from theatrical people ,i. n ? a suspension of tile law as applied to . * n iu*ement profession and such an in rpretatjon of the law as w ill iiermit rail lier,, to grant reduced rates as uterore. The commission lias replied I hat iir,ii!! IK i t ' >! , osumo to determine what the railrofuis shall be in tHis regard. nilm, K Bl, o*tu , itially a declination to make a Imi U,H ! n t,lp ! *>'b.leet in advance of an nr *'i I'oniplamt alleging an infraction of tlie 18 " m some regard. A PROTEST FROM CHICAGO, f,, ,1,1 8 coninuiiiicatinn lias iieen receive)l r ' u,lv, ‘ ‘‘ <,n >'> t U‘c of tlie t.'hic*- Ofm r otinvui, all association conirosed th" ,T' ,m nts,manufacturers and memliereof misr, ” ai ‘ . * ra, l‘‘ protesting against the of the long and short haul tea ",rpol,nS iU " bTritory rivn f thl ‘n> and cast of tlie Mississippi and n “* , ''Tdng on the Pacific coast traffic. !‘J: mindly The law without tiitii t ‘N’ Pnxlo, i i believed liy the nssorja lar’i, , “' n "t only liest for the country at ", , r the inf me successful oiieration t, -Z, tl,p territory named." The ri" -' ,' , ' .‘■'‘kpenvion of the provision with thes. i r !‘‘ B‘ ,|| tli was, in the judgment of M lh ;the only reMMonalile solution "it, '\! 1 l* *ty presented, Imt it “views b,iv„ , a , oect Hint a decision must '"’Hit rv 11 carriere of tins section of the altiim,, ''onveying in a iierliaps Intni it, -olief ’ihwarraiiti-d belief, that Ntinilar in. "if Rianted in other seetiotm of v^or,> uncoil trolls*! water com relief •! ‘ l ’l* 't l CiIASA il* tllO OCCU.sillll for HUch .hATKH ON COTTON CIOODE. l/rv „ ,' lA 'i A|>ri) 13. —The eottoq fee •/*.,i , ' *1 (peered liefore tlie rate commit A-v. ‘ Southern lliulway nod Mteaneliip he,,." b'dsv to urge the retention of reina.,l r * ,4 “ 1,11 factory lrtilu,M(, They J* 1 ". jNiinmHtoo that the present tt'lijn,. to Miirouiage rtaitliem sail , ' ff tlie rates ware mlv>ui<sl It lav., " "'“•them mill* Roetern mill, alan ..Jj,"'*'. •'•'aiitaije Th. i M „t tacUai.'l tVHiil.e,n nulla imiUe con •Gd twaive uiooUia aiiwJ, taw! on the present rates, and that it would be unjust to advance them. The arguments were made by Maj. Hanson, ot' Macon, and ex-Gov. Bullock, of Atlanta. The commit tee will lie unable to decide until the Inter state Commission meets here on April 20, but will then go before the commission and urge the petition of the factory men for n continuance of the present rate. Moses Addlor, of the Atlanta Paper Company, ap plied to the committee for a reduction of tho rate on roll paper, from which they manufacture paper bags,jdaiming it is raw material. INDIANAPOLIS PROTESTS. Indianapolis, April 15.—At a meeting of the Board of Trade o-day, the following re)>ort was unanimously adopted: “Your committee would respectfully re port that the business of Indianapolis, and especially manufacturing, woodworking, grain, milling, lumber, pork and elevator interests are at present paralyzed and will be permanently crippled by lack of fair and legitimate competition among the railroads as a result of tlm intapretations put upon the various sections of the interstate com merce act, by tho railway companies and the schedule of rates thereupon adopted by them; and we recommend flint the Board of Trade of Indianapolis petition the Inter state Commerce Commission to im mediately interpret for us the third and fourth sections and that portion of the twenty-second section which pertains to tho issuance of mileage tickets. Your committee finds that while said act positively prohibits pooling among railroads, vet, by the interpretation put upon the law by them, tho roods of the country have now a more cast iron pool than has ever existed before, actually creating under tDo new law what it was intended should lie absolutely prohibited by it; and believing time the conditions of tho fourth clause of said act are most injurious to shippers and are made the basis for establishing by the railroads a schedule of rates which is work ing the greatest injury to the business of this city, we would further petition the commission to suspend the operation of said clause and any an<l all other provisions of said act which may con flict with free competition among the trans portation companies of the country uutil such time as Congress can meet and provide permanent relief. The committee would further recommend that you petition the commission for relief from exactions from railroads in regard to issuing mileage tickets. We suggest that they either have no right to issue at all, which we do notcon cede to lie the intent of the law, or having the right to do so we see no reason for the advance above former rates of $2O per 1 ,(HK) miles. We take the position that there is no reason or authority for any increase in rates, and that the same should not exceed $2O, which we believe to lie reasonable and just and within the scope of the law, and that the issuing of mileage tickets is permitted by section 2 of the act. Your committee further recom mend that a committee of three lie ap pointed bv this Board of Trade which, after .securing further facts and causes for com plaint, such as shall be brought to their attention, shall lie empowered to go at once before the Interstate Com merce Commission and place lie fore them in the most forcible manlier on behalf of this city and State and the business interest of the country at large, these and all other matters concerning the operation of the in terstate commerce law which may bo found detrimental to our interests, the expenses of said committee to be borne by this board of trade."’ It is probable ex-Senator Harrison will lie elected as one of the committee suggested by the report. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. A New Set of Rule's Issued by the Agricultural Department. Washington, April 15. — The Commis sioner of Agriculture has issued anew set of rules governing the o] swat ion of the depart ment in the suppression and extirpation of pleuro-pneumonia and other infectious dis eases. The Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry may cause exposed animals to lie slaughtered whenever it is deemed necessary to prevent the spread of the disease. Pro vision is made for appraisal of and payment for slaughtered animals. Whenever it is deemed necessary by the chief of the bureau to supervise and inspect any line of transportation doing business in more than one State, and boats, cars and stock yards in connection therewith, ho is re quired to designate suitable inspectors and make tho necessary regulations for the quarantine and disinfection of such boats, cars and stock yards ns are suspected of being affected with the disease. Should it bo found impossible to enforce the rales in any State the commissioner, if he thinks the exigency requires it, will declare the State in quarantine, and any ] ter son re moving animals therefrom except upon a certificate of an inspector oi" the bureau will be prosecuted. MAINE’S LIQUOR LAW. The Commissioner of Interna! Reve nue Makes ail Explanation. Washington, April 15 —In relation to the reported conflict in Maine between the State and United States authorities resjxv t ing the authority of the Stats* Court to com pel the production of the records of the Col lector of Internal Revenue in the presort it ion of jiersons accused of selling distilled spirits in violation of the Htoto law, the Commis sioner of Internal Revenue says that, his office has no disposition to interpose any ob stacle to the enforcement of Htate laws, but that a provision similar to that in the recent Maine law, making the payment of an in ternal revenue tax as a liquor dealer as prinifi facie evidem*e of violation of the State law, has lmen incorporated in the statutes of several of the Stab's, that the question in issue in Maine has lieen raised several times in other States but never sett led, and that it is his desire to obtain a judicial decision for future guidance in numerous cases likely to arise. Republican Protectionists. Hartford. Conn., April lf>.—ln the Sen ate to-day the House resolutions in favor of u protective tariff were taken up. An amendment was ottered substituting the di rectors to the Representative* in < < mgre-* to use all their effort* to put wool, coal, lutnher, copper, iron, salt, nickel, sugar and wood on the free list. The anioiidm et was lost by a vote of n to 11. and the original resolution* were passed by a vote of 12 to 7, < If the twelve affirmative voters eleven were Republican* and one was a Democrat. The seven negative votes were all Democrat*. Heavy Against Prohibition. Mksskmkil Micm.. \soil l* Tin official canvass of the vote of Gogebic county makes the major ty again.-t prohibition 2,bV>. Attorney Clut*. sent here by the Prohibition State Central Committee to in vestigat* the charges of fraud. Ini* found no evdenes of fraud and lias given up the search. Lincoln’* Death Commemorated HrniNuFiKUi, 111., April 15. 'Die twenty mi'Skl anaivte wiry of lhe ilealh of Abraham Lincoln was ranimctiiora'rd ill lV Hall of the House if Jtepiraelitativss l!iiii nflsriemri, fits irrviisi I* ing under tlw dn wUi.iii oj ties IsMSMsissie tei eeuNewr* SAVANNAH, GA.,-SATURDAY, APRIL Hi. ISB7. A MAJOR CALLED A LIAR SAUNDERSON STIRS UP CELTIC BLOOD IN THE COMMONS. Healy Refuses to Retract the Epithet and is Suspended Redmond and Sex ton Also Repeatedly Impugn the Ve racity of the Major Tho Speaker Finally Induces Retractions on the Part of the Last Named of the Trio. London, April 15.—Sir William Vernon Hareourt, resuming the debate on the coer cion bill in the House of Commons to-day, twitted Lord Randolph Churchill and Mr. Chamberlain with having secretly consulted Mr. Parnell, seeking to make an alliance with him for their own purposes. The spirit in which the government would administer the coercion act, if it were passed, was suffi ciently shown in the appointment of Col. King Harmon to the Parliamentary Under Secretaryship for Ireland. The trill would fail to suppress tlie Irish National l>wgue, be cause the people of Ireland believed in the league and trusted it. Tlie effect of tlie enforcement of tlie bill would lie to make the government more detested and the league more popular than over. As to the Tory and Liberal Union taunts about American gold fostering Irish discontent, Sir William said: “There are none who have less reason to complain of American gold thnn the Irish landlords, for none get more of it. They get it through their poor tenants’ rents. If the govern ment earnestly desired to maintain the union let them abandon the policy exasjier nting the Irish people and adopt a policy of justice and conciliation.” [Cheers.] SAUNDERSON’S WnOPI’ER. Maj. Saunderson, Conservative, said the National League was supported mainly by criminals, dynamiters and murderers across the Atlantic. He did not charge the gentlemen opposite with imbuing tiioir hands in blood, but he did charge them with associating with men whom they knew to lie murderers. Mr. Healy said that if Maj. Saunderson referred to him he had no hesitation in say ing Maj. Saunderson was a liar. This re mark was greeted with rousing Parnellites cheers. The Speaker called upon Mr. Healy to withdraw his expression. Mr. Healy replied: “I am not entitled to rise until you sit down,” when the cheering was renewed. HEALY DEFIANT. The Speaker then resumed the chair, and Mr. Healv again took tlie floor. He said: “I am only able to meet the charge in one way. If you rule that Maj. Saunderson was in order, my expression was equally in order. If you rule him out of order I shall withdraw iny expression.” The Speaker—That is not so. Mr. Saun derson made a charge of tlie gravest nature. The responsibility rests entirely with him self. It is iris duty to- prove it if he can [cheers], but I cannot allow the expression you used. HEALY SUSPENDED. Mr. Healy repeated that Maj. Saimderson was a liar. A great uproar arose. The Speaker again called uiion Mr. Healy to withdraw. Mr. Healv refused. The Speaker thereupon named him, and W. H. Smith. First Lord of the Treasury, moved that Mr. Healy be suspended. Mr. Redmond jumped up and shouted: “I sav he is a liar, too.” The House divided on the motion to sus nend Mr. Healy, and the motion was carried t>y a vote of 11S to 52. When the vote was announced Mr. Healy walked out of the House, applauded by all the Parnellites, who stood up waving their hats and raising cheer after cheer. SAUNDERSON A TARGET. Maj. Saunderson, iqioii attempting to re sume his"spoei h, was interrupted by loud cries of “Withdraw: Withdraw!” Mr. Sexton, interrupting, asked Maj. Saunderson whether he (Saundei-son) per sisted in iris statement or would withdraw it. Maj. Saunderson replied that Sheridan was a member of the Executive Committee, of which the member for West Belfast (Mr. Sextonl was nfko a member. [I/md cries of “Withdraw!"] Mr. Sexton—Did i know him to lie a mur derer' Did I ever associate with a man whom I knew to lie a murderer? [Cheers and a voice “Withdraw your murderer!”] Maj. Saunderson—l said that Sheridan was on the committee and against him a true bill was found for complicity in the Phoenix Park murders. The committee must have known what kind of a man he was. SEXTON CRIES LIAR. Here Mr. Sexton, springing to his feet, shouted: “I say you are a willful, cowardly liar.” Then there was another uproar. The Parnellites all rose and cheered frantically, waving their hats in the air. As soon ns there was a chance to be heard Mr. Sexton, again addressing Mnj. Saunderson, ex claimed: “If 1 only met you outside the door of this house 1 would thrash you within an inch of your life.” The excitement was again renewed. PEEL’S OLIVE BRANCH. Tlie Speaker arose and addressed the House, but his voice was inaudiblealxivethe din. When quiet had lieen somewhat re stored the Speaker said that unless Mr. Sex ton withdrew his expression he would lie I'ompelled to name him. He appealed to the House to assist him in his duty, adding that he was willing to do anything in his jsiwer to allay tlie imd feeling. [Cheers.] The Speaker then pointedly asked Maj. Saunder son whether lie charged Mr. Sexton with associating with murderers. SAUNDERSON RETRACTS. Maj. Saunderson, after several evasive an awere which were interrupted by loud cries of “Answer! Answer the Sjieaker’s ques tion!” eventually withdrew the words he hail used. The Siteakur then asked Mr. Sex ton to withdraw Iris expressions, at the same adding: “I cannot, conceal from myself the fact that the provocation has been very great.” [Loud cheers.] SEXTON TAKES IT BACK. Mr. Sexton tlien formally withdrew his expression. Mr. Leake, niemlier for Lancashire, syg grabd that, Mr. Healy lie recalled. Tile Speaker said that, nothing could bo done in the matter until the next sitting. Mr. Hexteu thereupon gave notice that at the next sitting of tlie House he would move that tlie suspension of Mr, Healy lie revoked. [Cheers. J saunderson again, hot. Mnj. Saunderson then rreumid his sjioisTi He said Mr. Hexton w*s present, at a meeting at which Egan won mode Secre tary of tlie CliuMM-Unel, which was a mur der society of America. Mr. Sexton nmc to a imint of order and the Spa, r n I use, I Mn j. Hu undersell to withdraw tlie offensive expression. Another scene of ewtifumon ensued, Maj. Saunderson repsil mg the wools, where upon Mr. Hexton shouted, “the hionoralrie gentleman is again a liar.” The Speaker < ailed upon Isith menlmn to witlidraw their offenaive ns nark-, whirl} they did. Maj Saunderson again i • Mjni'd his speceli and charged the I'ameliitss with various outinectusis with Kgnn, Ford and othor ad ynxln of murder At ooiuiustou of bis spoacb Maj. Saunderson was greeted 'with cheers from the Conservative bunches. Tho debate was tlien adjourned. Mr. Parnell will visit Ireland after tlie division is iiad in the Commons on the se.-oml reading of the crimes bill, returning to London in time for discussion of the but in committee. CHAMBERLAIN AT EDINBURGH. Mr. Chamberlain addressed an audience of 2,000 Unionists at Edinburgh to day. He said the Unionists had no assurance liiat tlie objectionable home rule bill would lie re vised if Mix Gladstone should return to power Mr. Gladstone hiul on four occasions refused, to say a word which would end the Liberal dissension. He would give no assurance nor would he ac cept any considerable modification of the jiolicy to which tha Unionists took excep tion. The Unionists, therefore, had no al ternative hut to fight the quarrel out. The speaker had no doubt the union would be maintained, but he would deeply regret the necessity of wrecking ♦ha Liberal party in order to preserve the union, it would lie a sad and tragic conclusion if Mr. Gladstone's last act should lie tlie destruction of Iris party. At Birmingham last night the elections for the remaining delegates to the Liberal asso ciation resulted in favor of all the Glad stoniiui candidates with one exception, where Joseph Chamberlain was successful. The latter’s three brothers were defeated. TRENTON’S PROTEST. Trenton, N. J., April 15.—A large gat’n ering of citizens assembled here to-night to protest against the proposed coercion jmlicy of the Tory government of England to ward Ireland. Mayor-elect Magowan pre sided. Stirring speeches were made by ex-( lov Leon Ahbett, ex-Senator William Sewell, Attorney General John P. Hock ton, Allen McDermott, Bishop O’Farrel, of Trenton; Michael J. Ryan, of Philadelphia, and others. A series of resolutions denouncing the coer cion policy and expressing sympathy with Messrs. Gladstone, Parnell and the Irish people were adopted. Both Protestant and Catholic clergymen oacupied seats on tlie platform. EMIN BEY’S WANDERINGS. The King of the Uganda Country Re fuses to Let Him Go to Zanzibar. Zanzibar, April 15,’—A Somali trader from the Uganda country has arrived here bearing advices from Emin Bey. He was established, when the trader left, at Wade laie, north of Albert Nyanza. He asked Mwanga, King of Uganda, to receive him. Tiio King said he would willingly receive him if tie came Without followers. Emin Bey thereupon went to King Mwanga Accompanied by Dr. Vita and three Greeks. He and his companions remained with the King seven teen days. Emin asked the King for per mission to j lass through his territory to wards Zanzibar. The King, upon hearing this request, ordered tha visitors to return the way they came, and declared that lie would have nothing more to do with the Europeans. King Mwanga is a youth IS years of age only. He has a 'thousand wives. Sometimes he wean* a Turkish and at other times an Arab costume, and often reverts to native simphtaty in the mat ter of dress. Emin Bey, when the King ordered him to return the way he came, went back to Wadelaie, and was glad to es caiie from Mwanga's country. Tlie trader states that the messengers dispatched from Zanzibar to carry information to Emin Bey that Mr. Stanley had gone with an expedi tion by way of the Congo river to effect his rescue were detained to Unyanembo by the King, who was indisposed to allow them to proceed. HOLLAND’S KING. A Hotel Crowded for the Birthday Festivities Burned. Amsterdam, April 15. —Forty-five hun dred students last night serenaded King William and the royal family, who have re mained here since the recent royal birth day festivities. Tlie King and Queen pre sented themselves at a window of the palace and acknowledged the tribute. An hotel in the centre of the city, which was crowded with guests who came here to join in the festivity in honor of the King’s birthday, caught fire last night and was en tirely destroyed. Four of the inmates were killed and several sustained injuries of a more or less severe character. A Burmese Plot Frustrated. Rangoon, April 15. — An extensive plot among the inhabitants of upper Burnish and tlie Daenita to burn the towns of that section of the country, massacre the Euro peans and proclaim anew King, lias been frustrated by the police and loyal Burmese, who, after three days’ fighting, captured the leaders in the conspiracy. Anjouan Occupied. London, April 15.—The French ha ve oc cupied Anjouan, or Johanna Island, the principal of tlie Comoro group, in Mozam bique Channel. They have installed a resi dent and declared that they have estab lished a protectorate over the island. The Populace arc friendly to the French. Germany’s Military Credits. Berlin. /Vi’ r >l 15. —The extra military credits asked by the government amount to 134,00(1,000 marks. Of this sum 40,000,000 marks is for the increase in tlie army, 12,000,000 for new equipments, and the re mainder for strategic railways and im provements. Prussia’s Ecclesiastical Bill. Berlin, April 15.—The Conservative members of the lower house of the Prussian Diet have decided to supjjort the ecclesiasti cal bill. BUENA VISTA'S EXPLOSION. Premature Discharge of a Big Blast the Death Spreader. Buena Vihta, Col., April 15.—Lasteven ing a premature blast killed six men and wounded seven others at tlie camp of Kyner, Higliee & Bernard. The men were working in a sixty-foot cut on the Midland grade. A twenty-foot hole had lieen put down to blow off the lace of the cut with twenty kegs of giunt powder. The foreman was leading the charge, anil when lie bail fit ted in ten kegs the libarge prematurely exploded, throwing masses of rock into the cut where tlie thir teen men were working, instantly killing six and wounding the others. The wounded in cluded Mr. Bernard, one of the firm. None of tlie injured are fatally hurt. Th* kiticl are: Timothy Sullivan. William Conway, W. H. Corcoran, William O'Neil, WUtiani Kopes and an unknown man. An Unfounded Sanitation. Washington, April 15.—Report* were in circulation vraterdav at Key Wi*f, Fla., that Coiinniui ier Greene, of the United Htatra steamer Youth’, had officially for- Nddati tiie K igiiah man-of-war in i,hi> h*i Imr of Port-au-Prince hi carry out tliair threat of seizing Inland Tortuga hi aatmta* 1 1* hi of the British claim agaira-t Hayti. It It ia iseftively denied at Hi* Navy Deport ment. Tax**’Cotton Bail HUH I'arched. OaLVKmTon, April 15. Tito drought ui Ui i’cxju mulum; bail remaiiw uulaokcn A FIGHT OVER TIIE FISH. THE TREATY CLEAR FROM THE CANADIAN STANDPOINT. A Dominion Professor on Constitu tional Law Speaks on the Contro versy The 60,000,000 Americans Declared Conscious of Thoir Strength and the 5,000,000 Canadians of Their Rights. Ottawa, Ont., April 15. —In the House of Commons this afternoon Dr. Weldon, member for Albert, N. 8., and lately Pro fessor of .Constitutional Law at Dalhousie College, spoke on the fisheries. Ho said it was quite satisfactory to learn that the re sources of diplomacy had not yet been ex hausted in regard to this question. What ever Canada’s rights were on this question they rested on the treaty of London of ISIS. They were not determined by an earlier treaty. Canada’s rights clear. They were not determined by any rule of public law, and if the treaty was clea r Cana da’s rights and duty were clear. The terms of tho treaty were clear, and when tlie Domin ion said, “we rest on our simple rights un der thut treaty.” it was not fair for the pro pi? ot the United States to say: “Oh! oh! nut we are sixty millions of peo ple.'’ He charged amid applause that the American’s have been narrow in their construction of the Washington treaty, in connection with tlie recent dispute there had been no desire on the part of Canada to harass American fishermen, yet when Canadians examined the treaty and noticed tho dearness of its provisions they were bound to remember that although the tiO,- strength, the 5,000,000 Canadians to the North were conscious of their rights. [Ap plause.] EACH BOUND TO HAVE JUSTICE. The Canadians and Americans were the 000.(XX) to the Mouth were conscious of their children of two great historic races in the old world who were not accustomed to abate one jot or tittle of their rights. [Applause], The hopes of Canada that a satisfactory ar rangement would Vie arrived at rested not alone on her rights, not alone on tlie mili tary strength of the empire of which she formed a part, but largely on tho strong common sense and fair-mindedness of the great body of the American people, and when Americans studied the question in a fair-minded spirit they must agree that Can ada was in tiie right. [Applause]. Mr. Blake (leader of the opposition) said he agreed largely with the views expressed by Mr. Weldon. Sir John MacDonald said he could only reiterate the hope that an arrangement hon orable to both sides would lie reached. FRANCE AND THE NEWFOUNDLAND FISH ERIES. Paris, April 15. — Tlie members of the Chamber of Deputies representing fishing constituencies, had an interview to-day with the Minister of Foreign Affaire and pro tested against the Newfoundland fisheries bill, which they declared inimical to the in terests of French fishermen. A CYCLONE IN OHIO. St. Clairsville Damaged to the Extent of Over $600,000. Cleveland, 0., April 15.—A cyclone passed over Belmont county this afternoon, wrecking and doing considerable damage to churches and business blocks at St. Clairs ville. The county infirmary bam, which cost $6,000 was completely destroyed. Tiie total loss at St. Clairsvyie alone is S2OO,(XXI. GREAT DAMAGE AT MARTIN’S FERRY. At Martin’s Ferry the residence of J. H. Drennan, editor of the News, was so badly damaged that not cue brick was left on another. T. W. Bailey’s fine concrete residence was also leveled to the ground. Henry H<filings’ eight houses, barns and sheds were all destroyed. In the town proper 75 to 100 houses were more or less damaged, and the loss will reach $165,000. Walnut Grove, a fine park, has but few of the 800 lofty t rees standing. James Reilly’s house and saloon was blown down, and Mrs. Reilly was pulled unconscious from the rujps and may die. Here the storm struck the town at 4 o’clock this afternoon without warning. OTHER CASUALTIES. Besides Mrs. Reilly, the casualties reported are: James Reilly, her husband, a saloon keeper, both legs broken. 51i s. Wilhem, collar-bone broken. Mark Davis, of the Martin Ferry Stove Works, probably fatally injured. A German laborer, whose name could not be learned, dangerously injured. When the storm struck the Ohio river the water shot up in a perpendicular wall about 20 feet and tnen fell !>ack in a frothy, seeth ing foam, and simultaneously a sliowor of fence honrds, shingles, posts and timbers, with some large sections of houses, fell in a sheet on the turbulent water. Fairview school house, one mile west, was totally wrecked, ami Miss White, the school teacher, was badly hurt. Several families arc rendered homeless. The I Jifayctte rink was engaged by the city authorities as a temporary shelter for the homeless, and a meeting of citizens is called for to-morrow to devise means of relief. It is safe to say that tlie aggregate loss will exceed $1,000,(KX). PAN HANDLE WELL PLUCKED. One of Its Cashier’H Believed to Have Embezzled $16,000 to $20,000. Chicago, April 15. —The Pan Handle road seems to be investigating everybody connected with its business, and yesterday H. J. Doggett, cashier at the general freight office here, was discharged under a cloud. His books lire not in siuqie satisfactory to tb* auditor. Th* latter is of the opuiiaa thut there is a discrepancy in his account of sl6, (XX) to S2O, (XX). Sir. Doggett assert* 11 tat vouchere which he lias jiaid and which are now pursuing the regular chunnel to final credit will square his accounts Mr. Dog gett’s bondsmen are solvent and resjmiisibTe if it should be necessary to resort to them. THE LEADER STILL AT LIBERTY. Pittsburg, April 15.—1 t appears that the most important arrest in the Pan Hnn dlo robbery case i* yet to lie nutd*. A for mer conductor on tlie road named (!onnol!y ix supposed to have Inoii the leader of the gang and l* > have gotten away with an ini manse amount of plunder. He got wind some time ago tliat a raid would l** made and fled, lie is now in Kansan, but an offl car has lieen sent alter him and it in exjieot ed that lie will l* ai resliil anil brought back to this city next week. Between thirty and thirty-live of tlie arrested iaii roadi r will waive hearing and give bond* to await the action of tlie grand jury. Charged With Uxoricide. Milwaukee, April Ift. At Green Bay J. I*. Bouquet was arrested to-day ini a elutrge ot hating iiiunteied hi* wife H. ■ Isinwl Dial liei T* -at u was du< to a fall (town stair*. The HI swiff proceeded to disinter tlie re IIISUI* Slid found Hie <lllllll empty Tiie lid had )-o crushed ill, *' iduutjy with gii *A, gad llu> icinaut* removed GIBBET PENDENTS. Haifa Dozen Men Take Part In an Ex ecution at St. Louis. St. Louis, April 15.—Daniel Jewell, the wife murderer, expiated his crime in the jail yard at 0:50 o'clock this morning, the execution lieing almost private. Only about thirty-live or forty persons were present. The scene on the Seafflold was short. An old cracker box had I s>n placed on the trap in older to give the poor wretch a greater fall. He mounted this and his legs were pinioned by Deputy Sheriff Runnan. Dep uty Fostin put the black onp over his bend and Bob Hurnphrevs adjusted the rope. The cleats were pushed aside by Deputies Gardner and Guibin. Deputy Shechioi cut the rajie, the trap fell, a lew struggles oc curred and Jewell was dead nißn PROTEST!\u innocence. Nashville, April 15. —Ben Brown was hanged hero at 11:17 o’clock this morning for the murder of Frank Arnold. He died protesting his innocence. Both were colored farmers and neighbors, living six miles from the cit v. Arnold disappeared suddenly, and his body was found dismemliered and buried. Ben Brown had a brother Bill, an ex-con vict. He was suspected, and the Browns. Nelson Joslyn, Foster Joslyn, Simon Fox and Robert Marlin were arrested. Bill Brown turned State's evidence and told the story of the crime. Simon Fox died this week in the penitentiary, where Marlin now is, and the others are still in jail awaiting trial. ANARCHIST AVENGERS. Six Groups of Nine Members Each Un covered at Chicago. Springfield, 111., April 15.—-The detec tive who has in hand the case of Mr. Bailey, the United Labor member from East St. Louis who was shot at sometime ago, has lo cated and identified a gang, or secret oath bound lodge and band, in Chicago, one of whose members did the shooting. It ap pears that some valuable information was furnished through Representative Karlow ski, the Polish Cook county member. Some of his statements which he did not himself consider of importance have, it is said, led to the uncovering of a group of nine Anarchists whose headquarters have for the past six months been located in the north west part, of Chicago, on or adjacent to Milwaukee avenue. Beyond general hints nothing definite could be learned, hut the drift of the disclosure, though as yet unau thentieated, point to a Chicago organization of fifty-four members, or six gtamps of nine members each, formed for the purpose of wreaking vengeance in case all hope of sav ing the condemned Anarchists is lost and that one of their number, acting upon the orders of the group to which he belonged, made an attempt up<m the life of Mr. Bailey, as his action regarding Neebe’s funeral was considered an injury to the case now before the Supreme Court. SUICIDE ON A BTEAMER. The Son of a Clergyman Fires a Bullet Into His Brain. Norfolk, Va., April 15.—When the stateroom of the steamer Virginia from Bal timore to .Norfolk, occupied last night by Robert IV. Gatewood, was opened at It o’clock this morning his body was found in lied with a pistol hall in his brain. The evi dence before the Coroner showed that he committed suiefde after leaving Old Point Comfort this morning. Young Gatewood was a son of Rev. Robert Gatewood, of this city, ami was 25 years of age. He was a graduate from Annapolis with high honors as a cadet engineer. He made one cruise and resigned. He studied and taught physics and elec tricity at Johns Hopkins University. At the time of his death he was Fourth Assistant Examiner in the Division of Steam Engi neering of the Patent Office at Washington. His mind, which was uncommonly brilliant, had become unbalanced by intense study, ami writings he left show that he imagined himself pursued by demons, and chose death as the only means of escape from them. M’GLYNN’S DEFENDERS. John McMackin Denounces Arch bishop Corrigan. New York, April 15.—Dr. McGlynn’s former parishioners had a spirited meeting to-night at which they denounced the alleged effort of the Archbishop to coerce the priests of the city. In closing the meeting John McMackin, of the United Labor party, de nounced Archbishop Corrigan from the platform. He asserted that Archbishop Corrigan had used the confessional box for political purposes. He said he was able to tell a great, deal about the Archbishop, who, he asserted, was the lowest kind of trickster, but ho (McMackin) said he refrained from details for the good of the church. These utterances from the (Jhairman of the Labor pariy’s Executive Committee were received with applause. BRICK MAKERS AGREE. The Philadelphia Men Now on Strike to Return to Work at Once. Philadelphia, April 15.—The Executive Committe of the Brick Manufacturers’ As sociation and a committee representing the several local assemblies of their employes, held a meeting this afternoon for the pur pose of discussing the resolution adopted the manufacturers a few days ago den land ing a settlement of the differences between the employers and their employes. After a thorough discussion thejemployes virtually agreed to the manufacturers’ terms, and a general strike was averted. The men had demanded that Knights of Labor lie given preference over others, and about 1 JiOO men had already gone out on a strike. The manufacturers are willing to recognise the men as Knights and treat them accord ingly, but they objected to entering into an agreement binding them to show any preler ence in the employment, of hands. The men now out will return to work at once. Ultimatum of the Masters. Chicago, April 15.—At a meeting of the Master Canid iters' Association Inst night nu ultimatum to Mute,(XX) striking journeymen was adopted in the form of resolutions. No new concessions were made, and the refusal to treat with the men as a liody was reiter ated. The ultimatum was carried to the strikers’ executive council by a committee of the masters. It was unfavorably received and action on it deferred until to'lay. The Church and the Kntglita. London, April 15.—A dispatch from Rome to the Cltriiuu'-U says a pnistl brief in favor of recognition of Hie Knights of Labor will lie public I led before Cardinal Gibbous’ iky parturt*. _ A Vote to Stick Out. Isisdon, April Ift, The miners of North- Hinliei latid county decided by a vote of 4,100 to ;;,<WO to continue the strike. Monsignor Qutnrfbaad. New York. A|<rtl Ift. -Archbishop Cor ngsti lias a cable message saying that Mm siaivs (gunui died in Ptirui this afternoon Mmoigijor yuum was Wear UhumtU of Uus liwmm. PRICE !t \ YEAR, i 5 CEVTS \ copy . t A DAIiK IKHiSLM’TTOWI^ BLOXHAII STILL LEADS BUT MAKES NO MATERIAL GAIN. Balloting Discontinued Until Mortc'iy Night The Senate Votes to Aliev the Towns to Decide Whether l.:a Railroads Must Fence in Their Track* Payment of Poll Taxes as a Pre requisite to Voting to Become aL< \ Tai.lahasbkk. Ft.a., April 15.—The i ■ it oorntic caucus took three Ivillots on l"s:. 1 States Senator to-night without making ct choice. The first ballot t vnight was the tenth < * the caucusing liegnit. It stood: Uloxhuni ... 4 Ferry -5* McWhorter.. . 4 The eleventh ballot stood: Rloxhmn 3§ Perrv 3* McWhorter ] Scattering l* The twelfth ballot stood: ItloxliAin 'll. I’erry K MeKinnia. Scattering Id The caucus then adjourned to Monday night, and the general impression is tint a new mini will have to lie introduced ta break the dead lock. Mr. Bloxham's tri nsda are. however, confident, ns he lead on every ballot to-uigbt. IN TilK SENATE. The Senate bjk'ii: two long session* t day* ismsidoring the bill requiring railroads tej fence their trucks, which watt amende 1 sal as to allow tlie towns to decide each for Mir nM selves whether the track through th* streets should be fenced. The bill coiniH'lling circuit clerks to keen their offices op< n during business hours wrurf opposed on the ground that the burden cx eroded the benefit in sparsely settled ci ua4 tics, but the bill will pass. The president appointed Messrs. Williamsi Walker and YVnll a committee to inquira whether the railroads of the State had com* plied with the terms by which lands wera received from the State. Messrs. MeKuine and Blackwell war* milled to the Caucus and Apportionment Committee. IN THE HOUSE. The House to-da v passed the bill iinpo.-inj a |H>nalt,y for violation of article xix of tha| constitution relative to legal option. j The liill prescribing the time and mannea of giving notice of special legislation undedt the now constitution provoked violent di4 cussion, and was finally recommitted. Mr. Pelot, of Munatee, offered a bill td establish a normal college at Gainesville. An attempt was made by Mr. Tompkins* Rep., to defeat the bill making payment ofl poll tax a prer<i|uisite to voting, but, fail* (1 most signally, and the bill will pass when iu is reached on the calendar. THE STATE (IBOI.OGIST. Senator Walker’s hill to establish a Stat* geologist and provide for his duties an* coni|Kiiisation is now considered with mnra favor than at. first, since it lias lieen e\J plained how much benefit will accrue to t.l>4. State by having a full and accurate surw w of the wealth hidden under the earth's sur face in several sections of the State. When Mr. Daniels'bill, making the payt meat of a reasonable (Hill tax a qualification for voting, reach™ the Senat“. a sharp fight over it is expected, as Senator Mann and Vul followers will make it one of the issues of the session, and will do all in their power ta defeat its passage. It will, however, mosf probably become u law this time. A NEW RAII.ROAD. Senator Do Land is trying to get through the Legislature a bill incorporating the Geer* gia. Florida and Key West Railroad Com* pany, which company propos>Hl to build* with the ai<l they tnink can is- hud from the* Federal government, a first-class railroad tol the city of Key West, thereby aSW*.. necting tlie island with the mainland*} n of.* United State* Sena'or is accomj luskihe more and troublesome su gaot*. of railroad j'oraS missions, State printing and con-tjtti t ianaF amendments will be taken tip by the Log* islature. DIVORCE BILLS. There is no 'lancer whatever of the iiill ms troduced bv J. H. Anderson, of Jackson* ville, putting an absolute prohibition granting divorces for any cause, becoming *| law. For the first time in many yenrs Lena county and the Capital City is i-epi-esenteil liy intelligence in the State Senate. Mr. DJ S. Walker, Jr., the present Senator frong tins district, is one ofthe ablest and foremost lawyers in the body, and his influence o™ legislation will increase as the more impord tant measures of the session is reached. This four members of the House from Leon counsi ty are colored men. FLAMES IN A JAIL. A Big Scare Among the Prisoners, But No Serious Damage. Chicago, April 15.—There was a pania in the county jail shortly before 10. HOI o’clock this morning caused by knowledge that Are hail broken out in the insane de* partment of the jail. An insane man, wh hail been incarcerated last week, laid suoJ reeded by some means in firing his an<l the smoke soon filled the creating the impression that the jail was on fire. Tne news was communicated rapid Iw throughout the jail, and every preparation was made to take out the prisoners shoulrj the emergency require. An alarm broughl six engines to the scene, but the flames wer® extinguished by means of the jail No one was injured, and no serious damage occurred. PRINT WORKS DESTROVED. Dover, N. 11., April 15.— The Coche'-a print works were burned to-day, involving! a loss of *',‘oo,ooo and throwing 000 operas) tives out of work. So rapidly did the flrj speuad that several machine printers an® helpers were compelled to leave their roeth and vests, with valuable watches and mono* liehind. It was with them a race for lifaj The re|K)rt gained circulation almut tow® that several operative* had been emnatot, and this added to the excitement. Kaib- mothers and other relatives rusiusljjom allj directions to Irani th“ late ot their.|M|h and friends. Nobody was kiIML . b’4# •• narrow evajs's from death were jpferntiv ’ The principal danger was to the fIOM'V tlviw employed upon the seooflff WwWai Most of these escape. 1 bv jumping from win* dows. An old man, Elijah Hayes, fi ysai* of age, would not jump. Everybody gnv® him up for lost, hut lie managed to creep t 4 the stairway leiuling from the second to thd first floor wliuu hi 1 lainhvi and tumbled the bottom. A fireman -aw him and h® was removed iiiMensible with his face and anus laully burnt*!. One million yards ul prints were ruined by water. A TOWN HALE Mt'KNKI) Hangook, April 15.- Half the town o* Pegu has liwii oe-troyl by lire, which wa® presumably of Incendiary origin. Death of tbs Oldest Engineer. Mohii.k, April 15.—Heurv Ilunar. ti* oldest locomotive engineer in tile I ’ml' | Hiatts, duii Thlii wiay at Whisttar* Ala. lia rail lie In i euaiiui over Ih* CWlnka ini iianjbuig toad, Uu* thiol unlroad laid* i*t this i mitiirf. The driver* if lbs anti* w*rv of hard wood