The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 16, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA VXD FLORIDA. KHvVS OF THF TWO STATES TOLD IN FAR '• IRAPHS. A Dog at D."-cva--".' Proves a Great Sir com 08 a Chicken Tender Houston a Grand Jury Itrkea Over the County Officers With r. Sharp Stick A Saw I-tUI N<*r Brunswick Makes a New Departure. GEORGIA. Kaii! ;* greatly needixl for the oat crop in Glynn ooiinty. The city 01 Atbons usos 125,000 gallons of water per day. It is rumored rhat a cotton compress will | bo Brunswick's nest enterprise. It is rumored that anot!i r tug boat will ! Soon be put or. Bnin>iwioi* waters. Over SBOO worth of go* is was sold by one i of Patterson’s busine**." house, in one” day j last week. The stockholder* of the Berry Variety Work* have applied to Houston Superior Court, for a shorter From Jan. J, 18-56. to April 1, IS*?, the en gine at t.he Home water works made 3,206.- 164 revolution*, end pumped 105,285,724 gal lons of water. Rain is Tory much needed in Houston county. The earth is so dry t.liai seed re cently planted have not germinated. The growth of vegetation is very much retarded. I/ast Friday morning n small hot named Crawford, of Kingsville, had the misfortune to have his arm caught in a machine and mutilated so bad that amputation was necos *7 jwgk movement is now on foot to organize a company to eetablish a large woolen ■l at Dalton. The capital stock will bo Bui *OO,OOO, which is now being rapidly Mk Dalton broom fa, tory is tn w an, Ip certainty. as the requisite stock for its has all been subscribed. Work factory will begin at tlie earliest moment. Holman, the condemned mur- Br of Matilda Oudger, in jail at Calhoun, completely prostrated when he learned Supreme Court decision, refusing t<> Bit him anew trial. 5T- e time of holding Appling County Court ■ been changed from the first Monday to ■ first Friday in xoch month. By this ar- the County Court and Ordinary's ■i;" will not conflict. municipal election has just oecur ■£. The following goutlemeu were re For Mayor, John H. Hodges; tor F. S. Caber, J. W. Clark, T. M C. H. Moore, A. B. Schilling and Toiuitley. H* large tract of woods near Buff's Chapel, ■>ut 5 miles from Perry on the Fort Val ■ road, wa* burned over last Suudav. It wVuppoeed the fire originated near the mill through oareles*ns of some negroes who ■Bd been fishing there Saturday night, no damage was done furtlier Bn the burning of the wood*. Bf. J. Anderson, of Perry, was called to ■aski county last Thursday by a telegram his brother, Robert S. Anderson, was Bloui.y ill. He found his brother dead, he lieen stricken with paralysis that and lived only six hours afterward K Anderson was first paralysed about jp> years ago, and the stroke that killed him the second one. to the Spring Place TVme.i county has the honor of having the IKinal and only belled bussard This tin- -is fowl was seen by several jßet lately soaring in lofty grandeur ■&<l the highest jieak of the Cohuttah B> The Aioes says that it has lieou all the Uni toil States and now comas home BX> W Hollow to die. Lodge will be instituted jtt 1 1-2 Centi-aJ railroad, on next It will be known as the Turner lodge—named in liotior of the Turner, Past Master of Solomon’s No. 1, of Savannah. Fast Matter R fg Smith, of Hi van. with J. P. Jones and V Horning, will he on hand with a dis- from the Grand Lodge to organize 3OO feet deep has been dug at g|)> Legal Tender mines on Cohuttah mmin Galenu or* and carbonate of silver ■ been found. The vein of galena is 2(X) and th* carbonate of silver about Pgf.v-t The two ores assay a good per Mp. of metal. The veins are located under the lofty peak known as Fort whose blue outlines can U plainly (■from Dalton. Doubler, of Dawson, lias a Shop dog i liar drives his chickens up at night sundown the dog begins lio ldimd* the premises and never stojis until every ■P is driven up and is in the hen-house, shown a cUspoailion not to retire roosting place, the dog drives it in the ■Biouse and stands guard at the door until PPJjhieken takes a perch on the roost, when ■Mill start out after others. Hhbcton *Vmc Era: Dr. J. H. Bryan, of Sflßbvisw won in town yesterday and was m thuon pushed over a kind of wasp or ■WKlauber he had captured on the i-oad to He showed it to a number of ■y<’d scientist*. and they oouki not tell what it was. He will send it to the Iwsfrssor of entomology at Washington, D. EJhujtler thaadvice oi Hon. Henry Peiwous. is a study of great possibilities jjw* is no telling what may become of Dr bug. Ilgyat bell which swings in the spire Font Baptist church in Dalton has >ug of a history. It is the Oldest I mil Mi. and was the first to awaken the n the valley in which Dalton stands, the war it was removed to Macon iced iu th* First Baptist church of y. After several veals’ duty there finally taken track to Dalton. It is ;est boll in that place, and its mellow au be hoard many miles away on ibbatli evening;*. ovs of Centrevillc have got a good Mr. Kvaus, of that place. He has Id fever,” occasional by the discov •ie precious metal in that ncighlior it long since. Some of tlie Isos got r about, a gallon of ramll pieces of id scattered them promiscuously in jacent stream. Evans found ad put in three of the hardest (lavs' ’ his life in his new “find,” but “all's 3ld that glitters,” and ho has : out to his utter disgust. _JBpl Tuesday afternoon it was report**] in that D. H. Culler's i-oßideiice, just that town, was on fire, and then it wa- A L Miller’s Imnae was tnunm-' twenty men iinm-<,lintily went b, w,mt oasistmice they could '11,,. ftHt near the bouse.-, Mentioned wer. on by earnest and effective work tit.- kept off from the hutl.lings Alena o'ti* of wood land w-e*,- linrnoi m.-r, fence on the north side of Mr Mil ||HN> -hard wan eousumed. Some -.f in.. were also damaged by tin- tliv. * Brne-ivillf* Democrat-. Judge j>„ K .i rr . the (fi-HH-1 jury- shows that in ..even criminal eaw have been dispos'd < unity ('ourt, producing flues an #4.452, kijo that lhex} ose of the - iut, loaves net i: •HUP. |Ws !::*" s:()fi p y ~-nti.ri vetv Tills, .‘.art. an MBWfc .ilaim.yi na net pro3t, a* too (H.4W of jut. w0..1.1 nave itoeii llis t ■ The uiusxto;, to tbe n-iimv ni the i pWf Court solely t; U> wi.nthe. th< sane business t ■ • dwpows! of m tho It,.fs-rtor ( .mi t ■u ”■> vutii than 1 *.;,**13 I‘ut-t/ini l .ft If. mael,on | j . | MJ " .'^Y‘ r ,r 1 *’•• 1 'tivb.-s.vl tia r—itda Owipanv V-m fe-t ,■,,;* 'lj " •’hi irtaniMi to WayqMae Tl-... W ‘ * mill - aid . si ac-l ret-i rnutwiij t nwvncf,* Toe iron , w,| l "ni| ]s*l t. Cum >*/ I ib. ifc* p-*! ,"-** of bb..**,4 o 1-tain * Bpw. is. ; w - ' *l.l]' ■ ,u' of h I .., **J * *vnu. ihe &JT. ■Hhf, m now Ut an :vl . •■* he sent to Cumberland, so the !• "’ no - .\;*i cf b-tt i facilities this year | Wok i‘. i)*' l '■/.. V> were yesterday shown • Cap!. l>i ltd Jobuami a small lot of to i . *1 inei by (.'apt. IV. ,f Tavlor, of Polk ■ i';.. It is ,*f n lieautifit) golden color, crl is n-s line a leaf us any for smoking or clewing purposes raised in Virginia. M Crew-, the cigar manufacturer, sirs licit it will nvtk" tile ixst, plug tobai*co m th * world* and wherever such a quality can grow ills*i an be grown the finest for "cigar purposes, if Cuban wmA is olanted. Ho further says that such tobacco will yield not less than >GOO |a>r aei-e. Theru is always u ready market for good tobacco. Out' farmein will til'd it to their interest to givc the matter of lobnci i raising r*me attention. One of tlic tidiest housekeepers of Dawson made a roast a few days ago that she did not bargain for. This lady is very fond of pets, and numbers among "them some play ful cats. One of thesje. a few days ago, after breakfast had been fluishctl finding tbe oven of the stove a comfortable jilaee snug ly ensconsed himself therein to take a nap. Th** hour for prtmaring dinner having ar rived, the lady went to the stove room, closed the stove dooi-s and made a fire. She then went out to attend to some outside domestic mutter, leaving the stove to get hot. Returning she proceeded to knead and cook the bread. Imagine her shock, when on opening the door to insert the bread, she saw her favorite cut hail been roasted alive. At Lutherville last Saturday a strange ne gro appeared having two gold and one sil ver watch. He remained ,Sunday, and it was noticed that lie had a good deul of money. He disappeared and nothing more was thought of him. Thursday night VVil liaih Dodds, Dr. J \V. Ballard and Mr. May field, of Pucketts, took the negro back under arrest, seeking information or identi fication. He gives his name as Charlie Blount and has given it as Charlie Harris. He answers the description of Charlie Clark, the Troup county murderer, being black, weighing about 105 pounds and stutters badly when excited, for whom a reward of i'-.'s lis offered. He says he is from Bir mingham. Thomson Journal: Our recent statement of the singular effect of the great earth quake lust summer in drying up the water in Mr. J. B. Morris’ well has brought to iiglit the facte of another remarkable phe nomenon. Soon after the great earthquake Eli Smith's wall, in the Brier creek neigh borhood, began to uot in an unaccountable manner. It didn’t go dry. but the water be came of the consistency of kerosene oil, and vos so outrageously offensive that it could only be used in broken doses and with the nose held out of the way. t’p* in investiga tion the family gourd was found at the hot tom of the well, filled with a suspicious looking substance which resembled dyna mite and stunk like fury, and which Dr. Gibson promptly decided to be—soft soap. Excitement has subsided. In Gwinnett county last Wednesday night Mrs. Camp, wife of James Camp, a stout, healthy woman, died very suddenly under peculiar circumstances. During the "day be fore her death she had been washing, and was apparently in as good health ns usual. Alter fiiiishiug her day's work and attending to her household affairs, slit' and her hus band walked over to James M Head’s, on a visit, and remained there until bed time, when they returned home. They retired for the night, and about 10 o’olook Airs. Camp called her husband and complained of being sick. He got up and struck a light, and see ing that she was very sick oondudod to run over to Mr. Head's and get sums assistance. It is but a short distam*e between the two houses, and he was goue only a few minutes, but when he returned Ids wife wa* dead. A husband was sitting in his store at Marietta when a letter in a familiar hand writing was handed to him. It was from his wife, whom he had left at home that morning with every assurance of affection aud devotion. But the very first sentence startled him, and as he read oil the most hor rible suspicion seized him. “I urn forced to tell you something that I know will trouble you, but it is my duty to do so. lam deter mined you shall know it, let, the result be what it may. I have known for a week that this trial was coming, but kept it to myself until to-day. when it has reached a eriaisand I can keep it no longer. You must not cen sure me too handily, for you must reap the reward as well as myself. I do hope it won’t crush you. The flour is all out. Please send tome this afternoon. I thought by this method you would not forget it.”" She was right, lie didn't. At Macon Friday an old negro named Simon was walking down Cantonment street, East Macon, when he was suddenly stricken with paralysis, and stagger.xl to "the arch over a sewer well and sat down. A little boy came along, and the old man beckoned to him for assistance. The boy went to him and the old man took hold of him and tried to rise. He had lost the power of speech, and could utter nothing but a sort of harsli bark like a dog. This so frightened the hov thut he broke away and ran for life. Old Simon then fell backwards and want down into the sewer head foremost. An excited crowd quickly collected, and a man reached down into the sewer and caught tho old fel low by the foot, and after much trouble drew him up. Physicians were called and two responded, fte was removed to his home a row blocks away and put to bad. The doctors decided that he lmd suffered a stroke of paralysis. At Bainbridge Thursday Judy Isnvis (colored) was arrested on a warrant sued out by Post master Russell on a charge of lar ceny. Some months ago a registeiwd letter arrived there addressed to Judy Lewis. She was notified of its arrival; went to the office. was identified as Judy Lewis, and obtained the letter. It contained S2O. The sender's name was not signed to the letter, which stated it was sent to mother. Judy was looking for money from her daughter, but did not know at the time where she hud gone or was living. The woman, tielieving it was hers, spent it. It was subsequently claimed by a white woman of the same name, who has a son in the T'nited States army. It was demanded of her, hut lieing very poor was unable to pay it, buck, hence the arrest. She was brought before Judge (Jaiupliell, of the County Court. The State continued, and the court discharged the woman upon her own recognizance. It. K. Gould, of Like Helen, Fla., former ly a resident of Saginaw, Mich., has pur chased the Elam Johnson awl Pause res laurant property on Decatur street, near Peachtree, at Atlanta, paying jAj.uoo in cash. His intention is to "tear nwav the present buildings iuul erect oil the lot one of the handsomest buildings in that eitv. It is IMMsfifie that John Kifvcv, whose |m>ijM*rt v adjoins, may decide to replace Ins present building with anew and liandvmic struc ture, in which event Mr. Gould and he may unite their plans and build together. Sir. Gould in connection with (.'. F. Van dyke, of Minncii|HiUs. will open u 1 sinking house at Atlanta as soon os a charter cut! la* obtained, and it will eventually lx* located Peachtree, at Atlanta, paying j0.j.000 iu cash. His intention is to tear away the present buildings and erect on (lie lot one of flic handsomest buildings in that city. It is jHissible that John Hilvcy, whose property adjoins, may decide to replace Ins present building with anew and handsome struc ture, in which event Mr. CVmld nod he may unite their plans and build together. Mr. Gould iu (sinnection with F. \'an dyke, of Mime iipiUs. wjl ojieu a 1 sinking house at Atlanta us soon us a charter can lie obtained, and it will eventually Is* locntisl in the new building. Both goiitlenian are men of large moans, and as they dosnv to uwocMte thcnisolves wiili n co*h|muiv of At laut i iv.pip.liit i, though taking tlui major |*>rtioii of ih* stork thcttiselvos, th* l new in stitution will Is' a very strong on**. The capital stock will Ije IJniMXN) t,o start with. \t Augustan horrf'nnd Muggy. which ►UJ'|** il to have been stolon from li-ggi • Ui'os . >vw returned Friday luornin;:, when the nw*.>m tor Coiien's nip*nice wa-. ma.h* known. Aisiutu week ago, N. t 'ohcti. a dnuniinvr from Atlanta, arrived into n civ anl outlined board at Mrs Ktcliiil M in 11c pH n |oy with Mias Hu,.t p.air, diuii h*'T of the propi l(,<r*v.,, at |l . , Ills iific lion wa* n*tmu*”l by the yc led)', nnd although Ik r | r cut- were \,iU, j-i*,’ < ppMc 1 to th* |(|t.'ll l!li". <|ls j>l**.l pi ril l away rad i/uut). I'i.ev d-u.n ancd upon Tli'ii'ivlu v morning. when ilkv I-r * mod t'.e bu, ,• t'oia H.gpmiuddio.e to J l**il'n.|l, Jt C., !*.ilty Hubs i, II l.; |, ta, •■'bat e l bey uov iniiTlel Tie* < oujiii that, atarid liaci i * Al:u i<.s and arrival tk*i Thursday n . rciaa Tor in tin ■ t „p f, thei'Ciaoipg<*ratrji, h‘ whVhti .-I i,„. i ed for F vanrkib AA'i*tig nil’, isuvnu sai ;.'l of tie* un*' m,. tluey wen oullc in lUgnant i.nd Using rapWi VsyieJeHo to hat • lb* court# but a* ow >. • M SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, APRIL 16, !87. were preferred they of course were not in terfered with by the authorities of the town. The new saw mill at the eighteen-mile post on the Hast Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia railroad is doing a tremendous business nnd l is,a big success in every way. The Bruns wick .ldrer/isec says: ''Wedursday was an important one in the history of the company. They trh-d a knife corrugated in ahajie to twhether it would manufacture u wrap- I jiei for bottles like those of paper now in use, the eontiiany having an immense eontract i offered them. The scone was unexciting one when the knit* commenced to move up to a magnolia log. There was not a sound heard but the rumbling of the ma chinery, for everyone present, proprietors and gu.f-ts. knew that o:i the action of that knife much would depend. The suspense on tic nroprji tors was fearful, in a moment more the\ would know thoir fate. The knife lias met the log, and soon the Ixiauti ful corrugated wood, the thickness of blot ting paper, commences to pour from the ma chine. and is dragged away in long strips out of the building. And just hero the scene changes, lor in a moment all is wild excitement and hats flv in the air and the joy is universal.'’ The board of directors’ meeting of the Oglethorpe Hotel Company was held at Brunswick Monday, and all”the board were present except Mr. Ulrnan. The secretary and treasurer reported that only a smnil proportion of the additional stock necessary to complete the hotel nnd furnish the sonic lias been subscribed for by all the other in terests outside of Mr. Miljbank, and there upon the following resolution was adopted: Zi'.seb ed, Thnt a canvass be made bv this board to ascertain how mnnv and how much of an issue of *60,000 of thirty years bonds, baling (i per cent, interest with the first two years coupons clipped, cau be sold at par. This resolution in in accordance with the fourth resolution adopted at the annual meeting held last March, authorizing the board of directors to issue bonds in order to complete and furnish the hotel These Imils are to lie secured by a first mortgage on all the property of the company, anil are to l>e redeemed at any time withiu ten years from date of issue at a premium of 1(55 on the 100, and at any time after ten years from dat e of issue at 110 oo the 100. ‘ The bonds are to he subserilxjd for upon the some terms and conditions as the subscription to the stock of the company. At Talbotton among the criminal cases tried this week was the State vs. Frank Dickerson, charged with the crime of biga my. The evidence of his guilt was conclu sive. The only extenuating feature of his case was that about twenty six years ago, only a few months after he bad married liis first wife, he made known to her that he was dissatisfied with the alliance and lie and his then wife agreed to submit the question of a divorce to arbitration. The arbitrators were chosen and sworn, and after hearing evidence decreed that lie lie divorced as prayed for. His second marriage was solemnized in IASS at the court house in Talbotton, by which act a minor offense was ended. The divorce of the arbi trators was binding and legal, so thought the jury who tried him, for they returned a verdict of acquittal. When the verdict was brought into court and read by the So licitor General, “55'e, the jury, find the prisoner not guilty,” the Judge was so as tound'd that he apprehended the Solicitor had misread the verdict and he requested hun to read it again. “We the jury, find the prisoner not guiltv,” slowly lead the Solicitor. The learned Judge's brow con tracted, and he said: “A man can marry as many times as he pleases—have as many wives as he wants. When he gets tired of living with one he can submit the question of divorce to arbitration, be tried by this jury and acquitted.” The grand jury of Houston county has just stirred up tlie county officials with a sharp stick. They say, among other things: “Your jury is also of the opinion that the expenditure of *4.000 or *.5,000 for the re cent jail improvements was a wanton waste of the peopled money, and not warrant ed by any recommendation of the previous jury. * * * lu examining the books of the Sheriff we find ho has, in several cases, charged the county for dieting prisoners for a greater number of days than tho prisoners were in his custody, and also for charging an unlaw ful price for carrying prisoners to and from the county. We have had Mr. Colyer be fore us, and he admits the errors, blit Says, under oath, they were unintentional. In the discharge of our duty we cannot ap prove of his course, but, taking a charitable view of the matter, have deemed it inexpe dient to make special presentment against him. * * * \\ e have examined the books of the County Commissioners, and we iu-e sorry to say that they exhibit many instances of extravagance in the purchase of various articles, in which we see higher nricos charged and paid than articles could nave lieen purchased for at other stores. We find that very high prices have lieen paid for work done, for hauling pile driver, and various other tilings brought to our at tention. Responsible parties have come lie fore o\q- body who state that they are and have been willing to do tlie work for one half the prices paid County Commissioners themselves for hauling this pile driver. 55 e find that the Oommissi<mers have approved and paid accounts rendered by the sheriff anil county bailiff, -for mileage in carrying prisoners, largely in ex cess of what is Hut'll (crises lby law. All these matters have been brought to the at tention of the Commissioners, who have boon before us. and we have impressed upon them, and do so now in this manner, the importance of conducting the affairs of the county in alike manner as they would their ow n affairs. Tlio Commissioners lull ing admitted their ignorance of law and negligence mid promised amendment for th" future, wo leave the matter in this shape. We ri'eoniinend that the bailiff for County ( ourt be elected bv the |ieople, at the time and for the term that the sheriff is, and that h" lx* required tfi give a solvent and sutfl cent h'Miit. We me requested to ask that our Senator and Representatives use their in fluence to have a law enacted so that the Slat". I nun the hire of penitentiary oon viets from this county, shall jiny the insol vent .sKt.s of'the cifticei's in those cases, mid iki ei hei>i: mid that the < *unity Judge have the power to prorate the tines and forfeit ures arising from eases transferred from the Superior Court, on the costs of all the officeix, on nil the transferred crises.” KI.ORIDA. Another brick block is on the tapis at Or lando. Ruin is much needad just now in Leon county. Diiylomi contemplates purchasing two ehemii'ul Urc engines. Sheriff Andersiiii has twenty Isianlers in the i lirnige isiunty jail. Oviedo's orange crop for lssf.s is esti nmted at one third of lust year's yield. A lillinliei' of the tailored citizens of Or l.iudo are taking stejw to organize a flrecom jHiny. The Japan plum trees about Tallahusms* mu heavily la*lt*n with fruit, which will soon b. i i|.. It will U* but a short while liefore Orlando will he supplied with water from the *'itv wiilei works. Ml ili" si'ho. ib of lie Lind are now closed *|'t ihe aeruleniy, Tl*ir term ends in idwillt liiree W'S'lts. ’ A* Fruitlatid Park vegetables are looking H'l ■ \||.V I ling*"* are still Is'llig shipped t i Wort is in mnrkeis. I’"it 1 dth p's for(*'ifiln w:is at Ovie*!o tj I.* wccl. and pi iitiouiic'sJ tlv offi.-** to he in n very good is.nditi >u. Mi • ■ ile deliM i•> 1 uKtineat Fruitliunl I'm., last M slay evening Wldraiorlng to orgUIIUU a i liuri'll lyeeuiu. At K'srC'ity Joseph Bowertrgui bus Jutt i s >n llll**ll —-1 anew sail boat Arte isoxiN*ct*d t i (s' one ni tlie (n lest lamia on the river. Oviedo utm Joying alive building bonne Vntt* a imiiit*r of mv me in rjro'saaanf ■ "atutrucMoti, and more will a sal tie ami 11. t*taut lavi*ru"ut (kmi|*<i) has pur i crtaMl a lot an MMtori. and . i m . , p tal there for the use of the employes of the c inipany, . Oranges cost only a cent apiece at De- Land. Strawberries are s°llmg for 20c. and 25c. jior ffliart. 0,1. Cudrington is selling delicious Japan plums from hi trees. J. E. Arnot, of Orlando, who took the contract to remove the Methodist church at Oviedo, bus begun operations and expects to have the building in its new quarters in a few days. An exchange says that they charge pv. for a drink of buttermilk at Key M est, but as a sort of offset thev thug the customers four dozen oranges and tell them to send a dray after the bananas. George E. Many lets sold his orange grove lot. consisting of "one mid a half acres, situ ated on the corner of South and Hughey st rcetx, at Orlando, to Thomas Newton, of Clifford, Iml., lor $5,000. Capt. Howard launched his little steam- Isiat at I’alatka Wednesday, which lie has been building for several weeks on the bank of the river along River street. This is the first boat launched in that city for a number of years. The Island Homo Company, which owns three islands of 120 acres, near Point Pinel las on the Gulf coast, bid a business meet ing in Orlando Wednesday with the view of taking steps in regard to building a hotel on thoir property. These islands are said to lie delightful places on which to spend the summer month*. Thursday, at the residence of the bride's parents, in" Springfield, a suburb of Jackson ville, Henry K. Clark, business manager of the A'reiu'uf/ Herabl. was married to Miss Susie I. Thomson, the Rev. AT. H. Dodge, of the Newuan street Presbyterian church, of ficiating. They left for the North yesterday on an extended bridal tour. At Jacksonville clandestine meetings be tween J. N. Dye. a driver "ii the Pine street railway, and Miss Fannie J. Smith, aged 15 years, who lived with her parents on the Mencrief road in Springfield, terminated last Tuesdav in the couple eloping. As soon as Mrs. Smith learned of the runaway mar riage she proceeded to prosecute the two, ns her daughter was not of age. Warrants were procured, and Thursday morning tho two were placed under arrest. A horrible accident happened to a little daughter of Mrs. Charles Dean at the rail rtad crossing near the schoolhouse at Elia ville Wednesday, which will deprive her of one leg aud one hand, if not of life itself. Bueki & Sons’log train was backing by the school house, when the * luid tried to cross the track directly in front of the moving cars. She was knocked down and had one leg and one hand crushed. The accident oc curred before the eyes of her little school fellows. A freight train on the Florida Railway and Navigation ran over and killed a man last Thursday night near Lake Lafayette, in Leon county. Investigation proved the man to be Levi Thomas, a col ored lunatic, who escaped from tlie asylum not long since. When he was first discov ered around Tallahassee lit* appeared so nearly of sound mind that no effort was made to return him to the asylum until recently, when he was found to he growing* worse, and an attempt was made last Sunday to capture him, hut failed. A litHi* difficulty occurred at Gainesville about I,o'clock Wednesday morning, after the count of the votes was completed. Air. Pinkerson made some unpleasant remark about W. L. Jackson which lie overheard, and Jaekaou shipped his face, when Pinker son struck at Jackson with a knife, hitting him on the left side, making quite a wound. Mr. Jackson was f|ot aware of the cut for some minutes,' wheu he found blood on his clothes. He went to Ht rceper’s store, and Dr. Phillips was sent for and dressed the wound. A warrant was sworn out for the arrest, of PinkcMOti by Air. Jackson and placed in the hands V>f the Sheriff, but was not served until Wednesday. The libel suit Of tlie Brunswick Towing Company against tbe Clyde line terminate*! at Jacksonville Thursday by a compromise in which the Clyde Company paid over to the Towipgr Company Qio Spin of $1,700 and all costs and exfpedses. l Tin* suit has been pending for some time. Last winter the steamship Delaware, of the Clyde liue, be came disabled off the Georgia coast. lietweeu Tvbee and Femandina. Two of the fleet of tugs of the Brunswick Towing Company went to her. assistance and towed tlie dis abled steamer to Femandina. The Bruns wick company charged regular salvage rates, which is one-half a vessel s value. When the hill was presented the Messrs. Clyde, owner* of the Delaware, refused to pay. The Brunswick company then libeled the steamer for *3,500 pn the Clyde com pany’s den reiver The case tossed" about in the courts from tint time to this. Wednes day a compromise was effected and Thurs day all claims., costs and expenses were paid. HAILHOAT)B. EiisilrnnessttVirpiiatV' Georgia R. R. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. ( 'OMMKNCINfi March 18, 18sr, the following V Schedule w,II he In effort: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night S. K &W. Depot. Express Express. Lv ('harlaston . 3:15 a m 3:30 pin Ar Savannah .0:41 am 7:00 p n Lv Savannah 7:06 am 3:45 p m 1 ;30 p m Ar Jestlp 8:42 aiu 11:26 p m 3:30 p m Lv Jesup .. . 1:45 am 336 p ni Ar Brunswick 6:46s n: 5:HS pm Lv Jesup 10:30am l:19m ......... A r Eastman .... 1:48 pm 4:49 am Ar Cochran 2:30 pin 5:40 am Ar Hawkinsville . 3:30 pm 13:00noon Lv HnwkinsviUe 10: ir, a m lV,j. m Ar Macon .... 4:00 pm 7:15n m .... .... Lv Macon 4:05 pm 7:30 a m Ar Atlanta 7:46 pm 10:50 a m Lv Atlanta 10:80 pm i :00 pm 77777177 Ar Rome 1:45 aiu 4 :iX) pni Ar Dalton 3:16 am 5:37 pm \r Chattanouga 5:00 am 7:00 pm Lv rbultanoogft 0:30 ain 0:15 p m ~..... .. Ar Knoxville I:sopm 1:10am Ar Prist. i] 7:35 pm 5:45 am Ai- Hoanoke 2:15 am 12:45 pm Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54 a m 2:23 pm Ar Wayueslairo. 6:3o nut 4:2>iptu Ar Luray 7:50 a 111 6:13 pm ArShenandoM'ii 10:53 am 0:35 pm \r Hugersto-vii I] .:<h p m 10:80 pin Ar Harrisburg 3:80 pm I:3oam Ar Philadelphia 6:50 pin 1:45 am Ar New York 0:36 p m Ton ain T. Hagerstown 18:50noon .77* ..77777 Ar Baltimore 8:45 pm Ar Philadelphia 7:40 pm Ar New Yoik 10:35 pm In it.smoke 2 20 a in 18:30 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:30 ani 2:30 pm ArMasblngton 12:tiieia 0:40 p m Ar Baltimore 1:27 p m 11:25 pm Ar Pbiladelphift. 3:47 pin 3:noam Ar New York fl.-Aipm 0:2>l a til Lv Lynchburg 6:lsam 3:05 pm . T Ar Hiu-kvilla 0:30 am 5:37 pm A:- Petersburg 11:10 ain 7:15 pm . .77 Ar Norfolk 3-35 p iu loot) p m Via Memphis and Charleston H r. I.v (Jhattuuonga 0:25 am 7:|iipm Ai Memphis 0:16 pm 6:10 u in Ai Lillie R*K-k 18:.Vi p in Via K ft F S. and t, R ;• l.v Memphis ... up gj „ Ar Kansas City N gnxni Via ( in So li v l.v ( hatraniM>ga k:4oam f lOpni Ar Louisville 6:15 p ft) 6:80a ni Arl‘lie-lf.rall T cai j in 6:50 ain Ar < In go ip.V) ain htAp ni Ar M l.ouis 7:43 in 64" p m I'itl 1 in*iii sleeper* I,*VS na follows. Jesup u< J 1.3 a m t -i t'u miiatl. •Ilernatliig will, sf„>,n U-.'id '.i Allisiiiaat K 19pm and I un p m f,, r L.i.'.nasfl alPenatlr.g with Mann Bou-t.-ir 1 V "f L l . o' *" l *"’. ' I'II ("I .JOOII |f*n* ,vil* ~ l-sklj IDuua at 7:16 n m foi W*i ',:s'v ’ •?. Ljr'fbkburf, Quitan-'-.g i*t w 1.3 pui ' ' . ;oienoivlixih vflVv; Cliatf* n * '"r "irt-hniiou na Ijm-li i * n '“.‘,3 *' ’ I'fji m for Kjii.m < up; wtdJat* "‘p n'f.'r i 4 U - r< * <i ' M " k II W H (4 |*. a t A, i* <l, *LUa t i7. 4., *.*'r* n “*' Trn " i fJHIPUUXG. OCEAN rallP CIIPM —for— New York, Boslon and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO MEW VORK. CABIN 20 no EXCURSION 32 no STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN $2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New York). CABIN $22 00 EXCURSION 35 00 STEERAGE 12 00 r pHE magnificent steamships of these lines 1 are appointed to sail as follows—standard time: TO NEW YORK. CITY’ OF AUGUSTA, Capt. .1. W. Catharine. SUNDAY', April IT, 2 p. M. NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Kempton, TUESDAY', April 19, at 3:30 p. a. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. W. H. Fisher, FRIDAY’, April 2-i, at 5:80 p. si. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. H. C. Daggett, SUNDAY’, April 24, at 6 A. M. TO BOSTON. GATE CITY. Capt. D. Hedge, THURSDAY’, April 21, at 5 p. si. MERRIMACK, Capt. F. Crowell, THURSDAY, April 28, at 9 A. St. TO PHILADELPHIA. [for FREIGHT ONLY-1 JUNIATA, Capt. S. L. Askins, SATURDAY, April 16, at 1 p. si. DESSOUG. Capt. N. F. Howes, SATURDAY’, April 23, at 6 p. si. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to poits of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to C. G. ANDfiRSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants' and Miners' Transportation Com'y. For Baltimore, CABIN $l5 00 SECOND CABIN 12 00 EXCURSION 25 00 //+ r r , HE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are np-- I. pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: WM. CRANE. Capt. Billups, SATURDAY", April 16, at 2 p. m. JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, April 21, at 5 p. m. WM. CRANE. Capt. Billpps, TUESDAY, April 26, at 9 A. M. JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster. MONDAY", May 2, at 2 p. M. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents. Sea Island Route. THE STEAMER St. Nicholas, Capt. M. P. USINA, \\" ILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of ’ • Lincoln street for DOBOY - . DARIEN BRUNSWK K and FERN ANDINA. every TUES DAY and FRIDAY" at 6 p. M.. city time, con necting at Savannah with New Y’oi-k. Phiiad"! phia. Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer nandinn with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Satilla river. Freight received to within half hour of boat's departure. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf and boat C. WILLIAMS. Agent. For Augusta and Way Landings. STEAM EH K ATI E, Capt. J. 8. BEVILL, \\’H.l, leave EVERY WEDNESDAY at in ’ ’ "'clock a. m. (city time for Augusta amt wny landings. All freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. SEMI -WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN'S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINGS. 'T'HK steamer ITHKL. ('apt W. T. Giuhon I will leave torn here MONDAY** mid TIIT'RS DAYS ut 11 o'clock r M Returning, arrive WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at H o'clock l*. si. For information. etc . apply to W T. OIBAo.V. Manager. Wlinrf foot of Drayton Blivet. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Tampn, Iw*v Havana, TUI V KKKI.v wornr b<h m Lv Turn lift Tut" . Thur* aud Sal p. m Ar Key W***! W* 1 Frldny uml Sun. 11. in. Ar Haraim Thnt*> Snf hml Mimday a m NORTH.B< U’NT> IA Hi vi< tin Thur* s*i an I Mon noon I,v KVv \Vit TUiiim S*t in ! \|>n p. m. Ar Tampa Flidnv, Hnti aud Tum p m rv,rint tiiik m Trmpa with HV*t India Taut Trin U* aiil from Nurllxirn nn I Ka*l< m ritt** For irrafroofi, **ciiiiuio<iAtt'ii* Apply u> (!ity Tt*kH Ofto* N, | . A W Hd , .Mi'limitivlllf. nr Afßil I’lant Ip*, Ttttitf a C. L> OwESh, Trfflr HfuiAA*r H H M AIN KM, <i* •n**flnl Miinpir TO^siiiiS2s®£ SnsitWOmsisZ ■■ RAILROADS. ; CENTRAL RAILROAD' Savannah. Ga.. Dec IP. 1886 ( AN and after this date passenger trains will / run as Daily unless marked t, which are I Daily except Sunday. The Staudard time by which these trains run is 38 minutes slower than Savannah city time. Lv Savannah 10:00 am 8:20 pm 5:40 pm Ar Millen 12:35 p m 11:03 pm 8:45 pm Ar Augusta 4:45 pm 6:15 am Ar Macon 4:50 pm 8:20 am Ar Atlanta 9:+lpm 7:30 am Ar Columbus 0:50 a m 3:02 p m Ar Montgomery... 7:09 p m Ar Enfaula 3:50 p m Ar Albany 10:08 p m 10:50 a m I‘assengers for Sylvama. Sandersrille.Wrights ville. Milledgoville and Eatonton should take 10:00 a in train. Passengers for Thomaston, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista, Blakely and Clayton should take 8:20 p m train. Lv Millen. 12:55 p m 11:15 p m 5:10 a m Lv Augusta 10:30 a m 9:30 p m Lv Macon 9:50 a m 10:60 p m Lv Atlanta 6:35 am 6:50 pm Lv Columbus. ..10:20 pm 11:15 ain Lv Montgomery... 7:lspm 7:4oam Lv Eufaula 10:49 a m Lv Albany 4:50 am 3:57 pm Ar Savannah 5:00 pin 5:55 am 8:05 am Sleeping cars on all night passenger trains lietween Savannah and Augusta. Savannah and Macon. Savannah and Atlanta, Macon and Columbus. Train leaving at 8:20 p m and arriving at 5:55 a m will not stop to put otT or take on passen gers between Savannah and Millen. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all jKiints in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city office, No. 20 Bull street, and depot office 30 minutes before departure of each train. G. A WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent. Charleston k Savannah Railway Cos. CtONNECTIOX made at Savannah with Savan - nnh,, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time (90th meridian), which is 30 minutes slower Clip: city time. NORTHWARD. 4.5* 39+ 43* 47* Lv Sav'h. 12:15 p m 1:00 p m 7:10 a m 8:23 pm Ar Aug'sta 1:45 pm Ar Beauf't 6:10 p m 11:00am ArP.Royal6:2spm 11:20am Ar Al’dale .7:40 pm 11:20am Ar Cha’ston 1:45 p in 6:Bopm 12:55 p m 1:25 am SOUTHWARD. 31* 12* 40* Lv Cha'ston 8:00am .3 30pm3:45am Lv Aug'ta 9:2oam Lv Al'anle . 5:40 am 11:45 am.., Lv P. Royal. 7:4.5 am 12:30 pm Lv Beauf t. 8:00 am 12:45 pm . Ar Sav'h— 11:20am 7:oopnf>:4l am *Daily between Savannah and Charleston. tSundays only. Train No, 47 makes no connection with Port Royal and Augusi a Railway, and stops only at Ridgeland. Green Pond and Ravenel Train 45 stops only at Y'emassee and Green Pond, and connec's for Beaufort and Port Royal daily, and for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trains 42 and 43 connect from and for Beaufort and Port Royal daily, except Sunday. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and all other information, apply to William Bren, Special Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and at Charleston and Savannah Railway ticket office, at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. Nov. 14. 1886. South Florida. Railroad. Central Standard Time. ON and after SUNDAY", March 20, 1887, trains will arrive and leave as follows: ‘Daily. +Daily except Sundays. IDaily ex cept Mondays. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations *'10:30 a m and ** 4:40 p ill Arrive at Tampa —*j 3:40 p m and * r 8:50 p m Returning leave Tam pa at *t 9:30 a m and ** 8:00 p m Arrive at Sanford * 2:3opm and *T 1:150am Leave Sanford for Kissimmee and way stations at +5:00 pm Arrive at Kissimmee at t 7:00 p m Returning leave Kissimmee + 0:25 ft m Arrive at Sanford t 8:20 a in * Steamboat Express. *TWest India Fast Mail Train. BARTOW BRANCH. DAILY. Lv Bartow Junction. 11:25 am, 2:10 and 7:15 p m Ar Bartow 12:25, 3:10 and 8:15 p m Returning Lv Bar tow' 9:50 am, 12:50 and 5:30 p m Ar Bartow Junction 10:50 am, 1:40 and 6:30 p m PEMBERTON" FERRY" BRANCH. Operatejftn- the South Florida Railroad. ‘Leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry and way stations at 7:15 am Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at 0:45 a m ‘Returning leave Pemberton Ferry at.. 5:25 p m Arrive at Bartow at 8:25 p in tLoare Pemberton Ferry 7:00 a m Arrive Bartow H:35 p in tLeave Bartow 1:10 p m Arrive Pemberton Ferry 5:15 pm SANFORD AND INDIAN" RIVER R. R. Leave Sanford for Isiko Charm and way sta tions +10:15 a m and 5:10 pm Arrives Isike Charm— 11:45 a m and 6:40 p m Returning— Leave Lake Charm 6:00 a m and 12:30 p m Arrives at Sanford 7:40 a m and 2:10 p m SPECIAL CONNECTION'S. Connects at Sanford with the Sanford and Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points on Lake Jesup, with the People's Line and Deßary Baya Merchants' Line of steamers, and J. T. and K. W. Rv. for Jacksonville and al! intermediate points on the St. John's river, and with steamers for Indian river and the Upper St. John's. At Kissimmee with steamers for Forts Myers and Basslngerand points on Kissimmee river. At Pemberton Ferry with Florida Southern Railway for all points North and West, and at Bartow with the Florida Southern Railway for Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS. Conneets at Tampa with steamer Margaret'' for Palma Sola, Braidentown. Palmetto. Mana tee and all points on Hillsborough and Tamm Kavs. Also, with the elegant mail steamships "Mas cotfe 1 and "Whitney." of the Plant Steamship Cos., for Key West and Havana Through tickets sold at all .egular stations to points North. East and West. Euggago checked through. Passengers for Havana can leave Sanford nn Limited West India Fast Mail train at 4:40 p m (stopping only at Orlando, Kissimmee. Bartow Junction. I.a:.eland and Plant City!. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, connecting same even ing with s' "inner at Tampa. WILBER McCOY. General Freight and Ticket Agent. NEW STANDARD GAUGE ROUTE —TO Thl— ATLANTIC COAST AT NEW SMYRNA. Bine Spring. Orange Cily and Atlantic Railroad DOUHLK UsYII.Y BEHVICE. IJASSKNGKRS will ohservp the following I schedule, daily, except Sunday, m effect MARCH IT, IWS7: GOING SOUTH. Lv Savannah via K. F. urul W. By Y:0*1 a m Lv Jacksonville via J,T.AK. W. Rv 18:80 p tn Ar 1 1 range City Junction .pot) p |,, Ar i (range Citv 4:i:> i> m Ar Lake Helen 4:80 p in Ar New Smyrna h:i,s p m At New Smyrna moke direct connection with boots for Daytona and pninta on llalifux aud I tills borough rivers GOING NORTH. Lv New Smyrna y *,-, A ni Lv Lake Helen 8,-40 a ln Lv Orange City 9:00 am ArorangeCov Junction D iOa in Ar Jaoknonvluc 1:0 p m Ar Savannah Ms L,, At Orange coy Junction make connection, for ail |H.|ut north: f..r Enterprise, Titusville and all (>alnt on lndiuu river. also for Sanford, "rlaiido and all |sunt 111 South Florida At Blur Spring oomii’s’tlon made wit it steamer, on St Jolm'a river The limiting and fishing of this seel ion 1, mi rivaled, while the atirf Isithli.g opposite New Smyrna ia im*ur|iased by any point mi ilie Florid* . .set 8 H CARTER Gen Sunt. W A IIAW KINS, (Jen F awl I■ Agent RSANI VViooß.n;.^ IVIAIIL I '.rx..TTirr,:v.v *• >—<—♦* saofyr *• -• RAFLROADS. Savannah. Florida k WpsiernFlaiiwav, M o„ * cm* TIME CARD IN EFFECT DECTrtTnvw 1886 Passenger trains on this mad aady as follows: u w al ng, WEST INDIA FAST MAIL READ DOWN. am Lv Savannah ... Ar few w -10:00 am Lv Waycross . 'r v i;?? 4 12:30 pm Lv lacksonrille. Lv 4:40 pm Lv Sanford .. Lv V-^ 4m 8:50 pmAr Tampa "Lv 6-m m PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Pw Tuos, Timrs, i T .i. . „ Sat pnif Lv -■ • Tampa.... A- Jrt, Sim Wod Fri ) ' Aues. n ln Sun ’... pmf Ar. Key West..Lv .*Thur.Sat Thnrs, Sat, I . JP n ■■■ Pin Mon am[ Ar " ' Ha ' - ana... Lv ■ “'urn-.&&, Pullman bulfet cars to and from New vJ! and Tampa *°U NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:00 am Lv Savannah \ r -w „ 8:42 am Lv Jesup. ... , r o ; ik r m 9:34 ain Lv Blackshear.. " Ar vP B 1 9:50 a 111 Ar WaycroH... . j.v k 11:26 am Ar Callahan tTJ.i.c --12:00 noon Ar Jacksonville... Lv giv.£ m 7:ooam Lv Jacksonville Ar - : v£ m 7::wa,n Lv... ...Callahan "'"a? 10:15am Lv Waycross Ar i in-,,, 11:00am Lv Homerville Lv )'! ' 11:15am Lv Dupont Lv ain i , r,i 12:01 pni Lv Valdosta !lv i%Vf 12:34 p m Lv Quitman Lv o-osE 4 I:22pm Ar ... Thomasville . .Lv LtipljJ 8:85 pm Ar Bainbridge Lv 11:25 a~ta 4:o4pm Ar Chattahoochee. . .Lv p , 3:12 p m Ar... .. .Albany..~... ITiIOCU^ Pulimnn buffet cars to and from Jacksonviik and New York, to and from Jacksonville New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1:80pm Lv Savannah Ar 11 :55am 3:20 pin Lv :.. Jesup Lv J0:*l ara 4:Blpm Lv Blackshear Lv 9-34 am Ar .Waycross .. Uy 6:57 p 111 Ar ... .Callahan .... Lv7:3J„„, , ::*5 p m Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 a m s:oopm Lv Jacksonville Ar 8.55 am 6:41 pjn Callahan Ar 8:11 & m 7:58 pm Lv Waycross Ar 5:57 am B:4spm Lv Homerville Lv S uian, 9:OO P m m- ... Dupont . Lv 3:2opm Lv .Lake City Ar 10:18 a a 8:55 p m Lv Gainesville Ar 10-08 am 7:30 pm Lv Live Oak Ar 6:4oam 9:10 p m Lv Dupont Ar i-STa m 10:01pm Lv Valdosta Lv 4:05 am 10:84 p m Lv ..Quitman Lv 3:35 am 11:25 pm Ar Thomasville I,v 2:soam 12:50am Ar Camilla Lv 1:.59a „ . I:6sam Ar Albany Lv 12:60sis Pulimnn buffet cars to and from Jacksonrilli and Louisville via Thomasville. Album-, Mon-, gomerv and Nashville. Pullman sleeping cars to and from Trabue anf Savannah via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 8:45 pm Lv Savannah Ar 6 10 a a 11:25 P W Lv lesup Lv 3:20 a a 1:30 am Ar Waycross Lv 11:80 pi£ 5:25 a m Ar Callahan Lv 9:05 pii 6:15 am Ar lacksonrille Lv 8:15 pug B:l6pm Lv Jacksonville Ar 6:lsam 9:05 p m Lv Callahan Ar s:2sani 2:06a tu Lv Waycross Aril 20pm 3:20a mAr Dupont Lv 10:430p , 6: 10a mAr Live Oak Lv - 7:80 i-m 10:05 am Ar ... Gainesville.. Lv 3:ssptu 10:15 am Ar _ Lake City LvYaOptu 3:45 a m Lv Dupont Ar 9:3spni 5:27 am Lv Valdosta I.v 8:50 piq 6:10 a m Lv Quitman Lv 7:55 p m 7:15 a m Ar Thoinasville Lv 7:00 pn, 11:40 ain Ar Albany Lv 4:oopm Stops at all regular stations. Pullman buffet sleeping cars to and from Thomasville arm Washington, and Savannah and Jacksonville, and to and from Jacksonrille and Nashville via Thomasville and Montgomery. Pullman buffet cars and Mann boudoir buffet cars via IVaycrosa, Albany and Macon, and via Waycross Jesup ang Macon, between Jacksonville and CincinnatU( Also, through passenger coaches between Jack sonville und Chattanooga. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:15 a m Lv Waycross Ar 7:00 pnt 7:88a m Lv Dupont ... Lv 5:26pm S:37amLv A'aldosta Lv 4:!spnj 9:15 am Lv Quitman. ...Lv 3:3oprai 10:25a m Ar Thomasville Lv 2:lspia Stops at all regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 8:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar 3 .30 a m 6:lopm Ar Jesup Lv s:2sanf Stops at ail regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 7:10 am. an rive Augusta via Y'emassee at 1:45 pan. 12 lS pi in and 8:83 p m; for Augusta and Atlanta al 8:30 a m and 8:20 p in; with steamships for Newt York Monday. Wednesday and Friday: for Bosl ton Thursday: for Baltimore every flfth day At JESUP for Brunswick at 1:45 am ejeepf Sundays and 3:30 p in; for Macon 1:15 a u| and ](L80 a m. At WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 3:15 a mani 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN" for Feruandina at 8:00 atn and 2:47 p m; for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc., at 11:30 a m. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 11:08 a m and T :4‘, n m. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala. Tavares. Pam> lierton s Ferry. Brooksviile and Tampa at 10:80 * m; for Cedar Key at 8:30 p m. At ALBANY" for Atlanta. Macon. Menu gomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola. Mobiia New Orleans at 4:14 p m: with People's Lin* steamers advertising to leave for Apalacbicria at 5:00 p m Sunday and CVednesday Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured al BREN'S Ticket Office, and at the Pasaeagaf Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent R, G. FLEMING, Superintendent. Jacksonville,Tampa and Key West Ry* Quickest and Best Route for all points in Fieri da south of Jacksonville SCHEDULE in effect February 9th. 1881 Mail O line trains use S., F. and W. Railway stattol in Jacksonville, making direct connection witi all trains from Savannah, the North ana >'esi No transfer. , going south! ~ cuh*n „ stations. Mail Pailv t 4 Pass. Dally- Sanford. Lv Savannah .. 8:43 pm 7:o<iam ohJj'lJ Lv Jacksonville . 9:o)am 19:99pm fv’PJ Ar Paintka 10:90*ra 2:lspm .0- P3 YrDeLand. l:-pra 4:16 pm 7:WP Ar Sanford 1:46 pm 4:90 pm Ar Titusville 8:05 p in Ar Orlando 6:iJ4pni ••• * Ar Barlow 9:oopin Ar Tampa 0:80 pm Leavi* jacksonvillt* (Bt. Augustine Division) 9:06 am, 1:00 p in. I:U0 p ru. iaint 4 Arrive St. Auxusline <St. Augustine D* vW °^ 10 00 am, 880 p m, 6:00 p n GOING NORTH. Leave Tamr* 8:00 M (Cuban mail) and 9:gn a tn; Orlando U:(> “‘*“9 7:85 am and I:2M p m; Sanford 1:15 a nl ;.,'i3 111 and U:4'| p in. Arrive Palatkn 4:15 and n ] m. s:#) pm: Jacksonville :90 am, b- J l -.' .7 pm. connecting for nil points North atm j Leave St Augustine 8:80 am. I* oo pm. Arrive Jacksonville 10:tW a ni. 1 6:9opm. 18:80 P ni (‘uluti mall train ißonlhi has thr™‘? Pullman sleeper from New 4 ork t" T*™l ■ t|n) connecta with ateamers for Key h „ Havana Tuesday. Thursday and satnrda' n a sum p m Cuban mail train i N'lrtliwur.ii n . man sleetwr through to Witshington of ears lie! ween Jacksonville and Bn,. Dlris‘l connections with Florida F*™ . , wav at Palatk.i for Gainesville. ‘‘.f.., p,ve3 burg, and with St. John- Ralusind for Daytona. At ritusv 111 er Rockledge for all points on Indian ti'ei L C. DF.MING. lien. Ticket Agem. M. R MORAN. Gen Snpi Si 111 IIIUN KAlld' A'; City & Suburban R’y Havassah. O* . April /\N and aftet rtATI KDAV. 9* "*■. t! J * f lowing schedule will l)e otiser Hiitnirliaii Line: —— t liVI II M I Vli ***** lanVr* o* citv. In T —■ io a a j ftM.2 1 r m 9:00 r M in* 1 CM D p pi m i'M Ml I r * A trsui leave, citv every MaanUr ***** , MonUrouier) at *Tlds tram *dl 'rvinlMod lHtr atLf j